r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , APRIL 5 , 1892. SPEGIRL NOTICES. ADVRIlTIPnMRNTfl FOR TIIK9K COt.tJM.N9 will l > o token nntll lJ3 > p. m ( or thn nrrnluK tint ] until 9..10 p. m. for the nomine or Sundftr edi tion. .All < 1tprtl omcnt * In theto columns Z fenti a word forntM InsTtlon.nnd I rent n word Iheresflir , Or 12 per line pr month , No advertisement taken for leu tlinn VJcent * for the flr t Insertion. Terms , rath In ndrnncc. Count a ) out seten words to the line. Initials , figures , symbols , etc , each count as word All nilTertlseinrnls must run COIHMM- tlrelf Artrerllsors , IIJT rennp tlnj ) n numbered Check , can hnvo the letters mldtoa cd to num bered letter In caroof THE IIKK Answers so ad- dres ccl will be dellrcrcd on presentation of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. -VOU.NO MAN OKKXPKRIKXCK TO SI'KM A few honrs each day as bookkeeper or on otllco worki references glrcn. Address \ 10. Iloev , „ & , A-MAt.K NflliT. WASTd POSITION AT ONCKj J\on Invalid Kcntleman ; references ! sober. Ap ply Atlhiif Southern , tra llarnoy street MtW-C' A -WA.VmYllVA YODNO MAN WITH SO.Mi : /Vpipi-rlenro in drug store , to Innrn the ( Irutjtrnrto Ilest of references Kllron. Wnitos no object. Ad. dress. V 18 , llee. M * A WASTKD. A POSITION AS SALESMAN IN jiilry good * nr clothing , hy man itho speaks flor- tnnn. Kntllili. llohemlnn anil Italian. Address C. ii. I ) . , IIOJS. Mil , Omnhn. " " ' A-A FIRST UIiASS COACHMAN WITH 1IK3T OK city references , a years' experience , wonts n po- ltlon. Address V 31. Ilco. MSIG-i' WANTED--MALE UELP. T ) -WANTKI ) , SALF.SMKN ON SALARY OR CO.M- J > mlsslon to hnmllu thn now patent chemical Ink erasing ponrll. The greatest tolling novelty ever produced : urne Ink thoroughly In two seconds : no abrasion of pnpt n V to OH per cunt pro til ; ono ngtnt n sale * amounted lo Ji.W In lx clny . another I.TI In tw hmir . Wownnt ono general agent In rach Mate and territory. Kor terms nnd full par th'iilars nddrcss Monroe Krascr Mfg Co.l.n trojjo. | } -J. ' , II. It. 1.A1UIIIKHS WANTr.DBVF.IU WKI.K Jifor Wyoming on iho n.M. . II. R. fri-e trans portation from duinhn. Cull at ( JO ) ri. lUtli treet. -Ij-.r.lTYCANVASjSKRS. SALARY PAID WKKKLV. J JShiRcr ecwlnit maclilno olllce , loll ! DouRlns nm ; < ! t. M4S , alt J-AOKNTS WANTKI ) . K.\CILSIOH I'OHTHAIT 'Co. , Ware block. 777al8 * fl-WANTKI ) , SO TKAMSTKHS KOH It. It. WOltK J > ln WrnmlnK : Bood wages ; free pass. Albrluht Labor onice. 1 ISO Farimm st. ! ° ti 13-WAXTKI ) . A F1HST Cl < ASt IILACK.SM1TII. Jl-Steady Job to the rlchtnian. Married man pre ferred. John M. Stewart , Atkinson , Neb. 100 6 > -KNKR < iKTlC SOLICITORS WANTKI ) .121 N , > Y. Life hulldlng. 2-li i" 1)-WANTit : ) , AT ONCK , TWENTY-KIVK HAH JJncssmnkers on bugcy nnd team work- good wanes and steady work the year around. For pnr- tlculnrs nrtilrt"i The Konanu Saddlery Co. , ilil ! < lb- ley st. , St. 1'nul. Minn. M2SI& 1WANTKI ) . TWO FIHST CLASS CALVANI/.KO JJlron rornli-o workers at once. ( Hobo I'nrnlcu Works , Fremont , Nob. M4SOBr WAXTKD-ACIK.VTS1 HAMI'LM SAPHLOCKS B tt'at. IPJIt frroby mail for7c stamp. Immen.-e : .Unrivalled. Only good one ever Invented. Itimts welulits sales. Unparalleled. II2.W per day. llro hard \ Co. , 1'lilladulplilu , I'n. M375 7' 15 WANTKI ) . Ar.lINTS CAN MAKK HO PUR Jjwi.fk hninlllnz the ItuiiPi'ii novelty blow BIIII Jnstout SclM at sight. Aildrcas the l.n Crime lllow linn O ) . . Lntroiige. Wls. 383 p-WANTI'.I ) . A MAN TSi YOUR CITV. 'FO J 'whole'iilc Our signs. Aitdrrai with reference * , U'hninplon Mhflf M'fK Co. . Springfield , O. 4W-4 \VANTii : > . COAT.MAKKIIS AT CONTIN15NTAI B Clothlni ; llousi' , lW- ! > T ) nu ! MONTHLY TO ENKIUJETIC SALKSMEN. J r.i liec tmlldlni : , .Mlil-li' I ANU COMMISSION TO KNTEltl'KISINrt nponts , Knrlu ustamp. T7 , Moo. Ml'jti . . \VOUKINI ) . TKU. , $1.50 , BIM.MKNIt. \A * * bonrd f.t.lo Heck ; fruo faro. Whltu's Labor II'J NIHth. . 4U7-I > -FIRST fl.ASd UARN FORUM AN , K.\'Kl' ' ) tlonal roferonces. Address V 20. Rec. ilal'J 5 * B WANTKI ) . AT ONCK. A ( iEIt.MAN COMl'OS Itorvrho hn had n ycnr or two experience. Ail dross ( iconic K. Lance , editor 'Jlnicn , llrlditcwnter bontli Dakota. .MWT If 1 > - WANTKI ) , GOOD SALKSMEN ON THE ISOAI JJlo Bell nilviTtlslliR card ) , fans and calendars on commission direct from manufacturer : ! . Yon pal nmkrfiU.U ) per neck. Addrcm Advcrllslni ; Spec lolly Co. , Iluriulo , N. Y. \1.I 5' ' B-WANTED , ENEKOETIf UELIAIILE ST1 ! scrlptlnn nollcltor fcr lilch class medical ptibll ration. Adilruss .Merck's llullctln Co. , general ile llycry. city. MM ! D' WANTED-FEMALE HEL.P. \VA.NTKD-liOOL 1 ) SKCOM ) UlltU r.U < LO ciist street. MtWI. C-WANTED , A GOOD ( Illtf. KOIt CBNKRAI hoiisework : will pay the right girl ? J per week Call W7 California t. " 101 'l-CO.MrKTK.ST OIHL FOIIUENEUAL HOUSE C-CO.M work , urn Sherman ixvo. 8 - \ . JIILL1NKRY SALKSI.AI1IK3 C-K.\PF.HIKNCKn wnntetl nt Stonehlll's. 415 - WANTED-IN A FAMILY OF TIIREI' . . A GOOI CWANTEDIN girl who understands cooking nnd light house work ; good wugos paid. 3110 Douglas street. M433 -KIGIIT INTELI.IUr.NT LADIES WANTE1 C lunucdlately. 4W Ueo building. M1735 p SMART. CAPAHLK WOMAN AS WORKINC V housekeeper , must bo neat and a good cook. .M S 3Jth t. IX 0-WANTED. GOOD WAGES TO THE GIRL WHO knows how to do housework. 20It ! Emmet street. MJU'J 7 -WAXTKI ) , CO.MPKTK.NT PKWKRS ANDAP prentices til onco. Room ill , Urown block. .M513-S- FOR RENT-HOUSES. \-llOlJSK8 A.NDAPAR'l.MIINTSlN IIKST ttKSl 'deuce block In clly. S1U S.'J2d street. Tel. 1TH1. 275 I1-FOH RENT , AIIOVE NOS. ( SI ANDIGGSOUTI JL-'ltth street. V-room Hat , every modern conven Icnce. Including largo kitchen range. Apply Wind or. Kemp .V Co.iai N. V. Life bIJg. m7BI D I LARGE LIST OF HOUSES. STORKS , FLATS etc. , f J aud up. Paul , 17 Hoard of Trado. 213 A t \-TOR RKNT. fi NICK NBWLY FURMSIIKI Brooms , MN. . If'th. Uru nil an tlals. .Ml 1FOR RENT , HOUSES , I7.WJ PER MONTH ANI upwards. The O. F. Davis Co. , 10UJ Faruaia st. st.Wl TELKlTNT 12-ROOM FURNISHED HOIJSE U\\\ \ \ modern , near Hrownell hall ; ilOU.OJ per mo C. F. Iluri'l.-on. VI2 N. Y. Life. UIO alt D-FOR RENT , HOltei : 1317 N. 17 I'll ST. . ROOM- hath. itc. . t'tper \ month. F. II. Woodrow , Neb Nut. bunk building. IJ < j D-10IIDOM HOUSi : , ALL CONVKNlENCEb Heed & Solby , SM Hoard of Trade. 