THE OMAHA DAILY HEIS : WEDNESDAY , Al'HIL 13 , 1892. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. I A DVKHTISEMKNTSFOH THESE COtiVMNS Uflwlllho taken until U .10 p m for thn evening > nd until S W p m for the morning or Sunday cdl- 'tlonAll ' All nrtverll'empntu In the e colnmns 2 cent * ft nnl for tlrt Insertionand I ccnl n word thereafter , > r 13 per line per month No ndvcrlUemcnt taken .or le * * limn 23 cent * for the flr t Insertion Terms rmh In ndvance Count nbont seven word * to the line Initials figure * symbols etc each count n * n word All Advertisements must run consccn lively Advertiser * , by requesting n numbered check , cnn have the letter * addressed to n num bered letter In enroot Tin : Br An wirs so nd dre * eil wilt be delivered on presentation of Iho check SITUATIONS WANTED. * "ITt'ATION WANT III ) As WATCHMAN , A timekeeper Jnnltor or nny honorable work Can elvc the bent of reference. * or security'Art dress 1411 "i.uili 2ith utrcct. Umnhn Neb Mfjjli * 'A - WANTKirFo moV IN A nitl < 8 VroltEBV fViirmlslered pharmacist Rood reference * \ \ 3 Copier , ? Mi' > p ulillni Mrcot M821 13 * HELP. WANTED--MALE , WANTPD 1AIr. MKS ON "AI.AHY > mllon to handle the new patent chemical Ink rmMnipencil 'Iho grente l rolling novelty ever ) > rodiiicd ern ei Ink thoroughly In two nccnndn ; no ntiritlon of paper R lo UH per ccnl prolll , ono riKint sale * nmoiinted to f(120 ( In itx day * , another ft2 In two liuiimownnt ono general nacnt In farh ulnte nml territory 1-or term * nnd full par ticulars address Monroe Eraser Mfg Co , Ln Cro * e , > \ Is. .X ffi 774 - WANTED. EXCELSIOil POHTHAir B-AI1ENTS Co Wnro block. 7'inl8 * 1 > WANTED , AC.KNTS CAN MAKE Kfl I'EU JJweek handling the Ilun'cn novelty blow gun Just out Hell * atnlKlit Addrcs * thoM I ro * o lllow ( fun Co Ln Crosee. Wl * 883 ' . SALMIY AVI ) POM I'AID JJAme rlcnn WrlnuerCotan Howard 63VMI * "IKHJD COA'l M AKEB , M l'l.1107 1 MtNAM iS013 * l > WA.STii : ) TltAVKLINO 'SAl. J'haklne powder to retail croicry trndi' Wo put our Roods up In Kla i tolllnit i In * Wo piy t < a n month nalmy nml i'xpeiies or . ipcr cent comml * \\cwnntmcnwho rc now on the road to carrv nn n t dp line llnoil opprirtnnltv lor clerk * nnrt othiT who want to net on the road \ \ rlto foi linlllmlnr- send stntup for reply * hltauo llaklim J'ondcrlo ; i,7 Van Hni en strict Uilcnito HI15 * 4 > ACIKNTS TO \NDIjI ! Till : VAN 1IOUKN J'slm | > llllrd account 111'1 Call on or nddrrs Jame * I" Harm * Jennlnir hotel Omaha ( < H 14' B UAM-i : ! ) , ArTNT8 ONA NK.W N\OUK : ! 'Luropo In Storm and Calm , fully Illustrated , It l > orlra ) with pen nnd pencil e\orybmly , every Vlaco und oxerythlni ? In all Kitropu nuenls maklMK IIOi ) weekly Addrosr John Co an , 1'ublleher , In tllanapoll * Ind _ C11 IV T > WANTIIII TKAMSTKIW AND SCltAl'KIl J holder * for 11 It work ln\Norulna , coed WBKCB , frio pns AlbrlKht Labor Otllce , llJO Karnam nl B -\VANrr.ll ( JOO11 CITY rA.VVA SI3ltS lOll Wlii-oler , V WMson SowliiK Machines it5y : nnd Camp A Co . 1'lanoi and Uranus 511 MO lull nt M 723 AT ONCI-TWO : teen 31 Whfolor AJWIIion fcenlni ; Miichluu elUte , 514 So J-LEAKN HOWTOMAICE $7JTO $ . > 00 MONTHLY Xitll/l Beuhiilldlng 77012 * B-WANTKD YOLJ.NU MAN TO WOHIC TlJl DoiiKlas strve MT8I B ; -WANTED , A HOOD LIVE CITY bALLSMAN room \m \ Bee bldg M7 I li * TJ-WANTKD CANVAS EU ton IOB IMIINTISO "Will pi ) salary and commission AddreVW , Jtce olllce M787 U * 1)-WANTED. A OOOI ) TEVMsTEB TO DH1YE Jconl tcim Omnhn Lonl , ( eke A. I.lino Co80S 80S 12 \l- \ WANTED , ( , OOD T BOM BOY. lo OH 18 J'years of OKC. for porter work Omaha Carpet Co rUlUlKNKKAIOIUC CALL 'City Hotel lutb and H'iriiuy todu ) , or address \Mlllam Ioldner , PiillaClly , Neb Blij U. TJ-bALESMEN WANThl ) TO SELL OIMI GOODS -IJb ) snmple to the wholon o an I retail trade Liberal snlnry nnd uYpcnici paid rurmunont post tlon Monry idvnucid for V\PKC" < advertising utc lor full piitlculnrs un 1 retureucu uddross Cen tennial Mtf Co .Chlcngo HI IISI'J U * T ) ACENTIX EVEIfi TOWN TO HANDLE JJllnellne of apcclfllllo * ( .ood money to Ilvo gciil . Adilresi. Mlchlcnn Door 1'lnt ) anil Hell Co , Orniid Itapldi Mich MS.'O 13' "n.MANVfED , bALABY AND EXPENSES JJl'erimnentplace , whole or P'irttlmo Apply at once BruHiiBros Co , Nurseomon , ( .hlcigo MMS W B-WANTED , A noOD l'Hl > 1 BOY IEED JOB ' nting ! compiny , llec biilldln0' MWJ U l > -\YAMii ) , MII.MO TIIAYKL 1-Olt OUH OA\ J > iuln uuriurlcs fctono , V Uelllngton , Madlsoii WANTED-FEMALE HELP. -\VA.NTED-GOOD aECOND ( JlUh. C cutt street. - . LADIES. DOOU WANT A SITUA C-V.OUNC tlon ? If jnu do call on Hloan Johnson A Co. wlmlecato i.r < uers lids city.between thu hours 'J ami nnd U m. We wish solicitors to sell our colleo to consumers from house to house In this elty 55. ! WANTED , tilllL FOll HOIJSEWOIIK , MUM' C bu peed cook. Call 527 Cullfon.ln st IM -WANTKl ) , LADIES TO Ab-HT Jllii WOltK llKlit nnd fnnclnatlng. Wngc-s JIOOU per week. Cnll on Madam Bobliison , Mulropolltan hotel M753 17 * C WANTED , A GOOD COOK , 2U hOUTIl 17TH street MIU ) 1J' C WANTED , EM'ElttENCni ) bALESLADIES 111 kid glove , hosiery nnd embroidery depart ment enl ) experienced olorki need apply Also i cxperlem id btindlo wrappers Ihu Boston More , ICth and Douglns Mrects 7(4 ( 1,1 C'-'WANTED ROOOI ) SOLICITOlld ffi AND COM- mlislou UH Boo building. "i 12 * -WAN1KD AN rAl'EllIE.NCl'D COOK AND laundress whcro second girl U kept Family of three. 1/11 f asth slrert. M783 U - WAVTKDOUM1 ( HIIL'IO ASSIST IN ( JE.N- eral housework 1H3Oeoigli ave M731 1J- -I IllbT CLASS COOK AND LAUNDBE2115 < t Mury s avenue. MIM II * -WANTED , AT ONCE , AN H-XI-EKIHNCED hand ulilrt Ironer. Apply to Metropolitan steam laundry , McCookNob. M7'J7 17 * TAILOUKbShri , 1'AMH AND YESTMAKEBs minted , Uutul the Tailor 1518 I arnnm bt M801 14 * C-WANTED , MILL1NKIIS ONE riHPT CLA'-b ' trimmer , ono second trlmmur , onu stock clrl Joyce. liitW Douglas M tua 11 C-WANTED , A KIHbT CLAbb LADY TAILOlT ess. 117 N. 11th st. UU U * -LADIES DO 'VOtl WANT ' ! ( ) MAKE f 100 itveryhonr1 You ranilo It Intrndiielng our sup porter * and other ladles und children's goods t-eni ] htnmp nnd we will tell jou nil ubiiut It Dal y llosu bupi'inter Co , J13 Ogden uvcnuo , Chicago , HI MblT la' -WANTED , ACilHLTODOOENEUALHOUSE work , mirall fninll ) , IS ? & 2Jtli street ll 'l 15 FOH HENT-HOUSES. DIIOI > iS : AND Al'ABTMENTS IN BEST UKil denco block In clly Bit ! ri SJd street. Tel K'.a 275 " [ " 'I toil BENT , ABOVE NOi i' . ' < AMI RC t-OUT II JJliith etri'ct. l > riiDin tint , oter > iiiodurn eonven- tciice , Incliidlin.'lari.'ii kitchen rniiKu Apply \Miid. nor. Kemp A. Co . .tH.v y Llfo bldg mi , | V-l KoirBiwrru NICE"NLWLY IUKNISHED -l-'rioin , Mi N 19th. Brunnnn Huts Mctu Di -KH BENT , HOUSES , 7.U ) 1'Kll .MOM'11 AND upwards The O F. DavlH Co , 1EOJ Furnnm > t 301 1KLKOANT IS-HOQM KUIIMSHEI ) IKIUbK * Jninortern \ \ , near Bronncll hnll ; { 100 OJ per mo. C. K. HaiTl on , IIIN V. Life UP all _ -FOB IIKNT , HOUnE IHIT .N. ITTII t > T , . 