THE OMAN A DAITA BEE ; SUNDAY , APRIL 3. -SIXTUEN" PAGES. CHINESE " \ A TH Y do they want him to go ? Is it because he n 11 D \ 7 7"HAT increases the population of our great has nothing to do ? Certainly not , Is it because cities and adds to their importance ? Is it be cause his business is successful , because he cures people cause people die every day and go to the grave on the ple and does not kill them with poisonous decoctions. most trivial pretense ? No , it is because they arc kept alive aud cured. The Chinese nation has a population He will remain in spite of all competition. Two more of five hundred million people one half the population doctors coming to help this week. of the entire globe , and is it to be wondered at that they have the best doctors in the world certainly not. D DR. O. GE1R WO , Regular graduate of Chinese medicine , eight years' study , ton years' nrnctlon * Treats successfully all diseases known to suffering huirmnltv. Roots nl tints Has practiced medicine in Omaha for three years , and and herbs nature's . remedies his medicines tlio world . his witness * 1 OOO testimonials. * Cnll nnd see him Consultation Free. Has slso constantly on * hand Remedies for the following diseases ready prepared : has been called to sign only five death certificates in Asthma , Indigestion , Sick Headache , that time , and then only was called in at tha last moment Catarrh , Lost Manhood , Blood Purifier , Rheumatism , Female Weakness , Kidney and Liver. ment when death had fixed his hold upon his victims , PRICE , ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE OR EIX FOR FIVE DOLLARS. Those who cannot call , enclose 2-cent stamp for question list and full particu . What a wonderful success. D Office , Corner 16th and California lars. Streets , - Omaha. GIVEN UP TO DIE. One of the Most Remarkable Cures Ever Accomplished. When all Hope Had Gone Dr. C. Gee Wo , the Famous Chinese Physician , Saved His Life. JF.FKEKSONIA. "I doalro to stnto for tlio benefit of nil who tuny bo nfllictod with sickness or disenso that Dr. C. Goo \Vo , the Chinese nhysiuinn of Omulw , is possessed of the most wonderful paring abilities L hive : over hoard of in my life , and I am not pos sessed of Iruigungo adequate to express my thanks for the great bonolit I have received from his medical services. I waa reduced to the lowest pobslhlo o.xtromUy'and was given up for death , as ether dostora had exhausted all their skill and could do nothing to relieve inc. I was reduced to that point when dotith wua momentarily expected ; in fact frionda and re latives had confroRntod around my hodsido to watch the final m itnonU. A : ) a lint rj.nrt [ sent for Dr. Chang GuoVo , in the hone that , having hoard of his great skill , ho mi < rht ho able to relieve mo at least , for I had no idea ot ever getting cured after my physician anil others had concluded that llioro was no help for mo The Chinese doctor was called in , no ono thinking of any possible good to como from hia yinit , but I had confidence in his ability and concluded to put my ease , mv life I might say , in his hands. I know my condition was hopeless An abscess had formed on my lung and quick con sumption had greatly increased my Buffering. I kept declining rapidly , and it was doolarod that I could not live ever night. Dr Goo Wo arrived late in the evening anil after a hasty examination ho concluded to try if possible to save my life and ho'did after I was given up to die. Dr. C. Guo Wo , through his s'cill ' and untiring olTorts , succeeded where all others had failed. " llo pronounced my case very serious , though by no means a hopeless ono ; ho said my condition required the promptest and most decisive treatment aim put about to relieve mo in the most ono g.Hic mannor. lie said if I could sur vive until morning ho could curomo. After giving nio warm applications and strengthening restoratives I soon began to perceive my condition becoming moro comfortable and the disouso relaxing its death hold upon mo I BOOH quieted down and rested until morning , In the moan time many of my friends had .retired for tlio night , little oxpectiug that I would bo able to greet them in the morning. But they were surprised ly finding mo greatly improved and resting comfortably when they came to my bedside to inquire into my condition. Dr. Goo Wo. my newly formed , friend , remained at my bedside nil night and felt greatly encouraged by the marked improvement I had inudo since his arrival. Ho said I was bolter and would live , which surprised even my closest friends. After 