THE OMAHA DAILY BEESlONDAY : , APRIL ( . 1892 THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. Ctihucdty Carrier tontty partof the City 11. W. TILTON. - MANAGER llus'ncn OfTlco . . . . . . . . No > 41 nnvrxJ rKJ-J-.l IIOM.s , . - ( , , Bll ) Kiitpr MtMilt JILATlUff , N , V. Plumbing Co. Coupcll Bluffs Lumber Co. , cool. Ctnfl's chattel loans. C04 Sapp blocl ; . The social union of the Plr t Presbyterian church will bo entertained tomorrow eve- nine at the residence of Mrs. li. J. Chambers en First avenue , r A. Snckott nnd John Llndt were pro- tented u lib badces Saturday dent by the Grand Army boys , representing their rank in the post and in the service. A washout on the Hock Island boUveon Council BluITs and Avoca delayed the passon- Rcr train which should have n rived hero nt 0 o'clock last night , for four tiour . TiioTemplo Baptist church completed its oipnni7ation ycstcraey. No special ex- crclsos were held , but It is the Intention to have u somewhat elaborate ceremony two weeks from yesterday. David Uoylo wai released from Jail yester day afternoon on n bond of ? HW pending n bearing on the chnrgo of disturbing the peace , which will bo given him Wednesday ut 2 o'clock bjforo Justice Hammer. Complaints are made by residents in tbo western mid noithwestcru part of the city , Hint chicken thlovca uro plying their pro fession , li. Johnson lost tnirty-tbrco line /owls last Friday uight from his residence , 31'K ) Avcnuo D , The funeral of tbo late Mrs. Olmstcad took ulaco jcstrrday afternoon from her residence on Pierce street , Kov. T. VdC. Stewart cnicluting ; but on account of the weather , the Interment of the remains In Fnlrvlew cemetery was postponed until today. The Commercial 'Pilsrims of America entertained their friends last Siturdny evening at a family social in th'i Hovul Arcanum parlors. Cards nnd dancing helped to pass away a very enjoyable oven- iiiL' , and ut half past 10 o'clock lofrcsbmouls were served. JITho annual meeting of Council Bluffs Humane society will bo held this evening at 7:80 : o'clock in the Young Men's Christian Association rooms in tbo Mcrriiun block. Tbo attendance of all Interested , both ladles and gentlemen , Is requested. D. C. Bloomer , president ; Dr. V. L. Trcynor , secretary. A meeting is to bo held tomorrow morning ut half past ! ) o'clock at the Union Christian mission , 23S Broadway , for the purpose of devising plans to aid boys and girls in find ing employment where needed. Committees have been appointed from several of the churche.x , and the meeting will bo under tbo auspices of Colonel Alexander Uogelauu , the 'newsboys' " friend. Disease never successfully attacks a sys tem with pure blood DoWilt's S.irsaparllla makes pure , now blood and enriches the old. The King ot ( iithollnc Sto\Fi. The old sltiplo gcnonvtor Dangler was the best pasolino stove cvor made , bu1 Shuptirt A : Son have n new Dangler that is unquestionably the king of vapor stoves. It is called the Dungler Stir- litifeo , mid is simply the old reliable Move with a perfect process generator ndtlcd. It burns a blue ilntno when lighted and has no odor in slopping or httirting. Shugnrts are the only people who handle them. Reitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has nil the latest btylea and newest goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wo have" our own vineyards In Califor nJa. Jarvls Wino company , Co. BiutTs Tbo Misses Madden and Hlnlilc of Lyons , la. , are in tbo illy , guests of Mrs. I. M. Troy- nor. * Mrs. Carrie Bclknnp of Des Molnes , who is well known In this city ns n vocalist of more than ordinary promise , has left for London nnd Paris , where she will spend a year in tbo study ol music. Mrs. Winslow'B Soothing Syrup reduces nllammatlon while children are teething. - cents a bottle. itciKMt Up the Mnclille. * * * ' ThU evening tbo city council will ho'.d its regular monthly mooting , and Mayor Law- roaco will report his list of npnointmonts on the police forco. Tno forcn will consist of fourteen members for tbo pr.wont at Isast , this number having been ngrcod upon by the rjcmbors of the council with the understand ing tnat additions shall bo made if found necessary nfter a trial. Who will tbo four teen lucky men is the question that i.s now agllating tbo minds of tbo hundred odd ap plicants for posliious , nnd manifestly there will bo a grout many disappointed hopes. An effort will also bo mudo this evening to appoint a clerk and chief of the fire depart ment. At the last meeting It will be romcin- uorcd that party lines were drawn in voting for men to fill these otllces , and ll van evi dent that neither side uould give In unless some sort of a compromise could bonrronpert. The prophesy has been made freely nod with considerable show of reason that n circus might bo looked for this evening when tbo mutter was brought up , but if reports nro to bo believed all expectations ol this sort wll ! bo nipped In tbo bud as the result of n con lercnco that was held by the members ot tbo council Saturday afternoon. What the 10- fiult of this conference was the aldermen re fuse to say , but It bus leaked out that by the terms ol the compromise W. M. Sbopard is to bo the next city clerk , with the tacit un > del-standing that his deputy shall bo a demo crat. It is rumored also tbat Charles Nich olson should till the oflico of chief of the fire department. At all events a compromise bn < been reached which will cnablo tbo counci to proceed to the tilling of the vacancies without further delay. Mr . John n , Windbam , Stoce , Pickens county , Ala. , writes ; "I nuvo utvtl Bradycro line for headache with always oed results. ' O. Yunkarman &Co. , feed , seeds , com mission , country produce , 10S Hrouuwuy. Wouldn't riilit on S n nil ly. A report wai circulated on the streets yes tcrday afternoon that S. Goldstein , who keeps a saloon and feed ntoro on lower li road way , had D3on shot , and that his corpse was basking In the April sun in from of his place of business. A largo crowd col lectcd at the place , including