Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : "TUESDAY , AP1UL 12 , 1892 3
lyCntrlcrtonny pnrtof tlio City
llii ! nc Ofllco . No 41
j -.V7 wx.
N V. I'lumblngCo !
Ccuncll liluffa Lumber Co. , coal.
C tali's clinttol lonnn. 204 Sapp Wool' .
Konl oUato tran feM nmoutitod to over
tOt,0K : , ( ) for the week past
Steve nnd corJ wood dry. for snlo nt
Thatcher's , 10 Main street ,
Articles were ( Hod yesterday Incornorntlng
tha Evangelical Lutheran church of Under- *
Hud Hurko will uao crutches for n time ,
r oin It of ( .topping an n plcco of broken pop-
bottle which cut liis foot badly.
OwlriK to unexpected developments the
Unity league will postpone their moctlntr "
until Wednesday , April 13. L. L. 1'oston" ,
Wanted , board for Kontlomnn , wlfo nnd
two children , accd 5 nnd S. In pleasant part
of the city. Address , with terms , K. Mr ,
llco ofllco.
Thu domocrntlo county convention meets
in Avoca today to select delotfatoi to the
Ktalo convention .vlilclt meets In Council
lUurrs May II.
In the district court .yesterday .luilKO
Doctupr listened to motions and other mat
ters of comparatively little Interest to the
general public.
The Liuilcs Aid society of St. John's ' En
glish Lutheran churoli meets today at 'J p. in.
nt tlio residence of Mr.i. Wuldunsall , 'J7
North Muln street.
The grand Jury was yostordn ; consldorinB
tiioca .es of those accused uf burtrlarlzlni ;
Sherlock's plnco ind getting nway with
bovoral thousand ci ai'3.
The Philmnthean Literary club will moot
nt the Young Men's Christian association
rooms this ovonln , nnd will hold a mock
session of the city council.
There were not bidders enough at Marshal
Tumploton's proposed sale of sundry articles
dcpoiitod as security for line * . Ho will
1m vo his opening later In the season.
CalanMio assembly , No. 1 , Pythian sister
hood , gives a ditnclng party Wednesday even
ing , April III , at MII-.OIHC temple. The Sister
hood does not give n social on tbo 18th.
A few of the musically Inclined friends of
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Troynor mot nt their resIdence -
Idenco the other ovenlnir nnd enjoyed n treat
due larpnly to tno preicneo and voices of
I'rof. Torrens nnd Mrs. Torrons of Omaha ,
A serious ncclaant occurred on the Broad
way brldeo Sunday afternoon , a motor train
colliding with a carriage In whlcn wcro
Rented u gentleman and two Indies. One of
the Indies was supposed to bo .ouitc badly
hurt , her head bleeding profusely , as if from
Koine uplyvoumli. . Mr. L. Harris of Coun
cil DlufTa was In his buggy nnd going the
opposite direction when the two teams mot
In a narrow plnro nnd oamo to a stop-to allow
the motor to pass. The other team was rest
less and In backing placed the carriage in
front of the motor , which was running at a
pretty good speed. Mr. Harris did not luarn
the name of the injured lady.
K.VSTlilt N
Itoston Slorr , Cnmirll llluir-i , In. ,
Out * Block ul this tiino is now complete
with ovurythin r miitblo : for Eastur.
lit our hnndkcrchiof dopitrtmcnt wo
show ninny novoltics from the ! ! c hnnd-
Uorchicf to the llnost slllc or hand em
broidered. Our line at 5o , 7c. or four
fori-c ! , anil lOc , three for Uoc , I2c } , I5c
nnd I9o surpassoa nnytlung' over shown
in the handkerchief lino.
In kid gloves wo lead. Our line of
Ccnuino 'Fosters is now complete at
$1.00 , S1.2S , 91.RO , $1.75 , $2.00 arid 32.23.
Every pair from $1.2-3 up warranted and
filled to the hand by ox nor t glove
.50 dozen ladies' kid gloves , assorted
colors , for this \vcok at SOe per pair.
Marked down from $1.00 , 51.25 and 31.50
nil in at uCc a pair.
110SIEKY ,
Wo show almost everything in the
i.onicry . line from the cheapest cotton to
the llncht si lie. Ask to see bur fust black
nt lOo and 12je u pair , ulo our full I-OKU-
Inrmado ladies' fust black oynx Ilorms-
ilnrf lioso at 2oc n pair , worth 33o tiiul
'Me a pair. In children's hose our lines
nro complete ; anything and everything
in child roll's hose from tlio 7c hose to
tlio linost silk. Hoston store , Fothor-
iiiplinin , Whltolnw & Co. Council
BluIVs , In.
Dr. . .1.V. . Hempsload of Carson was in the
city yesterday.
T. W. Ivory of Glenwood was In the city
yesterday en route for the ccunty convention
fit Avoca.
United States Marshal D. II. Miller , who
has been slelt nt his homo in lied O.ik for
Bovor 1 days past , returned to the city yes
terday morning.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W , II. Graff of Carson at-
tcndnil the twentieth wedding nnnlvoreury
of Dr. and Mrs. C. Ucotkiu , which occurred
Saturday evening.
Mrs. .1. S. Woolson of Mount Pleasant.
\vlfn of Judga WooUon , has bcun the guest
of Mrs. J. .1. Stcodmnn on Oakland nvcnuo
for a couple of days.
Mr. W. L. Thlckstuu Ioi < : yesterday for
few days visit to Chicago. On his return ho
will bo accompanied by his sister , Mrs
Dckay and child , who will Usit friends a1
Atlantic , and then her parents in this city.
Mrs. Lorcna Stevens , who has served ufll
clently and faithfully for the past year a ;
matron In the Omaha and Council Hlufts
medical and surgical Inbtltute , will leave 0:1 :
Thursday evening for a few weeks' ' visit to
her parents In Kvuusvillu , Ind.
The King orfiiiHiilliio Sloven.
The old single gonorutor Dnnglor wna
the bent gasoline steve over made , bu
Shugitrt & Son huvo n now Dangler tha
la unquestionably the king of vapoi
Btovoa It is called the Dangler Sttr
lirlso , and IB simply the olu rollablo
Htovovitli n perfect process gonoratot1
nddcd. It burns n , ultto Jhiinovhe : :
lighted nnd has no odor in slopping o
htartlng , Shugarts uro tlio only people
who handle them.
How nro your nwnlnffB ? J , M
Lnniuko , 131 I'o.irl , Only homo factory ,
Tliomns Tostovin. civil onglnoor and
surveyor , over DoVol'n , 501 I3roathvny
Genuine Rock Springs coal n
Thatcher's , 10 Main Btroot , always or
JarvlalSTT brandy , purest , safest , bosN
A IIi-uvy Will.
