Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Colil Weather Rumors Oansa Wheat to
Gain Several Gents ,
Fmllrtlnn * ( 'fyicoriiliijtlir. HfTcct tlio Open-
Inn cil Nnilcntlim AVniiiil Ili o nil tlio
Uratlmi.'ofC'ini l'rn\r < l Untrue
StotliK unil lloniU.
o , III , April n The elements came
to the rescue todiiv.hcal m ulo a talnol
" 'ic and clcscd within Uc of the ton nt 8c tot
Slay Local shorts sold unojsy arid covered
nrolty freely Corn and provisions pirtlcl-
paled in the Improvement. The weather w.v
the chief bull factor It was cold In many
parts of the winter wheat bet ! and furthoi
rains wcro reported In the northwest , putting
back the seeding still more , Hndstrcet's re
port of the aval ab'osupply showed ailccrcasi :
of 2 CT OOOhu. last woo'i o stof the Itocklcs ,
and IOOM bu on the I'aclllc , making a nul
dcoroasoof.4JOH ( ( ) bu ,
The morning p ipers had a card from Dodge ,
the statistician , which vv is also construe : ! ut
bul NIi tin It expressed thu opinion that not
moro than hlO.UO ) bu. of was av iilablo
for export on March I. and fiat at ptcsent
prices not moro th m & } ,031OJD bu could
reasonably bu u ilculatod upon. All those.
Inlluotuos combine 1 to make a strong market
and stlmtilatid the covering of short wheat
and reslilotcd the selling. The so ilpers
teemed to bo r.illur bearish ai.d fought the
advance some , but outsldo buying orders
wcro rithor generous ' 1 bu e\poit movement
was moderate , Including : , (7,000 ( bu of whoiit
imd4fl(00 bbl" . of Hour , iitia1 | to about ft 0,000
bu , of when. May opened at S * ic , fell
to Wnc , then bei'im.u stiong and Hold
to HI ,0 , i ued oil lo Mo. then up
to Mv , tind at IJ o'clock vv s about
H'H' . Dutitig the I ist houi thu wheat mar
ket continued to develop strength and .May
went tip to M'nC , with a good do il of c\e le
nient but o isnil oil I iler to sme , then ro ictud
toHlUcand it Iho close wns stuidv at 8 'no
Many Informed beoplu eialinod th it thu
heavy movemint of spritu wheat h id inn Its
lotif-e. Ideolpts In the northwest , fioy s iy ,
must In iiecfotth bu on n illmlnlsboil s , ilo
until thu slicked who it threshes out much
1 ell' r than Is gonor.illy oxpoctu I Thu who it
n colpts bavo foi about sl\ weeks alreuly
liion no larger Ih'in these of the small of tliu
preceding vu isou at the hlmllat pcilola
ago. I'lio poor pionlsu nt tliu bu Innlng of
Aptll for nextvvlntor vv licit h irvest Is not uo-
conilug any bettor A tclu run fiom Mln no-
npollsicporlod that tbu spi lug work In tbu
country will bu a month , possibly bl\ weeks ,
latu.Tbo late prlv ito ciblos quoted Liverpool
fro'n aiil to Id hUboi and maiitctndv menu
' 1 huro w n i rumor w hlch no ouu took stock In
ai out Itussi in gotiur ils I ulng ordi rod to the
fiontlor. Tliu cash wheat was hold nt Ic pio-
iiilum , but tt w is clalinuil th it i 'J.V > .OOJ-bu. lot
had been vvoiked for export. This was not
tonllrmcd 'I bo "ontlnued reports of ndvcrsu
weather and Ihu fact that I'arilrldgu was Dot
ting In bis Miiy and go ni to July mnilo the
other shot Is skirmish and IiclpuU thu latu nil-
vn nco.
Thu opening if navigation and the close an-
proaeh of middle of Apr l ; has bioiuht no such
Impiovonient in tae gr ulliu of corn IIH pru
de ted It was curi out gossip that If utescnt
conditions' continue fur a few dajs longoi ,
torn will ulvldo with who it the general Inter
est. Thoto was sumn Indication lu the pit
tod.iy of a renewal or llio Cu 1 ihy buvltu for
Jl.iy. Ihu upvvirj movement of prices h id
few sct-biuks 'I iio initket closed linn at
about best iirlios , with i gain of 34c In .M iy
and 'ic In Jill v from last night.
Tlie outs nunkot wns a hjtiip ithctlj ono ,
follow In f wheat elo uly alldnv A * \\hltu
ooriitid ) , prett } freelj , btivlns May mil se | | -
imr lulv 'I he mmkct cloned 'sc ' hUhor th in
thu daj ptovious
In tbo piovlston jilts , brokers stood Idly
about , commenting on thu eroit u it tlo re-
lelpts the clu apnoss nf boot eompircd with
poik. 'I ho mai kct had no Independent sup-
poit. LalorvUth whoit was up over 'o from
the opening and corn strong and adv inclng ;
tb" > provision ptlccs wcie bid up on compir-
atlvoly Ilibt liusli ess Compaied with list
night. Iho e using w is up tO'ju ' foi July poik.
Do foi 1 ird mil ? ' c for 111)4 )
Heights were easy at So for wheat and 1' e
for com to llultalo Through tales , like mil
r ill , to Now Vork wcro wo ik .it Hie foi Hour.
7'/4o foi wheat and from 7o to 7'iu lor corn
Itatcs ou corn to Now England declined Ic , the
rtito now being He.
Iho estimated lucclpts for tomorrow are : to
cars wheat , 17."i cars corn , 14J ears oats and
'Iheio will bo no scss'on of the boirdday
after tomorrow Good Tildiy. A wtoklmni
t-aturd iy the bo ird will vote on icstoring tbo
me it quotation department.
' 1 ho lu idlng futures r ingcd as follows-
, ° 2i'VrNo 2l ' ' -'He. ' No 2 white , f. o. b ,
Ul344i'Si ; No l white. JJ\jU-jc. |
UiB-No 2 , 7oc
llAiu.Ki No. J , f. o. b , 40he. No. i , f. o. b. , II
I'i ASrrn No. I.CW'Se. '
TiMiiim SuniI'rline , fl 2IG.1.10.
I'OIIKMoss , pei bbl. , JIO loffllo Ii. Inrfl , per
ICO Ibs. . J02J'fe ' 'Ji ; hliuit libs. Miles , ( IooU ) .
Ji 1 ® .i r.0i diy ilted shouldeiH. ( bo\ud ) , Jj 4i
Cf-ifO , flhnit clem bide" , ( boxed ) , $1117'jCifl ' ( > ,
\\IIIIK\-Hlbtlll.ib' llnlsbed oodfc. pei , ,
srnnsCut loaf. r. i'Aei granulated , 4 ®
4 > tc ; standaid "A4J c.
Hceolptb and shl | mcnts tod.iy weioas fol
VJH uiu ITIIIIIII-O u\cn itigu inn iy ino outtor
m itkot vvi s dull and limitations unchanged :
fancy cieamcry.'IS&JJo : Him western. iO ®
Slo. 01 limn y , Is ® Oj ; line dairies , ltJOe.
Lgib , btuady at l-liiiilc.
Now Vork M.irkPti.
lv VOIIK , April 1.1 ri.otm Hucolnta. 18-
PIU pkgN : export , 14.HOJ bills , Il.hjil Backs :
iniin.ot quiet and stoiul > : Hales , I7,4i0
bbl" . Low , JJ,7ri l40 , wintoi whoit , low
guides. } . ' 7iC4l40 : fair to fancy , * I IISW,10 :
intents , H.lwa'i.UO ! Mluiicsola clear , Jli54s (
4 41 ; Htr.ilghts ( ii oiwj patents. Jll5o 15 ,
OOIIN Ml-Ab Dull.
WiiKAt-Hocelpts , 2J,5iO bu i exports , 141,5V )
uu , : biles , S.hOi.iKlJ bu , of futures , 70,000 bu
of spot , bput hlnlict , with fair business : No.
