Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Source of tno Tribulation Which Pills Jack
Etauloy's Bright Young Life.
Very SnrcpMltit Kntertnlnmniit AlVoriloil liy
Homo 1'lovor r.tioni'iit | of llotr to
I'nlnt irrlinin : l rn nml TlihiRi
Other SporM.
ICIIAltO Is himself
Ionco moro.
Last night was
Vclub night at the
lomnhn Athlotlo
jcliib. It was n gala
Joccafllon and no mis
take , the banner
evening of this
young , vigorous and
) g row Ing nssocla-
' lion. The nudlonco ,
or crowd of specta
tors , to bo correct so far ns the queen's Eng
lish goes , was very largo and very recherche.
A moro decorous assemblage would bo dlfll-
cult to got together , nnd to say that they
were royally entertained would bo drawing
It mild , exceedingly mild ,
The evening's card was n flno ono , consist
ing ns it did of nn eight-round exhibition be
tween those two gentlemanly llttlo expon
ents of the manly art , Danny Daly , the Bangor -
gor Boy , nnd "Prof. " Torrance Gallagher ,
and a llftoon round contest between hand-
nonio Dick Moore of St. Pi-ul nnd Jncit Stanley -
loy , n cousin ot the great explorer , and hall-
from the city of Brotherly Love.
Daly and Gallagher gave n show such ns
they only can glvo , bringing out all the
liolnts of beauty In Dolsarto's famous man
ual , and giving an Idea of the requisites of
ho manly art nftor n fashion thu t elicited
the warmest applause. Danny Daly showed
mnrkcd Improvement over bis former form
hero , and Is undoubtedly today a match for
the best featherweight on ton of earth.
Major Jack Vonas , n guest of the club
from Providence , It. I. , roforecd both events ,
and after dismissing the featherweights
called for Iho principals in the premier
event of the evening. They both tdiowod up
big and strong , with Stanley carrying prob-
nblv twontv pounds more avoirdupois than
tho'St , Potillad. Still It is not "boot" that
wlm in a scientific passage of nature's nrms ,
ns Moore quickly and effectually demon
The first round ended with honors appar
ently oven , hut to the old ringsldor it was
plainly palpable that Mr. Stanley wasn't in
It. Ho showed front enough , nnd was dead
i -willing to perpetrate mischief , but the lltho
nnd supple Mr. Moore wouldn't have it that
The second wns n neat exhibition of the
mnuly attainment , known ns "hit , stop nnd
rj get hway , " especially on ftloora's part. Ho
rapped the explorer with great emphasis
several times , nnd eluded anything like an
equitable return.
The third round wns n lollapalool Mr.
Moore played a weird mazurka up and down
Colonel Stanley's ribs , basted him in the
region of the bolt , nnd smashed him playfully
on the conk , until ho oamo within an ace of
forgetting his exact locality. It was a round
crammed full of eclat , but Stanley stoincd
it through and cumo up again in the
fourth and oven unto the fifth for
some more , and being in n generous mood
lUchnrd handed It to him.
Realizing that the colonel had scored all
the points that were possible for him in a
single evening , the roforco suddenly ended
the play by nxvnrdlng the contest to the St.
Paul boy , and thus n very meritorious , occa
sion reached n termination.
ut < iloucigtor.
Qr.oucRSTnit , N. J. , April 7. Weather
clear , track fast.
Flrbt nice , ono mile , selllna : General Gor
don ( the favorite ) won. Question socaml ,
Tourist third , Vandyke und C'ortlcolll drawn.
Time : 1:48.
Second race , throo-nnnrtcrs of n mile , soll-
Inp : H.'irllii'im ( the uivorlto ) won , Topninst
second , King Solomon third. JMiicauloy , Owen
Golden , Sterling and Kit Carmen drawn.
Time : 1:18. :
Third nice , flftocn-al.\tocnth of a mile , PollIng -
Ing : School Hey ( the f.ivorlto ) won , Park
ItldKu second , Soijuol tlilid. Time : 1.OK. :
Fourth rjco , seven-eighths of a mile : Mon-
HOOII won , Mohican Hcoonil , Mabol ( tlio favor
ite ) third. Happy John drawn. 'I line : 1:323 : * .
I'lflh race , iilno-.slxteonthsof nmllo , snlllng-
Bunday won. Count Mo In second , Vnnca third.
Murlpnld. Young ( ! oore. Truth ami KHthur-
Jiool drawn. Annie E ( thn favorite ) ran un
placed. Tlmo : 57.
Sixth race , ono and one-eighth mllr. soll-
Inc : Darling won , Sonvcolor second. Dons-
man third. Woodburn ( the favorite ) ran un
placed. Tlmo : a:0j : .
I , It tin Jtoclc'a Thin ! Day.
LITTI.I : HOCK , Ark. , April 7. This was the
third day's racing at the Llttlo Hook Jockey
club grounds. Weather fair , track fust.
The Arkansas derby was again run , on ac
count of n blunder in the start Tuesday ,
when two of tbo entries wcro loft nt the
post. Today Pcscadoro was the favorlto.
First race , flvc-elchths of a mile : Clifton
won , Arthur Murray second , lloronlls third.
Tlmo : lC4i. : !
Hocoim race. Arkansas derby , second time ,
,8lpOO ivilded : Llttlo Holly won. Tom Hlllott
iracoiid , I'otoudoro third , Critic fourth. Time :
1:14 : * , ' .
Third race , mlle nnd ono-o'chth ' , handicap.
woopstiiKcs : 1'nlthful won , Kucono second.
IMnrlo Sue third. Tlmo : V : OI'i.
fourth rnco. ono mile , solllnc : Morrow won ,
J , T , pceond , . Marie H. third. Time ; l:47i. : !
Tip * lor Toiluy.
i I'ho ' wise mon have litld their heads to-
go' her and hero Is the result of their dellb-
oratlous , -
1 , Clinrnotor .Mnlllsiin.
2.1 HnnnltiLlllrd Glorlana.
: t -l-ilttor ( 5-ofOnd V.onohlu ,
4.'jOfnloeo Jloonslonu.
5 lladpo Turk.
G. lilaukbiirn Klrolly ,
1. ' Oopporflold GoldKtop.
S. 'Arupahoo John Atwood.
a. 'Klyion Mhlillostone.
4 , | Kniivsvillo J.ita.
5 , I\ublll-AddloT.
0. JohtfJay S. MaoGroRor.
< > olii | ; ut (
GuTTEXimnn , N. J. , April 7. Tno track
was in good condition nnd the attondaco
First racn , llvo furlongs : Vocnllto won ,
1-iuly F.lthun second , KliiKuldo third , Time :
j-ooo'id rnco. six furlongs : Leveller won ,
Bovcnsucond , llollvar third. Tlmo : l:15i. : !
Third race , four and one-half fnrloiiKBi
lllanolio won , Deb Arthur second , llutliirut
third. Tlmo : : M.
