Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1892, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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Local Democrats Find it Impossible to Be-
main Together in One Building.
Srrticn e.f Itloordrr \VBthlnc1cin
Hall , I'olliiw < d lijtlin H-ri-dfiloii of tlie
MHrtln Alrn fntrrrillrcl > ow
There has not boon a spectacular or dra
matic entertainment Riven in Omaha for
year * -that could bo compared with tbat
given yesterday afternoon at Washington
hail by the democrat * ol Douglas county. It
was better than three great showt all under
ono tout ,
It was the democratic county convention ,
called lor the purpose of electing delegates
to the stale convention , which tnctits in tbis
city next Wednesday , to select delegates to
tbo national convention. Before the con
vention was called to orJer it was
tbo general belief tbat a very hitter fight
would be the result , for the feeling that had
been engendered at the primaries the day
lief ore appealed to be crowing tnoro violent
nnd outspoken every hour. Both the Boyd
nnd Martin facMons" claimed the majority of
tlie delegates nnd it wus plainly evident that
u tremendous storm % vos about to burst.
.liiM llcfnrr tlir JSoxr.
At S o'clock Washington hail began to
bum with the gossip nnd the gibes
tnd jeers of tbe usual democratic
convention. Tbo ward delegations , the pre
cinct \vbeol horses from the coun
try anii the local magnets began to
Ewurm In und tbe stew began to bubble as
only n rea bourbon stew cun bubble. Mar
tin men were claiming everything outBido of
tbe city tmd thirty-six votes inside , giving
them a lotul ol 11)2 ) votes as against Tb for
Mr. Boyd's friends said very little , but
locmod to be preparing fuel with a good deal
of earnestness all the while. Charles Ogden
Rnd Con Gallagher were among tbo first to
arrive. They got together immediately and
licgan to make a map of the field nnd to ue-
cids whore to open lire at tbo outset.
Peter Elsnssor , the German silver tongued
orator of the council , blew in at the opening
cf tbe show nnd Charles Conoyer. secretary
ot tbo Board of Education , was there before
tbe orchestra had finished tbe prelude , .leff
McGeath , M. T. Gannon , Mr. Birkhauser ,
J\nt Brown. Charles Oftutt , nnd other lieu
tenants in the democratic army , were nil
there and ready for the fray.
Tbo impression prevailed tbat tbe contest
between the Boyd and Martin hosts would be
& vigorous one. stubbornly fought to the end.
Tbe Bovd men professed to discredit tbe
claims of the Martin faction , but they ad
mitted that tbera would be no walkaway in
the convention for tboir side.
The couvention was not called until 8
O'clock , but the hour preceding the call to
oraor was a busy one lor tbe captains und
lieutenants who were Keeping their men in
Culled to Order.
At B o'clock every seat in the ball , includ
ing tbo pallnry , was taken and standing
room was nt u premium. Mr. Thomas Daily ,
/ dhairmau of ttie democratic central commit
tee , stepped upon the stage and called the
convention to order. Ho suggested that a
temporary organization would be the first
thing in ortier , but some one yelled , "Read
tbe call"
Mr. T. F. O'Bnon. secretary of the cen
tral committee , began to read tbe
call for tbo convention , but before
be bad read fifty words tbe battle was on.
Borne one arose in the back part of the bouse
tnd declared that be wus not reading tbe
Bficiul cell us published. A crossfire of sev
eral minutes ensued , after which C. S.
Montgomery moved tnat a temporary organ
isation bo made at once.
Fought Over Organization.
This was tbe opening gun. Tbo Boyd fac
tion began to call for the presentation of a
31st of delegates before any temporary organ
ization should be attempted , air. i lsassor
was ono of tbe most vigorous in calling J or
the list first and temporary organization
C. S. Montgomery took the floor. He held
tbat tbe temporary" organization should first
be effected and then the credentials should
como in. There -was a mingled howl of ap
proval and derision wboii Montgomery con
cluded his remarks , and then Charles Ogden
took tbe floor.
"Gentlemon , 1 am astonished , " said Mr.
Ogden , rising with tbe fall of applause that
followed Montgomery's remarks , " 1 am as
tounded that tbe ppntlotnc.ii who has just
spoken should make such statements in tbe
presence of this intelligent convention. He
knows thnt it is the rule and it is right and
Just tnat thoJlst of delegates elected be first
handed in before we proceed to vote even a
temporary organization. Tbete are hundreds
of men hero who have no right to vote in
this convention. We tnust first see tbe list
of delegates and then let the organization
iprocooa. "
There was n roar of applause and then tbe
bull begun to ring with : "Hand in your
list t"
A general movement of delegation leaders
toward ibe chairman then began , and it was
evident that Montgomery's motion to pro
ceed with a temporary organization first wus
poiug to bo lost in tbe shuffle.
"Are yon going to put my motion P' yelled
"Sit down I Sit down ! ! " yelled the gal
lery. "SI' down and stay down 1" shouted
Bvoral voices.
The elephant then went round. For five
tninutcs the convention belonged to tbe man
Who possessed the strongest lungs.
Struggling lor Orilrr.
Major Paddock wanted the common herd
oporatrd from tbe delegates in the hall. He
shouted and howled , but could not be board
more than twenty feet from bis Boat. .Ho
finally burned tip to the footlights and kept
aemundiuE that ull who wore not delegates
should be removed to the rear of
tbe hall. The chairman finally found
out what Major Paddock meant , uud he
culled ujmn all those not holding credentials
to move back from the chairs occupied bv
On went the dunce. A motion was mnae
to appoint a terpeunt-at arms and two assist-
luuts to cletr the hull of everybody excepting
the delegates.
George W. Tiorney was named as tbe Err-
' eoanl-at-anns und Messrs. Huslin and Her
man-were appointed tbe assistants , and they
atone proceeded to their work of separating
tbe goats from thesboep. They hud a diflicult
itfck lor tbe bull wus nucked.
Adam Stenghne \Vatorloo peocmct then
exploded in a burst of oratorical iudignatiou
tniit created u perfect whirlwind of iun.
Thought It uu Ilikult.
" 1 have been a citizen of Douglas cnuiitv
lor tweuiy.four years , " shouted the Waterloo
statesman iu u voice like t'je sbrlee of a
' .Mllicipe , "and 1 have neveryet seen the time
or I'laeo where it was necessary to have a
srrge&nt-at-urms appointed in & demo
cratic convention. It is an insult.
Jt Is * an outrage. H i . tu "
but tbe remainder of tbe speech was lost in
the hurley ouriey of sbouu and cat-call * that
turned tbo ball into D vocal cyclone. The
confusion was-fleufoniup and chaos reiguod
After about ten minutes nf energetic work
Jilr. Tieruey und hi assistants sucoeedcd-in
cutting the delegates nil seated and tbe
spectators removed to i. safe distance from
the rhltf purticipuuts in the convention.
Tbe motion to proceed to a temporary or-
ranlzalion wcs then called up , and n ter
kuother imsbuge-ux-uriu * between Offutt uud
Montgomery over permitting the double-
'heudurnolegutious to vote , the vote was taken
, ud carried. Tbe doubleheaderswere from
East Omaha and Chicago precincts.
lloyd 1-uutltid uu Tuji.
C. S. Montgomery then nominated T. J.
Muboney ior temporary chairman , and
Warren Switt'.er nominated ( Charles Offutt ,
As tbe various wards and prtxanou were
called it became evident tbui the Boya
'faction baa the upper hand , and they nil * that
rout the uirwbfiu South Omaha threw six
teen rotes lor OSutt must huvo Boon board at
least tiulf a mile. The roll was finally oo m-
plots ! anrt tbe cholnntn ; was about 'to an
nounce the result
"Hold on. " bhouted'AUorney McHugb ,
rising out of tbe Ninth ward delegation
"Sit flown' bit down 2' yelled half *
hundred excited men.
Announce tbe role , announce the vote " 1
Celled the Bo.vd men.
