6 THE OMAHA DAILY FRIDAY , APRIL 1 , 1892 , THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Wheat Showed a Falling Off from the First Transactions. CROP PROSPECTS REPORTED FAVORABLE IlcnvjCovrrliiR by I | R Slinrts Checked tlio Drvlliio anil Thorn Wns n ( Inuliml j' Other Itrniiniiii for the Improvement. CIIICAOO , III. , March HI. A terrific right Imnder seemed to have struck the wheat market In the jugular today. The first sales showed n fall of over n cent from last oven- Inn's closing figures , nnd a further loss of ? e was suffered , making the drop from the high point of ycitenln.v ! . Corn nnd provisions felt the force of thu shock. Homo of the prl- vxtn cables early woio Intensely bearish , us representing foroUn buyers ns disposed to hold ofT nnd await the result of the couro of prices lu America. Domestic markets wcro nil on the down grade. Crop prospects wcro reported favorable nnd the hesitancy which lias prevailed among the longs seems to bn gradually crystalling to complete the en couragement. The liquidation wns hoavy. Thu amount thrown overboard v/as very de pressing. 'I ho I'rico Current's summary was generally lounrduU as moio or less of a bear rani , ' 1 ho IIMi ! moist \\cuthor. too , had not ti llllln to do with the heavy decline. Aflorsolllii' . ' at from 7 V ! to7d'o ' thnro wns a decline to78j. At this point HOIIIO of the big fchmts began to cover and take profits. 1'ard- rldco was the leader In this movement , but Kchwarl/-Diliiec , CJeorgo Smith and others weru ( lira In lino. This biiylnu soon checked the weakness and there wus n gradual recov ery to 7 ! c , but part of this wns lost and at K lA'lVVli "iy was "iS\c. Another rnnsoti for ilio ImpiuTimfnt WHO Uio fuel that the weak cumcs brought huyln , ; ofdcis and Kirk- wood nnd decides wcro reported to have worked on No. l northern wheat , Considera ble other strength wns shown just atthucloso , May Milling to78f c , chlclly on heavy cover ing by shorts. Another factor was liberal exports ntlS'inv York. Ucorgo Ward leci'hu.l mi order from Kiiglund to buy 1100,000 quuitcrs of northern fur May and ship when tcmlurud to him If ho could buy to deliver there at il'ls per quarter. Uu bought the wheat , paying a premium fur No. 1 northern. At present London limitations nro 2bs ild for car.o. It Is figured by mnio that Jlay wheat In Chicago Is now discounting the current Kngllsh price by About ld : per hi ) . On the other hand a mes- napu from Minneapolis said millers wcro com pelled to take wheat from public elevators to run their inllls-sjmothlng very unusual at this I line of the your , A Duluth message extensively circulated here says : "Never hits there been such nn In- llux of grain at this tlnio of the year ns the present wi-olt him shown nnd as will continue through April. Local grain men now eliitm Unit there will bo In the elevators controlled Ijy thu Duluth Hoard of Traito not less tlmn 31,003,000 bu. of grain by tliu opening of navigation. Duluth has re ceived so far , of the erop of lust full. 42.000.0.H ) liu. of wheat and expects to handle- the entire - tire crop year over 50,000,0.10 bu ' In thu face of the Duluth dispatch Wllln.nl ICptinott says : "Nobody can lose a great deal of money on long wheat nt this price , while there Is a possibility of making n great deal on corn. " The fact that the cruuliiB was better than for a long tlnfo. ns 141) ) of the U8 curs were con tract , together with the slump In who.it , blurted pretty free soiling nnd tlioollquo was not apparently doing much to sustain the market. May corn opened ! 4c lower ut 40c , up to 40'c. { oft" toilO'sC. ; inii at 1'Jo'elook wus about illl 'c. A weaker feeling ruled In the lust hour , with heavy solllnz. part of It supposed to tu by the clique , anil May touched IWic , but rapidly improved again , closing at fiotu ilO'ic to uu i' . Outs followed the example set. by the other cereals and ruled lower , tlio close being from yo to 5 c under recent figures. Provisions opened heavy with the decline In hogs. Poik wns weaker than the other pro ducts , bolng accelerated by the breik : In wheat , the local longs belling and a block of mop orders coming In from the country. There was n marked Improvement later on , n promi nent operator buying freoly. .May pork and ribs closed Sc above lust night's final quota tions. Estimated receipts for tomorrow are : Wheat , l".r > cars : corn , 204 cars ; oats , 130 ears ; hogs , -JI.OOO. The loading futures ranged ns follows : Cash quotations wcro us follows : Kr.otm Completely demoralized. WHEAT No. 2 spring wheat. 78'8'e ; * No. 3 prlng whoat. liaro , 70c : No. 2 red , KUic. COIIN No. 2 , U8Uc. OATS No. 2 , 2hc : No. 2 white , on track , 31 Ci31Jc ! ; No. 3 white. 2 ! > ! i. Hvu-No. 3 , 73c. HAIII.KV No. 2 , S''c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 4)2 ) , ' c ; Ko. 4 f , o. b. 3 { 4IHi ! . KJ.AX HKED No. l.07c. TIMOTHY t-uun 1'rline , t1.221.28. I'oiiK Moss pork , per bill. , tlO.OOl0.1i4 : lard , per 100 Ibs. , lbJS2ie ! ( ; short , rlbos sides , 8y.XX7lA.i3ic ( ( ! , dry salted shoulders ( boxeil ) , $4.5C5.00 ; short eluur Bides ( boxcu ) , W.17 ! ' O \VlUSKV-l,13. SuoAiis-Cut loaf , $ .55ic ? ; granulated , 4yc ; Btiinclard "A4J c. Heculpts aud shipments today were as fol lows : On the I'roiluco exchange today the butter mnrxctwaB < | ulot ; fancy creamery , 27c ; Hue wi'storn , 2nai5c : ordinary , 20@23cj Uno dairy , 82- I e. ESPK , l-'ijc. Now York Market * . JMr.w YOIIK , March III. Fi.nuit Itcroluta , 14- 400 pkKS.i exports. 4luO hbls. and 7,770 Hacks ; inurkut weak but moderately active ; bale ? , V4.000 bills. OOIIN More steady nnd quiet , WIIKAT HocelptH , 3:1.700 : bit. ; exports , 1I3.5"0 . bu. ; bales , (1.200,000 ( hit. for export and 02,000 bu. spot , .Spot market dull , irregular and lower ; Mo. 2 red , UTSJe In Btoro nnd cUn-iitord , Wo ullont , ISciiH.OO f. o. b. ; No. 1 red , OI'.Jc ; tin- urnriud icO , 87cOJI.oo ! } ; No. 1 northern , Ulia D7o f. o. b. ; No. 2 northern , ir.'n. Options de clined JjiiJIiio on weaker cables , uooil crop \vcathur , XPncral sulllnz nnd thu coiitlnucii 1'ilco Current's favorable erop roporlH , ad vanced ? o on forolsn buying and covering , closing unsettled nt (31l6u ( under yestunlav. No. 2. A-prll , KJ(3U2 ! ! ( i' , closing tit UJJ.oi May , WXilHOIi-ltic , closing at UOiie ; June , bs ia.lc , closing nt h iej Au''iist , HT. CiSSc. oloslni ; at { Sc ; Hoptomber. H7U < 2.8fiJc' , closing at 87 io ; Uovcinhor , WlittSO.'ic , closine ntbujjo. Jtvn Uull , JIAHI.KV Dull. HAIILI-V MAI.T Quiet. COIIN Hccolpts.u.ooJbu. : oxpotts , 52,000 bu. ; nates. 