THE OMAHA DAILY EE : SUNDAY.IVA1'1UL 3 , 1392-SIXTJSEN PAGES. 7 . StonehilFs. "ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. " Spring Dress Goods. Here they are at Trade-winning prices. MONDAY PRICES. D HESS TKSS /EPAIITMENT. DWide Wide Wool Suitings , i rCheviot Francaisc , r f\ f8 inches xvlilo I / ( 40-Inch goods , now , jl 11 Would bo cheap tit 35c. * ' worth SI a yiml. ± J \J\J French Chevrons , 300 REMNANTS 10 BbndOB , finest , . .hALF MARKED 42 inches wldd , PRICE. BLACK r OODS nEPABTMENT- LACK eons UEPABTMENT. Imported Henriettas _ . , „ WOol Cheviots , 19e ; 44-ineh goods , II r\ ! 5S inches wide , A bargain at 30c. Extra fine values , _ J yj All \yool , All Wool Henriettas ; REMEMBER Finest Satin finished , 95c THELE PRICES FOR 48-Inch fabrics , - MONDAY ONLY. .Regular price SI.CO. ASH r-vEPARTMENT. LOOK. w. ASH L/EPARTMENT. Brandenburg's BIK Sateen , Imported Ginghams , Perfect fast colors , 19c nil thd no-.vcst ' ifi 32-inch poods , designs und colorings , 8OO CORSETS Exactly Like This Cut , G. Really worth $1.0O I LOOK ! READ ! SILK Extraordinary : ' SLAUGHTER OF- High Grade Silks. Prices Unheard Of. Prices Unknown. READ ! MEAD ! -8ILK-H Lot of Them , 10f They Are worth Three Times as Much , - - - 8ILK8-GHINH 80RKH. OQr . , WORTH BBC , rn FOR * * s SILKS-Dress Silks , . . IN.BEAUTIFUL , PL.A.IDS- ' SILKS ; , . . . . Worth up to s2. oo .a .yard | ' . y SILKS , In all colors and blacks , worth $3,00. , ' I OU SILKS , t Every kind manufactured , worth up to All kinds of Silk not what we have had -on-hand * These arrived only yesterday. See them. 116-118 16th St. no Oil" The Event U01 1)1 ) the Year We are going to give tomorrow the Greatest Bargain ever known to open the millinery season. 3000 beautiful trimmed liats , some. of.them worth f * t * $6 to $8 , Wonder of wanders , they'go. , tomorrow for : . : , 6OO Children's Last and misses' -hats"1 in this sale li Chance . 200 Different Shapes. 4000' yards of PURE SiK ; drapery Inet in black only , . 55 49c a" * yard. , . ,1. . . Regular yrice-$1.25. LADIES'- ' LIKE ABOVE CUT , 74c WORTH $ IBQ. 50 dozen gents' night go\yns , Mevorth \ $1. . , Dress shields , 5c. Thimbles , lc. Pocket combs , lac. Hooks and eyes , lc card. Tape , lc roll. Binding ; ribbon. lOc p'ieccJ Marking letters , 3c box. Belting , 2c yard. Zephyr , 3c oz. 3,000 DOZEN IIHHHT1D 3c each. WORTH VHf "I" i a dozen worth 60c , SPECIAL Time Bargains. FROM 10 TO 11 O'CLOCK We offer scrim , 38 inches wide and all colors of-cheese cloth t . * * ' 2 l-2c a yard. * . . FROM II TO 12 O'CLOCK We offer 5,000 yards-extra good outing" flannel , the-.regular 12c quality , P . l-2c a yard. ' OW * 1 < J Ji f FROM 1 TO 2 "We offda wonderful bargain. The price ofegood calico is 7ysc , a yard ; for onBiiiour we offer our best ging hams > $ > * that price7c ; they are worth 3oc. FROM 2 TO 3 3,000 yards of imitation China siiks , in beautiful designs , 4 3-4c a yard. FROM 3 TO 4. \ Embroidery silk , 4c a dozen. STONEHILLS WAIST SALE 200 dozen beautiful Waists , pleated back and front , 490 , worth § 1.25. i 300 extra quality Ladies1' Waists , v.cilli $3Eogfor , 8Sc. An Opportunity. Special Suits. Suits and Wrappers. " LADIES' ' SUSPENDER SUITS , with Reefer Jackets $7.95 , worth $20. LADIES' SUSPENDER SKIRTS , $3.48 , worth $7. 200 SAMPLE WRAPPERS 99C , worth fully $2.50. UMBRELLA "SPECIAL. " " , , . . . UMUKilr.Y T-ii'AItT.1IENT. . .MUHICLL.V J-'IJI-AIITJIKNT. EXTRAORDINARY OEFER. Silic Gloria and English Serge Umbrellas , handles of gold , silver and worth natural S3. woods , paragon frames , 2(1 ( and 28 inch , 97e. , 2OO Dozen ALBERT Fast Black Hose. THE REGULAR 6Oc QUALITY , TOMORROW 24c. FOR MONDAY A Grand Reduction ! WE TAKE OFF 20 Per Cent PEYSER'S AND PP GLOVES On Sale Tomorrow. P & P Bethold. P & P Fontaine , Peyser's Real Kid. All goat f\r\ They c-omo In hook and mosWrS ( , ( liiotalro , draped and unww dtcsscd ,