" red , 'Ji'ijj'teo ' In * toro and eluv.ilor. VJUcii
II 01' ' , IH'4- ( } IOI . f o b ; No .1 ? od ,
lUcj uunriiiHd ted , hs eaH 01. No I northorii.
IB tt'iO'.u ' : No. " lull thorn , IM'i'iilU'iO. ' Oiitlons
ihovvid n bull Hurry with the western encour
aged bj foreign buying , wet abroad , heavy
rains at thu woit , llrmui cables , and decrease
In llradstteot'H stitumuut of supplies. Tbu
Hilvanco was'"CM' so. I'roin this tduio was a
llttlo iu illratlou , which caiuud a reaction of
' , M\-\ ( with the clusu llrm at HiTWiC over
lehU'idaj : No. S red , April , SHo. .May , diva
UI'iC. closing atU-'to ; Juno , OJiitt'Ue , closing
atui u , .liilj.UJ'itoWiO. ' closing atile ) ; Au-
Ktmt. Wi , > ! ill'Sc. | closing at UI iC ! huptombor ,
rJ iCi-Ulc , closing ut Wlio ; Hucumbur , Ul' di
l o , olinlug at We.
r Dulli No. 2 Milwaukee ,
U.IIIN Heeolpts , 21,415 bu. ! oxports. TS.7M
liu.i H ilis , 1U > , ( > 00 bu of future * mid OS030 bu
of Jioi. hpotsdnll and higher ] ftOJo ) alloat.
UliRr tiled , 4MlJJ'ta ' ; No a , IbiasOoi options
clobid ( Inn atdiSii mor vcnturday. dull
trailing and rhlully In sympathy with wheat ;
April , 4tiU4USc. ) oloaiiiK at 4'iiie'May. ' . \ " < &
I'lii1 , olosliiK at 47'c : June. 45'jc ; July , 411JU
di > , oliiblnKatri'io ; Aiuuht , 4Hc , eloblni ; .it 4iiu.
UAIS Uocohit ! . . lO.'i.WO bu ; u\port , 3U00) )
bu , tales , ! ! > ) , WO bu. of fiitutes and I'.WKI bu ,
.61101. Spot m irkol stonily. iiiluti | options ,
llrnier , loss antUe ; .May , .H'.45.fio. coiln.-ut !
We : June , .ifS'IUtJCf. ulobliiat JllcNo
\\liile. April , .I7o : mot No. 2 while , j.ljsi.j'io ;
mixed \\ckUru , Jiiii iic ; white uektern , lx > J
HAV Steady ,
liors1'iriii , moderate demand.
hdOAit-Haw , J'.nj htoady ; Eiiloi , .1,000 bag !
centrifugal , slo uly , 'W test , at , tvic. und L'.coj
tons doinDhlio moltibsos sugar , 6J tc'bt.atlloo
f , o. b. riill.iilclphla aud Now York ; rcllnud
MIH.ASSESI'orol n , dull ; Now Orleans , arm ,
quiet ,
HiCfc Ploaily but nulct.
lETiiotEUa | Steady : united , S7)p ) for May.
n"lC * ' * * * ' ° 'JI' "
low.3i ) , < ifKrv.
TAI.IOW Heady ,
llosiN i'lrui ,
r "Icady but Hull.
l.noscakeri western , lies receipts. 10320
pickaxe * .
roiw-giilet but steady.
CUT MKATS I Inn : p'cklcil bcllleo. Cc : told-
Olps , qttlfcl ! hort clear , $1 4' > .
I.AIIII rirmcr. ( | itlot ; wc tcrn tcatii. elo'cd
nt } OV ) bid : alen , s" > ) tlcrc { ! ojillon ile ,
r.OM tierces : May. JT > 0 , tlnsltu 'it W.V ! asKcil :
July , tl'iS ) < ao.03 , cloiln at $3 tS ) asktd : August.
ta.70.HuirrEit Oond Ocmnnil. firm : western dalrr.
Ul7e : w tcrii erenmerv , IWUle'i ucitorti
faetory. IJWire , I.litln 2 U4c
OMFC < K Moderate demand , weak ; pi\rt
skims. fi0i'
I'm I IKI s Steady , ijulot ; Amcrlr in , $14.7 iJs
ifoi'i't it-Qulef like , Jll. " * ) lild. Ill M asked.
I.KAD rirmi domestle. ft .5J I ' 'T'4
Tl.N-Stoady : stnltp. il'JL'i ' ) bid ; { , ' 000 askcil.
St. l.ouU Markets.
ST. Louis. Mo , April in-fiom Pull
and iinchatr.'ed : lower : family , ? I.OOJil.H :
rholce , } 12 < I-1 13 : fancy , J.lllViiITo : uxtr.i
lllev. $ IUVI14 fj patents $1 'nr > n\
Win AT AilMinccil Ic early then haltcii aud
\va\ered a little , but teen st tried iipunnl
ajaln and closed -e above yestordny. No 2
rodiOn h. ' ( Viet May closcil at MHc : July ,
bO c : AuiiiHl , Me.
l oitN-1 ollowed wheat anil closed firm nnd
ViSSo nlo\ ) yesterday i No. 2 e-asli , .IT'ic : May
closed at ii'ie : July , .iii'lJM'i'nC. '
OATS Higher , but slow : No. 2 cash , SO'ic :
May. MSc ,
IUI' Quiet : aiu bid.
llAlli.i.v' Slow ; Mlnnosoti sold at 4KWe.
\v-Verv dull at Wo.
lUv iltiiii pr.ilrlc , 7.00 < a.7.0 : timothy ,
u > rirm attl 01 : spelter higher at $1 43'i.
akSi m Steady alDVie.
Colts Mni.-Quiot nttl.8i.
' - tniiilvit SI 1 ' .
lifts COTTON 1 11 s lliictiungoil : 9' SOffil.S'i.
I'lt'ivfioss I'll in but dull.
1'oiik standard , JI i ( li'J , Irroiulnr. Ill " , " > .
I.AIIII $ ftio.
I it\ SAM MiATM-l.ooxo shoulders , if ! filj
Ion S'liidi.lH } iP" ( > : sboits , $ 'isj bo\eil lots
I" > e hUbi'i Huron , shoulders , i" > ' "i : IOIKS anil
libs , < 1 l" < 3fi. Si short , $0 4j'j."ii : su ar euied
h i ms. $ iu f imo.
Kiinpis riour 4U33ib < i : \\lio it , nr.oro bu :
com , .i..o o bu , oils , 10.00J bu : rje , none :
bailey. 1 0) .
iiii'Mi NTN I'loiir. 0,0)0 ) Ibs. : heat , nt-OJI
bn : corn,2-.hOOJbti ; ; oat , 1'iOOJbu. : rye , 113110 :
bjt ley , n me , _
Oui iliti I' MM I IHO Marliet.
Hums No 1 Kieon silted hides. 4'4'Jl15c ' ! :
No ' 'Kri'ou Miltnil hides , . .litPir ; No I itreen
hi 'PS ' , 2 > to 40 'bs ' , Kl'ii'i ' Nu . ' i reon hides
3'i to 40 Ibs 'J J'.e ' ; No 1 xeal t llf , H to l"i llu. ,
he : No 2eal e ilf. S to l"i Ibs. 4i' No 1 dry
Hint bides , 'Uht' : No 2 diy Hint hides VBiie :
Noliliy silled hides. r > Bji' . I'ulou. No 1 ,
.PJffJIes tallow. No 2 I'ic ' ; Rrease , white A , Ic :
creasii \ ti > 11 , H'i'SlUc ; ttro iseollow , .lo :
Kiease. ditU. 'J rj old butter , 2Ti J'io ' , bees-
wa\ , prime Ide. rotijh t illow I'J'ifl.'o.
rum rL' illfornla UU IMS do orauses , Sl.7" > 3
\\iisliliittouim\cls : * 4 OOlil ' . ' "i ; choice ap
ples. Hoi : choke lemon < , $ linj f i tie v lemons.
il.'iAdJ ; bin mas , ent"d t.'OOifi. "O : crin-
boxes , $ . ' . ' "i
berries , shipping stock , biishul :
sir ittbotrlos , 40o qt : flotilla tomatoes , $ J,3) ) ®
7,1)1 ) per eiatoof six b tskrts .