a policeman or two , numerous constables , justices of the peace , and otuors who were mora or less In l crest eel In having the man that wielded the weapon brought up with a snap , but Gold fctcln , instead of having gone to join the licavenlv choir , scorned to bo the first man that each ouo mot as ho reached the scene o the alleged tragedy , whllo his tongue ilou with increasing rapliiltv as ho explained to each now comer how It had nil happened. Thomas Con way , ho said , uho lives not far from his saloon , came In and demanded n Urlnk of whiskey. Either Thomas' credit had worn threadbare or the proprietor was opposed to soiling liquor on Sunday , for ho refused to grant the request. After Con wax bad tpplled n number of epithets to Gold stein ho loft the place and Goldstein fol lowed him out to the street. When bo reached the ildexvalk Couway began to challenge him to n ht. GoHstoin bad no desire to win renown In the listlo arena , and bo refused. Conwny finally said ho wouli io ! the fighting for two , aim suiting the action to the word , began to rain blows o various weights about Goldstein's bead am shoulders , dually driving him Into his saloon for safety. L. Brown , Goldstein' * father-in law , How to tbo rescue and ho was civen a narcotic of the tame kind. The iug-hondlec buttle wag stopped by the arrival ol oQlcera end Goldstein battened to line Justice Hammer , before whom ho swore out n war rant for Couwuv' * arrusl ou the charge assault and battery. ii not xvbal Its proprietors say , but wha Hood' Snrsaparilla doea , that makes it sell and win * the confidence ! of the people. Jurvia' wild olackbarry la the best , NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS 3ven tha Iowa ProhSbition'sts Were Satis fied Yesterday. EVERYTHING VMS COVERED WITH WATER troailtrn'Scncr * Were Cloggrit liarly nnil tlir Airniin llrc.imc n linking Tor. rent DniiingtIroin Inilliin Creek Was Not Large. The rain storm of vcstcrday afternoon was ono of the hardest that has been known In this city for years , but owing to clrcum- stnnccs the damage done xvas less than on > rtvious occasions when the rainfall xvas no creator. For nn hour , lasting from 2 o'clock until ! J , there xvas a steady down pour , and xvhen nt Inst the sun broke out through a rift in the clouds it looked down upon a xvnter supply that was adequate to the demands of oven 'n prohibition city. Every street xvas transformed Into n runninu river , xvhlch varied In depth from three Inches to n foot. Broadwar was impassable for nearly half an hour after the rain had ceased , from the fact that it caught iho xvator Irom the glens and the sewers becoming clogged up rendered It Impossible ) for it to bo carried off by tbo usual route , Indian creeit rose almost to a level to Its banks throughout nearly its entire length , so far us could bo seen in "the city , but the fact that the Northwestern bridges on Txvelfth street had been raised in the last few months prevented on ox'erllow such ns took placa last spring and covered the entire bottom. Hud tbo bridges Dcon nsthoy xvero formerly , lower Broadway must have been tubmoreed nnd the damage xvould bavo bepn much greater. As it xvas , a few cellars xvoro filled on lower Broadway , ns xvnll as In other parts of tbo city , and pavements were torn away. Some idea of the amount of xvutcr that rushed down the streets may bo gained from tno fact that bricks xvero carried down to Broadway from the brick yards on upper Harrison street , fully three-quarters of a milo axvay , and some tele phone poles tbat had baen left lying nt the upper end of Oakland avenue for the pur pose of making repairs along the line floated down the nvonuo ns easily as they xvould down the creek. Harrison street xvns left In very bad shape by the flood , nnd it Is doubtful whether travel can bo had on the street for a number of days. Tbo c'ectrlcl'.y ' played a number of pranks during the storm. Ofllcur Kemp nnd James Nichols xvere standing in the doorxvny of a building on Upper Broadxvay xvhcn ono of the sharpest Mashes of lightning happened along. They each sustained u severe shock , nnd It wus several minutes before either of them know juit what had happened. The samr flush struck the telephone xvlro loading into the Nuutnayr hotel nud caused conster nation in the place. Other telephones in the city ixere served in tbo same , and innumer able xvires xvere broken or crossed by tbo xvind. It will bo sc\-eral days before the sys tem can bo put back Into Its former good shape. 1 hiwo had to give up my business for days at u time on account of severe headaches. Bradycrotino has never yet failed to rellovo mo , and I now seldom bavo them. T. J- Bonncil , Port JarvU , N. Y. Watch the daily papers for the an nouncement of grand spring opening. BOSTON STOKE , Council 131ulis , la. FOTHEHINOHAM , WlUTKLAW & CO. Hoxv nro your axvnlnffB ? .T. M. Latncke , 131 Pearl. Only homo factory. llrttor Order Dcnmmlcil. Complaints lone and loud are bolng roado by those xvho attended the theater at Dohany's opera house Saturda } ' night over the noise made by the occupants of tbo gallery without nny Interfercnco from the management. The statement has been made many times that those xvho xx'ant to see a good theatrical performance must go to Umnha , but xvhon Modjeska xvas advertised to appear a great many xx-ho bavo boon gointr to Omnhn lately decided to patronize the homo tboatcr. and the result xvas n well filled house. All during tbo evening tbo pail < r.v gods x\oro rather noisy , induleing in conversation that could bo heard nit over the hojso , and smoking cigarettes , whoso fracranco xvas waited down into the parquet , but during the last act tholr behavior xvas such as to cnuso a numoer ot people to leave the house. Mine. Modeska herself finally came to the front of the stage and stood xvith her eves fixed on the gallery for a full minute. This hint caused a cessation for n short time , xvhen the noise went on xvlth redoubled energy until the close of the play. No attempt xvas made by the manager of the house 