THE OMAHA DAILY BKE : MONDAY , Al'lUL 18 , 1892. FOUR HANDS IN THE MIDDLE St. Paul and Minneapolis Turn on Kansas Oity and Omaha , V/ILD / THROWING LOST THE HOME GAME JlonnjSwnrtrnl Downed ll ! Oli ! Coinpan- loti Colnmlnii 1'ut I.lmn All Over Titlcilit VlnrliinnllVlns from St. l.mili-Otlior Hnndny .Sports. St. Paul , II ; Omaha , G. Minneapolis , 13 ; Kansas City , 4. Columbus , 'J ; Toledo , 0. HAT promised to ' bo nn ideal day for a game of ball yes terday turned out Just tbo rovorno. About 2 o'clock tbo sky become over cast with lowering cloud i , nnd a biting wind c.imo down from the north , which was very hnid on the dudes who had put tholr overcoats In avuncular ciro and women whoso sealskin aa'-qua3 wcroput away safely when tno mercury was lllrtlng In the neigh borhood of UJ tbo day bofoio. Stilt nil this meteorological unfavorabto- ncss did not deter the lovers of the great national game from assembling at Sports man's park to witness the second contest be tween Billy Alvord's husky Apostles nnd lave ) Howe's children. Llko on the previous day , Ihoy were there again by the thousands , and but little nvall- nblo space could bo found In cither grand stand or on the bloachors. Again every sent was occupied , whllo n largo concourse ot twonty-fivo-centors encroached on the llold on each side of the diamond , ana the car- rlnuo way was orowjod with banusomo turn outs. It looks really ai If Omaha was golnpt to liavo a very voluminous nud successful soa- is the game you want to itnow about. Men Iriim tlio North AVoro Angry. Well , the Apostles were on band promptly nnd it didn't require a microscope to see that there was murder in tholr oyos. And when they came back In the dusk of evening , thoyhad Dave Howo's curls at their belts. The Otrahas wont Into the fight with the most serious intentions , but the boys from tho' A'r.o'tlc circle used their clubs with great oiToof'nnd besides played a line fielding gnrno. Ho > vovor , It was an interesting strueglo to look at from any point of view especially that of St. Paul. The crowd , made up cn- tirolv of our best citizens , and therefore met ropolitan to the core , would have boon a huu- diod-fold moro enthusiastic at the close had the score boon the other w v.ouknow what 1 mean. There were a few hypercritical individuals , who thought the Kustlers might have played better than they did , nnd so might Mary Ann have married Polor Olson but she didn't. Bo that ns it may , they fought hard nnd died hard , but they mlcht Just as well bo allvoynt , had ono or two of thorn hit safely at critical stages. Cunnlngbam's pitching was splendid. Dnrby und Ilnndiboo. too , were very good generally In fact , Hnndiboo's woru was the best of nil. Billy Scrad completed his task of counting the lies between hero and St. Joe , nnd was on band and umpired thu game In the most satisfactory way. Billy mav not bo a , very good pedestrian , but ho knows how to ndjudicato the points of dispute in a ball game all the snmo. Twelve Out In a Iliincli. The flrst was an arid waste for Omaha. Holland throw SLoibock out at first ; Gilks bruised and contused the lingering breath of wiaior-wlth three awful smashes , and King Kcl pushed out a high one to Puddy Dou- oghiio. In their half the Saints soared us a trlflo , out that xvas all. Shy slammed Donoue.huo out , but the very frosu Mr. Hocnover placed his clue up ngalnst one of Darby's drops In nn insinuat ing sort of a way , and It cut an avcnuo jthrough the sprouting pig-wcodoutin Colonel Qllks1 toirilory. Then the Deacon nearly Knocked n link out of Motz with the ball and ho wont to first , whllo the youth with that name hanging to him line an Incubus moved down to second. Old Cv How out to Oilics. Then Hoggy , s.vbo bad his sprinting gaiters on , thought ho'd show the crowd n now trick , nnd ho madu a dash for third. An accurate throw by Hutherfotd B. down to Collopy ended his mnd career , und the chceis ho was waiting for turned out to bo jours. All Hoggy could do was smile but such n Binilo. It was ono , two , three for Omaha in the nccond , and whllo the Saints got three men on bases they failed to score. Omalm Started tlio Scoring. In the next Inning the Hustlers broke the Ice. Huyos wont out from pitch to lirst , but Fitzgerald got In a nice llttlo ono over MoU's ' hoail. A wild pitch put him on second end nnd Darby sacrificed him to third. Then Shy hit out snfolv and FItz ran In. fJllks followed with another and Kiiift Kol with a two nagger , which bo injudiciously tlioa to otrotch into a three baggor but was caught by Hogriovor's-Uno thtow to A'vord. ' But three runs after two hands were out was plenty and the crowd cheered nnd ap plauded tbo Boston boy to the echo. Not to bo out done St. Paul came m nnd reaching clnnr across the table helped nor- eelf to a run. Darby gave HoKrlovor his base , nnd to prove that ho meant It the first time ho tried it , llocgy piocoodod to nip second too quick. Emboldened by his success ho made nnothoi dash a second later , and will you bollcvo , capturad third tool Then Darby made i fantastic pitch wav off out of Hnyes" read end Hoggy scampered In with u pearly run Motz su tick out and Sutcliito Illed to Col lopy. Then Alvord nnd Holland hit safe li succession , but it nvailad them nothing moro Uutcdalo'a oars got in his ay and ho utruol out. out.Again ll was a short shrift for the Kowo family , but St. Paul tied the scoro. Tnoio is no use in recounting the mournful details A row of goose ORBS then followed up to the seventh , when Omaha lovged to the fioti again. Gilks hit safe and so did Kelly of course but Kowo nnd Camp wore o.