THE OMAHA DAILY lilSK : MONDAY , Al'lllL 11 , 1892 8PEG1HL NOTICES. AnVKUTIIKMKNTfl FOH TIIKSK COLUMNS will lie taken until 11 30 p. m for the evening find until 8 no p m for the morning or Snndar edi tion All itilTtrlUrmcnM In them columns 2 cents n word for first Insertionand I cent nwnril thereafter , or n per linn per month. No advertisement taken forloss than 25 cents fnrllifl first Insortlon. Terms , cash In advance. Count nliout coven worm to the line. Initial * , ( Inures , symbols , Me. , cadi count M n word All ndvortlvnientB must run ronsecii ttvely. Advertisers , by requesting n numbered rheck , ran hnve the letters addressed to n nnni' lierorl loiter In cnrnof TlIK IIIK Answers o art Hres pil Bill bo delivered an proiontnllon of the check . 817 UATIONB W ANTED. i'WANTlin , A lTlON ASTtAVKMNO J\ salesman by n man of 3 * wltli some i-xpurlcnco. Correspondence solicited , llox S93 , Vanklon , S.I ) . C8C 11 * - ' ) , roMTION WITH 1IAIIIIKII AS A-WAN'TKI nmirnntlcni havochnlr nnd few tools For par- tlculars address lloi 570 , I'nrley , IB * ' " ' ' 2' T'osiTio.vAs MANAciKU OK uMmi. COAL A or itrnln huilnoss In country 18 yours cx- licrlonco. Hot of references Address V 12. Hep. M WANTED--MALE HELP. B-WANTI'.D , HAL1WMKN ON SALARY Oil COM- mission to liandlo tlio new imlcnt clicmlcal Ink rrinlnu iieni'll. 'llio Rreatext polllna novelty rvcr prodtii'i'di erases Ink tlioronehly In twonoconds ; no nbrnnlon of paperi Wl to MM | > er cunt prolltt ono nifcnt'd dales amounted to frizu In nix Oayp , anottior lr. In tno liourn. Wo want one general n ent In ench state uml territory. Tor teims nnd full par ticulars nddress Monroe Unmcr .Mix Co .Iji Cronsn , WIs.XJW. 27 I ITYUANVA8SltllS.HAt.AllY I'AII ) WKKKI.Y. Ing machine olllco , 1MB Douglas street. MIST all 5 ] -AOIiNIS WANTKI ) . K.XCii : , 10It t'OUTHAIT Co.Vnrn hlock , 177al8' l-WANTii : > . AOKNTS CAN MAKK f-'fl I'l'.ll J'weok linnillltiK tlio Iliuisen novelty blow nun. Just out. Sells nt slulit Address llio Iji Cronso Illow tiiin Co. . Ln Cronf. WIs bS2 U WANTKI ) . AT ONt'K , A ( IHItMAN COMPO" . JJltur who II.IB had u year 01 two experience Ad dress ( ieorKo K Lnncc , editor Times , llrlilfi'wnter , Hoiilli llnkotn. M507 11' > -SOLH'ITOItS , SALAItV AND COM. 1'AH ) 'American Wringer Co. , KWJ Hoxrard. p-C.001 > COATMAKnH , Al'I'LY Ilfl7 I-'AUNAM. -WANTKI ) TIIAVKLISO PAL1WMKNTO HULL -Dunkliitc powder to retail uroeery Hade. Wo put ouruoods up In Klais rolllnu plii . Wo pay fi < l n month Hiiliuy nnd nxpensen or S5 per cent conimls Rlon. Wo want men who uro now on the road to carry ns n Mdo line. ( } oed opportunity for clerks nnd other i who wi.nt to net on the road. Write for tinrllrularn , send Ktmiip for reply , Chtcaito llaUnii I'owdcr Co. , 7(17 ( Vim llurun street ChlcnKO. Gil 15 * 1 > AOKNTd TO HANIir.B TIIK VAN DOUKN J'fllmillllcMl ] nccount Illu. Call on or nddrena Jnmes R Harms , .letinlnir hotel Omaha. UM U' T ) -WANTKI ) . ACHNTS ON A NKW WOKIC , l > "l < uroia | In Storm nml Calm , ' fully Illustrated , It portrnys lth pen anil pencil everybody , every jilncii and everything In all ICuropui nuentn niakln K llOUweekly. Addresr John Cownn , Publisher , In. Ulanapolls , I nil. U1J U' _ T > WANTKI ) . TKAMHTKIM AND KCRAl'KIl JJholilers for 11. U. work In Wyoming ; uood wniiesj free pass. Albright Labor Olllce , 1120 Knrnnm st n-WA.NTii : > ( IKNIIIIAL TATH A KNT TO JJopi-n heailiunrtcr * In some prlnelpnl city , as- aumc control of our buslnn H ami appoint local and BiihaitPiit1 ! In every city In thin state ; Koods In mil- vorsal drmnml and pay a net prolltof M to lot ) per ei-nt. Thu Union Company , 741 llroadwny. New York. M'is'J ' 12' B-WAN'IT.I ) . (5OOI ( ) CITY CANVAhSiit9 : I'Oll Whfolcr.V Wilson Honlni * Mnclilni's. Kstoy nmt Camp A , Lo. . 1'lanus uml Oru.un Sll do. Kith st : B-WANTil > AT ONCI ! TWO COOI ) CLOSK11S. Wheeler AlWIIson lowing Machine otllce , 514 So. lOlh .st M 72J Too.AllOllKHS WANTKI ) AT t'T. CllOo. J 'ono mill' west of Ilclleviie. Nell. Apply at mili tary reservation , April 14 Keefo .V McUarvoy , con- trnctom. Mi.V. ' 11 * WANTED-PEMALE HELP. 1 WANTii-GOOI : ) SKCONl ) G1HL. I''H ' LO- -taint street. MM ) . C-YOUMJ LAIIIKS : DO YOU WANT A SITUA- ( Inn' ' If ) oii do rail on Sloan Johnson A Co. , wholesale cioccrs.thls city.between the hours U and nnd 13 in. Wo wish solicitors to sell our colfeu to consumer * from house to liouso In this city. &l C-WANTKI ) , ( Slllt. FOIl IIOUSKWOltIC , MUST boitooilfook. ( .all S.W7 California t iiUii C WANTKI ) , A FIRST CLASS TIlIMMKll ANI ) inaiki'rt none other need npply to Alias llimsdale , raj llro.idway , Ciiuncjl Illulls. Mjra U IIUT-rON-HOLK MAKKtt. OMAHA Utihlrt rnotory , 1 14 Farnaui. 6S3U C -WANTIID , OIIIL FOIl UKNKUAL IIOUSi- : work. 1KB S. IQlli .street. ) < ! ) ' 1-WANTKD , A SISWINi ; UIHL. CALL W North I'.Uh street. Cl 9' O 1-WANTKD , COMPKTKNT OIHI. KOU OKN- cral houscnork. 11413 Capitol uvcnuo. MUSJ II * C WANTKI ) , A ( BIlll. TOR UKNICHAI , , 1IOU K- worknt 4UU7No.24th. J1745 ll C WANTKI ) . A CIIILTO DO ( ilONKUAL 1IOUSK- work. CnllatVllSboutli lltlist. M714 12 * A NT K11. A I'lllST-CLASS TIUMMKIl A.vf innV-er. none other ned apply to Miss Itaus dnlo , ; U7 lliondnay , Council Illulls. M742 11 * -WANTKII , A WAIST HANI ) AND AX Al' . prantlco. Mra A. lllcc , It. 15 , llushman hlk. -M731 IS fWANTHD. \ . LADIKS TO ASSIST MK. WOltlv v'llKht and fnBCln.itliiir. Waxes (1UUU per week Call on .Mndam 'Viblnson , Metiopolltnn hotel. J17S3 17 / 1 WANTKI ) , A UOOD COOIC , 213 NO UTII 17TII V'Btrept. llitO-ia * FOR RENT-HOUSES. ) - IIOUSKS AND APAIlTMKNTd IN llEnT IlKSI- denco block In tlty. 8IBS. ' . " 'a Btieot. Tol. 171H. Z75 7 11)11 HUNT , AIIOVKNO.-4.fi2t AND ( KG SOUTH J-'lCth street. 0-room tint , every moilvrn eonven- loneo , IncludliiKlarKO kitchen ranee Apply Windsor ser , Kemp & CO..SOJ N. Y. I.lfo bid- . m7lil ) -roil 1IKNT. 0 N10K NKWLY FUllNISHin ) rooms , lil'i N. 19th , llronnan Hats. \-FOH IIKNT , 1IOUSKS. J7.0U I'KIl MONTH ANI ) 'upi > arils. The O. F. Davlu Co.MJ \ Furnain ( t. D-r.LKiANT 12-UOOM FUHNISUED HOUSE alt modern , nenr llrownell hall ; f 100.00 per mo. C. F. IlurrUon , 012 N , Y. Llfo. tltO alt D- roil HKNT , HOUSK 13.7 N. ITU ST. , IIOOMS , bath , etc. , f ) per month. K. U , Woodrow , Nob. Nat. banK ' building. _ KM I ) HOIISK. ALL CONVKMENL'Ex Heed A Selby. : H5 lloaril of Tiado. _ M\ \ , STOHKS AND FLATS. A. C. FHOSr p. room . V3 , Douglas block , HHIi and Doduo.Ml Ml A2.1 D-S-KOOil HOUSE , HENT IXJW , IKyUlKK''TII Douglas st , 1181 Tl-KOll HENT-HIX-HOOM MODEHN COINAGE J-.SQ31 Cnllfnrnln st. . t\i \ per rooiilh. 