"Don't you dtre to announce that vote. II
jou do we will le v tui convention/
T , rnshlnj ; to the loaUirht * nnd
m lone Index finrer fclChalraun .
Dailry- For t uu ten ininntcs the convention ]
wa * nothing bat a howling mob , Tbo Marin -
in faction yelled ED fl prnaned while the
Joyd men demtindoa the announcement of i
, be total rote on temporary cbalrm nn. i '
Soulh Omaha bad Kent up a double-header ,
int , after wrangling 'or ton minutes , the
Ixteon votes trom the hop pucklnr city were
counted for Manoney. Tnis was one of the
total * that the Martin tnen hoped to pain by
i delay In announcing the rote. They also
charged that other votes hua been crrone- reported.
Tbe Soootid ward of Omaha then became
he bone of contention , Councilman El-
sust-or held that tb re tvns no split in tbe
Second ward. But there was all the & &tue ,
or appeared to be at least.
Itntru Went 'Mr. Martin.
After a crcat deal of ciost-flriuc about
iroxiet ana polliuc votes luaiviau&lly , rather
bnn by wards , ttio chairman Dually ham
mered the convention to order nnd said that
.he result would no announced. Acutn
Montgomery rushed forward and howled at
be chairman. Martin , al o , flexv toward the
ooUiphU uud said fcotnethlnp in a sharp and
determined' manner. Elsasser and others of
tbe Bard Indian hurried to the front and
veiled for the announcement ol the vote tor
temporary chairman. Elsusser shook bis
list in Montgomery's face nod the pallcry
[ airly roared with ddipbt.
'J'bon the vote was announced. It stood 00
lor Mnhoiicy and 114 lor Offutt.
While the hail rnnp wllh the shouts of the
3ovil faction Offutl wus boosted upon the
stn'pe rir-ht over the footlipbts and tbe first
knock-down bloxv was scorad by tbe Bo.vd
111UI1.Mr. . Offutt thanked the convention tor the
honor and said mat be wished to correct the
statement made by Chairman Duller to the
effect that ho i Offutt i represented the Boyd
ucUon. He did not represent any
'action. Ho did nut j.rormo to be partial ,
jut he would have "order. Everybody
would be treated fairly by bis riiliups so far
as it lay "within bis power.
Announced tin' Holt.
Then cttno the moit dramatic event of Ibe
day. T. ,1. Mahoncy cot the floor and Ktiid
ho" arose to R question of privilege. Despite
the yelln ol derision bo bold the floor and
said :
' 1 came into this convention thinking that
every dolecate bonciUy elected to represent
tne democrats of this county would have an
opportunity to have his vote fairly counted.
But we have been dmuppointea and will
withdraw ana lot these gentlemen lane the
responsibility upon their own shoulders , "
Tbe effect of Mr , Mabouey's retnarKS was
that of a thunder clap. The yells that fol
lowed from the throats of the Martin men
fairly shook the building , and rising as , one
man they began to make their way toward
the dopr. Expressions of minpled astonish
ment and satisfaction wore depicted upon
tie feces of tbe Boyd men and the contusion
wus simply territie.
Chairman Offutt pounded the table with
bis cane , but nobody paid uny attention.
He finally called to tbo benreant-at-armt to
call in u couple of police officers to help
bring the bouse to orucr.
Tbe Martin faction liepl inovinc toward
the door and the sarpeant-at-urms and bis
assistants , with the assistance of the police
soon restored order.
Order Taken t | > .
Ed P. Mullen was elected as secretary and
the convention bsgan to get down to busi
ness. The following committee was ap
pointed on credentials : Warren SwiUIer ,
.Thomas O'Brien. Con Gallacuer , W. O. .bus
ter , Charles Ofrdon , Thomas Birmingham
and John H. Watts.
A motion cinac the delerates present
power to cast the full vote of ibe precincts
represented was made and carried.
The committee on credentials withdrew to
prepare a report , A share of the spectators
followed the Martin faction to Uermania
ball. Half an hour after tne preat split the
committee on credentials came in and re-
portod. The holes that had bsen knonkod in
the various delegations by tbe Murtin bolt
\vero patched UD and proxies pivou seats to
fill up the ranks.
There was trouble in Chicago precinct. A
double-header had come in from that pre
cinct , but both were for Boyd. Tbo com
mittee recommended tnat each delegation
be allowed tocast two and -one-half Voles.
That arrangement did not suit the
Biorbuoh delegation. The trouble arose over
the fact that the polls had been closed at 4
o'clock and opened again atG o'clock Tbe
Jeffries delegation was for Cleveland first ,
last and all tbo time , and did not propose to
yield the ground to Hill sympathizers.
IlcriYiiK Auutlier Holt.
It was finally decided that both delegates
should be allowed to vote In the convention.
Tbe Blerbach delegation then arose indig
nantly and withdraw irom tbe hall.
"You urb following a very Dad example ,
gentlemen. " said Chairman Offutt , and a
jeer followed the retiring -delegates down the
The temporary organization was then made
Mr. Tierney offered a motion to have a com-
niitteo appointed , composed of one from each
ward and precinct , for tbe purpos-e of select
ing 103 delegates to be sent to the state can-
Harry Mlllor of the Eighth word was
stoutly opposed to any such arrangement.
He wanted the convention to select tbo dele
gates , not a committee.
It was finally decided that each warfl of
the city should be represented by seven dele
gates , riouth Omaha by fourteen delegates
and each country precinct two dels-
gates. The chair was then instructed
to appoint a committee of seven
to receive the names presented by tbe ward
and precinct delegations. Charles Off Jen.
G. W. Tierney , Harrv Miller , Miles Walhh ,
Thomas Dally and Richard Burdish were
Uoyd Euaontpd.
A motion to instruct tbe Douglas county
delegation to vote for Governor James E.
Boya for delegate-at-larce Irom Nebraska
at tbe state convention was offered and cur
ried with a whirl ,
When tbe committee came in Mr. Warren
Switrler offered a resolution exnressing it as
bolnp the tense of the convention that the
best interests ol the democratic parly and
tbo country at large demanded the nomina
tion of Grorer Cleveland. Mr. Bronnun ot
tbe Second ward objected to tte passage of
such a resolution , but ho was in tbe hopeless
minority. The resolution was carried with a
whirl , there boinc not more than a
votes iu tbe negative
Governor IloyU'fc SmtluioiitK.
Governor Boyd , who bad boon present
from tbe very opening of tut ) rouvuntion ,
was called to tbe stage. He talked otilv a
few moment * and said tbut ho Ye > -
crottcd very much to see dissension
in tbe ranks of tbe democratic party.
He had done all he could bouoiubly , to
prevent such c state of affair * , but Mr
Martin imd bit friends had demanded con
cessions of him that no fair minded man
could think of making. Mr. Martin not anlv
\vanted toga to the national convention but be
wanted Mr. Boyd to use his influence to get
him appointed at tbe Nebraska member of
tbe national committee. This was more than
Governor Boyd could concede and tbe iipht
was then inevitable. With regard to hit at
titude toward Cleveland and Hill Mr. Boyd
said he did cot think it necessary or wise for
tbe delegate ! ) from Nebraska to tie their
hands and pledge themsolvet to cither Hill
or Cleveland , because it wus ratbor doubtful
if either of them could be elected on account
tne factional fight in Sew York. It might
booome necessary for tbe p rty to take some
other inau iu order to insure success ,
The governor remarks were heartily ap
Tbe list of 103 delegates to tbe state convec
tion was then read uud the convention ad-
JH'lcgatft Chosen *
Following are the delegate * chosen to rep
resect Doufrlui roanty iu tbe fctato convou-
Uon J. F , Scully , Patrick O'Hiary , Goorce
Bertram , IVilllcni Secilkie , P. W. Ljjich ,
George Fanner , A. Frick. Jame * Norton ,
John J. Mulvahilt , M. J. Voeiian ,
Louis Heimrod , Harry Lciten , Ed
Wutig. Albert K.UCO , Petricn Ford ,
II. Burdisb , W. J. Wallace , John
Monabuu , rieury Hichards , Mikti KillgaQon ,
A. McKeudrose. XVorreu Switsler , E.P. Mul
len , A. S. llitchif , W. P. Brooiiun , R. E.
