Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1892, Part Two, Page 16, Image 16

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Tlie Fifth Anniversary of the Opening of the People's '
moth Installment House Celebrated by an Attendance
More than % of the Entire Population of Omaha ,
It was ono vast army , one continuous throng , from eight o'clock Monday morning till six o'clock Frldny evening , and
during thnt period 48,104 visitors pnsssd In nnd out of the People's Mammoth Installment House. The Filth anniversary
goes on record us the most successful opening that has ever taken place in this city. All the departments are brimfulof
nil the latest novelties for spring and summer use , and It is our pleasure to present to the readers of The Bes a few prices from
which we will bo pleased to sell to the housokaepsrs of Omaha and vicinity a bill of ten dollars , for ono dollar cash and ono
dollar a week , and If the goods are not satisfactory and as represented come to us and wo will allow all reasonable claims.
Floor Coverings
or AU , Tim
Latest Designs
WIl/1'ONH ,
. ' TIME always siis-
HOUSr.OIiKA'NINO new In this special
line , nn'l toall whonro considering It ,
ihlsilep.irliiiont ollurs lots of oppor
tunity toshow how your hoiiso niny bo Im
proved nl a % ury siniill cost nnd on very o.isv
turniH. Doyoii lined auythliiK In this llnu ? If
you dn , mid you have never dealt with our
house , It will tMvo us ploiisnro to open * an ac
count with you. llowuver , Iiu : ! tlio tlmo to
pay us n \ Islt nnd von w III nisIT rogrut It.
1 * . M. I 11. . iil5-lJl" : Kiirtium St.
We Control the sale of
1 Quick Meal" Gasoline
Stoves in Omaha and
South Omaha.
"Guaranteed the Best. "
Largest line of Baby Car
riages in the city.
Largest line of Gasoline
Stoves in the city.
See our line of Rattan
Baby Carriages.
Uodroom Suites $15.00 , worth $25.00
Bodbteads 1.60 , worth 8.CO
Mattresses 1.75 , worth It.CO
Springs 1.25 , worth 2.CO
Lounges 5.00 , worth SCO
Parlor Suites 21.50. worth 37.60
Plush Oak Rockers. . 2.50 , worth 5.CO
Wardrobes 7.50 , worth ll. 0
Bureau ? 7.50 , worth 12.50
Hall Racks c.50 , worth 10.50
Bookcases 5.00orlh 0.50
Cane Rockers 1.50 , worth 2.CO
Center Tables . " . . . . 2.50 , worth 4.50
Mirrors 1.25 , worth 2.00
Dining Tables 2.00 , worth 8..50
Extension Tables 3.75 , worth 0.50
Kitchen Safes 3.50 , worth G.OO
Sham Holders 25 , worth .75
R" s 1.50 , worth 3.00
Hat Racks 8.00 , worth 15.CO
Wall Pockets . .40 , worth .75
Plush Chairs 1.25 , worth 2.50
Oflleo Desks 6.50 , worth 10.00
Mattings 18 , worth .SO
Ingrain Carpets 23 , worth .40
Brussels Carpets GO , worth .00
Window Shades 28 , worth .75
Lace Curtains 00 , worth 2,00
Portieres 3.50 , worth 0.50
Comforts 75 , worth 1.25
Pillows 45 , worth l.CO
Cook Stoves 8.50 , worth 12.00
"Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves. . . 3.50 , worth O.CO
Uaby Carringoo 5.00 , worth 8.50
Refrigerators o.CO , worth 13.50
TCO Boxes .j.75t worth 7-50
Dinner Sols 7.50 , worth 12.50
Tea Sets 3 50) worth 0.50
Toilet Sots 1.7o , worth 3.00
Plnturns 2.00 , worth 4.00
Clocks < jo , worth 2.CO
Sideboards , 9.50 , worth 17.SO
Chairs "j , worth .00
Mantel Folding Hods 8.50 , worth IS. 50
Upright Folding Beds 12..10 , worth 10.60
1'asolb 73 , worth 1.60
Goods Eiially ( | as Low.
