10 THE OMATIA DAILY BEE : STODAV APRIL 10 , 1892-TWENTY PAGES. K V n 4. - 13 A cfl A7 CREDITHduse W U YOU CAN FUflNJSH 'A ' CREDIT HOUSE went THE \vuvH \ HOUSe TROUGH THE ) J , 'HOUSEKEEPER ' IS W LP THAT OUR CREDIT $ YST M , A CREDIT HOUSE WHERE TH ? FFORDl YOU WITHOUTREADt ' ARE TREATED t * , LY A CREDIT HOUSE IU [ MONEYIT C/\SH \ H " ' ( EVERY / > - \ SENSE OF f/y WOR/ / > 1 % % \te ; V J3I5 and 1317 Farnam Street. Street.mrTmfW mrTmfW GAR PETS FURNITURE f- - rAVING received the entire consignment of our heavy spring n purclrises , wo have complcteil arranging same , and boginnins ' , tomorrow - . morrow , MONDAY , APRIL 11 , \ Wo will inaugurate our spring .opsning by exhibiting to the public of h Omaha and vicinity the'largest , fine ; , ! and cheapest stoclc of \ Furniture ; Carpets , Stoves And Household Goods ever shown under one roof in this city. Our largo I establishment is filled from basorannt to the roof with the newest , choicest and most desirable goods to bo obtained , which wo are soiling at unpre cedented low prices , cither for cash or credit. In order to properly entertain numerous callers wo have engage / , for this auspicious occasion the Musical Union band of 21 pieces , who wil j render a number of choice selections throughout the entire evening. Grand Free Phonograph Entertainment- come and hear Edison's Phonograph. During the entire day and evening it will sing , play music , talk and generally amuse and entertain vibitors. Grand , Free Display of Fireworks. During the evening from the roof Professor Auorbach will send up twelve balloons with tags attached , which if found and returned within three days will be good foi Parlor Suits , Chamber Suits , Sideboards , or whatever presents the tags call for. FREE ! FREE ! i y. All ladies calling at our grand spring opening will bo presented with . an elegant souvenir. The finest over given away in Omaha. bvV fflmm , 1 v- ; I sr y. V Open Monday and Satur ? ° sv'r THE BUYEkj dayEvenings. Other evenings cAit fls. . \ NO INTEREST ASKED. ings we close at 6:30. : JNO SECURITY R QUIRE&\ t DO NOT PROVE ' " ( $ AT/FACTORY COM , INDUCEMENTS , ; PAHT/ES * JTA/TWQ ? ' if ° - e.v All * ISIS and 1317 'Parnam etreet , I