Fourth i nee. ono mile : Wnoilstor won , Mn-
bolloRoroud. Drl/zlo thlnl. Tlnio : 1:42. :
1'lfth rnco. llvu lurlom : : Inform ) won , Itln-
fax booond , Itnncocus thlnl. Tlmu : 1:05 ,
Sixth rnco , Devon furlongs ; i.'mitiuir won ,
Amos second , Ollvo third , Tlmo : IUI : ,
Urloiin * I'
Nnw OULUANS , La. , April 7 , Weather
clear , track fast ,
Flrat rare , snlllmr , five fnrlongB ! John
Wlndlsoh won , Chnrioy U second , Luuy llltt
third. Tlmu ; 1W. :
Second nice , solllnz , flvo nncl one-half fur-
lones : MUs Francis won , Morse second , 1'ow-
OM third. Time : 1OS'4' : .
Third rnco. lolllnc , > lx furlongs ; SurROt
wou , Modjoskn fieuoiid.-Junnlo Schwartz third ,
Tlmui 115H. ;
Tpurth racti. Iloston club baudlrap , iovon
und ono-hnlf fnrloiiKH : General Miinnadiiko
vim , SunnybruoK second , Marie 1C thlnl ,
Tlmo'My \ ; .
Omului Ki'iuidl Club
The quarterly mooting of the Kennel club
will be hold Tuesday evening , A prill ! } , nttho
Collins Gun company's store on Douglas
street. A full attendance of members U desired -
sired as Imiwrtant business is to bo trans-
anted ; and all others interested In having a
good bench show In Omuhu this fall are
especially lavltJd.
Dlxoii to .Meet Johiiitnn ,
NKW Yoitir , April 7. The Couoy Island
Atbletloclub , which was organized six week *
go on the tame footing as the ulg athletic
clubs of Now Orleans and San Francisco ,
has offered a put-so of (5,000 for a twenty-
round contest , between GeorgoDlxon , cham
pion featherweight of the world , and Fred
ttohniloo , champion of England , The club
also agrees to glvo Johnston (350 extra for
oxnonsos In coming over to this country.
Manager Tom O'llourko , In bohnlf of Dlxon ,
has signed the articles of agreement. Mr.
Lumley , on behalf of the Coney Islam !
Athletic club , cabled to London last night to
Johnston and expects n favorable answer.
The date sot for the pair to moot 11 the evenIng -
Ing of suburban day , Juno 10.
Slntu Hull T.niRiio Mutter * .
KmiMONT , Nob. , April 7. [ Special to THR
BEK.I The lost mooting of the Nebraska
State league was hold at the Conlto ! hotel In
Lincoln on the afternoon and ovonlnfr of
April 4 , nnJ all the preliminary business previous -
vious to the opening of the season wns trans
acted In a harmonious nnd very satlfaetory
manner. The sentiment prevailing Indi
cated the complete surccjs of the league. In
formally the action tmd interest shown by
Tun Bii : ! was discussed , and although no ac
tion could \ > 3 taken in Iho matter from the
non-appearance of some ot Iho delegates , It
was the prevailing doslro to tender a vote of
thanks for the courtesies and favors shown ,
with n wish that the same IntoroU tnnj cou-
tlnuo ns long as the said loatzuo shall llvo.
About the Pluyoi-x.
Nlcic Ivory has boon detained nt his homo
in Indianapolis by a serious sicKness of his
It is , iot unlikely that Gcorgo will bo back
In the Western league ore mnny days. \ \ ash-
Ington gave him the boot yesterday.
The enthusiasm over the opening of the
season is Increasing overv day nnd the pros-
poets nro splendid for big crowds. Tno big
ger tbo bettor.
Young Darby , If able to maintain the llclc
ho has struck nt practice , will bo In demand
by the close of this season. His "slow drop"
is n honoy-coolor.
Collopy U il'tnonstrallng that ho is a quick
man on the linos. Ho itots away from the
platoon the liy , nnd If ho can hit , wouldn't
bo n bad man to lead off.
Manager Uowo has nssicnod Ivollv , Gilks
nnd Sprague to their regular positions In the
outllold. King Kel will guard loft , Gilks
middle nnd Sprnguo right.
President Stout koopi n vigilant i\vo on his
aggregation and innkos regular trips morn
ing nnd evening to the grounds to wnlch
thorn at the Umbering up process.
De.icon Darby , the California pitohor , is a
bollor maker by trade , but Judging from the
manner In which ho U trunln' ever , ho'll ' not
bo qallod to do much In that line from this
The onicinl scorer , with the newspaper
boys , will have n compartment by themselves
this soaFon nnd will bo relieved from the nn-
noynnco of ofllclous outsiders whllo at their
Kelly , Gilks , Hnyos , Handiboo nnd Fitz
gerald still continue to show up In line sbana
nt practice , and Manager Kowo is moro sat-
Istlod every day with the lot of cells ho
Jimmy Collopj , Omaha's gentlemanly
third baseman , is suffering with n Hfivoro
cold in the bend and will not go to Kansas
City this evening. Manager Kowo intends
to tnko no chances ulth any of his men in
exhibition work.
Patrons at Sportsman's park will bo do-
Huhtod with the improvements that will
greet their vision on tno opening day. No
moro dirt , no Inoro peanut pandemonium ,
: io rowdyism those are concommittants of
the past. A now era will bo entered upon ut
Sportmnn's park commencing with Satur
day , iho Kith.
Manager Kowo escorts his team to Kansas
City this ovonlne for games tomorrow nnd
Sunday. The batting order for Saturday's
game will bo as follows : Gilks , middle ;
Shlobock , shortstop ; Kelly , loft Hold ; Ilowo ,
llrbt base ; Sprague , right field ; Camp ,
third base ; Hayes , catcher ; Fltzjjornld ,
second base ; and Darby and Handiboo ,
Danny Fitzgerald , the second baseman ,
used to bo a song and dance man with
Shaislg & Simmons minstrels. Ho is as
quick as a cut round the second station , and
when with the Athletics tbo Philadelphia
napors claimed that ho was as good ns the
Croat Blorbauor. Fitz , however , broke ono
of bis stilts sliding fcot foremost , In the sixth
came in which ho appeared , and was retired
for the season. He is nil right now , though ,
and will bo n favorlto hero before the season
is fur advanced.
Sullivan's I'urtnor Arrested.
BI.OOMINGTOS , 111. , April 7. Jotm L. Sul
livan and Duncan B. Harrison's company
plavcd here last night and loft this morning
for Dccatur. At Clinton a big crowd rushed
on the train to see Sullivan , Ono of them , a
prominent citizen , pushed against Harrison ,
who knocked him down. The citizens hold
the train and got n wnrtanl for Harrison. Ho
tried to throw the ofllcor off the train , when
the latter pulled a gun. Sullivan came to
his aid , but was kept back by the olllers
only striking him with n cnno. Harrison was
XAL V.llt.lttRrtl'US.
