Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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I elluifd ty Cnrrlcrtonny part of the City
tn'noit Office . > ! > * ]
Mtf > 1 1U.V.
N , Y. Plumblnp Co.
Council UlufTs Lumber Co. , coat.
C rail's ihnttcl lonns. C04 Snpp bloi * .
P The April term of the district court will
convene thti tnornlntf with .ludgo Dcomor ou
the bench.
Tno monthly meeting of the PottiuvnUn-
mlo County Ucmooralio association will bo
bold this evening at the council chamber.
The ladles of the Fifth avenue church will
p'vo a butterfly supper in the church parlors
next Thursday evening under tbo utrcciion
of Mrs. Mary IJrowti.
Mlko Klldarc ana James P. Mubor will
have a hearing In police court tomorrow
morninc on the chiiruo of resisting Olllccr
Howling Sunday ir.ornliiK.
Chnrlrs HnrKhmucn , who has been lylnrj
111 in Oir.uha for about n month past , lias
been removed to his homo in tuls city
although ho Is not yet recovered.
Lightning struck n cnlmnoy on the house
of O. 11. lirown on Mynstur street Sunday
nftcrnoon and demolished the chimney with
out injuring the rest of the tiouso.
Tliomas Conway , who Is charged of com
mitting tin assault and battery upon S. Gold-
ftcln last Sunday , Inn cone to Omaha nnd
the warrant for his arrest has uot been
KunUo Swanoy. n young woman who re-
slilcs on Avenue .1 , ycstcidav had Jatnus
Medley , a young man employe I at thu
trnafcr , arrested , charged \\lth being the
cause of her ruin.
The Unity league will moot this evening
at the Second Presbyterian ctiurch. All
members are requested to bo piosent , a * im
portant business will bo brought no. F. F.
Kcscnllcld , secretary.
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to
N P. ChristofTerson and Ucrtha L. Chris
tiansen , both of Council 11'ufis ' , and to
.lames Ping and Mary Smith , both of Chi
cago. The lat'.er couple wore married oy
Justice Hammer.
( ! corgo Wells wns given a preliminary ex
amination before Justice SucailiiRcn yester
day niornliie on the charge of robbing the
residence of Postmaster I. M. Troynor and
was bound over to the grand Jury , his bond
being llxcd at 100.
Jonn Darker was arrested vostcrrtay morn'
ins for stealing an from Jack Har
ton's sa'onn on South Main street. After nn
I examination ho was bound over to the
jurv ana his bond fixed at $ : ! 00 , tu default of
which ho WHS taken to the county Jail. .
I ) , F. Wilson and Hurt Tyler , two of the
parties who have been Indicted by the fed
01 n ! crand Jury on the charge of hootlecBlng ,
turned up in police court yesterday morning
to answer to the charpo of drunkenness.
Holh were fined nnd turned over to tno
United States marshal.
A meeting of the Council Bluffs branch of
the Bovs' nnd Girls' National Home nnd
Kmployment association will bo held this
morning at UiO : : o'clock at the Union Chils-
lian mission , 'JU8 Bto.idway. The commit
tees appointed from the various churches
will be in attendance , nnd various plans for
carrying on the work will bo discussed.
Articles of incorporation were lllod yester
day in the onico of the county recorder by
the Columbia rfo.iln compiny , which bus
been recently orcaui/.ed with a capital stock
ol j , " > 0,000 , by the following gentlemen as oftl-
cers and directors : Lucius Wells , presi
dent : F. K. Kitifrshury. vlco president : C.
M. Hurl , secretary ; T. J. Uvnns. H. E.
Thomas , O. W. Graham and C. E. Parsons ,
Otto llelser undertook TO punish a young
man , who gave his name as John D. Force ,
for running oft n lib n girl Sunday evening.
Force was out waluing with thu girl when
ho chanced to run across ilciser. Heisor ,
realizing that he was entitled to iho inido
track , nerved hmiBclf for n terrific effort ,
nnd In a few minuter force was ijitig in a
dojectca nttltudo on the sidewalk. Holser
then took the girl in charge and calmly re
sumed thi walk where it had been loft oft by
his rival. Force sivoro out nn Informitlon in
tnc superior court ana Heisor was arrested
vesterduy morning on the charge of assault
end battery.
The C. O. I ) , moat mnrkot , 537 Broad-
wny , third door west of the Globe ollh'O ,
1ms been started up , with Kd Mott as
proprietor and George Drabo incut
Jurvis 1S77 brandy , purest , safest , be .
Genuine Rock Springs coal at
Thatcher's. 10 M-ii street , always on
hand. n
Watch the duily papers foe the an
nouncement of grand spring opening.
Council UlulTs. Tn.
How are your awnings ? J. M.
Lamclio , 131 Pcntl. Only homo factory.
i'iisox.t i. ] ' .ii.tGij rim.
Mlsi Suslo Scahill left for Denison last
It. IJ. Clancv hns returned from a visit to
Washington , I ) . C.
J. M. Kinder loft last evening for a low
days visit In St. LouH.
Mrs. TJ. M. Hhubcrt is visiting relatives
nnd friends in liurlmgton.
JO. P. Fitch hns rnturnea from a month's
business trip In Nebraska.
Miss Grace Richardson of South Omaha is
the guest of Miss Delia Mike&cll.
M. F , Uohror has returned from a of
several months in Helena , Moat. , and ether
western points ,
W. G , Mason and wlfo loft for Waterloo ,
Neb. , yesterday , in response to a telegram
announcing tlio dangerous illness of tto
former's brother.
l.'uiK'iDisplay ,
The millinery disiiltvys Ihis Benson
liavo buon piii'tlculurly tititulsoino i.ntl
nttrnctivo , nnd none luivo nllorded
grontor nleasuro to the Indies Hum thnt
ni'i'nntrcu by Miss Kiln Itntjsilnlc. The
tiiBtufnl decorntipns of the room with
natural nnd nrlilldul Howem culled
forth 11 froou donl of fnvortiblo comment.
The nrlilluinl llowors sire so perfect thnt
it vats difllcnlt to distinguish them from
the nntu nil. The special features of the
displny tlmt nttrncted the most atten
tion \VIIB Iho profusion of the now micro
tints , Iridi&cont eolois stolen tlilb your
from the seti'o shells nnd blended iif per
fect sanding in braid * , ribbons nnd llovv
oi'H. Mihs la'Bilalo ( hns been highly
t'oinnlimented upon her Bucccts , nnd it
has boon the menus of bringing her now
friends In Council lUulTs nnd Oinahu.
Tli King nrciiisollne Simon.
The old single genorntor Dangler was
the best gnboiino steve ever maJo , bit' .
Uhugnrt V Son liavo n now Dangler that
is unquestionably the king of vapor
btovca It is culled the Dangler Hur-
pi ito , nnd is shuply the old reliliblo
Btovo with a perfect process generator
nildcd. It burns a blue lliuno when
lighted and hub no odor in slopping or
Blurting. Shiigarts nro the only people
who handle them.
Hotter , the tailor , 310 H roadway , 1ms
all the latest styles and newest good. * ,
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Wo have our own vinoyurds In Callfor
nla. Jarvis Wino comuvny , ( Ja Uiulfa
O. Yunkorman ifcCo. , feed , seeds , com
mission , country produce , 108 LIrouUwny.
Thomas Tostovin , civil engineer nnd
Btirvoyor , over DoVolV , fiOl Uroadway.