A pondrous document was filed with the
county clerk yeitoraay. It conshtoj o
thlrty-onu pages of typo-wnttou matter , sot
tine lorth In legal phrasa the wishei of Will
lam Lawrence Scott of Erie , Penii. , in ro
iard ; to the disposition of his fortune , whicl
is counted by the hundreds ot thousands o
dollar * . The flllnc of the will in this count' ' .
IB necessitated by the taut that there is quilt
n largo amount of property In this county ,
especially In Avoca and walnut , which tie
lougs to this r&lato.
Ntmllo ,
Having removed her studio from room
800 to 321 , Morrlnm block , Miss Corona
Lruighllu ia noiv prepared to receive
callers nnd givn instruction ; ) in oil ,
pastel , crnyon or water colors , Como
ivtu ( arrange to join the clubs during tlio
euintnor vacation , \Vork done to order.
Uco Btiociinons of portrait work nt the
Council DlulTs Carpet ooinpany'a etoro.
Afterclap of nn Election Oircular is Promis
ing Some Interesting Things.
I'roilnro tlio Itcron1 < of tl n School
lliianl nnd Hhmv l'i | Seine Other
.Mini's ( 'lrrlcnl Dcllmi'ientlc )
While In untcc.
The Inflammatory handbill flung to the
breczo of ponular prejudice nnd passion on
the morn of the recent school election has
nroused not only the righteous indignation of
Mr. SchoentRon , who wns the target mraod
nt , hut of his paitnor , Senator Uronowcg ,
whoso nnmo wus also dragged into the miry
charges. Mr. Schoontgon tlrod back nt his
nssnllants n libel suit. Senator Oronowog
purposes to huvo hluisolf sot right , too , be
fore thn public , and ho U prcpntlng to mnka
n move nt tha next meeting of the school
board which will result In arousing fresh In-
tero t la school affairs , nnd especially in the
way Bomo of the books and records havobecn
kept in thn past.
It Is claimed that on examination of the
records will show not only jbat Sonntor
Uronowi'g , when treasurer , had prompt ,
complete nnd satisfactory settlements with
the school district , but that other records
bnyond his control , nnd for which ho was tn
no way responsible , were kept in such n
cureless way as to bo of almost no value. In
citing imperfect and Ill-kept records. It is
claimed I tint who thus attacked Uronc-
wcg and ScLocntgcn Imvo unintentionally
led to tao disclosure that there has been n
good deal of carelessness in the of.lclul cir
cles Interested. The next meeting of the
school board U thcroforo looked forward to
with tnoro than thu usual Interest.
If you go "a fishing" thhsummor nnd tnko
along n bottle of wimky for "snake bites1
bo sure nud litko n bottle of Hradycrotlno for
whisky hcadach es.
12. II. Shcnfo lins money to loan on real
cslalo and chattels , LSroad way nnd Main.
Wo huvo our own vineyards in C.tlifor
niii. Jarvis Wine comu.uiy , Go. Blulld
Swunson Mtulc Ca , Masonic teraplo.
All Intrrt'lowor Intnrvloircil.
L. L. ICIclnfcltcr of Mason City was In the
Bluffs yesterday looking after some real es
tate interests. "I had an interesting experi
ence in regard to advertising some years
ago , " said ho. " 1'orhaps you can adorn the
tale and point the moral. I wns owner of a
paper which 1 wnnted to dispose of. I ad
vertised it for snlo in some of the trade Jour
nals , and as 1 did not want the folks in my
town to know 1 wns going to soil I had the
answers directed to n Chicago typo houso.
who forwarded the answers to mo. Ono of
thcso answers was from an Omaha man. It
got , mUlnld on my desk some way , and I
could not for my life llnd it again , nor could
I remember the man's name or any other ad
dress than Omnhn. How to get nt it
was n puzzle. Finally I thought I
would try Tin : Bui : . I wrote out n little
special advertisement , asking the party who
wrote to the Chicago firm In regard to the
purchase ) of a printing ofllco In Iowa to write
again ns tbo address was lost. It was only
ono ciianco in u million , but it cost mo only
50 cents to try It. I was enough of a news
paper man to realize the chances , and so I
had little hope , but to my surprise in two or
three days I got another letter , the fellow
naving seen my Hitlo three liner in Tnu
Br.n. The result was I sold my nowpaper. "
Mr. ICIcinfelter has slnco engaged in the
publication of the Farmers' Institute , which
ho is making a great success. Ho has been
very actlvo in securing the passage of the
law providing for the holding of farmers' in
stitutes in Iowa. According to this plan ,
which has bccorao n law. nny county in the
state in which a farmers' institute is held is
utitled to draw ? , VJ from tbo state treasury
to meet the expenses ot tno samu. Tbo ad
vantages claimed for this inodeot cultivating
the farmer nro that each county controls Its
own institute , the time nnd program Is moro
likely to be eipecinlly adapted to the peculiar
needs of the locality where such institutes
nro hold and tbo sclicmo is not liable to bo
run into n machine , as is too apt to
bo the case where there there is a central
state organization controlling all.
Stop that cough. It is a d. in gar signal.
1'iso's Cure lor Consumption never falls.
Pleasant to tuna. All druggists " 5c.
Mi/.pnh Touiplo. Pythian Sisters , will
pivo ( mother ono of their pleasant
tlanuin parties on Enetoi * Monday , the
18th hist. Dalby's full orehestiii will
furnish the music and Mnsonio Toinplo
will bo tlio place. Tlio many friends ol
Mixpah Toinplo will bo pleased to hear
this , ns those parties have become very
populnr. It is exuoctod that n laigo
number from Omaha will bo present and
umuiRonionla will bo innda to run a
special motor train to return thorn homo
after the dance.
Tlinlr Third Auulvuriary.
The Woman's Roller Corps No. 183 cole
bratcd their third anniversary in n brilliant
social maunor in Grand Army ball last even
ing. They extended a public invitation to
their friends and the hall was llllcd with a
happy throng. Tuo room was tastefully
decorated and the rostrum wns nlmosl
hidden by Hags und ( lowers. The fore uarl
of tlio evening was devoted to a literary and
musical program nnd the remainder
to refreshments and dancing. The
former wis especially pleasant and enter
taining. Mrs. H. J. Bublitz sang two solos ,
"Marguerite of Long Ago , " and Scoclan's
gem , "Uatheriag the Myrtle with Mury. "
MM. Roberts sung with good effect , ' Vo
"Wore Comrades Together , " nnd was heartily
encored. Miss Mumi > ) Field , a Bright young
elocutionist , read witn cxquUito tit'sto n
humorous selection entitled "Tho Toboggan
Slide. " Ur. G. W. Crofts read an original
poem , written yesterday afternoon mid called
out by the recollection that thn anniversary
o ! the relief corps wns also on thu eve
of tbo anniversary of the Urine upon Forl
Bumpier , It was ono of the pout-preacher's
bcjt productions , nnd culled forth the
heartiest npplnut > o. It wns nn itnpatsloncO
panegyric of the Hag. Hon. George Cars > on
responded to the opening address of the
president of the corns in n ten minute
speech that contrasted the heroism of the
mothers nnd wives who gave up their sons
nnd husbands with the soldiers on the Hold ,
A humorous song by Mrs. .1 , A. Heir , It
cost u mo , entitled "Tuny Drafted Hun Into
the Army. " concluded thu Ural part of the
program , and thn remainder of the oven
lug was devoted to the banquet nud dancing
Hinoiui iiuiiht.
