THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; Wife ESP AY , AV1UL 13 , 1892. 3 THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE : - NO. 12 1'EARLSTKEET. rtiluKdlyrnrrlcrtonny part of the Cltv II. W. TII.TON. - MANAGER. Ilu ! ncMOfflro . Np 41 ' ! ri' . . I.I.I jmor ; . No5l .V/AOK .MK.VT/O.V. TJ Y. I'lumblnpCo. Council Dlurr.i Lumber Co. , coal. Cltitt's ' ibnttcl lonns. 20t Sapp A now and modern front Is being put Into DoIIaycn's store. I nave to wed was yesterday crantcd rimrlei.l. Tuber nnil Mr > . ilannah Harris , both of Omaha. Tto case of Cohen nsainst the Ohio Farm- era Insurance company was suboillloJ to Juilpo Mctlco yostorday. Justice Hammer tied the Knot yoitnrdiiy between I'olcr U. Galnrr nnil Mlsa limnw Colwcll , bath of Ulslnc City , Nub. The Ladles Auxiliary , No. 17 , Union Vut- cran Loclon , will moat , la rozular nc Hlon this ( Wednesday ) evening at 8 :3J : o'clock ' , In IvnlBHts of I'ythlas hall. The Woman's Christian Temperance unio n will meet at : i o'clock this afternoon nt , tlio resldenco of Mrs. Stoiidarcl , corner Klphth avenue and Sixth strooU W. 11. Hradlov Is roRoivltiRConsratulatlons upon the fact that ho l. < n Rrauufalhor , the niforinatlon Imvlnp reached Him yesterday that Mr. and MM. M. S. Halls of Halt Lake were the piironu of u boy. All members of the Danobo society are re- quostcd to moot at the old Woodmen hnll tills uvonliiK at 8 o'clork to malio arratiKo- in on Is for the funeral of ourdoconsud brothnr , Krcd .lohnscn. lly order of II. J. Nlcl&en , president. Pottawatlamlo trlbo No. 1 , Improved Order of Ked Men. will meet this evening In regular council in their wigwam , comer of liroadway und Alnlu streets , nt tlio eighth run for work in the Hunler'a degruo. Visit liiK chiefs are wolcomo. Survoyora Smith of Omaha and Tostnvln of Council ISluffs have commorcoi their work ns coinmlssloncri to dotonnlno the boundary line between the two states. Thny vvereycalcrdav loiiulnt ' , over the disputed territory , inaklni ; measurements and taking observations. The controversy between the Pythian Sis- let hood and the 1'ythlan Sister was to Uavo como up in the district court j-cstorday , but the case was not rcachoil. A unmoor of the Intcrcstod ladles wcro in waiting anil will probably resume tholr scats on the opening of court ted 11 v. A ( loath from diphtheria occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mr ? . John Smith , on Hevontccnth street , yesterday morning nt JjIW o'clock. The victim was Hiitti , inolr HttloO-yoar-old daughter. The funeral will occur this nftornonn at : tUJ : from thu rosl- donee. The services will bo hold nt the grave in Fiilrvlow comntory. Arr.inKonionts are bclnp made by the ladles for un entertainment the last of this month , for the benefit of the Woman's Chris tian association hospital. Another schema in old of the sntno institution Is boiiiR planned , by which meals will bo served during the democratic state con volition , which Is to moot in Council UlulTs next month. In the district court yesterday Judso llepiner was llstonlni ; to the roadinff of de- liosltloiis In the o.iso of Kind , MurdDck As Co. uijuinst Margaret Pulton und others. The Milt is nn outgrowth of the old business of Iho Hoston Tea company , and the suit is brought to sot usido the transfer of certain real estate on the claim that it was fraud ulent. The oapor road by Mrs. Drew , president of the Woman's Hcliof corps , at the ouetilng of the anniversary exorcises on Monday ovcninc was a very thoughtful production thut at tracted a prcnt deal of attention and gave those present who wore outside the order n clearer insight into the character and aims of ihc workers. The indy divided the honors of the evening nnil intido now friends for her- fcclf and the woilt that is receiving her splen did energy. It is asserted among the agricultural im- jiloinont Uoalors that ut least two other Inrco implomcnt linns will bo located in the Uluffs dtiriiiK tno present year. H only needs a trlllo more to throw the balance In favor of this city und malic Council lHuftstho leading implement point in the world. Hach year baa shown n steady Incroiiso over ttio preced ing. The unprecedented rate this year 1ms inndo the fact inora pronounced that wo are Btoudily and certainly drawing Tiwny from poor old Kansas City. JASTIU : : N Ilosliui SI ore , Council llliill's , In. , IJANDKIiHCIIIHKS. Our stock at this time is now complete with everything 8iiit-.blo : for Kustor. In our handkerchief ilopartmcnt wo tmow many nnvolllus from the Uo hand- Ucri'hiof to llio linest , billc or hand om- hroldorcd. Our line at f > i : , 7o , or four forii'o , and 10c , tlirco for i"iu. I2JU , lot ; and ( ) : sui'iihsoa ) : anything over shown in the liandUurdiicf lino. oi.ovis. : In lld cluvos wo lead. Our line of gGiuilno b'ostorn is now conmloto at 81.00 , $1.2.5 , $1.00 , &l.7.