'JM D-IIOL'SES. STORES AND FLATS. A. C. FROST DOuiJ J , Douglas block , liitb and Dod c. c.Ml AM D S-ROOM HOUSE , RENT LOW. INQUIRE 271 Douglan et. y D 1-7 ROOM IIOUSK , ALL CONYIINIKNCES liurn ; good locality , nt I1W tUth. . M.lh' , 0' | -\-0-RlO.M COTTAR B , HOT ANI ) COLD WAT HI J./jjatli. clOM'l , furniicp , beautiful lawu and shade Apply N. E. corner nd and Miami. M'.ui & ' -pj 7 11CHIJI FLAT , RENT F..i , 4 ROOMS NO\ JLS.ruled for 147 Furnlturn fi' < 0 on rmall pay uu'Uts , Ovopi'iatlve Lundund Lot Co0j N. let KS-4 KK 5-llOO.M HOUShS. INQUIRE JOII . -iwtis. lath t. r.i c i -THOSn KLKUANT 10 ROOM lIUUSKti O > JLJXili Hiul llurnuy streets , n nly papered au painted ; cheap. George J. Paul , iUU Faruaiu.MlGl MlGl ! > D- FOR RENT TO PRIVATE FAMILY. MAY 1 llounu I'JI'.i Cast itrvet. Apply to James Me Krnna In rlrsl National Hank. M 3 > -ttllt RKST-S1.V-RO01I MODKRN COTTAIil 3f AU7 t'allfiinilu hi. , f la pur month. 4I'J f " \ VOU RKNT. < ROOM 1'LAT IN NKW CLOWR i-'lilork ain'hlciiijo M. ; U anil i ruum tints on lot Bt. RotvrU. ICIILhleuiioM. JI131 lu ll ROOM 11OUSK , 831 S. JlSTtsT. 60-010 * D-SIX ROOM 1'L.VT. CORNER , ALL OUTflDI- rooms. f.'J , Wright A l.ajburICth and lloivnr lliUIT- RENT-FTJRNISirED ROOMS. AI.lT CO.NVBSIKNciwT HZ ! MWI b' "I- ; ' 0 Uij.NT. O.NK J.ARtii : FRONT OR TWO J-.l ck larcUlitHl cr uiilurnlihed ioorc . IK South ; Slh tlri'i't. t ROOJIrt KOR CKSTLKMU.V till X Itth. inn Alt' IMKIM , TO UKNTLKMHN furnl lied. wlih r t front room 1m wlucliiw ; all modern conr nli > iu-ui ; prtratu famllr ( hoard It dr lrad ) ; un t'arnam tirnt , llvu lulnuto irnlk from 1' ' III. Addru V ti , lco ! onice. M j'Ar i ' ROOJIS. 517 N. ISth tril. l. T7-VXIR IIK.SV-FUIIN1SIIKD ROOM. TICKIiV FURNISH Kit FRONT ROOM FOl iJlno ioillruicn. : ! UU Farnam ilrect. .MIM5" PUJINISHBD ROOMS AND 130AKD. I'- ALL t\NVKNIKNCKS. IW 8. Hi jtrpfl. t _ _ _ Ml M. f NUWlirlTUNISlIKU ROOMS KN SulTK Ol ' lo lei Hr t cla s Uble 1SII * r'arniui. Ilrt 1-A lUAPr A.NU GKNTI.KMAN OR I.AlllK .L , CAQ otre roi ru and board In a prtvtlo family UpleudtJ loriitloii. Tcrir.i rcaionablo. J " " H , Utv ultlcu. AND BOARD. CotiMnunl. i. VHIIT nKSIRAHI.K FIRST AND SKCOND I1 floor , south and east , furnished rooms at "Tho Pronter. " DC No. 8ith street. M79I-IO' 17-FOR rtK.VT. r.LK < IANTLY FURNI3IIKD J rooms , first class board.313 South Jfith at. 101 KURNISIIKI ) OR I-NKL'RNISIIKI ) RH ( > .MS L with boardi also tublo board , mi Darenporl trect. 8S5-8 * Lj'-lKfiRAllln | ROOMS WITH HOARD ! S.MAII. Jfamllf ! nlcelr slluatcil : modern conTcnlcncos. liiUllamayat. 2il 0 FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. Foil 1IOUSK- kecplng to tnnn anil wlfo. No children. 31V N. ITth 311 J STuooMHwrrii CLOSKTS FORIIOUSKKKIP- : . - ' IngllO. 103 : Howard street. M:1I5' -rLM AN HOL'SK. UIO lX > tMlK , FOH COOI ) board , nicer rooms , conveniences , rates and to- tlon It cannot to oicellcd. Mrs. Horn , proprietor Jl A 11) ' FOK RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. V-Vxlt ) IIKNT , STOItK , 1611 1IOWAHI ) , tt 1 FOll HUNT. THKI-STOIIY I1I11CK UUIWHSfj J-Ulfl Karnani street. Tlio unlldlDR has n nro-uroof cement bascicent. complete steani-heatlnu fixtures , wntcr on nil thu ttoors , ias , etc. Apply t the olllco of The lieu. 9I9 1-l-OHHK.NT. IN 1IKST HKTAIf. IjOCATION IN J Omaha , entire second floor or departments In ( lul.lon Kaulo Mioo atoro , Ilia. ICthst. Z77 ItflNT-IitlSCELLANEOUS. 1 -llltlCi ; YAHDSFOHHKNT. T. ML'ltllAY. J 279 I-FAUSIS toil Itl'.MT. 11. T. Ji i -WAiiniiousi : , iNguntusioao. UTH STHKKT. I-W-HOOM 110TKU nKSlHAHliK LOCATION ; < > nil modern. Apply to V. W. Hurt. Jr. , Missouri Vnlley , la. MSS3 A3U " ' " "WANTED-TO'TIENT. KVASTKI , rUHN'IdllUDHOUtl IN VICINITY of Hanscom park or w. t I.caronnorth for ceil- tloman. Address V I , Due. M514 & * RENTAL AGENCIES. L | -K. 0. UAltVtN & CO. , SJi U11KKLY ULOCK. r -8TAK LOAN AND TKU3T CO. HKXTAT. IK- ljiartniciit. M'JIl-uSI STORAGE. r-OLIKHT. CI1KAPKST ANI ) I1KST STORAGK Lhousu In Iho city. Williams A Cross.lJIt Hnrncy. TVI-CI.KAN , UUY ANU I'UIVATKI.Y BTOHKII i'l furniture. Heating stoves stored over summer. 12W7 Douglas st. Omnlm btovo llepalr works. Ull - CITY. OMAHA WAHK- M-HKSTbTOHAIIKIN . 15IJ-13 Lcavenworth street. Household and iither goods ston-d and cared for. Low rates Private apartments If desired. Phone , ll'.i. MIM 1G WANTED-TO BUY. : ' KOinilTtJKK 1IOUU11T , BOLD , STOHKI ) , Wells,1111 Karnom st. - = ' \T-WAXTKIJ TO UUY. KU5IIT OH TKN UOO.M is house with modern Improvements , and good slied lot. located within ouo mllu of the poslolllce. Slateprlce , slie of house nnd lot and full particu lars by addressing S 47 Dec otllco. 712 ATDON'T SKI.h ANY FUHNlTtMUJ U7CTI1. YOU 1'sec the Oiiiahn Second-Hand rnrnlture Co. , Just opened. Highest prices paid , GUI North ICth st 205 12 FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. | , -FOR SAl.i : , A LOT Of CARRIAGES. SUURKVd 1 nnd bugglos at your own price ; ulso slnglo hnr- ness. Fidelity Loan Uunrunteo Co. , room 4 , With- ncll bullitlug. in -Sl'ANOK WOHK MAHHS. PHICK 1174. CO- J- opcratl ve Lund aud Lot Co. , Mo N. 10th St FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. a r-FINE 1'L'O I'Uri'lES , U SO , UAltlCElt ItLK , MEXICAN I'AI'.II Q-FOIl SALE , HANDSOME Mnc talker ; larKOBquurucaKO new : price t2j. I'M Douglas st. M'I 6 -3 VKHY FINE FUKSII.MILCH COWS AT 3512 Ohio street , Omaha View or Inquire at 1111 How iird street , 235-t Q-HAIII ) DIIY WOOD FOll S.UjE IN CAI1 LOADS or klnule cords , North Omaha , HO1'lth st. A. It JlcCandlesi A Co. 330 S' QFORSALE OK TllADE FOR 1'Alt.M LANDS IN eastern Nebraska , n 35 barrel steam roller Hour mill situated at Tckamau. Neb. Thos. Crouch , law llurdclte > t , Omaha. UJl 10 Q . - NEWSPAPER MEN FOR SALE , AT A bargain , for cash , a one-eighth mcd , joh press , does tlr > t class work , one 14-Inch paper cutter , nearly nciv.snmll quantity of body und display type , border * , etc. Addres V 17 , lieu otllce. yyi 4 MISCELLANEOUS. ) -HAMILTON UROS. CARI'KNTKRS AND builders. All kinds Jobbing : 4H S. ISth. Tel. 117'J. U HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD CATTE Co. ; oOer I.OoO tons selected , barn stored hay for on track , Ames , Nebraska. M R-LADIlSS' CARED FOR DURING CONFINE nicnt. Mrs. Rurnltz , CJeroiun graduated midwife , 1311 ! So. lUth. 1K4 A 12 R-ESTATE OF J. T. CLARKSON. PARTIES having unsettled business transactions with or wlihlng Information of the lands or lots of .Mr. J , T. Uarkson , deceased , will please address the undersigned , who has been appointed agent of his estate. T. S. Clarkton , Omaha , Neb. UT7 A7 K CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE , 1509 Furnam , upstairs ; male and female help. Tele phone t84. 40V RPAPILLION DRIVINU PARK. G. C. SMITH trainer and driver. Makes a gpcclalty of break Ing and treating colts. Makes a specially of treat lug horses that are sere , from hard roads and ba feet. Reasonable charges. Hoarding horses by tbo month , f/OI-M3r CLAIRVOYANTS. S MRS. NANNIE V. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT reliable business medium , Ufth year at 1U ICth. J2J S-ARRIYAL EXTRAORDINARY ; WONDERFUL revelallons. Challenges tha world. Mrs. Dr. M. I cgrave , dcnd trance clairvoyant , ustrologlst. palmist aud life reader ; tclli your llfo froui the cradle to urave ; unites the separated ; caiucn mar- rlage with thu one you luvuf lulls where you will succiu'd and In what business best adapted for ; baa tliorclebrutel Knyptlau broaatplato for luck and to destroy bad Influences : cures tits , Intemperance and nil private complaints Tilth manage , baths anil alcahul treatment , fcinl Ji.CO. lock of hair , oatiin and ilatn of birth and rcvulvo accurnto llfo chart : t cents In stamps for circular ; ttvo Initials of ono you will marry ; ulao photoof same , unico 1WJ7 s-outh lltti street. Unit lloor ; hours , ' .111. m toll p. m Come one , como all. and bu convinced of thl < wonderful oracle. SI'ROF. CllloTO. HWI Howard. 3ml floor , reveals ecri'ts of pattaud future , love and marriage. Reliable biiilncsi mvdluiu. \H5a' ' C-MIW. E. G. HAWTHORN , > i NORTH UTH klrcct , having had years of oxiH-rloncu. will give readings of past , present and I in uro. Mitlnun i Indies only , M cents , 10 u m. to "j p. ui. dally. Su days excepted , MI70 U * MASSAGE , DATHS , ETC. 'I' MASSAOE TREATMF..NT , KLEl'I'RO-THER J nial baths , tcalp ami linlr treutiucnt. manicure amlchlrupudlst. Mrs. Poat.SIU S. ISlh.WlthnellbU. fl' MADAME riMITII. 1IZ1 IMJUULAS STREET , i. room 7Sd Boor. Alcoholsulphur and tea baths. M63IV fTOWE , MASSEUSE KLKCTRiriAN Srt Itamge block , M'JJJ H > -.MADAME LA RUB. MASSAGE. 410 SOUTH lith aircnl. ? rd floor , flat 4 , assistant. 113257 * PERSONALS. U-PERSONAL-INFORMATION WANTKI ) AS to the. whereabouts nf William Worm , journey man plumhcr. When last hoard from was at lluttu , Mont. ; lil brother Kunu'tt has had au arm auipu Address T id. HoeOUIce , ya-t * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. \T-n. F. ( IKLLENRKCK , ll.VNJO TEACHER ' with Ilonpe , orOU N. lith st , Pl'J IIEFORE 1IUYINO A PIANO II.VAlll.Vi : THE new tcula Kliuball piano , A llotpc , 1513Douglas flUVINO A PIANO K.VAMINH TUK nvu kcalo Kluiball piano. A lloipo , IJU DungU * . MONEV TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. ir-UK.NTIt.VL LOAN" .1 TRUST CO. llUi : UI.DU ir-UUU RKALESTAT13LOANSSI.1 IIKK 1)1.1)0. ) ' I A\r-MONKV TO 1/JAN O.V Otl'ROVUI ) C1TV II propurlr , Jew rula. A. C. Kro t , Dou.-ln uiit. A\r RKAL KSTATK 1XANS ) , CTOI PKR CI5XT : < ' no RdillUonal rlmrcoi for coiuniltilon or attor- ocy'i ffv > . W. II. Melklc , Urit National tank bldf &J FAIIKAM. KASTBR.V MO.XKV. MO A\r-IAAN9 , O.O.WALLACK. 311 11ROWN HI.K. ' * W1 A\r-MONKVTOI ) A.S'ONRKALK3T TK. TJIK _ M O. F. l ) Tl Co. . IJOJ Furuaui it iul \\T-ilKSUHANCKMOMKV TO LOAN. > l J , U Lvxroll , X31 a. IvIU. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. AXr IXANS ON IMPROVED ASM t'SlMPROVKI ) ' cltr propcrtr M.OJO and up ard , to S percent. No delay * . W. Farnam Smith .V Co. , lith anil llarncr- yn \\r-l'RIVATK MONlir. 1ST ANI ) II ) MORTdAOK ' ' loans , low rate. . Alex. Moore. 401 lice building , MEB _ _ _ \r-r. W. RAINKV , 31SOMA11A NAT , D'K RM)0. ' ' Cltr rnottBaos. Ixmcst rates. Money on Imnil. TV-OMAHA SA VINOS HANK MAKKS LOANS ' on real cstato nt lowest market rnlcs. I ani mailo In sninll or Inrue sum anil for short or lone Ime. No comml lon Is cliarupd. nnu the loans nro lot soM In the ca t , bill cnn nlnayi be fount ! nt the jank on the corner of 13th nnd Donijlns etrcctn. IfIAAN3 , W.M.HARRlSi. R. VO FRENZKR BLK- r-ANTllONV LOAN AND TRI , ' ! T CO , SIS N. Y. \ \ I Ufe , lends nt low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. \\T "MONKY. MONKY , MONKY. IM.IXW TO LOAN In sums of fJUOtofi.lWUon Improved or unlm- resldenco business properly In Iho city of Sroved . No delay In cloning lonnl as. money Is on hand. No dealing with eastern parties , nil business transacted hero n.i Inlcrcst payable hero nml not In the east , alio ni.iku building loans on most favorable terms. " Fidelity Trust Co , , 1G1I Farnnm. \ \ r-LOANS. Cll'Y PROPERTY , H. Snil. AND W. ' ' Iowa farms. K. F. Ringer , ISI'J ' Farnam. \\r-fi PKH CK.ST MONKY. t'MILADCM'lHA < ' MortKMO nnd Trust Co. Thomas Ilrennan & Co. rcprciscntatlvos , 217 Karbacu block. I7to1 ( ! \\r-IiAUHK LOANS , OH I.OXO LHASK I'UH- ' chases , city property , i : . It. French , attorney , SOI New York I.Uu building. M3T8 S A\r WK AHK I'HKI'AHKI ) TO MAIvH UAN.S ' ' on Improved p.-opcrty , f.XO and up. fioorxo J. 1'aul , 111) } Farniim street. Ml'Vi ' & MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. V-0 YOU WANT MOXKV' - > V if so do not full to Kct our rates before bor- We iiinko loans without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , hortcs , wtigons , etc. , nttho low est possible rnte. There Is no unnecessary delny. but you got mo money on the same day you a k for It. Wo wilt carry the loan ns IOIIK ns yon desire , Blvlnit jou thuprlvllezo of paying It In full or in part nt any tlmo to suit your convenience , nnd nny part paid ledueoa the cost of carrying tholoanln proportion to the amount paid. There uru no charges of any kind to hfc paid In advance , but you Kct thu full amount of the loan. Ourolllcea are centrally located nnd nro so ar- raniieil that parties calling on us can be waited on oulckly nndcorteoiisly. If you have n loan with other parties , or have bouithl n piano or other fnrnlturu on tlmo nnd Una the payments a little larccr than you can meet conveniently , w ; will pay It for you nnd carry tuo loan ns lone ns you desire. It will bo to your advantage to see us before se curing a loan. OMAHA J1OHTGAOE f.OAN CO. , Houni 11 , Crehihton Illock. lith St. , south of 1'ostoBloo X -MONUYTOIXJAX. FIDELTY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. On household Koods , pianos , organs , hordes , mules , wacon.1 , etc. . lit the lonust postlblo rntus nltliout publicity , removal of pruperty or chuiiKu of possession. 'time arranutMl to suit the borrower. raiments of any uniuuut cnn bo made at uny tlme.rcducliiR both principal and Intcru.it. thus Klv- Ini ; patrons all the bcuetltsof the partial payment plan. Call and sco us nlicn you want n loan. Jlonoynlwuys on band : nn delay ; no publicity ; lowest rate * : hiiidneflscontldentlul. K1I1KLITV LOAN liUAUANTKK CO. , It. K. Mn torj' old stand , H. 4\VtttmeIl bIt.lSUi and Hurney. SOU X WILIj LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OK security ! xtrlctty confidential. A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. MJl X UOB'T. rUITCHAUD , it \V1T1INKLL ni.K. 303 XV V WHEN YOU WANT A CHATTEL LOAN SEE -A.W. It. l.'avU. roomu. Continental block. 303. MONEY LOANED ON FUUNITNKK , HOUSES , XwMONEY agons , plauos , etc. , Fred Terry , It. 133 , ItaniKe. 