10 put a stop to tbc disgraceful proceedings , and the audlonco xvas lelt at the mercy ol the hoodlum ? . DoWitfs Sarsaparilia is rcliibH Watch the daily papers for the an nouncement of yrand spring opening. BOSTON STORE , Council Bluffs , In. FOTIIUKIXailAM , WIIITJ5LAW & CO. Iturglura Out on Itnll. Attorney J , G. Tlpton , xvbo has been try ing for some lime past to get Joe McDarmott and Charlis P. Wilson , the Boston store burglars , out on ball , at last succeeded in his attempt yesterday morning at 3 o'clock , and bud bis clients set free on bonds in the sum of K > 00 apiece ou each of the indictments that Htuml against them. Each Is Indicted for burglary and larceny , so that tbo amount of their combined bond is SJ.OUO. The noccs- * ary amount xvas guaranteed by Mrs. Mary C. Long of this city , xvho xvns secured by John Flunnacrn , IJennis Cunningham and Charles Brundles of Omaha. It has been tbo supposition of Sheriff Hnzen tbat the two men xvould secure their bondsmen aud then skip the countrv , as they are known lo bo desperate crooks. On this account tbo sheriff xvns very loth to lot thorn go , hut xvhon the necessary amount xvas put up tor their appearance ho had no choice left , Tbo two men left nt ouco for Omaha , xvbero they have friends , but Mr. Tipton says bo is confident tbat they will bo back when their case comes up for trial. DeWitt's Sarsaparilia d lro ? sucn pol sons us scrofula , skin disease , eczema , rhou malUtn. Its timely use saves many lives. Mrs. J. n. Rlovenson has secured the Fcrvk'cs of u first clues trimmer from the east and is propnrini : to have her milll nory opening d Kastor display nexl Thursday and l-Vidny , April 7 and 8 , at her store , No. 730 West Droadxvay , cor ner of 6th street. Ii LL Shrnfo has money to loan on real estate nnd chattelo. Broadway and Main btroot. JnrvislS77 brandy , purest , safest , best , Mo\ tli Station. Amonc the improvements xvhlch nro to bo made in the C'bautauqua grouuds before the opening of the coming scuson Is one xvbich will make the grounds much moro easy o access than before , viz. ; Tbo moving of the depot to n point much nearer the amphithea ter , Just what place xvill bo selected bus not yet been decided , as the niaiiaL'ers are con ferring xvlth tbo Hock Island company xvlth a view to baring a swltc'i run from the mala line directly into the grounds and some dis tance up the hill , so that the dutanco to bo walked from tbo station xvill bo cut in half. It is hoped that a satislartory agreement can be reached , but oven If it should not , the distance can bo materially lessoned by mov ing tbo depot farther up the track , and this xvill bo dono. _ _ _ _ _ Genuine Rook Springs coal nl Thatcher'u , 10 Main street , always on hand. _ Downed llui Copprr. Officer Bowling of tbo police force bad a rather exciting time at an early hour ycster day morning xvlih throe or four ncprcsenta lives of the ( porting fraternity , xvbich re suited Iu bit being tat upon la the guUerii rontot tbc opera houio salcou , nnd later on n the arrest of Mlko Klldaro nnd Jim Inhcr. An order XT S issued from po- lea headquarters Saturday nlpht hat all saloons should close at inU- without money nnd xvlthout friends. Bcforn going the manager nettled xvlth the proprlc- or of the hotel sj that ho could get his bag- tngo out out xvltbout trouble aud canceled Us dixto at the opera house , but bo had not been so considerate of the foellngj of the members of the company , nnd still oxvcs them n xveok's back pay. Tney are still stopping n the city. Ovvinp lo the unfuvorablo xveather of nstxveek Miss Itugsdnlo xvill continue her iniUlnorv openinp Monday , Tues day and Wednesday of this week. 337 LJroadxvay. _ _ _ _ _ _ Thomas Tostevln , civil onginor nnd surx'oyor , over DoVol's , 504 Broadx\M > y. Ewtnson Music Co. , Masonio temple . IIIn Ci > uimtiy | In the l.urrli. Tbo Bruns .fc Nina's corned/ company xvas booked for H performance In this city next xveclr , and tbo members of the company have been spending H vacation nt the Opdcn house waiting for their date to arrive. Last Sat urday the discovery xvus made that Harry Bruns , the manager of tbo company , xvlth bis wife , tbo Junior member of the company , tiad taken the Nortbxvcstcrn lor Chicago , leaving the balance ot the company night and remain closed unt 1 Monday mornIng - Ing , fiont doors and back , nnd Bowling mndo the rounds of the saloons on bis beat caily In the cx-cnlng , notlfyintr them of the order. When ho passed tbo opera house saloon at I'JiHO n'clcck ho noticed that It xvns still run ning xvido open nnd a number of tough characters were inside. He told them lo close nt once or bo xvould iirrest the whole outfit. KiUlaro replied xvlth some very insulting languugo. and Bowline placed nim tinder nrrest. Manor then came up and attempted to make the officer release his bold on Kil- dare. i\ eras led to blows nnd In n moment the odiccr xvas lying on his buck In the gutter xvllh Kildnro and Maher occupylne reserved seats on his frame. A couple of other men xvhoso nnmes the onicer does not know nlso took n band , but in splto of the heavy odds Boxvllng man aged to got up , nnd hitting Muber n blow over tbo bead xvlth his club , grnhocd Klldaro by the neck and started off for the city Jail. Klldaro xvns soon placed behind the bars , tbc charecs of assault nnd bittcry , resisting nn olllcer and keeping open after hours being entered against him. Ofllcer Besxvlck xvcnt back to the saloon nnd nrrostcd Maher , xvbo xvas charged xvlth resisting an o Ulcer and disturbing tbo peace. Both men gave bonds for their appoarunco in police court this moraine. Doctors ! Pshawl Tano Boocbam's Pills. Itubbnl the Contribution Itox. Yesterday morning the discovery xvus made that n blrthdav box was stolen from tbo Presbyterian churcb. probably at the satno time xvith the typewriter and the spoons mentioned in yesterday's BCE. Iho box bad been receiving tno hirlhday contributions from scholars of tbo Sunday school for a number of months past , and contained some thing over f 13. The C. O. D. meat