\tingjshod | Uavo at Ihst aud Camp on a high foul u Alvord , A maunlllcout catch on iba duai run. Governor Hayes , however , tilled the vacuum. Ho smashed her out Hard and botl > runners cnmo in , Fitzgerald porlsned a - llrst. In the olchth Su Paul won the gamo. Iloio'n WhtuoVo Lost. Dugdalowho ; didn't amount to much ox ceptini ; for the old womanish jubhor ho Uop , up , fell a victim ut llrst , Old Pop lined ou u safa 0110 nnd Cunningham rcactiod for a homo run , onlv missing it by n halt's breadth He hit n long lly just insldo thu foul line fu out toward lha carriages in loft Held. Kelly made n dash for it nnd by mnryulous speoii utiil a good deal of luck , made n auatcli ut i ns it was going over his head and pulled i down. It was a circus catch and the vast crowd made the wclKln ring. It was hi& Jhlrd great catch In the game. Dououphuo wont lo llrst on four wide onus and Hogrievor made hU third snfa hit. OU Pop run in on this anil on thu throw-In to catch him Donny went on to third nui Hou'riovor to aocond , but instead of stopping li ro they kept light on aud naver stoppei until they reached the bunch , lluvos hat rxiturned the ball to FiUperald and Fitz bark to him , but Instead of landing In hi * tnltts i truck ono of his llttlo feet and caromed of to suoh a dlstnuco that both runners scored That wns too much for Manager Davo's passionate young heart nod glowing brain mid ha bowed his head aud wept. We cauio pretty near tying 'cm In tu ninth , but w didn't , AUU as Ctirls Fro urn remarked , "hi vni baddor you dond gry for gom-sliplItmllllCKl" The score i OVAIIA. All. II. A. E. Bhalbeck. si ft 1 1 0 1 1 OHM. m. . . . ' . 0 0 1 0 0 Kelly. If : i i 3 o o n o u Oollntir , 3D 4 KOWP , ID i 0 U 0 1 4 1 , rf , 2 Hayes , c , , 4 n i i o o : i i ) nrby , i ) 'In - - - - - 4 landlboe , p. 'I 8 1 Totin . ai r > o o n si it r. ST. fAUt. _ _ An. II. II. Stl. Ell. I'O. A , IE. llonniiiiliuo m . lo relvor , If . 42 3 4 U 0 1 0 lotr , Ib ' . 4 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 hiitollrfc. rf 4 1 \Uord. Jh 3 o o r > : i i Inl1ftndsi 4 0 0 : i o ) u/luli\ ( o 4 0 0 00 o o HtiiUil , 21) . . . . . . . . 2 0 Uiinnlnjliam , p. . . . 4 0 1 0 0 0 7 2 Totals. . . . . . . M 0 0 fi 0 27 16 4 HCOHU 1NNIM13. . ) ID a ha 003000 0 0 fi St. I'aul 012000 3 * C SUMMAHV , 1'irnod runs : Omnliu. 4. Twn-baso lilts : Kolly. Uonblo pliiyss Hollnnd , Smith. Motr IIme.s on bulls : lly Dartiy. ll ! by I hind 1 boo , ' . ' ! by UunnlnKhain , r > . Struck . . out . . . . . : . . lly . . iiiirny , 3 ; by llundlboG , r > ; hy CiinnliiRluini. - . lilt | ( | ( ) y ) itcliurt MotVlldpltunns ! Darby. 1 : Cun- iliiKh-im , 1 Tltnoof same ! Two bonrs n tcn'inltiiites. Umpiroi llonoy Swnrtfel's l > nj % , Mo. , April 17. Minneapolis turned the tnblos on ICunsas Cltv by winning today's game. Swartzcl , who pitched BO many winning gatnos for Kansas City in the past , was Iti the box for the Flour City team and was vorv ofToctlvo , the Blues Rotting only six hits oft his delivery. Up to the llfth lining not a hit was made off him , but then : io lot up a little us his loam had u big load and the IJIuos mndo four runs In iho slxtti and Bovonth Inning1 ; . IIURhoy , who pitched the flrst Inning , had good spocil but no con trol of the ball. Pnyno did fairly hut was unlncUv. The feature of the pamo wns the center Hold ulav of Mowmnn of the Miuno- anolls team nnd the batting of Parrott nnd Urnham. Attendance ; 5,500. The score ; KANSAS C1TV MlVMiAl'OI f H It I1 A B U II 1' A K Mitunlnif. 3b. Carroll , rf . . 1 I 1 U 0 Similar. 1C. . 1 2 0 0 U K.vtz . , If . . . . 1 I 1 U 0 Mnycr , JH . 1 U I J 1 Went , Ib 0 1 11 0 I ) CnrnpyIb. 0 I II 0 1 .Nuwninnm. . 2 t 7 1 0 Little , ui 0 0 J 0 0 I'Brnilt.Jb. . . . Amlru9 , rf. 0 I 0 U Crnlintu , BB. . 2 J 3 3 1 Albprli , us 0 0 1 Dlxon , 2b . . . 1 t 0 4 U Holllus. c . 0 0 1 1 HwnrUol , p. . IhiKliny , 1 > 0001 Munyiin , o. . McMalilin , c. 0 0 fi .1 0 r ) lH > , l 1 1 U 3 2 Total 13 U 27 12 1 Tutll . .4 fl 24 H 7 scouu iniv.Mvns. . KniisnaCltr 0 OOU03300-1 Mlniicj)0lls | 5021 1028 13 St'MMAUV Knrnoil runs' Kntnia City , 3 , lllnnonpolls 7 , Tirn-bnHU liltsCarnuy , Ituss , Newimm Dlxon , 1'arrott 'lliroo-bnso hits Double - : bunJuy pliijs NciTiniin to West , llttii-soti linlls. Oil HiiKliuy , .1 , otr I'uync , 4 , otf Sunrtzcl , 2 B no on lilt by pltoliur HumHy nmt IHxon. riusral bnllai McMnlion Wild iiltch I'ujno btruck out lly llnuhoy , 1 ; by 'nync.b , bybwnrtzcl , I , lliuu of KIIIIIO , 'two hours anil tlltuen iiilnutoR. Uinplro. tinlUcr Toluilu Uols ll AVhltnniish. C'oi.UMiius. O , , April 17. The Columbus and Toledo played n jjroat game today , but the visitors could not bit Clausen and were shut out. Breeklnrldgo poundorl out another homo run. Attendance 4,000. Scoio : cor minus loi.nuo u n i' A r u n r A r M'Clollnii.Jb u I l , l o Armourrf. 00000 WnNh , s B OinihiKcr.If. o Itotirkc , db u I ll u 0 Mchol in. . l.nlly rf . . 1 2 1 0 0 ii : > . HB o o . ' i o Aliboy.m .00201) ) Ncirell.Jti. . JnnlHtm , c NIch'lHon.JtiO 1 5 .1 0 llr'k'rl'KO , Ib 1 1 II 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 Cnmiuiu , 1 f. 0 1 J 0 0 lo akl , p. . . 0 1 0 I U Cinuico , p. . . 00000 llurluyc. . . . 0 0 5 3 0 Total.i CttlJ 0 Totnl 0 2271 ! 2 1IY INMM3S rolmnhus 0-S Toledo 00000000 0 0 SUUMAttr. Knrncd runs : Columbus , 2 Homo runs Brock Inrhliu' . Tiro.bnao lilti ) Lilly , Double iilnys. NIolioNoii to Newell llasos uu bulls. Columbus , 2 , 'lolcdo , 1. Stolen biiiiea. Abbey , Jat.ttun htnuk out lly , by Cluasoii , 2 Lofton bates Culuuibua , . ' , Toledo , i. Wild pltclioa. liuwnld. 'llmo : 1 , lj. Umpire : Corcoran. p ot the Ttiiiins. 1'lnyod. Won. Lost. I'orCt. Columbus. . . . 0 l.OOi ) MIlwuuUoo 1 0 1.000 Oimiba 3 500 Kansas Oily. 2 500 .SU I'aul 2 1 1 Ml ) Minneapolis 2 5CO IndUnapolls 1 0.030 Toledo. . , 2 0.000 NATIONAL I.K\GVE. Ciuclnimtl Ke ls Glvo tlio St. r.oulg Brown * u Sound Urubhlng , ST. Louis , Mo. , April 17. The greatest game of tbo season thus far was played be tween St. Louis and Cincinnati thlb after noon. Both teams were In exquisite form and any number of brilliant plays were con summated. Wordcn carried off the honors for Iho Browns and McPbeo for the Ucds. It was either side's garao to the lost half ot the ninth , when Latham hit for a double and and Holliday followed up on homo run drives , clinching the contest for Cincin nati. Attendance , ir > , ! > 00. Score : St. Louis , 1 Cincinnati 5 Hits : St. Louis , 3 ; Cincinnati , 10. Errors : feu Louis , 1 ; Cincinnati , 1. Earned runs : Uln- clnnatl , ! > . Homo runs : Mcl'hoo , Holliday. Two base hit : Lnthum. Hucrlflco lilts : Warden , VanUyKe , I'tmithers. Mulluno. Huso on 1m.Is : Uy Mulliino , .1 ; by ( Jaruthors , 1. Double plajs : 1'lncK.noy. Crooks nnd Werdon , Cllasscock. Crooks , Wordon ; Mullnne , Comlskuy , Lntluim. Struck out : lly Cuin- thcrs , 3 ; by Mullunu , I ) , htolen bases : LatluiDi. M , Umplro : Hhorldan. Tlmo : Ono hour and forty minutes , llatturlcs : Uaruthors und lluckloy ; Klullanuand llarrlniitoii. Standing of the Touiux. Played Won. Lost.l'orCt , Now Yorlf , , . 