Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Reported Murder of an Unknown Man in a
Deserted Building.
I'otleo lnvr < tlKntliiE the llrporti-Mrrtlnc
ufllioNcuVlijr Council l.n t nvpiilnjr.
CliUinn tin Win Itiilitjcd
Music City ailnlntiirci.
Near the corner of Thirty-sixth and Ar
mour streets stands on old house that hai
boon unoccupied for sometime. During the
winter it has boon rt rendezvous for tramps
and tough characters , nnil It U thought thai
most of the rohborlos that hnvo boon porpo-
tratcd In various parts ot the city hnvo boon
planned In tbo doiortcd building. The
house has been purchased by Joe Knvnn , and
while workmen were engaged In cleaning It
out yesterday morning they discovered what
may bo the only remaining evidence of n
ghastly crime.
Under the stairway that led to the upper
story cf the building was pinned n plcco of
paper. It was a lent from n memorandum
' covered with writ-
book of IS'Jl-W ana was
Inc in lend pencil which had become almost
obliterated. When the rough scrawl was
ilnally deciphered It was foutid to bo as follows
ows : " "You wlllflnd In the basement the
body of a dead man. Ho was killed by someone
ono who Is unknown. "
Chief of Police Brennan was notified and
drove down to the house. After searching
through the debris that covered the lloor ho
discovered a patch of clotted blood about
eighteen Inches in diameter. An examination
of the basement failed to disclose the alleged
body and no further evidence of crime was
found. Some believe that there has really
been a murder committed at the old house ,
while others claim that tbo note Is n hoax
and the clot of blood was ulaccd there to
glvo color to the story. Tno house Is sorao-
wlmt. Isolated , and considering tbo cluss of
poonla who tiavo Inhabited it during the win
ter there Is n possibility that some stranger
may have boon robbed anU murdered and his
body burled deep in the collar of the build
of Administration.
The old city council mot for tbo last tlmo
last evening. The room was crowded with
spectators , who waited to sco the nawly
elected ofllcitils supersede these who had
donoduty for the preceding two years. There
weto many among them nlso who cherished
inspirations toward the olllcos to bo Illicit by
appointment by the now mayor and who
hoped to read In the faces and actions of the
now onicials some sign of npuroval.
The resignations of lion S. Adams as city
attorney and II. II. Haven as city wolghmas-
tor and Inspector of weights and measures
were rend and accepted.
The llnanco committee was authorized to
canvass the returns of the cit y election. The
oHIcIal canvass gave the following returns :
Mavor Edward Johnston , democrat. 010 ;
Cbarlos P. Miller , indcpendeut-roDUblican ,
1,174 ; Erwin B. Towl , Independent , -Ib2.
Miller's plurality , MI.
Treasurer Thomas Iloctor , democrat ,
1,157 ; Ooorgo W. Harmon , Indopondont-
domocrat. 1,007. Hector's majority , 90.
Clerk Henry Iltzen ) , Independent-demo
crat , 1,082 ; Harry B. Mcnofeo , Independent-
democrat , 1,000. Ditzon's majority , 10.
Police Judge James M. Fowler. Inde
pendent , 1,21S ! ; Patrick .T. King , democrat ,
U73 ; scattering , 0(1. ( Fowler's majority , 201.
C'ounellmen-at-LarKO- II. Bulla ,
Independent-democrat , 1,074 ; Ora Edwin
Bruce , Independent , 9K2 ; Edward I' . Uonloy ,
democrat , U19 ; William S. Cook , Indepen
dent , 18i : ; James Dougherty , independent ,
21)3 ) ; Joseph II. ICoplctz , democrat , SIS ; John
Henry Locchner , democrat , ( Vi'J ; John J.
Uynn , democrat , b77 : Joseph W. Slpo. inde
pendent-democrat. y'J3 ' ; John Strain-Ion , in
dependent , 128 ; John F. Schulz. indepen
dent-democrat , 1,000 ; Walstcln B. Wyman ,
independent-democrat , 1,051.
School Hoard \Villlum 1) . Cbook , imlo-
S.V.I Michel democrat
pondont-domocrnt , ; Henry ,
crat , 511 ; Fred E. Pearl , Independent-demo
crat , TSII ; John J. Sexton , democrat , 4 SO ;
Harry It. Struttun , independent , 24.r ) ; Ivor
Thoma ? , independent-republican , 711 ; Frank
( J. Wnllwohor , democrat , 481.
The report of the committees was accepted
and tha city clerk was instructed to issue
certificates of election to the successful can
On motion of Councilman Wood Jailor J.
P. Maloney was allowed Ills salary to date.
Tnls the council hau refused to' pay at a
previous session.
At this time Mayor Miller and the newly
elected couucllmon entered and were escorted
to their places by the retiring members. The
oath of olllco was administered to then' , also
to Hcurv Dltzen , cityclorK : Tom Hontor ,
city treasuior , and James M. Fowler , police
The council noted as a committee of the
whole to escort , Mayor Miller to the ctialr.
Ho was welcomed by Mayor Sloano with a
neat speech and warmly concrutulatcd by all
present. In response ho said. "I can as-
euro you that I stand before you with noth
ing but the best of feelings toward all hero.
I thank Mayor Sloatio for his kind remarks
and I sincerely hope that bis good wishes
will bo realized. "
After Mr. O'Kourko had given the new
council a few filendly admonitions tha old
council adjourned MHO die. Mayor Miller
then called tha new body to order and an ad
journment was taken until this evening.
With lliRlnrny ifohlirry.
Charles Koldy and James Murphy wore-
arrested by Chief Brcnnnn last night for
highway robbery. The complainant is Joseph
Mahoney , a batter , who arrived in the city
yesterday from Chicago.
Malionoy'8 story is that ho wont to Swift's
packing bouso yesterday afternoon to find a
Iriond who was workingthcrc. On his return
ho stopped at n saloon near Twenty-sixth and
Q streets , whore ho mot Iloidy mid Murphy.