1.1KW.OUO bu. 'futures ; I2t , noj bu , hjiot. Hpot iiulct , lower ; No. 2 , 4 3L o In elevator ; J'.i ' ® Mo ) alloati uiignulcd mixed , 47iu ! ; sluamer , 4T4'c. Uptlons declined ; * ® IUo on low cables making heavy wcKturn soiling , rnucted ! jOjo m local covorlng , ulosod ! i(2 ( ; ? o under oidav , .March and April , JTI-iftls i' , vloiiliig47Hci May 4G ( f > IUii < , closing at 45.c ; Juno , 4iCtl.c : , the closing at 44 o ; .luly , 41i ? ( rCIMic. clojlng at I5cj Augubt , 41 & 45Uc , clos ing at 43i } < \ OATB Kocolpts , 60,00) bu.j oxportu , irw.uou bu. ; wiles , 105,000 bu. futures und IS.OOJ bu , spot , Bpot , dull and lower ; options , dull und weaker ; May , 3laH'.io ! : , closing at3l'4oi spot Nu. 2whlto. 371ie : mixed tvraturn , LMftiRie ; white western , 3G&1UV , HAY Oulct , Jloi'6 steady. riliOAit Haw , nulct hut firm : sains , 5,500 bngs. muscovado bOttbt at 2c ; rcflncd , uulot but II rin . MO.AB ES-rorolgn , ( lull ; New Orleans , llrm. KICK Qulot hut llrm. I'ETHOi.MiM-Qulut and steady ! United , closed at too for April , UOTTONBKIII : On. UulcU TAI.I.O\V-U | | | . HOSIN Quiet , steady. TIUIIT.NTINI : qulut. s WoaUj western , 13 < k < 3 > 13 ? oi receipts , I'OIIK I'nlr demand and steady. CUT MBA'rs-t'loscd Htoudyi pickled hollies , fO 9T4 ! ; middles , easy ; short el our. tJ.15. LAUD Opened weak HIU ! closed tlrmt wut- orn cloitd at I'l.W ; snlcii , I.SJO tlorcc-s ut 0.55 , Option null's. a.OOO tlorceai May , 0.5'L oloalng at ( a. VI ; .luly , UeiQb.U4 , c ntC.KI ; Aucust. taO'Jbld. ' liui-TEit Quiet anil oa yi weitern dairy , IfttV.'o ; western rrcumcry , 2Ca"'JJiui weslvru factory. ISif.'Jo ; Klgln. 2Uit29)c. ) ( ( iiiEKSi : 1'alrdauiHiidi part skims , 030c. ! J'K ! IitoN-Stcady : American. tU.75QlU.25. Cori'Eit-Oiikn ; lake. 111.75 bid , tll.UJ I.HAD-llull ; domcbtlc. f4.-JOQI.25. CuiTON-bteutlyt straits , Oiuahii 1'roiluco JUurkrt. Hiurfl-No. 1 green laltod hlilai , No. 2 Rroon Billed hides. rHif&1Jc { : No. 1 erccn h ( c . 2 > to 4) ) Ibs. . 'XMiic : No. 2 Rrocn hldc . 2. tn 41 Ibs. , 2O'JS5c : No. 1 veal rnlf. H to 1.1 Urn. . CC ! No. 2 veal calf , S to 15 liu. , 4o : No. 1 dry Hint hides. 7 ( 8o ; No. 2 dry flint hides. frUOc : No. Idrysaltol hldc ftUCc. Tal low , No. I , ; i < 4ffllc ; tallow , No. 2 , : i > ioi proaso , whlto A , 4ci prciuc , whltd II. riHiS-'l'ic ! srcnso. yellow , Kp ; urense. dark , 2Hc ; old butter , 2 ® 24c ! ! beeswax , prime , IOC ! rough tallow , 1'J KiiutTtt C.itlfornla Ulvorsldo or.inzcs. K.75 ® \Viishlncton nuvoN. H OUH4.93I choice up- tilc ! > , Si.0 ; > ! choice lOnions. JI.OO ! fancy lemons * I..2.V31.50' bananas , crated. $ J.OOffi2.50 ! cran berries , shipping stook. bushel bo.xcs , JiSM strawberries 41o nt ; 1'lorlda tomatoes , SG.5J ® 7.ooporcrnteofslx baskets VKnuTAiii.iis 1'ancy Muscntlne sweet potn- tpcs J2.50 < a'.75 ; need sweet potatoes. troWM-M : CallfornU cabbage. 2'io per Ib. In cratcsj homo grown lettuce , 4Uo per dnz.i onions liCcQ.tl.ro per bu. ; Nebraska hiinOplckcd beans , $ l.7.Viil.S.'i ! medium. * l.5'jffll.OO ! Cali fornia celery , JI.03 | Colorado nnd western Nebraska potatoes , X > n : native potatoes , 20 ® 25o ; lljnii I'cnns , 4e per Ih. ; water crcSs , 24-qt.riisb * . IS'Uil.lcpcrqt. ' : spinach , JI.UO par bbl. ; .Spanish onions. $ t.5i per crate1 radishes , 40 ; ititab.igas , tl.75 per bbl.j now turnips , 50e pordoz. Kniis General niarkot , lO'.Jc. IIUTTKit-A liirao proportion of the rocolpts gent IMS'.iui solcoiod lots In a small way to the rctnll tr.'ido af.'oaSJe. 1'oui.Tiiv Hood dressed chickens , ! Ulle ; turkeys , lltai.lo. UAMK The , mnrkct Is glutto : ! with ducks and prices are most too demoralized to quote. SI. l.ouUMarkets. . ST. I.ouis. Mo. , .March HI. l-'i.oun Weak and unehanxcu. \Viir.AT-\Vas very un cltlcil throuRliout the session , dropnliu uirl rallying two or three times , and ilnally closing with May Me and July -WliJtVo bulow voster.lsiv ; No. 2 cash re mained llrm anil closo.l utSll/io ; May , KI ; July , 77"ff ! { e ! Auzust , 77c. ( , 'OIIN Was strong early , hut dropned later nnd closed yo below yesterday's ; No. 2 cash , 'll'iic ; May und July , : i5c. OATS-Lower ; Na 2eash , 2So bid1 May , 2SJ4 ® f " ' " : - ' - : ' hid. HAIII.KV Qulot ; small sales cf Minnesota nt 52c. 52c.llitAN Weak utOSSfflc. HAY Dull unit uiichangod' prairie , $150 ® 8.50. ] , tun Flrmct ; April and May sold $4.03 ; Bpclur. J4.25. I'I.AX SIIKD Steady at 05o. ! COHN MKAI. Qulot nt ? l.85. WHISKY Steady nttl.l'l. ItAiinisn Quiet at OHSo. litoN COTTON TIES $ ' .20i.25. riiovtstoNS Dull and only ix small job trade done at previous quotations. HuCEli-TS Klour. 5.00J Ibs ; heat , 11,000 bu. ; corn. 114.0JO bu. ; oats , U3.00J bu. ; rye , 1.UJO bu. : luirlov , 4ooi bu. SIIII'MKNTS I'lour. 70,003 Ibs. : Wheat,22.001 ltii ) corn , 101,000 bu. ; oats , 15.00J bu. ; rye , none ; barley , none. Kansas City Market * . KANSAS CITV. Mo. , March ill. WHEAT Was very ilnllj.No. 2 hard , quoted nominally at 7lc : No. 2 red , nominal at. 7c. ! ) OOIIN Qulot ; No. 2 mlxod , 33Sc ! ; No. 2 while , UiWniic. OATS : teadyNo.2mlx6d ! , 271Je ; No. 2 white , 28'ic. UVE Steady ; No. 2 , 75c. IIIHN Strong : sacked , Glc. HAY Stronger , but unchanged ; timothy , 0.1)0 ) : fancv prairie , 27.00 ; good to choice. J5.ni @G.oji I'r.ouit Steady ; hlch patent , $ -.40 : patent , J2.