4I'J ' D -4i UOOM 11OUSK , 831 S. 21ST ST , D FOIl KENT. DKS1UA11LK HOUSE , HAND 8 rooms. Inqulio > | IIU Capitol avenue , .Mi'JT 14 * D-llKhT 7-HOOM HOUSH IN Till ! CITY ; AI.Sl 5-room ifht.nll modern Improvements , 'lizard block. 21d and Davunport , .MB32 li V-rFOIl HENT , 4 UOOM FLAT , F11ONT 10TI l ! < 315 1,1 HOOM HOUSE AND IIAHN , 2018 DAVl'.N purl Mioot , ull modern rouvenlonci-s , Inclmllnt , itnnm heat , net bowls und laundry , south from overlooking high school grounds , newly pnlnti'i iiid papered throughout , 'ihos. t. Hull. ui Pnx > ! ock. CM T HOOM FLAT IN GOOD LOCATION , HUNT S per month , prlcoof furniture SSOO. on time ; also ill loom II 'it with furniture for vale rontniinblo CO'Operutlvti Laud anil Lot Co. , 10i N iotli st. oil II _ -I'Olt HUNT , UOOM HUlIjK , tiM. in' II ANI llnuorolt Is. 1141 II * O-4. llOOM Ht > UHB AND STAI1LE IF NKEDKI ) cliunp. MW Capitol uvo , CU | 1 > D-IIOU4F , I3HCOMS , W1THUA1IN A.NDLAHGI ynrd , nil cur line , ttli.tX ) per moll 111. HlortTooin , 2117 l > * ru ui itreoi , with fixtures lio.uopo month , 0 room Mat und modern eoiiTonlenoo , 21 IU Fur- mm u eat. f UM par month. t-ioomlioiin- , ' , v , ; 'iih 'roo , Jill UO per month 3.ruom huima , 151(1 ( N. 2Jd ttit't'l , tr.U ) par month I'ottor A ( iecirgoCti. , e. W. corner tiUh and Fariminstiocl MIWIH D -V HOOM HOUSE , IIATII. hKWEll , CITV tMII llilento siruet ; KU per niuiitli. In . I'.MIl etreet. M7IU _ _ FOUJtENT-VUJlNiailKD ROOMS. 1/-lfll IIKNT , ONE 1.AUUK K1IONT 011 * 0 J-ibnckfuinUlita unfurnl he4 rooms. )23.Soutl ) JStli ureel. t,4 -FUIIMSIUJI ) IIOOMS roil UENTLEjlEN * rcluram'oi Ivqulrvd. till N l th. tr.M Mi' -FUUMhllUD U001IS. 017 N. Ullt Mreet. MIJJ9 * T ! > 3 Oil 1 IIOOMS , FUI1MH1IED FOIl IIODSK" > keip > i > f , modern convent noes , T ry dolrablp near Jiumuum purk. Aildre . V 44 , lloo. J3 gURNIfln.BDROOMB AND BOARD , _ Jfa-'KOK IIKNT. NEATLY FUIIMSI1KD ItlHIMS jS * llh boiird , 301tl California t. 538II * 17 VKKV DK8IIIA1H.K FIU.ST AND 6KU1NI f floor , toulh and , furulihuJ routas at 'The I'renter , " lid Na 25th street. M7dl-lT * 1 , ' NICELY FUUN1BHKD HOOUS AND FIHS1 1 cl . board. MM tit. Jlary's ove. Mtu If " " 1""JL-K1. WANTI.V KUUNIbllKD HOOMi , . Kt snlto , 2nd storyfrout ; Urn clisi boaril.aid south bill t. ' " ROOMS AND BOARD. ron mifil. IIOOMS EN SUITE on 1 slnKlPi first class table. 1919 Fnrnam. CI4 II * I. ' SICKLY T-UHNISIIED SOITHKAST KHONT J room with ilcovo nnd bay window , all modern convenience * , private family , board If desired. No. C22S Wlhst. MP2 12 * I. ' ONE FIIHNISIIEI ) LAIIOK FHONT HOOM. l'Hoard M.M per week 2312 Scward st MTUilll * FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS7 f i5 I'NKI'IINISHKD ( MIAMIIKHfl Foil HOUSE V. > kppplnK to mnn nna wife No children , ill 11 N. -Hi HI FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES -FOH IIKNT , STOHK , | ( UI HOWAllI ) . 270 TT-FOHHENT , THE 4STOHY 1IHICK III'ILDINO J9I6Fnrnnm street The liullillna has n llro uroof cement basement , romplolo sleam hentlnu fixtures , wnlrr on nil tlio tloors , KIIS , otc. Apply nt the ofilco of The lice. CIS FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. I -OAIIDKN FAIIM3 TO HUNT T MUHUAY. -HUtCK YAHDrf 1 OHUICNT. T. MUllltAY. Z79 J-F. HUNT. 11. T. CtiVltK. 1-\VAltr.IIOUSK , INQUlUliSIOSO I5TII STUKKT. i-sonoo.M iioTKL , DisiHAiui : : LOCATION ; ) nil modern. Apply to r. W. Hurt , Jr. , Mlisourl Valley , In. M5SU AJt 1-KOU HUNT I'AItT OP OUIl riVK-SIOUY Mirlck wari'liouse ; coed rlnvator nn I IrnoX fnclll- tli > s. Omalm Wnreliuuio \ Storage Co. , HI 1-15 l.i'iaenu'ortli st. 51a-H WANTED-TO RENT. K-WANTlin , MAY 1 IIV CAUKKUIi CASH TiN- : nnt , ID room modern IIOHSJ. ynid. slnbln. pre ferred , west of IRtli , porinanunt If itiltod In liouso nnd rent Aililrcsn V 47 , lleo. MJU 12 * RENTAL AGENCIES. L - U. C. (1AHVIN ( A. CO. , 2M SHKI'.LY IILOC1C. 1 --HTAII LOAN ANI ) THUS ! ' CO. UKNTAL DK- Jpartment. MBtl-nJI STORAGE. M -OLDKST , CIIKAI'KST AND 1IKST STOIIAOU house In the city. Williams & Cross,1211 Hnrnpy. M-CLKAN , DIIV AND I'UIVATKLY 8TOUI5D furniture , lleatlnit stoves stored over summer. 1207 Douulas st. Oiuaha btovo llepalr works. ( Jil M-IIKbTHTOUAOHIN CITV. OMAHA WAH1I house , V htornuo Co. , 1113 IS Lenventvorth street. Household and other Roods stored and cared for. Low rates Private npartincntH If Ueslrod I'hono , 41'.l. MtJI 10 WANTED-TO BUY. r"7tMrNrTuiiK iHmmT. "SOLD , I Wells , 1111 Farnam at. \T-WAN1 Kl ) , SOMK LOW PI11CKI ) CLKAH LOTS -Mns first pajment on a nlco house and lot. Will built to null ami sellnn nioutlily payment. Why pay rent ? Sec N A. ICultn , I5th and DoiiKlas. 711) ) mS \T-WANTKI ) TO I1UY , IJH1HT Oil TUN UOOM Ji\ house with nioih'rii Improvements , and Rood tdrcil lot , located within ono mile of the postotllea. State price , size of house nnd lot and lull p.vrtlcu- lars by nddresslna S 47 lleo olllcu. " 12 AT-DOS'TSIILIj ANY ITIINITUHB UNTIL YoU Is see thoOmnlm Second-llnnd rnrnltnrn Co. , just opened. lllKhest prices imld , ( All North ICth st. SI'S 12' 3ALE-FUKNITITRE. 0"l" ; : SALK-STKIII. JIONllOll ItANIlH. Kood UH new : low price , plain bed room pet and Kood elnule bed uon ; call at ouco ' . * iil SIHIICO street. MT2411' 0-FUUNlTLIli : , HASH 1IUUMIIH : , AND C.AS lixtures of ) : t room house , for sale cheap before April lilth ; also house to lent. Apply to owner , 20111 Lenvemvorth street. M7.W 13 FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. TJ-KOU MA1.K. LA1K1K KINK YOU.Nl ! IIOIISI' X and delivery uuitou ; horse nentlo nnd MBROII nearly new ; for sale cheap. Inquire at 1U1U Karnam. * 1)-roubAi.n. i suuitnY. HUILT BY SIMPSON ; J I phaeton , by Driimmoml ; both llrst-class , good ns new. L. II. Korty , SJ3U 1'oppleton. tS'J FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Q - PU ( ! PUPPIES , U Hi , UAUKEIt 1ILK. H4H.12J rv-roiiSAi.i : SIT : OK "AMEUICANI/.ID : KN- Wcyclopodla llrlttantca ( same ns furnUhcd by the lleo Publishing Co last year ) , full Morocco bind- inn , now , 10 volumes , at ftiu.UU , coat f ) J 00. V 31 , lleo olllce. MWI 14 Q -Fort SALE , FINIS WATKIl SPANIEL , 2213 Lcavenworth t. 051 15 * Q-M500 WILL I1UY A OOOI ) . FAlll , SIICOND- hand organ on payment. Max Meyer A llro. Co. , lUlinndl'lirnnin. MOSJ 12 Q SAVE MONEY , SEE US I1EFOHE PUUCIIAS InKplnno or orcun. Max Meyer & Uro. Co. , 10th nnd Fnrnam , Mt'dl 12 Q-FOIt HALE OH TKADK FOIl FAIIM LANDS IN cnstorn Nebraska , n 35 barrel steam roller Hour mill situated ntTeknmah. Nob. Thos. Crouch , li llurdctte st , Omaha , .Ml 17 MISCELLANEOUS. R HAY KOIl SALE. THE STANDAHD CATTE ; Co. orTer 1,000 tons selucted , barn stored hay for on Intel : , Ames , Nebraska. MS'.U K LAD1I5S' CAHKI ) FOH DUIUNO CONi'INE- incnt. Mrs llurnlu , Uermaii gruduatvil mldwlfo , UK ! So lUth. i)5t ) A2J > -CANADIAN KMI'LOV.MKNT OFFICKMMBKAIl- inaui , upstalra ; male and fcmaleh clp. Tul. K8I. 403 R PA PILLION DlllVINd PAHK. O. C. HM1TI1- trainer and driver. Makes u specialty of break Inu and training colts. Makes n specialty of treat ing horises that are sore , from hard roads and bad left , llcnsonablo charges. Hoarding honen by thu month. &U1-M3 11TIN AND HHEET1HON WOIIIC CHEAP AND well. Unto City Tinners,8- , loth st , MUTl ) 11 li-175.00. YOU CAN OET A ( JOOD , SQUAHK PI- -Ivano on payments. AlnxMeyer A llro. Co. , liith and Farnnm. MliSl 12 CLAIRVOYANTS. S-rMIlS. NANNIE V. WAHHEN. CLAIHVOYANT rollnblo business inecllum , llfth jeur ut IU N , li-th. fiii { --MADAME rillTX , 232U CH.MINd HTHKKT. Oclnlrvoyaiit and Iraneo modluni ; Indopimdt'iit voices ; tells past aiid future. 