1) ) UOOMs , bath , He , tai i > or mouth , b \\oodrow , .Nob Nat bauk building bl ) -10 BOOM IIOU8K. ALL aNVENlKNtKA A ulby. SJi Board of Trade. SOU . . . . Duuclai block , loth nud Dodi'eHil Hil A8J D - Wll HEM1 MX-UOOM MODEU.V COn'AliE Mil Calllurula el , f IS l > er month , 4IJ TJ ( I UOOM HOUSI. , 6J1 B Sl&TfaT M012 D -I OH HUNT DEMBABLi : HOUSE , 0 AM ) B fuonu liniulro.'iili , c'lipltol nvtnuu. M1U7 14' HOOM IU > UMi.NTlfK CI'IV. AIM ) " "J" ' ' " IU.1' " " luoll n luiproTpuioiiti lltard , . , , . . Mock , lid and Daveiiport. MCSS Jf. -Hll BENT. I BOOM H.AT , HtONIICTH Hlckop _ CJ3 li rv .l HOOM lllllI. E , BATH M'.WKH J-Jw&tfr al S51I Oilr Ko troet ; f 51 per month In qulroi-iM IVlh utrec'l MTIll | D I-FLATOI'SHOOMH INQI.'IIIK WIT H BEKKH tnio. W tf. Balduil , Itlh una Cnplto ! avcnui , . TOi --\-MIJDKHNCOTTAHE KOIl HISNT AM ) ALL J-f furnlturo for li > . tiood ihuuca to rlrlit party ! ! n 3oth trcct Tjj ( i -tXJH HiysT. A R HOOM 1KUI.-K , MIO CllAIII.K8 ' ! . Iiuulre | t20l4 iTmrlenl , 778 ! BISHOOM'iVoUfiu AND luiis' . sois DAVKX. p-jrl Ireel , all modem convcQleuux. Including itl'Diu heat , tci Uiwli nnd Inunilry , outb front , urorlouklug high ibbu | crouudt , n uy | iwlntvd aud Miptrcd throughout , 'jhot , h. Hall , CU7 1'ax- toj block. CM D-6 HXM ( MODEKN HHICK 11OU8K , ONLY RO ii r uioulh. WobavoovuriOU huuiu for n-ul. XI. K , Cole , No 8l'oaUuent8l , . 81111 * FOR RENT-HOUSES. OnillHHCd. . . . .niiN rt\T , /lenco. Inquire I01 3 11 Hi street FOK RENT-FUKNiaHED HOOMS. 1 ? Mill KKNT , ONK I , A ltd : KUONT Oil TWO J 'buck tarnished or unfurnished rooms. 122 botith SSlh street. PiO _ E VrilNI llKI ) UOOM4 Wilt OKSTM5MKN. rcftrences required 611 N ISth K3 A1J' I3 Oil 4 WHIMS , H'UNHIIKI ) Will UOl'SK 1 JkiTplnir , modern convcnltnee * , very lUslrihlo. near linncuni park. Address , V II , Hot1 M72J 13 * _ _ 1 7NRAT1.V H'UN1 < 5HKI1 11OOM IO11 ( INK Oil 'two Rontlcmcn at Ml S. 2lth ) at 713 12 * _ Iji-HtONT UOOMS , Kt'llNlSltKIl OH t NH'H -l nlihcil 113 S < 25th nvcnut- . M71U ! 1A , VUUYI'I.KASANT NKAT I.Y ri3llM"HKil iJfrontroom prlvnto fanillyi minutes walkfrom U.lh nml tarnam street , rolcrcnco required Ad- lire * * V 68 Too Bttl II 12 NlCin.Y VL'UNimtKU HOOM3. AI.l. COS i vcnlcncc * 2413 fnpltol five. _ 810 13 * 3.1 CUNISlini ItOOM WJ1I1 IIATII. W 1'Kll JmonthWJ ! l-nrnax SOD iT-NIdT TtOOJlT ALtTT-oKviIMKNCN" 1723 rJDnyonpurt _ 8U 2j' gynwisnjBD fiooB AND BOAKD. " " " V T6ifTthNT""Ni"AThV : KUHMSHKI ) UOOJia I1 with hoard 20IO Cnllfornla st. _ JW3 lg _ -VKIIY li : llTAllliniltST AVI ) SlICOVI ) lloor outh kiid rail , furnished roomi nt The ' MM1 IT- 1-reiiTcr , 'UO-Vo Solhslreut - . HJIf'imiKI ) HOOMS. 15N stilti' , 'nd story.front , tlrst class board JI3 South 5i.Ui st 101 17-VKWM I L'HNISllr.l ) ItOnMH UN .flTK Oil L slntile llrt eln table 19U 1 nrnnni 1,14 1C I7-ONK ' 'MAM , UOOM WITH ItOAIll ) 510J I DuuKlas bt .MWJ lj FOR RENT-UNrUENI3HED IlOOMsT p-5 I Nl lltMSllKH CHAMlir.Us lolt HOI * n Okiuplnu to tnnn end wife No children Jl'.t V 17th .111 - HOOMi. 2 Hll T 1'f.OOU , G-rtNlLUNIMIKll iTUIkvu of housckcuplnR iilJ Ctipltol n\onue Sl'b-i 14' FOR KENT-STORES AND OFFICES T-KHiiis-Tnm:4bToUY : iimnc HI t Jiniii I'nrnnin ctruct Iho liulldlun Im * n llro nroor cement linerccnt tomploto liintlnit llxttifr * nnter on nil the Uoor > , faa , etc Appl ) lit the oltlco unimllee HI3 T .ML'UUA\ j-llUICICYAUI)31'OUltnNT. T MUltUAV 1'AUMStOU 11KNT. II. T. CLAUK. 00lal2 1 WAUUUOUsE , 1MJUII113311.BO 15111 SsTHKKT I M UOOM 11OTKU IIKSIIIAIILK LOCATION , 'all ' muiliTii. Apply to r. W lliirt , Jr , Missouri ViillcIa .MS J A U l-VOIl UK.NT 1'AHT OP OUIl 11VK S10HY < l brick \inrcliou oi Kood clevnlor and track faclll tilOniiilnt Wnrchouso i. Co , 121) ) IS l.uaven orth st 51s H ' -WANTED HI BMSHK.D HOOM L „ . . . , nnytthcre between Cullfornli and llirnov and west ol IDth slreets stute lorms Aildres * V 43 Boo Olllco SIT 13 * - OH 7 HOOM COTTAR1 : WITH MODKHN 1M- provemenla and barn In north pin of ell ) h ) Mny 1. Address , H , 100 , Esmond Hotel , cltv S07 II. * TWO OEXTLEMUN ABE OEMHOt'S Oh S13 cnrltiK Kooil rooms and board with family of re tincmcnt , west of Ihth nml soulh of Chli'TRO street * Must hnvu early brcuklnst. Host of reference * Address VOO , lleo M8J7 I.V RENTAL AGENCIES. -13. C. UA11VIN A CO , 2J3 bllKKLY 11LOCK L"1 trti _ _ - STAK IXJAS AND TUUST CO 11KNTAL OK partmcnt. _ MUll-ajl STOHAGE. CIUIAl'Kr AN I ) BKST sTOHAl.I ! ] \r IIOUBU , In tbo city. \ \ Illlams A. Croas.Ull Ilarnu ) M-CL1IAN , nilY AVI ) I'UIVA'IKLY STOHKI ) furnlturo Heating stoves Btoied over sunnier 1207 Douglas bt OiiMilm htovo llepalr work till - & CITY. OMAHA WAlli- : M-1IK&TBTOUAOK1N 121 j 15 Lenvenwortli street Household and other goods stored nnd cared for Low rales 1'rivnto apartments If doslrud 1'lione , 4 in MJ5I 1(1 ( WellH.HH larimiiint \T--\vAMr.n , SOMI : LOW I'liicKo CLHAU LOTS 1 ns llrst pavmcnt on a nleo houno nnd lot \\111 built to suit nr.l Kellon monthly payment Why pay rent ? HceX A. Kuhn , 15th and Douglns. 71b mS -T\VAKTKI1 TO IIUY , IHIJIIT OK TK.V KOOM Xi bouse with modern iDiprorcmcnts. nnd good sized lot , located within ono mlle of tlie poatonlco htato price , elzo of housi- and lot and full parllcu jars by nddrctstiia H 47 llei * olllce _ 71S -DON'T SKLL ANY HJH.NlTUHi ; UNTIL YOU -Ii neo Ibo Omalm Second Hand vnrnlturo Co Just opened Ulgbust prices [ > nld , I1U1Sortb Ibth st ; i * > 12 * _ \r-WANTI3fl , TO HUA SKCOND 11 AM ) SAVK J l ty bicycle In good condlllon Address V 4 ' lleo olllie "od U * ' 1O IH\ CLAIMS Af.Al.NST IIAILHOAD KM i\ ploves Webnter Collection Agencbloiit City In BOImll AT-LEATHEH COVEHED LlllltAllY LOUNE ( 1 > Must lie In Hrst class conoltlon nud very cbjfnpi Address Y 57 , Bee My."J _ XTA ( iOOD VOLDINW BKD INQUIHB 13. C 1 > Thomas , HI b lull struct , Golden Kaglo Shoo store MS-JO 14' _ FOB SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. p-KOK SA K LAIIOK ri- INK " yotiNiV YioiisE J nnd delivery wn on , horse gentle and wagon nearly now , for siilu cheap. Inquire at 1'JIO I'arnnra 5 * J I-tXUSALK ) , 1 HUUHHY. 11U1LT BY SIMl'&ON : 1 phaeton , by Drummond ; both llrat class , good as new L. H. Korty , 2SJIJ I'opplclon 53J LYMAllEvEUYf.E.S I'LlAND SOUND 1 phaeton ami hurness good us new ; cheap Ad dress Y 51 , lieu , 77J U- 1 > I OH KALH A PHAETON , blMPSOV MAKE. I very llfcht , nearly nuw Inquire room 13 , Barker block. M7yU FOR BALE-MISCELLANEOUS. - I' Q-HNK Q -I Oil HALE RET OF "AMEUICANI/BD K.V eyclopudln Brlltaiilca Ixnmo in turnlaheil by Ihu Boo I'libllsbliiK to last > eurl full Moruico bind bu new , ID volumes , at t.UUO. cost > J5UU \ .11 , lleo olllre > li'Jl 14 rOll bALE UNE WATEH Sl'ANIEL , i lA'avenwurlh at. uril r > > Q-KOH SALE OUTBADE lOHTAHM LANDS IN eastern Nebrnbka a 15 barrel Bluam roller Mour mill kltuutcil at TckJiuiah. Neb Thus Crumb , Itm Burdetlo sl.Omuha UII 17 * MIBCELLANEOyS. 