THE OMAHA DAILY NEE : TUESDAY , APRIL o , 1892 THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Chicago Operators Treated to a Decided Novelty , IT WAS A BULLISH GRAIN TRADE Early Now * M'nd Not Very Inllucnllnl mill tlio \ illume ? of ItiislncAs Was Cotu- lninitUdy Light Outs \\cro Trudcil In I.ibrrully. CIHCAOO , Til. , April I. Thcro wai a decided novelty In Chic IRO today i bullish gra'ti market. Ath Icon of a coming blbrurd , the re ported opening of the Blralls of Mackinaw to navigation , u f illlng olT of I.74J.OOO bu In the world's wheat and Hour shipments last week nnd a decro ise of l.fiOU/OJ bu , In country e orators - raters Block northiust were atnotij the causes. Local light professional speculators veto ipitto licarlsli at the blurt , but were gcn- or illy found on tlio bujlng n.du tit the close. Now ork , S-t loul , the northwest and a Klronz locil class , led the biillnsr. Tholr plan was to buy frcc'y on every woiiit Bpot.ell ; moderately on bulges and piny the bull side-ut all times In this wav the re actions wcrosti Insl.nlfluint th it eirly shorts hud ul no tlmo ich nice to toor without paek- utlng n lois. I'ardrldgu fought the m irkot up to a curtain point when ho 8toiad | scllliu' . Thu market sold olT 'ii- ' from S ituriliiy'B clo o , but thu loss was more than ra uvored , The t-nrlv news was not very Inlltientl il and tlio volume ( if business was cirnpar itlvoly lljlit Cables ncruiiotul | ( hi'ivy and lowet , Lher- liool show Ina J'td ' duo Inu an I prlvittu adlues Bald thit 1'arH was 'if lower , while all ilo- iiustlo marUots WPIU wuuk. Tlio uuiithui w is warm und showery and fiuor iblo foi the w Intel whcit mil thu news Kinccin'U tliu prmpuits ( if the itntl-opllon bill In eongro WHS nut ru isiut in. . l.sporls from In.II i were repotted nt 7(1 ( , 'iO ' ) bu. for liiBt week n-Mlnst i"H,0 0 fur the piovlotis week und foreigners woiiulolng but little at the fie ibnaidMien --liorlIj bofoio 11 o'clock thu May option hud got down to 77' e , there bouun a ( rr'idnul hardenln ; pinecss 1'lrst came a riimur that tlm straits woto npcn , then a mess luu. All ibis tended to in u.o u weak mm Kut nut : boilers weio disposed to sell Ircoly. While IIH ilcorso w is leportcd ac 'S'.e ' at the opening , theio wcro other sales In dllloicnl i ) iris of tlm pit from , t-c tn Tb'jic und In a slim I tlmo touched T7'e. Hut the decllno stirto t sxuotliliu In thu buying led bv I'atdrldce , Seliwiirt/-lupco. < onaildii and others and Iliumaikut began to liardcn A luiuiit th it thu ion.0 0 bu ( if cash wheat hill ncen taken nt Minneapolis for I'blltidelplilii und thu visible stipp v showing n. decrease ot ' . ' .tiOl.UU } Incru iscd ihu stroii4tli. Later tlio world's shipments \voru reporlod at 4.401,000 bu , or U.MlO.dO > bu less th in last week , and u ( Jauruuso In counlry olovitor-i in the northwest during the litRt week of over 1,1 * > J- OH ) Im. f\\\o \ the innrKet nuiro stionuMh , fdiorts co\urlng freely und sualpois bought fur a turn on the Dull Ride , lusiiltlng In ti ste uly advineo to 7 e , eased oil some and at U'o'okuk was 7S4c. ? During thu lust hour I'rimu ropoitod that wheat Is not tirowlng as vigorously as the weather would Imllu ito III it llbhotild and Is apparently I icUIng vltillty. May lespumlod with ( in advance tu TUUc. followed by a icitc- tlonof 'ic and : i steady eloso It was re ported that UU.iiOi bn of cash whcit. mostly 1 , wus sold hero ted ly at Uc over the prku of May and tlmt liO.OJJ bu or the oidi- miry gi ido C'hlc.iL'o No. 'J h inl , h id boon cx- on oven icims for May , Oillfoinl.i Rent In some buying orders huro to lay and f\uw VorliOrs wcio credited with fair pur- chnses lliislncss In the corn pit w is of tlio s'lmmest proportions , hut the feel 113 w is llrm and lirlica wound up with n bll.'ht IinproM'inunt. I'liiclnallons wcro conllned lo a iane ot 'au. b'oinocorn Hi it was bought b iturilay by a prominent loc il house was sold out at a small miiigln of prolll. 'Ihe moist ami v , irm weather In the wist was a prominent fuetm. Uatsuic tiuded In llhonillv. tlio dofoired months securing mtne allcntlon. Prices ad vanced from 'AC. to ijc , closing at almost out side llgnics. StiiL'ii illon w is the inlo In the provision pit. ' 1 h m irkct was easier on llbei il re- ceipls of hogs and lOc lower prlees at the yards Compared wllli 1 ist night May pork Was oil lo'sc ; laid. ue . and ribs , 7'Jc. Tomorrow boiiu a legal holiday thcro will be noscbslon. The cstlm ited receipts for tomoriow are ; Wheat , HI curs ; corn , .ISO cms ; oats , 13j ears ; bogs , IC.OJO. Tbo loading futures ranjcct as follows ; Cnsh qiuidillons were us follows : J'l otiii Dull und IrrcKular. \VIIKAT No U BpriiiR whont , TS c ; No 3 iprln- } ? . " : No 2io < l. SJe. COIIN 1 Irinci : No " , oh ui No. a , jolloiv , 8" < e. OATS No 2 , M' ' e ; No 2 white , Ba'4JOs ; Xo 8 white " , ! ! ® Oc. lUi - No.T'ic. . 1U1II.1No ! S , 5cj No. 3 , J53jo ; NTo. 4 3a 47e. 47e.J'I.AX J'I.AX SITU No. 1,00'jc. TIMOIIM i-Eru l'i line , 11 20I 25. VOIIK JIO in's ! line , per 100 Ihi. , Jo IfiiQ B ? ' - : rt ill sllc , ( loose * , r > u O-'iai'i ' : dry b.ilteil shouUlOM. ( hosed ) . HK' JCJ ; shore cln iriildci , ( ho\eil ) , Jil'Kit'l'1. \\iiisu\-Ulbllllurs' llnibhod goods pergul. , \its-UneliaiiKcd ; cutloiif , { VlS'-ic ; ul ted 4 ptiimlunl "A4' . n , ice , , e. Hecelpls und &lilincnts | ) todny were us fol- IOUR : On the I'rodueo ( ixclmngo today the butler iniiriint : fancy ereimery'i@iiljc ; : line wthtorn , ' ® . . ' : ordlnaiy. .05i.Mcj line dalij. L"-:4e. : I N , llrm at l'J' ' New Vnik Jlnrkrts. NKW VOIIK , April t , rroun liccelnts , " 4 OOOukKs : exports 1,4 0 bbK and nun Ui t dull ; t-nle. , 17,000 bbl a. Con.s M Wlir\i ICccnlpK 1IH.OOO bu i etports , SOO'O u.i snliK , ( LlfitOUbu. futures nnd UfOCO bu , spot , ijpot m irl.ot Irro.iilnr. qiilut ; closing llrm : No 'J red , UT4lU > o In htoro and olov itor , 1WJ0' ! 