THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY. APRIL 9 , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. tcihtudtyCarrlcrlonny partof the City I ! . W. TIL.TON. MANAGER M1XUII Mi\llOX. N V. Plumbing Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Grail's chattel loans. C0 < Sapp blocf. Frank Stan born , a patient at Bellinger's hospital , died yesterday morning , uged 3o 3 oars. A raarrlaee license was Issued yesterday to Frank C. Sllterof KegCrcok township. Pol- taw-atumle county , and Bertha F. McGec of Mills county. Dr. T. McK. Stuart will lead the Sunday school lesson study at tha ronms of the Young Men's Christian association this evenIng - Ing nl 8 o'clock. Lndics and gentlemen are cordially Invited. The cdso of Larson i : Jensen against J J. Brown , in which the plaintiffs are seeking to recover what Is claimed to bo duo them for plastering the house of the defendant on South Seventh street , was on trial in the superior court yesterday. Kd Johnson , L. Winters , William Davis nnd Shdlo Leo nto dinner nt a North Main street restaurant yesterday and went away without paying for it. Ofllcers located thorn later on and placed them under arrest on a charge of beating a board bill. M. J. McNertry , secretary of the Denison , la. , xvhlst club , lias sent a challenge to the whist players of this city for a match same , the side winning two garnus out of three to bo declared the winner. They can play from fourteen to twenty on a , side. Messrs. McGee and Treynor have engaged Prof. J. B. DeMotto for throe lectures at the Uhnutnuqua assembly , commencing July 12. Prof. DcMottc's lectures , illustrated with stercopllcon views , have been very popular features at fo'-mcr assemblies. Tbo annual election of ofticcMof the Young Men's Christian association will occur Mon day evening. Five officers and fourteen directors will bo elected to fill the vacancies caused by the retirement of the present in cumbents. Every active member of the as- tociatlon Is entitled to a vote. The Grand hotel injunction case , which was to have been brought up in the district court yesterday , did not come up on account of the absence of the attorney for the prose cution from the city. No day has been set for tbo bearing , but it will probably bo bad in the course of a day or two. Two men were caueht yesterday trying to dispose of a lot of pocket knives tnnt looted as though they had pussod through a fire and been badly damaged. One of the men who gave his name as M. .1. Doyle did all the work , tbo other being too drunk to talk and therefore n silent partner. They were arrested and are supposed to have stolen the knives during tbo burning of tbo Omaha ilardwaro establishment a counlo of weeks ago. ago.In In tbo case of Dem mo & Dicrkes against K. Morgan , in which n judgment was ren dered two or three weeks ago in favor of the plaintiff for (131.95 , an execution was re turned ycstordav unsatisfied. Tbo plaintiffs rnado application for an crder of court to have the defendant and his ( .on , C. A. Mor gan , brought In for an examination as to their property. The order was issued and the case will bavo n hearing this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the superior court. "J have been afflicted with an affection of the throat from childhood , caused bv diph theria , and have used various remedies , but have never found anvthing equal to Brown's Bronchial Troches. " Uev. G. M. F. Hamp ton , PiKoton , Ky. Sold only in boxes. The King of Cnisallnr Store * . The old single generator Dangler was the best gasoline stove ever mude , bu1. Shugnrt & Son have a new Dangler that is unquestionably the king of vapor stoves. It is called the Dangler Sur- pri&o , and is simply the old reliable Btovo with n perfect process generator ndded. It burns a blue ilamo when lighted and has no odor in slopping or Blurting. Shugarts are the only people who handle them. y.t r. i'Ait.iuit.ti > jis , Walter Vaughn of Chicago is visiting in the city. Miss Olla Cook has returned from Lin coln. Neb. , wnero she vlsirod friends this week. J. F. Brandoraoroof New Yorli Is In the city In tbo interest of a Isew YorU perfume bouse. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Stubbj loft yesterday for Denver , wbero tuoy will multe their future - turo homo. J. Locltwood Codec , FOII of N. P. Dodge o this city , is to bo one of tbo speakers at 'tbo April dinner to bs civcn by the Republican club of Massachusetts. Ed Howe has leased the Park hotel a At lantic , but will not take charge until tbe first of next month. In the meantime bo will con tinue shotving his samples and filling his order book. John MerKel , who is well known over the country as a burnt cork artist under the tiamo of John L. Howe , is expected homo next week for a dav or two visit with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. L. Mcrkcl of Wash ington avenue. _ When you buy your spring medicine you should get the best , and that is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It thoroughly purifies the blood. Jubt received at Davis' , n c.trload of nouth & Milllgan Mfg. Co.'s paints. Absolutely pure , and the best in the market. _ O. Yunkerman &Co. , feed , seeds , com mission , country produce , IDS Broadway. Iloom for H Iliiriu-ss I'nclory. A couple of wealthy capitalists from the cast are in correspondence with local parties with a view to locating a ° harness factory hero which w'.ll employ in the vicinity of JOO men the year round. They bavo a capital of fiO,000 which they are willing to Invest In tbo enterprise in ctso a man of the right Kind can bo found to go in with them , furnuh