-.OJ clio co. $ t.M ) ; XXX. il.GOl.70. ItUTTEii Weak , but unchanged. Kiina Klrm iitlllic. KECEMTS Wheat , 15,000 bu. ; corn , 24,000 bu , ; oats. 1,200. SHIPMENTS Wucat , 17,003 bu. ; corn , 1J.OOO bu. ; outs , none. liostonVnol Market. lIosTDV.Miiss.Mnrchill. Domestic woolshavo ICHS actlvu. but foreign are in good doinand. The total salctnf the wcok amount to 2iJG'lOO ; ! Ins. Ohio X , 27u : XX , 27y28 ; Mlohlzun X dull , 2"i2i1c ; No. 1 coniblii'i qulot , .r > ® : i7o ; Ohio line dolalno , .T.1 ® ! . ! ; Michigan ( Inodc- lalno. ! l'j"lc. Quarter blood wools have been In good demand at 25320 ? , but throc- elzhths blood have been dull at 2ti27e. Territory wools qulot at 5.r > Sc for One. 65c for line medium and MK3Uc fur medium. Ti'.xas nnd California sorts dull. There have lienn good sales of eastern Oregon at l'J18c. jiulleil wnols steady at 'ISfTalDa for choice supers , UOWo : for fair to good suuors nnd 22 ® 2Jc for extras. Australian in steady demand nti.MBC : ; , Korcigu caruet wools more , act ive. Liverpool Markets , I.ivEnpoor. . March 31. WHEAT Dull : hold ers olfor moderately. COIIN Qulot and lower ; mixed western , 4s5jd ( per cental. I'LAS Canadian , Rs ltd per cental. HACOX Long and short clear 55 pounds , 7s pcrcwt. LAKU Western , Ms 7fl. AltlivnuUco Markets. MILWAUKEE. WIs. . March at. WHEAT Easier ; May , 774u : No. 2 spring , 7081e. C'oas Steady ; No. y. : i7Kthc. : ' OATS Steady : No. 2 white , aoS3ic ; No. 3 white , S ! > 302yic. ! ) IIAULKY Quiet ; No. 2 , 5lo : sample , 40S59o. ItVE-Lowcr ; No. I , 70 < 280c. Cotton Murkut. New Yonic , March 31. Options wcro steady nnd unchanged to 10 points up ; sales , 2.'IOOJ lines. Including April. SI2.SJ12.1I5 ) ; May. J12.C5 ® la70 ; Juno. ifl2.liO@12.40 ; July. 8I2.20I2.25 ; August. $12.20 ; Sootomher , * 12.15 ; October , { 12.10 : December , J12.UO. ispot Hlo , dull ; nomi nal ; No , 7 , il4.UO. St. Louis I.lvo Stock Market. ST. Loui . Mo. , March 31. OATTI.E Hccelpts , ' 17.UOJ head : fihlpiuents. 1.400 head ; steady ; fair to cholun steers , J3.2Jffi4.5J ; Texan and li.dlan steers , $2.40i.O' : . . lions Kecclpts 5.501 head ; shipments , 1,100 head ; lower : heavy , $ l.004.70 ; mixed , Sl.OO ® 4.05 ; light , JI.COa4.7U. Now York Dry Uumlg M arket. NEW YOIIK , March 31. There was no now feature to thu dry goods market today. Jobbers \vcro fairly busy and a drive In "C" prints was made at 4ic ! by the assorted cabo. New Vork UxchniiKu IJuotatlnns. NEW YOIIK , March 31. [ Special Telegram to Tun ItEE.l KxolMngo was quoted as follows : Chicago , par ; llostcn , 23c discount ; St. Louis , par to 23c premium. Traders' Tulle. CIIICAOO. 111. , March ill. Counsolman & Day to Coukruil Hrothera : The weakness In wheat seemed to culminate In the open ng collapse today when sales nt 78o and 78ic for May and July dollvorv , respectively , wcro mado. Sumo belated longs closed their holdings , and al though the disposition on thu part of largo traders to follow the market lower was plainly wanting , us Indicated by the free covering of short Kales ; the bulls are without a leader and the closing rally was on a better fooling In shipping circles. Corn declined under free unloading hy the lute hulls from the piovUlon crowd. Indications of bright , warm weather to improve grading changed their Ideas of a probable squcc/o In the May delivery. Shippers bought May freely at 40u until tholr wants wore kupulloil , after which liquidation by the loaders of the bull clique caused a break to U'.lJJe. Shorts covering gave the market a Into rally of ? ie , but no reull/.lng was shown ut thn oloso. The lack of any disposition to operate on the hhort bldo of oats is becoming moro pioiiouuced. The surplus from thu last crop la largo and will probably seek the market as boon as practlcablo to make delivery. 1'ro- visions were m good demand throughout from packers anil local shorts , Thu fooling pre dominated Unit the product Is too low to re main long nt the present figures. CIIIUAOO , III. , March 31. Konnott , Hopkins & Co. to S , A. McWhorter : There seems to bo no good reason for today's weakening In wheat. Cables were easier but the fact that our market hns biion for days on a shipping basis und that ( WO.OJO or 700,000 bushels havu usually boon marketed ought to have oltsct the foreign markets. Tor two months our market has been above n .shipping basis and the fnir business now being done would uii'loubtudly turn It but for the glowing erop reports from iu > arly all sections of the wlnter'whoat bolt. It looks us If this was being ovonlono and the government report may contain a serious surprise for short sellers. Thu weak ness In corn would Imlk-ato that the i.-llquo huvo temporarily suspended the manipula tion. Tlioy huve doubtless unloaded some of their hut-lings , but must Ktlll have a good line loft and will probably try to bring about another rally on which lo hell , Provisions hate been rather llrm but Inactive , Little activity 0111 bu looked for until after thu next monthly report of atocKs , STOCKS AND IIOXDS. o Operation * Continue Uiullmln- Inhoil oil the Uunr Slile. NEW YOIIK , MarchSl. Aggrcsjlvooporatlons In the stock market still continue only o > i the hearsldo und they are restricted to the limits of tiifuty , and while no dUposIllon Is shown to actively resist the pressure brought to hour thu amount of long stocks coming upon the market Is Inconsiderable and the Impression luudu upon prices Is without significance In thu main. A few points In the list , however. olTur bpoulal opportunity for depression , and thexo nra made thu uu > st ot for the time being , ulTeotlng the general ll t to a certain extent. Ainoupt these at prenunt thu Hlchinoiul & West I'olnt securities were most prominent , followed by New England , and from tlmo to time by tno Industrials and conlers. The recent aggrbsslvo action of the Now Haven road wus nu.tlo the basis of nn at tack upon New Knglund. Upon that slock and Reading the bears concentrated Iholr furcus today. l.ouUvlllo and Nnshvllle wus Inclined lu hold stonily , but no material conciisslons were muilu lu the railroad list dvcn In the lute doullugu , when fuither decline * wcru uiudu lu some stocks. Sugar , liowovor , bcenrno the WCIIK point Into In the day. nntl selling as hliih nsOS'i , hut It retired to W. closing only a slight fraction higher than Its lowest flit- tires. The general list throughout the day WAS traded In upon the narrow est limits , nnd such stock as Krlb for Instance , fluctuated over a range of only'I per cont. The temper followed the move ments of the loaders At n , IOIIK distance and no decided tendency In prlco was to bo seen at any time outside of the nctlvo shares , Thn weakness In Sugar was felt In the Into trailing nnd cave the llnal donllngs n drooping tonilcn- ev.thu mnrkdt flnally elmlng very heavy with most stocks at or near the lowest point of the day. The declines of unto are ! Sugar , 2-V per cent ; Heading , If per cent ; Now Kngliuul , 1s , pur cent nnd Manhattan , which fluctuated whlcly , otlly ' 4 per cont. llovcrnment bonds have liccn dull nnd steadStuto bonds have been dull .and steady. The following are the closing quntnllon for the loading stocks on the Now York Stock exchange - change today : , ' e.x-dlv The total sales of stocks today were SfiS.'GO shaios. Including : Atchl on , H.B 0 ; Erie , li',5 0 ; Loulsvillo fi. Nashvlllu. 