0 nlloat. l)7siiatJ'iO ) f. o b.No ; 8 u-d , tide ; ungraded led , hT ttt'i'iso : Nd. i norllioin , UihttUi'So ; No. 1 hind , Uiiyft'UHo ' ! No i north- oin.tOit'UUu ' Optlmisdecllnod ' 4ii0e | on vealc ctiblos and foruli.ii onblcH , advnniid nffil'iO on ilcuroniiiullslblo supiily : shorts ( ( Morlnx ind foreign buj Inc. doollnod > 4con lee il roullnn' , ole od sto uly at Jjo up on April and 'Oo dcellno on oilier months. ( l V ml. April. liJ'jiii'ilV ' , eloilnB ut UP.u , Maj- , SU'tfS'W'iic , closlni : nt lW , ej June , b7'a © ( ttt-'Jo ' , u.osliu at ni',0 ! .Inlv. bsijabu , ( > , e , closlnK at KlotUKUSt , bJ a hUe. I'losnu ut April , b S'4e , c-losliiK ut b7'ic ; IJceembor , : oloiliiK ut tij'fc' ' 41 i. Hull ; CUHVJ western , BftSOlc1 : Blocks of rain In sloio and allo it April . ' , whoiil , 1,011- 0 bu ; uiiiiRII,70U bu ; oats , 70lOJij bu ; ije , 4r,7bJU , bn ; mult , GO , UJ bu ; IJailoy , 11,1,710 bn ; IIOIIH. VilU bu. llMlt.m Dull ; No 2 Milwaukee , CWlOOc , llAitt.l.v MALI Dull ; Canada.Ibo'uJI O1) ) f COHN HecelptB , U7/JIK ) iiu.i o\portb , 10 ,500 Ini ; milis. I7.'UHiO ! bu. fntiiroH. h'.ioi bu spot cuot llrniurqule't ; -.4'kil'i'ioln ' ole\ntor"iU WVi'io ' iillo it ; inur ulcil nil.\oi,4va\ivu ( ; .No. a , 49e ; Kloiinicr , mlxtd IsUSJOe , Oplloiibdeellnud KO'iu and ulo > o I weak on o\peMuil lar.-er reouIpiH. Aurll , 47UQ47a4C. closing 473i > e ; Mny 4\Viffll"isJi' , closing at 4Mio ; June , 41 © 4l'e. eloiln.-lie ; .I'llv. JlUttU'ic. olinliiK at November , 4 ( < ? 41" e. UArs KocolptH , 84000 bn ; shipments , 70U bu. ; Hilis , 2.1UOO im. futures und ft 1,000 bu. Hpot , Spot , dull , stronger ; options , ( Inner , quiet. May , JI'.G.Hlie ' , cliwltu UI'K'j No. ' . ' while. April .Wllo : bpot Mo. 2 vrliUiU7 > ( o ; niKeil western , MQMc ; wbtto western. ! Uii44le. HA > btuady : slilpplng. t,007.r > 0 ; good to choice , < H.O > 5JS 'a. Hops I'lrm , quiet : I'aclllo CO ist , " \ & 't'to biKiAit Haw , quiet , Him ; * n\es \ IUK ) tons tn I'hllmlulphla on llio 1st ; re lined , steady and quiet ; ri'llnliu' , J e ; conlrlfiigaU. 1 < 0 test. .l' ' c. MCIUKESrorulgn , dull ; SO test , UHc ; New Orieans , llrm unit quiet ; common lo ftiuoy , a tt.Oo. HH'C I'lrm nnd quiet ; fair domestic , fair to eMrn , 4'iaotio : Jnpiin , ft'0Tt. ' ( ' > V1c' , I'tTiioi.tUM-btoatly , iiulut ; c'tudo ' In bbU I'jrlvni'ii. M4 ; I'urUer'aln bulk , t..UO ; unllQi closed 57 o for M-.y. CorTOMsKUi Oil. Dull ; crude , 23oj jellow. tfilSo. TAI i ow rirm ; city (13 ( for p icUa csl 4Ve. Kosis Uiuady , iiuUt ; sir.iinud common to CCHXI , JI.Mil : 40. TUIII'.NTIM. Quiet ; steady ; .TSo. Kr.eia" I'alr ilomand , Ilrmer ; western , H'4 rccolpU , I'.VWMiKc-s. ' I'oiiK Dull ; uld nun. JO 500,10.00 ; now mess , 111 0 ttlLM ! ultra prime , til M. Cui MsATS-Qutut ; pickled Lollies , ej < cjplck- c < l ahouldoM , . ' > Sc : ploulrd ( mini. 031'Je ' ; nlddlcs , Dull ; short cioir , tl 43. I/Aim Iower and dull : wc tcrn Metro oloied atil. > . ! ! ( bid ; silH. "AW tierce * nl tt.7 ) ptlon sale * . tT > n tlorco * . Mny , MSJ bid ; I MHO. Jfl o4toa .15 ; July , HC.'OkW , closing nt 'G.G.I. lltJTTKti Hull nml lower ; western dairy , 1C ® 20cs western oroiimery , iWl.'sc ; western fao- tory , ; l.lnln. H.(23)i' , ) . UIIKKJK Quiet , frcoly oircrod ; part sldms , 54J7e. I'KI IIION Dull. Amci-lcnn ! ll CioffilC \ \ Ooi'l'tll Quiet : I iKo , ill.75 bid , JI1.03 risked I.tU ) Dull : domestic. JISMJI.2' TIN slron , ; ; Rtrills , Sl'Utlbld , J-'O.IO nskcd. ' s t . 1.11111 * Miirlcrt i. ST. I.oirts. Mo , April 4 rr.oun WoM ( , but IHiCll Itieuil , \VllHA7-\Vcnt olT a fraction c irly , lint Im proved Intel , tlien lltKtil itetl some mill closed Mo for May nm ) Ue for .luly ulo\o Situr- Inv. No v , cnsli , 8lf ! May closed lit SIC ! July. ? * Jii' ! AilBiist , 77j . , t'otiv I'liietii ue i wltliln a tnrrow limit iirid closed lit Snliir < lnv'4 prlcii. No - ' cash , . -yJJ "e : M iv uloied .it : ii'c ; .1 itly , .i5' c. r ; Mi. v cash. ' . 's'lcMiic ' ; May , . mr- steady nt ' ( > . ! . Silo * . Itius Dull ut ( iifivr.e. HAY Unch itiituil , prilr'c. M/iOi M ) . I.KUI ririn ; soft M siojrl , * IU > ; spelter , rnx Sf l D Lower ; Ole Colts Mru.-stcady ; $ WlltsiuQuiet ; tl II. llAontsn Onohaiued : fii { ® < i\ lit IN COTTON I its Unch uigel ; J'2MJI.S1. I'lioviMnNs' VIM y dull. I'OIIK ; it ) Wi for now stand ird and $9 70 for old. lAiin-Nomln il-1601. Dnv.yur Mim Loose shoulders , t4.fiO ; Imus und cribs , $5.7 t shorts , II. 1 , boxed lots , Til-mote. IJACIIN-Shoulders , $ ,12.1 ; longs und ribs. $5 IJ@1 li ; Khorts , $ < < ai.- ; sugar eutctl hams , Oiil cl. Kiull'TS-I'lour. 4,033 Ibs ; wheat,21.000 bu - corn , HI.OIO liu ; oils , JI.UOJ bu ; rye , 1'WO ' Mi ; btr cy. .l.'Wi bu SIII1'ML.NT < I lour. ( i.OID His. : whont.BI.011 bu tcoin. IIi,001 bit. , outs. 5.UOJ bu. . ryek',000 bu. , bailey , LUUO Omiliii Pioiluii ! 1lnil < et. HiUTs No i jroii s ilto I hldns. 4l4itfcljo ; No. U'greon suited hides lUfal'fo ' ; No 1 IMCCII hide"-1 to 4U Ibs. .lai'ic ' ; Nn. 'J IMCUII hi us , ' 'I lt > 40 Ib * , Ja.'sO. ' Nil ivoil calf , M lo 1111)3 ) , ( c No. ' . : vuil euf. 8 to 1111 > H. 4e ; No. 1 dry Hint hides. 70se ; No ' 'div Hint hides , © ! ; No 1 dry H illu I h ties. iJido. Tillow , No 1. , i'S(34c ' ( : t il ( iw , No . ' . , ' 5e : sro ise. white A , 4e ; grc ise , whllo It , I'siU'iC ' , gteiss.ollow , , 'o ; giuase durli.'J'ji ' ; old btiltui , - ® ! ' ; bocs- uuv. prime. Ilic ; longli tallow , I'jcf.'c riitms-Uallfoinl i Ittvoisldo oiangcs I'.71f MO ; Wasliln ton navel- " . JiniQL''l ! choleo an- ples. M 0 i ; cholio .omons. $10) ) , t tncy lemons , $ I" > (51 ( .10 : b in in i . crated , J.'OO'iSJIO ; erin- beirles. shlpp ng stool , , bushel bo\cs , $ . ' 'I ; striwboirlus , 4 lent ; 1'lorld i tomatoes , M.IJ © 7 ( K ) per eritu of slbtskolx. . Vi 1'iincy Muse itlno swcot pota- lees J 10 ® . ' 71 ; sued swcot potatoes , $ I IU © ' . . ' 1 ; I'ulirornl.i cabhigu. 