'iviiAY mii HiALF. TinT""BTANIMHD CAT f K IVCo oiler lUuO ton seleited , burn stored bay for un track , Ames , Nubnuko. .MS.U LADIK3C'AHEI ) Toll DUHINO CONFINEment K ment Mrs Burnlli , ( ier.nun raduutud mldwlfu , ' . loth. Hi I A3J -CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE'lfM ' FA H XXnaiu , upstairs , malu and fem.ileu elp Tel btil 403 I'-Vl'lUJON DHIYINO I'AHIC. O C. SMITH Irnlnor and driver Makes u specialty uf break biK and training colts Makes n specialty of treat Ing hurrps thai are sure , Irom hard roads nnd bad feet Iteasouablu charges Buurdlnn horsvs b > the month bOi \ | , | . CLAIRVOYANTS ; revnlntloa . ChullunKos thu world Mrs Dr M lxKravo , deail traneo I'lulnoyuut. astroluglst , palmist and llfo rcadc-r , loll * junr llfo ( rom thu irnille to ir ve | untl the enr | tuii , causes mar- rloKo ltli the one you love ; tells where you lll succeed and In nhnt business best adapted for , hoj the celebrate I Kiopthm breastplate for luck und to ilictro ) bad InUiiuoces , cures flis , Intunjimrnnco and nil prlvalu compliant * with mass i.'e , bulbs nudulcohol ireatmeiit peii'l f.'OO , lock of bnlr IIHIUO nnd dulH of blrlh nnd rctulva uccurato llfo charl : Icenl * In rtnmps for circular , itlru Inltluls of one jou nll | marry , nlso photos of tame Olllco llUTr-outh lllh street ilmt floor hours , 1) ) m loll P m Como one , cuuiu nil , and bo convinced ol thti Hiiuderfuloruvle MJ7I 15 * S-MI14 NA.S.Mi ; V WAUHKN. CLAIBVOYANT rcIUblo butluuii uicdluw. tilth year at llJ N. ICth jj S-MADAME rillTSJH ) CUMIN(5 hTHBET , olalrvoyiinl mui trunre modlum , Indupendent Tulcci ; lulls poit and future Wi il , ' S-MIIS. K. < ! HA THOIW , en MHIT1I UTII tri'nl , having hud year * of mperlonco. Hill tclvo readlruuuf pail , prearut anil future. Mttlnf tu ludlen onlyMcvnt , 10u. ui , tu Up. m dally , Sun ilay excepUsl , MASS AQK. BATHS , ETO. . MAbriKUSK ELITCTltlflAN - 8 llamsa block. UtUJ 18' 'n-MA89AK ! TIIKATMENT. KLKCTUOTHEU J-mal bathi. iculp and hair troatiuent. ruanlcuro audclilropodUt. Mrs I'ost , JIDHi b. lith , VVilbncll blk. bMll'll. IIJ1 DOUGLAB 8TBHKT. room7,5Jnaur. ilcoliOl.iulpUur md u b tb . U * MASSAGE. BATHS , ETO. . street. Irrt floor , nit 4 , nnslstant. M7'Ol ! * PERSONAL. UPKH'-O.VAI.-WIM. TIIK LADT KltOM THK east who applied to Joyce's Millinery for ft poM tlon n i-hort tlmo ago , please call again. fruo 13 MUSICi , ART' ' AND _ LAKOUAOE. f-H F ( YiLLENBEcr I1ANJO with 11opu. or MS N Htti st. fBKFOHE ; Ht'YlMl A 1'IA NO EXAMINE THE A new scale Klmbnll plant ) A lloipc. 1511 Douglas fr-IIKI-OHE ItUYlNU A I'l V.NO EXAMINE THE new sculo Klmbnll piano A llo-po. 1513 Douglas. I'-BEAUTIFUL FUHN1SHED HOOMS IS.'I CA-J9 MONEY TO LOAN-REAI.I ESTATE. X - PIHVATE MONEY 1ST AND 3D MOUT < IA(1K ( I < loans , low rates Alex Moore 401 Bee building MAO \T-C W KAl.NEY. 315OMAHA J < AT. B K IILD il City murtgagos rates Money on hnnd rMONKTO LOAN ON IMI'HOYED CITY AV property , low rnto A C. Frosl , Doiizlas blk2J 2J \\r-MONFY TO UAN ON HEAL K3T TK TUB i O F Davis Co , IWj Fnrnnm st 601 \VHEAL ESTATE LOANS , OTO7 PKH CENT " nonddlllonnl charges for comintslon or nllor- ney i fees W B. Malkle , I'lrsl Nnllonal bank bldg \\-IXJANSi. W XI HAUIllrl , U SO MlUNY.UIt 1I1.K 2J7 ' \\r-iN . MO.SKVTO LOAN. Al'l'IA TO > j i. -0 a Mtn 201 N A 'IHUsTCO. HKK lll.DO 2M ! W-OMA1IA SAMNUS * HANK MAKK3 LOANS 'T on roil eatato nt lowct marXet rutoi. Loans mndo In * mnll or Inrt'o * um and for short or lone tlrie No commission IscUariaM and Iho loan * nro not sold In the t-t-t but can nlwn > * be found at thu bank on the corner of nth nnd Dguglus strict * Nil , G t. WALLACE , 313 11HOW.V IIMC i i 211 \\T-I/1AN > .ON IMPHOS El ) A SI ) UNIMPBOVED ' clly property $ IUW and ui\ ardi ( to H percent No delays \V 1 arnam Smith \ Go , lllhnudllarnc ) yri \V-LOAN HKAL KSTATK AND KKNTAL AOU.V ' cy Pnrlle * baring city hoiiiu * t-j rent anil farms to 'ell hunlil list them at once bplcndld farms In Logan alley , Neb fo" snlo hntern money furnished Uuo. W P Cuules , Hep loll tnr- nam fib ? \\r-AN FHONY IXAN A.ND THUiT CO , 313 N Y Tf LITo lends al low rate * for choice security on Nebraska or lown farms or Omaha city proportr \\r "MONEY , MONEY , MONEY J100000 TO LOA\ ' ' In sums of JiOO to 5j.000on ImprovuJ or unlin- proved residence buslne * * property In tha city of Omaha No delay In closing loans as mono ) Is on hand No dealing with eastern parties , all business transacted hero und Interest payable hero nnd not In tbu cnt. also nuke building loans on most favorable terms ' Fidelity Trust Co , loUlnrnam CU \ vIRAN'S , CITY PHOl'EIirV. E NEB AND W. Iowa farms U F Hinder , loll ) 1 aruam " \\r-fi I'Kit CUNT MOMY : I'IIILADIILPIUA * MortuaKC nnd Trn t Co Tlionns llrcnnan X Co representative" , 217 Kurbach block. 172nij \\T-LOA.VS JIADKON H15AL ll'ATH ( . ' 1O 7 i oer cint charged Star Loan X Trust Co , l t floor. N V I Ifo Sl.TO H MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. _ Ar "O 'V OU WAN P MON K V -A. if so do nol full to get our rates before bar rowlnu Wo mnko loans wltliont removal or publicity , on furniture , pl'inoliorjes , wugous , etc , nt the low- c t possible rate 1 hero Is no unnecessary delay , but you get the inouc ) on tbu aamu da > jon nsk for It We will curry the loan ns long nn yon dcslro , Itlvlusjou tlicprlvilezo of piylni ; It In full or lu part at nny tlmo to suit your convenience , ami nny part paid reduees the cost of carrying tbo loan In proportion to tlie nuiount paid Tbero nro no charges of nny kind to bo paid In manee but yon get tlio full amount of the loin Our o Ilk 03 nru centrally located nnd nru so nr ranged that parties calling on us can bu waited on qtilcklj undeorteoiisly , Ifjcmlmvc n loti wltii other partlet , or liavo lioughl u Dlnno or other fnnilturu on tltso and tlnd tlie pavnicnts n llttlu larger thun jon can meet conveniently , MO will pn > It for you and carr ) the loan ns long as > ou dcslro It will bo to your advantage to ace us before se curing u loan OMA11A VOHTGAOK f OAN CO , * Itoom 11 , CrelKliton Ulock , Ijth bt. , south of 1'obtulllco 2JU X -.MONEY TO LOAN. F1DELTY LOAN GUARANTEE CO On household KOOdi , pianos , organs , liorscs , mules , vrugons , etc , nt the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or chungo of pusncuilon 'Ilmo arranged to suit the borrower rujmonts of any amount cun bo made at nny timereducing both iirlnclp il and Interest , thus glv Inu patrons all tbo beaetlts of the partial payment plan Call and * co us when you want a loan. Money always on hand , no dutay ; no publicity ; lowest rates , business contldentlnl. riHBLirY LOAX t.UAIt VNTEB CO , B. K Masters' old stand , II 1\Vttlmoll lilk ,15th nnd Hnrney. .1'JU WILL LOAN MONEY OV ANY KIND OP X securlt > , strictly A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block 01 V 11OIIT I'lU'lCHAHU , K 3 , W1TUNELL BLIC X WHEN YOU WANT A CHATTEL LOAN SEK W H Dnvls. room.0 , Continental block 30J V-$10,000TO MAN I'BOM flOOO UP ON KUIIM A-turc , horses or any good security Lowest rates. Nebraska Loan Co . Ulli Douglaj street MM1 A23 X-f J . TO I/OAN ON CHATTEL bECUHlTY bus ilness confidential. ltoom < 03 Kurbach block MJ53 AJU * LIKK 1NSU11ANCK 1'OLIL'IKS LOANED ONOlt Lou flit. B K. .Moats , Mass bldg , Kansas Clly. Mo. TTO LOAN , CHATIIU. M -ViiO , M 'JO diis. on furniture pianos , lltoxtoik , ete without puhllclt ) or ri'moval of property , at thu lowest ratus nnd tbo easiest payments No delay Cash on baud Dull Urecn , II b A. J , Barker blk 653 BUSINESS CHANCES. V-I'LIY ' THE COMMItllClAU THE LEAIlNr J hotel at Broken Bow , Neb No land In trndu JUJ A - OU HALK , MY HAnilNC UKSOHT AT J Lake Muuuwa. Address J J , Malownoy , llcbrim Neb .VJ -IIAHNKtiS SHO1' 1-OH SALE IN A ( iOOD town slock will Invoice from SI.JO to t\.tttl \ , good reason for soiling , only ono other shop In town U B Vhompsun lock box 102 , Hamburg lu 3J012- r-DAlUY Foil SALE. J 1 % HOCH , AMES AYK. YV VrOK BALK , Till ! BEST LOCATED AND PAYIng - Ing butcher shop In Council lilnlls ; uver $50 dully eush Keasuns for selling I'uor lienlthl or Kill sell ono half to good incut man who under- Mnnds Iho bUhlnehi Address M ti , caru Bee ottlie , Council Bluffs M54IJ1' ) V 1-OH SALE , MCE , CLEAN MUUO TO IIZ.MO A stock of drugs In one of the bust locations In the largest city on tbu Missouri river.Mlltnko toinu trade J 1) . Xlttle. Brown block UO Y'-JOU SALE OH 'JU AUK. FIFTY BAKHKL Uullernillli wutor power ; at Murengo. U. Art itrt-as U I ) Illllln Neola. la 11W1 ] 9 _ Y-JOH 8ALE , EbTAIILlhHED ( illOCHUY ; CE.V Jirnl location , poor health reason for selling Apply Vat , Boo M < ii _ _ V - aw OCK MBIlCllANDlSKi WILL TAK1S J-linlf cash , bulauco cleur luud Box 750bchnyjer , fr"b- en , i2 , _ \rKOU b.VLK. ONK HALF Oil THE WHOLE OF X hardware stock ( iuod loeatlun ( Jood bu l- IM B nnd low rent. Addresn Lock Box bS7 , Lincoln , Neb _ _ _ _ MM1'J Y-A t7,50000 TO f8.JOOJJO STOCK OF C1U.NKUAL merchandise , coiiklstlnB of dry goods , boots shoes and groceries , clean and well sulected stock \ \ 111 iuctmiik'u for land to the value uf II aw Uu and thu rest casb or good notes block Is In a town uf UXI people und has u due traile Liberal discount for all cash Address 1 * O Box No ' .lj. or No 883 York , Neb Wilto for particulars. .MulJ ) I9 b'lOUE 0001) OPENINlrmt DllTTr -I glit wltb from CiOOtottuoin McCook , It. B dl vl. Ion. population 3.500 to 4UUO. Address J E Kul ley ttdmtolntrotor. Mut'ookNub all u E-A IHUi ) b'JOBU IN 1'ItOsl'Kll -oustuwnln bouth Iowa ' ' - oestern Invoice t'2'MJ ale . Ib'Jl. < 5UUU Address V 40 , caru lieu. M W7-U * "tr-A ( JOOD J'AIITY WHO CAN INVEST FHOM A I10.UUU to nJ.UUUi an secure position with u loan and trust company Addreaa V K ) , Bee. 7iS IT Y-A GOOD MEAT MA11KKT rOll BAL15 IN A J- food Missouri town Address K , H Kllvubauiu , I'ltltfDiouth , Neb. M7VI Id * FOB EXCHANGE. r/ CLEAN STOCK OK ( iKNKUAL M'D'S'K , WILli /-ilako real citato ! t money , Bux rjj , FrankfortInd. W7 -KXC'HANUK YOUIl 1'UOI'EIITY , 1110 IJsT call or write Aloi Moore. 401 Bee bldg WO V-IF YOUHAVK AIlOJJUI'iUiMir 1'IANO TO /-Jtrmdefor lot 40 , block 1 , Armour 1'Uco , Huuth Oiu Ii t cl ar 0111 lucuaibrmncj Addrtu tut , Uee unico. MSiJ y-FOHTUADK NKW MOIIV 1IUICIC HAT / Jbnlldlne. modern A I IrxMtton , rcnti readily. Closest Investigation InTlteifl prlco fi.00a Trudo equity for unlncuuibcred v.icont lots. Ames Bent Kslnlo Agency. Iiu7 V rn n trcft. S9 " TIIAK. 70 M V" * > H1 11 OF t'NlXCt'M - city properly lo ttada for farm lands within l.'fl miles of Omnhn. Arnei Henl Eslnte Airoac . 113 , F rnnm t SS9 y-FoH mciiA.voT : on' ALi:7 : A HNE ro BAII "rel roller mill onwhenlnuij lew on crnnnlntcd meal for good farming Unfl In Nebraska or lown sltiinted In Ihurman , In AdJrcsiJ S Jone . Thur- man. In " &J7 IS * ot-ii NEW LHT opi'nuiMmv : twi i\ : chnnccla jnolout Sena for It Western Ex change Co Coluinbu * . Neb , (401V ( , FOR SALE-IIE ESTATE. _ A T HALF VALUE. LOT f. ACU1- . 110ME"lTUbf /\ne < properly Alex Moore , 401 lleo bldg Ivil \ \ nisiioili ; ) vor IAY UKM AND AT THE same time own nvn n it lot wiicn tbo HclclUr Tru'K'o " 111 pell yon n beautiful cottavo homo In 1 n I nyctto place ami perhn'ii late ! your vucint lot ns pm imymcnt * Como and sue us nnd lot us show you the coltnse < b7 ! HKAt'TIHfLI.AFAYKTTE 1'I.UB H LOCATED on .VcIfonMrect , ono Mock wc tof Lowonvo Six new. cl"gnnt modern dwelling * of 7 to 9 rooms each , of which four nro tlll for * lo You cannot Judge of the beauty of this terrace , or Iho com- plclenesuf the cottages , without seeing them Open for Inspecllon Price * rea onnhle nnd easy terms Cnll at our odlce nndra will show them nt any time , whether you wl h to buy or not Owned and lor sale by 1 Idollty Trut Compan ) UII I'nmain street. CI7 iron SALF. HOMIN ANY PIUCK , KM $1.2:0 : UP -l ens ) term * , taku clear property as tr ! t payment ( i ( I Wnllace. Brown block , loth and Douglas AT K COHNEH 2VTH AND IIICKOHY WMX ) Ifcel. . n bnrgnln lor n few ihis enl ) F K Dnr- ling Barker block W iron SAM ; ATA IIAIWAIN 1.01-15 BLOCK i J W I. selli ) s llrt addition to South Omalm , Small payment down balance monlhl ) If desired. Inquire t ) II Tzchuck Omnhi Hoe Jjl IXill SALE-400 ACHE FAHVI IS BLfi : HIVEH vnlloy Thnycr county , 10 mile * wet of Hebron Ono of the very best farms In the county good hou o bnrn granarle * < rlb * etc and an nbiindnnco of fruit , timber nnd running waler Ale for ale or exchange for good lands or ill ) property , a brick pork pncklng houhu nnd fixture * In Hebron. T haver count ) ttoar B A. 1 ! depot 1-or particular * In ( lucre of mi ) reil ostnto agent In Hebron , IIU OMT.S IOBSI.i : 111EHB Is .NO DOUBT llt'T that 110 have th mod Knltfiiclorr llt of re-illy deslrnble cntla es lo bo found In the city Price * range from f.'UOO up. nnd lorms nre ex ccedlngly liberal Wo hnve sold six during the pnst month and the best of our llt will soon bo "elected Wo cnu recommend ibo following nt prices mined JJSCOS H model new. Popplcton Park , within two block * Ilnncotu Place 7 room within two blocks Hnncom Place f2 H00 7 H S front , full lot , harn otc , Omaha Ylew ! 4M)7 room K front , noir nnd complete 35tu st Mono L Fayello Plac-3 linen In city , bee Ilium otllco open Salurdny nlghls 1 IdcillyTrustCompan ) , 1011 Fnrnim * troet JiiJ-133 ITOll SAl.E ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS , W houses & lots The O F. Davis Co ,1503 , Farnum * t. Ml O125003 TO LOAN , SUMS OF $1000 fPWAHD3 Venn place loan * on any Inside Improved property tu ail ) amount where vnluo 1 * b ick of the loan. Ames Heal Esluie Agency. Ifi0t Farnam * t .139 PAHK HAS THE MOTOH CITY MONMOinir waler.-vrniled streets , tldownlk , schoul boatill fill location ever ) thing to nnKu It allractlve For lots or home * In this beautiful addition on cisy terms see C ( i Wnllace , trustee , JI3 Brjnn block , Kill and Dougli * 308 r oa &ALE- HALCYON TjiiGUTi Acres , hnlf acre * nnrt lot * on cleclrlc motor road Also hoiie * nnd lot * In Halcvon Height * OMAHA s BEAL1TI UI , sUiltTUB Onlr thirty mlniilcsrldu from center of city Knsy p.iyinonts , loiv rale of Interest Sow Is the Hum to eeruro n home \MHlam II Crnry JOiNenork Life Bldg M b.'j A ID _ \\TK WILL COS81DEH A CLEAH YAC ANT LOT < < as pnrt payment towards u huma In Lufuctto Place' . 1,17 " \Vnv 1'AYHENT WHEN \OUCAN HLTYONBOF ' ' the tlnest modern cottages cvur built on euy terms In Lnfayctto Placo' 017 T HAVE A FEW WELL noCVTED LOTS : WILL -Lhulld houte * to bull ) ou dnd bell on oaiy tcrnm J D.Ittie. . Brown block 'Ml FOlt SALE , 5-HOOM COlTAfiK ( ONLYI fall'LJ ated 1011 Uard street Gallon A Hospcjr 61S 17011 SALK-SK , tOHNEK 17th DOUCAS fi3H\ i1S3 Scottiu'cs , Etablo for ilhorsos , can be dlvldod Iuto5lots , Imjulro nt pfoinlasi 11U * HIVE GUI' AND BEE LA FAYE1TE 1'LAtE ( .17 lOIl SALE , A BEAUTIFUL LOT , 32NI ) AND -i. Woolworth , park front , will build to null pur chaser , eusy tcrmt. David Jnmleson , 41 * Bee bld 6J1 _ KOUNTZE I'LACE-U BOOM HOUSK. $ i. WO. WILL take $ iOJO In trade , (503 In cnth. b ilnnce , F1500 per month J J. Ulbsun , Crelghton Blk MI SEE 1.A FAYLTTB 1'LACK BEtOIlB BUYING a home. 017 l OU SALE. A COKNEll LOT ON I'AYED JTKEKT , I suitable for grocer , butcher or druggist , only f.W David Jnmluson , 412 Beublilg 581 \ \ rANTEIBABAINS IN BUSINESS , UKiI ' dencu and ucro property. Address W A Web Htcr , 4Ut. Ueu bldg. 04. 