B. F. Dunn of Norfolk is nt the Millard.
John L. Wobslor has gene to Now York ,
C. C. Morse of Lincoln is nt the Murray.
Julius Nelson of Konrnev is at the Millard.
H. A. Clark of Creston , la , , is at tbo Mur
J. W. Simpson of Boatrlco is at the Dol-
W. S. Martin of McCook , Nob. , is at the
Pax ton.
B. F. Griffin of Tekamah , Nob. , is at the
C. Holloubcck of Fremont is a guest at the
B. T. Dunn of Norfolk , Nob. , is nt the
George F. Mllbourn of Mlndon , Nob. , is at
Iho Millard.
W. H. Dillon of Hastings is stopping at
the Millard.
W. W. Gloason of Choycnno is a guest at
the Paxton.
I. It. Dunnoll of Straiten , Neb. , is stopping
nt the Paxton.
John H. Brcnnnn of Kapid Citv , S. D. , is
at the Paxton.
M. H. Weiss of Hebron , Nb. , is stopping
nt the Murray.
W. G. Whitman and daughter of Valley
are at the Murray.
C. T. Koot and wlfo of Galloway , Nob. ,
are at the MHl.ird.
C. M. Klco and wife of Kearney nro rogls
tercel at tha Millard.
Gcorgo Howarth of Duulap , la. , is regis
tered ut the Paxton.
S. L. Watson and wife of Norfolk nro
domiciled nt the Paxton ,
Geoigo U. Cotton ot David City , Nob. , is
registered at the Murray.
George F. and Frank O. Smith of Platts-
inoulh uio at the Dollono.
James W. Doming and wlfo ol Blair. Nob. ,
are sequestered at the Dollono.
Joseph Goldgrabor and James D. Boll of
Fremont are guests nt the Murray.
r'red n. Smith and John C. Watson of
Nebraska City nro at the Dollono.
Dr. and Mrs , S. F , Boyco of Duluth , Minn. ,
are visiting Dr. nnd Mrs. C. H , Paul.
John B. Laupblin , p.-oprlotor of the Paclflo
bouse nt St. Joseph , is at tha Paxlon.
C. It. Bacon and wife of the ' -Power nf the
Press" company nro stopping at tha Millard-
Elinor D. Frank , clerk of the United States
circuit court , Is out acain nflor an illness often
ton weeks.
Alonzo W , Cramer and daughter loft by
the Burlington yesterday morning for Hot
Springs , Ark.
Lioutonunt Robert Alexander , Seventh in
fantry , Fort Logan , has boon granted twenty
days leuvo of ubsonco.
Mrs. C. H. ChUam ol Orchard Hill has
gene to her homo In Atlanta , bo pros-
cut at the reunion of her grandmother on her
100th birthday , April 10.
Judgn Jay L. Torroy of St. Louis , author
of tbo bill known us the Torroy bankrupt
law , came to Omaha yesterday on his way
homo from a western trip.
Lieutenant E. L. Butts , Twenty-first in
fantry , l''ort Randall , S. D. , Is In the olty on
a seven days' leave of ubsonco. Ills leave
was extended at headquarter * yesterday
morning for twontv-tbroo days longer ,
Key , George H. Kemp , who has boon sup
plying the pulpit of ilia First Baptist church
during the past few weeks , has returned to
his homo at Dulutb , Minn. General regret
Is expressed that U was impossible for htm lo
comply with tbo unanimous wish of tbo pul
pit committee to remain longer as his services
have boon very acceptable to the congrega
tion. Hit proachmc power Is spoken of very
DoWitfsSamparliu is reliable.
England's ' Great General nnd His Staff
Officers Honored St. Patrick's Memory ,
Itiillway Onicluls llrniiilit Itrfnro
tlin liar ot llo llouiii * nnil IVnmirril for
IntlnilitittltiKltiiomm YcUoriliij's
In PnrllaniPiit.
April 7. In commons today the
secrotnty of wnr wns nskotl wliothor lin wns
nworo that General Wolscloy , commander
ot ttio forces In Irolatitl , nnd Ins start usually
were thn Shamrock on SU Patrick's dny , nnd
wuothcr Wo Isoloy obtninca consent from
tlm eommandor-ln-chlof.
Sttxnhopo ropllod that Wolscloy and hi *
stall were at liberty to wear shamrocks nt
their discretion.
Directors of Iho C.tmbrlnn railway np-
poarcd nt the bar of the house today
to answer charsc * of censuring ono of
the railway employes who testified before
the commission Inquiring Into tlio hours of
labor Imposed upon railway servants In surh
n manner ns to Intinudnto other employes
from freely nnd fully testifying. The gentle
man concurred In expressing regret for the
manner of consurinc the employes and de
clared the ofTonso unintentional.
Sir Michael IllcUs-Ucach moved that the
speaker simply mlmonUh tliu offenders.
O'Connor moved the offenders bo not
deemed purged until the employe was rein
stated ,
Sir Gonrgu Trovclynn accused the directors
of trying to suppress evidence In favor of the
men.Sir Uoorgo was charged ay conservative
members with trying to mislead the house
and Influence the report , of the committee.
The house bocatno highly excited when
Gladstone rose and endorsed the roc-
oinmondiuion of HIcks-Uonol ) , and after
a long nnd healed discussion tbo
clotura rula xvai applied and the
resolution compensating the discharged cm-
plo.vo defeated , and Bunch's resolution
The directors were than recalled nnd wcro
reprimanded by the speaker.
Edward Siiundowon asked why Mrs. Mon
tague , convicted of killing her daughter , bad
not boon prosecuted on further charges of
cruelty to her three sons , for which true bills
had bcon returned against hoi * . The attorney
general for Ireland said the charges were
llnnlly disposed of and the crown solicitor had
instruction ! In the case.
II.MINC : : oiiAKtno : WITH MUII > IK. :
Itoinnrkahlo Imlillcronro Shown liy the
I'lcMiil H llu Xunr * Illi Knil ,
MRl.noriisn , April 7. The Dooming o.iso
was submitted to the Jury ana n verdict of
wilful murder has boon rendered.
