THIS OMAHA DAILY BHE ; WEDNESDAY , APRIL 0 , 1892. SPEC1RL NOTICES , AnVKUTISKMKNTfl KOH TIIKHK COU'M.NS will tin tnknn until 1J 30p in ( or the cvr-nlng find until 9. . < 0 i > m for the inornlnn orHnntlnr edi tion All nrlvrrtlirtnentu In thrto column * 2 ccnlx ft orrt forrlrst Inrcrtlnn.nnd I cent n word tliorrnftor , or 12 prr line ppr month No nilrr-rtlipment tnkon for IPM limn & ' > cent * ( orthntlrnt Innortlnn Terror ruth In mlvfiiid' fount nlxint noven worfli to tlio line Inltlnlii Usurp * . KjinljoK rlr , pncli count n word All ndTorlloomont mini run con ecu ttvolr Ad rrtl cr , br reqiH-MIni : n numbered rheck. run Imvo the Icltrrn nildrppurd tn n mini lii-rort letter In turn nf lilt , llir Answers ao ml- MrpMcil will bo delivered on presrnlntlon of tlio check. SITUATIONS WANTED. A AllVKiniVHIt WITH A KNO\VI.KDJK OK J Vbcnkkcnpltitt nmlnlmnilr limn iloiilrran position nupotttror niirfnimclly wln-ro IIP pmtld rl o ! mnll would tin iKPciitrdi lim uood rccommoniln AiMrc-sVH llpo Ml T - . ir\VANlH POSITION AT ONC1I , A-MAI.iNtJIt on Invnllil Ki-ntlenmn , rofrrcnco * nobor. Ap l > lr Arthur Mintliorn. 3 < W,1 llnrnor alrvul M490C * HWANTKII "POSITION 7\s TUMSMAN : IN ilrr Kiiixl * or clothing lir innn who opi-nks ( lor- nikn , llnulMi llulit-mlnn nmt Italian Aililrr 0. I , I ) . Illll H nth , Onmlm M.M1 r ' A KlllSr CLASS COACHMAN WITH IIKSTtOl' rltjr rofprtncps , 5yonrs' uxpcrlonce , wftntn n 110- itltlon Aililrcsa VJIi UPO M.Milu * WANTEp.-MALE IIELP. WANTM > , HAY.KsXlKM ON S A I. A U V ( > 11 CO Vl - mission to Imndlo tlio IIPW pntcnl cliomlcnl Ink Drn'InKppiiflt Tlio Kronlosl rclllni ; niiM-lt ) oviir proilnivil pniftn Ink tliorouulil ) In two neronil'i nn ntirinlim of ( inpcr , 2WI to UU par tent profit : < > nu nuinl's union ninoiintPd to K'M In xlx ilnjii , nnotlior f.2 ! III two hour * Wovnnt oiiPKcnnrnl iiKcnt In ( -nrli xtnlp nntl tprrltory Hir lornm nnd full pnr- tlrnliirs nililrt-si Monroe limner AlfK I'o , I.n Crow , Win. \ . ! zi -25 II It l.AIIOUKHS WA VI ICI ) HV1.I1Y W15KK for WynniliiKon tlio it A M It It , ( tea trims porlnllnn from Oiimlm CnllntMWS lutli utroct ' . . . . j CANVAHHIIIIB.HAI.AItV I'.MI ) WFKKI.Y 'Slimcr BOtilnit innclilno olllce. IMuDouKlnmtn-i-l. .MIST all AOKNTS WAMKI ) I\CILSIOU : : POHTIIAU' o \ \ nro block 777nI8 * 11 WANI'ii : > . 20 TIIAMSTIIIts toll It It. WOUIC . .I'lnVomlnt ! : cooil wou's. Ireo pnss Albrlitht l.nhor Olllcc. HW 1 nrnniii si 'Mi n WANTHI ) , A I HIST CLASS HLACKSMITH Stpiidy Job to HIP rlxht man Married nmn pre ferred John .M Mow art , Atkinson , Neb 21TI 6' f > -WAN1ii : > . T\\ < ) 1'IHSr CLASS OAI.YANIKKD .l > lron rornlco workers at once tilobe I'ornlco Works , Fremont , Neb M4SOM' B WANTKD-AdKNTS1 SAMPLK SASIII.OCK.S ( Put , I8UI ) free by mnll forSc stnmp Imnienpc ; unrlvnllcd Onl ) Kood ono ever liuenlcd Heats CosnlCH tlnpiralleleil tIJUUpcrdny. Ilro linnl A Co , Plillmlalplitn , Pn. M375 " 1 > WANTKII. AOIINTS CAN MAKIC MO PKU J'wpok linndllnK the llunsen novplty blow KUII Jtifttout , Sells nt sluht Address tbe La ( rosso IllowUuuCo La Crosse. Wli J82 -WAM'KI ) . COATM AKIIIIS AT CON ! IN15NTAL -I'Clothluu I louse , < W-5 l > r-fSO .MONTHLY TO KXKIICKTIC SAI.KSMliN J > 401 lioo Ipullillni ! . M17I u "I ) tCA ANI ) ( OMM1HSION TO KNTKIll'llISIMi JJam'iilii KncloMialnmp T7 , Ili-o. M475ti * f > WAxrr.D. AT ONCH. A ( .HUMAN COMPO- . J'ltor who him had a jenr or two axpprlcnco Ail dress ( iiorKO 1 ! Lance , editor ' 1 lines , llrlduenntei , Hontll Dakota M.VJ7 11 * > -Vt ANTKII A Kilter CLASS COOK AT 2031 CUM WA.STI. i ) MINTO : TIIAYKI. ion OIKCAN B nda nur i-rp-i | btono \Volllimton , Madison B ! MILII iroitS , SALAIIY ANI ) COM 1'AII ) Anuilc.iuVrliiKcr Co , ouard AU-M4 * } > MAN WANTHIlj SAI.AIIV ANI ) n Iteriiiancnt plinovbolooriiart tltno ; apply at oncu Ilrown llroa Co , Niiriurj nion , Clilcnuo BAUSsMHX WANTKI * TO SHI.h OUIt COOIll hj nainplu lo the nliolunalii aiiil ratal ! trade l.lliurnl sal 11 r and titponscs pilil I'crinnnctit po eltlon .Money ailraucuil for waKCH , niUnrtNliif. etc I1 or full particulars nml rolerenco iiililru- Centnnnlnl Mfc Co , Chlcnso. Ill A15A1 C 1 > WAM'KI ) , SAIiKHMAN ACQIIAINTKII WITH -1-Hliuiliui : ti.ulu to pell HID Hue ilj plus antl urlp lo/i-nKL-9 Joseph A. Herrmann , ' . ' .T .dl Mreut. Now York JI5.i < i l. 1VA.STii : ) . CANVASSHI11011.IOH I'ltl.NTI.NC ; J 'will pay k'ooil nmn iinlarr anil ( .omiiiUilon Itu- ply , fiiv Inv refortMircn , to V2J , I'ooottlco Slr , l(0 ( * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. 1 WAMKI.OOIJ tTnnr ru'i7d- -'cilHt strt'Pl C-coMPiri.s'T : : o ; : ] : work.- 1 ( KM ynorm 350 : UII > cin > MIIIIMUV : C/vvi at tStonchlll H. 44o C SMAUT , UAl'AllIiltOMAN AS WOUKINC housekeeper , must bo neat and n KOOI ! cook.r,13 Bajthnt. 421 -WANTKD. OOOD WACK3 TO TIIK OIHIj WHO knows how to do homework 2010 Kninict gtruut. MMJ 7 -WANTED , coon c.utr , FOH COOK AND HN- ural lioiiBuwork , II u week , 4,10 bt. .Mary's ave - ! WANTKD , ( ! OOI ) GIIII. rou C housework nt 21 ID Ohio Bt. S2li CC C LADIK1DO YOU WANT TO MAKK SI KVICll\ hour ? Yon ran do It Introducing our Hni > porters nnd olher ladles and children' * Koods tend tilump and wo will lell you all about It. Daisy Iloso Supporter Co , , iSOiden | avenue , ChlcaKO , HIM53I M53I | j 1-WANTKD. ( Hill , TO DO > > KCOND WOHK AND c tnko care of ehllil.niKJI Hum mint. M6.I7 S * cC C WANTED , IN bMALL I'llHATK FAMILY , A IhoroiiKhly compclont and experienced waltresa Sjiul house muld Call ul ' . ' .OS Douulas fcl M&.U7 * ' WANTKD , A ( HHLTODOI.K NK11ALHOUSK work.ii \ So 2oth street , small family. MGII-S * FOR RENT-HOUSES. ANI ) Ai'Aii'iMi'NTS . B-iiousiM IN UKSI- ilOnco block In illy tjlli d. . ' 'd ulrcot. Tul IT'-M. 27.'i POU UK NT , A1IOVK MM ( 4 ANI ) ( SBSOU'111 ICtlt nlricl.U room tlul , ovvry moilprn convc-n- liniro. InrluUliiKlnrKu kllclion UIIIKU Apply \\lnit- flor , Koiiip A. Co.a.l NY. _ 1.1 fu blilg. niTiil D -I.AlUiK LIST OF 1IOUHKS HTOIIKS. TLATS etc ; , f 5 nud up. 1'uul , 17 Hoard ot Trade 213 A 5 * D I Kill HUNT. (1 ( NICK NKWLY 1 UltXlHllKI ) room ! " , t > ti N. 15th. llrennun lints .M4ll ! \-KlH llh T , 110USICS , n.OU I'UU .MONTH ANI ) /upward * The O 1' . Davis Co. , 1503 Vanitim at.Ml 1"KLKdANT IS HOOM KUHN1S1IKD HOl'SK l./ull modern , near llrownell hall , f IUO 00 per mo C. K. Morrison , Ulij N V. Llfo U1U u4 ! _ -1-011 IlKNT , IIOUS1 ! 1147 N I7'I1I ST. , 11 IIOOMS , both. etc. fiJ per month. F U. Woodro , Nob. Nut , bank bnlUIIni ; Olj - HOOM I10I1HK. AM. CONVKNIKNCKS. B-IU lloc'd ft M-lliy,3.U llonnl of 'Irnilu. W _ I _ 'LATH A. C KllOsT , room il. Douglas block , lull and Uoiluo.till till A21 D I--1 IIOOM HOUsi : , HUNT 1O\V lttO.UlltK-.i7ll ' ' . _ ! ; 1181 T-V-T-UOOM UOUHK , AI.IJ COXVKMKNUKS , J-/bariii good loculll ) , ut liyJH. .l.tli. 81310 U' -fl IIOOM COrrAHK , HOI AND COI.IVATKU ) , lmllicloM.