Just Going to Housekeeping
for tlio complntc outnt for
EVKHYTIIINO nlios cm Inhnil on ens ;
lornn Wo nro particularly ileslroup to
Interest all rellublo housekeepers who
neeil MID'article In tills line , ns wo nre
auretliatne can BOH you cheaper than
the Inrueit houses In the city , atrl illiplny n
variety of KtiniM second to noiu ) It will cost
nothing to look ami It will bo the mentis of
caving jou nt lout twontj-ilvo percent.
r. M I H. . ; Knrnim St.
Moro "Quick Moal"gasoline stoves in
use in Omaha thau < < all ether gasoline
stoves combined.
"Guaranteed the.Best , ' _ ' . , ,
z .
See our line of Bamboo
Baby Carriages.
Ill |
Wo sell "O'.ajlor" ' rofri-jorators. Th o
largest line ot refrl otMtors lu the \voat.
We sell "Featherstone" Carriages
, On easy payments and
Every evening at 6:30 :
deliver daily free of
Monday and Saturday charge to Council
evenings exceptcd. Bluffs and South
All other furniture iapcst Carpel Mure and StoreDouse in America Omaha , Residents of
these two cities are
houses by agreement given the same terms
1315-1317 Farnam
do likewise. - , as residents of Omaha
nolmv nro Riven n few sample abstracts taken from Our Now Illustrated Catalogue , which ha *
nt hist boon received from the printers Mnillnp of these cMnlo cs becnn Friday , April 16th , and
will contlnuo until all who h ivo written for ono have received it , H is nenornlly conceded to bo the
finest catalogue of House FurnlshliiR Goods c\or issued In the United States , and cent-tins complolo
illustrations of l-urnlturo , Carpets Draper os , Stoves , Crockery , Tiuwaro and oforvthliiR essential
for housokcoplnp. It contains 1JJ8 pngos , sl/o ll.vHI , and It will bo mailed to any address upon re
ceipt of 10 cents In stamps to cover postapo. Write for It.
This Catalogue ,
Floaso bear In mind , only represents n
fractional part of our stock. Hut also remember -
member wo hero show our DUST
STYLES , our NEWEST GOODS anil our
TH1UE for all , and you can send for goods and bo
us well borvod as though you visited our store.
Disabuse your mind of the error that house
keeping Roods cnnnot bo shipped to you and ar-
rho In the very pink of condition. Wo sow them
up in burlaps , stuff same with excelsior , nnd they
actually roach you in better shnpo than as
though they wore sent across the city on ono of
our teams.
Remember , wo keep everything for the
homo , from the lower southeast corner of the
collar to the upper northwest corner of the attic ,
and our mail orders are perhaps larger than all
other Furniture or House Furnishing Establish-
inont' ? in the west combined.
SEND FOR SAMPLES of Carpets , Oil
Cloths and Linoleums. Send for Sample Dishes ,
Send for Special Catalogue of Hnby Carriages.
Rattan Goods , Folding-Bods , Chain * , Refrigera
tors , Church and Lodge Furniture , Desks , Olllco
Furniture , otc. Send a trial order. Send it now.
Wo nro nwaro of the fact that the
remarkable growth of the Piorii's
bus not only astonished the west YOU Aim n
: \\e tar-
WHIM the Holi generally , but has aroused the jealousy of Ir rntlior you will
know , or It J on do
est residences the trade , far and near. Wo do not know , how not , yo i should
titles , nun in our liavo Inrpo tna ever , aso are to blame for selling goods lower learn Immediately ,
lirscst assortment than thov have over been sold , and at prices that the RreiUc'St
or art furniture. In cities will pleasure you can
which dealers hero in our largo say Klvo your wife Is to
high erado goods to It the best manufacturers nnd lavish
Us found In the en- not pay a living proflt. appreciate
the West , we wish to ers , far and near , cheese ( as they do ) to maUo t'S ish your alti'ctlons and
her baby ,
relterato the fact s-ori : OUTI.IT rou TIIIJIU ooous IN'TIII : Upon
am : - Is there anything n
Is that lu our fmnlshliiK pront pride low- WIST , and are nilling to make us largo conces mother dotes on
ami mo.llum priced sions in view of the fact that they sell us more moro than n beautiful
ful llaby
ovls. When wo cano and at no risk or expense , pray are wo '
goods , are \\'o are agents for the
oetter o a poor chair man for Jl n to blame ? Wo have never abked or demanded , Ontiul Cariliigo Co.