The pair offered to toke him out and show
him the beauties of the stockyards and after
n few potations tbo party started. Instead
of going .o the yard * bo was led down the
railroad track toward Albright , Finally
Hoidy throw him down by the side of the
track nnd tbo pair took $05 in bills from his
The case will ho ventilated before Judeo
Fowler ibis morning.
Throuii Iroin 11 in
Dr. T. A. Berwick was thrown from lib
bugpy and narrowly escaped serious injury
In Omaha Sunday afternoon , IIo was driv
ing down Loavonworth street when another
rig drove Into him , upsetting his buggy ami
throwing him out on the pavomont. IIo was
momentarily itunuod and was taken to n
neighboring drug store where ho soon recovered -
covered , being none the worse except for a
few scratches and brulsai. The horfo was
found near Hanscom park after tea buggy
had boon demolished.
Notes ami IVrnoimlf ,
The total vote cast at tbo recent city elec
tion was L',260.
Howard Moycrs loft yesterday afternoon
tn a business trip to Cordovla , 111.
J. M. Foriruson loft last night for Kansas
City. Ho will remain about three weeks.
The Pythian Sisters will glvo a social at
Knights df Pythias hull this evening. All
iCnighls with their ladies uro invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Brsco McCulloch have returned -
turned from a western trip. Mr. McCulloch
attended the cattlwucn's convention atChov-
inno , Wye.
The ordinances locating eleven additional
water hydrants have now become operative ,
M they wore not vetoed by tbo mayor within
thirty days of their passage.
A. M. Mllispaugh and Z. Cuddlngton Imva
med the Strudnmant Aiphalt company for
13,000. The amount It for material fur-
iiliued for the Twenty-fourth street paving1) )
Jurats M. Fowler , tbn newly elentcU pollco
Judge , will atsumo the ofllro today. Judge
King , who retirci , has i ervod two term * , and
can afford to ca t aiido the ermine witb gooa
President A. It. Button bus called a meet
ing of tbo Young Mon' Republican club nt
Woodman's ball Wednesday evening. All
pmons who wisb to become members are
requested to bo present.
TUB South Om&ha Plaltdeutscnor vor In
met Sunday nleht and elected the following
officers : President , William Bauer : vlro presi
dent , I'Yauls llumpert ; treasurer , 1'etcr Witt ;
tloDnclnl iccrctarv , John Frlodt : recording
Mcroury , Henry W. lose ; cuitcdlan , hcury
schmidt ; flnnnclftl committee , Ous Wordo-
man , 1'otor Dollmnn and Jacob Mangel on.
" 1 hnvo been nflllctcd with an affection of
the throat from childhood , caused by diph
theria , and have used various remedies , but
have never found anything eiiual to Brown's
Bronchial Troches. " Hov. O. M. F. Ha rap
ton , 1'lKoton , Ky. Sold only In boxes.
The l.lno I * Itoiuly Hut tlio Depot rncllltlcs
AruVmitiiiR Uiillnmil Notes.
The .Missouri 1'acifio poopto have been
counting on running their passenger trains
Into tbo Tenth street union depot , but the
situation in Union I'nclflo nllalrs threatens
thatilcslrnblo arrangement.
"Wo expected to run over our short line
Into Omaha by January 1 , " said a. Missouri
Pacific man , "but that was b.ised on nn un
derstanding that wo wcro to cross the Platte
river on the B. & M. bridge. When that
agreement fell through wo began -
gan a brldgo of our own , which
will bo ready for use In three or
four weeks. Our line Is constructed both
south nnd north of the brldgo , ranking a con
nection with the Union Pacific nour Gllraoro ,
nnd the crossing of ttio river 1 * the only
thing that stands in the way of operating it
between Omaha und Plattsmouth.
"Wo have boon counting on running over
the Union Pacific from Uilmoro ID the Tenth
street depot early next month , but it now
looks ns though the schema might bo frus
trated. Jay Gould , having control of both
the railways concerned , went ahead with our
short line without n dollnlto contract with
the Union Pacillc. confident that ho could
dictate a doslniblo contract whenever roadv
tooperato the now lino. The terms of such
a compact have hern discussed , but the Con
tract has not been signed. If the Vandcr-
bills gain control of the Union Pacltlons fore
shadowed by Now York dispatches , they will
not favor Mr. Gnuld , particularly In matters
pertaining to n competing road like the Mis
souri Pacific , and they may Impose onerous
conditions which Mr , Gould cannot accept.
There is considerable danger , therefore , that
the Missouri Pacltlc may bo prevented from
using tbo Tenth street depot. In that event
our company might build from Gllmoro to a
connection with the Belt Ltlo , but tbo plans
do not contemplate such an extension. "
Homo Industry Locomotives.
A now locomotive , No. 831 , was turned out
of the Union Pacific shopi Saturday. This
is the second of a lot of II vo ordered some
tlmo ago. They are constructed for speed
and durau'lity ' nnd are intended for the fast
mall icrvico.
They are said to cost 50 percent moro than
Iho price chnrccd by eastern locomotlvo
works , but Master Mechanic McConnell Is
confident that that difference will bo moro
than made up by Increased eorvicoablcnoss.
Every piccobf material used in thu construc
tion Is tested , and the possession of the orig
inal drawings will greatly facilitate the
maklug of repairs.
Notes mid PersoimN.
Fred Matthews of the B. & M. passencor
department has returned from an outing in
the Black Hills.
A railroad man , Just arrived from Iowa ,
says that construction work on tbo Santa
Fo's Omaha line has reached Ottumwa and
that Independent terminals have been secured
in Dos Molnos.
Is ono of the chief blessings of every homo.
To always insure good custards , puddings ,
sauces , etc. , use Gail Borden ' 'Eagle" Brand
Condensed Mi lie. Directions on tbo label.
Sold by your grocer and druggist.
New York Supreme Court Decides In Favor
of Ycnncr.