During the inquest the coroner road a note
signed "j-.lly. " The writer said the coioner
rnuit treat Dooming with greater impar
tiality. If ho did not got justice they would
take the coroner's life. The letter Is sup
posed to have boon written by a crank or to
DO a hoax ,
The jury was out half nn hour nnd during
their absence Deeming laughed und chatted
gaily with those around turn. Ho became
reckless and soomcd considerably relieved
when the Jury appeared. Whoa the foreman
of the jury announced that Dooming had
been found guilty of willful murder , tuo ac
cused man never faltered , nut. If anything ,
his air of bravado was more pronounced than
over. The coroner intimated that Duotning
would bo placed on tral lor murder Apiil
i3. ! When Dooming returned to his cell ho
bocaruo unnerved nnd staggered across the
room and foil heavily on his cot , his face
having a ghastly pallor and appearing in n
state of utter collapse. Stimulants were ad
ministered and the prisoner gradually re
In an interview with Lyle , Dooming sup
plied him with abundant material for his de
fense at the coming trial. During the con
versation with his solicitor , hn said : "Tno
world produced moral as well ns physical
monstrocitics. " The remarks of Dooming
to bis solicitor appear to foreshadow the line
of defense that Dooming's nnturo received
n malignant impress prior to this which in
fluenced and marked all nls actions during
Ufa and loft him mentally incapable of ro-
slstlucf his homicidal impulse and that is
what ho himself doscriood lu a "moral
monstrosity. "
Despite his semblance of ease , Deeming , In
periods of abstraction , is visibly affected.
Ho has lost flesh a'nd his features are becoming -
coming pointed. The jail wardens keep a
close watch upon him all the time , for it is
believed ho would kill himself if ho gets a
c'janco. Ho has been closelv guarded over
siiico his arrest in the Southern Cross
cold Holds. Despite all the precautions
taken , many persons boliuvo that
Doomlug , who is cunning as a weasel , will
yet outwit , his , keepers and do away with him
self. Tnat , his vanity is overwhelming was
shown during the inquest. During the reading -
ing of Iho evidence against him , every word
wnlch led him nearer the gallows'ho in
dulged in a prolonged scrutiny of the public
who tilled tlio pallonos , nnd than turning to
those near him ho audibly remarked : "Theso
are all good looking glrld in the front. " Ho
straightened up , adjusted his. collar and necktie -
tie and said : "I wish I bad better clothes ;
I would bo moro presentable. "
Ha studiously paid no attention to the evi
dence , except at times when ho laughoil at
certain statements that were mntlo. The
newspaper reporters were busily pro-
pnrlne verbatim reports of the pro
ceedings und the reporter of the Asso
ciated press , who was present with the
correspondents of other press associations ,
prepared his cable messages In the court
room. After a time Dooming noticed the
messengers of the cable company passmgand
repassing and asked : "what have peopio
abroad got to do with murder committed
When Miss Uounsovlllo , his Sidney llanceo ,
went to the table to sign her testimony ,
Doemlrg called out , Bayinp , "Katio , come
to mo. "
Miss Hounsovlllo paid not the sllghtust at
tention to him. In nearly every place DoomIng -
Ing has boon ho had shown a really vnluuhlo
collection of weapons of various times. At
the inquest ihero were produced n battle axe
and a knife which Sergeant Mulllns sulil ho
thouBht might have Indicted the wounds that
killed Mrs. Dooming.
Jlvuntn In Willed 1'iirU I'uiinil IMoamirn
mill IntiirrHt.
ir < ipuyi / / ( l IKilbuJautet Con/on / Htnnctt , }
PAUIS , April 7. [ Now York Herald
Cable-Special to Tun UBK. | The attention
of Paris has been attracted today toward
two meetings , ono of which was of interest
to the political world , whllo the other wan
of interest to men of letters. For the latter
the attraction was the reception at the
French academy of M. 1'iorro Lot ) , who
takes the place of Octavo Wuollqte.
M , Lotl is a lieutenant on a man-of-
war , but iiis professional duties have
not prevented him from writing
stories which are full of sentiment
and imagination. During the eulogy of his
predecessor , which according to cjsloru ho
was called upon to pronounce , M , Lot I vlg.
otously attacked tbo roallmu ofCoin and the
psychological theories of Dourgot , which
means that his onslaught was directed
against two writers who bold a high place In
the affection of the youth of Franco. Ills
words willoartalnlyralso terrible discussions
in society. Mmo. Curnot , ambassadors and
ministers were present at the recoptloir , and
there were many superb toilette ; and a
grand display of spring boanou In aha
small room , whuro over sincetha days of
Kluhollou , the academy has hold its serious ,
the same ceremonies , tbo same speeches and
almost the same Ideas. Surely In no other
country of the world can bo found any simi
lar literary tradition of such long standing ,
The mooting which Interested thu political
world was hold In the Chamber of Deputies.
liy a vote of : i , " > S to 3 a credit nt 335,000 francs
wai granted for the purpose of enabling
Franco to take part in the World's fair at
Chicago. The report BUYS Franco desires to
give the American people a now proof of her
sympathy and of her \\lsh to bind cloier the
ties which already uuito the French and
American republic ) ,
1'tao Dahomey question was not discussal
and it soon became clear that the situation
li very itraluod and that if the FrancU
fluff Is to ba4aiondod a croat expendi
ture of money and cnrrgy will bo
necessary. Tti session was very stormy ,
but the bent In'PnrU ha * boon so overpower-
Ine today that tlio parliamentary storm did
not really break forth until the evening ,
The government i neatly , evaded the question
of a veto of conlUlonco by claiming what It
was Impossible Jtoatcll the Chambers that
policy would bio pursued In regard to Da-
homy. What Is rortnln l that for the past
twelve years wbofr&vur colonial affairs wcro
being discussed Uiiaocnlc has never failcil
to brand the staconient inado to tha deputies
as lies. Tlio sowuou closed at 8 o'clock , the
doba',0 being pOTtp nod until Saturday.
CAIIIO , Anrlt TVPfNow YorK Herald Cable
Special to Tun lHiJ ; : The substance of
the firman Is becoming known , although no
ofllclal copy has yet boon communicated ,
The sultan confirms the Ichedlvo in the ad
ministration of the Sinai peninsula , except
as regards Akabn , which was conceded to
Ishmall Pasha without the intervention of
the powers. It does not , In fact , appear
necessary that the now firman should
contain any reference to the private favors
conferred by the suzerain on the vassal.
A mooting of the consuls gcuornl of Franco
and Hussia hat taken place at the rnsldcnco
of Monktar Paha In order to find n solution
In conformity with the interest of ICgypt. On
the other hann thn khcdlvo yesterday con
voked n meeting of the consuls general of the
great povvow and asked them to intervene
with their rcspectlvo governments In order
to obvmto existing ilinicultlci. Ho re
called to thorn the fact that the porlo had al
ready signified its acceptance of the mainto-
naueo bv Hgypt of the government
of Sinai peninsula. It is said that M , Hlbot
intends to ask the sultan to Issue n supple
mentary tlrado to this effect , but leaving the
settlement of the details between the porto
nnd the khcdlVo till thoivUlt of the latter to
Stamnoul. Such a course would conciliate
all interests nnd put an end to the crisis
which N causing general uneasiness among
the native population , wtio sny the dlsnatch
of the llrman under existing conditions Is n
pretext for having a solution of the Kgyptlnn
question In ono or the other way. The
Italian admiral yesterday received orders to
return to Alexandria this morning.
Clllln It Urtn > Kr < - sloll.
