Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1892, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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The Jobbing Trade of Omaha Good in a
General Way.
Jinny of tlip l.ornl .Mnnnfactiirrm Pinhril
to lOrpUp with Onlcrs Some llnxc
' " '
llccn I'orrril to V'
Their TrnvlliiB
The local jobbing trndo of Omaha continues
In n most satisfactory condition nnd tn
volume much lu excess of last jcnr. The
movement of country produce Is not so heavy
as It was nnd that fact would tend to restrict
the amount of money In circulation In the
country nnd hence reduce somewhat the de
mands for goods. Tbo existence ol these con
ditions inuy reduce the volume of trade In
tome Instances but not enouch to produce
any appreciable change In Iho Jooblng busi
ness ns a wholo.
It U said lint the trade In dry goods and
boots and shoes is especially good at tbo
present time.
In commenting on the dry poods trade the
New york Hullotln observes that the con
ditions nffcctlne the dry goods trade during
the llrst quarter of this year hnvo been un
usual. The grain crowing sections of the
country have been realizing the benefits of
exceedingly large crops , for wblch a good
innrUet existed. The cotton producing states
hnvo Leon laboring under tbo Influence of u
largo yield , but abnormally low prices. The
buying powers of the latter section have been
ncces unlv reduced , whilst the demand com
ing from 'the former has relli-cted more or
less Improved Iluonclal conditions. Besides
these factors the Iron working s > cctlor.s have
Been busily employed , nnd the earnings of
the masses tmvo more than offset the low
prices received by iho manufacturers. Tbo
consumptive demand over the whole country
has. In all probability , under these conditions
made considerable progress : the reduction in
the south being more thau counterbalanced
by the increase elsewhere.
The Hulletm fu.-tbcrnioro adds that in one
Important respect the business of the quar
ter beam dccidcdlv favorable comparison
with u year ago. The financial conditions
have improved all round. Then the country
was emerging from a period of monetary
strincency , payments were irregular nnd
overdue accounts an unwelcome feature.
This year money has been plentiful , accom
modation easy and collections prompt and
regular. Even in the south , where condi
tion * warranted expectations of deferred
payments on u largo scale , there is coinpar-
ullvely limited overdue indebtedness. Hero
again h proof of a laudable change In
buyers' methods ; they have accommodated
their purchase } more closely to tbolr
octual requirements , stripping them of
nil appearance of speculative busi
ness. So far as tbo south U
concerned , this has in some degree been com
pulsory , there oclng an Indisposition to ex
tend credit as generally as usual. The list of
failures for the three months corroborates
those Malcmcnts and shows that they are
not peculiar to dry goods only. Bradstreet's
returns thn total number of failures for the
quarter at 3,207 , against 3-U'l , ' last year , with
total liabilities of 15,301,000 , ugninst ! , -
348,000 , of which the southern states fur
nished ( . 'JO , against TO ) , and liabilities of
10,500,000 , against $ SoO.,000 last year.
Manufacturers llnny.
Ono of the most gratifying signs of the re
newed prosperity in Nebraska is the activity
mcvailing in most lines of manufacture.
\Vhilo much of this is duo to the homo
patronage campaign so successfully
( ferried on , It is none the loss
riatifying. Manufacturers who were a tear
ago com plaining about the difllcully of get-
tine their goods before the people are now
complaining about the difticulty of keening
up with their orders. The signs of prosper
ity among tbo manufacturers are many.
Some hare moved into now and larger
buildings , others have added to their
old quarters , and still others have
added to tbo number of their employes with
out being forced to move. Take for example
the overall business. The three factories in
Omaha have , since a year ego , been adding
rapidly to their working force , and two of
them huvc been forced to movn Into now and
larger buildings. In spite of the rapia In
crease in their plants they are all rushed to
keep up with orders. Meanwhile another
factory in the same line has been started ,
nnd instead of requiring several years to
pot a foothold , it starts out as a largo cstao-
llshmcnt from the very outset , with a de
mand for all tbo goods that it can turn out.
It is not to bo oxpoctea that every line of
manufacture could bo qulto BO prosporous.
The month of March and the early part of
April has as usual been a dull period for the
cigar manufacturers. 'I hey expect some im
provement in their line with tbo coming of
warmer weather , but it is au unfortunate
fact that the smokers of Omaha bavo not
been very deeply inl'ucnccd by the homo
patronage movement and a great many busi
ness men ate still sending their money out ol
tno city for cigars.
Country Produce.
The market in produce has been bare of
nnv loiDortaut features for a week back. Tbo
butter maruol has been easier owing to in
creased receipts , eggs about steady and poul
try scarce ana soiling at about last week's
prices. _
Cattle Slow nml Ullclmnjc'ct Hogs Artlie
nml Higher Shecri Strong : .
OMAHA , Anrlia The receipts of cattle num
bered near " , ( K head , a fair run for t > iiturdiy
Thu market shotted but very little cliniigu as.
to prices , bin there was no energy to the
trade , bhlpuors xvoro not very free buyer *
und until late In the day fw Milpp n cutt.c
chunked lunds Iliindy tut Killers sold quite
readily at steady llKiirea , but outside of tne-c
the market was dull und dra .
Thobupplyot cows nnd heifers was not ex-
cchslMi and llieso sold out reasonably oaily ul
aleut yesterday's quotations. 'Ihero was
FOIIIO trailing lu block cnttlo although tin
market not quotably Ultroront on nny >
thing wanted at all. Kcpresentatlyo sales :
1..1050 3 49
1 , . 410 1 75 1. . OX ) 250 1. fTO 20J
3. . M ) 2 UO 43. . Clti 2nj G 81 3 DO
] . . 403 203 1. . 5JO 2f5 5 . 740 3 03
1 , . f sfl 2 00 1 , . WO 275 2 , MO 300
12. . & .KI 2 25 1. . bOO 275 11. . HI 315
K ) . . Wl 60
wiLRins AND erui.xnriis.
I iprtnEor . . . . ta 0
I cow and calf. . . . , . . M t.
I cow and calf , . , . 3 ( ,
I cow and cMf . . . , . . . . . . . , . 31
t cowa und calves , eucli . , .201
llonb 1'rlci-s oti ho s shaded iinw.uJ nbou
to with about SMM head on bale. 'J ho bhlnpln
demand was fulrand as packers alto wuntc
a few the pens were KOOU cleared , thu i.iartc
olosliiR htrong at thu advance. The pouulu
iirlvo today waiti.49 , azalcit 14.35 yeitcrJa.
nn nvoraeo cost of 11.41' , todny Hjtnlnst tlM
yciterdnyi Iteurmcnt itlvo i lies :
Na Av Sn. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
0 2"0 1123 7\ \ 212 123 W 40
M . . . . .HI 540 43.1 7'J ' 214 ICO 440
OK . S4o 700 4.1 * ci . . . ax > in 40
V ) . r 40 4 37U 07 . . . .270 2WI 440
ft * . . V0.1 M 4 3lj 5S . . . .ZCl UO 441
. < . . .2.11 4J 437' ' } 07 . , . .149 100 440
70 . 22(1 8J 4 37'i ' 71 --8 tO 4424
01 U ) SUO 4 40 81 1M W 442H.
05 . KO W ) I 43 75 . .234 40 442' *
70. . . .SSJ 100 44) ) 73 . . . .202 4 4J- ,
.18 . . ? I3 240 440 71 . . . .22S 4 15
04 . . . V74 CO 4 4(3 ( 13 28 SO 441
ffi 24 < i 200 440 (0 ( . .210 HI 441
30 . . . IS.1 4 43 M . . . .2(3 ( 40 441
01 . . IOI 12) 440 71 214 1JO 441
78 . . 2 8 120 4 4J b 211 ICO 441
03 . . .Kil ICO 44) m 2X2 80 441
31. . .SOU 4 43 00 241 120 445
8 ! . . .VOT 240 440 41 . . .EH 441
05 . .219 12) 44) 0.1 . . . . K'S 40 441
1.7 . . . . Z19 243 443 6 ? ! U7 4 45
7. 22i 4 43
rins AND iiouciu ? .
1 . . .300 SO ) 3 310 M .100
1 . . 4.10 - 3 00 2 . , .4Vi 40 4 CO
1 33) II 7.1 4 303 40 4 UO
SlIUU' Three lends ot native sheep were nil
thit were hero. These sod readily to local
Uousra at stroiis prices , ono loid ot lambs
selllnz at Wil. 1 air In coed natlxe. from
l4iV3toK .Vi ) f ilrto Rood xxostorns , from 84.00
to Ji,7. > ! eommon and stock sheep , from $ : . .ito
40J ! good to choice forty to ninety pound
Inmbs from SI 50 to fO.50. Ilepresentatlvo
falcs !
