0 THE OMAHA DALLY ITKE : MONDAY , APJUL 18 , 1892 , MTITMT ESTATE MAKKM Unfavorable Woatbor Has Interfered with Real Estate Transactions , BUYING THEIR HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS A I.ocnl Ilrnl I > lnto llrnlrr ll cti ar tlio Attltildn < if Oiiinlin IliiiiUori nml IlrltiR * Out SIIIIIP Interest- Intf I'dlnU. OwlriR to the very unfavorable weather which has rendered the unpnvcd streets nl- tnost imp.waUe , real estate men have shown very little property durliiR the past ween. As a rule they do not anticipate much activ ity until \\cathcrbecotnoi moro settled. In spite of rain and mud , however , some business has boon done ana considerable was undortauon that will probably bo closed In the course of the coming week. I'orllcf who hnvo boon correspondlnc with eastern Investors report meotliiR with moro cncouraKomcnt than usual. At least ono peed unlo of property was made to an eastern party which will bo reported as soon a * the papers nre inudo out. HIIJIIIK llomci. A prominent real estate dealer observes that there Is a growing dotnand for houses and lots on oasv payments. 1'coplo who liavo Krown tlrcil of paying rent nnd never huviiiK atiui'sothoy ' can call their own nro plod of nn opportunity to buy a house and lot they can pay for in small monthlv Installments. " 1 regard this us a most hopeful slt'n for the uity , " continued the spuuker , "as the moro property owners wo can tinvo , the better. It Is nlson Iliie thliiR for the investor ? . Inko for example young couple Just commonelnir Housekeeping on n inodorato income , Inov rent n house for , say fM | cr mouth , and nltliouph tliov may Intend to praullco econ omy , their Incomo" generally orotty much nil nosorbcd iind at the end of flvo years they nro Just \vhoro they started , still payinn rent uud without a homo of their own. Now if the sumo couple was to buy a modest homo on monthly payments of sny $ .10 they would Icol moro Interest In their homo nnd would llvo much moro economically without any l reai ollort. Ttio money which formerly wci't to pay rent would then go toward ro- aucins the principal on their home. They would easily save enough money to Itoeo up the Interest and otbor expenses and in most cases would bo able to malco even lurper pay- men L < > thun called for by the contract. At the end of llvo years they \\ould have a coed homo nonrly paid for. The advance la the value of the property In n growing city HUe Oin uli n would amount to enough to muUo up the cost of keeping up the property for the 11 vo youis. " Them is n peed deal of this "buying of homo ? on monthly payments" going on in the cltr at the picscnl tlino und ono real csinto dealer was heard to remark that if ho had ten houses for nalo on such levins ho could dispose of thorn all in a day. A Ill-ill INIlllii MUM Tillies , The mention in last Sunday's issue of THE IKK of the nttltmlo of somu local bankers toward Omaha real estate piovoked some discussion in real cstato circles , nnd W. CJ. Albright has contriljutod the following on the sumo subject : "Tho public us a class Is not familiar with the laws under which our banks operate and for that ruasot. frequently does uankers an injustice. Hence I lecl the importance of bringing about , if possible , a closer relation ship betwcou i ho banks and their depositors. A national bank , under the banking laws , is notpormittoii to make anv loan on real citato nnd cannot mnko any loin for a creator period of time than ninety days , accepting us security not less than ono gooa endorser or good and Mifllclcnt collateral. Savings banks uro permitted to make loans for a term of years secured by inorttraKoson real estate. In many cases national banks uro antagonistic to real estate in some cases going to the extreme. In my opinion , It would bo well for thorn to carefully analyse too situation nnd possibly avoid doing tholr patrons and the city nn Injustice. 'Outstdo ot gold coin there is no ether ono article wnich has as solid a basis of value as real cstato. There is a vast diiTorcnco be tween investing uud speculating. Take a city , for Instance , like Omnhu , which is rapIdly - Idly becoming a great ralltoad center , it naturally becomes a great distributing point , and wo have but little competition in the great northwest to the Paclllu coast. A Ulanco at the map will satisfy any skoptlo tha thd surrounding country tins grown nnd dovolopcd far beyond all expectation and be yond tlio capacities of a city of our prcsont size. That Omaha is rapidly approucuing what heretofore Chicago has econ at a trans continental citv , as between Now York und San Francisco , thcro can be no question , yet with all our natural advantages , with rail roads seeking an entrance to our city from all diicutlons , wo mubt not forget that wo uro coming in contact witli llvo and onergotm inon who are pushing the advantages of Sioux Cilv and other comictlng points con tinually before the eyes of investors. The best banker In mv opinion is ono who con- Jlnos himself strictly to the Hnuncos pertain ing to his own bank , nnd who , whenever the opportunity offers , stales clearly what ho knows to bo absolutely true , viz. : that money carefully Invested in the city of Omaha is bound to bring largo returns in the future. "Supposing , for Instance , a laboring man lias u lot paid for worth $1,1)00 ) , and lias also $1,000 deposited in n national bank which cannot alTord to pay him any rate of Interest except on a time ccrtlilcatc of deposit. The money lays lulo for several monttis because the owner , not being accustomed to business methods , does not like to tie his money up for any length of time. The banks ore nil ovorllowlngvlth money they have no use for it. Tlio luboror is paying , sav fM per month rent. Don't you tliinlt It would bo a good idea for him to take his (1,000 , build a house on his lot , have a homo paid for and cut oft his