1.001 Ilostoi . a 1.000 I'lttsburj . 4 .750 .G 7 Louisville .007 HrooUlyn 3 .007 I'llllllllDlpllU .10) ) Cincinnati . fl .4011 Uln\alniil ( , . a .3-11 fat. Louis . 4 . 'J-)3 Washington . . . 2 0.000 Uultlmoro . J 0,000 bl'AKKS Of Sl'OUT. 1'romont'ii 1'lrst ( ninio , Fur.MOXT , Nob. , April 17 , fSnoclal Tele gram to Tin : Bur.Tho ] ease ball eoason was opened here this afternoon In a game between the Fremont State loayuo club nnd the Haydou Bros , team of Omaha. Consider ing the fact lhat it was the llrst work of either team this year on the diamond , the exhibition was n very creditable ono. The vUitois had a strong combination , and for nearly the whole game It looked as if they woto going to bo tbo winners. In tnoseroml inulnij they succeed d In gelling Snyder , Moimghan and Ticknor across ttio platu , and though thereafter tholr efforts nt run getting wuro wholly unavailing , they tin u t goosa cgt/s upon the homo team bovon times in suLCOsslou , In thoeighlh the spell was broken by Baker , whollnca outatwo-baggor. Otnorj also found Bnyder , and the result was four inns by Graver , holmes , Purcollund Storey. The vlsitois were shut out otter the aecond Inning , and tbo game ended 4 to a in favor of Fremont. Players for Fiomont ! Cjrnvor , catcher ! Holmes , third base ; Jeltcn , right llol I ; Ilukcr , pitcher ; Finch , ecu lor Hold ; Connolen , loft Held ; Purcell , short stop ; Storov , second base ; Bowman , llrst baso. For lluydun IJros. : Uarrofe-un , second base ; Howies , left Held ; \Vigman , center field ; Swurtr , catcher ; Kjran , shortstop ; Koonody , third base ; Ticknor , llrst base ; Monagba'n , right llolu ; isnydur , pitcher , Score oy Innings : I'lcmoiit . I ) 0000004 0 1 llitvdcn llros . , O 'J Umpire : Klmmol. Tlmuof RUIIIO : Ono hour and thlrty-llvo niluulea HtruuU out : lly linker 3 | Unydor , 1'J. llusos on ballm Olf hnydor , . ' . llano hits : Fremont , H : llaydun Uroi , , a Krrom rroiuant , J ; llaydonltros , J. ICauiUlvr Club Itictluy : . There will bo a mooting of iho Onmlm Gontlcmon's Hoadster club at the Millard hotel Monday evening , Apill 18 , at 8 o'clock , A full attonJauco IK doalred. A upeclal Invitation is extenuod to all new Oumhu ( luu Club Olllcrri. At thu annual nicotian of tto Omaha Gua club the following oftluir * were elected ; ProsldontV. . . II. S. Hughes ; vice proiidcnt , William Krupi ; ; ocrotary , W , E. Nason ; treasurer , Frank 1'arraolco ; directors. F. W. Fopg , H. D. Kennedy and John llardln. The president wns authorirod to appoint dolegntos to tbo State Sportsrnon association mooting at Grand Is'nnd ' from the members prrscnt ; nlso teams to contest for the club nt tbo Rtato shoot. The club nftflln nro in n very prosperous condition , nnd the members nra looking forward for great scort nt the trap during the season , ind a big club hunt aud banquet in the fall , l.nst Cnmn TliU Afternoon. The Omnhns nnd St. Pauls will wind up their first sorlos this afternoon , and another rattling gooi game is promised. So far they iinvo brouon oven nnd this afternoon comes the rubber , Both will light hard for the honor , and it Is a wlso man who can pick the winner. The teams will bo us follows : Omalm. Position. St. I'aul. HhmbccK . Short . > Hollnnd ( lllks . . . Middle . DonoiiRhuo Kelley . l.oft . llngrioror Itowo . I'lrsl . Slotz Uollopy . 'I bird . .t. . . . , . .Alvord Camp . HlKht . Dlxou Kltzuur.ild . Soooml . Smith lliiycs . Catch . butolllTo Ylckcry . I'ltch . - . . . KoofTo Kojn nt II- The messenger bo.vs of the Western Union nnd American District Telegraph company engaged In a game of ball yesterday nt Twonty-fourth nnd St. Mary's avenue. In addition to determining the question of su- pcrioilly tno winners were to tAke n purse of K > . The score wns "I lo 1 ! ) In favor of tbo Western Union exports. Tuzor and Buckley wcro the battery of the winners and Moore und Ander-ton nlloiidod these details for tno American District Telegraph club. John Wilson noted ns umpire. Two hours mid forty-llvo minutes were required for the contest. _ CnumlliinVliucliiicn. . TOUO.STO , Ont , April 17 The board of directors of the Canadian Wnoolmon's asso ciation hold their annual mooting hero yesterday. Hereafter the ehtimpionsip will bo one-half , one and three miles on safeties , ordinaries not being recognized. Coaching Is prohib ited. Hands off aud slow races are abolished. This year tha annual mooting will DO hold at Kingston. _ Will I'ltiy by 'iro. Nnw YOIIK , April 17. The Manhattan Cboss club of Now York and the Franklin Chess club of Philadelphia will play n match by telegraph on Saturday noxt. The West ern Union will connect the two clubs by special wlro. _ _ j--o Ki .v rjAjA't'jMnurxatr. . Discount AVas In Modorutn Duinnnd During tlio I'aHt Week , LONDON , April 17. Discount was in mod erate demand during the past week. The last quotations were throe mouths , 1 per cent , and short , throo-fourtbs of I per cent. During the caily part of the week money was steady , the supplies on the open mantel being reduced by payments to the Bank of England yoetciday , large amounts being released - leased by the pavmoutof ! ! 1,5'JOOUO of Irons- ury bills am ! the half yearly coupons of Egyptian bonds. Cheap money again ruled qulot. Silver was qulot. Tno price of bars opened Crm on Monday at DO i wltb. business done on India account. Later , oi\ lug to the India council freely selling bills , tbn price of bars dropped a fraction , and in tbo absence of Amctican support closed Thursday nt 8'J ' pence with Mexican dollars at IiS 7-1 G ponce. On the Stock exchange there wns extremely timid business. The lirst three days of the week were occupied with the settlement. Thc.1 the fact that the Passover foil on Tuesday nnd the Easier holidays followed , contributed to reduce the volume of dealings. The to in ) was good and the general feeling optimistic. Among high class investments , securities , British funds nnd rupee paper lost a trlflo. In the foreign mantel Mexican sixes , owing to tha raid against the bears on Iho Berlin bourse ro3o several points and then relapsed sligbtlyloavinB a week's advance of U per cent. Argentine national rose 1 per cent. Brazilians were Inrgoly ottored nnd lost S,1 per cent. Among rallwnys everything was neglected except investment