Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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1 filmed ly Cnnlcr tonny pnttof the City
Hin'ne Offlco Np
.hJ . No2I
Mtxun .it i\iiu.v.
N Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coM.
Cioft's ' chattel loans. 80 Sapp bloi3f.
In the superior court yesterday tborc wcro
no cases ready for trial ,
Stove and cord wood dry. For sale nt
Thatcher's , 10 Main street.
The court house roof Is leaking badly , nnd
the superior court room Is getting a drench-
The Scottish Kite bodies meet Friday mcht
to elect olllccrs und transact other important
Council lUuffs has onn young husbandwho
has not yet reached I'm ago ol iiJ , and who
has thrco wives , all living.
The state convention comrnlltPO nnd the
various subcommittees will meet Friday
evening m the Board ot Trade rooms.
In the district , court the affairs of the old
Boston tea store were still being aired. The
CHSO will probably occupy the attention of
Iho court todny also.
St. John's Hngllsh Lutheran church will
bold sticclnl service ? tonliiht nnd tomorrow
night at ttio residence of Hov. t ! . W. Snyder ,
IK ! 1'icrco street.
1C. C. Abbott received a loloarnm yester
day announcing the probable fntnt Illness of
his father ni Cleveland , O. , and tool : a late
train for that elty last ovunlng.
The funeral of Fred Johnson will occur
from the First Presbyterian church tomor
row morning at 10 o'clocic , Instead of 4
o'clpclt , as previously announced.
The Veteran Firemen's association will
meet at Hoscuo house No. II , Friday evening
nt 8 o'clock on business of iinportnuco. liy
order of Charles Nicholson , president.
Thcro will bo n meeting of St , Albtan's
lodge Knights of Pythias this evening nt 8
o'clocic sharp , to mnlcc arrangements for at
tending Urother Johnson's funeral Fndav
mon.liig nt 10 o'clocic. Uy order ot the C. C.
The management of the Twin Cilv Chntnu-
nna yesterday closed arrangements by which
they srcuro Hov. Dr. Thomas of Chicago ,
who will dc'llvor at least one address. The
fame of the liberal preacher will cause the
gathering of a largo auuicnco to him.
The residence ot Ofilocr G. L. Martin nt
vi0 ! Mill street was scrloiibly injured by the
flood yesterday evening. A section of the
Villnr wall twenty-two foot long and boven
feet high was forced in by the pressure of
mi'd nud water , causing the house to nettle ,
racking it severely.
Mrs. Mat tie C. Hubbard , wlfo of II. F.
Hubtmrd , dlad yesterday nt the losldonco ,
11H South after Illness
Twenty-third street , an
ness ol two weeks , ngcd " 0 years. She
leaves a boy baby two weeks old. The
funeral will take plnco from the residence
Friday alternoon at 3 o'clock. '
Eighteen now members wore Initiated at
the mooting of the Order ot the World last
night. An invitation was received from the
newly Instituted lodno in Omaha to join with
them in a banquet in honor of the opening of
their new u.uiirtcrs in Tin : Bnr. building to
morrow ovening. The invitation was ac
cepted and a delegation of orty or filty
lilulls members will assist in the celebration.
The stonily rain storm that prevailed nil
day yesterday gave way In the evening to a
Meet and snow storm that interfered seri
ously with the telegraph nnd telephone lines.
At 10 o'clock thcro was only one wire on the
Western Union poles running eastward that
was in working order. Trains were all de
layed from ono to live hours , nnd when they
pot in reported n terrible bli/zard raging in
the central part of the state.
Mrs. Nellie Hubcr Mcgginson died very
suddenly ntlhilu last evening of heart fail
ure at her home , iOS Fourth street , oho bus
been ill since the : ; d of January , but was not
considered dangerously .so until a very short
time prior to her death. She was a daughter
of Mrs. M. F. Hubcr und had a largo circle
ol acquaintance ? In the city. The arrange
ments for the funeral have not been com
pleted nnd will bo announced later.
A singular feature of the thunder storm
that visited this vicinity at an early hour
yesterday morning was its ability to shakeup
up things. There were two clap * that wcro
nlmost strong enough to Knock over chim
neys , nnd hundreds of pcop'o ' report a tremor
that caused ns great commotion In thcii
houses ns nn earthquake. On the
Fovonlh floor of the Grand hotel the vibration
wni sufllcient to throw servants out of their
beds , and dishes were broken and clocks
Hopped all over the city.
HoHton Store , Connell Itliilft
Our utoelc at this time is now complete
with everything suitr.blo for Hasten
In our handkerchief department wo
Miow many novelties from the ; ie hand
kerchief to the llneat sl'.K or hand cin-
lii-oidored. Our line nt 5e , 7o. or four
for 2'c , nnd lOe , three for lioe , lUJc , lee
nnd 1'Jo ' surpasses anything over shown
in the handkerchief linn.
In lId gloves wo lead. Our line o
ccnuino Fosters is now complete at
S'l.OO ' , ! M.iK. Sl.fiO , 81.75 , $2.00 and § 2. 2-5.
Kvory pair from $1.2o up warranted anc i
filled to the hand by expert glove
/JO do/on ladies' Idd gloves , assorted
colors , for this week at flUe per pair.
Marked down from iJl.UU , § 1.25 nnd SI.50
all in at tCc a pair.
\Va show almost everything in the
hosiery line from the cheapest cotton to
the finest Hill ; . Ask to fcco bur fast bluek
at 10o and 12jtii ! pair , also our full regu
lar made ladtoH1 fast block oynx llorms-
dorf hose at 2oo u pair , wot'-th ! ! 'lo and
'ioc a pair. In childron'a lioso our lines
nro complete ; anything and everything
in children's hose from tho"c hose to
the linost silk , Hoston store , Pother-
inghamMiltoltiv & Co , Council
Bluffs , In. _
rit'i-t-oil Kitslly.
An Italian giving his name ns Jo SabatUa
complained nt police headquarters yesterday
that bo had been relieved of $ ! > , " ) by trusting
tco implicitly In the story of a stranger at
thi ) transfer who was being closely pressed
to pay n freight hill , it was the old , old
story nnd the imported victim gat the old ,
olu convolution and nothing moro.
Horses For Sale Finely bred drivers ,
carrlngo teams , brood mures and ( lilies ;
SO , moro or loss ; would exchange for
good land or city property. Dr. C. II.
1'innoy , Council Hlulfs.
Just received ot Davis1 , iv o.irlond of
Heath it .Milllgon .Mfg. CO.'H paints.
Absolutely pure , and the best in the
market ,
I'or Window .Smashing.
Tno two Murphy brothers , charged with
inmshing the windows of a school house in
Lewis township , wore arrested vestorday by
Deputy Kherllf O'Brien , who'found them
hidden In a barn near their homo. They
wcro brought before Justice llammor vos-
tcrduy afternoon and gave bull to appear for
* hearing on Saturday.