rent , thus saving 100 per year , which is J0 ! per cent on his JI.OOU at present laying Kilo in the bank I Ituthcr n good rate of Interest , don't you think i Again , another man may become in volved , his mortgage matures , and ho bus no way to moot It. Ho goes to some ono having urplus capital laying lillo in the hank , who In turn asks tlio udvTco of the banker as to thu advisability of buying the property offered at u bargain. The banker's time being valuable might it not bo well for him to suggest to Ills customer the desirability of ubmltthiy ! the question of vuluatlon of the property and piopositlou to some reliable real estate firm , nml If upon Investigation the purchase is found to bo a goo'l ' ono , complete the deal. The buyer makes money. The toiler with the money thus obtained at n cacrlllco perhaps , Is able to protect other In terests bybaving which ho eventually makes moro than enough to cover tbo shrinkage of thojsalo. I might enumerate other instances. You can easily see how the real estate mar ket could bo cased up all nlontj the line and encourage outsldo capitalists to Invent , es pecially whoa you take into consideration that Omaha Is tbo only city In the northwest which went through a real estate boom , made a steady gain in population and value : tiavo steadily enhanced on all property which 1m d a commercial value ana on which prices today are lower In proportion , than with any of our competitors. " Lust Wutilc'M Honlty Transaction ) . The aggregate amount of renl estate trans fers for the past week is J 108,827 and the fol lowing shows the transactions of each day during the week ! Monday. , , . , . , , . ( 2lt'M Tuesday . ll.Nll Wednesday . l.VUl Thursday . . . . , uil I'rlilny . 4'JOT' buturUuy . , . itu.Tu1 Total . t A ilisonso , treutod as such and permanently - nontly curcil. No publicity. No inliriu- nry , Homo treatment. Ilunuloss nml cITcotuul. Refer by permission to Hur- Huston Jliiwkoyo. Send iZo stamp for iiampliloU Shokoquon Chomicul Co. , liurhngton , I a A Trial Trip , Dotrplt Frco Press : "What Is that dreadful niokotV" nsltcd Mr. Potter Palmar us ho gut in his cubtlo by tbo sou and listened to u loud jioundlug in tbo next room , Interspersed with broken ejaculations. "That , " said the mnn-ln-armor , "is Mrs. I'almur practicing. " "Hut what in the world is she doing ? " nqulrcd the anxious husband. "Sha is learning to drlvo the last nail , " was the answer. Tin : .ii'ini. M.WAXIXIH. The North American Ilevlew for the cur rent month urines forward many subjects of public concern handled exhaustively by the foremost men of the tlmc . In the opening article , "Patriotism nnd Politics , " Cardinal Gibbons speaks with wisdom nnd warm fool ing of the duties of the citizen in relation to Ills country. Thomas Nelson Page In "A Southerner on the Negro Question , " dls- close the present status of the negro of the couth , tunning an estimate oft tlio negro's capacities , giving a forecast of his destiny , lion , Hilary Herbert , who has given much attention Iti congress to our trade relations with other countrlps , in his article on "Reci procity und the Farmer , " makes a very Clear exposition of what ho charges to bo the fallacies of icclprocity as formulated by Mr. IJIainc. A very Important nnd Interesting paper Is the discussion under the title or "Our National Dumping Uroiind , " ot the problems involved in the present enormous Immigration , problems that are attracting solicitous attention. The writers that hamllo the question aio of the highest authority , viz : Hon. John H. Weber , commissioner of Immigration , nnd Mr. Charles Stewart , pres ident of the Chamber of commerce , nnd both apply to it liberal sentiments and prac tical suggestions. Governor K. 13. Wlnans of Michigan writes n strong article on the merits of the system now In use In Michigan of selecting presidential electors. Mn.o. Adam contributes a charming piper on "Pronch Girls , " affording a now glimpse of tholr Ufa und training. Mr. Gladstone con tinues his studv of "The Olympian Ho- llgion , " In a paper of exceptional interest , which , coming from such a source , will bo recognized as Important. The Century for April takes up the cam paign for good roads. In bis paper entitled "Our Common Uoails , " Isaac P. Potter , the editor of "Good Koads" nnd n practical on- gincer , points out the enormous loss to this country through the general condition of American roads , n loss which falls not only upon the farmer , but upon city people ns well , who are compelled to pay unnecessary prices for having produce brought to them. An American consul in Franco reports that the road system of that country ( the most perfect system of the world ) , "has been of greater value to the country as a means of raising thn value of lauds than huvo the rail ways. " In Franco every market cart , with its broad llro , is a road maker. The con tribution of ex-Postmaster General James on "Tho Ocein 1'ostal Service , " should bo mad by nil. Mr. James advocates a letter rate of 2 cents nn ounce for ocean postage , nnd a re duction in the rate on international money orders. The second ot Mr. Stedman's papers on 'Tho Nature and Elomouts of Poetry , " appears In this issue of tbo Century. In it thu writer discusses "What la Poetry ( " and attempts " .i search for the very stuff whereof the muse fashions her iruusuostaii- tiat garments. " An Interesting account of thu total solar ccltpioi of ISb'J ' os scon through the great Lick telescope is furnished by Prof. Holdcn. Tbo nrlicla is richly Illus trated fiom photographs and drawings. The principal article In the April number of the Koviow of Keviows is an elaborate discussion by Dr. Albert Shaiv , editor of the magazine , or the most current phases of mu nicipal problems in Now Yorlc and London , illustrated with a largo number or very line portraits of distinguished men in the two great capitals of the English-speaking world. The article is divided Into six parts , as fol lows : I. London's Now Government , its Framework and Its Hjsults. 