A THE OMATIA DAILY KEE ; THURSDAY , APRIL 7 , 1892 , 8 THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFa OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. \ tcJhtttd I j Carrier to nnr part of the City * 11. W. TII.TON , MANAOEK. No 41 yt Y. Plumbing Co. Council muffs Lumber Co. , coal. Ctalt's chattel loans. 204 Bnpp blocfe. The bell bova of thu Grand hotel cayo n ball last ovcn'ltiK at the Knights of Pythias ball. A larRO crowd was tiroscnt. The tncrabcrs of the Council Bluffs ball team ore puttltiR In their spare time In pruc- tleinp nttho nthlotlo club rooms ou Upper Hroadway. The partnership that has existed between II. U. Corv and LA. . Conover has been Uls- Bolved , and the business will bo carried on 1-t the future by Mr. Cory. Mr. Conover nml wlfo will leave for California In n tow days , und will make tliolr future homo thero. The Payton Comedy company , under the management of Cialr Commons , 1 plnying n ivcok'M ciiKtiBetncnt nt the opera house to largo nudlnnccs. Lnst night the play was "Mother und Sou , " and every seat in the house was sold before the curtain ro o. Lccturo nnd devotional exercises of St. John's Knplish Lutheran church will be held nt S o'clock this ovcnlniT ut the residence of Ilev. ( . W. Snydnr , 1 1 ! ) East Pierce street. The Ladles' Aid society will meet at , the Bumo plaro nt 7 p. m. for special business. A reception and banquet wns Riven John Keating lost evening at the resldotico of K \Vels on Soutli Kiphth street In honor of bin departure today for his now homo In Port land. Ore. It wns under the auspices of n number of young ladles , nnd u highly enjoy able evening was spent. In the $ .V,000 ) libel suit of Nathalie Pollard against the World Publishing company , now pending in the district court , n motion wai lllod by tbo defendant .ycstvrdajr for the re- ' movnl'of the case to the Uivltod States dis trict court on the ground that tno parties were lesldonts of different stuVcs. Marrlnfjo licenses were issued yesterday to the following parties ; CJcorgo B. Seltzer nnd Irene E. Uobbins of South Omaha ; CJoorgo A. Kellogg and Amelia Flues of Council Bluffs ; J. 11. Cook of Persia and Sylvia J AtKlns of Yorkshire ; M. V. Huffo- Itor and Dorn Perkins of Silver City. Mary McCauley , who was defeated In n lawsuit which she commenced in the district court to recover damages from the North western for norsonnl injuries she received by falling on a walk in front of the uonot , bus served the company with notice that the case will bo appealed to the supreme court. Emmett Uanowood , n conductor on the motorllno , was brought before Justice Ham mer yesterday for u trial on tbo charge of as saulting Frank Oregg. Allor introducing a little evidence the attorney for the prosecu- iion told the court that ho was satislied Cirogg was drunk and abusive when the nffair took place , and Danewood was dis charged. The ladies of the llroadwny church will have n novelty in entortniments in their rooms in the Hughes block this evening , Thov have been gathorine a largo number of handsome aprons from the different statoi of the union and the British possessions and will huvo them on salo. The rooms have been handsomely decorated for the occasion. David Doyle was to have bud a trial before Justice Hammer yesterday on a charge of peace disturblug , but lib physician. Dr. Bellinger , sent n letter stating that Doyle wns too ill to appear for trial , nnd it was thercloro postponed. It Is probable that the case will not como to trial , as nn effort will bo made to have him examined by the com missioners of Insanity. The case of Castle against Fcnn occupied the day in district court yesterday. Two divorce cases were brought up und divorces were granted un default. In the first An drew Christiansen was plaintiff aud Carrie Christiansen defendant , tno ground alleged being adultery. Tbo second was brought by Hannah Mason ngalnst her husband , Homer Clay Mason , aud the ground alleged was do- certlou. A meeting of representatives of the vari ous Kpworth joaguos of the city was held Monday evening at Hughes' hall , at which w hut Is to bo known as the Union league was organized , with the following ofllccrs : Presi dent , H. H. Barton ; llrst vice president , Mrs. C.V. . Brewer : second vice president , S. V. Nichols ; tioasurer. Leo \Vitter ; secretary , Lena Sims ; committee ou programs , L. C. Dale , E. Wood , W. A. Goehr'ng ' nnd J. Saw yer. yer.A A great deal of complaint has boon caused by the actions of a crowd of young men who live in the vicinity of the Baptist Mission on Twenty-ninth street , near the motor barns. The building is used as u sobool bouse on week days. A day or two ago the Janitor opened the door nt f > o'clock in the morning and found half n dozen persons of hotti HOXOJ enjoying the freedom of the sanctuary with a more or less holy delight , having broken the door In. The building Is so fur removed from the center of tbo city that the pollco are almost powerless to give nny protection. Dowitt's Sarsnpnrnla cleanses the blood , Just received nt Davis' , a cnrlrmtl of II uUh & Millignn Mffj , Co. 