Wehnvo our own vineyards In Callfor
nla. Jorvii Wine commny , Co. UlutFs
The Kini ; ol ( iiiimlliio Stcivci.
The old single generator Dangler was
the best gasoline stove ever miiJo. bu' .
Shugort & Son have a now Dangler that
Is unquestionably the king of vapor
etoves. It is culled the Dangler Sur
prise , nnd Is simply the old reliable
Ftovo with n perfect process generator
added. It burns iv blue Homo when
lighted and lmn no odor in slopping or
Blurting. Shugarts are the only people
vilio lumdlo them.
Intjrcst in the Eisjman Failura Very Sud
denly Revived ,
Dermrr AnxIniM tn Know \Vliy lie
Ignored Itcrcnt Instructions IIViis
.Mi'ielyno Orrr.ilglit und ul
No Importance.
Interest In the Klsoman failure was re
vived yesterday afternoon by the fact that
Assignee S. P. MacConnell had been cited
to auiioar before Judge Dcemor forthwith
and show cause why ho should not bo pun-
Ish6d for contempt in disregarding Iho order
of the court to mono n report and show the
status of the broken firm. The attachment
was sworn out late Tuesday evening but ser
vice was not secured upon Mr. MacConnell
until about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
The action was taken upon the request of
the Chicago Toy and Fancy Goods company ,
ono of the liisoman creditors who has grown
weary of the Ions and voiceless delay , nnd
was taken through the local legal roprescntn-
lives , Sinn & S\undor3. : There were some
rumors ot a rather sensational character Hy
ing around that seemed to btu-o no place for
un origin , and were to the effect that the
imlgnco' report would bo rather Interesting
Assignee M-icCounell wns considerably
surprised nnd still more chagrined when the
notice reached htm , and he repaired to the
court and the attorneys for the complainant
and sntlsllcd them by an agreement to lilo
the report asked { or on Saturday afternoon.
Seen by n Uiii : reporter yesterday after
noon. Mr. MncL'onnell saidYes : , I guess
I'm in contempt of court , but 1 don't believe
I ought to bo punished very badly. It was
duo to un awkward oversight that ought to
bo easily excused , and yet doe ; not deserve
an excuse. About thrco weeks iigo I was
served with n notice Iroin the court ordering
mo to make a report as nsslgnne. In fact 1
was borvcd with two notions. 1 simply
glanced nt them and sent them un stairs to
Mr. Ha'.dwm , who has boon the attorney lu
thu cnso from the start , lint Mr. Baldwin
had Just gone out of town nn J did not return
for several days. The duy ho did return I
left , but forgot to call hN attention to the
notices. As n consequence they were buried
and I utterly forgot nil about the
matter until it was forcibly called to my at
tention this afternoon , and 1 Immediately
called Mr. Baldwin's attention to it. 1 have
been ready to make report at nn.v time , and
don't want to ha in contempt of the district
court or imy other court. The report next
Saturday will simply show the amount of
money that was realized by the s-alo of the
goods hero and in the htoro nt Missouri Vul-
loy nnd the necessary expenditures. It will
contain nothing sensational atid nothing
ot any interest to the public. The
f. ct that every dollar of the monny
and everything else was attached
and garnished immediately after the
validity of ttio assignment w.s altichod ren
dered U really unnecessary for mo to make a
report. There was llttlo else but that cold
fact to report. There are about seventy-two
of these eases , and if wo could have suc
ceeded In getting ono ot thorn to trial and
doci.icd all would have been settled up be
fore this. That is all thorc Is to the matter
that Is of the least possible Interott. " .
There has been a good deal of work uouo
In Iho ease within the last few weeks by the
linns interested in brcutdnir the assignment ,
and when the matter gats into court , which
will not bo beloro next Soptomoiir , it will
iUlract considerable attention.
I have just received a new line of
Kaster pattern hats and bonaotu. Mrs.
M. I'foilTer.
Thomas Tostevln. civil engineer and
surveyor , over DoVol's , 501 Broadway.
JarvislST" brandy , purest , safest , best ,
( letting Ko.iily lo Itnllii ,
There was one pleasant feature of the ut
terly vllo duy yesterday , and that was the
presence in the city of a number of head
ofllei.ils of the Northwestern Uullwuy comf
p.uiy from Chicago , whocamoout Inaspecia
car to complete the financial arrangements
for beginning work on the now depot on
Broadway. The party comprised Chicl
Engineer J. F. Jllunt , Advisory Kngiiicer
Johnson , \V. D. Hedge , engineer of the Iowa
division and Division Superintendent Mark
Hopkins of Boouo. They spent a greater
part of the duy in vio.vlng the grounds and
taking measurements in order to complete
the spccillcations. The contract for the
work has boon lot to C.V. . Uritidla of Chicago
cage , who bus built nil the depots of the
comuuny lor n number of years past. The
.structure will bo about 115 feet long and
titty feet wide , of pressed brick ana cut
Rtcno. It will bo located about
where tlio little baggngo room now
stands. Tno plans call for the complete
remodeling ot tlio yards. Tiiu main Jtrack
will run on Iho east sldo of the depot. The
present freight housu will bo moved back and
enlarged 10 moro than twice its present size ,
ami when completed will bo ono of the
largoal in the stall- , large enough to permit
the unloading of a whole train load of Ircight
at , ono lime. The depot structure according
to the contract will cost'i5OOJ. The change
In the yitnis will take away a number of the
tracks and permit the depot to bo surrounded
by attractive grounds. The yards will bo
moved further north and thnro will bo but
llttlo switching In Iho viclnitv ol Broadway.
During the winter nud fall over 'WO cars of
uravcl had been unloaded and spread over
the situ for the now yards , f 11,000 has been
expended in new bridges with three moro
yet to build , making a total expenditure m
this city , after the completion of the work
now under contract , of nearly ? 100,000.
If the weather purmlts wonc , on the now
depot will bo commenced within u week , and
by the time cold weather comes again Council
Bluffs will hava the Ilno.n passenger and
freight station on the road outside of Chicago.
Genuine Rook Springs .coal at
Thatcher's. 10 Main street , always on
E. II. Sheafe has money to loan on real
estate and chattels , Uroadwpy und Main.
I "I UK Uiy ; itercUe : ,
Elaborate arrangements have boon made
lor the observance of Flag day by the public
schools tomorrow afternoon , when the na
tional Hug will bo raised over every school
housu in the city. Al the high school a line
program has been prepared by the pupils ,
and several prominent gentlemen will bo
present to mnko speeches. The following
has bean arranged by the pupils and Prof.