003 .M7 * S-AHUIVAL nXTHAOHDINAUY ; WONDEHFl'L revelations. LhalleiiKUi the world. Mrs Dr. M. Ix-uravis ( Joint trnneo clairvoyant , nstroloRlst , inilinUt and llfo reader ; tolls your llfo fuim the criidlii to grnve ; unites the separated ; causes mar- rtuuo with the one. you love ; tells where you will sucercit nml In nhat business best adapted for ; has the celebrated Knyptlau breastplate for Inok and to destroy bad tnl'.uencns ; cures tits , Intemperance andqll private eoniplalnts with masHiiKe , bnlhs nnUnlcoliol trentinunt. bend $ ' . ' 00 , luck of lialr namii nnd ditto of birth nml lecclvo necurnlu life olinrlt 3 rents In stamps tor rlreulsr ; clvo Initials ofono > ou nlll marry ; also photosof nino. Olllco K )7Houtti ) llth street ilrsl tloor , hours'J n m my p. m Como one , corns all , and boouvlnuud ul this Homlcrful oraele. .M.I7I ! ! S.MIIS. E. If lIAttTHOUN. tfil NOHTII Urn street , havliu hail je r > of uxpurlonco , nlllidvo readings of past , prcsunt and futnro. > lttlni ; to lailles only , DO cenls. | 0 n. m. to u p. m. dally. Sundays - days OJtcoptcd. M734 Hi' MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. fl'-MlSS tTOWE , MAStfBUriB 1 Sl llamgii bluck. M'JJJ | | 'PMAHriAKK THKATMKNT , iTLEl-THt ) TIII'.U- 1 mnl lialhg , tcalp nnd hair treatment. nmnU'iirn niidthlropodlst. Mrs. l'o t , JIUMS. litli.WIIIinoli blk. fl MADAMK bMlTIl , 1KI DOL'OLAH HTHHKT. J. room7,3dUoor , Alcobol.tulphur and sea butru MSSI II * rp MADAMK LA It UK , MASSAOK , 41(1 ( SOUTH 115th itreut , > rd Hour , lint 4 , nislitnnt. Mi./J-lt * MUSIO. AKT AND LANOUAQK. \ T O. r " ( SKLLKNUKCKT ' with Ho | n > , or 518 N. litfi ct \r nuKoiiK iiviso A I'IAN > KXA II.NK TIIK i ne\v eaUi Klmball piano. A llosjie , V-IIKKKK ) IIUVINO A 1MANO K.VAMINK TIIK new tcalu Klmball piano. A llospo , 13U Doutluj. a6 \-UKAUTlFUL I'lJHMollIIIOOMS. ; ! . 183H CASS. 2 till 14' V i'lfS ' 1IOUTKLLK HAH 11KMOVKD HKll KIN. 1 dtTKarten and primary nctiool to 19111 Doditimt , Afternoon e lon a' Itli S. I'tli it , lilt ) 'i' T CO. UKK UMXli V\r OSlAHA BAVl.NUH HANK MAKKh IAAN8 it on runt otatont lovot uiarkvt inlet. 1/oana mailoln unnll or larvuiiuiii nud for iliort or lone time. No cominl lon U rharxoil. and thu lonni nru not old lu llio vast , but rnn ai ar > be found at Iho bauk un tlio corner of 13th nnd Djuglaj etteeH. 2W _ \\r-LOANS , G. ( ! , WALLA CK. 313 1I110WN 1ILK 22 _ - " \V - IXJAN8 . . . ON . . . IMI'llOVHI . . ANI ) . UNUIl'HOVKI ) 11 city iiroimriy , IJJXJO and ut > * ard .C to 8 rtent . NodeUys. VV. Karnatutiu > ltu& Co. , lilhanailariioy , -til " \\r-IMUVATB MONKV. IHT ANI ) 21) 11 loam , low rate * . Alux. Moore. 401 lleo building. \\r-tX W. JIA1NKV. 3UOMAI1A NAT. U'K I1LIK1. 11 City uiortuaKO * . 1/oneit r te . ilouey oo hand. MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL K STATE Conlfntiftl , \V-MO.NKY TO 1XJAN ON IMI'llOVEI ) CITY 11 iiropcrty.low rate. A. C. Frost , Dotidns blk. \\r-.MONKY TO LOAN ON IlKAL KST TK. Tl 1K 11 O. F. Davis To. , I.V)1 ) Farnam si XI \\T HttAL KSTAT-K UMNS. flTO7 I'KH CHNTi * no additional charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W H. Mulklv , First National bank bideT \\T I.OANS , W.M.IIAUKIS , It SO FIlKNZKll lll.K r. > 7 AYINrtUUANt i : MONKV TO IXMN. Al'l'l.Y TO j. u i.QToii , yjuH utii y.'i ' \\r-I.OAN.UfcA1. KSTATKANI ) ItKNTAl. AO1IN ' ry Turtles tinvlnj city liunncs to rent nnd fnrmstnsell ulionl.l "lit " lh < ni nt once- . Splendid form * In lx > an Vnllot , ' .Neb . to * lo. Kn lern money furnlibcd. lice , W. 1 * . Contos , Hep. lull rnr- nmn. _ _ _ W7 _ \ -ANTHONY f,0 AN ASH TltlMT CO. , 8H N. V " I.lfo. lends nl low rates for choirs neeurlty on Ncbrnikn or lows fnrms or Omnlm cltr iiropertr. V\F-"JIONKY , loNKY , MONKY. I IIW.WJ TO LOAN ' In sums of IMUii fYUUlon Iniprotoil or iinlra proved residence business property In the city of Omnlin. No ilnlny In oloslnn lo ns ns money Is on hand. No denting nlth nastt-rn imrtlcn , nil butdnoss trnnsactcd liorennd Intarcst nnyntila lioro nnd not In tlio cast , nlso uinko building Innns on most fnvomblo terms. " ridollty Trust Co. , 1CU Knrnnm. CITY 1'ltOl'KllTY. K. NKH. AND W. ' < lena farm * . K. F. Itluuer , loll' ' Furiiam..MUM .MUM tO-V \\r-t \ PKIl CUNT MONKV. IMIILADKLl'lIlA 11 Mortgaco nnd Trust Co. Thoniaa llrennsn , V Co , reprc'ontatlve * . aiT Ifnrhacli block. I72VM * \\r-LAKOK LOANS ON INSIDK " properties at low rates. Ground lenses _ _ ( leo. .1. Fnul , 17 llonnt of Trade. W2 II * K1IAL KSTATI3 , ( t TO 74 HIT rent unarmed SturLonn &Tru tOo. ( 1st lloor , N. V Life. MS73 1 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. V-liO YOU WANT .MONiV : V | f 80 , ( o not f.ill to uet our rates before bor- rowing. Wo innko loans without removal or publicity , on futnltiiru. plauoi , hurjcs , winions , otc. , nt the low est possible rnte There Is no unnecessnrv delay , but you Ret the money on tha 3:11110 : day you iiik for It. Wo will carry tbu loan n IOIIK ns you dcslro , elvlnii jou the prlvlleita of paying It In full or In part nt any tlmo to milt jour convenience , and tiny part paid reduces the oust of cnirjlin ; tboloaiiln proportion to llio amount paid. There are no chnruus of any kind to bo paid In nilvaneo. but you izut the full amount of the loau. Our unices arc centrally located nnd tire so nr- lanzed that parties ralUfig on us can be vrnUotl on qiilrkly nnd corteously , If you have n loan with other parties , or have boiiKht n piano or other furniture on tlmo nnd Mini the payments n little InrKer than you can meet conveniently , no will pay It for you nnd cnrry the loan us lonx ns you iloslrc. It will bo to your nilvuutago to see us before Bo- curing a loan. OMAHA X10HTOAOI ! LOAN CO. , Hooiii II , Crelxhton lllock , 16lh St. , auuth of I'ostofflco ir.'J r--.MONKYTOLOAN. I-'IDKLTV LOAN GUAHANTKE CO. On hoti-oliolil [ jnods , pianos , orRnns. horses , mulOH. WIIKOIIS , etc. . at the lowest possible rates without publicity , rumoval of property or chaiiKO of possession. 