Cogge&balU J , A. Connor. Andrew Monyhan ,
Tnotcus Birmincham , Tbotnat. tl. Dailey ,
Puter Coniuy , Ed O'Connor , Mike Uearoy ,
EU Medimtier , Frank O'llourke , George IV.
Tiorney , T. P. O'Brien. W. H , Bulltrd , W.S.
Ktilker. Jainoc Stool , C. I ) . Rut tin , Jav Bea-
vcr. A. Wucewitr , T. A. McGe th , Elmer
Jackson. J. S. Young , JT. . Edmonds , J. S.
ICooz , J. C , Abbutt , C. V GuUapber. J. H ,
Huucs.te , J , H Uoiiaor , F Koatley. John
Klittincey , Jnuies Kulley , H. C. Miller ,
Joseph UaniKau. Churchill Parker , Captain
J , O'Doucibut , Fri Meti , jr. , II. C. Hut-
pben. Charles Ogflen. Dan B. Koran. E. I , .
Seygorta , P U. Monohau , .lohn Tranolt , J
H. Fleming. Frank Dolezd , Tulles Welch. J
J Ryan , Thomas Kellev , Ed Doyle , Pat ,
Ronlley , 3. C. Carroll , td Hanley. Cnarlo *
Hosiers , .lames Landy , James Mnrtogh , '
Kobert Patrick , Patrick MeNoy , C. \ \ - \
Baldwin , M. J. Dowlinp , FranV Saw
trom , .1. W. West , Charles OfTutt ,
George W. Shields , Ed O. Brandt , 1'ctor
HoUt , Fred Gredperser , Gibbet Kustin , C.
L. . IlUBUt. . J. II Watts , A. A. SUnoline , \ \ .
Kaelbor , E. H. Link , .1. W. Duvls. Henry
Huser , W. O. Li-ster , Jshn Hush , James C. .
Brennnu , A. P. HansenH. P. Jeffries , J. w.
AT < JIHMAM.-V n.\tu
Action of tliini.ltrni Artt-r leaving HIP
Krgulnr Contention ,
Marshalled by C. S. Montpomerv the Mnr-
tia faction filed into Germania hall , where
T , .1. Maboney was called to the chair.
In addressing ibe meoUngMr. Muboney
wont over the provisions of tbo call nnd de-
tttllrd tbe work of the primaries , which be
characterized n tbo most disgraceful affnirs
which nan ever occurred in the history cf
local politics. Ho unld tnat wbon tbo polls
closed , tbo Martin wing nevertheless had
carried a majority ot wards und precincts.
Upon thli being known a program of
rowdyism had baon adopted resulting in the
chairman and secretary undertaking to run
tbo democracy of Douglas county. He
saw with bin own eyes the proxies go
down Into tbe pockets of tbo tnoutb-
iest man in the state of Nebraska.
In conclusion be wild that tbe Martin wing
of tbe party bad never bolted nor tneJ to
organize an independent party , but it did
propose to have Its rights r-spncU-d.
At tbo conclusion of bis remarks Phil
Mercea wu > - uniHiiated secretary.
Some difflcult.v wus experience : ! in secur
ing ciedentials , us tne orininr.l paper * wore
iu tbo hands of the other convention. Tbu
following committee on credentials was ap
pointed bv tits chair : W. IN. Bubeocl : ,
Charles Conuoyer and A. E. Ague.
.Mr. MnntcoiiicnV lie marks.
\ VhilovoHitic for tbe committee to ropnrt ,
Mr. Montgomery was called upon to t\ddrcs
the convention. He briclly rtviowed the
events ol tbe preceding two diivs. He said
that he stood at ths Ninth ward tolling place
Friday afternoon nud suwCupUiuO'Douohue
and .lack Morrison bring n wagon load of
Third ward voters there to vota them. HP
challenged twenty-five of them , and but two
of them swore in their votes. He said thnt
when he reuonstrutca with Chairman
Duller about the South Omaha delegation ,
the chairman finally said : "Woll , we will let
you count your delegation , for vou can't
elect your chairman any way. " That from u
presiding officer supposed to treat all fairly.
Mr. Montgomery suid be expeolufl the Mime
trouble in tbe suite convention , as Mr. Ogden
would undoubtedly try tbo bamo turtles
that had been tried on this occasion.
Tbe onlv thing that tninht stand in the wny
of iuir treatment there wus the fuel thut a
conspiracy hufl etis-tcd for yours to curry tbe
state iu tbe pockets , of tbrcr or four men. To
this cue. county central committees biia
uamod delegates Instead of allots ing the
democratic voters to exercise their rightful
Junctions in that capacity. JudceCruwTora
had engineered tbe scberne through at West
Point and Jim North at Columbus. They
bad tried to do it in this county. Tbe ser-
geant-at-arms. appointed by tbo other eouvc-b-
tioti. George W. Tierney , had told the
speaker so only ttiroo weeks ago , but tbo
scheme bad miscarried.
Tbe speaker claimed that the delegates
present represented n majority of the. legally
elected delegates 13 tbo convention numed in
tbo call. He was satisfied that they repre
sented the bDtt'T element of the democratic
party , or more properly true democracy , that
dia not regard with laver tbo actions of Gov
ernor Boyd and one or two others who wore
bent on carrying tbe party around in their
pockets in tbo future ns they .bud donoir the
past.Mr. . Montgomery seutiniL-nts were loudly
luferu uti Drli-tulrK.
The credentials committee reported in
favor of seating tbz loilovving :
First Ward C. M. Coanoyer , Frank
Sauter. Anton Ziskoxvsky , .Tabu .MulvihiU.
.Lew Heraunn , Louis Hausen , Johii Pov'ers ' ,
.M. 'Si'hiuker , Louis Ulm , John Sheuhan ,
.1 nines Scullnn.
Second Warn J. Murnny , Albert Kuca , J.
E. Gosta. , f. P. Mullendsr , Joseh [ ) liuzca , S.
Mailmarch , H. Eisic , M. J. Fcenan ,
Ed Witttg , Juniei Norton , Peter E. El-
Third Ward Richard Burdish. Louis
Schmidt , James Curr. Patrick } ord , Anthonv
McAadrews. W. A. Wallape , Hetiry Parrtsn ,
Jock Moyniuan , Huury Kicbut-fls , Hutiry
Sfiidler , Mike Killgallon.
Fouitb Ward Trunmn Buck , John A. Mc-
Sbaue , Thomas F. TutUe , 1. J > . Freuzor , J.
J. O'Connor , James Godirer. Lucien
Stephems. Johu A. Temulewn. Divid C. Pat-
turtou , Thomas Gillen , .1. H. Enuis.
Slxtn AVard George Si.hrw.der. F. G.
Patrick. E. rt'igps , C. H. McEckron.
Seventh > VurU Sum Cottner , P. IT. Birk-
bauscr , Andrew Murpbv , H. Falk , M. Lang-
don , G. L UtJtmis. N. Cnerock. M. D. Roube.
G. G. Seuv. Jobu Belick. J. B. Kuogb.
Eighth Ward J. B. Shwihan , Jfl. Hen-
drickson , C. 15. Keller , William Sexaner ,
Thomas Sullivan , Jumss Kelly , Joseph But
ler , W. G. Doaau. James Counoliv , James
Kilkenny , F. C. Weyrouller.
Ninth" Ward C. S. Montgomery. T. J
Muhoupy , E. W. A. Gardner , J. A.
O'Koeftu , J. McDonald. W. D. MeHupb ,
Georce W. Ames , C. J. Stuytli , Peter \ \ ulsu ,
W. N. Btbcotik.
Jeffsrsou W. McComb. H. KulilU Fred
Creperson , William Foster , Escgert Oft.