Kastnmn ;
I'lano Duet. . Hello Hotelier nnd Kute Phcpler
Address by Iho I'lesldent. . . Helen M. Donahtiy
Oration Our l-'las
KnthnrlnuMeyers. .
Itoettathm Tno O.d Soldier
Dora l.yon.
Him ? Pehoot
uiallon Rnulnml v < United Stales
l-'i'ou Kmpkle.
Declamation Abraham Mncoln
Will i-jnlrt ) .
Vocal Porb Mlsi Janlo Baldwin
Oration. . . Mionld Uirls Taken I'urt In Polities
1'runces Dalloy.
Kccltatlon Kena Klsinun
1'liino Trio . ' . Maud
U.irln. Huitlm liruss und Anna riievans
Heel tat Ion Miunlu Mnlliollnml
Oration A True American
liusilo llonn.
Violin B'olo Clulro Chambcrlln
. . . .I'ranecs llow-
. mini and Caleb Unlilnuon
Nonatlvo Holjcrt lliitd-
wln und Kthul llarulny
Cornet Duet
\\lll \ \ Muiphy and Isabella I'uttur&on
Ask for prices on pure good early Ohio
potatoes in car loats and small riiiatui-
tics. T. J. Ulark , Council UlulTs , la.
Jurvls' wild olackborry U the best
I'laniiliii ; to llrenlt .lull.
Among the tousorlal provisions for thecaro
ot the prisoners la the county Jail is n pair of
clippers , the use of which is permitted at
times Inside tbo cell room. Tno clipping
machine was handed through to tbo pris
oners the other duy that they might do a llt
tlo harboring , but when it was called for
again there was mango display ol iguor-
once as to its whereabouts. Each prisoner
denied that ho knew anything about It , and
thu sheriff nnd his depute * , bavin ?
their suspicions nrou.sed , mndo a most
thorough search nnd Investigation. The
clipping machlno wns found under the bl ?
cylinder , but the spring had boon tnKon out
mid tbo machine otherwise demoralized. It
was further discovered that the prisoners
had attempted to convert the steel spring of
the cllpr/cr Into n saw for cutting the bar of
the Jail. In this attempt they had been
foiled. An Investigation led to the selection
of two of the moro guilty ones in Iho plot ,
and they were put on b'ro.vl aim water ulot.
Roller , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has
all the latest styles and newest good * .
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Don't forgot the 13 tster entertainment
at thu Tri'iity church Thursday even-
In p. A good supper , with eggs served
In t.ll stylos. _
A Npwsjmprr Mnn'it WfililliiR.
Mr. llovoy P. Burrett , the bright young
man who has so long and successfully chnsod
the predatory Bluffs Itotus for the U'orld-
Herald , will bo married nt 4 o'clock this
afternoon to Miss Minnie Merlcel. The cere
mony will bo performed by Dr. Phelps of
the Pre-sbytnrlan church at the residence of
Iho bride's parents on Washington nvenuo.
Only tlio relatives and a few personal friends
of the coutilii will bo present. After tlio
ceremony Mr. nnd Mrs. Barrett will take the
0 o'clock train for Suit Lake , where they will
visit relatives nnd friends until tbo mlddlo
of May. Ml-s Mcrkcl is the youngest mem
ber of the well known Mcrkel family , and is
a very popular young lady. The young people -
plo will receive the congratulations of hosts
ot friends and the well wishes of cvciybody.
Thay will bo at homo after May in ut the
Washington nvenuo residence.
Don't lu ) Drunkard.
There urn thousands of men in the
world who are addicted to the use of
alcoholic stimulants , morphin , chloral ,
opium or tobacco. Many of the bright
est lives of tlio ago tire being wrecked
by these pernicious drugs , nnd human
will , no matter how strong , is impo
tent to break the bonds in which the
victims nro held. Got help in your ox-
tremlty. The Blanchard ( Jold Cure in
stitute has been established in Council
Bluffs for the purpose of aiding all , men
or women , who desire to break tuvay
from the destroying vice. A euro abso
lute is guaranteed , and only the small
est fee is charged. Come and see for
youi selves , or wrlto to the mtiimgors of
the now institute , room o , corner Broad
way and Sixth street , opposite the post-
( 'might ii Ittirglur.
When W. T. Cole returned to his residence
on BluiT .street , near Woodbury place , lost
evening , he received Indubitable evidence
that somebody had been calling in the ab
sence of the family. Things inside were In n
chaotic condition , and an investigation of
the cause brought the house owner into uer-
sonal contact with a real burglar. Cola bad
picked up a heavy coal shovel ns ho entered
the house , and with this weapon ho InUnil-
dalcd Iho thief and led him Into the slrcot ,
where an alarm was turned in , which brought
the patrol wagoa : md Chief Scanlun and
Captain Cousins. The fellow was taken to
the station and locked up. Ho is little
moro than n boy and Is unknown to the
police. Ho gave the name of John Moore.
He did not succeed In gotlitig away with any
of the household treasures of the Cole resi
Having removed her studio from room
"D to , ' > 21 , Merriam bloc ! ; , Miss Corona
Laughlin is now prepared to receive
callers and give instructions in oil ,
pastel , crayon or water colors. Come
anil arrange to join the chihs during the
summer vacation. Work done lo order.
See specimens of portrait work at the
Council Blulfs Cur pet company's store.
Victims ill Diphtheria.
On Tuesday morning at an early hour Mr.
and Mrs. John Smith , living on Seventeenth
street , were compelled to sno their llttlo 0-
year-old daughter Huth dioin terrlblo agony
ns the culmination of n malignant attack of
diphtheria. Tlio little child was buried in
the term yesterday morning , but almost be
fore the funeral was over ihoir other little
daughter , Iloltio , their youngest , foil a vic
tim to Iho sinio : dreadful scourge , and was
laid beside her little sister in Fun-view ceme
tery. The aflliction is a drc.idlul ono , and
has called forth Iho sympathy from the pub
lic and friends of the stricken family.
The ladies of the First Christian
church will give a dinner and supper
Saturday , April 10 , at114 Broadway.
AH invited. Como and get a good meal
and enjoy iv good time.
Swanson Miuic Co. , Masonic tompla.
swux CITVS i < '
All .Money .SnlHci-llicil tiy Clll/.ons I'ald
Into tint 1'iinil.
Sioux CITV , la. , April 13.-ISpccial Tele
gram lo THE Br.i : . ] Tno last delinquent sub
scription to the fund of ? d'JWK ' > for ttio
government building's site was paid today.
The payment had bson dclnved seven months
and the government servnd notice that it
must bo paid this week or another site
choson. The building will now eo forward.