15' T ACKY'S ADDITION 'IOOMAHA.JUST I'LAITFI ) J lt Is east of Benson on electric motor line Lots WOd to $150 Terms 4 cosh b'lnnco In Ihrec- equal payments duo In 2 4,0 5 ears and 7 pur cent Interest I'ottsr X lieorga Co. , s w corner loth and 1 arnam OUIMII Oil bALK-A bNAI' IF TAKEN AT ONCE , l-riiom housu nnd lot In Orchard Hill , by C J Jouiikon , 150 ( . Dodge street M7oJ 13- LOST. LOST-A PENSION CEIITIF1CATK AND Dlb- charge paper tilgncd James Furgeson Any person finding snmu Jeturn to Jumcs I'urglson , I'luttsmouth , nud receive liberal reward M739 13- BKOKIRS. : I7HED .MOI1LK , OFFICE 1S11H , FAHNAM ST J 311 C SNYDKH'S LOAN OH ICE , 1510 DODCE hT. HAIR .GOODS. T AlK.EbTSlOCK IN ENTIIIE WEiT.'l IIEA T J-'rleal wlg and boards a nuj lnUy W li buj swllcbes , hair o'mlns ntc HSU t for citiloru Mall orders solicited Duties , 111 b. bill st , Oil ill i JIS DKESSMAKING. ADUEbSMAKEB UtOM 'ill E E \ S r \ \ OU LI ) llko tu muko engagement * * by Ihu duy or wick bnllsfnitlun guiruuteed Address lUs Bussoiu , IWt-oiith 17th st .Mill U * MANUFACTURING JEWELERS. riAbll I'AIDI-OUOLDdOLI ) . CAIlbO.N A. BANKS v room M , ilurkor block , Omaha 3IJ Tin : RIALTY : ji.viiiir. INSTIIUMKNT3 placed on record April 12 10'JL1 ! WAHBAMV DEED ? Charleb Anilorl nnd wife to Loiilsla An- ilcrt , lot J , block 5 , Alhnuht's An nex . J i J Swotiiiin and wlfo lo 1' H biibln , lot S , blookL' , rhlrtceiitli htreet nilti , 103 Samuel I'riiyn anil wlfo toV Tbunnuii , lot U. block 1. 1'ruyn iiark . , . WU Sl clsen null wife lo S-orcn elBen. lots 1 and - ' , block 1 , Unuuinerey imilc . , [ . . . . l Isolllu K Binltb ID (1 ( Ay I'lehl , lot 1 , block 11 , .Saiuulers & . fl'sudil ' . 000 Snmu to Buine , tiiiillv 'n UHt. 4 nnd U , block j.biiumlors & UV udil to Walnut Mill . . . i' ' . . . . 700 I'U V Dollono to Dorothy CJriibe , s 15 foot lotir. und ii 15 feet-lot 1(1 ( , U'llrluti'a add . . . . 010 I' X Dollone to Au Grubo. 13x18 feet in sw corner lot 10 , biinu , . ! . 1 J II l.ovy anil wlfo to Joanna fecullen , w ' /i lot ( . . block LI , buiniult .mid . 400 V I : MucUIuro to 1) S I'lntioy , lot ' . ' , Mao- Uluru'sstibUiv . . 7 , . , . . . . 150 II M Couldliu to 1 A \ \ < Jol ) blocks 1 to 8 , Fehlesliiiser'Htidil ( ex Jots IJ , if and -I , bloukj , lot 20 , block OhiiU " . 7WO - a A HQIIMOU , shcrlir'tfa Umalm Loan nutl Trust coniianyrldt 10 , block X , Walnut Hill . . . . 1 ? $ . Total amount of transfers. , . . f _ _ I N C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P , Megeath , Dealer , 1607 Firn m Btre.1 , OMAHA C'erllllialo of riiblliutloii. Ofllco of Auditor of I'ubllo Accounts-Stntn of Nubrjbku. Llncolu Teh. 1. iKtt , Itl u hereby certified , thtit thu Missouri. Kxuuta nnd TOXHS Trust Co , of Kansas UJty , In the state o ( Missouri , huBcoiujiltcd with tlui Insuraucu Ian of this , btato and Is iiuthorlzed to transact the biialiiess of hdollty Insurance lu this sluto for th > j ourrout Witness my hand and the boal of the auditor nf publlo acrouiita tlio day and year ubovo writtoii. T. II. HBNTON , Ifaeall Auditor I' . A. II , A. Uubcocl.- , Deputy , RHlLWRYTM CHRP ii'Uic'Auo HLiiLiMirux \ y OmMial _ _ Dapot " " lOlh anl M ni SH _ ISO p m. .Dilenxo VeMlbulo UM ml . < hiCMO Ktpress . . . . . paipinl . . . Chlcazo hipron 6.M p in . . ClilpBgo ft town Ixjcal _ . . Lenrej ( HUiiLiMrroS A Ml ) BHKH _ Omiiliiil _ _ Depot loth and Mmon Ms loS : n ra Denver \c tlbiio ! Llmllod lOlinm . Diadwood Express . 7 10 p in .Denver KtproM . . - . 710 p m . Denver Kxpe i . > PCU p m MO p m Lincoln Llrc'led ii.xceptSun ) II V ) n ra _ " > n m' ' .Lincoln Locnl I ' " . .x ) p m l./e lives iCo. . HT'J * o it [ TTiTo Omnhiv Depot 1011 anil Minon < Ui | p-n\h > SVt ) n m Knnin City Diy hinrcsi I f. It p m PU p m K C. Night Exp Tli t ) P Trin * | f. 4) n in I IHM ] USToN PAClHC I Arrive * Omnhi Union liepollOlli ami Marcy SI * ' Omalm BTO a m . Beatrice Hxprei . . .I'Oilpm 10 Warn . . . Denver Express . . SHOpm > I5pm . . . . OvcrlnndHyer ' 814 pro 433 | > m HlucSp troft l'nlrllelilK < ( ez Sun ) IJ5 Ip ra CoOpml . Pacific Btpreii . . . 113i a m liolnu I 111 IDAHO. U \PAUHC I I I rom Weal 11 nlon Depot loth and Marcy ! * | Won. 1 SO p m . . . Denver Limited . nil p in 7 < M p ml. . . . Denver E\pro . , | 7 ) n m C OU n ml Kansas City IBxcept Sunday ! O.l > p m lenve * . _ .MIL. * ST. PAUL Arrlvo COmnlml I depot nnd Mnr * y St * Otuiltn CM p ml Chicago U.T. n m 1OJp _ _ m I . ( hlcnio Kvprei * 5 4J p in ] A lives I siou.x cm A irACinc. Arrives Omaha Depot , 101 h and Mnrcy SI * . Otnihi 72U nml Sioux illy Passenger 110 Mp m 6V p m | * l Paul Expre * * . | ID 'JO a ni sioi \ LirY.xT > "AlTntr TA7rTv-T ( Depot , loth nnd Wcb tpr si * | Omihi 6 4j p ml -t Paul Umlloit leaven IC111CAUOA. N , _ Omihnlt'Piepot _ _ ] lOlh and Marcy M * I Omnlii ll.x * un yi Carroll Pisiougor m . - - a m . rhlcngo Kxpre * * . mm fi 0) p m . . Yellbulo Limited m HIV p m . . .Enteru Fl > er m iIJ ( p mllET Sit Uhle P * * * ( Ex Mon ) SUill 111 I ; nve * | OMAHA A b 1. LOUI * | Trrlvo7 Omaha I tt P depot. lOlh nnd Mariy St * lUnuhi 410 p mi . . M. Loul * Cannon Ball . ll.M5p m * -t l Tuls Canon Hall . | l.13pm ORDINANCE NO. 3006. An ordinance cro.itlns Street Iiiiprocinetit Dl trluts Nox 4il. 4-M , 4r , 4.Vi. 4-1 : , J.'B. 4 ? ) , 4JO III. H' , U ) , 414. 4 ! > , 4 Hi. IJ7 , 4.M. 46) ) . 440 , 441. 41J. 4U and 441 , und dcluiini ; the bound.irlcs thereof. Ho It oid-Uiicd by the city council of the city of Omaha : Section I That street improvement district No , 4M i heri'by eieatod and slisill comprise ( ith street from houth line of 1'lerco street , to the north line of HIiKory street , and shall lu- cludo the follow IMR r'eul estate , to-ult : Lots I , L',7. b , bloel 2K5. city. Lotsli. 4 , n. 0. bloek aXj. elty JjOts .i. 4. 5,1) , block 4 , Credit i'oncier add. Lois a , 4 , .1 , ( ) . blocl. 1) , Credit I'onolor add. LotsI , 4. f > 0 , block 'J. Credit I'oneioi add. Lots 7. A blocks * . Credit 1'oncler add J-otsU. 4.5 i. block . * . Credit I'oneioi add. And east IHfeet ta\ lot o J , see 2u-lf.-l.J bectlon 2 Til itstroet liiiproviMiioiitdistrict Nix 4'J4 Is lierebv created , and shall comprise LLa en ortll otreot from eit line 10th street to u 1st Him of lith street. : md bhall Inclndu the follo Inj : real estute. to-wlt : Lot S , C , 7 , B , block IK ! , anil lots 1,2,3 , 4 , block SOI. city. fceetion' ) . Tlmt street linpro onicut district No 4-"i Is liereb/cie.ited , and shall comprise l.'th slreel from south line of Jones stteet to noi tli line of Lu t\enwortlistreet , and shall In clude the follow iiiK real est.tte , to-w it : Lolsj.4.ri : ( i. block 1'I. ' ) . Itv. Lots 1. . ' . 7. h. block I'll ' , eltr. fcojtlon 4 , That street Imprmomcnt district No. J-d is liereby creatrd and shall comprise Spencer street from Sherman i\enuo to-4th street und shall include tlio following real estate , to-wlt : Lots 1. 'I and nli of 3 , and II , I , S , U , 14 , 15. lu block U Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4,5 , fi , 7. in block 14 , Lots I , 2..I , 4,3. 0 , 7 , in block H , Lots I- . : i , 4. 5 , ( , , 7. in block 1C. 1 ots 1 ' . ' . 