Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1892, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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Republican District Convention at Hastings
Was a Love Feast ,
J'rcililrnt l.irrl < nn'n Nnmn Orctlccl with
the AVIIilint Aipniip | ! I'niH County
Mcmbrm nt tlip Tnrly 1'rrpnrliiR lor
It-itllc Sluto Political > ew .
Mch. , April lV-SpeclRl ( [ Tclo-
eram to Tin : BKK. ] The Adams county re
publican convention was hold in Uaatlnps
this nflcrnoon to elect delcpatcs to too con
gressional conventions and to thostnto con
vention to bo held nt Kearnoy. Nearly nil
of the prjclncts were ropicscntcd and the
convention was very harmonious ,
II. K Norton of Konnsavv was mnao
chairman nnd l ( . H. I'nitrldijo of Hastings
nnd J. U. Hlcklo of the Junlata Herald sec
retaries of tha convention. Eleven delo-
Kaica to the stiito convention were chosen ,
coven from thu country precincts and four
from the city , n follows : Hastings , Jiimos
N. Clarke , .1. F. Hoilor , William ICual and .1.
W. Harrisi outsldo precincts , S. M. FrlnU ,
II. K. Uosc , 11. C. Mlunlx , .Inason Harwell ,
O. W. Waldsclc . K. Wllloby and U H.
Cannon. Iho UelcRalos to the district con
vention at llolJrcgonro II. H. Borloy. D. M.
McUlhlnnoy , II. 11. Illcks , Jacob Thomas ,
A. L. Clarke , Will Clnio , H. V. Shockey.
Dr. Putt , I' . A. St. John , B. ,1. Ilowon , H. S.
Kstos , A. OouloV. . Cllugcrman , J. L. Kent ,
II li Norton and M. Hurclorou : ] . To the
congrosbionul convention nt Mc'Joolt ' : U M.
IvIclClbinncy , Jacob Wooilor , J. If. Flaming ,
James McWnao , C. H. Dietrich , W. P. Me
Crcary , K. C. Wohitor , T. O. Hunt , A. V.
Cole , P. W. Warner , H. F. Klnspihr , Guorio
Moore , II. N. Spencer. A. U. Holdcrmun , E.
II. PurtrlUfio and U N. Crane.
Thu following resolution was adopted uuan
imoualy :
Itcsulvcd , Thntltlstho scn o of this con-
MMilion tlml thu ilclcKiitos sali'ctoil to lliu convention to lo held lit Mc-
C'ooK on tlm If.tli liny of ,1mm slmll u&o nil fair
mid hunor.ililn mu.itis to suutiro thu iioitiliii- :
tlon nf I'rof. W. II. Andruw tm the ronnnllcim
cuiiilUluto for conxrushiiiiin from this dlhtilct.
Piof. Andrews was loudly called for , and
stepping to the platform ho than He J thu con
vention lor the conllucnco ronoscd In him ,
nnd , continuing , nmJu u ringing republican
At the mention of Harrison's naino the
convention burst forth into applause. John
] ' . McPhacly of Mlndcn u'idrcssod the con
vention in response to vigorous calls. As It
was generally understood that ho was a can
didate for tha nomination of congressman
himself , his speech was listened to with much
Intvicst. Mr. Mcl'hccly In closing urged the
convention to work for the best interests of
the parly , whoever mipht bo the candidate.
In tno evening lion. I.V. . Landing , presi
dent of the Nebraska Luaguo of Kcpubllcnn
clubs , addressed a laigo audience. A resolu
tion endorsing the Harrison administration
was unseed unanimously.
Nitnco County.
FUI.I.CHTOV , Nob. , April IB. [ Special Tele-
pram to Tin : UKI : . I The republicans of
Nanco county held their convention today
nnd selected delegates to the varlouE conven
tions. Old time icpublicantsm and enthusi
asm prevailed. Kvory township was fully
reprcsontod. Kcsoluttons were passed on-
dpnlng Ilarrliou's administration nnd
Melklojohn for congress.
Cherry Count- .
Vxi.ENTlsr , Neb. , April 10. [ Special Tolo-
gnim to Tin : BKU.J The republicans of
l'borry county met in delegate convention
todav nnd selected the following delegates to
the stnto convention : C. H. Cornell , J. H.
Leo , K. N. Watson , C. II. Durlcign ntul C.
H. Watson ; alternates , E. M. Love , Ficd
Hruylon. Ncls Polcn , Ha Clark and J. J.
Jones. The same delegates were also elcctoU
to attend tbo congressional convention. H.
N. Watson was unanimously elected chair-
nmu of tuo county central committee. The
following resolutions wore adoptoJ :
ItcsoUod. That wo heartily endorse the able
patriotic , clean and vlsorons iidmlnlslitillon
of I'resldont Harrison nnd uu request our
Uulu utua to the Htuto and district cuinun-
llons lo usu all honorible me ins to semiru the
ulcullon of delegates to ihu national conven
tion nno ulll favur Iho renoiiilnallonuf 1'rcs.-
dent llariliton.
Kcsolvod , That the delegates to the st.ito
conxentlon he and aie hereby iimlrnotud to
utoull honor.ib.o means lo bteiuo tliuolvuLlnii
uf Hon. li. 1' . Kli'hards as one of thu uelciratei-
ut-lurje ; to tlio Miniicauollb convent Ion.
The convention was entbusiasiiu and har
monious throughout and after adjournment
the- republican club of this plucosecured the
exclusive use of E , O. Davenport's hall for
the campaign and the republicans propose to
keep Cherry county in the republican
I'oiicii County.
Pinner , Neb. , April 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HBI : . ] The republican conven
tion of I'icico county met hero todav. The
following delegates \vcro elected to the stuto
convention : George II. Hill , Dr. J. M.
Alden nnd F. L. Itraudc. District conven
tion : O. J. Frost , J. n. Shurot auJ C.