Clontarf S. Strasky , H. Peters , R. Trott-
uer , delegate and two proxien.
Millard C. Poppenhagen , J. Schader , dele
gates aod proxy , William Peters.
Eust Omuba W. H. Gunsolus , G. Sese-
maa , James Kuapp , Otto Barosch , Jobn
Noon an.
McArdlo John McArdle , E A. Cullely ,
F. A. MrArdie , two proxies.
Valley J.V. . Agoe , Pa'.or Fouts. Ollie
Corning , George SloUjnbtrg. one proxy.
CuionVilllum Ciussofl , David Nelson.
VH'st Omuba A. W. Aaitoti , W. U. Mc-
Creary. Jona Peterson , Phil Mergaa ,
Douglas O. J. Pickurd , Andrew Hoffman ,
J. W. Puddock , Henry Huser , J. W. D-ivik.
Tbe reoort wus adopted und the delegates
seated as named , after the reading ot an
affidavit signed by the primary judgta at the
Seventh \vnrd.
St-vrntli IVurd PollticK.
it stated that tbe ticket ostensibly elected
there had been elected by fraud und intimi
dation on the part cf Governor J. E. Boyd ,
wbn visited the polling place and demanded
to know why certain illegal votes had been
thrown outi and lusistod on their being
votea , so that the rejected volts wore , for
tbis reason , accepted later. H further alleged
that tbe no verb or caused biicseii
lo be announced in bis official capacity , anil
that he comjieUed tbo admission of rotes that
the judges did not want to accept and were
HBtlsued were illupul. He not only coerced
and intimidated tbe judges , but Ibe oQicials
insisted tbut ho connived to secure the voting
ing of illegal ballots to such uu extent
tbut ho secured tbe election on the
fraudulent sbowtng ttaus made of delegates
luvorabl to himself , though against the
-wishes of u majority of tno legal democratic
voter * of tbe ward. For these reasons they
protested aguintt tbe seating of xbe delega
tion thus elected.
Tbe following were appointed a committee
on notmnutions ; Messrs. C. J. Smvth , Ed
Johnson , Powers , McComb and J. W. Pod-
Too committee reported tbe following
names for delegates to the state conven
tion , -which were adopted without change :
C. S. Montgomery , T. JV Maboney. A. J.
Poppletoa , John A. MeShane. E. Wukelev" ,
C , J. Smyth , William A. Paxton , AV. N.
Babcock , M , V. Gannon , Euclid Martin ,
WillinmD. McHugfa , Ed JobuEtoc , Major J.
W. Puddock , H G. Cloru , George J. Hunt ,
AV. S. Shoemnter. S. R. Rush , J. J.
O'Connor , C. E. Buboocl : , J. A. Mathews.
L. F , Crofoot. George W. Atnet , John M.
Daucberry , Will Crary , Andrew Murpby ,
Samuel Cottner. P. AV. Birkbanser. James
B. Sbeean. C. B. Keller , XV. U. Donne , A. H.
Lee , Charles M. Conuoyer , T. J. Lowry ,
AVilliutu P Uukseil. Henry O tboff. Frauk
Solan , John 3. Conlon , G. AV. Co-
veil , F. E. Reibe , Martin Lang-
aon , Ed Gurtker. AV. H , Ish ,
F G. Patriot. C. H. McEacbron. Frank
B rev ton , Charles G. Hunt , William House ,
jr. , Fred Luohituper , J. F , Gardner , Ltur *
Hunweu , Major J , AV. Davis , AV. A. Gardner ,
Ed , Alortinrty. J. S. AV niters , J. H. Bulla. T.
G. McGnire , Eli H. Dond , C. H. Sobotker ,
C. JO. Hunt , H. 1 . Wdcb , A. M Hason , John
F Schultze , Gorw Boyer. AV. S Written ,
\V. II. Steniloff , Holwrt Montgomery , John
O'Conndl , Stephen Crow , J. N , Frenter , W.
AV McComb , Epgort fifft , A M. AValton ,
Pull Merpon , Edmundjll-irke , J. W. Even ,
Owen Slavin , John vJ Mahoney , Stephen
Pierce , H. Falk , U. G. Sl vy. Frank TuthUl ,
Josepn Bottler , ohtf McCann , - Kett-
IPV , L. AV. Denton. Wiiiiain Olmstoad.
F. A. McArtlft , A. E. iVcoo , John Hall. O. J.
Pickard , Julius Schroder , Chtlst Popen
hupon. GuRtavc 8ost. ian , John Poworn ,
Lsw Harman. John -Zoeier. Lew Lucien ,
John Malvihlll , AVillinm Hay , Jack Monroe.
James D. Muirhy. AVRllam Holmes and S.
M'lll Support Mnrt In.
The dplepatlon was ! nlrnctoa to support
Euclid Martin -for dclc-cMp-at-larpo from "this
part ol the Mttr to thqciiational 'convontion.
Tbpy wore likewise instructed to laver the
election of dolepaies favorable to Orovor
Cleveland for ure idunt of the United States.
Messrs. Maboney , Smyth , Montgomery ,
McSbane nnd McHuch were appoluUfd n
committee to prepare a report ol the dolncs
of the convention to submit to tbo slate
The delegation was instructed to cast Us
full rote ntfd to vote us a unit on all
Attention win. called to the tact that the
state convention wiil ba hold in this city
tiCKl Wednesday evening ul S o'clock , uud
after instruotitip ail proxies to prepare an
.uflidavlt to that elect to take the place of
the papers snowed under In the other con
vontion. nnd to hand them to C. S. Mout-
pomcrr , the convention iouud its
completed und adjourned.
M'l-rrtnr.v Alrlilioucar 'B thp Grout fiat.
* < Mtnu Cup lur tlir lirlll.
Mr. John E. Aicbisoti , Bocrelary of tbe
Niitlonul Competitive Drill association , is
one of tbe happiest men in Omaha. He hud
bf-en working for weeks tosecure acraat
attractiou for the Juno military encampment
in this city , uud lust night be received ofHcial
notice that his eloris had boon rewarded
witti success.
Among the trophies competeS for at In-
diunnpolts last year was tbe Galvcston Seui'- '
Ccntenuial Championship cup , and its win
ners will now have to como to Utimbo and
defend their prize. Tills cjp if n muirnitl-
cant specimen of the stlvoi-smith's urt , and
its poEE'j.sKion has cotacto be nn honor preutly
coveted among western volunteer military
organizations. li ths eyes t > i many compan
ies it will rank soconfl onlv to the f.'j.Ojy
Tbe cup was put up in 3S-W by Galvcston
and won by the Bulkuup iviflet , ol Sun Au-
touio , xvho uUio retained it in 1S5O. It was ,
taken to ludiatiap.ilisln IS'M und tbe Branch
Guards of tSt. Louis cnuried tloft. In order
to huve this coveted trophy competna for in
Omaha it was necessary to comt > ly xvitb
certain ccudiuous and secure the cunsout of
the udjutunt general ot Texas. AS u first
step the Otnuna Guards chullenpad ttio
Brunch Euurdb in acconlauce with the fol-
lowiug rulei , govcraiLg.tbe possessioa of the
cup :
rirjl The euiSli.ll ) : ! Be Kiionn n-Ctbe "Gul-
vi-fcHm eiul-lVutuniilat' t'liaiujilunvlnp cup , "
: inil its pruiession epntu tetl for ti.v uny wliiio
volunteer innltury or anlr.iiliii : of the X'nltud
Matt at uny regular luU'rstuiu miiitury drill
uud encampment ) u uny st ite Inllif union.