'J'.c ' per Ib In crates ; homo gtown lettuce , 40a per doz. ; onons. 'KelWinj pei bu ; Ncbriski hundpieked bouts. $1.7 > niR.1 ; medium , ifl Ijffll 03 ; Cill- fornl i co cry , J OJ ; Color ulo and western Nebrask i poi itoes tie : nntlxo potatoes , iliffl ' . ' 1e ; lima leiins. 4e pei ID ; wuter cr. " . IM-ql.r isei U'ifcSIlc pcrql. ; B 1n tch , tMU per bbl. ; Spinlsli onions tl.H per crate ; rudlshes , 4Ue ; rutabagas , $1.71 per bbl. ; now turnips , 50o per do/ . r.un Gonoi il m irkot , tie HOTrni- largo proportion of the rooelnta go it lliiJiJJe ; sulecttMl lots In a sm ill w iv to 1'oui.Tin Oood drcbsed chickens , lUSllc : turkevs , 1 l'i be. 0 IMK The market is glutted with ducks and prices uro most toj demoralized to quoit1. K ins is CH ) Itnrkrtx. K s s L'ITV. Mo , Apill 4 Wnr\r The in irKot coiitlnnei dull ; No J hard , quoted nominally at71457'Jj ; No. " red , noinln il , ut i > Jc. Jc.COIIN \ \ as ste idy ; No 2 mixed , 3J-c ! ) ; No ' , ' nhlie , l > ® .J14e. OATS \\ero 111 m ; No 2 mixed soldat275ffi 2So. 2So.Kir Kir Btoidy ; No ? , nominil it 74o. 1 f.t Si i ii-SIc on the b isls of puio lliu : Klu idy ; s icUed , die. , \i-Sleidy ; timothy , $0 00 ; pialrio , 8150 ® 10 UO I'Miun "te-idv. lli'TimVc lit ut2'J.Oe. HnciiVe ik it tic KrcEiprs Uhoil , 11,000 bu. ; corn , 3,003 bu , ; oils .lOOObn. bimnn.Nrs Wheat , 4,033 bu. ; corn. 4,000 bu. ; o its , J.OOO bu H.Itlsb Ciniii Ir.ulo KeUow. LONDOV. April 4 The Mark Line f\pross : In Its weckl > review of the llilllsh gialn trade biijs : The pricisof l.iullsli who its show an n\or igo decline of Id. The inniilrv is limited 1'oioUn who its are also Id lower. Low frel.'hts , thodepiesscd value of sll\or and e\- ccssivo nrrh ils combine to cnrcoulo tt.idc Callforni i cirgoes arn pressed for sale : it.ljs 'Id. Amcilcin Hour li is lost Id ; corn woik ; American on the p t s igo IR quoted itOs ; buiioy Is ( lciiesso I ; foreign ' -'ilndliu' b irloy Is pre soJ fet silo at 2 The prices of o its favor buj ors ; bonus and POTS arohtuidy. At todiv's market I.ngllsli nnd foreign wheits the piovlons decline Theio were fu\v buyois nntslish and Amoriean lloiii dropped ( id It iriuy was neglected O Us weiuwell held. Coin wus slow of bale at Os' reduction. Barley , bo ins and peas quiet. Collco .11 irlect. NEW VonK , April 4 Ojitlons bnrcly file idy , 10 to JO points do\vn : co5o ! I stcadv. 10 to li pointsdown ; sales , Ha.l bug * Including : April. JI''SuiSl.1 SI ; jM ly , 81.'ruiiil.'kl , Inno. il.1 ir > ® l..JO , Julv. $1..1K3H2'.0 ; September. $1J01 ; oelobei , i'l 01 ; December , $111)0. ) bpot Klo dull , nomln il : No 7. $ ' 400 llio lANnno. April . ' I'lit orilln iry , 11.07) ) rcls oer 10 kl os , noon soeond , 10 WO rols ; rn- co'pts during the neck , /is.ooj / bagb ; pnrch iscs for dm I'liited lites. 7NO 0 bigs : shipments to the United Mates , 71'JJO bas ; stock , 10),0 0 b igs b\Nro , April 2 Rood nvciigc , 10010 rols poi 10 kilos ; mclplsdui ng the vvcol , , 7u.)0) ( ) n igs , purchases for the United fctales , IWO bagb ; shipments to thu United Stales 20,003 bugsblockVJ.'A'O ' bugs. Now York I.lvoStoelc llarket. New VOIIK. April 4 HH.VIS Kpc-olnts , 4'Ji.l head. Incliidliu us for sale ; market lOo purlUUlbs hn'ur | | ; nitivo Hteers illDCrlTi : bulls und cows , $ i l , © I.4J ; dres-ed beef sieidy utlxJtHopei Ib. Shipments today. 1,117 beeves and . ' ,8Wqti irtersof beeftomorrow,500booves : inul J.hll qimitoisnf Iteof. LAI.VI.S Kcco | itu , i.'Ol head ; market " 40 pei ib liUber.e ila. Sl.001J Sill UP Keccipta 10'Jll ' head ; fheop flim : I imb , " 40 per Ib. lower ; unsboin sbcop. l/B,7e ; clipped sheep. > G'JC : unshoin lambs , Jd 10@7.M ; clipped Iambs , fjim ; 71 ; dres < utl mutton llrm OiMIo per Hi. : diossod lambs slow at 1 < 3 > lle. lions Keculpts , l..J7) ) ho id , eonslgnod dl- icct , nominally sto idy at ft OMUL I.tveipool Miukets. I.iVEnpoor , ApilH. WHEAT Dull ; holders oner moderntoly ; No 1 C ilifoinla , ds filtcc , ' * 7(1 pctcuital ; No J rod. vvintei. 7s 4ljd7s ,1'jd. COUN Qnlcl ; mUoil wubtcrn , 4s Jd per contil , I'l. vs fiimdlun , S OJ per oantil. lluit n\Ua Indl in mess , tils pur ttorco. I'uitic I'rlmo muii westurn , llnu , Sss'Jl per bbl LAUD I'rlmo wostcin , lUifll percwt. Now VoiU Drj Cooils JIarket. Nr.w YOHK , April L The diy goods market openoJ i ilhcrqnlully , hut business Improved lib thu d ly advancid. Tlieru wus , lionovor , no now activity , wunta belnir moduriilQ und tiiiycisuvldontly cautious The market was iincbingul In any way und lo idlm ; goods weioinll lit supply , w tn dullverles still dllll- unit to make s illsf ictorv In not a few lines of Cotton .Muiki-t. NK\V Onwt Ns , 14Apill -Quiet nnd sto.ulniltldllius. ; . C7-liio ; low middlings , fi I l-liie ; poodoidln uy fi P-lOe , Not receipts , I- ini b ills ; iio-s . ' .1st bales ; exports to I'l uuu , O.U1I b ilos ; to the contlnmil , - 71) ) . ' baks ; bales , 1.4 0 bales ; stock. iul.OM ) b iluj. ' 1'i.idort' 'la I It , OIIIPAOO , III. , Apill 4 I'omsnlmnti , x , Day toCotkrell Ilios Dullness WIIH the li'itdln iliiriictt.ilitlu of the markets Unlay. H wa > > n liic to diuliiLM , thin tbo locil tiadiTb driuii tliu prli u of wlnmt down 'icon do- pii'Nsod tiiblo , wlilch It i\u ODinu to bu a tei otcoursn , nnd It was also owln ; to dilll- IILI.S that they h vd w pay up | > 4o to to\ot tlielr H.ilos when the brcaUln.up of the lea In tin ) straits of Maeklniio nnd mi nttlvo diiuiind for e ihh who it , th | cilally In the tnilitg muil > ots , were nnnounieil. ' 1 lioro w us model ate invt'ilii" of shot ts at the decline nnd moiier.ito bollliu for lootl account at the ulo e , but atheiwlse tbo hltualion lemalns the Hime Corn mil OUK were iiulot with from 'iO to \o r.uuo and both closed from > > o lo Uo hl her dun to prospocis of poor tradlni ; and iccelpts beliu checKed by bad roads In the country I'm- > l8lons werouxtromnlydull und