'ItmoarniiiRoil to suit the borroncr. ramentn of any amount can bo made nt any tlmu.reduclni ; both principal and Interest , thus civ- IIIK patrons ull the bonentiiof the pnrttnl payment plan. Lull and see us when you want a loan. .Money alwajs on hanil ; no delay ; no publicity ; lo\vost rates ; buslnnss conlldcntlal. FIIJKI.ITY LOAN ( JUAIIANTKK CO. , II. F. .Mastera' ulcl eland , U. l.Witluiull blk.ljth and llnrnuy. MJU V WILL LOAN .MONnY "b.V ANY KIND OK -'Vsccurlty ; strictly conHdcntlal. A. K. Harris , room I , Continental block. 'M , r IIOU'T I'UrrCHAItl ) , it 3 , WITHNKLL 11LK. V : w > W1IHN YOU WANT A CHATTHL LOAN SKK W. It. Davis. rooinHJ. Continental block. 3UJ. V -510,000TO LOAN KltOM SIU.OJ Ul' ON KUHN1- --Vture , horses or nny ttood security , l o rates. Nebraska Loan Co. , Ulti OouKlas Htrect. X -IJO.OOU TO LOAN ONCIIATTHL SHCUIHTY. business coutlUontlnl. Hoom tOl Karbach block W353 AW L-L1KK INSUUANCK I'OLICIKS LOANED ON Oil bought. I ! . K. Jlonts , Mass bldK , Kansas City , Mo. BUSINESS CHANCES. Y 1IUY TUB COMMUIICIAL. TIIK LKADINC. hotel at llrokeil How , Neb. No land In trade.M . M ; \r FOIl SALE , MY I1AT1I1NQ HBaOIlT AT -L Lake Manawo. Address J. J. Malonney , Uobron Neb .W Y-HAUNKS3 SHOP FOIt SALK IN A OOOI ) town. Block will Invoice from $1,500 to fl.KT ) ; Kood reason for HCIIK ! | | ; only ono otlier Hhopln town. It. U. Thompson , lock box 103 , lIumburK. In SW 13' r-DAIUY FOIl SALK. J. F. I1OC1I , AMKS AVE. 3-VJaJO' A'-KOH SALK , Till ! I1KST LOCATKI ) AND PAY- -L Ing butcher hop In Council lllulTs ; over $ .V ) dally cash. Iteasons for selling : Poor health : or will sell one half to coed meat man who under stands the business. Address M. S. , care lleo onlee , Council 111 tilts. MinM'.l \7- FOIl SALK , NICK , CLKAN JS.OOI ) TO fll.OW J- stock of driiRs In ono of Iho best locations In the laik'est city on the Missouri river. Will tnko Dome trade. J. 1) . XUllo , Drown block. MiO \r-KOll PAI.I3 OH TltADK. FIFTY I1AKUKI. - Holler mill : water power ; at MaiuiiKO. la. Ad dress C. I ) . IHIIIn. Ncoln , In. M5'J ' ) IS * \r-FOll HALK , KSTAin.ISIEDilOCKIlYCKN- ! ; L trnl loc.illon ; poor health reason for selllni ; . Apply V3S , lleo. Mo'JS Y-JI.600 STOCK MICIICIIANDISK ; WILL TAKE half cash , balance clear land. lox ! "W.Schnyler , Neb. C1U 13' V HOTEL IN OMAHA , LEASE AND FUHNI- J-Hire for sale ; Kroat barcnln ; doing good bus ) , ness , low rent. Address Y33 , Hue. MCJ111 V-FOU SALK. ONE 1IAI.I' Oil TIIK WHOLE OF 1 n hardware stock , ( jood location , < ? oed busi ness nud low rent , Address Lock llox 857 , Lincoln , Neb. JI7.13 IV Y-A I7.WOOU TO M. M.O(1 ( 8TOCIC OK GKNK11AL -L merrhandlso , consisting of dry Roods , boots , shoes and groceries , clenn nnd well selected stock. Will exclmiuo for land to the value of { I.OUO ( U and thu rent cash or good notes. Stock Ix In it tonn of UW people nnd hus n tine trade. Liberal discount for all rash. Address P. O. llox No. 1)54 ) or No. 3S.I , York , Neb. Wrlto for particulars. .MU3J MB V ' ' ' " SAI.i ; , 1ILACKSMIT11 SHOP. SATIS- X factory reasons for selling. Address M. K. liooeh , l.elnh , Neb. M7'I7-I2 > SALE A Dllllll &TO1IK IN PUOSI'KIt- 1 out town In South-western Iowa. Iiivolco f-.ixl miles , IbUJ. f JWJ. Adilress V 41) , care lleo. .M UU7-U * roil EXOHANOE. . 1C OFTTKNlJTlAl7M'i)7S'KT\VIM. real cMato & nionuy. llox 2'.0 ' , l-'rankforljlnd. y-lP YOU HAVE A COOD UP1IK1UT PIANO TO A/trade ior lot 4U , block 1. Armour Plnco , South Omaha ; clear of all Incunibraucu. Addrets N44 , IK-u oltlco. M2W 7 KXCHANOK VOIJll rilOI'KUTV. 1I1U LIST Jcnll or wrlto. Alux Mooru , 401 lloo blilR , Mil y-FOIlTHAl B. NKW 3 STOIIV 1IIIICK FLAT ' bulldlnii , modem , A I location , runts readily. Clunotl Investigation Invited , prlca 1'U.OUO. Trade equity tor iinlncumburud vacant lot * . Amos Itual i : lalo Agency , IMrj Farnam Btruet. 3S'J f/-F01l TaADK. 70,00) WO11TH OF UN1NCUM- SJht-rod city pioperly to tradu for farm land * within IU ) mllca of Omaha. Amillcal Kutntii Agencr , 1M7 Farnam st. 583 * -K01l\l'IIANOK : oil SALK. A KINK BO HAU J-ltuI rullor mill un wlceai and 100 on KranulAtcul uii'Hl for Rood fiirmlni ! land In Nubraiku or Iowa lluatoil In lliurmuu , la. AUJrusj J , B. JOUUB , Tliiir- limn , 1 . fcST | 8 / -Otlll NKW LlhT OF 1'1101'KIITV roll K.V- ' ' 'cliaiiiia Ii Just out Hund for It , Weiturn Ki- climiKO Co. , Columbui , Neb. TilAOi : . CLKAIl IXTd ) IN HILLSIDK ANI ) iiiininilUu uildUlouj for ocro properly. Artdros \V. A. Wcl ) l r , 4 > llleubldir , 042 11 y-HOUblt ANIIUT , CK.MKNTIII ) CKLLAH , CIS- ' Icrn , "oil , barn , larco clilcken liouio lor vacua lot , Aitdrem V 8C. Uoo. illUS IV LOST. DOJ WIST. DAIIK 1I11OWN WATKIl SI'ANIKL ( lOluti'U tftll , IOIIK cur . nunrliik' leather riillur brn iiuil lock unil tiiK , with ownvr'i naiim nnd ml dri' . t'liuler nlll be rewarded by ruturnlutr to W C. lloUinnu.lillS.SdtUBt , PAiVN BHOKinS. : IfttKlt MOHLK , OFflCK 1M1 FAHXAM 8T. 311 S. LOAN OFUCK. 151(1 ( WOIHJK HT. HAIIt GOODS. LA11IJK8T bTOCK IN ENTIIIK WKSTiTHKAT rival lK and beard * a ipeclally W Ut. bnu awlU'he * , lialr olialiu. etc , ; aoud for calatoiuu SUII order * ollcllod. Davlcj. Ill ti. litli it. . Ouitlia MANUFAOTUKINO JEWELERS. iAbll I'AlDKOllOLUUOLl ) . CMlldU.N A UAb'KS O , Darker block. Omiba. 3li FOU SALK -HEAL ESTATE. _ k T HAL * ' VALUH. . HOMK3llls < Vnc9 property. Alex ie ro , 401 lleo blrtg. iT WHY SHOULD vor rjrJiKNT AND AT TIIK 11 name time own n TOcitWllit wicn ; the Miltll.y Tru t Co "III toll you a IftBlftifnl cotUtc hemp In 1 a Knrctto plnco nnd iHTliKVi tnka your vacant lot ni p.irt iinynirnU Coma nijl , too u * and let us limit you the cmtnccs. tj H7 > KAtrTiKL-L I.AFA'A'KTTM IPLACK Ts I'o .Selfon street , ono l > lnck west of Lowenvo Six new , elegant modernu-rolllncs , of 7 too rooms each , of which four nro still for sale. Von cannot judgpof the bennty of tnMMerrace , or Iho ciiiu- plctcncssof thu collaeetu ftlthnut seeing them Open for Inspection. I'rlfM. reasonable ami easy terms , Call nt our otllco aim wo will show them nt nny tlmo , whether you wlMrto buy or not Owned nnd for sale by Fidelity 'I ru t I ompany , is , loll Farnnni street. ja ci ; iroil SALK. I10.MKS. ANY I'llICE. I7W , tt.SM Tl * - - easy terms ; take closr property ns llrst tmyment (1. ( I. Wallace , llrnwn block , llith nnd Douglas. R03 A * K. COIlNKIl ZJTIl "AND UICKOUY M.VIM JLi.fccti a bargain lor n few days only P. K Oar- ling , llarker block. go * . ! 