Bronchitis , ncuto or chronic , with dry
irritating cough , boursenoss. or senna o
roughnuhs , soreness , or pain in the chest , o :
even with omancintion and hectic fovci
toward evening , nro cured by Humphrey's
bpccitl : No. Seven.
Indian Oi'i'i'lt In Hiirncxs ,
The recent heavy Hoods huvo afforded i
severe nnd practical test of the ofllcloncy o
the work completed last fall en Indian creel
mid the extension of the ditch direct to th
river , The grr.ul Hood of a week aeo Sunday
when it was ettlmatod that moro watot
doicondod the crcok limn nt any time siic :
the dlssiUrous overflow of ton years ago , go
nway without doing n nickel's worth o
daningo , and without putting the creek out o
Us bunks at any point.
" \Vo feared a portion at least of the exca
vation on the upper end of the crook would
bo Jillod up , but our fenrt were not wel
founded , " said a member of the old round
yesterday , "Instead of tilling up the bed o
the stream has been deepened and wldenei
by tto heavy current Hint has gone whirling
down tlio river , H has been the best anc
most important plcco of uniIncoriue doijo ii
the ulty biucu 1 have been here , und rellect
n great deal of treuit upon Mr
Tosteviu , the ex-city engineer. It ha
been the moans of nuvlng th
tawor system from absolute worthjessnrtg
A year ugo tl.o outlets of n curly all th
ton era were from one to three feet botow
ho surface of the crcok and the tewago bade
o be forced out by hydraulic pressure. Nowhere
hero Is an unobstructed flow and you can
eo the ends of the sewers for the first tlmo
Inco they were put In. There Is no longer
any probability of dUnstrout overflows from
ho pesky clock in the lower part of the
city. "
My mother hn * suffered for many long
rears with headache. Bradycrotlno cured
her. O. E. Carter , Holly Springs , N. Y.
Just received ut Davis1 , n carload of
loath & Milllfjan Mf . Co.'s nalnts.
Absolutely pure , nnd the best in the
narkeU _
V. St. C. A. Ollircm.
At the meeting of the directors nnd execu
tive committee of tbo Young Men's Christian
association last evening the following ofllccrs
were elected for the ensuing year : KM.
Bunker , President ; C. F. OlV.ccr , first vice
iresldon * . ; C. S Lnwson , second vice presi
dent ; L. O. Knotts , treasurer ; . ! . M. Ouralcr ,
recording secretary. Directors for txvo
torn ! J. K. Knotts , Lee Wit tor , W. 1 .
OOlcer , S. 42. Henry , II. O Mnfrco , J. C.
Bixby , H. D. Howard.V. . A. Stillmnn. For
onoyoar : C U. SaunderjV. . A. Joseph , Dr.
[ . .1. Montgomery , W. A. Uochnng , 13. E.
The executive committee Decided to hold
the anniversary services of the association in
.ho Presbyterian church on the last Sunday
In the present month.
DcWitt's Sarsnparllln destroys sucn pol-
ons as scroUiln , skin disease , eczema , rheu
matism. Its timely use saves many lives.
Jarvis' wild olnckborry is the best ,
Surprised liy II U AVIIo.
A gentleman of less than middle ngo , con
nected with ono of the prominent wholesale
houses in this city for n number of yours
past , has been qulto populnr lit social circles ,
whcro ho has passed as a bachelor. A month
or moro ngo his engagement to a young lady
In Omaha was announced nnd discussed
union f his friends. The wedding was to take
place this spring , but It bin been indefinitely
postponed. The cause has beou the advent
of n lady to whom ho was married in Canada
about twenty year. ? ago , nnd who left n 17-
year-old daughter nt homo to keep house
while she came to Council Bluffs to look
nfter her huband. The lady will return to
Canada In n low days , and It Is nrobrxblo that
her husband will accompany hero.
Bo sur-3 .ind use Mrs. Wlnslow's ' Soothing
Syrup for your chlldron while toothing.5
co'titi n boltlo.
Ask for prices on pure seed early Ohio
potatoes in ear loats and small quanti
ties. T. J. Clark , Council UlulTd , la.
The Witness .Skipped.
Mike Kildnto nnd James Manor were
brought before Judco McGee yesterday
morning for n trial on the charge of resist
ing an ofllcor , assault nnd battery , keeping
opoj saloon on Sunday and doing other
thing. } contrary to the public wel faro , Andy
Boxvllng , who wai the policeman that made
the arrest , disappeared n day or two after
the new force went on , he being omitted
from the mayor's list of appointees , nnd ha
not been soon since. As lie did not turn up
to prosecute , ICildaro and Mahcr were both
Rolter , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has
nil the latest styles and nowj3t gooilj.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Disputing u 1'lro I.OSH.
The case of M. Cohen nealnsl tbo Ohio
Farmers Fire Insurance company wns nn
trial In the superior court yesterday. The
plaintiff is trying to collect ? TOO Insurance on
n small baleen building on Unper Broadway ,
which burned nbouvn year ngo. The insur
ance company is lighting the claim on several
Don't He u Driinknril.
There are thousands of men in the
world who are addicted to tlio use of
alcoholic stimulants , morphia , chloral.
opium or tobacco. Many of the bright
est lives of the ago are being wrecked
by those pernicious drugs , and human
will , no matter how strong , is impo
tent to break the bonds in which the
victims nro held. Get help in your ex
tremity. The LUuiichurd Gold Cure institute -
stituto has been established in Council
LHulTs for tlio purpose of aiding nil , men
or women , who desire to bro.tlc away
from the destroying vice. A euro abso
lute is guaranteed , anil only the small
est foe is charged. Como and see for
youi sol ves , or write to tlio managers of
the now institute , room 5 , corner Broad
way and Sixth street , opposite tlio posl-
Al G. Field & Go's , minstrels will bo tbo
attraction nt the Farnam Street theater on
Friday and Saturday , Apill 15 and 10. They
have a now first part , entitled "War and
Peace , " which has been pronounced very
handsome by tbo press wherever thov have
appeared so far this season. The stage setting
ting is said to bo a novelty in military nnd
the costumes gorgeous. Thcro are n number
of brignt new specialties promised. Al G.