3JI V MONEY TO LOAN , 30. IU H ) DAYS ON FUHNI- jVture , live htock. etc. Dutt Urccn , removed to Itoomb and ' . ' , Darker blk. 05. -fHi.OOU'rOLOAN FllOM HU.UU Ul' ON FUKN1- ture , bones or any fiood security. lowest rates. Nebraska Loan Co. , 1318 Dodglas Mroet. M' ' . < il AM X-KO.OOO TO LOAN ONCUATTKL SKCUUITY. business conUdeutlal. lloom Illj Karbach block. ' ' LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON Oil bought. I ) . F. Moats , Mass bldg , Kansas City , Mo. BUSINESS CHANCES. V UUY THE COMMERCIAL. THE LEADING JL hotel at Lroken lioir , Neb. No land In trade. 101 ' -A YOUNG MAN , A GOOD HUSTLER WITH imall capital , can secure n more than half Inter est In good Insurance business established In the best town lu the state. Address T 54 , Bcu. f4 ' y FOll SALE , MY UATHIXO HESOIIT AT J- Lake Manawa. Address J. J. Malownoy , llobron Neb SOU _ Y"IIA11NES3 SHOP FOll SALE IN A GOOD tonn. Block will Involoo from ? la * ) to JI.HW ; Kood rcBROn for colling ; only ono other shpp In town. 11. 11. Thompson , locfc box 103 , Ucmbnri ; . la KU-li' V-FLOUIUNO MILL FOII SALE. THE STKAM J- power Uourlni ; mill , with a capacity of rij bbl . per day , of nil modern Improvements , built ' . ' years ago with the expense of Hl.lWI.OJ. In 1'rnitiio , Saundcrs Co. . Neb. , Is offered for Data on easy termi. For further particular * address ICaipar llros. , Prague , Sounders Co. , Nob. MIOT rvj V-f'OU SALE , A 1 MILK DAIRY. AI'l'LY II. J. McDowell. H mile north of llenson. 337 C * y _ FO It SALE. RACKET STORE DOING GOOD i business In live county seat town , stock fi.OUJ , tl.UU canli , balance approved note without Interest. Address lock box 143 , Urcoley Center , Neb. M373 C' _ V-UA1HY FOH SALE. J. F. J1OCU , AMES AVE. ' -V'-JMO-OO TO $1,000.00 WILL START YOU IN X the "Department Store" buslncsi. Our mam moth catalogue , "Tho Hustler , " mailed free to merchants on application. ChMin , Wilder A Co. 23J , 23'J , 114 aud 'AM Aduuis strcut. Chicago. M37I 7 * _ " roil hALE , A WELL EriTAllLHHEI ) Dlllli" ; store : In uooil location In the city of Omaha , For particulars addrets W , , room 32IOmahu Nat. bank building. 5S1-8' V-r'OU SALE , CIIEA1' , LOT OF NOTES AND J Judgments. Address V 15 , lleo. _ 4'JI 7 * V-TO PlUNTEIlS-FOIl SALE , ON EASYTEU.MS. i n tlrnt class Job olllco. located In n HOTirMmik' city In Iowa of 25.UOJ pop. Olbcu nlll Ilivokx ) for M.UXJ. ( iood reasons for sellluK. Address Y I'J , lleo otilco. 6W 1 V-A LIVE COf.NTHY Nir.Vril'Al'Elt UPBNINO L uantcd by two experienced prlntcru aud news papermen , who pos9C9s both push nnd energy , and a KOOII outtlt for a country nuwnpupiT and joh of lice First class references oxchuniicd. Address V 13. Ileo otllco. . iOi 4 IJOOK : STATE ANDCOUNTV i -no\v on solo for the best telling article out , nothing Ilku It on the market ; It uctunllr sell" at Bl IU ; tU' money , o don'l delay , but rail und bu courlnccil. Apply to Al Leech , Pullman house , room 3 , between 1U end 12 o'clock n. m. M5I7- & * TOR EXCHANOE. ' / CLKAN STOCK OF OKNKRAL.M'D'S'K ; WILL / Jtakcrufil estate A money. lluii'.O. Frankfort.Ind. aor _ _ _ V-IF YOU 11AVK AiOOI ) UIMUUUT PIANO TO f-llTRdolor lot to. block 1 , Armour Place , South Omalm ; clear of all lucuiubruucu. Adilrei * N 44 , Ueouttlco. M2U r/-FOR TRADK , A CLI5AN STOCK OKJK.VKRAL ( /Vmcnl > tiiill i ) for lunds andcasu. Address R. W. Waiklna A Co. . Frankfort , Ind. M34S M ry-KXCHANlIK YOUR PROPERTY. RIG LIST ' -/call or wrlto. Alex Moore , < OI lloj bldK. 'JM V-FOR KXUIIAM1K , TWO hTALLIONS , O.NK f ltt. < J cucll. llox ttjfl , Blionanilooli. la , ifj ( ! 7-FIRST MORTGAUK NOTBS TO KXOIlANliK " "is'VljV'lil I" ' W0rt' ' ' f ; 'Wno ' . "UUWni. . _ y-FOH TRAIK , NEW 3 STORV UllICK FLAT /-/biillillMi : . modern. A 1 location , rents readily Closest Invfttlcallon Invited , price fjj.oco. Trudo equity JIT iinlncunibcrcd vacant lot . Ames Real Kalute Agency , 1J07 Furnani strceu ai-j f/ FOR TRADE , f70,000 WORTH OF UNINCUM- /M < vte < \ city property to trudo for farm landi within IU > uillen of Omuba. Aicc-i llcal KUHlu Apt-ncr. IM7 Farnam st. 89 y FOR EXCHANGE. IIUX)0 ( ) STOCK GENERAL /Jiuerrhundlie : waut land and caih. Addreit , llox hu ! , I'oj Sloltii'3 , la. < -ji s' PAWN BROKKRS. Ij'RKDAIOlILK.OFFICK I51IM FARNAM ST. 311 1 > KN F , MARTI , RUMOVKU TO 107 S. liTIl ST. i ? Iffl AB O SNYUKR'b LOAN OFHCU 15IU UO1H1K hT. o * iinia cu * HAIR'OOOba. LARCJK&TfcTOCK IN KNTIRK WE rTi'lHKAT rlcal wlsand boards a upcclally , W lc > . bane witches , hair obalus , etc. ; to ml for calalbguu , Mall ordura ollcltc-U. Darlca , III S. litli t. , Oinslm in . . . _ aPAID OROLI ) OLD. UARSO.N A ll.VNIW. . /uou S ) , ilarkor block , OuiOik. 3U JLI FOR SALE-ItKX.1. ESTATE. 1OR BALK. HOMES. AfiVPlttCK. 7M. It. MO UP JL' eniy trrmsi take cIcaTjrtopPtty as first payment ( I. I ) . Wallace , Hrnwn block , luth and DotmUn. _ "V K. CORNER r.TH'irANI ) HICKORY MXl. 1 ' .feet ; n barcaln for Hlfpw days only. F. K. Dar ling , Darker block. I 209 troll SALE ATA llAlltJAIN , I.OT 14 , RLOCK 3. i. ' w. L. Sclby'n llr t ndiHtlon to South Omaha , Small payment down. ual.-Hico monthly If desired. Inquire O. H. Tiachuck , Umalm lleo. _ Mt I OR SALE 4tO ACRE FARM IN tll.UU RIYER valley , Thayer counlyl 18 mile.1" nrst of Hebron. Jno of the very best farm * In the- futility ; itood houre. barn , urannrlo' . crlbn , etc .andanabundanm of fruit , timber and runnlne water. Alro for sale or cxchanito for coed landxurclty property , n brick pork packing house and lUltire * In Ilpbron. Thnyur county , uoar II. A K. depot For particular * In- qucrc of any real cstnto agent In Hebron. ll ) MONMOUTII PARK HAS Till : .MOTOR. CITY wntor. Ernded slrpotf , Milownlk. rchool. beauti ful location every thlnir to makp It attractive. For lots or homes In this beautiful addition on easy trnns rc ( i. (1 ( , Wallace , trustee , 313 llrjwn block , 1'Hh and Douglas. 3CH T.l OMKS FOR SALE. T1IKIIG IS NO DOt'llT HUT 11 that we have the most satisfactory list of really deolrablo cottages to bo found In the city. Prices , range from J2.UUU up. nnd terms are ex ceedingly liberal. Wo have told nix during tha past month and the hont of our list will soon- bonclccted. Wo can recommend the following at prlcci mined : fZ.lWO ? Its front , full lot , h.irn , ole. , Omnhn Ylew M.OU ti UK lot. model , paved street ncnr park. JI.OW7 room E front , new nnd complete35th t f.l.OUO Ij Fayetto Placn , finest In city. See them. Weals. * have an elegant building lot nt 42nd near 1'nrnnni. tiirl. ; W. Ono-thlrddown , balance 4 -ars. worth 15,000. rldetlty Trust Company , loll Farnam street. 300-a30 1OR SALH. 5-ROOM COTTAOE ( ONLY ) SITU -i atod 1011 Itard alroct Call on A. Hope jr. 4M iron SALE-S-E CORNER 17tli. DORCAS. S54X 1 isi .Tcottnics , stable forilhorsos , can ba divided I n to Slots. Inquire at prcmlscx 1IJ ti' _ l OR BAti : SEVENTEEN THOUSAND ACRES L unimproved lands In Howard , Sherman , ( ireolcy nnd Ynlley counties. Nebraska , on very liberal terms , on deferred payment * , c per cent Interest. Address D. Rcuilck , P. O. box ' 'JJ1 Los Angeles. Cal ? 