The latest news relating to the fight be
tween the warring factions of the American
Water Works company i that the supreme
court of Now York has decided in favor of
C. H. Vonnor & Co. the two suits brought
last fall by thu Denver faction against that
firm. The first of those suits was brought
to prevent Vonner & Co. from disposing of
f J , . " > 00,000 , stock in the company and $100,033
notes and an account of $10,033 against the
company ( the notes and account bolng for
money advanced by Vonner & Co. to the
Omuna works ) and for nn accounting1. This
is tbo suit that caused Venner & Co. to sus
pend payment last October.
The court llnds In favor of Vcntior & Co.
upon every point. Tbo decision is very vol-
umious , covering twouty-throo nages of
printed matter.
The other suit was for the purpose of pro-
ventlnp the directors froin holding a
directors' mooting with loss than seven
directors present ; the board originally
haying consisted of thirteen members , but
being reduced to u U-ss number by resigna
tions and Inoligibilitv. The court dismisses
the injunction and finds for the defendants
in this case also.
As the temporary Injunctions obtained in
these two suits wcro largely the basis for
suits In Omaha nnd Denver , nud for the
appointment of a receiver for the Omaha
works , the decisions must have an important
bearing upon the future course or local
Can Take It and Work.
The Houston cure for the liquor ,
morphine and tobacco habits has cured
hundreds , und has never yet injured u
patientoven is Is the only
safe ipid Buro euro. Institute inSheely
block , N. E. corner 15th and Howard.
Omaha compressed yeast strictly pure
IX-Cnslilor Ilrown ol a Life Tniiiranco Coin ,
puny ( Joes I'reo Court Notes.
The young man , W. L. Brown , who as
cashier of the Massachusetts Mutual LIfo Insurance -
suranco company , embezzled f 1,500 from that
company la now a Irfa man , a nollo having
been entered in the caso.
Yesterday morning { when the ease was
called In the [ criminal court County Attor
ney Mahoney said that there was nothing
to do hut to order n dismissal. Auditor
Know rofu&cd to prosrouto and besides
that bo had removed the books of
the Oiuulm agency beyond the Jurisdic
tion of the court. Sucii bolnc tlio case
there were no grounds on which to huso
u prosecution. Tha Fidelity nnd Casualty
company had nuulo the loss good in
the company nnd Brown's frlonus bad settled
with the Fidelity and Casualty company.
A. P. Hanson , a saloon man who sold
liquor in Clontarf precinct , without llrst hav
ing taken out n county license , mill wns In-
dlotod by the grand jury pleaded puilty. Ho
was fined 500 and costs , nftor which ho gave
bonds to raise the money within llvo months.
In Judge Keysor's court thu ca o of Emily
C. Harr asatmt the city of Omaha is on
trial. The plaintiff is suing to recover PJ.OOO
which she alleges is duo her as damases to
bar property at Thlrtoonth and Blalno
streets , resulting from the changu of the
grade of south Thirteenth street.
Hoforo Jtulgo Doaue { ho case of H. C. Hub-
bard against the Eagle Fire Insurance com
pany U on trial. The plaintiff 11 seeking to
recover Jil.OOJ , the amount being the sum
that a dwelling on Howe avonuo. which
burned , was Insured for ,
C. D. Wood worth & Co. , successors to
Wolty it Guy , lilld Fnrntun street , man
ufacturers and dealers in harness , sad
dles , etc.
The following nrnriago llcansas were Is
sued by Judge Eller yesterday :
Name anil Address. ABO.
I W.B. Smith. Council Illuffs : J7
1 hniniu Hotter , Umuhn. . . , | 'j '
I t'lirlBtlmi Jacohson , Mlnuoapo s 3
1 > llnnloKIwill : , Oiiialm. . . , 13
I James Anderson , Oiunha 42
jharali II , Uunl , Oimlin , . 20
I It. H. jyiKL-lns , Kansas Cltv 87
( Kate KaulTman. Omaim su
Has wonderful Tonic nnd Nutri
tive properties tlmthavoinndoit
sojo. ulnr.Qu'tenaturally itnUa-
lions Imvocoiuo into the market
against which the publio should
ho warned. See that "Johann
IIolT's" signature is on the neck
ot thu bottle. Eisner & Mon-
deleon Co. , Solo Agents und
Importer * of Mineral Waters , 0 Barclay
etroot , Now York ,
County Oommissloners Decide to Modify the
Nebraska Central Fropositioni
All Dliroronce * Itecurclliif ; Itntps nnil SwitchIng -
Ing ClmrKi" ) to Hit Submitted to n
Jlonnlfif Cllyiuul County OIH-
cbils for Arbitration.
The county commissioners , together with
the county attorney , met la Bccrot session
yestcruny afternoon to consider the propo
sition of the Nebraska Central Railway company -
pany relative to the construction of u brldgo
ncrosa Iho river ut the foot of Cas * street.
The meeting was a harmonious one , but
llnal action was not taken. The attorney
was instructed to draft some amendments to
the original proposition. If tboio are no-
copied the commissioners will call an elec
tion to allow tbo voters to have an opportun
ity to cast their ballots unou the question of
tbo issuancoof ? . )30OUO of Douglas county
twenty-year bonds.
The now proposition will provide for the
sottllnir by arbitration of nny controversy
Lunl may arise over bndgo tolls and switchIng -
Ing charges. The board of arbitration will
consist of the chairman of Iho Board of
County Commissioners , the president of the
city council nnd ono of the district judiroi.
Tbo company will bo required to pay nil of
tlio expenses of holding tbo election , nnd lu
addition thereto will bo asked to accept 4
instead o'o pur cent bonds.
The new proposition will como bo fore the
board this afternoon , and U accepted by Vice
President Uumont an election will bo called
at onco.
Itev. Win. Holllnslictl ,
Pastor of the Presbyterian church of
Sparta , N. J. , voluntarily wntos strongly In
favor of Hood's Sarsaparllla. Ho says :
"Nothing I know ot will cleanse the blood ,
stimulate the liver or clean the stomach llko
this remedy. 1 know of scores and ssorcs
who have been helped or curca by it. "
The hichcst pratso bis boon won by Hood's
Pills for their easy , yet eftlciout action.