SuloOUIlltMl ( fl'MlllR lVPtl ? ,
Siot-x Cirv , la. , April 111. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : HUE. ] The saloomnori who
have been driven out of business by the
strict enforcement of the prohibitory law
have effected an organization , employed
thrco lawyers and will endeavor to stop all
business on Sunday , street caw , newspapers
nnd every kind ot work. Tneir executive
committee states that they have Sl.IilX ) on
hand nnd moro in slftht and that they will
begin operations at once.
Anuliitt Coon IttqiliU Victim * .
Sioux CITV , la. , April 13. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK llCK.J In the damage suit of
Mrs. William Worth against the Chicago ,
Milwaukee , t St , Paul It-ill way company for
$ . ' > ,000 damages m tl.o federal court , the jurv
icturncd a verdict in favor of Iho railroad.
This verdict Is important , ns indlcatini ; tlio
outcome of the other dnmago suits against
the road by parties injured m this wreck at
Coon Hapids last year.
Stnto Diilvorslty'H .Miimnl.
Dss MOINKJ ) , la. , April lu. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bua.l The annual reunion and
banquet of the State university's alumni will
be hold in Osknlonsa May Hi. State Supor-
intcndant ICnocpller. Dr. BoanUtfoar ,
Prosidnnl Schau'er , Dr. McLean , Dr. Mo-
Brldo and other noted educators will bo pre
sent. About -T.U In all are expected ,
mi : win : itKcunn.
.tlyntcrlous Illiizn In lliu ( 'liy Hall at JprKiiy
NBW YOIIK , Anrii lil.-Tho crowd which
waited around the city hall In joway City to
hear the result ot the charter election was
thrown into a panic shortly oftur 1 o'clock
this morning by the cry , "Tho building it on
lire.1 Flames and smalte wore seen coming
out from the building in which the city gov
ernment has its headquarters. Attor con
siderable doloy the tireincn arrived i.nd ox-
ti'iguished the ( humis , The tire started in a
bundle of ptpori over the sufo in thu second
story of the building occupied by the city
comptroller and treasurer , Georso II. Hough
It was put out without dlfllculty , but ninli
great excitement. The lire marshal was
very much puzned , and wai unublo to no
count for the blaze. A good deal of wood
work and uainscontini ; weru burned , bu
they wt'ro torn out and the lois is not heavy
Steamer ArriviiU ,
At Hamburg Suovla from N'ew York.
At Southampton Havel from Now York
for Bremen.
At Liverpool Tatirio from Now York.
At Uer.oa Wrrra from Now Yoric.
At Now York City ol Now York fi-ora
Iliiiulm on u Truln ,
LrxKMiioun , April 13. Two bomb * weigh
ing forty-livo pounds each wcro discovered
on a train from Brussels. The oujecinf thos
who placed them thcro is unknown.
iloody had nnt overstepped the bountU of
) ollUcnl discussion and attacked him person-
llv ho would not have ncswcred him.
Two years ago James M Woods , democrat ,
vns clc'ctcd mayor , nnd the democrats also
Icctcd n majority of t.ho-.councllmcii nnd
thcr city oftlccrs. This. year the republicans
ro cccflilent of winning , ns it Is admitted by
lomborsof nil parties that Or. M'GlUyeuddy ,
vho owna ono of the ilncst resldencus in the
ity nnd Is a liberal entertainer , would mnko
n cntnrprlslug nnd progressive mayor and
vould bo n credit to the city.
Tliry Wilt Sctort Nitliinnl : UctcRiitm Nut
Alt rri-ncnt." , Wyo. , April 13. [ Special Tele-
ram to TIIK Ben. ] The state democratic
orivcntlon for the selection of six delegates
o tha national convention nt Chicago nsoin >
ilcd hero this evoniti ? . There wcro In at-
endanco Ilfty-elght delegates , some of whom
raveled COO miles. These lifty-elghthold three
iroxles. One county was not represented.
'Ills was Johnson In which the cattle trouble
xlsts and the delegates wcro olhorwlso en-
; 'iged.V. ' . It. Stoll of Cheycniiu was
ompornry chairman , W. li. llolllday of
.aramlo permaiient chairman and John F.
Carroll ot Cheyenne permanent secretary.
V committee on credentials will report to-
narrow. Mucti Interest centers In it. Dele
gates will bo selected tomorrow forenoon.
TOXUH'Vliltc Itrpuhllrnii * .
New UiiMtANs , La. , April 13. Tito Times-
3cmocrat'.s Dallas , Tex. , special says : The
Jly AVhlto ropubllcan state convention
effected a permanent organization. S. J.
Wright was elected proiidont. The address
vas made by J. P. Nowcotnbot San Antonio.
lo appealed to the white republicans of
' to rescue the ropubllcan pirtv of the
tate from its present degraded and hopeless
condition ,
The platform favors the present tariff , de
precates the force bill , and houes it will not
10 brought up again In congress.
A full ticket was thoti nominated for state
ofllcors ns follows : For governor , Andrew
: acksou Houston of Dallas , son of ( _ ! onornl
Sam Houston ; lieutenant governor , J. 1' .
s'nwcomb of San Antonio ; comptroller. .1.
) . Schmidt of Dcnlson ; treasurer , It. B.
leer of Harris county ; atlornov general ,
Walter M. Davis of El 1'ivso ; for delegates-
at-latx'o to the Minneapolis convention ,
ludgo'A. B. Morton , Judge Henry , S. J.
Wright nnd O. W. McCormick. John Nov-
ns of Onlvoston county nnd Dr. M.ix Urlts
founocr of the Llly-Whlte movement ) , wcro
nominated as electors-nt-lurgc.
lOiidiir.tiMl lliirrUiin.
MoNTi' . , Aunl 13. The republi
can state convention today selected Hon.
Henry Powers of Morrisvillo to bead the del
egation to Minneapolis. The other dologates-
at-largo selected are L. L. Huzcn ot St.
lohnsburv , Colonel Ocoreo Chllds of St. Al-
jaus and'Colonel Fred B. Smith ot Montpe-
ier. Alternates , A. A. Fletcher of Middlo-
iury. Nathan Hobion of Bnchton , JofTcrsou
il. "Kulson of Arlington , O. B. Uoyco of
Tno following platform was adopted :
Iti'solvcd , That wo 'rccoinlrc In the well
> nu\vn iirineiplus that lltivp guided the ropub-
li'an piii'ty In Us Illustrious uaruuras tliusnfo
rule of action for the govormi.cnt In Its fu
ture policy.
That the republican's ot Vermont rcsiird
lirntuctlon for Atnorlounindustries , an
inllarand an lionost ballot , the lo.tiling con-
sldcrut ons dnsurvliK oC , ijontlnued nnd earn
est national eiKlnr.siiaicnt ,
That wo endorse the : i < imlmstr.itlon of 1'res-
Ideut Harrison as mire and prosrcsslve , and
hlc treatment ot foreign questions broutlly
and courageously. '
Sutlvltiul Aid fl-oin nillcuhnldprs.