VKiii.T\ntvfl P nicy Miisenttno gweot pota
toes $ . ' " > ) a27"i : ' eed s eot pot noes iJtn2i ;
tillfotnli c ibbawo 2'se ' pur Ib In elites ;
homo ( iron n lettuce. 40c par iloz. : onions , uocffft
il i.0 nor bu ; Nubi iski h mil pleUod
bonus , $1 7V31 H'i ; mi ilium , fl Illffll CO : C ill-
furnl i co eiy , JI.OOj Co'orulo and western
Nobr isk.i pot itocs. .1'ici natho potatoes ®
2. > e ; llmi buiins 4o pot Ib : water cress ,
2l-it | eases U'lffll'io ' pot qt . spinach , tOOJ pel
bbl.j piulsb onions , itl/i i par crate ; ridlshos ,
40c : rutaliiu'.is , } l 75 per bul , ; now turnips , Ma
I erdo * .
Ili'Tri n-S.imo of the best country roll coos
ut IStt.Me. but a 1 ir o propoi lion of the ro-
coljits luSIFc. ind as lo.v as I'le.
I iins iicncr il initiKct. 12e.
I'oui.nn Drissed ihtokuiis 10 ( Ic ; ll\o
fowls , L'ood. it ' < < : lUc , perlb , I > ai0e ; bnilnj
chle'kens SI (0 ® 000
K.IIIS is t'lt > Al.irkots.
KVNSVS UITV. Mo. April 1 1 WIIPAT Hull
mil depressed ; No J haul , 7JG74e ; No. J md ,
C'oitN Was \oryslroi ; : , No 2 , mixed , .lie ;
No 2 white. I7c.
( Mrere scirco nnd linn ; No. 2 mixed ,
. 'e. No \\hlte 1(1' ' , e
livi.Io or ; No. . ' . lil'Je '
I'r\x bti n-b'c on the basis of puie.
llliNrbte illy ; sicUe I ( , 'e.
H\v ririn. but unelim cd.
lit Wo lU ; 2) ) © 4c.
HTIISteady it lie
ItiCMi'ib Wheat , 1J.COO bit. ; corn "i.OOJbu , ;
D its none
Mui'Mi , C.OD : bu : corn.r > ,000 uu ;
bu. ; oats , 1,030 bu.
31 uiiliLMtcr'H i\pint : Ti.nle.
JUNilttbTi it , April. 11 Tlio flu trill in in Its
commercial aitlcles bijs. rirmncss pic-
\alled ventetday In all tbo d"partnieiits ,
ciiisln : i llmltod business Tbeio Is llttlo
lioni' of nil c.irlv liie'rcaso In tlio dem mil for
Indli bucuis ? of the poverty In the famlno
dlatrlcts nnd the low and uncertain i.ito of
exchm c 1 bore Is llttlo doms foi China.
Iluslucss for matorlal Is lessonlui ; The Inmo
I > idols dull. liuyois r ircly puri'li iso uxeopt
lo eo\er contracts , 'llioy are f ilny provided.
> , , - VniUDij ( iooils
NBW YOIIK , Aprlll ) Tlioro was uu Interest
ludrj pods ) at Hi-,1 hands thotich actual
tt ins ictlous with rofcieneo to the fall so ison
Hoio tc-tiiited prlnclp illy to dress ( ? oods.
KUJCIS in the m irkot special attention
to tlio now lines and uooil orders were placed.
I'otton ll.miiels x\ero also In good demand.
1'hu Jobbing trade was fa'r.
Colleo Market.
New Yoitic. April 1) . Options opcnel ste uly ,
' > to li points ilottii , eloblns b uely stead ir ,
iinehaimcd to 10 points down , siles , 24 , ' > iO
IniK Ineludln April , Sli4vaiJ ( j5 ; M iy.
M-,40 ; June f20 ! < 3IJ.o'i ; Iiilv , $11 tOGmOl ; Aii-
L-iiht , $11 7"i. hepteiiiLoi. * 11.7CoIl 'K ' ) , Oetobor.
Jll SO ; November , ? ll 7'iT.ll ( < i ) ; December , 111.70
bpot Ulo , dull No 7 , Jl ) COaiJ.75.
Cotton M.ulut.
Ni w Oiu.rANS 1n . Apill -Market was
dim. nilddllu. . 0 11-10 , low mid Illnp. fl.l-le ( ;
Kood ordiniry. 5 ll-lc ( , : net teeilpts , 1 , 710
bills ; moss leeelpts , . ' . 'ill biles ; exports to
fiiou llrlt tin , 4r j b ik's ; expjits. coist , ,1,1 U
bales , sales , O.ina b ili'a , stoeU , 2-11,700 b lies.
ll\cipo t larlcrts *
I.ivritpoot . Ajirll IJ Wiu u Quiet . holders
Qlloi iiiodor iloly ; red spiltu western , 7s , id per
cental : No 2 red winter , 7s 3d.
I'oiiv ( Julot ; mixed \\estetii , 4s 2'id percen
tal. Laid pi ma ) , western ,1s Hd pei e\\t ,
Nnu Voile l\i biiii o Itiiotatliuis.
NnYOIIK , AH II [ Telegram to
1 HIllu : 1 hxihatuo wasquotid as foiio\\s :
Lhiea o , lue pioinlnni ; HoMon. .Oo to 27c dis
count ; t-t , l.ouls , 2"io to r > ) c premium ,
I'orrlKii "il 'Murliet.
I.OM > ov. Auiil li Tuni't.xiiNi : Si'jitns
Js ( , id porcttt.
\ , \ \ \ III'OOI. April U Tulll'C'.UNIIfal'lIHTS
20l l I pji oil t. _
IriuU-rs' Tillc ,
Onicvoo , 111 , April -Oimnsolman&niiy
lo CoeUiell lltos : Win it opened ' , c to c
hU'her , advanced ste idlly 2ljca'toother. and
Llosod vMthln ' 4o of the top for Tbo
Improvement was duo to the unfavorable
vveithoi forspiln work ou firms , to the moro
conlldent feeling of holders of tlio actuu
grain , a marked lucieasoln the spocul itlvo
purthases b ised on ciop prospects , and Ilu illy
tbo appiebouslon of hhorts that prkos
bad boon depressed too fat , Tlio re
covery vuia aciomp Ishodlthout
uxcltoment and thuollerliu's at the aavanco
vscro usti.illy small. Coin aiido its worostroiu
cu o.uly buyliu by shlppots and advanced
1 itei on tbu attempt of local slioiU to cover ,
There Is a well grounded suspli Ion tint the
shtpplM'uluiiiLnt hive It In tbolr power to
minlpnlatetlio inirUot as they did last sca-
bon and th it they niosliapliu tbolr lonlraets
In oidei to do BO blocks are lUht , f-itures
mo discounted and froUhta to tide water are
i heap. I'uivlslims show a llttlo moro life on
doiuaiid to CON or local shoit eontr lots o uihod
by pioKoih bids for the May product at nonilv
July pi lees. Blocks In consuming minuets
are lUht and these IBOII of largest coiisump-
llon Is jot tocomo Packets talk eoulldontly
of lietinr prli-es ilnruii tha hummer montha.
nticAOi ) . 111. Aptll to.-- ! ' , li U)3iiu . \ . Cote
to inincin. llolllnBerl\ : Tne wheat mar
ket opouod i.itbur weak , May selling at from
nu , otoW"(0 It sold as Jiigli as bj'ic ' and
elosod at hJ'.c. Conditions are unohuniccd.