a sbaro of tbe stock nnd undertake the management of .ho business. They bavo been led to look up Council Bluffs as a pros , pcctlvo location on account of Us excellent railroad facilities , and according to the state ment of a prominent Implement dealer tbe onlv thing that now ttands in the way is their Inability to interest local capitalists in tbo plan. It is to bo hoped that the scheme will sot be allowed to fall through. Tbero arc only two harness factories of any size in this part of tbo country , nnd almost tbo entire supply has to bo brought from tbo cast , Tbero is plenty of room for an enterprise of this Uind , nnd what Is waiting for the men who engage In it may bo judged irom tbo case of an Omaha firm which embarked in tbo business eight or ten years ago wltu a capital btocU of nothing but push and Is now rated at 170,000 by the commercial agencies. Indigestion ] Miserable 1 Take Becham'i pills. _ How are your tin-ningaV J. M. L.amcko , 131 Pearl. Only homo factory. Thomas Tostovin. civil engineer and surveyor , over DeVol'N , 601 Broadway. Ill * Father Will Settle. William OhlrlchRbo stele a watch , chain , oiercoat and pair of gloves from P. U. Burk while occupying bis room and hiring bis hospitality , has been located nl bis home in Leavcnworth , Kan. , wbnro ho went immediately after his disappearance from this city. A letter has been received by Mr. Burk from tbo father of the culprit offering to suttlo for the stolen property providing-the case against him Is dismissed. This will probablr bo done , as Burk's rauln object la gettintr after tbe young dan was to force him to a settlement. Mr * . Winstow's Soothing Syrup reduce nllamuntion whllo children are leolhluir. 25 eonu a bottle. Ewcnioa Music Co. , Masonic tempi * . NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Improved Freight Facilities Required by the Burlington. WILL MAKE SOME IMPORTANT CHANGES Lumber for the Additions to He Mncle to the Coiiipaii's 1'ropertr Already on the Ground Other Local Nc\r Notes. The Burlington Railway company is tnak- Inj ; preparations for Improvements In the frelRht dcpc.1 which will rnablo thorn to fur nish their patrons batter facllltloi. The tre mendous amount of business which Is being done In the Implement line renders It Impos sible for the improvements to bo made at once , but thev will bo bpgun as soon as the spring nnh is over. The freight depot , which is In two sections at present , will bo brought to grade and the two sections united , the whole being surroundad by a platform , which will bo about IOJ feet lonsrer on each end of the depot than It now is. The road which encircles the depat will bo paved , so that the heavily laden wapons wl 11 not sink out of siRht In the mlro ns tnuy have done in the past , The lumoer for the platform Is already on the cround nnd work will bo commenced as soon as posslhlo with out Interfering with the freight tradlc. \Vlthreferencetoanew passeaper depot , matters arc at a standstill. W. J. Daven port , freight agent of tko company in this city , states that Iho ofllclals of the company arc nil ready to build a nexv local depot ns teen as it is decided definitely that Council [ Muffs Is not to have a union depot. Ho has jeen trying for many months past to Induce the company to btiH'il without waiting for ; he other matter to bo decided. The ofilctals , aov\ever , are not , willing to spsnd 510.00J or $15,000 on a local depot with a probability of having to spend $3oUO * > or so on a union depot soon. Incidentally It might bo mentioned that the construction of the Northwestern local depot is to Uo commenced nt once , word to that effect uavlnc been received from hcad- quaiterb. The officials of this road state that the erection of a local depot will bavo no cffct , whatever , on their connection with the union depot scheme , cither for or against. They arc so situated that a local depot will bo a necessity to their business , and they still consider themselves bound by their contract to go into the union depot scheme when tno other roads arc induced to fullll their thara of the contract. _ Stop that cough. It is a danger signal. Plso's euro for consumption never fails. Pleasant to tako. All druggists. > c. OOLI ) CITISE IN TIIK BLt'lTS. The lllanchnrtl Institute Rendto Cure the Victims of Whl < y , Morphine and Tobacco. With more railroads than any other city in the west , with nearly 100 passen ger trains coming1 and goinp daily and the largest nnd finest hotels in the Mis- Fouri valley , the wonder has been for months past why n bichloride of gold cure iutitutu has not boon established heie. Js'p city in the west ailords such ouportuuitics for people to slip in quietly and take a course of treat ment and get away without the annoyance of publicity. It is not sur prising that while local uhysicians were making elaborate arrangements for opening n big establishment , shrewd parties from abroad should perceive the opportunity and quickly take advantage of it. The field is now filled. Com mencing Monday tno Blanchard insti tute will be able to take cnre of all who desire to break the thraldom of alcoholism , the opium , morphia and tobacco habits. Offices have been fitted up on the second floor over the "Corner" bookstore , opposite tbo postofiice building , ana Mr. Blanchard and his assistants will bo glad to meet any and all the unfortunates xvho desire relief. Ho will guarantee a quick and safe euro of all those terrible habits , and will insure a disgust for the pernicious stimulants that will be an effective and permanent preventive. During the coining week ho will treat a limited number of patients