'J. Now York's Present Government , aim How to Reform It. ! l. The Proposed "Greater Now York. " 4. Lodon's Municipal Statasmonand Tholr Pro grams. , " > . The Tammany Statesmen nnd How They 'Htun" New York. 0. On Land Taxation und Municipal Monopolies. For the purposes ot his article , Mr. Shaw interviewed ox-mayor Grace , ox- Mayor Hewitt. Mr. Ermtus Wiman , Hon. Andrew B. Grcon , Mr. Horace Doming , Mr. Henry George , Mr. Robert Graham and Mr. John II. FInloy , each of whom has teen able to bear expert testimony as to some phase of municipal matters in Now York. On the English side of the article , there U much In- teroaing information regarding tbo election of London's great municipal council , with quotations from the platforms of the suc cessful candidates. The April Arena Is rich in able , thought ful papers. Us table of contents is as varied as it is inviting , as will bo noted from the following : "s'ital Statistics or the Negro , " ov Frederick L. Hoffman. "Too Money Question1 ' by Hon. John Davis , M.C. ' 'Void- puk , the World Language , " by Alfred Post. "Tbo Speaker in England aml'Amorica , " by Honrv George , jr. "Rational Views of Heaven and Hell , " by Rev. Gooriro St. Glair. "Tho Fannon Alliance and its Loaders , " by At.nlo L. DIggs ( illustrated uy two full-pngu portraits und four smaller pbotogravuica ) . "Pontifox Maxlmus , " by W. D. McCraukuu. "A Remarkable Psychical Experience , " by Louise Chandler Moulton. "How Undo Not- toway Squashed the indictment , " a southern character sketch , by Will Allen Dromgoolc. 1'urt IV. ot "A Spoil of Ollro , " by Hamlin Garland. "Two Hours in the Social Cellar , " by U. O. Flower. "Books of the Diy" : Ka- views by Rabbi Solomon Schmdler , Henry Auitin , unit the editor. Although the most liberal and progressive ot nil tbo great re views , the Arena is prospering in n manner which indicates the trend of public thought and proves that tbo psoplo admire bravo , outspoken , and earnest magazines. The complete novel in Lipplncott's Maga zine for April , "But Men Must Work , " is by the well known mid popular author , Rosa Nouchetto Cuioy. In it the narrator , as vis iting governess and presiding genius , dips her way Into the family secret , and at last banishes the family skeleton. In the Athle tic series , Julian Hawthorne sounds the praises ot walking , which ho considers the only proper modoof locomotion , and U. Davis English expounds the mysteries of "Pour-In- Hand Driving. " In the Journalist scries , Melville Phillips tolls us that the literary editor is much loss frequent than wo com monly suppose , and gives some odd samples of his experiences. The Countess Norralkow gives a nrlof history of the leading nihilists , and traces the famine in Russia to tuo heavy taxes and mtsgovcrnmcnt. This issue of Llp- pinroH's Is hardly up to Its usual high stan dard of excellence. It Is not theory but fact-that Hood's Sar- saparillu makes the weak strong. A fair trial will convince you of its merits. Thu NutUu Not III It. Congressman O'Noil says that not many years ujjo , in a convention bold in Now York City , the following nomi nations were mado. for membership in the city council. " .Mistbor Chairman , if yor honor pla/.o Oi nimmynnto fur dtbo council from Utho Fartoonth ward dtho Aimrublo Tim othy O'Brien , a gliitloman from dtlio oulil sod , who will bo an honor to his constitooonts. 'Mooatoi * Chairman , T blncos in num- niynation ( iff dor gouncol von do Twonty- liorst vard Ilorr Sehwoickhnrdt , who vas a Go-arman by birt , nnd who knows nottlnt/s ut nil 'pout dor poosucss' but ho is n goot man. " "It Bcoms to mo , Mr. Chairman , that wo now have about all tlio countries on God'a green earth represented on this ticket. All except ono , and I think it should have a chance , I therefore bog leave to nlitco in nomination for mem bership in the city council Mr. Sam Ward of North America. " Tlioro was a painful silence of several minutes , during which the chairman scorned in doubt as to whether the nom ination could bo entertained , when a largo Bl/.cd man in tlio front row arobo and said : "Will yoz all look at dtho know- no thin1 ? ' ' The North American barely escaped with his life. "I have in mv employ a man who hat boon a victim of periodical hoauachos for years , has tried all kinds of treatment , and I have tried various remedies on him. Your Urady- crotinu help * him moro than anything ever did. " O. U. Klngsley , M. U. , Wnlto Plains , NA' ' Nebraska Furnishes a FroBtnblo Field for Fruit Culture. SHOWING THE STATE MAY BE PROUD OF Our Soil nml Cllin ito \VcII Ailiptnl to Ilio rroiliicllon ( it thn More * Iliirdy Vurlr * tlM liter-Unit Wlno Can Do Muilo Itleht In Nobrntkn. A rapidly Increasing Interest In fruit rais ing in ttio older counties ot Nebraska fur nishes the Inspiration for this nrticlo. For several years after the pioneers ot Nooratka began to establish homes In vurlous pottions ol the stuto It was n common remark Ihnttrco fruit could tiovor bo prolltably raised in Ne braska. The sequel has proven tlio contrary , nnd now , wltb splendid orchard * a ? an ad junct lo nearly every farm , there are thou sands ot tanners who cheerfully testify that Nebraska furnishes n protltablo Held forfruil raising , not only In connection with farming , but us n separata business. Especially Is this true in Douglas and ether counties within easy distance ot Onnha. There are a num ber of horticulturists In Douglas and adjoin ing counties who have spjnt yoari of tltno and plenty of money in experimenting wltU fruit culture , and have demonstrated that Nebraska soil and cllmnlo Is well ailnptcd to the production of the moro hanly variuttcs of troa anil small fruits of every kind. E. U Emory ot Onmba h is boon In