17011 SALK ATA IIAKOAIN , UH'15 , HLOt'K ! 1 W. L. Selby's tlrst nildltlon to South Onialm , Small tmyment Mown. Imlanco monthly If desired. Inquire O. II. Tiscbnck , Onialm lieu. ail 1011 SALK 41U AC11K FAUM IN 1ILUH IllVKIl vnlloy , 1 hnyor county , 10 miles west of Hebron. One of the very best farms In Iho county ; good house , barn , granaries , cribs , i'tc.nndnn , abundance of fruit , timber nnd running water Also for sale or exchange for good lands or city property , n brick pork packing house and lltliiros lu Hebron , Thayer county , uenr 11. \ K. depot For particulars In' quero of nny real estate uncut In llobron. 310 HOMKS FOIl SALK. TIIKIttt IS NO DOUI1T 111 ! I' that wo have the mo t satlsfaclorv list of really desirable cottages to ho found In llio city. I'rlccn rnngo from f'-.lxM up , nnd terms nro ex cecdlualy llhornl. We hnvo sold six during thu month nnd thu best of our list will soon1 bo selected. Wo can recommend the following nt prlcet named- li.MWfi U model , now. I'opnlclon 1'nrk , within two blocks Uanrcotu I'I ire. 7 room within two blocks Itanscnm I'laco. (2,1U)7 ) US front , full lot , biin. etc. , Omaha View I.U007 room L'front , uoiv nnd complete 3. > tli st f.'i.UW ( La Fiiyelto I'lnee , llnest lu city , See them Onicu open Saturday nights. Fidelity Trust Company , IUI4 Fnrnam street. l Olt SAI.K ON MONTHLY I'AYMKNTS , ! W -L houses A. lots , The O.F. Uavls Co.llU3 Fnrnam st. WJ. CJI3J.WM TO LOAN ; SUMS OF $ iOlK > ITWAHI ) 7 JlYnii place loans on nny Insldn Improved property to any amount "here vnluo Is bnck of the loan. Ames Heal Kstnto Agency , 1207 Fiirnnm st. 333 MONMOUTH I'Alllv HAS Till ! MOrolt , CITV wntnr , tiradcd streets , nldawalk , cchool. lioautl- fill location overythlnit to make It attractive. For lots or homos In this beautiful addition on easy terms sen (1 , ( i , Wallace , trustee,311 llrjnn block , lUlhnnd DouKlas , SUS 8ALU- UALCVON HKIQUT3. Acres , half ncres and lotion electric motor road. Also houses nnd lots In Halcyon Heluhts OMAHA'S IIKAUTIFUL SUlll'llB. Only thirty minutes rldu from center of city Kasy payments , low ratooflnterest Now Is the time to secure a homo. William II. Crary. SOJ Now York Llfo Hid * \\Ttt WILL CONSIDKIl A CLKAIl VA ( . ANT LOT ' 1 ns part payment towards n homo In Lnfnyelto I'lnce. Iil7 \\rHV 1'AV IIKNT WIIKN YOU CAN IIUVONK OF i' the llnest modern. cottuRoa o\er built on easy terms In Lafayette 1'lncnl I'd" THAVKAFKW WKl.ti LOt'ATKI ) LOTS ; WILL bulhl houses to suit yon and sell on ousy terms J. 1) . Xlttlo. llrown block. &IX1 FOIl SALK , R-HOOM COTTAOK ( ONLY ) SITU ntedltiH Iznrd struct Cnllon A. Hoipo Jr. 613 | 7Olt SALK-S-i : tOUNlilt 17th , D011CAS , S't \ -L IS8 'lcottiucs , stable for'filiorsoi , can bo dlvlrtoj Into5 lots. Imiulro nt prenmui 112 IJ * nillVK OUT AND SKU LA FAYKTTK 1'LACK 1J l ri7 170H SALK , A IIKAUT1KUL LOT , 33.VJ ) ANI ) -L Woolworth , park fronl.wlll build to suit pur- chnscr , easy terms. David Jamleson , 4IMico blilg. ' " 631 HOMKS-bKVKHAL KLHtJANT COTTAOUS close to motor. Lowe iivi < nnd Cnmlng street , $3OUOto ll.OiJU , nbout half their value ; owner loft city nnd must sell. Call * 10 to 1 , or 4 too. K F Seaver , basement N. Y. LUn. , . IM7 II KOl'NT/.K I'LACK-'J UOOM 1IOUSK. fll.WO ; WILL take r.,000 In trade , ISO. ) In cash , balance , ? .IAUO permonlli. J. .1. Ulbsou , Crclgliton Illk. f > 31 CKK LA FAYKTTK 1'LACE IIK FOUR IIUVINI ! Oa home. - ' C17 17011 SALK. A COIlNKIl LOT ON I'AVKI ) 3TUKF.T , A suitable for urncer , l)4lKer ( or druggist , only ? , ) , ) . . 413 Hep bldg. 84 i'l.VK KAIIMS' AN'I ) ItANCIIKS FOIl SALK cheap. Gcorgo W. Kejs , Obcrltn , Kan. \\7ANTKD-HAItOAIN * 'IN liUHINHSS , IlKSI- i denco and acre property. Address W. A. Web ster , 4W lleo bldr. | 042 15 * " ACKY'SADDITIONTOOSIAHAJUSTPLATTKI ) It Is east of llonson > on electitc motor line Lots WW to H'M. Torui . H cash , balance In three' equal payments , duo In 2 , 4 , (1 ( years anil 7 per cent Interest. I'otter & Ccorno Co. , a w. corner Kll'j nnd 1-arnani. DRESSMAKINr. ADRKSSMAKKlt KHOM TUB EAST WOULD Ilko to make onKnueuieiitu by the day or week. satisfaction Riiaruntccd. Address Miss Dossntu , 10'J South 17th st. M711 V > ' RRIL WHY TIME GHRD ! il , ) ) a ml..Kansas City Day Express. . . . ! & . < > } p m 8.45 p in 11C. C. Night Exp via U. P. Trans I li.40 n m loaves I UNION PACIFIC. I Arrives Om ha. lUnlon Doiiut IQtli qnil.Marcy Sis.l Omaha. Going CHICAGO , It , I A , PACIFIC. , Union Depot loth A Mercy Sts.l Jroni _ IU ( JO a m Atlantic Express | 0.20 p m 4 05 ] i m Vestibule Express i 1.10 p m li.10 p m Nlulit Express t > .411 a m Going I CHICAGO. U. I , A PACIFIC. I From West. I Union Depot 10th nnd Mnrcy Sts.l I .SO P nil Denver Llmllud | 3lulTin 7.05 p ml .Denver Kxpross 1730 n in Leaves CHICAGO , Mil * A ST. PAULJArrlvo tOmalin U. I' dupot and Marcy hts. _ | Omaln 6.10 p ni Chicago IC pro i | ! i.i ! a in mi p in Chicago Kxprfas. | a.4i p m I-eaves " | SIOUX CITY , v'l'AIFli\ ) 'fArrlvoi " Omaha | Depot. 101 h anil Marcy rits. I Omiilni 7.20 a ml bloux City riissongur , TIO''Jp | m iii5 : p m | SU I'niiI i\press : jlO.UUani Loaves | SIOUX ClTTVTA'GTFlu iTrTiv.'s' Omahnl Depot , l.'ith and Wobator sts , I Omaha 6.45 P mj St. I'aul Umllud.T ! , . . . | M.2J n m leaves | CIUCAGOA.NOIU'HWESTril.VArrlvoi : | OiiiahajU , P. ilnpot , 10th and ilnrcy Sts. | _ Omaha 7.0 a iaEx7 | ( SuiFyT CafniRPu"B7iiier. . TUJU ! p in I..M a nil rhlcngo Ilxureea II Oi a m 5.05 p m Vestlhulu'Lllnltud 9Wii ; in 0.13 p ID I Ka < 4turnUi'lyor. . . . , , , . 2.15 p m 7.0J n inlit. ! ( Bat. ) Chic , I'11.1. ( Kr. Mou. ) 6.U1 m OMAHA A t\T , UUIS. lArrlvei Omaha U. 1' . depot , lOth.and Mnrcy Sts.Onmha | 4.10 p m | St. Louis Ca nun llall Leaves P..K. & MO..VALIiKV. jArrlvoi . Omaha Dupor litli Biul'\yulntor Sti. lOmaha P.OO a m Dimdwood 'KxTiron ! OJ p in D.OO a m ( Kr. Hat. ) Wyo. K i ) ( Kxr. Moil. ) 5'Jp ) m .MO p in . . .Norfolk ( KrSinili- ) : ) . . . . 11.1' ' ) a m S 45 p m St. I'.Hi I Kt prim ll.l 5 a m I ! . , ST. 1' . . M.O. . 'Arrive * Oinabnl Depot , litli und 'Webator ats 8.IU a in .SIciiK City . . Dili p in I.IU p ni Sioux City Kxpr ilK { < Sund'y ) 13.IJ p m 6.4i | > in . St. 1'aul lit<od. . . . . . . : it' > u m 6.16 | i m lUnerutt I'ata'jujiit ( it ; Bund 'yj 8.4 } a in Arrival Omaha I Depot IStli nniHWob ter till. Onmlu a.On ml ht. l.ouls h\iiri'3 ( I . : ) a in 'j."q 1 pni'-2 | | ' : . . . .bU l.oula KVprc'ai . . . _ . . . . I. Mi ) p m ve § r I ' llll'AUM. : II. I * > V I .1 Arrival infer ( Union Depot.Council Transror i p in' . . . Night Kpro rt. 9.3U n m 10.M u m | Atlantic Kipress. & .5S p in 4.30pju [ . . „ . , . Ve llliuK ) Limited 13.50 jiju KT(5bf. JOB A. I Arrives" Trannfer Union Depot. Council lllufTi Tinnstor lOCO a m.Kans.n | City Do'y Kiiira | < i . . ! & 3i p in 10.IS P ml . .Knnsus L'ltv .Nlulit Klproii. | U.