free of charge to show the prompt and wonderful effect of the cure. Handsome and cozy oilices have been fitted up and they will no doubt be visited by many people from western Iowa in the future. NvnrliiK the End. The term of federal court is nearing the oml. and It is likely that the middle of next weak will sso court adjourned and the law yers , witnesses and bootleggers gone to their homes. There have been sixty-five boot legging cases disposed of durine the tor m , nnd fi'ty new Indictments hava been re- lurnoi by tbo grand 1ury for uoxt term. The following parties were sentenced yesterday : S. D. Viers , $173 and thirty days ; Charles Ulurk , 330 nnd nlnoty daysCharlesRboadps , S2SQ end forty days ; W. W. Douthil , $1T5 and forty-five days ; Dan Williams , 8153 and thirty days : Frank Smith , 1150 and thirty dayr. The case of the United States against Har- lan Thompson was tried and occupied nearly tbo cutiin dar , it being given to the jury just before the. hour for Iho evening adjourn ment. Thompson Is a young man of 10 years or thereabouts and is charged with entering a building last September at NoJaway , which Is used as a store and post- ofllco combined , and stealing $1.59 from tbo cash drawer of the postofiice. Deiectlvcs were put upon his trail , nnd it was not long before Thompson was arrested , the clew by which the crlino was fastened upon him being n marked Canadian 5'J-cent picco which It was alleged be bad pasted on a mer chant of the town. A number of witnesses were introduced and all were put under u searching cross-examination by Attornov James McCabe , who appeared for tbo de fense. Assistant District Attorney Howell of Kco'nuk managed tbo prosecution , the prosecuting attorney. Lewis Miles , caving left for bis homo in Corydon yesterday morning. After a short absen ce the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty and Thompson was dis charged. _ Do Witt's Sarsaparilla cloinsai the blool , Increasoslho appetite anl tones up tbe sys tem. It has bonctittod many paoplo who 4iavo suffered from blood disorder * . Itwil hcipyou. _ We have our own vmoyards In Califor nia. Jarvls Wino como.iny , Co. Bluffs Genuine Hock Springs coal at Thatcher's. 10 Main street , always on hand , Uelletcd to lie a 1'nrcrr. James Fnrguton , alias John C. Howard ol DCS Molnrs , was tcntcnced in police court yesterday to n thirty-day term In the county jail for committing an assault on a boy named McCarthy. During his Imprisonment the police will Investigate his past record and are of tbo belief that they arc in tbo possession of facts which will ibow him to be a confidence shark acd crook of the worst kind. A check for ? ' .KX ) which he had with him at tbo time of his arrest , and which ho trlod to put out of the way undiscovered , has teen sent to Dos Moines in order to find whether tbe signature , that of James C. Loomis Si Co. , is a forgery. DeWitt's Sarsaparilla dostrov. sucn pol tons us scrofula , skin disease , eczema , rhou matlsm. Its timely use save * many lives. Rcltor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , Ims all the latest styles and newest goods. Satisfaction uuruntocd. R H. Sheafo has money toloan on real estuto and chattels. Broadwnyund Main. lilarksmlth hhoj > Hurc\urlicd. A blacksmith shop belonging to Jobn Ablet , the redoubtable socialist , has been roado the objective point by u gang of thieves for some time past. It i < located on Brocd war between fourteenth and Fifteenth streets , and the darnazo U supposed to have been done by some of the people Iking in the neighborhood. Nearly all tbe tools In the shop were stolen early in the week , and yesterday it was found that the ldo of the Building had been broken in and the building tselt almost demolished. The latter teem * , o hare been dorio out of pure malice. Dewltfs S&rsApariil& cleanses the blood , IJr. A. W. Gordon is now the happy possessor of ono of the finest pianos in Lhe city , having purchased of the Swanson - son Music Co. n cabinet grand Schubert. JarvislS" " brandy , purest , safest , bcsU County > upcnl or . At the meeting of the county supcrvlyirs yesterday the petition of C. Deetkon , asking [ hat the dam might bo removed from Mos quito creek at Green's packing bouse , was brought up for consideration and rejected , the board deciding that it bad no jurisdiction In the matter. J. L. . Formnn , overseer of the poor , put In n claim for V > 3.33 for cash items paid out since tbo last meeting of the board , and showed credits to the amount of $ .113. The auditor was Instructed to pay him (200 for cash items that might bo needed before the next meeting. The auditor was instructed to issue a war rant to settle the judgment granted the plain- tiffin the case of Ucnjamln against 1'ott.i- wattamio county and to fllo a claim for that amount and for whatever other claim the county might have against the estate of U. A. BabcocK. M. H. French presented a p.'tltlon asking that the county take steps to prevent the en croachment of a washout on the road near Lovcland. The petition was refused , the board having no jurisdiction in the matter. This decision was in accordance with the re- fort of the rountv attorney , to the matter was referred for advico. Mayor Lawrence and tbo finance commit tee of tno city council paid a visit to the board in the afternoon and spent * omo time discussing the Cut-Off Island caso. At the conclusion of the conference the supervisors decided to male an appropriation of { GOO as their share of the amount needed to carry on the litigation. _ Disease npvor successfully attack ! n sys tem with pure blood DoWltt's S.trsaparllU