1 got bettor and in a condition to talk and consult with my family , the doctor'adviscd mo to como to Omaha , as. on account of his manv patients in Omaha , ho could not remain any longer at my home , but volunteered to send a trained nurse to lalto care of me until I was able to make the trip to Omaha , and after three weeks I was able to come to Omaha and took rooms at 1708 Cass street , at _ Mr.s. Camp's boarding house.Vhon I loft 1 1 p cured by him and owe my very life to his skill andolTorts at the last momenta. I take pleasure in recommending Dr. C. Goo Wo to all filtering humanity , and am satisfied that ono trial will convince the most skeptical of his wonderful curing abili- linn nn.-l liis Kimm-inr method of treatment. JOIIN 1N13ODY. IN THE KAISER'S CAPITAL Peaturea of Berlin That Might be Imported With Profit. BEST GOVERNED CITY IN THE WORLD Curiosities ot Street Cur Travel Sturat llnl- steail's HTporlenco Sulclilu 1'roblom Solved Street Clcniiliii ; Tlio Vlrcliow Demonstration. lly Mnrk Twnln. i ] , 1/0. ' , IS. ! . L , Clemens. } , Nov. 20 , 1801. I feel lost in Be.-- lib. It has no resemblance to the city I bad upposcd it was. Tbero was once a Berlin which I would have known from descriptions m books the Berlin of the last century and the beginning of the present ono ; a dingy city In a marsh , with rougb streets , muddy and lantern-lighted , dividing suaight rows of ugly houses all alike , compacted into blocks as srjuaro and plain and uniform and monotonous and serious as so > raany dry goods boxes. But that Berlin lias disap peared totally aad loft no sign. The bulk of the Berlin of today has about it no sugges tion of its fotraor self. It Is a now city , the newest I have ever seen. Chicago would Boom venerable beside It , for there are many old loaning districts In Chicago , but not many in Berlin. The main mass of the city looks as if It bad been built last \vook , the rest of it has a Just perceptibly graver tone , and looks as if it might bo six or eight months old. The next feature that birikos ono is the Apaclousuoss , tbo roominess of the city. Berlin Is not merely a city of widn streets , it Is the city of wide streets , "Untcr don Linden" is three streets in ono ; tlio 1'ots- dumorstrasso is bordered on both slues by sldowalKs which are themselves wider than some of the historic thoroughfares of the old European capitals ; there KCOII to bo no Innos or alloys ; there are no short cuts ; here and there , wbcro several important streets empty Into a common center , that center's circumference : s of a magnitude calculated to bring that word spaciousness into your mind again. The parlc In the middle of the city Use huge that it calls up tbatoxprcs. ion once moro. The next feature that strikes ono is the Btralghtucss of the streets. A result of this arrangement is that at night Berlin is au m- plrlng bight to MO. U as and the electric * light are employed with a wasteful liberal ity , and sowherever ono goes , tie has always . double ' ranks of brilliant lights stretching inrdo'wn Into the night on every hand , with lioro ami there a wldu and splcuutd constella- - tlon of them spread out ever an Inturvon lug f "platz , " und between the interminable double procession of street lamps ono tins the , swarming and darling cab lamps , a lively , and pretty addition to the line spectacle , for < "thay counterfeit the rush a'ld confusion and sparkle of an Invasion of llrulltcs. Compared with Ctilvai- There Is ono other noticoab'.o feature the absolutely level surface of the tlto of Berlin Berlin Is the Kurope&a Chicago. Tno two citloo have about the same population. I can not speak In exact terms , because I only know what Chicago's population was weou before last ; but at that time It was about a million and a dolt. But now ( he parallels fail. Only parts of Chicago dio'statoly and beautiful , whereas nil of Berlin Is stately and substantial , and It is not morelv In parts , but uniformly beauti ful. There are buildings in Chicago that are architecturally rlncr than any In Berlin , I think , but what I have lust said above la still true. These two flat cities would lead the world for phenomenal good health If London was out of tbo war. As It is , London lead * toy polut or two. Berlin' * death rain is only nlnoteou in 1,000. Fourteen years upo tbo rate was a third Ulgborl Berlin U a surprise in a imtltltudo of ways , to spjalt strongly and bo oxucU U seem * to be the most provorned city in the world , but ono must admit that it also seems to be the best governed. Method and system ni'o obsorvublo on every hand. And it is not method and system on paper and there an end it is method and system in practice. It has a rule for everything nnd puts the rule in force acainst the poor and the powerful alike , without favor or prejudice. There ro several taxes , and they nro collected quarterly ; they uro not merely levied , they uro collected every timo. This makes light taxvs. Hero the police keep coming , calmly a\d : patiently , until you pay your tax. They charge you 5 or 10 rents per visit after the first call. By experiment you will Hnd that they will pres ently collect that money. 