-l , fiirnuci' , bt-nulllul lawn and uluulo Apiily N. onnuTi.'nil and illnnil. Muutl U * Jih A IIOOM 1IOU8KS. JOHN 2 W S. Mill ft au ti -KJIl UUNT-SIX-HOOM .MODKIIN COH'At.K .iOJ * California t. ( IS | Kir mouth 4 > j OU HKNJ' . 4 itOOM HjAT IN NKNV CI.OWUY blork on ChkiiKO hi , U nml 7 room tliiU ou lOtli Bl llol erl . Hill CliUnno i-t M4SJ IU * 0 IIOOM 1IOUHIC , Wl h. ' I.Sl'HT. 00 I * , -HI.X IIOOM FLAT , TOKXKIL ALIj OUTblDi : rooms t-'j. Wrlcht Al.a b r ) , lutli anilllnwurd 1'OK nENT-FURNISHED KOOMS. f NICK IIOOMS , ALL CONVKNlKriCIW , 17S1 Jl'nTi'nport. Ml 4 b * 1-rOll IIK.NT. ( INK hAIIIIH KIIONT OH TWO Jlnick furnished cr unfurnished rooms , \ South tilh Blreel m > HOOMH Hilt ( IKNTLKMKNi oil N 16th l a A12 rv-KllUMSHUl ) UOUMS. 517 N ISlll atit-ot MIUO * 1JV- 1 OiriiB KUUMSUKIl HOOM. 1CIU IIUHT I J trec | , MI5U7 * AMD BOAHD. i > 1 -\v Yfu A 1,1. CON VIM : K cks S IstU X1 alruet. ill IV. ' KlMIMi K.\ -'ilniilu ; llrtt cl M tuUlo laill Kurimin UPS' 1 f A IA11V AND ( IK.Vll.KMAN OU - . ' 1.A1I1KS 'can li vu room mid board In a iirlvnla family HplPiiilld lorullon. 'ivro.a rcusoualilu. Adilrt-as T 16 , Hou olllco. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S5J4 * 1rCllMMIKIl OU UNKUIIN7t.HKI l7ooMS v.wltu board , ul o lablu board. 17J1 Duvi-ntiort Coot 3SJb * | 7 lKnlltAlliitOOUSWlTlI | IIOAItl ) ; BMAI.I. L funillr , nlcvljr iltuatcdj modoru conyeuli'iui-a. SlSUUnrnoyM. w L IJ KOU UK.NT. NKATLY fUUNIbllUI ) ll'6 < ) MB -L IIU board , 2U19 California l. ' TV . VKUV 1)KS111A1H.K JlllbT AN1 > BKCONII X rloor , louth mi Jcuot , furnliliud rooms ut 'Tliu > /ri'iirtT , ' 110 No. I'SIU tn-i-t. MTD1-IU4 IJi-MCKI.V HJItNlailKIl UOOMS AND HltST cln lioird , to&l bL llirKID. . W6U U- FURNiannD IIOOMS AND BOAUD. Cnntfnunl. l.--KI.KdANTI.Y rimNISHKI ) ItOOMS. tfN I KIIIIC , ! ni ! lorrfront , IHsl cln s l > onnl.1I3 South 2CIM Hi IUI FOU nENT-UNFUnNiailEp ROOMS. STuN fritsiaiiiIKi i > c 11 A M n K us FOU iiorsi : kocpInK to mnn and wire No children 319 N Kill dll C njTNH'USHIIKII ; J ItONT IIOOM1 * 1-OH IlKNT zrw I < - voiiwortli "Ircot SI5II 8 BOARDING. 7 I-PUI.MIAN IIOUbK. 1110 DOlMJK. rOIl (1OOI ( ) J 1 bunrd , nicer rooms , convr-nlnncoi. rnlos unit lo ntlon It cnnnot bo excelled Mrs Horn , proprietor 3)1 ) A It ) ' FOR RENr-aTORES AND OFFICES. - KOIIHKXT. Tlim HIOHY lllllfK M'lMHMJ 1-9111 Fnrnnni street HIP Imllitlne tins n llrpnroof loinpnl bnm-ircnt complete ttvnin licntlnu tlxtures , wnlpr on nil the DOOM , tins , clu Apply nl the olllco ufTholleo. i'18 ' _ * T KOIt HUNT , IN lIKVr Himtlj 1XCATION IN J-Omnhn , t-ntlro oprunil lloor or < lcpnrtiuont In ColdPii Kn lo Hhoo Hloro , HIS. IMhiit 2 * ' "WANTED-TO KENT. - ) HOOM , ( JllOt Nil 1 MJOIt , KHHINIi-lIKl So Onmlm cnr llms two Bcnllo men , will Htrnlali beet roferenecs. Addro V f ! , Ik-o M6I50' FOU KENT-MISCELLANEOUS. ( IAUDKN I'AHMS TO UHN I' . T. 51UUUAV 279 -IIUICK VAimst-ouiin.vr T MUUUAY. , J 375 JI I - \u\ni on 11 T l COH12 I-WAUKIIOUSK , INyUlltliniflsO If.TH ) i-toiiooM oiKi. . Dr.siuAiii.i : LOCATION , 'nil modern. Apply to r W Hurt , Jr , Ml nuurl Vnlluj , In MVvlAM 1-1011 HKNT PAHT OP OtMl PIVK STOUV ' brlik wnri'hotno. iiood plpvntor nnd trnck fnclll tle Oinnlinniehouso & fttornKO Co , 121 1 13 l.pivcnuiirth Kt 61818 RENTAL AGENCIES. Li : . C t.AllVIN A. CO . JiH blll'.KLY - STAIl I ) AN AND TIlLal' CO. HICNTAIj 1)11 p.irtmcnt M'Jll-n2I STOUAOE. M OLW..ST , rilKAITM1 AND 1IK8T S1OKACK house In tliu city \ \ Illlnms & tross.UII Hauiey ( JLKAN , UllV AM ) I'll M furniture Ilentlni ; Moves stored ovpr itummur. 12U7 Douitlna t Umnlm slovo Iti-pulr works till -lIKsTSTOHAC.i : IN CITY OMAHA WAKi- houao H Mnniito Co . I''IJ l'i Li'iivenworlh it root. Household mid nlliur cuoila sloruit and cnreil for Low rules 1'rlvute upurluiiMila If doslri'd I'lione , 4IR MIM 1C VANTED-TO BUY. f 7tmNiT7'UK not GUT , bbii , SIOIIKD , 1 > Wellsllll rainam st SSl -WANTKD TO I1UY , lUdllT Oil TKX IIOOM -li hiiiiso ullh modern Improvement * , nnd Kimd filti-d lot , hunted ullliln niumlla of the poxlollli-o Mntoprlip , al/oof homo nml lot and lull purlieu Inrn by ndilresilnc S 47 lloo olllci- 7li XTDON'T SULIj ANY I UllMTt'llK UNTIL YOU -L' * ct ; tlio Omnlia Second lliuul riirnllnro Co , J'ist opcnuil 11 iKliest prices paid , 14)1 ) North Ifath nt 2lj 12" XT-WANTiil : TO ItfY HALP DO/KN UOiH J-i comb tire n Icjihorn pullets Address with price , V-'i lleeolike M' > 7 FOR SALE FURNITURE. " - ' - Fl'UNITL'UH ( ONS1ST1NO O ot lied room suits , dining room nml kltilii-n new nleel Monitor rniiKO. Cull ntW.'O spruio st nt once 'J * ( * * > 4 FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. ' C , I A .OT oV UAUitlA'u KS , hUllIlK vd and bnpslL-s at ronr own prlco , alKO sliiKlu liar- ncB < < 1 Idellty IAHI ( jiiarantcc Co , rooai 4 , With ncll tiullilliiK 717 | > -KH PAhK. LAKfli : UNI ! YOIJNC. 11OIIS15 -L anil uollvt-ry waKUii , liorso uenlle anil wiuon nearly new , for mile die. ip Inqnlro at 1'JIti Karnani ftjy - lOUSAliK.HIMl'-iONMHIIT.ONK'MAN UOAII J naKon , Kood as now. also ll lit roailstcr uiul liar 11011 , nhcnpfor cauli Call , stable , S , K corner 2Stli niul l.oar , Bt Dnn II Whcelor , Jr , Douglas anil l&lh al. 627 7 _ | > -NKV KMMIKS3 WACiO.V , JJK8T MAKI ! , i novcr licon iisc-d. Also two floated fnnilly ear- rliu-u. custom nmilc , tlrst tlni > s , cheap. j\i1ilrein V M , lieu I5U 1U * _ FOR 3ALE--inSCEIjLAITKOUS. ] Q- K" It w , Q-MHSAJ.K , I1ANDMMK Jlfc.MCAN 1'AKllOT , llnu talker ; larKU aquare CIIBO new ; prlco JJOO KlIB Douiilaa t 3J6 u * IIAHD DI1V \ \ OOD KOU SALK IN CAIl LOADS or slniilocorrin. North Omaha , 4(03 XUh at. A U McCandlcM & Co .iai > 8 * - OH SALK Oil THADK toil FA11M LANDS IN eastern Nebraska , a .U barrel Bleam roller Hour mill sllualcd : il Tekauiah Neb 'Iho.i Crouih , IWJ IlnnlellOBl , Omaha ir < 4 10 * MISCEIjLANEOTtJS. -HA.MIl/rON IIIIOS CAIH'KNTKllH ANI ) ( builders. All klmlaJotiblnu , < lia. 11th. Tel. 1173 i HAY KOU SALK. TIIK STANDAIHI CATTH I Co otter I. Ml tuns nelecled , barn stored hay for on truck , Ames , Nebraska MslU JJ-I/ADIKS' CAIIKD I UK IIUItlNCi CON KINK JXnienl .Mrs llurnlu , ( ierman cradualcd mldwlfu , 1 llli bo Idtli. 