Jnrvla' wild olackbcrry U tlio best.
Ecmo Important Business Transacted by
the City Council.
Condition of tlir .Mlulrs of the City m liull-
ruti'il liytlic Iti'piirtR of lllllorc'iit 1)2-
liartmcnts How tlio Votes Were
The city council mot last ovonlnp , with the
mnyor and n full board of nltterntcn present.
It win known that the appointment * of the
nicmbci'3 ot the police force would he made
and un ulTort wo'-ld a'so ' bo made to select a
clcrw. The council chamber was consequently
quently crowded lo Its utmost capacity. At
the opening of the meeting Mnyor Lawrence
made his Inaugural address , which was sub
stantially as follows :
t'puti ifnu consideration of the reportof ! the
ply auditor and tteasuri'r I nm conllilcnt
thnt you wlil the conclusion tlrvt u sys-
Hint of lUMil I'cononty In cxpcnilldures bo-
coiiicsiitsoluteiyneei'vi.try.hlo I shotilil
lo loth to see ! > r u-th-cd an unwise economy
which would plneo .1 t'heck Upon our prore < s ,
I would silll reoiiniinenil that you farcfullv
( leiltcr.ito liuforo declillnj ; wliiivuNpondltiiri's
innv hu necessiry ami wltn what you can
prudently dlspcnio. constintyei'plnt In
View the necessity of fctaltilii : our i-xpi'ttdl-
ttnes within the limits o.'the receipts that wo
tniiv with proD.iblllty expect , nnil al o the
di's'lrabllitv of illinlnlshlii j thu present rate of
tiiMitlon. whl.'h fiotn tlio sta.'nntloii
of business becomes ao burdeiiSJiiie to our
I would recommend , therefore , that cich
cl ilin pro onleil to the count. ' ! ! for p tyinont l > o
thuruiitfiily fcrutin'/ed ' , and o\ery one In the
le ist exorbitant bo fiirlesly rt'.le-ted. This
Is an ImiurtMit duty an I siilllolcnt time
fihoulil bu duvoled to It vo thut no c'alm shall
lo ) allouol without thoioiuh liivoitliilcn : : ! ) , 1
would locaii.meii I tnut tlu needs of euuh ile-
partinent bu carefully Invustluatod and that
t'Vt'ry otnbloyo with whose " -crvlces yoi can
illxpiMiKO wlilioHt dctrlniL-nt to tin ) ellU'tency
of ilic sun Ice Uioukl be Itnnicdlutely dls-
cluit cd.
Thu police tlepartinont was rcfered to at a
ptovioiis nieutliu ot thn coiuu-ll. As then
st.itud , I bolli'vo It thoroushly elllolcnt but
tlit ? expt'irlltiiro for this itopartincnt has for
thul si two ye its boon nt tlio late of ever
8IU.OUO poryi'iii. The lire department Is also
imiucstlon ibly olllelenf nil , ! I liulleve it has
; een iib.y innnaauil durlirj the last mo voar.s ,
but Its cost lias been over S'JJ.WM p"r year.
Prom the icport of the city pbyslcl in the
general health of the city anpe.irs e\coillon- |
ntlv.ood. Hy It o learn that the deiitln
fro'ii all conlii'loiii and Infoutions cllscii'.es .
lm\odocii'scl from clthty-tlueo In the year
emlliu Kobriinry L . IM1 , to Blxty-
cUht ii 1WJ. and to on.y tlilrty-two In IWll.
I would upon the council strenuous and
continuous ell'orls to inaliitalii the city In lha
best possible sitiltnry condition.
That our nubile park * , under the able , en-
. utlc and skillful iminuKemeiit of tliu pres
ent park commissioners , are glowing in Im-
portiiiiL'o and bosoming each your more at
tractive , Is nniiifcst to every observer. Hy
the report of the commissioners It appears
probable tlnit the lon'4 pending litigation In
rumir.l to thu title to u poitlon of these huiui-
tiful irroiinds m ly bo nronpht to u termina
tion I would tL'Coitiincml , therefore , that thu
I'ounul ! , In conjunction with llio commis
sioner , should inuKo every ellort lo
accomplish so desirable an object.
During the afternoon a committee meeting
lad uccn held at which a decision was
reached with reference to the salaries of the
city officials , and and ordinance was passea
in 'accordance with the views ol the majority
of iho council. The ordinance provided for
the lollowinpsnlaiies : Chief of police , ? M )
per month ; nleht captain , $05 ; patrol tlrlvor ,
5(50 ( ; clerk , SI,000 per annum ; deputy
clerk , $ iT > per month ; roaoinc clerk , $ ( > . - > ;
clerk of the linanco committee , jO.'i ; street
supervisor , $ U5 ; cloctrlcian , $1K ) ; chief ol the
lire depattmcnt , 5-1K ) ; members of the fire de
partment , . * ( X ) . An ordinance was also passed
providing that the police force should consist
of fourteen men la addition to the cltv marshall -
shall and his deputy , besides such extra men
as the mayor , subject to tao decision of the
council , might doom necessary. In accord
ance with tb'u ordinance Mayor Lawrence
announced that he had made the following
appointments in the police department :
Chief , J. M Scnnlan ; nicht captain , O.
Soblough. D. L.
were confirmed.
The mattcrof putting n larger boiler In the
new city building In order that the jail may
DO heated oy the snmo means as tee other
building was brought up lor discussion. J.
C. Blxby offered to put in a boiior suf-
llclcntly large to do the extra work for tlio.
It was" referred to the committee of the
Alderman Smith reported unfavorably on
a outltiOD for the opening o. Nineteenth
avenue from High to Sixth street. The re
port was concuncd In.
A petition for better fire pratcction in the
vicinity of Avenue B and Eleventh street
was refused.
Two ballots wore taken for city clerk.
Van Brant nominated A. J. StCDhenson ,
Jennings nominated J. C. Lange , and Smith
nominated W. M. Shepnrd. Both ballots re
sulted the same , Stephenson and Lange re
ceiving four votes each. There was no
election , and the matter was laid over until
the next mouting.
A ballot was taken for president of the
council , Brown nnd Smith bolntr the candi
dates. Brown refused to vote for Smith for
fear that Smith would vote for himself and
eivo himself n majority. Ho accoidincly
threw his vote to Graves and Smith passed ,
giving them oai'h three votes. A scconti
uial was made with the sami result. Pace
and Jennings were then put un as candi
dates unit a vote showed lour votes for each.
Surveyor Cook reported that ho hat
appointed S. L. Ktnyor assistant , ant !
Heniy Albertl and James Armstrong
i oilmen , iho former at a salary of
J'JO ' and the latter at ? 00 instead of fu. > nor
month , as has been the rule heretofore. The
quobtion of the confirmation of these ap
pointees called forth a hearty objectin from
Alderman Brown , who had a son in the de-
pat tment who would bo loft out by this ar
rangement. The appointment ! were con
firmed , however , with a few dissenting
Marshal Tompleton submitted the appoint
ments of his deputies to the council lor con
firmation. John Barhyto and F. P. Fowler
are jailors and L. U , Couhlns bailiff of tbo
superior court. Confirmed.
A vote was taken for chlof of the flro de
partment , with the following result : Charles
Nicholson.,1 ; O. II. Lucas , 1 ; O. B. Huipo ,
1 ; F. Lovln . There bt-ing nn choice , the
matter was iiofenvd. The attempt to elect a
street supervisor was also a failure , H. II.