Field , James H. Wall , Jerry Hart , und Andy
MuLcod ore on the end mid will dispense fun ,
give old gags now Ufa nnd send out now ones
on their never-ending rounds. Each of the
four has specialties in dance , dialogue and
mimicry wlilch convulse crowds and delieht
their admirers. The vocal stars are also
numerous nnd said to be good. Among thorn
ureV. . J. Mack , Steadmun JOIIPS , Will Col-
lihs nnd Harry Earlo. The specialists In
clude Howe , Wall and McLeod , . musical
kings , the Sparrows , acrobatic comiqucs ;
JooE. Lewis , the Apodal Wonder : the Mig-
nani family und Clayton and Jenkins. Thure
will be a mallnco Saturday nt " p. in. Ke-
scrvod scat sale now open.
An interesting event of the coming week
will bo the first production in thh city at
Boyd' , opera house of the Now York "suc
cess , "Tbo Power of tlio Press , " under the
management of Mr. Augustus 1'itou. In the
cast are Messrs. James K. Wilson , Charles
Mason , C. H. Rlcgcl , Herbert Puteo , Charles
M. ICiddor , Walter B , Wordhull , Charles B.
Poor , Miss Ida Waterman , Miss Lavliifn
Shannon , MUs Sally Williams , The sale of
seats for the entire engagement will opan to
morrow morning ,
An ongn omont that will attract unusual
attention among piny-goers will bo that of
Miss Gale , who follows "Tho Power of the
Preus" at Boyd's , Miss Gale needs no special
introduction , as her good work with Booth
und Barrett is well known. The engagement
is for n week nnd tuo plays -will bo "Romeo
and .lullot , " "Ingomar , " "As You Line It , "
"Tho Lady of Lyons" nnd "Much Ado
About Nothing. "
It gives us pleasure to refer to the adver
tisement of Dr. W. H. Tutt which appears
In our columns. For over twonty-flvo years
Tint's pllh have been before the public , and
each succeeding year their valuable proper
ties become hotter appreciated , They now
and second to none tor the relief o'f that
much nbused and overtaxed organ , the liver ,
nnd for the removal of that cause of so
many ill * , constipation , Tuay nre used In
every civilized country , and carry with them
voluminous testimonials of their sufetv am !
efUcncy , Tuit's liver pills should have
place In every hoiiDchold.
Tim IHI.ITII iiur.r. .
ItriKO'llcr ' CSc'iieml Tlmnim U' , Sivceni-y
ran8r Atrny In Jfriv York ,
Nr.w Yiuiic , April 11. Brigadier General
Thomas W , Sweeney , rollroJ , IB dead.
General Hwrrney waa Known by h * compan
ions UK "KJxbtinv Tom tiwiiunur. " He wus
bora In Ireland , hut can , u to Ainurlc.i In irirly
life , llu wus bfcnnd lieutenant of it Nuw Vork
roxlmcnt dur.iii ; thu .Mexican war und lost
bin rltrht arm ut thu tmttlo of Oliurohusoo. llu
foil tfht through tnu war iiii'l fioin Intt
to ihJI was btntlonud In NebriKka on-
cngud In Iluhtins the Indians. When
thuclvl ! war bniUt-oiit liuwaa appointed brl-
Kudlor renerul of volunteers. HU career
throughout the war wns niosi honorable , r.nd
at Itbi-loao ho W.IH uriHuntcd with a sword
nomtlie ulty of llrooklyii. llu retired from
tlio rugulur army in .May , MO ,
WATKiifoiin , N , Y , April U. John K. Porter
ter , senior counsel for the people in the trial I
of Garllold'd lusiusin , Gultoau , and for iha
dufunso in iho Beccher trial , died thii morn-
In * .
[ coxmuso rno\tTiitST PAOH. ] _
the stockmen wcro camped on the Casper
road on North Powder river , slxtv miles
north ot Casper. Twc-Vdjllcrs , Nftt6 Cham
pion nnd a man named Hay , were killed ves-
tcrday on Powder river. Donnelly report *
the rustlers are iMclnglu ovorv direction
and intemptlag to escape 'from the country.
Thrco of them passetl 'through ' Antolono
Springs today. When Donnelly loft I'oxvdor
river crossing there had , been , no casualties
In the stockman's party' .
usi : TIM :
tVjrnniliiR'H < ! ( i\ornor Instruct * the Stnto
Troops to Prepare for Action.
CIIDVESNC , Wyo. , April 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun HER.J News from the scat of
war received today nnd tonight is of n con
flicting character. The news that wont
through from Johnson county this morning
was to the effect that the cattlemen were
surrounded at the ranch ; that .lack Flagg
had been hanged ; that the sheriff of Johnson
county , with it posse of sovcnty-Hvo men , had
joined the rustlers , and as the stockmen
would not surrender , nobody know how the
thing would turn out. The Impression
created hero was that the stockmen wcro
getting the worst of it 'This wus In
a measure vcrillod by the uppcarnnccof
seine loading cattlemen hero. U'hilo they
would suy absolutely nothing , they were
downcast. Several men It Is known were
offered n chance to go to Johnston county
nnd aid in tlio stock war , but whether or not
thctc Is n really organized movement to out-
lit another party cannot bo discovered.
Governor Harbor today , at the request of
the acting mayor of Duffalo , Issued an order
to the capt&lus ot the milltlu nt Douglas nnd
HulTnlo respectively , notifying thorn to hold
their commands in readiness for immediate
service , but to exercise extreme discretion In
ordering their troops into the Held. The
military authorities and the governor have
been in consultation nil day. Advcrtlsomctits
for fifty saddle horses and equipments will
bo published here In the morning.
At sotno point north of Douglas the line
has been corralled. Some commercial mes
sages have boon coming In today , but very
little general news is allowed to pass by the
telegraphic press censor ,
It is now pretty well established hero that
Jack Vlagg was hanged as early as last Fri
day , at which duto the news of the in
vasion reached Buffalo. " "
"Flngu"said n gen-
llomiin from Uuffalo today , "was the brains
of the gang , while Nut Champion furnished
most of the nerve. 'i"ierc are probably llfty
men engaged In rustling .n Johnson county ,
but of these , if from MX to twelve were put
out of the way , the vest would desist orlcavo
the country. "
The news has created n tremendous sonsa-
tton nt Douglas. In tha little ranches in the
neighborhood ot Glen Hock , Casper nnd
Douglas the ranchmen are armouand organ
ized. They are expecting a visit , and should
their surmises prove correct there are some
bloody actions yet to come.
Miiy Lynch u .Murderer.
NKW CASTI.E , Wyo. , April II. fSpocial
Telegram to THE llr.n.J Jesse Stevens , who
was stubbed at Gillette Saturday night by
Mlko Police , a grudor'dled , this morning. Ho
was foreman for Kllpitnuk Bros. & Collins1
Construction company and was unusually
popular. There | s some talk that Folko will
bo lynched , uut it Is thought this may bo
Olio I.OSCH Ills l.lfeniml the Other Is Horribly
ribly Wounded.