market , 537 Broad way , third door xvest of the Globe ollico , has been started up , xvith Ed Mott as proprietor nnd George Drabo meat cutter. Spring ; XoM-ltli-s of'O . Misses Sprink & Fcaron are noxv pre pared to display to each visitor their latest novelties from the castern mar _ kets. The special display will com mence Monday. April 4 , and last three d-iys. During this time the ladies of the city xvho wish to spend an hour or so looking through a room which is filled xvith extreme novelties in millinery xvill have a chance to do so nt the parlors of this enterprising firm at 10 Main street. Doors open at 10 n. in. JElTocts of the Kill n Storm. The heaviest rainstorm of tno season was tbat of yesterday that visited South Omaha. The damage sustained xvns considerable. The rain fall xvas all that couU be desired oven by tbo Inhabitants of the Laramie plains. On Q street the approaches xvero xvashed out at both ends and fully fifty foot of brick paving carried away. At Twenty- fourth and L the damage to n "fill" was con siderable. James Latham's house at Txventy- fourtb nnd J streets w-as flooded. At Twenty fourth and P streets tbo xx-ator rushed from the adjacent hills nnd played hax-oc xvith six cottaces by covering the floors xvith mud nud water. Mnrch 1.1 c Stock UnhlnenK. During March there xvas received nt the Union stock yards 01,101 cattle , 102134 ; bogs , 20,071 sheep aud S71 horses and mulos. During March , 1801 , tno receipts xvero 4,923 ! ) cattle , U.VJiiH hogs , liijl ( ! fbeep nnd a'b horses and mules. These figures shoxv a material gain on everything but hogs , which fell off a little. During the past month there xvas con sumed In South Omaha : ! ( i.TJb cattle , 79,5SO and : . - horses hogs 1:1,350 sheep. Fo-ty-ilvo and mules xvero sold on this market. Notes anil PCTKI > MIB. : ! W. J. Taylor has returned from Lincoln. The spring term ut school xvill end Juno 2 J. Miss Alice Havens is homo from Atlantic , la. Born , to Mr. nnd MM. Heed Darnell , a son. son.Miss Miss Hope Harnby is home from her vaca tion in the west. Tbo council mcots this evening , nlso the democratic club ut Blum's ball. The Live Stock exchange xvill moot at 2:30 this afternoon at tb.3 exchange building. There xvill ba n night cap social at tbo First Metbuuist Episcopal church this even ing. ing.Mrs. Mrs. C. D , Wilson , Txventy-second nnd I streets , it thu guest of Council BluITs friends. The Xouavo drill by tbo ladies of the Epis copal church xvill take place at Blum's hall Tuesday afternoon. A little son of Councilman Fred Boxvlor , Thirty-third end O streets , slipped on tbo xvalk and In falling broke bis arm. Superintendent A. A. Monroe of tbo High school bus returned from Fullerton , where ho xvont to see his mother , xvbo is quite ill. Miss Emma Wood and Miss Helen Seeley have returned from their vacation and xvill resume school xvork tbjs morning. "Hobert Mantel ! who has ' , many xx'nrm ad mirers In this city , xvill open a three nights and matinee engagomeut nt floyd's noxv theater next Thursday evening , April 7 , when ho xvill appear In live of his best plays. Thursday evening ho will ba seen In his great success of five years , "Monbars , " Fildav evening , William Shakespeare's master piny , "Hutnlot. " This is Mr. Man- tell's first appearance in Omaha In this great character. baturJay matinee , grand double bill ; two new plays. "Tho Louisianlan , " und "A Lesson iu Acting , " Mr. Mantell in both plays. Saturday evening , Dumas' great piny of "The Corslcaa Brother * , " Mr. Mantell in the dual character of Louis und Fabien del Frunchi. The management has decided to mauo no advance in prices for this engagement. "Tbo Henrietta , " Brouson Howard's greatest play , xvill be preheated uy Stuart Itooson und his company at Boyd's now theater next Sunday evening , Dfriiilnt ; the .Murdrrcr. LONDON , April 8. A dispatch from Jon ncsburg , South Africa , says that the police there huve failed to associate Deeming with the murders committed there in IbbS , unU that it has been proved that Keay , xvho was suppoted to have bocu murdered , died of lover iu Ibb'J. MtaiioutiNe , Australia , April 3. In con trast to bis behuvior on first being lodged in prison here. Deeming now assumes a bold front , lie has suld to bin solicitor : "Walt until I cot out. I xvill make tbo nowtpapers ihutUD. I xvill sue every one nf them for libel , The Idea tbutl hui anrthlue to do with the 'Jack iho Kipper1 xvonc u absurd. ' DIP rATTH\TrO ) P'ICMIV ' IMTVP BIG FORTLNJiMASILi MADE 0J ! 1 < 1I Something of the Atdfitng s of Business in Oentral , America. SMALL CAPITAL Aril ) . ' RICH RETURNS Mr. Henry C. Munrri liitc-rottlnc Oti rr\-a. tlmn on l.lfn In Si'uitlicrn Itrpubllcs ( linitriiintii'B HcitiitltnlVonipti Only n CYntory llrlilml the Times. A young tnnn not yet In bis thirties , but n you up man of wealth anil distinction , Is Hoary C. Stuart of San Snlvailoro , Central America. Ho Is now in Omnhn and Is the guest of Or. S. D. Mercer. Ho arrived in this city Saturday from New YorK City , coming tiy way of the Isthmus of I'ananm. In the decant nud hospltatilo homo of Dr. Mercer Mr. Stuart was called upon last mpht by n representative of Tuc Unn. do Is a tall , erect man of tnagnlllcont pb.ys.lquo and has a manly and digaltlcd carriage. His hair Is block and ho wears n luxuriant raus- tncho of n corresponding color. Ho also DOS- scsscs n pair of sharp , plerclnir black eyes. As nn entertainer ho I * exceedingly clever , and is apparently at tome with everybody. With that cordiality for which pontlemcu of southern climes nro famous , Mr Stuart cour teously receives you with a warm grasp of tbo hand , that at once puts you on fricnaly and hospilahlo terms with him. By birth .Mr. Stuart Is not n sojtherncr , but ho was born in n sunny , genial clltno California. This , together with bis twelve years llfo In Central America , has given him the experlenco of n southerner. Mr. Stuart talks of Guatemala's magnifi cent and exuberant climate , of the beautiful and lovcl.v women , of tbo rich aad profitable