No. Av. _ Pr.
fe.1 native ewes. 101 J.I H )
101 nritlvo lambs Til C 2 _ .
04 native inlvcd. . . . . . . . . HO 5 .j
Itcrrlptsanil l > l pc > illlmi of Stock.
Itecolpts nt the I'nlon Slock y inH. South
Omtili i. Nob. for the twonly-four houra und -
ing at 5 o'clock p. m. , April' ' , 1991
Cnrj i Ilcml. Cars Mend Head.
Ml i.nal soai 3
l.lxo Stuck.
CIIIOAOO. III. . April P. ( Special TolOBram to
.liu llEK.l-The LMtllo market xvus feitiire-
css , lucre was no considerable dcmind , and
'allies were nominal ul from { 1.25 to for
nfcrlor to pxtr.i cow and heifers. JI.DO to
1.75 for bulls , Ji.2.1 to 11.75 for itockers and
eedcrs. $ iOO to Msl for Texas cattle and from
J.10 to I4.HO for common to extra dressed beef
ind shipping steers.
The heR market remained quiet , but xrlth
.ho receipts conllned to about ? .t)03 ) head sell
ers succeeded In pu'Oilns up prices SA The
narkct closed steady at from J4.4J to J4.75 for
poor to choice heavy nnd medium xvelghts ,
unn from Jl. to J4.1l for llrfht.
The slieep market xvas rjulot , steady and
firm at from $4 no to 11.00 for poor to extra
lieou , and at f 10:11 $ . i.7.1 to J7.M for lambs.
Hecelpts xvi-re : Cattle , 700 ; IIORS , 8,1)03 ) ; sheep ,
1.5 a
The r cnlnp Journal reports : OATTI.E Re-
cclnts 1.5UO ; shipments , 1.UOO : market steady ;
ortay's sales : natives. Jj.50f3l.15 ; stockere.
. . . .
Hoos-IScccipts. SiKJ ) : shipments , 5.003 :
rnarUnt higher ; rough and commori. KJ.404 50 ;
nixed anil pickers. $4.5534 KS ; prime licavv
and butchers' wolg'its , Jl.70l.75j light , II.SO
ilEKp Hecelpts , 2.0U3 : shipments , l.COO ;
market steady to easier : prime. il. > 0@l.- ;
mixed. } 4 00ai : > : western. 50 > aC.7Ji west
erns. $ VSO3. ) : lambs , tt 5026.05.
Kiiii4i < t City I.Uo Stoek Mnrket.
ICAs vs CITV , Mo. April 0. CATTLE Ke-
eelpf > . 2,000 : shipments. 1.70J ; bteeis were
actl\ound steady to 5.Do higher. * J.1V34.VO ;
cows , quiet and stcailv at JiOjj.40 : ; stockers
and feeders , ouletat fJ.VU3.15 )
lloos Hecelpts 0.40.i ( : uhipments , 1,200. The
- iiarketas act ho nnd strong anU 5c higher ;
nil crides. JJ.riJ4jl.4J : bulk. ? 3.781.40.
faiiEEP Kecolpts , 1.000 : Milpmonts , 100. The
inarkut wa nulot and unchanged.
.St. Mnrj'n A\cnue Coiireratloniil ( ( Not Yet
Sure or Hot. fe. Wright lititlcr.
The St. Mary's Aveuuo Congregational
church , since the resignation of Hov.Villard
Scott , has boon making strenuous efforts to
llnd a man capable of filling the place va
cated by its former pastor. At ono time It
; vas supposed that such a man bad been se
cured la tno person of Kav. H. A.Varneia
of Brockton , Mass. , nncr * a call was accord
ingly extended , but the pressure on Rev.
Wurllold by bis ovva people was so | great bo
declined to accept. "
The next man to find favor In the eyes of
the good peoplb of the St. Mary's Avenue
church was Rev. S. "Wricht Butler of Port
Chester. N. Y. A call both ontbusiastlc and
unanimous was extended nnd Rov. Butler
signified his willingness to accept , but his
people now arise and with one voice say be
shill not leave them. At a meeting called to
accept his resignation a committee was ap
pointed to communicate with tbo St. Mary's
Avenue church and request the release of its
'paster-elect ' and allow him to remain m bis
present Held of labor and tli2 following reso
lution waa adoptou :
Whereas , Wo desire to hear testimony to the
/eal , devotion and eloquence of the Kov. S
Wrlitht llutler , our uahtor. etc. , and
Whereas , \\ebolleve that this crisis In our
church's history domunds piompt acth/n , etc. .
therefore bo It
Kcsol\od. That a committee of live wait
upon anil urge on our pastor our sincere be
lief Unit his reslcnat'on will result In great
lositooui chutchuul tills community , and
HcsohiMl , further that we raise bib salary
tot 1,000 , etc.
Immediately following the adoption of this
resolution tha iucreaso of salary was pledged
and every effort is now being made to induce
the Rev. Butler to reconsider his determina
tion to remove to Omaha. Tbo people of tbo
St. Mary's avenue cnurch are still confident
that Mr. Butler will stand by his ncceptanre
nnd bo In Omaha for the first Sunday in
Comment on Clarence.
A bureau of press clippings in London
has rocelvcd the royal "command" to
furnish twenty distinct sets of news
paper cuttings from every periodical in
the world , so fur asobtulnublo , referring
to the death of Prince Albert Victor.
The sots lire to ha pasted each in a sep
arate album. Tlio section devoted to
American clippings should make a very
edifying collection , if the bureau is
faithful in obeying the command.
"Don't like your place ? Wny , I
thought you hail 11 first class situation. "
Hey of AU Work It's all well enough
except in the morning. There's hardly
anyone past-ing at that time , ana you
can't imagine how dlscourging it is to
wash the windowp , sweep the sidewalk
and shako the mats , and not a soul
going by to got the benefit of your
Till : Ki.YI.TY : M.YUKKTV
INSTRUMENTS placed on rocorJ April 0 ,
Isir ' :
Catherine. Itlley and husband to I ) n
L'allahan. iiiidlv 'i lot "U , " Uascall's
add to Oklahoma $ ]
Morris MorrUon , tni3t.ce , to Alex Mc-
Uavock , lots 11 to U block I , Ml Uous-
las. , , . ]
Sumo to Itlcliard U'Keefo , lot 10 , block
' . ' . sumo i
0V l.ojiin and wife to U 11 Lane , lot 8 ,
und w 'i lot 7 , block > J. Omah.t . . . 40,000
P V I'runili to K M 1'icncli , lot IK , block
2 , I.ako View l.OOC
Henry Klcko and nlfo to Iludolph
tic-helber. bj swsw r.-l5-ia 3,000
1) I ) tMiiouton to J 1 * Miillcndcr , undlv ij
lots. 1U nnd 17 , block J , liurllngton Center -
tor l.TOC
Alvln buuuuer et al. trustees , to Francis
1UII. lot U. block 1. Omuha Heights. . . . K
I ) 11 Andrews to IV Carpenter , lot 5 ,
block a , Sblun'd 1st add 2,050
G K llnrkor und wife to J U MoICvll , lot
1 , block Ul , Omaha , , I0.70C
Leo Solomon nnd wlfo to M V Solomon ,
iindiv MS lot , block "G. " Shlnn's -'d
add , turn lot \ \ block S. Kolomou'a add 40C
guir CU.AIJI iitK-H.
Illley Tout * to A A Fonts , s S3 feet of lot
1 , blocU I , U K Maynu's l t adJ to Val-
' ' ' ' ' ' '
M v jAJIomou'to'w'X Sa'iiiuiori'.Ydts'i'dto
15,46 to SI , blocks , Ulrkhauier c Ulu-
uitr'snub , . . , . . , 1
William Glllor ( tpeolal muster ) to O U
Crandal1 , lot li , block U , llltcucock'a
Ut add , , , 6
II 11 Irey ( county treasurer ) la 11 K Uur-
kut. lotl. b.o fci : , K V Mufth' * add
J W I'm ! to U ! nnd A Jl 1'iiul , lol a and
w ! tof lot 5 , block II , blilnu'iudd ]
ToUl aruouuto : traciferi , , , . 100U ;
Wheat Forced Off Several Cents by Active
111 < niEh Appruttincr Intllcntril rrlthiy Tlmt
the DnrhiR Trnilor Was to I.o c Mil
lions He Itccnxcrcd Kvorj thing
! > ) Skillful Mamiecmjnt.