Worker. Congressional convention : O. J.
I'rost , W.V. . ( Julvoy and J. I * . Stevens.
'Ihey are- favorable to John U. Ilnjs. The
administration of President Ilariibon was
warmly endorsed , also tha protective and re
ciprocity policy of lilainc and McKiulcy.
Cuss County.
WncriMi WATKI : , Neb. , April 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Ur.r.Tho } icputillcan
countv convention held hero today was the
most enthusiastic ever held In tuo county.
Speeches were mido by O. Tcft of Avoca ,
Sum Chr.pman and J. A. Davlus of 1'latta-
mouth. D. ( > . Courtney of Lincoln and Dr.
liutlor of this city. A special train from
Plattsmoutb vlu Union brought In all delegates
gates on thai route. The convention was
harmonious to a man , and at the mention nf
Harrison's name rent the ulr with wild up-
plaiiRO. Tha following delegates wcro
elected to the district convention nt Fulls
Citv : W. II. Newell , U. F. Houseworth , W.
I , . Wells , J , E. Hall , J. M. Edger , C. A.
Mankcs , InsaoVilo , A. Root , John Clowcnts ,
A. tSravcs , J. II. Davis. J'ut Kecd , P. S.
Ilarncs , W. J. Strclgbt. F. H. Steiukor , J. Q.
Adams and P , Evclnnd. State convention :
1) . K. Ilarr , A. S. Coolcy , C. Eikei.bary , C.
Murlln , A. M. Woodford , O. Toft , M. M.
Duller , E. S. CJrousol , Joseph MoMoy. II. O.
lieordsloy , T. II. Hurnum , U C. Pollard , J.
C. Stephenson , M. N. Drake.
Nflinnlm County.
Avnuns , Nob. , April 10. [ Special Tele-
train lo Tun HEE , ] The republicans of No-
insha county mot In convention today with u
very full attendance nnd the following delegates -
gates to the .stato convention were selected ;
Colonel Thomas J. Mnjors , John S , Stull ,
licoigo W. Cornell , Ed A. Bonnie , lion Hul-
ley , John Noil. John PohlumJ ( , W. l < air-
brother , John Strain. The following resolu
tion ) * were passed unanimously ;
1'lrst Wo endorse the action of republicans
In connruss lo maudlin ; llrmly by lamest
money und thuuronomlo prlnelplusuf tlie Me-
Klnlry tariff mensuie.
fci'oond Wo uiniihatlcnlly the txd >
Ministration of I'rrHldent HariUon as loviil ,
true ttnd jiut to thu political and llnancluf In-
toicbtaot the entire country.
Third \Vo aiu proud to declare that the ro-
luibllcitn party nus furnUhfd the Issuvi over
which thu urctildentlul cuinpalgns have been
fcuccestfully foucht from 1NVJ duwn to thu
iiroimt tlmu and will furnish tnu Issue load-
IIIB to lib success In IS'J. ' .
Fourlb Upon tliu o l < § nea wo liiblruct the
doi ! < Kutca toplaiMrtltuernmUtateor Nuhrnukti
In line forlhu runoiuliiiitlon of 1'resUlent liur-
rUun as his own successor ,
The following roaolulton wa then passed
without a dlsjontiue volco ;
Whcrois. The name of lion. T. J. Majors of
IhU county has bunn frciim-ntly ami fuvor-
utily spoken of In dliroreni parts of Iho btato
uy the iiDopIo and tlio -
pn-ns as a potilhlu can
didate forth" hUh position of cocrnor ,
Itesoived. That \\o as rouiibllcuns of No-
iimlitt county In convention Rtsemblea , would
hull with Joy his nomination a tlio rupuu-
llcunvandldato for governor , and wo plediru
him our iimport , knawlnit him as wo do to bo
n inmi of Intecrlty worthy of our contldDiicu
and csteuin nnd fully competent to III ) this
tiailtlonof triint with honor to hlintulf and
cru.ilt to the Btate.
Whereas , The name of lion. Church Howe
pi lull county has been fav/rubly ineiitlonod
indllTcrunt tmruot thlsdlbtrlct by Loth thu
people and the prots us a candlditio for con-
8ruk from thU UUtrlct , thurvforo ,
Kesolrt'd , Thnt wu us rtpublleuni ot No-
inuhii county , onld bu Krutidtd wltn hit
nomination , und wo plcdec him our hearty
upport. as wu know bliu to ho a man of Integ
rity , well fitted for the roiltlou , and with the
klilllty toflll tboplaco wlthorodlt to hlmiclf
and h s Rtate.
The following doleeatst were chosnn to tbo
district convention nt Falls City : Church
Howe , James T.iy , Chariot J. Gilbert. C. P.
IJarkor , F. P. ( Jlnscow , Ed Berlin , K.
Coryell , W. P. Krccromi , J. W. Hacker , C.
C. Ullllland nnd Frank Wo3dward.AD i
Jliiillaon County.
Noitroi.K , Nob. , April 10. [ Special Telo-
pratn to Tin : lien. I Tlio Mndl on county
republican convontlon irot today for the purpose -
pose of electing dclrpatos to the various
convention' . I ) . V. Ellsworth was elected
ctiftlrmnn nnd II. II. Maxxvoll secretary. The
following were elected delegates to thoThlra
conptcsslonnl district convention nt Norfolk.
April' * ! , to select delegates to the national
convention : J. L. Orant , E. II. Jenkins , W.
II. Wldnmnn , Andrew Minklcr. Herman
Hografo and Kama Miller ; altcrnitcs , W. E.
Kred , Clint Smith. J. M. UlckeyV. . II.
Hopkins , T. II. Willis. W. N. Huso. State
convention. Engono Moore , George U lies ,
D. V. Ellsworth. Fred Hlchardson , Uobcrt
Maxwell. John H. Havs ; alternates , Hurt
Manes , \V. II. Huchols. K. H Kvnr. S. O.