bonds , which were well supported. Headings were especially buoyant on Thursday before business was suspended. The conviction Is general that a fresh stir in the market IB inevitable , but there is n question ns to whether it will sot in. An impetus from New York would uot onlv reanimate the railway dopurtmoiit , but would enliven the Stock exchange through out. Tbo week's variation in prices include : " Increases , Now York , Ontario" & Western , Northern Paclllc , Louisville & Nashville and Eno , 1 per cent each ; Central Paclllc. Union Pacltlo and Wnbashy3 per cent ecch ; Den ver preferred declined one-half of 1 per cent. Canadian securitio'- were linn on the ropott of the making of a working urrancnmcnts botwon the Canadian Paclllc aud the Grand Trunk. Grand Ttutik second Drofuronco rose \ % per cent and third pieforrcd 1 per cent. Mexican railway firsts gained 1'f pet- cent and seconds 2 per cent. Airiong miscel laneous securities , nil stocks dropped a per cent and Eastmans 1 per cent. Mason & Barry lost three-fourths of 1 per cent on thn announcement that no dividend would bo paid and that it was proposed to reconstruct the company. Hut mm MurKot lUivlow. HAVANA , April 17. The sugar market wns qulot during the week. The quotations were as follows : Molasses sugar , regular to good polarization , $3.1SJ.f@3.JlJ4 : gold , per quin tal ; Muscotavdo , fair to good refining , 8) to 90 degrees , $3.2.J > < ? @ 3.2'i ; centrifugal in hogs heads , bags and boxes , 5J.C5X@2'JOX. Stocks in warehouse * nt Havana , twenty-eight boxes , 010.5UO bago and 3.00J hogsheads. Re ceipts from the 7th to 13lh : 85,000 bags and SO.1 ! hogsheads ; oxpoits for the same period , 122 boxes , n 1,000 baija nnd Ilu hogsheads , of which 42,500 bags and nil bnt 83 hogshoaos went to the United States. Bacon , f'J.OO gold per 100 Ibs. Butler , superior American , SiO.OO gold nor quintal. Flour , American , : > 7.00 geld per barrel. Jerked bcof , J3.50 golu per quintal ; hams , American sugar cured , S13.0D gold per quintal for not thorn ana $17.00 for southern. Lard in kegs , frS.r > 0 gold per quintal ; in tins , $11,00. Lumber nominal ; abooks quiet. Whlto navy bonus , $1.50 gold per quintal. Chewing tobacco , i.'O.fiO uold per quintal. Hoops quiot. Freights nomi nal ; exchange lit m ; Spanish gold , $2.47'jri ' On the I'.iris ICuiirHi- . April 17. Dm ing the week past dealings on the bourse were very limited. The settlement passed off yesterday very satlsfactoilly. Contauoos were very easy. The J per cant rentes declined 15 contlaies for tno vvooic. Credit fonupr shares 2 > f franps nnd lUo Tmtos 2 > i francs , French liiunclal journals nro engaged In discussing the ques tion , which for thu time Is not opportune , to putaii end of the Latin monetary union. But the government shows no sign of taking such a stop. The amount of the now Austro- Huncariun loan required to provide the gold needed for the change of tha empire's cur rency , Is officially announced as 30,000,000 On tlin liurllu lliiumn. DKIIIIX , Apill ID. On the bouno through out last week prices were firm. A moderate amount of business was done. The last quotations of the vtook Includes Prussian Is. 101180 ; Doutjcb bank. 1UI ; Mexican 03,81.50 : Hurponor , 14V Houbfes , 200.53 ; short exchange on London , " 0.4' ; long cx- chaugo on London , 20I7 ! ; private dis count , \y \ _ _ Oil tllO 1'lMllkloit DdlllMC , FiusKiour , April 17. Foreign govern ments securities woio falily active last week and the tendency was generally toward firm ness. The final quotations of ; the week m- cludo Ilunstuian gold , OU.-IO ; Italinn 8s , BS.8Q ; Poituguoso bonds , US.75 ; Prussian 4b OJ.30 ; Austtlnu silver rentes , "O.bO ; short ox- cbaugaou London , 20. < t2prlvato ; discounts 1 % . "Oh , What a Night" began a return en gagement at the Farnnm Street iheator yes terday , Tno pcrformauco has received a number of now touches and it renewed its favor with two big ludicncos. Mtutmur Arrivals. At London Sighted : Wemor , from TJolti- moro ; Bolgonland , from Philadelphia. At Havre Champagne , from Now York. At Baltimore Peruvian , from Liverpool. At Now York Breiagno , fiora Havre ; Amsterdam , from Itoltordam ; California , from Hamburg. NEED oiORTIIKR FUNDS nd. Nebraska Appropriation for the World's ' Fair E hityit Insufficient. SOME FIGURES , THE COMMISSIONERS They Stnlo TheirCjno niul Mnkonn Appeal lo tlui I'coiilnmr the HtHte Jul. : mute iff tlin lUponsc * to Tlo fnciirrml. To the 1'coplo of Nebraska ! 11 must bo clear to every Intelligent person who devotes a little Vltno to careful consideration of the subject , or to figuring tuoreon , thai It will bo absolutely Impossible for the state of No- brask.i to make n creditable showing at the World's ' fair with tuo monger runils appro priated. Other Btntos that have from throe to sixteen time * us much money to work with , and sorao of whloh are not so situated as to cvon hopu lo rocolvo anything lllco the substantial bo no Ills from a flno showing of natural resources , will place Nebraska at a decided disadvantage unless moro iluanclal assistance is secured In some manner. It must bo romotuborod that aside from the expense of maintaining a state headquarters bulldluc with au agricultural and uoillcul- tural exhibit therein , there must bo various departments of the exposition proper which Nebraska , situated as she is , having the ono gteat need of furiher development of her rich resouicos , cannot afford to bo without good representation. Among those wo call- attention to the ouucatlomil , the agricultural , the hottlcultural , tuo dairy and tnoinunufac- UtrltiB deparUnonts paiticulaiiy , it would bo a lasting dlspraca to the state not to bo repicscuted In a proper way In the work shown Ir. tnu women's bulluiug. Thouonimission has spout much tlmostuay- Inir how It can possibly cut a largo man's coal out of a small boy's pattern , and has at lust settled down to tbo Inevitable conclusion that the thing cannot bo accomplished. I'lORslus XcM-il of .111110 'Money. Ono of two things is cortnln : Moro money must bo had in some way to enable Nebraska to make such a showing as Nebraska ought to make , or the scope of her exhibit will hava to bo narrowed down to such as can bo nlado in her state Duildlujr , with oven that uot up to the alaudard of excellence desired , or in hooping with the exhibit certain to bo made by our ueighbm Ing state , Iowa , and various other slates having mom funds. The commission considers this the greatest opportunity over offered to advertise the advantages and natural resources of Ihis state , and it does not believe the people of Nebraska will willingly lot this .splendid opportunity puss by without seeking to take advantage ot it , and therefore at a recent muotlng an estimate was made of funds necessary to make and maintain such an exhibit as the commission thinks Nebraska ought to have at the Columbian exposition , and tnls ontinmto is presented to the people of the state for their careful , candid consideration , believing that their action will Loviso , and tnKo into account the future possibilities us well as the present condition of Nebraska. Tno estimate of lunds nocossuiy to got up the exhibit intended for the state hona- quarters building , covering the period ending Marsh 1 , Ib'JJ , is as follows : Uuliaiiig . c. . 114.00000 Architect's feu for nUns . JJO OU Commissioner Keneral'H salary. twc.e months UjjqiJ by law . 2.53000 Commissioner general's expenses . . ) , IOJ 00 Already expanded to date . 4.500 00 Superintendent of coIUtriiutlou . . DOO 00 Decor. itlns bulldlnvltn grain , eeroals , etc . . . . 4,00303 , Transportation of products to ( Jhl- CJ o . , . . , , . 1,503 OJ Commissloiioi1) nfcctings and ex penses one yuarrriU . 3.COO 00 Insurance on bulldil ( $ . 'JtJ OJ UartUKO , labor. otW ( n Dliiclns Pro ducts . , KLt"jVK-v. , . 600 CO Printing , statioui'ty.ljbolvHund posl- IIKO. . . . - . ? $ - , 25 r . . : * . . . . awe 03 Total . ! M00 10 Tbu following is the estimate of funds nec essary for preliminary work in the prepara tion of exhibits for the departments ot the exposition proper , as named , ttie same to cover tbo period ending March 1 , IfaUS. Educational e.\liiblt . $1,500 , 00 Hairy exhibit . 5 0 UJ Ilortloullurul exhibit . 1,600 00 Agricultural exhibit . , l"iji ) 03 Women's Work ( inhibit . 1,0030) ) Aplury . 2.V ) 03 Total . $8'JJU 00 l''umli 'Hint Must He Kxpi'iiclcil. Those two estimates show that fur the pioseoutlon of the work up to March I. I8'.l ' ) , two months prior to the opening of the expo sition , the amount of money required , with the strictest possible economy , v.'ill reach $ 10,950 , leaving a balance on hand of only S'J,050 ' with which to completa the exhibit and maintain It for u period of six mouths , dUmantlo tbe snmo , clear the grounds nud make llnul settlement of a ( Tubs. The only way in which to curtail the ex pense would bo to abandon nil exhibits uaoifld in the estimate for prollmlnnny uork in exhibition proper , for which the sum of $0,330 has been set aside , and wo ao not be- lievoanv citizen of Nebraska who has tUo interest of the btato at heart would advise any such suicidal course. Taking up the woik March 1 next with the preliminary work done , contemplated in the loregoinc estimate , it is estimated that to complete and maintain the exhibits named in the exhibition pioporwlll rotjulro the expenditure - pondituro of tbo sums stated In tbo follow ing table : Indention . 8 a , WO 00 Duliy . L'.WJ 00 lIortluiilturD . ; i'iJJ UJ AKiieilltiuu . 7. . IJ.'Wa 00 Anlary . 7M 00 Uvostoolv . 10,0000 Klsh Industiy . : iojo oj Historical exhibit . J.'OOOO Manufactures . 0,110 ( W floral display on mounds and In buildings . l.OOJ 00 Women's worlc . 4.0JJ 00 Total . $ > .7riJ CO The foregoing includes tno expenses of superintendents to be in charge ot the ox- hioiis In the sopitrato departments , nb olutoly essential If wo liopj to icceivo any substan tial boneills from the uxblbits. As the ex hibits arc In ditteiont bulldincs it will bo scon that attendants must bo with the snmo not onlj to watch ever the exhibits but to talk up Nebraska and give such icfounution as will bo required to properly pi oiont tuo particular Inleicst or Industry. The only way in wnlch to reduce those lip- ures representing cost will bu to abandon that portion of the exhibit , if there ha nay portion of the oxhlplls named , doomed not essential , > , ; CL Itn H ( iouil filiitiiKinl for .V The thrco cstlmn'tcu above prnsontod , if no part boabandoned.'will bring tholotiil amount required therefor up toaOOOJ , or M0.9JO In excess of tbo appropriation maOo. 10 which must no addou the. Allowing estimate of ox- pen scs necessary to complete * and maintain to the close the NobnwKv Headquarters build- iui ; and iidvnrtism dxhlblis thoicln : UommlaioiiHr Konornl'b ' salary. ion months at rate li\ell by law , 4'Jti Lt-t1 ] pur month . . . . 'iv . i 2.0S.I III Commissioner Korifr.u'H oxx | > nso leu * 'JO tiuf ' 00 months at rrifonth.VO Tinnsnortutlon of uHmnets . 1'MJ OJ S.lllliy lltlll OXPUIlMKlrff blX COMIIIllS- blunaraulKlit inoflU t . 12,501)00 I'rlntlnuMiiiU postLjifc . J.ooj 01 Ice , wiucr und Kasj I ? I.UJU OJ I'orler , Janitor ui/ctviYiilcliiiian for HtutubiUHlIn , ' . . ifjft - J.5W09 rimiluire , towolsWirtrr , coolers , ote , S 5W 00 Olurleul hell ) . . . > ? . . . . -,510 0) Incidental" . . . , f , . . . - 5,0 JO 00 Total . . " . . „ . * JJt8iiJ : Thus wo have a grand total of flL'.OBI . , or an amount representing fTJ/Jbll In oxross of the prosentappropiiati.n , and your commis sion believes other items of expense not poi- bililu to loresoo at this time will rail for an additional appropiiation or JT.'i.UOO In all nbovu the ? "HOUO ) alread ; appropnatudwhlcn would bo foO.UOl ) less than the amount al ready appropriated by our sister state , lown. It 'is the candid opinion of your com missioners that oven from a financial stand point tbo money thus expended will DO re turned to Nebraska again moro than three fold from the bcnuUts accruing from tbo advertising the exhibits will five the state to the people of tbo world.Vo believe no bolter Investment could DO inudo than that of presenting such an exhibit a * this ox- pandituro would Insure. Wo want capital todov no our industries and wo want people to mu o our i.oil woalth- producing , aud no bettor means bus over boon or will over bo offered to haiton the development - volopmont of our tate , and wo ask you to cnretulU con.sldor the question and ndvooato oxtendlne nld adequate to glvo Nobmska a creditable standing In the ranks with nor sister states nt this grout exposition , NEDIU&KA