8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : T11U11SDAY , MARCH 31 , 1892. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS Important Principle in the Application of Tax Laws Considered. FINAL SETTLEMENT OF AN OLD CASE Treasurer Ordered toJtc- Douglas Count } , rnnilSctrml Hundred Dollnr * to II. A. Mcrilll-AITVctlnK Hie New IJnllot l.iut Lincoln Nr\v Notes. T. * , Neb. , March .10. ( Special to THE Bnn.J The supreme court today hnnded down n number of Important decisions. Among thorn \vns the old cnso of H. A. Mer rill n nlnst Adam Snyder , treasurer of Douglas county. Although this case wns practically sotticd * omo tlmo npo the princi ple ot law Involved has no\-or until today been laid down by the court and It Is a case which is of no httlo Importance , not only to the people of Douglas county , but of every county In the state. On Jnnuary 5 , 18SO , 11. A. Merrill purchased nt n private tax sale lota r. nnd 0 , In block 8 , Cnpltol Hill , paying therefor the sum of S 0 34 , the amount of de linquent tnxos und taking a certificate of tax sale from the tiensurcr. Ho afterwards paid , nt different times , delinquent , tuxes on tbo lota until the whole naiount ho had paid wns on January 5 , Ib'.H , fJi ! .7U. On that onto , however , the owner of the lots paid to the county treasurer the sum of $373. iO nnd received u redemption certificate. , rrff3" urer Snvdor then held the manor pnld him Ijy both Merrill and the owner of the lots. Morrlll brought nn action to compel Snyder to repay ttio money paid by him with Interest. fjnydcr refused , urging In his answer that the owner of the lots had commenced on notion to havu the taxes , or nt least n part of them , declared Illegal nnd void , nnd tnnt pending the suit , It wns his duty to retain the monoy. Merrill demurred to the iinswor nnd IMS cuso was submitted to the tuprcmo i court on tbo pleadings on March 24 , 1801 , nnd the court , two dnvs later , sustained the demurrer nnd Issued n writ of mandamus commanding Treasurer Snj'dor to repay the rannoy to Merrill. - In the opinion handed down today Chlof i I Justice Maxwell sums up the cnsons follows : "Tho whoio theory of the tux system of this Btnto Is that taxes shall bo equally Imposed upon nil taxaolo property , and that such tnxcs shall bo collected and paid. The de sign of the law Is to protect the owner of the laud against Inequitable burden ns far n Is consistent with the requirement that ho dis charge the burden placed thereon. If ho falls to pay upon his real estate It may bo sold for Btich taxes and may bo redeemed nt n'nv tlrao within two years thereafter. The law also protects the purchaser at tax sale nnd provides that ho shall nt least bo repaid his money ivlth u certain amount of Interest , If there was no authority to levy the taxes in question then It would bo the duty of the county to reimburse the tax purchaser the amount paid by him. " Alluding the -Vow Knllnt I.nr. JVnotlier Important taso decided today was the case of Ulchnrd H. Pearl and others against tbo state of Nebraska ox rcl John H. Ilucrlng. It is a case from Hamilton county , proulni : out of the o derations of the now ballot law. nnd Is importnnt. Hamilton county Is divided into three commissioner dis tricts. The Third commissioner district in cludes within Its boundaries n part of tbo Third ward of the city of Aurora , which city isjalso divided ir.tothrco wards. Prior to the last general election the tbroo commissioner , districts hud been subdivided for election purposes in such a manner as to leave a frac tional portion attached tn n voting district oulsido of llio Third commissioner district. No provision was made for taking the votes Qf tto doctors residing In this frac tional portion' ; John H. Huorlng nnd Oscar Shankland were opposing candidates for the ofllco of county commissioner of tbo Third district. Huerlng received i-'oO votes , whllo Shankland received 255. But , In addi tion to the votes counted for tihanklnnd , flvo votes were cast for him In this fractional portion ot tbo Third ward of the city of Aurora , which had boon loft out in tbo cold ns it wero. Tbo county commissioners , sit ting ns a canvassing boaul , counted thesa live