-'J a m Inavo > IC1I1CAUO. IIUIIL'.N A QULNOVJArrlvil Tran fcr | Union Depul , Council Ulujts _ ( Tranif i _ U.M ami Chlauo Kxpreo ,7 | ti.40 p m 1UOO p m' ' , , , Ctilcauo Kxpruo . . . . . . . 9.23 a m 7.01 p nil Cre.lon Local I 7.15 a m THE ORIGINAL , THIRTEEN. A Small 1'nrt of the I'nllPil StntP n It tinvr I'.tuli. It Is m usual to think of the United States ns a continental country , o.xtond- luff from oconn to oconn , and from the great lakes to the gulf of Mexico , that Ills not easy for us ut llila ( into tonp- l > roclnto Us comparatively small begin * nltips , says n writer in the YnnUoo Hlndo. The thirteen original states extend ing along the Atlantic coast embraced , It Is Iruo , moro territory than those onino states Includu todav. When the indopcndctico of this country was llrst acknowledged by Grout Uritnln our soil extended no farther west than the Mississippi rlvor , and not u foot of our territory was washed by the Gulf of Mexico. Hut it must bo remembered that only a narrow strip of this territory along the Atlantic was inhabited by civ- izcd man , ami most of oven this thin strip was but sparsely populated. The ontlro population of the country was only about ! i,00fl,000. The at present great and populous states of Ohio , Indi ana , Kentucky , Tennessee , Wisconsin , Mluhigan , Illinois , Mississippi , Alabama and Georgia were unreclaimed from the wilderness or settled by a few straggling pioneers and hardy frontiersmen. The greater part of wh'at Is now the United States , anil which lies beyond the Miss issippi , then formed no portion of our domain , but was parceled out among several foreign powers. Its resources were entirely unknown to anybody and Us extent appreciated by but fow. As time wont on , and 'what was then called "thu wosl" began to bo settled , the government of the United States commenced to auprcelato that the country labored under a great disad vantage in being shut oil from the Gulf of Mexico. The citizens of the union who lived west of the Alloghanlos wcro discontented and irritated to Iliul n for- oijjn power shutting thorn olT from con nection with the culf , and thus prac tically destroying all onportunity for commerce , except Inrough an alien , and sometimes an unfriendly territory. This unhappy condition of affairs was solved , to a great degree , by the farseeing - seeing statesmanship of Thomas JolTor- son. Napoleon , hard pressed by his numerous wars , had expressed a will ingness to part with the French prov ince of Louisiana. After a uhrowdly concluded negotiation , this territory was purchased by our government for a little - tlo over $11,000,000. The Louisiana which Jefferson pur chased of Napoleon consists of a far greater area than the present state of Louisiana. It included , besides the pres ent limit of that Mate , the great state of Texas , Arkansas , Missouri , the Indian Territory , Iowa ) , Nebraska , Minnesota , Dakota , nearly all ot Montana , and parts of Now Mexico , Kutisas , Colorado and Wyoming. This was the greatest pur chase of territory in all history. This region today includes some of the most nourishing sections of the country , and its wealth and greatness is not yet one- half developed. This nurchuso gave us control of the great Mississippi and Missouri rivers from their sources to their mouths ; but Spain still owned Florida , which then consisted of its present torrij lory and a narrow strip of land south of the thirty-first parallel of lati tude and extending westward to the Mississippi rivor. But this was given to the United Stares in 1810 in exchange for Texas and a part of Now Mexico. Hut this Texan territory was again re- annexed to the United States in 1815 , an act that was the direct cause of the Mexican war. The Oregon country , embracing the present great states of Oregon and Washington , was long cHimed by both .Groat Britain and the United States. But this ontiro' region was finally un reservedly ceded to this country by Great Britain in ISoO. The country now embraced in Cali fornia , Nevada , Utah and Arizona was coded to this country by Mexico in 1818. The great region of Alaska , of over 500,000 square miles , was purchased in Russia in 18U7. Thus the United States has grown from a narrow strip along the Atlantic coast to continental empire reaching from coast to coast. Of all this terri tory , with the possible exception of Texas , not a foot has been gained by conquest. All now territory was ab sorbed by its own consent , obtained by treaty , or clso purchased outright. Siillliii ; Ships Are Coming. The record of shipbuilding in Now England for 1891 showed that the sail ing ship is by no means a thincr of the pnst oven in this country. In England the returns for the same year are oven more suggestive , the tonnage incroaho of 8 per cent being all in sailing vessels. Sailing vessels , moreover , constituted JJo per cent of the total construction of 1891 , against 0 per cent in 1887. The obvious lesson is that a profitable Hold still exists for sailing ships , and that under certain conditions they are expected to compete successfully with steamors. o ( ilitilHtonoaiul IIU ( ir.inilclillil. The lady who wlolds nil power at Hawardon at present is little Mibs Drew , Mr , Gladstone's 2-yoar-old grandchild , says the ljnll Mall Gazette. A recent visitor to Hawarden says : "I never saw a prettier sight than" when Blip ran through the open dour which divides REfVl I W C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IB ! THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , 1007 Farnim Stroel , OMAHA the drawing room from the grand old man's sanctuary , and pulling at the lapels of his dressing gown , draw him imjMjrlotisly away from llotnor or the ] blue book , or whntovor was engaging him. The Urst Intimation wo had in the next room was a petal of laughter on Mr. Ciladalono'fl part at the obvious necessity of capitulating to that daring invasion , ns musical and hearty ns overcame from human lips , for his laugh is one of his greatest attractions. "Presently the grand old man and the little child , separated by eighty yotirs of time , came hand In hand together into the drawing-room. Mrs. Gladstone runs to the piano and strikes up a lively waltz tune , and in a second the two partners nro dancing together , the grand old man putting into his pirouettes a lot of funny , old-fashioned llltlo stops , learned of our irreat