COI.LMIIIVN COMMISSION. By H. 1' . Mom.r.Y. M. H. WKIM , A. II ( Ut.p , Coininlttoo. OFI-ICE OF WIIA.THKU Bunmu , 1 OMMIA , April 17. ( The storm U control tonight In south eastern Kansas and oixstcrly to noilhcastcrly winds with moro or loss rain prevail In the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys. Temperature ) is near the froe/lng point in the upper luke regions mid continues do- cldodly high ovorthp country south of No- bruskn. This explains the cnstorly thunder storm this evening in this vicinity At 7 p. m. the thoimomutor registered SI3 at Okla homa , whtla the maximum during the day nt that point was IU = . Cionoralty clouuv , thrcntoning weather provnlu from the lakes to the mountains. For Eastern Nebraska , Omaha and Vlcln- lly Oloudy weather with local rains ; colder , east to northeast winds uuting Monday. WASHINGTON , D. O. , April 17. l-'or the Unkotas F ln slightly cooler , north winds. For Iowa Fair , cxconl nhoviors In the enstcrn part ; slightly cooler In the east by Monday night. For Missouri Showers , cooler ; winds norlhucst. For Kansas tior.orally fair , preceded by light showers In extreme cast ; slightly cooler ; north winds. For Nebraska Fair , cooler ; northeast winds. For Colorado Fair , cooler ; variable winds. . I .VU VA G'K.V/i.VJ' . The pleasures of the theatrical season nro to bo much enhanced by the appearance nt Boyu's now theater of a talented actress who was so long loading lady for Booth and Barrett. Thorn need bo no extended Intro duction as Miss Ualo is nliendy too \\ell known und Hired here to require It. The actress simply appeals to the public as u star , without any flourish of trumpets and without any of the modern wavs of advertising adopted by so many. Her friends claim , however , that she Is generously oqulppod with both brains and beauty , and the prolonged train ing she received while with Booth unit Bar rett , combined with her own ability and as sisted by an excellent company , Including Mr. Creston Clnmo , and a strong repertoire of plays , \ > ill cnnblo her to nchipvo success ) . Miss Ualo comes to Omaha tbis availing for an ongApcmeut of ono week and will bo scon In the following ropottory , nnd in the order named : "Uomco nnd .luliot , " "Ingomar , " "As You Llko It , " "The Lady of Lyons , " "Much Ado About Nothing. " Will Cniloton's poems have always been notanlo for the fact that they \\cro pecu liarly well adapted to public recitation , and in truth no ono nuthor'is prooablv so much quoted In the most nltracttvo elocutionary ontoitnlnmonls of thq day. Schools nnd other associations often jol.i together and have a "Carloton" evening , ovciy recitation being given fiom his books , nnd oven the music of the occasion is often drawn from poems of his that have uenu madu Into songs. Mr. Carleton has never before visited Omaha nnd ho will bo cordially welcomed by n largo audience In Young Men's ' Cnristian Associa tion hall on Friday evening next. The ro- srrvod seat sale will open at Ktnsler's drug stoio , 'J22 Soutb Sixteenth street , on Wednes day morning next at SI o'clock. h JColl. TOIIOVTO , Ont , April 17. Hon. Alexander Mclveii7lo dlod at 12 o'clock this morning. lie was born In I'erthslilre. Scotland , In IbJi , and oaino to Cumuli In IKV. . In business 1m u us a bulkier anil then uubllshor of n nous- pupor. In politics bo w as u liberal. Ho first entered 1'urHamciii In ISijlbun ho Mas elected to the united Parliament of Upper and bower Canada for Lainbln division. At the confederation In 1807 ho was uluctcd to the Dominion Parliament and shortly afterward ho was Clio-en Irador of the party. On the overthrow of the MnuDonuld administra tion In ItiiM ho succeeded to the premiership nnd renuilud In ] ) ouor until IHTb. when tlie liberals wore defeated on u protection Issue Hard wor. ; while In ofllco had undermined his health -ana ho boon rosk-noil the leului- shlp Kor ten .years hu tins boon In poor health and in January became hoJ-rlddcn through a full , wlilch brought on Potently It was tliouaut ho would recover , but ho took a relapse und for many days had boon hover ing between Ufa and death. 1'ERSOS.U. I'.llt. C. F. Kendall of Topeka Is at the Millard. E. K. Clapp of DCS Molnos is nt the Pax- ton. ton.E. E. C. Malsby of Hichmond is at the Mur ray. ray.B. B. L. Poldwin of Kearney is at the Mil lard. lard.K. K. Hideo of Blue Hill , Nob. , is at the Mil lard. lard.H. H. S. McClelland of Lincoln Is at the Ar- cado. Emil Heller of West Point. Nob. , is at the Arcade. John A. Hooney of Nebraska City is nt the Ocllono. George Cross of Fan-bury is stopping at the Arcado. William Jackson of Salt Lake City is at the Dollono. iW. . Phillips of Des Moines is registered at the Arcado. N , A. Lyon of Deadwood was at the Paxton - ton yesterday. W. W. Boomer of Dos Moines Is registered at the Dollono. .lohn 11. Uarron of Lusk , Wyo. , is stop ping at the Ooltone. Mrs. and Miss Gale of Mow York aio dom iciled ut the Paxton. S. O. Hall of Lexington , Neb. , is rcgis- tcrcd at the Millard. .1. P. Bergman nnd wife of Poorla aio quartered at tbo Paxton. Mrs. W. S. Spencer of Chadron , Neb , , is registered M tbo Murray. II. C. Tomson and vvifo of Lincoln nio sequestered nt the Dallono. L C. Lloyd nnd A. L CnrUty of ( Joihon- burp , Neb , are registered at the Millurd. Miss Hoover und Miss M. Thornton of Blue Hill aio nmonp the lady guests at the Millard. J. U. Grant of Denver is stopping nt the Mlllnrd. Ho roprc-sents the Omaha it Grant Smelling works. Kov. Hobort Doherty , D.U. , spent Sunday In Falls City and hold services in St. Thomas' ' church of that city. George W. Mercer , son of Dr. S. U. Mer cer of thte oltv. is oxpoctoi 10 urnvo loinoi- row from San Francisco , uhuro ho landed Thursday in the steamship Now York. Ida Thomas , Minnie Evans nnd Tim Moilowltt cot Into a rough and tumble light down in the Third ward yoslciday , ana wuro jailed. An aged crazy man who has been conIInod at the county hospital for sumo time os- cupud yesterday afternoon and is mill at largo. The patient was known at the bos- pUnl as ' 'Pumpkin 1'les" and is harmlesi. Twelvo.year old Clmrlcs Glenn , who has boon hying with his parents at ! > U South Fourteenth street , was turned a tor to the police by his father yesterday for bolntr In corrigible , Mr , Glutm aald I tint it was im