( Copfyital ) ) / IS'l'lijJtiiiK ( ! i > rd > /lemteU.1
Bnl'ssiu.s , April 3. | Noxv York Herald
Cable Special to Tim BEB.J- Independence
Dslgo , commenting on the nnti-Chlnoso law
passed by the United States house ot repre
sentatives , expresses grief atsuoh n transfer
ef the Chinese wall to the highly modern
democratic America. It also expresses fear
lost European nnd all other alien immigrants
may ultimately bo served the same wnv.
The conclusion of Independence I3elgo is thai
when n country such as China becomes tbo
victim or the iutolorauco nnd egotism of such
a civilized country ns the United States , the
world is certainly turned topsy turvy.
Thu suit rnnlnssod Mathieu only passed
himself off from I3onnca ns Havachol's ac
complice. Although bearing the same iinmo ,
ho bus nothing in common with the dyna
miter , save that he Is wantou In Paris for the
theft of L',000 f runes , the proceeds of which
ho came to spend nt Liege. Ho remains in
custody on the latlci' charge.
It is reported that a Belgian , M. Duvlvior ,
has started for Africa on hU own account to
attempt to roach Wajelai to secure Emm
Pasha's famous ivory stores. Duvivler will
recruit sixty cnri-iei's at Zatmbar. If ho
roaches Wauolnl , Uo.wiU find Emln already
there. , 7
CIUMO ol tluvUfiliit'xn Hrbullliiii.
LONDON , April 7. 'A special to the Nowa
from I'ekln says Ll. nng Chang , the Chinese
premier , has inadoiOi report on the resent re
bellion in China. > Ho' says the rebellion was
duo to cruelty oit tUo part of the Mongol
princo. who oppressed the Chlnosu settlers ,
burning their crops' and outraging their
families. The Chinese were unable to ob
tain redress. They1 therefore combined and
killed the prince < nuy all the Mongols who
fell Into their D'u'ntls. They were
aggrieved agalnsb'fthe Christian community
at Jeho , Who wereftrVtgant also" . The local
authorities wr.roeifb'er helpless to prevent
the attaciw or eoniiiWd'ut- them.'V-No fort
' f' ' " ' ' '
feigners 'were hilled.f' _
Hunt to liocomc Hiuslun Citizens ,
ST. PRTKnaiiUHO , Apil T.lho minister of
the interior has prapafca ; restrictions to bo
placed upon foreigners "who settle in Russia.
All such who acquire .lands . must adopt the
Hussiau nationality within three years or
quit the country. Tbo pistulations under
which citizenship is granted are mndc moro
stria cent. Foreigners must bficomo con
versant with the Hussinn language and the
fundamental laws of the empire. The mm-
Istry'of the Interior has power to refuse ap
plications lor naturalization without staling
reasons. Foieigncrs must qualify for natur
alization by llvo years residence.
scil Import * Irom Ccrniiiny.
BIII.IX : , April 7. Trade statistics just pub
lished show that the total exports from Ger
many to the United States during the present
year have largely decreased as compared
with the corresponding period last year. In
the Berlin consular district the decrease for
the first quarter ot IS'JJ is S,00OOJ ( ) marks , a"
compared with the fame quarter of 1801 , nnd
in the Hamburg district ! > , tXXDOU ) marks. In
a few old districts there Las boon for the ,
period mentioned an increase , amounting in
Hanover to 81,000 marks , in Plauen ! M,0)0 ( )
marks , In Dresden 500,000 marks and in Gera
60,000 marks. _
Cloin Call for I.oril Sullslmry.
LONDON , April 7. Lord Salisbury , prime
minister , had a narrow escape from a pain
ful If not a serious accident. Ho was crossIng -
Ing the road by the House of Parliament
when n Hansom cab dashed up and would
have knocked him down had not the occu
pant , who saw tbo danger , jumped from his
scat , seized tha reins and pulled tbo horse
back on his haunches. The horse's head
grazed Lord Salisbury's shoulder , but ho
was uninjured. Lord Salisbury has started
for Nice.
Victoria Talks to OrlmtMii Votoram.
Piuiis ! : , Franco , April 7. Queen Victoria
has received at Costobullo a number of
French soldiers who served lu the Crimean
war. In a short address oho made to them
her majesty said : "I am happy to moot the
companions of my brave soldiers. Your
presence recalls to us InolTacoablo memor
ies. " The veterans presented a bouquet to
the qUocu , whb convolved rtltb thorn in
French , and loft delighted with the reception
accorded thorn ,
NoCoiniiroiulBu Altli'l'iiriiiillltiii.
Dtmi.iN , April 7 , At a mooting of tbo na
tional federation Mr. Timothy Healy said
that his voice and y'dlfftftraid bocau irrevo
cably against the pYfrfipsat to reconcllo his
opponents by workiilg''togotlior against the
unionists , still maintaining sectional posi
tions. Mr. Daniel -'Hliiohy il eel a rod their
motto continued to btfplNo compromise. " A
convention will bo liBIU ut an early date to
select candidates to ofiltbso the Parnullitos.
right Infill ) Africa ,
ST , Louis" " , Sonegalj " 'April 7. Word has
bcon rocolved from tjp { Anterior that Captain
Mcnard's expedition , Jjajf attacked the chief
Sumorya' villago. jur , bo battle that fol
lowed Menurd and uvAputlve soliliors were
Out UN OlilldfuhM Tliroiitu ,
LOXDON , April 7. rtftfhatdUromloy , living
near Owes try , In a djjj//kon / / frcnz/ cut the
throats of his three clj ilron and then his
own , Ono of bis clirtdcrn U dead and the
murderer will probably die.
Si'Umln Duturljiuirus In Spain ,
MuiiiiD , April 7 , Severe earth tremors
and rocking occurred at Mocimi , province of
Granada. Columns of water rose to a groat.
height in the air , carrying largo masses of
rock In the air ,
DniitiN , April 7. The police today raided
the residences of a largo number of anarch
ists , arrested several and seized a lot of an
archist pnpei'3.
Will Auk lor it Nrw Credit ,
PAIIIS , April 7. The government has de
cided to nik for a credit ot 3,000,000 francs
to relnforoo Porto Novo and ICotonou ,
Iilioiiii- I'ostiiuiiii thu Attack ,
PAIIIS , April 7. A dispatch from Porto
Novo states that tbo anticipated attack on
that place has boon deferred. The Dahomey
troops have pone north , taking with them
many n.Mlva prisoners. '
rjJi.vK.t/.vr// > .
Old ( Ion , I'loroo Too Wonk toStnnil tlio it- :
clteiiipnt ol llli \ \ rilillni ; ,
Fu.i , Htvnit , Mats. . April 7. At Freetown
General E.V. . Pierce ) n well Known histo
rian of 70 year * , nnd Ida ICuollo Gardiner , n
school teacher of East Greenwich , It. I. ,
aged 2i\ have boon married. The general
made her acquaintance within n tow weeks.