WnrrliiR Domocr.Ulo ructions Will Carry
the right to the Stsito Convention.
The first two engagements In the demo
cratlo war have boon decided nnd the clans
are preparing fora Dual struggle , which will
como Wednesday in tbo statu convention.
There appears to bo no inclination on tbo
part of either faction lo compromise the difll-
culty. Both wmgs of the party are very
busy preparing to defeat the plans of tno
Speaking of the situation yestcrJayJCharlcs
Offuisaid : "Tboro were some doiortertt in
the convention last Saturday but the regular
army Is now in excellent order. "
"SVill the Martin men give the Boyd dole-
gallon trouble m the state convention i"
"I do not see how they can , because they
simply got up and left the convention with
no Just c.iuso for the statement that they
were not being fairly treated. A number of
Martin men stayed witb us right tbroueh ,
so they were loft witb a minority. I don't
believe that a minority will have much of a
show in the state convention , o'pecially
since that minority has bsen plainly in the
wrong. They did not give ts a chance to
show whether wo were going to treat them
fairly or not. I would rather have loa my
right arm than to have treated a Martin
supporter aufalrly. "
"How about the statement made by Mahoney -
honey charging Elsasser with stealing the
credentials of the S.icond ward proxies ( "
"I don't believe that there Is u word of
truth in the statement. Mr. Mahoney proba
bly thuuubt that he was stating u fact , but I
tbiiin ho was mistaken. " *
Speaking of the possibility of sending un-
iustructed delegates to the national conven
tion , Mr. Offut said : " 1 ntn in favor of up-
pointing a representative democratic dcloira-
tiou and trusting lo Iheir judgment after
they roach the national convention. I Wculd
not object to tbo passage of u resolution ex
pressing the preference of the party in the
stale , but I shall oppose tnslrucling the dele
gation. TOOTO is ono remarkable thing about
thu cause of the Martin deserters , " contin
ued Mr. Offut. "Mtiny of the delegates
they appointed are now declaring that they
wl'lnotaltend ' thocoiiventionus Martin dele-
gales. Some of the men they appointed are
not in the city and know nothing at. allabout
the light , ami would not take pan in It if
they were here. "
Mr. Montgomery was seen by a Bnu re
porter nnd in response to tbo question
ns to whether there was any chance
lor a compromise , ho said : "So far as I am
concerned I am always In favor of doing that
which is fair und honorable , but 1 know of
no stops that are bolng fatten to compromise
the dlllk'Ulty. We bad a straight majority
in that convention , and that fact we shall bo
able lo prove. I am not In favor of permit
ting any faction to carry things with high
banded fraud. So fur as tno instructions to
the stale delegation Is concerned , I shall bo
in favor of sending1 the Nebraska delegation
with instructions for Cleveland. "
Mr. Elsaasor was soon with regard to the
charge mudo by Muhoney touching bis con
nection with ibo proxies from Iho Second
"I handed these credentials for the Second
ward proxies to the soerolary of the conven
tion and bo told mo to keep them until the
committee on credentials had been appointed
nnd hand them to the committee , " said Mr.
Elsasser. "I then put the credentials of the
proxies in my pocuut. Mahoney saw mo do
it , I bupposo. una thought I intended to Keep
them through the entire convention. I be
lieve I aid the proper thing for these proxies
bad no right to n vote in the convention until
the cotninittoo had passed upon their right
to vote. I want to say further that three of
those proxies were bought by the Martin
men. The Second ward olecica a solid Boyd
delegation , but tbo Martin men got hold of
three of the delegates nnd bought them off
und tilled their places with their men. Wo
can prove this aim will do so if it comes to a
show down. "
Judge Shields said that Elsasser was right
about the purchase of the proxies by the
Martin men. "Tho tory moment they at
tempt to show that wo stole these proxies , "
said the Judge , "wo will show thai they
stole them In the llrst pluco. If thev want
* ( Tasteless Effectual. )
{ Such as Sick Headache , Wind and Pain In ( he
J Stomach , Giddiness , Fullness , Swelling aller
jMeali , Diizlncsj , Drowsiness , Chills , Flush.
Jlngsol Heat , Loss ol Appetite , Shortness eli
i ' Oreath , Coitiveness , Scurvy , Blotches on Iho
J Skin , Disturbed Sleep , Frightful Dreams , All
i ; Nervous and Trembling Sensations , and Ir-
SreQUlarilles Incidental ( o Ladles.
OoTored with a Tasteless and Soloble Ooatinj. <
Of p.11 druggist j. Price 3 S cents a Dox ,
Nev/ York Depot. 36 $ Canal St.
ITopiimilK for IMibllo Library lliilldlui ; Hinids
Boated bids marked proposals for puhllo
library building bonds will be received at the
olllco of thuclty treasurer , Omaha , Nob. , up to
18 o'clock noon of the Utbdayof April , Jsfti.
for tlio purchase of ilOJ.liOJtO publlo library
bulhllni ; bonds nf thu city ot Omaha , Not ) , .
dated May 1st , 1KC. and payable SO years after
date. Interest at the ratu of 5 percent per an
num , payable setul-iuinually. Principal ami
interest payable ut Kountzo Hroa , Nuw Vork.
Each old muut stuto prlco und unioiint
BouKht for und Include accrued Interest to
dnto of delivery at Omaha , Nub.