'J , 4 , fl. ii , 7 , Ii | block 17. Lots I , 2 , ' , 4,1. ( i , 7 and nb 8 In block IS , boutli l ft lot S and lots U , lu , 11 , 12 , Li , 14 , lj. block I'J. Lois 8 , 0.10 , 11 , 12 , 11 , 14 , block 20 , South UJ feet of Itoii'rxe. Jot b , t' . 10 , II , U , 1.1 , 14 , block 2 ! , South Is ft of lot J and lots 4 , 5. G , 7 , 8 , 0,10 , block 24 , All til Kountze I'lace. Sections. .Street Itnpiovomont district No. hereby 4.7 is ore tied and shall comprise Luthrop htrcct from Sherman nveiiuo to Ibth Htrect , and shtill Include the following estate : .Noith , ! . < feet lot : i mid lots 1 , 2. 11 , 12 , U. II , 1" > . block-'I ' , Kountze I'lace. South H ft lot .1 nnd lots 4 , 5. 0 , 7. S , U , 10. block - " > . Kouiit/e I'lucL' . seetlon u riuit street inipro\ciiiout district No. 4's Is hereby created and Mia'l comprise liiirt "tn ct front \\csc line of istli Mreet to uast line of Kith street and hball ineludo the folliuiii4 real estate : Lots " > , u , 7. s , block l.ifl. city. Lots 1,2 , ,1 , 4. block J.1J , city. Section 7 Thut street liuurovcment district No. 4-'ltIb licrobv created and shall comprise bpruee htieet from \vest line of 22nd htrcec , to nasl Ilnuof2lth strci t , and shall Inclndu the following leal estate , to-uit : I ots 1 , . ' , J , 4 , 5 , 0 , 7 , b. ! ) . 10 , Hook 1 , Idlewlld add , Loth I , 2 , .1 , 11.12. 13 , 14,13 , 10 , 17 , block 2 , Idlc- \\llil add section S Thut street Iniprmoini'nt district No. 4W Is hereby created and Hhallcmnpriso Caps btruet frotn2.'nd htreot to 21th btreet , and slnll Ineludo : bo following I'enlehtale , to wit : Lots 7 and H , block oil. , eity.aml 20-ft sti.p adjoining loth. Lot 1 block Mclty , and 20-ft striji udjolnliu lot I on cast Lots & , U , 7 , 8 block 17. city. Lots I , . ' . .1. 4 block 41 city. Suction 11. Tlmt Htrec't liupro\enientdlstrlct No. 4.11 Is lieiohy created , and hhall comprise. Miibou street from 2Uth htreet to'"llh a > cnui > , unit hliall Include thu following real eatato. to-wit : Lotc 9.10.11. 12. U , 14 , J7. 23 , Stf , 3) ) , 31 , Ji. In Terrace addition. And IOIH lf > . 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , si , 2.-J , 21 and 2j , In Huns 1'lacu -uttioii 1U. That street lmpio\ninent district No 4UJ la hereby created and Mi ill couiprlsu Miihon btriet from uast line of .wth btreut to uast line of 31st xtruot. rrid blmll Iniludutho follouliiK real estate , toit : Lots 1.2 , J.4. . . . ( i. [ i. IB , 17. I ? , 19 , 23. 21 , 2 21. 2 > ,2.\2ii , In lllniubuu h 1'laci' , and lot No. I ll.-irt leu's add. hi-otlon 11 , Thut Btront Improvcinnnt district No. 4.U ii. hereby created und shall comprise J2a ktreot finiii north line of Knclld I'lucu to north llnuaf WoolwortJi u\oniie , and shall include - cludo thu follonlnu' leal cslite , to-wlt ; Lnt 1.2 , ; : , 4 K S Dundy , lr. but ) . Lots 15 to 21 liiuhiaho block 0 , llanscom Placu Lots 1 to I'.1 IncltibUublock 7 Ilunscom Place Lots 1 to 11 inclushu block H llanscom I'luic. ' l.ot.s 12 tn2.'liicluhl\e block ! ) IIaii&com 1'iaiu Lot 7 tolJ block i I.uclld Place. Lots I in l > block 2 Kuclld face. .Sfutlon U Tlmt atreul iniprovtment district No 4J ! 13 lii'ruby c'lualed and shall cumin ibo California Btreet fiom 15th street to ICth btrcut mid shall Include tbufolloMliii ; realublate , to- Wit. Wit.Lotb 5 , 0. 7 , h hlouk 9 city. LuU 1.2. 1.4 block 21 ulty. Section H. That stiuut Improvement dUtma No. 4.1. ) U lioroby created and blinll comprlbu Izard Htic'iit fiojii l'th street to 14tli lroutand tli ill Inclndii the following real estate , to-wlt ; lxit3.\ > , 7 , 8 hlot-k 3IS city , Lots5,11,7.8 block.llUuliy. Lotb 1 , 2. . ) . 4 block MM oil V. L.HI , 1 , 2,3. i blook 3-'J city. bectlon 14. ' 1 hut btreut improvement dUlrict No , 4JJIs hereby ciuntod and bhall compiibu Parker street from Vltli street to ' "Jth siroci , und bhall Include the following real estate , to- wlt : Lots I. 2.y , 4. a. Gin block 11 Shlnii'bJnd add Lots 7 , , u , 10 , II , 12 In block 1 hhliin'i , 2d add. Lots 7 , r > , V. 1U. II , Uln block U bliliiii'i > 2d add ( btrlcklund'bauu. ) IAIU 1 , 2 , a , 4 , 6 , 6 lu block 1' SUInu'a add ( CatnpbuU'ii sub ) , I.ots so 10 , t ) . 12 , 1" . 11 block < 1'nrVcrN ntld lot- . . 9. 10 , n , u In block & l i\rkor' add. Lot- , 8,0. 10. II , 11 In block Parker's add. Lots I , s. n , 4 , S , 0 In block 7 Pnrknr'i mid. Lots t. 2,3 , 4f , In block s I > nrki > r' < i ntld. Lot * 1. S , H , 4 \ fi , 7 In block I ) PnrkorN add Section IV Tliat street liiiiimvomcnt dlitrlct Na 4 17 U licrobv crcntert nnd slull ronuir. o seward street from 'Jllli street to 2'ith street nnd < ball Include the follonlns real estate. to- * Its Lots 1. 5. .T , 4. fi , fihlooK 1 Shlnn's add. Lots 1 , 2. 't , 4. \ lilnn's add Section in , street Improvement district No 4ts Is boiobv created and 'hall comprise Uhlc.ixo street front 2'nd street to 2.1rd street nnd shall Include the following roil Ostttti' . to-wlt- Lots 5 , 0 7. 7 block 40 oily Lots 1 , 2. . ! . 4 block fOcltr Seetton 17. 1 hut street ImiiroNoinont dlstrlet No 4 t'lls ' hereby treitcd und shnll eoinirlii ) rnldwell street fi-om , ' 4th street to west line of Shtnn's addition and shall InclnUu the follow Ilitf real estate , to-wlf Lots I. 2 , ,1 4 , , V G In block A ishull's suu.l Lots 7. S , II , 10 , II. IJ In bloek It Lots < . U , 1 , II. 12 , R It In b ook No. 10 Lots 7 , V. I1' ' . II , l-Mn block No U Lois 7 s. H. ID , 11 , 12 In block No 1A Lots 1 , 2 , ,1 , 4. S , ( l In block No U. Lots 1. 2. .1 4 In block No 14 Lots I. . , , ! . 4 111 Pruyn's sub blork No H Lots 1 , 2. ,1 , 4 , 5 , tl , 7 , s > , K 10 , 11 and 12 Joesten's sub block 1" > Lois , I. 4 , 1,0 , 7 In block15 All In Milnn's ndd. cctlon ! < That street Improvement district No. 44lts ( hereby created nnd shall comprlsn Micrmnti iiM'inio fixim south line of Urand n\cniio to Tort Utnah.i , and shall Include thu follo\\lii2 reiil estite , to-wlt : West i.J ! feet lot ? llarkor's atibdlv tncludln ? rlzbt-of-way. Lots 7 , . n , 10. 11. 12 block II lllllol.e add. Lots II , U , II , 14 , n. Us 17 , is. H , 20 block 4 , Hlliokoadd 1'nst Irilf bloek 1 Win. llnsadorn's add , In- cludln ; rnllwav rlKlitofay. . Lots | , 2. . ! , 4. : > , U , 7 , b , y , ID , It block 4tii lliiadorn' ! ° add. Lot ri In blcok 2 Ifith street add , Including rilhui : > rljlil-of wny Lolftln block .1 , loth street add , Including railway ilitlit-of-u iy. hcction i'l Tliiit stteet Improvement illttrlet No 441 Is hereby ciented and shall eompilse .mtb street fiom r.irniini street to north llnenf lii\onport ) street , nnd slmll Includu the fol low Inv tc'il estate , to-witi Lots III. 14 , 110. . 17. lb. M , 20 , 21 , 22.1 , 24 , .V > 111 block 3 t'roseont Park Lots 10 , II , 12 , 1.1. 11 In block l.Ieromo Park Lots 1 , 2 , t , 4 , fl , ( ) , 7 , s , 9 ill bloek 2lcromo Pal k Lots 1 , 2 , J , o'i of 1 and 0 in block 7 Jcromo Pailc. \V'i of 4 and lots 3 , 0,7 , 8 blocks Jerome Park. Lots 1 , 2 , 3. 4 , 5. 0 , 7 , S.I , 10 block 4 ICllbj Pl.ico Lot 2 block II Smith's add. Section 21 ' 1 hat street improvement district No 44i Is hereby created and shall eomprlso la\unport ) street from .Litb street to wo t line 40th slioct , and shall Includu thu following real estate , to-wlt : That pn it of lots I , 2. 3. 