IOWA OITV , In. , April , , 11. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bnn.J Whllo hunting west of
this city Saturday , iierman Nash , aged M ,
was accidentally shot in the shoulder , from
the effects of which ho died Sunday morn-
Ing. Ho and a companion were standing on
a brldgo whan 'Nash let his gun drop , dis
charging its contents. The boy fell Into the
creek and was rescued with dlfllcaliy , . and
brought to town.
Sunday morning , Harry E. Kelly , son of
Stuto Senator Kelley of Jo\va , who is attend
ing tbo State university , was examining n
revolver in his room , when it was dis
charged , the bullet entering young Keller's
check , cutting his tongue nearly In txvo and
knocking out several teeth. He spit the
bullet out with the dislodged teeth. Whila
serious , the wound is not dangerous.
Annual Contiirunco Appointments.
Omuu lUi'ins , la. , April U.-r- [ Special
, Telegram to Tin : BBC. [ The forty-eighth
session of the Iowa annual conference ot the | ;
United Brethren church , which bus been in .
session at Lisbon , closed this morning. The
following appointments were undo :
Toledo district : Presiding elder , William
Cunningham ; Bismarck , W. IS. Baker ;
Brush Creek , U. " Swain ; Manchester , A.
King ; Colcsbunr. F. A. Newell ; Monticello ,
A. L. I'almer ; Vlnton , N. W. Burton : West
Union , C. U. Westfoll ; Brlstotv , missionary
station. W. U. Hurtsough ; Hansil , J. Hil-
Lurn ; ClaHsvillo ; , missionary station , H. A.
Moffnt ; Castalio , C. F. Shell ; Clarion , mis
sionary station , A. 13. SiSRlcr ; Gladbrook ,
U. E. Williams ; Godell. W , E. McKeovn ;
Hudsou , W. O. Smith ; .Innosvillo , H. 11.
Pinkcrton ; Lake Mills , to bo supplied ; Hock
Mills , Doveraux and SumncrV. . B. Arble ;
Taroa , ( J. W. Brewbaker ; Tama , missionary
station , W. 1. Boatty ; Toledo , J. P. Miller ;
Garwin , C. A. Thorn ,
Cedar Knpids district : T. D. Adams , presiding -
siding older ; Tipton circuit , D. Miller : Lis
bon circuit , H. H. MuDair ; Shuoyvllio cir
cuit , J. H. Mo.ver ; Cedar Rapids , .1. H. Stat
ion ; Letts circuit , D. W. Promt ; Muscatino ,
L. B. Heis ; Lisbon station , V. A. Carlton -
ton : Ainswortti , H. Woodsonion Citv ,
J. W. Fisher ; Pleasant- . Plain , K. J. Altered ;
Laviila , J. F. Aduir ; Vila , A. C. Snivorly ;
Deep river , J. Bryant ; Floris , J. W. Brown
ing ; Blukesburg , J. N. Stromore ; Moravia ,
G. W. Benson : Centervillo , F. S. Hotlon ;
Allcrlon , William Slice ; Churiton , L. / .
Mitchell ; Ottumwa station , U. L. Craw
ford : Olin , E. Harper ; Columbus Citv ,
W. Kelsey ; Dr. William Boadsheur.
president of the Iowa Agricultural college ;
Dr. J. S. Mills , president Western college ;
M. H. Drury , assistant editor of the Hellg-
ious Telescope ; A. W. Drury , professor
Union Biblical seminurv ; M. S. Urury , agent
Western college : E. P. Kophurt , bishop ;
cast district ; B. M. Long , U.D. , professor
Western college.
Supported the Iowa Seuutn'i * Vioiv * .
DCS MOINEH , In. , April 11. [ Special Tclo-
gram to THE Buu.J Judso Conrad today
tiled on opinion In the cuso of CHIT against
Parsons , rotating to the secretaryship of the
state BCtinto During tno Twenty-
fourth general , assembly. Cliff was
elected to the ofllco by the republicans
and In n few days ousted by the demo ,
crnts and Parsons substituted. Cliff claims
ho wns the legal secretary nnd demands his
salary , having obtained n temporary In
junction to nt-ovent the monor being paid to
his rival. The sonata appropriated money to
recompense the democratic senator and
Panons filed on answer , the chief point of
which wns that tha sonata had n right to
depose nny of Us ofllccrsnt nnv tlmo it chose.
Cliff demurred nnd to Jay Judge Conrad
overruled hU domurror. The pith of the
opinion is that the legislature dons not elect
its o nicer * for n certain length of tlmo , but
can chnutro nt nny tlmo. This knocks the
bottom out of the cato nt far at Cliff Is con
cerned. An appeal will probably bo tnkcn.
I'rnnlt IMrri'o on Trial ,
DBS MOISKS , In. , April 11. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HHE. ] Thn trial of Frank
Pierce , the notorious ex constable , for the
alleged murder of Ofllccr Wlshart in this
city last August , began nt ItUlnnola this
morning , whuro it was taken on n change of
venue. It will take several days to sccuro a
Jnr.r. Some sixty witnesses have been
summoned , nnd the case will be hotly con
tested , both sides expressing confidence of
Slint nn Alleged Iturgtiir.
CnnsTOX , In. , April 11. ( Special Telegram
toTnc Bcn.l Four prisoner * escaped from
the county Jill yesterday. They wcro nr-
rested on n telegram from Mnlvcrn nnd wcro
suspected of being Implicated In tbo robbery
of the Mnlvcrn depot. Two of thu men wore
captured nt Afton yesterday evening by Do-
toctlvo Kblnohart. One of the men showed
Heht nnd hod to bo shot before ho was cap
tured. The other two are still at largo.
I'nietnrrd III * Compiiiitun' * Skull ,
Four Tn. , April U. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Iiu.Hurt : ] Wilcox , nged 17 ,
last evening struck Oscar Uoboson over the
head with n heavy club fur refusing him n
chow of tobacco. Kobeson's skull was frac
tured and his recovery U doubtful. Wilcox
Is In } nll awaiting the action of the grand
jury on n charge of assault with Intent to
Imva .Milltlu Called to Cnvford County.
I3iKin : Crrr , la. , April 11. A of
milttin loft this morning for Vail , Crawford ,
county , to assist the sheriff in protecting
vVilliatn nnd John Bnlioy from mob violence.
Tno prisoner * nro under arrest for the mur
der ot William Humbert ut the domocrntlo
primaries last wcok.
DeWitt'sSarsnpariiia is rotUbto. .ir i.v c
Socialist * I'rcimrlni ; for 11 Illc Deinointrn.
tlon A I'li-ry Circular.
CmcAoo , 111. , April 11.-A grand Inter
national uight-hour demonstration u ill take
place May 1. Ills estimated that members
of trades' unions , socialistic Gocloties and
their sympathizers to the number of 20,000
will ninch through Chicago streets that day ,
The great crowd will gather at the lake
front after it has paraded the city and
speakers will orate in E'igllsh and German
on the wrongs of society in grncrul nnd the
bcnollts ot the eight-hour day in particular.