- > , $2.00 and Sli.25. Kvory pair from $ l.2"i up wnrrantud and IHlcd to the hand by ox perl srlovo litters. SIT.C1AT , roil THIS WKKK. r > 0 do/on ladies. ' hid jjlovcs , absortctl colors , for tills wool : at50u / pur pair. Marked down from Jjl.OO , SI.23 and $ l.oO all in at f > Co a pair. iiosinuv. \Vo show almost ovorythlnff in the hosiery line from the ohoanost i-otton to the iincst Bilk. Ask to BOO bur fast black nt lOo and 12 jo a pair , aluo our full regu lar made ladies' fast black ovnx Ilorms- dorf hose at 2oc a jiair , worth IJIic and IWo a pair. In children's IIOMJ our lines uro complete ; nnything and overytliiiif , ' in chililron'rt hose from the 7c hose to the llncst silk. Dostou store , Kothor- iiifrhamVliltolaw & Co , Counull Ululls , la. _ C. II. IluUor of Dos Molnes was In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Shugart welcome a on , very young but. full of promise. Mrs. Kov. S , Alexander , who has bean vary ill for a woolt or ten days pnst , is now improving. Mrs. K. E. Aylosworth nerved a lunch to a few of her frlondu yesterday noon to glvo thorn an opportunity of mooting Mra. JuU IJeomor. Colonel Stoadman Is onn of the sneakers engaged for tlio slate oncampinont of thu I ! rand Army of the Konubllo , which moots at Ottuimva next month. Ills frioniU conll- loutly assort that ho will bo the next depart- uiciit commander. Tint KliiK of ( Jiuollno Stovn , The old siiif-lo generator Dangler was Iho best gasoline steve over miulo , bu' . Sluifrart & Son have n now Dangler that is uiKiuublioiinhly tlio king of vapor BtovcB. It Is t-alled the Dangler Stir- prigo , and is simply the old reliable Move with a porfocl process generator added. It burns a blue llnmo when lighted and has no odor in popping or Btarting. Shugarts nro the only people who handle them. Dentil of I'rcul Juliiiinn. Fred Johnson , the general Janitor ot the public schools of the city , died at his homo , 1518 Klctith street , yesterday innrnlng. Ilo was taken with imoamotilaabout three wosks utro ani > IIILS boon couiinod to tils homo ever si n co. Ho was an actlvo member of tlio Masons , Odd Fellows and Knisuts of I'ythias and was well known throughout the citv. The funeral will ba hold Friday ut a o'clock , Ask for prices on pure seed early Ohio potatoes in ear loats and small quanti ties. T. J. Clark , Council muffs , la , Jarvis1 wild oluukborry Is the host. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Gratifying Success Tint lias Attended an Earnest Ohnritablo Effort. REV. HENRY DE LONG AND HIS WORK .ttncli ( looil , nnil Spiritual , Ac. < ji > niillnli | < < < l Among tlio I'oor or the Clty-liiilnstrliil School for dlrls .lust Itccu Hov. Henry DoLone , or.o of the prominent and somewhat eccentric characters of the city , who has boon prominent In work ! of charity , temperance nnd idndrod affairs for the pan quarter of n century , soonu to bo engaged at the present tlm ? In his most im portant and successful worK. Several months ago ho located a llttlo mUslon on Middle Uroadwny , occupying for the purpose a va cant store building. At the start ttiaro seemed to be no clcnrly ilo lined idea of Just what ttio work should be , and it was com menced by holding nightly meetings of a re vival order , somewhat alter the style of the Salvationists. Tlio room was well heated nnu lighted , and during the winter evenings it afforded comfortable quarters for many poaploof tht > humbler cUmn who drifted In to hear the singing and praying. Many came hcc.iusu Insufficient clothing nnd llrclcss homos madu the mission room ttio ploasantest place tlioy could Und , The air was frequently thick with lob.icco smoke , ana sometimes nltnost shuddered with its burden of loud smells , some of the loudest often coming from the hrtbroath that poured from rum-soaked lips. Hut DoLoag and his workers mingled with the crowd , talked , prayed nnd sang to thorn , and quickly awak ened a deep Interest. Clothing was furnished those who wore the moat needy after it had been gathered up by patient canvassing throughout the city , and scores of CASCI of reported destitution wcro inquired Into and much actual distress relieved. Uoforo the winter had passed the mlsslor , bccnnio the rocognboJ churitv headquarters of the city , anil many voluntary contributions wcro sent lu. Since the beginning of the year nearly 'iOO persons hnvn been clothed , besides numerous eases of charity where the distress was relieved - lioved In tbo cheerless homes. Mr. IDuLong has como to bu looked uuori by every man In distress as hU especial friend and guardian , and ho has , of course , boon asked to do a thousand times more than it was possible for him to accomplish. . During the last few weeks tlio work has assumed a still tnoro In- tnrostlni : phase. Always a lever of llttlo children , the eccentric philanthropist has opened an industrial school in connection with the mission , where ho designs to toaoh the children of poor parents , and the waifs and arabs of the street , habits of industry and put them on tha upward road. A uirls' industrial school bus boon organized and moots every baturday afternoon. Miss Emma May no , a young ludy formerly connected with the publio schools of ISoono , In. , has been induced lo leave her homo and worn there and devote her best energies to the greater and moro arduous labors boro. She has boon given full chareo of the girls' indus trial classes , and U surrounded bach Satur day aftcrloon. by hnnpy throngs of happy girls. The instruction Is of the kindort'artcn character and Is uncoming very successful. The next thing in contemplation is the or ganization of a similar class for boys. Mr. fJoLong nail Ins assistants have car ried this work along so quietly that the nub- lie has been scarcely aware of its existence. Although a debt of nearly ยง 'JUJ was con tracted at the start the obligation has all boon discharccd , und ihero seems 10 bo nothing In the wav of the llttlo mission de veloping into onp of ttio most important charitable organisations in .ho city. Disease nnvcrsuccosslully attacks nsvi- tom with pure blood Do Witt's Sarsaparilla makes pure , now blcod nnd enriches the old. Roller , the tailor , IHO Broadway , has all the latest styles and nowoat goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't forgot the K ister entertainment at the Trinity