coffee estates , of the wealth of great sugar plantations , of the supor-nbundanco of trop- iciil fruits , of the b'ontcolness and hospitality of the people , in clowlng terms. South American tt'ar Scarci. "Tho telegraphic reports received and published in America from the southern re publics nro very much exaRornted , " tnid Mr. Stuart in alluding to Chili's re cent troubles with ttio United States and the difficulties at present being had in Caracas Venezuela. In speaking of President Palacio's tyranny in casting into prison tbo senators and deputies of his lopuDllc , Mr. Stuart said that although there might ho an uprising against his tvrauuical reign , bis methods of conducting iiflalrs was an unpluasantry often indulged in by the oftlclals in uower. Generally it had not gouo so far as i'rrsinent Palacio bad carried it recently , but sinno Mr. Stuart's departure from the south ho knows nothing nbnut the present trouble in Venezuela than what ho roads hi tbo dally newspapers. "So far as 1 am concerned myself , " con tinued Mr. Stuart , ' ! would uot want to go to Chili within tbo next tea or fifteen ycur , unless 1 possessed Knglisb papers. At tbo same lirao my sympathies nro with the Chil ians. For xx hat reason i Why , on account of the tariff over wnlcn the whole trouble arose , "As to San Salvadoro I am , of course , more familiar with politics and governmental affairs. Notwithstanding the presidential election everything there is quiet. Keina Barios , nephew of tbo late President Barios r of Gautomalit. has been elected president of the republic , as you well Kuoxv perhaps , and was to have taken possession of tbo ollico March 15. As 1 loft there before that date I have not as yet been inlormed whether he has taken his scut or not. Young JBarios was educated in the United States and married an American woman. 1 believe she is an Alabama lady. " 1 have been iu the real estate business in Guatemala and bavo made some big deals for Denver people. ,1 am now on my way to tbat city. Aside from that I have interested myself in' some mines in Salvadoro. They are fr c milling , gold quartz and a low graoo ore. The veins are I.UOO feet In width acd I am now engaged in running a tunnel in ono of the mines. If tbo ore proves good tuero will bo millions in it. Two mining en gineers from the United States say the prop erty is a freak of nature. There is only ono other ere mine in the district and it is owned by two English gentlemen. Thus far they have expended only $40,000 on their mine , and its estimated value at present is S3,0K- ( ) 000. They refused a cash offer of $ .YJO,000. Jtlclt Mining JnleicrttH. "All Central America is much richer iu wealth of mineral und agricultural lands than is the United States. It is attracting year by year more and moro American pee ple. ISefore I left in March I heard of a party of twcnty-tbreo young Americans reaching Nicaragua , and they Intend to start a coffee estate. Coffee estates are worth ? t n tree and some onates. havens many as u million trees. This industry is wonderlully profit able , niid when a man once gets started bo IK uot many years In accumulating an im mense fortune. Sugar plantations are also very profitable. Central America Is ti great place for vouug Americans with small capital 10 go to. It has the finest climate in the world. No climate compares with it. At Gautcmala the temperature is very oven. In the highlands it never goes over T- = , and on the coust it seldom roicnes 80 = > . The rains come witn a great deal of regularity. For instance , it begins raining all ! o'clock in tbo afternoon , it will continue until 5 , then stop , give you time to po to dinner and visit the theater , commence again at 11 o'clock and rain all night , stopping long enough the next morning lor you to go to your oflico. "Cocoa ( chocolate ) trees are also a very profitable industry , but it require ? seven years time for trees to bear their first crop. For this reason very few people engage in this business , as it requires considerable capital ana it is too long to wait bolero any revenue is derived. It is the highest priced crop there Is. "There are numberless opportunities for farmers In hog raising , dairies , produce and market supplies of all kinds , to mnico" money. When I loft Gaulomula butter was ? 1 a pound and eggs U cents apiece. Hog and poultry raislnc Is tbo most profitable. Tbo cattle business is aUo good. The soil for tobacco Is excellent and much of it Is raiser ] , but the people don't know how to euro it as well as they do in cither Cuba or Mexico. The forests and groves abound in all kinds of tropical fruit which grow wild and can bo gathered at the cost of gathering it from trees. l.lttlo I.ulior Ic < | iilrril , "The country yields its product without much labor , but now. don't all you Americans maio a rush for it at once. Business U good and profits uro enormous. There are only three banks in Gautomala , which has a popu lation of (55,000 ( peoplo. Tliey declared u dividend last year of lb per cent. All corporations" , "such as street rail ways , water works and the llku nro given perpetual franchises on certain con cessions to tuo government. A franchise is a monopoly , anil H'worth ' something , us it lasts nlwayp. I buvo a sort of monopoly on the real estate business , as there uro no dealers in the republic , I could not do It were it not for'1 my extensive business acquaintance and'long llfo there. But the realty Interests nro advancing rapidly. "Wo have tow , and , In fact , no modern improvements , a you have in America. Wo nro at least n century behind the United States , nnd if you want to ItnOf ? how your great grand father Jlqod , mak us n visit. You'll ho liv ing in the t'icliteotitn century Instead of tbn nineteenth. PcopM will not change their style of living. Tuoy have no cblmnoys to their houses , nor oven a llreplaco. The most cxpen&lvo nouses have white cotton cloth for ceilings. When the peopln want to take a bath they go out In tbo back yard. "Kailroads are also in a primitive a no , but now