vote ? for Shankland and gave him the certificate. Huorlng applied to the district rourt nnd received a peremptory writ ol mandamus toqulring the county clerk to cancel the certificate of election already given to Snankland and compelling the can vassing board to rccanvass the votes nnd declare - clare Hucrlng elected to tbo ofllco. Tbo supreme premo court today reversed the decision of the district court. In the opinion , written by Judge Post , the principle Is established that it Is not within the powci of a board of county commissioners to dis franchise lotrul votcis by subdividing n county forclootion purposes In such a man ner ns to leave thorn without nn opportunity to participate in tbo election ol county oQlcbrs. Secretary Vow erH Itrslgns. John II. Powers has tendered hit rcslgna tlon ns a member of the Nobruskn Columbian commission. Governor Boyd has accepted il only conditionally , as tbo following corra Buoiulenco will show : CoH.M-.i.r , . Noli. . March 28. OovKnKon .TAMPS E. llOMi : I'lmHna It Impossltjln for ma tc keep Informed of dm Minus of inootltig of the Nobruskn Columbian commission nnd foi other rwibons , 1 hereby resign my ofllcu aj commissioner of the coniinlftsloii. nnd would rcsuL-ctfu ly suggest the nuinonf Kiln John- son. my alternate , ns eminently fitted for tin olllco of commissioner in inr ulucc. i , JOHN U. I'owcns. , .rxKcuTivis OFFICE , LINCOLN , Mnrch : iO.- Jclni II. l'o\Nors : I lierowlth bos leiivo to : ic < knowledge tbo receipt of your fnvoroftlu A th lust. , cont.ilnln ? your resignation us i inumLerof the Nubraskn Cotumblun commls- Mon , und I herewith accent the sumo to tivk ( I'troct when the nnnio of your Successor Im ; been determined upon und his uppoltitiiiunl r.iuuc. ltcpc < : tfully yours , JAJIEB li Iloro. Governor. By tbo terms of Governor Boyd's accept tance Mr. Powers Is placed In n position 01 busponso. Ho Is still a mombcrof tbo com mission una will bo until his successor Is up pointed. It is curtain that no successor wll bo appointed until the affairs of the cotmnls Eton hnvo been untangled , and n second letter tor will go to Mr. Powers extending to him i cordial invitation to bo present at the nicot Ing of the commission on April C und assis in the work of ascertaining where that some what dnmornltzcd body stands , lr. Homers riles III * Answer. A. B. Seniors , who wns appointed hoaltl commissioner of the city of Omaha by Muyo Uoinia and \\hojo appointment has boon-con tested bv his predecessor , Or. Clarke Uapen tiled bis answer to the lattur's petition In th nupremo court today. In It bo alloecs tba Mayor Bomls was duly elected and tha Dr. Uapen wns then removed from tbo olllc of health commUslocer ; that Sorners hai been appointed , his appointment conlirmoi by the council und that ho had assumed th duties of the oflleo nnd that ho is still oxci clbluK the sntno. A btipuJatlon wa ; also llio today , by tbo terms of which a domuiror t Homers' answer la to bo tiled and the cnso sul inittcd on briols. I'rnjlne for n Mumlauiiu. Daniel W. Lanterman has all the nocossar qualifications for the ofllco of reglitor c needs of Cutter county. Ho likowlso bs . tbo appointment to that ofllco by the commii eloners of that county. Ho has llloa hi bond und taken the oath of oftlco , but Count Clone Painter studiously neglects to tur over the records , books , eto. All theo fuel were duly rocltod In nn elaborate potltlo fltad with the clurk of tbo supreme ccui this aftcrnoo'i , nnd the court is requested I issuoawilt of mandamus commanding U county clerk to turn over to Luntornmn a books , records , papers , etc. , pertaining I the oftlco. Another Cuie from Ciutcr County , The Custer County Agricultural soclot petitions the supreme court to mandarin the board of supervisors of that county 1 Include lu tbo tax estimate for 189J a BUI sufficient to reimburse the society for ti amount collected for it bv tbo county lai year and which tba county refused to pa over according to law. The law provld * that a tax of Q cents for each Inhabitant i tbo coucty may bo levied for the bonottt < the county agricultural society. This amout was collected ID Custer couuty last year , bi It was placed In the eonoral