than ho can got cast in any way , anything but a "Fair Hold and no ornilcaKO.whoiiroto ' what
or VieU for the favor" " motto is "Live nnd lot live. " Wo Ilab.V'arilages
. our , Hi ouster & to , ot
monov.wo I'HOI'MVS nro h appy. wOre bold enough to introduce Eastern methods Now York , mo to
MAMMOTH into the West , chief and foremost of which is our road vehicles Ihey
the liest goods
INSTALLMENT "Ono Price System. " This is , indeed , the chief In nmko the world. |
and the main
1J15-1117 Tarnara St. Corner Stone to our prosperity
soorat of nur being able to build up such an ex
tensive Mail Order trade over Nebraska , Iowa.
Dakota , Wyoming , Minnesota , Montana , and on
to the Coast. Wo take pleasure in promptly
answering all inquiries , and we guarantee satis
T\0 YOU live nt n illetixnec ? Bend
L' i two-cent MiinipH ami jou will NOTHER CARD.
rectlvc liv return mail tlio Inrnett .
nit.ilni.-uo nt llon-o MirnUhlnc
( iomlH In the Unltca Btuics. We
pny freight 11X ) miles , biiuiplca ot
Cnrpctg. Wo nro able to adequately represent
our goodh , as this catalogue attests ,
nnd the least person in the remotest
" 'nl CAN order by limit nncl to ns
\ well forveil us thutiuh 5011 \l - hamlet in the west can buy by mail any article
llcd our blore. Goods mo sewed up in our stock at the VEIIY SAMI : PKICI : paid by
mill In burlap tench * , so" stutloil I" | > trfeUcomlltlin wall Txcclclor , the mightiest dignitary who visits our stoi o. -\s
bowc\tr Brent lliecllstniiic. to prices , wo do not , and honestly cannot , ask
the same that the small establishments do , and
this is in no way disparaging to them. They
' ' Miiruraotli Iii'tall- Anovn Tin :
fPHi ; l'coplo'8 are only getting n fair margin
eht J inciitlloiiau nnd mo-t rcllnlilo la cine ol eitnlilMi- the lur - I'uifK TIIIY AIEI : oiiiiiii'io TAY rou TIIIIK
ineiila In tlio t' b. nna our reuilois GOODS. A word 1o tlio wise is biilllciont.
inny rel > on lliclr cooas , their Now about our Liberal System of Payments.
nml their serIco.
Our "Terms" bchtdulo on Ilio inside of cover
explains itself. Wo give all the time needed by
for all the furnishings
any person in which to pay
A MANSAII I'nltctl btntcn ) "Xo tnrrlPB house In nt those nil ings required. Wo boll on time AT HAMI : VKinc
- tlnien - for Imme.llnto ilollvory nuch AS voit c VMI and charge nointerost , 1 or Jdown ,
nuroit n i"ortiiicnt ol Curpot" , lra- balance monthly. If paid within faixty days
> crl ( > < niul ItiiK' n do-s ilio IJo-
time is
nwnko , prouresslvo 1'coplon Muni nothing extra is added ; if a longer
ninth Installment HOIIHC , nnd nt taken wo add a nominal charge of 6 cents on
butnlnnys pupulir prlooj " , not only Just now each dollar to cover actual expanse for carrying
the account open a series of months. No ono
need wait until ho or she ' & forehanded before
making the homo a place that the children will
remember with delight. Mtiny who are now
Write for Special Baby Carriage Catalogue , living in sumptuous homos , would still bo with
out tlio meagre comforts of lifo had they not
MAILE1L ) availed themselves of our Partial Payment Plan
f "OODSHOM ) otfoiir pirtlnlpny
V.I inont plnn unywli TO this
Dinner Sets. of tlin 1'ac.lllo ( Kuan , Onii-lldnl ,
. onofotiith or one-null dm\n hal
mica monthly Om i > rko lj nil.
lIOl'SFiWirn , aio yon not In need of n
Dliinoi Sol's Hoinoriihur , no hit\o Kucllsh goods.