4 , r > , 1C. 17 , Is , in. 20 In block 4 Kllby Place , east of wust line of 40lh street [ nortlil extended. South 112 feel of tux lot 4 sco 23 west of Mth street uxtendi'd. Section 21 That street IniDroNoniont district No. 44J Is liereby ere ited and shall comprise 40th stieot from north llneof Ihuonport street toCumliiK stieutand sli.tll lucludo thu follow- in i ; real estate , to-wlt : Lot 1 , 2 , 1 ! ) , 20 and el li ft of lots 3 and IS In King's add \\est 1J.1 ft lots 14 and 11 block 3 Park Place. West UJ ft lots 12 and 1 1 blo-k 4 Park Place Lots 1 , 1 ! , , ' ! , 4 , r > , d T. s. I ) block S 1'opmotoii l"l. . Lots'.1 , . I , 4 fl , II block 'I ' Popplcton I' it If. Lots 1 , 2 , .l.-i. fl 0,7 block 111 Popploton Park. Lots 1. 2 , .1. 4 bloek JS Popplcton Park. Lots 4. S. C. 7 , S. H , 10 Morsu H Itrnnners Place \\est Ui ft of .1 ft strip north of Webstui street In Morollriinuers Place. l.otsf > . (1.7 ( , s hloek Jsliorwood Park. \\est U ft lots 4 and' ) block 2 Park. Lots Hi , M. ,17 , , ! b , J9 , 40 , 41 , 4. . 4J , 44 and 45 Ste wart Plnco. \\cst IIft of lots 40 and 47 In Stewart I'laco. Lots 1 , 2 , .1. 4 block 1 L i Votn Place Lots L 2. I , I block II L i Vein Placo. West 1 U feut tax lot 4 sec 20. K-ibt lllLt feet ) ax lot Klseo 17. Last lll'j foot tax lot .Msec 17. Section 2. That street imnroeincnt district No 444lslieroby created and sh ill eomprlsu Madison a\enuo from 14th Mreot to Slieriuan luoiiuoniul shall Inuludu the following ieal estate , to-wit : Lots I , 2. ,1 , 4.5. G , 7. S , 9 , 10. II. 12. 21 , 21 , 22. U. ) 24."i. . 20 , i7 , 2 , 2'l. ' , ! J. ill , In Washington sqiuiro Sectional All ordlmiiicesor partsof ordln- nncos thutconlllct with the provisions of this ordinance are heroblepu.iled. . Section 24 That this ordinance shall take effect and bo In force from and after Its pas- s.icc. Passed March SOtli , IsO. ' . JOHN cuovr.s , City Clerk. U P DAVIS. President of thu City Council. Approved April 1st , lb',1 ) pliOPOsALS l-OU INDIAN SUPPL1I.S AM ) L transportation. Department of tholntei- or , Olllco of Indian Affuirs , Washington , April 2 , 1SUJ. Sealed proposals , endorsed "Pro- poa-ils for Iteef , ( bids for beef must bo submit ted in souirato umeiopes ) . It icon , I'lonr , Clothing or Tr uisportation , etc. , " ( as the easn may he ) , nnd directed to the Commissioner of Indian Allairs. Nos U" .inn d7 Wooster street. Nuw York , will bo recolxed until 1 u m. of Tuesday.May J. 18UJ , for furiiishlnz for tlio Indlnn serv eo about 703.UUO pounds bacon. : ) . ' . OJ.OOO pounds beef on the lioof , 2Ut/UUOJ pounds net beef , .UO.UO ] pounds beans , 7U.OOJ jioundH baking powder. 2UO,000 ! pounds corn , "ilO.O.O pounds coffee. U.OJO.UDO pounds Hour , 7'l.0 ' 0 pounds feud , 0",000 pounds Hard bioad. 40. ' 0) ) pounds hominy.3'J,000 ' pounds lnrd,5" > 0 bar- uls mess pork , TiOOO pounds oatinuil. d70.WJ uounds o its , 14)OOJpounds rice , 22.0'10 pounds tea , Isn.o 0 pounds eo irso salt. 1J0.03I pounils line silt , 2W.UOJ pounds BJip , IOjiJ. IO pounds simar. and l.iU.ddO pounds , wlie it. Also , blank ets , woolen and cotton couds , ( coiisUiinR in part of ticking. 1.1.000 yirds ; standard calico , Uj.nOi yards ; drlllluj 1U.OUO jards ; duck , free from all si/Inn , 35,000 y irds ; di-nlms , 10.1MJ yalds ; Rln hams , .lOO.IXW yards , Kuntui'kv Joans. 8,1 0 yards ; cliolot. . V.J.OJO yards : brow n shoe-tin , : . JlO.OOi ynds ; bluiciied sheotiu ! ; . .13.001 yards ; hickory slilrtlri ; ; , 20,100 yards ; calico slilrtlnp. 0,0 H ) vards ) : clothing , srocer- les , notions , hardware , medical supplies. school books , etc. , and u loux list of mlscol- 1 ineousnrticles. such : is Ininess , plotts , r.ntes , foikh , etc . and foi about. > IO wagons rciinlred for lliohorvlce , to bo dollvcteil at flilenzu , KaiihasClty and floux 'Jlty. Alsotor'sucb wagons as may lie reiiuiied , adapted to thu cllmato of the Pacltlo coast , with ( Ullfornl.i biakes. dell\ored at han Francisco , Also Ir insportatlon for such of the articles , goods and supplies that may not , bo contracted for lo bo delivered nt the agencies llids must Ou made out on uovcrumout blanks. Schedules bliowliu thu kinds and iinantltles of subsls- tcncosupplles ropulrod for oncb asoncy and school , -uiu thu kinds .aid quantities In Kross. of all other Roods nnd articles , together with blank proposals , eotiditlons to be obi > ur\ed bv bidders , time and place of delivery , tcrmuof contract and payment , trai.spoitatlon routas and allothor no cssiry Instructions will be furnished upon application to the Indian Of- tico \\ashliuton nr Nos Oi und \\ooster slrect. New i ork ; the Coininlss ules of Sub sistence. I1 H. A . lit Cheyenne. Chicago. Le i\cnwnrtb , Om ilm. Saint Louis , s.ilnt P ml , and San I'r.inclsco ; the I'ostinasiers atloux Cltv , Iowa : Vankton , south Dakota ; Arknn- htis Cit ) , Caldwu I , 1'opuka and Wlclntiv. Kun- has. ami ruseiin. Ari/ouu 'Iho rlu'lit Is tu- - orv ed by the covoi union t to reject a ny and all bids , or any pii t of any bid , and thoio propos - s ils are Invltod under proviso thalappropiia- tlon ahull bo made for the supplies by con- rttcss lllds will boouunoil at thu horn and diy : ibo\uslatud , an < t blddurn are Invited to he present at tlio opening. ( Vilified chiuks. All bids must bu accompinlcd by certlllud cheeks or drafts upon some United htatcs Du- nosltoiv or the Pirst National Hank of iin I'lanelsco , Oil. , fur .it least ilvo per cent of the amount of thu proposal T. J , MOIUiAN. Commissioner , A7d21tm PROPOSALS Foil PAVINO BONDS Sealed bids marked propob ils for oivln ; bonds will bo roculvud at thu oltlcu of the ulty treasurer of Om ilia. Nab , up to Ii o'cln-k noon of tlio 2ith duy of April , IHJi for thu purcliasuof $ O.uOOOU pnliu bonds of ihu elty nf Oluaha. Nub , dated M iy 1 , IS'J. , piyuble 2U > cars after date , 1 nte rest "i per cunt per annum , payable soml-annnally , prlnulpnl and Interim pnyablo at Kount/o llros , Now Vork Denomination of bonds. | li UJ.OJ oncli. Kaoh bid niUhlHtatu prlcn and amount sought for nnd Include accrued intoreattu date of dully - oi v nt Omaha. Neb The r Kht is reserved to reject unv and ill bids. Ihbiiod under charter ponor of cities of metropolitan rlub.s and ordinance No - approvoil ! Mur'ih 23 , la't ! . linMlVllOLLN. M20d31tM _ Ulty Truasurer 1'UOI'OSALS FOll bKWHU HONDS Su.ilod bids marked 1'roposils for riowiir Ilonds will bo rocohed at t'luolllcu of thu o y liu istirurof tbuclly of Oniuliu. Nub. , up t o o'clock , noon , of thu25th duy of April , Kr > , for thu puicliasocif JiO.UJHOJ suwur bonds of thu city of Omul-a. Neb , dated M iy 1st , 18Ji , p ly- ablu2j yuars after dato. Interest & per evnt per annum , p lyablo aouil-.uiuii illy. Princi pal and Intoiuat piy.ilj.o at Komiuo llros. Now Vork Dunomlnatlon of iiondn. f i.U'JJ.Ol ) oacli. Kali hid muststate price and amount soiu'ht for an J Inuludo accrued interest up to date of delivery at Omalm , Nub. ' 1 ho rl-'ht if ru > or\ud to reject. , any and all bids. Issuoil undui charter power of cltluaof the mutro- uolltanoliis and ordinance No SHI , nnnrovud Miiroh 23. IK ) , ' . IIKNUY IIOLLV , _ > U'idJltM Ulty Treasurer l'r | iuiuU fur I'ublli ; Llhnirj lliilldliiK lt"inl Scaled bids n.arked uroposuls for publlo library building bands will uu recuhcd utlbu olllcu of tiiuclty