fund and pi out for other purposes. Now the soclot wants the amount refunded to thorn ana ali nnotber levy of 3 cents for each inhabltan The amount involved is about Ct,000. ( losslp at the State Home. Ttio supreme court adjourned until cci "Monday without giving n hint ns toils dc- l lon in the Thaycr-Boyd cnso. Suporlntcndoni Goudy goes to Norfolk to morrow to attend the meeting of the North * rn Nebraska Tcncbors association. Mrs. Joudy will attend a similar meeting- tbo Southeastern association nt Tccumseb. County Superintendent Anderson of Sow * nrd county was n state bou o visitor todny. Prof. C. P. Carey , superintendent of the Falrbury public school * , was at the state house this nflornorjn. The cnso of Kdwnrd C. Jackson against the board of supervisors of Washington county vas filed with tbo clerk of the supreme court his afternoon , Labor Commissioner Andres has gone to ho western part of the stnto to look Into the rrlgntlon question. In the work of gnthcr- ng statistics In regard to Irrigation In west ern Nebraska , Mr. Andres has ongneod J. T. vlnllcllcu of Kearney to resist him. The rrlcntion matter will form the largest nnd most Important portion of the forthcoming oport ot the Nebraska Bureau ot Industrial otutlstlcs. Netr Appraisers Appointed , A now move in the condemnation proceed- ngi for the Uoclc Island right ot way was made this afternoon , Judge Lansing ro- vokcd tbo commissions of tbo appraisers np- lointrd some tlmo ago by Juago StawarLnnd nndo the following now appointments i John I. McClnv. J. J. Olllllnn , C. K. Montgomery , William Ftillorton , li. T. Hartley nnd Alfred Shilling. Tboso gentlemen will at oncu pro ceed to condemn npd npprulio tbo property along tbo right of wny In the eastern part of ho city. 1'ctltloiis to condemn land belong- ng to tbo following were flied today : Wll- latii ttowordlch , Tilllo May , William QlllM- iic. J. D. McFarland , A. 1C. Gilfllth and L. j. Stewart. It isstntcdthat Mr. Thompson , the KocU sland right of wuv agent , Is experiencing omo ( hftlculty In closing up the tlnnl deals or tbo propcrtv on Nineteenth street between - twoon O and H streets. It Is thought that bo property has fallen into tbo bunds of peculator * , who are holding It at n higher Iguro than the railroad people think it worth , t is bcllovcd this evening , however , that ho matter will bo amicably adjusted by to morrow , The work of securing tno right ot vay Is ti carl v complete and dirt will fly vitbin a short timo. Lincoln Infested hy Iturglnm ; It seems almost certain that a regularly organized gang ot burglars of moro or loss professional skill had taken np Its rosl- dcnco In Lincoln with the Intention of remaining hero. For four nights attempted safe cracking has been ro- jortod. Last night Onicors McMillan and Cucora hnd a lively cbaso after ono of the rotitry in which a dozen or moro shots were Ired by both sides , without olToct. An nt- empt was made to enter the rosldonco of Captain Boardsloy , ou Fifteenth street. Another - ether attempt was rondo at nn early hour bis morning to enter the grocorv store of Louis Veith nt 909 O street , but two young men slcnplng In the store irustrnted tbo nt- prnpt. Odds and Ilnds. The ofllco of the police Judge has boon filled oday with n motley crowd of male and fo- mnlo sinners who were arrested at the sev eral houses ot ill repute in this city last light. The occasion was tha regular monthly raid. Something over fifty victims con tributed to tbo school fund. Another conservatory of musio Is looking ever the ndvnntnces of Lincoln with a view of taxing up n permanent residence hero , Brick work on the .Normal university is progressing favorably nnd Is now nearly completed to the second story. Throo'moro divorce cases wore commenced n district court this afternoon. The pe titioners nro C. O. Hoydom , E. C. Bnrmoro and Bertha Short. The first alleges de sertion , tbo second cruelty and the third nonsupport and desertion. Prot. Sullivan ot Boston Is conducling a school of embalming at Odd Fellows' hall , vhlch is being attended by about thirty undertakers from Nebraska , Kansas , Da cota and Iowa. It may bo remarked incl- Icntally that thU Item docs not refer to 'ohn