'B paints. Absolutely pure , und the best in the mtirlcot. _ rfiltSOX.lJ , J'.lltAGHAl'lI.t. Sheriff O. S. Rainbow of Harlan was In the city yesterday. E. M. Stcadmnn , ot the United States secret service , Is In the city attending fed eral court. Mr , nnd Mrs. Ed Howe loft yesterday | for Atlantic , wnoro they will take charge of the Pnrk hotel. Jotm Keating loaves tomorrow for Port land , Oro. , whora ho will cngngo iu business with hl.s father , who moved there several months opo. Hoscoo Lotncn , who has been spending a vacation at homo , leaves this morning for Polln , Iu , , where ho will resume bis studies ut tbo Central university. Howard Maxwell of Arkansas City , Ark. , is In thu city , the guest of hU uncle , G. P. Maxwell , on Bluff btrcot. Ho has Just com pleted n year in college atXonla , O. Mrs. E.V. . Peterson received n telocrram yesterday afternoon announcing the death of her mother in St , Louis. The deceased vis ited Mrs. Petersen about a year , nnd only reached her homo n short time uoforo her death. Disease nnvor successlully attackj nsyi- teni with pure blood DeU'ltl's Sarsnpurllla uniUcs pure , now blood und onnchos thu old. Jurvis 1877 brandy , purust , safest , best , llo\v nro your nwnliiffB ? J. M. LtuiicUo , 131 Pearl. Only homo factory. Helping tlin Children. A commlttoo consisting of Key , Stephen Phelps , Hey. T. Molt. Stoxvart nnd Hey. Henry Dolong tins been appointed to tnko charge of the work which was commenced lastTuosduy bj Colonel Alexander Hogolnnu In Iho Interest of homeless hoys and girl' . The principal work of the committee \ylll bo to Una homos In tno country for the bovs und girls who are growing up Jn Council 'BlulTs without anyone to look after them , and a innd will bo started for the purpose of payIng - Ing the oxponto of taking them to their now homes , Tlicio Is about fit ) in this fund al ready , nnd stops will bo at euro taKen to so- euro additions , Colonel Hogeland Is sollini' a picture to help pay his expenses , this being the only source of income ho has. It is de scribed ns n panorama of romaullc , pathotlo nnd dramatic Incidents Iu bov and girl Hfo Intended to Inspire in Iho youth a resolution for the highest typo of affection nnrt obodi- on co. I have icon cna one dose of Bradycrotlno rellovo sick ami nervous headache when everything oho had fulled , und can cheer fully louoiumcua U. M , C. 2ol ! , PbiladoU pblo , Pu. _ Thomas Tostovln , civil engineer nnd surveyor , over DoYol'n , 601 Broadway. Jarvla' wild 'olnukborry Is the best. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Police Think They Hnvo Oanght a Trio of Festive Burglars. STRONG CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE -MlUn IllicitCrorco Smith nnil Clmrlr 1 .Sinllli ArrcMcd nnil .Murh nf the I'lttnilcr Srcurpd Hu\v the Case Worked , Ever slnco the hurglnry ot Ed Sherlock's plnco on Broadway lost Sundny night the police have boon working on the case with a view to finding the guilty parties. Their efforts \vcro rewarded night before last by the capture oi a couple ot mcn ncalnst whom clrcuinstancial cvidonco is so strong that thcro appears to bo but llttlo doubt that they will bo convicted and sent across the state. Mike Englo , xvho has boon employed for n short time past nt the Metropolitan hotel , was the first ono caught. Ho was seen walk ing down street with n valise in his hand , nti'l aa ho had been spotted the day before he was followed by Oftlccr Beswtck nna placed under nrrest Just nftor ho had reached his room. The valise ho carried with him was opened nnd insldo it were founasomothlngovcr SOO cigars oftkosnmo brands sold by bhctlock , some of which nro noU&old by nny other dealer In the cltv. When confronted with the crlmo Enclo in lulu a clean breast of the nITatr and snld ho know when ho wiw coin milting the burijiary that ho would bo caught. Ueorgo Smith , night clerk nt the Pacific house , was tno next nrrest , and ho wns nulled out of his bed in the hotel shortly nftor ho hud got inside. A vallso which wn found in his room was also taken charge of by Olllcers Uoswlck and Murphy , nnd when it was opened nt the police station it too wn ; fount ! to contain over 1,000 cigars of the same brands as tboso in the possession of Englo. Smith inblstcd that the vnllso wns not his , but belonged to nnotbor man. A key that was found In his pocket , however , opened the vnllso without alfllculty. aud this tnrow a sort of shadow over his claims of inuo- conco. Early yesterday morning Charles L. Smith , a portornt the Or.ind hotel , was nr- restca ns ho was coming to work , nnd locked up on suspicion of being Implicated In the tiurglo/v. Ho stoutly protested that ho was innocent , nnd nbotit the only evidence that the police have against him is that ho was on Uio btroots lute last night m the vicinity of the ulaco where the burglary took placo. His previous record is somewhat against him , as ho completed a two years' term In the peni tentiary for highway robboty about six woclcs ngo , since when ho has boon nt the Grand. Ho offered to go with Iho pollco to the house and let them make u complete search of the promises. It was learned Unit the stolen goods had been hidden in a woodpile in the rear of the 1'acllio house ( luring the night of the rob bery and were loft there all of the next day. A couple of boxes were found lying on the ground near by , where they had been dropped by the thieves in their haste to got uwav from the olaco. Englo waivoJ exam ination before .ludgo McGee nnd was bound over to the grand Jury on n charge of burg lary , while the cases of the other two men were continued. Not So ) : ( Alter All. E. V. Wood of McICoe's Uocks , Allegheny county , Pa. , In speaking to a traveling man of Chamberlain's modtclnns said : "I recom mend thotn above nil others. I have used them myself nnd know them to bo reliable. 