mates pure , now blood and enriches the old. Jarvls' wild olackberry is the best. Bolts & Belts want to buy n car load of horses and mares. Will be at Boquot's barn , Council Bluffs , Saturday , April 1C. Pay cash. \YutunII'M ItrllrfCnrp * Anniversary. The Woman's Helief corps will cele brate their third anniversary by asocial entertainment in G. A. R- hall on next Monday evening. Literary nnd musical program first part of the evening and dancing , cards and refreshments in the after part. Admission to all eely 125c , AMUSKMK.VTS. The retirement of Edwin Booth from the stage , which promises to bo permanent , loaves America without a great "Hamlet , " but there are several j'ounger men striving to become worthy the succcssorshin of that eminent actor. This aspiration is wholly commendable and is the justification of any earnest , intelligent effort for its realization. Mr. Robert Mantell has entered the lists for the coveted honor , and Omaha was afforded the opportunity at. the Boyd last eveningto test his powers and measure their promise. The result " sult Is hardly reassurinc to" the critical ob server. Mr. Mantell brings spirit and intel ligence to his work , and in some of the pas sages of stormy emotion sweeps away criti cism , but by far the greater time his acting is palpable. His posing is too obvious , his falsetto too sybillant , bis reading too decla matory and his subtlety too elusive. Despite these faults Mr. Mantell presents an inter esting interpretation , which finds much laver with the general audience. Miss Cbarlotto Bnhrens is an act ress of moderate powers , who has the gopd sense to keep within her limitations , and shn presented a graceful and acceptable characterization of "Ophelia. " Ot the bal ance of the company little can be raid In praise. Their merit was indifferent if not wholly wanting , but their USD may be justi fied in the assumption that tbo ambitious star must employ such agencies as he can aflord. Arrested the Attorney. Attorney William Simeral enjoyed the ex perience of being arrested in Council Bluffs yesterday on a charge of embezzlement. Ho went over there to cause the arrest of Emll Schurz , a Bluffs attorney , on a similar charco , and was successful. His own arrest was the result of Schurz' attempt to retaliate. It seems that Schurz collected f49.1.j duo Milton Rogers & bon from R. L. Williams , and refused o turn it ocer when the demand was made. Ho claimed that ho was about to collect it on execution even after It was in his possession , and when Simeral went over on the first of tbe month and in sisted on n settlement Schurz gave him a check on tbo Citizens bank in part pay ment The chock was protested when pre sented for payment at the bank. Schurz al leged that Williams did not pay the full amount of the judgment and that when ho ( Schurz ) refused to receipt the docket In full Williams instructed him not to turn over ice money. Williams , however , denied this and showed Schurz' personal receipt for tbo lull amount. Stmcral decided to act , and bad Schurz arrested. Tbo latter filed a complaint alleg ing that Simeral hod collected a note for ! 5 and withheld tha proceeds. Simeral states that ho did not collect the money , but on tbo contrary returned tbo note to Schurz some time ago. Both defendants wcro released on ball In tbo sum of $3QJ each. Simeral states that bcburz' assertions to the effect that tbe matter will oa settled and prosecution dropped is without foundation , as ha proposes to push the case to tbo end. Organlrvd Litlior Notes. An open labor meeting will bo held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Bnriter block. Tbo meeting will be in tbe interests of painters , but the Central Labor union ex tends an Invitation to all tradesmen to at tend. Thursday night Organizer Musser of the central union organized tbo electricians with nineteen charter members. There are about 120 electrical worsers In Omaba and Council Bluffs , and it is thought tbe majority of them will join tbo union. As soon as the * organization ivas ef fected a charter was order from the National Brotherhood of Electricians of America , which has its headquarters at St. Louis. The charter is expected Monday , At the next meeting of tbo local union three dele gates will be elected to represent it at tbo meetings of the Central Labor union. Southern Pacific .Vfir Officer * . Six Fnvxci co , Cal. , April b. The annual election of ootcars of the Southern Paclrie Railroad company was held yesterday. C. P. Hunttngton was elected president , C. F. Crocker first vice president , A. N. Towne second vice president , J , C. titubbs third vlco president , U. Linslag secretary and comp troller , N. G. Smith treasurer , U. E. Dav'is assistant treasurer , F. C. Catej actlne vice president end assistant secretary , Lelaud Stanford , C. P. Huntlneton , Charles Crocker and Thomas Hubbard directors. Snow In Texas nnd Mexico. NEW , La , , April 8. The i'lcay. tine's San Antonio , Tex. , special sari : Snow fell to tbe depth of two inches over tbo greater portion of southwestern Texas , Dozinainc 200 mites west and reaching into the northwestern border of Mexico. Snow It extremely rare in that section and emo Injury Is expected to bo done. JJeWitt'sSarsaparilla is rciUble. Ilulldluir 1'rrums. Tbo following permits wcro issued by tbe superintendent of buildings yesterday : Lawrence Ilubreont , o-ktory frainn dwelling , lt 0bouth Eleventh street .1 2,000 O. A , tlorr. two-story double brick and stone dwelling. H ± J thcrwool avenue.00 Same , H'AI tljcrnooj uvenue bltO THO minor penult * , 400 l" 16,4.0 BURNED OVEiy'iALF A BLOCK Tire