1'orsoiml Particulars to He Provided. In ono respect the 1,500.000 of Berlin's population are like a family. The head of this largo family knows the numasorits several members and where the said members are located , and when and where they wcro born , and what they do for a living , and what their religious brand is. Whoever comes to Berlin must lurnlsU these partic ulars to the police immediately ; moreover , if ho knows how long ho Is going to stay ho must say so. If ho takes a house ho will bo taxed on bis rent and taxed also on his in come , llo will not bo asked what his income - como is , and so bo may save some lies for homo consumption. The police will estimate his income from the house rout ho pays and tax him on that basis. Tbo calm , quiet , courteous , cussed persist ence of the police is the most admirable thing I have encountered on this sldo. They undertook to persuade me to sand and got u passporLfor a Swiss maid whom wo had brought with us. and at the end of six weeks of palleut , tranquil , angelic dailv effort they succeeded.- was not intending to give them trouble , but I was lazy and I thought they would got tired. Meanwhile they probably thought I would bo the ono. It turned out Just so. Ono Is not allowed to build unstable , un safe , or unsightly houses iu Berlin. The re sult is this comely and conspicuously stately city , with its security from contlugrratlous and breakdowns. It is built of architectural Gibraltar * . The building commisslouorj In spect while the building is going up. It has been found that this is butter than to wait till it fulls down. These people are full of whims. bniiltiitlou Srluntlllciilly Systematic , Ono Is not allowed to cram poor folks into cramped and dirty tenement houses. Kaoh Individual must have Just so many cubic feet of room fipaco , und sanitary Inspections are systematic und frequent. There uru abundance of newspapers in Ber lin , and thera was also a newsboy , but he died. At intervals of half a mile on the tnor- oughfaros there are booths , and It is at tucsu that you buy your papers. There are plenty ot theaters , but they do not advertise In a loud way , Tncrn are no big posters of any kind , and the display of vast typo and pic tures of actors und performance framed on a bl scnlo und done in rainbow colors is n thing unknown. Unsightly things' are for bidden hero ; Berlin is a rust to the ovo. And yet the sauntcrer can easily Hnd out what Is going on at the theaters. All ever the city in short distances apart there are neat round pillar * eighteen feet hlgu and about as thick as a hogshead , and on tbeso the llttlo black and white theater bills und other notices are pasted. One generally linds a group around each pillar rending these thlngi. There are plenty of things in Berlin worth Imparting to America. It Is these that I hnvo particularly wished to make a note of. When Buffalo Bill was hero his biggest poster was probably not larger than the top of an ordinary trunk. There Is u multiplicity of clean and comfortable - fortablo horse car * , but whenever you think you know where a car is going to , you bad better stop ashore because that oar is not go ing to that place at all. Tbo car routes are marvelously intricate , and often the drivers get lost and are not heard of for years. Braiua are of no value when , you nro trying to navigate Berlin In a borso car. Whou tbo ablest of Brooklyn's editors ivas hero on u visit , ho took a hone car in the early morn ing and were it out try ing to gat to a point In the ceuter of the city. Ho was on board all day and spent many dollars In faros and then did not arrlvo at the place which bo had i tar ted la go to. This is tbo most thorough way In which to see Berlin , but it U also the most expeusivQ. Street < ; ur JU < culutlons. But tboro are excellent features about tbo car ysteai , nevertheless. Th 5 oar will not stop lor.von to got ou or off except at certain places a block or two apart , whuro