1 always guarantee them to my customers and have never had a bottle returned. " Mr. Wood had hardly finished spoaldng , when a little girl came in the store with nn empty bottle. It was labeled , "Chamberlain's Pain Balm. " The traveler was interested , as thcro was certainly n bottle coming back , but waited to hoar what the liitlo girl said. It was ns follows : "Mamma wants another bottle of that medicine ; she savs it is tbo best medicine for rheumatism shoovor used. ' 50-coiit Dottles for sale by druggists. nianil Opening DMnhiy. Grand opening display ot spring and summoi" goods at tno Boston store tonight. The store will close at | o p. m. today and will rcopon at 7 p. in. the tnis evening. No goods will bo sold thlt evening , but the finest , largest and most elaborate display of spring und summer goods over exhibited in Council BlulTs will bo made. The proprietors of the Boston store have aiuioJ to select the finest goods in the market , " and tire now Dotter prepared than over to supply thole customers with everything first-class in their lino. The display tonight will surpass any thing ami everything in this line , and the people ot Council Blults will lind it well worth their time to call and'ex amine and inspect the goods. Don't lei this opportunity to view a great exhibit go by unavailed. couNTiiti--iiTcits : : SKNTINUI > . Mioiersor Iho Quc'i-r Receive Their c'lnu Irom JiiilKe Woolion. Most of the day was passed in civil busi ness yesterday in federal court , but along to ward the closn of the afternoon session Judge \Voolson found time to deal out a supply ol justice to n counterfeiter who had run up against ono of Uncle Sam's detectives anil had como out of the contest with his reputa tion caved in. Isnao Pr Flshor nnd M. At kinson had boon carrying on the manufnc' turo and distribution of counterfeit dollars in Harrison county for a number of months before they were caught. It finally loalceU out that they were making money bv the wholesale , and Matt Steadman , the "well Icnown detective , succeeded In getting evidence - donco ugulnst both ot the men. They were arrested , nnd upon being charged with the crinio both of them owned up and agreed to plead guilty. They were brought before .ludgo U'oolson , where they wont , through the necessary formalities. Atkinson was accompanied by his wlfo in the court room , nnd whllo the Judge was lec turing him on the ovll results of trying to start n branch mint without duo authority from congress Atkinson passed nwny the ti.-no bv watching u largo briny Hood course down his noio to the lloor of the court room. Ho attempted to win icnicnoy from the court by saying that his wito nnd six children were dependent upon him for support , but his plea simply secured for him a sontencoof f 1,000 line nnd a term of ono your in ' .ho peni tentiary nt Fort MadUon. Fisher , xvho seems to bo the chief offender in the case , and to have merely used A'.klii- ton ns n willing tool , will receive bis sentence this morning. About half n bushel of the money that haa been inadn by the two men wns dumped out on a tublo in the court room , and it was of so excellent n quality that a number of gentle men put pieces of it in their pockets under tha impression that it war. genuine. Mrs , L. U. I'atton , KocKford , 111. , writes : "Ftom personal cxporlonr.o I can recommend Do Witt's Sarsaparlllu , a euro for impure blood and general debility. " Roller , the tailor , 310 Broadway , lias all the latest styles and newest goods ) . Satisfaction guaranteed. Wo have our own vinoynrda In Callfor nlu. Jurvis Wino comuiny , Co. Blutfa Genuine Hock Springs coal at Tlmtohor'B , 10 Main street , always on hand. The f.nit 1'niiiiil. Mr * . E. B. Edgerton , whoso sudden do ] parture from homu wai the cause oi several newspaper articles being written nnd a great deal of gossip floating about , returned to her home yesterday morning and set at rest whatever doubts that her l.usbruid had as to her intention. Sbo said that sbo bad gone 10 Omaha to pay off the fntereit on u debt , and that when she got them ho decided to pay a visit to a friend. She had boeii vlililng over since. When Mr , Kdgorlou was asked what the ar- Iclo meant which ho published last Tuos- lay , stating that ho would not bo responsible or any debts in the future excepting tboso contracted by himself , ho replied that It was 101 meant to' apply to his wlfo especially , but to all persons in general. Plso's Hcmedy for Catarrh is n real cure Dther remedies fall. Try it. It la oura Druggists. Mo. The King tifUtnolhiD Storrft. The old single generator Dangler was Iho best gnsolino steve cvor mndo , bu . Shugfirt & Son have n now Dangler that is unquestionably the king of vnpor stoves. It Is culled the Dangler Sur prise , nnd is simply the old reliable steve with n , perfect process generator added. It burns n blue llnmo when lighted and haB no odor in slopping or starting. Shugarts nro the only people who handle them. lliig County llufdnr . At the meeting of the supervisors yester day the resignation ns a member of the Sol diers' Koliof Commission was accepted nnil John Watts wns chosen to illl the vacancy. Mrs. Sarah Vance wns glvon the custody of Suslo Flasher , who la now confined in St , Bernard's hospital , her compensation being the same as now received by the sisters of tbo hospital. The nctlon of the council of the town of Maunwa In reduclnc the nssossment of the Lake Mannwa Land company from § 100 nnd f'OJ to foO BU acre was concurred in. A petition was presented from the Lake Mannwa Hallway company asking that the assessment of ono nnd one-olghth mtlo of the company's read from § : ) ,5aj to $1,700 , thu former assessment being considered alto gether lee largo. The petition was referred back for n more specific statement. Uov , K. M. Perkins , Augusta , Ark. , says : " 1 bnvo used IJradyerotluo for headache with such gratifying results that I never fail to recommend it among my people. The Indies of the Fifth Avenue Meth odist church will " " give n "butterfly" supper in llio parlors of the church Thursday evening , April 7 , from ( J to ! ) o'clock. The supper will bo under the direction of Mrs. May Brown. Ticlccts , Joe. Rctnombor tlio apron sale tills after noon und evening at Hughes' block. Ills Creditor * .Mourn. T. W. Davis , who came to this city three months ngo.nnd