Sweeps Away thfef Old Military Eoad Bam and Adjoining Buildings , LOSS ABOUT TWENTX THOUSAND DOLLARS * rf llunilrdU of Ton * , tif It.itrU Itn.v Mnkc n Hot Itlnro nnd ( ihp tlu > rirnnrn a Hani riRlit ib iatp Adjoin ing I'rojicrly. The old Military BridRO stable at the corner of Twenty-fifth and Cumlng streets was totally aeitrojcd b.r fire jcstcrday afternoon together with ttic adjoining building to the cast. Just about 4:30 Clerk Hajbrouck , em ployed In Olot Bang's drut ; store , which oc cupies the eastern part of the stable build ing , noticed smoke coming from the rear Dart of the store and gave the alarm. A still alarm was sent in from No. 1 engine house , wntch was followed by n regular alarm and a few moments later a second alarm was cent which brought ten hose companies and two trucks to the scene. When the department arrived la lorco the whole stable and the adjoining block was a mass of flames and It required hard and quick work to keep the fire within bounds. Joseph Dougherty , the lessee of the stable , wblcn was owned by Major Jobn 13. Furay. at the first sign of smoke called his men and managed to get nil his horses , buggies nnd harness out beloro the roof fell. The still westerly wind which was blowing nt the time fanned the flumes and llterallv ate up the frame structures in a remarkably short space of time. The upper story of the barn was tilled with baled hay and grain , which burned with great rapidity and fury and for a lime almost baffled the efforts of the firo- men. men.Tho fire probably started In an unoccupied room adjoining the druir store , where Drue- gist Uanp had tome paints , oils nnd varnish stored. Some say that an explosion occurred Just before the fire was discovered. From tbc livery stable the llames loapnd to a small barn In fie rear , union was used as a grain and bay storehouse. A coupla of car loads of hay was stored In the upper part , nnd nt one time it looked as if tbtuvdole structure would go up. Tbo firemen rushed Into the smoking bullning nnd throw out fully 100 bales of buy before tbc great mass was entirely allnme. When it uecamo impossible to remain up stairs the supports of the hay mow were cut down , and the blazing bales fell to the ground. A half dozen strnams of water played on the burning hcrso feed , ana wltbm half an hour every spark of fire in this bunch of nay was extinguished. At the Cuming street front of the stable considerable hay was stored and it took ' quite a while for th'c firemen to get at it. The roof and front of tbo building burned so fast that when the fire got to worn on tbo hay It was almost a soothing furnace and the firemen had a hard time of it In trying to throw the burnlne bales into the street , Tbc frame building adjoining tbo stable oa the east nnd owned by A. Pedersen was damaged considerably by fire and water. Tbo fire burned the roof off and completely wrecked the rooms below. Major Furar , who owned the military road stables , said that the building was out up in 1SS4 and cost ftl.SUO. He carried an insur ance of about ? 3OJO. Olof Bang , the drug gist , lost the most from water. Ho carried a M.OOJ stock and was insured for $3,000. The notion store of P % ' Hanscn was consid erably damaged , bur'tho loss will bo fully covered by tbo $1,100 Ihsurance. Doucherty had eight car loads of hay in the two barns and will 16so'all of it , as he had no insurance. Cuming-street for a while jvas literally naved with hose excepting the space occu pied by the household goods which had been hastily removed by Ibe frightened residents nearby. It was a great show foribo small boy as well as nault ? . The streets , alleys and surrounding bluffs were black witb. curi ous people. Captain Murphy of trucU 2 had his right hand severely cut by falling glass , which was the only accident any importance which occurred. The total loss will hardly be above $20,000. p OMAHA'S BID FOR DOANE. IlieMnttcr-of Securing the Congregational . College Fully UlscuftKed. A committee of gentlemen from the Con gregational association of Nebraska , com posed of Kev. A. L. Lceper of York , F. C. Cochrane , Kev. George Hendley of Weeping Water , Rev. G. J. Powell of Chaaron and Mr. W. H. Russnll of Omaha , mot a number of the prominent citizens of Omaha yester day afternoon at the Dime Savings bunk and Discussed the probability and possibilities of removing Doane college from Crete to Omaha. Kev. Mr. Hendloy was chosen chairman of the meeting. He explained to the gentlemen present that the CongresnUoualists of Nebraska had come , to the conclusion that tbe only way to make a complete success of Doane college was to remove it to some largo city and concentrate the effort that Is being expended upon both Doano and Gates colleges in one supreme effort to build up one strong university. Kev. Mr. Hendle.v said In tbo event that Doane college should be removed to Omaha or some other city he tnougbt the institution would take with it about $25,000 in cash , an endowment of KHJ.OOO and tbe Bos well ob servatory , which Is considered the finest ob servatory in tbe state. The college has about 000 acres of land worth $25 per aero and three very good college buildings. The buildlnc * would probably be kept for tbe use of the academy. Dr. George L. Miller was present and ad dressed the meeting. He presented to the commlttecmen some very forcible arguments tending to show that the r could not do better than to locate the college here. He said that a small tract of 'and in Omaha would bo worth n creat deal more to the college In a few years than a very largo tract located in some country town. If the college was ever to be