GOOD yon boll "oni they don't Viaekli1 , " they don't
"eraze. " If you bako'nin they cion't "ci.ioKle , " "
they don't "ora/o. " If you USD thorn for 100 "V O IIOMOIU or lurlnir liy in ill oror
> .
-i paid iiiuro forjtn urtle.lo llinii H
' " " ' " .
tlioy ilon't "crackle , they /
clnrueil cuuuiuirt wn i vl lt
Tl.oy ,110ltrllled. . What ilm s thnt muuiiV It moans ulnri U'i ; | > u ) InilKlit I'lJinliiH
that 11 achlnfiillHolT. tlioltiflde romalnihlto nnd 1m-
poivlous to KIOISU. ; ItomumlK'r nUo oui KiiRllsh sal
goo.lH nro iiH chunii as the much mfeilor Amciiean
inal.cs. uhluh somutlmos look ED Inviting. \ o have
Kn lNh Hiiinur S U from Sb.GO upwards , and To.i hots H KMi\IIIKIt : wokeonoTcrvtliliw
" um ii ill Ilio Inline , Irnm tlin lip-
from Jib. ) upwards. pur nurlliaiiHt i ornur of ll.u nttlo tu
tlio luivur miutliMruil corner of Ilio
Carpets. O1 It .Midi Onlor Dojmrtcnnnt Ima
. thri'u uienuitrnplii'rii anif type
nrlium for the nulu pnrporo of
un urlnu nipllrllljr anil promptly
| -NIIH iTOrLHS" hns falily osrncd Its roputa- all i umniunlcuUonii from our out
Ur I lion of havliiK Ihu Inicost. uholcost nnd of tuun cuntijincri
I most comnloto line of ( Jiltpots In thouiiilro
JL West. In iluli KoodHo aio tliu l.oiilura ,
and In low nnd meUlum nrleed uoods there
| S nn stock In Clilenpoor ni-stnf Noi % Vorlc Isodrummeib
h.iv ] that will coniin r. ) with our . Wiite for HEFIIIGKIIATOII CATALOGUE
" Special
l cnd or call for our "OAKI'IJT TALK , "ml nviill
yi.urself of a liberal ciiruet education. In fifteen mill-
ulcs you \ \ \ \ \ Know inoiu about caipolB than you havu
over learned durliiK yourllfu.
I htend of It IIOIIIK tliooircimlvii uiiil ilruiKoiouB i-ontrl-
JL viinsollmt WHS ( IfHt "btouKlitoiil , " it Iris Ijoen so miiuli
lmiro | > od thnt It Isnow not only n liiiuhuliolil noyuhiliy.
ImtaiiosimoliiYuiy Away with your wood and furiincu
btoves. Tlioy t.ilto tlio xeiy llfooutuf tlio houKOwlfo , and tlio luiu-
ncriiiid htHy-wlth-yoii-atluinessiiiit of youi doniL'sllo nh im ton
cleslioM ) much to l.cop. \\ltlia \ modern oil btovo. tlm kltclu'ii l.s IIH
uomfoit.ihlons the p.iilor. The Ilio U alwayB to ho had ntiimo-
iniintv notlco. and buliiK nlilc to IIKht and ox'.liiKiiliih thubamu
nltlmiit lossof fiiolorwastpi.f . time , they nru not only the most
t'oii\tiilonl anil comfortable Idlclicn furnlxlilni ; , hut tint most
economical IIH well Nothlnx iindui oui loot IIIIH been su much Im-
' ' 'I0 ' " " * l nporatliis Kyle "liuiuK
iiro ed ( lurltiK Ui I" " y 1" " '
> Ioul' ntiBOlliio faloios , nhleh ( > nave juxt lucohcil l.iiHt vnnr
OBold iiiirlotdintstoMi nnd It wij' * biiiurlor to nnythliiK on the
innrkol , but the " \rw QnlcU Meal" Is "fur and tiwuy"ln advuncu
of the bist Mo cs uflTitrul In IMil.
Write for Samples of Carpets.