"lunipbell. J. L. A very , F. L. Campbell. Con-
resslonnl convention i C. A Randall , James
larK , N. A. Halnbolt , M. L. Stowart. C. E.
ihmihnm , ,1. H. Harne ; idternutos , Thomas
OJtorgnrd , KoDert Maxwell , P. T. Hlrchnrd ,
. J. Arnett , G. U. House , David U'lHlla ,
ho followlntr resolutions were adopted :
I'lrst. resolved , that wo fully ami cheerfully
encwour alluislnuco to the jirlnciplcs of Iho
cpuhllc'in iiartj mid commend the M-ito-i-
nniflll.0 anil p iti intlc admlnUlr.illon of 1're-i-
di-nt Iliirrisiin. anil that tlio delegates sc-
ectefl bv this convention are Inslrnctuil to
iiipportdclc itus to the .Minneapolis com en-
Ion \ > ho fu\irbH ruiuiniliiutlon.
bucond , tint , we , thu republicans nt Madison
.oiinty. .Nt'lnnsk'i. In convention aiseinhlod ,
nosi eui-illiilly viidnr * . ! ) und snnport the can-
Ililacy of lion John It. llsiys , and Instruct the
lekv'iito" ; from this county In nsu nil honor-
iihlu mo.ins to secure his immlnatlon as tlio
cpiihllcan candldntu from this district.
The mooting was harmonious mid very en-
huslnstlc. The republicans feel conlidont of
.ucccis. . Stirring speeches woto made by
ohn H. Hays , J. U. 1 lames and C A. Uundnll.
Anli'lopu County.
Nni.inu. Neb. , April 1(5 ( [ Special Tele-
prnmtoTiiR Hr.i.J : The republican county
'onvcntion ' met today. Marius Brown of
-Innoln township for "chairman nnd William
I. Carmnry secretary. After the uaual
committees wcrj appointed and reported the
coi.vcntton elected delegates as follows :
xongrcsslonnl district convention nt Nor-
'oik , C. F. Hayhn. Judson Graves , H. II.
Jay , W. W. Wilkinson and A. F. Hiiro ;
itato convention , M. A. Decamp , C. D.
lionn , Jesse Campbell. Samuel blmmers , J.
"I. Alexander , W. T. Wattles ; congressional
convention , .1. F. Uoyd , G. II. McGce. N. D.
Jtirkson , J. II. Gurnoj , G. W. Sweet and J.
H. Nichols. The following resolutions were
adopted :
HcsoU ed. That wo fully endorse the action
( it the republican party in the adoption of n
leelarlng trusts Illegal and unconstitutional
mil providing for their suppression.
Itc oUcd. 'Hint o favor the election of
Ion. I. . I ) . Itldiardsiisdclugatc-at-larKO from
ho stiilo and lion l.oran ( "lurk us n delegate
rom this cons'essloniil ' district to the rcuub- national convetitlon.
A resolution was also adopted that each
member of the county committee In each
ownshlp call a meeting in his town und
organize n republican leagu" . A new central
committee was elected , with Judson Graves
of the Advocate us chairman. Much en-
husiasm was manifested and all were sure
of victory in this county this full.
Howard County.
HT. PAtir , Neb. . April 10. [ Specl'i1 Telegram
to Tin : lint. . ] tlowiiro county held lior con-
\rnllonhotutoiy ! : an'l named delegates to
the uoiiKic-sion.ll convention at Keuincy and
he slalo conxuntlon. Thu county prcclncls
VM'iu well ioprc ! > unlcd and an entluislastlu
null harmonious moetliu was hold. A new
county central coii'tnltU'C , composed of uood
men , WHS named. Thu following are dele
Hales : Staio eomcnilo.n M. A. Kngatr. K. I )
ailulclt. Id ) 1' . Chlnn and I'lieriuaiiscm : con-
'ssliiiiul. It. llurvcy , W. K. Uiayer , Ed T
cook and V. . U. rtartlclt.
Cnstcr County.
BIIOKEV Bow , No ) , A'jril 10. [ Spocla
Telegram to THE BEI : . | The republican
ctunty convcntlcn to elect delegates to the
state mm congressional conventions was held
today. Evety township was represented
nnd the utmost harmony prevailed. Twelve
delegates lo the state and congressional conventions
vontions uoro selected. C. E. Wlkmson , thu
ctllclont and enthusiastic chairman of the
county central committee tbo last two years ,
was again unammotisly elected. Hon. Jud-
60n E. Porter of Mason was elected chair
nan of tha convention and W. S. Redman of
Murtm secretary. The following resolutions
were unanimously adopted :
Hesolved , lly the republicans of Ouster
county , lli-it o endorse the administration of
thu republics ! ) purly past and present ;
we abide In the policy ot the republ.can party
Hi sot forth In Its n at form from Lincoln to
lluiijamlii HnrrKon. wi > especially com-
iiit'iul the itronjr , vigorous and manly policy
of the ropnhlliMii purty under thu adminis
tration of 1'iufildcnt Harrison and Its protec
tion t'Uuii lo Ainorlcuii industries and Amer
ican lahoi , the policy that lias mudo every
dollar us good us ovcrv dollai , has au-
MiiRcd the credit of the nation until It leads
the nations of the earth and has pioteeted
the honor and lntorlty of our country
llnoiighont the world.
Itrsolvrd , That \\o condemn the wavering
anil unsettled policy of the present demo-
cr.illc conu'ress tint lacku ihu courage to ud-
viini-u or leuoilu.uid tnttu fi.lled to p iss 01 In
troduce iisln lt' measure In behalf ot the wel-
fnio of iho jieople. That we coii'ieinn the
plai-o linntois nnd loaders of the Independent
ji.uty who for Ihu.Miku of personal advance
ment , .seel , lu nils oad the people by false Ideas
aa to the of good and lionist gov.
crnment. That wo appeal to the citizens of
C'lislcr county lo stand by the prlnclp'cs of
true. peminent as declared by thu declara
tion of Independence , as voiced by the consti
tution or our common count i.v and as fostered
und maintained by the republican parly.