Doug- la ? county lor thirty years und from the llrst Mils tilxcn Ilortluultitlu CliMO Attnntloll , nnd for the past fifteen years lins made it n specialty. Mr. Emory has spent n great don of monuy experimenting , but Is satlsllcd with results , llu has been associated with the Douglas county horticultural aud agricultural socletlos from tliu start , uuil , in fact , was ono of thu originators of those organizations. Tbo grounds surrounding Ins elegant homo on Douglas struct U a , wilderness of fruits and llo\\ era in their season. Ho is familiar with all the standard varieties of trees , vines , shrubs and Ilowors and Is enthusiastic in htb work Ho advocates eastern nursery stoclc instead of nativn trees , in which re spect ho differs from inon Nebraska fruit raisers. W. C. Aitisworth of Elk City Is n practical orcharuist and moots with Kratlfylng suc cess. Ho has twenty acres of orc'iard , und also cultivates all the small fruits. Ho is an extensive farmer and whllo ho givoj con siderable attention to horticulture , ho does not make a business ot it. Ho claim ! tnat any farmer who will glvo hU orchard anu vineyards the same attention ho docs hU corn , can raise fruit of all kinds successfully. Ho thinks thai tlio high grounds bordering on thu Elkhorn valley uro especially adapted to fruit growing and will gradually bo given ut ) to that Industry. The common experience of nearly all farmers and orcuurdists throughout the state has 119011 thai they were cheated by Irresponsible nursery agents who sold trees by catalogue und delivered any thing thov could get. Tlio Latest Swindling Dixl o in the tree line is practice 1 by "dealers" who claim to buy and sell , nnd nro careful to miiko a dealer's con tract with n nurseryman who is nn ofllcor of the state horticultural society , and by his letter hoadi and buslnass cards , maUos his customer believe lie Is nn "agent" of that society , and his order will bo filled from the "staio nursery. " The state experiment station is also used much In the same way by unscrupulous "dealers , " wear ing plug hats and representing themselves to bo otllcers of thu station at Lincoln. The purchaser thinks ho has been very fortunate in being offered a chauco to got his trees at- i act from the state nursery and thus steer clear of unreliable agents , and the worst of it is it takes years to discover the fraud nnd moro years to overcome its effects. The state of Nebraska lias not gene into the business of peddllpc fruit trees. This much is said to show the Importance of securing nursery stock from reliable man and not from travel ing strangers. As to vaiioties. thcro are only a few of the almost onuloss list which has proven satl.- factory in the Nebraska soil aud climate For summer the most protltablo varieties of apples have proven to bo the early harvest , ' ' red June , re'd astrican , Totofsky' and eany I'onnock. For fall the farmonsd and Has * . For winter , Grimes golden , Jonathan , northern spy , willow twlir and Putnam swcot. The oarlv Richmond , English morello and Montmorency and the standard varieties of cherries. tfwuot chcrrtos ot the heart varieties do not succscd wall. What FrultH Can Ho Itulncil. Fancy varieties of plums cannot bo railed successfully on the wostoru prairies. There are a few hardy varieties , however , whish do well , such us the Gorman prune , wild fjooso , croon gage , weaver and shorts emperor. I'oars do well with prjpjr care. Tno bst vmidles nro the Bartlelt , Tvson and Clupn's favorite for summer ; for autumn , white duyonne , Sca.icl und Louise Donno of Jorsov ; for winter. Anjon , Ularlgoau and Winter Nolls. Grapes ara early grown and yield enor mously. As to varieties the Concord comes first , then follows the Worden , champion , Elvira , Niagara , Delomorumid Brighton. Blackberries Snider and ancient briton. Haspbsrries Mammoth cluster , Turner , Gregg , Clark and Cutlibert. Cut rants Fag's prollllc , cherry , white grape and Vorsaillalso. Gooseberries Industry , Downing and Ilauchton. With anything like proper care and treat ment the above selections will prove to bo hnrdv and prolitlc. There nro farmers In Douglas , Sarpy , Burt , Wabhington and ether counties of Nebuasla , who while not making f rult rals ing a business , and indeed payin- but little attention to tholr orcnards aud vineyards , who have found them no small factor In the process of paying off mortgages. There is no place whore smalt fruits can ho raised with loss care or where they yield bet ter than In Nebraska. An Olilaucl Well Known Horticulturist. Gcorgo E. Timmo. a member of the Board ot County Coinmisslonors of Douglas county , Is ono of the oldest and oost known horticulturists in tbo state. Ho owns a farm of 100 acres twclvo miles northwest ol Omaha , on which he has lived for twonty- three years. From the start and during all thoio years bo has given special attention to fruit raising. The first thing ho did on his farm was to establish a nursery at a tune when farmers had nothing to buy trees with und but little was known of the capabilities of tbo stuto as u fruit producing coiintrv. Before Mr. Timmo und the pioneer horticul turists in Nebraska but little or nothing was known as to what varieties of trees would prove hardy in this climate , and in fact it wa an unsolved problem its to whether any varieties could stand the rigors of the Nebraska winters at Una time , when the state was a treeless plain , Mr. Tlmuio has long since closed out his nursery , but ho has sixty acres ot orchard , and only regrets thut ho Is not young again , that ho mlggt profit by past experience und make n still greutor success of fruit culture. Ho thlnki ho ought to have at least I''O acres of his 100 acre farm In orchard Speaking of nativity of nursery stock , Mr. Timmo says : "It docs not make the slightest difference where trees are raised or bow far they are moved , It In All In tha Variety. I