THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt PRIDAY. APRIL 1. 1892. SPEGlflL NOTICES , nm TIIKSK COLCMNP AmEiniscMKNTfi lll l * itkrn until IS TO r > rn for tni i-vrntne sea nntu t > nip n ( or the tuornlnc or Sunday cdl H Uon UonAll avcrtlsPirifTits In thcs * polnmnii It rents llrp first InsrrMon. nod 10 jnts * Hoe then after or 12 l > rr r.tip f > er month No srtvprilsernrnt taken Jot less than Si < f tits lor ihf erst Insertion Term * rush to ftdvitirr Count b"et wren words to the llnp Inltts. s rctirr * fyrabMf Mr mrli count * * orfl All fi'vrrtlMTiiPiit * rnnft run rotiMtcutiVP y AeTWticTf lr reqnrstlnc a numbered rlicrk ran biivpthPlcMtTS taatrtfra to n iml > ered letter In rrrpof 1m Hit Amwtrf rn fiadrefsod mil t > e oi llTc-red tin presentation of tlir rhw k SITUATIONS -WANTED. BATI S - If * a Itnn first time and IDc line tbere- lifter No BflTt rtlsement taken f or If s than gjc. -A ouNrTwoMAM WITH i wo OLD CHILD A wishes Mtnntlon to wort lor room and t > o ra Address 7 fcn line MB6 1 * _ -WANTI.H. . S-ITt AT10N AS WORKING Jlionspke ppr by middle nt" Knctlsh person , l < lewrrnr smrlc Bcnth-raan farmer preferred Address l > a * ta , Irvlnptuu. Neb M2M 1 * _ TION WANTED , A COOK. MAN AND wife on ranch Adare s T 4P , Omaha IJfo 1H9 ill * - WANTF-D. A POMTION nr AN ALL-AKOVND clothms mam t-cst references T IS , thin offlce -WANTED , SITUATION AS" CLERK BY A yonnc man Understands book-keeping. Coun try tn n | ircferrra. Good references * Address liox ISO , Battle Creek , Neb RSI SI * AN KXPEKIENCED AM ) ACCtiKATE AC A counta ut * nnlt portion es bonkkpcIIPr nr other rtm.KTtu'M jrqulrlnc Unitler qualifications can c\\e \ ttrtt-cli.if.jelrrimrs. AQcirtrs T ( I : < T M M4 WANTED-2IA1.E HELP. JlATrsUc a line first time nnd ll > e a line there aflrr No advertisement taken lor loss than Zie. TIwAvi i'Vi. SALESMEN ON J-ALAKY on COM .1'ttlssK > n to handle tbc new patent tlipmlrol Ink trnMniMiciirll Tbo crcatint stillnc novelty < ver jnoflnrt'tl. errses Ink ihoiouchlyln two second ? im ibru < 'B of paper. IWilorinper lent prom one rrcnt s sales r-ruountod to lUHUn nix any * , unothpr tutlu two l.oum. Mo * m one crmrul upcut In rrch MM IT n a territory Tor trrmn ntifl lull | mr tlrulnr * cdflrris Monroe Kra cr Mlf Co , LuCroxi > e , 177 -fcALKSMKS. I'AVS WKLU < 01 I3KK ULI'G 33fcALKSMKS. ltl ! < AJ- T > -M Jfc It. IjAllOllKll ? WANTJtn KVKHV WKKK Julfor Wjoni'.ncon the 3 A M It. It. , Jrep trnn rortutlou trom Ouiaha. Call at WO S lUtb utrerL AI.ARV PAID WKKKLT JJblccer Kuwlnc mathlno onicc , l&lCDourlanrtrret. M4B7 all > AGKNTs < WANTKII IIXCKLSIOU POItTUAIT * C < iM Ware Mock. T77al8 * von A coon ARKNTJ vou AIIK JluiLv Wrtlo for termf to Tup Odorles Cook nir V\ art > Ciimpnny. m > uver Colo.- for UIP licut lantent-rellliiR liouechold article ever sold. Kxrlu Blre li-rrltory M1B.11' B VTANTKD. A 1 P11OK SALK MKN WITH oUlloliod trade Tor country tributary to Chi AddrcM C. 11.1'arpo & Co Cblcaco , 111ll'C ll'C 8 T ) -WANT1C , 20 TEAyS-TltH' ' KOIl It U WOllIC JJWANT1C . coed wnpen , Iree pass Albrlchl , 1120 Karnnm Ft -1 ' -WAN'JJI > , A FHIPT Cl.A'BI ; ACKSMITU -'Meadyjob to the rlglit man Marrliid zuun pre- fcrred John > t. Stewnrt , Atkinson. Neh SOU b' > -ENEK.ETlC bOLlCITOKs WANTED SJ1 X , > Y Lllebulldlnc r.7 ! I * B WANTED. TWOCOATMAKEUS AT ONCE Si. ; ( lOldhelm & Co Denlson la MI49 1 * V WANTED , AT ONCE. TVVKXTY-FIVK HAK J > npKKin > kiiii on buccr I nd team work , peed -ace and utenfiywork the 3 ear n-ound I or par- llcularn addrcMi The Kouana Bddlery Co. , K54 bib Jey f U. M. Paul. Minn. MM4 6 WANTICD , EXPKKlENrKD BAL1 > MAN IN merthant lallorlnc eUabllshnisnt AJdreisT Ml. A SOT 2 B-WAATEI ) . A COMPETENT ADVEKTlfclNC ! mil It Itor on dally 7 > aper Uood nalnry to flrnt rlactouaii. Addrexotbn bun Pub to. I4B North Utl. , Irpet , Llurolu , Neb .13 I * T > WANTED , GOOD PALKsMKN ON THE } IOAD -AJto KPll aclTertlslue tardH , tuntt and paleudars on romralsBlon direct from mauulutturem. You can rnukp t.MI 00 per week. Addrenn AdvertlMne Spe- tlalty Oon OuDalo , N. V MJ4 ! ! \ VANTEDi i HELP , KAT.KS l.r > c a line first tlmo and lOc a line there after No advertisement taken lor less than > c p WAKTKII , 1.1KL roit OENEKAL wwork. Mni G W LoomiB , 10U o 80th avenue M7I6 - - SECOND G1KL. 11)14 LO- C-WANTED-GOOD -'cutt street MSC1 - . GIKL PC GENERAL I1OUSE- C-WAN11CD. work al MB north IBtu. ' 'JS SI- -WANTED , COMPETENT GIKL POK HOUbE- wark In mnall family. Hi BI of aces. Apply at iCd street. M 41 > 1 C-WANTED , A GIKL rOU GENERAL HOU5E- wotk Apply Mil South 10th street. SS7 1 * -WANTED GIKL IN bMALL 1'AMILT FOK CWANTED crueral housework ; German preferred. Ul South ! 'l > tb a\c ' 'Ul SI p-WANTED APPKENTlCKb AND KIKgT CLASS V/vuIst ninlhhers Mrs. A. JUre , Uuehuiuo block. -WANTED TOUNG GIRL roll L1G11T HOUSE woik at 2IIC Ohio Btrtet S73-1' C- WANT ED. A GOOD GE.UMAN GIKL OK M1D- ( lleiicotloman for peneral houhcwork. In HUtre at meal market. Ml No loth ct- 70 WANTED. A GOOD GIKL IXMl GENE1LAJ. houtirwork. will nay the right Ctrl C5 per week Cull Z.-C7 California ht- 10) ) FOB KENT-HOUSES. .HATES IScaline Brut Urns unl Hlo a ling there r No udvertUement tntjn for lest than "ic l iYlOUBESANDAPAnTMENTelN BES1 KESI JL tlenoe block In city. b6 ! S. * ! d BtreeL 'J el. 17D3 r\-LAKGE LIST OK HOUSES STOKES , FLATS J-/etc. . ti and up. Paul , 17 Board of Trade _ 213 A & KENT , C NICE natft.rUKNISHED 2 N. Itdh , llrennan natft. M43G D I KOK KENT , UOUaEa , T7.UO I'EK MONTH AND upwards. The O. ! ' . Davis Co. , 1K15 ruruam atMl Ml ! * T4 ELEGANT 12-KOOM KUKNISUED HOU.-E .L/all modern , near Ilrowncll hall : tlUOW per mo C. K. Harrison. VK N. Y. Life (4U a4 D-1YW KENT , HOUSE 1S47 N 17TH ST. , II ROOMS , bath , te _ Kill per month. 1 U. Woodrow.Neb XaU bank building. US D-l-OIt KEN7' . AllOYE NOS K4ANDJC ( t-OUTH Idtb slrirt , lroom tlat , every modern convcn lenee. lucludtnc larce kitchen runcu. Apply Wind Kerrys A Co. . 201 N Y Life hide M714 -lBKoTM IIOUSI" , ALL CONVENIENCES. D | Keed \ MillJT.lilj Board of Trade V.1U DI I HOUhEK , fa TORUS AND 1'LATS A. C. TKOsT. room 23. Douglas block , ICtb und Uodcu D 1-4 KCOMS , IsT KLOJK , WTH AND UOWAKD , fli. II rooms , TtU and Pnclflr fT Ji louum.ilst and Mcluilni. 