" eodluKbtlildolavod bv nins Winter wheat
dpi vcilos uro Htfht , Thlh with sliuiiRur and
blshiir I.iiropuan markets added to the
sliength , Tbo demand for cash wheat Is coed
nt a premium of ' ( oto lo ever May , At pres
ent pi Ices wo consider It bifo to buy. Corn
inoio aetho Uuo promlnotit icoelver was a
Bood liujer of May and advaneed tbo prleo
fiom lo'4oto Ilo. It closed at JUJ.o. IiiH soll-
lus about iiiidoi. Not much dolnis In oats ,
May closed at 2 ' 4C. , fcomo complaints of late
see line. 1 1 up pioduuts moro active , pickers
biiyliU the May options sellings bcailorcd.
Thd buj ers of yesterday were selllnc.
UllKUiio. Ill , At rll -Kcnnett , Hopkins A
to. to b A MuWhortor : The rcaitlou today
was prlinarlly iluo to an oversold market
' 1 raitc-rs Jumped too hastily to thuconeluslon
tint with the ? ov eminent report out of thn
ay and a Kent-rally boailsh eontiacllon
placed iiiioti It , lower prices thin ovei would
uuluklj follow. I'rob ibly the leictlon today
would not IIH vo been nearly so treat but for
thu fuel Unit I'aiilrlduo has been coveiln. ; his
Immoit'-u line of May shorts and ru-
sollliiK for July. Tlio elevator men
liavo been inuiilpulatlii , ' the cash wheat
u-alnst him anil ho thouBht It boat to u t out
of their clutches. The cli iiiiiu of bo much
sluir alarmed shorts ami there" was heavy eov-
nrilig In roiihoiiuuiao. I'ablca uro bOuiOHhat
batter. Ulunrnnces are larger and fair export
onpaiomcnls ; , but the advance will doubtless
cheou business and result In another decilno
shoitly. Corn and outs are stronger , but iut
autlvc. The shlupliu demand for lorn seems
to bo fullliij.'oir , In fact vusioU are bo'n'l"ii "
foroiwoea of any kind ofuriln at remun
erative rates. Provisions are Inactive and
featurulei > , vrlth a ell.-bt advuncu for the
uuy ,
Not Alnch KnroimiKi'iiirnt for Hears nt Ncrv
\ orkc tcnln } .
Nnw YOIIK , April IJ Tlioro was not tnnoli
encouragement for the beirs In ttio stock
mirket this morning , anil then special efforts
wore confined to only ono stock , which , whllo
yielding readily at first to the pressure ,
proved to respond more readily to the efforts
to rover. London ( leures were higher this
morning , but forclsn houses hero were doing
little , and tlio dullness In the market contin
ued unt 1 relieved except for the special ant-
million In Industrials. Ne\v Kn land anil spe
cialties , and late-r lu the coal "looks. Iho
traders , as usual , were the urlnclpil sellers ,
but stocks were taken at ti.t concessions anil
the general miirket dlsplajed a slroni ; tem
per , which resulted In a slow hut stoadv np-
prcciatlon In values all alonrf the line botno
sensational stories of Intended lltlcallon
iistnlii" ! tlio Cordage tttist ollercd an opportu
nity to the bears to raid the Btiuks of Iho
eompiny down The ptlccs were foriod off .1
percent for Ihu commuti and I'i ' for thu pre
' 1 ho stocks did not Ions remain under the
hammer , however , and a rapid and full re
covery followed Now Kngiaud was nmithor
wo ik uoltit In thu uiriy dealings. Thu loss
lo lay touched soinotbtni ovct I per cent and
U pirtlal leactlou only hiteccoded The new
spurt In the Liiko Kl lo , x. \ \ estern e irrh d tbo
common up about 1 per cent and llio pto-
fened no irly 2 per cent vvblch was aecom-
p i ilcd by marked strength In the tnilustrl ils
and later In the co ik rs all of which WIMU
aimln tidv meed m ilorl illylth Dulawaio > \ ,
Hudson In the le id Itcidln : , lunvoxor. pgaln
took Its old place at the head of the specula
tion beforu thu close anil scored a much larger
aihaiico than u u il of late. I'ho genei il mar
ket temalned without fo itnte tlnon.limit the
diy nnd the activity and stietutb In the
Icidcti , while sulllclent to give a dim tempci.
fallen to move prices to any apptoulablo extent -
tent The olu-u was dull and Him gcnerilly
at aLeut Iho best prh es of tbu day , bul In few
e ises vvoio the o materl illy higher th in the o
of last evening Pbo market g tins ini'lutlcd-
Jcraey Ccnttal % \ per cent , Ituiillug and
' lU it each I'i , I. iko l > lo l' . Ijiekawanni I ,
IhlrijO U is I , whlluCoulagu Is down 1 per
1 ho follow Ing arc Iho ulosln quotations for
the lo idlng stocks on the New Yet If SIO2 t ox-
ch ingo today :
' 1 bo tot il s lies of stocks toJ iy woto 271 SU
ill ue"- Including : Atelil-on. S llu ; Chic ice
lias dlliJDol.iw ire , Liekawaiiui t\ . \\ost-
. 'rn , ri0 ( ! : Delaware .1 Hudson. 7. 1 ; l.rle.
, JOJ : Loulsvlllo .V Nisbvlllc. I m. .Now
letsoy Cent i i' ' , 4.7IM ; Notthotu r.ieillo pre-
rctred , ri "n. AOVV Ktijlaiid , U.IOJ , ItuiMlng.
, - ' , ! > 70 , KlchniotidVost Point , TiSdl , bt.
I'aul , P.WU ; Union I 1'aclllc. J.44I ; Western
L'liion , 4,481
vvorl. . MIIIICJ ilurUct.
YOIIK. April 1.1 MONI-.V o-j Cxrr.
Cnsy ul IVii per cent ; 1 1st loan J pet cent ;
jiosed olTored at J | > er cent.
I'lttvh MtiicNTtt . 1'Ai'i . .
- \NTtt r. u .Pa o ner cent.
bTHtiaMi \cii\Mib-Qu et but sto uly it
M SO for sl\ty day bills .intl fl.bT'i for dun -
: n uul.
Thu eloshi quotations on bonds :
I'linincI il
Ni.vv YOIIK. April II The I'ostsiyv. Mar-
Lets llko that of to lay are such famlll ir spee-
Liclcs In the com so of a hol'd ' iy week tli it
Lheio was no occasion tolny for suiptloe. The
lonenl mukotwns dull mil utilntuiestlng
ind but foi stimulus from London would
have been absolutely feiturolcss The spec-
ill it In. ; fi.iteinlty eon-equently tuinoJ , us
might nMdlly lii\u boon foieseon , to the
L-asllj innnlpulatcd sto-ks and devoted thom-
iclvos to tbo toil sh ires and sugar ceitlli-
[ itox. With tne pi'rmlsslon of "Insiders , "
mi } body can add three points to the inn kct
riuot itlon of 1 ICK orders This was done iftoi
the usual atbltiao fashion today. Itoadlng
followed at ,1 slowei pice1 , mil m ukot condi
tions tialnc somewhat smlltircin sugar cer
tificates , llttlo dlllicully was found Iu binding
up prices there , thle igo Gas. ton , w is taken
In handsomely somewhat Inter on the b miu
1'limucl it Notes ,
KANSAS Ctar , Mo , April U Clearings ,
M,4 1K.74' .
Ni.vv YIHIK , Apill U Olcailnjs , $110',01,231 ;
balance , i5,0ll,7in )
1'\itis , April II Three per cent routes 03f ,
) ! 'iO lor the account.
Hvi/nMoiir , Mil. April U Clonings.
fVi' . ' lb ; balances , $ l.7"il ; rite , d poi cent.
Ml vifiiis , Tonn , April I ! . Now Vor' ' < o\-
clinngu , p it i cluailngb , iJsB.a'J- ; balances , { 100-
D07 ,
I'liirMiirii'iiiA. I'a. . Apill IJ Pie irlngs ,
M',7rtU.l ( ) ; balances , * 1.8"iSboJ : moiioy. .1 pei
OiKriNNATi , O . April n. Money. 4ft1 pe.-
rent : Nuw York cxch mge , pat ; clearings ,
. ' ,04 ,700.