Lucas receiving J votes , A. P. . Avcry v ! , and
D. 1C. Dodson anil E. Hutningio.i 1 apiece.
For poll tax collector Joe Kpauldlr.g received
ii votes , A. .1. McClnren3 , and P. J ) . Mottaz
' . ' , nnd still there was no selection. It being
evident that no officers could bo elected , the
council turned its attention to other busi
ness.Dr. . E. I. Woodbitry nppsared with the re
quest that ho bo nllowoJ to put a blyh curb
Btone In the sttvot in front of his house nt
the cnnier of Bluff nnd btory strooti > , us ho
had been Hooded on Sunday aud wautca to
prevent such a thin ? from occuilng niniin.
The in nt tor was ve ( cried to tbo committee of
the whole. Engineer Cook reported that the
Second street bridge had been caused to &ot-
tie by the same storm , nuJ this also was re-
ferro.l ,
Attorney Hazelton reported that the city
had been served uilli n notice by thu city of
Omaha that an application would be mailo to
the supreme court next Mondav for the ap
pointment of n commission lo determine
whcro tlie old channel of lha river uus.
Council HlullV , ho said , did not want this
commission , as it would cause a largo
expense and was not necessary , as
ho had no doubt the boundary
could bo aiireed uoonlth.iul the
Interposition of any outside parties. The
city of Omaha bus not made the slightest ef
fort to arrive at an agreement \\ith this city.
The eliy attorney and the mayor were appointed -
pointed a couimUtco to look alter the matter
with power to act.
Tito council then adjourned and rccovened
as n boara of health. The only Hum of busi
ness transactcti was the appointment of u
city physician , There were two candidates
in the field , Dr. H. B. Jennings aud Dr. F.
W. Houghton. On the first ballot Jennings
received six votes and was declared elected.
Meet lily of Super * Unri ,
The county Board of Supervisors com
menced its regular April session yesterday
afternoon at the court house. The following
statement from the secretary of state was
tiled , showing the uurnbor ol rallos ot rail
road In the county and the assessed valu
ation of the tame per mlle :
Number As e § ort
mill's In valur per
Niimuof county. ' 'i" ° L
Clilca oANortnwrstern. . . . 'JO.Sl J II.OO.1
ClilciiRo.llurlliiRton tinlney 1 Mo 14o83
Chlc.ico.llurlltuton & ( .Miliicv
-lied Oak Si Atlantic
brunch . . 1.003 4.003
Chlc-azo. lltirllnaton A : Qiilncr
! tlii3B , V Atocn branch 5244 4,0:0
Chicago , Milwaukee .V St.
Paul . JC. : > 5 C.K5
Chleaio. Hock Island & I'a- . .
illle-lo t illusion . 45.02 12.jSo
Clilcnpo. Koc'i Island 1'a- Avoca , ft
owi'n . ' .
ClucaKO , ItooK Islnnd & I'a-
cllte-llnrinn branch . . . . 1.13 8.0 M
Kansas Clly. St. Jo onli & .
Cotitirll lllulTs . 0.714 G..O ;
Onniha & St Louis . 12. 4. 4..M
. .aeiUe-rn.on . divls-
Union Pacific Pnlon Avenue
ilumtnv . 1.73 5.100
A C. Graham wu ? appointed a committee
of ono to trv to secure a pension for James
Watts , an Insane patient now confined In St.
UernarJ's hoMiItal. The boatU of E. B.
Carle , justice of the peace of Silver Crock
township ; N. I. Swonson , Justice of the
POKCJ of Crescent township , P. W. Cramer ,
constable or Lewis township , and H. D , Cook
of Norwalk were approved.
The proposition made by the Iowa Direc
tory company lo furnish copies of the new
city nnn county directory to 110 county offi
ces was rejected.
\Vo will for UiIrtjMlnys soil S12.J full
cushion sntotios. IS'Jl ' ! pattern , new , for
$ .13. Write for our cutuloinio. A. H.
Pctvigo fe Co. , 1406 Ooilgo street.
Ewr.nton Music Cc. , Masonic temple. .
Ii II. Sheafohu-3 money to loin on real
estate und cjiattols. Broadway and
Main street.
A Itrautirnl Millinery DUjiluy.
The great feature of interest in the
city yesterday afternoon and evening
was the sprintr display in Misses Sprinlc
it Fonron's new intTilnery parlors at No.
1 ! ) Main .street. Tlio room was tastefully
and richly decorated with ( lowers ,
Kaster lilies predominating , but the
magnificent display of millinery over
shadowed the glories of nature ,
the new hats and bonnets gain
ing in contrast with the perfections
of thu greenhouse. The ladies who
lllled Iho room all afternoon and even
ing pronounced the display to bo ono of
the finest over made in the city and
heartily commended the artists who
created the wonderful thing. " . All Iho
new btyles that have been bought in
London , Paris nnd New York for this
season were shown , many of them in
the richest materials , and they arc
simply wonderful creations.
The display will last until Wednes
day evening and if there are tiny ladies
in 'tho city who neglect to see this dis
play they will miss something Hue.
at Work.
The merry burglar Is still a-burgling. Sev
er il new cases were reported yesterday.
When the barkeeper at Ed Sherlock's saloon
on Broadway opened the place yesterday
morning ho found that some ono had already
been there and had loft the back door open
when ho went out. An icvostig.Ulon showed
that the visitor had put in his tune well
while there , for 4,000 cip-ars had been taken
out of the showcase , and a gallon of whisky
wns also amonsr the missing. Tbo sate door
haa been opened and the papers it contained
were lying scattered promiscuously nbo'.it
the lloor. No cash had been left over night
either in the safe ot the cash drawer , so the
mirglar bad to bo contented with tnklnr as
much of the stock and fixtures as ho could
carry away , vith him.
The residence of L. A. Hauser , castor of
the German Lutheran church , at 110 Glen
avenue , was also visited by burglars Sunday
evening. The back door \\as found unlocked
when the family returned home from church ,
and a lot ot silver plated fonts and spoons
were tukan , . bosldes a purse containing a
small amount of money.
To tlio Hot Springs ol Arlcmsn : Vi.l the
Wuli.isU K.illroiiil.
On April 7 and 8 the Walnsh will sell
round trip tickets at above rate , good
returning until May 10. April 12 the
government will commence bale at auc
tion of town lots from the reservation.
Only 37 hoursfi'omOmaha to the springs
via the Wabash. For tickets , sleeping
car accommodations and a map showing
location of the property to bo sold , with
des-cription of the springs , call at 'Wa-
bash ollicc , 1502 Farmun street , or write
G. N. Clayton , N. W. P. Agt. , Omaha
Nob. _ _
Watch the daily papers for tlio an
nouncement of grand spring opening.
Council BlulTs , In.
Owing to the unfavorable weather of
last week Miss Ragsdalo will continue
her millinery opening Monday , Tues
day and Wednesday of this week. H37
Broadway. _
Mrs. .1. D. Stcvonbon has secured tlio
Fcrvices of it first class trimmer from the
cast and is p.-opirinr : ; to have her milli
nery opening nnd Kustor display next
'Ihursdny and Friday , April 7 and 8 , at
her store , No. 739 West Broadway , coi
ner of Slh btrcct.
Federal Court.