Lawrence Sullivan , who seldom takes ho trouble to embalm his victims after ho fas laid them out. The Seventh .Ward Republican club will moot at Byrum's store on North Twoutv- seventb. street tomorrow ( Thursday ) ovon- ng. Good speakers will bo iu attendance. Supreme Court Notes. Court met pursuant to adjournment. The following cases were considered : State ox rol Crawford vs Norris , lonvo given relater o amund information within ton days ; Blakely vs Missouri Pacific Railway cora- jony , motion to advance cause overruled ; Barras vs Pomoroy Coal company , motion to strike out part of the bill of exceptions over ruled : Gillo plo vs Cooper , argued and sub mitted on motion to amend pleadings to con form to proof ; stnto vs Klotnan , submitted on application to replevin property state ox rel Elliott vs Holliday , parties allowed to file nud soivo briefs by April 12 , ISW ; Anderson vs Imhoff , nppcal from Lancaster county anirmcd ; state ex rel Tniclo vs Slocum , mandamus writ allowed ; Alexander vs Pitts , appeal from Cass county , reversed Ind notion dismissed ; Pearl vs state ex rol Hourlng , error from Hamilton county , re versed nnd action dismissed ; Armstrong vs Holfrich , appeal from Gagocountv , nfllrmod ; Plannazan vs Elton , error from Douglas county , reversed and remanded ; Boeler vs National Bank of Lamed , Kan. , error from Pawnee county , nftlrmcd ; Brown vs Will- lams , error from Franklin county , afllrmcd : Count ? of Douglas vs Coburn : error from Douglas couuty ; aQlrmcd ; onlmo.i by Mr. Cblof Justice Maxwell. In rocover.ns coinponsattor. for boardln ; prisoners no discrimination Is to bo mm ID hut - t eon thosu committed for u violation nf tbo irlmliml laws of the state nnd the pnmil ordl- nuneesof a'clty of the metropolitan class. ' und tnu county will bo liable to the sheriff for such camponsutfon. The city , however , will bo llablo to the county for the umoi'nt so expended fur pris oners under the penal ordinances of tno city. State ox rol Merrcil vs Snyder , county treasurer : mandamus ; writ awarded ; opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell. Mothers will flnd Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup the best remedy for their children.5 cents a bottlo. IWATllS. Ktitlccs n//w lnj | or ten u ilsrlhlt htaLflftt centa : eaclnuMlltmi'il It-it leu cents. M. llornsby , ut 2 p m. ilaioh U ) . rnnernl Hatnrdiiy , April : ; nt Ji ) n , m. , from family residence , bOJ N. l"d street. Inteimcnt ut 1'orest Liiwn. ALLEGES A DOUBLE MURDER Verdict of the Coroner's Jury in the Qaf- ford-Moonoy Tragedy. EVIDENCE THAT LED TO THE FINDING Peculiar Circumstances In Connection With the Double Crimp No Cnnia An- il nnd .So Ono ClmrRCil AUtli the Deed. The Jury In the Unfford-Moonoy Inquest , after honrlng the testimony of nil the Inmates of the King honso where the cnmo was com- mlltod , cnmo to tno conclusion that a double murder hnd boon committed , cither for the purpose of robbery or a nrosultof Jealousy 'by some pnrty or parties unknown nnd rondoroct a vordlct accordingly. The ground * of their belief , ns brought out In tbo testimony , are brlolly as follows ! I1 Dora were no powder marks on CJafTord's face , nnd n shot llrod at short ranRO would always leave such marks- The bed clothes were undUlurhod nnd the shot had boon llrcd whllo the victim wns ylng on the sldo , whoroa ? If lie had com mitted sulcltlo ho would probably huvo sat up to illschurgo the pistol. The money which ho had pinned In his night shirt was found under n bed in un adjoining room with ono bill so placed In the bond of bis elbow that It must have dropped there nftor the shot wad llrcd. The ivlndows of the adjoining room had been opened and nil the gas had been turned off which are unlikely preparations to bo made by n man almost stupollcd with drink. There-was Rood cause for suspicion that the liquor which the young man had been drinking had been drugged. The shots were llrcd with deadly accuracy of aim nnd If the acmd man tired thorn bo must have done so In the dark. Too father of the murdered young man uporfhearing the vordlut unnounrcd that ho proposed to luavo no stone unturned to trace and punish the murderer of his son. Concluding