? < -ond The title to said eiiu s ! : il i.e In tbe
udjutuQteneral of tJiti stiile of Toxu.s. : is
truaK'C , subject to the pfissi'Msmu tliurenf tiy
tbe eompunv wiunliiJiiri lii.h'iiijlu > sinne
under tin- terms .nid st pu.ntloii'- ttie rule >
und rc uinti'.ins lierelnppl foiih
TlilrJ u.iinpaiiy jiii.Uiii : tbe best corc
lit uny Jinerstute drill tnO cnrunpui-iit : stutll
bi > euiitlud to ibe JIUSM-VKUIII nnU cu'-lo'ly. snb-
jt > ct tofliiillunco by wlrtri' mil.tiiry voluuteer
cirsmiiT. 'tions of the tTn1n-d MiH' i. : o ! iucon- :
pi't J for lit any liilei-aluli : uiiiltarr drill uuJ
unc.iiiipincnl lie J Ju utrjxtiiit > of tbe union.
The udjntuiit rener-il jjl ; hetute of Tuxut.
shall determine wbut iiunsututcs bucli drill
nnd cHr.uiinitnt ' * '
r iurth Thu canit > : tnr Uoldiii : tbe cup must
jiroiiaroU tu defeuQ fhposibs'sln'iiUnd ( ! cus
tody niRM'of upon } -ecr.i\Tn a fhallpnit * to
Hint I'fli'ct , not inortr tlmi ? iirteen diiys lifter
the . ininuiieeiueiiJ f tJHntJir > . .uncdrill nud
eiictii.i'piiii'iii ut wlueliTi c ; .iroimsod io i-oin-
-peti ! ftr'aiu : n : ) cbii Uio couipnni'
IiolUiii5il' ( Sini hallX\ll-J.o iinp 'ir. at tun
Uine-uiiii p'a.i c Oc i . - iTiliit hliu'l Ijninou-
1iitu"y foj'JC't tlie py < ! > R 'on of ilie cu'v , und
the "nfor'rsnldiiUjtitifll sTtui rM Mi ll tukc
meps to
. . . . . . . . I fur nud Ihfld ia
-iirdanee with these rules. .
rjftb In crtiut .af.llie dissolution Of uny
couipitny boltljns ; Hie enirll'bhnll1 > onoo
dtillvpred to the udjutanrzoneral nl'the t-tato. ) bu by liliu-ho.'d'tintll nan00111 ; -
pfted lor , id xiic suid adjutant rrentral Is
vt-sted wtuh power an'l authority to ohtiilu
possession of the cup 'whenever Ilia stipulated
rulehliim.'iii Ills opinion boon violated , or It
becomes iu bib juogtuuul necessary for him to
do HU. " '
Slitli The fomjiutiy vr.lining the cnu shall
be doularoa tbe champion ml itarv irgunlzi- :
tnu ! of the Uu t d Mates nnd rei.uln tbe title
so Inns ii * t sueeeif defends tbn t > uu > ( i
Seventh Ail orirr iiiztitiuns. now oribereHtter
iiequ r us possesh'un of the cup slr'li hold
sunn1 KUbjert to these'rcloii nnd Una them
selves to u strict abssrvauue thereof. "m > .l -
tbc r commanders urc deumud tohuveplodsed
their honor to irry thejii out in their
vjnr u SJH-.C uud intent. .
Kiuhth No cowpun.t lidldinr possession of
the eup shall lit- required to coinpttor tie-
cent uny dial loupe-lor Us possession inure
ttiun onee In any one year , nnd in the went of
serernl chui.en''ijsloaiipeur and compute t
more thun oncumpinent iu tliBnuine year ,
then , in such event , the adjuvant jjenerul of
the state of 'Jexat , slmll discnute : the cn-
ciimpnient ul which the voiupuny ho'dins tbe
cup slmlJ nppear und rotupoui.
Texas -puopls are jealous of their honor and
\vant their troph > to ilgura only in events
worthy their dignity. Mr. Aichison has
been iu correspondence with Hon. W. H.
Mubry. udjutaut ireneral , and has just re
ceived his oCidal order putting tbe cup in
competition ut tbe Omaha drill. Following
is a copy of the order , in which , it ivill be
noticed. Mr. Aichison also receives a bund-
some rcmplin-ciil :
As trukti-e of the Gulvcston S ml-Conten-
nltil Chainoionsblp cup. uow In possession of
the Hrnnch Guards of 2-t. Lou it , . Mo. , und us
per parngrupha of rules covcrnlnz the i > o -
fcssion of hnlo cup. ccrtlbud to by J. W. llut-
BOU us t > ecrctury. Gulveuton. .lune IS , lSi. ! J
hereby recojntzithut the nutiouuUiiiciiin-
iiicul und 4-ointiet''tlv < - drill , to uo huld ut
Uiinihn. Nob. conies within thi > purview of
huld pnri : rnph * > .
Tlu-rofuni 1 lioreliy declure thut suid Gul-
VCMOU ? eiin-Uciitetiiiliil Chuiuiilonshtp cup U
open lo conipctltlou f or iiiishchsiiin by troops
attend IILtiid nutlonuf enraittiiiiieiit uud
comment vc drill ut Oiuuhu , Nub. , betwt-en
June Iu 11 nd 2 < i. 1 2.
'I he nitlitry vcunputiy xrliiiilii ; ; tlu < eup will
bo n-qulreil t hod ; Hsi'lT subject to tliu rules
tovuruuiz the jioi-i'Etion of Huld eup and hind
tliHn seivos Lo u sirlft otbervunce tburuof. and
John E. Alchlh'jii , t'Stj. . kecrctury of the J\u-
tKinul Competitive I'rili nksociuilon , in cou-
neolliin with she jud ebof the military drill
for tliu uliiitiipliuihhlp cup. K iiiivlinrizcd to
award the cup to ttmT cdinpany which , us per
ptiriicrtipb : > . In unit cl to It , and said coin-
Iiunjbhull bo Utiijwn us thechauipiou lultituiy
coiupiiuy of the I ultdd Mi-.tch.
A copy of rtiifiSiOvcrnlnc the ( infcsesblnn of
ttiti ( Hiu will lia liiintleU the winning company ,
mid the commander thereof will BUbscrlbp to
UK ( lunclltkiui , ) irevlmi i to the rot-t-lpt of the
cup , und will coiiiiiiuiilouto hU uer-entto tbis
omcti. r-l
Texan C < izupuiiivk Muj ( Xinm.
Alnnntitbe tbcrotfit some doubt about
Texas cotnpunicr belup jfermltted to como to
the Ooiuhu dril1 on ucc'crnnt of a possible con
flict in the dule wilh Itrp-tim9 , of their state
encampment. In respsniie to tbe request ol
Serrotury Alcbir.on , Adjutant General Mn-
bry nu . issued tne following ccnernl order ,
which will probably Ifod totheattcudnuceof
a numbnr of companies from Texas :
I't-riuliiiUm Is hi'relij-lpruiitdd ootupanios of
the Texas volunteer guard lo attend , urmod
nud uquipptid. tbt > uutliljitu ncuninnicut ui.d
fonipet illvp drill ut OnitatiB. Neb. , Jutie 13 to
iUJ 'Ji. Tblb order not hying umudatory und
the ut'cndunuo voluutury , uu flHlm.wbalever ,
uzulnst the state will lie enter ! ulncd. .
It IE expected tbBl < 3 > ouii > t and cheerful
obedlenco will l > c clveu to ull orders br the
Tcxus troops avnilins'tnmiinelvts of this tier-
rnlsblou to intend buiditmbuiupuituit. und that
tlit-lr iHiuduct will botiufji us to Milltft ciedlt
upon the crcul state tliOy represent.
I'cimihslun : t herebyWcunHid : to troop" ul
other states to paM uhrouch Texas , urtued
and eqnlpiifd. golu : to or ivturolnc trow the
national eucutupment ut Oiujim ,
JU-Bil.t to lit'ciii I'm-kiiit Aeuln.
Sioti. Cirr , lii April 8. [ Special Tele-
ruui to Tin ; Cue. ] Tbe erumslvo Booge
patkiug house , which has been idle for a
year , will resume operutiocs within u few
weeks under the management of James E.
Boape Si Son. Iu capacity will be enlarged
to 2,000 hogs c day.