church Thursday oven- ing. A good supper , with cygs served in i.ll styles. _ Pol taunt In niin14 DtMiiocr.icy. The county democratic convention met at Avoca yesterday to select delegates to the state convention , which meets in Council UUilIs May 11. John 1C. Cooper was chosen temporary chairman and O. II. Marsh of Oakland as secretary. Tie ! following commlttcos > were appointed. Committen on CMdontuls . U. Ciippv of Avoen , Dr. Harvey of Ncola , Frank ( ! uan- DlU and Ira F. Hondricks of Council ItlufN. Committee on Ko-olutlons-.I. ,1. Shun , . ! . N. Casiuly of Council Hinds W. W. ( lardner of Avora , . .1.V. . Hompstcad of Carson , and W. II.Vnro of Council ItiutTs. Cuniinllluo on Permanent Organization Charles Fox , S. U. Wadiworth . H. ICnop- hcr of Couni'il HlulK Air. Smith of HaucocK , and .1. T. liartwell of Oakland. The commitloo un i-rcduntialsronortod that all townships wore roproscntud but ilvo. Tlio commit too on organi/ation reported that , the temporary orgar.l/iatlon bo made purmanrnt. 'J'lieonimittoo on resolutions In eluded In their loport u ivsolution nnirming the pint- form of Ib'.ll ' , and arraigned the republican party of Iowa on Its record nn the urohibltion question In the Into lugislsituro. Amnii ) . ' the dolcatcs ; ; olcctod to the state convention , woio the following from this citv ; Fitst ward , Vic Jennings and C. D. Wallers ; Second ward , William ( Jronewcg nnd .1. N. Camay ; Tlilnl ward , Frou Spot- man and A. C. CJr.iham ; Fourth wnrd , ,1. J. Shea and A. T. IJlwoll ; Fifth ward , W. AV. Cones and John Mulijuoon ; Sixth ward , J. A. Hunt. The other delegates are ns follows : O. II. Marsh , HalHimp townMp ; liCorgoTbornu * Boomer township : .1 , W. Hempstead , Carson township ; C. CJ. Ivirkwood , Crescent town ship ; Samuel Wooa , Urovo township ; L. Proiitv , sr. , Unrnor township ; Alexander CnmpbiillVnvolnnd township ; J. I ) . Johan- con , I.avtoiutownshlp ; .lolin O , Klsur , Lin coln township , Willoughby Dye , Macedonia township ; li. Shields , Norwulk tov/nsblp ; D. H. Donzlor , I'luasnnt township ; \V. W. Cini'dner , ICuOx towiiHhlp ; John lilack , Wright township ; James Crow , Minden township. The delegates wore instrtioted to vote for Lucius Wells for district delegate to tbo national democratic convention. Judgu Willurd of Atlantic dollvorod an ad dress on the Usuos of the day at llio opera house. The county central coramitteo organized by clouting S. H. 'Wadswortu chairman and Frank Trimula sucrelary. Dini'l ll n Driinkiiril , Tlioro nrn thousands of mon in the world who are addicted to the tieo of alcoholic stimulants , morphia , chloral , opium or tobacco. Many of Iho bright est lives of the ago are bolng wrecked by iheao pornlcloiu drugs , and human will , no matter how strong , is Impo tent to break the bonds in whioh Iho victims are held. Got help in your ox- tromity. The Hianchard Uold Cnro in- Btltuto has been Obtnblishcd in Council I3lutTs for thu purpose of aiding all , mon or women , who doslro to break away from the destroying vice. A euro abso lute la guaranteed , and only the small est fee is charged , Como and face for your solves , or write to the managers of the now iiifetltuto , room 0 , corner Uroad- way and Sixth street , opposite the post- olllco. Cloin of lliu l-'iiilurtil Court. The spring term of the federal court closed yesterday aftoraoon , and Jmlqo Woolson , after two or ttireo weeks of as busy a time as hoovcrepont In his life , will leave for his homo in Mt. Pleasant this evening. At the oDtmnonconjont of ttio term it was a heavy docket that confronted tbo court but It was thoroughly cleaned up yesterday afternoon when tbo hqur arrived for Iho adjournment. The last Jury case was the personal dumago ult of Jitmos ajaiast the Unloa 1'aclUo rail- oad to recover for Injuries sustained whllo a the employ of the company. After many tours of patient consideration the Jury fiillcd o acrco , and succeeded In convincing .ludgo Woolion that the disagreement was hopeless , J'hls will nocoxlato a now trial. The only ether case loft on the docket of any consequence was that of Plorco vs the Union Pacific , and this was practically re moved by transfer to Dos Molnes. The at- : orneys on both sides announced that they Had discovered certain facts in relation to the case that encouraccd the belief that it could bo settled outside of the court without trial. trial.Tho next term of the federal court hero will convene In September , and the next term Judge Woolson holds will convene in Dos Molnes on the second Tuesday in May. During Iho last week Judge \Vool on'.i stay has beca brightened by the presence of his accomplished wife , who has made many pleasant acquaintances and lasting fi lends In Council Bluffs. I3oth the Judge nnd Mrs. Woolson speak in the highest terms of the hospitality of the Council liluffs people , nnd notwithstanding Iho brutalweather , they liavo seen cnousli of the city to causu thorn to cxpros tholr dotight with Its beauty. lie nuro and use Mr * . Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for your children whllo toothing. U5 cents a botllo. _ The ladies of the First Christian church will glvo a dinner nnd supper Saturday , April 10 , atIM Hroadway. All invited. Como nnd got a good meal and enjoy a good timo. Tli Twin C'lty Clmiltniiqnn. Judge Mcttco and Postmaster Troynor nro certainly planning big enough for the comirg Chautatiqua to make It tbo greatest event of thn kind in the west this season , and tholr plans are meeting with such assurances of success as to cause f rent Jubllancy amoug all interested In the enterprise. Dr. Gunsaulus of Chicago , whoso lecture before ouo of the preceding assemblies hero aroused so much enthusiasm , has agreed to deliver another lecture tills season und also to proiteh. Prof. Clendcnln has been cngaeed to glvo his Illustrated lectures , among which is one on Chill , which is pronounced very Hue. Prof. Tor rein has consented to take charge of the music. The announcement is suftlclent to awaken the enthusiasm of all music lov ers. Ilo will arrange to organize u largo chorus and plvo It the needed preliminary training , and also secure tluo musical at tractions. Thu Apollo club Is to give a con cert during tlio assembly. Those announcements are but a hint , of what the menu will bo. If the enterprising young men who have plucklly taken hold of this enterprise succeed in engaging one-half of the attractions they are after it will bo such n feast as has never boon spread before In the hie amphitheater. Ono scheme , which will interest nil who want to learn Spanish , French , Gorman or Italian , Is to secure as instructor Ir. Hoscn- thai , whoso Molster.shaft system has made his name familiar. H'j will "bo engaged If a sufllcient. number express a desire tn avail themselves of his presence hero. The rates will bo very low , and the opportunity will bo a rare one. Those who are Interested in the organization of a class for this purpose- shouU hand in their names at once lo Mr. Troynor or lo Judge McGee , In order that tho'practicability of cngacing this instructor may bo ooteiminuit nt onco. Mmllo. Having removed her studio from room 301) ) to I21 ! , Merriam block , Miss Corona Laughlin is now prepared to receive callers and give instructions in oil , pastel , crayon or water colors. Como anil arrange to join the class during the summer vacation. Work done to ordor. Sco specimens of portrait work at tlio Council BlulTs Carpet company's store. 12. II. Shcafo has money loloan on real cstato and chattels , Uroadwny and Main. We have our own vineyards In Calitor nia , JarviaVino cotnDiny , Cj. UlulTs Thrown Auny by a Thirl' In the burning of some rubbish la the roar of 2il ; Main street , the discovery wns made of a large number of linger rings , some twenty or more. They had evidently been thrown away by some thief , who had thus disposed of them through fear , or because ho deemed them of too Hula value to warrant the risk ol marketing. They wore mostly of n cheap pinto , with glass settings. It Is sup posed that the rings wo ro part of the plunder dor taken from a store atCreston by a burg lar , who afterwards came to Council Uluffs. nnd was later traced here , arrested , nnd sent to the penitentiary. Ho was nt ono time in the vicinity of the place where the rings wcro found , and this fact , with others , seems to bear out the tbeorv. Temple. Mi/.pah Templo. i'ythian Sisters , will give another ono of their pleasant dancing parties on Easter Monday , the 18th inst. Dal by'a full orehoatia will furnish the music and Masonic Temple will bo the place. The many friends of Mizpah Temple will bo pleased to hear this , as these nartios have become very popular. II is expected that a lingo number from Omnlin will bo present and arrangements will bo mada to run a special motor train to return them homo after the dance. Swanson Music Ca. Masonl : lomplo. Ilo Arrchtrcl Illiiisoir. William Richmond , formerly manager of the Hoston Tea store , has comu forward vol untarily to answer to the churgo of obtaining monay under ( also protonsos. The grand jury at Avoca last Dacombor found an In dictment against him , boine claimed that ho secured n note from a sick man under some promise of a sure euro at n hospital , in whose interest Klchmond was traveling. Hicli- mend was In Kansas when ho hard of the charge , and wrote the sheriff that ho would como here , and thus do a vay with any ne cessity of sending an oflloor for him. In nc- cordanco with that promise ho has appeared und given the $1UOJ ball required. DoWitt'sSarsnparniu is roiUblo. Calantho assomby , Pythian Sister hood , will give a dancing party in Ma sonic tcmplo Wednesday evening , April 13. Tickets 2oc. Suiimlilni ; School \Vlmlo\v . B. J. Donatiun , ono of tbo dlroctor.i nf the h cli oo I district lu Lewis township , has tiled it complaint before Justlco Hammer , charclug two young mon , .Tamos and lid ward Murphy , with having defaced a publio building. It Is claimed that the young men were returning from a dance and In their easorness to rln thoiiHolvo.s of some extra exhilaration they concjlvud the idea of smashing the windows in Iho biihool houso. They succeeded by the aldof a ploco of scantling , A warrant wns placed In the hands of nu olllcer , who started for thu offenders yesterday afternoon. Just received at Davis' , a carload of Ileatli & Milllgan Mfg. Co.'s paints. Absolutely pure , nnd Iho best in the markoU Thomas Toslovin. civil engineer and surveyor , ever DoVol's , 501 Hroadway. Trying to 1'liico IYrtim.ii. 