there i a sign to indicate that that is a halting station. This system saves many bones. There are twenty places inside the car ; when those seats are illleii no moro can enter. Four or llvo persons may stand on each platform -tho law decrees the number and when these standIng - Ing places are all occupied tbo next applicant Is refused. As th ro is no crowding , and as no rowaylsm is allowed , women stand on the platform's as well as mon. They otten stand there when there are vucant seats inside , for these places are comfortable , the're boinglittlc or no jolting. A native tolls mo that when tbo first car was put on , thirty or forty years ago , the public had such n terror of it that they didn't feel safe inside of it or outside either. They made the company keep a man at every crossing with a ivd ttag in his hand. Nobody would travel in tbo car except con victs on the way to the gallows. Ttils made business in only ono direction , and the car bad to go back light. To save the company the city government transferred the convict cemetery to the other end of the line. This made trattlc in both directions and kept the company from going under. 'Ibis ' sounds like some of the information which traveling for eigners are furnished with in America. To mv mind it has a doubtful ring about it. The Hrst-olass cab is neat and .trim , and has leather cushioned Boats and a swift horse. The second class cab is on ugly and lubberly vehicle , nnd is always old. It seems n strange thing that they havo. never built any now ones. Still , if such a thing were done everybody that had time to Hock would Hock to see it. and that would mo.ko a crowd , and the police do not like orovyds and dis order hero. If there wnro an earthquake in Berlin the police would take charge of it and conduct it in that sort of orderly way that would makoyou think it was a prayer meet ing. That is what an earthquake generally ends in , but this ono would bo different from these others ; it would ba kind of .soft and self-contained , Hue a republican praying for a mugwump. StrroU uiiil Slrrot ( Hoimlng. The streets are very clean. They are kept bo not by prayer and talk and the other American methods , but oy daily and hourly work with scraucrs aud brooms ; and when an asphalted street has been tidily scraped after a , rain or a light snowfall , they scatter clean sand ever it. This Haves some of the horses from falling down. In fact this Is a city government which scorns to stop at no expense when ) the public convenience , com fort and health uro concerned except in ono detail. That is the naming of tbostreets and the numbering of the bouses. Seme- times the name of a street will cbunge In the mlddl'i of a block. You \vill , not Hnd it out till you got to the next corner und discover the now uamo on the wall , and of course you don't know just whim the change happened. The names are plainly limweu on the cor- nnrs on all corners there are no exceptions. But the numbering of the houses there has never buen anything like It since original chaos. The numbers run up onu side or the street and down the other. Thut Is endur able , but the rest isn't. Tboy often use ono number for tureo or four bouses , and some times they put the number on onlyono ot the houses and lot you guess 0,1 tbo others. A result of this syutemlois system is that when you are at No , 1 in a street you havcu't any idea how far It may bo to No. 150 ; it may bo only fclx or eight blocks , it may boa couple or miles. 'I hero are a good many suicides in Berlin ; I have seen six reported in a single day. There is always a deal of learned and labor ious argument , and ciphering going on as to the causa of this state of things. If they will sac to work aad numlw their houses lira rational way , perhaps they will Hnd out what was tbo matter , Vlrrlnnv Jllrtluluy Celubr.itimi , Moro than a month ago Berlin began to propiro to celebrate I'rof. Vircbnw's seven tieth birthday. When the birthday ar rived , the middle of October , it seemed'to mo that all the world of science arrived with It ; deputation after deputation came , bringing the homage and reverence of far cities and centers of learning ; and during tbo wbolo of a long day the hero of it sat and received such witness of bis grcutno s as has seldom been vouchsafed to any man in any walk of life in any time , ancient or modern , 1'rof , Uo.lmb.olu' seventieth birthday is separated from Vlrchow's by only about throe wcok ; BO nearly as this did these two extraordinary men como to being born together. Two such births bavo seldom signalized a suiglo year Ir human history. But perhaps the nnol closing demonstra tion was peculiarly grateful to them. This was A common given in their honor tuo other night by 1,000 students. 