Johnson County.
Trct'Msrn , Neb. , April 10. ( Spsclal Tele
gram to Tin : Uin.j : The comity republican
convention met nt tbo court bouso hero
this afternoon. Dr. Stewart of Vesta pre
sided. The following delegates were elected
to represent Johnson county at the district
convention at Falls City : J. J. Dillon ,
Thomas McClure , C. E. Sampson , Peter
lirown , A. H. Allen , J. L. McHrien , Peter
Fithlan , O. A. Cordln , J. Warland nnd A.
Spence ; state convention. C. C. Hood , H. P.
Marble , J. S. Dew , L. T. Black , J. F. Uob-
eru , J. fti. Boulond nnd Frame Shorten.
The delegation to Falls Citv was inttructed
to support Dr. Stewart of Vesta for one of
the dslogatos from the Hrst 'district to the
national republican convention at Minneapo
lis. Sluwart U an cnthuslasoio Harrison
man. A resolution was unanimously carried
congratulating the republicans of Ohio upon
the election of Governor McICinlcy ana en
dorsing the policy of the present administra
W'lislilncton County.
Bi.iut , Nob. , April 10.-Special [ Teltgrara
to Tim BKC.J The Washington county ro-
puoilcans held their county conver.tlon hero
today , Judge A. Perkins was selected as
chairman and E. Parr secretary. It was tba
in OR t harmonious republican convention over
hold. Everyoody seemed pleased at the
prospects of a republican victory this fall ,
Tbo following were selected as delegates to
attend the data convention : L. W. Os-
borne , H. Sprlck , H. H. lieod , George
Jewott , A. PerKlns , Perry Scldcn nnd
W. O. Hatch , Congtosslonal convention :
John Cameron , E. Caster , William Frost ,
John W. Boess , H. B. Taylor. E. L. Whit-
comb and E. J , Farr. Tbo delegates are sent
unlnstructcd , Washington county will coma
into line ana roll up a big republican major
ity this fall. Several old republicans that
wont over to the independents two years
ago are now out working for tbo advance-
meal of the republican party.
IliirTulo County.
Nctuxer , Nob. , April 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tins BEE. ] Tbo Buffalo county re
publican convention mot here todao to elect
ton delegates lot bo sixth convetloual con
vention and ton delcgatei so the state delegates -
gates convention which meet in this city , tbo
former on April -0 and tbo Utter on April
-7. Thu convention was a full representation
of the republicans of this county. Tbo un
precedented action was a gratifying surprise
to the republicans of iho count ; because the
convention coatlrmod unanimously the list
of delegates to each convention , that were
named by J. L. Keck ot this
city , wbo Is a candidate for
delegate at large. After rontlrralng the up-
polntments the convention unanimously In
structed both delegates to do all in their
iiowor to bnva the state convention elect J.
L. ICcok ai ono of the big four , Mr. Keck
was called buforo the convention for a
speech , wniob was enthusiastically received ,
especially his statement that If selected as
one of ibo delegates at largo and not In
truded by the state convention otherwise
ho favored tbo nomination of President Ilai-
rlson , 1'horo never has been such a unani
mous sentiment as expressed today.
Following- ILo list of delegates np
pointed to tbo state convention ; P. U
GotdcIL H. M , uauklo , Ji. A. Wooro , D. I >
Smith , John Brady , M. A. Hosteller. Ocorco
Evans , Jobn Forostnl , . " . W. Duncan , B. N.
Spreleer. Congressional convention B. C.
Calkins , John Wilson , H. M. Sonclalr , G. H.
Cnttlnir , S. T. Trott , C. II. Horth , Frank
Klco , H. II. Bowie , H. K. Potter , J. L. Keck.
Thceo rcr.olutlons wcro adopted :
Wo the rciubllc ) n pirty of Ilnffnlo county
In convention assembled respectfully make
the following ilcclarntlnn of principles : Wo
believe that all political power Isvested In
the people and thnt governments are Insti
tute I for tliolr good , and that all povcrnmet.t
olllclals are the necnts and servnnts nf th
people , und that till Individuals , corporations
( ir trusts LMiduavorlus to control the means of
transportation , communications or the ptlccs
nf the products of hibor In the Interest nf the
few as against iho many , tire In violation nt
the law of free competition , and trust values
are destructive of constitutional government
anil Inalienable rights nt a free people.
Second. Wu endorse thu niitlonul republican
platform of IM.H and Iho safe and p.-Uilotlc
administration of 1'rcsldcnt Iliirrlson , both
In domestic and foreign , nnd especially In
dt'inoiKtrHlliu to the world , Kn lnnd In
cluded , thnt not only little Chill with hero
; iWOWK ) of Dcoiile. must respect the lives and
liberties of our si.llors wben under the pro-
toctlng fold * of the line , but thnt. us In the
llerltiR sea controversy , the llrltlsb lion , on
whoso dominions iho sun never goes down ,
must nay that homiico to the nlar-spanglcd
banner Unit is duo from onu great nation to
Third , \\o congratulate the rcnnbllcan
pirty In Its v Indication by the supreme court
of Iho Tinted Status In sustaining thuconstl-
tullonnlltv of tnu McKlnley tnrlirlaw and ttio
liuuso rules under tliu leailershlp of Speaker
Itceil , ando hi'llnvu Hint o\prrlcncu has
proven this law lo ho a wise , and stalcsninn
iu > o adjnstniunt of tliu tarllT iiicstlon ] , nnd we
lenounce thu democratic nartv for Its
nlhhlliiK pollcv of so CJllod "I'arllT reform' ,
mid Its Inslmcro uflotts to repeal the present
aw nnd subslltiite fiuu tiadii In Us stead.