The latter arrangement hinges , however ,
on ono proviso , if Chief of Police Mc-
Claughrey will permit speccbma'uing1 on
tbo lake front. Ho will also have something
to say as to the color of the flags carried. On
neither subject has ho yet been nppronchad
by the leaders and they are somewhat in
doubt as to his willingness to nllow thu
demonstrations In those particulars.
Tbo committee having In chnrgo the ar
rangements has issued a circular in German
and English to the trades' unions of the city ,
calling upon workingmou everywhere to
furnish n practical illustration of solidity
and union. The English portion of the cir
cular is particularly mild in tone , but the
ono in German Is decidedly anarchistic.
Translated a portion of it reads :
"In no city of the world is the working
man treated as ho is in Chicago. Canitai
and the pollco huvo secretly co'hspired to
give labor its death wound. All efforts on
tbo side of labor to bolter its condition will
bo violently opposed. All moans tire in the
hands of our enemies , but we , the working
classes , resting our strength In the national
constitution , vote to incorporate an ciirht-
hour law in 'tho constitution of Illinois , in
order to secure an eight-hour day as was
done in 16SO , when thuy shot us down lilto
wild beasts , or If wo celebrate a duy in hono-
of our fallen brothers , then will they strike
us down nnd shrink bad : from no bloodshed.
They provoke the working classes to the last
extremity , and it is only attributable to the
apathy of the workmgmcn of Chicago that in
the last live months the blood of men and
children has not been shod.
"Tho demonstration this year will , therefore -
fore , bo two-fold in character in ndvonce-
mcnt of the oicht-hour day nnd nn open pro
test against the oppression of the working
men of Chicago by the polico.
"Therefore workmen , rise en masse free
dom from the police can only bo obtained
through your efforts. "
UowiU's Sarsapanin do insos the blood ,
TlilHMuilu Captnin King Mud and Itluoily
Serlniiini o Followed.
PiHKSix , Ariz. , April 11. A serious shoot
ing o.lfray took plnco ton miles from this
city. Sis months ao a company of Minne
apolis capitalists jumped the dam slto of
Captain John King's claim nnd bo an a
series of improvements , working a force of
twenty-six or thirty men. Yesterday King
ordered the party to quit work at the point
of a riilo , which they did. i.ater ho insisted
that they laavo tl.u chum. On their refusal ,
ho ilred several shots. The camp returned
the lire , hitting Kiiu In both logs. Ho was
brought to this city In a precarious condition ,
but li is thought ho will recover , it is lUel.v
a feud will follow.
The Flro ItoKorit.
Lo.vnov , April 11. A lira broke out in the
printing establishment of Page & Pratt ,
limited , 5 to 7 Ludgato building * , E. C. Tbo
flames spread to the adjacent building nnd
destroyed the establishments of Davis &
TImtnlus , motnl workers and merchants , No.
24 Charles sticot , nnd erven other Qrms.
The loss is immense ) , The lire was the larg
est that has occurcd in London since Captain
Shaw loft thu tire brigade. His succo ser ,
Captain Simir.ouds , managed admirably.
STOCKVIU. ! ! . Nub , April 11 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Uii.J ; Dr. Lnrno's barn burned
yesterday"at 'J o'clock n. in. Further damngo
was prevented by vigorous work. Tbo llro
was started by children playing with
D. A. Scmoaa.sAc'.t , Proprietor , O.T1333 021 Broa-Jway ,
Bluffaand 13.21 Farnam St. , O.-nalia. Dya , clean and rafinlsh goods
of averydaasripllon. Packages pjoatved at either offioa or at th3
Works , Cor. Ave. A and 23tii Su Council Bluffs. Send for pries Hat.
Merchants who Imvo fdiop-worr. or soiled fabric * of any character can have
them redyoil nnd lltilstied equal to now.
n moat approved machinery , ntcst ut losi ccut than you ever paid
But His Condition Justly Alnrmod
And Promptly round It Catarrh of tlio
Lung * , or Itrnnetilllt Karly Treat
ment I'll ? * .
( Catnrrhnl bronchitis Is often tnlstnkcu for
conMliuptlon : und , If noKloi-ted , may result In
that dread und fntnl mnliuly. Couzh , pilus
In the chest , soreness of the liinss. sliortucs *
nf breath , lots of npuulltu iitid llesh , dohllity.
chills mid fever , sweats , though stliht , are nil
warnings that cannot safely lie linioiol.
Prompt mid early ticnttuont Is Imporntlvo. lu
such cases procrastination is the tnlcf ot ninny
precious llvos.l
In n recent Interview Mr. Christian.Jensen ,
a resident of llnbbott I'laco , Council HlulTs.
Iowa. '
"Lust September 1 bo-
pun having trouble with
my lung * . My broath-
In * looaino very fhort
nnd nt times I could
ut-coly Rot my breath.
Over my lunas I foil
very sere and also full
shurn pains tluouili my
back mid H dcs ntrl
mound mv heart. 1 had
n lotiv'h that distressed
mo ere itly und made mo
wo.ik ami son' . Mv
throat be utm > dry mid
sore , my tioio filled up so
, - , 1 could scarcely ( jot ulr
tbrouiMi it , and my eyes were weak mid wut-
ery. I hud lie.idauho all the time , mid so s-o-
voru that of .tso.f It wus oiiouili to make mo u
voryslek mnn. I could not sloop wet ) no rest
und full badly oieh iiiornlni ; , nud hud no am
bition to do nnythlnu' . Mv uppotltc wu.s vury
poor , t did not rol sb food and did not not hiin-
Kry. On uatinz I felt nick and wanted to vom
it. 1 his nausea I aNo had when my stomach
was empty. I hecumo very weak mid finally
sol B.I bad that 1 hud to stou my work unit tr.v
to recover my health. For thtco mouths I was
trotted by one of our lending doctors hut In
"plto of ull hlsotrorts I cot worse ovury duy.
1 saw mv dlsoiBj wus rapidly becoming sent-
od mid I begun to fear there was no hope for
"I'liiullv. I decided to try Dr.s. Copeland ft
bhopard's svslom of treatment. I had hoard
ofonio bad cases they had cured , lint had little -
tlo faith that , I could ho hoipo.l. I feel Ills
duo them t-nl Itio piihllo to say thai under
tholr truatu out 1 bojun to col hotter at unco
und now am r.ipldly Improvlni : . lu fact. I fool
well und strons , und am iratcfnl for my re
covery. Kvory Dad symptom I * pone und It IK
many months since I huvo full f-o thoroughly
well us I do today. Drs. Copeland .t Hiopard
treat their patients with urout oaro nud In my
case the results h.ivo been trulv remarlcib o.