1 was glad to bo honored with a place at FOUND AT LAST. After Years of Uiimicrrsnriil.Sciirch for Cure , Mnriln Amlrr-Hiti Uoti Cured liy tlio Clil- MCSO J > CK-I or A Voluntary Testimonial. OMAHA , Nob. , March 18 , 1892. To Whom it may Concern : This is to certify that I have boon a constant sutYcror for many years with catarrh , aslluna and bronchial affec tions of the throat , and tried all the patent medicines and remedies I overheard heard of , but with no success. I treated with doctors in various parts of the country , but none of thorn could do mo any good further than giving mo short temporary relief. I suffered night and day , and continued ) o grow worse not withstanding all the medicine I had taken. I had almost given up my rase as hopeless .when I was informed by a Iricnd of Dr. ( , ' . Gco Wo , the Chinese doctor , and advised to go and see him in the hope of getting relief at loa t , if not a permanent ciu-o lor my trouble. I was slow in making up my mind to make such a radical Change in my treatment , as I know a trial with the Chinese doc tor would bring ftio. but I finally con- i.-luiiod to give \\\h\a. \ \ trial , so I called at his oll'co with that intention. I found the doctor a cloyoj' , , entertaining gent lo- man , thoroughly 'posted on my .condi tion , and it took only a voiv short time i to coinviuco mo'thUt ho was'tho party I was so long ill scitroh of. Ho told mo ' ' my case was cu''blc.and that ho could euro inc. and prepared me a special treatment to suit1 Jny condition , and in two weeks I was , KO much bettor Umt [ had the fullest cnnlidonco in the doctor's tlio table of the two'heroos of the occasion , although I was not really learned enough to deserve it. Indeed there was u pleasant strangeness In kcii ! In such company. Yut tlioi-o was nothltis embarrassing about it , because loaded men and cmnty ones loot : about alilto. I know that to that multitude there 1 was a professor. U required but little - tlo art to catch the ways and attitudes of thoio men and imitate them , and-I hnd no dinicultv in Ionising as much ltlo a prof ossor as anybody thoro. An Inspiring Scene. Wo arrived early , so early that only Pro fessors Virchow and Holmlioltz ntiil a dozen guests of the special tables wcro iihciitl of us , and SO'J or100 students. It was said that there rvci-o 4,000 , mon present. It was a most animated scene.thcro is no doubt about that : it , was u stupendous beehive. At each end of each table stood a corps student in the uni form of bis corps. Kach corps lias a uniform of its own. and all are of rich material , bril liant in color and e.toeodiiiKly plctutosquo ; for they are survivals of tbe'vanlshod cos- tiimos of Jho middle ages , and they repro duce for us the time when meu were beauti ful to look at. The student who stood guard at our cud of the table was of grave counte nance and Kroat frame and grace of form , and ho was doubtless an accurate reproduc tion , clothes and all , of some ancestor at bis two or tnrco couturiei ape a rooroduction us far as the outside , tbo animal man , goes , I moan. As I sav , the place was crowded. Tno nearest aisle was packed with students standing tin , and they made a fence which shut off .ho rest of the house from viovv. As far down this fence as you could ! > eo all these wholesome younp luces were turned In ono direction , all iboso intent and woi-blilping eyes were centered upon ouo spot the place where Virchow and Holmholtz sat. Mho boys seemed to everything , unconscious of their own existence. They devoured iboso two Intellectual giants with their own o.ves , they feasted upon them , and the worship that was in their hearts shone iu their faces. It seemed to mo that I would rather bo Hooded with a jilory like that. Instinct with sincerity , innocent of self-3ccKtug , than win a hundred battles and break u million hearts. 