The case of John IJowling nsrainst Samuel
Haas occupied the entire day in federal
court ana U not yet completed. It will bo
resumed this mornlne. The grand Jury re
ported indictments against \\illlam \ J. Ad
unison on the charge of passing $3 In coun
terlclt money at Modalo , Harrison countj'i
and against Ea Nnsh , Churlos Rhodes aua
Franlt Wilson on the charge of bootlogoing.
The following bootleggers were tried , found
ptlilty .uid sentenced : A. D. Potty , flOO line
anil thirty days in jail ; H. J. Mueller , t > U5
and liny-five davsEl ; Mintnn , $10(1 ( and
thirty duyd , scntoncj suspended during good
behavior ; Lewis Conies , flfiJ nnd thirty
days : Frank LUhurst , fl"4 and thirty days ;
E. Walker , $ liK ) and llfty-llvo days ; I. 13.
Brceco , J'i'i and forty-eight days ; A. Boy-
Ion , f'JOO und sixty days ,
Uowl'.t's ' S.irsapirnli cloinijj tn ! > ' 031 ,
Of the actors of prominnnco on the stage
today tbi'ro are but few who have made a
better Impression than Mr. Uobort Mantoll ,
who will appear at Boyd'i ' now theater next
Thursday , Frld.iy and SUurdny nights , and
Saturda > inati-ioo , April 7 , 8 and t ) , when ho
will appear in five of his bucce scs.
Thursday ho will ' '
present D'Ennory'-s ro-
mantle drama In live acts , ' 'Monbars. " Fri
day evening ho will appear for the first time
before an Oinahu uudionco as the prlnco ol
Denmark , in Shakespeare's masterpiece ,
"Ilumlot. " At the matl ice on Saturday a
double bill will be given , and for the first
time in this city Mr Mantcll'H two new
plays , "Tho Louisianlan" nnd the ono act
comedy drama , "A Lesson in Acting. " Mr.
Mantcll will appear In both pieces.
Saturday evening , grand production of Al
exander Dumas' "Corsican Brothers. " There
will bo no advance la prices for this engage
ment ,
Stuart Uobson and his excellent company
of players are booked for next hundav ev > n-
Ing at Boyd'.s new theater , and will present
Bronson Howard's great comedy , "Tho Hen
rietta. " This will bo tbo second engagement
of Stuart liobion at Boyd's this season , behaving
having played au engagement of tbioo nights
there during the last week of January ,
Keep a bottle of Cook's Extra Dry riiam
pas no in your tud chest to entertain your
friends. It is splendid ,
HlK Anthracite Minn riooilril ,
PM MOUTH , Pa. , April . The Nottingham
mine , having the largest output of any in the
anthracite region , is Hooded and cannot bo
cleotcd for several months.
t rt
Omaha's ' Public Educational Institutioni
Suffering from Overcrowding.
i *
AVImt Wai Dune nt I.u-t Night' *
of HID Ho.ird of IMiipMlmi Kirks
on the .Imiltor Svrtlcr * unit
Utlicr rir 5.-iiitrlc9.
All of the members were present at the
regular mooting of Iho Board of Education
last oynlng.
A communication from Superintendent
Fltzputrlck stated that 750 now pupils had
been enrolled in the lower grades , und
moro room was needed nt the Lnlhrop , Pa-
cillc , Hartman , Long and Central school ? ,
The superintendent stated that ono unused
room at the Hartman school could bo util
Thn matter was referred to the committee
on property und buildings with power to
Suporlntcndsnt of Buildings Hamilton re
ported that the Clifton Hill school was com
pleted and ready for acceptance. Ho also
stated that Contractor Mcngcdoht reported
that ho had finished tbo ICcllotn school , but
ho wanted to Inform the board that there
were several matters that wuro incomplete
and ho would point them out to the com-
mtttco , Kolcrrcd to the committee oa buildIngs -
Ings nnd property.
Ho also stated that llghtnine damaged the
Castcllur school to the extent of S'JO on Sun
day morning.
The finance committee was Instructed to
settle the matter with the Insurance com
The superintendent had anrthcr kick to
register against Contractor Mengedoht and
his manner of leaving the ICcilom school
blackboard- ! , which were so rough that ho
had to have them smoothed over before they
could bo slated. The committee on buildings
and property will look Into It despite the
somewhat Iticonerent protests of Mr. Mor-
City Treasurer Bolln reported a balance In
the general fund of 10.
The resignation of Miss Cr.mston as as
sistant teacher was acceptea.
F. J. Fltzmorrls complained that the Loav-
cnworth school grounds were so graded as
to turn water across his lot , nnd asked that
his tnllil grievance bo favorably considered.
rilcil Another Protest.
W. J. Mount tiled another protest against
alleged discrimination against thu Homo
FIre Insurance company.
Mr. Eljjutter championed the case of the
local institution and Mr. C. E. Babcock pro
tested against any action , as thu matter is
now in the hands of the ilnauco committee.
No action.
The committee on heating nnd ventilation
roporteJ in favor of the election of the fol
lowing Janitors : William Morrow , Kellom
school ; Edward Shqonover , Chiton Hill ;
Mrs. Ernestine Eponet , Monmouth Park.
Mr. Elgulter had a word to suy against the
adoption of the report. Ho was satisfied
that it did not meet tho" approval of the ma
jority of the members. Ho was opposed to
the election of ward politicians , who were
thus to bo rewarded for favors past received
or expected in the future.
Mr. Wehror insisted that the parties were
all reputable and desei'i'tnjr.
Mr. Morrison thought 'that Mr. Elgutter
haa had some unsatisfactory exueriences
with ward politicians.-
Mr. Elgulter insisted" that the whole jan
itor system ot the city was notoriously bad ,
and had been made so by the action of the
committee in secKlng to reward ward poli
Mr. Morrison demanded that inefficient
Janitors be named , but Mr. Eliruttur declared
tnat that waj not thetl'ltr ' question.
Mr. Wchror then took a hand , nnd a tri
angular trial of lung power was indulged in ,
with the president's yavcl tlcUing oil the
milo posts.
Mr. Elgutter stated that one of the panics
had once been removed for cause and ho
thought It unwise to reappolnt such u man.
Mr. Corycll Hgured'it ' out that Bill Mor
row was the man to whom reference was
made , and be denied tnat ho had ever actcn
for the board in an ofllcial capacity. Ho was
a laboring man ana ho favored his aupomt-
ment. It there was any charge against Mr.
Morrow that would hold water , ho wanted to
bear it.
Mr. Morrison again "resented unjust In
sinuations , " and indulged himself in another
ebullition for the eaille.ition of the louuy.
Mr. Points thought that ono of the parties
named was not lit for the position of Janitor.
Ho Unow that bis name had bqen promi
nently mentioned in connection with Job-
bcrv nnd inaccurate measurements under Su
perintendent of Buildups Woolloy ; who was
Mr. C. E. Babcock thought that Morrow
was all riuht , as bo had not been convicted
nf dishoncbly.
Mr. Smvth favored n postponement of
consideration of the ICcilom school report as
serious charges had been made and should be
With that exception the report was
adopted ,
The committee on supplies reported in
fuvor of awarding the contract for similes
for the Kollom school to Fied It. McConncll
for Venetian blluds forf JJ5 for 117 windows.
The committee on claims reported in favor
of allowing claims to the amount of ? ' ! . ' ,
15J.-U , nnd warrants wore ordered drawn to
satisfy the various claimants.