'Iho suspect giving Iho imma of Ferguson , and who is bclni ; hold In jail on the charge of having made an Indecent assault upon a boy , is still vlowoa with much curiosity by the police. They nro certain that ho Is wanted somewhere , and they nro diligently Inquiring as to where that fiomowhoro Is. yesterday a tulegram was received from the chief of police of Sioux City asKlag for a description of him , the mtural iufcronoa belli B thai ho may bo wanted thoro. Genuine Rock Springs coal at Thalchor's , 10 Alain alroot , always on hand. _ JnrvislBTT brandy , purest , safest , best , foul For Nothing. About n month ago two colored men were BOOH stealing coal from a yard , corner Six teenth and llroadway , Quo of thorn , Dan Hhodcs , was caught , but the ether , Oscar Jones , was too nimble a fence clmbor | , and the last scon of him was Ins heels until yes terday , whvu lie hove in sight fcgalo , uud was promptly put behind tip bars. Ho vlll have n bearing today. l-i A Morning 1'lrr. The fire department yfots called out yostcr- tiny morning by n blnaaiat-tlio rosldcnco of J- It Carrothom , S03 Plercf street , caused by n unsolltio stovo. MM. Cnrrothcrs was slightly burned noout the face and hands In her at tempt to put the tire out. The main damage to the building wns cotilltfcd to the addition used as n kitchen , ' ' n.iTIS. Oprnlti of ttltcr unit l.ikn : Trnlllo Already C'lUtslng'Troublr. CIIICAOO , 111. , April ll [ Special Telegram toTiiE DBI : . ] Kxcoption has been taken to tbo action of ncomiinttoo of Interested lines in quoting rates thus early from Davenport and Rock Island , In assumed competition with tba boats. The exceptions noted are : First , that ono line passing through Daven port and Hock Island was not consulted in the adoption of the proposed rates ; second , that , as the right to meat competition of the boats from St. Louis to St. Paul has been denied to the roads running north from that city , different treatment should not bo ac corded Iho lines from Davenport and Hock Island ; third , that the authority given In May , li'JI ' , to moot competition was not per petual , but ceased when the river closed , and cannot bo resumed unless the authority Is ro- sumcd. Chairman Midgoly is inclined to hold that nil three exceptions are well taken. Accord ingly ho advised the chairman ot the com mittee that In his opinion the authority given last May to meet river competition ox- plrod with the year , and requests Iho com- mlttco not to act until spocltlcally em powered. When the freight representatives ot the Central Trafllo association mot In regular session today they were confronted by n question that was not down on the docket for consideration at tills m otlnir. This was a proposition to rcduco the rate on grain from Chicago lo the seaboard. For several weeks sotno of thu roads have boon shading grr.ln rates. The conservative lines hesitate tn moot thcso secret cuts , hoping that the guilty ouos might bo reclaimed and demoralization avoided , but this hope has boon dashed to the ground by the action of the lake and rail lines in announcing n rate of 1J cents per 10J pounds on uraln from Chicago to thu seaboard. This is U1 ' cents below the agreed differential , and will foruo the all-rail routes to make a similar reduction. The matter was only informally dlscussod nt to day's session , and with all the ether subjects awaiting consideration it was referred to one of the various committees , to bo reported upon tomorrow. Appirontly there is no intention on the part of any lines engaged in the passcngor rate war between Chicago and the Ohio rlvor to give up the Unlit. On the contrary there scorns to bo an Inclination to force tbo lighting. Kates between Uhlcaco and Indlanaiiolis will be reduced from $3.CM to $ I.5U ) and between Chicago and Louisvlllii and Chlcaeo and Cincinnati from $ ( i to $ . " > . The Pennsylvania took the Initiates in thi.s fresh cul rato. Its competitors Insist that the cut rates must apply to all competitive points nnd In both directions. General Manager McDool of the Motion has decided not to accept the offer extended to him of promotion In connection with his transfer to another position on the Hich- mend Terminal systoln. The business of the Monon has incroased'slnco ' he took the man agement , nnd ho has 'recently boon nblo to conclude such arrangements with southern connections as vlrtu.lllv to make tbo Monon part of a great norltr > ai/d / south trunk line system , und their interests can bo hotter conserved by his remaining whcro ho is at present. _ ' * siiBiii ) ! 'i : nixxjm /or. llmt'8 Why VntnkSciitt Klllril Ills Wife unit Ilurncil IltiiItnily. . JACKSON , Miss. , April 12. Saturday evening - ing in Hankin county flvo miles from hero , Frank Scott reported thai his wlfo had I'allcn into the Uro , and buiqod ; to dcaUi. During the progress of the coroner's inquest Scott broke down nnd acknowledged that ho had killed his wife because sbo had failed to bavo dinner ready on time , nnd ho threw the body in the flro to escape detection. Scott is in jail at Brandon and the negroes threaten to lynch him. o llaroly llscupoil Lynching. Coi.UJiims , O. , April 1 ! . ' . About 100 ex cited citizens of Newark , O. , congregated about the county jail shortly before midnight nud attempted to got possession of George Stoltsberry , a prisoner who was arrested in Iho afternoon for an attempted assault on a llttlo 8-year-old school girl. Tlio mob battered down the door of the prisoner and weru about to secure the prisoner when Mayor Bell sent u squad of police to the bhcrift's relief and succeeded in clearing the building. Stoltsborry's victim was a daugh ter of A. T. AUvard. No Danger of n Strllic. BOSTON , Mass. , April 12. Regarding the ropmt that a strike was inevitable on tha New York & Now England railroad because of the reduction in wages nf clerks engineers and lircmcn , ( icnoral Manager Mellon said today : 'Thoro is not the slightest truth In the report. The question of reducing the salaries of any employes of the road has never been discussed. " Still Violating lliu l.iiir. BOSTON , Mass. , April U. Liquor dealers In this citv say that the whlsuy trust is still doing business in this state In splto of the ro- cenl indictments. The rebate