Ho has only unonrm , the other having boon
shotoft in n battle near Richmond. A few
days ago ho wa * very seriously Injured whllo
trying to put out a lire nn his promUo * .
Yesterday was his birthday and ho was
married at the exact hour and In the room
whore ho was born.
Tbo groom was weak , nnd ni ho was loadIng -
Ing tbo brldo to the dining table ha fell In a
taint and was lifted into ucd. General
Pierce Is ono of the hast known mon In this
section. Ho has written < book * nnd
takes particular prldo in living on the home
stead which has boon banded down bv an-
editors whom ho can trnco back to the land
ing of thu pilgrim * . The homestead ho
transferred to his brldo as a wedding gift
Tin : nu.tTii mn.t , .
Albert West , , lotmmll < it unit Untilirr , I'or-
nirrly of Coum'll IllnlN , riitttoi Anuy ,
Cinrtno , III. , April 7. Albert West , the
well known retired journalist nnd hnnitcr ,
died hero nt the nro of 71. Ho will bo burled
Saturday at Burlington , la.
After a Journalistic ! ovpcrloncn In Now
\orli anil Imllnnn , Mr. West wont to Iowa.
whore ho ho became connected with tliu llur-
llnstnn llnwkuyn. l/-itor be established n
inlvuto bank at Wlutorsot , In , , and still lutor
ln > bociinu ! caolilur < if the I'aulllo Nntlomil
b.inl ; of foniK'll lllnlTs. UiMViMIt to Chlouso
In isniaseimhlor or the Cook County N'utlunal
bank , whoso Hiibsciiuont mlsfoi tunes btoliu
his health.
( Irnoriil SliMliinin Illrs Aliiiioiinil rrlriiillriH.
POUTUND , Mo. , April 7. A commercial
traveler known ns Watson died at Itockiand
last week. No relatival or fricnns wore
found , it Is now snid that Watson has been
idontillcd an General Stodman , thu noted
cavalry ofllcor during the war , who loll Into
dlsgrnco and disappeared.
Other DiMitlin ,
FAIIIIIAVIIXVnsh. . , April7. Eugene Can-
field , n millionaire of this place , died today of
QuniiKC , P. Q. , April 7. .ludgo Tosslor of
the court of the queen's bench , lone n promi
nent figure in public affairs , died today.
HOT Sl'iiis-ns , Ark. , April 7. Dr. William
Garrard of Liiwroncovillo , 111. , died hero this
morning. Ho was receiver of public moneys
atChoyonno , Wyo. , under Cleveland.
SlKhtoil Anotlii'r Oni7it Itiiiul ,
Bitows'svii.t.K , Tex. , Anrll 7Captaln
Brito has received n telegram from General
Garcia , commander of the Mexican troop ) at
Uoiuosn , saying a lot of bandits , supposed to
bo from Garza's forcei , nro now nn the
American line , and asking Brito to take the
necessary steps to intercept them. Captain
Johnson , commandant nt Fort Brown , loft
with Hoops nnd Captain Brito with rangers.
Apprcrmtivc ItiiMl.iin ,
PiiiLADDLi'iiu , Pa. , April 7. An onicinl
report has been received from the comman
der of tbo steamer Indiana , which carried
tha relief c.irtro sent to Libnu , Hussia , bv
Philadelphia. Ho says tbo workmen nro
mostonrnost In thciro.xprcsslons of npurecin-
tlon of the lureo-neiirted charity. It is said
the cat go will save -lO.OOb lives.
Obtain li Hlf , ' iluilginont.
MAPtsox , Wis. , April 7. Dr. Gcorgo
Kcenan of this cltv has secured Judgment by
default urrninst his sister , Mrs. Catherine
Tuislor of Omaha , for SJ.I.OOO on suit for
violation of contract. Airs. Tusslor owned
n largo ranch near Sidney , Neb. ICocnnn
alleged that his sister refused to allow him
rompeiuation fqr aervices rendered accord
ing to contract.
TOHONTO , Out , , April 7. Gill & Anderson ,
the wholesale inoruhonts , who rocantly ar
ranged a compromise with their creditors ,
find themselves unable to carry out their
arrangement ana have made a complete as
signment of their uffjlrs. Liabilities uoout
SliiO.OOO , prluclpilly to Amorlcau linns , but
Iho Quebec bank is the largest security
I'olnonccl liy a li < rlipion < i Itrutn.
POUT Hrnox , Mich. , April 7. Ncllio Mc-
Closton died yesterday from eating candy
with which Benjamin Mackoy. a candy
innlcer , had mixed Spanish liy for the pur
pose of securing an improper influence over
the girl. Macitey has boon arrostcu. Ho
has oeoti charged with administering this
drmr to girls hoforo.
Jtrgtilutloii Knntiic'ky
Ci.vci. win , O. , April 7. Word has'beon
received from Oman's Quarry , Ky. , that Bud
Price , while , was killed by Bud Malone ,
colored. The sheriff , who went to arrest the
murderer , was attacked by Malone and his
brother-iu-luw , Tom Proctor. The sheriff
shut both dead.
Instructed lor riovclnml.
Tiiii , Pa. , April 7. The democratic
county convention has elected nine delegates
to tbo state convention and unanimously in
structed them for Grovur Cleveland. The
state administration was endorsed. William
B. Given oi Columbia and John A. Coylo
are the delegates to Chicago.
loU of Fun Oitttliif ; i\iii : ! > nr ,
NKW YOIIK , April 7. Iliv. Dr. Pnrkhurst
appeared In court nt a witness against Ilattio
Adams , mistress of a house of illfamo which
theprcnchcr vlsitud recently. Ho swore ho
bought und drank boor nt tliu house , and
that llvo nude girls danced before the
preacher and his friends.
Held to AiiHUitr.
Ni'.w Yonic , April 7. William E. Carpen
ter , charged with stealing sfTiJ. 1UO in cash and
f 10,070 in bonds from Dick &Phvfo , bankers ,
wns arr.ilgned in police court today and held
in $5,000 bail. Tlio property has been re
DctitrurtUo Wind Storm.
G UIKTOU x , Mich. , April 7. The most do-
stnicuvQ wind storm since ISSJ has boon rag
ing slnco Saturday , fences have boon leveled ,
fruit and shade trees urokon , houses and
barns unroofed und otherwise damaged.
VlrtorloitK htrlki'm li.irK nt Work.
Nnw YOIIK , April 7. Fotir thousand men
in the building trades on strike against the
employment of non-union mon , returned to
work this morning , havmi ; secured their de
mands ,
II K. 12 H Kit * " K KG. I .S J ,
OM IU , April 7. i
A storm Is developing over iho adjoining
portloni ! of Kunsui and Colorado. An urea of
high barometer , preceded by cold weather
and local snowa , is coming down from the
cxlicmu northwest , Stormy , unpleasant
weather Is therefore again likely during the
> exl fevdays. . His now raining at North
Platlo nnil snowing at Valentino , where the
tompornturo lsy-J = > , whllo at Omaha it was
still 6i3. ! Northerly winds pruvall from
Colorudo and Kansas northwest. Quito warm
weather prevails llu Indian Territory and
Texas and the general conditions nro fuvor-
ablu for the development of another dis
For Eastern Nebraska Colder , cloudy
weather with rain , and , probably in the
northern par ) , snow during Friday.