Thu right Is reserved to reject any und all
Issued under charter power of cltlosof the
metropolitan class , and oidluancu No. l.ttjj.
approved March llth. isrti
lIUNlty 110UN ,
iuajd3UM UlljXtcusurcr. .
to spring nny irjok entno ns that wo nro ready
to meet them Mfrvery turn ot the road,1'
It wn,3 rumottjoton tbo street thnt the Mar
tin faction hnctsucurotl the services of A , J ,
1'opploton nmt Jw M. Woolwor'.b to present
the case of the bolters to tbo state conven
tion. When HiHiiB reporter nsKcd Mr. Mont
gomery about Un > matter ho said that It had
not bcon determined who should conduct the
light for the Martin sldo In Ibo contest ,
Mr. Martin was very busy yesterday , butjho
took tlmo enough tosaytoaHr.n reporter
that ho was In favor of sanding n delegation
to the tmtlonril ; convention Instructed for
( Jrovor Clovclaui
\Vitb rofercnuu to the strucrRlo of last Sat
urday Mr. Mitrtla said : "Wo went Into that
convention wlth.-a majority of the delegates
and the Hoyd men know ft. After the treat
ment wo received nt their hands tt would not
bone tin c tbo p. rtof honest men for us to
permit the matter to RO by without nn effort
nt least to got right and Justice done to the
democratic party of Douglas county. "
Dr. Culllrnoro , oculist. Lisa building
A ilisonao , troatctl ns such tuicl torm-\- )
nontly cured. No publicity. No inlirtu-
nry. Homo truntmoul. llanuloss and
effectual. Holer by permission to Hur-
Huston lliiwlccye. Sund i.'o stump for
pamphlet. SlioUoquon Co. .
IJurlitiploii , Lu
1'rctty 'Mrn. ' U'llloiiRliliy'H Aninvr to tlio
ClmrKM of Sliopllnini ; .
Tbo employes of the police station were
treated to a novel exhibition yoatordny.
Mrs. . .TessloVlllougliby who had occupied a
cell over Sunday waiting for a lioarlnu on
thoclinrgoot sbopllttlug , wns tbo principal
actress. A largo S\ratoga : trunk had bson
brought down from her room at 11115 I/ixrd
street nndsurroumhd , by an Interested circle
of policemen , detectives , reporters nnd dry
ccods men , she linclt down on the lloor of
the station house to go through Its contents.
Mrs. Willounhby Is a tall , graceful woman
with n pretty , rullucd face and luxuriant
brown hair which sholtnows bow to arrange
to the best advantage. She dresses \vcll.nna \
as far ns appearances go Is every luch a l.uly.
Tno trunk wni packed to the brim with
stolen goods , the accumulation of months uf
systematic shoplifting , and the woman
wont through the task of unpacking me
chanically , and without the least apparent
emotion , arranglm ; the goods In half a dozen
different piles , .smoothing the creases out of
the costly fabrics wltti shapely hands , und
deftly nrrnnelni ; the ribbons nnd fo.ithcra of
tbo trimmed hats. She worked quickly , but
it touk her nearly half an hour to go through
tlio trunk. U'neu she had finished MIC stood
up with an Impassive fuec , loldcd her bands
nnd waited for the next inovo.
The detectives bud taken the goods which
lucludeu costly silk ? and Incoa , huts , shawls ,
draperies , shoos of all sizes , umbrellas , etc. ,
and labeled tttem with tbo names of the
owners as trlven by the woman : Mor&o ,
Stononlll , F.ilconer , Boston Store , etc.
When taken before the Judge nnd charged
with stealing two slllt umbrellas she said
calmly "I am euilty , " but when questioned
as to ber 3-year-old child she broke down
nnd was taken to her boat sobbing. Sbo Is a
widow und apparently not much over 'JO
years old. She was lined WO and costs.
Merchants can form no idea of bow exten
sive the practice of shoplifting 1ms been
carried on. Mr. Stonehill says ho has figured
? ,000 u year In his expenses to cover losses
from stolen goods but when hu found the
item running up to $ " > .OOJ ho thought it time
To do something and thlssorios of arrests was
The case ot' MM. Htarkey of Nineteenth
and Hurt streets will bo the next ono called.
Her husband has been nrostod nlst , but boat-
tempts to shift the whole burden upon thn
shoulders of bis wife though it Is claimed bo
has been stuportcd by the proceeds of her
Charlie Cohen. Is charged with stealing silk
shirts , ties , bouor.v nnd a miscellaneous as
sortment of wearing apparel from bis em
ployers , Messrs. Keljey.Stlccr & Uo. ( loorgo
W. Kelley filed tlio' complaint , aud the boy
himself gave the prosecutor .ii.iJiflti of JUb
goods bo had purloined at various tlmoa.
Sick bondacbo yields lo Buechnni's Pills.
Fifteen } eir old Delia Hates Clones ultli
Her Hey I.over.
A couple of children with an ambition to
run their necks into the noose
passed through the city Sunday , or rather
out'Of it in a hurry. They came from
Syracuse , Nebraska , nnd "marriajro or death"
scorned to bo their watchword , and'a ' mother
of the would-bo child bride and a possible
spanking hot on thuir trail , makes tlioir trip
anything but a sicht seeing one.
The groom is i'rouVarnor , who will llvo
some time yet before the law will back
him up in bis bold strike for connubial
felicity. The bride is Miss Delia Hales , a
15-year old mibs who has grown tired of
going to school , nnd wants to wear long
Urossos , Delia made hcr.escnpo ilrst going to'
Berlin , Nob. , on a visit , nnd thence to Oma
ha where .she remained two or three days be
fore bsmg Joined by her intended.
Mrs. Bales , the mother of tlio girl , wns in
the city and after locating them as
she thought at tno hcrao of an aunt in this
city , went to the pollco for assistance. But
the birds had flown. They bad foiled to se
cure u license In the city and hud departed
for Missouri or some other land of matrimo
ny made ousy.
Catarrh , Bronchitis , Asthma ,
Consumption , Deafness ,
Nervous Prostration.
IPure Ricli Blood
Soil Rosy Charts !
Glowing Heaitii !
Oxygen liook.and Advice Free.
Inhalations a'Delightful Pleasure.
Precious Lives Saved D.iily.
Call on or write today.
Cniti Capital 1100,003.
6IOSbeclr llulldliu. cor I'-tU mil Howard xtrccU
Uimilm , Nubrnika.