grandmothers sovonly-llvo years ago , which it was impossible to view without delight and applause , al though HO much pathos mingled with comedy In the touching Hoono. " Ho sure and use Mrs. Winslow's Soolliln Syrup for your children wtillo teething , coats i botllo. MUST TIIK CORSET OOP S n inn Sensible llriisuitH for llscimlhi It How to Ili-KlO' The question of discarding corsets Is agitating the brains of many young women nowadays. The slim , shapely beauties do not so much object-ns tlo the fat and pudgy women , who seem to think that a trim waist Is all that is necessary to car/y them through life. A woman is reported in the San Francisco rhron- iclo ns saying : " \Vhon you come to roall/.o the freedom of having no stllT , hard , tight squeezing ulTiilr holding yon , as It seems sometimes , ns though yon were in a vise , you begin to got a little real enjoyment from life. At llrdt there is a fooling ns if a strong support were taken away from you as i you could not sit up straight alone , and I confess , too , to having bad a fooling of weakness in the sides and bxck. : When you como to think of It that was natural enough , and there Is no doubt that , had I laced tighter than I did , I would have felt still weaker and still more in need of support. Nothing in the world would tempt mo to wear a corset again , now that I can fool the delicious comfort of being stayloss and strtiigloss about the waisf , nothing but obesity. Were I to got fat , of course I would have to wear the hateful old things. A fat woman without a corset looks like a stall-fed cow. " A physician said : "With some women I am told the main object ot wearing a corset is that they Khali Have line busts , but , as a matter of fact , corset wearing is accountable for the lack of develop ment that one sees in many young women of the day. Were they to throw away their corsets they would llnct that in a short time the longed-for de velopment would como , and un less they were uncommonly leaner or in poor'health they would not have so very long to wait , cither. In all the photographs of wild women ono 'sees , whether they are Sioux , Sumatras , or South Sea Islanders , ono observes that a lack of bust development is the exception and not the rule. Nature is nature every time , and natural woman is healthy woman , under ordinary cir cumstances and conditions. I may state that it is not always well to bo too pre cipitate in this matter of throwing asldo the corset. "Tho best way for a woman to rid her self of corsets is' to first loosen them up and wear them that way for a , few weeks. This will in itself give her great free dom , and will prepare her for the greater comfort which she is sure to enjoy later whensho shall have finally cast oft her tightly buckled shield and made of herself n wholly free woman. Thou lot the strings bo lot out still further and further , until the ribs of the corset give actually no support to the back , when they may bo discarded. In this particu lar , you'will BOO , there is no exception to tlio rule that radical and extreme measures suddenly applied often result disastrously. It is bettor to take the re form in hand with a determination not to pursue it too hastily. Yes , I have no objection to what are known as 'waists. ' They are all well enough , if the women must wear bomothing to keep them in shape , as they call it. There is n great deal of dilToronco between the roods and bamboos in the 'waists' and the stool and whalebone of the corsots. Compared with the corsets they are indeed qulto harmless. " Wauled to Jto on llnml. There are some droll Irishmen in Congressman O'Neill's district , accord ing to the stories ho relates in the Washington Star. An old follow who had Bcrapod together $25,000 or SWO.OOO wanted Lawyer O'Nolll to draw up his will. When the document was appar ently finished the lawyers asked if there was anything else he wanted put down. "Oh , yes , " said the Irishman. "Fifty dollars to bo spent on the boys when I am taken to the cemetery on the day of my funeral. " Cavalry cemetery , in which all the Catholics of St. Louis are buried , is several miles beyond the outskirts of the city , and there are numerous road houses at which "tho boys'1 are in the habit of stopping for drinks on their way back from a funeral. Mr. O'Neill said to his client : "I presume yon want the 8oO spent on the way back from Cal vary. " "I5o jabors , no ! " exclaimed tlio client 'Splnd it going out , I'll bo wid ' 0111 hun. " _ Tropical 1'rnlt. Some of the rovolatioiiB of the cormis will fitnrtlo a good many people. For instance , there are now moro than COO- , 000 almond trees actually bearing In United States ; there are hundreds of thousands of bearing cocoanut trees ; PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY , THEY ARE ALL MADE IN NEBRASKA-BUY THESE , THEY AUE THE BEST. c/ Nutico tlio Improvement over nil otlior Bulb Syringes : Jst. Tlio Tubing can not Icinlc und break , BO tlio SyrhiKO lusts longer thun any othor. 2'J. TJio Valve cannot bo lost nnd tlio Syringe not work. Hd. All nolsa in uning the Syrltifro is jiroventod , whU'h is soniotimoB so annoying , AH Gunuinc Syringes bear the Trade Mark , "I'lsa Brand , " Buy no othor. Among the largo variety made are a. few mi in burs as followa : No. 8. All heavy white rubber , with threohard rubber pipes , 76o oach. No. U , All heavy white rubber , with three hard rubber plpea and vaginal cleaning point , $1 oauh. No. 10. Extra heavy white rubber , with flvo hard rubber pipes and vaginal cleaning point , $1.25 each. Nn. H. Extra heavy red rubber , with three hard rubber plpoa , $1.25 oaoh. No. 15. Extra heavy rod rubber , with three hard rubber pipes and vaginal cleaning point , 81.60 each. No. 10. Extra heavy rod rubber , with five hard rubber pipes und vagina cleaning point , S1.7fl each. Ask your druggist for llio "FISH BRAND" IIB above , and take no other. Foi ealo by ALL LUIUGGISTS. Sent by express on reoolpt of prlco. Manufactured by OMAHA RUBBER CO. , 1620 L-'aruam St. , Cor. 10th , Lady clerk in attendance. there m-o moro than UoO.OOO ollvo trees , producing fruit equal to the best Medi terranean varieties. There are moro than oOO.QOQ bearing banana plants , 00,000 bearing lemon trues1,000.000 orange trees and 'Jl.000,000 plnoapploH. And the value of tropical and suml- tropical fruits grown under tlio Amort * can Hag la nearly $20,00(1,000. ( niSTOBIO GROUND. S | > rr < lliiR In .Moilern Conchr * liy HIP Spot * M'hnro t'rnok nml I'ustcr I'oiiclil. Hon. John Finerlv of GhU-agomado n tour of Montana recently , and writes on- ortalnlngly In the Chlongo Tribune