CHICAGO , III. , April ft A bolder clungo was
probably never witnessed In the Chicago
xxhcat trade than that made by Kdxxard
Pardridgo today. Last night , with estimated
short sales ot 13,003,0.0 bu. chalked up against
him , xxlth the quotations shooting skyxvard
and xvlth every jii'iip In the prlco meaning a
personal loss ofIOJOo3. the odd llttlo speculator
later xviis bollcxod to be re idy to throw up
his hands In despair , Tonight oil was
changed , Purdrldgo was again a conqueror
A regiment of brokers al his orders had
dashed Into the pit at the very oulsol of
thu day and foucht his enemies to u stand
still , Ileforo the day ended ho pulled down
the prlco 01 or So a bushel from thu highest
point reached. The close was xx Ithln ' c ot Ihn
lowest prlco of the day. Pardrldge In person
was on the lloor bright and early , The gal
leries and pits were crowded to gulTooatlon In
expectation of seeing a cyclone when , lo-ilni
his nerve , ho should attempt to buy Instead ot
sclllii ! : . The noted plunger xvas h isllly rush-
ItiK fiom ono fricnJ to aiuthcr and mnklnz
Ins remarks Jolioy and oniph ulc , but
xx as all thu emotion ho displayed.
Ho were a natty black frock coat , light
trousers and a small black dnrby jiiuntlly
perched on Iho Inok of his head gave him a
erlsp. business air. Ills keen gray eves were
fully alive to xxhalvvas going on Now and
then his friends would eagerly swarm around
him to ask how things xrero going , but Pard-
ildgoxxus too bu y ritslilnit from pit to pit to
talk xxlth them long , and would vouchsafe n
few hurried wnrds and tear himself axvny. Ho
denied that ho had lost or would lose any
thing and declared : When I lose , 1 lose for
keeps , but 1 am not xvorrylne about loss just
noxxI I am feelliiL- all rU'lit , " and with that
ho again dove for tha pll. \\licn appioachcd
al another opportunity ho emphatically as
serted thai nothing would drive him to cover
un'oss ' the market xxent to Jl u bnshul.
The ( lav's trade Mas spaMiiodlc , and on the
xvholo not HS heavy as yesterday. At times
tlio nrirkct vxas very cxcltinz. at otliors quiet.
1'luctuatlons were rapid and violent and the
feeling wus very unsettled , The opening xxas
the xvlldest for some lime , and prices varied
1'aO within the Ursi fexx seconds In different
ptirts of the crowd , sales bcliu made at from
'ac to 1'Je over the closing figures yesterday.
Hull news was plentiful , and but for Pard-
dr.dgeS bold tacllcs xvo'jld have hallmarked
effect , for bear advices xrero source. Cables
xxcro decidedly firm , Liverpool being quoted
from Id to ljii ! higher and London from Od to
lud higher , All domestic markets wore on a
ramnago and made a big spurt ut the
start , ana most of them held xxoll to
the ndx-ance. hi. Louis wis : a possi
ble exception. xrhllo starting higher ,
It finally wentofT on May lo 'Jo beloxv last
nlcht's close. The trade then seemed to be
drifting more Into Jul v and the bad crop re
ports xvcro having u good deal of Influence , as
xvhilo May xtns loxxor July xvas decidedly
lilghur. A telegram from Kansas City gave
the Information that the stuto agricultural
department ot Missouri put the condition of
the crop In that state uttoO per cent , a heavy
decrease from the outlook In December last ,
fct. Louis , however , reported thut up to 11
o'clock nothing lud been hoard of the report
there except In dlspitohes from Chicago.
\ \ holly aside from Pnidrldgc. the nexxs of llko
character kept the miuket nerx-ons and ex
A story was stirtod that Werst , who had
Iraxoled exlenslvely oxer Iho winter xxheat
country , estimated the average condition at
71 per cent. Wort himself denied this , butin-
cftectually. Pardrldgo meanvxhllo , far from
showlnp evidence of weaUenlnir. xvas bustling
about denouncing the scare as Idiotic and had
bis brokers selling Incessantly. The price did
not appear to make any difference , und
from his actions one \vould think ho
deemed that it did not seem to make
much difference as all soots seemed good sell
ing soots for him. There was a good deal of
reall/lni : on long wheat , but these offerings
vith those by ParJndgo xvero readily absorbed
and there were few xxoakspots. Cold xxeathcr
was reported In the xx Inter xxheat country
nnd this helped to give the market quite a lit
tle boo n. a ho bulk of the sales at the openIng -
Ing xxero at 8Sltc. The market wenl off lo h4e
on Pardridge's selling , then up to bjc. held for
a cons deruble time at SlJic. then Hear noon
shot up to 85 c. Hut the demand then fell
olT and the urlco went to 8iyo and at 12
o'cloclc xraa about 81ic against B4 ? c at the
close yesterday.
After the noon hour the market began to
weaken. The shoru seemed lo bo xxoll
covered and Iho moment the buying came lo
a halt the bears took fresh courage and began
to sell. Ttioro seamed to bo no ono xvlth
courage enough to extend any support and
Pardrldue continued tils slugging tautlcs ami
when thu break started longs began to unlo u.
May vxent off quickly to wye , reacted some
and nil o'clock xvas8.l , ' c. Then some operators
bccamo very bold , declaring that the
Uodgo estimate on v/lieat condition will
bo 8.1 per tent lo 85 per cent or better. Tills
xxas followed by sncli selling as caused many
to bellnvo ilhal some houses had Inside in
formation from Washington. At any rate ,
tdo Dodge purzlo xvas too uncertain to hold
xxlieal ualnst and general Belling put the
May prlco Doff tosi'jo bid , al the close or 1'iC
under Iho close last night on the regular ses
sion , which was 2u under the later curb prices.
It was reported that Geor/o Ilaynos , who
traded In H nmill wuv , had failed. The bears
remarked tint the bulls xvent gunning for
Purdrldge , and caught llaynes. A Pardrlclju
broker retorted that this XMIH bettor than
thev usually did. as they have been gunning
for Pardrldge und caught Iho deuce.
The corn m trkct xvas not sympathizing to
any great extent xx lib the advance In xvhc it al
the opening but xvas In full ac.-ord with It on
the decline. The highest prlco of thu day was
only 'gC above the closing prlco of the day be
fore , and Its resting place today xvas at a do-
cllne of I'.iO. May oponeJ at 413.c und louche j
4l"io , sold off to 4UiiO and closed nt 4'j'ic bid
There was both jeall/lngs olT lung con. and
selling .short , Pardrldgo was a free seller of
July and Cudahy of May.
Outs xvoro active and shot up to 30 > , c for
May on a rush of shorts to cover , but the close
at ' "JUc xvas Uc under lasl nlghl's closing.
Thu provision trade was dull and the mar
ket heavy. Outside Interest , vxhlct. yester
day was giving some Mzns of reaxxakenliu ,
was again consuleuouily absent and lacking
that feature. The crowd Is bearish. 1'ork
made Us best prlco at the opening and recov
ered fioin 1'sO to5c from Its lowest point at
the close. J urd nnd ribs were equally us
weak as pot k. 1'ork since yesterday Is from
7io ! to 10c lower ; ribs : .ro off 5c nnd lard the
1 Btlmatcd receipts for Monday are : Sixty
curs of wheat , 70J curs of corn , U" > curs of oats
und 24,003 hogs
Thu loading futures ranged as follows :
April , . , . , . . ( E3H
May. . Sljtusi b.'H
Julr M W > 6
April 4Ui 41K 40
OATS No. !
Ma )
Mar 10 SO 10 Si 10 16 1020
July , 10 47H 1047H 10 JOG 10 Vlk
May C 25 ? ; G 20 620
July E 37H U ilH 6 JO C 30
M y. * r t ii 6 CO
July SHh , 5TU S70
Cash quotations were as follows :
I ix > UH-rin : millers asking 203Je advance
over the prices of the xxeek.
\\IIEAT No. 2 spring xvheat , 6ie ? ; No. 3
spring xx heat , 7 ( > e : No. 2 red. sse.
. ' . ' " - " ' ! ? " - : No. 2. lOJiiNo. . 3yoloxv | , 40)4 )
1'i.A.x bKfci > No. 1 , OSo.
TlMOTIIV SEEII-PrllllC. II.S.31.30.