there uro a nuinocr of United States olllfcrs detached in Central America engaged in tbo survey of tbo propcs I international railway from Ibis country to Chill. This , when completed , will enable us to go there in about four dujs , whereas now it requires fifteen days' time to make the trip. "Tho people of Guatemala nro very Intelli gent and highly cultured. Still they don't read newspapers. They core very little what is going on in tbo world. They are courteous anil polite. Kveii a common laborer uould not think of entering a hor&a car without ralsiug tils hat and bowing to all In It. ( iuiiti'inula'u Cliurinlng Women. "As to their women , they are very charm Inp I never suxv anywhere a prettier lot of women than those ID Guatemala. They have a beautiful oilve skin , dark and black hair predominate. They uro medium height nnd well formed , maturing at an early ago. They nro very domestic. SHU they ro of a somewhat Jealous nature when there is occasion for It. There Is a rood den ) of soclot.vinCiUateinnlnnntllH | ! tbo Purls of Central America. The women gel their fashions from Paris , France , nud many of thorn are educated Ihero. The women are very stvllsh and nro proat artist * nnd musician ? . Most any ono of them can pluy nny Itnllun opera. The day * of the old mantilla have cone and the women now wear bonnet' , They never eo out alone and nro never allowed to nvsclvo a gentleman nlono. " \\honl loft Gu&tcraaiti thrro sacks of coffee wore prcscntcJ to mo to bring hero. Upon my arrival in New York I found thov would cost me less than one-half at much to send them by steamer to Gnlvoston and from there by rail to Denver than they would have coU mete to have sent them direct from Ntw York to Denver by mil. This elves Denver n one-half rate cheaper to rot goods by wnv of Galvcston than from New Vorls , nnd I should think It would be a disadvantage to Omaha. " Mr. Stuart mot Mr. George Morcer. son of the doctor , nt Gnutomaln and win with him n good deal , colne to the Interior of ban Salvador vader together. Mr. Mercer 1s now en route homo , coming by way of San Francisco. DoWltt's S-iHiparlna cloiaioi tha ulooJ , Increasestho npctlto { and toaoi up tha sys tem. It has bonollllcd mary people whs have suffered from biooJ duorJorj. It will hcipyou. MILITARY MATTERS. Whnt L'nrliS.HU'H Mm uro Doing In the \Vc l nnil KUouhetc , I'oi'l Oni'iliii. At n mooting of the inombors of Company F , Second infantry. Fort Omaha , Nob. , March -Jr , 1SOJ , the folloulng resolutions were passed : AVhurp-ii. It tins ulf ' asod A'mlility G xl to remove from our midst our comrade and friend , the Ute I'rlvitu I'UtlcU OTont.or. nfter : i long and fulthfulservlccln the I'll.toil States tinny. Oomr ido O'Connor cave the host year * of his life to the surxlce or Ms country , llu utvwl throe yui : In company II , Mnth In fantry , twenty years In eonipiny It , Second Infantry , and at iho ttmu of Ills doillins serving lilssluli nnllfct-nunt In company 1\ Second Inf intry. Therofnio bo It Uosolxt'd , That u I'vtund our o-unest sym pathy and e.\pte s our votioxx ( or his lo- . Kusolved. That \\p oMeiid our thanks to company II , .second Infantry , for the lloral xxi cat h nron'titi'l In memory of his serxlues In that company. Kexolvud. Tlmt a copy of thc'o resolutions bu unt to the Army nod N ix-y Resistor. unJ toTiicUxmit HBI : for publication , tind also to company II. Second infantry. In transinlttlni ; these rcso utions to the Im mediate friends of our late comrade and filend , wepiluvo to think that It Mas not pos sible for him to have MvoJ n few morj years , In ardor tlrtt lie ml.'ht have icapoil some re ward for Ills Ion : and faithful military ser vice" , by enjoying thee vcais in a nuiet way , upon the tutlred list of the United Status army. May his soul rest Iu peace In the lanJ of the Brent majority. By the committee : AiiTiitm n.Vnon , Chairman. Ai.iii.iiT N. WISSI.BK , secretary. I'urt MrKlnnrv. Army and Nnvy Union Garrison No. 50 , turned out in full force on Monday night last , to witness the conferring of honorary mem bership on Colonel James J. Van HornEighth Infantry , In honor of whom the garrison has boon named. Thomas F. Major , A. D. C , read n sot of resolutions and Colonel Van Horn responded in a very feeling manner , wishing the garrison well and promising it all the assistance in bis power. The garrison cow numbers about savonty- five members and is gradually receiving with n its folds all the onllstod men of the post that are entitled by virtue of possessing ono or more honorable discharges to Join it. Private Charles Lee , Troop C , Sixth cav alry , has becoma tired of Uncle Sam's service and has deposited with the post com mander tbo sum of $ o3 to enable him to again become a civilian. Private John Thomas , Troop C , Sixth cav alry , was discharged on the ' . ' 7th inst. Captain E. B. Savngo , Eighth infantrv , has been granted a sick leave for two months. Ho leaves the post on the 211th inst. and ex pects to obtain" extension of four months , and if successful will visit Europe before returning to the pojt. Colonel James J. Van Horn Garrison No. 50 , Army t.nd Navy union , gave tts first , grand ball oil the 124th inst. The mumbers of the union appeared in full dross uniform nnd the affair passed off very agreeably to the largo crowd who were present. All hope for u chance of station this year has loft us and wo have about bcomo recon ciled to remain hero untther year. We of the "Quid Eichth" were very much In nopss of getting a largo post when the entire regi ment would bo together once more , but the war authorities said no and that soitlos it. All ttero is loft for us is to hope for the speedy arrival of the B. & M. railroad , when it will bo possible for the enlisted portion of the garrison to pay a visit to friends in civili zation without having to serve live years to accumulate money enough to reach tbo end of the railroad as at present. Private Uynn of Company E , Eichth in fantry , met with u painful accident at the Log camp. Ho cur his foot with an ax , in