71 nti" CJI2S.COO TO LOAN ; SUMS OF M.OOO UPWARDS ; ' 4101111 place loans on nny Inside Improved property to any amount where value Is hack of the loan. Amos Real Estate Agency. UOT Furnani at. i > 39 ifuli SALE ON MONTHLY PAY.MKNTS , 35 houses \ lots. The O.F. Davis Co.,110J Farnum st. Ml- Tj'OR SALE HALCYON HEIGHTS. Acres , half acres and lots nn electric motor road. Also houses and lots In Halcyon Heights OMAHA'S REAUTIFUL SUIIURR. Only thirty minutesrldo from centerof city. Easy payments , low rate of Interest. Now Is the tlmo to secure n homo. William 11. Crary. 205 New York Llfo Rids. MS.-AlS , T HALF VALUE. LOTS. ACRES. HOMES. HUS1- kiioss property. Alex Moore. 401 Dec hldg. ' . < 67 17ARM NEAR OMAHA , ALSO ONE NEAR LIN- J- coin , will sell , trade or rent them. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 2U3 N. 16th street. S&-4 17011 SALE-C.OOI ) 11C1LD1NG IXT. IILQCK 1 north.llanscom Park , on 31st. only ? iVU ) : for ten days. W. A. Spencer , R. CIS Hoard of Trade. M 445-5 LINCOLN HEIGHTS-CHEAPEST PROPERTY lu Omaha : tVM , (5'JU. ( < % 0. ITUO ami fsOO a lot , lo cated just north of Clifton Hill : has tlno school house ; now park Just located by city council ; only live blocks from Walnut hill motor ; small caMi payment , balance In nine jcars at 7 percent. Don't buy until you Investigate this. Cull for particu lars J. A. Lovgrcn. special agent , room H)7 llrown building , southeast corner It > th and Douglas. 414-4 * 170RSALK. CHOICE AOTlt : LOTS IN SOLOMON'S -L Add. Prices reasonable. K. G. Solomon , 53d nnd Ames ave , ' . S1KS 10" LOST. LOST YELLOW SILK 'DJtESS. RETURN TOSW .V. 13th st and receive Coward. 392 4 * LOST , A FIRST NATIONAL HANK PASS HOOK containing notes aud'valuable papers. Return and receive rimuril. Sidney Smith , room 502 Cham ber of Commerce. 31113 5" LOST A POCKET11OOK CONTAINING PAPERS of value to me , and tit * dollars. The tinder will confer n favor by removing tbo money and send ing the balance to mo liynnsll nt Atlantic , la. J. 1) . Price , care Johnson A TKoihpsOn. .MB1 5 LOST PHYSICIAN'S LEATHER Ht'GIJY CASE containing lustruuicrr s .and medicine. Finder will ba suitably rcwurded.br rqlurnlug It to Dr. W. S. ( ilbbi , room 7 Crclghtou block , corner lull und Douglas streets. . . ' ' . M5I3 0 LOST-APRIL 1ST , O.VPAClFlCr * ST. , OR CAR. purse containing money nnd Ucy Return to SOU 1'nclflc et. uud receive retwird. ' M510 " 4 LOST A 1'ONY WITH SADDLE ON. REPORT to Dr. Kerf , room 202 Crown block. M&Ui 6r FOUND. T7OUND.GRAYISH IILACK PONY WITH SADDLE -L Call 113 to. luth street. 43S-6- TAKEN UP. UP. A RAY COLT WITH WHITH FACK. L Northwest corner Std and Pnclllo Sts. lliy-S DRESSMAKINO. \VANTED , DRESSMAKING IN I'RIYATE FAM- Hies or n-lll take It at homo. 1S07 Hurt .it. . Miss A. Roy. J1IJ3-U1 CUTLERY GRINDING. SEND YOt'lt SCISSORS , RAXOHS. LTC. , TO RE h-round to Underlund A. Co lOtf S 14th st. 314 REEV ! I N G TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , 1607 Farnam Street , OMAHA A Beautiful Complexion Can soon bo gained hy every lady by using the "Fhi ! Hrnml" Complexion Brush. Ho sure the trade mark "Fl h Uriuul" Is on each one. one.The electrical cMcct of tin ) toft rubber teen brings the doilrrd cllcct nnd when brought hy THIS moans it | j MANK.vr. BOo E If mulled ( at your own rlsltndd lOc ; money to accompany order. Ask your druuijin for them , or Omalia Rubber Co , 1520 Farnam Sl.Cor- . 1'rninmalx for I'avlnjr IntorxcctloiH , Soalcil iiropo.sals will ho rocotvod liy tlio unijordlKni'il until lt'UT5'clocl : < p. in. , April 15 , Is'J. ' , for ColoriidoBmiUstoiio nnil Slou.x Tails i-run He , aceorJln to , S | > uolllcitlun9 : of ISI : ) , for | > : ivlni ; tholntordi'olloiiuf KlKhlli ntul I'ur- MUNI streets anil thu iiiipnvcd j > : irt of liitcr- boctinn of Ivlj'hlh anil Dimulus streots. K.ieh bid to specify : t urluo per square vnrd for the puvlnv coinulelu-iHi tlio lutursuetlons. Worlc to bo done In uufrfrilnncu with plum ami spoelfluutlons of lhi ! | . on Ulo In the olllco of tlio Itotrcl of 1'ubllu Works ) , KIIL-II uroposil : to bo niiiOo on prlnto.l blanks fiirjiKhod by thu houruViinU to bo nccoiupi- : nlcd by a oartllled chnuU In the sum oi'l.'iO ) , pnyabio to the city of iOliiihu : , as un uvlUuuco of coed faith , it , Tlio bo-inl ruservcj t&p rlslit to reject any or all bids and to wulviMlofccts. iMviY. IIIKKI1AUSRK , Cb'tirnmn llo.'tnl of 1'ubllo Works. Omaha , April 4 , IS'/i ' uurU 4-0-D lit' THE UKALTY MAItKUT. rNSTUUMENTS plaood on record April 5 , JL ittU ; n-i WARKANTrjpliGDi ' Arthur Etst : to Jucnb ni'iiiIilii ; Bclioltin ? , Kit 15 , hUi'-k 11. AlbrtjHtlAimox C1.1 O. O. Hohblo and wlfq'tb''Western Cot- tnco Or nn Co , lot"- ! , block 2. So Kxchansuplnco . . . . . , 300 llurman Kounizo to I.athutn Davis , lot 5 , bloc' a ) , Knuntzo iiluco 0,500 ( Justuv llunson and wffu to J , O. Grocn , s ! i w ! j lotl''i. McCandllsli place 1 J. ( J. Grocn to S K. liunsoi' . smjio1 i Meyer llolliuun und wlfo to Cliarlea' \ \ Uc , lot I , Johnson's add , except s uo feet S Charles Wise and wlfo to Maria Hell- man. same 2 U A Hi't'so nnti wlfo to U It Goold , n d feet lot l' , block C , 1'uirlck's add 1,000 A 1' TiiUey et nl to I'rank Mtirpby. loti 1C nnd if block 1. lot 15 , block 11 ! , lot 3 } , block II , Clifton Hill. . , , , 1,000 O A llukbiird nnd husband to W I' lias- sln'-cr , mid ' , ! lot'i ( iraroi pluco 217 J 11 lluntralo. to Uiduoti.uvlier , lot T , block S , lieu ford nluce 400 South Omaha Land company to K R Mor- rllL lot U. block I-JO. South Omaha Mux Mover to Latham Duvls , lou 0 and T , block 12 , lllulilund place , , 7,500 DEKUS. I iiatlus Dunn , special nustur , to Maria Uarlctou , lot 00,1'ulnuount place 710 Total auiouut ot transfers. „ I Ifl.Wd ' A WOMAN'S STORY That Will Interest Many Who Suffer ns She Did. C'ntnrrh Assoclntvil With ( lenenilVr Uncss ruin , Il trr < mill i\linuslliin : < ! ho Way to Strength nnd Comfort. ( Mnny wonion todiy suffer pain anil nro vronk nnd itarrmu without knowing the causa Tliolr work crcivtly fatUnc * thnm ami tlicy ciiimot oat well. At night they rest poorly and In the morning feel wholly unfit for the duties of the ( lay. In short , they uro tnlsorn- hlo from KCticrnl ItniiMrmciitot health , beside enduring vnrlotM pnlli * and distrust hard to fully describe. Mnny such cnsos uro tlio re sult of ciitarrhi : rructlnff the whole system , and find quick nnu cortuln rellof from trcnt- mctit fitted to the casu.1 Such a case la that of Mr . Nnnnix Nc ser , of 1515 I/oiivotiwortli street , \vlio o husband Is with the Morchnnm E\pre > Company. Mrs. Nes < or In nn Interview says : "Kor a very lonz time t liuil boon very weak nnd inlscriiDle , I wns unnblo to do my work nnd it little extra exertion made mo feel faint and