c real , tbe doctor held , it must bo removed - moved to Omaha , for Omaha was tbo center of commerce , capital , brains and energy In Nebraska. Mr. A. P. Takey stated that ho was not entirely convinced that Doano college could bo removed from Crete. Ho thought tbero might bo conditions in tbo-endowment that would make it very difficult to pick the college - lego up and set 1C down in some other place. The gentlemen present to confer with Omaba citizens upon tbe fcubject , however , seemed to tblnk that there would bo hut/ little difficulty experi enced in that particular direction. They seemed to think tba rtho removal of Doano college from Crete was practically a decided question , end the next step would bo to de cide upon the new location. The question of location would dnprma a good deal upon the inducements bo'.a obt by tbo larger cities of the state suitably located. Dr. Miller said bo * vus ready at any tlmo to mate the Concrozatlonullstsn'pro position , JuU as soon as tbey decided to come to Omaha , but he did not w b to compete with H. G. Clarit or any other cWken of Omaha in tbe matter of doni > tlc lands. When tbey watited a proposition oil they had to do waste to Inform him to tbat.effoct , Mr. H. G. Clark also said that be would bo on hand with a proposition when tbo com mittee wished to consider something of that kind , but be would tike to have somu sugges- iiTASTELESS-EFFECTUALl pen i : DISORDERED LIVER : TtVen directed then ftmoa ) Pitli will pror * ciirrellaui rettortmei to all enfMlled ojr the iboio or kindred diMuee. 26 Cents a Box. hot generally rtcorolted in EotUnd tod. la ( act t treat bout the world to be "worth * cuin l. W ( or tbe return that tbrj _ XVIL.I. . Cimn a wide I-UHKO of com- ! > plulnlf.aadthU the/ line MTtd to in or afftreri not merely out bat many raineie , la doctors' bill * . > Catered with a Tatteleti & Soluble Coatinj. I i ; or all druccliu. mo 25 cents a box. ' > Now York Depot. MS Canal Bt. Rheumatism. Symptoms. High fever , bounding pulse , swelling of the joints , with great tenderness and severe pain , especially if the patient attempts to move ; and on moving after resting in one position , lameness , stiffness , and severe pain. Rheumatism is a blood disease , and must be so treated. There is only one preparation of which it can be said that no instance of a failure to cure Rheumatism or any blood disorder has ever been recorded ; and that preparation is furnished , not by science , but by Nature a harmless vegetable cbm- pound of herbs , roots , and barks , called Kickapoo Indian Sagwa If you are rheumatic , and do not try this Nature's blessing to the human race , you are responsible for what you suffer. Here is a person who had faith. FRCtWAN STRATTON , Cast Falrfield.'t. . . declares : "After being sick many months with Khcumatltm , mast of the time tonfned In bed. I uas Induced to try Kickapoo Indian Saau a , I too1 ! three battles , and It cured me. I have not been troubled ilnee. I have no sympathy for any one tiho suffcrl u/llh Rheu matism and don't try Sagua. " $1 00 n bottle. All drttppl ti. Kickapoo Indian Worm Killer ] PRINCESS KICKAPOO. Nature's remedy for worms. Satisfaction 'Pure ' Blood Perfect Health. " guaranteed. 35 cents. | TWIN CITY STEA.M DYE WORKS , G. A. S3fio3d5ac < t , Proprietor , Ofi733 621 Broadway , Bluffs and 1321 Farnam Su , Omaha. Dye , clean and rafinish ofoverydsBsription. Packagss racsived at either offica OP at tha Works , Cor. Ave. A and 23lh St. Council Briiffs. Send for prica list. Merchants who liavo shop-wore or boiled fabrics of any character cin : have them redyed and finishol equal to new BED FEATHERS RENOVATED AND CLEANED BY STEAM , with the nd most approved machinery , ntest at less cost than you over pul Excrj MAN can be S'JItONO and VIG OROUS in all 'opens _ by usmc SPANISH NERVINE , thecreat HpHnlsh Remedr. YOUNG MUN OR OLD suffering from NERVOUS DEBHITV , JOST ot FAII XNQ MANHOOD nightl ) ciiiisstons , convulsions , nervous prostration , caused by tbc use of opium tobacco or alcohol , wake fulncts , mental depression , lots of power m either sej , [ ermnlor- BEFQORE AMD ATTER LSE , rhoja causedby sell abuse and o\er indulgence or anj personal weak ness can be restored lo perfect health and the NOBI > E VITALITY OF STRONG SIBN. We e've ' a written guarantee with 6 boxes to cure an ) case or refund tlic money. 11 box , C boxes Js For sale in Omaha bv Snow , Lund & Co. Chas. Lunkley , Fimcrnl Director anil Undertaker. 311 Broadway , Council Bluffs. 1 , < I I ( T K P. lion as to about what the church expected tbe citizens of Omaba to do. Ho was informed by the members of the commutes that the trustees would probibly expect Omaha or any other city making a proposition to donate both lands nud money to the college. The Congregational associa tion will meet in October and the matter will then be decided. It tbo meantime the committee having the matter in hand will be open to prooosals from Oraaba and other cities desiring- have the college located in their vicinity. In the meantima it will bt > left to tbo cnerect.c citizens of Omaha to prepare a proposition lo be presented to the Congregational association about the middle of September or sooner. rvbout Tlmt Condemned Porker. The pohco court room ivas lillca with butchers , meat inspectors and health officers yesterday , who bavo been called to give tes timony in tbo diseased meat case against Lev a'nd the butcher at Twentieth and Pierce. The case promises to ba long drawn out. Inspector Bcsen condemned a hog which the butcher. Frank Krampert , bad pur chased from Levry. Krampert alleges that the meat was