15. I , looms , ! and Graeu , Hi. lUtlduuies ana OOUUKCI In all parts of the city. n r. Hutu. llootn 4 , Bee buildlne 1174 m "k f.nOOXl COTTAGE , HOT AND COLDWATEK , 'tiuUiclo el , furoaiMt. beautltal lanu und shade N. 1 corncrrnd : and MlumL D HOUSE , KENT Douirla st DM [ -IXIK K13VT. 14 KOOM NEW BRICK HOl'fK , all modern conveulenres Coed location Mod- 11 lite rc lircunan , Z1J Uurbach block , M1TS S JK KENT , 4 IIOOM TLAT , OUTU 1CTH AND Hlrkury st. _ 1U4 ' > ' DEsIKACLK HOU.-'E , e UOOMs. ' 1D7-J- P-A KIVK KOOM iioubi : it CHAKLE-I inquire at I14 Charles. D LVT TKN ItOOM HIST ACIU'J ) HOl7 E , ull modern ; also rlstrrn and yard ; will rent rce to desirable party tuklnc loate by Aiirtl C. tllS - tllSD I-7 KOOM HOUMC , ALL CONYKMKNCLS ; barn coed lorallty. at Kir. ' rl sub. M"10 f ViJ < A KG E ROOM * , bd city water in tousoUt tontb .A tlreet. I" ) IXIKKKNT , MODERN s KOOM HOUfK > EAK .IVHausoom i > urk , No. Hi : ! n > nth fiid street , all xe ily tor oocupaocy , H5.UU. lilcks , ! lui N. V Ufa us ; a t Dnvit KOOM norsi TENTH AND cHituccT. uear shops und tmeltlni : works I'.nquire wltbiu. jj fcij j. FOR UEUT yUKNlSHED BOOKS. Ef-lie line flrtt time and Uta a line tbero- nfter No idtertlscuient taken Jor leu than Sic. I- NICE HOOMo. ALI. Ou.SVKMK.SCKS , 173 AJDaveDpnit , & 11H4 b' IUOMB JX1K &KNTLKMKN _ _ HI N Ittb KX AZ- _ f - KOK UKKT. ONE JJUIRK KflONT OlT-TSVO J l'scklurnUbed crtitilurnlilieJ looms ia boutb 't5th utroet. juti ounveuiuuous. Adjulotnc coodtiaurd IMthjit Ullu * E-t OK 4 KOOMSTKMSHKDOK - ntshud. for bocicieciilDf modern conveniences iTUi jVuolwprlh are. _ an U' pFl iUKlhllCDKOOil KOUOXICOK TWO GEN JVtlemou tb.UOjHT month JWW r" ro m HSSI- > nXKIIKIl'KOOM. . A I'LEASANr jfrji-t room for rentSIM Hamcy. FITBHISHEDBOOMS AND BOAKD. KAbANT KCHM ANDLOJLKD "jj i Ix.i i U 6t. ROOTgB AKP BOARP. OonHmifd 17 vKiir DrsniAtiLK mwT AND SECOND JC floor south and e u fnrnlsbel roomi at "Tbe I renter , 116 No 1Kb street _ M'ft-a * 17 WITH ALL CONVENIENCES. 703 s. liTL r siren _ Ml4t T.i N1CKI.Y JTKN1MIEU UOOMS AND BOARD. 1 tip s yah st _ g l : - rtiiNtsnKD IIOOMS AND rmsT ii-NictrLY class board y > 'U 5 > t Msj-r's ave UK3 4 * 17-OXn ITRN1MIKD fRONT IIOOM WITH AL X < * eve for man and wife or three cenllrraen alou one back room , at 1711 Daflce IW HI * 1- VERY NICE f KONT ROOM % V1TH ALC OVK 1 itid Door , best location In lb city ii : S. 2Mb str . S3 1-IXIt KENT KLKUANTLY ITJKN1SHED J- rooms , first ciann bisrrt.J9 houth 2 > Ith st 104 1 ? i > ii : > iRA Li : IIOOM AND BOARD IN PUIVATE -I family TIM N Wh M a a * _ 1-A LADY AND GENTLEMAN OK 5 I. Hill PS Jl run hnv room and hoard tn a private family Splfbdld tt.ratlon Terms rrasonable. Address T W , Bee office ? J' ' 5' _ T > - DE" I It ABLE ItOOMP WITH BOAKD. SMALL JL tamlly , nleely situated , modern conveniences rim Harney st M2M _ _ 17 NEWLY IT.-RNl'.nKl ) UOOMS KX SUITE OK -t-slnelc. first Class table 1818 rarnam 140 * FOR RENTUNrtmiCISHED ROOMsT KATEll > c a Ilni > nrst time and lite a line there after No advertisement taken Tor leis than 3 , e / V-S rNKiK.MSHKI > CHAMMClW'roU HOt -K VI keeplnc to man ana wife No children 8U > N ITtb BOAHDINO. IIATKS He a line llrs t time and a line thereaf ter No dverl eraont taken for Itm tbanlic -Pt'LLMAN llOt > E 11110 IiODGlC. i-OIt GOOD t > oard nicer rooms , conveniences rates and to iillon It Lannot t > e excelled. Mrs Horn , proprietor -WANTED. A I'EW MOHlTuAY BOAKDKlis ctKHDodceMreeL " 4 81 * _ FOR RENT STOBE3 AND OFFICEsT KATIS3 l..c a line nrst time anil Me a line there utter No advertisement taken for less than 2ic Yixjlt KENT , bTOKE , 1C21 HOWAKD 1 RBI _ T fOK KENT. THE 4 TOKY BK1CK linLDIMJ. J HID 1 nrniin street Tbe liulldlnc has a fire iirtiof cement basement , complete steam-beotlnc llxturer water on ul ) tbe Uoort , pas , etc. Apl > ly at the olboe ot The Bee i'l ' * _ T Pt'ITABLi : BUILDINGS I'OR MA > rFACTtril Jl Inc purposes at Kckermann Plaue coed cnclno und boiler , MOi'cr month C. 1" 1'arrlson VK T * Y. Lite l alI _ _ I rOK KENT IN BEST KETA1L LOCATION IN J-Omnlin , entire second floor or departments in Golden Eacle Shoe Slum , 114 S 1Mb st. if ! _ FOB RENT-BTISCELLAyEOPS. HATICS lie a line first time and lOc a line there alter No odvertlsement taken for less than Sic GARDEN KARMS TO RENT T MURRAY J 8S1 - YARDS POK KENT T MURRAYMG53 J-BRICK MG53 T rAKMSltm RENT 11 T CLARK , T-IXm KENT. PART OPOt R PIVr-STOKT ' brick warehouse , coed elevator und truck f aril Kles Omaha Warehouse A Morose Co. , I.IU-li Ijpavennorlu lit _ 7l' > 81 1 WAKEUOUsK , IMiUlUUllOsO'lSTil TKK1T J at'i.13 _ _ _ T-RAKEUT 1 OK HUNT AT ALI1K1GHT r-OUTII OmahH. tn coed ord > r , nd rent reasonable Ai > ply J W .loutit-on , JU17 ClarL utieet , Omaha , I eh - ron nicNT. i-AiNT on CARPUKTKU s nor. two litories C21H S 3 ! > th 3JU 1 * _ HOTEL. DESIRABLE LOCATION I ull modern. Apply to FW Hurt , Jr Ml tourt A alley , la. MSB ,111 WAKTSP-TO KENT. RATKS lie B line first line and lOc a inc there after No advertisement taken far leas than 25c TT WANTED. KOOM AND BOARD IN GOOD -Iviocalltj and In private family b } u vounz man Addrtsi T a BBS olllec 'M 81 * RENTAL KATES-lic n line nrst time end luc a line there after > o advcrti'-ement taken for les thaui-ic. T E. C GAKVIN i , CO. , 8-ta 5HEELY BLOCK -STAR LOAN AND THU = T CO R1CNTAL DU- partment. Mllll-all STOKAOE. KATES K.c a line first time nnd lOo a line there after. No ndvertlnemcnt taken for leni than 1'js M house in the city Williams t Crosb.lrll Ucrney SS7 -CLKA.N , DRY AND PRIVATELY BTOKED furniture llcatlnK stoves stored over summer 1M7 Douclas kt. Oinuha btove Repair works U4I - STORAGE IN CITY OMAHA WA111S- M-BEsT bonse & Storage Co , 1213-15 Leaven worth st Ilousebold and other coeds stored and cured for Low rates Private apartments If desired. Phone 41U 74U ill WANTED TO BTTY. KATLS If > c n line first time and ltlc a line there ultcr. No advertisement taken for less than c - rUKNITUKE BOUGHT , BOLD. fcTORl1 : ! ) . KrUKNITUKE Wells , 1111 rarnam St. ftfb -NT WANTED TO BUY. EIGHT OK TEN ROOM -li house with modern improvements and Rood sired lot located within one mile ol tbe postoffice btutoprlee , size of .bouse und lot uud lull partlcu lars by uddroosluc h 47 Itec office 712 \T-WANTED , TO BL A YOUNG. SOUND UOR&E .A * or horse , waeon and harnt-ss , ilrst class , bill N. 10th tit. , iurnlturc store 2G4 SI' XT-l N'TbELL ANYrUKNlT KE UNTIL YOU JLA see tbe Omaha > erond Haud rurnlture Co . Just opened inchest prices paid , 11 North ir.thst.n > TV WANTISD A GOOD hECOND-HAND ROLLER i > top desk. Adores s T 1.1. Bee MS5U 3 * \T-WANT BROKEN gETTEK OK rOlNTEU. E i > A bbrpbcrd , Mi > Ilee bide , Omaha , NebMittl Mittl 3- POB SALE FTJBNITtJKE. ronBALK CIllCApKUKNjKE OK A 7 room fiat , all In k'ood condition. Address T ' ' , . Ileootlice SJS-I' -I-OK SALl-rUKNlTUKE A.ND CAKPETs complete ol six-room house , with lease of bouse to t > epu niber 1st. Only ten mluutus walk trom posionicc House modern , with laree vurd. and furuttuieiifw Chtupforcash. AddressTCi Bee. M 4i ! FOB SALE-HOKSES , "WAGOKS , ETC. HATES lie a line first tlm * and lOc a line there after Jso advertlbemeul taken for less tunn'-I'ic , CAKKlAGEs.MIKKEYH t uud bucclesut your own nrlte , ulso slucle bar iicss 1 idellty Loan Ouurauteo Co. . room 4 , With neil builalnc 717 ' FOB SAJLE--M1SCELLANEOITS KATES ISc n line nrr.t time und lUc a line ther " utler No iidvertliement taken for less than : jc -UNE UPRIGHT PIANO. STANDARD MAKE , used only a few mouths , ut u eutrinca SC. * Cald well st. 4 > J Q-1XR SALE AT A 11AUGA1N. BET OP BOOT and shoe hbelvluc , It Is in coed -shape Call ut ill ! Harney street UJJ a -FINE PtIU PUPPIES , U 30 , BARKER WJBlS BLK. - rYR SALE OR TRADE POK KAKM LANDs IN eastern Nebraska , a S3 barrel steam roller flour mill situated nt'lekamuh. Neb. Thos Crouch , 1OTJ llurtu tte H , Omtlia iut H > -I'Olt SALE , UI9 NAIL KEGS. CHEAP. OMAHA Hot t aclory. I'.asl Ouiaha. I'M. Q KOK SALE. HANI > - > OME MEXICAN 1'AKUOT , flnp la'krr ; larcv sguarc case new , jirlco ( TjJUU 1Mb ixiuclas st. ZM c * - > XK bALK. TWO KLOK1IJA ALLlfiATOK.- und tank with wilt' screeu ooverlni : , alllcalors 4 fiH-tJinchesloiic. lank 4110 feet. Address J 11 Wostreer , Ciat ks , Neb Mill t' QVKIIV F1XK KKK-H MILCH COWS AT X21 ! Ohio strrct , Ouialia Vlon or Icgulre ut 1111 How. urd street , j.V4 -IXJK r-ALE , NEW IlOLLElt TOP DKr-K AND otace chair , ( bran. Address lx > ck Box Mi MiMK MK * -PATENT ICE BOX 4t.iG OR CxB. 10 1'KICT _ klch ulsol full blooded Newfoundland pupi 4 ibtiiiUii old I' ItuOsi)2 ) Cumlnc street. M SMr-3' KA'ii-- line tr t time und Klc a line there- slier No advertisement tukan for less than Sic. 1 > - HAMILTON IlHM tAUPENTKKb AND J.iiuilders. All kinds Jobbing , U4 b } < Uu. Tel 117U. - SEE ADYCKTUEUUNT OP D B. KM VIET _ l > HAY ixm fcALK. THE J-TAXDAHO CATTK VCo. oner IfuO Uins selected , barn stored bar for < on tr rk , Aucs , Nebraska. - JjlDICs' CAUED 1XU ) DIKING CONFINE- went MrsUurulti , Gcrmaa craduatcd luldwtfe. Ittt.t > o luh. lul AM T > - > TA1 K OX 3 T CLAUK-ON. PAJITIKS XVhariuEuijsattlMliusluPks trkusactlous wlUi or xlsUluc iuloriuatlon uf the iuuds or lots of i4r. J. f flarksoa , 4kv ia ea , win plcuse uadreu the undrrsUiied , who bss been pi > otnte4 aveat of hl > tstr T f Clsrksoc , Omaha , Nub id Al C1.AIBVOYANTS. 1 > - XIIANMK V WAKKKN CLMKYOYANT DrclUble busmcsi ucdlurn , CHk rear at 11 N JCUi. yu CLA1KVOTAUT3. OontfnucA C AHK1VAL KXTKAOKD1NAKY TONOKIIfCL i revelations Chsllrncr the world Mrs Dr M. I i-cr v , dead trance clairvoyant , astrolocliit , palmist and life reader tells your llfn from tbe cradle to crave unite ; the noparatttl. causes msr- riacf with tb * on you love tells irberp yon Kill rucre d and in what business best adapted for. lias the celebrated Kcrptisn breastplate for lurk and to destroy bad Intioenccv cures tits t&temprrance ana all private complnlnt * with massace baths and alcohol treatment t-rnd t : lork of hair name and flate of birth and rpeeiv * aictirsAr life rhart , S cents In stamps f' r clnnlar rlvc Initials of on yon will tnarrv. also photo * of samp Office KM7 honth 11th street Brst Boor hour * s. m to V p. in Come one cnnio lk and be convinced of this wonderful oral le _ airiifi 1 * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. _ _ HATES-ISC a line first time and lOc a line there after No advertisement taken for less than Sac. II-MA&SAOE TREATMENT nmlliatlit scalp anil hair treatment maclcnrp cnachtropoJIst Mr < lost,31k > i S lothVlthuell bit. 8.10 -MADAME fcMlTH. 1IS1 I > OLH.LAS STREET T roomtdlloor. Alcohol. sulphur mU sea baths. rp-MlSS tltJWR , MASS1SUSK i r.-I Kamro l.lort MiHO -MAI1AMK1.A nUK. MA3SAGK 416 lttli iari > M _ 'rfl floor , fiat t. imnlniant. MSI. I" PEHSONAI.S. „ UATE& l..c n line tint time imd 10e i > line thpre after No KflterJlKeiuect tcVrn for lens ttian : . " > c T ' -THIONAli INKolM AT1OS AVAXTltt ) AS - to Uir vbcrptlinntii of \ \ IIllnmVonn. . Joiirnry inan ( ilurolK-r M ticn IBM lir-nrd from wn at llnttp Mont. , IIK | tirotlirr r.nrnc > t bus bad an arm nmi > u ttloU Addrc M. T 80. lli-e Oltlco jjft } > * _ anrsic , AST AKD X.A.NOITAOE. * G r GKLLENHECK , BANJO with Hofj.n , or 615 N IKth si l > i : -IT-HI BUYING A PIANO 11XAMINE THE licit scale IClmball piano A Uospe , IMS Douglas. 5ALK , CHKAf IVtt CAS11 , A 11NK l plnnn , ncorlT new und Blhtitlurd cintiti- fnrturc. Addreii O5.1. llpo oniro. < MONEY TO LOAK-REAli ESTATE. HATES l.'ic a line llr-t tlmo nnd IDs & line thDr - ultcr Iso titlvrrllHemeat tnLcia for IMS thin Ta \ CENTRAL LOAN A TRUST CO BEE : > S'b \r UHL , REAL ESTATE LOANS.342 BEE BLD'G TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY * * property , low rate. A CJ Frost , Donclas blk AV" REAL ESTATE LOANS , ti TO 7 PER CUNT ' no additional rharces for commission or attor tier's foes W. U Molkle , First National bank bide. IKIU TIT COATES , 1C1I FAKNAM. EASTERN MONEY * ' Wl \V-LOANS.G.G WALLACE , 81 ! BROWN 1ILK. 2J an \\r-LOAN9 ON 1MPKOTED AND UNIMPROVED ' > city property Plk and upwards.ti to iper cent No delays. W Kumars Smith A Co.,1 jth atidllarney. tV PRIVATE MONEY ITKsT AND SECOND < i niorlcace loans , low rates Alex. Moore. 41)1 ) I5ec bulldlnc M7n3 \A r MON1' V TO LOAN ON3lEAl7EriT TE THE ' ' O F Davis Co . 1303 Fnruam st SOI \V r % V HAINKT 815OMA11ANAT BK BLDC3. 'i City mortgaces , Lowest rates Money t > a hand. " \V OMAHA SAVINGS BANK MAKES LOANS ' ' on real estate nt lowest market rates Loans made In small or lurco * ura and for short or lonj ; tlmn No commission l charged , and the loans arc not fold In the east , but can always lie found at tbcbank on the corner of 13th and Douclas streets 781. \\T LOANa.W.M. HARRIS , K. Si FRENZER BLK. V > \U2 \\T-ANT11ONY LOAN AND TKUST CO. , 818 N T < i Life , lend ut low rate : for ebolce security on Nebraska or lonu farms or Omaha city property 81.1 T\T "MONEY , liONEY. MONEY f 100.000 TO LOAN ' in sums of T21K ) to ( j.dJO on Imjirovod or unim proved residence business property in tbe city of Omaha No delay In cloMnir loans BK money Is on hand No deallnp with eastern jiartles. all business transacted here and Interett payable here nnd not In the cast , also make bulldlnc loan * on most favorable terms. " " Fidelity Trust Co , IM4 Farnam. "Vy LOANS. CITY PROPERTY. K NEB AND W. * * Iowa farms E 1 * Klngcr , 15111 Faruaui TV"-d PEU CK.NT MOKKY. PHILA UELI'HIA ' ' Mortcace and Trutt Cn. Tlinnian Brcnuan A Cn. reprenentHtlvps. a ? Jiurbacb block. 