chscks are still being sent out , they suy , and there scorns to bo no disposition to stop that part of the operation. I'rlnco ( Jcorgn Will Visit tliu J'ulr. LONDON , Anril 12. It is announced thai I'rlnco George ot Wales , the only son of the prince of Wales , will make a visit to Canada in IbM. After visiting Quebec and Montreal and ether places In tha Dominion ho will visit Chicago and attend the World's fair. Quick Itntrlliiitlon for Mimlcir , VIENNA. Ga. , April 13. Did West , n col ored desperado , quarreled with John Rob erts , another negro , nt I'lm.i and shot him do.ici , A crowd of people chased' West und shot bint , Killing him instantly. Dlttatitroua I'I re In Tolilo , I OXDON , April 12. A dispatch fromToklo , Japan , says that fire thoro-Sunday destroyed 0,000 houses. Fifty persons are known to Imvo lost thtir llvc uud n numto- are still uilsslt f. , , , Will Take OnUlio llmtrldloiiH , Movrnr.Ai. , April(13.f-J'rivato ( letters from Great Britain slafc'tual ' it is expected the restrictions now placet on cattle on the other side will bo taken oft In nooui a wooU. Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing , Curoo Ohappod Hands , Wounda , Burna , Etc. Bcmovou aud Frovontn Dandrutf. WHITE RUSSIAN Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water , OLDEST IN THE WORLD. Itnltlmoro'n .Mniinincnl tn Cntnmbii * on 1'rhnlr ( IronniU. Baltimore 1ms the flrst nnd tirobably the only iiiotuiinonl to C'hrlstophor Co lumbus lu the United States The flhafl wiis raised a few months loss than tv century ago by admirers of the man who tried to no oasl by sailing west , says the Dnltimoro World. Ft standB on the grounds of the Samuel Heady orphan asylum. The buildings of the Institution uro situated on u lllllo table land on Iho north sldo of Boun dary avenue , just east of the llai-lford road. The monument stands near llio Boundary avenue entrance to Iho grounds and stand * above the terraced lawn on u neatly graded and lurfed mound. Ever since the lime when Iho old Amamor mansion was oc cupied by Its French owner the shaft has stood , the ono reminder of the great Italian explorer. Many of these living in the neighborhood were once disposed to PcolT al Iho lliouglil of the monumonl being a tribute to the memory of Iho man who wan foolish enough tothlnU the earlh wasn't lint. Some even wont so far as to say thai Iho shafl was raised simply lo mark Iho last roalipg place of an old carriage horse whose memory was held dear by its nms-lor. Well authenticated history has proven , however , that Ihero has boon many a horse worthy of such a memor ial mono , llio Monuinenlal cily way tlio lirst lo nho\v its roapocl for the man In whoso memory Ihe ( Irst monument should have been erected. It was on the liltli day of the month ot October , In the I'illi , the 'tOOth an niversary of the landing of the great Christopher , that a crowd of the sub- joela of the new government of the United States of America , nearly all residents of the lltllo village of Ualli- moro , assembled on Iho lawn near Iho Atmtmor home. General Amamor , who was accom panied to ibis country from Franco by the gallanl L'oiml do Grasse , Washing- ion's friend , dedicated the monument , in Lholr presence , aud the villager.- ) , with bowed heads , hoard the cenotaph jlosscd. Then these who saw il for Iho Ih-sl lime drew near and road Ihe in- scrlplion Uiat hus elnco shown Iho otTocls of Iho rains and storms of 100 years. Probably not onp in the crowd ihoughl , calling Iho immortal egg- jroalcor "Chris'1 was a show of disre spect. It wasn't as near Easter as the day of this publication , and it IB hardly ; iossiblo that there were any jokes unoiig the boys about the pleasure it would have been to "pick opgs with Chris. " They probably crowded and jostled the po'wilored and bewigged fathers in an clTort to see llio Inscription. The In scription was as follows : SACKIU TO Till ! MIMOUY : OF CIIUIS COl.tT.MHUS OUTOK Nil 3IDCC VIII C After the dedication it is likely Ihoro was a banquet in the old manor house and later the Indies may have had tbo honor of dancing with Iho men who saw Cornwallis hand his sword to General Greene at Yorktown. New Yorlt i\chniiKi' : Omitiitlons. Nr.w YOIIK , April 1'J. [ Special Toloerram to Tin : Bm : . | Kxchnngo was quoted ns fol lows : Clilcaso , 10 cents premium ; Boston , 2U to IT cents discount ; St. Louis , par. Double Tragedy nit I lie Const. WIN-LOCK , Wash. , April 12. KIclmrd Han cock shot nnd mortally wounded his wife lust niKlit nnd then sent n Uullot through Ills heart. MANHOOD RESTORED. "SAHA7IVO , " the Wonderful Spanish llnnody , la fuU v.-illi a Wrltton Cuarantco to cure all NtivousDIs- rnsra. such us Weak Memory , 1/is.i of llialu 1'owcr , llcndachc , Wftkcfulncss , I.ostMnn liootl , Ncrvotiane'n ' , Ij > 3- rlliule , all ilialns and Before & After Use. losi of po cr of the Photographed from life. Generative ( lit-nni In either n . eoii'cd liy exertion , jonthCul liullsfieljons , or Ihc . astof tobnico , oiluni ] , 01 fllnnilivnl" . ulilcli ullliiutiFly lend to IiiliiiiiltyU > ii < iiiiiitloii | and In'niiltr. I'ut up InconteiilFiit foini to rnrrv In the > MI l "ikit. " I'jlcc (1 n tuckttcf1 , or (1 ( fin J5. With e\uyS > oiui'i HORlvca written cunrnntQO to euro or rotund tlio mono. MMitliy m.ill to nn nddresi. i Irtiilnr fice 111 I'lnln ' ciiMloi'e. .Mention Ihls im | > er.iKlie34 , MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Branch oiucfoi U.S.A. 3S , Doailmrn Street , CIIICAfiO , II.U FOU SALE IN OMAHA. 