'I'iiero was a Olg muu of beer in frout of each of us , and moro to como when u anted. Now the performance begun. The con cealed band piaycd. a piece of martial niUblu ; then there was u pause. The students on the platform rasa to iiiclr foot ; the middle ono RUVO a toast to the emperor , than all the house rose , muiis In liaod. At the call "One,1 two , three ! " all glasses were drained and then brought down with a slam on the tables in unison. Tho. y ulV was as goou au Imita tion of thunder uj/Iolm've ever hoard. Prom now on , during an Hour , there was singing In mighty ehorus.oiU Ovuticm to .Mnmnmcn. The songs were , , jairrng | and the Immense putpour from young life and yourg .limns , the crash of swurds and the thuudor of the beer mugs gratlu'Mly , worked u body up to what seemed tna liyit possible summit of ox- citonient. It surely beamed to tno that I had reached that sutnnrutf'that I baa r cm : boil my limit and that tno.iJA jfas no niftier lift dovlv ablu for me. WUpji apparently tlie last onu- nonl guosthail long , j taken his nluco , again three bugle blasttf'ratg put , and once moro tuu swords luapedron ; { ( } thlr soabbards. Who might this low cplnir bol Nobody wh in- loresteJ to Inquires Still indolent eyes wcro turned toward the. jJlslant entrance , and wo suw the sllhoa Rlejim/itid the llfioil swords of a guard of honor ploughing OuougU tie ] romolo crowds. Tea n wo saw that end of the house rising to ita feet ; saw it rise abreast the advancing guard all along like a wave. This iu promo honor had been of. forcd to no ono bjfovo. Then lharu was an excited whisper at our table "Mommsoul" and tbo wbolo house rose rose and shouted ana stamped and clapped and banged their becrmuga. Just simply a storm' ' Tlien the llltlo man wild Ills long hair and Kmursonlun face edged bit way past us and took his seat. I could huvu touched him with my baud Mommtont thlnK of it ) One of the professors sold that once upon a time an Amorloiu young laity was Intro duced to Motamicu , ana found herself badly tcarcd ar.d ipeechioss. She dreaded to sea bit moult ) uneloso.foi1 she was expecting htm to caooio a subject , several miles above hero oiirovr. ) ' .cn , and did not auppoio ho could pet aowu to the world that other people lived la ; out when hli reward came her tcr- 4ieAppeatxx ] . " \Yel : , bow do you del Have you mad Hotralla' last booKl 1 tulnl ; it's lilt bast. " Too aotlvooor-jmoiileiof the cvcnlngclosod ability and committed my case to his treatment. I continued to grow bettor rapidly and a in now entirely woll. I ewe my euro to Dr , C. Gee \V'o , and am not ashamed to admit it. I ndviso all who want relief from their troubles to call on Dr. G. Gee Wo and they will bo cured. For all particulars apply or write to MARTIN L. AXDHHSON , 31U1 CumingSt. , Omaha , Nob. FROM MT. AYR , IOWA. Dr. C. Gee Wo. Omana , Nob. : Dear Doctor : I havoyour letter of the 1st inst. , and in reply will say I do not think I shall require f irthor treatment from you , as tho'mndicino you sent has had the desired offeot and has entirely cured mo of my indigestion troubles ind the general condition of my health is so much improved that i think I m weli. Also my nervous system is all right. I'loaso accept my Sincere thanks for the great favor you hnvb done mo , and rest assured I shall not lot an opportun ity pass to return the compliment by recommending your skillful assistance to anyone needing treatment. My'frlend who was taking your rheu matism remedy is also getting better rapid iv. You may publish this letter if it will assist you or helo you in any way. UIIAS. STOTKS. Mt. Ayr , Itv. , March 2 , 1S92. OMAHA. Neb. , March SO , ' 1)2. ) To Whom it may Conc.ern : I have been a long time sufferer with stomach trouble and general debility and could Hud no relief from any of the doctors I treated with. I was so b'idly run down that I thouirht it impossible to with the speeches ot welcome , delivered by two .students , and the replies made by Profs. Virchow and UolmhoUz. Virchow has long been a member of the city government of I3orlin. Ho works as hard for the city as does any other Berlin aldormnn , nnd pots the samn pay nothing. I don't know that wo in America could ven ture to ask our most illustrious citizen to servo on a Board of Aldermen , nnd if wo might venture it I am not positively sure that wo could elect him. But hero the municipal system is such that the best in the city consider it an honor to serve gratis as aldoi-mon , and the people have the good sense to prefer thee mon und to elect tncm year after year. As a result , Berlin is a thoroughly well governed city. It is a free city ; its affairs are not meddled with by the state : they are managed by its own citizens , nnd nftcr methods of their own devising. SHORTHAND LESSON , ISy I' . W. Slortlicr. i.isox : ! > . Word signs. While our alphabet is much shorter than that used In longhand , still wo are unnblo to write rapidly enough to do practicil work without abbreviating many of the most common words. Thpso abbrevia tions are termed word signs. Too much stress cannot