caused vomiting and Intense lleutliii'he. My nlshtsgiivo mo little rcit or lcopand I was very tired In the niornln : . My limbs nnd buck pilnoil ; me very iiiueh and I did not know MIIS. NANNIE NKSSElt. wlmt It vfns nt any time to bofroo from pain. My appetite was poor. I did not relish food , nnd when 1 ate a meal It distressed mo by causlnc KIIS and blnatlui ; and a heavy fuullii'4 on my stomach. Often 1 had very severe head ache , wnlchvus a Krcnt atllloilon Indcod. I had a cou Ii and n tlckltm ; of the thinat : also my nose wns very sore and badly ulcerated. TheM ] symptoms were Very I'alnful nnd annoying nnd altogether made mo very miserable. Of course I wns very anxious to qet well for I was running down every day , lumgladto to able testate that after a UOUTMJ of treat ment with Drs. Copuland & Hlicp ird I 11111 croatly Imiirnved : so much so that 1 now con sider myself naurly A \Ycll Woman. I can now do my work easily and nm strong and enjnyltiR the blesslns of ROOI ! health. Tholr truatiiicnt has been lienolicl.il In every way. I hoartlly commend them as skilful and conscientious physicians. MKS. NANNA NES3EH. AFTER FIVE YEARS- A Long Period of III Health , But Ho is Bettor Now Catarrh of the Nose and Throat , Dyspepsia and Bronchitis "With General Debility. Mr. Melville Smith. " 110 Patrick avenue , has lived In Omaha for twcnty-ono years , nearly all of which tlmo ho has been a trusted em ploye of the U. I * . Il'y Co. Mr. Smith's state ment niTonU seed rending for those affected as he has been. He says : "When [ HrJtsaw Drs. Copo'.and & Shepard I did not expect to set well. 1 was sure I had such a serious Inns trouble that It could not bo cured. Iliad A Dry , Hacking Cough that was very dl.strosslns : also a burning sensation in my Inncsand chest. Very often I felt uainsln my back andchoit that stahkod mo llko u linlfc. 1 was wuuk and my general health greatly Impaired. My nose and throat gave mo mucn trouble. I had to do much Ilnvrklng anil Spitting , especially mornins. and wlien I = ot up 1 felt tired and worn out. My appetite was vury poorattlmo. Some days X could cat well and at other Unit.1 * scarcely anything , llmdndis- trosslnz bloatins and tenderness nt the stomach ach and bowols. When I bosun treatment I could not bear the weight of my clothes over thc < > n p iris. "Iliad been In thlsconrtltlon for five years , and on this account lost a coed deal of tlmo and wnzos. Hut this winter , .since lieiii. treat ed by Drs. Copclaml i hopard. I have worked more steadily tban for yu.irs. 1 am In better spirits and fuel full of ambltlou and strength. I have Calncil In Flesh and am heartier th.in I have felt for the past llftocn years. In short I feel hotter In every way and am truly u new man. I commend Drs. Copclitnd & Shepnrd as men and MS pliy- slclims and believe they will fulfill all reason able expectations In chronic na-scs of disease. MEIA'ILLE SMITH. IJOTII CLASS IMIKKIIIKNTS. AColncliliMiro In the Nntahln Credentials of tlu > I'liynlcltins ot tlio Ctipcland .Mcdlc'iil Iiistltilto. Dr. W. H. Copoliinrt was prosldont of his nluss at llelloviio Hospital Medical Collo''C. Now York , where hu Rraduatoil , the most famous Institution ot Its kind in the country. Ills dlp'oma hours the written endorsement of tlio modlcal authorities of Now York , of the doiHih of proinlnont inoilloal colleges In 1'enn- sylvanla. Dr. C. S Phouard was president of his class nt liusli Medical Collude. Chluavn , which Is aoknowlodsed to bo the le.-idliii In stitution of Its kind In the wo.st. Dr. HhopardV thorough hospital oxpcrlcnco nnd Bpeclal study In the diseases of the eye , oar , no-u and ihroaU pliico him aniuus the leading special ists In the west. Drs , Copolaml ! c Shepard are UEUMANENT- IV I.OCATKD In Oinalin. 1'KUMANENOV. UKSl'OSllllLITV AM ) SKUJ , form thu tiasU of ovcry claim thu ; make. KOOM5 311 AND 313 , New York Life Building , Cor. 17Hi ami Farnam Sis. , Onmln , Nub. \V. II. COl'ULAND. M. D. O. S. Siirit'AiiD. M. D. Coniultln ? I'liyslolani Spoolaltoi : O itarrti atr.l all dlsoa3 * of tin Eye , Ear. Throat mil hums. Nurvous HI * , oases , skin Dlsoasos. Uhronlu Dlseasoj. Ollluj Hour ) 0 to 11 a. m. , 2 to 5 p. m. , 7 to 8 n m. tunday 1U ; u m to 1 u. in , UtUarrhal troubles and kindred dlsoam treated successfully by mult. Stmd la in Btampi for question elrouUirs. Adilrass all letters to Copuland Mudlcal Initltuto , > o'.v York 1.1 fu Ilullainw. Omaha. Nob. S5 A MONTH. OATAIIHII AND KINDUED D1HEASKS THEATKD AT THE UMI'tJIt MRAThOK 5 A MONTH UNTIL Al'ICIL luTU & 1EDI- U1NKS yUU.NiailKl ) l-'HER. bailee. The Hoard of County Commlstloners of Douglas county will meet TuusJay , April ! > . lofi , at S p. in , , ai a commlttuu of thu whole to consider tlio the proposition of the Nebraska Contra ! Hallway company now liuforo the board. All citizens aud taxpayers Interested either for or against this proiiwBltlon are cordially Invited to attend ihla mooting and confer with thu board thereon. FUEU J. dACKKrr , Oaunty Olork , DISCHARGE HIM IFYOD DARE Judge Daris Talks Plain to the Employer of a Juryuuu , JUSTICE MUST NOT BE HAMPERED I'litllr iil'i : > rts oT thn Chosen Jurors In ho Itrllevpd 1'rnnt Uuty 1'lnlnis of H HaniVlieeler I'ulitskl on Trlnl. The fourth nnd last ln laUtnonl of Jtirorj drawn for the Kobrunry term of the riumct court roportcd to Jndgoi Davis and Koysor ycstordny inonilnR , nnd In point ofjuumuors It thu best Jury drawn slnco the now inw went Into offo t , as out of the ninety Juror * se lected slxty-llvo reported for duty. As soon as Cletk Moo res h.id ItnUhod call- tug the namoi of the nton who nro to servo durinp the next three wcoks , Judfro Davis romarkoJ : "Thoso tnon who want to bo excused - cusod will stop forwnril. " Llko ono iiiou sixty-one of the jurora stopped to ttio front with their excuses , but there wns whcro tboy tnaiio the inlstnko. Thu court looitcd nt the si.ocic of jury tlmlwr nnd with n smllo rcinnrliod , "I only wanted to talk with these eontlcmon who de sired to bo excused. " The slxty-tlvcjiuen haa a rocky road totravol nnd only u few pot out of serving their coun try at ? , ' per day. Prod Martin Insisted In getting ot for tlio reason that ho had nuver served upon n Jury , nnd had made n solemn promise that ho would never sorvo. The court murmured something about broken promises and then I'rtxl wanted instructions. Ho was told that the court would instruct him , after which ho was hurried Into unolhor court room whcro n case was ( .bout to bo culled. Hy behiK attorneys , Howard n. Smith nnd John U. Carr secured their tickets of leave , but J. H. McConnell , general master me chanic of the Union 1'aclllo shops , was not .10 fortunate. Housed thnt this was a busy season nt the s'.iops. while Judt'o Davis urged that this was n busy touson in the