CiiiCAfio , III. , April 13. Civil Service Coin
mis loner llooscvolt .caused a sensation
among politicians lioro by stating that
an active Investigation1 of infractions of the
law prohibiting" solicitation foe campaign
funds from federal ofilcoholders will bo in
augurated here. It is said ho has secured
enough evidence to endanger ono or two re
publican national cotmuittcomon and an
igont lor the national committee.- This
agent is said to bo Burns of Minnesota.
Missouri I'MiIiibs Nominate.
ST. Loui ? , Mo. , April 13. The prohibition
ists of Missouri mot in state convention at
Chillicolho yesterday nnd nominated n full
state ticket. There was only a small attend
ISy | Kcilnrecl Miijorlly.
AI.HANV , N. Y. , April 1 ! ! . James II. Man
nine , democrat was elected mayor yesterday
by over . " > ,000 majority. Ho was elected two
years ago by over 7,000.
No - York's ( Jrrrj'iiiandrr A < 'ciiuiilislicil. |
ALIUXV , N. Y. , April 111. The congroS'
slonnl rcapportlonmont bill has passed the as
sembly and now goes to the governor.
ir.lM//.V 2'O.V G
Ncivx lrnii thu Sntlonal C'ailtul | ol I'.irtlc'.i-
lir : Interest to Nuhrusltans.
WASIIIXOTO.V , D. C. , April 13. [ Special
Tnlcgram to Tin : BII : : . | Senator Paddock
today presented in the senate a petition from
100 citi/.ons of Lexington , NeD. , in favor of
tno constitutional amendment prohibiting
the enactment of any law by the states
which will Interfere with religious beliefs or
annropriatlng money for sectarian pur
It Is expected that the Felix Patrick land
case will bo argued before the supreme court
tomorrow , Mr. John L * . Webster appearing
for Patrick and General Cowiu and others
for the Indians.
Thcro are now on the calendar of the senate -
ate awaiting action the following measures ,
of local Interest to Nebraska : Muking ap
propriation for a public building at Cirantl
island ; to reimburse the state of
Nebraska for outlays on account
of the recent Sioux war ; donating twenty
acres of ground from the Fort Sidney mili
tary reservation for city cemetery purposes ;
for the relief of \ \ osioy Montgomery.
As anticipated bv Bui : specials , Assistant
Secretary Crotiusoloft Washington today for
the Pacific cons ; . He will spend some time
in San Francisco and Portland looking into
matters connected with the public bnlldlngy
being erected by the got eminent In those
cities. Ho will slop ut Chicago and bo in
Omaha over Sunday.
The postmaster general has denied the re
quest o'f Senator Manderson to have the post-
nnicoat Stnnton , Ki ( ) ) . , , inn Jo u presidential
ofllco on the grouudjjhat the receipts last
vcur fell $ nu short oflljQ [ required amount ;
JI/.HH ) is nccossaryoto bring it within the
presidential class , n
The location paper have boon ssnt out for
the establishment of u , , , postofllco in Cedar
county , to bo nimodLaurel. ,
Hon. AIulvlllo Origsbj- Sioux Falls , S.
1) . , U at the Johnson. ) , . ,
Senator Pettigrov jvJH bo in Jew York
the remainder of tlilp.\ypok.
B. II. HohinBoa ofjQjiuha is at the Na
tional. J | i
Senator Mindcwoh Jias boon asked to ap
point Louis Kichurdsjjii postmaster at E1U-
horn , Douglas count ) ; . , |
Winiirnnt tflTworlcl'H Fair.
CIIKAOO , 111. , Aj > r1l la. Mrs. Potter
Paltner and nine othpn well known women
connected with the board of lady managers
&a4 * )
i ( Tasteless-Effectual. )
! > I'Oll ALL
Such as Sick Headache ,
Weak Slomach ,
Impaired Digestion ,
Constipation ,
Liver Complaint ,
and Female Ailments.
J Corned with a Ttittlesj & Soluble Coating , |
J Of all druggists. Price SI > cents a box. \
S New York Denot iC , Canal St. a
V VO Vt V * W > .WVfcV Wt.VV VI lit *
ro > GAP
1 * 1 * * 4T B i r * * v * i
of the World's ' fair , nt n mooting today de
cided to organize undpr the mum of tlio Chi-
oago Wonuti's Uormltory association , with
the piirposo of orcctlug a building for the ac
commodation of women visiting Chicago
during thu fair , partleularlv these ot limited
moans. Active nnnngements wcro left In
the hands of MM. Mntiidii B. Carso. The
site , it is expected , will bo within two
hquiiros ot .luekson park nnd will bo roiitrlb-
uted free by Georco M. Pullman. The mm
Is to have n structure that will comfortably
lodge fi.000 women at a cost of from 30 to 40
cents u day each.
t'l'.OM.I1M.V. .
DntnllH nl t.lentennnt ll < > tlirrlngtnn > Trial
anil Oilier News.
S\x FitANrisco , April 13. Details arrived
today from Yokohoma of the trial ol Lieu
tenant Iluthcnngtoii , U. S. Iv/ / . , for
the murder of the Kugllsh banker , George
Gower Uobiuson , alleged lo have been guilty
of undue intimacy with Lieutenant Hother-
ington's wlfo.
On Wednesday , March 2,1 , the work of
sver.riug in four assessors to bo associated
with United States Consul General Tilloton
In the trial was commenced nt the consulate.
The complaint against llethcrlngton wns
sworn to by William II. IIerberta , resident of
II. C. WUhliold was counsel for the prose
cution , A. Tisoti for Hethcrmgtoti nnd .1. F.
Lewder attended , under a retainer from
the British minister , Marion , who was also
present. A number of these summoned to
act as assessors tcstiticd they had formed
opinions on the case. They were accordingly
oxemptcd. K. F. Smith , J. It. Simon , and
Ilov. B. S. Booth wore accepted ns assessors ,
despite the objection of Lewder to one of
them , the consul general denying the right
of Lewder to take part in the proceedings.
Counsel Litchtield requested that Lewder bo
permitted to assist him , but Tison objected.
A demurrer to the indictment wns then
presented by Tison and court adjourned ti
March US.
The thirty-third national bank with head
quarters at Tokio and branches at llokodatc ,
Ufsenomlya and Maebashi closed March 'M ,
the failure being caused by speculations In
the rice market. The liabilities are placed at
$ I.TOJ,000 ; assets , $ I-IOJ,100.
Fire at Xogoya March ! 2i , destroyed the
temple and tower and 1UUO houses , loss
$150,000. Sir Edwin Arnold arrived In
Japan March 'M.
Orgnnl7e I it Itraneli.