possible to make thu boy mind , nnd thought a day or so In jail might do him good. A well known Omaha lnd > boarded a cable car on North Tivonlloth street yesterday afternoon anil tendered the conduo or IIvo pennies in payment for hir fare. 1 no lordly loiuesentuUvu of the Krosing ) corporation allowed the lllth ) boms to rest for Just u mo mcnt in the palm of his dulnt\ hand nnd then with a look of disgust throw the money out into the street nnu wjlkod nwny. A few ( tujs ugo a Chinaman named Wong , from Blair , came to town and run up against a fan tan game ut Twelfth and Hurnoy. Wong dropped &M ) and had the Ucepori ui res ted , Satutduy the gamblers got bacKnt the Keeloj villa washhouse man and filed u complaint , charging him with perjury , The police located Wong at Bt alien Bow , and today Captain Mostyn will go after him. Little 0-ioarold Miles was taken to tha Uastcr services at Trinity church yesterday. Ho behaved ilut tate for awh'.lo but when the choir boys , headed by Dean Gardner aim droiAOd m tholrlont' wluto robes , marched sloivly across tha pulpit , curiosity got tlio upper hand aud ho wUUpoicd loud enough to bo heard nearly all ever the church , "Mamma , what are ttioso Clilnamon doing up therot" An overall putter named Mend went Into the "Chicago" on Douslas street Snturaay night , to look for n friend , and was stocrcd into a room whcro n poker gnmo was in pro- gross. Ho looked on for n moment , bit nt the game ) , nnd quit f4 ! loser. Yesterday Mead complained to the pollco nnd caused the atrest of H Dourlas and M. A. bhormaii for gambling. Mead was aUo hold ns the complaining wllnoss. .MsiiA or r/irn tr. lituritlc. The New York churches cclobrnlod Knstor In n optcndld inannur In in quarrpll A. H. lln of , Cole , ihntnnil klllml W. A. UnUingi Drsplto the ofTorts of tlm jiollco the Now \ork Hiiluon mon kept their shops upon yuslor- John 11. McO.irlliy was arrrstod nt Sl-itlns- tnn , 1'n. , for inurderlii' , ' Junie * Ittmlon lit . Mr . Jiiinos Itohortson of 1'ottliind , Mo , out thu throntnf hcrll-wooUs-old biby and then tili < U to kill herself. 'Iho trouliln with the convicts near Clilcitn- in.iiiKii. In Tcnnossco. luis bcou quelled. 1'liu Je.'ulors of the upiisin wore punishod. I'lrnbuus In nan Antonio , Tex. , am making numerous clforls to dostrov Unit town. 'I hu people nre Rrcsitly excited In connciincnce. Ooorjio Hllllntf , alias l.ouls Ynnltoutun , and I.iiinm llolton. hlssisti-r. who llvn at Auburn C'untor , l'-i. , havobccn armsted lurcommlUlui : pension frauds , lly lht < collnpso of the ro-Oporatho Pnr- chiislnj ; company of Newark. .N. ,1. . ninny v coiilo wcio Hwlndleil out of sums lancing fiom $ . ' . ' > to JIO\ henator ( iorman , it Is said , will rosl n ni a inuinbot of Ihu domooratlo ntilLinal voinintl- tuofroni Mniyliind and will not attend the UhtPiiRo convention. The lloston sloru , whoks'ihand rot-ill dry coeds , of SpihiKllold , Mo , bus beun closed by thu sliiM Mr under n innrts i o foi $ ,000 ! assets - sots of tno Hi ni , about $7owi The Livingston county. Now York , repub lican county convention Sntiiitliiv elooti'd dok'Calcsto the si ito i'imvcitloti fnvoriblo to the nomination os , Tames 0. Ill-iIno I'nl.noHii persons in ido tin attempt louieeU thoNowYoru o\ press on the I-iek iwann i road by plnunm u heavy boulduron the track a short dlstuncu south of Uswogo , Y. Mrs OlmrnloUo Smith , prcsldont of the WoinaiH Imlnstrlul l.oasno of Ann-ilca , In an address bcforo tboV.icrly h-i'l , OhloaKo , so cialists nttaekod the World's fair inaninp- mont In general nnd Mrs I'ottor 1'altnur'a board of Itidy inana crs In particular. Annlu Iluckpliisoii0-yoar4-o'l : ( , a Uertnan girl but two ye irs In this country was found dead In a Now v'ork Oltv cigar store in which she was emplojod as saleswoman. Thu body luyed on the Moor and by Its sldo was u dead newly born Infant. It was silso disclosed that she had another child still unborn. 1'orpjRn , 1'nrls socialists hn\o decided not to pnrido on May day. The MulbonrnooniolalH appointed to oxiun- ino Into lecinliiL''s ) mental condition biy : hu Is bhammluc insanity. It Is rumored In Herlin that the second t.aughtor of tlio duk i of ndnnboiit Is bu- trotbcd to the grind du o of Uosso. Parisians on the jniy list llltoly to bo impan eled to the Kavnhol c iso nro panle-stilcKen n lid are sooliliu piutoxts to avoid son In. ; . Tlio dllTeiciuu bctwuon tlio khcdlv c of Kiry pt und Monl.hiar r.isn.u the Turkish rcmcsonla- tivc , lias heon arranued MouMitur I'as'a.i lem ilu at Cairo i ' h oi'L i : o r i'ii < ni t.K. . Modjoslcn knows half a dozen nnd is said to bo contompla'ing acquiring un- other. Boulangor's collection of nrt troisuros and household decorations , recently sold in Brus sels , contaiued sixteen poitiuiu. of himself. Harriet Hosmer , the sculptor , loads a very retired llfo in Kome , and is not easily np- proachablo to Visitors , bntsomotitnos she lota down the bars of her reserve to an American compatriot. Miss Fiances JJ. Wlllard has allowed some of her versos addressed to Lady Henry Som erset to become public. Tuls is u stanza : "Lndy Henry Somoisot , Whether wo are 'dry' or 'wet. ' We have learned thy niinio to love All but Gladstone's name above. " JubgoThuiman of Ohio , ubon ho was in tno United btatcs senate , wns one of tbo warmest personal fnouds of Picsidonl Lin coln in Wasdington. While they never agreed in politics , which they seldom discussed - cussed when togother. their habits und tastes were primitive and nliko in many rospccts , sajs the Philadeluhin Press , and they often congratulated each other in their absolute freedom trom social and political scandals that were too frequent follow cis in a life at the capital. Thurman was n lever of the old-fashioned soft gingerbread , and Presi dent Lincoln know it , nnd Mrs. Lincoln was tbo mistress of the art of bailing this plain , tootbsomo cake. Thurman wns an invotcr- ate chewer of tobacco , and iroquoiitly put bis "cud" on the window-sill until ho had finished the White House dainties. Before parting Thurman'B hammered silver snuffbox - box was opened and pmad to his distin guished host , and with a uice/.e or two that \\nsstartllnconougk to raise the dead , nnd with a mop with the historical red bandana , these great big , honest , brainy men nailed ns informally as two countij , fchool bojs. At a public ball given near Iloncsdnlc , Pa , whore the ontlio neighborhood paU'.cIpitcd , no less than forty-live babies could bo soon sleeping together , huddled in tnu corner of the room , placed there by their mothers bent ot. the pleasuios of the ni hl. II All flic latest styles in Soft and Stiff Hats. STETSON'S SOFT and STIl'F IIA TS. ADLABADGJfFDR CO , , HATTERS AND FURRiERS 218 South 15th Street luirs Stored and Repaired. to the secret Iiow lo ( ell the Debt lock made tlie\\orUMamous"YAU : . " Oilier locks retciiille ) Hie "YAH. " ( as the college student's head like his Presi de ! I'bi , on the outside , but perfect bui rily lieb only In-hind the \\vrd " VA1.13 , " wliltli ib bUimped on every uenulne key. Sold wherever lotltb sell. I'lUIMl. WKar\SMCKVK AND 1IUAIN VltU I P. JlKNl'.n iio.llorir Uruarm DUiir.on , i'lti , NJJ- rnlula , lluiJiou , .NJrviiui ( ruitritluu camel IJJT u | . ( Uiuil url'itikcuuVukjfMlMJii. . JleiiDI Dj runlii Sofluiihu of HU Hrat.i oinlnt liunurulur / Ui-cir.il9\ 1'rj nit MM Ol In IlirrJ i UK , l.ju ud'otrurln olvliuriuv liuputancr. l.o irorr i j ) > HI I nllKoinnluVuUno4ii. . InfolurU irr I/IIDI Slur- miuorrhueaci lu I by uror oturllon uf lha briln - In'lul.'unuJ A uiun'li'i BeU-ubus-j ever ' tin tuint 11,0for fJ , by mill A'u Ounrantuj > lt h'toi ti euro Biioiorljf for bjtii , virii'ijj rjlL Jiul .rrlt Itn RUarinloa to r.'funl K not , curjl ( itiirintii lisiiuJ only by A. Bduotur ) lrui ; 'NI , iioloogcnU b ! ; tor | iiili unit h.irnain ti Oaniiu hull Dr , Bailr ] / , " The Bentisfc ThlrJ FlosPaxt n Tclcpliouo 1US1. Kith ami I'.u-ii.tiu SU. A lull K-lol letslli on rubber for Jj IVrfoitflt 'Ivvtli nllliuut I'Utuj ur roiiiQuilJlii tirlilifj wurk Just Iliu Ililiiu lor lngiri qr public p kir < , novur ( lrui > iluwn TfctlH tXTHACTEO WITHOUT PAIN. All Ilimix t r.'BioimU'o ' ratuj.all ur < cut tlili uut fur u xuUtt The Good Derived from 9 SarsapariMa All Run Down With The peculiar combination of stomach tonics and alterative icincdies in Hood's Sarsaparilla cannot be equalled , nnd this superiority explains the wonderful success of This Croat Modlcino in cnses of Djspepsia , Indigestion and similar troubles. Mr. T. A. Wheclock , n ucll known citi/en of Hurlington , Vtritcs : "Hlx months IIRO i was hadly inn down ami tillable to attend to business , The pilnrlpal tionhlo seemed to IIP due to Indigestion aud aroi.uated dspi-psla. 1 had no nppellte , Nothing Tastotl Good and what T did cat dlsliesscd me Added to this was a nenons dlslmbnnco. I'hjslolans tint 1 employed failed lo reu'h my case t grew woise , Io i ilrkh and almost hope Ono tl.iy I lan ncioss a foi Hood's hnisapaillla st.itlng what It had done In what seemed to ho n ease Hlmlt.n to mine. 1 got a boltlo and In tlneo 01 fotu d.ijs saw that I felt better. Ilefoiu 1 lud Mulshed the lit st bottle , was gieatlj Impiou'd. Itestcd better , felt beltei , and Knew 1 was Bottef All Over I continued w Ith the medicine , and ha\c taken two bottles and now feel hettei than at any time foi the ptst n\o rcclnsheaity nswhenaboj. Have regained mj llesh , good .ippetlte , can sleep w ell , and nijr in r i n nio In excellent condition. 1 would not \iluo a thousand dollins for what It did for me. " T. A. Win LI one , Itm llngton , Vt. Fully Indorsed "Wo Imo sold Jli. T. A. Wheelock bottles of Hood's Kaisapailll.x and li.i\o lieaid him tell In high terms of com mendation what It Ins done foi him. 1 Uiow that ho 1ms leconnnended Hood's Sarsapartlla to nnny otheis heie. Our cuttomcis gener- all ) speak well of It" r. J , . TAII .V Co. , rii.uni.iclsl.q , litullnglon , \ t. Hood's wm LVer | ° AU HlQ ly on the UVl.ll , KID- NK\S ami UOWliUS , dla- polling Headaches , Tov- rrs uud Colds , thorough ly cleansing the system of disease , and cures h \bltual constipation They ara sugar coated , dnnotprlpcury small , easy to take , anil pnrclr TCfrctablc. 45 pills In each Ual Perfect digestion follows their uso. They nbsolalolr euro slrk bend- nchp , and are recommend ed ! ) ] loading phjplrlnns. For fain by loading rscntuymail ; SBcts. mini. Address KOB3rS UEDICIHE Cft , Props , San Francisco cr Chicajj. I'OU SALE INr OMAHA , NEB , 13V Eum ! & l u , Co r 15th & Donelaa fctn. J .A I ullcr & , Co , C < ir. 14th .t DouRlas Ste. A D t otcr & Uo. Cuuucll Ulufls. la 11 14 YEARS Eottlci of DR. MILES NERVINE , " Sara A. F. Stark Pciin Van , N Y , " 10 yia.ofSlck Headache rural by TWO Jlottlce , " Kmolino I'llnt , Ottana , Ohio Norvluo la tlio quick remedy for Hlei-lcB3ne99 | , NrrtoUR Proetratlon , JJillopny | , St. Vltua' Jarao , Opium llaliit. Nervous Drnpnpsln , Hjtiterla , ConvulflionB. Nouralglu , l' ralyol , otc. Tliouoinus tasllfy. Trial Iloitlo , olummt llook Free at drngfilets. lllloj JloJicaICo Klkliurt.lud. Tor Halo by Kiilm A. Co , 15th anil DotiKlas Sis WE beg to call the at' tention of the public to the following : he Boston Store Is the only authorized agent for the following brands of P. & P. Kid Gloves : CfIA UMONT. UMONT.BERTH BERTH OLD , FOA > TAJNE Any kid gloves sold tinder these brands by any other dealers are not genuine , and we warn the public of this fact , and call their attention to the stamp which is inside of the glove. PLNGS & PINNUK. A.MUSKM Boyd's New Theatre A \tt Onniuil , , ( iiiiinii'iicliii ; lliinil.i } , April IS , .M.itlnrn satin cl.ij. hnimnrluil by Mil ( JKIxroK ( I.AUKC Alul iiiKU-inllciit ( iDiinuny Inclii Hni ; Ihu iirlnolpnl niuiiiUuii ui Ilia lulu IIDOl'll niul II.VIIUKTI' Muiiilayctcnlniriiii.1 . > ! I I ] I M7T | f ) J l\ J U 1,1 ! I HaliirJay iiMllnru \U-dno , I ly mi. . ) AC - ' YOU 1 \ KIT \ Hitunlay moiling Jliurwlayovoi Iw Till. I.VDV Ot MONK l-i hlii > uvunliiK Ml U U ) > AHUUr NOl'lll.Nd 1'rltia'V iJc 741 .until Halo ujiuiu hnturilny FARHAMSF , THEATER , ' .V HUuiu 1.111:411 : 'iiii'iit lor oiio Milhl in-ok cu > Aniint.liii { 'luiiilii ) Mntliau , April I/ OilAS A. UOlJliH , In Iliu ( licit Comedy , OH ! WHATAHIC4HT U -I'rcttr ( .UN .lint I uiiiiy Men II 'llio ) OOJ KiulUliunilers TIII Hl TKl-irt liinil InTliflrAlartnlnutAil 'lioll\Nt'INlj Kclan Miibida Oo. , W t J iN U 1 KUAN U - AKU - Grand Opera House. Cornur iJlli anil ( 'ajiltnl Axoiitiu , TIUB WI-.UIC ONUV. lil Lv U A M W I N Q . 8 ( mil I Inclii's in lielirlit ' 1' ( nil 1:11 1 from MUxoiirl UIHMI truly ritiiu I t < > l1 ] ii m. on C'lio ' blinu. l/liaira 10O