'Al A''i -K8TATK OF J. T CI.AKKSON. I'AKTIKS having unaettled buBlncaa traiiaactlonu will ; or wIshbiK Information of Iho lands or lols of Mr. J T Clurkaon , tlcccased , will please nddrosa tlio unrterslRiied , who haa been appointed nt't'iit of his estate. T. S Clarkson , Omaha , Neb U77 A7 - CANADIAN KMl'LOYMKNT OFFICK , IMJ Karnani , upalalra , mule and feiuulo help. Tele phone t8l 4U3 I'AI'ILLION DHIVINU I'AHK O K. SMITH- tralnpr nnd driver. Makes a specialty of break IIIK and treiillni : unls Makes n Bpeclalty of treat ln liorbtH that nro HOre , fiom hanl roads and had feel llcasonublo churtrca. Hoarding liorseii by Iho month UII-MV C-M IIS NANN IK \ tJrcllublo bunlnosa medium , llflu year at 11J N. 1Mb. iito. _ _ S-AKHIVAli KXIUAOIlUINAItY : WONDKUKIJL rovelallona. ClmllenKcs Iho world. Mrs Dr M U'wrnvo , dead Iraiutu clairvoyant. aslrolOKlnt , palmlsland llfo reader , lulls your llfo from the cradlu to Krave : iinllca thu nepartiteil. causes mar- lUcowllh iliu onu yon lovu , lells where you will mucced and In what business besl adapted for. haa the culohrutod Kk-yplhin breastplate for luuk and to destroy bad Inlluuncos , < urea tils , Intemperance and nil private complnlnU with luasHiiue , balhs and alcohol treatment heml J''OO , Iixk of hair , iiiinin unil duto of blrlh nml receive aicurato life oharl : 3iuiita In slumps for ilriiular , give Inlllala of line you will mnrry , aluo pholoaof same Olllcu IU)7 South llth Blreal , Hrst lloor ; honrn , llo m ml ) p m Come one , coma all , and bu convinced of thli wonderful oraUr. M17I7 * S 1'IIOF. CI11STO , 1WI Howard. Znd lloor. rovuala secrels of past und future , love nnd marriage tollable builnosi niedluni. .MliSU' O-MIIS K. ( i UATIIO UN. 1,11 .SOUTH I4TI1 iJulreel , havliiK 1 ad year * or experience , will ulvu readliiKa or past , present and future hlltliiKH to ladles only , Ul trnls , 10 u. iii lo Up m , dally. Sun- d y eieepted M470 l > * MASSAGE , BATHa , ETO. rii-MAHriAHK TIIKATMK.NT. KLKUTHOTHKU 1 nml batlis rcalp and hair Imitnieot. inunli uro und chiropodist .Mrs rost,3iiHS ; I6tu\Vlllinull blk 2S4 -MADAMK SMITH. IISl DOUCLAH BI'llUKT. Jroom T,8ildoor. , Alcohollulptiur and cea bathi MH4 7' fP.MISS K'lOVVK , .MASdIIUdH KI.KUTItlCIAN -1 3r ; ItamgB tilock MjUJIl T MADAMK LA UIIK. MAdSACK. 4IU riOIITH 1Mb , iln-i-l , Ird lloor , Hat 4 , assistant. M I.'S 7' MUBIO , ART AUD I. ANQTT AQE. V " > ' . "OKLLKMIKCK , "llA NJO TK ACIl KH , > with Ilospe , or&IJN , lilh tl. \ > a r- inei-oiiK iiiiYiNo A'I'I O K.VAMINK THK i iiowocale Ivlmbull piano , A Hospo , UUDouKlaa -HKKWK JIUVINO A 1'IA.NO 1CXAMINK Till ! lien acalo Ulmball piano. A llonpo , 15U DouElaa. MONEY TO LOAN-BEAL E3TATE7 \\r-CKNTKAL LOAN A. T1IU311 CO. 11KK IILIK ! J > iJMI _ ] _ \V-U11L , 11KAI < KSTATKLOANSIU ! 11KK HLIK ! > to7 _ \\r-MONfiV TO 1XAN ON IMniOYKD CITY li property , low rale. A. C. Kront , Douulasblk. \\r-UKAlj XSfCA'IK LOANS , OTO 7 I'XH CKNT : li noudilltloDklchnrgus forcomuils lou orattor- uuy'a fee * . W. U. Mclktc , Ural National bank bldg. 'AV COATKS , Kill ITA11NAM. KAbTKHN MO.SKV. I' VJQ \\r-l/JANH , . ( J. WALLACK , ! U HHOWN lll.K , ' Til W-NONK Y TO J AN ON ItKAL KST TK. Tllli II O. jr. D vl LIWj l ru mil Uii MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. vi clly property JUMO ami upward * fl to 8 pr-rpcnt. NodclivyK VV FnrnmnSmltliA Co. . ISth nnd Humor Yir IMtlVATK MONKY. 1ST ANI ) 3D MOItTOAdK vl loans , low rates Alex .Mooro 401 lleo building. \V Lr- ( ' W HAINKY , .1IJOMA1IA NAT. It 1C llll ) ( > . City niortKflKes lowest rntes Money on hand 3W I W -OMAHA 8AVINMM HANK MAKKH LOANS on real pstnto nt lowest nmrkct rnten. Lonns mode In sniRll or Inrco mm nnd for nhort or long tlnip No commlMlon Is clmwil. nnd tlio lonns nro not fold In tlio onM , but run nlirnra IIP founil nt tlio btink on the corner of Utli nnd DotiKlns slrei-ls -LOANS , W M.HAIlllLS H m KUlIN/.lIll 1ILK- \V-1N8UUANCK MOMKY 1O LOAN. Al'l'LY TO I > J U Lovolt. SMB. Illll. 29I _ ArANTHONLOAN ANI ) Til UST CO , .118 N Y. II Llfo , lends nt low rates for cholco i oiiirlly on Nebraska or IOWA farms or Omnhn city properly. \\r " .MONF.Y , MOXKV , MOXCV. IHKMXW TO LOAN II In Mims of JJIKJ to HOutlon Improved or unim proved rcsldi-nco liuslnoss property In llio clly of Omnhn , Jsodolny In closing lonnsns money Is on liand. No dealing with oasti-rn parties , all business trannacled hern and Inlorcst pxynblo liara nnd not In the cnst , also m-iko building loans on mod favorable terms " Fidelity 'Irnst Co , 10U ( nrnam. IWI \ \ rIXAN.CITY , I'llOPKUTY , II. NKI1 ANIV. . ' ' Iowa farms 1C. F. Hinder , I5IU I'lirnnni. JIWA nSI \\r-C I'KIl CUNT MONF.Y. IMIILADKLI'HIA ' ' MortunKa anil Trust Co Thomas Hreminn ACe Co , repri-acutnllvoa , 217 Knrbnch block. 172n ! \\r-LAIUlK LOANS ON INStlin 'i properties nt low rntci ( Iround lenses lioiiklit ( ! co. J Paul , 17 llonnl of 'Irndo Ml II * MONEY TOl AN-OHATTELS. X-DO YOl' WANT MONKV If so do not fnll to get our rntes before bor rowlnu Wenml.o lonns without romornl or publlclt } , on fitrnltnro , plnnoi , horses , nuKon-i , etc. , nt tliu low cat possible * rntu There Is no iinnecps nry ilolny. hut j on got the moiuiy on the tuiniu day > ou nnk for It. Wo will cnrrj the lonu us IOIIK " ' TOM desire. Klvlni : you tlmprlvllPEO of pnylni ; It In full or In part nt nny time to inlt > otir eoincnlenco , uiul nuy pnrt pnld reduces the cost of ran jInn tholonnln propurtlon to tlioiiinoiiut pnlil T hero are no clinrKCS of nuy kind to bo paid In nilvnnei- . but you Ret thu full amount of the lonn Our olllcci nrp centrnlly locutud nml nro so nr- rnniiPd thnt parties calllimon us can be nailed on quickly nnilcortcously , Ifyouhnvo n loan with other pnrtlo * . or Imvo lioiiKht n piano or other furulttiro on tlmu nnd llnd thopnymcnts n little turner thnn you can meet loiivenlently , wo will pny It for you and carr ) the lonn ns IOIIE as you tit-sire It will bo to your nrtrnntngo to see us before se curing n lonn OMAHA MOKTOAHi : LOAN CO , Itoom 11 , Crt-lKhton Illock , l..lh M. , suuth of Postolllce grj V-MONK Y ' 10 LOAN. HDKI.TY LOAN GUAHANTK1 ! CO. On liousoliolil Roods , pianos , organs , horses , iiuilca u.iKons , etc , nt the lonost posallilo rules vi llhout publicity , removal ot propcrt ) or ihuiigu of possession ' 1 line nrnuiKPil tosuit the borrower I'nymenta c ! uny nnionnt can bo mndo nt nny tlme.ruiliiiliiK both principal nnd lnterctl , tbus Klv ln patrona nil Iho benulllaof ( lie partial payment plun Cull and sec us when von mint a lonn , Monc > always on hand ! no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rntes. btiHlncas confidential It. P. .Masters' o'm aland , U 4vItlinell blk , t5lh'nnil llarney 3UU WILL LOAN MO.NKY ON ANY KIND OP securll ) , ntrlctly A K. Harris , room I , Continental bloik Ul ) IIOI1T 1'lil'lCHAUl ) , it 3 , WITHNliLL Itl.K o02 r WIIHN YOU WANTACHATTKL I/OAN SHE L.\V. U. lluvU. room 20 , Contlneiitnl bloik SUi. MO.NKY ( UAM < I > ON rUUNlTNUJ. , IIOIIS11S , W.IP > , pianos , cic. , 1 rid 'leiry , II , 4JJ , UIIIIIKU X-JIOM5YTO WAN..K ) 10 DAYS ON 1'OHNI Hire , live slock , etc. Dull llrccn , removed lo HOOIII 8 and Si , llarki-r blk 305. _ X -JIU.UOOTO LOAN KIIOM 810 00 Ul' ON PUKNl tiiru. hones or any Rood Hocurlly iKiueat rates Nebraska Loan Co . Ul'J ' Douglita street. _ M UA2J _ _ X130 DUO 'JO LOAN ONCHATTKI. SUCUUITY. business contldonllttl llooiu iU2 Karbach block. 