1)11 ) i : . C , WKSTTri NKUVKANI ) HIU1NTHKAT
MKNT , n upBcinc lor ll ) torla , lUilnu ) , l''lt < . NOJ.
rnlthi. llcmlucho , Ner > uu I'ruitrut nn cuimul by
ulcuhcil or tobacco , \Viiki'lnlnc < , Montul Duprot
ilun , ! > ultno > uf llio llrnln c.iinliiKlrmuilljr. nilnfry ,
duciy , iluatli. I'rt'iimturo old Axe , Ilarrunuti , J.u
of I'unor In tltliiTiox , liupati'ncjr LuucurrluA mil
nil Fomnlu Wcalcnp'ii , InvulunUry los n , Si'or '
inaturrlio.1 citmcd by uvor-uxurtluii of tha bruin.
t-olf-uliunuovur-iiuluk't'iico. A nioiitli'i trcatuiont
II. 0 for M , by mall , Wucu'irnntuaiilx ' boxen to cnru
Kadi urilur fori ! boxui , nltli I ) will BO in I written
Kunrant 'old rufuoil If nul curi'd liunranteulikiiuJ
by liooiliunii Dniu'Cu. , HID M. . 'Jinulri
> IUN tHtlTlt , .jH Riiikinni ,
till Uu l < l , lUU oJ Tool l i.
( rrwir rurr. CIIMITI.
tl bub , B > r * Ujiuin 111 Hum
: ii iu < ) > ' < ciiif & > u > ilia
M.orlltiJl' l.kl,1 " t 21 till
rni. . , f 1111 \ is i.i 4uiu
M , I. , tn > uUj < i liai > i 1,4 411
_ l ll llCl , ll " l l 41IKI
. , . J k Tl. . . _ . _ _ _ UHH. . VUO'J
Hi'8l tcrfiltreoUiieiitiittHli
( ) iytinOliirrlilurlnK-I-'JI. !
Tor HpcriimtorrUieu , Vurlcocfle.
DUrli.iruri anilnil : < liiia anil
! . Vlc r. furo
; ' ttrwiiCf < Ml.
1'lri.i iruimciit cent I rro to
After Year ? of Unsuccessful Soirsh for
Cure , Martin And rsau Qeti Ilolloffrjn
the Chin33J Doctor-V Volvitiv TM
OMAHA , Nob. . .Tan. 18 , 18)i
To whom It May Concern ;
Tills is to eortlfv Unit I have boon a
constant sufToroi * for many ycarj wltli
catarrh , uslhmii and bronchial alTeo-
tlotw of Iho throat , and tried all the
patent medicines and romoilitw I over
heard of , but with no success. I ticated
with doctors in various parts of the
country , but none of thorn could do mo
any good further than giving ma shor
temporary relief. I sulTorod nluht an
day. and continued to grow worse not
withstanding all the modiclno I 1ml
taken. I had almost given up mv C"V3o
as hono'ioss when I was informeu by u
friend of Dr. C. Goo Wo , the Chinese
doctor , and advised to go and see him in
the liopoof getting least , if not
a permanent euro for my trouble. I was
slow in making up my mind to miUo
such a radical change in mv treatment ,
as I know a trial with the Chlnoso doc
tor would bring mo , but I Ilnally con
eluded to givd him a trl-il. so I called at
his ollico with that intention. 1 lound
thn doctor a clover , entertaining gentle
man , thoroughly uostod on my condl
lion , and It took only a vary short time
to convince mo tint ho was the party I
was so long in search of. Ho told mo
my case was curablo. and that ho could
euro mo. and prcmred mo : i sncclal
tioatmontto suit my condition , and in
two weeks I was s-o much boiler that I
had the fullest confidence in the doctor's
ability and committed my case to his
treatment. I continued tn grov , ' baiter
rapidly and am now entirely well , i
owe my euro to Dr. C. Goo Wo , and am
not ashamed to admit , it. I advise all
who want relief from their troubles to
cillon : Dr. C. Gee Wo. und they will ba
cured. For all particulars apply or
ai21 Cuming St. , Omaha , Nob.
DR. C. G1SE WO ,
HoKulareradnatoot Chinese inodioliie. olsht
years'study , ten years' practice. TroaWiuo-
ccssfully all diseases known to sulTurlnjhu-
Hoots , plants nnd herb1) nature'sremo.llos
his medicines the world Ills witness ; I.JJJ toi-
tttnonl.'ila. Call and bee him. Consull-itlon
free. Htm also inmtiiiitly on b mil reined cs
for the following dlsua us ready prepare.I :
Asthma , Catnrih , Kliciinrit sin , Indigestion ,
Lost Mimhou I. Keniaio Vv'oikncss. : Sick Ho id-
nohe , lllnod I'urllmr. mid Kldn y iui'1 Liver.
1'ilco , one dollar per bottle or six for llvo clol-
Inrs. Those nlio cannot call , cnc'nso ' 2-'out
stamp for question llstuirl full particular. ; .
With an able , conscientious , BkllUul and BUG-
Buch us each member and each trained assist ,
ftu : ot the famous Ilrra ot
Drs. Belts & Betts
Is universally conceded to bo , may be worth
uioro than
to tbo man who Is sick , and mho tins tried all
other means to secure relief , but In vain. And
yet that tulU , valuable us H Is ,
Costs Nothing1 ,
If held In the private consultation rooms ot
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
/or consultation Is free , not only to those u ho
tall lu person , but nlso to nil tbo allllcUd who
wrlto their Eymptoma fully au'l cncloso ctarup
'or reply.
the patient Is outlerlnc from pome one of tlioss
numerous , yet dcllrato maladies , which pollta
society docs not see proper to discuss as n soc
ial topic. In sheri tno may bo ainictcd wltu
Syphilis ,
Gonorrhoea or Gleet. Wo can euro him. It
may bo
Seminal Weakness.
Had enough , but no matter , we can curt ) him.
It may bo
Stricture ,
or Ilydrocelo , or Varlcocelr. Orsnt rrlsfor-
tunes , truly , but wo can euro him. 1'robably
Piles ,
Fistula or Itectal Ulcers. A terrible Affliction ,
but we can cure Dim.
disorders , dlenaEcs and Rcakness , Nervous ,
Chronic and 1'rlvato Dlcoases we euro them
all , safely , surelr , epcedlljr and cllcclnally , l > y
inctlioda thu most advanced , humane uudeuc-
peasful ,
Bend 4 cents for our handsomeljr Illustrated
IO-P&KO hook. Consultation freo.