bo placed upon the importance of thoroughly memorising them. The student should carefully and thoroughly commit the following list , and then write them hundreds of times from dictation , until ho can write each won ! as readily as bo could in long hand. ) f I r \ ) L ( rx _ _ - + r / O b O /Co O > r-O O D 63 \ < 6 \ Line 1. So , do , take , him , will , wav. was , have , them , your , improvement , a. Wholly , it , make , uro.aao , which , object , usual , think. ! ) . Maybe , together , language , advantage , us , Us , has , such , this. 4. Knows , makes , take' , comes , joura , thinks , expect , himself , bubjcct , advantages. Answers to CorrcHimiulonU. The vowels that have been explained E > O fur nro what nro termed second place vowels. When a second plao < 5 vowel occurs between two stroke consonants it is immaterial whu'.bcr It i > placed after tbo llrct consonant or before the second. When the n circle Is placed at the begin ning ol a stroke consonant , it. i.s read before iny vowel that may bo written to that cense nant. Head the s drclo first , then road the vowel , before or after the character to which it is written , according to whether it la placed boforoor alter It. An B circle thut U attached to the aud ( it a stroke U read after any vowel that may bo written to that cense nant. nant.Wo are teaching the Graham system , There is no charge for the course. By thor oughly studying every loason , and sending in your work each week for examination , a thorough knowledge of shortnand ca. > bo ac quired. Wo cheerfully answer all questions per- talning to shorthand. I'rcsorvo your lessons and rovlow them each wcuk. Address all communications iu care of TUB Buu. Not So llnl ; After All , 13. V. Wood of McICoo's HocUs , Allegheny county , VtIn speaking to a traveling man of Chamberlain's modlclnns said : "I rccoiii- menu them above all othow. I havn used them myself and know thorn to bo reliable. I nlwovs guarautoo thotn to my customer * und hu'vo never bad a bottle returned. " Mr. Wood bad hardly llnUuoa speaking , when a ittlogirl came in tbo Dtoro with an empty bottle. It was labolnl , 'Chamt > orlaIu's I'aln Balm. " The traveler was interested , as there was certainly a bottle coming back , but waited to what tuu llttlo girl said. U was as follow ) : ' 'Mamma wants another bottle of that medicine ; shu says it is the bast modlriao for rheumatism thouvo r usoJ.1 5'J-ce.H bottles for aalo live n. month. My friends hurt given tno up to ilio nnd T hurt lost nil courtifje my- folf. A friend tolrt mo of Doctor C. Gco Wo , its lie wits cured nlso. nnrt advised mo to call nnd see him without ilolny , ns there wag no time to lose. 1 hurt tried all the doctors I could Hnd and all the patent medicines , out without relief. I Hnully iniuio up my mind to visit the Olilnobo Doctor , and from that moment dntos my recovery. J accepted his terms and placed myself under his care. I am now entirely well and ewe my euro to Dr. C. Gee Wo and talto pleasure in rec ommending ethers to him. Tnos. CrrVKttT , Northwest corner 12th and ftirutun Bis. under Iron Dunk , Onmlia , Nob. AKTERTWO MONTHS TREAT MENT HE WAS CURED. OAKLAXD , Nob. To Whom it May Oo'ncorn : 1 have boon a suiloror for many years and have tried a great many doctor's and patent medicines , but they never guvo me much help. The doctors pronounced my ease Height's disease and hopeless. I BUiTored a great deal and got no relief until , at the advice of a friend , I wont to see Dr. C. Gee Wo , the Chinese doctor of Omaha , I took hiy medicine for two months and am completely cured. 1 ewe my cure to the Chinese doctor and am thankful to him for it. Very truly , A. O. MOGUL , Oakland , Nob. Mrs. P. C. Pershing says : Knowing that my life has boon spared through the si < ill of Dr. C. GcoVo , the Chinese Phy- pii'inn I t-ilco In , great ploitsnro recom mending him nnd his methods of troat- niQiit to nil who may bo sick or diseased. My chief dllllcnUy was in weak lungs , from which I htivo sulToiod from the time I was IB years old , A year ago I contracted u siworo eold , aflor which I had hemorrhage of the lungs nnd a very had cough. "I trot no relief until T called on Dr. C. Goo Wo. After ton days' treatment 1 noticed iv decided improvement In my condition , and it was only n short limb until I felt assured that my health could ho fully restored. I had neuralgia through my unliro system , I nUo had catarrh , stomach and heart trouble , and always had iv very weak bacj ; . "I have boon treated by many lending doctors , but never received moro than temporary relief. I now enjoy better health than for many years , and lean say in justice to Dr. C. Gee Wo that ho has done for mo what other physicians said never could bo done. 