A meeting was hela in the Young Men's
Christian association at 4 p. m. yesterday and
organized a branch of the Boys and Girls
National Homo and Employment associa
tion. The following persons wcro appointed
a committee on permanent organisation ,
which will talso place at the Young Men's
Christian association next Friday afternoon
nt-1 p. m. , at which time the permanent ofll-
cors will bo elected : Hov. Dr. .1. T. Duryen ,
Ilov. C. W. Savidgo. Kev. .1. M. Wilson ,
Ilov. A. .T.-Turkic. Itev. W. 1C. Beans , Cadet
Taylor.V. . , f. Broatch , J. B. .Tardino , Dr. P.
H. Loisonring , Ilov. F. E. Cramblctt , Hov.
\V. A. Lipe , J. H. Parrotto , Hov. A.V. \ .
Clark , A. 1 * . Hopkins , Mrs. G. W. Clark ,
Mrs. William .1. Maul , Mrs. John Monnll ,
Mrs. Mary Elliot , Mrs. Dr. Apnos Swotland.
Iiullctril < iii CinloiH House rramU.
S.vx Fiuxcisco , Cal. , April 13. The Unit
ed States grand ) urv has presented an Indict
ment against Bernard Koiss , of the firm of
Nowburgcr , Hoiss & Co. , who was
recently IInod $ . "iUOJ , for being ong.ipod In cus
tom house frauds. The indictment charges
him with felony in connection with the recent
smuggling operations. Helss was arrested
last evening iinil was afterward released on
$ r > 0,000 ball. The gr.uul jury also found a
similar Indictment against D. J. Cushmg , ex-
deputy collector of customs , who is now a
fugitive lu Yictorla , B. C.
Illlniili iiiiieis | ruptured.
\V.MI \ AW , III. , Arni i : ! . [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bii.J : A sensational elopa-
mcnt was frustrated early this morning by
Mrs. A. IJ. Hampton , proprietress of the
Windsor hotel of this placa , whom daugh
ter , Nina , ran away with Frank Green , the
'bus driver for the hotel. The young people
had gotten as far as Elvastou on the way to
Chicago , when tbo mothar captured them
and toolt the girl homo. Tlio girl clalmdcl
that slio has been mistreated ut homo.
i for HI-HIIK Sea.
D. C. , April 13 , The ves
sels to comprise the Bering sea Ilotilla during
the coming scaling seasons are tha Mohican ,
now nt Esquimau , Iho Adams , the Hanger ,
and the Yorktown , two revenue cutters , the
Corwln and tbo Hush , and the Ibh commis
sion steamer , ttio Albatross , England , it is
understood , will send thrco gunboats to
assist In poltco duty. All tbo vessels nro to
bo under way early in May.
1lie Silvers Drowned.
CoQfu.u : Crrv , Ore , , April lil. While the
life saving crow at Bundor wcro practicing
last eveninp their boat capsized nnd Captain
Nelson and three of the crew of eight were
drowned , The names of two of the privates
were William Green and Edward Suunuors ,
The third one's name is unicnown.
MiirliliK-ry Truilrs
CIIICAOO , 111 , , April 13. Thu International
Federation of Machinery Trades was organ
ized hero today with a membership of .VJ.O'JO ,
The constitution of the order as adopted
declares that nine hours shall constitute a
day's ' work. John A. Peton of Detroit was
chosen president.
.vyjiiv > oi' K Taun.i r.
Dinm-Htlc ,
The Indians on the Olioyono und Arannhoo
reservation * , uhli'li "III In a fuw iluyn bu
thrown upun to suttlciiiunl , litivu not been Idle
but have taken up choice quarter neetlons In
their own right , ( iruut crowds of borne
8COIcrs arc now on thu boiduisof th rtuurvun
waiting for thu oicnlntr. |
The Now York assembly has passed the bill
rediu'ln.thu iiunibcrof inspectors In election
districts from lour tn three ,
Near Wllille. Ky. , tlio resldcncu of Mrs. John
Colluy was duatro.vod by tire and her s-yoar-
old child V.IIB burned to ( Iuntil. Mrs. Colluy
win * fata'.ly liurneU In trying to lusouu the
child ,
Governor Markham of Cullfornlii. comply-
In with the resolution adopted al thu Uiili-
fcrnla ttato Nlcarugtmn eoiuent'on ' InKiui
I-'run-'Uco , ban addressed : t letter to thugiiv-
eninrs of all thu Mates and territories , m-
qnctllir ; tlieni tn appoint doluziitos to Iliu
uiillonul Mvnragiiun convention In Hi. l.unU.
Thu country In the vlcln ly of Hcdwood
l-'alls. Minn. , U buried nndur live Indies of
Mrs. Henry Merman of Ht. Louis. Mo. ,
locked bur two children In her lionsu and dur
ing bur iibsencu tlio building was burned , The
c-hlldrcn pcrlsliid In tlio Humes.
MlnnuMita U c.\puclencln- land scoklng
boom , anil thtro niu thousaiidn of jiconle
loadto go n lion thu Indian luscrvallon In
tintl btuto which U to bo iliroivu opun to bot-
tlouiuut touiurn > Ml-
A Written Gunrnntco
to Cure Kvery C.\so or
Money Hofuiidovl.
Our euro l | irininnont nil t not n p.itri ! ni tip. C.i'O
tronleilM'Von jours iiuohivonevpr * ? ei : u ryinpliiin
flnci > . llyilo'-nbliur.T" fully ivjc m tr.nt ym tiy
mull , nnJ co Rive lie ! n-n tr.inu cu.irnnto } Incur.1
or refiinil nil lummy. Tluxo wlio iircfer lo rnnio hi-ra
fertrealmeiitciiii < lo smnn I wo will piy ritllrnnl fan
birth wnyKiuiitlioIpl WIN wlillu licre , If wo fall to euro
Wo cliniluim < fie worlJ I'or a rn 3 tli.i : < nir .Mnulc
Itrmeily n III not euro , wrlla fur iiarlleolnri mil col
lie cvliU'iico. In nurspveti jcnr luiictlci1 ltli tlio
Mnitlc Iteiuu ly II ! m tieen nin t illtlleull lo ovurcu'iio
Ilio | irejiilleo. iinalnst ocalKM ppi'llli' < . llitl mi le ?