In good condition and has the certificate of the government mlcroscoplst at South Omaha that tbc meat was lit for use and should not Dnvo been condemned. MfBsre. Hickstein and Welch , the former meat inspectors , nnd eictu other butcher * buvo signed a asserting that the meat was good and should not hnvo been con demned. ' Gave Tlirlr 1'ai.lor u hiirprUr. Rev. Dr. Jobn Gordon has been pastor of tbe Westminster Presbyterian church iu this city for flvo years. His congregation remembered the anniversary last night by giving Dr. and Mrs. ( Jordan a surprise. Over 100 members of tbo congregation gathered at tbe church und marched in a body to the residence of their pastor. Fol lowing them was a van loaded vutti an elegant chair for Dr. Gordoc. and a sideboard and chiun for bis charming wife. These tob ns of love w ere presented to the sur prised couple by Senator Swilzler on behalf of tbo congregation , The senator's re-marks were exceedingly happy and Dr. Gordon re sponded brielly , but to rho point , Refresh ment * wore served and a pleasant evening was passed. Today Robert Mantell will close bis en gagement at Boyd's new theater by giving two performances a rnatlnoo at 2r39 this afternoon end tbo regular evening perform ance at 8. At the uiutlnce performance a double bill will be presented , "Tbe Louis- ianlan" and "The Lesson iu Acting , " and at tbe evening performance the great produc tion of "The Corsican UrothorJ. " This mornlncr at 0 o'clock tbo sale of seats for tbe cnf * > nigtt engagement of Mr , Stuart Rooson at'Bo/U' * now theater will opw Mr. Robion and bis excellent company wi ! play a. special return engagement of ono night only at Bojd's new theau-r Sunday night , presenting "The Henrietta. " Mr , Charles n. Bacon , representing Au gustus Pitou's great play , "Tbe Power of the Press,1' unlcb comes to Boyd's niw tboatcr the last three nights of next week , in tte city. At the Farnam Street tboater commencing Sunday tnuuuce tbo tjpooner Comedy com pany will opnn thair engagement in that very funny comedy , ' 'A Fight for a Million. " Tbe Atchison Champion has the following to say of the play : ! bo standing room only sign was displayed early lust night at Price's , tno occasion being tbo presenta tion by tne tipooner Comoifv company of "A light for a Million. " This is a very taxing comedy and tbe immense audience was enthusiastic in praise of ItThe fea tures of lua evening was the Cameio rausio by tue Moxic&n orchestra und tbo acting of Mils Kdna May , which Is very pleasing aid &cemi to captivate Atcblson audiences more and more the oflcner tbc ; hear b r. " Dr. HumpIircV8prrlfl clcntlficallrand carefully prepared Remedies , Litd for jears 1C private practice nnd for o\er thirty years l > y tbo people with tutlro EUCOCRS. Every Eln l3 h | > ccJlo u xixtclal cure f cr the disease named. Sbey cure without dragglnc , purKlnc or reducing thef stemau'lcroln fact ana aecd the botrrelcn Ilrinediei of the World. LiiTcrrxxxcirAL > OB. rrkrc rtutft. 1 Fevers , Congestions , Inflamtna'Jor22 U Worms , Worm Fever , Worm Colic .23 3-Tecthinsft Colic , Crying , WttcfalM * ! .25 4-Dltrrbcaof ChUdren or Adults . .25 7-CoDEhB , Cold ; , Bronchitis .25 S Ncuralclni Toothache , Faccachc . . .25 ! > -IIeu < ! acb , Met Headache , Vertleo. . .25 TO Dyspepsia. Biliousness , CowttlpMloa .2. % 1 1 Suppressed or Painful Periods .25 12- Whites , Too Prof use Periods . .23 13 Croup , Lnrynciils , Hoaricnra . .25 1 1-Salt nhenm , Erysipelas , Eruplloij .23 15 Itlieumutisra , Rheumatic Pales .25 1 G Mulnrln. Chills , Fever and Ague. .25 XT-Piles , Blind or Blecdlns . . .25 lO-Cntnrrli , Influenza , Cold In the Dead. .25 20-Wlooplni ; Conch . . . . .25 QT-KldDcy IMfcnfC * . .23 28-Ncrrous Dcliltlty. . . . I.OO 30UrinarjWcalcncsr , IVa'Ing rod . .25 SoU 17 Prnlitv , or trot pootjwld on irrrfjt of jrirt. Pi. HC rlHITI' M.KT I- l < 4xil , KllLtU I IL * aro. ro. , iu A in min.m FI. , Sr wi. . P EG I F I C S BRAIN D1LR.C. WEST'S J.T.11VE AND nttU.N TUG AT. ilENT.a speculator llritorli , Illlilnoii , Hti , NB l. rHlela , Ho.-ijM-ho , Ncrroiii I'roitritloa cau-eJ bj a | . coliol nrloUiicca. Wakafulneji. Mental DeprtiislJa. boftcnlnz of iho llraln , ciuiln ; ! ni nlty minor/ , decaydevil , I'rotnatura OM Ane , llurreiineii , J.OU of 1'owcr In cither nor , Impotency , I < ejcorrii39i aal ell KcrnnleVoikneitoi , Involuntary IxmiM. hDjr- oiatorrhoecauuJ by over-eiertlun of tbo brain Ccf-abu ] c.over-In Iul.-enc3. A muntr ! * treatment II , t for IJ. hy mill. Wo duariniaj u IXIXBI t > cure Uacli order f or 6 boi i , irlthli will neil writ ten cuarantoo to refund it not cjrel. tiuurantaa l iu donly by A. Schrotsr UriwUt. sole ugi'nth S. U cor lub nud Knnincu btj , Omaha , .N'eb JAPANESE JJUB CURB A nen anl Complelo Treatment , rontUttne o [ EuppoiUorlei , Ointment In Captulai nl o In llo andl'llts ; a I'onUIre C'urj for Kxlsrnsl , Internal llllnd or llluellru Ucblnv , Oli'Onlo , Hecjnt or lleiedltary I'lli-i. Tbli Kjmwlr hai njrer bacn known to fall. ( I perl > 'jv. d forf . 9nt U/ null , \Vh ) tuOerfrom taU torrllilo illnuo whan a writ ten k-uaranltiu U poiltlraly tflvu.i wltu ij loxoi or refund tha money If not carjl Sand irma tor frej sample. Ouiirant-jd lujjl hy Katu i CoH UrutzliU , Solo Aioai. rorjijf litUiinl Djujlai Hlta-ti , O in aim. .Nca. GUITARS MANDOLINS The Mnrquette , Tne Lakeside. - IT 'Jl * The LnkeaWe. The Arlon. itlll ] ! .il tfjueiiy . 15 Arlon. The Arlon. Mmt I , intrfd'ltr infold tJO e Conservatory _ The Conservatory. . i , iu Bultl l.u t iiiult ( . ' ) 'ullr rr ntM * * * lh I * IvT ! ! . I > rif tl.i ut > fld ifordft. luanofirturt til , fc cvt urtrt | * f1i and lit the l rnt < 4 cur Ifthtrun run POM in UM. Hnito'tjrT.kMl ' r. l II ' ' ' ' " ' ' "L'T'OH 'rei'tile'lEt' ? 