1II3S AJO" -I.1PIC l.NSIIILANCK I'OI.ICII LOANKI ) ON Oil bought II. I' . .MoatB , Mass tilitu , Kaunas City , Mo lilj MJ Y-HUV 11IK COMMKKCIAlj. TIIK I.KADI.Vc ; hotel at lirokuu liow , .Neb. No land In trutlc IUO V K > ll bAI.lC , MY KATIIINC HK OUT AT -L I.ato Manawa Address J. J. Malowney , llobron Neb i M _ _ Y-lIAHNKhS hlIOI KOH SAIM IN A ( SOOU town Block will Inrolco from 5 1 , MX ) lo il.bOU ; Kooit reason for i > olllnK. only one other shop In town It. 13 Thompson lock box UK , Hamburir , la J.tun V KI.Oimi.Mi MILL toil 8ALK. TJ1K 8TKAM -L power llonrlnu mill , with u capacity of lij libli per day , of all modern Improvements , bntll i years ago with the eipenso of f4OJJ ! ( XI. In I'raxuc , banndi-ra Co. . Neb , Is otfercrt for snlo on pasy lernn. For further particulars aJilresi Kaepar llrot , Prague , Hanndcra Co , Nub. M107 nS Y toil SAM : , A 1 MILK DAIIIY. A1TLV H McDowell. H mile north of llenson J.t7 ( , ' Y-JOH bALK , IlACKhT bJOUK IOIN ( ! ( JOOI ) buslnoss In llvu county scat town , uluck f..OUJ , f 1,000 cupli , bulaiito approvud note wllhout Inturust Address lock box 143 , lirccluy Center. .Neb M172 fl * _ T-DAIHY tOIt BALL' . J. K 11OC11 , A.MKS AVII AViaJU * _ _ X7 txauo TO ti.ooooo WILL STAIIT YOU IN L the "llej > artmcnt Sloro ' bii&ines * . Our mam moth catiilORiic , "Tho Hustler , " mallei ! free lo merchants on uppllcallon Usinn. Wilder & Co. MO , S3i , 211 and -EM Adauis street. Lhlcnco MJ74 7 * _ Y KOH bAI < K. A WKI.Ti KSTAIIT-ISIIKD UllUO Btorc : In KOOI ) location In the illy of Omaha I'or pnrtlcnlurs addrcftH W , , room 3il , Umahn Ital bank bullUInu nsi 8 > V _ F olT SAM : , CIIKAP , LOT OK NOTKS AND J. JinlnmentH Aihlron V IS.JIiii. _ 4JI 7' \ ' W\l \ 8A1.13. A ( iOOD IMWINl S IN ONu"oK 1 the liett lownn In the BOiith. n tlralclnB opening for BOIUO ono wishing to do n k'ood bn > lne : > 9 and romu south for their hcallh , dlmatu ilcllKlitful , Block coiislnlH of > hiies , haln and men's furnish IIIKB , about J7.WX ) . Address Advertiser , It , rn > nu , Ala US1 V roBAI K''liK IIKSTLcATI-il ; AND I'AY I Intr butcher nhop In Council lllutlst ever 160 dully cash. Iteunona for elllnuI'oor heallh i or " 111 Hill ono half to uood meal man who under- ntanila Iho hunlncBa Address M S , euro Ili-o oltlce , Council Illiina MHIil'.l WANTKD I'AUTNKU HVII'II 1 1,000 OAl'I- Hal ) III ilriiK hUBlncBD. Uuoil lotallon , Addrcsa V 23 lli'U it540 10 * FOR EXCHANGE. y KAxHrnrH1Tc : m BjTKllA / tuke rtial eslalOtV : money Hoi .Cj. hrankfort.lnil r/ YOU1IAVK A ( JOOI ) UIMlUillT I'lANO TO /Jlrndofor lot 4ti. block I , Armour I'laco , Boiilli Omaha ; clear or all Incurubraiico , Ailitrejs N U , Ilcoonicu yis.ciiANoioint : I-UOPKIITV. nii ; LIST AJcitll or wrllu Alunt Moore , 4U1 lieu bldK IWJ y-Hll T MlllfKIAliK NOTKS ' 1-0 UXOIlANIlK /Jfor IIOIIBU and lot worth I..OJO to I4.00U. Win. , . ( I8.N ailli jit. _ _ 3J4 Q - h'OHY IIUICK H.AT ' -/iMilldlnit , modern A I locution , rents rooillly CIOKUHI Invritlunllon Invited , prlcn t&UM , Trailn < > iiilty | for iiiilnciimbureil vacant Iota. Ames llcal K lUitejVm'ncy. 1JU7 1 ariioin Blreet. _ JSI ' /-ton TIUDK , fooou WOUTII OKIININCUM /Jl.ered tlly properly lo Iradu for farm landii within ItO mllea of Omaliii Aiui-a Hi-Hi K lalo Auencr , 15U7 Karnctncl , JKI V-KOH KXCIJANUK , IIO.OUO hTOCIC OKNKUAI. /JuiorrliuiidlBu. want land and tatli Addrcua , llox Mi , Urn Molnen , la. PAWN i : , OfKICK I5IIW ' KAIS.NAM bT 311 KN F. MAUT1 , UKMOVUD 1O 107 a Iftril ST. V7I Ab' * O SNYDKH'a IXAN OKKJCK , 1110 DODCK ST. > J M'JIJ a 10' HAIR GOODS. T AltllKbT blOCK IN Ktt'lIKK WKS'J.'UIKAT JJrliul wIcHanil IiearrtD a specialty W Ik's , bung Bwllcbri , lialr ohalna , etc. ; tend for rataloEiio Mall ordera ollclleil Dalles , 111 S. IMh at , , Omnlm ma MANUgAOTUItfNQ JEWELEB3. flArHI I'AIIIhOllOl.lMiOI.n , CAltbO.N A1IANK.S , WrooiuliU llarker block. Onialin xn FOUND. IWUND ' UltA Ylhll 11LAC1C 1'ONY Wl/HI SADDI.K -t'CaniUBo.iiitu mreet. 4'JH i 111' . IMUUK QUAY HOH8K , Al'UIL 3 - OalUlliti. IClli. MI 7 _ DBE33MAKINQ. _ \\TAN l'K . DIIKSSMAKINO IN'l'HIVATK KAM- M Illoa ur will take It kt.buuiu. 1W7 Uurt t. . Mini A. llojr , M4SK V -h1- FOll ESTATE. iroll 8ALK , IIOMKH. ANY I'lllCK. 7.V ) 11,3V ) til' L f my term * , t ko clpaiM-rrtpprtr ns flrst payment (1 ( , ( L Wallace , Ilronn and Douglas NK. COUNKlt 3Tll'SrANU IIICKOItY JOM'fl feet , n bargain for a'Rm tiara only. F K. Dar * " linn lta bA iilock u * > ni „ , „ . . _ _ _ ITOU HAM ! ATA I1AIIUAIN , IAT IS , IILOCK 1 1V. . Ii. Selby's llrst iHtmtlon to South Omnhn , Hmnll payment donn b lance monthly If desired. Inquired U Tmclinck. UPUlm lice st 17011 SAM-iro ACH1 ! KA M IN ttl.t'K HIVIJIl I- valley , llinjer comilyjilfl miles west of Hebron Ono of the very ! > c t fauus In the county ttooil honorbnrn , granaries , rrlVis'.clc nmlati nbtind-inro of fruit , timber nml running vvnler Also for snlo or etchaneo for itiioil Inmls unity properly , n brick pork packing house nnd fixtures In Hebron , Tlmyer county , uonr II , V K. depot 1'or particulars In- qnorcof any rent catnto agent In Hebron 310 ON-MOl'TH ' 1'AIIK HAS Till ! MOTOIl. CITY wntor. ( traded slrcels , slrtuwatk school bovitl fid location everyIhliiK to make It nttracltvc lor lots or homos In this beautiful addition on cnny terms see. ( ! ( ! Wnllnce , trustee , 313 Ilrjwn block , nth nml Doughs. 308 noMhSFOiisAi.i ; . Tiium ISMI nui'iir nur that wo have-Ihnimulsnllsfaclorv list of renlly ilcslrnbln rottaues lo IK ? found In the city Prices rnnjto from fJOtx ) up , and terms ate ex ceedingly liberal. Wo Imvo sold nU ilurllitf the past month nml tlir-besl of our lint will soon- bo selected Wo can recommend the following at prli-o mined f2.MW7 US front , full lot. turn otc , Omaha View WUO U UK lot , model , paved slreel near park. 1411007 room K front , noiv nnd coniplclo&'ilh at lAUUOLn l-nyetlo Place. llne l In city. See Ihom , \VonInnlmvonii cleiianl bnlldlnit lot nt 4Jml near rnrnnm. fortl,300. One-thirdOovvn , balance 4 years , worth$20iU Hilollty Trust Company , Ifill rnrnnm street JGJ-nlJ iOH ? 8AM ! , 6 IIOOM COrPAHK ( ONLY ) SI PU alcillOU Irani slroet Call on A Hope jr. 420 Ij'Oll ' HAL15-H n LOItSnit Kill IIUUUA8. 83HX i ISS 3 colliuos , ptnlilo forlihorsDs , can bo divided Into5 lots. Iminlro nl uremlaus 112 t > * IJ'OU SA1 l-SiVKXTIlX ! : ! ! 'I HOI'SANI ' ) ACKKb 1 unimproved lands In Howard , shermin , ( Ireeley nnd Vnilny cotinllen , Nebraakn , on very liberal terms , on ilofened paymonls , t per cent Inlcrost Address 1) . llomlik , I' O bor2JJl Loa Anci-les , Cal 271 nli' QI2'OOI ) 1O LOAN ; SUMS OF WOOO UPWAUII. " * 4Tian phiio loans on nny Inside Itnptovcil iiropcrty lo any nmontil where value Is bark of Iho loan. Ames Iteal ICstntetencj - , l.'OT Farnnni Ml Sy Iftm SAi.K OT5 .MOM'HI.Y l'AMIC.S IS , iZl houses X lots Mho O F. Davis Co ,1505 Fnrnnm t. 'M SALU HALCYON Acrea , half acres and lots on cloclrlc motor road Also houses nnd lota In Haleyon Heights OMAHA'S IIKAUril-UI. MJHUIll ! Only lldrly mltinlea rldo from center of city. Kasy paymenta , low rale of Inlerest Now la Iho tlmo lo secure a home William 11 Crary. 