Honii > KLMoliitlons I'ri'soiUi'il.
Mr. C. E. BabcocU oftdrcd a resolution in
structing iho committee on buildings and
property to advertise for bids for sodding
the school grounds. Keforred ,
Mr. ElRUtter presented a resolution sin
pending further action in lha matter of pur-
cnaiing a Central school site until the archi
tect of'tho board. In conjunction with the
city pnginPCJ---ouM report on the probable
cost c-f building a foundation on the Johnson
silo.Mr. . Morrison didn't want the city engineer
to have any linger in the pie ,
Mr. Elgutter said there was a doubt in the
minds of many people as to what a founda
tion would tlioro. If it would cost no
more than any where else all well mid good ,
out K It would entail an expense of $ , , OUJ or
S10.000 U would bo well tor the board to
know it.
Architect Latenscr said there wns constd-
crublo ilope to the lot , nnd ho heard there
was .some llllcd eionnd there , but he did not
bellovo It. The lowest point was at the
southeast corner , where it was seventeen feet
below the curb line. " '
Mr. Martin could not see that this matter
cut any llguro.rlhd"Yropcrtv [ was already
bought , and it madA nt > uiiTeronco whether
borlniM wore mudo or not.
Mr. Gibson statcdith&t it was a fact that
the board would buy. hole In the ground If
It purchased that slj.p'as ) it was lillod ground ,
and the foundation \v.quld have to go to thu
bottom of It. Ho favored Mr. Elu'utter's
resolution. , [ , ,
Mr. U. E. Babcockjwas opposed to throw
ing a way money in boijng noles to prospect
for oil or any tiling clbu. Ho wcs in fa\orof
golirj ahead.
Mr. Smyth said ho.was , informed by the
architect that ho would have to do the bor
ing before plans could be prcpirod.
Mr. Morrison 6atd"thiu It was buncombe
to talk about lilleif i round , as trees were
crowing there thai libil been there long
before Omaha was started.
Architect said that If borings
were not made a cltiuso would have to bo put
ID the speciIIcations providing for so much
per thousand for removing such dirt as was
necessary to set-lira a foundation.
The sum of § 30 was finally appropriated to
defray the expense of the necessary boring ,
but tbo city engineer clause was snowed
Mr. Gibson's resolution to fence the Lake
school grounds dlea an ca y death.
The i-ommitteo ou properly and buildings ,
together with MUJSH. Glbo * , Smyth a id
Jaynes , were instructed to report on the con
dition of the i > ow DchooU.
On motion of Mr , Morrison n now Hag polo
was ordered erected ut tbo Cnstcliar si liool
to tauo ttio place of the ono destroyed by
Edward Sctoonover and Mrs. Erncstlno
Epenet were elected Janlior * of tboClifun
Hill and Moumouth 1'nrk schools resicct-
Mr Cornell wanted nn Ininoctor of build
ings appointed ut a talury of 101 to ixcuea
orrict WORLD'S ram
Sept , 15,1893
Durham , N. C
Gentlemen :
We have Smoked up
all the Tobacco at the World's
Fair , and have unanimously
awarded the GolJ Medal
for Smoking Tobacco to
Congratulating you en your success ,
\ve temaln Ycurs truly ,
Blackwcll's Bull Durham
Has been the recognized standaid of Smoking Tobacco
for over 2 ; years. Uniformly good and uniformly
first. Bright sweet and fragant we finite the
most fastidious to test its peculiar excellence.
Blackwcll's Durham Tobacco Co. , Durham , N. C.
DBcrc.fclh&Co . ' The n IMP of th bus. PT E Mr/Ji'i
, , / ,
BUYER'S ino < s hoii'i's here
AgrionltiiM1 t Ivc'i are as refer- biiopc or to r A
for fie I on'It ' lloa'JJ . \ Co.
Implement ? of buyers We rccotu- Tjtr ml Kit rill trj
mrnil thorn us thu II.IH.O III t U .MO
WnKon , Inlt-ulci , best IIOIKOS to iln il Vn IJHi t ) It !
etc. . Sntilti .M iln tit llroilTijr , Couill
\\lth InCouncllllllTj.
\ \
Council llliiitt. lll'illJ
Russell & Co , , Jl lt. ] & Gi Ril ? ll " & C ) , ,
Council lllntl ) , Ii. IS01 lo ro ; * . Mils Importer nnJ Jo'j- Mu-lllon. O
Mnnufncturcn of. St. Council llla.lJ. lor 3I.UUI r.icttirln ; 'ilDI'.url llrnii'li OII-J tro > ' .
Tam Tnginai Joblipri of full line Trookc 7 nnl Council lU'l'h. . U
of Aurlcitl'.uril I M inuf tct irjn it
Cyrbiis Threshar
Qhsiw.m ' Iho ltM ell Vim-
ploiuanti , vo'ilclai. JuLbori la I'r.llti , Out
Cnrpy X Wooilbury mitlo ot Ka-
Ilorso 1'owi'M etc. . otc. Co'incll Ul.ilt4. I Xiil . Uto. Klns.
SlniEart See * Co n Il
" i lit uieli lioitsof'o.l 1
Council lIluiK. In. 12.XSo.ith OO. Main St Council lltii.n , It. j ell HUHN , In . Mfir.
WlmtoHilonnil re- ' 'oancll lllulli. Whole nlo mil ro- Smdnlo'i Shall vi ,
tall linrih-n KlelJ Western llr.-uirli tall llnr.ljn , Klul I ull ilm. < rln Ijn P nrl.icesllu
nnd Flo er Seoili ) . IIoiiHu-Johii.'r : * In oiiJ t'lovat I II ty 1'rMUi. HIT I pins S inli'S.IJox I
IllsliO"t mnrkot llUhcst m.i-k - > t on M ovTcri. Hnrr I .to n. 0 iri <
price | i ltl forfootH. A3"i'ti ta al DrlcopaU for uol 1'iri.i , Woujja.v i Etc. OJ llltiTi
Wrltu for cstuUniio Imp'.u 110:1 : ts. Wrltu tor cn ctl 1 1 t.
f5U ! n month. Ho thought the present su
perintendent of biiilnin s had all the work
that ho roulil attend to.
Mr. Points thought that the salary pro-
poiod was altogether too lurgo , and that the
superintendent could attend to all business
until several new buildings were In course of
Messrs. Othbs and C. E. Babcock wore in
favor of an Inspector forthwith , nnd did uot
think the proposed salary too large.
Mr. Smyth thought it very unwise to ap
point an Inspector for a building the plans
for which were not ovun drawn , and the
matter was Unntlv deferred for two weeks.
Don't , lot that cough continue. Stop it at
once with I'lso's Cure for Consumption. It
never fails. Uoc. All druggists.
A \Vnttou Guarantee
to Cure Kvory Case or
Money Refunded.