Call , or v.rlte , enclosing etamn.
119 South 11th St. , N , R Corner l-ltli
and Doufjhi-i Sts.
Omaha ,
has become a household word because of
its absolute purity , nutrilivu value , smooth
taste and delicious bouquet , It is good for
weak lungs and a stimulant for impaired
constitutions , Unlike inferior whiskies , it
does not rasp or scald the throat and
stomach , nor causa nausea , dizziness and
headache. You may know it by tbo above
qualities and the proprietary bottles in
which it is served. Call for "Cr < am J'ttrt
Kyt" and take no other For sale at all
first-class drinking places and drug stores ,
13 DALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago ,
500 300
$4.5O _ $4.50
' / \ ] i Come in nil the hnndsomo shades
I'M 1 | VvllCVlOtS of bl > own' Hnvnnn , tobacco , but
ternut , snuff , wood nnd inn. They
nre strictly all wool. They are gotten up in ncnt nnd nntty
styles , the cents having four cordo.1 plnits clown the front on
ench side , and seven more down the middle of the back. o
pants hnvo two front nnd one hip pockets , nnd the wnist-
bandsara mada of Nnumkeag Jenn.
Tl-in Pnoninrvvr Are in handsome plaids.ln light
rvvr > n
lilt WlbbllllClCb "ncl medium sprlngr shades.
They nre strictly nil wool. 1 hey
nre gotten up in fully ns good style as the cheviots , though
different , the coats having four corded pin ts down ench side
in front and either four moro down ench side of tha back , or
one wide flntplnltin the middle of the bnck. with four corded
ones on each side of it. The pnnts nre mnde snme as the
wenring new "Nebraskn" two-fifty suits
800 Boys on Easier Sundny.
Continental Bl'k , 15th and Douglas.
Furniture , Carpets and Draperies.
Gunn Combination Bed , 13 different styles.
Be sure and see this bed before purchasing.
We are the Exclusive Agents
-Send for Spring Catalogue
I transput tatlon , Depiirtinont of the Intur-
or. ( Jllloo of InUlnn Alfuliu , WushniKtoi ) ,
April' ' , IMii Hetilcil proposals , onilornod "I'm-
positis fur lleuf. ( blus for bi'of must bo submit
ted lu soimrnto envelopes ) . Huron. Flour ,
Ulotliln ; ; orTr.msiiniliitlnn , etc. , " ( us tli ouso
IIHIV be ) , and directed lot ho Commissioner of
Imlltui Atfulrs. Nos. 115 and < > \Voosterstioet. .
Now York , will bo received until I u. in. of
TiH'Mluy , May a , IMtt , for ftmilshlii ? for the
Imlhn > about ' 0) ) . < > 0 pounds Imi'on ,
a.1. ( P.ino pounds liouf on thn hoof , 8uuUm
pounds net lieof , ; L'I.UJ ) ) pounds Ijuuns 7i,003 )
pounds liaUlns powder. i.i : O.OOJ pounds corn ,
AlO.u U pounds I'orrtju , I' ' pounds Hour ,
71I.U 0 ixiiindii fowl , ! > " > . .00 noiiniU Hard broad ,
JO , ' 00 pan nils lioiiiiny.a 1,0 Opoundn lurt.V > ' )
ols im'M pork. I.'I.HII pounds , ( i0X ( ) [ )
pounds outs , lI'.OOJiHMHKlnrlfC ' . 0 pounds
tea , lso.0 U pounds co'ir-o salt. Uil.09) ) pounds
tine iMill , 2W.OO ) pounds soap , I.UOO.UUO pounds
MiEiir. and 1:1'UH : ' ( pounds whom , Also , hlank-
utH. woolen an I rotlon poods ( uoiiblsilni ; in
paitof llcUlii ! ? , auiU yurJs ! htandiinl calico ,
WLWliyiirdHj drlllliu JII.WK ) yards ; diiL'k. free
from nil sl/lnj , ' , 3 , < M ) yiir.lsj dunlins , IU.IKW
yiiids ; Kln lin > ii i 309.01)0 ) yurdHj Konliirky
jfpans. 8,5 0 yards ; olmvlot. V-5.0JO yiirds ; brown
sliuotln ? , ( U.OJi y.n-ds : bluiulied sliuotlriB ,
avooi yiirdsi hickory hblitliiK. ai.iflu yards :
calico hlilnliic. . U y ir.lBi ) eiotblns , Kroj'or-
les , notions , Inirdwiiic. niudlciil kiipnllus.
BL-liool liooK-H , ( itc. . and u lonjr list of mlsctil-
liiii ( > oiisartlclas. fiiieh ns barnnsa , nlo s , raics.
forl < , etc. . nnd for about MO vuixous r mini red
for the wrvk'p , to bo delivered ut < 'hleao ,
KiiiiHiihCHy mid llllx 'Jlty. Also tor surli
WIIKOIIS UK mar bo ri-iiiin | > d , adantml to tlio
ullmntunf llio I'ncltlu eo.iht. will ; Ouliroriila
braUi's. ilullvorcd at .ln I nuiclsco. Also
transportation forsiiehol tlio attlules , coeds
und supplies that miiy not lu ) cnnlrauti'd for
tobtidulhoii'd ut the asoiioh's. llids must u
imidootit on uo\'iiiiuuul IdiinUu. ! - ° alii'diitts
hhnultii tbo kliuls and miautllles of siibslB-
( ! | ) | ) ' liiliod ) for uneh nuaiiuy and
suhool , and tlu > klnJB niidn aantltli'b In ' .
of all otliui-KOOdsaml urtlolcs. loRutbcr wllli
blank proposals. ooiirt'Moiis to bo obtorrcd by
bldUciH , Minn and pl.ici-oi dollvury. toiniHof
coiitrnft and payment , irmmiioriatlon rouios
nnd allothor no tics iry Instiuctlona will bo
furnlblinJ iiiuu anplluulloii lo tlin Iiidlnii Of-
Wuhhn ! tOM. r NOH _ a , , nndVoostor ( ,
Cltv.lnua : VanUuii. i-Vuth liaUotas ArijJii-
has'l'lly. ' Culdnuil. Topoliii ami Wli-lilla , Kan-
bus. uiKlTiKiMui. ArUon.i. J ho ilifht IH reserved -
served by IhoBiivtiriiiiiunttori'Jpi'tniiyuiidall
blds.oruny Hiirtof itnyMd. r.nd tlu-to proiio.