tliu tiuilhu consisted prlnclp ily of cluuuos fiom .Mulo later lalutf I'urk lluituiitod only 60 and lurd nnd libs ' < ! | ( otih ' 1 ha tone ut the uloso was easy at a blight ducllno In s > j mp.ilby nuu IholioR market. STOt'KS , M ) IIDN | ) S. t'onslderalile ActltllyVa IlUpUjed In 1'opulur I.lnrs Yrttcidii ) . NEW VOHK , April ITliu I stock nurUot was itlll active today , ospoilully du-lns the fore noon und It displayed iirtenperalho power at the tlmo to which It hasbeunu straiu-erfor weeks past. A In IRO borrowing demand was de veloped Tor stocks. Indicating u chancier of the kollliiK of llio past few das mid taking Into conslderntlon tlio continued ease of money und tbo fauuiiblo uilvkcu from ubro id ; wan tliowii uioru dUuositlon by operaton to bu > ut tlio u > nci > s lom ulroady. establlsheJ ana the ihoru \ > vro correspondingly frlshtcncd Into nn cITorl to co\or. This inorunicnt cipeuliuly toa- spieuoiis In the crmlers , nnd tlio vo nine of Iridlni In thi'so stoeKs was increased , whllo the Impnmnnont In their ( inotntlona wus ory pronounced , At tliDsimo tln.o tlm who o list ruspcnilcd to tbo silmulu1 ! . nnd prices were lifted to u lencl matcrl illy lusher limn that of Sititrdity The onu nc ik spot In the tmrketwis Now Knglund , and that only ilurlnt ; the oarlv trad- In. ' , ( he pressure upon it bcln vontlnncil ulthoul inodetnllon und u larpo liiislne > ss uns done in It ultha loss of I'S per cent. 'I lie stock touched - > 0. At Ih.s point , houovcr , the shorts took frUht nnd covered with such promptltndo Unit the loss was not only made up , but a fr ictlontil K tin wan recorded In ad dition. Anioiii ; Hie eoilers. Holau.ire Hudson shoned tlm widest Iliictu i- tloiiM. 1(9 ( extreme advance from Mitur * diy's : nrlco lieliu I'i per cent to IU'4 > wbllo He id IIIR ut \vmup ls > percent , after a \orv largo amount of It h id eh inited hands 'I he mo\emcnts In tlio test of tlm tnirtet were dwarfed entirely by the lluctuatlon" In tlm stocks mentioned , but the whoo list share 1 in ibis muterul upward movement and despite Ihe oirortsot the beiri to i3nln pot prlcea down In the late tiadliitf intiterml pains ucro the rule it tliu ulosj rlpht through the list As .Sew Kn lan.l \ \ is the center of nn ntlac'k dutliu' the forenoon , lie ulltr' . after Its aiUatii'c' . wtsdrlNCMi down a iiln 1'itcr In tliu day , but tbo Lcncr il list rnfuscd to responu to this decllno as It Is .veil umiersloo I th it the nil 10 { was to : \ : coxcrliu In other dlrcetlotm ' 1 ho opening advances were f ruin 't to per centand whl u the u ill ) piossurcso i used some slisht concessions in the Hist few minutes , the 8tn lUth In the eo tiers soon ch tuned thu cen- LT il urlftof prlies mi l the entire nmrUut was llfto I to a m iterlallv higher lutul Hi in that of the opc'iiln. . Thu nnuomont was we1 1 m ilntalned throuahout The tn irkot llnillv closed fnlrly tictUo and fit in ut fraction il ad vances In most oases ovur thu opjiln | { IIurcs The lln il ulmn es wuro lnurlnDly pains and Dclnu ire A. Hudson Is upHM | ioi cent. Sil/ar 'J'a ' per cenu Iitiuktiwann i and Northwestern cac'ii l' ( , Atch son 1'e. nnd 1 toe It Is and and 1 , ikeHnro c' till 1 per cent. Uo\crnnient bonds hi\o been dull and easier. The fdllouliii ; are the elosliu nnntatlons for llio lo idln stocks on the Now Votk btoc < o\- cli tiiK'o today : Lid The totil silcs of stocks lodiv were ai7.'l li.iro Including : AtLhl-on. 11)70 ) ; Delaw ire 4- Hudson , ll.iio , Hile , ai.'lO : Like bhoie. 40KI ; l.oul ! > \ Ulo * . Niislnllle 800 ; Mlssouil P.l- clllc , r > .OOJ , olthwcstern , ' .hil ; Notthern I'a- eillo preferred , 10,50 ; r > ow Kimlaml , 41(0 ( ; ItoidliiK l.4U03 ; bU I'aul. 13,000 ; Union Pu- cllle , 10,003. I limnchil le\ieu. ( Nl w VOUK , April 4 The I'o t siys- IIi > a\y pnicliabcs to coxer shoiti wxs the one ch ir ic- toristlc of today's snak tnarUet. 'Ibis mosc- mont. bo iin Im-noUlatoly nftei the only bieik of biturduy. Us contli'tmnce todiy c insed .i r ipld intULiierit ail\ nice fcit'ir- d IV'R o irly decllno was the c'ulmin itlon of the a nrossho movcmont for lower prices To nsoabltof o\pressho \ \ all stieot si mi , tlio stoiiordeis withoutwhleh no be ir camp ilun can bo elTectl > o li.uunow hcuii piutty thor oughly "cleaned uo " The prices tlion touched in irked aery substantial de.llno ! from the inll iloilaluesof Pobrii uy nud March All this rcllectsoryliouy lluctii itlons , almost \\holl ) fiom profession il sources It mums Hre it loss In miny spuculitlvo quatters , but wli it it c-fpcci illy signifies Is the sh iMnj oil of lla burden by au ovot loaded muikcl. Xeu York llonoj 3Iirltet. NEW VOUK , April 4 MOSE - ON CAII , I-asy at I'j to'Jporcent ; last loan 2 per cent ; closed olToiod at 2 per cent. 1'itiMi. Slunc srii E I'AIT.H .Pit&V't Dcrccnt , SrntLivn I\CIIAVOI : : ( Jn ottiut { I bu'j forsKty day bills and $ l SS'i for demand. The elojln. nuotailons on bonds' London Slock 31.nket. 9. It i .11 n-t Gi /vinett.1 LONDON , Apill 4 I Now Yoilc Ilcrild C.ihle speei il to TllK lll.u I As iuurili nuw buslno s llils h is hecn .in excocdliuij < iulel cl.iy In the Mo.U o\eliano I'uiids Imunncd u-K ) pur icnt OH In , ' to tliu icat abundance of money Indl in tuneo pipur H 'u to 'i nut cent c islor. I'oielKn Ho ur'iment soenrltli s hii\o Bho\\n llttlo Iiien'iiliilty. A sm ill doollnc h is aKooceuned In Iliillm und l'oru\lin cor- poi itlon sioeKs lr.uo f illcn shuply , not withstanding .111 ollii contimitctlnn of tlm lepoitcd TOM ) ntion. Homo i ills hi\o shuun hume de ieo of dullness The \u'ukly 11.1 tlio btutomonts of southern lines show i.ithui u dec-rouse. Itiuhton do- fencd Is ' per cent lowc'i und most othcis uio 'nnorcent. Amoi r.uhv ij B IIIIMI t lUon n Uueldud turn for the belter dur ni tliu Imor ] ) iirl of tliu uflcrnoon , 'I hero has I ecu some Itooil bityln- , both on uccoont of homo oper ators und Now Voi It. Monuv has hoen in KOO I