POUK Slcss , per bbl. . flO.j Qlu.l- ' lard ncr
100 1 Ibs , Jfi.l7-Jtol.20j .hurt il Oo'oe" ?
* 3ViiGAa : ilry Halted , ll.M ;
( boxed ) . M.l7iGi30i ! ( short clear
. . .
WIIISKV Distillers' ( Unshed coeds , per gal. ,
tun A4is Unehanced ; cut loaf , W < t5 > c ; pran-
ulated. 4Jie ; standard "A4Mc.
Itecelpl * and shipments today were as felOn
On the Produce exchange today the buttoi
marurt was quiet ; fancy creamery. t-J'i lo
Una western , 20-J2o : ordinary. H > S'ic ) ; tine
dairy , U > 3.\'lc. KJS. barely steady at l liGIJo.
Oiiialm I'roiliico .Market.
HIDES No , 1 croon salted hides.
No. 2 green tailed hidcb , a'tQJitc ; No. l creui
! WllCi ; , r ? toJ9lbs ' J ° > " > - creon hides
25 to 40 Ibt. . aa2lic ; No ! vi-al ealf , H to U Ib *
Oc ; No y teal oalf , b to 15 lb > . , 4c ; No 1 dry
Hint hides. Tasci No. 2 dry flint hides , -uSUo
Nolury salted hides. KSGc. Tailuw. Nu. 1
3H 4o ; tallow. .No. 2. a c ; grease , white A. 4c
groaiu , Mlutu I ) , < tK&Vc ) ; grease , yellow , 3a
Krcase. dark. ! | { c ; old tntttcr. Kl2c ( { ; becs-
witx , prime Iftc ; roildh iJlow. isw.'c ,
riitiiTS California illVrs do ornnccs , II.7.V3
atfl ; Washington nnrol-ol ocugl 'J5 ; choice np-
> lc .flOO ; choice Icmonftll ( Mi finov lemons ,
4i > ( llM : liananax. frttail. JJ.iO < } 2.l ; or. Ml ,
bflrrles , shipping itock9lin hcl boxi-s. t.VJS !
strawberries , 40oqt , : 1 Iflrlda tomatoes , JJ..V)4t )
" .CO per crate of lx basUrts ,
Vr.OKTAni.RS 1'ancy M men 1 1 no sweet potn-
ocs. J.VO8Z7 : ; oed sweet potnvocs ( ittJSiM ;
California cabbape. zno per Ib. In crates ;
ionic crown lettuce. 4 j p r don. ; onions , we ®
1.10 per tin , ! Nebraska hand picked
> cnns , M7.vai ; mcdlutn , Jl.5J81.CO ; Call-
ornla celery , II. CO ; Colorado nnd wo torn
\ebrasuapotutocs. J5c ; nitlvo iKJt.itoes. 20 ®
lc ; lima bean , * . 4o ipsr Ib. ; water eros ,
" 4-nt. cases. 12'4 l5o POMit , ; spinach , tfi.09 per
ibl.t Spanish onions , f i , , ) i)0r cr , te. radishes
40c ; rutabajas , tl.75 perbble. ; new turnips , 60o
ier dnz.
Kens Heroiuts not < ohoivy ; market llMc.
HL'Trr.ii Some of the ben country roll coes
at l ( < 3 Mc , bf.t n largo proportion of the re
ceipt * I0319C. nnd as low in isc.
POUI.THV Pressed ehlolcn , 10llo : llvo
fowls , eood , ! 4,5o.W ; sprln ; chickens , Jl.iaa
aoo. _ _
New York Markets ,
Nr.w Vonu. April a-Pt.ofit-lJoeelpts , 16-
fiS Dkgs. ! c\tiart.l. v4Jbm > , : iii ! < , u IIOI.BI m r-
> ct stronger , nctho demand , iidv.incoehcck-
ni : business ; sales , ijuo bbls. Low extras.
J.o.l40 ; winter who it. low pr.idos , J2.7va
1.40 ; f.ilr to fancy , $ .J.4V t5 .10 ; patents , Jl.lWfl
.OJ ; Minnesota clusr , } Jfk > JJ,4.4j ; stralghtn ,
; I.IJ4.rj _ ( : ) ; patents. ll.lMt-'i.lj , rye mixtures ,
CoiiN" > lEtrftlrdennnd ; firm.
WHEAT Heeelpts. 14.V.M bu ; exports , 24T.02H
bii. ; sales , U.SOJ.OOJ bu. of futures , 54.IKW bu. of
spot , ypot hlRhar ; No. 2 red , SI.OJ in store
mil cluvator. l.0.1il.C4 alloat , 810 0
1,04'i f. o. b. ; No. 2 red , Oj'J ' ; ungraded
oil , ai' < c3Jl.02 ; No. 1 northern , tl.OliiSt.oi'J. '
Options excited and active , through fiiithcr
reports of damaco to crop , looked for bullish
: os eminent report , shorts frlshtcncd , forolcn
Jtiylng and general coxorlu . with an advance
early of ' ® ' followed by n lUellne of S ©
'jc on re.ill7ln2 and a reaction of 4 © * > c on
ate cables higher nnd urln lns Increased
juylnp orders , closlnj firm at ( iil'io oxer
yesterday ; No. 2 red , April , tiHii'liyc. closing
nt ! ) 'Je ; May. OJQ'X ' ' , c , eloslnp at uvc ; June ,
O-VlftMlC , olosllU at UTic ; July. lU'sOSM'.c.
clnslnw nt Die : Auitust , U.aiUHc , eloslna at
il'ic ; Septombor. lisyaw e , closing at tr. ie ;
December , U4 > iQ.Uo , eloslm ; at We.
ItYE-Steady silcs S.0.0 bu. HtU.'j delivered.
lUitLEV Dull ; No. 2 Milwaukee. G > aWc. !
II MALT Quiet ,
Cons Hecelpts , CI.'UO bu. ; e\ports. 04,337
liti , ; siles , BAuiK ) bit. of futures and 31,000 bu.
spot. Market dull and stroneer ; No. S , 51'i ®
r > 4c ; ungraded mixed , 51'j < : steamer
ml\rd. M1J'l'ic ; options opened easier mid
dull but closed llrm at unchanKcd prices to % o
idvanco on better cables and poor gradlugs ;
May , 48'4e ; August , 40'1c.
OKTii Itecolpts. 4a.t.TOIiu ; exports , 03,000 bu ;
sales , ] .Y,000 bu. of futures and 10J.OJO bu. spot.
tJuol market higher and quiet : options firmer
tnd quiet ; April , 3Gc ; May , Tise ; July. 34 > ( cT
suet No. 2 white ,"c ) ! : mixed western ,
O.VM7 c ; white Mcsteru , J74ill5Jc
HOPS Tirm , quiet ; Paclflo coast. 25 100.
fcuoAH-Haw , dull and bteady ; fair ro-
nnc , centrifugal , M lest , : i' ' u ; sales ,
fiuO ) bags ctintrlf uKal , M test , to Philadelphia
ati'C : ; refined quiet and steady.
MOLASSES roielcn. dull ; .V ) test , UHc ; Now
Orleans , quiet and llrm ; common to fancy ,
KICK Quiet and steady ; domestic , fair to
extra , 4'iItOlie ; Japan. 5 > lQV4Ci
PnTUOLfUM Dull and steady ; crude In bnr-
i els , Parkers , f.i 4 ; crude in Lulu. SiW ; re
fined Now Vork. $ > O'i ; Iliiltlmore , 0 01 : llaltl-
moro in bulk , JJ.5JSJ CO ; united closed ut 57-tiC
for May.
COTTONSEED OIL Firm : crude. 27c ; yellow ,
ao u.
TALLOW Dull , flrm ; city ( $2 for packages )
HOSIN Inactive but flrni ; strained common
to peed , (1.4 ® l.41 H '
TuiiPE.sTi > r. Dull and , lower at iB'itKKP.ic.
Er.os Western. 14e : receipts. 7,121 pkgs.
IliDts Stc.idy ; wetsalti-d RC-
lectcd. 475 Ibs. l < 28c ; Texas selected. 50 to 00
Ibs . dOKo.
I'OIIK t'nlrly active nnd flrm ; old mess , S1..10
& 10. ; > 0 ; new muss , J1I.OJO11.50 ; extra prime.
$11. M ) . - , , f
CfTME\TS-QuIet plfcWcd bellies. CUac ( ? c ;
pickled shoulder * , .IJio1 pickled Uams.O'iffi' ije :
middles , dull ; short clciir , SO 45.