Uwrrutr iu tiiK Itaiib lc frvr.
New YOKE , April fc Tbe weekly tank
Etatfimont kbows the reserve nas decreased
K,17itKiO. J'he banks now bold fl&SSa.OM
iu eiceiit of legal requirements.
Out ITiiwrr' *
YOUK , April a Mrs , Sshley , who
oontribuUsd K4QIK'J to Governor Flower' *
Ciiruimiru fund is his sikter-iu-lnw
, - - CD a
ivonb f7lKlutw3.
Another Queer Belie of the Bojd-Thajer
Itcrordi. of tlir Milillpr * nnd Sailor * Ilomr
lit CSranil IMmid Hour ivlitcnfr ol a
1'pcnllHr 1'ralurr of
tlir CHMI.
LIXOOI.X , Nob. , April * . ISpecial to THE
Ben. i A relic of the old regime , wbrn
General Tbaver was acting governor. *
cuine to light very reoentiy at tbe
Soldiers and Sailors homo at Grand
Island. It wus nothing more unr jfst
than tbe following .statement sproadtipon the
record * ol that institution purportitir lo be
the action of th board ol official visitors at a
mooting neld at Grand Island shortly after
General Thayer had bosn reinstated by tbe
doclsian of the state Fbprcme court :
"Pcrbnpi for the bniufit of posterity it
tuny bo well to notice here that on Apnl ,
1SP1 , one James E. Bpyd. a subjest of Great
Britain , who ut tbo time chancad to bo
occupying fie gubernatorial chair of No-
brasuu , did aupalnt tbe following
nuuuid persons a . tnemberfc ol the visit
ing board of the Soldiers uud Sailors hcitno
for tne ensuing term , a the commissions ot
the old boird bud exjiircd. to-wit G. E.
Pritchett of Omaha. John Townscud of Dor-
cbestcr. A. 'VV. Buff urn of Tucuiuvrb. Mrs.
Mury E.Vurd ol Lincoln und Mrs. Jouino
Zutmeyer ot Schuyler. These pnrtius , bow-
ever , did not sen fit to quclifv and or. the I'tb '
dav of May Governor John Ji. Thujer , who
had bacn restored to his laului position by
tbe supreme court of the state , aid make ttie
following appointments , vir Hon. L. D
Richards of Prctnont. Hon. H. E. Palmer of
Pliauimiutb , Hon. K. E. Howard of Edirar ,
Mrs. J. S. Hedges of Sbelton and Mrs. L. A.
Bates of Aurora. Tticse appointees xvere
duly qualified and entered upon tbo duties
ust-igneil to them by the laws of tbo state on
the yh ; day of May , J-W. "
It now transpires thut no such resolution
was uaoptrd by the board , ns tbe correspond
ence cuoaiitted below will snow :
To His rxcpllunry. .tunics T. . lloyd. Lincoln.
Neb : Mv IVvir Mr Tlie two t'npioxnd lottc-r *
have het-u ri'tH'ltoJ from Messrs iluinpbrcy
nnU Hill. Vou vvl 1 note thut Uipv are In
tiilssful Ictrnmtiro nf Mr * . llate , ' ri'soliitlon.
uiiU 1 um i-nre Klin wrote tlie saw t please
Gmeruor Tliuycr. unfl Uid not submit : t to
the board. With Uiud regard * I roniuln yours
tralj- , 11. 11 I'ALMKK.
LINCOI.X. Neli. Mnrrli V4. 1HI2. ! Cutitiln B
lr. Ciiliuvr. Oniuliiu Nub. Heurr \ : Yonr let-
tcr of Miirch "i iit liaud nnd contents noU'U.
1 wji verv much surprised thnt such u rui-ord
should lie inudo up liy Uit > visltluc inenilKir ! . of
thnSoUlierllotne Wf-uumoa tij' ou It is vhc
lirst Inttnmtioii or kuowJoiige tliut 1 have hud
of Mich resolution hnvine been presented
I certainly wus. nut ptv-i'tit uud knew tiolh-
luzof tlie resuiiiliijii ut tbo time or ul utiv
sutiseijueut ttme. Your letter rouvt-ynd to ii.e
tlis1 first Vmiwlt < dt * or su-h a rs -
olutmn hnvJnu Imen pasM-d. It may
te ttiut tbr bour.l bud its ineetinr
in iht. coiinulh.sluiiur's ofllce here , but
so far us 1 run locoileet 1 never huvo lieeii
jirescnl to parileiputB iu the nieetlncs of tlip
iisltin : niiMiitiersnf tbe board to ote on u
re * ' 'utit n or Mot. on.
1 nin rertiiln tti..t no such resolution wus
ever read ,11 mv pri-sBnc-e. und 1 uuon thut 1
liuvc nevur voted ether : lor < u uzuiiisl such
ri < outiou. liocausc I huvino Uinnvlodge of it.
The whole thins is u mutter of surjirliu to me.
Yourt. very truly. A. 1L lifMi'iiitur.
LINCOLN' . Neb. , iiarchU. . ] iC. ! t'uptain H.
E. I'uliucu Uniuha , Neu : Deur Mr You will
pardon the delay in unsvv rin ; yoiirfuvorof
the illd. und replj'ln ; ut tills t line will say thnt
1 um eenuln that I uttonJed uosuch uiuetluz
us you mentioned.
In fuel there wns no inet-tluT of the Foard
tif l'ul > lic L nduud lluildlucs uud the vlslt-
ins bourd : neltlier uus there utiv tulk with
re. : rd to uny uct on ot Governor lloyd In re
moving uny one , und I nni cprtuinly uston-
Lshed Unit there-cords bbould show any .such
purported union.
AJter iiecejitlng the pluus of tlie new lios-
H'.liu und ucintruct lor UJktures uud roof bj
3liu ul I'ulilic Luuds uud liulldincs.
cotuprislns Nr. Huiunbri-y und myself , we
iv tut tn Grund Ist&iid nnd rciuuine-d nil niclit ,
ooiiHeiruetnJy knew noliiinc ol uuy jneetins iu
with tlie oilier board. Yours truly ,
J. E. HlLU.
u'K Ouarler Ontrnary.
Tiie cotnmitti-e having in charge tbe
arrangements for tbe csleurutiou of the
twenty-fifth anniversary of the admission of
tbo falato of .Nebraska into the union i
making axr.allent prccress. The days set
upnrt for the celebration of tbe event nre
May 25 ncd iG The prozram has not us yet
been arranged in detail , bat in general it will
be as follows : On the evening of the ISih
literary -exercises , consisting of historical
orations , \vill be held at the several theaters
und halls of the city. On tbe forenoon of
tbe.ilitmbe silver anniversary oration and
anniversary poem at the grounds of tbe ttnte
capitoL In ttie afternoon there will lie a
great industrial parade , to be participated in
by tbe different towns end cities of the state.
In tha evening will take plucs the histor
ical pageant , illuminations and fire works.
Her Third .l ! > ) > raruur < > in Courl.
Mrs. . .Nancy Webster , who has on two
otnw occasions uppourad in court with
charges ujaiust her husband , made ber third
today iy filing a petition for nn absolute
divorce , She avers tbat she married Web
ster \Vub09onJunclh. . IS'HO. and tbat she
DUCB before applied for a divorce. The dif
ferences hotwoon tbe pair were settled , bow-
ever , and all went smoothly until some time
ceo she bud him arrested Tor the theft of 5U.
She alleges mistreatment , cruelty to nerself
and children und threats to tulze her life.
IVtltloni. lor Captain Yoraui'H J'ardun.
A large number of petitions for the pardon
of Cuwlum A. D. Yocutn of Hastings , re
cently convicted of manslaughter lor the
shooting of Myron Van Fleet , lire being for
warded to Governor Boyd. These petitions
come from Hastings , Lincoln nnd Omaha , us
well as from many other towns of the state.