courts. Several Union 1'aclllo shop men who had been caURht insisted that if they served on the Jury they would lese their Jobs. Toscltlo that matter , Judge Davis called Mr. McCoti- ncll from the body of the house and said : "Mr. McConncll. tlo you proposes tudUchargo these men If they servo upon this Jury I" Mr. MuC'onnoll replied that ho dia not. Krnost Carter , n hearse driver at the Pulnco stables , suia that his employer had told him that ho woulu bo discharged If ho dia not uct excused. Juil o. ; Davis nnd ICcysor hold n whispered consultation and then Judco Davis made some rotnarks. Ho had heard that the Her distillery people had discharged ono of thnir men , Andrew 1'oterson , because ho had served on the jury. If such a case occurred ngainho proposed to make an example of the man. Tuo sheriff would bo orucred to nrrost the employer and ho would bo llncu $100 for intorferine with the duties of the court ana tho'discharpo of Justice. ( JeorRo Ames of the Consolidated Tank Line company feared a discharge. An ofU- clol of tlio company wns present , who , when questioned , presumed that Ames would be dUcharped if ho served on the Jury. "Discharge him if you dare , " remarked the court when the oil company oftlcial slid out of the door and the Juror resumed his seat. Crushed liy n I.uail of Hams. In Judpo ICoysor's ' court the case of Fred erick Emtns against the .Armour-Cudnhy Packing company of South Omaha is on trial. Kmnis wants * 10,000 and is attempting to provothat on AueustlM , wtiilo in the employ ot the company , ho was "trucking" hams. On that day while he was wheeling away a loan of hams , ho stepped upon n loose plank and the load of bnm , wolfing l.iWO pounds tipped over and crushed him to the lloor , bruising and crippling him for life. PiilnsUl AVlns One. Ono of the cases against Arthur Pulaskl , chargine him with not having toted fair with the city in tno matter of slaughtering dogs , went out of the court in a hurry yester day afternoon. The evluenco was in when Pulaski's attorney movoa for dismissal on the grounds that the testimony did not sub stantiate the charge in the indictment. Judco Davis sustained the motion and ordered the jury to rewrn a verdict of not cuilty. Another jury was at once empanelled and Pulnsui was placed on trial again to answer to another of the Indictments , of which there are four. S COUtiH KE.UKOV. Superior to Any Other. Mr. W. J. Mowroy of Jarvisvillo , . Va. . says : "Sincn wo have teen handling Cham berlain's Couch Remedy wo have sold it on a strict guarantee and found that ovary bottle did good service.Va have used it ourselves nnd think it superior to any other prepara tion wo know of.J and 03 coatoottUu for sale by druggists. JfflADE A CONCESSION. U'uter Work * Company Will M : < l < o Curb I.lun Coiiiicctlotis to Ncxv Mitlui. City Attorney Connell nnd City Engineer Uosowator bavo held a consultation ivith Receiver Bicrbowor and Superintendent Hunt of the Amorlcnu Water Works com pany with rcforonco to making an adjustment of the controversy relative to the curb line on streets ordered paved bo fora the pave ment is actually laid. The representatives of the water works company have consented to mnito such con nections in such places mm in such manner as the cnmcarincr department of the city may suggest , and to carry the cost of so doing until the property ovvnora may dusiro to nniiio use of such connections , at which time the cost is to bo paid on the estimate of the engineer. Under this plan the cust of making the connections will not exceed $10each , whereas It would bo over $30 if made after the streets were paved. IJfe'j Hnnil Is u Kocl.-y ( ) i t. Joseph Van Alkcn has not yet reached the years of manhood uua U vary youthful for $2.25 A MONTH , AT HOME. Catarrh , Bronchitis , Asthma , Consumption , Deafness , Nervous Prostration. Producoj.NATUHALLY Glowing Health ! Rosy Clicks ! Healthy Bodies ! OVJt .V1 / JJU.tMr * ! , A > A/H'ICK KREK. Call or Write Ted r , Pnyslciau of 30 Years In Charge. FREE TRIAL INHALATIONS. DON'T DELAY. CALL TODAY. You'll Smile. Tlio SI'KCII'IO OXYJK.V CO. , MOEbtelr llulldlnu' . cor. litb ; w1 Howard itrvct ) Oianba , Nobraik * . DR.K. C. WKaT'd NKKVKA.NDIIRAINTJIBAT- MK.ST , a tpoclde fur lljrulorl * . llulne ; > < , flu. Acu- rtt\a \ , llcadachu , Nervout 1'roilrntlon cauncil Uf nlcohulor vobacca , Wikrfulneu , 3loalal Ic-irc > - luu , Sof tu i of tl > o Drain.cuilnilnanUr. iul * rr. dcciydeath , I'rermitmu Old Ace , liarrcmoi , Lei of I'onurlu ( ItliiTtui , luiputcncy M I'.rorrhi'o and I all t'omaloVcukucinen , lavuluularr Lotto , fcper- i luittorrhea cautud uy oreri < irtli > n of tlio brain , hclf-ttbuieovorlndulnunce. A moiitb't Irvatmunl l.ofur lIT wall , WUKuarnuU'uiK boxt'ttucuru Karh ordur loriiboiei , with IJ vrlll Hnd written Kuuraut'oto rotund If not cured , UuarantM Utuvd lit ( Juoaunu Drug Co. , HID rutm b't. , Ooiaba. . lil * yonrs , but tie tins found life's weary wnj a , vorllnblo corduroy roml o fnr. Ito runrrtod uifo noout three mornlhn npo , prnutuably for mntornnl prottxtton , nnd las I \vook wus granted a divorce. To cclobrnto tha event ho nttcmied tlio incotlnp of the Sal * valion army Sunday anil proceeded to do * liver himself of nn nrtlsllc sorloi of cat culls , for which ho wns ejected , Thoti ho turned out the ens nnd lolt the army In darkness , for which ho w n Rathored In by the police. Ilo WHS lined $10 and costs J'ono r day morning. Not So llnil Allrr All. li. V. Wood of MclCoe'.i Kocks , AHeshony county , Pa. , In spo.iltlnr ; to n traveling man of Chamberlain's modtclnns said " 1 recom- monet tticm nlravo nil othors. 1 have usoil thorn myself and know them to bo reliable. 1 always guarantee them to my customer * nnd have never h.td u battle returned , " Mr. Wood hnd hnrdlv llnlslioil spoaklnK , when n Ilttlo girl cutno In the store wllh nn amply bottle. It WM labeled , "Chamberlain's I'nln Ilnlin. " The traveler wns Inturostod , as thcro wai certainly n hottlo coming back , but xvaltod to hear what the Ilttlo girl said. It was ns follow ! : "Mamma wants another botllo of that modtclno ; slui savs it is tbo bostmodlcino forrhounmtUtn ( > hoover used. ' 60-ccdt bottles for sale by druggists. PAGAN INI'S UCCESSOR. IMouiint Itfinrnyi ItrrnlU tlio Oinnlin of a Dri-iiiln Ago. A cosmopolitan In the bo.it scnio of the word , Komonyl nt 00 Is ono of the most In- tcrcjtlntr of men and for the four hours ho was the Kuost ol Mr. and Mrs. MuantcferliiR Sunday ovcntni ? ho talked with the euy grdca of n scholar , To the gentlemen on his right ho spoke Garmnn with ilollghtful familiarity : to the lady on hi ) loft ho spilio French with it thoroughly porfoel accent , Interjecting now anu then sentenced In Kngllsh. To recall his experiences mnKos ono won der. To look Into his homely , deep