4 HEALV , isTia ! ) SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS , _ 100 IOWA furini , forsnlo. Improved "Hi uere f arm In HurrUon county , i'J./J ( iicr acrej 15nciCfc liupnucd , fl'J.Oi ; m ucreii liuprorcd , t.UdU ; I 0 ncrcf , SJ0.03. If yon are loot.Infor barealns call and tec u . Julmkloii & Van 1'llttCll. iT OK-ALnoi : nXCHANGK-Clty and farm - tproperly. . K II. Sbmfc. ll'way and Main. l/wclllnisln til purw of the . 'l'jf"1 ro.idway und Muln. TJ\OK bALK Acreaco near city ndnptod for - * - fruit uud ciirdnu uurDitua. rl II. Micafo. llroudway ami Mnm fctrt'Ctt. \\rASTH-aoodT-lrl for kitchen work , US ) 11 B. tevontb Uriel , FOUND AT LAST Aflc- Years of Unsuoosssful S < mjh for Cure , Martin Anderson Gets Hclloffra-n the ChlniJa Doctor -A VoUatt1Til ! monlat. OMAHA. Neb. . Jnn. IS , 1S.U To whom H May Concern ; This is to eortffv that 1 have boon n constant sufferer for nmnv years with catarrh , asthma and bronchial affec tions of the throat , and tried all the mtont medicines and remedies I over heard of , but with no success. I ticated with doctors in various parts of the country , but HOMO of them could do mo any good further than giving mo shor temporary toilet. I buffered niuht nn ilny. and continued to grow worse not withstanding nil the medicine I hul tnkon. I hud almost given up mv case as hopeless when I was informed bv n frionct of Dr. C. Goo Wo , the Chinese * doctor , and mlviscd to go and boo him in the hope of getting relief nt least , if not n permanent cure for my troub'o. ' I was t'ow ' in making up my mind to mtiko such n radical change in my treatment , us I knew n trinl with the Chlnoso doc tor would bring me , but I Hnally con cluded to give him a trial. M > I called at hisolnco with that intention. I lound thf doc-to.-- clover , entertaining gentlp mnn , thoroughly posted on my condi lion , and it took only a varv short tlmo to convince mo that ho was the party I was so long iu search of. He told mo my case was curable , and that ho coultl cure me , and prouared tno a soeeiivl treatment to suit my condition , and in two weeks 1 wns j o much botte1.- that I had the fullest confidence in the doctor's ability and committed my case to his treatment. I continued tn grow bailer rapidly and am now entirely well. I owe my euro to Dr. C Gee \Vo , and am not ashamed to admit it. I advise all who want relief from their troubles to call on Dr. C. Gee Wo. and they will bo cured. For all particulars apply or write to MAUTIX L. AXDUIIPOK , 15121 Cuming St. , Omaha , Nob. rm. c. GEE wo , Rurnlarcriihintcof Chlncso iiioilr'no. oliht year ' .tuly. ( ten yo-irs' prat'tico. Treats sue- eesxfully ail diseases known to sutrerlnshu- Hoots , plants and herbs nature's remedies his tnvdli'infs the world liU witness I.OJO toj- tltnonlu's t'.ill and see liiin. Consultation free. Has also con-tantly on h uiJ rumoJIos for the follon-ln ; dlse.i es reudv prepared : Asthtnn , t'atarrh , Hboum it sni. Indication. Lost Mtmhooi. 1'einaio Wo.iUni-ss fcli-k Heirt- nehp. Illixid 1'uriflrr. and KIdn y an 1 Liver. Price , one dollar per bottle or six for live dollars lars These xtlio cannot call , eric o > --cunt tt-imp for question list an J full parllfUiarn. llllll 1WW1 [ mil , , INSTITUTE. Eye & Ear INFIRMARY FOl-i THE TREATMENT OF ALL facilities , appnritus nnd Uc.'nodloi foi suceussful tre-itincnt of nvcry form uf dUuasa requiring inuctical or surgical treatment. M beds for jKitlents , bo ird nnd attendance llcstucromo-Jntlon * in the west. Wr.lo for ilri'uluron deform. fos and briict" " . trusses , club feet , curvjture * of solna. plies , t union , caneur , catarrh , bronchitis In- halHilon. o cctrielty. paralysis , epilcusy. kid- ncy. b nildL-r. eye. ear , skin anJ blooi and all surel.-il ODtr.itlons. DISEASES OF WOMEN ftJ Sf TS \Votiien riCEE. AVe have lately ad Jed n lying * in ( icp iriiuunl fur women during conlliictnunL. Mrlctly M.ito.i Onlv Hailablu Mtdicul lu- fclitutu making a noci ilty ot . . , i'KlVATEDIStSASES A.I It oed Discuses successfully troatol. byiilililtlo 1'olson removed from the system ulthuut inurciiry New ifestoratlva Treat ment fur Loss of VITAIj I'OWEIL I'orson. un- nb'o ' lo \l-.l us mav be tre.itod at homo by correipon icnee. All communication' ) conff- denllal Medicines or Inslruuionts sent 1-y inii I 01 o\prcss. securely packed , no nrirks to md catc contents or scinJur. Onu In- tcrv t' prcfeno-J. Call nnd consult us or son J history of your cane , and we will send In plain 1 our TREE : Upon rrivutc , Rnnff Tn MFN auun iu men , tpcelul or xorrous im- cuscs , ImpotPncy. Syphilis , Gleet unJ Vurlco * \uthrjiiuslion list. Uraccs Appliances for Deformities k Trusoi Only manufactory lutboWcdtof ittiroitM- JTl .lfl'1.1 t.ttf.n , TtlOaaiXLKVrillO Jt.l IT Kit I JIS JMJlt KLA. . Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute , 26th nnd Broadway , Ooancil Bluff * . Ten minutes' i ido from center of Omaha oa Onmlia und Council lllulfj electric motor lino. "THEGRAND HOTlLT Council Bluffi , Iowa. Ke-.v , modern , well-appointed , the ? oufjbly well-kept , $ J si day , E. F. CLARK , Prop. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Ululi. burplutuiUI'roflti . . . . HOOOU Net Capital nn 1 Surplus Director.J. . n Kdinia-lion , K. I * S'lafu : . KO. Gle.i < m , K K Ilirt , I A. Miller. J V llltj-bun i > nd Cusrlo It Hr.nnan. Tran ictencral bvik- lu hUbiiiutk. l.arzait capltut and turpltu of any lunk In Soutliuesturu lowx NTDREST ON TlilS DB ° OjtT3 W. C. EST3SP , lerallsctorjiali U H , MAIN ST..COUNCIL BlUFFS.