the Inquiry. , Mercy Hurt , a hnndsonio young follow 23 years of ago , was tlrst uutjon tbostund | yester day morning. Ho tesltllcd that ho had first known the girl Mabel as Mabol Daniels at the house kept by Blrdlu Mnnn ; had known Cecil Gray smro she wai 10 years old ; had frequently heard of Gaftord and bad read a letter to the dead girl written by him ; but was not at tbo house the night of the tragedy. All the Inmates were put on the stand and the story of the night , as related by Cecil Gray , was told ever nnd over , but without throwing nny now light on tbo case. All tes tified that the house , and particularly tbo victim , hnd grown tired of UntTord , but nouo of them had hoard any shot or unusual dis turbance on the night of the murder. The colored housekeeper , Alice , gave an outllno of the dally routine at the house and staled that the folding doors had boon out of order for n loner time , so tnat entrance could bo had if the doors were locked. She also testified that she bad not taken any liquor to the room on Saturday night and thai Cecil was wrong In her statement to the contrary. She had not been on the third lluor during the cntlro nfternooa. Tilllc Thompson , the night chambermaid , hod bucn In the fatal room batwoen 8 and 0 o'clock Saturday night ; had also boon in Cecil Gray's room : saw the dead pair In bed when they were In good humor. She told the story of the finding of the monoy. The colored porter , George Williams , was called but could tell nothing of noto. A Close Cull. Air. J. P. Blatzc , an" extensive real estate dealer in this city , narrowly escaped ono of the severest attacks of pneumonia whllo in the northern part , of the state during the recent - cent blizzard. Mr. Blalzo had occasion to urlvo several miles during the storm and was so thoroughly chilled tbat ho was unable to get warm , and inside of an hour after his re turn ho was threatened with n severe case of pneumonia , or long fover. Mr. Blalzo sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , of which bo had often ncard , and took a number of largo doses. lie sajs the effect was wonderful and that in a short tlmo ho was arcatulng qulto easily. Ha kept on taking the medicine and the next dav was able to coma to Dos Momos. Mr. Blulza regards his euro as sim ply wonderful , and says ho will never travel again without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Utsmedy. The ( Dos Momos. Iowa ) Saturday Heviow. 25 and 53 cent Dottles for sale by druggists. J1ALF FAHK EXCUKSIDX To the Hot SprlnjrH ot Arkansas Via the Walmah Railroad. On April 7 and 8 the Wubash will sail round trip tickets at iibovo rate , peed returning- until May 10. April 12 the government will commence hale at auc tion of town lots from the reservation. Only 37 hoursTrom Omaha to the springs via the Wnbash. For tickets , sleeping1 car accommodations and n map showing location of the property to bo sold , with description of the springs , call ut Wu- bash ofllco , 1502 Farnam street , or write G , N. Clayton , N. W. P. Agt. , Omaha Nob. Nob.Dr. a Dr. CulUraoro , oculist , Has building "WILL BEGIN AT ONCE. " The Old Kolraln About Work nn the I'ost- ollleo liullillng. Contractor O. J. King , who was awarded the contract for putting In the foundation for the now postoftlco for a little ever (91,000 , basnntyct commenced work , but it Is inti mated that no will begin operations about the tlrst of April. This Inactivity has evidently displeased the powers that bo , at Washington , and Mr. King was ofllclally "Juckocl up" to nn extent thai Jarred bis underpinning. Ho was also notified that ho uould bo hold strictly nc- cnunlublo on his bond for the completion of his worn bv August 80 , 1S92 , the tlmo speci fied In the ' contract. Inasmuch as this leaves him only 11 vo months Ammonia and Alum Officially Condemned. INDIANAPOLIS IN THE WAKE OF OTHER CITIES.1 Jr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is Pure. .i y IT CONTAINS NO DELETERIOUS INGREDIENTS. if.a .ai ( Sec Report of Inait.r.spolU JloarJ of Health , on Baking Powder November 4 , 1891. ) iis isy AMMONIA AND ALUM NOT FITTED FOR FOOD. n : t ° ' Dr. Latz chemist to the Board of Health , who made u the