1IED. , BT Knho A Co , Co.r 15th & JloueUs Ftc. J A duller & Co , Cor. Ulh .t D.rjpIaa A D Tost'jr & Co. , Cuuucll UIilHs. In. A Written Uunrantoo SYPHILIS to Cure hvory Case or , Money UofuuilcJ. Our euro Impermanent nml not n patch n up. Ca n flnro. llyilr-tiTibhuova fully wocin tr-Ml yo i by nmll. nnd no IIIYP tho'nine'Irons guarantor tn euro or refund nil money The o who prefer lo eomo here lortreatmenlenn do oanl we willpjy rallnmltard both ways ami hotel hill * while tierc. If wo fall to euro We challenge the world for n ca j thai nur Mncla Kcmedy will not cure.vrllofor particular * an I Bet ho evidence. In our iiei on year * t > raetl i with the MaaleHomely It tint been mo t iliniriill to tnrrrnmo the prejudice * against soc.ilted poclllc . Hut under our trontf puir'intoo tliou in t * are trjrlntt It nnd bO' Inccuroil.VoKiinrnnt'n to euro or n'futul rvery dollar , nml in we have n ronnln'lon ' topnuj-t , nl.v > flnanclat bucking of KiXI.UUII 19 perfee Ir Mfe t't nil vrho will try llio treattuonl. llerctoforo you Imro putUnmi | > nml pnylnitout jour tno'icfor riinvront trenlment'inndnlthoiuh you nro nut > ol euro ! no one has p.ild ba k your money. Wo will po < Ulvoljr ciireyoii , Dld.clironlMleoiiio.itol'i euro I Hull to'.Diliyi. InriMlUxta our llnimclil 't.uillui. our rcinilnllon n biiMnes * men. Write n fornatuo < nn I nitilrcocsoflho < o oliivo enrol who hare sl cn rcrmlj'lon to refer to thorn. It co ti 5011 only post- npctoilo till * . If your > yiuit | < mi < are 5oro throit mncou pntclic'ln mouthrhcninnll'in In bono < iitul Joints , hnlr falllni ; t , eruption on any | urt of the body , fcGllngot general ilcprc"loi : , imltn In lion I or bonc . You hare no time to wa'lo. Tno > o who are ton tnntly InXliiR moreury nn.l | totn tt , Muiuld ill * , tnnlinunlt. 0 < in tanl\i eof the iJ ilruus will sureljr lirhiR vire.innd inlliu ulcer ln thoen I. Don't fall ID write. All oorrc'pomlenro ent nealo I tn pl.iln en velope.Ti ; < nv to thomn t rlitl I liivcMlunUon niul n III do all Innurponrrtonliljrou lull. Aililrd , COOK KKMKDV CO. , - Omaha. Neb fiiru case ) of [ , O < T or Pvti.ts'l noon , Ueiii'rilor Ntnvor * lliai'l.'TV. wonlc- iiessof i-ody or nil ml , tlio I'UVctsotorronornv- cp'sscnln ohlor votni tlmtvroivtiitintoiiro. Wo I'ntu urrofinvl itvcry dull ir. rive diiystrlnl trontmuiit tl. lull i-ouisu 111. I'oreoptlliio ' bmiollts nnllrod In three iHv * . lly iniill , fcoeiirnly ] i lol.o I from ousurviillon , CooKllr.MiiDV i' i. . CIMAIU. NK.II LADIES ONLY MARIP VIJMAI.I : imM.\Toi : : . Bnfo nml niHUlU Curtain to : i iluy nr mnnoy rofumlc.l. ] ly innll ? . ' . Suoiiroly so ilo I from olisurv.i- mm. coon itintii > \ ' en. , oninii.i. Nob. SCHliNK'S Purely Vegetable and Strictly Reliable. They acl DIRECTLY and PROMPTLY on llio Liver and Sloinacli , rostorinirtlio conatipatod oiKiins to healthy activity , and are a POSlTlYKaml PKUD'KCTLY SAFE CUUK for CONSTIPATION , LIV1511 COMPLAINT , SICK 1IEA1J ACHE , BlLiOl'SNKSS , anil all oilier diseases arising from a disordered con- dilion of Iho Liver and Slomach. Tlipy arc tlio Onljliolible Vogntnblo Iilvor I'lll Holrt : They nro 1'eifcctly Harmless ; Tlicy nro Purely VcKulubte ; Try Them. 1 > U. Pchonk's Hook on Consumption , Liver Complaint uud Dyspepsia Sent I'Vee. H. J. II. SC'HKNK S'X , I'lilludelpliln , P.I. A now mil Complete Tr ? at'uunt , coniUtlntf e-f Fupio ltorlc5 , Olmment In Cupauloi , ulao In Ilex nnUI'iiU , a I'oiltlro inrj fur i\ : , liiurnil llllnd or Ulot ] llu Helling , Cliruulc , lU3ajnt or lluiaUltary t'lia * 'J'liii ' Itjinoly Im njvor liomi known to tall , fl per lor 5i ; Jnt ! > / mill. Wlij h\iller fioni tlili turrlhlo MU3 is > wlun i writ ten la positively nlv a with o Ojxjior refund thi luanuf 1C not o'trjl. a'.in'i lor Irco Si'iiplu. iiuirintaj : Is ) u I tiy ICu'i ' i A Co. , U.-nuKlsLa , Solu Ace in , corn a. ' IJt'i.i'il luulii ; Ftieuta. Oinnlri. Xuu. FINE SPEGTRGLES " * Eye Glasses , or the correction of nil defect ! of vNlon tCS Solid Cold Spectacles Kroni flOJ upward Fine Steel Spectacles Krom fl.OJ upward Frotoctaud imp-ovo your eycsi lit. Your eyes tosta.l Iraa by a practical 0-tiflan. 0tiflan.MEYER MEYER & BRO. CO Ishcil I < K ) . 1 A UN AM and loth. ABSOLUTELY PORE - & . CO. KANSAS CITV MO. Worth Knowing. That ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS arc the highest result of medical science and skill , and in ingredients and method have never been equalled. That they are the original and genuine porous plasters , upon whose reputation imitators trade. That ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS never fail to perform their remedial work quickly and effectually. That this fact is attested by thousands of voluntary and unimpeachable testimonials from grateful patients. That for Rheumatism , Weak Back , Sciatica , Lung Trouble Kidney Disease , Dyspepsia , Malaria , and all local pains , they arc invaluable. That when you buy ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS you abso lutely obtain the best plasters made. * Beware of Imitations , ami do not be deceived by misrepresentation , Ask for AI.UCOCK'S , and let no solicitation or explanation induce you to accept a substitute. Nerve SoocJo , " IteW H BBB I B riunU r . leu Bimrunlco to euro nil nervous UhcavcH. nuch nsVvulc Memory , Loss ot Drain 1'owcr. llcuil.icho. Wnbcfulncmi , Ixin t JMunhoo't , KlKhtlr JIiiili- lon , NorvoutnuM , I < ue3ltudi'allilruin und Iot3 of power of liul ! > i'iijr l | o Orcnna In cither ur cttuaud by ovorcxcrllon , youthful nxumilvn use of tobaccoopium ontliniilants which roon lead to Intlrnmy. Con uinp- lion und InsunlU' . I'liliiiicontunlentiocurry In vet pocket. l l per | > uuk. ace liy mall ) 0 for W. With