dem ind toduv o\\lnz to rup.ivinoiits to tlm b inks. Short lo ins htivo been ohtulnijil ut 1 ! to J percent d'scount. ' The m irkot h is liec-n ( jnli't. Tuonml llirco month's bills urc quote I ut Pi pei cent. J.DN ON , April --Tho following were the London htook riuotiitlons c'losln ; at I \ > m : Katoof dlsc'ount In open in irkot for both Ehoit and llueo iponths' Dills l.i ! pur ( out. The anioiint of bullion uonu into the llank of I. upland on balance to.lay. | 0UOJ. ] Iniiiu Inl .N < ilrs. KANSAS C'm , Mo , Apill 4. dealings , I'AIII . April 4 Tbico per cent rentes lUf foi tliu aicotint. I > tw ; VOIIK. Anrll Clearings , } & 8,41I,6SJ ; baiancis.070.1Ki. Mi MIMIH , Tonn , April 4 C'loarlnss. JliO- l'l ) ( ; bilancos , } 'liOUU. lUi.TiMonr , Aid. . April I. Clou Ings. J.,70o.OJj ( ; balances , $ > 8UOll ; rate , 0 poi eenl. I'llll.Alil I I'lllA. 1'n. Apill 4 Uloarlius , $ Uri > SUsH ; balances , * l,7.'J,7lSj money. J pei cent , UixriNNAll , O. , April 4. Monny. 4M po.- ci'iil , Now Voilv excii in ej4il'Ju ' dUcotint ; floinniJS. KVJfUOJ. Ilriti.ts , April l The st itcment of the Im- perlul bnnU of Ouimaiiy hbows a duuuafeu In bpoelo of Jl.'rj.OjO m.irl . lIosTON. Jhis > i , April 4 C'leiiliiKH. $ ISU1- Thl ) ; balances. iM.tibl.llO ; monov , - ' pei cent , o < c- chiiiigu on Nusv VoiK , IViiJio discount. ST , Lotus' , Mo. Apr I 4 L'louiliub , (1,411.- baluneos , 8.1S7 , til Money , quiet at . ' 4iO pei cent. Now VoiU exdi uuc. > u premium. Nrw OKI.VUNS. I , a , Aurll 4.Ulo. . u Ings , fl,7IHSGINow ; VorK i\eh. : uu'o. coinmoiobil. We per * , oju prunilum ; bank , JI.W i ei JI.IWO pi om linn. Nl w Vouic , April 4 [ Sooolnl Tulu ram to 'lilt lire 1 l.xon.iii' ciudie'il us foilo.vs Uhle ipn , lOo to ' 'Do discount ; Huston , Jiu lo 'Jo dUcounl , bl. Louis , u"e picmlum. i.ivij stoiMt .MAtticinN. Cnttlo Dull nnd tlncluuiKril H RS Mrnli nnd I.n or Mi ( op I'lrm. Ovum. April 4. The week ofions with 1,111 ciitllc , MUI lues nnd ' 'COS sheep on s lie n llchl supply of both cuttle nnd hogi. Thcro wiis littlesimp to the mnrl < et on cat tle notwithstanding the run was Ilinltod an 1 the tr ulo dragnod throughout the day. Local houses were llio chief buyers , there was llttlo shipping demand and prices asu rule ( iiiolalily uneliunged from those prev illlnii Miturd'iy. Cows and mixed stuff t > old fairly sto idv and ownuto the mcivgru supply tlio pens were clciiro I iUllu | earlv. Oinnors nnd thin sto'k of 'ill kinds w s Mow throughout. The , fee-dor in irkot w is Imlly ( Icmor.iltood at prices lOo to He lower on all hold ngs and even tit the doallno thoio were but -i fnw th inged bunds. Speculutors uro pretty vvoll filled tip with slock o'UtUi nnd as otituldo ortlurs were llmltu I tlio market wus exceed ingly du 1 and weak , HeprcsentiUlvo sales ! STCB is No Av. I'r. No Av I'r. No Av. I'r. 2 171 11 00 41 l7flJl.H 17 1 HI100 5 M ) ,100 17 1141 1.15 is I "SI .1(11 ( 4 si'ii .IS ) L"l 1.71 . ' 141 14 II1H II7J j ion .1.1 2 ion : i 4i ) ; ; . ' \ : i .170 .1 II.'I II 21 U L'DI 'I U 2. II.I ( .171 2 1 l-'fl .12.1 21 U1J 141 -M UJl II O 21 1,10 .121 10 1 ( J II 41 14 .1.RU 2 DO 21 10)1 ,1 .15 20 I..1 ? ,1 M 10 1 .15 : i 5 20 l.TI II.1J COW . 1 TM 1 00 1 10V ) 2 21 11 K H 2 70 I U-M 1 fO H . U1S 2 21 1 UsO 2 71 ft 811 171 1(1 ( M , ' 2,11 IS 1KI1 271 I 7J 1 vil 111 < m 2 40 4 717 271 1 . 1151 1 81 .1 ! K1 ! 2 .1) ) 2 S U . ' 71 I HJ I 10 1 nil ) 2 1) 2 fM 271 I ViO 2 UJ 11 711 2.11 2 h ) ) 271 J IH'1 201 4 SH 210 1 IKK ) 281 4 dsj 2 00 2 k"t J ' ) 2 I 71 2 UJ 0 UJI 2 UO f , I1UJ J VJ I l.'n 20) ) 1 I OJ 201 1 1(111 ( 2.1J 17 10 il 20) 4 ' 111 J 21 II lot J .11 24 .HI. ! HO ) 2 1W1 221 d .101 203 11 .1UOI 21) ) j 1. 1)00 ) 225 III IH'ltS. 2. . & 15 2 75 17 Ml 2 S3 CAM l . 1 110 .121 3 IM 421 1 . 10T n SI 1 10) 4 U ) 1. 2)J ) 4 2j 1.20 475 IIUI I.S. 1 1410 2 21 1 HO 2 .10 I 1410 2 0.1 1 0 0 2 I ) 1 no 20) ) 2 12110 271 .1 .117 ( 241 2 1245 2 d ) 1 1470 2 DO I KOO J jj STAOs. 1 170 2 5) 1 8)J ) .1 03 1 . 7-0 3 CO STOCKEIH AND jaSDIIU. n .MI 2 ai i ! 74J : i on 3 Fit 200 4 U1J 3 UO 21" . 7IJ 21)0 ) 2. blj JIO COMJltAUO CArTl.C. No. Av. I'r. 25stccr . Inv-feMl 1100 H .10 I steei , niy-fcd IDS ) : i ,10 01 steers , liny-fed lOdl II , A ) lions Prices on bogs sh ulcd elf as tin nl- thou h the run was limited to less tbnn 2.010 bunion sale1 hardly enmicli ho s bore to mal'u u m 1'resh meat buj eis nnd shlr- peisopened lliu ti.ido bv utyliu nrlcos a coo I ac lower nnd uiltchnscd the bulk of tholi hojs at fiom $410 to $411 agilnst $1.11 to $1 d ) SiluuL.y. Packers were exceedingly be irlsn fiom thu sttut and lild fully lOo lower on mcklni Kndc' . , , at \ ] | | bas s they lillod tholi 01 lers. the bulk of all llio ho s soiling at fiom il H to fl 11 an avor- IIRU cost uf il * i' ( Thu in irkct closed slow nnd ( lull with , howuvur , all sold. HeprcscntatlNO s lies : Nix Av fch I'r , No. Av. Sh I'r. 11 . . .27J Ji 40 70 ' .M $450 72 . . . ' . ! ! I 200 4 41 fi.1 . . .Mfe 80 4 U 7'l . . . 2li S ) 441 dO 28) ) ILO lit ) dS 241 40 4 4 > M . . . . .2J710 4 li'J ' d' ' ) . . 214 10) 441 d.1 . . . I..D 4.11 II 2n 40 441 ( il .Jl ] . ' ) 4.11 JS . . .Jll 2JO 441 1,7 , .214 l-'O 4 rn IIS. . 511 IsQ 441 f-5 . . .JJ1 40 4Vi dl ' .4. 1.M 441 58 , "J ) 451 d" . . .210 40 4 t , " , d ) 227 1.0 4.11 r > . . . .118 200 4 41' , 74. . . . IS , 4 M 70 . . . , t'4" 10J 400 , 7 . . , . . J.I5 4 V (13 ( . . . .2V , SJ 4 fij 78 J.M 4.JT'5 .U 2.0 20J 4 5) ) VHI8 iND 1 170 3 70 G . . . . 3JT 40 410 tt . . 410 81 4 00 G . . . JJI 4 I'l 4 . . .ob7 S3 4 13 FliEEi' Thcro were fourteen double and one siiiRlodccU of bheeprceeuod.a tot u of nearly 2.710 Hi id. Only sK double dtcks sold to lot il house- , the bull. coln forw ltd. Pricis on dislrablo mutton ruled III m 1' ilr lo treed nuthes at from * 4 r > J to 81 Vi ; filr to Rood westerns at fiom $4 LO to ? ! 