Kusolvcd , vtothu representatives of
lie republican parly of Aulclopu connly In
convention assembled do horuliy rcnuw our
alluglmicu to the pilnclplcs ot tlie party aim
especially lo tbe doctrine ot thu sound cur-
lency mid protection to Aincilcnn fnrnilnx
nnd other industries mid wo emphatically
endorse thu doctrines of reciprocity
enunciated ami e.nrled out by greiitcst
, ) f livliu statesmen , lion .lames 11. lllalne.
Icfol\od ! , That wu coidlally ondotsu the
ivlsc , able , dlunlfleil , honest nnd patriotic
iidmlnlsliiillon of President Ilnnlson , wh'ch '
has cblabllshed conlldenee In commercial and
ijuslnc's Interest , al-o for the eiiormons In
crease of oui foiolgn mnrltolH mid rcclprocatu
: radu wltn the n.itlons and wo believe that he
ins earned mid is entitled to a le-elecllon
Uesolvcd. That wo especially eomincnd the
ible heroic light of thu lepubllc-in mcm-
icrsot tlio lower linuso of congress In the
nterosts ot the people against the twin
[ iboiiilinttlons of a debased curicncy and
'Irltlsli frcu trade.
rourth Wo dun.and an lionestclollar for an
loncst people nnd to this end want gold , sll-
.ei and paper to hu the currency of the coun
try and eacb eijiial us a cnriuney lothu oilier ,
mil we ( lenouni'o tlm democratic p i rty In Its
hypocritical attitude on the Bland fico eoln-
aKe hill In attempting tlm colossal slrJddluof
standing on free silver in thu west and south ,
ind a gold dollar In the cast.
I'lfth Wo congratulate iho republican
jiurty on Its vlulory In the llrst b.-tttlu In the
campaign of IMU In Its tiliimnhant sncccsi In
: uu late election in Rhode Island and believe
t Is a sure Indication ofvletoiy for the ru-
inbllenn ticket In November.
Sixth-Wu cordially Invlio all voters who
may have seen cause for refining to support
the republican party to carefully consider the
irlnclplcs and achievements ot the party and
iipport It as the best means of securing a
ulsu. srfo nnd patriotic administration of
ynbllc affairs.
Suventh Wo congratulate thu republican
party of county nnd state on the favorable
outlook for victory In the coinlns election In
the state and county , nnd di.Mionnco the pios-
unt democratic uoveinor for the extreme
parllsiinlsin In his hi let administration.
Klithth , whllo woadhcro lo thu 1'aw estab
lished by the national republican convention
In refusing to roco iil/o tnu binding authority
of Instructions iUen to dele.'ales , yet wo re-
hpectfully recommend our dlstlngulshud fol
low cltl7c.ii , J. L. Keck , to the fuvorabtucon-
sjdcintlon of our delegates lo iho Kearney
coin eutlons as one of the delesalcs-at-largo
fiom the stale to Iho national icpuhllcan con
vention , and that wu request the delegates to
the convention on Iho x'lilh to undoavorlo
sec u. to ( rom that convention a Klmllar recom
mendation of Mi. Keck to thu btato delegate
convention on tlio'-Ttb.
Cedar County Itcniibllciins Ready.
jtiiTiNOTox , Nob. , April 10. [ Special to
TUB BEC. | Next Tuesday tbo republicans of
Cedar county will bold their county conven
tion In this city for the purpose of sending
delegates to the state , district and congres
sional convention of iho 1'nird congressional
district. A spirit of republicanism is being
awakened the like of which has not been felt
for years. This county gave Edgorton a
plurality of41 last year , but If present indi
cations uro worth anything , that record will
bo wiped out at tbo coming election.
W. II. Strcotor'ii Kcoorit ,
AunonA , Neb. , April 10. ( Special to THE
Brc.J W. H. Streetcr , who was endorsed by
the Fourth district republican convention as a
dclogate-at-lorrfc to the Minneapolis conven
tion , Is ouo of the early settlers of tbts county
and u life long republican. His selection as
n dolegatc-at-largo would ba a recognition of
iho services to his partof a stalwart of the
stalwarts , and would afford general satisfac
tion throughout this part of the atato ,
ran llrokon How After the Convention.
BIIOKIN : Bow , Nob. , April 10. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BSE. ] A largo and en
thusiastie meeting of citizens of this met last
evening to discuss the question of securing
the congressional convention of the Sixth
district for Broken Bow. A committee of
representative citizens was appointed to at
tend the convention at Kearney and extend
the hospitalities of the city and guarantee
that ovorv want of tbo delegates shall bo
fully met'
M/iiynci Jtupnbllciiii Primaries.
WAT.NK , Nob. , April 10. [ Special Tclo-
gram to THE BEK. ] The republican primaries
for Wayne precinct were held todav and tno
following delegates wore elected to the
countv convention to be held at Wlnsldo the
ISth Inst. First ward , A. A. Welch , Frank
Fuller , W. H. McNeil , P. Moars , J , D. King ;
Second , P. M. Corbltt , A. T. Wltlor , William
Greek , J. S. Fioncb ; llurd. John T. Brossler ,
William Wright. J. O. Woalstou , Ed
Mitchell , Nelson Grimcsby.
KUlo'i Itrpilbllcun Club.
Et.sic , Neb. , April 10. | Special to TUB
BCH.J A republican club was organized at
this place last Wednesday night with a mem
ber ship of forty. Great enthusiasm was
manifested. Music was furnished by tbo
EUio cornet baud of fourteen pieces.
A licustly trick on Nye.