Many are aecompanlea by newspatiur clip
pings in which the governor is udvisea nnd
recommended to pardon the captuiu. Several
letters of remonstrance have also boon ad
dressed to Ibe governor from individuals
who ( lesirs to see the lu - take its course.
Ga hip ut Ilir Mate HIIIIM ; .
ihreo prisoners were brought from Doutr-
lus county to tbe suite jiBiiitenttary today.
They were Alfred Laugblaud , fifteen mouths
lorforgerv ; Frank Welln , oueyeur for burg
lary , uiicl Frank Allen , one year lor burglary
uud larceny.
Sheriff Costello f Hall county brought
Hurry Kingston nnd Jsuuo Smith to the state
Donitentiury this forenoon.
Articles of incorporation of the Frontier
State bank of Curtis w re filed with the soc-
rotury of itule this afternoon.
The case of D. W. HOB against Presley
Bishop and Juutiie A. Bibbop. from Saun-
drn > couatv , was filed in tbo supreme court
The night Kind ol n
Yoitn , April ! l A morning paper bas
an Albany dispatch dealing with Governor
Flower and bis official habits , in wtiich oc
cur * this : " \Vben he was nominated for
governor Mr. Flower gave , us nU uloctiou
statement snows , i .UOJ for cumpalgu ei-
peuses. Mrs. Scbley sent to the democratic
executive it is said to Daniel Griffin , it *
chairman n blank check on bcr bunker * ,
with directions to fill out for miy umuut that
might be necessary to serve Mr. Flower's
candidudy. The check came back filled out
f or 240.000 , end this enormous sum wns
cheerfully paid. "
Mrs , Scnlev is a sister-in-law to Governor
Flower. She is said to be worth tT.lWXOM
or more.
ItUfcilU-bb Tr < * Ul l * fc ,
New Your. , April 5. - August M , Colllprion ,
produce commission merchant at KW Wasb-
itigUia fctroet. It reportud to be couiprouiitinir
with crcditoj-s nt fiOconti on the dollar , which
moct-of them buve accepted. His liabilities
nre e72.0 JO nnd his troubles ore ascribed to
Josses in Wail streetHe bus been in busi-
ncuk about twenty years. His trade WHS
largely iu dreti tigultry. For a ihort time
iu JbiU he bud u branch at Frankfort , led. He
formerly claimed to be worth f < > DULKi nnd to
own rousiderable real estate iu Beach street.
f-rttlfd it with u < .uu.
BtTrr , Neb April 8. TSpeciul Tclepram
to Tat Bnt. I A shootlnc bcrape occurred
seven mjlis northwest of this pine * yester-
dcy. In nn nlt rcation orer n claim John
Eudeaiun hbot Jacob Kline in the lee wltti a
rifle , iniiictuic t terious wound. Eudcman
U under lUTOit uud will have a
Mmc. A. Ruppcrt's New Book ,
cnliUcd : How lo be Beautiful , "
At the nrprnl rcqucM of llionsnuds of tier i > ntron. %
Mnie. A. Kiipport , the world-rcnoirnpd Comtilrxioa
Spi-fiftHM nud Fninous Ixvturrr. LBJS jn t jmbllslifd a
Itntidsoitip Look , chine HIP public HIP Ix'iicilt of lirr
rcnrs of study mid pxjttripucji. The Itcnik isitrltlen In
jilnin and peitsHile Innrnntrr , slio lup how anr onp ran
obtain nnd ninliitniii perfect ion of HIP fnce nnd form.
Mme A llupixirt'i ! WorlJ-rcnowiifd Tncf IJlcJicli , which 1 * rroprulitw !
tbr oul.r cflprtlve cure for lil-Tnlshcs ot thf potn | ilcrlnn. Is Hold all P W
tlie civfU < d wnrld at $ S per K > iU ? or a luttlfs ( unuully rcquln-J to deere
e cotniilcilcnj 5.
laME. A. BcrrniiT , e LAST TH STREirr , Knv Tons.
For saio iu Omal.n Vv Mrs. .1 llcnson. JKI ixnitb 1 Alt &ln-tl
_ _ _
8. CO. KAN5A5 CITy.MO.
Vinlilnj : to numourc nui
and at theKUIUC tuuv iuc >
id Mir tiuBim-iw unit
rankp iicir ruMonipn.
liavtrtcclrtna to mule thtr
S | < < ! M ( Hlrri Hind UK n
Cabinet riclurr , Ilifiio-
prniih Tlntrixi.AnilinitriK
irliucuenitri > r uf j-inn rlf
or niir nii-nitirr cf jtmi
> runilli bvliiK or flrnfl , nntl
: ire will nmt.c vou n
ritri : or niAnau
provldcfl TIIU rxhlhlt Jt tci
Tour Irlcnilii im u Kuniplo of imr work.
nnB mm your Infincncc In i nciirliic UP luturr nrdrn 3'luor
nnrnnund nddrcss on tmct ot iiirturc nnd it will ! rptmmfl
in iwrti-ct order \Vc rai&c any clmnzp In tiirture yoo wlsli , not tutcrlcrlnc with the lltrni-ni
Ilflcr to mir limit In Oilcacn. Adflrcw nil amll to
THE CS3SisT CSA70U 00. , Oppsnits New Gcrnta Tbettre , CSr 80 , ILL.
I * S - We will inrfelt C1UU.IK ) to nnyiinc Bonrtlnc un iiholn und nnt mc-plrltiB crnrnn
FKlil. UP JICT thin liflnr Thlv on < ir It tnilm-tltli-
N , M , RUDDY ,
SIP South iritu Su. 1 urnain St Theater.
Glasses Dttod 1 rointidy all deform ot t-rt--
t-icht. Stce Bpartacles of guuraut-eaa outtUtr
fl und up.
Solid ( Jiilil Spertarl" * an ! Ejeilassi , $1
and upward Oerulist's preatrlptloiK for
Flus"e * > illled rorrct-Uj' Kuine day Jts resolved
Safety Razoi-s
Even H you havi never shaven
before , it is absolutely impos
sible fo cut the face. It is
spec'ell ) ' adapted to the /oi/i/j
just beginning to share , to ths
old witk trembling hands , to
those who have very tender
faces , and to all who consider
their time of raue * , as thy
can share with ease , comfort
and safety.
1511 Dodge St
"When I ocy cure I do not mcaa niemly to Ktirp them
Jur u time tud thCT kiivu Uir.m niturii ucnrn. liueEnn
radiciJ euro. I hare nmde the difac&tK , uf FZl'S. KPI-
\Tainuit xny rvnitidj to cure the woxnt c Aee. llttcnue
athert > have fallt is 110 reason JOT not now mceiTiur A
curt , fiend bt iicjre for a trniitiue caid a Fr o llnttlo ol
in ) infallible remedy. Give Exjintm and J'unt OHice ,
tl. n. BOOT. St. C. , I S3 IVarl St. , N. T.
ot .Viiuuui Alerting.
uf Association ol Oiualia.
Tbe uniiuul nieetiiip of tbe Ktorkbolders of
lilt- Exposition Itullcllur Aaboulutlon of
Oinaliu will tie lield ut the store of Wax Meyer
ti ilros. on tlie eowip r ( ii i-lxtumitti und 1 ur-
iium t-trects. in tlie citj of Oinahu , Nebraska ,
Tuet-flay evenlut April 10th , ifaK , nt elclit ( s )
o'clticl : , fortlie elcctlim of a board of iire di-
recuiri far tlie entjuiu ; year oiid fur the
trmisactlou of < < ucti otlinr bntlnoHs in. may
properly couie 1 > efor Hie uitietlnc.
The lotul IndetiUidiii'h. of tbis usMiclatlon
April 3s-U JBC ! ifc uluiut MT.liil'l
Exposition llulldlus Abwdutlon of Oinulia.
H. W. C'reiimr. John A. WukeiiDld ,
W. Xanutu cuiitli ,
A7Jjt- : : Directors.