advertised himself us a pro fessor of music , has disappeared , and a number of creditors are anxiously awaiting his return. Ho wns for some time director of music nt the First Presbyterian church. Slnco his departure it has leaked out that ho borrowed $75 of a young lady muslo teacher who is well known in this cltv nnd. Omaha , and forgot to return it. Ho loft bis trunk at bis boarding place , so that his land lady is partially reimbursed for her acquaint ance with him , but the newspapers which printed his advertisements , and bis otbor creditors , have no silver lining whatever In their cloud. It is Not U'luit We Suy But what Hood's Sarsnparllla does , that makes It soil and has given it such a firm nnd lasting hold upon the confidence of the pee ple. The voluntary statements of thousands of pdoplo provo beyond question that this preparation possesses n wonderful medicinal power. Hood's Pills cure constipation by restoring the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. They ore the best family cathartic. Get your supper with the Broadway Methodist ladies tonight at Hughes' block. Price 25c. , E. II. Siioafo has money to loan on real estate and chattels , Broadway and Main. U'ants a Nuw Assignee. W. H. Knophor , assignee of the Judd- Wells Investment company , filed a petition in the district court yesterday asking that a new assignee bo appointed to toke his place , on the ground that his business cares would not permit him to carry on the work longer. Accompanying the petition ho filed his re port , snowing that , ho had collected f5'J73 ! 05 of the corporation's money , and had paid out $5,045,18 , leaving a balance in his hands of W-8.77. This sum ho asked leave to retain as pay for tbo worli ho had done as assignee. Sicic headache 3 Beccham's Fills will re lieve. SwcBEon Music Co. , Masonic tomplo. Ice at ' block this cream Hughes' even ing. _ Tulley's orchestra at Hughes' block this evening. O. Yunkcrtnan&Co. . feed , seeds , com mission , country produce , 103 Broadway. Mr. Kobert Mantoll and his company wit begin a three nights and matinee engage ment at Boyd's now theater this evening , when ho will appear in a roparlolro of five of his best plays. Thursday evening ho will appear in his great five yoar.-i' succois , "Monbars. " Friday evening Mr. Mantoll will appear for the tlrat time in Omaha as the Priiico of Denmark m Shakes peare's master play , "Hnmlot , " At the mntiuoj n double' bill will bo pre sented , and for the first time in this citv Mr. Mantell's two now plays , "Tho Loulsianian , " u romatmc drama In five nets , from the pen of Mr , Edward M. Al- friend , and Iho ono act co nody drama , "A Lesson In Acting , " written by Messrs. Mc- Cann and Hobhison ; Mr. Mantel ! will ap pear in both pieces. Saturday evening , grand production of Alexander Dumas' great play of "Tho Corslcan Brothers. " Of all of Mr. Stuart Uobson'a repertoire , Brnnson Howard's great comedy , 'The Hun- notta , " still maintains the lead In popular ity. Mr. Kooson will npponr at Boyd's now theater In "The Henrietta" on Sunday next for ono night only , Commencing tonight at the Farnam Street theater Mr. Newton Boers , supported by nn excellent company , in his latest success , "Eloped With a Circus Girl , " All lovers of fine comedy should uot fall to sen It. Mr. Beers' company is now the strongest ho has over had nnd has made qulta a success in this piece. Scats are now ou salo. Don't patronize foreign wines when you cin got n uettor ono ut homo. Try Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne. New IlIdH nn 1'iibtolllci ) Iron Work. The local iron men will have another chance to bla on the iron nnd steel columns and girders fur the foundation of the now postoftleo , thanks to the Itoal Estate Owners and tbo Manufacturers and Consumers nsso clatlons. Those organizations protestec against the former specifications which called for n certain patented column of outsldo manufacture , thus barringtholocul foundries. The authorities nt Washington have ordcrec new specifications nnd instructed Superin tendent licindorff to roadvertiso for bids , Thu amount will bo something like $12,000. Work h now progressing on catch basins to carry off the water in tbo excavation , anr preparations are being mada to put in some of the cement that will underlie the foundu tlou before the last of the week , CHAMIiitlA.V.S : COUUII KHMIJDV. Superior to Any Other. Mr.V. . J , Mowroy of JorvisvilloV. \ . Va. says : "Slncn wo have been handling Chum- borlain's Couch Remedy wo have suld It on a strict guarantee and found that every bottle did good service.'o have used it ourselves and think It superior to any other prepara tion wo know of , 25 aud 53 contoottloj for tale by druggists. _ Claims the Meat nun All Isaac Levy , who was charged by Meat In- spnutor Beson with peddling diseased moat , was at pollco headquarters Tuesday after noon with a piccu of pork which bo claimed was n sample of what be bad bo < m selling. Levy had blood In his eye and threatens tc sue the meat inspector for the value of the confiscated poi k. ONE OF AMEllICfg GREATEST [ COXTISl'KH FKOtfFItm ull cay of n general after , hu was placed on bo roll rod list. : "In his business relations ho was bound > y a scrupulous sense ot honor nnd duty. I lover know ot him dolnc anything which ho most exacting coiiUV say was dishonor- nblo. Ho liml an extreme horror ot debt nnd axes. Ho looked nt the heavy taxes now In oguo as In the nature ot contlscntion , nnd In some cases sold his In nil , rapidly riminir In nluc , because the taxes assessed soomcd to urn unreasonable. Without lUtternrii op Mnllcr. "Whllo the war lasted General Sherman was n soldier In putting down what , ho uon- ildcrcd to bo n rebellion. Ha satd war wns > arbarism and