HOMOS , Mass , Apill 11 Oloirings , jniilFt-
"il7 ; bil.incos , f | , U7ii3i , money , J poi cent : u\-
ih mgo on New Yotk. I'SS o discount.
ST , LOUH , Mo , Aprl 11 floarlnss , Si.OTS.-
iTT ; balances fl.OTJ.oOJ : money , 'fflll per cent ;
exchange on Nuvv Vork. 2 > ( & 50c iiromium ,
Nr.w OHM-ANS , la , April -Ulnnrlngs ,
fl,1'i,4H ' | ; Now York exeliiuuc , commerelal , io
per if 1.000 premium ; ban ! . , it iJ pur Si , OJ pre
t'lllCAOO , 111. Apill 1,1 Money , 4iifl per
I'ent. Now York oMlmiiRo , btoarty at lee pro-
mum ; sturllni , ' oxuhiiiJe , dull ; sixty-day
lijlls. JISO ! , ; demand , fl.bT'ii eleatln3'8 , ilj-
Jj 1,000 ,
Huston stock Murker ,
HOSTOV , Mass. April U-Tlio fnlioniiiK
were tbo uloslnrf Dilces on stocks on thu 1103-
ton stock iiiiirKut tuilaj :
< MIII I'mncUeo . Mining OuotiitlonK.
SAS riiAheisco , Cal , April 1) ) , 'Iho olllolal
closing ( iimtiiiloiii. for mining blocks today
vvciu lib follows ;
AIIU . . . . . . . , ; . . TO Mount Diablo 110
llulwir . . . . . 45 Optilr
II .V 11 . . ZWI 'ntoul I
llodlu Con , . 41) )
Cliollir . . . Ill Sierra .Nevada
( on Cal \ \H 315 Union Con jJu
Crown I'olnt , IJtih 35
1-nrika Con lollow Jncknt 100
i.onld X Curry lit Couinioiineiiltb 10
llttlo .V , Norcrouy 115 Noriida VUCCMI 70
Mexican 141bO Hullo Ulu IS
Mo ml bO
l.onilon htoik Jl
I.ONDOK. April IJ ( Now York Herald Cable
Mioeial to Tim HLR.I I'ho holtloiiiont has
been bionght to a sitlsfactory conclusion In
the r-tock exchangu today. No ililllcultles
have been reported. Hiibhiess foi the nuw ac-
epunt has been gro ttly restricted , theiu boliij
the usual loliictuaneo to enter Into fiesb un-
Bngoiiiciits on the o > o of four days of holiday
FiiniK mo iinehangod , but Indian iiipoo
p iper has given way " per cent. Homo rall-
w.ijh. after hhow In. sonio iloreo or dullness
eloe linn. An advuncu Is established lu
Ililghton deferred , Oiledninan , ( ilo it West
ern. bholllold deforred. Metropolitan , Midland
ami London , The Nonhwestura weekly
traOlcbtutcuvuta proved much butter thau
was expected. Arficilcan nllwivs wcro
ruhcrdi.ubiful thj ( tlrst pirt of the. day , but
during tbo nflernovu have shown considerable
llrnintss. tlicri htviru bcon some ijulet buy
ing , the Impression bcinz tlrit after the hoI-
davs there will be-much activity followed hv
tmicli li'ehor ' price1 * , vvhllu It Is bollovol that
Now \ork ( pir.itors are preoiriiig for an
upward movement. Most descrlptltns close on
a model ate linpnivchicnt , Mnnoy has been In
good dem mil todaj. J't to V't having been pnld
for ( "hott loms. riio discount mirkct has
been firmer nt i'nP. ( Or time months i , | is
I.osi ON , April U tno following were the
London slock iiuot-itlons closing at I p m ;
Contol niotioy T.Tilfn Illinois I en 7. 107 > <
dii , ftcc'iunt in , 1 jo viexlPin nrdlnnrj 2si (
N v. , I1 \ < ) ( ( , I'niii lominon Mvj
diimdlin I'nclllc vl'4 Now \ofk Cpiitrnl II7JJ
Lrlo . . , , itvmilrnnht . , . Ms
HAH SIM jj 7-lodT"
MOMJV I percent.
Amount of bullion cone Into the Hank of
I.iiglaudon balance todav. l'HOtOJL
N Vork UluimTTluolalliins.
Nn > Yoiitt , Apill il -riio fo lowliu are tl.o
cjoslni mlnltu stoc' ! < itipt | itlons
" "
Cittlnatiirs I.ovvor linn tCiunvn In
Oniah I'M Itlstuo Mugs Di'iiiiiriih/cd.
OVIAIU , Apill nHecelnts for the pist
Ihrco diis ifiCi , c it tlo. 10. "HI boas mil MM
shcppngiliistlKil'ii-ittle. 0 lid hogs and J.Os'i '
Oieep tbo Ilrst half of lust week.
Ihu genet il e ittie minuet was oven worse
than I uosda ) , Iii fact hoof steels sold at ilo-
oldeillv thu lowest pilceiof thuc ison Only
. , iiOc ittlo were rccelvuil. Imtthoit ) upponcd
to bo about ' .401 lee in mv here , Judging fiom
tbo way they sold 1" istetn ndv lei-s ceutlnuo
vety cllstnuitigtiu and Iholneessint cold drl/-
? Iu iii.ulu the selleis' road a bald OHM In tr iv el
I hero was nr utlenlly no shipments or
export ( liiiiiiind. on account of the dumoril-
l/ed condition of tlio It ulo In thu e ist. and tbo
m wns it the metev of local dressed beef
nouses. Tbcv too t good to choice h mdy lUhl
bntcln-r sleets , weUhhu fiom IiJ ( ) ) tol.l'ii
Ihs , at fiom w , n tofL-iO. vety f ilr light stttlT
solllnt ? as low as fiom 11. n to J.1 2"i Thu
no tv ler crudes th it Is cattlu vvolitliln from
IJK ) to 1,4 0 ibs , wi'ie hirl to sell , as no one
vi'omod to Jut tlciilarlj want them except at
iiiliiously low Il.-iites Silosof beiv ) cattle
wcio tt from $1,11 to * I 'T , 1 irgo y within a
rmiuof rromt ! I ) toUdi It was tmdmiht-
L-illy lliu vvoist m irket for the selling Intel c&ts
L-VI i oxpuilcncid it tills point , Othi r m ir-
l > els wete no I cttet. und nollilii : but a very
pronounced shutting off of rcei IPts will biltu
imj teller No ouu picdlets tin improvement
until r.ftcri : islet , mil with thu country full
) f m irkutablo otoel. anj veil mu\cd ad-
i meo Is not uxtru uuly prob iblc.
yi hocontlnttiil lliu ted olloiliusof butehcrs
mil einncts stock bed prices ptietlcillv
steady on anjlhliu In this line. lAIrcmu
iiilesof cows were from $ MK ) to * lo ) , tbu bulk
> elllnj at from J..n to ! 's ) Cilves weroln
iie.i-'oi supply mil poor den , and with s lies at
! ' 7)tol"iJ Hulls iirusulllni Hlc to lOi- lower
ban lust week from f 7"i to t. ' CO and slows ilu
nt that.
fatoekors ind recdors were rather dull owlns
o the Ltul wo.ilhci but thoto Is no tipp ireut
.voiktiess . In prices uml thu sltn itlon Is un-
P lies were f to n iJ 3J to JJ.JJ. Kup-
: esoutatlve b lies ;
S'o. Av. I'r No Av. I'r. No Av. I'r.
-0 1 dl J.I I 21 UK ) $ .140
40 HIM JH 1,07 .140
. ' l ! ? 1) ) 10"l .140
n HIS ' 40 nil ) .141
40 UUi 'l . 't 17 1104 I 45
ISIS 117(1 .1 . , . - > n 1.17(1
ISu II17 .1 .Ii I.70
IS i H .14- .