205 \orkLlfn1lldR M8.-J A19 AT HALF VALUK , LOW , ACItK . HOMliS. Illtil- ness properly. Alex Moore 401 lleo bldK K > 7 TOH8AL1C , UIIOICIC ACIli : I.O1S IN bOLOMON' S J- Add 1'rlcca roaaonablo li. ( .1 Solomon , and AIUCB uve , 10' KOtIN'1/i : IMiACK 1IAIK1AI.NN 1 AM OOINO 'I O dlxpOHo of three U room liou-es Inxldu of , iOila > H Would consider tome trade , balance tX > per month J. J. ( ilbaon , CielKhlon block fuU LOST. - ' l.lIATltlllt llfY ! CASK LOST-PHYSICIAN'S contnlnliiK lustrumeuts and medicine I'lnder vv 111 bo rMdinhly renanlyd by reluming tl lo IrV S ( ilbhs , room 7 CrelKhton block , corner JI.lh and DoilHlas htruets M dl b TAKE&'UP. rPAKKN UP A HAY COLT WI I'll WIIITK TACK J .Northuest corner J.M mid I'mlllc Ms 4 l'i 5" CUTLERY GRINDING. SKND YOUll SCI-iSOHS.'HA/OHS , KIT , TO III : KTOliml to llmlcrlnlld A. Co I0i ( 5 > 14th Bt JH REM I N G TON For Sale , Renter Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , 1607 Farnam Otroel , „ OMAHA q i 11 i , Proposals Tor I'av UiK Inlet sect lees , i ii-Soaloii pioposalstabo \ \ \ rocolvod by tlru ttndeisigncd until lUOotcloek : p. m , April 15 , lt > ' ) ' , for Color ido sandstone nnd Slouv Kails t'ranlte. nceonllitff lo specifications of IMI ) , for p.ivln ? tholntorscctlonof-KlKhlh and Kar- nam streets nnd the unia\od ; p irt of Intor- boutlon of Eighth and Douglas streets. K ich bid to specif v nurleo per sijutiro yard fnr the pavln ? complete on the intersections Work to bo dnno In accordance with Dlansand speulliuutlnns of IR'II , on Illo In the olllco of the Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. Knoli propostl to bo niado on printed blanks furnlshad by thobo-ird , aniJ to bo accompa nied by u certified chock In the bumoi'Ti03. payable to the city of Oni iha , as un ovhicnco of good faith Thoboird reserves the rlzht to reject any or all bids and to waive defect- * . 1' . W. UIKICIlAUSEIi. Clriirninn llonrd of I'ubllo Works. Onmhn , April 4 , 169. ' . nurll 4-5-U RHILWflYTIME CHRP IIIUULlNli'lON A. MO. UIVKIl I Arrives Onmlni I Depot loth and .Mason his | Onmln Jinniia i uopot nun on i .viaaon nts | uinqn u U..TO n ml . , .Knnsni City JMy K.xproas . . . I 5.M p m II 45 p inK. | C. Nlitht H ) [ | > via U. I' . Trans | U40 a m Jnve I UMONl'AUlFHX j Arrives Omnhn | Union lc | ot IQlli nndilarcy Sla. | Umaliii. K.iOani1 lloatrlco Kxpreas I 700pm 1000 a in Denver llxnross SOO p iu 215pm Overland Flyer. I 1115pm 430 p in Hluo > ip'isA.FnlrtleldKxexbun12 ( ) ] > i Ip m C U ) p m | . . . . . ,1'ttclllo IJvnross ill 25 u in liniiik- I ciiicAiio. it. i a. l-rom llast lUnlo n _ oi U I Dili..V . Murcy bt * Kast. 1UUU a m Atlantic Kxpress ( i-JO p in 4 Qf > p m VestllinleKxpresa. . 1.10 p m i IU p m . . . . . . .MKht 15 | iresa. . . . 11.10 n m ( Inliii CIllUACO , U. I , X I'ACIHIC. I I rum West Union Dupol lUlli and Marcy Hla I Won l.'AI p m Denver Limited | , J l > p m 0 I' m | . . Denver Ktpreaa | 7. . J u in Loaves ICIlICAIil ) , .MIL A ST. 1'AUL.Arrlvo . Oraahal U. 1' . depot and Maroy SU I Omaln 6 45 p ml I'aul Limited Luavi-a | IJIIIL\l ! ( A. NOUl'llWKhl I'lKN , Arrlvei OmalialU I * depot , lOlli nd .Mnrcy hla I Omaha 7.JO n m ( Kx Sim'y ) Curmll ruanonvur MU'Jup in 1.20 n m . . , Chicago j jtproan . . . .I 1101 a m 5.IXJ p m . . .Vuatlbulu Llinltod . , . . .I ' t m 0 15 p ID . .KiulurrHl yor I Slip m 709 p 111 . bal.1 Chic , Ija a. Ilix M jn.I ) 80i mm Leaves I OMAHA AVIVLOUIS. Arrlvoi OmalialU. 1 * . ilopot. lOlb'un.l .Marcy Sls.l Omalia 4.10 p m | bt. Louis Cannon Hall. . . . | r..i > p m Oraahal Depot , li'lli an ( OVulAlur 8l lomahi lArrlvoi nuo n ml Du-idwooil'f'.Xirdss | . .I I 5VJ M m .100 n m ( Kx. Sal. ) Wyo. IC4n < ( Kx Man ) l li 20 p m AlOpm' ' . .Norfolk ( Hx sHunday ) . .I llln in t < j 11 ml . . . . 'il 1'aul Unprun . .1 U ! ' n m Muvvt I U. , a r. I''M.1 A ( I lArrlvei OiiiahBj Depot. 1'itli unirWuliater Sit Oamhi 8 10 n m .Slcux illy Aci.i liiui VIU i p m IOU p iu Sioux CltKxpr Vi * IKt. Aund'y ' ) Mil | ) m 645 p m . . . .St. I'aur " - ! ) i'l n m 515 p in lUnerofl l'i H O a m lArrlvei Omaha Depot I5lh anil' Hf bsler SU I Omaha 1U..4J a m . .M. l.oulnllxprcsj I L J u m UU ) pni . .hi. iHiul * , " I 5.10 p m Leaves CIHCAUO , It. . I. A I'ACIrlC. Arrtvji ' 1 runnier Union Depot Council UlutH Transrcr b JO p m . . .Nliiht Kxpre < > , . . J M a m 10 Al ii iu . , . . . Atlantle Kf\ir \ Ba , . . , , & .5A p m 4'JU p m Votllbulu Limited , , . U M p m K C. , HI' . JOJS.V C. 11. 1 Arrives Transfer ! Union Depot. Council Ilium rlransrer 1000 a iD.Kaa | sClty Day KxprtU * 6 i ) p ui 10 IS pm | . .Kuiuai Cllr Nlulit ly.'J a m lxsuvc IclIICAl.O , IIUltl/N i , QUl.NCYArrlvj | 9 'Iraniferl Union Dopot. Council lllulla hranif o J.W n > i Chicago K i > ro i lOCUpml . . . . Cblcaxo Ki | > ra i 705 p in | Cri- ton ' x'avcs UMAIIA & ST. 1XJU13. ( Arrives rnniftfl Union Depot. Council lllutti iTraDtfor t. Louis C uonUttll _ | U.lj p m SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. Tranirorl Union Depol , Council Illutti. 7.45 a ni | .blouz City Accommodation , SAO p m | . . . . . . . .Sul'itul Kx ssa. . . . . , 11 ArrTva < Union DupolX-UUocll I I Trail if ur U01 p Cblcauo Kiprou I p iu d 15 p ui . .Viintlbulo Llmlled u IU u iu 1000 p ui btituru rlyur I JJ p iu 8.UU p in IKi Sal ) Atlantic Mall ( lix Monl 7-Ai a m 7.4U a ui Vi.--oll n 10 OU p iu Nature's Remedies are ofltimes poorly ( littered by chemical and dangerous imi tations , ror five cen turies Carlsbad as stood in the role f strength and health iver , and millions aye been cnicd by the Cailsbad Waters of all soils and manneis of diseases. The genuine Carlsbad Sprudel Salts are the Carls bad water solidified , bottled , and placed in every Ameiican Ding Store , to relieve the public of mal- assimilation of food , flatulent obesity , catarrh of the stomach , and gives to all a healthy appetite , strong , vig orous flesh , a perfect digestion. Take no imitations. Eisner & Men- delson Co. , N. Y. , Sole Agents. The Liebig COMPASS Cattle are reared on their ( fertile grazing fields in Uruguay , solely to provide prime beef for making the world-famed Liebig COMPANY'S ' Extract of Beef , Comnotent chemists supervise every < lo- tull , from llto oaro of tlio catll-1 anil through ttio proccstos of niiiinifiioturo scrupuloiH clo.inlliu'sproxalls to tlio IpnttliKnf tlio complctou pxtriut. Tills prciorvpsilio < ; UAI.ITV. riiAVoit nnd I'liit- IITV of this famous product , wlili-h Is tn- ilnv. as wlion llrst put up by the cliomlst , Justus \on ms Incomparably the Best I'or Iniiirovoil anil I'.uonniMio ( on'cury. ' 1'or IJollclotis , Kofrushliip IteuC To.i. AN ACHING BACK There is no known remedy thnt equate WOOD'S PENETRATING mcU- impro\cmciit on or iliuao porous plas- - - is n rex olutlon in plastcis. Woocl'-i is Hie enl > plaster liavniR i > owcr to dilate the pores and penetrate to the scat of pain. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS bVUKYM1LRII N. Y. Depot , 92 William St. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAHM Nofitirvin > ? ( nn inconvenience , hanutoesnnd no bad efTectR Strictly confidential. Ior Urculura and toa- timonlals addroes with Cc. in stamps , DR. O. W. F. SNYDER. McVIcker's Theatre Bldg. , Chicago , III. rpUEAbUUY UIH'AKTAIRNT , Olllco bupor- JL vlslns Arcliltt ct , WiislilnKinti. 1 > . r , April ? . I U bOiilud nropusalslll bo rucolvoJ at this cilllco inlll „ ' n'clouU p in. , on tliu U'alh iluy of April. 1M ) : , and opuncil Immedlatc-ly there after. for .ill the Iiibnr and tn.itcil.ils requlruil lo put In plucu coniploto the Iron bo.tins and Rlrdor' , In liasonidiit antl llr-,1 llonr. li.isuinont uoltunns , ole , for the I'nIttMl f-l.itc-s court linuso , i-iistoin hotiso und postollk-o huild- iiiK nt omaliii. Neb , In uioorU.inuo with the di uvItiKs nml spoulllc.itlons. cnplos of uhluh limy bo had at this of- fii-o or the olllco of the siiporlnlondcnt nt Utntih.i. Neb. Kach hid must bo aoi-omp iniod by a ccrtllied chock fora sum not loss than a percent of the amount of the proposal. The rlRht is rosurtud to rojoot any and all bids , and to wal\o any dcfuct or Informality In any bid. All bids recolved alter the tlmo statud \\lJllio icttirncd to thu bidders. 1'rouosali must bo enclosed In onvclonos , so.ilcd mid nihrUed. "I'ropos-il for the lion beams and Klrdois In basoinont and lloor , hn , cmriit columns etc. . for the Unltod btatos court house , custom Imuno and [ loatollleo bill ( llns at Omaha , Noli. , und addressed to W. J , 1'd- brookc , SiiDorvlsIng Architect , f > r Dlitrlet ( ri < l lii | ; ItiincU. Scaled bids marked " ' "I'ropoaiils for district grading bonds" will bo roi-ulvuil at the ofllcu of the t-lty truasurur , Um.iba , Neb. , up to 1J o'clock noon of thol th day of April , Ih'l. ' , for t his imrch HS.O of 4 1 l.'JUJ.iiO district ( jrad Ins bonds ( if the city of Omali-i , Nob. Mud bonds 1110 dated May 1st , Ib'l. ' , and aru p iv.ihlo fiom ono to nlno yoari arlor d.ito tlioruof , in dunoinfii-i- tlons ot JllXiUluiid $ iUO.Uonch , ulth Intoreslat the r.iln of 5 pur cent per annum , p ly.ihlo seml-iMiiiuully. P-lni'liul and - IntutObt p ly- able at Kiitinl/u llios . Now York. if 0,00X03 of Uraultu District No , 111 l'i 0 00 of ( ir.idiiu District No .11. 700.00 of Grading District No , .IS. 2 < l,0a.0u ) of ( iiudliiK . Ktit-li bid miiit ht.tto prlco and amount hOUKht for and Inuliiilo aucniL'd littorcit to datoof delivery at Omulm , Nub TJiurlRlit Is rcsornjd lo rojcut any and all . Ihaticd uniiorchaitni minor of ultlosnf tlio mulropolltan class and Ordinance , No."Jls. . auniovcd .MaichUth , In'U. ' In'U.lir.NUV IOILN. ! Mcli'-tlJ.llliii. ' ' ' - _ I'lty 1'roaRiirnr PROPOSALS FOR PAVING HOiNl ) boalod bids marked proposals for . bonds will bo roioUcd at tlio olllcu of the oily truasurcr of Om.iha , Nab , up to'i \ o'clock noon of tlio SHh d.iy of April. IHJ. . for the purchase ] of f .0,1:0000 : D.ivlii'i bonds of Iliouity < if Omulia. Neb , dated .May I , ih'j ; , piyablo -H ) years after date. Interest 5 per cunt pur annum , payable aumUiintiilally ; and Inlurost p.iy.iblu at ICount/o llros , Now Vork Dunomliiatlon of bonds. 8l.0).oj ) o tell. Knoll bid must stuto prlco urul amount sou-'ht for nnd lucludu accrued Interest to dnto of dollv- urv at Omah.i. Neb The right Is reserved to reject nn v and all bills iKsuod under charter ponor of oltlos of metropolitan clats and ordinance No VMi , approvou Maruh VJ. IS1) ) , ' , 11KNKY IIOJ,1N , MSfldSHM _ Oily ' 1'roasurer. PROPOSALS * FOR SKWKIl HONDsT healed bids marked I'ropos its for bmvur llonds will bo roculvcd at the olllcu of tliu a ly treasurer of tlmulty of Omaha , Nub. , up t o o'clock , noon , of tho'i'itli day of April , IHrJ , for the puichasoof fVKW.OJ ) sewer l-omls of thu city of Oiatkl ; ! ! . Nob. , dated May l t. ISO.1 , p.iy- ubloSlyuaM after datu. Interest 5 pur cunt per annum , payable Miml-aiiiinally. I'rlnul- pal and Interest payable at Konntzo llros , New Vork. Donomlnatliiii of uond * . II.UJJ.OO , o.ii'li. incli : bid must state price and amount bought ( or mi'J Inoliido accrued Interest up to datu of delivery at Omuha , Nub. Tlio rluht If reserved to reject liny and all bids. Ibsuou undui charter power of t-ltlosof thu mutro- uulltnn olassaudordluaitco No. SIX ! , auuroted March t'.l. lie/ ' . 11ENIIV ItCHJA' . MJOdJUM Cltv Troasurur. _ _ I'rojicnuls rorl'iililln Library Iliiltdliii ; Itonds Sealed luiU marked propoils for public library buildlni ; bonds will bu received at the olllcu of theulty tronsurer , Omaha , Neb. , up to 12 o'clock noon of thu 25th day of April , 1SW , for the purchase of HO.t.WKO public llnrary billldliii ; bonds of tlio city of Omuliu , Nub. , dated May 1M , Iblti. and payable 'JO yoaM after date. Iiituroatut IhoratuofS pur cent per an num , payable buml-anmiully. rrlnclpal and tnturciit payable at Kountze llros , Ntiw Vork. Kaih bid must atntu price and amount sought for uud Include accrued interest to Uato of delivery nt Omaha , Neb. Tliu right U reserved lo reject any and all bids. Issued under charter uovvor of cltlesof tlio metropulltan olusj , and ordinance No ' "JBJ. approved Ma rob I lib. ISJi. IIKNKV HOI.LN , in'&UUM City I'roasuror. TIIK SKTKirr Conuncrclnl I'llejrhnit of Ainrrlrn , Without tbo usual nourish of trumpota nt- tondnntupon such ccromonlc * , tlio lodges of the CommcTlal 1'ilprltnsof Ncbrnskn mat nt , the bnll of the Omahn lodco In the Contt * nontnl btilldlnR Inst Sitturdnv nftoriioon ntul or nnlrod n ctatid lodco , After the forma tion of the Nebraska praml loilpo the supreme onicors nnd doloi nlojvuro bnn- quoted nt tlio Dollono nnd Inter the Diotubors ropnlrcd to Council Blurts , whorotlio llrst of tlio Thlul doRreo wn given to nil candidates doslrltii ; the sntro. Wlillo orcnnl7cd lit Council Bluff. * , April 21 , IbOl , JtiM a year nco , the order lias already 2,700 members , oxlunding nfnr cnst ns Toledo. Tlio stipt-oiuo lodco is located in ourslMor city nnd nlvcs nluuulnnt protnlso of in nil l n R n. bis stir In the world. Lnrvcly fashioned nftcr Masonlo Inxvs. the unuiltleu wotk Is particularly nppioprlnto and bcnutl ful , tcachlns lossoni of charity ntul loyally to nil members. Tlio Ki-aiid iod | > o of Nonraskn U the s'coml prnnd lodk'Q In the country , Iowa ualng llwt , ns it should bo , bcliiir the homo ol the now mid sturdy Infant. There nro four lodges In Nobrnskn Omahn , Llnrolti , Cratul Island nud Norfolk. Thu lodge lioro moots the second end and fourth Saturday ovonliiRi in the month and liasnlnrgo moinborahlp. Knlertiilnrd tlio Kntra Nous. Mr. nnd Mis.V. . A. I'axton throw open tholr beautiful homo on Twouly-llfili nvotuio to the members of the P.titrn Nous card club , winch has boon In oxlstonco for sovoriu years , 'luesilny cvonltip ; . In addltttlnii to ti vot-y full membership prosotit Mr. nnn Mrs , I'aMoti Itivltod n few Irlunds to Join in the pleasures of the oven- lucr. The house \\ns prettily decorated with Dowers , the noiios of spi Ing , Jonquils nud hyticlnlhs pruuoinliintlng. Tables wurosont- turcd through the teems and the puosla en joyed the ovenliiK very plo.isnntly. 