the speediest way to end It was to prosecute It with vlpor to complete success. When thi < i wan done and the union wns saved ho was for the moat llborftljtcrms of conciliation , "Never , since tno close of the war , bnvo I toard him utter words of bitterness against .ho enemies ho fought , nor tbo men In the north who had reviled him. To him It wns i territorial war , ono that could not have icon avoided. Its sends had boon planted in .bo history of the colonies , in the constltu- .Ion Itself , nnd In Iho Irrepressible conflict jotwcon frco and slave Institutions. "It wns tbo good fortune of ( Janoral Sher man to have boon n chic * actor In this grout Iramn nnd tu have lived long enough after ts close to have realized nnd enjoyed the tlghost estimate of his service by his com- ndos , by his countrymen and by mankind. To mo , his brotnir , It is a higher prldo to tnow and say to you that In nil the wallet of irlvnto life , n n son , as a brother , ns u bus- ) iuid , as it fiither , ns n soldier , as n comrade or as n friend , ho wns mi honorable ! gentle- nun , without fear and without reproach. " The other addresses were of a purely In- brnml nature. General Howard. General Porter and Gen eral Slocum nil spouo briclly. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup reduce illumination whllo children are toothing. > cents a bottle. TO HTOl' CO.U.U/AMO.V I.IV1.Y . I.calling Knstrrn nnd Wt'ttrrn Ultra Cnino to nn IJndcrstiiMciIni , ' . Cttic ioo , 111. , April 0. It has Just leaked out hero that n combination has been formed , or Is being formed , between the Vnnderbllt and Pennsylvania lines in tno east , and tbo Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , the Chicago & North western and the Atchlsou , Topeka & Santn Fo in the west , by which those companion agree to discontinue the payment of commis sions to each other's agents. The considera tion Is a division of interchange passenger business in accordance with an agreement entered into a few weans ago nnd which means the exclusion , so far as possible , of all other lines from participation in this busi ness. Two secret meetings have boon hold , ono In Plttsburg nnd it In believed the other in New York. Tbo roads that are to bo prac tically boycotted by this agreement are the Hock'Island , the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City and the Chicago & Alton in the west , and tbo Grand Trunk , tko Erie , * the Bultl- moro & Ohio and connecting lines in thu cast. It is plain to bo scon that this is another at tempt on the part of the Pennsylvania and Vnndorbllt systems to do away with passen ger commissions to ticket agents , nnd they have secured the assistance of four of the strongest roads west of Chicago. If by this deal thev c.ui force the other lines to surren der , n peaceful solution of the commission question may ba expected , but nobody seems to anticipate such nn outcome , nt least not until there has been a Up lit. It has been handled carefully and not until today could reliable Information bo obtained , the discov ery ot which is certainly going to bo a row , nnd n terrific rate war , or the abandonment of the scheme. What will become of the Western Trnfllc association is tbo absorbing question. JNOW that the attempt , to hola n mooting has been abandoned nnd a call issued for n special mooting in Now York May 1 , it is expressed even moro freely now than before that the as sociation has made its last gnpo. To Jay Gould is attributed the failure of securing a quorum. Important Subject tu lie Settled. Cine too , 111. , April 0. Some of the east ern roads are already heartily sick of the at titude that has boon taken in regard to switching charges nnd divisions with west ern roads. The Chicago & Grand Truuk are now forced to stand by aud see the west ern roads absorb a largo proportion of the business that might otherwise have fallen to them. The refusal of the Grand Trunk to re-establish switching charges in the city limits aud Its arrangement with the Chicago < fc Northwestern and the Chicago. Milwau kee & St. Paul whereby it allows those hues divisions of through rates instead of paying them switching cbarces ou freight shipped to aud from points on their lines in the city limits , bus had a very noticeable ulfect. A meeting of the Chicago committee of the Central Trafllc association will bo held to morrow , and it is understood that several of the lines will advocate a reconsideration of the recent resolution by which ull except the Grand Trunk controlled tbelr division ar rangements with the western roads. Chairman nianohard today issued his call for the regular April mooting of the Central Tralllo association to bo held next Tuesday. A long list of freight subjects is to bo con sidered at the moating und includes the fol lowing : Arbitration of lake and rail doffor- ontials ; divisions with western roads via all junctions between Chicago aim St. Louis ; rates on Texas truftlc ; rate on green hides from St. Paul to Minneapolis to Boston , by way of Chicago ; application of Chicago rates to Kankakoo on west bound tralllc. Southern 1'jiulllu jic : > rtlon. SAN Fitvxtiwco , Cal. , April 0. Tlio annua meeting of the Southern Pacific stockholders was held today. President Huntlugton pre sented his annual report , in which bo said : "The business of last year has been in thu main satisfactory. Tno surplus of earnings over llxod nnd operating and current ex penses has been small owing to many causes , among which may bo mentioned the extreme cost of fuel and many other articles largely used in operating the long lines of tbo com pany which eastern roads are nblo to got at much lower prices , The surplus had been used In improving the property. Pres ident iluntincton also submitted iigures showing tbo extent of operations , but tboso are not made public. The following board of directors was elected : C. P. llunllngtou , Lolnnd Stanford , Charles F. Crocker , Thomas Estilman , Thomas li. lluub.irJ , A , N. i'owno. J. C. Stubbs , , E. H. Miller. S , T. Gage , II , E. Huntington and George Crocker , The last two named iiivs. now directors , suc ceeding W. B , Huiit-lngtoii and L. V , Brown. The directors will mootkomorrow , and it is reported that II. 