investigation of the Baking Powders on the market , at the request of the Board says : "Physiologists of high standing - ing consider Ammonia and Alum deleterious substances" unfitted for use in food , " These are the brands condemned by the Board of Health : Jtoyal , Climax , Atlantic and Pacific , Ktnton , Crmvn , Sea Fealty J3on cn , Early Jtising , Queen , JtfgaRukelhauft , ; * , Fortst City , Caltttnet. It Dr Latz , City Chemist also says : "Dr. Price's Baking ' * Powder , contains only such ingredients as a Pure Baking y Powder ought to be composed of and I recommend the same t ° to every jiousekeeper as pure , wholesome and effective , " ( Signed ) PETER LATZ , City Chemist , for doing % vllnU other contractors clftlm should bo Rlvrnrnl least eight months , It U bcllovcd ihnt MrlKins will hnvo to do iomo lively hustling < o make up for the two months of losttfeno that ho has allowed to Blip by Blnco htMfa * nwnrdoj the contract on the 6th of January. When first "remonstrated with , " Mr. Kins stated Hint bo ] bad not been Riven ground on wlilctt to place his material , but 'vas ptomptlr rctnlnded by tUo superintend ent. that he Imdfnuulo no demand for any pround. and who'furthor Bnla that ho could have all the pflnlnd ho needed whenever ho desired It. Since then nothing has been said , and Mr , KlnKfiwiaUInK nrrf.ngctnoats to io right to work nnd saw wood. o. 1C , Juno 1" , 'OJ. Dr. J. . Mooros My Uonr Sir 1 hnvo been suVjcct to sick headache all my llfo Over tuo ycnrs npo I bcpan using "Mooro's Trco of Llfo" for It and never hnd n case of sick hcntlacho since , except when the medicine was nt ono end ot the rend and I at the other. It , Is worth moro than money to me. 1 he-mlly recommend It to nil sufToi-ors of sick headache. Very truly your. ? . \V. II. Ln.n. Pastor First Baptist Uhurcli , For solo by nil druggists. Handbook of Oniiilin. The "Ilnndboolc of Omaha,1' mnilo for thu use of doloRUtos nnd visllors to the Ronoral conference to bo hold In Omtiha fiotn Muy 1st to May 31st next , will peen bo Issued. It will contniu un Introduc tion 'by Ulsliop Nownixn , cuts of public buildings und churches , mrtp of the city showing tlio principal streets nnU locu tion ol churches "mid bitlldlnn-.s where the conforoiico nnd meetings will bo hold , program nf niootinrra , nnnio and address of bishops nnd delegates attundliifr and whom ontorUiinod , stutoinont of the scope nnd character of the work ot the conference by Bishop Merrill , concise rovlow of the history and business inter ests of Omaha , practical information about railroiidH , wnon excursions will bo run and what special rates will bo made , how to got about the city and the cost of llvlnp while hero. This book will bo both useful and attractive. All persons coining to ' the general conference , whether delegates or not. can Bocuro ono or moro copies of this book by send ing naino and address and 0 cents for onch copy to cover cost Jof mailing and postage to C. P. Harrison , U12 N. Y. Life building , Omaha , Nob. Persons in the city can order copies sent to friends who are coming. This boolc will bo greatly appreciated by all receiving it. I'olUlrul McctlK , Tlio republican county central ommlttco will meet tlila ovcntnc at tbo league headquarters on Thirteenth street , to dlsposo of the ruloj And rcsulntlons for the govern- raont of primary elections. The county central committee of the Independent - pendent party will meet nt 1C. of l . hall night to alicuss matters pcrtninlng to the July convention , Sick hcadncho yields to lleccham's Pills. OKARQED WITH SHOOTINQ. Cnmmlft < lnnor rinnnrry on Trill In the Crlmlml Court- Other I. Attention of llio criminal division ot the district court wn yoitorday nttrnclod to the case of the fttato nalnst James Flannory , the ox-strcct cornmi'islonor. Plannory was In dicted by the last grand Jury on the charge ot having shot with Intent to kill. Chnrloi Bauer , n policeman , was the party who noacil us n target. Ills story Is that during the ovontng of Juno 'J , 1SS9 n row wns tn progress at Mullor's saloon nt Klghteonth nnd Vmton strcots. Hnucr went in to quell the disturb ance. Fhiuncry wns nrrcstcd n < < ono of the participants nnd taken to tha