71 ; common and stoclv sheep at fiom S''iJ to Jl 0 ; jsood lo cliolco 4J to U3 Ib. lambs at from $153 tel l > 50. ItccelptH anit Disposition oTStnek. Ho olpts at tlio Union Stojk y Piiutli Om ill i. Neb . for the twenty-font hotira end - In , ; , it 5 o'clock , p. m , April 4 , ID.1 Hl-CEIITS ( 'hie 1 0 l.lvo Mink , CHICAGO , III. Apt II 4 [ spool l To'ejrrnin to TiirllPiJ.1 'llio ciittlo tl Klo aull oarlr iiul tlio murUc't h id mi uneerltiin tone. 1 , ilur In the. day tlioro w ts liim buying nnd u stead ier feeling obt ilnoil. i-omo s ilesmon vvoioln- cllnod to < | uoto the in irUet a Illflo stronger fin L-ood c iltii ) , but the reported R ties did not , Imltculo any Impintomeni In prices. Trading w is on a buslsof fiom tl.'S to S' rJ for 'nfoilor to c\tia cows an'l hulfors. } . ' Ji toflT'ifor stoeUors and feedor" . H.IO to $1,00 for dieted beef uii'l shipping stoeia , uil from K" > 0 lo U OJ for Teis c.iltlo Tliu puns com lined only a finv unsold ealtlo .it thi ! close of business anu the feolliu was Him Theiuvusn diop In the % .iluo of ho s nf lOc pel IUO Ibs Sulet , ere at fiom it 4J to ( ) .S' > for poor to clioleo grutles. I.iKht im ilium and ne uy uolRlitsnru soiling \try clo = o togcthoi. Theio were oxeecdinu'ly tow trades at o > er nor were many of tlio oilerinss BO poor that prlees below tl OJ hud lo bo uuoptoil , fiom 4170 lo $180 lulling almost Ihe entlio biiliply 'I'licro was a llttloscalpIiiK in cul's ut fiom $ ? . ' < 0 to $ ! . ' ' > . boars , bines , sows und crlpiilos soiiu' ut th it runzu. The market closed about MI ; tdy. 'lho rulny woilhur hurt tl.o hhui'ii ' trndo. The fuet Hi it tliu nrrlvals were conslilorablv In o\cehsof the iccent n > oraiu a M ) tended to liidiui ) a weaker feulln'Ilinio was aeiy Komi dmnunil but Hio ueraio was a sliudu lower. ( .Hiototioiib- were from fl W to $1 OJ for poor to o\lra qualities , with niOElof thotiad- Iim below W''J , l.unibs woio b iloi.blo at from i Hocolpls were:4 : Oittle , 10,000 ; liogs , sheep , Htoj. 1 1 ' Tlio KM'iilns.Imlrnul reports , OAITIF , 10- culptH KIOUj slllpiiuints , 4 Ovli ; Market btciidy U > a sb ido stroucer. pi line stems , 81 4 Cfll a > : other , W W ® . 'JjifToMins , Snu , cows , J , ' llffl ,1 .0. ni Ilnns-Keecnits.1 M.iOl ; shlpmontH , T.UO ; niarKol npcnc'ii Klnw , lower ; i-losed llrm ; and cummon , H.V'Wil ' 'XI ; mixul ami M ll.B4 ( 7 : iiiiino heavv und butehor * ' 1 7'ff.l.bO ( ; 4 i . Mil i.p-licccluis. I'UUi ' shlpmei'ti' . 1000 : s'ow ' ; o < iui. 8I.VJil"i ; ml\rd. li' © : > ' , ? i. wuthoic fvrxaO ; westerns , JJOO < ii04j , Jambb , W t0 i75. ( ! _ KniiHiiH C'll' } Stock 'Miiikiit. UANbAS CiTV.'fJio , April 4 CVTTI.K lie- cclpis , I..IW ' ; Hhliiincnta. .l.'OJ ; eholco helfuiH btron,1 to lOo h.ctiei , ( it hers hloiuly ; dussod beef and bhlppiiu slceis i-old at ftMiXBH 23i Iowa nnd limiirrs , Jl r > wlt.lj ) ; blockura und fee ler" , tl.iViiJ.V ( > < ! ! -COD ; blilpmrnts , 2,000 : kctelosud weak and Wfllie lower , nil fi tdcs , tJ-'iO Di .v > j bulk , 1I.40 H V > . HH f IttculptB , liJ : ) | hhlpmunU , 1,100 ; mar ket ueihu und strong ; muttons , $ "i5j. THE ONE OPPORTUNITY. Vlu n uu tliu NLlit.isliii Central rrnpnsitliiii. (3eorti ) Amo roturnoil from Now York Sutuuiuy. As c\cr > Doily Itcows Mr. Ames is n.u enthusiast on Omaha's bright pi aspects for lutiiio ec\olopmeut. ! Ilo leutned then of tlio proposition subtnlttej by the Ne braska Central people. Ilo considers U an opportunity the like of which seldom is offered - ferod ntid ono \\hlch must bo improveit. In discussing tlio subject bo sail : "So far as the NcorasUa Central projtosl- ttou is concerned , it oo'ii to ma tbut no 111- lulllgout taxpayer can see tbo proposition m out ono light uncl tbut a favorable * ono. Wo have for xeara been striving to brlut' Into OmuUa bevcral tiunlc lines tbut are now from IUO to 'JOG miles awav from us , but have so far been uuublo to accomplish any dollnlto roitilts In this rogirJ , anil now when the opportunity U so favorably proionlod our plain duty U to cmhraco It. "Omaha Is todny with rofoMnco to our present railway facilities practically sltlo- trnckod. The Northwestern cros os the rUer nt Ulnlr , miking Trimont the Important point of Us western system , whllo the Chlc.ipo. Darlington & ( Jtiinpy has for joarj crossed nt I'lnttsinouthltb Its real center tor the uostcm BJ stem at Lincoln nnd not Omahn. The present control of tbo Union 1'ncltlo now diverts a largo proportion of Hi business that formerly came to Omahi to southeast points , nnd the only roads reach- IIIK hoio without nny western extension nro the St. 1'nul nntl U'nbash. "Any nrrntiKOtnont tlmt can bo tnaJo malt ing our city the tcrtnlnl of largo railway sys tems Is not only of tlio greatest boncllt nnd Itnportntico to nit Intctcsts hero but absolute- Iv ussenllal In bullOlui ; up nud malting Orraln the great cltv Its tiosltlon nnd 10- sourccsnrtanU Wo , of coutsc , bhould 1)1 ) xcc ptoper safeguards nbout the grnutui of the sue ldy , but It icems to mo the propo sition m ulo U perfectly snfo for both otu city nud county , for It Is not con loin plated that hose bonds shall bj delivered under t o .itnrs , anu In this connection the Interests of the promoters of the rend nnd our own nro ouo and tlio same. Wo know llio city baa not the nutboilty to build the bruliro or to Increase its bonded Indebtedness biiflklontlv to pxv one third the cost of n bridge , but It must bo- berne In mind the cost of the let initial facilities will bo largely In excess of that of the luldpu HsclC. Tliu tlmo nsked by the JCebtaski fov the cirrylng out of their project is nerv short ono ana cannot stand In the wav ot nny bonu lldc Interest wlmtover , and they must , nccordlng to tholr proposition , bcul'ii work within OHO > cnr trom . .lul1 1 , Ib'JJ , and proceed without delay to the tomploilOii of the uotk. "J ho facts aio this question Is of vital itn- Dortnnco to every inin who has a tlollai's In terest In Omaha It affects nil classes and nil conditions of men here , nnd so far ns mv own obsotvutlon goes is mot with f ivor by iiino out of every toi mon you cin moot. "I cannot see nnv vnlltl o'ljection ' that men who Uavo bcon elcctod to olllco bv popilar vote oati urge against this proposition. Tbo people certainly have n right to decide upon such a mnltci as tills themselves. They mo Interested mid coitnlnlv should have the iltrht to bo considered liitclllirunt cnougli tenet net for thomselvcs , and yet 1 was surprised to learn this mounng Unit ono or twocoiln- cllmcn mo opposed to the proposition , ( t certainly scorns sLiantro that ovoiy eiitcrpii = o tending to the material ndvnnco and com mercial grow th of Otu iha nlw ij s Unas n llt tlo clique of men in ofllio to oppose dclav nnd Dually kill it off. An honest in in , n tixtnyot1 whoso Interests are here , \ \ hoooiIt is to build up and increase our city' * real nnd ma- terlal interests can ar.uv but ono conclusion as lo the motives of the men icferrca to. " " 1 hnvo been nflllctcd with an affection of the throat from childhood , caused bv diph- thcrn , and bnvo used vaiious remedies , but haxu never found anything e < ) ual to Hroivt.'s Tioches. " Hev. O. M. F. Ila nip ton , 1'ineton , Ky. Sold only in boxes. rntnUticsiit.iliiut IIIII. The old nda o misfortunes never como sin gly has been verltled to an uncommon extent In o'io neighborhood on Walnut Hill this winter by a sciious of fitalltlosand accidents wblen to n buporstltious mind woulel sug gest a "hoodoo , " nnd eauso the moro nervous icsldents to wonder fearfully , "Who nexti" -'What next ? " Fust was the death of a lit tie son of Di. McCnnahan , bydiowningm a clbtern , at his fnthei's residence on Lowe tncmioneui Haniilton. A > oung ra in about Ib yeari of atjo namoJ Linday was badly buuicd bv n brolvon motor who on the bridge across the Bolt line near. A llttlo daughter of Mr. William Stein was seiiously. almost fatally , buriiea and , while she was lying very ill , William Stein foil , hurting his knee laming him bad. . . JJr. Mo- Clinuhnn butt himself In n , nilnr way shortly ufterward , walking with u nid of cruteucs. A Ilttloson of William Bush foil into.i boiler of hot water and died in a th houiit Those three children residoa within two blpclis and wcte nil nbout the snmo a.-e. A young man named Olcson was killed on the Bolt line nuar his homo in llio samq neighborhood. A man by the name of Voilt lesidmg in the neighborhood spuuuoil his ankle badl.v while woiking in East Omaha , nnd on Wednesday evening Insl a son of 12 J. Bo\d , a near neighbor of Dr. McClahahan and Mr. Stem , had aerv tiuriow escape from In stant death while , assisting a man whose team was mlicd dn\\n at the corner of Fortieth and Hamilton , and is tun sine a Uaaly cut nnd bruised lomploin consequence. It Worked Wonders. The following is an oMiact from a letter of Hov. J. W. Carter to Uov. J. T , Mumfoid : "It has bonelited-uy wlfoso much 1 want her to continue tbo use of tbo medicine Taking Intoconsideration her ago 00 jcais and the long standing of her Itidnoy and liver tioubles thoTrco of Life ha * worked won ders In her case. " For sale by all druggists- YEARS AGO. for some time troubled with nn obstinate RASK or HUMOK , tint spread om iny fttce nnd brcnst. I con sulted physicians and ti'-td miiiiy icine- dies without ti erne. At the suggestion of n fiicml I used Swift's Specilic , which coinplclclj * cured me1. TJiis was two jcar QRO , and I li ivelud no return of tlio tiou- bio. E II Wii-U" : , Cliestcrflthl , Va. S. S , S HtlioFifest nnd best lenicdj for all tioublos of lliu Blood and Skin II cutcs by rcino\ing Ihc cuusc , nnd nt the Eainu time builds up the genual health. Scud for our Treatise , mailed free. r M'EcmO v,0 , AUnnta. lit. SOUTH Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA , llest cattle , ho,1 and sheep nmrKot In the \\cst COMMISSION HOUSES. George Burke & Frazier , I.l\o Stock Commission - - The I.e tilers t-oulh Oiiialm Wrltuto tills houfo for correct iiiaikil rcporlB _ Wood Brothers , Niuth Om ilia I'hlruKii Telephone 11 > 7. MurKul pjports \ > v mall nndlio cboerfttlly fnniMieil upon appllriilon. TI ns James 1 1. Campbell Company , Chleaao , T. istSt l.onlb. K insasClly. S-oitth Um.iliii , > luu\Ulty , Toil A. l"i 111 , \V 1' lann/ II 1 'lallnmilw thle BU II"i ! f-uliiminn Ciitllo Miluiiunn Crill , Denny & Company , I.Ue block CoininUslun lloom .7 H < chuiui > HI I'f , South Om ilia A. D. Boyer & Company , 53 and .VJ l'\clianio llulldln .Soulh Omah i. Correspondent o Bolliltiil mid prJiuptlv iiimHOreil Pl > ctlul uttL'iitlun tuunk'ra for etei burn V ficili ra KjtnUlliluil , 1681 ! . . . Incorporated Ib'.U Cui'llul ' fully | , nl < l , Jii 000 Waggoner Birney Company , Wrtto or wlru uu for prompt ami reliable miirket rcpoiis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Perry Brothers & Company , I.HoMiioU ( 'onimlsslon. Koom 51 Kxclitinco Iliilldln. . toiitb Omaha 'J till phone I'd ? . Miller Brothers , lloom JS Kmlmwu llulhlliiB _ - Koulh Oinnha ' SOUTH Union Stock Yard Nationa - I3w\Nlv. - 'llio only bank nl tlio > ardi CupHiil nnd mr- plu , I.'IOUU ) Cullci Hun * nortlia' out of lliu llvu Btuik liudnukt ulioulil tut nt direct to Uil bank p-r * tunileiioKlt Jorircdllol tlielr tiuuiu bunk OMAHA AWNINGS AND THNTS. BEMIS OMAHA BAD CD BISHOPS CO , Iml mnnl'li rnttnn Importer * nml turf * Hour - rotten rope hpiiit" , Jntirot Back * , burlaps , Inlne I ton twltii" tnrn-il ( o-il fp ; * ptr SHItlli > 1 MORSF-COESHOEOL 1101 llowirl Strnit Kno'ory oorncr llttinnl 1 \ ilutriJ'.i ' ' . - nilnro Wo nrnniiiklnitclo pfl'oi tocii'i bijo.-i eellbii ; n ill" "I noon wtilcili verr olio lula wlt'i march k Hi KIR , < : iDALl ) , JONES & AMERICAN HAS3 SEW CO , , ED SHOE CD. \Vlmlxsnlo Mfrs AKcnts llnolK Mioe rubbers llo ton llutibtr Sluu I o lelt Kooils 1.1)1 ) dllnr 11U. ' . I1UI llOjIlnrne ) st ney a I uuiiwnus. VOEDELE DINNIMQ \Ifii ! i onifcctloners nml jobbers of foreign nml ilnimntlc fruits , 111J lliiu-aril nt CAUHIACIS. ; W.R.DRUMMOHD CO. Cnnln o linllilcra Ho o nml p itrul wn ont a hpccl ill ) . 