172a C T IX-tJIt ANCE MOMEY TO LOAN APPLY TO J. L. Lovctt..iO S l.ith B'.iJ MOITEY TO UPAS-CHATTELS. KATES l.r > c a line first lime and lOc n line there- alter No advertisement taken for lens than 2. > e- DO TOU WANT MONEV X If so do not fall to eet our ratss before bar- rowlnc > \ eraake loans , -vrlthout removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , , Wacom , etc. , ut tbe low- em possible rate. There Is no unnecessary delay but yon fet tbe money on tbe name day you ask for It. Wo will carry tbe loan u * Ion ? as von deMre , cl vine you tbe prl vllete of iwytnz It In full or In part at anj time to enltj'our convenience , jvnd any part paid reduces the cost of carrying tbs loan in proportion to tbc amount paid There are no f burden of any kind to be palu In advance bul > oupct tbefull nmount of the loau Our offices ore centrally located ana era so or- ranccd that partletcallln ; on us can be ivulvoJ on Quickly and courteously. If you have a loan with other parties , or have houcbl 11 piano or other furniture on tlmo und rind the payments a little larcer tbuu yuu inn meet conveniently , we will fay it for you and carry the loan an lone at. 5 on dsMre It will lie to your advantage to BB us before se curing a loan OMAliA JIOKTGAGE IXAN ) CO . Koomll , Orelcbton Block. touth of I'ostoclca. r MONEV TO LOAN. nDELITT LOAN GUAKANTEE CO. On household crouds , pianos , organs , horses , mulct , wacons. etc , at the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or chance ol possession. Time arranged to suit the borrower. PajiuentR ol any amount can tie made at any time , rednUnc both principal and interest , thusclv- Inc patrons all the benefits of tbB jiantal puyineut plan Oall and see us when you want a loan Kloner always on bund , no delay , no publicity ; lowest rates , business confidential H1DKLITV 3/JAN GUAKANTEE CO , B. F Masters' old Mand , K. I , Wlthnttll blk , I5th and llariiev _ M41 t WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANT KIND OK X security , tlrlttly rontldcutlal. A. 11 Uatrls , room 1. Continental block 105 x KOB'T I'KITCUAKD , K. 3 , W1TUNELL BLU 107 _ V WHEN YOU WANT A CHATTEL LOA SEE Aw K Davis , room -tl , Continental blpcu. WJ -MONEY LOANED ON KDKNJTUKE. HOKSEg ) wuvouk , pianos , etc. 1'rodTeiry , it 4JJ , Kamce HIP _ _ _ X MONEV TO LOAN.ia. ffi. ! J J > AVS ON 1'UKNI ture , live stock , etc. liuB Greeu , remove ! to b and ji. Marker blk 1S3 -MONEV ON dO.NUS , STOCKS. WAK11ANTS Iicrnunal proiiert.WayneA.BallerK tOi Karbacli \T-flOUOJTOLOANK tOM riDODUP ON I'DUNI - ture. horses or any coud security IJOWCBI rates Nebraska Loau Co 131C Douclas street -faiAKlU TO LOAN ON CHATTEL bECUIUTV bueliiess coundeutlal. Koom 4Ui Jvarburh Mock. MUM W _ _ _ _ _ _ BUSHfESS CHANCES. _ \T BUY THE COMUEKCIAI TUE LEADING -1 hotel it Broken Bow , Neb. No laud in trade. Hit _ V JXW SALE. Jl CIGAK MANL'r'ACTOKY AND 1 tobacco store of t enty-otit ! jears' ttandlnp. on uecount of old aee. Inquire of B , Aruat , Blair. Nub M181 a3 _ Y-WK WISH TO . AN INSTITUTE -1 loevrrrutr Inth L'ultod btates lor tbe cure of llquur , opium und tohavco habits. 1'artlus look- inefora blcpayinc busliiess address Ensor Item ody CoM Miutb Omaha , Neb , lilW ] ! YAoi NG" MAN ] A GOOD IIUSTLKK WITH small capital , cau secure a morn than half inter- e > t In coed Insurance business established In the bi-st town In thy stale Address TU. llue IIH 4 INVOICING ABOUT to. * I'OIl sale at a discount If taken ut once. Owner obliged to leave tbe city A barcaln Jfrbrasku l > ruc Ifttchttoye. C3I I'snun block. _ SJj ) m Y rOU 6ALIS , MY BATHING KEfOUT AT like Manawa. Addrots J. J. Malowuey , Uebrou Neb. ViW PHOITOK fcALE IN A GOOD .iown stuck will lurolcc from HMO to il.WJ coed reatou for selllnc , only cine other shop to towu U li Thompson , loui. box 1IC , Jlamburc , la - MILL FOB BAI.E THE * TEAM power UuurUit mill , vlth a rapacity of IS bbls per day , of all modem improvement * , built t Itwrs tu-u with Uie urj > ens of fll.UJJDJ. In Prague , bauuders Co. . Neb , Is oOerttd lor alu oa oury terais I'or further j.wtlc-ulurs address Ka liros. , i'rsciif. Baonders Uo Nob. iUJT TT iOB fa ALE , GOOD SALOON AND 1IXTUUES , 1. best location , lleasou lor ulllui ; , clcku > si. Ad dress TIT Ilee. lij l -HOTEL 1KUNC OOOD Bl SINKaS IXH fi ODO U monthly payment * Ba U dlbbs , 1 rate , J > eb Yi 8ALK , A I MILK OAIKY AKP1 Y H McUovell , h oul oerUt of Ueiuaa. 231 b * BtTSINESSCHAKCES. . PAnTXEWWJTn ntOM tMtKOTO n , tn\itt silent ersicWW to Invest in c-rUb llnnrnc a wholr'alr and rwB l'ti lnp t In Ornnha , no competition , by aprtnldmrn of flftfpn jnrs rpcrleii iln thellncutice. . cnt eonticrtnd with the IfRdlnc hou f in thMjlne in New Vorkan : { lr ernt tipt on capital invested cuaramco.1 , ell rermimnlcMUinK ronildcrtid , ootiudcntlsl Address fare this imfoTf.t _ , _ . . _ M 1U74 TOR EXCjELAXOE. KATES It * K HUP first time ana lOc * line them after No ndvprtlsomrntt krn lor Ires than Ke y-rnAV /tirade for lot 40. Mock 1 , Armonr I'laeti. Sooth Omaha tltsr of all lucojiibmnca Adoresn N 44 , ! ! ( ofbce. ' ' M53S Z CLEAN FTOCK O ! ' GKM7RAL M tf"U Wll.t , take real estate Atnoney. Hoi W6.rrunl.lort , Ind rIXK TKAtin , A CLEAN STOCK O ( .KM HAL /Jmerthabdlie for lands snd cash Address K W Watklns&Co. rrmfcturt , Ind MM 5 If , _ yxcHAi GE Torn PROPERTY niu' fJrtill or wrltti Alex Moorr. till Bee t.ldp y-IXK KACHANOE , TWO STALLIONS ONE /JNorman. one trottlnn. want clear land price tl.OCUrach Box INK , hbenandoah la ID.1 -riKST MOllTGAOE NOTES TO EACHANOE for house and lot worth K.VJO to ll.tnium. . Lealdas SIS N S lh ft. ! S4 _ Z I 11AVE TUKEE NICE Qt'AKTKK SECTIONS of land In Antelope counly. Neb also three farms In I'ope co Ark. , to seller c rhtuirp fen- stork < if hnmosf Roods. Address G W. Burpest Arkansas City. Kan T lIAVii 10L TO TKADE A1 > I > Ur-S A/T Ml lleo Sltt S- n JX > K Ct W : CLEAK LAND OK UT 'Jfur surrey , loti or land for lumrrtlnc outnt , real estate lor S4 horsepower holler Call U tl Board of Trades , I ) < lloant- RIU1 * _ TOR SALE SEAL ESTATE. KATES I. * aline flsrt Un3 an3 10a lln ; there after No advertisement takca for 1- s 1 j'OK ' SALE , D-HOOM OOTTAUE ( ONLY ) til L' X ated 1M4 lnuicl slreet Call on A Hope ) t 4 % l OR SALTS b E CORNER 17th DOKCAS. WHX JL is-v I" c.oun CB , stable foriborso ( can be dlvlrtcd into t lots. Inquire at premises It : C' 1iVE ACRE LOT ( ADJOINING THE TOWN OF Blair. Neb. , cojd land. U. W Millrldc. 