11,000 ; Manhattan , IU'0) ' ) ; Northern I'aclllo preferred , lO.WJu ; Now Kngland , y."i.O 0 ; Itoadlng , 8.,4'Ul ' ; Klchmond Sc West Point , ti.jOO { St. I'aul , 11,800 ; Union I'a- clllc , aOOJ. I'hiiincliil Kevlinv. Nuw YOHK , March 31. The 1'ost says : Tt wns suggested that n defeat of the silver movement In congress might furnish an In teresting test of the foreign attitude towards our own market. The movement has already met defeat , but the results of the test wcro mo.u'ru. European buying of our stocks has yet followed over In the narrow field of arbi trage trading. . So far ns the test has proved anything. It has proved that tno foreign spec ulative Interest In our stock market Is nt present dead and not easy to revive. In our bend market Kurnpo IH reputed to havu been a moro active Investor recently than for some tlmo previous. Such Investments , how ever , must of course have been made. If made ut all In any volume , over the counter. In the Stock exchange Itself business lu high grade bonds has fallen oil' heavily since the opening of the market , although It will bo ob served that the dealings are generally a pointer or two higher. Thu bond market will bo worth careful study lug for some tlmo to come , par ticularly as It Is growing moro apparent every day that the plentiful supply and low rates for money In nil the lluanc.al centers are likely to continue. Now York Money Market. Nuw YOHK , March 31. MO.NEV OM CAM. Kiihy tit 155 to 2 per cent ; last lo.in 2 per cein ; closed olTored at2 per cent. I'KISIK MERCANTILE I'AlM-Jll 40 UCrCCllt. STHHMNO EXCIIANOK Quiet , nnd firm at fl.SOH for sixty day bills and Jl.8di ! for de mand. The closing quotations on bonds : U.S. 4sreK liu Mutual Union CB. . . . 1U7 U.S. 4s coup 1I7V4 N. J. C. Int. Cert . 1IIJ { U. S. 4 . ret ( 100 North , rncltto l ta. . . 111W racltlctlKOflU 101) ) North. Taclltc 2mli < . HAS , Louisiana ntp'il 4s. . . B.H' Northwestern Con. . J3S ) Tumi , new set ( is 100 Nortlnvotifnilebia. . KIT Tenn. now net fis 1011 St. 1. . & 1. M. ( Jen. ! < Wi Tenn. new set : is GUJt St. U ft f. K ( icn. M KM Canada So.-Mule. . . . 100 St. Paul ConsolH. . . 127 Central I'aclllc Istn. 1UOH St. r.O. & 1'ac. Ists 118 1) . AIl.O. Ista 113 Tor. 1' . Ij. 15. Tr. Ucts 8t : ! < : It. . 4rf 81 % Tux. IMl.O.Tr. Hcta HIM Union 1'uclBolbts. . 107j ! M. , 1C. AT. Gen. ( Is. . HI WoatShoio . . . 10.li < M. . K. AT. Cen. 5s. . [ * ) < 4 1) . * H. O. W. Istd. . . 7U I'lnunclal NotoH. NEW ORLEANS , La. , March 31.-Clearings , Kl.iMS..IB. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , March ill. Clearings , $1,408.43' . ' . Niw : YOIIK , March 31. Clearings , JI13fl7i,900 ( ; balances , $3O.V-,000. MIMI : > HIS , Tcnn. , March 31. Now York ex change selling at par. Clearings , Wl.-KVH. IlALTi.MOiti : , .Mil. . Murcli 31. Clearings. S2,1I8,000 ; balances , iWM.OOO. Kate. U per cent. l'imAiKM'iiA. I'n. . March ill. Clearings , JK''JH-.S ' T ; balances , $1,5 1,883 ; money , it per cent , ST. Louis , Mo. . March 31. Clearings. S'J.OOJ- 1.15 ; balances. } C.V > , WJ7. Monoy. 07 per cent. Now York exchange. 2 > e premium. 1'Aitis , March ill. The weekly statement of the Hank of 1'ra'ico snows an increase of 357- 'J''O.OUO gold and U'0OJU francs silver , CIIICAOO , 111. . Mnreh ill. Money plenty at 4 © 0 per cent. Now York exchange llrm nt par. Sterling cxohunio steady utfl.HJM for sixty- day bills , $1.89 for demand. Clearings , Jlj- ; 013.00J. T/nmlim Stock Iiirkot. LONDON , March 31. iNow York Herald Cable Special to TUB llnn.l No clntngo was made today In the bank rate , which remains at 3 per cent. The general business In the Htoclt exchange today has boon iiulotbuttho tonoof the loading markets has been ; ; ouil. 1'iinils and Indhin rupee p.ipcr liuvo Improved ! B to 3-10 with the few exceptions. 1'orolgn gov ernment sccurlt'es havn been more or less linn all day. a btrongtono bolng reported on continental boursos. Homo railways wcro rather undecided In the ourly dealings , hut during thucouiso of the afternoon havu de- vulooed considerable strength. The close was firm at a nearly general advance. Including ? i per cent In Oreat Western and ' 6 to \ < t percent in others , the dual prices bolne about tno host , American railways have shown consldorablo firmness all ( lay. but just at the last hour have bccomo weak again oil Now York selling orders , evidently sent over with a view to in- lluonclng the market t the extreme close. Thotonohas somewhat Improved again , al though the last prices are generally under thu best. On all round recovery from U to \ \ per cent Is established , Canadian lines con tinued In favor. An advance U murkod In Canadian I'acillo and Urand Trunk Issues. As usual at the end ot the month money has occn In U'oo.l demand , short loans huvlug been charged 2i ! to 3 per cunt. The discount market hasbhiiwn an Increase , two and three months bills hills being quoted at 1'i ' per cent. LONDON , March 31.Tho following wore the London stook quotations closing at 4 p. m. : Consola , nionojr . i ) illllnolu . . . IUJ do , account . l' , 4 Muzlc.in ordinary , : ISH N , Y.l > . A O. lutB. . . aiiliat. 1'aulcom . 78 , ' Canadian I'nclrtc. , , ) K Helena . 6i > Krlu . HAH SiNviii"304d. ! MONKV--3 uor cent. Italoof discount In open market for both short and three months' uliin lijftli per conl. The amount of bullion gone into thu Dank of Kngtand on balance tojay ? 