18th , opp Court lloii'o CARRIAGE TOPS. OMAHA CARRIAGE TOP D. J. ANDERSON , Cu i Mrf lineey lops , hnckn , A T Dnrliy , Xlirr 'lops , Liialiluns , itc stnii lot Mitlildln , links , ulc L.itnlOK JU b l.'tli el 214 North IMIi it COAT , , COKE , | CORNICK. OMAHA DOAl , COKE & EAOIECORN CE WORKS LIME CO. , Alfrs cnhnnlzeil Iron eornlce window tins , , Hnnlnml noflconl S K mi mill ftkjIIUitn , etc c < r lull ncil 1110 , lll.l ! > uilKe.8l CLOTHING. ELOTCHXY&COHEH , GHMORE&.RUHL , Clothlnw notion furnish Mnnufrs nml wheli nnlo lius ( * l\o us . ' tilnl clothiers lltO lininej ainplos proptild by LV ureet VOLF ELECTRICAL CO.i Illustrated catnlos free lull Cupltol me FURNITURE BEEQE&RUHMS FUR NITURE CO. , ( 'rico nml Iblrtcontli GROCERIES. I DRUGS , Etc. D. M. STEELE&C3. , BLAKE , BRJ3Z&.CO. , UOI-I203 Jonea etrcct , 10th nnd Hnrney etrccts , Omaha. Om ill GATE CITY HAT CO I W. A. 1. GIBBON & CO. , lints , ftrnw coed , I. . UOTL cips mittenOHiiti. - . , 1U , ' C"9 , , u'tVu.11liffl ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , um "anc > . 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tin eirilnont Te-lallit In nervous , chronlr. private , blopI. Mn and unnnry ilhoii * " A ro/nly na anil ii'rtlllciitc Mmw. Is still Iroiittnir with II itr it't icrow renlsti . red Krnilimto In moilclnr. ns diplomas . . .i. . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i. i. , liumn * i .i > niiti i/ tihlllk Mlrltluro Lun * . . . . . . lloo.i ( Myuturlai of Llio } uul { run. u. U in. bcud i up for reply. | K j\ Gem bv. Kvcry rdAN can ha ? $ WbiSS HO raJi 8V K ONO uiul VIO- EGC73 flWll OIIOUS ill n ll enpn t ? % 0 NltKVIHB , tlie Rrcnt Wpniilbli Jletncdy. YOUNO MBN Oil OIHni ( iiiiis frmn NKHVOUS JJRHIWTY. IyO r of I'AIMNO MANHOOD nlhhllyciiiissioiiB.e nvulsionv , iieivaul [ irostration , ciuisi d l > y thuiisc of opium , tobicco or alcohol , -ko- , i , r fulness , inciitnl depression , loss of power m either EI s , tiicrmaior- MINII ArTKB ut * , rim ac-\iit.cdhysi Italiiiiu ami over indulgence ot"y I crsonal wtak- Dcsscaii Ue li-MorrJ lo | icrJrcl In allli mid the NOJII.H VITALITY OP 9TUONG MUK. Wecive a written cunrsnlee with 6 I ones to cum any Lasu or refund the money. Ji aliox.O lioiti I ) For sale in Omaha bv Snow , Lund & Co. rvoryMANnhow < Mildl.nowtlioOIlANITUHTHSlho I'lnln Kurtn , tlm THE ERIE MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALO , H , Y. \Vn irnil Mm mnrvrlnun llomi'ilr CALTHOS fir -t nml Ural LiiaianttHilial lAiinns > vil [ [ f.r ll' lUch rnr. A I'inl..lon. , ilIIiHtrrmalurrirurlioril ) und HI'iTOIli : IrfiU > tear. L'le il anilfavifsalii/tj id.i. ! VON MQIIL CO. , IHDIANDEPBEDATIOHCUIMS I c-rs-nns who bam lost proportjr fro-n Ind in ra1dn 9)10 ) il I 11 o tliolr claims under the Ind l'i Dcprulutlon Act of Mur h , 18 I 'J bo tnnuli llmllod'in 1 taken up Uy thu ( innt n Inaorlur in which Ihoy are ro.'oitoil , TakiNoticu thata'l ' tontrauti eiitort. I into with attorney J jir.or to iha A.t au nuij null Bn4oia. . Infirm itlon t-hon aiiJ all claims promptly a'tomluJ lo by tlio IJlili HURliAU OF CLAIMS. WO Jtt-e JSllllillllJ , OMAHA. , NISBUA.SKA. tYThU Iluronii Is puuraniLol by the Om ilia Ilcu. the I'louoor I'reaa auJ thu Kan 1' Kxauiiner. 1IAUDWAK11 RECTOR & WILHEIMY CO. , Denier * Innlnnrj nml t'irner lOlh nn.l JncX on moclmiiloi tool * Mrict 1401 loitilas ) Direct. LUMIJKll. OHAS.B. lEE , " Ilnnlwood lumbar. wooJ cnrpeK nml Iinportol Vmorloin lor t * lint re mil , Mllw ikji ( einotit and Clhnnl whit j U in. LIQUOHS. ILER&C3. , FRIGX& l.lniior inoro'mntd , 1113 llnrnc > - tttri Ka i neil ) s Kiul InJli Illl Wholpsnlo liquor ilcileri lerj IUOI I urn mi st C.ASTONEH1U , J.QBERFEIDER CO. , Impurters nml jolil > ervit Mllllner > notions clonki mlllliur ) milloni Mull et ( 111 , ILS S lull at. ( inli'M | iioniit AKi U S. lllh-t MUSICAL A. HD3 ? , J3. , THE MEINIURGCO. , I'lnnos orpnini nrllMi 10" .V irth M I'lnnos , nlH etc 1518 mimle nml iiiii'Unl In. . in at. mrnimnlH ol nil kinds OILS. CONSOLIDATED TANK SNO.VD3JP01L LIHECO. , No linit tutor no nmo'tn ( liliuii' ) < no ( linrrlnt ! Hi tlned and ItitirtcntlnB of wli'o VBI jour uro- H MULLIN&MC CLAIM specialties butter , eucs , cheese poultry , etc No 115 s llt'i SGHROEOER .1 CO. MOOR- Huttoecs. . clueea. Cash huyers nutter nnd trults pou4tr > , uuino. exc's , Inncllts nil othnr AKenti for i yr product- coaimlslon lo > nl hir c nnd c ittto ( Wllth St eplce MJ S llth t. GREELEY&CO. , j. B. ins ; tea. llultor , tug ! poultry , Our si cliltlji. Iluttar. Mime , hlilox nnd fi ult , HfKt n 11 p mltry , 1J1J 1JJ7 Honaril street. Ho rardatreot W. E. RIOOELL RIDDUL& , CO. , \Miol nlo liultcr & C nutter , ve iof > tilcs , Irults poul > llurs nnd soils for tl ) unduimc cash 11,1 S Uth at PAPER CARPENTER PAPER CO KIND PAPER CO. Carry n full stock of \Vnpplnupnprr all kind ! and of t lnei etc IirlntlnnrapplUK lluuaru htr Telo- nrltlnK piper , card pa- pur etc phone , ITU STOVE REPA1KS. OMAHA STOVREPAH WORK3 , fcto\ortp ilri ) uiul water iiHiiclimiMits for kl nl of xt ire maj SASH. TOYS. H.A. DISB10WA-CO. II. HAROY-S.CO. , To > s ilo'l < alDiims , MnniifnelurcM of a h tancj i n ids h iiiHi'iur- doors b 11 n d nnd n'sliliiK K id i ilil,1- , . llrnnch of timllMlnc" ilreu s tai rlauoi Ulv lice , l.'tli nud 1/nrdhts 1 nruaiu vtrei t , CURE YOURSELF ! , Aak jour 1/rugKlnl ( ur a botllo olllu' * . . ' 1 he only , tion jiulioiKut rcmcd ) for all . the unnatural discharge nml prUntadlkcrukdln uuiimthQ ( icljilltntlni ; i > nl.iic-4 I'tinlicr ' to women. It urns In a few ilsjii wltluinl lliu l'l ' or publicity ol a dixtor Ita Lnittrtnl Amrlciin Curt Mnnufnclured by The Evans Chemical 0) . ' CINCINNATI , O U C A //A THE PENETRATING PLASTER. QUICW g < ) l1C It. Otkeri U AND THE J ? con.j.nri . . nro.slow ct