The medlolnoi prus rlkpcl by Drs. Copeland
.t Shepard are thu p'.irju an.l moil reliable
that can bo oblxlnca In the market. Patients
tuny rely upon xctttn ; the full bcnnllts tliut
come from utuurato doses and pure drugs. No
remedy , however costly , Is spared If It Is nei'd-
ed. All medicines nro piopurod un'lcr thu pcr-
person supervision of Dr.s. Copolnnd.VSIiepar.l.
TIII : Ai.ou.iPK.Ni-ii'i.iro. : , DHALKIH IN srii-
OMAHA. Nob. . April T. 183. . tVe hcruby certi
fy that wo furnish Drs. Copulund A Sliop.ird
with the jinioat druas and chemicals , wo
can obtain. T1IK Al.Oa. & PKM'OLD CO.
Catarrh With Deafness ami Kur Trouble
Ncuriiltila nnd Dyspcpsln A ( ironp < il ! > ! " -
Iressliif ; KymptoiiiH liutlri-Iy Hcllrvcd.
( .Catarrh affects every part of tlio systom.
Deafness Is u common result of cutarihut o.\
tens on from the nose mid thront to the our
Tlio cyos oflou sulTcr eruntiv. Intense , kulfe-
llo ! palus , soreness und burning oftun occur.
The cyos aio watery mid e 'imol bear llchl
liuu'lnr- painful and thu s'Rlit Is poor , lu-
tonsa headache mill or sharp is prutont.
The sculp and nuibclcs ot the nock uro often
very sere und iiulufnl. lu these cases the
sloiuacli Invariably buffers too. Its membrane
bo.m ; dlsouso.l and thickened a condition
known us msrni'tiA ]
An Intelligent yoiin ; woman lives at Hl. >
Son Hi 27th street. Her n line Is .Miss K ma
llut/feld , an'l ' she tolls a story of siill'crliif ;
mid relief th it , will Intorosl minv. "Tor
niiiiiv months , " snys Miss HutzfoUl , "my mis-
Mltfl I'.I.MA ll'T/Flii.t )
ory was urout. 1 liuil lu'oni/.ini ; puin in my
ho.ul thai nearly made me wild , li was wor o
by spoils hut WUH piunciit nearly ull Hie tlmu.
My ey04 nulioil terribly and I could not hour
thull.'hl. W lion I trod to read they would
Kol vvutory und pained mo sevciely. I had to
constantly hawk nnd spit inornlniiK and I.i'n
musses of mucus came froai my mi-o and
tliniat , .My heariir- was vury dull and hail
been growliiK worse for ul loasl ono year. At
11 nics I hoaiM pretty we'.I hut u sllaht cold
would nlVocl my hoarlnx. Kai'li col.l made mo
worho and nhcji Drs. O.ipoland .t Shoiiard ho-
unu my cu--o 1 wus cottliiK doufur every duy.
I was very tlrud mornings and rested poorly nl
nlcliU My stomach was In u hadi-lilo. After
eatlii- I always had u heavy pain In thoslom-
ach which would last for several hours. 'I lien
II would rot urn upon my ont'iu ujruln , 1 was
often bilious and hud nuiisea. with bloat nr :
anil toiiderncss nvur Iho stomach and bowels.
"I have steadily Improved under Di.s , Copc-
luii.l X Shupaid'K tioatmout lind each vl lt to
their olllcu lias been of yroat huiiollt. ' 1'lr'lr
tio.itniL'nt In mild .nil easily taken , and socf-
foctlvo tliatlt has restored my hearln. , ulvon
me u blcu-oil rullef from pain , mi'l Improved
mo so iiiuoli that I do not uenm tlio sumo por-
sun I wns a ftiw weukfl IIKO. I cannot say lee
i.iucih foi them nnd what , they Invu donii for
mo. " JIMA : iiinvi''K.i ! ) .
MIJHonth L'Tth slicct.
ROOMS 311 AND 312 ,
New York LiFe Building
Cor. liSliniKl Fitniii.u Sis. , Ojn.iln , No ! ) .
W. II. Coi'HLAN'n. M. I ) .
C. S. Siiin-Aiti ) . M. I ) .
Consulting I'liyslolain.
Spoelaltoi : O itirr i an I all < lUj KJI of I'l i
Kyc , Kir. Thro it an I I/un-s. Nervous DIs-
eiiRus. hUliiDlsaasos. Chronlo Dho iso < . Ollluj
Hours 9 to II a , in. , 'J lu J p. in. , 7 lu & | > ut
hunduy IU a. in to 1 p. in.
Culurrhal troubles anl klmlrod dlioi-iai
treated siiucoitfnlly by in ill. Komi lu in
stamps for nuostlon rlr.nilars. Addrost : tl |
letters to CopolanJ Mu.iluil Innlllutu , .No.v
Vork l.lfo Hulldl.iL' . Omuh.i , .No'j.
F KICK , i-'oit AI.I. oTiiKit DIKIASKS : TMI- :
Chas , Lunkley ,
Dlrci'lar nii'.l Uiulorlu'Hir.
311 liroiulway , Council UlulTa
' -
- - : 3
: A Rood yoiin * horse.Mlltukn
l > ny tn carpontnr work. Apply to Leonard
Kverett. Council HlulTs.
WANTKI1 tioal Ctrl for general house-
work , Call at lOia Third n\unite. Smnll
family ! good wages.
Ino IOWA fnrtns for sale. Improved IfO norea
In Harrison county , $ UI.M perneros l'J ucrcs ,
Imnroved , S'.M.OO ! 8J neros. * l.tu I'ur linr * ilns
In Iowa aim Nebraska farms call on orvrilo
toJoliiKou & Patten , Council llluirn.
171011 HAI.'KOU KXdlTANtiK-'t'fty nmrflirm
-A. property , K. II. Shoafo. Il'wny and Main.
is In nil parts of the
_ _ _ ' nnd Mtilu ,
"iron SiT.KAcroaRo naarc'.ly adapted for
- frnll iiud Riirdnn minuses. ii II. j < huafo ,
llroidwuy nnd Minn streets.
DKSIliAltLi : honso for siliv Wo hnvo for
sale tlio cluiiiuil hotisii ( if I. A. Mlllor , situate -
uate < l nt the corner of Second nvetiiin nnd
IMnlilh i-lrout , Ineludln , ' two lots. Olio of ttiu
Illicit houses In tlio ally. Day & Ilo s.
IjlOll SAt.Klusldo fosldnnro mil bushiest
* - property nt it bargain. If you want itu In
vestment or n housu sen us. Pay .V Hoss.
OOOMS to rent ntul fonltiiro forsiilo nt n
Uliai--iiln. Knqulro ut 'Mi MerrUm block. 7
to li li. in.
oif UK.NT--A coed fiirin of tf.M acres , only
' BJ miles from Council llluir.s. Apply to
Kvutolt , I'onrlttCouncil llluir .