IS.u u (1 .1 .n 1J77 .111
I14U I 15 12.0
HOI 110' ' )
\W nvi JrO
i iii .I M
11 111
Ifi 117 , i u j ( > 0
,1147 mil IIJ
HIM I , ( , ! , : i to
Jtbl J 40 14JJ .1 O-i
1 40 1I,7 ( , S70
lil , ! 4J 1JUI Jf
44 U'H ' ) J 4)
Ml Ml )
HI-I ) lore 2 fli
10)0 ) 2 . ,0 II , 1)70 ) 2 TO
Ii U I o' 2T5
'IU j ! 40 II 1 2Ti
0 7U J7i
li II ) U 2 10 10J. J7i
10 fli ! 1040 28J
1 HIM J 53 28)
1H HIMmi 2 r.O . ( Til 28i
H 8bO 2 50 1-lt 2 8i
1 TOO 2 1)3 1141 20J
CO. 2 liO I Hi I 2 03
2 01 1)40 ) JIO
I'ill 2 ( > 5 I04J 2 Oi
1 00 ,1 25 ] . . 100 351
1 li 0 2 00 7 T7i ! 2 41
1 1010 J Oi 1 1470 240
] 1070 2 10 1 IJ 0 24J
1 fi O 'J 2i liOO 210
10 r. co .1 HOI ; i oo
100 040 2 OJ 5 . OiS .IJ )
lions Kccolptsvcro not iiincli nlfTeiont
'nun 1 lies Iny eltlioi In iiiiinllty ] 01 quiliti.
rhc'rovuro about i thous mt1 moro liuj- ' hero
.linn 1 ist Wednesday , tbu p ist tlueo d ivh' ro-
.elpts slionliu .in Ineio ise of over i/OJ lie.ul
.oinp ncd ivltli tbo llrst li ilf of 1 ist vviuK.
With liburil lecclpts , boirlhh oistern ail-
ikes .mil niu 1201 duimiid fion slilppen ind
> | ) t'c'iil itorthe' buyorj li id dci'lileclly thu id-
umtiw of llie situation. 'Ilii'n , too tbu faet tbo bnlu of tbo IIORS at KunsiH C'lty mil
ithti Missouri tlver points 1110 selling fullj
lOolovvei tli in beio in tiki bujcrs uMreniuly
3onil'-h lli.slnesa opened blow , with prloui
Did and paid fioni " , e to 1 e lower tli in Tuus-
lav. The best lUhl nnd but bet vvi Iilit IIOKS
5ild nt fioni $1 li to 14 ' 0 ; some pi mo Iiea\y
loads .ilso sold at tbo s nno i ui e , whilu f uiiif
M27' tel I" , bought tbu eoiniMon ho s of .ill
-r.idus Ilii3lne9s \ \ is model itoly aetlvo
throughout , dealers luliu iiii\lou < ) to not
through , and tbo penawuio cloned In coed
ij ison , thu bulk GoliliuaL fioiu l t ) to 414J ,
st fioni ? l 4 ) tel i ) I'liusd.iy. tbo RUIH nil
] . . . . 703 2Tio' ' 0 475 B3 4 l't
hill i.i1Hut one ) o id of sheep vv.m leeelved ,
rhoy vvoru very good mlxud natives , about
half I imbs , and kold luadlly foi io.OO , a geol
slioug price. Tlin market Is Him , domain !
btroug. Quotations ; 1'air to good natives ,
IH.a04WI.OOj full Vtir'"l ' wobtorns , } 4fl GMK ) ;
common nnd Etdifltrbbcup. * JOOi54 ( 2"i ; good to
[ boleu40 to lH-loi/lainUs , tl.5l@aSU. Kopie-
Fcntatlvo sales ; V u
No Av. I'r.
fcUnatlvo mixed-ni. 1.0 15 OJ
l ( < I ClplM 1IU < JlUplMltlllll III StllClC.
Kocolpts at the" Vnloii Htojk y South
Dmah i , Nub , for the twenty-tour hours enU-
ng atSo'ulo.'k p m , Aprlll ) , UJJ.
< 'liluio | Mvp Mock M.irlu't ,
. III. . April 1. . [ tepool ilTulexrim to
Till- ; HUM 'Iho maiket visterdiy was de-
ulare'd by cattle silisinon to bu "tho worst of
Die season , " All thu bud fuatuies then com
plained of were lutenslllud today , bupplles
rteto heavy for the time of year , thu demand
lamentably weak und prleus , well , they wuiu
> > y all odua thu lovvust of tbo vear r > a
tur as fat cattle were e'oncerneul , Alllitiiish
buyers vvcro present lu about the usuul
numbers there was no competition and from
opening to finish the s.tuatlon was us limn ns
a ra , Sales were on a bnsls of from ll.iii to
MVSfor Inferlot to choice rows nml bulls , 2 ( HI
to W w for stockers and feeders , } 10) to J4.7'i
for common to extra slilpplntf st crs and tl 75
\ ° . ? ' . ' "f Tt'fis cattle. Veal calves were
dull at from 11.40 to Jl T.A bunch of steers
of v ery ouucrlor qtinllty olil at tl ' < .
Hogs sold lower from tbo start though opru-
IngsaleRfihoweil lo the best adv ant igtship -
pots being wllllns to liny a llttlo stroneor
price thin would local pickers II irrlng a
* nn ! or two miidooariv In t bo Iavt47i was
the top of the nntkct. Hood huavv and
medium weights sold at from Ii 00 to H.bS. uml
, , ' ! ' . w"ls " " oulsldo uttotntlon for
II lit orls 1'cor to fair lots went
at from fist to tlM nnd theru
was a s lii or two ot heavy hogs of superl-ir
ijnnllly at } l 7S 1 hesu prices show ti ileellno
from vestordaj's opening ijnot itlons of fiom
ac to lOe per UK ) Ihs. Weakness was again a
feature1 of this market , receipts continuing
lee laigo for the demand lluvcis asked foi
rurlher concessions and goncrOly not them.
the published Kilos Indlcatln. a irdiictlon
from vcsterdav's prliesof from Re to Iflo unil a
reduction for the last three dtivs of from lie
to JV. Quotations ratuu from jnli | to Jl "V " * for
Poor t oil to from H.1 to fii.4J for eholie
l.imbs vvero il o dull and vvo\kcr and quoted
atfrom J\f0 toil CO
Ueci-Ipis wcro Catlle , n.rOJ : Hogs , C = ! , oio :
slu op so ( i
1 ho Hvenlng Tournil rcpoits : OVTTM' lie-
celiits 11 owi ; shipments , . | . ' , oo ; market slow
! ( , * "lv. prim" < noei , $1 U0jj4. ' ) ( ) . othets ,
J.ii..i _ , ; ' , . xtockets , $ SiQ. ) , o : cows , tin , ®
llons-Hceotpts. ' . ' 7,001 ; shipments. ll.POO.
market IOVMT , rough tnd rommoii } IOWrS ;
mixed and uiokoi . < M fi54 Wit pr'iue ' luavv
wolg'its , $ | oVjJ4.ti ; light , Jl VI
t-iliiM'-lticoliits , 7nui ; shipments. ' .MO.
ni'ttket slow r.tul stonily to lower : inve4 "l
R47T ; vvi then and vc.iillnqs * ( ! 0 ffl ( sIn - , :
In eed Tinnns. SS'ij ' ; westerns , Ji-'ao 10 ,
lambs , $ i'J308J.
Xcu York Live sioilc Mtirliot.
Nt.w VOIIK. April 1 1. Ovrn.ri - Uceclpts ,
H.J bond , Including 41 ens f r sale : mitkot
Meulynnd netive ; iritlvo sleets i J svn ui > :
die-ked beef linn at W so p ( > r Ib h ptui'tit'i
lodaj.fi5Tl > iiuaitctsof beef ; tomuirow , ' . .i'
beeves und lUsheutj.
L M.v l.s IteieitJts 1,171 head ; mnrltet 'iCper
Ib. higher : vuils , © ; mixed calves.