bavo bad forty years experience In this matter , and I know I am right. I liavJ Im ported trocs from the old country and from the eastern elates , aud bavo raised thorn hero , and if tbo variety is all right , the tree U hardy , I have hardy trees from tbo south , and have foreign trees as sound as a dollar. I bavo uo trouble with sun scaldbut favor low trunks. I think sun scald is not caused by tbo hot suns of summer , but by those of winter , which warm * the tree and softens the sap , not sulllclent to make How , but to such an extent as to Injure the bark by subsequent freezing. Setting up planks or boards to protect trees from the sun may do for a few trees. But it Is not practicable In large orchards. I have apple tioes twenty-two years old , but they ara going. The wluesap aud Bon Davis will do well for a short time , but will not last. I will graft mine ever this year with Gorman varieties , such as Holland russet , rod cardi nal , \\hlto winter Cold well , champagne rus - rat and BunsdorlT. My trees have never been troubled with bjrers , but curculm Is bad enough. I shako them off ; bavo never triad spraying. I never tcoJ down my orchard , but cultivate the ground , but not with a vloxy to ha lcnlnp the growth ot the tree. i i A NUfrfh Slope U llrst for orchard. * " 1 have twenty-live acres of grapoj and mntlo 1XX ( ) gallohrfof wine last year. The wlno is of excellent quality , but I think It will take a great ijoal of oxnarlcnco to bring wlno making to n success generally In this country. Grope .Vino * nro very prolific In this soil nnd clihihto , so much so that I will put Nebraska against nny state near us for the production f crapes. I have vines from four to live years oh ! which have borr.o as high as 120 pounds of fruit to the vine and an average of flftv pounds. Omaha affords a ready market for my grapes , but lost year the price was low. 1 have raised a seedling grnpo which is far superior to the Concord. As I said before thl3 is a belter countrv for crapes than any castor wesi of us. Wo have no rot hero. I never mulch the vines as It holds the moisture and affects the quality of the frulU The sun makes the quality of grapes. Fav'a o.ulv prolific for an early variety and Victoria for late ire the host currants. By nil mentis let Tim Br.n warn farmers against buying the Idano pear , which agents are pushing so strenuously , nnd slso the : olden beauty plum. Wo cannot rolso icachos hero. IlrlRln 1-rosprcU for Trull Culture. "In cherries the late morello , shadow mor ello , Ostticltner und Arabian nro the best , Yo , sir , I think this Is destined to bo n great 'rult country. L.iko all ether thlncs which requires a li'fo time to develop , the pioneers never got tt'o benefits , but the young men ean prollt by our experience and start in where wo leave off. You cinnot put too much stress on the warning to furmors ugalnst buvlni ? their trees of strangers nnd rrcsponslblo parties. The moro price of the irees Is nothing , ii is thu loss of time which l Involves , making it the mlstako of n life time. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrupisnn unex celled medicine for children whlio teething. J5 cents u bottle. SIOK SO 0.V. \ . UODKIKS , Postmaster nt Enst JLriinoinc Me , ivrilca Unit Jlrs. Kelly's 3 son , who Had been confined lo bed four- montli9 with nn Abscess , Los been 1 cured sound nnd well by Swift's Snc- I cific. The boy It fourteen years old , lives next door to me , and I know the statement to be true. S. S. S. lias n wonderful effect on children , mid should be civcn to every \\-cok and debilitated child. Send for our book on the Blood nnd Skin. Swirr SPECIFIC Co. , Atlanta , ua. Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing , Oureo Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. Bomoveo aud Prevents Dandruff. WHITE Russian s ; Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. IT mil GURE A GOLD i A 25 cent Bottle may save you $100 in Doctor's bills-may save your life. Asic your Druggist for it. IT TASTES GOOD. Dr. Acker's English Pillo CIJIEK IIIMOtJ.SNKSS. Small , plc > nnt. a fntorlleillh Ilio ladle * . W. II. IIOOKRlt&CO , IDVisl l'ruadwn > , N. Y.J P ) s il o by Ktilcn ff Co. , mid Sherman MiUn neil , Omalm. SCHENICS MANDRAKE PILLS Purely Vegetable and Strictly Reliable. They act DllfKCTLY nml PROMPTLY on the Liivor aSid Stomach , rcstorlncrtho coiistlpntoil organs to healthy activity , und nro a PO'StTIVICand PEUKECTLY SAFE CUiy&for CONSTIPATION , L1VKR COMPLAINT , SICK HEAD ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , and all other diseases urlsfng' from a dibordcrcd con dition of the tii/'oi' and Stomach. > They nro the Only Ilollblo Vogntnfolo I.Ivor Till Bold ! Thofaro 1'orfootly Mariolesa ; Tlioy ro 1'iiruly Vogiptible ; Try Them , IU. ) .SohonU'ff'liooU ' on Consumption , l.lvur Complaint ntiil Jlybpoysla fc'ent I'roc , U. J. II. SOHRNK & SUN , 1'lilladolphla , PA. I'rojiDxaU furl'nbllo I.lbrury llulldlni ; Jlondi Foaled bull ui'arkou proiioiuls for publlo library buildliiK bonds will bo rcciilvod ut tlio olllro of tboclty trousuror. Onmliii. Neb , up to J2 o'clock noon of the l3th ! duy of April , IKr. ' . for tbo puruliuio of 10J , ( ) (0 publla Horary bulldlni ; bonds of lh city of Omaha , Nnb. , iluted May 1st , IB'/- ' , und p tyublo yiiun after ( Into , Interest at the rate of 'i per cent per iin- nuin , payable boiiil > aiiniially. I'rlnolptil and Intorcst payubta ut Kountzo Hros , Now Vorlc. r.ucli old must state prlco und umounV soiiKht for uud Incluilo ucornod Intcrost to Unto of dellv ry nt Omaha , Nob. ThorlKhtls roborvod to rojuot any and all bids. Ihbiicd under charter power of cltloiof the mctropolltun clut > b , und ordlnunuo No. VjtU. approved Murcu llth. iH'.rj. UKNltV 110I.I.N. in'.HklaitM Olty'l'ruasiiror. PTha nnnual mcotliiK ot etocwbolilcrs of thn reinonl , I.'IKhorn & MUbiiurl Valley Hnllroail company will bo bold ut the olllco of the com. puny In Onmlin. Neb , on I'rlday. May ' . 