LAiib Weak and dull ; -Western steam , M.IS'S
bid. closlnz ; option shies , tierces ; May ,
$55.1 asked ; July , Wi4SQ.ij5 ( , closing at $0.00
asked ; August. iS.7 \ , .
IIOTTSU Dull and weak : western dairy , 14 ®
17c : western'.Mc ; western fac
tory , 12ia.l7o ! ; Elcln. S4c.
OIIEESE Qutc * and weak : pirt skims , 5ffllOc.
PiO IltON Dull aJ.I4 7 @ 10.2. > .
COPPEK Inautle ; lAUe , Sll.75 bid and 111.90
asked. ' '
LEAD Quiet : domestic , J4.20J,415.
TIN Quiet and steady ; straits , H0.65 bid :
810.93 uskod. ,
St. Lou U - < Alurket8.
ST. Louis , Mo. , April 9. ri.oun Unsettled :
fnmlly. ? 1.00SJ.10 : choice. J 1. 20 ® . ! 3T > : fancy. $1 05
< S3.7i : extra fancy , ll.054.15 ; patents , W J5 ®
4.4WuriAT Nervous and excited , especially for
July , which opened Jjc higher , sold up'-ic
more , declined le , advanced S'ie , declined
2340 and closed 7ie below yesterday ; May
closed I3ic off ; cash sold higher utfi'Jlje. '
Coit.N-C'ash. higher at 34e [ : options closed
f c lower than yesterday ; May , Sj c ; July ,
O TS Cash , higher at ao'ic : May sold up to
3C , but closed at J-l'Bc sellers.
HVE Nothing done.
HAULEV Nothing none.
llAV-bteady ; prairie. li3D9.50 ; timothy ,
flO OJtd.50.
i > Firm attl.0. > ; snelter. $1 .13.
jr Firm and hltheratUjtoe.
Pt.SKF.D Higher atfi'ic.
COHN MEAL-hteudy atJl.8 > .
WHISKY Steady atl.r ,
llAOOiNO Unchanzcd ; Oj < .
IKON COTTON TIES ed ; $ ' .20441.25.
I'ltovibioNB Dull , with only a small Job
tr.ulo done at previous quotations
HECEIITS Klour. H.OOu lbs.i.wheat.2S,000 bu. ;
corn. , 37,030 bu. ; oats , 8.00J bu. ; rye , none :
barley. 1,00) ) bu.
Sllll'HKNTt. Klour. 4,0)0 Ibs. : wheat. 27.030
bu. : corn. 7',003 bu. ; oats , 7.00J bu. ; rye , none ;
barley , none.
Kiins.18 City .MiirKctn.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . April a WHEAT Slow.
liUhcr ; No 2 haid. Si'.ic ' , nomlnil ; No. 2 red ,
nominal aijOc.
Conx Wus strong ; No. 2 , 34c ; white , 31X3
OATS Were strong ; No. 2 mixed , at23328ie ! ;
white , 29Hc.
HYE Str.idy ; No. 2 , 7Ga
I'nx SEKD feoe on the basis of pure.
HIIAN rirm ; sacked , Gic.
HAY Stroneer , but unchansed ; timothy ,
( in < ROCO ; fancy prairie , fj 50 ; good to choice ,
S5.00ai.00. !
HUTTEH Weak , declining an 202Cc.
Koos Very we.ik. lie.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 13WO bu. : corn , 8,400 bu , ;
oats. 4.000.
t-Hli'MKNTS Wheat , 25,003 bu , : corn , 11,000
bu. ; oats , J.OOO. _
Liverpool Markets.
LIVERPOOL , April a WHEAT Stronc , de
mand poor , holders offer eparlngly ; No. 1 Cali
fornia. 7s D3r cental ; red western spring , 7s Cd
© 7s Til ner cental.
( JOHN Steidy. demand fair.
llUTTFU United Mates finest. 03s Cd per cwt ;
United States peed , 77s Cd.
TUIIPEN ri.NB bi-iitiTS i'os 2d per CH t.
LINSEEU OIL 10s per cwt.
Cotteo AlurMor.
NEW YOHK. April 0. Options opened b.irely
steady , 5 to 15 points lower ; closed steady ,
unchanged to npolntsdown ; sales , IH,7aO biiK * >
Including April. * l'iU > 5tl..3o : May. ( UMisaui'J ;
Juno { ll.L5 i ll.7u ; July , til 5.11.U ) : bep-
tomber.ll.50ii.55 ; October. ill Sffill.SOj De
cember , 111.45. HpotUlo , nominal.
Cotton .Mnrkrt.
NEW Onr.EANS , La , , April 9-Slnrket was
firm ; middling. G'.c1 ; low middling , Co ; re
ceipts , ' . ' .KM uales pross. / , J5 bales ; exports
to Great llrltaln , 7ftV'b.iles : to the continent ,
1U.OJ7 bulcsi coast,2 j { btock , 2bSt75.
Tr dcj Tullr ,
CIIICAOO , III , , Aii'rjflf. Counsolman &Day to
Coekrcll Ilros. ; Wheat opened \Vit'io \ higher
wltlmhorls cxultpd p\er Iho hliarp adanco
In Knrillsh cables una. closed I'iu ' lower than
yesterdav. A goodjiiivny small Rliorta wuro
lilted by the May bale and ho'ders , realizing
that u break wn > due , hastened toeecuro
profits. Com opened higher butylulded uniier
heavy helling by ih 'prlni-lpal holder of Slay
contracts , nnd wltln wheat bucumo stumpy
und closed lo lower fpr M ly nnd iic for July.
Oats followed other , grain and advanced
' , o but broke , closing only ' o loner ,
Provisions opened with an attempt bv pit
tradert to work ai > advance in sympathy with
grain , but full bnafcundcrfrco selling by pacK-
era HiiJ closed 11 'J lower fur poikundic
loner for lard und Hbs. At tha eluso weaker
holders teemed ( o topretty well bliakcn out
In ull tLo market * aad , unless the Influence of
the crop report , ls vury buiirlsh we bullet o In u
return to Letter nrlces next week.
CHICAGO , III. , April U r. o. Lozan b Co.
to Duncan , Hnlllnger& . Ca : Another active
day In the wheat pit with very heavy trans
action ! ! from ibo opening until the close. 'Iho
opening prlco of May wheat was from s. " > o to
Ki'ic , sold us hl/li as Wo und closed ut
for May , July , KJ'ie. The controlling Inllu-
unco hub bcitn thu gutcrnmunt report ex
pected this afternoon i'rom one standpoint
> vo do not see lliat this report should ehaico
tha valuoof whin stouki > are on hand. The
stocks of winter wheat are leu * than one-
fourth of the entire visible supply and wa nro
without receipts of lliU uuallty , The cash
demand for it U good and commands a
premium of from 5o to 7c per bushel.
\\licn \ we consider thai the t-rop of the
United t-tuti'n la o\cr two-thirds winter
und one-third sprln ? , and that the situation
today K no winter wheat , outside furnieri
hand * . In sight and Unit after a ik-cllnu ot a
goodihlrty centpor buihel no begin to won
der whv don't thuy tell If thuy lm\e It. The
market clo > euu oak on u general rumor thut
the government could show a good report ol
the growing pUnt. With a good government
report , say Oi or over , wo muy sull u few cents
lower but not until wlutur rtiuelpu ;
no belleto buying oa all HeaLiaarut-n will lo
.he profitable side. Corn moderately aetno
n sympathy with * h nt. old off from < l'i to
10'j-S. Provisions opened firm on actl\e buy-
IIK by local operators , the dcnitnd WRS freely
net by pickers. There nro 21.003 hogs expect
ed for Monday and 1 0,000 for next week.
CniCAno. Ill. Arrll a Konnctt. Hopkins k
Co. to S. A Mohortcr ; The i-lovator men
who ha\e- engineered the bulge In wlioat were
'rcc sellers lo.lay. KlTorls were made to
'orco Pardrldgu. but ho rcfit < cd all intlta-
: lens und Wns n modcrnto seller on sharp
bulges. Ho says the situation warrants lower
irlccs than yrt touched nnd thc o manlpu-
ntcd bulges don't particularly Interest him.