our rtronz Kinnntei' tliuu'.itnls ro Iryliu II I ! '
liiceurel. Wouuaraut'o lo PIITJ or every
dollar. niul us wj luivo n roniitn'lo.i toiroi'Vl | , uNo
llnaiutnltiai-kln4urC > nOUIt Is pprfccllv aifuto nil
! io will try Ilio Iroalniont , llvrototoro > on have
IiuttliiKUpniiil pnyltiii out your money lor ilnroroni
lientmeiit < < , mi I itltlioiuli you arj nnt yet c.iral no
one lias | uililb.i-t ! your inoney. Wo will ptxlllvoljr
rnroyoti , OM.i'lmuil' , ilo p-uatel cn' enrol In < ! l
lo'.llil'iyi. ItivoUUllo our Iliuiicltl slan II-K , our
rcitititlonn' ) : < ljufliii'ii ! inpn. Wrlto u < ruriininc-i anl
nilitrc § e or those wulnva niroil win lia.-o Rlvun
pciiiils Iontorurer to tlioai. It tests you only i > ot-
ntctoito UiH. If jour yiiit'inn | nro fore I'lrnnl ' ,
mill-on ! ' paldies In iiiniilli.rliciiniiilltin In bones an > l
Jolnl" , hair falllnuuut.crupUuiiioiinny put or Iho
iKHly.feoMiiuof Kcnor.\l iloprciMiin , pnlni In lica 1 or
IIOIHVou linvono tlmot'i ' wa'to. Thoto who nro
toii'tantly Inkliu ninraurr nn I pol-iVi , lmulil ill < -
rontinuolt. Conilnnt n eof lhc a ilriu'snlll Mirolr
brlni : tores nnil cutliu Hirers In fi" vn 1. Don't full to
write. All correspoailpui'O SL'iit MMilu-l In plain en-
vclupo. We Inv to thenio't null lii\u lUntlu-.i niul
will do all In our pun IT to at I yon In It. . \ililro ,
COOK RKM13UY CO. , - Omiihii. Neb
SfiOU fora t-aso nT l , ( ) T or h'MM.Nl MAN-
HOOP , Gunor.ilor N uvotM I ) : in.-w. weak
ness of or in Iml. tlio elTecUof error or c\-
ceRsehln old or youir. tlritwoeaniiDti'iiro.u
ciiar.tntcoovorV case or rpfunJ uvisry doll ir.
I'lve days trial trpatinetit. SI , full POIIMSS * .
Percept lh. o bc'iollts roill/.ol ; In tlnoj ilavi
Ity mail , soeon-ly pic I ; o I frdiu obsorvutlon.
tSApm ri-.MAi.i : : itiiri.Toi : : . Sato anl
iilHUIl ) Cortu'n ' to a d ly or nriney rufiiudi'd.
lly mall ? . ' . i-oonroly sotlol fnvn olnorva-
tlon. C'WW K UK It'tflt V < - ' > . . Dinah i. No ! . .
W. C. ES2J3P ,
hover falls to ulvo Instant relief In tlio uorctti
? s. ami c'r.'rln cure * wlu-rc ullu-rit full.
Trial I'atlnto I'HKK of , irr , Mall. (
ron DS. It. SOiriTTMANN. . . Ml. l'iul. lllrr.
c v ; 3TgriinmMiv-M7i < .r .J
Council Bluff ? , Iowa.
sxrag * ? p. > xxn-x---- . j . . ! „
Now , iniidcrn , wi'll-tipii'iiiit"d ' , thor
oughly well-Uopt , SJ u duy
E. F. CLARK , Prop.
Chas. Lunlcley ,
I'liiicrnl IMroi'lor anl
ail Hroid\vty ; : , C.'oiincil HlulTs.
' i i , . *
Sliglit Deerease In Hieiiioniit ol llnslness
Transit-loll tin- HID \Veeli.
CiNciNNk'ii , O. , April 1 ! ) . ( Special Tele-
Imm to Tim Dii.l : Tomorrow's 1'rlce Cur
rent will say : Vho total paclthiij In the west
for the week was IB'J.OOO ngaliist 1TO.OOU last
y > ar , maltinc an nKKrcCTto of 1,115,000 since
March 1 , npainst MU.tHJU n year niro. 'J'hcro Is
no largo increase In. the market Indicated for
the fuiuro.
Loading places operating compare ai fol
io WE :
I 1K.IJ. I
Selieine lo Depose Ilio Sultan.
HKHI.IN , April iyTno Vosslschouitung
has a dispatch Irom.iiii.lbar saylny a plot
has been dUcovercd to depose the sultan of
X.unzibar in favor of thu prince of Muscat.
It is ft'iircd that the Dritlsh favor thu dopes
llion of the sultan in order to extend their
piotcctoruto ovcrMuucat.
* lm(1 ( tlirr' °
/ ITTI &
* / ' whowiToiilliiokiil with
obstiimlo ECZEMA or
, l oo < ! Tfoiibio , wliicli
nt iirrt rcscinlilwl liwil , but teen grew to
yellow lilistL'ru.Ponio ( if them ( jtiilc largo ,
Ono of thu children ( lied fiom Hie uifw.ia
of it , but wo got Kwift'a Hptcillc and
gnvu to lliu other two and limy soon got
well. K. H. ft. forced out Ilio poibon
promptly. The cure was wonderful.
J. 1) . H.INB , JIartliavillo , ha.
lias no equal for Children. It
relieves Ilio system jiroinitH' | ,
nud assists imtiiro in developing tlio child's
health. Our Treatise mailed free.
After YO.TI of UuRueois rnl So.iroti for
Cure , Martin And rsju Ooti ItnUoffrin
thu ChlnMj Doo.-jr-V Volvitiv T-ii
inonlal ,
OMAHA. Nob. . Jan. IS , KSU.
To whom It May ( . 'oncorii :
This Is to eortffv that 1 have boon a
coiibtiint stitTcrot * for many yoaiM w'.til
catarrh , asthma and bi-onohlal alVou-
ttous of Iho throat , and tried all the
oalent medicines nud ronioJIoi I overheard
hoard of , but with no success. I t oated
with doc-tors in various parli of tlio
country , but HOMO of thorn could do mo
any good fu.-tlun1 than giving nn shor
temporary rollof. 1 MilTered niu'ht nn
day. and continued to grow worse not
withstanding all the meilicliM I hu 1
ttiUon. I hn-1 almost clvun tip mviso
as hopo'ioss when I wns Informoil by a
frlonii of DC. C. Gee Wo , the Chlnotfi >
doctor , and ad vised to go and sen him in
the nope of getting relief tit least , if not
a permanent euro for my trouble. I wai
slow in malting up my mind to milco
finch ti radical change in my treatment ,
as I known tri-il with the Chinese doc
tor would bring inu , but I dually con
cluded to give him n trial , so I called at
hisoilU'o with that intention. I tound
the doctor a clover , entertaining gentle
man , thoroughly uostoa on my condi
tion , nnd it took Only n very short time
to convince mo that ho was the piirly I
was so long in search of. He told mo
my case was curable , and that he could
cure mo , and promrcd mo a simcml
treatment to suit my condition , and In
two wcel\s I WIIB to much better that I
had the fullrst confidence in the doctor's
ability and committed my ease to hit *
treatment. I continued to grow halter
rapidly and am now onti-oly well. I
owe my cure to DA G Goo \\'o , and am
not ashamed to admit it. I a'lvisoall
who want relief from their troubles to
ctill on Dr. U. Gco Wo , and they will bo
cured. For all particulars apply or
UllM Canning St. , Omaha , Neb.