'J2 ' , 'Ilunllugtoii ' will bo elected treasurer to succeed 'I'imothy Hop- klus , who lately resigned. TriiiiHin n-tuurl .Mutter * . KANSAS Cm" , Mo"April : C. The regular monthly mooting of. f ho Trausmissourl asso ciation was hold hero today. Various mat ters of only local Intprost were disposed of at the morning session , ) u.ilt Iho afternoon ses sion tbo private docket was taken up and tbo discussion of tbo'cbareos ' of tbo Memphis ngalnst the Missouri Pacific wai begun. The Memphis charted hat the Missouri Pa- citlo issued tree transportation to shippers to Influence their business , The discussion proceeded ut great lo'ngth nnd was Bomowlmt heated. Finally Assistant General Freight Agent Lincoln of tin ) Missouri Pacific prom ised to look into tha mutter und btop the practice if ho found it prevails on hU lines. Dillon riirlflc Itumora. New YOIIIC , April 0. The transfer books of tbo Union Pacific closed today for the annual election In Boston on tbo J7th , Tha stock was in urgent demand In the loan crowds and a premium of 133 wns paid. II. B , IIollls bought 1,1100 and Lonaon houses bought 10,000. The buying was partly based o-i a report that the Gould Interest would retire - tire aud that Marvin Hut'liltl woula succoea Sidney Dillon as president of tbo Uulon Pu- cltlc. NOT SOLVED YET , Itlilillo PcrUiliiliu to Street Stvt'Cilii | ( ; 8(111 ( Mayor Bcmls stated yesterday morning that ho had not uiado up bis mind us to vhother or not ho would npprovo the con current resolution adopted by the council rdcring the streets denned under the 10 per cent clause of C. E. Squires' contract , Chairman Blrkhtimor ot Iho Board of 'ubllc Works said that if the resolution was npprovcd nnd the work was ordered done It Imply meant that the streets would bo cleaned over this season and no more. The levy of half a mill for itrcot sweeping and repairing pivomonts amounted to $23- W.SI. Of tuts amount f-MST.O.1 had been expended prior to March HI. Then Uicro vn * deducted the sum of f U1.201 for repairs nndo on nsphnlt pavements during the year Sill , which loft but f-VWJ In the fund. During the month of March eight miles of - troots were cleaned under Iho provisions ot ho 10 per cent clause nt a cost of $1,100. Us- Imntlng the cost of cleaning the seventy nllos of paved streets nt J30 per mile , the nmount would bo $ r , OOJ , which would ox- must the fund , Mr. Illrkhiuisar stated that ho had no do- Ire to oppress ( Contractor Squire * but Mm- ily wanted him to live tip to the terms of his loutrnct. When ho took the contract ho snow the terms , as ho wrote n letter asking f ho would bo rcaulrod to clorm the streets it $1" ) per nillo. Ho was Informed that ho vould and his bid was with that understand- nir. nir.By the terms of the contract the city wns indue obligations to pay Squires flfi.OOO for weeping 1,000 milns of paved streets during ho season , nnd if there was not money In ho treasury to pay the bill , ho felt sure that Squires would refuse to sweep , but would hold the city for the amount. Another bad feature about cleaning under ho 10 par cent clause was this ; Fanning & jlavlu , the old contractors , had n similar lalin for $ iy,000 , mid if Squires win paid hey could maintain an action ngalnst the Hy. ' I-ito to bed and early to rlso will shorten ho road to your homo in the skies , " But arly to bed and a "Little llarly Hlser , " the illl that make- } life longer ana bettor nnd visor. A disease , trontcd us such nnil portrm- icntl.v cured. No publicity. No infirm- iry. Homo trciitmont. Hitrinlebs and ilYeclunl. Jlofei1 by permission to Bur- Ingtoti HuwUcyo. Send iio stump for Kuuplilct. Sholioquon Chomieul Co. , Jurliii { ton , la. M > nou.\ > . r.s. North Plntto gets along with only live saloons. Gray wolves have killed some cnttlo In rant county. Wakoliold Indies have organized a come- cry association. The boubo of August Shultz , near Butte , was destroyed by llro with all its contents. J. E. Hunt of Hardy has fallen heir to nn eleventh Interest in un ostnto valued at 100- , 000. Indlanola has already raised $1,000 to bo used as purses for races' a Fourth of July celebration. The Norfolk News has mndo its appearance - anco in a new dross and looks brighter than over. It's a good paper printed m a good town. Frank Hershey of Gibbon wintered 50,000 sheep on his farm and has Just purchased in Wasnington 18,000 more , which will bo driven to Nebraska for fattening next winter. While watching a chemical experiment at the Alma high school , Mns Jessie Mitchell int.nled the vapor of burning acid and wns so overcome that her hfo was despaired of for a time. Perhans , says the Norfolk Now , if the streets had been in a little better condition , that cyclone would have traveled ou thorn instead of cutting across lots , it is not yet too late to lix up the streets , however. While playing at marolos , Bert Hand of Seward was severely out with u kuifo by Otto IClingor. The wounds , though painful , are not dungoroiu , and the patient is getting along us well as could bo expected. The Superior Journal , with characteristic enterprise , told the story of the Nelson tor nado at length and in the best shape of any paper In the state. It didn't have to depend on rottpn telegraph wires to got the story of the storm. During tbo storm nt Harvard n piece