5tiO ] , Thu bullion In the Hank of England In- cruuseil Jt'JII.OlO ( liirln ? the pnbt week , Thu prnnortloii of the Hank of Kngland's rcservu to liability which last week wan 43M per cent la now 4U.4U percent. llostou Stork .Marlt lit. HORTOX , Mass. , March 31. The following were the closliu urloos on stocks on thu 1)O4- ) ton stuck niurUct today : MVIJ STOUK .MAKKr.TS. Cuttlo and HogK llotli u Sliailo Linvvr hliuepKtfiiily. OMAHA , March ai. I'our days' rocolpts foot up 7,018 cattle. 100 ho.-a amiMill sheen , against O.OIU eattlo. UIU7 hu.'s and a.KIl slieup thu same four days last week. Receipts for thu mouth ot March CI.100 cut tle , 1UV.X1I hogs , 'JJ.071 sheep , u'.Mlnst VvVZi cattle. r. 7,4IOhogB. 17,033 hi-op for I'ebruary amUU.O-ilcattlo , 11'Jboss | , lO.aol thuep for the month of Mureh , IS'JI , The entile market wus dull nnil lifeless thiouKhout , although prices were notqunt- ubly lowur than WuUiicsduy , Itui-cluta were too light to mlmU.M nny serious bronk nnd yet buyers semneXJ to wntit nome cattlo. but wnntuii them lo ur. Shipping nnil export buyers worn rntheribenrlsli on account of the condition ot custom markets nnd their purehiws wcro Hunted. Local drosioJ hoof houses did the bulk of the tradlnz nnd nt slightly shaded tiHcc * . There wus nothing really choice hofoV ( ho general quality of the offerings bolng rntllcr IndlfTerrnt. Very good L''JO to 1,40'j-lb. licovcs sold fro hi 31.60 to JIOJ with fnlr to good K > ) to l.iioj-lh. steers from } : i.ioto : $353. N < ita-ly overytlrng nt all do- slrablo found n purchaser noforn the close. Cows and mixed stock sold nt substantially steady prices. Tlio'olTcrlnst woru not Inrge , nor was the quality nnythlng extra. The de mand , hnwover , continues strong ntid trade wus fairly brisk. Hnles were from fl.33 to $ , l.-3 for poor to eholco stock. Hulls oxen nnd st.xgs showed no particular change , moving fully at fully steady prices from SI..V ) to J.U.V Calves nnd yearlings sold nt from t I.5J to f LAO. The trndo In stoekers and feeders wns scat tered , but prices wore gonorallv strong. It wns very common stock that , had to soil below & 3.UO , and some choice stulT sold as high ns S3.0. Kcprcscntiitlvc sales : STKEHS. No. Av. I'r , No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. i..lvi : ) $3 DJ 10..io.li it 40 IV.1I4J J.165 .I02J it ' . ' .I 18..IIHI il 40 6. .114 ! iliV > 18 1180 SI. .1 41) 13. . 13-10 1165 1.1. 075 17. . S' > 7 3 45 SO. . 1,71 ilfl ) 18. ICI4 7..1105 il 45 17. ' 3 45 .1857 5. . l i 3 43 4' ' . . 1014 lilf.1183 il 45 ( I ililfiO J70 IH. . 801 1(1..1113 ( il 60 37I. 1170 34..1010 I 4U ( l..ll'5 il , " > > ( I. .1311 3 75 17..1183 I 4' ) 2l..iin ; < i il , ' ! ) 8 ' I. , lit 13 I 40 7. . IU7 : i r > o . 1443 5..12JJ 140 I.I..11SI hsi.i. . 15..1013 I 40 ia..ui3 i. . 3UJ U..10JU 12..1V57 i 63 M1XKII. 12. . 010 3 15 3..10J' ! 3 25 0..10S3 ,133 COWS. 3. . 873 2 25 .10fi3 270 1. . SS'J 2 25 . 7S 270 1..1100 325 .10JO B75 4. . S07 2 25 .103J 275 111. . KTO 23. " . .1015 275 1..I100 3 yS .1210 3 SO 3. . 1KB 3 ilj .IDI'l 2fO 3. 7tC > 3 35 .1125 285 10. . 1078 3 4'J .1150 2W 10. Jllil 3 40 .10,1'J 300 1..1000 3 IJ . U.X ) ilOO 4..1007 2 40 .1040 300 11) ) . . 013 24D .131'J 300 2..1073 2 40 . 10il7 3 ( KI ! ) . . 850 2 50 . II1I3 3UO 4 , . 03) ) 3 50 .1320 3UO 3 .1170 365 . mo : ioo 3. . 1158 3 110 . 750 3UO 4..10U 3 01 .lO.'O 305 .r.'io : iio 1. ' . TlVJ 3 fi > ! , to7ii : i ir > 1..131IJ 3 70 .121S 223 2..1235 2 70 cows AND nnu-nns. 24. . 812 3 IS IS. 1 73 10. 2 00 , 60J i - > . 4U3 3 45 . : ro 1 50 , 4JO 3 25 . 130 3 OJ 111 ] M.S. ,1400 1 51 1..liBO 335 1. , 1110 2 60 .13:0 : 1 50 I. . 1240 240 ( i. , I4 : l 2 81 .ngo ; 1 7.i 1. . 1(100 ( 2 45 1. 1300 285 ' 3 00 1. . S10 2 45 1. , 1470 285 .isa . a 30 1..15SO 250 2J. , IttU 20J 143) 2 25 1..1400 250 13. . 1000 300 15VO 2 35 1. . 87) ) 2 50 1. , 13V ) 3 00 ,1480 , 3 25 1..IIIIO 205 .122) 310 , 13SO 330 1. 155 J 2 70 1..1040 315 1I8J 1. 140J 2 73 BTAOS. STOCKKHS AND FEEDHUS. 1. 450 2C5 D. . (153 ( 310 8..13'3 ! HUT. 2C5M 1. MJ M ) 1. . H5'J 313 11. . l 3 3 15 ! 1. 7t,0 275 1. . ? JO a 15 .V 874 325 1. SOU 2 ? . > 2 , 035 II 15 kU 323 1.a.'l. . 4Si 4. , 723 3 l.r lO'JS 325 1. IM'J ' 2 OJ 12. . 7Jil 15 1I.VJ 323 1.i. . oao : i oo a. . 020 : IT. bta 3:10 : 12. 710 3 ( M 10 , . 787 32) 10..U'8I 331 12.fl. . (170 ( 300 tj. O.i7 320 5. IWO 3:15 : 14. RSI 303 fl. . 882 321 2. . ! I33 : tiT : 3. 3iiG 305 18..1UIO 320 14. .10W ) 33 , ' . 2 ; > . 7U7 305 l.fc DfiO 3 2J 1. 8IO 335 4. 7i'J ( 3 Ki. 1. . 750 320 43. 1111 35) 12. 457 31.5 , 803 3 SO 10. 10s3 330 WESTliHN CATTLE. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. * J1 cows . 04U ft 05 t93 steers. . . .1023 S3 40 'corn fed + hny fort lions The supply hns not varied much for the past thrco iluys. thu Increase In rcuolpts for the past few days compared with the sumo four last wcolc.uoltur only uboutl.ODj head. The quality ban been rcnmrkiibly even for the past two or three weeks and tins fact will , In a measure , account fer the comparatively narrow rinco : ut which the ho s have been BOllInc for thtiu period. Business opened out rather slow and the market was unevenly lower from the start. Fresh meat men und shippers bought good light and butcher weight ho s at urices steady to 3u lower than Wednesday , mostly at from tl.50 to S4.55. A few choice sorted loads brought from $ I.57M to J4.03. Nearly ovory- tlilnK the shippers and fresh meat dealers bought WHS sorted , the throwouts selling at from $4.00 to $1.35. Heavy nnd mixed pacfcor.s wcro no to lUc lower than Wcdnca lay. sclllnit lareoly ut from $1.40 to 14.45. Kvervthlni ; sold In fairly good season , the bulk at from $1.40 to $4.55 , ugninsc nt from it M to $1.55 Wednesday , the Roneral uvcriifto of prices paid helnc $1.47 , against $4..VHJ Wednesday aud 81.54'i Thurs day of last week. Kepresentatlvo Bales : Na Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r. 9 221 4I&I35 CO 229 120 84 43 50. 3J2 12J 433 C5 217 443 77 20J 40 435 78 214 80 445 fll 321 200 4 ( I'm 73 2lt 120 445 01 214 210 440 07 21 ! ) 100 445 100fcO 51 . 302 80 440 70U 91 fcO 445 75 . 230 300 4 4'J ( U . 3S3 40 4 47 (12 ( . 279 120 4 4'J 40 . 225 40 4 5U SO . 