When Dill Nyc wa8 in Kansas City
lecturing , recently , this little joke was
played on him : Tlicro is n. man in that
city who laughs aa sonorously and
unremittingly as a foghorn , although
ha manages to cover u wider range of
tones In this operation than that deep-
lunged , mornful songstress. This ro-
niarUablo individual was slyly provided
with a front ; seat at the lecture. The
Cinuinati Commercial Gazette , in toll
ing the story , eays ; "It took seine time
for the subtle wit of Bill Nye to bore
itself into the adamant of nis understand
ing , but suddenly the humorist told ono
of his irrostlblo stories , ana the expect
ed laugh came. Tlio man spread out his
lops , foil back In his boat , throw back
his head , and roared out his constorna-
tionsproaUihlaugh. ! . High nnd far
above till other laughter rose tlio vol
ume of this laugh. U sank , it roBO , it
repealed , it redoubled on itself. The
laughter of the real of the nudionco was
stilled , but tlio man in front showed no
sings of wearying or letting up. A blank
da/ed lopk , like that of injured innocence
came over tlio face of 13111 Nye , who
avers ho will pot oven with his perse
cutors the next time ho goes to Kansas
Tbo late General Somola was noted , when
In congress for bis bluntness with which be
rebuked auy ono who incurred his dlspleit
uro. U is related that at one time , while he
was engaged In controversy with Mr. Greoq.
haUo , bo wits interrupted by a now memoor
from a western state , of boyish appearance
and slender physique , who rose and usked
tbo general if ho referred to him in porno sar
castic fling , intended , of course , for Green-
halgc. ' Go out In Ibe backyard , lionnv , and
play with the boys , " roared Splnolajcm ;
ouL'ht to know batter tbau to mix In a llcht
with men. "
Judge John 1C. Pnrtur , who died recently
in New Yoru , belonged to a group of law
yers of which Evans , O'Connor and Bosch
were shining light * . Of tbU noted quartett ,
Evarts is now the solo survivor. Potter's
name Is associated with two celebrated casoa
tba Boecher-Titlou trial and the prosecu
tion of Gultoau for tbo assassination of
President GarUold.
Its Personnel a Matter oft Dispute Between
the Major and Excise Board ,
' '
TITO Sets of Ofllcorii mill 'I'atroliiirn Now
Doing Duty Whereinthr I'ovrrn Dif
fer Hurt In n Ittinnvvny l.ltu
coin Now * Item * .
The excise board of the cit.v ot Lincoln mot
tbls afternoon for the purpose of appointing
members of the city police force fcr the en
suing ycnr. Altbougb tbcro were apparently
toino differences between Mayor Weir and
the other members of the board they wcro
expressed In a good naturcd manner and no
undue friction was generated.
O. P. Ulngos , as chief of police , was released
from tno further performance of the duties
of that position nnd Louis Otto , the present
deputy sheriff and formerly nlpbt cantata
of the Lincoln pollen force , appointed in bis
place. William tipluln , at ono time night
sergeant , was appointed night captain , to
succeed Captain Palmer. Prod Miller , an
old member of the fore ? , was retained nnd
will for the ensuing year perform the duties
of day sergonnU W. T. B , Ireland , a now
member on the force , was appointed nlcht
sergeant. The patrolmen ore as follows :
John Ttipmau , John Morrlssoy , Jobn John
son , John Hay , George Harry , George Sipo ,
George Bolts. J. E. Kinney , Thomas Cnrna-
ban , Pat O'Sbco ' , William MoBride , O. M.
iouizahn , Frank Gradv , Thomas Miller ,
Henry Bertrand , Michael Moonoy. With
Iho exception of O HI cor Kitinov all the pa
trolmen appointed today are now members
of tbo forco.
Went Out us I'mml.
A' 7 o'clock this evening the old members
of the police foreo assembled at the station
preparatory to going out on their regular
boats und the mnyor in fanned them thnt ,
notwithstanding their removal by the cxclso
board , they should consider themselves
members of the police forco. They were
then given their Instructions and sent out as
At S o'clock Louis Otto
, the newly ap
pointed chief of police , niado his appoaranoo
with nil the now man appointed this after
noon. Ho demanded possession of the police
station of Chief Dlngcs , but that oftlcor do-
cllned to recognize htm. Otto then ordered
the now men to fall in and rocolvo instruc
tions. Tbo roll was called and Night Cap
tain Splalu detailed the men for their respec
tive beats.
As they WOM preparing to leave the station
in charge of the new night sergeant Mayor
Weir appeared and stated that by virtue of
powers conferred upon him as mayor ot the
city ho would discharge each and every ono
of the men appointed this afternoon. Ho
then read an ofllclul discharge for Louis Otto
as chief of police and all other men appointed
today. Ho warned thorn that If any of them
attempted to perform the duties of policeman
tbev would do so ai Ihoir peril.
When iho mayor bad finished Otto gave
bis Instructions to the new men and sent
thomouton their beats in detlanoo of iho
order of Ihc mayor.
Origin of the Trouble.
The present trouble js tbo outgrowth of n
long standing difference of opinion between
Mayor Weir and the other two members of
the excise board over , the power lo appoint
and remove members ot the police forco.
Last year , during the absence of Mayor
Weir , the board removed six members of tbo
force , upon Iho ground that there were no
funds with which to pay thoa. When
Maj'or Weir returned 'ho reinstated the six
men romoveq during .his absence , and dU-
ctfarged six others lu their placps.
Tlio matter was taken into trio district
court , where it was decided In favor of the
excise board. Than the case wont to the
sumemo court and Borao wonks since that
body decidud that the excise board bad the
power to remove forcause lack of funds being
a good and sufficient cause for removal. Tbo
supreme court also decided that the mayor
could rcmovo in em ben of tha police force
whenever bo doomed It necessary for tbo
purpose ef discipline , or for other causes.
Matters have remained In this somowbat un
satisfactory condition for tbo past few
weeks , Until the issue betvrcn tbo mayor
and the excise board was squarely joined
Ibis evening.
A Tulle tvltli the Mayor.