It is certain that neither tlio foreign nor
lonicstle outlook U encourncln ; to holders ,
jut a bullish government rouort and u back
ward spring Mould doubtless Minnln the mar
ket for 11 time , .lodging from everything In
sight , the prices nro much moro
lk'ly to touch 7.1e thin We. Corn
nnd oats were strong early In sympathy
ivlth wheat , but the teems to hiixe un-
oudcd a share of their holdlnirs Mid prices
ga\u way under presiure of long stuff. There
sro Indication ? of IncrJ-isi'd marketing of
ings , mid ll will bo hard to advance prices of
: > ro > lslons while this expectation prevails.
General Temper Wiis rirm anil the Opening
\\iis Ilncoiiniclng ,
Nr.wYonK. April 0. There were few foa-
: ure In the Block market today , trading
being oxen moro than nsinl ot Into profes
sional and the lluetiiattons In all but a very
ow stocks were confined to the smallest fr.ic-
lions. Tlio general temper , howoxer , was
Inn and the opening wns made at slight gains
oxer last nights ( Igures whllo the ilo-
iiiand from the shorts further advanced the
whole list In the dealttus. Thu
great foituro was the unusual animation
and strength dUplajcil In Western Union ,
which rose I point tot" , which point It had not
reached for a Ion , ' timo. Manhattan kept
company with It , contimilnu Its rlso l' ( pur
cent , nnd xvhlle neither of thc < o were able to
retain all ot their sains they were maintained
on a higher level than the test ot the market.
The bears ixtt icled Atchlmn and broke It 1
per cent , alTeetlng the rest of thn list to HOIUO
extent and depressing prices below thu lexol
of llrst llgurc * llcsidcs the stocks mentioned
no special nnimiitlon or strength was
seen outside of the Industrials , nnd In the o
the gains weio not important. The bxnk
st.itcmont showed n loss of oicr tJUbU.OjO in
thu surplus reserxc. but this was largely duo
to an expansion of the currency , but h id no
ollcct on urlecs. The late trading dox eloped
n llrmor temper and the market closed quiet
to dull nt an Inslenlflcant change for the day
in all cases except In Manhattan.which is up t
ier cent. The transactions reached 1)9,503 )
.Isted . and IIS'IO unlisted.
Government bonds have neon dull and
slcady. slate bonds have been neglected
The following aio the closing quotations for
the loading stocks on the Now Vork Stoe. ex
change today :
The total sales of stocks today were I'M.SOJ
shares. Including : AU-UUon. 10,000 ; Chlcnco
G.iS 2.00j ; Delaware & Hudson. : i.COJ ; Erie.
4,000 : Manhattan. 4tXX ) ; Northern I'acllle pre
ferred , 2.000 ; r > ow Eneliind , 0,100 ; llo'idlng.
O.OJO : Richmond & West Point , 5.000 ; St.
Paul , 5.000 : Unlou PaclUc , 3,000 ! Western
Union , 14,003.
Financial Krtlcw.
NEW YOIIK , April 0. The Post says ; The
revival of Intorcot In the bond market h.ts
been nn interest ! ! ! : ; though bv no moans n
surprising Incident of the ween. A glance at
the published i coords of daily bond transac
tions during March nould show howprcat wns
the falling oil In the activity of Invest
ors. The dullness , too. was accompanied
for suvcral wee s by slowly declining
prices. April 1 was reasonably sure to
mark the turn , as the January disbursements
sl.'n.ihzed thu reappearance of Imesiors In
Iho winter bond market. In J.inuary It was
remembered , as soon as quotations h id been
marked up In the bond market , this money
lloued In largo amounts Into the dividend
paying slocks. Today n 1thtojk prices on n
level , much h'elicr tliun In January , the sit
uation Is different. Vet It n.ust not be taken
that the leading rates for money tire louer
than they eiu the opening of the year : and
that consequently from an Investor's stand
point the Investment stocKs are Intrinsically
worm more
Jn'cvr York Money .Market.
NEW YOIIK , April 0. MONEV ON CAr.r ,
Husy at I1 } S-per cent ; last lo.iu 'J per cent :
closed olfereJ at 2 per cent.
PHIUB Menc\NTii.G I'APHii ! l'i5 ' Dorcent.
bTEnuiNO EXCHANGE Qu et at il.SOil for
sixty day bills and $ l.8734 for doni and.
The closing quotations on bonds :
T.omlon Stock .Iliirket.
[ Copyrightedl&tb'J Jt-nw nnnlin
LONDON , April O. lXow York Herald C.iblo
Snccinl to Tun I1EE.I The attractions of
the Oxford nnd Cambridge jont race com
bined with thi ) jpnro.iehof theseltlonientand
Tester holiday- , has caused business In the
btock oxchanco today to bo alniostMispcndod.
the only tr.insitctlons bcln In connec
tion with ontstandlnz accounts. The
funds are well maintained , Imllnn rupee
Improving 'i per cent , owlns to a ( Inner ten
dency In Mixer In Now VorK. Homo railways
show u little Irregularity unil at tlio close a
trilling lnipro\einent Is marked In Ilrlghton
deferred , Mirfllold ( leferri'd , Northern and
Metropolitan district , while In a few otlior In
stances fracllonnl declines are mjiueU.
American railways have been weak
nioro or less from the opening
to the c'.oso and that Is duo simply to roallza-
tlonx In proparatloi. for thu settlomcnt. In
the majority of cases a decline of ! . to ' .per
vent In established. Call money was In
moderate demand at from ? i 10 1 per cent ,
owlne to rcp'iymentJ to the bank , Threo-
months bank bills are quoted ut from 1 to li
per cent. The banks will probably charco
from 2 to 2j ! per cunt for their fortnightly
loan on MOCKS on Monday.
LONDON , April U. The following were the
London stock quotations eloslnx at 4n : : ] i m :
Consuli , money . VxjJlo Moilcun urdlnury
do , account . . . ' . ) ' ( M. 1'anl common , Sft
N. V , P .V t ) 1JO .Sew Vork Central 1I7W
Canadian Pacltlc. . VOH I'eminylvanta . . . .
Krli 31 N , Ittialni4. | . . . . .
du'Jnds li/JHi ilux. Cent , next 4i .
HllnuliCrn 107i !
Halo of cllsconnt sln the open tnnrkot for
both two and thrvo months' bills , l l-lix3lj )
per tout.
Amount of bullion withdrawn from tne
Dank of Kngluud on balance. '
riimiiclul .Si )
KANSAS Cnv , Mo. , A pi II 0. Clearings ,
NKW OitMJAXS , La , April -Clearings ,
PAIIIS , April 0 Three per cent rentes ( Of
Mo for tlio account.
IHi.TiMOiiE , Md. . April 9. Clearing * .
> , OU.1V7 ; balances , | JIOy7j ; Mte.O percent.
PHILADELPHIA. PH. . April o. Clearings.
tl'SIJ,20J ; buliuicea , ll. sl.Wi ; for the week
e.uurliiRs were J7J,1H. UI and ualauces tJ'J-
WJ ; uionoy. a pur cent.
HT. Louis , Mo. Apr.l 0 Pleurlnss. n,510-
u5 ! ; balance * , l.i.-e.oyi ; clcarliiKi for the week ,
til.0.0,0 ; clearlnzn fur corresponding week
la t jear , t-l,7-'J,51o. Money , 58 per cent.
Kxchuntieon .No Vork. par.
HOSTON , MUBS. . Apill 9 , Clearings 110/232.-
COI ; balances , } | ,7.HGW ; money , 2 pur cent ; ex-
chaiiEoon .Sow Vork , 17 < . ' 0u discount : weak
clearings , ! -57IOl,4 0 ; balancefj.001 , > I : fur
Hamo unek l.ibt year , clearlnzs. tM.bdJ.UJ'J ; bal
ances. f.U < n.HG.
NKW YOIIK , April a The exports of specie
from Now Vork lust week Hinountod to ial8-
uii , of which * ' > 4,7W wjg cold and > Gllvor.
Thu ImportH of ypnclo for the week amounted
-V.WI. of which I1UI.4V ! was gold and 11,107
, llJ5OU.ttt ) ; balances , ( J.44J-
4X ! ; for the week , clearing , t04.254.4)0t bal-
nncc * . f , o,4'Vi.
CIIICAOO. 111. , April ( I Money ea y nt < ( ? X !
per centi ISow Vork cxclmnitp. lcndy at pnrl
clcurlnct , tlln77.IJOl clearings for thn week
ending today were l sOfll..IVJ. Mnln t KI.U'QI-
WJ for thocorrpsiHindliu week Isityciri stcr-
llns rxclnnieiliiil : { ISflU for elxty-day bills
and < I.S7for demand.
Drmrr Mlnlni ; Murk * .