Omaha Medical am
Host fusil I log , nppnr.iliM unit Rcvno.Ilm
for successful tro.itniont of nycry form
uf disease reuulrlu t medical or
Hiir.-loHl treatment ,
SO beds for patients , Imml nnd uttoml.incn ,
llest aeiotno.lations In thu west.
\\rtu : for circulars on duformlt us ntul
braces. trusses. clulj foot , curvatures of snlno ,
lilies. tumors , c-iucor , oafirrh. bronuhltis , In-
haluitim.o cctrlolty , p-iralysls , onlletm' . kill-
noy. li udder , ovu. our , i-kln ati I blooJ an I ull
surgical lout.
Itook on Disaisoi of
Women Kit K 12.Vo have lately ad led lylii'i-
indpp irttnont fur women during conllmiiiicnt.
strictly ur vatu. ) Onlv HoilaMo Mudlual In *
stltutoiiiaklnc a Spud ilty ot
A „ 1 ! oed Plsuasas successfully troitot
Synhldllo Poison romovud from the system
without mercury. Now Ko.storntlva Treat
ment for Loss of VITAL I'OWKK. I'OMOIIH un-
ahlo to vls.i us in.iv ho trusted nt homo liy
lorresuou once. All communications coutf-
dentlal. .Mo. I olnes or Instruments sent t'y
niii 1 orovpross. securely paekod , no nrir.'H to
Ind'cntu contents or seuJcr. Uno iiunoiril tu-
tery.ow prcferre I. Cull-und consult us or xotul
history of your easo. and wo will send In plain
wrapper , our
Rfinif TO MrN l''I5ER ' : Upon 1'rlv.itc ,
, SpuUu | , or xurvolls | ) H ,
case" . Impotenuy. Svphllls , U leu tan I Varlco-
co I * . with iiiie tioii list.
Unices Appllanui-s for Ili'fonultlus & Trusoi
Only inaiiufiiutury liitho Wcstof n ri
l'lUl'l.l l. > l.r. . > , -
. . . tV/KS.
Onialia Medical and Surgic.U Institute ,
26th and Brou Iway , Oo moll BluiTi.
Ten minutes' i Ido from center of > > m ihi : on
Omalin and Clouuull ItluITi oiozlrlu motor lino.
W. C. ESTHP , i
] Tlipupinp TinihQ'niJip
liliOidlUliijblUl , Dlalllul | | | ]
Council Bluff3 , Iowa.
New , inodcni , wtill-apiiiitod ( , tlior-
oughly woll-Uopt , $ J a dty. :
E. F. CLA.RK , Prop.
Uf Council Ilium.
Cupilil slceV
b'urplus mi 1 Profits H < IOOU
Not Capital nn I Surplus
lllrcctora . I ) . Bit nil 11111. W. 1. . Sri i ; ir' . ( ' > ,
Rlenson , l { . 15. Ilirt , I. \ . Mill Jr. .I. V. UliViiiii
anil ( "uirlua It. Iliiiiniiu. Trans-lot b-tnk-
IIIK Imsinoss. Largest capllil und surplus of
any ban I ; In tfontbwcstcrn lowii.
( 'ertllleiito fit I'lilillrittion ,
O 111 co of Auditor of I'ubllo Accounts - State oi
NohriiHka. Klncoln. Fob. I , 1MI.1.
It Ishuiohy certified , that the Kyndlcatu In-
snranco Co. , of Minneapolis. In Iho state ol
Mlnnoholu , has compiled with tlio .usnrance
law of this Htiito und Is anthoil/cd to tr.insael
tlio liiislni'ss ot IIro Insurauco In this Ntutu fol
thoeiirruul vonr.
\Vltne.siiiyhHudand Inn scnl of thp uudlloi
of public acconnls iho day und yoarabova
wiltton. T. H. IIKN'I ON ,
li-oul ] Auditor I' . A.
II , A. Huhcouk , Dopiily.
( /'orlllluttii : of
Ollleo of Auditor of I'ubllo Accounts Pttituof
NobruhUu. Lincoln. I'nb. I , | si. ! ' .
It Is beifby ciirllllcd , Unit , the HI. rum 1'iro
and M'lrlno Iiniirancu U. ) . , of St. 1'iuil In
thobtutu of .Minnesota , has complied ulththo
Insurance ! luwof thin htato und Is authorl/ed
to transact the Unslnehs of Ilio Insnraiico In
tills Htalo fur thu cnrrenti o ir ,
\Vliuoss my li.iud anil Iho seal of thu auditor
ot piibllu aecudnts llm day and your above
wr.lioti. 'J' . If. IIKN'roN.
[ Heal ] Audlti.rl' . . A.
. H. A. Hulicock , Diiputy.
( ' 'itlllcato nt rnbllcatlon.
Onico of Auditor of I'liblle AccunnlsHi a to of
NdhruKka , I.lncoln , Fob. I , IH'C '
It In hereby vrrtlflud , thai thu Hi , Paul
Ocrmiin InsiiiniKu Co. , of SI. I'au' ' . In
thohtitto of Mliiiiosolii. bus compiled with the
Insuianeo Jawnf this Mate und In uiilliurl/cd
to triinsat'l the buhlnrss of flru Insnriincu
In this htulo for Iho eurronl yiv > r.
Witness my hand un 1 Ihu of the auditor
of public accounts the duy and yuar abovu
written. T. II. 1IKNTON ,
Auditor 1' . A.
II , A. Ilnbuouk , Deputy.
CorillU'iiln iif riihlli-ullon.
Olllro of Auditor of I'ubllo Accounts State ot
Nebraska. Lincoln , Feb. I. IblU.
It Is bc.'ieby certlllcd , thai thu Jersey Cltr
I'lre Insiiruncu Co. , of Jiirsuy City lu iho state
of Nuw Jersey , hub compiled with Iho III-
Hiiranco law of Hilsstato and Is authorl/nd to
transaut the bnslniin of flro InsuraiK-o in thU
htato for thu cnrrcintyoar , .
\Vltnchs my hand und the iiual of the auditor
of puhllu accounts thu duy mid yuar nl-ovo
writ ton. T. H. IIKNTON ,
ISoalJ Auditor I' . A.
II , A. Huhcouk. Deputy.
Cdrtltlratii ol 1'iibllciitloii.
Olllcu of Auditor of Public AucounnStatuof
Nubnisku , Lincoln , IVb , I , Ih'.f ' .
It Is hciuby eortlUcd. that thd ( icrman
r'lru In1 uranco Co. , of I'rouporl , lo thoutnto
ot Illinois , IIIIH compiled with thu Inhiir-
nnci ) law of this btatu nnd Is antlionzod lo
transact tin-bnsincsaor llro Insnraiico In thU
Kiato for tliuuurionlyoar.
\\lliirsaiiiylmnd mid thu KUII ! of thoundltoi
uf publle accounts tint day und your nbovi
wrltuni. T. 11. Illi.NTO.N.
[ Seal ] Auditor I' , A.
II. A. Ilubcock , Deputy.