For Omaha nnd Vicinity Fair to threat
ening weather , probably with rain before
WASHINGTON , D. G. , April 7. For Mis
souri nnd Kansas Generally fair ; cold ,
north winds.
For North Dakota Fair until Saturday
warmer , variable winds.
For South Dakotu-Goneially fair , pre
ceded uv snow in the south ; slightly colder
In souttieaat ; northwest winds.
For Iow.i Generally fair ; colder , except
stationary temperature In northwestern i-or-
tioni north winds ,
For Nebraska Generally fair , except light
rain in extreme houthwest ; colder , north
For Colorado Sbo wen ; colder , north
President Palaoio of Venezuela Says Ho
Hns Defeated His Enemies.
I'ollro of CaniriM Aclltrly KiiRiiRrd In
Svmriling lor n Number ol lj immlto
lloinln Kiionn to lie In
the Clly.
tw Jnm7imlon < ttfnntU. }
CAIIU-IS Venezuela ( via Gnlvoston , Tex ) ,
April -Bv | Mexican Cable to iho Now
Vork Herald Snoeml to Tin : Hiti : . | Advices -
vices have been received today from Lnguay-
rav of another encounter between the gov
ernment troous nnd the Insurgent forces
under command of General Crospo. It is
said to have resulted in tlio utter rout of
the rebels. They nro reported to have lied
in nil directions mid to bo so disorganized
that It will bo n very dlfllcult matter for
them to bo collected together In largo enough
numbers to cause 1'ntnclo any ftiithor
Crcspo is snld lu have Hod for the second
lima precipitately on horseback nnd to bo
now in hiding somewhere in thu mountains ,
Ilia exact whereabouts nro unknown ,
but It Is certain ho will not soon
show himself ngwln. The government
troops are reported to havooccupiud
Crospo's residence. Tlio nulhorilios nro
qulto jubilant , or proftm to uo , ever this ac
count ot another nllegod victory. They sup
ploment it by n proclamation in which they
sav thai matters nro not so bad us they have
been loprescnted , nnd that the Kcnorul be
lief is thatpuaco will soon bo rcstoicd.
I'MMhlelit l'iiluulo'4 rosltlon.
Pnlnclo is certainly doing all In hU power
lo convince his adherents and Iho oulsido
woild llml Iho revolt in Venezuela has been
grenliy exaggerated and thut ho has easily
gained thu upper hand ever Ills enemies. Of
course his object is plain. Ho wants to in
still courage Inlo his followers , muny of whom
need It bndly for alTnirs certainly look
critical. Already two plots have boon made
ugainst Pnlncto's life , and although no ono
doubts his porsonnl courage It is known that
ho stands In constant dread of assassination.
If thu revolution wns so near suppression ns
ho and his londcm would have U. believed ,
ho would hardly huvo removed his family
secretly to n place of safoty. lu Caracas
Itself ho has enemies numerous , utul they nro
only awaiting u good opnortunlty to start nu
insurrection In the strools.
The police have learned that a
Urge quantity of dynamite bombs
have been smuggled into the capitnl ,
but they lu\vo s > o far boon unublo to locuto
any of them , although they bavo made most
strenuous efforts to discover the man who
recently exploded tno bomb near the yellow
bouse , but although thov have boon spurred
on by the authorities to do their best dctec-
tivo work , they uuvo signally failed. It is
believed that thu dynamiter and his abettors
are still hid in Caracas nnd every one Is ex
pecting another explosion at nny'momont.
The friend a of the imprisoned , judges , fed
eral councillors nnd congiussmon , mo fr < ; o in
expressions of hearty detonation of the out
rages to which they woto subjected.
lc\oltltll > llUtH SlltlrtlllMl ,
Advices received by revolutionists here
stale that Iheir cuiso is progressing most
favorably. Arms nnd Ammunition continue
to bo secretly brought Into Vone/.uoln for
Curacoa and the other Islands of the coast.
Craspo's forces nro receiving additions nil
the time from the various provinces as Iho
news of the overawing of the national legis
lature und the Judiciary , is passed from
mouth to mouth. The newspapers print
nothing of the objectionable occurrences and
editors uro fearful of arrest , and only pub
lish what the government censor sanctions.
Their accounts of the struggle are confined
to ilrticles defending P.ilacio's acts nnd
motlvos-aud printing roseate accounts of the
subjugating of bis foes In Trinidad and
others of tha foreign Islands. There aio
hundreds of the Vcne/ueluns opposed to the
president and favorable to Crespo and Dr.
Kajas Paul.
It is .pretty certain that the Insurgents
have not yet played their strongest cards.
They are arming and drilling their men , re
cruiting their ranks and issuing orders to all
parts of the republic. They argue that they
can afford to await and that with the lapse of
time Palacio's forces will bo weakened by de
sertions and that when they strike for liberty
they musl bo fully prepared lo carry all be
fore thorn. Palncio's ofllcors and men nro
not paid well and it U thought tnat discon
tent ever wage * and food will cause many of
his followers to rebel. The rovolulionists on
Iho other hand uro inspired by lalk of liberty
and freedom nnd by promises of ample re
ward should ibey triumph. They uro also
helped bv symputhl/crs of Crcspo in different
parts of Venezuela and t hero seems to Do n good
sued fund collected by Rajas Paul and other
prominent opponents of Palncln which Is
drawn liberally upon for tbo support of the
's Government.
, Chill ( via Gnlvoston , Tox. ) ,
April 7.Bv | Mexican Cublo lo Iho Now
York Hor.ild Special to Tin : BIK ; 1 Judge
of Crimes Foster , who conducted the inves
tigation of the assault upon the sailors of the
Baltimore , was promoted to Iho court of an-
peals nt a mooting today of the council of
stalo. Five court of appeal judges have boon
appointed , two from UIM conservative-party
and three from tbo liberals. This proves Iho
el esiro of Iho present cabinet to act fairly in
tha distribution of ofllcos and affords no
chance for the opposition to cavil at the ac
tion of tha administration.
It is reported that Admiral Walker's squad
ron sailed from Kuinln , Argentine , on March
! > ; . Its destination Is not known. It is not
nt .Montevideo.
MimleriMl mi inlru : I'.unlly.