32' . ' 200 440 77 . 21)8 ) 40 4 M 53 . , . .284 210 440 72 . 297 S3 450 50 . 325 24J 440 40 . 101 450 57 . 209 303 440 51 . 255 100 450 5" > . . . , : i23 120 440 fi . 235 40 (12 ( . 30S 300 4 13 2lfi { 80 450 8 . 307 4 40 213 453 07 . 210 200 4 425 ! 2fl3 450 73 243 1J ( ! 4 42'J ' W > . 211 40 453 bS 218 240 4 f'.yt 75 . 28 : ! 120 45' ) CI. . . 2(10 ( 2.0 4 42S ! 54 . 243 450 4 203 1110 442ft 70 . 213 12J 4 55 4GO GO . . UK 40 44214 ( IS . 202 40 455 58. . 273 24' ) 4 42J ! (17 ( . SOS 8) 455 128. .2(13 ( 200 445 Hi . 1SS 455 KI 245 83 445 73 . 1115 455 54 233 200 445 77 . 2.M 83 455 07 255 120 445 70 . 210 80 455 C'J. . 201 240 445 ,0 . 1S7 8J 4 55 (12 ( 240 120 445 hJ . 1117 2JO 4 55 70 IK ) 445 M ) . 210 453 CO 2S3 ICO 445 78 . 11)8 ) 120 45.5 72 203 ISO 443 C8 . 20 ! 45714 83 204 N ) 445 < H . 218 40 4 57 ' , < , 55 345 203 445 M ) . 2.J3 40 457(4 ( 2.17 80 445 111) ) . 100 40 4 57'i 01 2b5 320 445 C'J . 232 fcO 4 CO 1'ins AND HOUGH. 1 483 200 3T. 240 210 275 0 4ii ; 405 10' ) h3 325 1 4CO 413 8 3K ; ! 80 400 2 370 4 10 7 . . . 307 40 4 03 1 ; 370 40 4 10 10 : ui ; 120 403 i aw 4 10 1 37J 4 00 2 28J 410 1 3GO 400 2 3.5 410 4 218 120 4 fO 4 H45 420 1 3'JO 4 00 7 1/0 430 0 . 315 49 4 U3 ly two loads of sheep wcro re ceived , nnd these were , as usual , consigned direct to Swift it Co. and not oll'ored on thn niurkcl. There IH a strong , uctlvo doinand for dcslrab.o muttons : itllriu prices. Fa I Mi ) Kood unlives , ? 4.5Kg.5..V3 ; fair to good western * . $4.00(35,73 ( ; common nnd stock sheep , t..Mffj 4.03 ; good to choice 40 to 00 pound lambs. $4.50 < a.0.50. _ _ _ _ Itcculptxnrid Disposition of Stork. ( UIHl'OSITIO.V , ClilciiKO I.lvo Stock JMiirKut. CIIIOAOO. Ill..iKlarch Ul , [ Special Telegram to Tin : llni.l Thuro was u llrm miirlua for nil grades of cattle , mid BOIIIII klndH sold a trlllo better limn on Wednesday. There was no general ndvanco , however , thu duiuand lauk- ing the necojsary urgency. The host selling cattle wuro good cows and hulfnrs and fat Iiony SIIHTS. Heavy steers , though moro easily moved than earlier In thu week , wore to u cur- tuln extent neglected nnd were nut wanted nt any advance. Quotations riitmu from * ! . ; ' . . " > to a..V ) for cows and hulfers , fl.50 to 1,75 for hulls , * 'i ' . ' . " > to til..l for stuokors and fodders , Jl.iritoS.VOO for slilpplnv bteom and t..OO to J4.00 for Tuxas cuttlo , There was eontlniied weakness In hogs , thu soft weather und thu fact that moro stuck ar rived than a majority of thu trailo had looked for , both having n weakening elfeot. If coinpunsim bo mndu with yuslurdnv's clos ing urlco , not much chaugu upnuurs , hut Uio rangu wus fully Hu lower than Tuondiiy , when thn best M > I In brouuht from if I.U. % to } 5 oo , The top of today's murkol wan * 4.M nml only a very limited number L'liinst'il : hatiils at butter thiin $ l.7. > . The r.ingo at whk-h ut least four- fifths of thu Hiipiily weru weUhed WHS fl.OO to * l.5. Indeeil , that llgiiro was pretty closu to thu lop any time during thu day. The nvoragu quality wui , nut porcuptahly better than for the duy before , t'rlmu heavy hojs weru bearco. Uvcclpts continuing Holit , the sheep murkut wns steady. There was n crod dcMand fet local Recount , nnd there wan cnniuh competi tion from shippers to alvo prices u slluht up- wnril Inolln.'xtlon , the innu attractive of the oITerlnps selling flo higher than ycMor.lny < Quotations rnnso from fl.M to f.VoJ for poor stulT to from fo.fl ) totfl.70 for cxtr.i ( iiinlltics. There wns nn unchanged market for lambs at from M.5D to $ Mx ) for poor to f nnov. Kucolpts were ! Cattle , 12,000 ; hois. 89,000 : sheep , r..i ) . 0. The Kvcnlnt .lournul reports ; CATTI.S llRcclpts. ii.oojj shlpmonts. 4.on ) ; nmtkct wpik : ; nooJ to lirlmo steers. fiLSKtll.tOi others , ji.i.va/i.7. : : / : * ! stocKcrs , I2.oooa.i , ; Texnns , ? I.AIQ ; II. 8.1 ; cows. tl,4 < Xrffl.lU , Ilons-Hceelpts. a 1.003 : shlnments , Ui03 ( ; market opened weak nt ld lower ; closed stroii. ; ; rough ana eointiion. Jl ( W71.I. ' . ' . - : mixed ami pickers. JI.Iwai.TO : prlmo heavy and butchers' . l.fl.ft 1,7.1 : llRht , * I.IK ) < 8I.7S. SiiBKi1 Iteeolpts , 0,003 ; shipments , l.fOO ; miirkot higher ; ewes , fl.004tl.75 ; wethers , SYr > o&O.Si ; westerns , $ .1.50410.80 ; lambs , J5.4.M& New Yorlt I.lvo Stnrlt Market. Nr.w YOIIK , March ill. Itnr.vr.s Hrcolnts , 4.'ll bend , all tor export ; no trade ; feeling llrm ; dressed beef sleek , ( UlSo per Ib. bhlp- inotits tiitlny. 4jjO beeves ! eovnnty-llvu sheep , and l.lli I quarter ) of beef. UAI.VCS KeculiitD , 1OJO head. Market dull , U per Ib. lower. SiiBiii' Ueculpts 2.70) hond ; sheep steady ; lambs , Sc per Ib. lilihrr ; sheep. Jl.wiid.per 10 ] Ihs , ; lambs , f(1.7.'iS'XhJ ; dressed mutton stonily , OiM Hio per ll > . : drossoil Iambi ) , llrm , nt MDIIUupijril ) . Hens Hoculpts. 1,700 head , nominally stoutly atJI.OJiJ3.ro per 100 Ibs. Kansas Cily I.lvn Stock Mnrkrt. KANSAS CITV , Mo. . March ill. CATTI.R Ilo- eelpts , l.liJU ; shipment ! ) , I'.UOO ; steers were nctlvo to stronger , r > to 10 higher , at M.iva : 4,10 , ; goo I eows were flrai at 8l. " > 3Q&'J.4Ui stockurs nnil feeders , active and strou ; at IiMita.57'S. lloos-hocolpts , O.ODO ; shipments , 2,40,1 ; market was conornlly r > o lower ; nil grades fiivsi..Vj : ; bitlk. $ i.tMjl.4i. : Siiijf.f-Kocelpts , D.UOi ) ; bhlpincnts , 030 ; Market wasqulot , Xc\v York Mining Onotutlons. NEW YOIIK , Macli ill. The following nro the mining stock quotations : n , , v li . 210 .Mexican 1S. > Caleilonla , 11.11. . lO'i Ontnrln 4,101) ) Chollnr . II Ophlr I'M ) Con. Cnl. & Vn . W I'lymoiith I'D SUVDKO U.'i Kureka Con . llti Sierra N'ovatlu IB.'i Coulil fc C . 110 Sliuul.itil HO llnlo.l .N . 1" ) Union Con 140 Ilomo.itakc . U'JJ Yellow Jacket 10J Horn Silver . -3 Denver 'Mining ; Stocks , nnsvnn , Colo. , March ill. The following list Is the closing quotations on the Mining cx- cnango today. .Sales , 40,0)0. Mothnrs will flnd Mrs. Wiasloiv's Soothtntr Syrup the bast remedy for their cluldrou. 25 coins a bottle. 300,000 bars Union BOip solil in Nebraska braska last month. It's the bast. ASXUVXCiS.il K.