144-A-S * FOK SALE , HOMES. ANY 1'RICE , r7W , 11,2V ) TP easr terms take clear properly as first payment < } \\allare. . Brown block , lt > lb und Douglas OK SALE-SEVENTBKN TIIOCSAND ACltEb unimproved lands in Howard , Sherman. Grueley and Valley counties , Nebraska , on very liberal terms , on deferred payments ti per cent Interesl Address D Re iick , P O. boxi'Wl Los Anceles Cat "VT E CORNER 2PT11 AND HICKORY BOX I -l' inct , a bargain lor u few days only K K Dor ling. Barker bloik. 1114 IOU SALE AT A BAKIAIN Lin. BLO , KiT , -T W U Selby's first addition to South Ornab * Small payment down balance m mthly II deslrol Inquire G. B. Tcnchuck. oniaha BOB. 334 l OR feALE 400 ACRE FARM IN BLUE RjVER J- valley , 1 buyer county. 10 mlle west o'Hebron One of the very best farms In the counti- . coed house barn crauarles , crlbs,4'tc. und ao abundance of fruit. Umber and runulnit water Alsn for Kale or cjtehuncc for coed landsor city property n brick pork packing house and fixtures In Hebron Tbuyer county , near B i M depot. Tor particulars In quire of uuy rcul estate ucmil lu Hebron . ' .35 OR SALE ON MONTHLY PAVMEM in houses A lots The O F. Davis Co.bUj 1 aruam sL f.Ul . "p.llt SALE HALCYON HEIGHTS. Acres , ) mlf ucres and lots du electric motor road Also houndrm ! lots In Hair ? on Hrlfrhls UMAUA's HKAUTHflL UUUKB Only thirty inlnules ride front center of city Easy payments , low rate of Intpiest Now i& the tune to secure u3 omc Wllllani H Crari- illj Sew York Life Bide . M ga A13 MOXMOITH PARK HA3 THE MOTOK. CITY wctur craded rtreets , sljewulk school , beuutl ful locution everythlnp to niul.e It attractive 1 or lots or homes iu lbj xbeautiful addlllon on easy terms see li G Wulluue trustee , ull' Bruwn Block Ifctb nnd Donclas ' MIM3 A T IlALr VALUE. lA TjiMKE11OM1CS. . 11C I Duetts ) tropo.ny Alex Mopre , 401 Bee bld ItTu 170KSALU OHEXCUANftl } 23 AfUES ADJO1N- J Inpn Nebraska county i ttt , house "Jx2l. coed well and i.table. Address l\Xi BojU" . Anblcy , Neb I 210-S * RATEr If * a llnp first lime tnd lOc a llns thereat ter No advenlBcmcnt taken lor Jonathan c. " T OdT BU1NDLE I-OINTEK , "IllCK , " KEWAKI ) Xjttt jgi b anb ft , au > 5i _ O l 1O CK ETHOOK ON KATtNAM STKECT lietvrecn HJtL ana Knd Mreet Return pocket- jook and paper and cct rcvrurd Bet urn to Bath clorscafo . WIUWl- O5T A POOKKTBOOK. CONTAINING M UD , A rlncnnd u llltlehank. bMween 1711 Iioflce and seventeenth aufl ramam * trectb. Kcturn to 1711 Dodpe street und receive reward > i't4Sl : * KATES 1&0 a Hue Mm time and lOc a line there after No advertisement taken for less than 2. ia r > cb Haj Co . 7UO N ll.tb UJ 1- PAWN BKOKEHS. K ATEi ISc a line first time and lOc a line thereat tcr No advertisement taken for less than 2ic lS T MARTL REMOVKU TO "jjj ( s. IfiTH ST. 1171 Ali * aSNVDEK's LOAN OKl'lCE , 1S10 DODOK t MM TKEIilOHLE , orFlCE 131 Jfe 1'AKNAAl ST W7 _ _ HAIE GOODS. KATEa lf > c a ilnetirst time and lOc a line there after. Noadvertlnement taken for lois than Sic. T AKGEST STOCK IN ENTIKE WEbT. 1 'aKVT . Jrlcal WICK and hoards a specialty. Wlcs. banes switches , lialr chains , etc. send for catalogue Mall orders solicited. Davles , 111 S IJtb st Omaba UlC JttANTTFACTtTEIHG JEWELEB.S. KATES lie a line tlmt tlmp and 103 u line there after No advertisement taken for leu than ' > e riASiH PA1DTOK OLD GOLD CAKsON i BANKS v-'room 30 Barker block. Omaha. VIS DBESSMAXING. KATES l.'ic a line firm time and lOc a Hue there utter Xo advertikeuieut taken fur less than ; > c NQAGEMENS "TOi""i > 6"DKESS MAKING IN families solicited illssbturdy : as ) 2uth nt IK.0-.yr" CUTLEBY GKIMDnf G. l.x' a line first time and lOc a line there after No udvcrtlsement taken lor less than 2 c SEND YOUK hCIhSOKs. KAZOKS , KTTo HE erouud U ) L'uderlaua & Co lOu s. Utti tt I'lH ' REB1 I N C TON For Sale , Rentcir.Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD ! Jos. P. Megea'th , Dealer , 1607 Fsrnsm Street , OMAHA PROPOSALS FOR PAVING BOKDS. Seulcd bids marked nrcinasaU for navlti ; bonds u 111 Ixi rocel ved ut tfiu otiice of the city treasurer of Omuhii , Nili , uti to IS o'clock noon of the 2'ith d y onXprll , l&d. for the IinrcljaM ! of I O.OOaW pavini tionds of the city of Omaha , Nell. , dated Muy 1 , 1HUJ , jiuyaule JO yours after date , iuttrcu 5 per cent pur unnuii ) , jiayuble botnl-uniiually ; principal uud interest payable at Kouolui liros . New Vork Denomlnatlun of bond * ; 'Mi OD.oa eacli. Kach bid inufct Mute price und' ' vuiount souslit for end Include accrued Intcrrst to data of deliv ery utOmuhii. Nen. Tiiershl is roerrod to reject any and all bids.Issued under charter power of rltU'S of iniTroiiolltan rluts. . and ordinance No..HIS , BptirdrtW Marcb XI. 1VJ2. JIUZNUY DOLLN. M ° Gd31tM < > iT City Treaiiurer. forl'ubllc Library Hulldluj ; Itt.iidi Sealed bids marked nroposals for public lltiraiy butldln ; bonds Kill be recnived ut tbe ofliec of tbecity treasurer. Omuliu. Nelu. up to lio'rlocl : noon of UIB sr.tli day of April , ! > ' . for the purcliusu of glOj.iKUiO public Horary bulldln ; tionds of tlio city of Oinaba. Neb. , dated May 1st , leUJ. and payable ai i oar * after date. Interest at tberuteofS per ctnt per un- uutii , payable xerul-uunuully 1'rlncipal uud inUiretl puj ublti at Kountro Bros , .New Vork. .ueli bid iQUkt ctate price uud amount fcoucbt fur uud include accrued Interest to date of deliver ) ' nt Omuba , Ju'eb. The rJgbt U rebervcd to rejuct uny and all bldb Ibsucd under charter Doucr of cities of tbe metropolltau clusi uud tirdlnuooe No ) tu. upprottd Murclt lltb. Irf-Ji HEXIiY HOLL.V. ro36d3UM _ City Treasurer. > otlc - . To wborn It iti&r conueru : Notltu It hereby plvtn to ibe public tbut I will uot bold ni } beif respouslble far uny inaebtDdnens utilch u.v wife. Anna Jlpp. uujr contract , ju be uut left my bed uud bu rd. MlllarJ , Neb , ilarcL DR. J. E. THE SPECIALIST , PRIVATE DISEASES AND ALL , DISOBIJERS AND DEBILITIES OP YOUTH AND MANHOOD , 17 TEARS' EXPERIENCE. WRITE .FOR CIRCTJX.ARS. 14TH & FARNAIffi STS. . OBLAHA NEB. NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S DEPOSITORS OMAHA , NEB § 100,000 Otllrcrs nnflDlrortOM Llcnry W Tatev r3 l'lBit It C tMsWns vice president US Maurlra V Morce , John S Collins , J S 1L 1'atrlci Ljirli A lleed. Cenhler TROX Comer llith and Farnam Sts INTEREST PAIDOKDEP05ITS 5.ECDR CAPITAL : D1RCCTOR5AU.WYMAN-C.VY.KASH i IHMiafiRD CUV-C.EARTON-C.B.LAKC. , Ji.BFtOW.N-TH05-L.KIMBAUL. ) , RHILWHYTIMEGRRD Lcavei IcniCAGO UCRLtNJTO1 ; \ y Arr vj Omaliu. i IH-potlOth nil Usoa 1 < ' Oath > tra p in . Chlcazo VestibulB bUJ u m V.SG n ra . . . Chicuso Uiiiresi ] " 41 a m IIW p ui Chlcaeo l.Tpres ! . . 