ol the roof of the hotel struck O. Swartz on the cnest , knocking him senseless. Ho was taken to the ofllco of Dr. Whiteman and on examination was found to bo severely hurt on tbo chest and'limbs , but it is hoped iiol seriously. No other damage was dono. DoWitt'sSarsaparilta is reliable. MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO , " tha Wonderful Hpaiilna llcnicily , li Fold with a Written Cuarantoo tncuro nil Ncivans Ills- caii e. Eucli 03 Weak Memory , IMS of lliala 1'oner , Hciulnchc , Wnltcl illness , Lost Mnn- hoot ] , Nenousne0 ! * , Jas- Filmic , all rtinli.s and loss of i > ewer of tlio Ornerathn Oifnin In cither cox , cnuwil tiy otPi-cxnllon , joiilliful Inillscivllfliiior Ilic exciiuilvj as * of lobiito. oiinn | | , oi nlnnihuiH , ulilili ultlitintely lend to liilliiulty , Cuii < inuitliin | nn < l Iii'niilly I'nt up Inrniiteniciit lonn to cairv In thefl | Kiit. 1'ilco fl [ ipntkHKC.orol.il f i , UHli eveiy { .lunlii neuUea written gunrontoo to euro or refund the nionor. Bent li ) in.ill to any mlilrrn. t'lrculnr free in I'laln eiiM'loi'iMuillon ' Ililn ) , i'er. | ' Aildliei , MADRID CHtMICAL CO. . Ilrnnch Office foi u S. A , S. ' > 3 Dcailiorn Street , OlIICAnO.If.U FOIt SALE IN OMAHA. N1JB. , BY Kulic & Co. , Co.r ISIli & DouKl.is St . J .A Fuller & Co. , Cor , Htli & DouBlca Sta. A D Foster & Co. , Couucll lllutl * . U. Such as St. Peter carried in pictures , and the rest of us carried in discomfort , went suddenly out of use on the intrrduction of the famous " YALE " locks. Then some happy people jumped to the conclusion that any small key meant a "YALE" lock. Not so. It's easy to make a worth less loci : with a little key , and It takes less metal. Your protection lies in one- word. See that "YALE" is stamped en every Key. If that is there , security is there also. Sold wherever locks sell. CURB A no * mil Complete Treatment , consisting P BuppODltorlui , Ointment In Ca | ult > * , ulao la Itoi nnul'illii a I'onUlvo Uurj lor lixtjriinl , Inturnil llllntl or Ulou.llnj ItcUliu , Clironla , Uocaat or HeimlUanr I'titti. Tlila Uumudy Inn nuvur b3 : i known to tall. ( I per lior,0 lurJ'i ; tout b/ mill , Whf uilorfrmn tliU lorrllilo UUoasj vilian n writ ten Euarniiieo l i > omtlrolf clran with i ) tnxeio- return ! thu inonejr It not curJl Hani atvnp tor tree tinmplo. Uunrntitou isiuoi lir Kuli.i it ( V. . Urutvltti , Bolo AuentJ. cur.ur littiual DjujUi Ktrvetn , Onmlia. Net ) . iit.i.a : WHIT a .visuvi AND JllSNT.atpooiaofur lif'turU , Illizlnon , KHi , rntyla , He.idAOlin , Nervom 1'roitralton 04U oj bjr u | . cotiul or tobacco , \VnkefulntJii , Mental Oopreulon. boftenlnK of tha llruln , oi'iiliu lunnlty , miser/ , duc.ir , dei'li , I'ruiuaturd Old Avu , llnrrjaaoii , I < jn of 1'owtirln elttior sux , liupotoncjr , 19jcorrlioja a l nil Keiuulu VViMkneaiui , Inroluntir/ < m , Hu3r- inatorrhoeacjinul by orer-oiortlou of tlio brain. Uult-abusorur-lndulKunoj. Aiuuntli'i trontmunt II , 0 for 15 , by mill. Wo ( luirantuj nix boxai U euro. K.vniiorlor furl ) iiotji. wlilil ) will nonl wm- ten RUftrantoa to rffunJ if not curul. ( iunraiitoa lisueilonl/ A. tfi'lirutjr , liruu'KUl nola dfcnlj , H. U , tor loth autl rurnuiu tti , tiuiuUa , Neb , Blackwell's Bid ! Durham Made a recoid long years ago , which lias never been beaten or approached. It lias not to-day , a good second in popularity. Its peculiar and uniform excellence * pleases the men of to-day as it \ l HSJhlttJ" , " . did their fathers before them. Great Bull riovcmcnt. " Sold wherever tobacco issmoked. Is a mild and pleasant stimulant which quiets the nervca and in no way excites or deranges the system. In this respect it is distinctive. It c'ves t c most solid com fort with no unpleasant effects. Made only by BlackweH's Durham Tobacco Co. , Durham , N. C. ABSOLUTEIY PURE - ft. CO. KANSAS CITV.NO. i\cry HI AN cnn ha I S'-TRONa and VIO- OHOUS in all respect * . . by usiiiR SPANISH NI'.UVINE.tlieKrent apaulnh Ueuieily. YOUNO M1SN OU OM > sullcrititf from NUR.VOUQ DUDIMTY , IOST or FAIhINO MANHOOD , nightly emissions , convulsions , neivoui , prostration , causitl by the use of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wake- ( ulnesi , mental depression , loss of power in cither sex , ipermator- AND AFTKK usK , rlioja caiiieil liy sell abuse anil over indulgence or any personal wrak' ness can bo restored to perfect health nml tlio NOHIlt VITALITY OF STRONG 1111117. We give a written guarantee with C boxes to cure any case or refund tlic money , f I a box ; 6 boios ( j Foi * sale in Omnha bv Snow , Lund & Co. We cannot explain how a man gains a pound a day by taking an ounce a day of Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil it happens sometimes. It is food that he can di gest ; we understand that. But it must be more than food to give more than the whole of itself. He has been losing flesh because he did not get from his food the fat he needed. Scott's Emulsion sets his machinery working again. Shall we send you a book on CAREFUL LIVING ? Free. Scorrft liowNBChemists , 131 South Sih Avenue , New York. Your driiEEiM keeps Scon's Ijnulsion of cod-liver oil all druggists c\crywhcre do. ft. Si SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 100 IOWA farms for sale. Improved SO aero farm In Harrison county , lt.M ( Dor acre : 137 acres improved , 910.01 ; ( il acres Imiiroved , J20.00 ; KO ueres. i.03. ! If you are lookliu for harKnlus call und bee us. .lohnston & Van I'uttcu. l710KriALKOKKXCIIANGi-Clly and f.um -L properly. E. II. Hhuafe , ll'way and .Main. s | , , all pain oho city. IJ. H. Slieafo , Hroadway and .Main. POIt SALK Acro.iKo near city adapto.l for fruit und znnlnn inirmics. K. 11. Saoafe , Hro-idway anil Main stice.ts. FOICHKNT Thu nfllco room now occunled by Cory & Uonover