1'rizosvoic won by Miss Sharp and Mr. Urndy , alter which icficshinutitscro served. Amoiipthoso present wero. Mr. nnd Mrs. nuiity , Mr. nud Mis. Sn-obo , lr. and Airs. Dltnz , Mr. niul Alls. IJabcock , Mr. nnd Mrs. tJ. S. Kayuiond , Mr. nud Mrs. 11 15. I'case , Mr. nud Mrs. Klrlioudnll , Mr. mid Mrs. Coo , Mr. nud Mrs. Lockwood , Mr. nud Mrs. Sloan , Mr. niul Mrs. Johnson , Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnko- Held. Mr. and Mrs. lirady , Mr. Frank Ilrown , Mr. nud Mrs. Colpotrcr , Airs. Uu- Uols , Air. nnd Airs Clayton , Air. nnd Airs. Wallace , Air. nud Mrs. Williams , Mr. .litmus I'nxtou of Council Bluffs , Mr. unu Alts. Dan Whcelor , Jr. , Air. nud Airs. J. M. Motcnlf , Aliss Sharp , iMlss Idn Sharp. KnlRhts ot r > thins. Myrtle ledge has loosed the Kites' club rooms and converted them Into beautiful ledge rooms. Alars ledge No. lltl ) , ICnigllts of Pythias holdlholr regular uiootltig on the ovonlng of the 3Uth ult. , nt tnelr ball , Thirtieth street , near IJrown , Chancellor Cotnmnudor Uladnlck ptcsldlni ; . There wns n larpo at tonduncn of members nnd the utmost good fellowship prevailed. Thn rank of Unight u as conferred on two candidates. It belliu ; thu llrst tnno for Al.trs loJgo No. K0 ! to wotk ttio Amplified third caoli member took extiemo intctest In It. It was worked to perfection , it bring n thorough success. The brothers were congtatulatinK each other for having nmdo . .so auspicious n beginning. A cordial wclcotno Is extended to all members of tne order. Nebraska ledge No. 1 debated the auos tlou "Hesolved. Tnat loreigu immigration should bo lostuctul , " U'cdni'sday ovcntng at the ledge looms boforu u very largo at- londanco of metuBers und visiting brothers. The aflhiiiativu was chninpionud by Van Ullder and Dalloy , thn necntivo by Alagnov and Franlc bpoor. Mr. Alnmioy was com pelled to lenvo curly in the evening nnd the brunt of tbc battle/was tin own upon Air Kpoor , who was compelled to answer n multitude - tudo of questions from champions of Uo , otnor side and the manner of ttjuir nnsuors gave unbounded merriment for the largo as bomblago prosont. A box of clears wns cir culated duiui ) > the ovcning , thu brothers enJoying - Joying the evening hugely. Nebraska ledge is the pioneer of these wceidy dobatus nud 10-IIHDTE TALK with an able , conscientious , skillful and sue * ccssful Specialist. euch ns each member nnd each trained assist ant ot the famous Orm ot Drs. Belts & Belts U universally conceded to be , mar bo worth more ttiau $10,000 lo the man wtio Is sick , and who baa tried all other means to eecuro relief , but tn vain. And yet that talk , valuable a U lg , Costs Nolhing1 , If bold In the private consultation rooms of Drs. Bells & Bells , /or consultation Is free , not only to these v. ho rail In person , but nlso to all the amicteil who wrHotnolrtyraptorns fully au-3 enclose etarap 'or reply. Maybe the patient la Buffering from pome ons of those numerous , jot delicate maladlen , rvblch pollti 'oclety iloon not see proper to discuss as a aoo- 1:1 topic. In Ebon tnu may bo nmictud wltU Syphilis , Conorrhoj.i or Oloet. Wo can cure him. It may bo Seminal Weakness. Had enouili ; , but uo matter , we can curd him. It may be Slriclure , or Ilydrowlc. or Varlcocalc. Orent irlsfnr- tunve , truly , but wo can euro htm. Probably Piles , I'Utula or Rectal Ulccra. A torrlblo Affliction , but we can cure Iilni. Iilni.Sexual Sexual disorders , diseases and weakness , Nervous , Chronic an < l 1'rlvato Diseases wo euro them all , safely , surely , speedily and eilcctnally , by methods the moat advanced , humane and suc cessful. Hend 4 cents for our handsomely Illustrated J'jo-pane book. L'ousultnlloii free. Call , or write , enclosing etamp. S HOouth 1-Jtli St. , N. K. Corner Mill nnd Douglas Sis. ' Omaha , Neb. PURE RYE. In diseases such as Consumption , Heart Fnll- uru , La ( irlppound Its after ( 'fleets , vtueru ttlinu- lantM nro liullcuttxl us nioUIclnnl agents , the best results are obtatimhlobr using "Crramrurultro. " This whisker has no o < iuullii ( miltjr or lnellomiois nnd , because it la dhtlllcxl from rro , ( the most nu tritious ot all grains ) , and doubly matured , Is very wholesome as u bftverag . For all purposes It Is far mipcrlorto corn whiskies ( known us Iour- ! bous ) . Korsalout all UrlnKliiR places and dru stores , Cull for "Cream I'tire Jiut" nnd Wk no other. You may know It by Its delirious lluvor uiul thu prpprlrury bottle In which It Is > i UALLKMAND ft CO. , Chicane ontcrtnlnmonts unnor Uio hciui of "pooJ ol the urilor , " nnO w ucconsful hnvo they boon tlmV other lodRos "jtivo Introduced tl.o. Idea \\hlch Is dc tlnou ID prove of bcticlU to the various onlom. Nc\t Wcdncsrinv ovonniR Is'obrntlia loilpo No. 1 will confer tlio degree ot 1'iigo upon several Itojnl Airiiiiiini , Union Paclflo council IDiVi nt Us rojjtilnr moolliiK 1041 Mo nil ay ovemnc ; hnil n vhlt from Urothor AtKtn&on of Pioneer council IIS , niul u nil or "Good of the Urilor , " lie coin- nllmcntctl the bovi on the inorltortout work porfonncil during' the ItittlMioti coromouy , nnd oxprostcil tilt scntiniouU upon the tn- blllty of the Ko.vnl Arcnninn ai un lusnrnncu Rocletv. lie lurUierst.itoil tlml ho considcroil Union Pnoino council the luuUiiR : sootbty in tl.o city of Omnhn , especially In Us IraloruiU ntui soclnl fcalurci Union Pnclllo council oxncrts to hold Us next mootliii : April U In It now hull , ou tlio ovunth lloor of the Hoc builtlm ? Thrsu roonn nro bolnu olPKiitillv llttoil tip for loilfiu puruosn , nnd the Kurnl Alcnnum will soon noy ] looms for Its lioailimilors ( ) o < innl to noun other in the city. "Tho Ko.viil Arcnuum Is ono of the Inrgoit frntcrnnl or benevolent Insurance noolotios In oxlstauco ; it bns boon qttllo successful , nmt hna boon In oxlslonco slnco lbT7. U umkot un excellent shouliifr for ncoiniiany of Uiu frntornul bcnovolont onler , but Its reserve Is not Inrco. In fnct U does not proto'id to Keen tnuch of n rcsorvo. It U chonp bonusa it nppllCH lUs nsscstmouts almost otillrolv to nicotine Us iloith losses. " Frank Li llo'3 Illustrated Weekly * Urothcr Khoadcs of Union Pnelflo coniicll is nu onthutlnstlc Riililc , nnd his -.vorit In thu Initiatory sci vices 1s highly prnUo worthy Pioneer council continues to peg along tn the sumo old proovo , tliu members Inigclv liolng Intoicslod in other frtitcinnl oigniil/n- tlon' , niul only hromng nllvo