flicting n very painful wound , necessitating bis being sent to the post hospital , where ho h now under the careful supervision of Sur geon George E. Buslinel ! . Captain F. A. Whitney , Eighth Infantry , in charge of the post gardens , has received a big lot of garden seedf , and a detail consist ing of Sergeant Parker nnd four privito Eoldicis was made today to commence opera- lions in the farming lino. Wo have haj very disagreeable weather for the past week , snow falling more or less every day and htgn noun winds prevailing the entire time. Tort Momli1. Private's Callow and Sanford nnd Trum peter Seibert were discharged Wednesday. Trumpeter Barnes and Private Bluckinore have deposited $103 each for the purchase of their discharges. The usual weekly hop of the enlisted men was held Wednesday evening and proved to bo a very enjoyable affair. Sergeant Charles Dnlkenburger , D troop , has been appointed canteen steward , vice Grognn. Miss Mollie Wells , daucbter of Major Wells , Eighth cavalry , gave n birthday party Friday evening at the post hall. Six desertions have occurred from this post in the past throe weeks. Private Ccnloy , 1 troop , who has boon under surgical treatment for the past eiclit mouths , has boon recommended for discharge on surgeon's certificate of disability. The band has been ongnccd for n perform ance In Uendwood on May 12. Clilof Musician Klein Is'preparing a program that will ecllpso anything that has been rendered in the Hills for some tune. Captain Kendall has returned from bis leave and assumed camraatid of his troop. Lieutenant Slccuni leaves In n few days for Jefferson Barracks , wbero ho has been de tailed for recruiting son Ice for two years. Mrs. L. H. 1'atton , Hocxford , III. , writes : "Fiom porsoniii experience I can recommend Do Witt's Sarsuparllla. u euro for impure blood und general debility. " THREE YEARS. Aflcr suffering untold agonies tlirce ! years from Illicuinatism , having had f much treatment % vitliout relief I decided | lo take Swift's Specillc. Eight bottles f CURED M ENTIRELY nnd I wish other sufferers to know oft the value of your great remedy forj Rheumatism , JOHN 2JcDoxALi > , McDonald's Mills , Ga , $ ciJ for frco Trcatlto 0:1 t'ls Illaoi LDI ! EUin. C H AILA.NTQA. . A now an I Compl-lo Tr'ntiuotit , connlttlnx of Eu | > po > ltorltMi. Olntini'iu la Cuji ule ) ol u Ic Hoi auUl'ltUi a l'o ltlvo < urj fur I'.Jt-rial , Int-jriul Illlnd or Illuclliu ItculnL'liroulo , Kucjni or lll'luUHarjr riv | 'llili It--ni-dr liil ner r l > ca i InOKUlolall II per lux I forli. > aui buiill , XVlilutlfrfrjni tUlt ter lula dluam irb n4 writ ten Kuur ntsu l ponitlre/ ) ren Hllliii ujxcior refund Ilia inuner II not cjnl bjnl ii-iniu tor Irue naiuple. l < u ranldu l ujl lir Kuii > A ( o. , Dru.'nUU. solo AI.-UUU. oi4 Uuuiilui Jt.vt , Uaiali.1. NvU. For NorTont I'roitratlon. Xerr. ooi and 1'hjjlptl UcullitT. Vital > Cttnu tton. Inynmnla r'ainln the liaft. Cold llandtnrtrtt. lUJCIrcnlatlon. IllnpLlnr ' nnilcr the Kro. I'lmpKi nnd another tfl thf Jicrrouior ' lll.tod t ) | ra4cs In rlth 1'Aiir.ii fbrtt. cr tri They make Suf frrcn from new health' Moo t rntorctho'Ncrr Pftanpftntnt out f Ihc ScMfj. nnd tirlnr Impure Illooil or ' Pint Krrcro hp lil . Iho rojr.Me , tit ! , . < ncr * nn.Hunirs llu ! i or lirallh NtMl- Tonic Dill , lfc Miccnu r Tlftl. Tor ole h Pruir * clila , cr r l ti ) moll. SAFE , CERTAIN , SPEEDY. noimvs .iiiinifiNi : co. , "nA.VPltANCINC-OorCIIICAGO. fOR SALE IV O.X1 MIA SEH , UY Jtutm A Ui. , Co.r Itth fi IVmKlat St J A r illfr & Co. Cor nth A I > oiipls SU , A. 1) Fontr & CO. , Council IlluO. 1 * . was the comiRation in the famous Yale 1 ock Key. Itmadethcvrarly pet feet , quite perfect. What's worth lockinR nt all , Is worth locking vilh a "Yale. " To l-e sure you get a "Yale , " see that this name Is on every Key. Sold wherever locks tell. Thoupunds ot tpetlmonlnlK. See Dr. Miles' book. New nnd HtnrtllDR r cto. Flee al dtug- gists. DR. MILES Two Yoara J.EH ShortneBB ot lirciatli , Fain HEART iu S Id oo , CURE.III I'luttorinfr. III ! Stnotlierlrifr ( CEI Spells , cured by onobottlo UATO ALLCiI , Ultn Hoik , 1'a. The most relliv lilo euro for all _ Heart I'oiltltf Cart Inr Ilror > : r , ( , If. Diseases. DA. MILES MED1OAL , Co BUUiort , Ind. Tor sale by Kuhn .t Co DouRlas und UthSt nit.i.o. XVSJT 4 .s'Ktv ? AND HIIVI.N TUUVT. MKNTa rpoclHcfor Ilnlerli , Dlzrmoii , Klt < , Nou * rnlKla , lloadacho , NcrroiM I'ruitratlon caused bf al- cotiul ortubaccOt XX'nkcfulnou. Ueproisloa. boftcnlnK ot the llr.iln , ci'isl-u iii < inlt ? . mliotf. dpciy , doi-h. t'ru-uaturo OU AiJ llnrronnoii , Ian of 1'owor In cither nor lnun > ton"y , Lo ico.-r'iosx ' an t all Kemalo XVoikncsioi , Involnntiry lnj oi ioar- aintorrlioo ciu > uJ by over-oiortlon of the brnln Belf-nbui" ' . over-lnliilKcncJ A'nun'h's trcntmant II , ( J for (3 , by mill XX'a Gunr.inteo Mv b'tiei tj cure. Knch orjor for 0 box i , wUli ! i will oi I wri t ten ciiar.inleo to refund it not cjroi. ( ! imr.itH33 Issued only by A. bclirutai. Ilniftl.'l tnlc iiKt'Uts , S. K cor Itith and l-'nruiun sis , Uiuntia , Nub For Inventions PROCURED DY THE Bee Bureau of Claims OMAHA , NEB. Etjunl with the Intcren or thoia hivInT rliln nrnlnst tlionoverniucntH that of IN'VK.VI'OIIS. whi often lose the beno.1l of vnluablclnvemlJiii ba ; inn of the Incoajpetoncy or Initlentlon of th s atlornay i cmploycJ to obtain thslr pntonti. Tea miicli cirj cnnnot bo uterctsoJ In on loylit c3upjtont ml . ipll.iljlo jollcaorJ to pitunii , for t'ljvali ) I of H patent dap-Mirtt Krdttly , If notuntlraly , upon tu | care nnrt skill of the uttorn3y. | Wlththe vlow of protecting Invcatori fra u vrorti Ic s orcirclp s nttornsyj , and of t > ejli ( t.i-it inrjn- tlon nro well protects 1 by T ill J pat } it i , Til i U J ! 