'U , JbU. ' , at o'clock p m. , for Ihu election of di rectors und for tbo transaction of Hiiuliotbei busliiOM ! uu limy CDIIIO buforo the nioatlni ; , J. II. ItEiifltLi ) , iiocrutiiry. DatoJ April 18 , UtC. A Written Guarantee SYPHILIS to Cure Kvory Case or Money Refunded. Our cure 1 < permanent nnl not pstfh ni up. Ci n IrcUcJsoton ycnrsaso linfencrcr fcoa i * ; mptom Mncc. lly ilc crlblru CMC fully wo ci n IrjU j-ou bjr null , nnil wo giro the mmcMronu nimrnntoa to euro or rcfuml nil nionojr The o who prefer to come IICM fortronlmentcnn Oonomil wo wlllp r rnltroal fnra witrsnmlliotol Wll wtilloliore. If wo full to euro rhnlleiwc lie ! worM fern rij tint our Mnjh Itrmcily will not euro , write for pnrtlculnri nnl cot up evidence In ovir noton ycnr * prnrtlco nlth Ilio MfiKlcltcnicljr U 1ms ticen mo t illflleult to overcome the prejudice ) nKnlnnt ftocnllcd rpcclfl : * . Hut umlor our Mronn ( MUrnntec thoimmK uro trying It nn.l tie tiRCureJ. WoKimr.inlso to euro or rofu'ul crery ilollnr.nnl ni wo Imvo n reputation toproic < < t. also llnnnclnl Imckliu of foXI.UWIt it perfectly < afo to nil who will Iry Iho Ire.itmenl , Ilcretoforo you linro milling up nml imylngout your money for ilKToront ircxtmrnt * . nml nltliouitli you ara not yet enrol ni ono tins palil bilk your money. Wo will poMllvjIy uro you , Oil , chronlMlecp c.itol ci 35 eurol , lifi ) to'Jltliyj. InvoUlji'o o ir flmnclil tivllnj ! , our reputntlon n bii lnc ! men , U'rlto us for nnmoi nn I mllrc enf llio 'o ohnTO euro I wu ! > lmo clvcn l'Uinl lon to refer to them It co ts you only po < t- nreloito tMi. If your aymplnms nro ere ttiroil , mucoiispntclie ln mouth , thcunmtlsni In lionet nn I Joint' , hnlr fnllltiK out , eruptions on nny i > irt of Ih3 o'lnKotKcner.il deprosMO'i , imlin In heal or You hnveno tlmol i w.i lo Tlio > o tie nro cou lnntly Inking mcr-'urr nn I potiVi , flnnild illv continuolt. Con'tnnt u oof ttic o itriiui will surely vuci nml enllnn ulcvrstn Ilio en 1. Diiu'l full to write. All mrni pondeiico * ont e.ilel In plal.i en- xclopeVo Inv to lbcino t rlitl 1 Inrcstlgnllu I nu.l nllltlunll In our power to nUyoillult. AJilrc" , 3OOK KKMEDY CO. , Omaha. Neb FOR MEN OMLY fora i-aso of I.O-T or ltt.ivi l MAN. liooi" , ( leniTilor N HVOIH Isntitrv. weak ness of i oily or mind , the olleotsofi > rror orox ccbsosln old or voun. ; that wo cannot euro.Vn puurjiitco every ouso or n-f in. I every dolt ir rive d ivs trial tnvitiuctit SI , full coursn 3. . I'ereL-ptfli o benefits riull/o 1 In throi ) days. Uy mull , soouroly pioKol from observation. COOK UF.MUDV Co. UMAIU. Nr.ii LADIES ONLY MA RIP ri : > ivii : itr.ou IIIHUIU Certain to n d ly or money refunded. Uy mail I ! . Securely BO lie 1 fro.n olnurvi- ; lion. Ctnttt i ; . MV . . ( imuhi. Nell IDKUl'OSAI.S rolllN'DIANhUMM.U SAM ) 1 trunspurt.itlon. li-p.irlinent ) of the lutut- nr. Ollleo of liullnn AIT'ilitViiMlnnitun April 2 , 18'lJ. ' Sealed prnpoiiils , endorsed "I'ro- posuls for llccf , ( bills for heet must he siilinilt- ted In seuarulu eneiopeii. . Itneon , I'loui , I'lothlng or Triin * < piirtatltiii , etc. , " ( us the ease innv lie ) , nml directed to the Commissioner of Imllun Air.ilrt. Nos ( i."i unit t" Wooslur streat , Now York , will ho received until I in. of Tui-hday , Miir U. la'J. , for furnlshlnz for the Imllunerv co uliont TUO.U'O ' pounds bacon. ' ) ' . O'.dCH ' ) pounds beet on the hoof , S.uifl.uo ) pounds net beef , ! : ii.OOJ pounds bonus , 70,1X0 pounds ImklnR powder. IVIH'.OOJ ' pounds corn. 610,0 0 pounds i-nireu. I'.OOU.iiuO ' pounds Hour , 70.0 0 noiinds foedUi.000 noiui'ls liard bicud. 40. OJ poundslionilny.i : 1,010 pounds lurUr > 50bnr- ola lilt's perU , 15100 pounds oalnieil. OTO.'K ' ) ) lionndbo its , in.OOJjiountls rice. 22.0 0 pounds tun. ItO.O 0 pounds co.irso suit. U'0.031 pounds llnu silt , ' 'dO.OOJ pounds so.tp. 1,000.000 pun nils stuiir. nml 111'.COO pouu ! s wheat. Also , blank- ols. woolen an I i-ottim cnods ( eonslsiliu In pin t of lleklnp , TI.IIOO yir : Is ; standurd e.illoo , lill.liUJ yards ; drilling 1U.UJJurds ; duck , free from all sl7ln ? , T > , OOJ y\r.U ; denims , lO.iKU vaids ; clnnhums. .IO\iOO ( yards ; Kentucky Joans. 8r > 0 vunls ; clu-vlot , ' . .i.OJO ynrds ; In nun shootlnir. tMO.OJi yirds : blenched sbi-uiliiK. Slj.OO ) yards ; hickory shilling , .UlOO yards ; calico shilling. 0,010 y.irJs ) ; clotlilnjiroior - IOH , notions , li.irJwnre. medlc.il Kiippllcs. school books , rtc. , and a Ion ? list of niisccl- luneoiisiii tlelo . sueli a harness , ulows , r.nu-s. folks.ete. . nnd for ahoulMUuxons reciiilied for the service , to ho delivered ut ( . 'hleujo. Kansas City und tloutilty. . Also lor such wagons us tinvuo required , adapted to the climate of the 1'aellic coast , with Cullfornhi brukos , dullseied ut tan Krunclseo. Also ti.tnsnortiitlon for siu-li ot tha articles , poods and supplies that limy not bo contracted foi to be dolh ered at the agencies , lluls must be miiili-out uti coverniiiuut blunks. fcohedules stiowlns : the kinds und miiintltles of suusib- tcncohiiiiplles ropulrcd for each iiKoney and school , : iii > i the kinds und ( ) luntltics In gro s. of .ill other goods und articles , together with blank proposals , conditions to be observed by bidders , tlmu and place of dellvoiy , terms of lontrnel und payment , transportation routes and all other no c = s.iry liistruct'ons will bu ftirnlsheil upon application to the Indian Of fice In Washington , or Nos. l ) " > iind d" Woostor htreet , Nuw York ; the Commlssuiiea nf bub- Rlslence , U. S. A. , ut Cheyenne. Chicago , Lcuvcnworth , Oinalia. Saint Louis , faint I'.uil , nnd Pun Kraiicl eo ; the 1'ostniusters ut Sioux Ulty. Iowa ; Yunkton , South UiiUotu ; Arknn- BIS ; City , Ciildwoil , Topeka uud Wichita , Kan sas und Tnseon , Arl/on.i. Thu rlaht Is re served by the government to reject any