M irtiM ifi | buttermilk calves < liMfIO' <
btiH.p tiocclnts ( i.-0 ) hit nil maiket > , o
liluhi'i ! unshorn sheep M " > 05i7 10 pet 100 Ibs :
L'llpped slieup id. ilii7. ' > J ; Utessed iiiilttons
steady at ( italic pei Ib : dressed lamlh llrm at
lliids Kocolpts. 7-llu head , conslsnoildltiit ,
market nomlt.ullllrm it $1 witel 71
KatiHis Cit.v Llio itock Market.
KASS\S CtTMo April 1 1 CATTl.r. Ip- !
. elpts , ,1,4)0 ) ; shipments , ' . ' , bii ( ; steeis vvete
11,11 and we ik to lOu loivet. soillnit ill. ®
171 : cows , il.7Vii.17j ; stockets and fcodeis ,
lines Uccclnts P.200 ; shlpinenls , : i , n Tlio
market opi tied weak lo r < c lowei : gained Ihu
IDS'imdiloscd sttong ; all e\ \ ides , $ J 1422,4 10 :
bull. . ? l. OTtl ! \
hill IP Itecclpts 431 ; shlpmants , 210 flood
jliicn weiu wanted nud stioni ; , olhcis vvete
, tuulv.
UoWitt's ' Siisapiriin cloi'iso ? the blooJ ,
Increasostho n > ipsttto 'ind tonoi up the sys-
Ictn. It his banollttoil miry poaplo who
tiavo sufluicd froiii blooJ disai-Jurj. Hvll
"Lato to boJ and only to rho1U shortoi
the toad to vour homo in the sltn's. " But
Mtlv to bed and u "Little Hiuly Hlsor , " the
Dill that makes llfu lotiRor aud better and
iv Isor.
round All farm Mill Victims.
DLMHII , Pa. , April iy The 5011 ch for the
remains oi twenty-nine miner ; , who ivorc
2ntombod in r.irrn Hall mine on Juno 1I1.1&00 ,
i\as completed this .iftetnoon bj the ilutling
if tbo last three bodies.
DeWilt's Sarsapmlli destroys sucti poi-
'ons us scrofuln , skin disease , ccrcma , thou-
niiuisiii. Its timely use sives imuy lives
A Group of Attractions
the world over. If women would
lemember that to be thoioughly
healthy , that to be fleshy yet not
fat ; to have that blight complexion
and brilliant eye of pcifect health , it
is only necessary lo sleep , eat , and
digest well. Johann Hofl's Malt E.\-
tiact makes the digestion pei feet.
This then compels yon to cat 'and '
sleep well. Consequently the gen
uine Johann Hoft's Malt Hxtract
makes women beautiful and atti ac
tive. Tiy it. The genuine have the
signature of " Johann HolT " on the
oeck of the bottle. Eisner & Men-
delson Co. , N. Y. , Sole Agents.
To the ownerof lots and lands fronting upon
stieot linpiovuiiicnt dlstiat No 41" . 1 0111-
pilslng I.e ivonwoitli stieol from the west
line of 1Mb street to thn west line of Jlth uvo-
nuu Inthueltv of Urn ih.i and subju't lo as-
si ssment for ihu iep ivlug of tliu same.
You mo hereby notlllcd In niusiiinos of or-
[ llnitne > No , l'Ji 1 , p -scd nn'l ipproved Aptll
1 1 1 'Jto ' sekct and dnti iinlno upiin tlio kind
: ) f matt i i il to bo ui > il In p i\ lug anil icp ivliu-
s ild Irnpiovonionl illstilct on or liofoio Muy
II , I-1) ) ' , or thoe.ty eounell will deteimlni1 b till
in teital.
Dated at Omaha Ibis , Uth d iv of April. Ib'JJ.
I' W IMUlvllAPsnii ,
Cliairm m of the Ito ml of 1'ublkorks. .
Aptil II. l'i 10.
Union Stock Yaids Company
Best cattle , ho , ' and bhccp tnaiKut In the west
THI : uAwits :
? ll n\IUM I Write to this IIOUSQ for cor-
? U. U.U.lllA [ rect Marlcet Uoportb.
Wood Brothers ,
South Omaha t'hliM o To'ephonc II iV.
John I ) \ \ \\ooilnnil\\iillerK , Mnnnker
oports by mall and wlio eheeifnlly
npan application.
James II. Campbell Company ,
Chleuco , Ha tHt Louis , Uansiisrity , t-outh
Oni ill. i , "loiu ( Jlty , Ton Worth
A frill , W K DJiny. 11
Cliloi'KO 1I K s.iksinnn. Cattlu
Crill , Denny & Company ,
I.lTO btock Commission Hco n 11 Hxclniigi ! III'g \ ,
Huutli Uaiuliu
A. D. Boyer & Com pan ) ' ,
OS and f'J i\cli : , iiuo lliilldlii-coutli Oniah i
[ ? orroBpoiiciKo ] BiiMcltfil uml iiroinptly nnsvfeTUil
l-ptelul iittuntloii to order' toi utoeUurn & fecilum
l-'sUblliliLd . . . imorporatud , I&.U
Cupltal fully put J MUOU
Waggoner Birney Company ,
\Vrlto or Hlro us fur prompt und reliable ) market
repot t *
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Llvofctook Commission.
Itoom 01 ixchango : llulldlng. South Omaha
'lulcphono 17(17. (
Gasman & Dudley , IL II. Hegarty & Co. ,
Itooms CO nnd rl , i\- Itoom III j : . . _
cliin0'u llulldlng llnlldlni , '
? outhUmah i. - Neb Mxith Uni.ihu , - Neb
Miller Brothers ,
lloom. , l.iclnntto llullilliu ; - - . boutli Oinulm
Union Stoclv : Yard NalionaT
. UAN'K.
TJio only bnafc at Ibu juiilt Cupltal nnil eur
iilua. f.'KimW CiilltLlluns Kru lni : out or lliu lUts
lock liuilneti ulioalil Lo nt-iit direct to UiUtuik
Bhlpiifr * { .aiiilvpokUforVruilIt ol tbulr Uouio tank
PAIKI ( lllli .lulllinill 1A
IND COMPANY , Tents fmnliuK , tiirpiui
Hnes hummocks ullnmt llti , covers of oil klmi !
rulilipr clothlne sml tinnnoM , PIP < ml
torcnt Rue 111,11'ntimm S1 Kill
e'sir to 1 3M1U -
tn oi M f i : clear piper
clc' * u1 < 1 on nonlhlr I'laXliuim.n'u novel
piymcnts I''O.N lllli st ilc. In hut Mno
1101 Ho rirl Stro-t
Knctorr nornur llthnnt Dmitlni ftrJili
Wo ir nmklnif clo < o p-leoi to cnh biyor < nilnra
a elm of njoli wtili'ili vurr silo-
Wliolc'idn Mfrs Agents llOOtS fllOl" rubbers
notion llubberSluuCo Ii It iiooila 1S1I ullnr
llu. , 11UI , llUjIlatni' IICJ St , .
Itul CO.
once , " 'I ' li mi I I oixvi-n
viortliS H tlmntii
lulin Jt uliUTor. Ai I
Mf-K I oiifectlonors nml
Jobbers of lorelKn nnil
ilomubilu fruits , 111J
How ml st
Carrliirfc linllilcm IIo o
nut ) | i arolvngons u
ll'CCl lit ) ,
IStli , oii | | Court Hon o
GO. , Mrfs Imtxr topi ImcXs ,
A 1 Pnrliy Mrr Tops , lustilon * i tc s ntl tor
cimhloiis , bilks , etc cutalug JIJS l.'tli st
JJl ± North 15t'ict
LIME CO. , Mfru imlv nntriMl Iron
cornko , window cmn
Him ! nncl soft coil S 1C
motnllL k > ll.liti < , etc
u r loth unl Douglas .
eU HiU , llUUuilhC.Bt
Cluthlnu notion furnish Mnnufrs ind v\lioli ale
ln.a iive 111 n trialS clothiers 1103 llarucy
I'tipk'i prtpilil l > j ex btrcct
press 111J Uanify.