In an interview tonight wlih THE BEE re
porter , Mayor Weir said thai bo regrcited
tbo turn tbo matter bad taken , but so lone as
he was mayor of the city of Lincoln ho pro
posed to ao bis duty. Ho would have been
satisfied lo have allowed other members of
the board to notno half of the police forco.
Many of tbo now inon appointed Ibis after
noon were men whom ho had previously dis
charged. Ho was responsible only to iho
people of Lincoln. If Iho now men appoinlcd
to places on the force this afternoon at
tempted to perform the duty of policemen
the responsibility wdl rest upon thorn.
At U ) o'clock tonight Mayor Weir celled
all the old members of the police force to the
station und stated that owing to a conflict of
authority between himself and the excise
board the city was without proper protection ,
therefore in order to guard llfo and property
and to preserve the pcaco and order of iho
city ho appointed all the old members as
special policemen , to servo until fuilher
noiico. Mayor \ \ eir at iho same limo issued
Ibo folio wing proclamation :
Proclamation by Hio Mnyor.
To the Public : The followl'is persons hav
ing been unpointed o Dicer 3 and policemen of
the police force of the city of Lincoln by lliu.
K\clso and 1'ollco Hoard of the city , and be
lieving that I cannot properly control and
inanairo the police force nor make lls discip
line and woiK efleetlvn with these men. tlieio-
foro. by authority conferred upon mo by the
charterof the clty.nnci for older re.isons named
therein. I have removed from the force and
dlschnrsod tl10 ' " " " " " 'in ' ofllcors anil patrol-
iiinn ( linro follows Hi ) names of the men up-
nolntml bv the I oUe Hoard Ihla afternoon ) .
S 1 hcrohv i.ot'fV . ' H'O ' public that I have
forbidden those ' "e" to exerulso the police
functions or lo porfor' "ny police duty an
Lson H , Vincent
vrill lecture in tlio
> }
Lininger'Art Gallery
APRIL 2728 ; , 29 , SO ,
under tho.auspiecs of
T H E C Cfc O F A N .
For sale liy Cliase and Kilily.
Y. M. C. A. Hull 1'Vfdny Evening April 22
Aulhnrof 1'arin Ilillluils , llotsov and I are
Out , Over tlm HIIIlM ) the I'our HotibC , 'Inn
1'irst Seltloi's Story , ic.
SUJI.1KOT : "Tliu Ornnia of Unman Nat urn'
Interfpcrcoil with orlKlnal Dooms pulJlUlit'il
ami uiipnlilltlii'il. KoMii-vocl suuU , H.OJ , 75
umlM cent" . Un Halo alKlnxlor'n Drue htoro ,
I- " . ; South UltlibtiL-et , Coiner l''iriiam. Wiulnej.
Uuy , April SB , On , in.
they , In my judgment , nro without anv au
thority nv policemen. A. II , WEIII. Mayor.
At mldniqht everything was iiulct. Hoth
Iho new nnd old ( orcos are patrolling iho city
and no trouble. Is looked for , unless n-.on ot
both forces happen to como In conflict over
sotnn question of nuthorlty. The old men
nro mnklnK the usual reports al the police
station , \vlillo iho now men are mnklns no
reports , but nro simply content with nomi
nally performing their functions.
< lonlp nt the SI tn Itomr.
The CambrlilRO Opera Houio company of
Cambridge , Neb. , has been incorporated with
n capital of iUOO.
Ttio Merchants bnnlt of Utic.i was Incor
porated this afternoon , with a capital of
The attorney general has been requested
to plve nn opinion M to the locality of the
ninth rule In Governor Hovil's quarantine
proclamation , which provides ihni all caltlo
shipped Inio iho sinto contrarv to the pro
visions of iho proclamation will bo held ninety
davs , or dlspotcd of nccorilliiR to law.
Governor Hoyd this nftcrnoon nppolnlod
J. A. Cce , of iho Morse Coo Shoo company of
Omaha , n mcmbcrof the Nebraska Columbian
commission to succeed A. L. Slrnnir , 10-
slcncd. The successor to Secretary Powers
will not bo appointed until Monday , \\hoii
Iho commission meets in Omahii.
OtliU unit KiiiN.
Mlctinel McCann , nhnclt driver , vras sorl-
nusly injurrrl Into lasl iilRht wlillooiidcavor-
Ihnto stop his runaway team of horses.Vhilo
driving through ttio streets ono ol iho lines
btoku and Iho horses started to run , McCann
ran oui on tha tonpuo In nn effort to stop the
frlRhtcnud animals but was Uiroun boncalh
Ihclr fcol anilvns badly Injured , Ills Injur
ies will conIIno him to hU room for seine
The foundation for the main building of
the Lincoln Normal university has bucu com
pleted. It contains 150 carloads of Mono and
cost $20,000. Urlclt lavlnp 1s pioirrassing at
n lapid rntb nnd the Immense building will
bo under roof caily In the summer.
Summer Oprrii hi Oinnlii ,
The Fiirnnm Street theater will have n sea
son of summer oporn , inaugurating the sea
son May aa , ManiiRorV. . J. llurfioss having
closnd Iho contract last weclt whllo In Chi-
CBKO ! Tlicro will bo forty pcoplo in the com-
pony , many of thorn having been hoard this
season with Carlcton , the Uostouiaus and Do
Wolf Hopper's company.
Thu ii'Ctl : < m Tuxlili-rinUt.
Ho nskcd tlio chniriniin of n state com-
inilloo for n job , stiys the Detroit Proo
"What cnn you do ? " Inquired tlio
clmirmnn dclto.itcH' , lor these politicul
alTuirs nocd delloiito hnndlin .
"Well , I can do anything I'm nslcoil
to dovns the repljV'but my bObt 'hold'
is an election tnxidoriniht. "
"Wlmt in thundoi1 is that ? " exclaimed
the chairman.