\Ti. The now dramatic attraction nt Boyd's now theater followinc the Conreul Opera company will bJ llobart Mantoll and his compnnj' of playors. Mr. Max Xoallnor , his tnanaecr , arrived m the city yesterday and announced the following brilliant ropjrtoiro for the Omaha engagement ot the Mantoll company : Thursday evening"Monoars ; " Friday cvoninp , "Hamlot ; " Saturday inat- tneo , double bill , "Tho Lesson in Acting" nnd ' 'Tho Louisianian , "and Saturday cvoninp , "Tho Corsiciin Brothors. " The following is a true estimate of Mr. Mantoll from tbo aolo critic of the Philadelphia 1'ross : "Mantell is a marvel. Ho belongs on the boards , and adorns the arena of his activities. In Monbars > hc Is majestic and masterful a player of heroic mold measuring up to the requirements of u noble and grandly emotional - tional character. But it was ) n that ether and pre-eminent character of Hamlet that Man tell ambitiously entertained a crowded , critical and cultivated audicaco at the Wal nut Street theater last night. " "Two Old Cronies" Is boolcod at iho Far- nom Street theater for four nights com mencing Sunday afternoon. Of a recent presentation in Kansas ( Jity the Times said : Anderson's "Two Old Cronies" with its now trim m inf-'s , and as witnessed hero By large audiences , is one of the best attractions offered for many \veeks. A. II. Williams us Jacob and E. J. Hoffermau an O'Donovan , the "cronies" this and ootn arc season , sus tain not only a rather popular precedent , but have a few gewgaws all their own. But Ada Deaves , who can malto herself inoro fantastically homely and raoro elegantly fantastic by turns than anybody else , is still the particular attraction of the show. She has , of course , r.omo new and indescribable powus. seine now recitations and several pop ular old onos. The two "cronies" this sea son makn all their entrances and exits to the music of "Comrades. " and Ada Deaves , in her sweeping ins and outs , U set to "Boom do Ua. " J. Henry Mncko , Huby Welsh and Lindloy Monson are all peed specialty people ple and character people well placed. The Don sisters arc capital dancers and win many recalls. Tlieso , with Fnnnio Bloodpood and Florence Noyatt , make a quintette of at tractive girls , who change costumes so often that you can hardly keep track of tuoin. "Lato to bed nnd early to nso will shorten the rood to your homo in the skies. " But early to bed and a "Littlo Harly Hisor , " llio pill that maiccs lifo longer and butter aud wiser. Oninha compressed yeast strictly puro. l the IEiiIt'8 , At a meeting of tbo republican county central committee hold lost , evening tiio pri mary election rules which were submitted for consideration some ttmo ago , were adopted. Only one amendment to the rules as origi nally submitted was offered. That was that no person bo ullowod to take their ballot from the room before voting. This amend ment , was considered a good ono and Was im mediately adopted. A list of ropu oilcan voters of each ward was furnished the corumltteoraen for use at the next primary election which will ho hold on April 21 , At this election dolomites will bo elected for the state , congressional and national conventions. About Itullrimil Mm. Chief Clerk Morphy of the Elkhorn freight ofllca has gone with his wUu on a trio to Chicago. General Agent Phllllppl 6t the Missouri Paoillo went to Chicago last night , accom panying hia mother. L. K. Sessions of the Motion route and Charles Hoxton of ttio Northern PacitlooUico of St. Laulii are In thu city : ( jcncrul Superintendent Hughes of the Elkhorn and General Agent uitchio of thu Northwestern are In Chicago. Ciiiittiln llntlln Smith Coming , The Salvuilon army of Omutm is preparing for a grand Jubilee tonight. Captain Hattlo Sinllli and Major Kuppul and wlfo will bo In Omaha U > address the faithful , The army headquarters will probably bo crowded to their utmost limits. Captain Smith will relate the causes that led to the torn bio tragedy In which she xvus ono of the victims when she was hero last November. This will bo her first appcaruucu in Omulia sinca her recovery. T tmtos IDheumatism. Mr. CiiAm.rcs IMWHESCB. of Ashlaml. Kcl ) . . says ( lint Swift's Specific cured him of severe Rheumatism of which IIP had Buffered for ovc blx iiiontlia , with vnin efforlH to tct ; relief. Ilo recom mends it to till Miffcrcre from Itliciiinn- lism. lism.fiend fiend for our liooU on the Tllood nnd BlUn. mailed froo. BW17T 6PKCIFIO CO. , ATLANTA , OA. OMAHA MnRSE-COESHOEQ3. llOlltotT.mlStro > l. Knofory porni-r llttianil IKunlfK stroa'.i. Wo nr.i nmklni cloio pflcoi to ouli b lyori , ai I rua solllni ; n cHsi of itooli which 1) very silo- n'jlo wltli inorch tati. KIRKINDAU , JONES & . AMERICAN HAND SEW CO. , ED SHOE CO. Wliolcsntp Mfrs. AROiits Hoots , tdioe.i. ruliliprs llosiloiilliilibcrSliocCii. ( cllvoods. mi ( i llnr- 1IOJ , 1IUI. llOJllanipy-st npy st. UUKWUHS. JOS. SCIILITZ BREW ING CO. Onico , S. Dili nn.l l.cnvcn- worth 8t . , Onmtia. John llarhovur. Auts. CON SECTION HUY. VOEQELE DINNINO Mfru t'omrcctloiiprs nnd joubursof foreign anil domestic fruits , 1110 Howard st. CAUUIAGH TOPS. CM AHA CARRIAGE TOP 0. J. ANDERSON , UO. , MrTK. lincKy tops , Imcks , A. T. Dnrtiy , Mfir. Tops , cushions , etc. Send lor cii ) ilon , bucks , etc. catalog. 3ID S. IVth-st. 214 North l.Mli-.il. COAL , COKE , | COUNJCE. OMAHA COAL , COXE & . EAOLECOR CEWORKS LIME CO. , Mfrs. Enlvnnl/cd Iron Ilnnl nnd soft conl. B 1C. cornice niL'tnllc , skyllKhls window , cntis etc. , ci r. ItHli nt d DoilKlau- 1110 , Ill21 > odtv-iit. t9. CLOTHING. BIOTCHKY& , COHEN , GILMORE&.nUHL , Clothing , notionfurnish Mnnnrrn nnd wholrunt ings , ( ilvo us d trial. c'lothluru. IIU'J llurnpy Samiik'S pri > | > ald hy ex fetreut. press. 11 I.I Harncy. DRY GOODS. IIILPATRICX-K03H M.E. SMITH & CO. , DRY GOODS CO. , Dry sooils , notions , fur- Dry KnoiH.notloni , Kcnt'B nlsliliiK KOoil" . Corner liirnlBhliiK uooilt * . for. HtUiuiil liownrd-ttti. llth nnil Howard ot. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WOLF ELECTRICAL CO. , Illustrated catalog free. Kill Capitol live. FURNITURE BEEBc&RUNYAH FUR- IIITURECO. , Uraco and Thirteenth GROCERIES. | DRUGS , Etc. D. M. STEELE&CD. , BLAKE , BRUCE & CO. , 1:01-1:05 Jones street , lOtli and Ilurncy streets , Omaha. Omnliii. GRAIN. S. A MO WHORTER , 2l511il of Ornito. Ilrokcr In ( iinln. etc. 1'rlvale h'cto .V. V. , Chicago and tt. Louis. HATS , ETC. HARDWARE. RECTOR fc WILHELMY LOBECK&LINN , CO. , Dcalom' liardw.'iro anil . mrchfinlcs' tooN. Corner 10th and Jackson btreels. ll'Jt Donvlua Street. LUMUKIL CIIAS. R , LEE , JOHHA , WAKSFIEID iriKiil hmititr , wool oar | > otn nml mr.juol Impoftol.\mjrlc\n I'nr , Hooting , Ian I ci-nont , Mllw.ntlci lir > lrnillc : ccnicnt. nn.l fill ami Donahs. ( julaur whltj linu1. FRICX& HERBERT. l.lnuor inprclmnt * . 111 ! Ilnrncy-Jt. Mtrs Ken Wholesale liquor denier * nc'dy B i : 9t Imll.t "It IU01 Knrnxiii'St. ten. MILMNKHY C. ASTONEHILl , J.OBERFELDER CO. , Importers nnd Jotd > pr of Mllllnpry. notions , clo'Ki , nilllnary. notlont. Mnlt etc. 110118 S. luths or.li'M prompt. ' 'WU H. MUSICAL. A. HaSPt.JR. , 1'lnnos orcniifi. nttlsts mntiTliiN , ftc. 1518 DoiiKlus-st. OILS. CONSOLIDATED TANK S'iaVD1JOIL LINE CO. , No Imil ojnr , n > i sno'y | clilinnay.i , no cli < irrln < Ilpllnpd nnil lalirlcntliiR or wlcki , A < you oils , n\lc Kronsu. etc. cur for It. OYSTERS. A.BOOTH PACXINQ CD. PLATT& C3 , , I'nekors of oystprn , tlsU Oyston , IIMi ant calory. nnil colcry. U03 I.onvun- ; il'J S 10tlit. . DnvlJ north st. Cole , iiutaiijtir. " OVI3UALLS , SIJIUTS , KTC. KIND&SIMEAD , RODINSOH SI QKESCO Jifrs of "K ft S" pnnts , Kfrs colpbrited'\"lliick- : shirts anil ovornlls.ctc. skin" ovcrnll" . ] pant , CH-18S. llth-HU Kldrli , cents , civI'.unt Omahn. * . PRODUCE COMMISSION ! Kat.tbllshctl , IS7d. BRANCH AGO. , WHITNEY & CO. . Produce , fruits of ( nil Ilutlcr , ecus and poultry kinds , oysters. S17 H. 31'.I H. taili-st. lllth-st. KIR5CHBRAUN& JAS. A. CLARX & CO. , SONS. , Uuttor , chceio , cjgt. Butter , OJJRI nnd poultry poultry nnd Kama. 1KH ) Howard-si. 317 Soutli 13lli Strust J. A. RYOER & CO. 0. PEOAU , 1) ) u UerCtfKsclicosp , poul roinmlsBlon nicrchnnt , try , hlilua nnil KUIIIU. 1'iodncc , butter , reus , 1215 Howard street , clicmo nnd poultry liefer to Coni'l Nat.iiank r.'th und llounnl M. MULLINA MCCLAIN BINCHAM&SDM , Hpcclnltli's , bnttur , PBI : . , Scml us your cccs , Imt- rhocso , poultry , ctc.No tprpoutryiiiiip , hlilcx 15 S. lull. Itcf. Ist.Nntl etc. 17U1-3 Luavci fctrcct. .E"0"1"RBUON ? SCHROEDERfcCO. . : lltitto- lltittoeatit. . cheexp Cash buyers tinttcr ami Irnltpoaltry , piinti * . CKKS ; Intitules r-11 ether AKOIIII for Alyr's lirotlticu on cuauulMun. lliiyal horse and citllo 42.1 S. llth St. BplCL" . , ' ) OJ S. llth Bt. , Oiualtn. PAPER CARPENTER PAPER CO KING PAPER CO. Carry a full stock of Wrapplni ; paper , all kinds prlntlnivrnpplng and ot twIiHM etc. U'lS ' wrlllni ! paper , card pa Howard ntrect. Tclo- per etc. pliono , 1TW. STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS , Stove repairs und wato attiiciiinrnts for nnil kind of ntovo mad e. I'M : DoiiR'las. SASII. TOYS. M.A. DISBROW&CO. H. HARDY .tea. ( oyH , iloll , n ) ti 11 in a Manuraclnrir ! ! of pash Inncy goodH. hotiBt > fur doort. till nil a and rrulilUK' Kontls , chlhl muuMlHKS. Ilmncll of- rcn'H earrliiKOi. Idl llcv , 12th nndl/.ardsSts. Kariuini Htrct't , SOUTH OMAHA UNION STOCK YARD3 CO. , - LIFTED COMMISSION MEUC1IAN J'S. ALLEN ROOT i : CO. , OASMANN & SJILI/ , 'D nml Ct I"x- llooiiin , - ( loom ! li ICxclmnKO bnllcl- liiKi Houtli Ouuilm. tulldlni ; . Honlri Many Lives would be saved by taking1 in the first stage of any ill. ness a generous dose of Brandreth's Pills ; this would be especially true in cases of pneumonia or bad colds. Take from six to ten pills and by their thorough action the excess of blood is taken from the lungs to the intes tines and congestion must stop. When you feel a cold coming or have a chill followed by a sudden rise of temperature take these pills first and then send for your physician ; he won't have much to do , but then he gives you confidence and will have the credit of the cure and all will be satisfied. Remember , Brandreth's Pills arc purely vegetable and cannot do harm ; over 100,000,000 boxes have beert' used during the past 60 years and have never done any thing but good. i Nerve Sootls , " _ the wonderful rdneilf In fluid with nvrlt - trii iiuiiriind'Q tn earn all nervous dlncasos , sncll in VYeiilt Memory , IXIM fjf llralii I'owtr. lU'uilarlio.VakofUlricas , IMH .Manhood , Klchtlf Knita , pious Nervousness , l/assiindo , nil drains and loss ( if power of tholieiicriitlin . , Organs In cither cox cause I hyoviTorertlon. youthful urrii'n.iir exce.-Hva . Viu uo ( tillmrco , opium or hilmulnnts which soon lead lo Inllrmllv. ( 'OIIBIIIUI ) % 4lion and Insanity , ,1'ut HP convenient to cany In vest nocket. 1 tier pai-k- tat' L'OliymulhOfiirli. With cvi'rytiordnrwn aivcuivrilttn qu'irnntit luturt ( a. vrrejunttthcinontv * Circular /ildrctsAtrvuMccdC'o. . , C'Ulciiuu , 111. For Bdlo in Omiilin b.v .Shornrw & McC'oniioll , 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tb eminent eiiorlnllit In iiorvnqt , chronic , prlvnte. tloo ) , ( kin anil unrmrjillinnn'i. . A ra/ulnr a uil ernduutu In luvitclnc , in [ llpinmni nnil cenltlcule * lmw. u Btlll treating wllh tlin KriAtcil nucr coliirrli. liuriiinUJrrlioi'ii , lo l mnuliooil , ieinliiul wcukneii , nUIll loiioi.linpotenvy. lyiilillls ntrlclurn . fi orrliuuu , uleut , vurlc < irtl , ctc. Ko nmrcury lined. New trcHtmunt for Ion or iliul IHIUIT , I'urllef uiint/.u to Tlill nioinnt Lolronlul at home by corrDM'onitencu , Molliluo or Initruuicnti runt by until or oiprcfi ! ' ourclr nackuJ. no inftrki toliultcutj runluiiln ornmuur. Ono iiertonul luturvlu yreftrmU. Comuluii f ree. " Corru < punOcnro ttrlctlr prlvuto. Hook ( Ut rl * > ot LJIo ) foul ttoa. Ufllcu buiirt V * . u. tu'J p. Buudayi 10 u. iii.tu 12 m. bfuil tutuip lu : reply. . JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' FOR WEAK MEN I'rninpl relief Lusting I'uro. 1 will Beiiil ( sealed ) free lo uny i < iif forer prescription to onliinrtt Hin ill , wuaU purls ami suerdll/ CURE emu lost inanhoiiil emission * , GOLD MEDAL , PMHS EXPOSITION , 1889. viiili'oeu.u nnil Iiniiolrncy , I'uslllvd liunu-dy , Adiliecs with THE MOST PERFECT OF PEH8. , llox 1"J ) , Tu