M.E. SMITH & CO. ,
Drreoods notions fur- ) r > pood9 notions pcnt'n
nlsliinit KomB Corner lin-nHhlne ) .ood I or.
llth mnl Howard its llli ! uud Howard Bt
IlluMrntcil cntnloj free
lull Capitol are
UphoUterel furniture
1 ( Tim , Mcliolns ( irnco nnd 'Ihlrtccnth
\ liuU'onlo mil ) streets
1201-120 % Jones street , 10th nnrt II irney Btrccls ,
OmiUa , Onmhn
SIMM of 'Iriu'c llrokor
In jrro n otf l'rl\nio
wire to .N \ , ChltJLO
unil sl I i.uU
Hats cnps ftrniv cooiU , llnti capi > , ftnn gooi1'
lo\es uitttcnt Owners
mltlLiiu lth
Klo\ix *
( . ilu 111
iclobritcil } .
und librae )
hat llth and Hirnujr.
Continental Sl'k , 15th and Douglas.
Furniture , Carpets and Draperies ,
TWzzf ; IKK-- . " "WflSf"
* ? &S8r * ' *
Gunn Combination Bed , J3 different styles.
Be sure and see this bed before purchasing.
We are the Exclusive Agents -
- - Send for Spring Catalogue
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tli eminent inctlolllt In norvouj chrur-lr. ; rlTil lilnol , kln ind uni urr dlicnrc * A rojular n1
omnnnnU ( orlilknti | | " > T liitlll tremlnn with lliu crtnunl anccril
lip .
mulclnu in
5tiirru. i.rnuutorn" ? lo.t ro iihooV omlii l vvrHkno.H nikUt loi.ui. linpiituner n-'illij . ( rlctiiro BOII.
' iinnblo la
' lorlo of vliul l' rllu
K'C ' I viirU'iKiiHi.cli. fie inviiury um I IM'W iriiitnmnt punrr
brrliiiH bu troHtoI ai lioma li com > * i iiniKnci Vl 1l lr or luttrunienti ent b. niuil jruniiresi
Tltlt mu iniiy
kstclndl jto KinluaU or iiinde'r. ono inrionol Intvrrleir prifortcd
eun free li lorroiuoiVuniaitilctl ) prl * t Hook IMjuurUi of Llfo ) wut iron. OOlcu Uuur a iu.lo p. o.
buujara 111 u tu.lolJm beuu tuiuplor rtplj.
jl/fir.iaa sa jymuuam a
? orI03TcrFAlLINO MiKnOOD ,
Weakctuof Body ncJ MInil , Eflecti
Jlof Error or F.xctnca In Old or YoiiaBt
. .jbUlU tkObl. . HUMI.r , . . ) fulli ltrklur d lldii lo I lirr Abu
blrrnilk.ulltlk.l MlliVKUlIlUlllll.lMIJkl'AltlHl'IIUI , ' | ,
lUulultlr unrslllr , , lllinii 11HlItM-ll'i"-Oli ! Inadi/ ,
tiroIrtlll/frvu&Uttlilrtand 1 prrlcatnuDlrlra. llrllf thru ,
i > r frl | > llt lloul , tllaBBll | uaBU vrWitiillt4wt\t4)ltt ( \ ) ,
CO , , Dorters Imnln-nro nn
Cirnrr lOthnnd Jnckson meclmntcj tool *
Mricts 1434 DoiiRlas btrcct.
lnooil lumbar , wool
Mtputs nn t mrquDt Impoftal Vmorlein I'or b
Hooting , linloonoat , vtilKvu < i
liT'lrnrllr rpmonl ftllJ
Dili nil Dotulij ( jiilnc ; nliH3 li IKS
Manor merchant * , 111 !
HirnT-sl Mfrs HOT
\Vhotcs-\lc liquor ilcalcjl
no IT s Kmi iu iii nit
tCM KKI ) tnranui at.
mpurtrrs nnd Jodtiprtof
Millinery notion" rlnnti tntllln TV notions Mull
vie. Ill 11SH loth at ori'irs prompt VMS U S.
llth it
A , , J3t THE MEIIitlERG CO. ,
I'liinoi orKiiin nrttsls lO'.V ' ICIh < ! I'lnnos
in iterlnli Lto 1113 lllui-li niiil tnnilrnl In *
Doug Ins t. ntruiuintii of all kludi
LINE CO , , No bntl oilor , no ino < t
thliiinr < no rlinrrlhj
nnl lubrleitlm ? of rctik' \ < > oiirfiro *
ollj , a\lo urcnio. oto cur tor It
I'uikorn of oyitcr' , flsh Oy ter Htli an 1 cilcrr ,
uml celery WJLoavtu llli b IDth'.t DiTll
worth t. Cole , ninn I LT
Mfr of " 1C \ S" punt' , Mfr celcbrnteil "Iluck"
tlilrta nnd ovorolla.ctc B'lln oviinlh iintiln ,
CU1SS llth st. nlililH tout1 * etc Uiisl
Oi i ihu
-sUibllsluM , 1S73 BRANCH & CO. ,
V/HITNEY4.CO. Produce fruits of nil
llntter , ulna ana poultry kindo } uteri 317 B ,
JUS 13th at. Uth at.
, JAS. A. CLARK & , ClT7
SONS. , Uultor , chooia cji > >
Butter , sxnt nml poultry poultry nml jnmn.
12W llonnra-it 317 South loth btrual.
"j. A. RYDER . COT 0. PEDAU ,
Uutler Pffft cheQepoul Commission inorclinnt ,
Irv hlilei iuil K.iinu 1'ioilioe liuttir tk , .
1J15 Ilonnrd bin ut cliLoio nnd poultry \
lleftr to Com 1 : sat.H < inlc l.'tli und lluuiua si.
? picloltle % huttcr , CKKH
c'liese poultry , etc .No
41 Jb llth Ktf 1st .Null
llnttnr , OJB < chi'es-v
rnsh hu > er * hiitter nnd fruit" , pojltrt uu iij ,
CLK' h mdlei nil other AK < nts fur Sly rIle
produce on comuilslon Ilo ) il her e nnd uttlo
l.'lb llth bt MI < - „ 1UJ & IHU nt ,
GREELEY & CO. , I J. S. IIJS ! 1 03.
lintlcr fkiid poultry , Our ipocliltloi lluttar ,
j-nine 1 Ides unit fruit , o.m nil p i trj , UlJ
1JT lion ird htre-ot HunurJiticot
rtholsalohuttcr A cess ISuttor , clico o opt ,
. MVOtnblcH fruUtt ( ioul
l.uys nnd rolls for
trj unil ynuiu
each 41J3 llth at
VVrti phu tnpi r ullklndl
L irr > full atock of
mil of twines elo HU
prlntliiK wrnpplnrf
. Telo
Howard streot. *
ArlltiiK piper ,
| ter etc j phone , 17O
stove rep ills nnil witM
ntt ic'iinents lor nnf
kl nl of Ntovo m&do.
1JJI Io l n
( loyn ( lolM u 1 bumi ,
Inmifuctnren of ei'li lime ) IIH IB huuaufnr
doors h 11 n < 1 s n n > 1 nlnhlni. k i'H chll-
inoiil llnK > < Ilrnnch of ilriMi s inrrln/oi Ulv
Hie , l-llli nudlzarUbt ] 1 nrnum street.
i f * ? vivfc /nctj * , loniith ntliili , d > Mplti , foul *
L STv UVy trnitli In ui ii hi , 11 .ill urn , ( omnf 5
Jvuffa-sr" ' l'l" tlto , IIH nUil ikpii'rli u iwluful *
tfmOy dltiitliii pliiiilcii rnlliiw lonilltl
* ao loiianleieryilli ( > iu < r > n 'iiltliiKn'iin ' j
imjiiiro.lovliir o fullurciliy tliuMiiniu'li lliirurjn
li ipt | tuimfona thclriircisrfiinilliuM lirtim ?
9 inn n to < / > ( r i ulluif art I. , m liU'l lo tuUoy cm tUr T
Starliini ; l I rllir mull 1 tT > r / Minli | IV J
J I IPAMiUlKMfcIAI. COVjgtirucohl iWiirk f
( * * * * < > * * *