sonmed nnd lutolioctunl face , totiolied with the sott- no.ss'of retrospect , was llko sitting before a book of mysteries , goldon-clnsiiadiinu sacred , but that. Is aiiolhur story. " \\hat marvelous chtuge. ; in leu years , " said Komonvl , uftcr announcing to the host nud hostess that ho was n vegetarian , not having tnstoil moat In nlno yours. Thru ho was a teetotaler on tlio wlno ques tion nnd had completely dlvotvcd tiluiiolf from cix-irettes , of whlcu bo used to anioKo fitly and sixty n day. Tou years ago ! Wlmt wonderful changes have been inuda in America In that time. Then In ton theaters In which 1 llddled nine wore murderous dens and ono passably good. Now nine are magnlllcout temples of Thcspts nnd ono passably good. You are n great peo- ole , ntul uo matter what you diidertnko you accomplish. The whole world tnnrvqls and wonders nt American civilization , und why not ! She is today the queen of the world nnd darkness never closes her ubout , for when It Is night at Attoo Island It Is l > o'clock of the next day lu Portland , Me. , or some- ttiiMLt like. "Nolhiug so disturbs mo ns tno realization of tlio millions 1 might bo worth had I fol lowed the ndvlco of my frlci.as of the years ago in buying lots. Let mo glvoyou some Idea of my business ability , " nnd tlioro was n twlnklo < n his eye as nu announced that tUU was really his best story. "When In Omaha ten years auo , the mayor of the town , n rustler , ns you call him , n peed follow In everything , but imbued with the wild west idea of bigness suid to mo : 'Mr. Uciuonyl here is an opportunity to niako some money. Buy some Omaha corner lots nnd In n few years you will bo a millionaire. ' I milled my eyelid down and In phrase very similar to the ono now in use wanted to know If Uo saw nny crcen in my oyo. Of course I didn't know the phtaso then but that wns what I meant. "In St. Paul a man said to mo that I had better buy real estate there , and I inquired of him if ho saw any green In my aye. In Minneapolis' a friend told tno what u great city It would bo and ndvtsod mo to buy lots there , nnd I wanted to know II tboro was any grocn visible. In Denver the same thing oc curred. But so fast did suggestions liio thcsn como mat 1 did at last buy cornea- lots in Moorhcadon , the Northern Pncllic. I'oof I All niy money gone up. " And the manner in which ho told of his loss after Having an opportunity to invest in live cities was a delicious bit of comedy. In response lo a query concerning the pos sibilities of the violin ho declared , with one ol tits expressivogcsturcsand lu talks with his hands as much as lilt lips , that it could not bo bo mastered. "Uut hark you , " ho said , "I bavo r > ii aphorism covering tuat point : "Fiddlo scraping is mcro noise , no inusio nl nil. Millions do It. "Violin playing is something a couple of thousand pcoulocan do it. "To play well on n violin is a great thing. A few hundred people may do it. "To be original , poetic , profound Iri playIng - Ing , is retcrvea only to u very few who can I'o counted on the lingers of ono hand , but to erusp its entire range or to fathom its Ilttlo linger board nobody over achieved iior over will. will."You "You sno how wo dwindle down from mil lions to nobody. " When nskcd what music was he said : "Music is the transcendental expression of generic feeling not corporal , " wbicn moans thai music is love , that , it is senlimoiit , soul. "Muslo and love , " said ho , "aro iho only two absolute things in Iho world , " in reply lo a quo.stion from a Iriond across the table. His descriptions of his visit lo Japan sounded like the writings uf Lafc.idio Ilcarn , so vital and exhaustive were they. Thu reception accorded him bv the mikado wns flattering in the cxtromo , nnd what is most remarkable , the ruler of Japan nslccd thiil ho repeat thu ( J sharp minor of Chopin for iiiiioncoro. "When I received the command to appear before his majesty. I determined lo play the very best 1 linow how and Iho very llnest music. For hero wns a ruler who knew absolutely nothing of music and ' nr.d I frit thnt 'good music would make a deeper impression than rot , ns you call It in your n.xpressivo American slung. And It won argument for good music nil the time. "What did I receive for the work ? Wait till the world's ' fair and you will hco , for all the trophies of u busy nnd varied career i mean to place on exhibition there. " Speauingof Uranada , of which ha says ho knows ovcry stone , nltho'igh never in his pilgrimugoi having visited the famous city , Kemcnyi shotted thoroughly poetic tmnpora- inei.t. A profound wader of Washington Irving , ho hopes some day to DO ahlo to play it. the lion's court of the Alhnmbrn , not for any seltlsh inotlvo but for the purposn of bingingon his violin the Moorish nnd Spanish melodies which so delight his liunrt , and Ihrough ttio means nt hand enrich some wortny charitable Institution ( if that beauti ful old city. And it would ho n concert worth trolng across the ocean to hcar , , should the artist , upon whom has fnllon the heritage of Pnganini's erratic nnd brilliant but muster- Jill musical genius , bo privileged to glva utterance to his great ability nmld such sur roundint'S. Of cour.so Uemenyi played during the evening bits from liU own compositions , an of "Carmen. " arrangement . exceed ingly full of technical difficulties , a "Walt/o Drainntl'iup ' , " withomououul scenes plondidly plcltired. Alt.'r tint < Jrlp | And after tvphold favor , alphtherla , pneumo nia , or other prostrating iUie.u > ns , Hood's Sarsnpaulla is Just wliat is needed to restore the strength und vigor so much detlrcd , nud to expel ail poison Irom tlio blood. U has hud wonderful tuccoss in many such cases. Hood's Pills act esitcninlly up.in tbo liver , rousing it from torpidity lo lu naturaldutlci , euro constipation and assltt digestion. Ojirncil fur tli .Summer Term. The city schools opened this morning for the summer term after a wook'u vacation. Them was nn Increased altendance of over 1,000 begluiier > , but by changing nround and shifting about Superintendent Pllzpiit- rirlt was ublo to arrange for all with only three additional teachers. Thvco now buildings were opened , the Kel- lom ul Twenty-third nnd Paul , the Cllftou Hill and tbo Moiunoutb Park schools , of six teen , four and two rooms respectively , The Izurd school with its corps of loacucrs , under Aliss Koof. principal , were transferred to the Kullom , What will become of tha Jzard bulldinp Is nt yol prohlnmalical , UoWilfsSarsaparllla is roll ibis. Driinllrillieif. A disease , treated us such and pornm- nontly cured , No publicity. No Inllrin- dry. Homo treatment. Harmless and cllccttml. Kiifer by permission lr > liur- llugloit Hawkoyo. Send ito tarop for pamphlet. Sliokoquon CUomical Co. , lu. J