Ilorulnr'Tidiiatonf Ohlm-so nio.ll"'niolilit
ycars'Mutly , ton ye ir.s' practlco. TroV. * iin
ci-s-fiiliy all dlsu.ise.s Unown to sulVerliuhu-
Roots , ] > lmtsiml : : Imrbs nituro'sreiiio.lloi ; * >
his inuUli-liu's tin ) world Ills wllnns-i l.'i.U toi-
tlinonlit B. C ill mill sen lilin , U > ) iistilt itlnu
free , llasa'si ) cin-iMintly on hint reineilot
for the follinvliu illstsism : ru.ul.v proparc I :
Aslhina , C'aturih , Hlieuin it , sin. In.i4e | ! itop | ,
Lost .Miinhool. KuinnlnVu.iltins3. . Slek ll'j.tit-
nch . lllnoil I'nrlllnr. iintl Ktdn y nn 1 l.'vor. '
I'rlre , ime ilollnr per bottle or HX ! fir live dol-
lursi. Thixo who cnntiot enll. nnc o > uoat !
st null for ( lues tlon list : ui 1 full pulli-ii : IM.
I UIt SA Mi A uooil J'diini horse. Will t iko
X ? puv In o-irpenlur work. Apply to Leonard
KM-rut I , Cotinell Itiuirs.
\\TANTED ( lee I Klrl for gnnunil lionso-
* V \\orlc. C".il. ut > 0ia Third avenue. Sin.11
family ; uooil wages.
} ( , IOWA farms for snle. Iinnrovcd IfiJ u'-rei
Lin Harrison eounty. J.IUM per. en1 : 121 acres ,
unproved , .M.W ( : 8) ) iieres. J17.U' . I'or liar ; IIIIH
In lnw anil Nebraska farms eall on orvnlo
to John-oil & I'nlton , Council III nil's.
i > .ou dXTT : uit icxoiiANoK-fity ani t m
J pioperty. 1C. II. .Sliuafu , ll'wuy and Main.
If OH UKN'I' Drtoilliirs In all pans of tlio
i- eliy. Iv. II. Hluiifo. llr.idwny : and Main.
J.TOII SAliK Ai-roaso noarc'.ly ad.tpto-1 for
A- fruit anl pardon ti-irajses. 1C. II. nu.ifu ,
HroaiUviiy ; .nd Main s tree Is.
DKSIHMILRhuiiflo for ) < an. ! We h.ivo for
Mile li" ! elegant housu of I . A. Mlllor , sit'
uateil ill thu corner of Sucond avisnne and
l-.l''hth stieet. inclndln , ' two loU. Unoof tlm
Illicit hotihcs In Iho city. D.iy & llu-s.
Ijloll SAI.K luslilu resliloneo anl liislnoss
-1- | ) roi ] < r ; y at a bar -alii. If you want mi 111-
v , hiiiiunl or a housu ucu us. Day A : lli.-ss.
KOOMH lo rent and furniture for 'i ilii at : i
Kiivain. Knijuiro at IJJ ! .Merriuin blueK. 7
to I ) p. in.
I7t : liiV--A : ! good faun of : rji ) alos. . only
J2J inlic-i from Council lllnifs. Apmy lo
I.t-cn.U'.I ICveicll , I'oarl su Conitul. DniirH ,
iiiia Mcdid and SIPCI ! ? ! !
iX , ?
T M Li i
. . . faXl.tlus , itm nnd Uo nollui
for Mieciissful lr.iilmunt of nvorv form
of ( llsouso ruiilrlni ( | nindluaror
Hiir. le il truittncnt.
50 beds for iiu'-lents. doird mil aUcndaiu-n ,
Itest iieeomoJalions In the wusi.
Wrilo fur ehviilari ) on deform t os ant
briu-U' * . trimes. club foot , uurvalnro of lulno ,
lilies , tiimoM , o niceroitirrli : : , hi-jnch't s , in-
hal.iloo , ecu-Jolty , p.iralysls , ciilluiny , kidney -
ney , b ii'liler ' , oyu , oar , slcln an J bloo 1 anl ail
DiSGASErdf WOMEN ftJ V. ' ? !
Womoii l-'UKK. Wn tmvuliitulv ail Icid i lynii- ;
Indispaiimont for women clurln.iuiillniimunU
hlrlflly inviilo.l Onlv Hollublo Mutllual In-
blltulo m.iKlim u Spoul.ilty ot
A'l It oed IHsuusos Hni.-cmsfiiily traitol.
Hviilillltio I'oUon lemoved fi-oin thu hViteni
without meriMiry. Now itintorallvo T'runt-
iiient for Loss ot VITAL I'D W Kit. I'dr-i'vis nn-
able to vlh.t us mav bo troatud at Icinie by
enrrnsDun enee. All cninninnloalloin eonll-
( lentlal. Moil elnes or InslriiiiinnH l > y
ma 1 orovpruss , seunroly pacUud , no m irxh lo
Ind eatoeontentsor BiMiilur. Unu puixm'il In
terview prufurro 1. Cull und consult , us or send
hlntory of your cube , and we will semi In plulit
wraimor , our
BOOff 70 MEN ' . ' ' " "S' ' "non I'rlvalo ,
on HON. Iiniiotunoy , Kvphllls , Uluutiinl Varlco-
co e , with ijnuiUon llsu
Ilr.u-es , Appliances for Deformities , t 'Irusoi.
Only manufactory In thu Weitot Hiif <
l'l\ .ll'l'i.l l.\flf > ,'.tt , Kl.liUritll )
H.tTI'llt'I.N.l\/ ( LIS.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
2Oth and Broulway , Oo moll
Ton minutes' ilJu from cuntcr of oiiiulri on
Onialm und ( . 'uuii'iil lllutti uiuulrlu motor dnu.
of council Uluiri.
( ! , ipllll lco' < 81.10,009
turpliiauiurroiits . " ' " 'IH
Net : m > Surplus 8HiOO : < H *
Illructom . D. M uu iln I. rl. l < ri.i.idr' ' , I' i
a\im \ tn. K K ilirl , I. V. MlllJr. .1 V ill HI nil
uiicl Clmrlu * U lliinniii. U'ranaiolcenoral I ) ink.
lin ; lmamo-.s. 'Oit uapllil and surplus ot
any I/an I ; In toulliwestoni Iowa.
NT SaE3r O.'I TijIJ D3PO3IT3