0 OJ p m CJ D p in I . .Chlnuro A lown Loral . i Ma a m Golnc | CU1CAGU. 1L 1 A i'ACIFIC 110 m Ktt't Irnlon Depot 10th A Marcy Stii | 10110 11 m Atlantic C-K1 p lu * M p m . . .VcntlliuleExpiLss . . 110 p m MO p ml Nlcht Express . . . . | 1143 n m i > oioE i CHICAGO , R L A PACIFIC From West i Union Depot 10th and Marcy Ms. I M est. y > p . Ucnver Limited 'S.4U p ra f.lli p m' ' Denver Express. 17.30 a in Leave * | CllICArO , .MIL. i ST TAULiArrlve Omaha I U 1' flepot nnd Many kit | Omaha { i-4i ! p ni M. 1'uul Llmllml lit "Jj u m Leaves ICI11CAGO i .NOKTUWUbllSllN I Arrives Omaha'L' ' 1' depot , llttb and Marcy MB ' Omaba 7 'JO u m iux. r-ua yi Carroll i'jis&eaccr 111 yj p m 1 tie B m1 . Cnlcaro Express C lij a m ' 500pm , . . .Vestibule Limited . . . . Sl.Ka ; m Ulipmj . . . .Eastern Flyer 2 la p m 7.0J p in ( Exfell1 Chic Pasa lEx. Mon ij EM a m Leavel i OMAHA & ST. I-OUIS ] Arrives Omaha U P depot. IDth und Marcy frts-lomaha 410 p m . . St. Louis Cannonuliall . Leaves I 1K * MO VALLEV I Arrives Omaba1 Depot. 15tb and Webtter Sts I Omaba n.iM ) a ui | Deadwood Express . I M'Jp m II.UD a m ( Ex. Sat. ( Wyo Itxp ( ExMoni , JL2D p m fi.lD p m . Norfolk ( Ex. Sunday I llllttt m It 45 p uit . . . .at- Paul Express i II 2 n in Leaves C , ST. l' _ M 40 I Arrives Omaha Depot. 15th and Wcbtter Sts I Omaha blO a m fclmr city Aocammodatlon , K.UJ p m 1.0U p niiSlouxClty ICxprens ilir Sued yi'114i ' p m & .4S p m ! . . . .St. 1'atil Limited . . . .1 H2i a m ! > ! ! > p m Bancroft I'aisoncer ( Kx. Sund'y ) i fc 15 u m Laves I MISSOURI . - . - . . . lArrlTei Omuhal Depot -1Mb und Webitartitj. ! Omaba ] O..Un nil . . &L Louis Express U.-W a m blk ) p ml .bt. Louis Express pui Leaves 1 CHICAGO. It L A 1'ACIFJC. lArrlvei Truusferl Union Depot.Council BJuCi. JTransrer C U ) p ml . . .Nlcbt Express . . . .1 B21I a m 10.20am * Atlantic ExpreBh , . . . I fi.S5 p m < . : iu p mi . . Vet.tlbule Limited InfJI TI Tn leaves I K. C. , ST JOE A. C IS. .Arrives Trantfur Union Depot. Council lilugs iTranslor PROPOSALS FOR PAVING. Sealed proposalk Kill lie received bv tlie undir > liied until IsMo'cJoik u 111. . Apill rtli , i for llio folio wins kinds ol flavin ; inute- fcloux rullsorotlit-rcranlte. WtiltuCulorado sandstone. lU.'d Colorado Rttnd&tnnu. WoudrufT , Kanttis , ttuno. Vitrified lirlck. And i rick b.ocl.R. ull according to iioclCcu- Ueins. * i'or repavlni I'urk or 8tli avenue from LcarcnuurlU street la HliKory ktroet , In tlie city of OmatiH , eotnjirUod in Mreut ] niprou < - nient District No J"ifl , ordered hui > ro\ud by Urdiuatieo No. fUii Eacb bla tosjieelfy a price prr square yard for llie repavinz roinplnto on the uventio Work to be dune in nciuordune-o wrltli puns uud hpecificutlous on file in tbe office ot tbe board of public woik& C irli proposal to be mude on printed blanks furnished Hy tbo bOurd , uud to be ucuum- uunled br a c-ertlfU-d cbeck lu Uio turn of IOO. payublo to of Otnulm. ofa uu uvjdcnce of coed faith. Tl > o bo rJ will award the ormtriict for tbe aifit-runt klndkof mntenul fcubjoct to tbe fce- lectlon uf Iho iiiateriul by tbe properly own ers or mayor cndcliy council Tlie board rewir e § tlie rlitnt to reject any or all blot und to walviuefcicK. I1.v iiiHKHArr. , Omlnnau liaurd of 1'ubllc Works. O u aba , Neb. , March -4tu , 1H91 PROPOSALS FOR bE\\CR BONDS. healed bldk marked Proposals fur Sewer Itouds will be rtxioirod At Hie olllt-e of Hit cay treasurer of tbecity of Ouialia. .Sell. , upt u o'clock , uoon , of the IStli day of April , IsC for tbe puichabeof IVi.owi.ui ) * owtr t oud of tbe city of OmulNutx , dau-d JJay Kt , isai. pay- ablo2 < J year * afterdate. Interest 5 per cent per annum , payable botnl-atiuunlly. 1'rlncl- pal and lutcrust payable at ICouutie liros. . . New York. IlenoinlnnUon of tx > ud , ( I.UJlQn each. I'.ucb bid mutt Mute price uud utuount koupht for und iiiclu < ie aucruea liiterf.l up to ac.m-rj- \ . Ni n. 'ibo ricbt If ret-ervtid to reject any ana ull bids Istuea unoei charter power ft > itit of the Uietro- n tan class audord nauc-e No SJCi , a | > uri > ed Murcli il lot 11FNKV HULLN i.av Treasurer. KIRK'S Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing , Cures Chapped Hands , Woande , Barns , Etc. Hcmovos and Prevents Dandruff. WHITE RUSSl&N SB P. Specially Adapted { or Use in Hard Water. A Written Guarantee YPHILI to Cure brory Case or Money Refunded. Our cure 1 i > nrruiiut'nt an J not o pnnlilnc up. Ca't trrutftj irt-ci vcar < * npn h&ro nprtir hprD n tjmptom > lnrr Hrdt rHu.nRciup fully wo cxn trrnt you uy mnll nan we civ tici Mnc > stronp cunrnntoc to cure or r f utid all money Tbo c wlic jirrfer to focic liorc I or trrutmpiit r n donnundwo will jiay rnllronilfnre lidtli wurKaiialioicI bills up lull to euro A\r clmlH'iiBPtnp world Jor rune thut our Miurlc Hcmndy will not rnrp. \ \ rltp fnr tmrtlralur nn4 cot tlH'criapncp. In oursjica ycur * jiractlpe ltb tlie Mticlr lli'inoay U liu t > pcn moit dinirult to prromo tbc jiirJuaiM' " urulnct sociillnd teutonic * , lint under oor Mrong puanmtpptliou-iundi nro trying Until l p- IncrurnlVecnuruntoc to rurp or rptund prpry dollur , uud ui we have u n < i > atntlnn loproiprt , nlxo llniinrluiliiicl.liicpfKKl.UOIt it pcrfpctlr bufcto nil who will try Uio trputmrnt , llcrptoloro von hove puttlnpap und iiKylnE oat your raonpy for dlffcrrnt trrntmont . mid ulluDucu you urc not yet cured on one Las jiuld hack your munpy Wo will positively curpycm. Old , curonlc , < 3cppNpatod ca > c cured In ( t ) toltidtiyK. larpulciito our ttnitacM ulnndlnc. our reimUitltm usbuilnm' men.Vrltp us for numcs nnd nddrciopiof those we uavo curd who tiuve plrcn pprmlKslon to refer to them It conn you only poat- we to do this. If your pyinptorns lire core tliro t. uiurouKiiiit-hpsm mouth , rhfumatlHm tn lumen nnd Joints , htilr lulllnc out , eruptions on unr part of the body , f eellnc