Dr.NVEn. Colo. April 0. The following list
Is the cloMiu iiuotatlons on thu .Mlnlnc c\-
cn.iiiRO today , .tles 10,1.0.
Union Taclllc OlllclulK Kipcctlnp ; the Annual
Change In .Maimci'incnt.
The big once ) building at the foot of Far-
nain strcot is filled with doubt ana expect
ancy , all because of the rumors of a change
in the management of the Union Pacific.
The annual meotlnp of the stockholders will
bo bold April 27. and rival factions are ma
neuvering to secure control of the corpora-
tion. It is the field against Jay Gould.
Wall street has reported the wizzard to bo
closing out his holding of Union Pacific
stock , from wblch it was inferred that ho
intended to rolinquisb the control of his own
motion , but Ueofgo Gould denies the truth
of that report.
The Vandorollts have been gatheilng in
stock during the past year , ana a late rumor
has it that they are back of a movement to
secure control of the Union Pacific and oper
ate it in the interest of tbo Northwestern.
Tha foiolgn stockholders are dissatisfied
with the orosont management nnd are ready
to give proxies to any puny that can over
throw Gould. The Amos and the Drexcl &
Morgan interests are saiu to bo united in the
IlL'ht against Gould , and Frederick L. Ames
of Boston is mentioned as their candidate for
These conflicting rumors are agitating
Omaha officials , because n change in manage
ment will cause several gentlemen to lose
their beads , which in turn will affect minor
It Is assumed in certain quarters that if
Gould continues in control J. S. Leeds will
succeed C. S. Mellon as amoral traOlc man
ager , but that otborwiso tbo honors ana
emoluments will fall to Gunoral FroiRbt
Agent Munroe. On this point a prominent
official , who for years has boon brought into
mtimato relations witn General Manager
Clark , sajs :
"It is a mistake to say that Mr. Leeds is a
pet "of Mr. Gould. When ho was trade
manager of tbc Missouri Pacific he placed
Mr. Gould In n very embarrassing position ,
and that gentleman has no further use lor
him. Why , if ho was a favorite of Mr.
Gould , was ho not provided with a place
oa ono of the other Gould lines !
No , sir ; it is known In Missouri Pacilic
circles that no is not in favor with Mr.
Gould. The chances are that Mr. Munroo
will bo made truplc and freight manager ,
just as has been intimated tn Tun BUB , and
tLal the freight und passenger departments
will bo divorced. Mr. Gould is not roivura-
lug pots. "
Mr. Leeds is actinc as fieight commis
sioner of tbo mercnants'nnd manufacturers1
bureau of San Francisco , and is reported to
bo getting a salary of $ JJOOJ or fij.UOo. Mr.
Mcllon's salary is said to have DC on Jl.'i.UOU.
About tlio Jlrldgo roll
"Tbo newspapers and Jobbers ought to letup
up on tbelr criticism of tbo Union Pacific
for tbo failure to absorb tbo bndgo toll on
shipments into Iowa , " said an official of the
freight department of that road. "Tho
Union P&clllc bas nothing to do with these
rates and tbo Iowa lines are alone to blame.
Under tboir lease of the bildeotbo Uock
Island and tbo Milwaukco have every right
on the bridge that absolute ownership would
give. They handle their own freight to ana
from Omaha and nniko tbolr own rates.
Tboy can add or absorb thn bridge toll ana
tno Union Pacific has notnlng to do with
their action. The Burlington and the North
western have their own bridircs at Platts-
mouth and Blair and of course do ns they
please about the toll , The only Iowa busi
ness handled by our road is wbat goes out
over tbo Wabash and that is very llttlo.
"Tbo Union J'acllio has been the friend-of
Omaha in tbis matter and ought to
have credit for what it has
done. Years ago it reach oj an
agreement with tbo Iowa line : to make Coun
cil Bluffs and Omaha common Missouri river
points. The two cities were to bavo too same
rate on shipments either lu or out. After
ward the Iowa lines went back on that agieo-
moot so mr as shipments from Omaha to in
terior Iowa points were concerned , nnd re
fused to absorb tbo undpo toll. The present
situation Is the result of that breach of faith.
On shipments to Mississippi river points aud
the east that old agreement mill boUU food ,
and tbo bridge toll Is absorbed by the lomt
"Hero , to my mind , Is n clear violation of
the spirit of tbo interstate commerce act.
For example , on n shipment from Omaha to
Davenport tno bridge toll is absorbed. On
shipments to otoer i olnts in Jowa over the
sumo line , in the same direction and under
substantially tbo same conditions the bridge
toll is added. It might pay the commercial
association to investigate this puass of the
quoniion , wblch seems to have been over-
loomed. At .any rate , the Union Pacilic
should not bo continually 'roasted' for not
abrogating a charge over which it has no
control. "
fJrrmons That Will ( ilio Von Prcillt unit
1'lPHnuro If Von I.liten ,
Trinity cathedral , Eighteentu street and
Capitol nvenuo , Very llev. O. H. Gardner ,
dean Holy communion , 8 n. in. ; Sunday
school 10 a. m. ; morning prayer , confirmation
and sermon 11 a , m. ; evening prayer and ser
mon , 7:30 : p. tn. Bishop Worlhington will
preach at tbo U o'clock service.
St , Philip's chanel ( Episcopal ) , Twenty-
first , between Nicholas and Paul streets
John A. Williams , prlust. Holy communion ,
7 u. m. ; matins and Sunday school , 10 a. in. :
litany , holy communion and sermon , 11 a ,
m. ; confirmation p. m. No evening ser
Bishop Worthlngton will visit St. Philip's
chapel at 4 p. m. nnd administer tbo rite of
Ciiitha Christian church , 43)8 ) Nicholas
street-Joseph Shields , patlor. Preaching
at 10:30 : a. m. and at 7:45 p. in. , Young Poo-
pie's ' Society Christian Endeavor at 0:45 : p ,
I m. , Sunday school ut lii m. Morning euuject ,
"Josus ftncl the Gentiles"
; evening nubect ] ,
"YourSin Will Find You Ouu" All seats
are free.
lllll < lilo Congrceatlonnl church , cor
ner Thirtieth and Ohio streets , A.
H. Ho , pastor Mornit.g orvico , lOi.TO.
Kov , \ \ J. Pftsko of Park Place UongrcgK
tionM church will nreaoh. Sunday
school nt noon. Young People's Society o't
Christian Kndcavor , OM5. Vo < pors. SCO :
p. in. Sermon topic , "Tho Catholic Church. "
Westminster Prosbytorlnn church , Twenty ,
ninth andMason streets , The pastor , Kov. John
Gordon , D.I ) . , will preach at 1IW ) : : a. m.
on thulllth anniversnrv of tlio organization
of the churcl' . At 7w : : p. in. lie will dolivei
thu second of n scries of sermons on the eight
gront miracles. Subject , "Tho Mltixclo ol
Man , " Sunday school nt 12-IS. Mooting ol
Young People's Society of Christian iia-
deavor at OM5 p. in.
First Congregational church , Ninetecnta ,
and Davenport streets. Dr. J. T. Duryea ,
pastor. .Sunday morning services nt lusiw.
immediately followed by Sunday school.
Evening services nt S :00. : Pravor and pralio
mooting , vVeilticsiiy evening nt S:00. :
People's church , on Hightcontu street ,
between California and Webster. Kor.
Charles W , Savldgo. pastor. PrcachlDR
at 10:30 n , tn , nnd 8 p. m. by the nnitor.
Subject In the morning : "Omnipotent
F lti ; , " Subject In the evening :
"Danger Signals. " Seats freo. All
are welcome. Sabbath school at 2:30 : p. in.
First Christian cnurch , corner Capitol
avenue nnd Tivonttoth street Hov. T. E.
Cramblot , p.xttor. Praicblnir at lOsiKln. tn.
unit 7.45 tun. Sunday school nt 12 m , Yount ?
People's Society of Christian Hmloavor nt
OM5 p. m. Subject of morning sermon :
"Some Kvluoiico of n Futnro Life.1 Tha
Women's Missionary society will hold Its nu
nlversary at the cvonlne hour for wcaclilnk' .
AU scats nre frco and all arn welcome.
Grant Street Christian church. Lake
strcot , between Twonty-llftli and Twenty ,
sixth. Sunday school at 3:30 : p.m. 1C. U ,
Jones , superintendent.
Immanucl Baptist church , corner Twontv-
fouitli and Blnnoy streets , Kountzc placo.