oiri'rytionliT w yleeiiiiritUn yu'itantte ( a cure crrr/uiiiit/ittncnuv.Clrcularfrcu. AddrusBjScrvoileeiU'u. , CUlcairo , 111. For tale in Omaha by Sherman & Mcfonuol' ' , 151i ! Doilfe-st. ; 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Th * eminent | icrollit | In nervoui , rlironlr , prlvnle. Moo I , iklnanil urinorr dlicaiet A rozulnr n4 tu In moilclna , n > Jlplumniuna rurilui jlo iliow , intill truallnv wllli vrtittutt lurrun catarrli , i > urmutorrliui'U , lull manliuuil , lomlnnl wi'nlrncii , nuut Io < i i1liup < iti > ncf , irpUlli > , irluuiro. ton- orrlicuu , Klvci. vurlciiivlo.itc No nmriuruuu 1 , l < uw trcnlmunt torlotiol tllul | iot , ir. I'ur lei uiiuulu to Tlillmu rn.H > bo Imatol ni linmu ! > / corroipoii'lvncr. Modli'lue or luitrumi'nu Hunt by mall uroino i > < ouruljr pactuil. niiiuaiki Ic luUtuto ruiilunls or iundur. ( ) nu uirkunnl InturUuw prgferjud. OiuiuHulluu ( roe. curru < pouuri 'ii ttrlctly private. Hunk ( UHi rltl ut LifiiJ tout ttou. UUlou UjJd V . la. ty p. u. I and/ W a. ui-iu U ui. atuj lUoiy < & ( reuU. CITBEB GOUBH BURK IS A One Minute Remedy I'or all tiffoctlntnof tha Throat , Lungs and llronciilil Titos r.xcni'T CONSUMPTION 2G A.ND BO GLINTS. I'or nla by HriiRRtits. SPECIAL NOTICED COUNCIL BLUFFS. v i . . A ttootl ynuii.1 IIOMO. Will tnKo 1 tiny In cnrpontur work. Aiiply lo Leonard lAorotl. Council muffs. _ _ < VrAN'rT.ttiool ulrl for Rononit liouso- > > ttoil , . I'nll tit 1013 Third nvuiuio. Small family ; ijooil wage * . _ _ _ TiioloWA firms for sale , liniirovril Ifilncros 1 In UnrrlMin county. JIU.OO jicrncro ; 1SJ acres , ln\tuoil | , } Si.oo : SJ uore . lli.i ) ' . I'nr Imri ilnn In Iowa nnil NotirnsUn fnrins cull on or wntu tii.lohnvin \ I'atton. Couiiell lllnir < . lift KXl'IIANOr.rity und farm propoily. i : . II , Sho.ifo. U'wny iinil Miiln. IfU'U ' lll'.S P UttotlliiiH In nil pirts : uf the JLliy. . I' . II. i > lioifo : , llro.uhvny nnil Muln. IjlOH HA1.K Aero IKO city nilntiloil for fruit nnil mirilnn iinrno os , i ; . II. fhunfo , llroih\iy ; : nml Mum stroot" . D iiTfiAULrflioilsiT'foiTsiilo.V have for salt1 tlio oloannt Imiisu of I A. Mlllur , Hlt- nnti'il nt the corner of fcconil IIMIIIUO anil Klehtli tiL-ot. InvliiilliK two lot' . Onuiit ttiu lini'sl hou c In the oil vDay. . " [ TUMI SALK-tnoldn ri'slilnnco ami X imipcrly ul a Imivnln , If yon \\nnt nil In- ? OOMS to rent nml fiiniltiiro for wain nt ti I'luiulrc ut 3JJ Murilum lloel > . 7 ni. IjlOlt itHXT" \ qooil fii : in of iBil norc * . only - LJ mill's from I'diiiicU lllulK Atmly to l.oonnnl r.xoiett. 1'onrl si. . Council IllnlVs. ana mm i IHSTITUTE. INFIRMARY FOR T1-1 I Host fu llitli's , upour.itiis nnil Komudtoi for sncci'SHtnl troatiiiiMit of I'vorv form of dlseaso roqiilflii inodlo il or troatinunt. CO boils for putlcuts bo-inl and attciulatico. llust ac'-oinodutions In the wosi , Write for elri-iiliri on defoniiltios nn'l br.'u'Oi. trussos. i-lill ) foot , ciu-v ituresof snlno. lillos. I iiniors. eani'or , Catarrh , lironuliltit , In- liiilniloii.oiectriclty. paralysis , rnlloiny , klil- noy. b u'ldiT , oye. oar , hklii an I bloo I and all 'iil opur.itlons. DISEASES OF WOMEN i Women rUKE. Wo have lately ail led : i lylns- ln ilDp.iriinent for \\oniun durlnu t'oulliieineiiU * .lrlclly Dr.vato. ) Unlv Kollablo Muilloal In stitute m.iKlng u Hpocl illy ot I'Ul VATK UISi'S1CH ; All K'ood I1KU.IS03 snccmsfully trontol. . ' ynhllltli * L'nlson lomoved from the system uiihiiut ini'icni'V Now iJosturallva Tru.'iL- nienl for Losjof x'lT.Mj 1'UWI'IC. I'ersons 110- ublu to vlmt us mav bo truatud ut homo by ( iirrosuon lencu. All Ions conll- dunllul. Mi ? liclnos or Instruments bout l-y nri'l iirexpresq. st'cnroly packeil , no marks to Indicate eontents or sendor. Olio pei' oiml In terview prufvrro I. Call und consult us or send hNtory of your case , uudvu will bond In plain wrupuor. our pnnif Tn MPM KIIHE : uoon i-rivuto , DUUIIU ltlC.11 , t,1)uollli or Nurvoiis DH- e.'isc" . Tmpotcncy. .Svhllla | ) , Gluutaiul Vurico- \vilhquostion list. llrires , Aipllances | for Deformities & Tnisoa. Only manufactory In the Westof intfr'Oit H- U ) lll-1'i.l lAtnn , TltVa.tati , EMXI'KIU II. ITl'l.HU ti < lM > HKI.I H. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , 26th and Broa'lwnv , Oo incil Bluffj. Ten niliiuli"ildo from conler of Umalia on Oiiialin und Counull lltuIN oloclrlo motor Ituo. W. O. ESTSF , H. MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. 5J THEGRANyHOTETT Council Bluff ? , Iowa. New , modern , woll-apnolnled , thor oujfhly well-Uopt , S3 iv day E. F. CLARK , Prop. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council lllulU. OaplUl steo1 : r-uiiiliisunl I'rolKs _ Ht > _ > ooa NotCiiultiit mil Silrplun . Jtf.'J0OOtt Directors . I ) , Kil nu J < n-i , I ! , li Siuiri. ! TO ( Jluiison , \ " , i : Ilirt. I. < V. Mlllir , .1 V lllna'i'iiii i.ndClinrlui It. Jluimnii , TraiiH.iutui' li nk- Jn ; { liusiniiss. lir. : ! st cnpltiil nnil surplus of any bunk lu b'onthwi'iilorii lu\vi. : NTBBB3T ON T 0. 3 DB PO3IT3 Chas. Lunkley , I'niirnil Director unil Unili'i'l-ikc 811 Hroadway , Council JUulTs. COUNCIL mn STEAM DYE mm All IclN'lsof ' Dvolnx niul Clomilii Mliino In tlia lil'Jlicsi ' btyln of lliu un , Fuilm ! : iirl Ht.tliiixl fivliru iiiuilu to louK ta peed uuw , Uud fii.itlinrfciilu.uio'l liy htoiini In llr t-oli.n : nmn- iifi'Vuik i > i < ) iiiitly | ( lonuiiiiil ( Uilivoiu'J In. ill jruu of vliu country , bund for urli-u list. U. A , MArilAN. - - I'ltUl'JUCI'on. 1 CiMlli-oadw.iy. Noir : North voitjra UKUNJII.i.vtvt \ \ , lo.v.v. Sims & ( uclural rourta. Koonu I. I uuJ oUujj.r iJuuuull IJlulN , ix.