Hals nro liivlti-.l under jirin l o npprourlu-
tlou ihsill ho mnilo for llio iuiipllt"i t > y ron-
truss. IIIdH will lieununiid lit llic hour and
dny Hboruminted , ttinl bUlilurijaro liivltra to
liu iri"ier.t at llio upciilii ; : . /.ci tlflud cliool
All blda niti'.l lie accompanied by i-crtlfltid
flioak iirdntftH imouwiiiiu Unltrd Malt' * . Ho-
tunltiny ( U tlio I'1 National IlitliU of r > ii
I'ruuclki'i ) O it , ! * > ! al hjait IIvn ju'rcpi.toi
tbouiiiniiiitof the proposal. T. J. AjyiUMN ,
Coiuiii'vilonor. ' Aid.'ltiu
I'rnpntHlt lui' lllliuli tur Clt ; Hull ,
FealcO l > lit < i will liri rerrtvod a ( tl.n coini-
tr > ) lltr'ollliT Omulin. Nvb. , 1111 to 4 | i jn.
April lUth. VW. tin bllnJ * for the city hull
Tlio r'aJit is ruicrvrd to reject ; uiy or ; il bids.
Tuxo , ( JLixy , t'omptrullur.
rri > ; itiili fur lllUrlst ( ! M lln : II > .i It.
Healed bids marked "I'rnpns ils for dlstrlc *
uradliu bomls" will bii ro.'ulvu I ut thu olllco oC
tliu city treasurer , Omaha , Nub. , up
o'ulotik noon of thuSith day of April , ISIti ,
tlio puruliasoof tll/JiM.iXJdlsirlulKrndlii'.t honfl
nf tlio city nC Om.ihu , Nob. hi : il bomls uro
dutoil .May list , IS'J. , uml 1110 | > tyublo fioin nnu
to nlno yuiM uiturdulothoivof , in denomina
tions of JIlHi.UJiiiul } .VJ ) ( ) ( ) u.icli. with Intmust.ut
tliu rite of 5 per cent pur UMIIIIMI. ii'iyulilu
biMiil-ruinu.illy , I'-ln-Ip-il nn.I lutuiuit iny-
ublo at Kounf/o Ilios. Nuw Vmk.
iUOJOJif ) ( > raiiliiz District No. 'It.
j.r.WO'Juf ( Iradltiic DIst-lot No..I ) .
7W.OJof Biatllm : District No.IK
99OOMIUotUraillli District No. .V. .
IC.tuh bid must HUlo prlcu und ainoiin *
BotiKlit for nnd Incliiilo ui'orui'ii Inlcruil to
dutiof ilollvi'ry atOmulm , Nub.
'riiurl l la reserved lo loject any und all
Usucd minor charter pouor of cltlosnf
Miutropolltaii olitss iinii Urdlnitncu
uoprovud .March Dili , Is ! ) . ' .
Mch2Wailm. ritr'l'iii i snrnr.
Ho.iled bids inurkud I'liipusalM for Howur
llouds will 1)0 riiilvoil ul tliu olllco iif theo y
ttuiiHtirurof tlioully of ( Jmaliii. .Null. , upt ,
o'clock , noon , of tlio atli duy of April , Ibni , 'of
the imiuliasuof JM.iWJ.uJ nuwur I'onils of tha
city of Omul'ii. Nub. , cliitod M-iy 1st , IHOJ , j > ny-
ubfuajyuaMuflordutu. luturusl S p r coiit
iiuini , piyub'.u huinluiiniullvI'rlnol -
' id IntorcMt p.iyuliio nt Kount/o llroa. ,
Nuw York. llunoiuliiutlDii of uonds. tl.UJJ.OO ,
ouch , Kuuh bid must Htuto price und unioilrTt
miiiKhl fur mi'I Inoliiilo uccruod Interest iii to
duto of < lolh ury ut Umiilm , wuh. 'I hu r clt Jf
rohuivuU to rojucl unv und ull bids. Insure !
Uiidi1 * oliurtur power of oltlosof tlio inutro-
Dollt.iiiolussuiulorJ nuiico No. KOI. iiiiuiureu
Muroli : a iWJi linNUVJIOIJ.N.
t/'lty Tioasurur.
tuuli'il liliU nun keil propjsuls fur DUVIIIZ
bonilb ll | bi ) ruculvcd ut tlio olllue uf the city
treauuror ol' Omulm , Nub , up lo I'i o'clook
noon of tlio lHh ! duy of Ai'll. | Iff. , for Ilia {
piircliu&nof i b.uUUDO iiavliu Ijondi. of llio city
of Omulm. .Null. , datud M-jy I. IS'J. , | iuyiil > li |
" 0 yours after ( lute , > per emit purl
annum , payuhlc saiiil-aniiuitllyi on < 41
Inlurust. payublu ut Kount/o Hun . NJW i < > rK. |
Dononilnutlon of IxuiiU. (1'Hil.OJ uaen Iv
hid iniiit btato prlco nnd niiiotuit tonglit
nnd Include ! arcruod Inturi'at. tu dnto of duliv-I
riy nt Uninhii. Nub. Tlio r hi Is luii'ivoil lo |
reject uuv und nil blda. Ingund under charter !
powur of cities uf niutrnmilllaii cluts anul
ordlnancu NoM , upprbvml Mitiuli " ) . Wf- .
HIvMtV HOl.bN ,
.M''W3lt.M City Tri'iijiiirtjr.