Iri > I > OKuU for 1'nlilir I.tlirary
Sealed IndK n.arlud proposiUs for public
library tiaildlii ; bonds will i > & roc-dlvetl at the
ofline tif the city treueuier. Oniuliii. Neb. , upxo
12 o'cloi'l : noon of tlm Stli day of April , IMI- ! .
fur the purclniNe of tllM.U3J.iiO pulillc llnrury
buUdln : bi > ndtof tbo city of Omubu. NcU.
duted May Itu 3Hii ! uud puyulile 20 year after
date. Jul rest ut tliu ruui of 5 tier ecu ! per un-
iiun. . , jmyabk Muiil-aiinuully. i'rlncliial and
mturwt payable at Kountzo Ilros. . .New Vprk
Encli old ninsit Ktute priixi und nindiinl
houcht for und include ucrruud Interest to
dine of delivery nt Oniulia , Nob.
The right Ik rcberved to reject jiny uud all
under chancr tie er of cities of the
metropolitan ulufas , und ordinance So.
approved March Utli. IMC.
11KNUV 110LLN.
M City T
\Ve present
herewith the
portrait of
Mr. B. Koseu-
thal , presi
dent and man
ager ot tbe
Omaha , Neb. ,
dealers ib fur
niture , carpets - '
pets sluvos !
( jenerullr. Tbo iirtn oscup'cs a Ejiacioub
struuture nt lai.VIT Pw-nani street. Tue uusi-
tiusa was founded May Xi.lSSfi. by ttie prudent
proprietor und hut quickly torcod to the
Jront at a penertl depot of bouse-f umikUinp
tuercbaudb-e , Mr. Itiis-enthal has { indcavured
to found u boufct ) which tboulfl cater to the
nooflb of nil classes of consumers , and
ulthoueh doinc a Jargt ) bUEUiusK ior cash ,
tuotr credit | iUn Is Known very widely
throucbout tbb west. Quite ro&biablincthe
bichcr clus-t of iuttuUniEnt houses of I'bilu-
deljihiuvber poodk uro purchubc-d wjtb aw
rauoh fcHlety to tbe coiisunier nt jujy itrictly
ull cash concenik. Mr. Uosoutbul it
utitod for tit live udvertmnc : methods , one
of tbe bauastomejt cataioruet which \ve hare
been from tbe < test being sent out from hi *
Mr. Eof-nthal U a unlive of Baltimore and
buawu u wide circle at Jriendu in tb * live
city in wlUch lie bas ] la tied bu atukes , liii
wide-awake arid t-tru htforvviird butlne
methods have uttractt-d nucli utuictiira , una
the traae tn y t sunmbed to Vnoir thut the
propricUir it only 24 jeer * old. Mr. llotii >
thbl visits tbe cattojti iccrfcets twire n 3 ear ,
and nat already CiUioJitbud rejratatiob for
being the lurputl tiuyer of ciirpot west of
ChiC p , iut recent purchaka uf , ( KX ) mils of
cur | > ot huvinc cautud tie end of ostip in tbe
carjtet trade The American Carpet and L p-
holsterinp truOo , April C.
The Successful Obosify Spociolist.
WEaT 1.A rAVKTTK. Inct. . Mnrrb 1ft 1895 - l r.
Fujflcrlirur Sir 1 rnngnitululti > ou uDtlit-pup
it > i of rour tri'Ktnifiu In my cni-r My cpiit-rnl
health IB vxri-llrut and my form nnrt comji'oiloii ' nrr
til tlmt I could Tinfullnwlnc licnn-o vlt :
Miotr my urlcln biid inuiiNtirt'nitiZitH bulurc uutl
nllor four iu ntli treatment.
llo ur Attor. loss
Wclchtltut iiimnd. : IB IICIIIIIIK . 'T D nound-
XVaUt . .Wi4 tnclii-H 21 * InclU'ii . . . . 7"y " Incla-n
llltr | . .40 Inclip * i * Iticlu-b 1 > Inr.tit-B
1 Kball br most Imiipr to roapond to 7Tfunut
cullk or Icttom ul tiny wuCururn wbo nmy addrrm
me wlib mauiii cnuluaed
cnuluaed31US K1J.A I'llKHTON
Klb and Woiid u
Fn Ktjimut nn iiicniivuaivtire , lmrruliift und lin ttoa
Btl rt . Stnrtlr cnnfidBntiul. J or cireulumaad tew-
tlma&liuii uddrw vntb be. in Htamiib ,
McVieker's Theatre Bldg Chipago , ill
DR. J. E. McGrREW ,
'Write for Circulars.
X ECor Hth nad Pnrna-ai PtsOtnnha , Seb
MKNT , n Hiifclllciiir HyBtortn , lllulnnmi , Kit * . N u
rclplu , Himduvliit Js'urvoiiB I'ruNtrut on cunxud tiy
ulciihd ) or luliufrd Withc'lulix * * * * , Muirtul lli-jirun *
Klein. biiltui-BKiif Die llruln. cniinluuliiounll } lumcry
dfi-uy. fluutu. l'romutiiri > Hid Ac I'.arreue , Itunt
cil J'iiwi-r In rlthcr MIK liiipiitt-xif ) Lt-urtnrlieu and
all Ketimle \ \ > JilkiiMiHpii , lufiilunlarj I ok iB , M < r
iiiulnrrlinu cutiHHd by orur-cxonlon < tf tlit : brnln ,
Hiiir-uliukcnvnr-tndutciMicfl A iiioiitli'n trrulmuiit
H II fur K liy \VojruBrinlucuU buzolonure
I'.uclJ urclorlorfi1 oxiwith f ! > ill ! BHiid written
rimritntoi-to rotuDdlf not iiirtd uuurhiiti-u l i ued
b3' ut'lirliuau urupCu lild Kunikin ht 1)uiuUik.
CAPITAL : s 100.000.00
MlNT , puoincf . .r ilr trli , liUmiB.i. nn. Koo.
rulCU. Uead&clie , Nurroui I'roitratlon cku a 1'T ' kl >
rebel or lubbtcuViitcluluK4i , , Mvulai JiujirttUtua.
hufliiutnz ut tti * Uraln. c ailuz lu Dllr , wlforf ,
Oucur fluavti. rrewalurB Old Ago llurranntit , Lan
til J'o nrlDdUlKiriiei , Ituiiolenr ) ' , 1-eunormuai aal
nil rttni&lt W % knt9 iit i. Invulniitbrf LUS BI , &par *
njLtorrtumncamuJ lij orcr-tierOon uf tlm liratn.
huJJ-ntiune , orur liidulrunca. A ujontS' triiatiuunt
lUCltir U , lif niult. We GUbrutHf MK IKIZVI ttt
cure Caabordur tort liutiti. vriibft H-UI otij irnt
ten jru&rantcii to ri-fuud if out oural. Gtmr'nnlci
iMibiidfinlf A. t r.UrtitF > r JirucgtM. KOle kefiilB , ci.
1 ! , cur Jlith liiid J'uniuui Bt * Ouiuua ,
uud ComiileM 7'riiuliuaut , couUUnr of
Fuit > OEltorle > , OUi'uiunt In C ; i ul > ul > u la lia <
iiucl i'llli , B ronil'ml ur Jor .Uaraiki , luturubl
liuud or JUunaiur IICUIUK. Curuuic iiocaui ur
llcivdlturr 1'iin Tlilt llauinOy Uui ii Tr M > eu
kuuwu lo In ' tl Pi > rl < ox.ll Jurfou - ; t > r uiulL
WUf mtter Irom iut torrlul * fll uu wunu urtl-
ten cukraume U ixmitlrnir t'van wub G iiatui ur
ml and Ibe uiuuer 11 nol ourjl Dea3 ti3i > tor
IrtMi iuktuple. uuirnawj Utu J l > r UuUi A Co.
l > rucel > t * . fcol" ACUUH curiiar JJtU HUJ tijutUi
U Frequer want new
AddrukSfcudilcnlvltliout notice ,
Omaha AdtrrHli < l tiurrjin , K. I * . lAfi ,