of general Oppression , paint In header Inmrs Too huvmo tlrarto wnfcto Tuo e wbn are poustantly tnUnc tnprcurr nnd. jiomvh , rhould dis continue it Constant use of tticjo drncf will irurely brine hores und i ntlnc ulcers In tl o pnd I > ont fall to write All rorrpfpondenpc sent iteulcd In plain pn- vplope. We inr tp the most rleil imestlcatiou and will do all ID our ] * owprto uld yuu in 11. Address , COOK REMEDY CO. , - Omaha. Neb FOR MEN ONLY. fora , casp of LO-T or TAILINO MAX- nonn. Geuenlor Nervous UcaTLtrr weak ness of body or tntnd. tbe oUccts of errors or PX- cesoestn eider vountbat wocaunotcure. Wo cuttranU'eevery case orrnfond pvory doll-ir rive duystrlal treatment * 1 , full coursa S. . Perceptible buneflts rciilized in three days. By mill , securely packed from observation. COOK REMEDY Co OMAHA. LADIES ONLY ISA RIP TEM/VL.K KKHCLATOU. Safe unl RlHUlU Cortaln to a day or money refunded. By mail JJ. Securely sealel fiom observa tion. COOK. ItKJIEOY CU. . Omabx Seb j WMT DO YOU ; o yon kno-ir that a little Congli is a danccrous thins t | DOCTOR Stop a Coogh at any time and Cure the 'worst Cold In S twelve hours. A 25 Cent bottle Jraay save you $100 in Doctor'a ! bills -may save your life. ASH | TOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. IT O7A.STES GOOD. IDr. Acker's English Pills : CURE INDIGESTION. Pmalt , plc&wint , nfnvnrlUi vllhllio IftAlffu . VT 1L nOOECn & CO . It Went Broadway. KV. . For sale by Kukn & Co. , and Sherman & . McCJonnell , Omaha. 'ITAICEAPIILL. ' ii Hobb's Are ths Bssl on Earth. Act gently yet prompt ' ly on the UTEU , EHI. OR , HOBB'S XE1S and BOWL'IA , dis- pelllnp Hcaflaches , Fer- rrs and Colds , thoroughly - LITTLE ly cleansing tbo cyBtam of disease , and cares Vegetable habitual constipation : They are Eupar coated , donot crljin , tcry email , to lake and If easy , pun B * iff a IT S E E & Tceetaule. 45 pills In each I * B I B \t v'aL ' Perfect dJgeMlon E ELtlLur follows their ube. They tbsolutolr rare klrL liiao- uchp. ana arorerommrnd- dd 1'T li ndlnp iiliTklcitnR. For Bale liy loading flrupcists or M-nt by mail ; 25 cU. a rial. A ddrtsg BDBB'S MEDtCIKE CO. , Propj , Ssn Frenciso or eOU SALE IS OMAHA. KEBM DV Enhn A Co. , Co r ISth & nauclae Sit. 3 A rulhT 4 Co Cor. Ktti A ; IlonclasEU. A D rocti-r & Co. Council BluCk. la. tTAPA-NESJE ? CURB A new ant Compluta Treatmcat , ( onslstln ; of Suppositories , Ointment in Capsules also ic Boi and Pills , a Positive Curs for External , Internal llllnd or liloedlnji Itcbln ; , Cbronlc , itvount or Heiodltary J'nei This llumedy bus nevdr been known to lull II Turfj. stint by milt Why sutler from ibis terrible dlsaas when a writ * ten ( ruarictbt ! U jiDnltlrelJ t-'lven wlthObaxei. nr refntidtba monuy It not curja Bund slvnp lor true Simple Onirantee li U3l by Kuha if Co , DruFCtsts , rlole Acents corner lilb and Oouclai rorls , Omaha Neb. D1LE. 3 , W I55ra NELlVJ AND BKA1N TKBAT- HUNTa spHclncfor Hyttarli , lltiinu i , Fltt , Nen. rule's. ' , ileadaciio , Nervout Proitratlun cu u3 by al- ronol ortob&coo , Wakefulnoii , Xlentsl Deprmsljo. hoflenlnc ot tbe iiratn ciuilni ln Hniiy , luUtiry , decay , dealh , Premature OU Asa llirrenuon. Lou of i'ower In either sax , Impotnnry , Leuaorrhoei aal ull remain Weaknesses Involuntary Ixuses , t < o t- aiatorrhoea taused by over-exprlion of the brulu Belt-abuseover'lndulfunce. A muctb's treatuieat 11 , U for K , by malle Uuarsntaa six bxiei li fan lC&cbor3 r forfi box i , wulifj will seal wrl t- Kin c arantee to refund tf not enrol. ( juaraolBB Issued onlj by A. bUiruUT Druggist sole agents , a K < or ittb and 1'uruam sts Omaha , Neb I'ropOKiils for District Gmdiuc Huiids. Sealed bids marked * 'l'ro ; > oE < iU for dlttrlct crudlns bonds wilt bereculiod ut tbo uftloe of tbe city treusuror , lluiabu. Nob. , up to 12 u'vlu U UM > nof tbe" ' > tb duy of April , Ib'Ji , for Uie purchafceol > I1'JUJ.Udistrict ! ) crualu : l < und > of tbe city of Uinabu , Neb. &u d bonds urc dated May ] tu It3J ! , und urciiuyuble from onb to nine years utter date thereof , in denomina tions of tlUb.UJ and nKHl.OJciich , uitli interest at Uib rate of 5 per cunt t > cr uinutu , payable eeuil-r.tinuiilly , J'-JnJnal and Interest pay able ul KouiiUo liros .New Vnt k. IIC.WM.Ki of Gtadlui : HUtrlct No. 31. L610.03 of Grading District No. 'A 7W.W of Gradlnt ; District Na'Ji. M,00Mot \ Griidlns District Na . Luch bid must n.te price and otaoont Bouplit for and include itccruud interest to dtiU : of de.l ! frr tit Omulitt Neb 'JberiKbt U referred to reject any and all bids , tktuod unoerrburterpawtir of cltlo of Uie tnftropolitan rluu auu Ordiuuncu Na "J7s. appro * td Miircb utliu. . ' HFNliy BOLLN. JJchiCJillm. t.ny Treasurer. SEEDED FOR THEIR HAPPINESS District Court Plaintiffs Run tie Gamut of Human "Woes. WOMEN WHO WERE WEDDED UNHAPPILY IMtort-p Cm > r With ! nmp New feature * One Saloon Man llrart Anolhrr'i Ilunti-n Ktl Ivorn'r I'lckl * . \l > | .i-lltr Court N Another one ot the saloon koopori on the t\vo-nul3 f.riwho \ ] was ludloloi bj ibo proud Jur.r , hw soon tno foll.v ol his wn.vs and nckuowiodfoa tils puilt , Tbi man , Hrio .lolinson , was urraipuoa beJora .ludgoDarls ninrnmc. Ho pleaded grulltr , and tvos fluoa tire txud cans. It bo suocooji In se curing bonds for h's ' release from jail , be will tie circa five moatbs in n blch to rui e Iho moucj with which to pay the lino. Pclor Potrrson , a partner of Johnson , who was iudict a , bas ] ; ippod tbp ponntrj- . The case of tbo stale ncaiusl Ed Ivoen bas boon set for trial todn.r. } Ioon was Indicted by the praud jurj and caargoa with baling libeled W. S. Stioemultcr. AVbon arralgnnd be pleaded not guilty , ana was placed under bonds. Not boinc able l/o sc- ruro bail be i\ont to jalL , wbcro bo lia i since fitrod llko a prince. l > icb da > tbo rcffulatipu Jiill Jute Is U-ndciTd to Ibo j ounp jnun , but none ot it finds Its way into bis Uornucti. A youuplady who bas a Vender i.pot in bur beau for Kocn supplies biin with dainties Jromberpwn table , and cacb duy witb bcr otvn bauds pro euis aim with u bunch of lovci } roses. , xvbich ho proudly \\oart upon bis coat. Belle Itougb has Urcd of bcr husband , William , to whom she surreJerod her hand and fortune Just sis. years neo , and now she is In the courth nsllne ; lor a divorce. SUe charges many tbines against the pay und fcitive William Koucb. The long and abort of the whole trouble , according to Hello's