Our euro I * permanent an 1 not n pntcliln ? up. Cnsc
trratud seven years nm Imve never * oen 11 jriiiptoni
slncj. llyilo LTib.iui"i . ! fully wo tr.Mt > ou by
tnnllnil wuK > VJtl.o anii ! strong BU raiitoa to euro
or refund nil money. Tlio elio prefer to comj here
fortrenti'ieatcr.n dosoan I wj nillpiy rallron I furo
both waysnuil ho ol bllliitlil eliere. If Wo tall to euro
We challent-'ufie worl.l foru enu that our Miulo
Ucmi'dy will nut cure , urlte for p.irtlc.tlur * an 1 get
he evidence. In our seven years practlro wlt'i the
V.nztc Heine Ir It lias been must tllllleult to OM'rcomo
the prcjudlcet i.lliis' noc.illcd . ; )5clllc" < . lliitun let
our stioni : Rii'irantce thoiisan \ are trylnx ItnnJ be-
InccureJ. WoKiniraiitJo to cjre or rcfunl every
dollur.nud IH we Imve u ropu ii'lon toprotoct , also
llnanclal baciln of Jjai.UXlIt Is perfectlv Mfe to iill
who will try the treitmcnl , llorolofora > ou IIIITO
piitllnKupaml pu > ln/ont your money for iliireunt
trenttuent" , an.l nltlioiuh you arj not yet CMID I no
ono hns paid bask your money. We will po-Itlvely
cure > ou , OKIchronicdeepseate 1 casji rurollnOJ
lolUiliys. InvLMtl' io our tlianclal stinilluz , our
KI ulullcn M3lnifliH9i men. Write us for n.imps an 1
niidreisesof tlios.ench.ive c re I wlu luuo Klven
IiciinltMontorefcrtotlioEn It co-s you only po5t-
ntotoilo this. If jour symjitmn are ere t' ,
mucouspat hesln mouthrhc'umatl1 * ! ! ! lu bono * nn I
Joints , IrilrfHllliiK out , oriipt.uni on any ptrt of Iho
bodyfco'lncof K < ' ' ' dcjire-nlou , pains In hen tor
lone' . Vou have no tliiot ) waste. Tno-o ho are
tonxtantly takliu mer-iury and potasli , should dli-
continue It. Coiutunt u eof these dru i nrlll surely
brlnK Mires and eatliu ulcars 111 the en t. Don't full to
write. All correspondence sent * i'aled In plnlu en
velope. We Inv lo tlicMiiust rlitl 1 InvustlK.itloj und
will do nil In our power to ull you In It. Address
COOK RKMEDY CO. , - Omaha. Nch
S500 fora ciisa of Io T nr l't'.tviU ' > ; .
HOOK , or N avoua Dtii'i , rr. weak-
nt'Rsof roJy or in I nil , tlio o Hens of L-irorior OY-
ccssos n elder yuiuuth it woc-irinot"iire. Wa
I'ltiirintcoevery ease ot r.-f in. ! every iloll ir
Five cl-iyi trial treatment * M , full I'oiiri W.t.
I'erccptlu o hunelits roill7ol In tlr.'oa d ivs.
lly iniiil , Poctire'y p ul > ol from o'.ricrv.itioii.
COOK HEMEDV C'n. ( IM vu x. NKn
MAPIO I'KMAI.K Itr.CUl. VTOH. Hnfo nnd
fllnulU Ccrtriln to : i d ty or money refnii led.
Hy mat ! ! . ' . Securely seilol fro'ii nhiorvu-
tlon. COOli UK II tilttl't. . , Ointilii , Nol > .
Sealed Mils niurKi'il I'ropos'ils frr Hewer
llomlB will ho ici''d nt Hie ollluo nf the o ly
Iruasiirerof the city of Om.-tlin. rsehnpt , o
o'liloek , noon , of tlio''Jtli day of April , 18 ' . ' , for
the puit'hasu of ISVHW.nj snwur I'onils of Iho
city of Omul-it , Noli. , tinted Muy 1st , is' ) . ' , p iy-
nlilo.'J yu.irs nfii'r ilitiu , Inlorcit 5 jior uunt
per annum , payah.o Miml-uiiiiu illy. 1'rlii"- !
pal nnd Interest piyauo nt ICount/o llrn ° . .
Now Vorlc. Dunomlnatlon of Donils. Ji.U'ji.uu
o.K'h. Kat'h hid miiht si ale prit'O und amount
MiiiKht for iin'4 Ini'lmlu aecrnnil liitoroil iii | to
il me of delivery at Omaha. Nuh. The rluht If
ri'iorved tn reject any nnil all bids. Issued
under charter nowur of oltlus of the metro
politan cluxs ami orj nant'i ) -UI.aiinrovcd
Miirch ' . : i. IMW. lin.NltY ItULI.N ,
M'.1 < ntM flty Tie.isniur.
_ _ _ "
Heiilc.1 i'\\t \ marki'd iiropnils for nivlux
Im n ( I h ulll ho to elvt'il nt thu ollleu of the city
troabiirur of Oin ilia , Null , up to I'J o'uloel :
noon of thu SHli duy of April. W.n. for t ho
purclinsnof t C.uOUlXJ navlns lionds of Ihu city
of Omaha. Neh. , dated M ly I. Ib'JJ , p-iyalilu
JO years after date , interest A per cunt per
niiniim , payable aenil-nnnnullyi principal nnd
Interest payable tit ICiinnt/o Ilios . Now Vurk
Denomination of honds. fl , UJ.'A ' ) unuli , Hieh
hid must Hiuto price and amount Konirht for
nnd Include nccruo.1 Inluic l to
ery at Otnah.i. Noo. The r iht l te'-ervoil to
reject unv and all hIJa. Issued under charter
power of cities of metropolitan chits and
ordinance No , ' 'iVJ , anproveil Mar < : hII. . IMi'J.
MiHSJ'JltM Olty Troasuror.
1'roponals lor DUIrlft ( irudltiR IliiniU ,
Foaled hide iiiurKfil " '
"I'roposalu for district
crudliu hondH" will uu rocehuil attheolllcouf
the ulty tri'iisnuii , Omulia , Noli. , up to I !
o'clock noon of tin1-.Hi day of April , Ui1' , for
tlui purchusoof fll.'OJ.nodl'.liictKi'aillnchoiKls
of thu illy of Onuihu , Null , fad Ijomls are
d.itcil .May Ist , IKI.1 , and aiu p'lynhlo fro'ii ono
to iiliiii yenn niter datu thereof , in ilenomlna-
tlilliii of { lUU.uaund ( VJU.UJ nach.Mlli liitoicnl , it
Ihu r.ilo of o pur rent pui tiatium. jiayahlo
bemi-annuaily. 1 * MI'lii-ii ami Intercut pay-
ahlo at Konnt/o llro-i. Nun York.
t O.OD'.ojof ( irauln District No. Ml. OlUof ( ir.ulliu' UisflctNo. Ul.
7KJ.UJof ( Oraillni ? District No.-'K
W.OOi.Wnr Un.dliiK District No. . ' > - ' .
Kach hid miint prlco and amount
f > ouhl for iind liuiliiilii nccriii'd Intercut to
duti ) of delivery at Oinuha. Neb.
'IhorUht h reserved to leject any und all
Killed unacr charter lioncr of eltlosof the
nit'tropolltan clu&s ami Ordinance .Nu. VJTc.
unp.uvcd . Match ' -
-UESBv , , OMN ,
Mch'.MJ'Jltm. Ulty Troasuior.
tiolllj I I'llll AtiO It I. AI'.MIHl' .