on I'oai 1 street. Aiiply to Leonard Everett. If Oil bALK On one year's time , fi per cent * - Intero-it , a KOO I yoiins hoisc. Apply to Ncoiiuru Eveictt. I71AUMS , par Ion lanJs. hoiisji. lots an 1 A- business hlo ki for s ilu or rant. Day Jt Hess. 9 I'oarl street , Ooiin ll HlulTi , OOC'lIItAN addition Hats for lent , hoven rooms each ; bath ; hot and cold water. Day & Hess , azunts. W. C , ESTEP , inntnn Enjljfll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 5 H. MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. S835SS3 Sims St Siiinflpr < 5 Atlor.n ° yi il | aw ' 'ri ° uiiuj iv imuiiutia . t.u | , ) , , , | lj 3lltu UIl | fodora.1 courts. Hoonu I , I auJ j tiuu-.irS lluuoblock , Couuuli ItinlTj , 1.1. Dr , Tlio Lcad'iii ! , ' Dentist " Third Floor , Paxton Bloa'r. Tclciiliuno 1085. Kttlt and Fnrnnin Sis. A lull nit of tt'ftli on lUhLc-rfor 15. i'trfcct Ti-'dli without iiluloH or mmiviililn brlilKo uo jufl Ilia tlilnu for Binders oriiubllu BUicakuri | ) , nuv Urupilonn. 1EE1H EXTRACTED WITHOUf PAIN. All tllllnu nt ri'iibonnh'c ' ratesall nurk wurrnntcil Cut till : out for iiKiililt * . Halo. Notice l hnruby Rlvr n that pursuant to an onlorof tlio District ( Jnurtof H.tlliio I'ounty Ni'braska , 1 will , as lucolvor of Iho linn o Duuei mid I'osH , olfor for sale to tlio lilKhos blildci'for cash all of tlm law llbraiy .ibou l.iwo volumesicomposiiil of text booliB , digest imd icportK all thu otlk-u fiiiiiituru , II.Miiro and appointments dcilts. hook eases , hafn htove , ty nuwi ItliiK maolilno mid nil of the of fice furniture , lIMurus and appointments of every kind aud oi'surlptlon belon lnu to thu said Urn , of Uiiweu I'c Koss. halo to bo at Crete , Nubr.ihku. fommencliiiSiitUo'ulocl. a. m. A pill "I , IVJ' . Text liuukH will bo Hold In seln , us will alto reports and digests. Tliu various articles of ofllco fiiinltuie , llxtuies and iji- noliitmuiits will Im olliT.'d In beptratu | > licej , A catulo uu or Hut of nil of said properly nan bo obtained by addrobsln mu at Ciotu , Nub. C O. WniTK. Uucolvcr. W. Q , IlABTIN ( 1'roponiiU lor J'a\liiK Inter Bouled proposali will bo lucelvtul by the iindernlKned until 1-0 o'ulouk p. m. , April 15 , Ibll' , for Colorado handstoiio and KloilY 1'alU tiuulto , uccnrJIiii ; to rtpeelflcatloim of ( Mil , for puvlni ? thulnturscctlonof Kluhth and 1'ar- num htrceis imd the uuia\od ; iitrt of Inter * eeetion of Eiuhtti and lluuulas strcetM , Each bid to specify u prk-o porfaiiuuio yard foi the pavlnx complete on thu Inter oetloiis. Work to bo done In aecordunco with ulansand speclllcatloiii of IK'H , on niu In the ollleo of the llonril of I'ublle Works. Kaeh proposjl to bu mndo on printed blanks fiirnUhod by the board , and to bo accompa nied by u curtlUc-d uhculc In thu HUH ) oi')0) ) . payabiu to the city ot Omaha , us an in Idutuu ufKood fulth. 'i he board reserves the rlslit to reject any or ull bids und tu wulvo dufectx. I'Y. . lllltKIIAUriKlt. Chiirmun Hoard ot I'ubllo WtirUx. Oinuhu , Apill i , UV& uurll J S-0 INSTITUTE. INFIRMARY KOl-i THIS TREATMENT OF ALL Dost facilities , itpimr.itus itnd Homed loafer for successful treatment of every form of dlsoiiso requiring modlcal or surgical treatment. 60 bcOa for pntlcnts. bo.ird and attendances Host uccomoJiitinns In the west. Write for clrcnliiri on deformities nnd braces trusses , club feet , curvatures of snlno , piles , tumors , cancer , uiitnrrh , bronchitis , In- iinlni.loiiocctrlclty ! , paralysis , oolluiisy , kid ney , b. adder , oyo. oar , s.kln and hlooj und all al onur.iUons. onur.iUons.WflMPM A SPECIALTY. WUlUufi ItookonDlsoasoi of Women FUKIJ. Wo havoliitoly iidiled n lylii ! < - In department fur women during coiilliioiiioiiU strictly nriviite. ) Only Hoiluulo Modlcul In- htltuto making u Spool ilty ot , i'ltiVATli DISKASKS All II oed Diseases successfully troatol. yyuhllltlo I'olson removed from the hyHtom without mnrcnry. Now Host oral Ivo Treat ment for Loss of VITAL I'OWKIt 1'ersous 1111- ablu to visit ua mav be treated ut home hr rnirosiion 'once. All communications confi dential. Medicines or instruments sent l > y mull oroviiresa , securely packed , no marks to Indicate contents or sender. Ouo personal ln- ti'rvli'w pioforroJ. Call and consult us or send history of your case , and wo will send In plain wratiuor. our RflfJff Tf ) MtfJ I''KEE ' : " ' " ' ITlvuta . men DUUK. IU , kvcuhli or Nervous Dis eases. Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Ytulco * pole , with question list , Jlraees Appliances for Deformities & Trusos. Only manufactory In tlio Westof litl-'Vii.u- ' ' Ji.i'j' rr.ii i KSi * i > it KL i x. Omaha Medical anil Surgical Institute , 26th aud Broa Iwny , Go moll Bluffs. Ten minute ; ; ' i Ida from center ot Omaha on Omaha and Oouit ll llluffs oloctrlo motor lino. THE G"RAND"HOTELT Council Bluffs , Iowa. Now , modern , woll-tippointod , thor * oughly woll-kopt , S'J a ( Jay. E. F. CLARK , Prop. COUNCIL DM STEAM DYE WORKS All Undsnf Dyn'ng und Clean I IIT done In tha bluhcst Htylnof the art , K.idud and htjliiud fabric * made Id look as t'ooil as new. Had feathers cleaned by steam In IIrt-clu.-n man ner Work promptly done aud dollvoiod In.ill pai IH of the country , bend for nrlvu list. U. A. MAOIIAN , - - riKJl'UIEl'OR 1 blultioudway , Noir Nortliweujra le ; J L , Ui.urir ) , lo r.v. Chas. Lunkley , riincnil Director anil Uiiilnrti' : ' < or. 811 Uroadwiiy , Codticll Hluds. ' CITIZEHS STATE BASK of council lllani. lstco < Net Capital nnd Surplus . # ViOOIHJ > Directors- . I ) IMiiiuirli'jn , K. U Hliu/ir ; , I'.O. Olc-wui , K I ! . Ilirl , 1. A. Mllk'r , J. V illiioluuin iiiiil'linrlo < It. llniioan. Trainiii't Ki'iiorul Irink- I'li ; hiibiuuss. l.urxeai cupltiii uiul surplus of uny tunl < Iu boutliwuiituiii ruwu. NTJ3RB3T ON TIM13 DEPOSITS