tale ol woo , Is that William U a drunUard. The tilaintifl , in order to Uottp things tnorluc. took in washing. Itept hoarders nnd worked in a packing bouse. William took her tmrn- ' iugs'nud spout them in riotous living. When tbo tvifo protested , be threatened to kill her. This threat put hm in great fuar , causing any amount of munt&l { uttoriug uud anguikh. Jessie Gcorco is another woman a bo bas found the voyage upon the matrimonial sea beset with many btbrins. tn = t3 and tribula tions. Ono bbort j-oar nfo t-be pave bcr heart Into tue keeping of I'hilin Alouzo George , he promising to love , cherish and protect , leave nil others and bo u true hus band. Accoidiug to the statements in the l > etitiou. Philip Alonzo , disrogarfling bis mar riage vows , duties nnd obligations , was guilty of extreme cruelty. In addition to this he struck plaintiff , knocucd bcr down nnd blackened ber eyes , besides taking to driuli and becomlnc an all u round bad limn. Perlia II. Banks by ber next ana best friend , Goorpe H. Parroll , detncuds f iti.OJO from tne Chicico , St. Paul < fc Omaha ] { ati- road company. For n cause ot action she al- Jeges ana avers that during the month of September , liST , she was traveling east upon Locust street , dnvmp two horses attached to n wagon In crossinc the railroad tracks she was caucrbt upon the Dilol ot an engine and Lurled off some filty feet lute space. Kver since tbut datosbe has boon n cripple l > cah in body and mind. Her memory has de parted and he is unable to attend school or more about like other children. Tbomos Poten.on in a typewritten petition tiled in the district court charges that bo is entitled to recover $ JtH)0 ) from the Union Pa- cillc Hailrond companj During the early morning hours of July 25 , l SU , newas em ployed bv the company wnicb be now sues in unloading car wfleels from a freight car. While ho ivas working in this line of duty a cur wheel slipped , crashed the platform upon which be was'ituudiug nnu drove n piece oi plank throuch his right toot. Then the leg was amputated and now Peteison is a cnp pie for lite. Sarah 3. St. Pierre hns petitioned the courts to divorce ber from bcr husband , Adolph. In addition to bciu a Lruto the plaintiff charges that without just cause or provocation Adolph absented himself from home more than two .years aco. olnco that time his abiding place bas been unknown. Not content with simply a divorce , he plaintiff wants tbo courts to Tastore to her bcr maiden name , uhich was Surub , laao Ellis. JudcoKeysor opened up ttie divorce mills today and ordered u Juc'reo in the case of Mnry Lvons against her husband , James. With the aid of several witnesses the plaintiff had no trouble in proving that James was an old-time rounder , a man who would stay out with the boy * , all nigbt and come home in the morning vviih a drunk and didn t care who knew it. Betides this the plaintiff established tba fact that Lvons upon sucdry and divers occasions bjct nis wife because she would not furnish him money with which to buy liquor. This is to testify tnnt 1 have tested the medical properties of Dr. J. B. Moore's Tree of Life remedy to my entire satisfaction , and can most hcart 11 v recommend it to the suf ienng and afflicted everywhere , to be all claimed for it in tbo above statement Last spring 1 was suffering frum loss of appetite , constipation , etc. . originating from kidney and liver trouble , ana Ibr.d not used one bot- tiu of this great life remedy until 1 wax creatly relieved. My wife , also , bain ? at a very critical Etago in life , was suffering- much at times. zvncH > y the uio of this remedy has been .saved from much suffering and pos- siblv fmm orcmature death. Our youngest son's health for several years has bcon very delicate. Ho contracted some lung trouble Ijy taking cold with measles , which produced great nervous debility and occasional blood- incr of the luncs , ho bas used some four bottles tles of Tree of Life , and feals ana looks as though new life had been given him If you ore afflicted , try it. GEO Mii-LEit , Pros. Elder. Box 01 , Carlisle , Iowa For bale oy all druggists. DIVIDING BYHON HEED'S ESTATE J"lr t bl 'j > Tonuril Defining tll KlKllU nl 1li < - IlcllK. A. L. Ueed , the exncutor of tbo will of tha late Byron Reed , ycstenlay filed a petition In the county court citing the widow , Mary M. Rocd. to P'JIUO In court at once for the purpose of agreeing upon n dUtnt/utlon of the o < tate and for tno purpose of biiving her intert t set out. After taking the wise under btlvlscment. Judge Kller set the bearing for AprilJi Mrs. L. R. Pulton , Uockford , III. , wrltoi : 'From person al experience I can recommend Ocill's Barsoparilltt , a euro for irnpura blood andgenerildebaity. " TIII : II.YLTV .M rN-TTEUMEXTS pla.ou3 on rusari March 31. WAItUAVTV DGEQV. li H nyinan to J5 II nruinri , lot 11 , block K , Cunttat uarkuiid lul 1U. blocl > J , Am bit r pliioo . . . . . . . -I l.KU H O Kovrlrs UiHatnui'lCottutr lutitfand ID. block ? , lot * il 10.14 , la , in. , Inti A and t , blook a , loti 4 und b , block 19 J H LouElirun ana wife to Alex Sloun , lot ILblocua. 5 K Iloser' * tidd 2.C03 II 1' Pulley and wife ui G K Dallr. lot 3 arid i ICi feet lot : . block 5 , 1'urcst Hill. . ir.o o O I. Ilallcy to N Duller , huuio li-U 0 A l"Tn.ev-jitid ! ulfetoA J llucklncbato , ) Dt"5. block 1 , Ciumincrrr pun ; KID JA Dodce uud uile tn \ \ li Alexander , Jot 4. bltic-Ui , Oxford ptaeo 400 A W Mreet und wife to H J' Uady. lot C , bind : 1 ' , Oii.uliH. . 4,033 Mary DiroiuV to Juuob DwoniU. lot H , klt , arid lot 1U , blk J. Miutli Ouuilia BJ9 Saino to AiUurt Kucer , lot 1 , blk 2 , D or- uk's ndfl HSi A U Finull to B T t-mlth. lot 7 , blk 10 , Haut A Moduli's udd buuiuul t otnur and ulfeloK WIVHli- ticll. lots i > atifl III , blk 3 , Comer DEEMS. GA Ilmmett. sberlff , to Conrad WloJe- jnaini , 41 xM fuel ut 11 e corner Jot 0,1)1 U IS , I'MtrifIv'silW udd . . . . Shine to C'lirUtlan ? | iiCliU lot 3D , blk II. lirlcc' place 3.050 IC Ilaoliulor. admlnUtrutur , to Ntlllo Johukun. lot U. bile fc , Kuuutz.1) & Itutu's add . . . . - , Total ntnount of transfer * . . , . , . , I 4S.31K " 1 bare been afflicted with an affection ot tbo tbrout from childhood , caused by dlpb- tberio , tnd have ut.ed vcriuus remedies , but buve never found anything equal to Brown's Bronchial Tronhes.-Itev U M , V , JUrnu- ton , 1'uevou , K.r Sold onlyjc t > cxet.