und all bidsor any pirt : of any bid , und llicso propo sals uru Invited under proviso thut uppropil.i- tlnn shall l > o made for the supplies by cou- pross. Itlds will boonenod ut the hour nnd dayalnnestated , and bidders are Invited to lie present ut thn opening. Certlfled cheeks. All bids most be accompanied by eertllled checks or drafts unon some United Mates De- posllorv or the V rai National Hank of H.in rranclsco. U.il. , for at least flvo iier cent of thouiuonntof the uropos.il. T. J. MOHOAN. Commissioner. ATd'JItm THE SHOHTESr LINK TO CHICAHO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this mao. CEDAR RAPIDS it BJuf7e"E3 MOIME3 Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6.o : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Ollicc : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Best CAttlc , lie ? und hbccp inurKot In tlio wcit COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & MAZIER S STOCK COMMISSION. THE uAi > r.HH. Write to tliif. Uouso for cor- AIIA | rect Morltet Ruportb. Wood Brothers , goutli Oniuliii Tolcplionu 1157. John I > , Dndljmun anil Wnllur K.Voud , Monn- Horn. MurUot ruportx by mall nnil who chcurfully furnlnliod upon ' - THIS James H. Campbell Company , Clilcucn , K'vst.St. Louis , Kiuisus City , boilth Uniuliu , ? lou\ City , KmaVnrlli. . A. < 'rlll , W. r llonuy. 11 , r TnllnmilKu. ChlcdKu. llou balosiunn , L'ntllu rulusinnn Crill , Denny & Company , I.Ue Stock Commission lloom ' . ' 7 lliclmn.'O Uld'K , Houth Ouinhn. A. D. Boyer & Company , Maud 50 KxobnnBO Hullilliu.SoutliOmulKU Corroipondciicosollcltuil nnd iirumptlr nnswurod tpc-clal nttvullou to orders for ttockura & feeders. Kstakllshud , IW. Incorporated , ln'Jfl Cnjiltal fully puhl , fAI.UOU W nggoner Jiirney Company , Wrllo or wire us for prompt uud reliable market reports. Perry Brothers & Company , I.lvo Stock Commission. Koom Bl Kxclmnno Iliilldlne. bouth Omah.-i. Tolupliono 1TU7 , Qassman & Dudley , M. II. Hogarty & Co. , Itooins CO und d , I'v- Koom 'It ixcanjo : South Omaha , - Neb South Omaha , - Neb Miller Brothers , KichinKU llulldlne - - Houth Omaha SOUTH OMAHA BANKS. Union Stock Yard National n AN ic. The onlr tank at thu runt * C'niltal | and sur- l > luif' 10UUO ColluctlonsifroHlnir out of Ihu llvu stock tiuslnem should bu sum direct to this bauk blilppers tan dcpoult tor credit ot Ibulr liuiue bank wliererer located. OMAHA MORSE-ODE SHOEC3. I10J HoirtMStroH Knoiorj corner llthnnil Djiul.n utraiti. \Ve nr < < ninklnir oleo prlco * lo ci < h bijorj , ml ftra ( Olhiitf n cla'i of nooli whlaili rurr atla- i morcb nti. KIRKEIIDALl , JOHES & AMEHIDAN HANo'sEW1" CO. , ED SHOE GO. Wholesale Mfr Aoenln Hoots nhoi'ii , rutitior * lloton Itubber bhovl'o. loll cooila. 1MI U ll r- 1IU. , HUI , llUJllarnuy si npj Btt BUEWERS. JDS. SCHLITI BRE- ING GO. Otllce , P. tih ) nn I I envcn- Worth St , Uumlm loll 11 Marhovcr. Apt. CONFECTIOXHRY , VOEGELE&DINNINQ llfrt lomfectloners nml joliliorn nt forclfil nnd ilomosllo fruits , 1IIU Howard et. CARRIAGES. W.R.DRUMMONDACO. CnrrlnKc bulltlcra lloso ami pitrol wneons n tl'i'cUlty. ISth , oip | Court House CARRIAGE TOPS. OMAHA CARRIAGE TOP C , J. ANDERSON. CO , , Mrfu bUKKy tups , back * , A. T Dnrby , Mgr Tops , cimhloiis , etc Hcml for cushions , bricks , etc catalog. JUS. Utb U _ ZI4 _ North Ilth st. COAL , COKE , | CORNICE. OMAHA COM , COKE & EAGLE CORN CE WORKS UiilE CO. , Mtr Kalvnnlied Iron Hnrd nnd soft conl fl K. cornice , window caps , . nii'tnllc skylUhle , etc. ei r lull ucd Douijlas BtJ. 1110 , ll CLOTHING. BLOTCHKY& COHEN , GILMORE&RUHl , Clothing notionfurnish Manufm nnrt wholpsnlo tniti ( ilvu 119 ii trial clottilcrs 11UU Haruuy Samples pruimlil by ox Mrcct. UUllarnur. DRY GOODS. M.E. SMITH & CO. , DRY GOODS CO. , fry ROOils , notions , fur- Dry Rood * notions , gent's nlshlns KOoiU Corner lurntihlni ' , eoods Cor. llth and lluuanl tla. llth and Howard st ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WOLF ELECTRICAL CO.i Illutrntcd catalog free- Capitol nvc. FURNITURE OMAHA UPHOLSTiR- BEEBE&RUNYAN FURNITURE ING GO. NITURE CO. , Upholstered furniture ] . . ( > . ' 1 dl , Nicholas a ! Grace nnd Thirteenth Wholusnlo only. GROCERIES. I DRUGS , Etc. D. M. ETEELE&C3. , BLAKE , BRUCE & , CO. , 1M1-1M1 ! Jones street , 10th nnd Ilnrney streets , Umaua. Uuiaun. GRAIN. 8. A MO WHORTER , 215 Brt of Trade Ilrokcr In prnln. e > c 1'rlvalo vrlro to N Y , CulinBO und &t Louis , HATS , ETC. GATE CITY HAT CO W. A. L. GIBBON & CO. , lint * , cnps , strnw Koorts , Ilnt * . cnps , utrnw goods , Klovcs. inlttena owners t.lo\i'x. mittens. K'th ( ulebrntinl ( iutn t Uy . aud Uuriicy. Lut. llth nad Harnoy. : ) NO i'.vv NO i nHMANiNTLVciJitiroii : . 111 : I' NT/ON / I UOJt IHTHINI U h KHI KIl YOU TO OVKIl I.SOJ I'ATll .N I1- liiM"lliSiito oiirmothol. Wrlllun Kiiiir.intci to iibsolnloly ItlJI-niltl , .if boll , " "en , without Hi" use of knlfo or Kyrlnuc , no mutter tor of liow long htandlnn' . EXAMINATION FREE The 0.15. ' . . 'sfl' ' 307-308 N. Y. Life Building , Omaha , Neb. OniccH-Dcnvor. CIRCULAR.'s ; I.ouls , Mo j liolrolt , Mich ; Mlluiuikuu.vln I DCS amines. In. : Salt I , i ! < o L'lty , L'tah ; i'oit- lunii , Ore : Itutto , Mont. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. SAVE YOUR EYESIGHT THE OPTICAL NEW HOUSE OF TUB ALOE & TENFOLD CO. , 1)4 ) f-oulh IMh Slrrct , Next lo 1'ostollli'o , Omahu. Practical Opticiana And brunch of world ronnwnud option ! eiUMIih. merit of A. H. Alno A Co , Bt I < ouli Our method Ii > uperlortonllothor , our \rniet \ r upcrlor. will not wesrr or tire ilia ejo . The fraiuei properid. ! . ( uitad to tbe faca Eyea TeBtod Free of Cbarero. Prices Low for First-class Goods. Or tli I.l < iu r Ifalill 1'oi.lllTi-lr fiircU \ > y mluiliiUlrrliii ; l > r. lliiliim * < | | | ( II NlX'ClllC. It con b givca In a cup of oolleu or In , or In food , without tbe tnowlcdjo of tb patient. IIU > biolulely barmKM , > ad will erfeot a permanent and needy cure , whether the patient l > a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wiuok. It haa been given lu thouaande of caacr.und In every Inalance a perfect cure hai fol. lowed llHfVlT Full * . Tlie yitemonoeluiprfen lcd with tha Cpeolflc. u become * aa ultcr laipoavibillly for tb llouor appetite to cxlit. UIII.IIKN hi'eririu co. . i-rop'r , rii.ru ii , o. 4R-patrM book or onrlo | ( lara free , lo LMI hat ] of Knhn ttCci. , 13th and DnuKlut His and Ifith It ftOiiinliiL-fin. Wholca.ilo , llliiUo , llruco ic. Co. and Kioliardsou litutt Co , , OuiauaNub. HARDWARE. REOTOR & WIIHEIMY lOBEGX&LINN , CO , , Denlprs' ImMirara nj Corner 10th nml Jnason moolmnlc * tool * Streets 1OI Douglas SI red. LUMBEft. CHAS , R , UE , JOHN A. WAKimiD UnMwood lumbir , wool cvrct * nmt pnrqiiBl tmportolnmlotn I'nr t- lloorlnu , mi 1 c , < noit , Miltfaitai liritrnKltc cKiucnt ami Cthnrul DoujlM. ( Julncr ntilD ll.no. UQUORS. 11ER&R3 , , FRIOK & I.laiior tnoro'ii nt . III ! IUrn < i-it MtM KOI * niviyi ia : > : iuju nit Vho1ei.ile liqu terj. 1UOI Knruiui it , MII.LINKHV C.ASTONEHILl , J.nnERFElOER.lGQ. , Impurtrr * nn.l jotibcriot Vllllnerr notion.clocks mllllnerjr notion * Malt ute. lit ) 113 a. ICtti sU or < 1cr * prompt. WiJ It S. llth 5t MUSICAL A. HQ5PE , THE MEINHERQCO. , ' I'lnnn * oririns. nrtlsti IW.V. ! fli ! St I'lanos , iiuterlnl * . cto. 151j tniile nml muMonl In- Done Ins t. strumeiits of nil OILS. STANDARD OIL CO. SHOW Oil ItelluiMl nml hibrlentlui ; No bail oilor , no srnaV * chhnnnri , m > cbnrrlni oil * , nile uri-nsc , etc of whim AR j our fur It OYSTERS. I. A.BDOTHPACXINQ 00. PIATT&CD. , , I'nckers of oy ter ยง . flh Oynlor * , Hi ! nnJ olorn I nnd celery loth it. KV north rt. Cole , malinger. KIND&SIMEAD , Mfr of "K A S" iinnts , Mfri < colobrnteil "Iluck * hlrtnml OTcrnlls.ctc. jklii" OTt-rall * , panl , ClllbS. Jlttiit. sh'rt * . coats , etc. Kail Uumlm. ' PRODUCE COMMISSION. Kitabllihcil , I8T3. DRANCH , WHITNEY & CO. 1-rodiice , fruits of nil Iltitlcr , I'nnt mid poultry kind * ovntcrs. JIT S , 81U H. Utll si. KIRSCHBRAUN& JAS. A. CLARX &CU. SONS. , flutter , ctieoiB , ii > Duller. Offm and poultrr poultry nnd Kim . I2J9 llownrd-it. 317 South 13lh Btraok , 1. A. RYDER A CD. G. PEDAU , Ilutlcr.ccKB.chcojp.poul- Conimlsslou incrcliknt , trv , lil.lo * amlKKuin 1'roduce , butter , oattt , 12li llonanl strcot. o'lpeiu nml pou\irV \ , Itcfur to Oom'l NuUllank IZtli and llownrd st. > y MULLIH& . MB CLAIM FpcclaUlp , butter , CKKI , thccse poultry , clt1 No ( IS b. llth llcf. lal.Nntl SCHROEDER A CD. MOORE Duller , c-sif ) , cljoeis. Cnfli buyer * hutti-r nnd frulf , po.iltrjr , jam * . eKU'i hinitlci nil other Kcnl * for Jlyir' * produce on commlalon Itoynl hori e nnd cattla CJS 11 tli bt. plco. t > M y ItUt it.1 OREEIEY & , CO. , J. B. HUS-&CO. Iliittcr , c gs , pouttry , Our spjcliltlai : Uullli\ ' unmc , hldei nml fruit , ojgt nil I p niltry , 1J1J 1JJ7 llownrd Street. Howard trejt W. E. RIODEll . . RIDDELL& CO. , Wholsnlo butter A epgs llutter , chec3 , oz ? % HUTU nnd tolls for vcKCtnbloo , iruttspoul < try und fnmo carh. 4I3S. Jlth st. PAPER CARPENTER PAPER CO KIND PAPER 00. Cnrry n full stock of Wrapidnu pnptr ulUlnill nnd of tutnui etc lirii printing ripping TolJ Howard ntruoL * nrlllnv piper , card pa per c ta. phone , 17JO STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR1 WORKS , btovn repairs iinil nnt nttaclimenlB for nor kind of ntovo mads. ID t Doiutlim. SASH. I TOYS. M.A. DISBROW&GO. , H. HARPY. . Torn , ilolli , nlbumi Mnnufucturen of snih Inncy K0iiil liiiiiBOfur- door * , h 11 n d s nnd nl-litnK Eooiln chll-i mouldings llrnnch of- dri'U'9 iirrlnifoi 1J19 dco , ltli nnd UanlSti Inrnnm Struct. WANTED Totiil Irdim ut ClfiEB , COUNTIES , SCMOOI. J DISTRICTS , : WATER COMPANIES , ST.R.n.COMPAHIEB.eto Corrtuponilenco tnlldlcd , msf H.W.IIAnRIS&GOMPANY.Bankers , 103-103 Doarhorn Strefit. CHICAGO. IS Well Street , NEW YORK. 7O Otototil. , DOOTONt PROPOSALS FOR PAVING HOJvDS. t-oulcd hlds iiinrlHMl pr il stiln for tiaviat liniulsslll l ) recnhuil ut tliu ollloo of the oil tf trouhiirer ot Uiiulm. Nub , ill ) lo I'i o clojU noon < ifl In ) aitli il.iy of Airll. | Ih'JJ. ' forttift iiurcliiiKo of JXJ.oOJ.oij iu\lutf bond * of tlio city of ( linuhu. Nul ) , ilutod Muy I. Itt'JJ , iiaybo Ulyuiirii uftor rtuto. Inteicst 5 JUT cuiil uniiiiin , p.-iyuiilc seinl > uiiiiuilly ; prliieiiiul uiia lull-rust puy.iblo nt Koiiut/u Itnn , Nuw York Dunoiiiluiitlonof ImiKls. Jl.'iOJ UJ iMch. I.ttoh hid 111111,1 , Miito jirluo iiii'l iiiMDtiiil koitcht for Kin ) Inuliiito ucuruuil Intoriist to iluto of iliillv- ITV nt Uniiiliii. NOD. Tlio r Klit Ii ronorvoa to roloct nnv mill ull 1)1 ] . IHBUIH ! iiiulorvliurUir jiowcr of rltlrs of niulrouolltiiii vluss aim onlinunco .No SOU. , upprurml MKI < ! ) I i Kl. IMS. ill.NKi litJLLN , MW < 13itM Olty Trouiiurnr. Notlcu to rrupurty Oners , You lire lioroby notified thnt tbolnnU of ourtli on lot IU , McC.inilllsli 1'J.ieo , luisbocn tie * i-lurcd by ordluunca No. 'iCOJ to bo u nuUance. Vou uro hereby d routed to ulmUi Hind imla- unco by Kradlir.nuld b.ink of earth iluwn to uboiittliu lovul of thu MMIuiiitillnk' strietj within tblrty d.ivh from thu dulo of this no. tlco , orHiild niilsuiiun will bu iihuloil by Iho oily iiulliiirltlert uud tbu oxnunsu tliurtor lovlod ui u bpoolul I IK iiKHliibtlliu prouurty ou which b > ill milhiuiuo exist * . J.acU al Oiiiulm tliln mil diiy of Asrll. 1603. I' . W llllKIUtII ( KII Clialrmun Hoard of 1'ubllc Works. An-lfl-lB. * . _ . I'r < ii" ) iiU fur Slrrot Pciilrd bldn will bo roculvcd nt Ihocomp. ' tiollur'uolllco up tel n. in. April I'll , IbW , fuf nmlcliiKUiKl plaulnx twomruol slU" ' ut oaoli btruot liilerfcecllonn , vivid * Ilio iiiniica and iiiiinlmrnodtiuutN. Afuitlllud chuck of IIW td iivaoiiipnny oacli bid , Tlio city couucll jo thu rlirlit to rojuut iiny or all bill * . . TULUIJUUU 01.HCN , Ooiuiitrr.ller. A.t (111