'During mv visits to the doctor's olllco I have witnessed t > omo wonderful cures. Patients who wore given up to die were cured bv him and completely restored to health. ' 'I have taken n number of my friends to Dr. C. Gee Wo's olllco for treatment , and all of them are loud in their praise of his skill and ability in treating their cases. ' I can appreciate n doctor who can euro lung trouble. "I will give further information to anyone ono calling tit my resilience , 211C Cali fornia street. ( Signed ! MRS. R C1. PKRSFIING. I GOMSUL/TA'TION T BLOCK 16TH AND CALIFORNIA STREETS ! Office Hours , 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Every Day. , ABSOLUTEDT PCJBE - JUSTTRYIT. F.rJAqUEi B. CO. KANSAS CITY , MO. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tb * eiulDOnt 5i > erulltt | In nervoui , chronic , prlvale. Mool , nkln nml unnnrr illsenscs A roEulnr itnd rflKlstiircd Eruilualu In niu < lclnn. n illinoin.s * Mild curllBcutcs hovr. lintlll treating with tltegrautun nicccil entnrrb.spunuiitarrfaiicti , lost maniiooJ. somlnal wuukniMa , nlubt louos. impmencjr. ijuMIK atrlclnre. Eon- orrlioen , Ktocl , vnricorolo.clc. No mercury useJ. Now troatmunt forjon of vllul poH T , 1'RMIen unnblu to Tlall roe miiy bo iroate I nt hnmu by corranpuoilenri1. Mertlclua or Instruments eunt liy mnll orosprens e- ouroljrpacked , no nmrkl lolncllcnte ronlonti orirndor. Olio in-rionul Interview preltimul. ComulUUon free , i.orro'pom'.enco I'.rtotly prlvatu. liooK ( llytjt rl ot Ufa ) taut ( ma. Offlco Uuu 'ja.m. ton p , la , Bundars IU a. iii.lo 12 in. Scml atamp ( or reply. CHICHESTCK-S crtauai. tt o CROSS THE ORIGINAL AND CCIIUIIin. Tlio only Cnri > Hare. \rtlMi \ ( rill for tile LndlcK. nL DrtiCKht for Cktchctttr' $ L'ngllitl JitaMunJ Brand in JCr.l ftn.l 0'of.f luculllo l ite i * M UL Llud rlbbnn. Ti 1 c nil otjcr 1.1ml. > > uli lufroiii onj Imitiliont .All I'llli In r .iibn rd tairapink utiplx-ri. tit dnncrroiiii miuitcrrrll * . At Urucclili , or inj nl < 1r.ln iuraw | f T p < nicuUr , 1-nlmouUll , Mul "Itilkf fur l.iHtlc. , " inlrltcr. bj r < liiru UillL 10.00(1 ( Tw.lltK.nUli. fitftr , CHICIICSTCn CHEMICAL Co. , UlndUi.n Kgiiuro , ht > I.I by all l.ooul Drue. : ! . ! ! . I'llllADLI.I'IIIA. I'A. PENETRATES STOPS PAIN WOOD'S PENETRATING FAR IN ADVANCE OF ORDINARY POROUS AND OTHER PLASTERS Sold by Druggists Hxcrywlicrc New York Depot i ft WllUun Stiect A ( r.MII.NK.ltlL.'UU.Irt Kll.l.i-Jllll Klllitd HIM II KllAltlUATOK i ure Jil | iloiuaiai beoiuiu Itkllli Itiu microbe orfiorra. I'm rutnllvd In JMIanJ t'jiin , the lallur l' citllnni. Bent iiiirir.'urJ ) pru. piild on receipt or prlco or H O. I ) . Woliiiu n iimr onlco tocurj. Tlio public Ir l3 ni-1 JuVjjri lup tilled hr the Klni'or ' l > riu C aipiiy , O iull , U A. Mclclior , HoiruntMererand X. I' , rlsjrkura , Huutli Oiualm : A , I ) Koitarunl II. J. K'llli i.'iunollllliini. 1 Jut onjKUHlivoromodjr for ttia ftboTO illxiue , uio thousand * of cue ) of tba tvpnt kind and of long BUiiriirur Imro bocncurod. Imhwil * Btrontf U my fftltli IniUrlllcnejr , tlut I will Moil TWO uomuirat. ! , with jiVAI.UAIII.Ii TltKATlSKoathtiditoasoManriiur. f ( rcr wUo will neuil luu Ibeir J.'i rotJ and 1' , O. oddrtu. T. A. MOCUIII. M. C' . , Ib3 1'fHrIHl. . N. r. GONORRHEA , GLEET AND tUCOERflllEA CURED inMnya by tba J'ronch Ituineily , entlilml , TUo King. It dissolveniiiliiit Hint U absurbfil Into ilia lulliunixl partiL Will rufuml monoIf It ilooiiuHcure. or causj atrlctura. ( j untie men hurt ) l n mllaUlo arttclu. il ji'kii < or i tor 1 } by mall proj > itit. SaoAI iQti.VCo , r * - - ntly want a now IDEA IN ADVERTISING ) . Address suddenly , without nytleo , Omaha .ItlrerttMtim lliirriui. If , Y. Life , DR. J. E , THE SPECIALIST , IN THE TJIKATMKNT OF ALL FOKMS OF VlllVATR DI'J7fAaU8 OONOH- HJIOKA , ST-KICTUKK , aVPJIILIS , ULKKTAND ALL WKAKNJSSU. ANU DISORDKU8 OF YOUTH AND MAN- HOOD. IMMKDIATKKKLIHF WITJI- OUT LOSS OF TIME FKOM1JUSINKSS. \ \ ilto fore iculiirs N. I'lL'or , lllluiiid Parnnm Hts.nmlii ( : , Neb. N. M , RUDDY , THE OEY PIlACIICAt OP1IOIAN v SlUFoutli 1MU St. , I'nrniiinHL Tlioator. v , EYES TESTED FBEE > L ( j'usses ' Klttod to roniody all dofooti of uyu- lKlit. Steel siioc-tiiclus of euar.uitoud ( jirillty il anil Ui. .Sollil ( Jell Spectnli't nnI Hjosl'.isoi,1 , ? ! nud UcculliV'rt protcnptlotH ( "i glav < - > tlllud correctly taniu duy itn rocolroj AETIFIOIAI , HUMAN EYE3 INSBBTED