\Vl't. it'llloil Depot lUllinllil ' _
1 a ) p nil Denver Limited" | .l 11 P in
7llipnif _ _ Denver Kxpif1 * . r n n in
Leaves ICMICAIJO. Mil , . , v si' . 1'AUI.i.\rrlvo
OiimlioI IJ I * . < U'pot nml Mirsy i-t . I Oinali
120 p ml t'lilc'iiio KvpruJ ) . . . 'i.'ni m
1.0 ] 11 in | Clilrigo ix : | rmt ' p in e3 I fffod.V Cl I'TliTACfKl T Arrlvoi
Uni.iliil l.'epot lUIti ii mi Jl.ircy M i. dm ill i
VJU nml. . . .Mnux i Uy IM viu-er . . . . . . llt'i p in
635 p mi t-t. 1'iiul llxprcu IIII.QU i m
MOl'.Vl ' ITV A. I'AL'IKIli
1'epot. ISlli nnd WubM r nts
b IJ p III I M. I'nnt Limited ! ' .i > a in
heaves M'IUCAlio.1 Mlll'llWKi > riit.N\rruoi ; ,
OinalialU. I * , ilepot I'Jlh nnj Marev Sti | Oni.ilii
1.30 a in ( t\ . aiin'yi rnriull I'jsien.'ur Tu.iJ p in
1 ' . " ) a in . . I'xpiess . . . i U"i a in
! > M i < m Ventllnilo LlinluM ' . ' ' j i m
Si.l i p ni KaU.'rn Klvcr ' . ' 1 1 p m
7.1) ) p m i. i-al.l C'lile I'-iis. ( Kx. MJII.I b.Uj > nm _ I OMAHA .CM" . I.MJH. Anlv 14
Om liaIJ. | I * ilepot. lOtli anil Man.ts Otn ih i
4.10 pii _ | . . . . M. Loiili r.inno i llall
rcnvm i FCiTa : \"ALi > fii'r Arrlvo
Unnlnl Doput , l.'ilii an.I Welmgr dli O.H I'll
PtW a ml UcMrtsvoo.l Kxpi'tisT" .i.VI p in
9m n niUl't. Sit. ) Wyo. Ucp ( . .f..Moil - . ' ' 'J p m
110 p in ) . . .Not Toll ( Kv. him Ity ) I i.ll .1 m
& ' 5 p ni | . . . . St. I'.iul'v ! irtm 'I it i in
Leaves . , . . . . .
Oniahn liepo t. I .th nnXWeba to r t
K10 .1 m' ' , S ux i Ity . ' .CM u n i I uli > i 7i u J > p m
1 OJ p ml < t'HllYpros * i-Cx Snl'yi.l.'U . pin
ft II Ii ml . -it. I'a U Limit. I . . . . I ' .I. . ' , n in
! > l i pn * 1 II int'roti I'.i.i in ( < } r i I'tK 1 v I 3 I > i m
Lnvei * I'.vcirii' . f Arrlvoi
Oninln L I _ ( Hiiilri
1U .f ) a TiT . .Ml. 1,01114 h\pll > O . . . 7 I li'.V II 111
LL'IU. ' " ' ' ! _ i''xj.llvl - i . ' ' .IP p ui
" " "
Leave""uiii'AlfJ. ; II I. A. l'Ai'IKIt' | Arrlv n
'Iramfi-rl L'nlon Oupot.fnuiK'll lilutfi Trnnarar
( i.iO : p m NL-hl ivii : s ) | ' .i..M a m
1U.VO n in' ' Atlnnile 1
4.JU p m' ' Vestlbulj l.lmlie.l .
. . . . . , v . .
' 1'ranstcr ! I'lilon Dupnt. Council hltiirs
10LKa ) in . . . .IvuiM la City Diy . "
OI5 _ p m , _ . IC.inSjVi I ltvNi5'U _ '
I I'HVCi I llll'Alil ) , IIIJIll/N A
Trans crl riilon Dfji s Coupi'll
Vil ilik'.i."j . ' .IU
> m . K\\mn \ p m
lUlMpm' ' ( lilcacu I'tiiriMi i > .J3 n m
7O.'i p nit i region . ' 7 15 a m
Lcavus i oMAIIAXhl' LODH. I An I VPS
Tiahi. < ' _ l.'nlon liupot. LpiiiK'll lilii'N JTin inter
i 40 'Jinl . . .j-t. Louis Cnno.i Half./ " . 'IjJrTiTm '
V"AT rA" TKI t ? I Arrl v"oT
TrnrisUir _ Union Dopit , 'ojincll HJ i1 _ iTi.inaror
7.11 a m Muur I Ity AecomTno iJtlTjiTiilTiTj p""m
6V ) p m1 . . , .t-t. I'aul iCxpriM . | ' .i.H a m
UMV C " i rril'AiTij * "MMTfiTw l. 1'KH.N i Ai rl vTi
Tranafpr t nlpn D'l"2liijillli.ll ; ! HlnHJ. I l' < fiif
13.01 p M . . . . CUIruen Kxpress . . . | . ' i'7i ' | in
! ' l.'i p " . .Vestibule Limited. . . . I'M ' .1 m
IOW p m' ' . H.Dti-Mi I I ) or . ! l.SJ p m
1-00 p in it ; xal ) Allintle Mall ( Uv .Mom ' , . " . : > a in
iM 11 ml . i'nroll l'a eu cr . IOW p ui
rroposiiU for I'ulillc l.iliiury Iliillilhi lionilj
S-L'a'.cd ' h'rfs niarknil nronos'ils for put.In
library bmltlliij linn'l ' : ) ulll ho -enhud in tlio
oilier of thoclly trcaauici. O nuha. Noli. , mi t i
12 uVloi'lc noun of the aih day of Apill , IP. ) . ' .
for the uuii'lia'-e of JI'l'.M'iG ' puh lo llurury
tin Idlii't lioii'ls ' of tin ) i'lty of Oiiiiiln. Not ) . ,
dute.l M.vy I-.1 , ! ' ) } . : nul p ly.ihlu ' . ' ) yu.n t aflcr
( lac' ! . Inlerusiiit the r.uo of " > DIM c' < nt pi'i' un-
niitPi payHlilc hiiniaiiniiiilly. . IVuu'lpal anil
inlL'iL"l | ) ; iyal.lo nt Kuunt/o Iln a , New VoiU-
Ijieli hit inns' 5tilo : pik'O inul ninoiitit
huiu'ht fur tiiul inuludu iii't'inoil Intrust to
d MO of ilullV'-ry .il O iialri.ul > .
Thu r'jjhi ' Is ri'hutved to lojo'.t any i.nil nil
l-nii'd iniiliir I'luirlnr noivcr nf oltlosof iho
lui' e'usj ' , anil otdlnaiieu No. U''BJ.
Uiiuv | ) > .d'li llth. ! > ) ; .
Ii Oll HAM ; -Ar-reizii iin.ii'i'.ty adaplu I f'lr
fruli iiud uiird.Mi nirujnii. K. II. ? 'uu.ifo ,
llio.idway anil .Ma.n
iroil KiNT : ) . , * In all pans nf Iho
L1 cliy. B. II. yiicafo , llM.idw.iy an'4 Main
\liolt UXf'IIA.Nai : City unl fuin
. iipei'v. ! ' . II. hhuafe , llruujniiy itiul
Mum btievts
KI'.NT The nfllcn loom no.v ocoiinlcd
hy Cory A : r.iiiuui ou I'o.irl slri'i'U App'y
to Luonanl Kvrretl.