Ploncor council lor tholr insuriuico. The moiuher of Plourot look upon Union Pnclllo n < > the ono council tel l < coi > but n I ng the spirit of the order. A Oloxo Cull. nlr. .1. P. IJlnirc , nu oxtoiislvo roil ostnto dealer In this city , narrowly escaped otio of the iQVcrcU nttncks of puetiniotiln vvhllu in the northern pnrt of tlio stnto during the ni- cout bliz/nrd. Mr. Hlni/o hail occasion to inivo scvunil miles during thu storm nnd wns so thoroughly chilled thnt lie wns unnblo to pet H arm , and insldo of nn hour nftor his re turn ho was Uirontonoil with n severe cnso of pneumonia , or long fovcr. Air. Hlnizo sent to the nonrest uniff store nnd got n botllo of Cliamborlain's ' Cough Kouiedy , of which ho bad often liennl , and took n number of largo doses. Ilo soys tlio effect wns wonderful nnd that in a short time ho was oreiUhltig qulto easily. Iln kept on inking the modielno nnd the next day was nblo to como to lies Monies. Mr. Bliilzo rogaiils UN euro ns Mm- ply wonilorful , nnd snys bo will never travel ngntu without n hottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy. The ( Lcs Moinos. lovv'o ' ) Sntiudny Hoviow. 'Jo ami 50 cent Dottles for salu by druggists. i//r/s. Missouri lins n grass widow 1 1 years olil. A Uiooltlyii jutlgo holds that n South Ua- kotn dlvorco is no good. Tbi co royal golden weddings will bo cole bralod this'yuar in Europe ) , two of them fall Ing in Mny. Thoavetngo mortnlity of unumrrloil men boUvcou ttio agcj. of twonlv and twenty-lira is 1,174 in every lOO.OUO.whllo that of man led mou Is only r > ' . )7. ) The man who has never made any nils- takes in his life ought not to got mirrletl. Ills wlfo wouldn't Imvo aiiytuiujr to ruinliut him of. uud no living woman could cndura that. SirlCdwaidVatkln , the most powerful rail road magnate In England , Is nbout to marry the widow of Mr. Ingram , Iho founder of the Illustrated London Nows. Mrs. Ingrain is bJ yours old. A wlfo suing bor brothor-In-l.iw for nilon- utliig from licrtho affections of Ins brother , lior husband , Is tbo latest dovclopiiicut of cud of tbo century" Uw in matters matrimonial menial iu Now York. The favoiito present for bridesmaids jtisi now is a double heart pin Iu pearls , witn u tiny slipper of various colored enamels fastened ncioss the hc.irt. To be cliio tbo slipper inu'-.t match iu tint the color of Iho ' brid'csmaids' gowns. The marrlijco of llov. John Jasper , the noted Astronomical colored preacher of Uicu- moud , Va , has caused an cstiangemont be tween hiiiibclf and bis daughter's husband , wbo bad been living with him , nud the son- in-law do move. "Dr. " Jnsnor insisted ou that. that.A A number of Now Yorkers will fee to Now- buryport , Mass. , to attend the wedding there of Miss Murgarct Curzoti Mnrquand mid Mr. Herbert IJudloy Halo , son of Her. Edward ICvcrott Hnlo of Boston. It will tuku place nt II o'clock ' iu the forenoon of next Tuesday. After an absence of eighteen years James Gnfllu rctuined to his homo In Plymouth , Pa , March 20. His wlfo received hinl at the door. She wus very cool , rocognl/lng her lord after his long vacation. Snosuld : "Uofouc. I will have no Enoch Ardun bus ! nos.s. " Griflln took the llrst train out of town. The marrirgcs of Americans by special license are getting to bo < | ullo the fashion In London. There was ono in St. Murguiot's , Westminster , on the ! ! Stli , ariangcil nt only twenty-four hours notice. The bridegroom wns Kr.uiK Holmes Sumner of Cliultonhnm ; the bride was Mrs. Hunt Thomson , noa Lonpstrutb , of Phlliidolpliia. Limited marriages nro not rocognl/ed by tlio courts of Massachusetts. A man and a uomnu wbo signed un agreement to llvo to gether so long iu love and mutual rusuoct continued asked for a divorce after fourteen yonis of such partnership. The courts in Massachusetts hold that I bo agreement was not n marrirgo and , therefore , thoio coula bo no dlvorco. There will bo nt least ono derided novel feature nt the mnrrlagu of Mmo. Krancesca dc , Uarrios nnd Honor Jose Marline/ Koda. It is a puicly Spanish Idon und might bo car- iled out very effeotivolv that of h.ivinir sponsurs for marrlagos. The queen of 'Spain has signified bar intention of being god mother n ! the appioaching nuptials. The relatives of Miss Uvoljn Van Wort , cranudauglilur of the Into Mars hull O. KobortH , disclaim nil knowledge of hpr ro- nutcd cngagcnicnt to the duKu of Norfolk. Ills grace has nt various times bofoio been ropoitod engaged to TVlrs. Antonio Nnvnrro , formerly Mits Mary Andorbon , aud Mis Vilginln Mc'J'uvlsh of lialtluinro. All tbo K.itor brides that follows the ling- llsh wedding customs will hive nn early afternoon wcudinir , followed by n reception. Very quiet is the ucddlng not followed by n reception , Thu bride's mother Issues tlio. in vitations to her iclativcs uud fl lends. Whan tlio bride Is mothciluss they are issued In tbn father's nurno , and if the father Is also dimd a sUtor , either married or single , sonda thorn out _ Mrs , L. U. Palton , Uocuford , IU. , writes : "Kiom porsonai ox per ID nco I can recommend DoWitl's Sarsaparllla , u ciuo for Impura blood iinU general dobllity , " THi : IIHAI.TY .M.VKKKT. rNSTUUMKNTS placed on record April S , I. IslrJt WAI1IIANTV IIKKIM Trunk Cm ruth nml wlfo to r W U.irrnth. 'OIK ' I. ' . ' . 5 , 0 and T , block : . ' , Gin-try Illll. I 2.COO M A Kdhiilin und hUHb.ind to W ,1 Max- vvull , lotsTand 8 , liloek H.Hood'rt Ut mid . . . . . . 10,000 hllna Kohliinsiiiiil wife lohtiir Loan and Trust company , lot M , block 1 , 1'oro- iiuin'diKlil , . . . 209 blur Loan and Trust company to W .M l.omr , Hiiini ) . . . 109 Jnhn O'Donohoo nnd wlfo tn I , B Hcoil"v7 foul In width olfBtdid low ' . ' , J and t , hluuk SJ ( . Oinnhii . . 11,000 1,1In Hot-It and hush uid tii Ji > i. Kuhlltz llruwlug Co. , lots I and 2 , blouk I , llroun nark . 10,000 ( I II HaldilKoand vvlfoti ) Itllltil ) . Vluru , lot 'JO. block Il-Miilioh.i Illll. . . . 59) AuuiiHtus llfiin-ns and wlfo to M A Kully. Intfi. block IV.I , houlli Omahn 1,000 OiL-huid Illll lliillilliii. hsioointlon lo O i : llarker , lntil. : bluuk II , Orchard UIU.roo n. line to u , inn- , lot 1 , siiniu . . . 2,60U fiiiry Tni'el and liiisljiinil to M M Ish , lolT , block IU , Highland place . . . 7,000 QUITCI.AIU IlKK'.ti , J II AtihlMin et nl to Ib Hceil , 11.41 a In so noJO15ld . . .I J M \ \ lii liln to L O Kuhncrt , o ) J lot 0 , blooU "U"bliliiii'HVd add . 1 1) II Mercer , mnsliir tn chancery , to Cli-inoiis llrlnkmuii , lot U , lUvervlow aud . , . . . . 801 W A MoI'lroy ( siHioUl inuBter ) to A M.IUIIUS. lulu 1 und - , ulook I , lota I , 2 n null , blouk 4 , SprliiKdale . 2.&OQ II K I uohrun ( spuclul iiiiiHU'r ) to Orchard Hill llntldliu iiHhoclatlon. lolJl , blouk II. Ort-hiiid Illll . l5 .Suino tiB.iiiie ( , lot , 111 , Biiiuo . 117 Total amount of transfers. . .1 iJ70