5 IIUKKAQ hu rotiln l counicl or jrt la pAidi : > rr.ctlce ; and li thcrefora prepiroJ u ( ibtnin jHtlcntH , Comliict Intcrfcrpnetsi , 3Iulc Kiipciitl cfitiniiition : , I'roKccitte i-rjcctdl ti-itJz iunii ' ( ill I c ; t irl > 'it Haider ojilnloiiv tisloHcujn : < tnl : mil I- itlt OfjHltCHtM. iifi * tiinl iln/Viji I In ft'lny fins > HttltH , etc. , e'o , If yea IIITO m Invo-illon on h-ui.l c'i 1 TUB lit 5 OUHKAL'aktctc'i or p.Kilo r.ip'i tti.TJif , Uusli i- with a brlct description nf tao Import till luaturji and you will bu oncj nlrlsol ui lo tu : lo it ei .not ) pursue. Moduli nro not nocomrunlji < tti3 nrcn lion \t \ ot a complicitoil nature If otharjar li. frlnKln-oii your rl.'liti , or If you arj crur.-jjKlti InfrlnKcinunt oy ottieM , ttub-ntt th3 ni ittvr lu Til 2 UUItlCAUIor n rellibl3 Ol'lMO.V bolero uctin.-uj the matter. THE BEE BUREAU OF CLAIMS 220 I5eo ItiilUIur , OmVii , No ! . "Tli's Diiro.-in Is cu ir.intoa.l by tin Oinulia Bee , the 1'lonuur 1'iusj anJ the I'lancUco K\.iinlnur this out and BOIVJ it xvith your li quiry. rr ( > i > nsiilH for I'mlnj , ' Intcix'ctliiiiM. Hoalt" ! proposals xvill bo loeclvcil In-the undersigned until 1U : : ! o'clock ji. in , April l.r > . Is' ) ' , forl'oloriulosundstono and Mon1'iills rranlle. uccorJInK lo spcelllcatlons of IHll , for pjvlni ; tholnter ectlonof Kl litli nnd I'nr- naiu streets and the nnpuxoil p.ut of Inter- feuctton of Klphth und Hoiu-luh Hlteuls. Kiieh bid lohpeclfy u urleo purwioaio vard for the puvln ; conipli'to on the Intei-heellout. . Work lo bu done In aecorilancolth Dlansaiid Mieeldi-atUiiih of IH'.il , on lllo in tie ollleo of the HoirU of I'nbllc Works. llneli nroposil lo hu inudoon printed hlnnUh furn hed by tlio tio.nO. nn 1 to lie aceoinpii- nlud by u ccrtlllod uhuek In the Mini o.'J.ifl' . pnynb'c to tlio city of Oin.iha , us un cvliien.o of rood ( tilth ' 1 ho bo irJ rosorxes the rlsht to reject any or nil b.dsanil to waive dufoctn. I' . W. lllKKIIAt'SKII. C'lriiriniin llo.udof 1'ubllc Winks. Onmhn , April 4 , JoUi aur'l-t-5-i ' ) Omaha Medical and Snipil INSTITUTE. 1 Eye Gar INFIRMARY KOU TUB TREATMENT OF ALL Host fuillltlci , nppnr.ilus nnd Uoinodlot for m'cos' ful treatment of ovorjr form of disease remilrln t medical ur treatment. M boJ for patients board nnd nttnndnnea le ! t aeromoilations In the west. \\rlto for olrtuiliM on deformities nml br irc . trusiss , club foot , curvature * of solnu , lilies. tumor . eitu'cr , eat nrrli , bronchitis , In- iKilHiliin.i ; rcirlclty , pariilytK epilepsy , Idd- iii < y , b . . cur , jkln and bloo I nnil all Miruli'iil Ions. DISEASES OF WOMEN ft W TS U onion I UKIXVt > lm\ Mutely ml led i lylns- Iti ( k'lmitment fur \\otnen durlni conllnemeiiL Mrlrtly ur Mitp.i Only KoMiiblo MeiHcul lu- stiluto miiUiiK ti iiojl.ilty ot PHI VATK mSKASUS AM It oed I'Nuases surcnutuily trc'xtot. SuihliltltI'olson removed from the system \\llhoiit nu'roury Now iteslor.itlvn l reiit- inent for l.ossof X'lTAI. I'OWlClL l't > r oiii un- iiblo to xls.t us nmv bo treated nl homo liy < ( irresnou 'cnce. All communications conlf- ( lentlal Mo'iiclnrs or Instrument * Kent l < y mail ore\pri' , scjuroly packed , no nrtr s to Ind'cfitt ' ) content -tor sondrr. Ono por-onix ! In- ti-ryipw pn-fi-rrc I. C'all nnilcoiisull usoi sontl history of your ense. nnd xvo will send In plain wrapner. our Rnhlf Tfl MFN ' 'linn : Teen 1-rIvnto. DUUti IU men , v.)00u , | | , , r NUVOIIS Dis- cases Impoteney , Svplillls , ( licet mil Vurlco- rulc. with ( jm'stion list. llrai-cs Appliances for Deformities & Trimoa. Only manufactory In thu Wcstof i tiit-'o iii Ai-i'i.t i. % , iitt > * nr.t , ut.tmritiu it. i r r / : ; : t ; c.s . . % n 1 1 KI. i .s. Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute , 20th find Broa Iway , Oo moll Ton in limit's' tldo fi-om euntcr of Onnli i ou Onmhn and Ouuncll lltuffj oloctrlo motor lino. D HOTEL , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Noxv , modern , xvcll-npnointeJ , thor oughly xvoll-kopt , S3 ti day. E. F. CLARK , Prop. W. C. ESTEP , 14 H. MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council llluffi. Cajiiui stccv $ trnno9 i-uriiluaaiilProflta HOOOIt NctCanltal nn 1 Surplus fJ . 'JOO Directors .J. I ) Kdnun lim. K. U siuijirl , P O. demon , I ! i : . U-irt , I .X. Millar , J X' Illno'i n ri nmlClinrlei II Hnnn-in. Transact liurik- Ins business. Largest capital und surplus ot any bunk In Soutliuestern lotvu , NTBREST ON TIME DEPOSITS Chas. Lunkley , I'liiiprnl IHrcct'ir nnil Umlcrt'wr. . 311 Broadxvny , Council BlulU 'j , < 11 : tjj. FOfl WEAK MEN i un ii unit IIIL.II H Prompt rullef l.ibtln ? i nrj. i w ill-end iso ilodi free to any suf- feier iiicicrlptlon to enliirco bin II weak p.irts i'lid < pc > edliy eur. lost nrinliood einlssloiiH. _ < m u viirlL-ocele : i n d I ID pol o n oy A 1'osltiVH Konu'dy. Aduiuss uitli stamp DAVID II. HMMUT , Uox 1'JI , TOW.KA , KA.NS. SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. SAI.H Acre mo near city udaptoj for FOR fruit nud cnrdnn iiirU39U4 , \ . ' . II. rliuafu , llioadway and Main btrcots. TpOlMir.XT Dwoillnssln all pnts : of the - * - eliy. K. II. Shoafo , llro.idwuy und Al tl reels. | 7 < Ol : sAKEOIl ItXCIlA.NOn-f'Ity and farm X ? properly. I. . 11. fchojfo. llroa-Jway und Mum htiocls. FOK linNT The ollico room noiv oecunlod by Cory k Conover on I'o.irl slreeU Apply to Leonard Kverott. _ _ FOHSALK On ono your'a lime , Gporcunt. Interc-t , u too. ! youiij Apply lo J.conurrt Kverott. _ 171 AH MS. eirlon lnn < ! . Iioin3 < , loti mil A ; buHliins : blo.-Us for silo or rtfiiU Day A Hess , . . ! > I'oarl > trjut. Council Uiulfj. i"ij ) raurofor Kood f.-irnn In lou Tlno. $ -niooth coin In ml. I'or p irllcudirs cull on oi addiess Johnston & Van I'ltlten , t'ouiiult Illnirs. _ _ 'H'IIKAN udilition Hats for runt , seven C' nioi. ih oaeh ; bath , hot und cold uuler. D.iy TWIN CITY STEA.M DYE WORKS , G. A. Ssnoadsack , PiO.onetap , OTia3 6 1 R.- Bluffs and 1321 Farnam St. , O.naria. Dye , clean and rafinlsh of every iassriptlon. Pac < caa < 33 raoaivod nt either o'fiea or at tu Works.Cor. Ave. A and 2dlh 3u Council Bluffs. Send for prica list. Merchants who hnvo bhop-xvorr. or boiled fttbr c of any clwriiotor cnii hav * them rt > dyed nud llnlnhoJ equal to ne.v HKUVKATUKIW HKNOVATKD AND CLKANKI ) 11Y &TKAM , . UU th * nd moat approved muchiiiory.utodt ut Ion uo t Ihun yea ever bjf J , J.