'If OK bALH On ono'u tlmr , I ! per cent
lnten . a tool yoinj horao. Apply to
F i.Mrlo-1 Ian < mil
holu | for iiln or r.rit. Day *
lies * , > U l'u.irl llii.ti.
llVJ.'i per icrt ; for ooO furnn In I own. I'lne ,
Pninooih corn latul. 1'or pirtlculnrs call on
01 address Johnitou & I'attuti , Coiiiuil
III u Us.
0-UIIKA.N .ulditiiMi lluis ( or runt , sovou
rnoiii ! , om-li ; tiathi hot aud cold water. 1'ay
b. llt'iS ,
After Ycv ? of Un3 03 s3fil SJiroH fir
Cure , Mart n 'ml rsj-t GoU Uollaffrjn
the Chin MI Doo.jf - v Volntxv T i.
OMAHA. Nob. . .Inn. 18 , 13)1
To whim It May Concern :
This is to certify that 1 have boon n
constant sulforo.1 for many yonr * with
t'utarrh , asthma anJ bronchial nITeo-
lions of the throat , and tried all the
patent niodh'inos und romodloi I overheard
hoard of , but with no mioooss. I tioated
with doctors in various parts of the
country , hut none of thorn could do mo
any good fn Uior than glv'.ng nn who r
to.npor.iry lo'.iof. I buffered nk'lit a 11
day. and continued to grow worse not
withstanding nil the medicine I ha 1
tihon. I hsi'l nltnoat given up mv cnso
ns hopeless when t wis Informed by iv
friend of ! ) < . O. too Wo , the Clilni-so
doctor , and advised to go and hOj him in
the hope of getting relief at least. If not
a permanent euro for my trouble. 1 w.13
slow in making up my mind to in iko
such a radical change in my treatment ,
as I know a with the Chlno'o iloc-
lor would bring ni" , but I finally con
uhiiled to give him u , trl il , BO I culled at
hisotlu'o with that intention. I lound
the docto- : clover , entertaining gentle
man , thorruighly posto.i on myo-ill
lion , and it took onlv iv vary short ttmo
to convince mo th il ho was the ivirly I
was so long in search of. lie told 'mo
my case was curable , and that ho could
euro me , and promred mo a stiecial
tto.itmont to suit my condition , anl in
two weeks I was to much better that I
had the fullest confidence in the doctor's ,
ability and committed my ease to hla
treatment. I continued Ui gro'.v bailer
rapidly and am now onti ely well. 1
owe my euro to D . C Goo Wo , and am
not ashamed to admit it. I advise all
who want relief from their troubles to >
c.ill on Dr. C. Goo Wo. and they will bo
cured. For all particulars apply or-
121 Cuming St. , Omaha , Neb.
lieztilar Tiiltiiitonr t/lilnpso moJIn'n" . oliht
ye'iis'stuily. ten yo .is" pra't'oo. ' TriM'.s uo-
L'os-fully nil iiiso iscs known to *
Kotits , plants.'ind herbs nature'srcinoillpi
his inodluini's thn world Ills wltni'si ; 1'IJJ ' toi-
tlinotila s. C'ill and see him , U.msu tttlou
fieo. H'isiisi ) i oi tnntly on h in I romcd t
for tbo following d suism ; roailv ( irnparud :
Asllrnii , ( . 'iitnrrh , KliiMitn it srn. Inillirosllon ,
1 oat M'liilioo' ' . PeiiKt'io Wo tkni'SS. HU'k Hu d-
nt'lu' , I ! oed I'nrlllnr. nnd Kliln y un I l > vcr.
1'ilee , one doll ir pur bottle or six f > r live dol-
liirs. 1'ho < o "ho c.mnot cull , i-nc ese ' . ' - out
stnrnp for question list : in I full p irtli-u ari.
l llleo Cor. lOfianl Callfjrnli Sti Cn
alia Mcdicil ami Sni'fi '
ij-8 < S liar
pjj jj KOH. THE
Hi'M ricll lii-s , app.iriUH and UomoJIui
for s'icei'sifu tro.tlincnt of orery form
of disease rcqiilriu : medical or
sur Ic il treatment.
M hos fur patients , iio nl mil attendance ,
lie' * ! ai1' omoJations In the west. for I'lr.'iil.irs on deform t us anil
lirii'iIriissfs. . club foet. citrv.ituri's of solno ,
id us. tumors , c nicer , cat irrh , broin-lnt s , 111-
li il iilon.u eetrii'lly. p rilysls , nullupsy , kid
ney , b luldi'r , oye. ear , --kin an 1 blool an 1 all
Liir l , at op r itions.
Tll PA'JPQ ' DP WfllTPM A s i'nr i \ iiTv ,
UlODJlUIJ'O Ut WU.UlKl Ituukon Dlsuism ot
Women ntRR.V < ! li.m-1 itelv ad led i lyliu-
In ilcp.ii inicnt fi r nonicn durlnz eoiilliieniciit.
hlrlcily nr v.ito.l On v Kuilable Medical In-
btilute ni.ikliiK a. pe.'l ilty ot
1'Hl VA'L'K L ) I Hi- * ASKS
AM It oed Dlsui'sas ' succeisfuily troitoL
.h.vnhliltk < i'olxin lomoved frjni tno sy-itom
\\l'houl iiii'rciny Now iteilor.itlva I'reat-
incnt for Loss of'I I'Al. I'DWhlt. I'ursons nn-
ab'o 10 vl > t us inav 1m Irnatud at hoini' hy
oirusiion cncp. All ronimuinc.illons confi
dential. .Mo I ulivs or IniiriiniPiiU sent l y
ma I oro\roso | ) , Ri-ouroly jiaeUed , no mar.s to
ind'fiiteconlentsor Boiulur. One pei-nti-il In-
tfrtr cw prufi'rto ' , C'ali an 1 i-onsii t u- . or.OIK !
history of your case , nnde wilt send In p.alu
RflOtf Tf ) MEN . ' ' " ' 'E' Unon I'rtviito ,
ffpuon | ( ) r NoMdIH IH- )
cnbt's , Iinpoloni'y , Svplnlis , Gluet an I ViiiK'O-
oe i' , withiinost on list ,
llr.ici1App'lanecs for I'l'fornililea .t Trusoi
Un y manufactory In the Wc.-uof i .v/'Ou . /
I'll il l'.l i\i.i : * , TiiU.t.i..f , Kl.tUl'ltlU
ii AT a \ / > y - . / , / . > .
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
2Qth nnd Broa Uvav , Oo neil Blu'Fi.
'I'en mlnutP.s1 iltlo from cunlur ot in.ih i on
Omiihi and c'ouiioll lllulf < oioulrio motor Unu.
Council Bluff j , Iowa.
Now , modern , woll-npnolntod , thor
oughly woll-UuJt | , $ J n ilay.
E. F. CLRK , Prop.
Chas , Lunkley ,
I'lincnil Dlrccl'ir nn 1
311 , CounoU
'i < 111 r i .oa.
of Council Illu34.
C'n.l\l ] itce
fcurplus an I I'rollts
Ni't Capital nnl Surplin. . . . tU,1HHt
I iri'CturtI O 111 11,111KII , r * U B'I i/irt , V > .
Gloaxia. i ; 1 ! Ilirl , I A. .MlllJr , J V Illiuiilil
unit Clmrli'i It H.innaa TransnetKt'nor'il b nf- !
lux lni iiiii' > - > . I..uvo i I'.ipllal uu 1 ttiirplimuf
tiny b..nlv In MniUjwcituiii IDWU.