troaaurer. Omaha. Neb , up to 12 o'clock noon of the 23th day of April , IVx' . for thu purchabo of JIUJ.UHU ) public Horary buildliiK bonds of the city of Omaha , Nub. , dutod May 1st , 1MJ- . und piyablo20 years after data Intureatat the rniuof.'i IKSF cent per nil- mini , payable huniUannuully. Principal and Interi'bt ptiyablu at Kountzo lli-oa. . Now Vork. Kiich old must atuto price und amount sought for and looliulo uucrued | uture t to dalu of delivery nl Omaha , Null. The rlttht H reserved lo reject any and all bids Issued under eharwr Dower of cities of the metropolitan class , und ordinance NoJS3. . approved ' March llth. H.ii IIKNUV 110LLN , iu2Cd'JltU Ulty i'rcasuror , "HOME PATRONAGE" All our pyrinuos nro mnilo in OMAHA. "FISH BRAND" FOUNTAIN SYRINGE I'ach nno linn nn hard rublxir | ilpi > * In wooden box He rurc the trademark "HSU IIIIAMf In on each < m take no other Ask your druirilt for them or Omaha Itubbor To , r > 2u r rnniu st , , Cor ICth l.ady clerk In attendanro 1 , AN EDITORIAL EXPRESSION 2 , A PERSONAL EXPERIEKGE 3 , A SUGGESTION TO [ RUGGS1TS Olllco nf the l > rnzil t * Ueenl , I m Cunt H vi lie slroi't \ lliltlinorc. Mil , Mny 14 , Wl \ THR ATltiopiloltos Co New llnxen fonn Centlemen Dolnz so ilollKliteit with > ottr'Alh- lo | iho roi , " hnvoliiken tlio liberty of nrltlnK tlio Incloseil urttclo ijiirilliiK ( tlio sumo This popiilnrriMiKMr l < not only mnlntnlnlnK liu tDcrcn lnKtlie well merited fiuor It has inliHil 'llili result' from It necompllibliiB nil tint lj chlmeil for the ami > , nml this relliMllty hns in- trenchoil Atli lo-plio MS unnstnllnlily In pnblla fnvor Tlio writer lm\Innimeil tldi evitfllent rein etly with tlio bent 1'OiMblo ri" iiln In n on o of rbou inillsm ItMxc'iiH plcn iiro to recomniinil eniu * to our remlers anil tlio drnir trndo Ki'niunll > All rptnllilruntlstj who nre In the Imlilt of imshlnuto U iblo KOOili only nro aiUlsoil to cnrr > tills popular mcdlclno In stock Unco It soon bo couiuj n rapid seller anil ri'miilln Maple \onrs moat truly. T11K nilUt.l.lbrS KKCOIlt ) To tlioio who know tlio metlioil * of the Alli-lo- plio-ro'Com.inny It Is quite nnneci""iir3 to uny tint this cxpresHlon of tlio DriiK.ltts' Itecoril wn onllrc'lyoluiitnrv All vlcllun of rliuinnallsm mid nil whonro Inlliuilrui ; traile limy well mnko n nets of It for J > All rtriiKBlsts lleaullful plcture frei ) to uny onu who will nilto fur It The Atliloplion Compjiiiy , New Haven , Conn. I'rtv.oitls lor Dutrlct < i > llu ; Ii > i 11. Scaled bids marked "Proposals for district cradln bonds" will bo received at the ollicu of the oily treasurer , Omaha , Neb. , up to U o'clock noon of Iho 21th day of April. 1VU , for the purchase of ill,20J.)3dlstrlctsr ( ) ullniilioiKU of the ulty of Om ilia , Nub fid bonds nro dated May 1st , 1bi > , and are p iy tblu from onu to nlno VO.IM attur datu thuicof , in dunomln i- tlonsof $ IOOOJnnd tVJO Wo ich. with Intuiust it thu r.ito of 5 per cent per .1:11111111 , payable ) seml-mimi illy , P-ln-lpil an 1 interest pay able at Kount/o llros . New Vork. * iOOlO.OJ of Oiadinu District No ' 11 1,5 ] 00 of Otadliu District No. .11. 7000Jot Gradlni ; District No. IS. 20.00J ( W of ( JradlnK District No. 5. ' . Hach bid must Ht.ite price and amount sought for nnd Includu accrued Interest tu date of doliveryat Om ilia. Nob. 'IhuriKht l.s reser\ud to i eject any and all lads. Issued nnuor ch utei poncr of cltlosof Iho metropolitan class and Ordinance No. ' "JW. approved Mnich llth , l&'Ji.UKNUV ' UKNUV I10LLN. Mcli2iV131tm. CltyTro i surer. Certillcnte ol riibllciitlon. Onico of Auditor of Publlo Accounts State of Nubraka. Lincoln. IVb. 1. is'ij. It Is hereby certified , that the M nufaclur- ors1 and Huildcrs' riro Insuriinco Co , of Nuw Vork , in the state of New Voilv. has compiled with tlio Insurance law of Ibis st ite and Is authorised to trans ict t lie hiislnc-s of flro In- suiancu In th s stall ) for thu cum nt year. Witness my band and thu seal of the auditor of public accounts tbo day nnduarabovo written. T. 11. Itr.NTON , Ibeal ] Ai.ditot P A. II. A , H ibcock. Deputy. Ortlflriiti' ol Publication. Onico of Aimltorof Public Accounts Plato of Nuhrimka. Lincoln. Teh 1 , Ib'U. It is liutuby oeitided , that the Mechanics' I'lro Insuiniico Co. . of I'lillndulplila. in tlio btatcof Peiinsj Ivanl.i , bus comi > llud with thu Insurance luw of this state and Is.iitthori/ed to transnct thu business of liru Insurance in tills state for tboeuirent ye u. Witness my hand and tbu sual of thu auditor nf public accounts thu day and vuir ahovo wrlttun , T. 11 lUIVlON , Auditor P. A. II. A. Ilabcoek , Deputy. Certllliati ) ol I'lllllli'iltlou. OIHce of Auditor of Publlo Accounts Ptato of Nebraska. Ltiuoln lull I. Ih.iJ. It U hereby ecitllled. Ih it tbu MrirchantH' Insuiance Co In Prov Idence , of Providence * . In thu state of lihoilu Inland , tins compiled with thu insuianou Inwof Ibis state and Is author- bed lo trans ict the bus'nuss of lire Insiirancu In tillsbtato foi the current jo ir. Witness mv hand nnd the seal of thu auditor of public accounts the day anil vuarubovu written. T. II. IIJIVI'ON. Iboul ] Auditor P. A. II , A , II.ibcock , Deputy. Oi IllUutn ol I'ubllciitliin , Olllco of Audltoi of Public Accounts .Slaloof Nubraska Lincoln. I'uli l , IS'U. ' It U hereby certliled. that the Lynn Klro liioiirrtiice ComiHiiy of London , in i-iulund. bus eompllud with thu Insurnnco law of this stituand isaiithoil/od to tiunsact thu busi ness of hio Insuianco In this state for Iho cui- lunt yuar , WltnuhK my hand and the so it of tlio auditor of public nucounlB thu duy and vuiu ubovo written. T , 11. JIIINTO.V. Auditor P A. IJ A Ilibi'ock , Duputy ( /'erlllliiittiiil I'uhrti'iitTiiii. Ofllca of Audltoi of Publlo Accounts S'tito of Nebraska. Llni'oln. I'eb. I. Ih'i. . It U lioroby cmtlflcd. thill the .Mnlropnlltan I'latuliliiss iiiMir.incu < o. of New \ , oi k , In thu state of Nuw Voik , bus compiled with thu'O law of this statuMid Hauthort/eil lo tr.insaet Ihu buslnuss of pl.ilo Hliits Insurance anco In ihlh statu for thueurient yoir , Wllncas my mind and tbu seal of thu auditor of linbllo accounts the day nnd yoir ubovu wnttini T. ii. IIIMON , ] AudltofP. A. II , A. llabco k , Duputy. ' l'i < ipo * lM lor llllniU lor City Hall , Scaled bids will bo received at the comj > - trniler'dollleo , Omaha , Nub , up to 4 p in. Anril imh , ivr.1 , for bllndti for thu city bull. Tbu rlirht U ruiervod to inject any oi all hull itloau.M TIICU. OI KN , Coinptiollor. Abuitid Ills lletti-r Half , Chrh Madsen went homo to the bosom of Ills family Monday night with n fiiltcarcoof redeye and proceeded to make Home bowl. Ho kiclicdjin tlio doors , smashed furnlturo and llrnd out his wlfo uticl children. Then ho lay down and slept till a policeman urrivoa and took him in tow. Ho admitted that It would bo a c-u o of starve If hU wife did not take In wnshinir und that ho had been urrosuid sovorul times for the sumo nffoiuo but It " alwayn ou account of ' 'her. " "I line you $100 and costs , Sit down you brute , " snapped the Judge. A friend gave my wlfo a bottle of-your Ilradycrotliiovhon she vvaj suffering la. tensely with sick headache some time ago and it is the only thing 1 over knew to ra lievuhur. Mucou U Kllli , Mulbourno , l''l -