of .ho famous Crook anh Ctistur baltlo- lolds , as soon from tlio Northern I'at'ltlo oad.and thu wonderful olianges wrouirht n sixteen years. Mr. Flnorty was with . > ook In the capacity of correspondent , .hroughout the Sioux war of INTO , and ils reminiscences are . particularly In teresting. Ho says ! The Northern Paolll" spans the rlvor list four miles north of what is known aa Justor'fl Crossing , and 1 could see from the windows of thu Pullman car the tops ot the amphithuator of hills amid which General Crook's brigade encamped - camped in thu dreary fall of 1870 , tout- loss , ratlonloss and under a pelting rain , which converted the whole country into a veritable quagmire. Thu con trast between my wretched , muddy bivouac of that time and the comforts ot clvlll/.ation on wheels as now experi enced made mo fool ns If sixty instead ot blxtuon years hud passed slnco that unpleasant vet stirring event. "Aro we out of Dakota yutV lnfUired | n stout man , ono of a parly of four on 'iiged in playing whist , across the aisle in the sleeper. " 1'rottv nearly , ' 1 ftnsworod , as I saw the well remembered crests of Sontlnol Unites the outlying pickets of the mighty battle line of the Little Missouri jlutTs rising only a short distance away on our right. Crook's scouts lnul a skirmish there with a body of Indians in the memorable Slim Buttes campaign. Dn our loft I could see dlstinctlv thu t.wo . razor-bached blull's through which Iho brigade , all bedraggled and dtb- Ilistod , had dulllod toward the Little Missouri in ' 70 , and the remembrance of many a bravo comrade now no moro caused n feeling of sadness to steal over mo.Vo had camped on Andrew's creek , and on Beaver crook , called also the Indian fork of the Li tlio Missouriat the period to which I have referred. Crook's soldiers were mustered in the valley of tholatter stream , ac- t cor'ding to the Ill-monthly custom. I wondered how many of those bravo and stalwart men would now respond to roll call on this side of eternity. But , though the old campaigners have mostly passed away , the valleys remain anil they are among the most fertile to be round in the great cattle ranges of eastern orn Montana. Night had fallen as wo passed rapidly for the train goes fasten on that boclion of the road Glondivu , O'Fallon , Blatchford , Poviler Kivpr crossing , and Mlles City all famous in Indian history , tlio latter being on the site of General Miloa' cantonment ot 187J-77 ( , when ho inlllotod such heavy blows upon the hostiles in that roglon. A number of soldiers of the Twonty- aoconil infantry , a regiment long and gloriously associated with the frontier , got on tlio oars at Miles bound for their post at Kort Keogh , only three miles westward. Wo stopped at the Fort depot to lot them olT and hoard llio chal lenge of thu sentinels and the rattle of arms as , ono by one , they passed in. A short , compactly built olllcor came upon the platform as wo weio leaving , and I thought I rocogni/cd in him my old friend Major \V. II. Powell , distin guished in warfare against the savages. The last station I heard called out was Rosebud. Sixty or moro miles north , near tlio headquarters of the stream , Crook fought his big battle with the combined rfioux and Cheyenne tribes on Juno 17 , 1870 , and up through that dark and winding cauon General Ciibtor marched at the head of the Seventh cavalry loss than u week later to the point where ho turned oil to the Little Rig Horn , where ho forfeited hia life for his during in the midst of a roaring Hood of angry lios- tiles the Sothof that "month of battles. " It is a strange outcome that the North ern Choyennes , who fought against our troops nioro desperately than any of the otlior tribes , have their reservation es tablished on the Rosebud near the Hold where Cook fought , and within sight of the Cuslor battlefield. They nro a bravo and spirited tribe the Spiirluns of the Indian race and are hold in moro ro- spcot by their white neighbors than nny other brood of savages. Poor follows ! Pinched with hunger as they have boon , they have refrained from breaking the law , and many a generous ranchman has given them an occasional beef to "uiako their hearts fool good" during the hard times which seem ever to remain with this proud , gallant and justly renowned tribe of native Americans. Under favorable - able conditions the Choyonnes would sustain the pon-pioUiros of Fonimoro Cooper. They are the Mohicans of tlio west. A bud doaclnclio , a cross wifo. n poor din. ncr , mi unhappy man , cmi nil bo romudicd by onouoso of Hratlycrotlnu. HONORS TO A SCOTCH HERO. A J'lnn Htiitno of .SirVHHnin U'nlliiro to II I'lOHontml In liulllmorr. Scotchmen all over the country will bo interested in the colossal bronx.o statue of Sir William Wallace , to bo presented to tlio city of Baltimore by W. W. Sponcu. The statue will bo placed on a pedestal representing u Borles of crags , which will bo thirteen foot six inclioh high and will occupy a prominent position in Druid Hill park. The llguro represents Wallace clad in a suit of mall and brandish- fug his sword. Tlio loft hand rests on a shield , pirt : of whlcl : is con cealed behind the liguro. A Scottish horn , Ilko the ono with which Wallace Biiminonod his clansmen , la swung at the side. .Tho boarded face boars an expres sion of dotorniinatioiiiind courage. The whole figure is lull of spirit. The Htulue is an u.xaut reproduction of the national monument to Wallace's memory which stands on Abbey Craig , a mans of rugged Mono near Stirling , Scotland. It was designed by I ) . W. SteveiiHon , in whoso studio in Edinburgh Mr. Kponce saw it before thu unvollfng in 1887. Mr , Spence ban commissioned Mr. Slovoitrion toinako tlio reproduction for Ualtimoro. The following Inscrip tion will bo placed on the pcilohtal : "Wallaco Patriot and Martyr for Scottish Llborly 1805. " "Luto to boJ and curly to rUe -vlll sliortou the road to your homo In tno aides. " Hut uurly to bed and a "LiUlo Hurly lUsor , " tbu pill that umUos llfo longer and better mid wiser. A I.uujt OimucUry. Detroit Free Prow ' 'Of courbo , MIsa Gulpuro , " aald Mr. Cashmere , tenderly , ns ho lot hts hand lie unresistingly in hers , "I fully understand that you have ivbkud me to bo yours , not because 1 am rich and popular , but from a genuine nf- fcctlon you have for mo , but before ac- coptlng your proposal finally I have ono question to ask. " "What IB it , dearest ? " she Inquired , astiho folded her Btrongarms alKmthltn. "What IB HV" "I would Ilko to know , " ho hesitated , "If after wo are marrlod your are to bo Mrs. Cashmere or am I to bo Mr. Gui pure. "