MONTE VIIIKO. Uruguay ( via Gilvoston ,
Tox. ) , April 7. ( By Mexican Cable to the
Now Yoik Herald Special to Tun Bin. ; ]
Near ( Suadalupe , Uruguay , nn Italian named
Travorel , his wife nnd three children , the
oldest n girl of'J years of age , were mur
dered In their homo today. Tlio dond bodies
showed numerous dangerous wounds. Trn-
vcrsi recently realized f 1,01X1 from Iho snlo of
bU crops and iho money was known to no in
his haurfo. J'ho murderers carried off iho
81,000. They nro ununown uui It U believed
that they were acquaintances of iho family.
. Mexican nml ContiMl Aiiiiuinm Now * .
Cm orMKMi-o , April 7. The cotton crop
of Iho Gulf coast is a failure.
The merchants of Mavlco have uotltlonod
the secretary of the treasury to tax commer
cial travelers.
Fivu bandits who have recently been engaged -
gaged In stealing railroad maturial ware shot
ut Snn Pedro yesterday.
Guatemala bankers and merchants have
offered to tuo president a loan to moot pres
ent stale obligations. Inia ii tnkon to indi
cate that coniidoncu is foil in the stability
of the now era.
Advices from Salvador nro that a financial
emia is imminent.
Three caim of wmo from Germany were
received at thu custom house yoiturduy for
It. Grotle.
The Omaha , Council Bluffi and South
Omaha electricians will meat In Gate Olty
hall tonipht to form u union.
A complaint win Hied yoitordav l > v lirncst
Wotzig niruiiwt Burnoy Boyle for breaking
windows atlftil North Twentieth street.
Miunlo Blotoky , a dork nt a North Six
teenth street dry goodi store , was arrested
yuitorday afternoon for stealing a ploco of
silk valued ntur * rents.
John W. Brewer of Shicuioy was brought
In by Deputy United Hiatus Marshal Hill for
helling liquor without a license. Ho was ro-
louied on his own recognizance.
hjlierlH Beimott departed for Now York
Clly Tuesday night , taking with him Mrs.
.M tih on , the Insane woman who hud bcon In
thi > county jail for several days.
C. J. Smith was arrested last night for
urciiking windows in u house wcupiod by W
A. Hlm.son | ) ut 1UU Culdtvoll street , timlth
wai urrostod for u similar offense nome time
ago.Under linstructlons given by Judge Dundy
bolero ho left for the south an udjuurncd
term of the federal court was opened yesterday -
day morning uy thu dark and adjourned
This plan will bo followed until tliu return of
the Judge , who in expected homo today ,
DR. MILES' IF TOO htti eat ef ( hi ftllowlftg
rex TMI _ _ * + * LOOK OUT !
blc remedy for l'.il.
[ illation of Heart ,
r.iin InSidc , Anli-
mi , Short liie.ilh ,
HuttcrinK.Dromy ,
Oppression , Wind
in stomach , IrreR-
uar ! I'nlic , Click.
Ing Scmition in
' Uneasy
SenutloninL'hett ,
Smothering Spellt.
Dreaming , Night
mare , , lc ( let Dr.
Mile1 book.New
and StatthnR Tacts' FREE AT AM. DRUGGISTS ,
I'or uloby ICnhn A ( "o , 1Mb and Doughis Sti ,
, ? ' . ? "I'oehlaror llrntarlv , Olulimt , nu , .V
ral lulij. llajiUoho. NortotH I'niitMtkm evii-ii 1 \ > j nt-
l0rl > " ' ? ' 1 0 . .
ot thj 1. . ni > i ln inllr inlnarr ,
rtrcir , iloh , I'roiMliiroOhl Aao llirrjnnoii , IKJII
uf I'ORorlnp , Imputoncr. l-ouporrhoot Mil
niitcmftlo \ \ oikni'nni , Inriilnntnrr l.o ioi rtiur
iiintorrliooioiuiol hjr orcr-aTortlon of iho bruin
Boir-nbuit'.ovor-lntluliinncn. A tiiunllri trontmonl
II , lifer f > , br mill We dtmr.tntuj lt limai l >
euro Kncli onlor fern but n , wliliH will noiil > rrlt
ton K'lir.uiloo ' to ri'fimil It nut enrol , ( liur.inton
liMiuil unlr bT A. Silirul'r DrniwIM nl nKontn. S.
K cur iMh nnil Knrnnm t Ontnlm N'i'li
Healilifiil , Agreeable , Cleansing ,
Chapped. Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc.
Removes aud Provonto DandrulV.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
WE beg to call the attention -
tention of the public to
the following :
The Boston Store
Is the only authorized agent
for the following brands
of P. & P. Kid Gloves :
Any kid gloves sold under
these brands by any other
dealers are not genuine , and
we warn the public of this fact ,
and call their attention to the
stamp which is inside of the
glove. PINGS & PINNER.
\ \ 111 present tliu following rupcrlolnr
I'rldiiy ionliu'HAMLKT. : .
.Siitnrilny JlnllniiiTHE LOUISIANIAtl
Saturday EvunliiK
I'IIICKSI'iriiiot. : | . ? l OJ ; | iarciii't | i-lrclo , 7.1o
and $ ! . < ) ; b.iicony , JUi ; uncl T.'m ; gallery , "JD
euvontcpiitli anil llurnay htruols
.SpeuUI Jliuwmjnt of llm ComuilUn.
rndiir tlio Dlrjoilon < il Vf U llnyilmi , I'riiHinlliii
Mr jiison lluwnrrl n l.ruiloit Cuui.iir bun m ,
KOllhUN ni 'llriUTlK'rill ! I , A Mil. "
I'rlcos J'nirjnet fl.'ij | iariiii'l | vlrii ; ! > . fl U ) 11114
ll.'jJ ( linlciiur Jioiiml Jl OU , lullery , Sjo .S.ilu ojium
Farnam Street Tfteater. | ' 'MlVuVA11
7//ree Nijhts. Comminsiny Thursday , Apr. 7.
MATlMl'iia BATimnAY.
SMipporlo'l ' tjr mi Uicnllunt C'lunpui/
HLOriil ) Wmi yVClRtUbGlRL
I'arnani ' SlrMjJIieatcjr Voj ! 1
0 Nights Ooramonoiug Sunday Mat , April 10 ,
luntlnuonml riluhl , Muiidn ) nnilTuunlar
iilllliln A 1'lglit fur 11 Million " Woilnmdii ) " nial-
, iiat , "inei " Wolnoidiy mill Tliiir Ju/ ' '
K llior' ( JuarUeoii '
WO N L ) lk liJj A. N O
Grand Opera House.
WKKK Of Al'HIh 4llr a
1'Aniplillrla. thujiiKul uf llioulr. ii : | llairen tlir
llinluUiliulu. . | ! iu l.'tfvptlan Curtunu ti'llor. I * upu
klui ; uiiil M < uncliiiiiluil ca.tlu , IlruulM ird'j wu <
jrL . I'urrul't iloilc-in oxliiuit , Jut II cllflou'i
I'n In Iliu llmic'h KluAdmlnluu Unu Uliuu
I liaii . lOc , lloi e t , JJ 4 Oi > u ualljr rrum 1 M