Frank W Foster , pastor. Hopulnr RorvlcM
10.30 a. in. and 7to : ! p. m. Morning tliomo :
"Making Dishonest Clerks , " fourth in course
of business sermons. Young pooplo's meet
ing ut 0:45 : p. m , Revival kcrviccs nnd
preaching every cvonluc next ucolc.
St. Mark's nvnngollcal Lutheran church ,
corner Twenty-tint and Burdolte streets
Pulm Sunday and Holy week will bo ob
served. Confirmation at 10:30a. : m. ; evening
service at7:45. : Sermon , subject. "Love's
Offurinp. Week day orontng preaching nt 8
o'clock. Friday morning sermon ; "Tho
Cross " 10.30.
St , Mary's Avenue Congregational church
Son ices at 10:3J : a.m. will bo conducted by
Itnv. Harrison of Frnnlilin academy. Sab
bath school at noon. Mission schools nt 1 ! p.
in. Young People's mooting at0:45 : p.m.
Trinity Methodist ICplscopal uhurcb , corner
Twenty-first and Blnnoy stioots W ,
K. Beans , pastor. Preaching at 10:30 n. IB ,
nnd 7:45 p. in. Morning subject , "Dronos
and Queens.1' Evening : "Tbo Light of tbo
World. " Sunday school at 12 m. J. T. Uobhuori
superintendent. Junior League at 3 p. tn.
Hpuorth Loapuo 0:43 : p.m. All seats freo.
All made welcome. Pastor's rosldonco 2113
Locust street.
All Saints' church , corner Twontv-sUth
nnd Howard streets , T. J. Mack.iy Itoctor
Morning service 11 a.m. Evening at S p.m.
Sermon topic morning1 "A Finished Life. "
Sermon topic evening : "How to Become k
Christian Sunday school 9:30 : u. m. Young
men alwavs welcome.
At Sownrd Street Methodist Episcopal
chuich corner Twenty-second and Seward
streets Kov. 11. A. Crane , A. M. , pastor.
Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Sun.
day school at 1230 p. m. Thu pastor will
preach in the morning and in tha ovcnlncr.
Mrs. Bishop Newman ulll give an address
before the Young Woman's Foreign Mts
sionnry Society on mission work In Chin * .
Her address will bo illustrated with very
line stereoptican views. Everbody wel
At the Central United Presbyterian church.
Seventeenth street , botncon Capitol avenue
and IJodgo Kev. John Williamson , D.D. ,
pastor. Preaching tomorrow nt 10:30 : n , to ,
Subject , "Message of Comfort , " and at 8 p.
m. , subject , "Looking Backward. " The
sacrament of tbo Lord's supper will bo dls
penscd at close of the tuornln ? service.
Sabbath school at 12 in. nnd Young Pco *
plo's meeting at 7:00 : p.m. Everybody wel.
The First Society of Progressive Spiritual ,
istsmeouovory Sunday in Marathon hall , cor *
ncr Twenty-fifth avenue and Cuming street ,
nt2:3J : ind 7:30 : p. m. Sunday. Good speak
ers and mediums in attendance. Insplra.
llonal speaking In tbo evening.
Church of the Good Shepherd , 1311 LakO
street , J. P. D. Llwyd , rector. Sunday school
0:45 : a.m. Morning prayer and sermon , It
a. m. Evening prayer and sermon , 7:30p : ,
m. Scats frco to all.
First Presbyterian church , corner Seven *
tocnth and Dodge streets , Kov. W. J.
Harsha , D. D. , pastor. Knxular services
at 10:30 : a.m. and 3 p. m. with preaching
hy Kov. W. W. Hanbo , D.D. , the pastor's
father. Sabbath school at noon. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor at
8 p. in. AU are cordially invited. '
Wesley Methodist Episcopal cburcb , For.
tieth and Hamilton. Kev. T. C. Webster ,
pastor. Preaching morning and evening by
the pastor. Sacrament of tbo Lord's sup
per following morning sermon. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. A welcome for all , t
First Baptist church , corner Fifteenth nnd
Davenport streets. Kav. Marsena Stone
will supply the pulpit morning ana ovoninc.
Services at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p. m. Prayer
meeting on Wednesday and Friday evening1 ! .
Sunday school at \ ' m and 3 p. m. All scats
are free.
First Univcrsalist church , Nineteenth and
Lotbrop streets , Kountzo place. Pastor ab
sent. No services tomorrow. Sunday
school at 12 m ns usual.
Both Eden Baptist church , Park nvenua
near Leaven worth. Kov. E. N. Harris pos
tor. Services at 10:45 a. in. nnd 70p. : ! ! m.
Young people's meeting 0:30 : p.m. All sit
tings are free and Btiangers especially wol
Park Place Congregational church. Thir
tieth and California streets Service Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock. Preacher Kov. A. II.
Kois of the Klversido church. Evening service -
vice at 8 o'clock conducted by pastor. Subject -
ject , "Woman's Mission. " Sunday school nt
noon. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening.
Castcllar" Strcot I'rosbvtorian cnurch. Six
teenth and Castcllar streets , Kev. J. M. Wil
son , pastor. Morning subject , "Tbo Savini *
Foundation Stone. " nnd evening "Tuoum
Aqumias and the Doc'rlno of Merit. "
Associate Mission ( Episcopal ) St. An *
drow's , Forty-second and Nicholas Hiroota
Walnut Hill , services 7:30.0:18 : : , 11:00 : a , rn.
nna7:30p. : ui. Sunday school , ID'.OO a. rn.
Holy week : Services daily at 11:00 : a. m.
Confirmation Monday at 6p.m. Baptism Sat
urday at G p.m. St. Paul's , CUBA street ,
two doors west of Thirty-second : Services
:3U : , 11 a.m. and 8 p. in. ; Sunday school , 10 a.
m. Confirmation Tuesday at ti p.m. Holy
week services Thursday 7 am. Friday , 7JO : :
p.m. Saturday at 5 p.m. St. Auirustlne'a ,
Thirty-third and Francis streets , Windsor
Place : Services. 4:00 p. m. ; Sunday
school , 3 p , in. : Holy week , Wednesday 7:30
p. m. Grace , Twenty-ninth nnd Spnulding ,
near Druid Hill. Service p.m. ; Sunday
school , 3 p. tn.
Plymouth Congregational church , corner
Twentieth and Spencer , toke Sherman
avenue or Twenty fourth street motor line to
Snonccr street. A , K. Thalu , D. Dpastor. .
Jifornlnp sermon nt 10(30 ( , subject , "Tho
Church Militant. " Sunaav school at r.'iio.
Young People's Society of Christian Kn
deavor at 7 p.m. Evening service 7t45. Sub *
ject , "Christ Iho Saviour. "
South Tenth Street Methodist Episcopal
church , corner Tenth nnd Pierce streets
Kev. Alfred Hodgctts. D.D , , pastor.
Class meetings 10 a.m. and 0:30 p.m. I'roach-
Ing 10:30 : ft.rn. and 7:30 : p.m , Huliop J. P.
Newman , D. D , LL. D. , will preach nt tlio
morning borvlco. Kev. U. M. Brown , A. M. .
will preach at the evening service. Special
services morning and evening. Easter will
bo appropriately observed by the church and
Sunday school. Bishop J , P. Newman will
preach Sunday morning at tno South Teutb.
Street Methodist Episcopal church.
First MelhodUt Enlscopa ! cliurcb , Twen
tieth and Davenport streets. Kev. P. S.
Merrill , D.D. , pastor ; 10:89 : , "Tho Will.
Ing Prisoner ; " 7:45 : , "Strougtiolds of Satan. "
Sabbmn school at 2:30.
Young Men's Christian association , build *
Ing corner Sixteenth and Douglas streou
Free rnaalng and corraipondonco rooms ,
open week duj. fiom 8 a. m. to 10 p. ID. , Sun *
days from 2 to 0 p. in , Sunday services :
Bible class , 0 a. m , and U p. in. , conducted by
Colonel Cnarlvs Bird , U. S. A , Mori'o meat-
ing at 4 p. m. addressed by Kev. Asn.card. .
Subject , "Kocks Jn Amusement * . " Musio
furnished by the male chorus , LJ. A. Torrent ,
director. Curiont Tome club meets Monday
evening ut 8 o'cloclc , Dr. Josopu T , Duryea ,
leader , Hvurybody welcome.
Unitarian church , Seventeenth anil Can ,
it recta. Kev. S. S. Huntlngton of De
Molnes , la. , will preach in the monitug.