"Don't bo so loud , " whispered tno
applicant for a place , { joint : up close lo
him"that's the gent as btulTs the ballot-
box. See ? ' '
The chairman sent him over to | the
chairman of the other party's commit-
Etolka Gerstnr has recently emerged from
her retirement lo give Uvo concorls in Uer-
lln , at which Iho mnpic of her namodrovv
Ini-RO audiences and elicited liom them much
applause. Hut Iho critics found , as they did
In this country when she appeared n few
years ace , Ibat her wondorfiil volco had al
most entirely disappeared and that the effect
of the once great artist's siu lni ; was only n
source of pain to those who rouiomooied her
in her glory.
Special Spring Offerings in Every Depart
ment for Monday ,
I.ndlm' rnrnnnli In Alt tlm I.nti' t StjlM
Jtrnutirul AMnrtiiiriit of Citrrlitio
SIi iilc l.ici'i ! | Drpnn Trimming *
All nt 1'upulor 1'rlics.
This week wo will oITer seine splomllil
bargains in missus' , children's ami
Itulloa jackets , roofor.s mid bla/ot * .
Chihlioil's jacKutH in liluo llnnticl ,
with blushed lucks and nually llnishuil.
I'rieoSlUW , worth M.oO.
Also iv variety ot butler ( jrailcs , tnailo
in the very Infest civic ? . 1'iicen S3.60 ,
M.7o , $0.00 , S-II.6U iiml'$8.00.
Ladies' bln/.or jackets in blue , tan and
groy , iniulo of line all wool iniUorlul and
ilnlshud with cord and tilted. Price ,
&UIO , worth M.oa
Wo will also show seine special values
in butter graded of cloth , includini ; the
new Inco front bliuers. 1'rlco , $1.60 ,
SU.oO , $7.00 unto SA ) .
Wo htivo just I'ucolved ' midthor largo
phipniont ot the very fashionable Point
d'lrlandc laeos which will bo placed on
special sMo Monday morning : nt udton *
tailing low prices.
In endless variety. Comprising tlch
color beaded passainoiilcileM. rich jot
beaded passamontorle3 , rich jet fringes
and girdles , rich silk ribbon fringes ,
rich inoiro bilk ribbon fringes.
For Monday , < JO do/.en Indies' extra
line fast black hose at SMo , worth It'ic ,
As a leader , fiOdo/on ladies' line fast
black hose , regular 60e quality , at.00
per box of bix pairs.
We are bhowing four styles of ladies'
line fast black lisle hose at COc. They
would bo cheap at 05c.
Wo are showing an elegant line of
chillon parasols inhito , cream , red ,
navy , gray and black.
An elegant line of plain and change
able silk coaching shades " --inch , Ill-
inch and Oi-ineh with covers to match.
Parasols in illuminated tallota and
Surah bilks with beautiful natural han
dles nt Itf.L'o.S-I.OO and $5.00.
100 ! ! 0-inch silk gloria umbrellas with
steel paragon frames , and an elegant
line of handles at 81.125 each , they tire
worth $1.76.
A beautiful line of carriage shades in
talTota and gros grain bilks , lined or unlined -
lined , at $1.05 to $5.00 each.
.lubt received another invoice of those
clcfm"1 sllk toques for children. The
price IB * - " * f1'l'10 ' plain ones and 13.00
for the Richelieu rib.
Cor. Karnain and 15th sts.
Seventeenth and Harncy Streets.
Matinee Saturday.
And an excellent comp n ' , including the principal members . oJ
the late BOOTH and aARwETT organization.
Under the management of
Mr. Theodore Bromley.
Mmulau Kvtnt'a ROMEO AND JULIET ,
anil .Sfifioil'jy
MaHnce , jMIss Gale as
EVKX1XG jyiissCale as Parthenia
. .
cB S.\'IU1W.\Y
Miss Gale as
h VEXIXO Miss Gale as Pauline
Finn AY M uch Ado About Nothing
KVKX1XQ Miss Gale as Beatrice
Prices , 25o. Me. 75c and tl. Carriages at 10:40. :
- /
Matinee Today , April 17.
In the Great Comedy Novelty
A Play for the People ! A Play You.
Can't Afford to Miss.
Opera , Comedy and Minstrel Celebreties.
Tirst Class . Spcc alActs _ -2 |
A Genuine RoflnedComedyProductionby a Company of First OlttBB Artiste
The $5OOO English Wonders
Marvellous Act The -
- In Their ,
You Must See It to Believe It. _
Commencing TUESDAY , APRIL 19th ,
. .
bCO Hofecrvod beau for l.adics at D cent ! u.icli
- .
. .
IE ! 1S1
Grand Opera House ,
loth St. , r\ml CixpUol Avo.
Week ro.iiiiipiii'hip Moiulnjr , April
One Week Only.
That Tnll Girl from Missouri ,
Tlio grout , the on y Colossal \\otmili , height
, .
b ft mill ( Inches , iigotll yo.irs.
Panoramic Views ,
7h3 Birth of Our Saviour ,
Broullard's Wax Groups.
MAZIE , the Fortune Teller
Last Week of
L Ampliilrile. or ( lie Angel ofllic Air.
Gr and Opera House Theatre
At 2:30 : , 4:15 : , 8 and 9:30 : P , M ,
In Grecian Statuary.
Highland Queen.
Mr. "McOLONfll
Irish Comedian ,
In the Comody-Draintv ,
Myrtle Ferns ,
Supported by a Company pj '
First Class Actors. 1
Open daily , 1 to 1O p.ttf'
Admission One Dime/I /
Chairs 1O Cents. j
Subscription Concert *
Ondur the iiianaEomcnt of
AT Y. M. C. A. HALL ,
21 and 28.
TlcUeU now on aalu at Max lloyer it
Co. uiublc Bturo , ? 5c uacU.