Central sta tion , Tburo hu was released nn bondi und returned 'o his homo. On his tvay down Sixteenth street ho mot Bauer and llrcd at him n couple of timesFlannorr wns rearrested rested and tnkcn back lo ] nil. The next day when tUo case was called In polleo court , the prosecuting attorney moved 1'or u dUmtttaal nnd Flaiincry was released without an Inves tigation. In Judge ICoysor's court Mnrgnrct IColtoy Is trying to cenvlnco u Jury that she should recover the sum of SS.OOJ from Holtlias .let ter , n suloon man of this city. Upon the wit- nosB stand she uvcri that .lohn Kollov ! her hutbnnd , who wus oncoa hard working and Itiduslrloiis mini. Ha received gond and ro- nnincrallvo wages for his dnlly labors. Dur ing the month of September , IbUJ , ho formed the habit of visiting defendant's sntoon , \vlicrj bo tarried lung nt thu wluo. When ho tarried ho became drunk. Ono day , whllo drunk , so the pluIntllT , avers , .fetter or his ngcnts fell unon Kelley undbcatand woundoil him upon his head until It wu greatly swollen. Then ho wns kicked until ho was rendered a cripple for life. Some tuna ago Kollcy brought suit against Jotter In Judge Doano's court , claiming dam ages for the numo injuries alleged to huvo been sustained. In that case the jury re turned a verdict for the defendant. Tbo Jury In the case of the state ngnln&t Louis SaoK. charged with burglary , returned a verdict of not guilty. The prisoner was loleascd from custody. ICx-l'olIco Judge Helsloy defended the prlsonor nnd fools good ever the result of his llrst case In the district court , Dlsoaso nnvor successfully nltaokt n svs tern with pure hlood UoWltt's Sarsapnrllla makes pure , now blood and enriches the old. Omaha compressed yeast strictly pure. Boils * Pimples Batches Pustules Carbuncle * s9 etc. , are caused by impure blood. Any one who wilfully neglects these unfailing1 manifestations ol more serious trouble is responsible for his . -own suffering. Don't say , "Oh ! those littler skin troubles will go away hv a few days. " They r , may disappear from the surface , bul the poison remains in the blood. In t his condition , twenty- four hours' time is sufficient for the development in your system of any of these troubles : Rheumatism Brights Disease Diabetes\ . PRINCESS KICKAPOO. "Pure Blood , Peilect Health. " Be warned ! Nature must be assisted to throw off the poisons ; and for this purpose nothing can equal Nature's own assistant , a pure vegetable com pound of selected herbs , roots , and barks , called Kickapoo Indian Sagwa. It contains no acids or mineral poisons , is absolutely harmless , ' and its efficiency is attested by over twenty thousand unsolicited testimonials. Kickapoo Indian Cough Cure Klcl.npno Indian Sncwu Is na rollnlilc in llio . llnnk of UiiL-lauil. All Hut l clalnxil tur It , , relief from and colds. . . ensures coughs . It " 111 Oo. IIUU a battle. All 50 nH. DR. j. E , MC&REW , THE : SPECIALIST , PRrVATE DISK ABES AND AUt , DISOJIUEIIS AND DEBILITIES OF YOUTH AND MANHOOD , 17 YEAKS1 EXPERIENCE. WHITE FOK CIRCULARS. 14TH& FARNAM 8TS. , OMAHA NEB. NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , N3 fnpitnl . $100,003 urjiliu . , . OU,5J ) oniren andDlrcctanHoiirf IV. Votoi. It. C. Cnntilni. vlcoprJlUjn ! . li B .Mi.llic ) , W , V Mortic , Julint ) . Cclllru , J. .V , II. 1'alrlax. 1.3 nU A lleeil. Catbler , THIS IRON BANK. Corner Itith and Farnam SU. nnOIITI NDAUVOOIl dAfSUIiS nro th Illlllll I Mbetl und onlr capsule * preacrlbed \ > i UUUU | nre < { Ujar pbjrilcUui lor tlu curd of Gonorrhea and dlKlmrvci ( rum ttiu urluurorfJiu tincture to ft dart tl M per box. All druKgliU. For Inventions I'HOOUUCD DVTHB Bee Bureau of Claims OMAHA , NEB. Kqunl with llio Intoroit or tho.o trnvlni olal n nalnttttiOKOvernniunlUtlmt of INVKNTOIH. win dftenloiu thobonollt of valuable lnrontl nt bjj in it nflhu Incompotenoy or Initttontlon of tlu attnr.Dri emploreil to o'jtnln tliolr patunti. To 9 inuc.ioirj cannot lit ) oierclsol In aiiploylnt oaupatuit in I rollablo nolle lori to procure patonti. for ti ) vaUj of a patent ( I iporfrt i ( fro itlr. If not oatlraly , upoi fi > care nnd skill of the attorney. Wltlitlio vlaw of prolostHK Invoilori frJ n irart'i ] e5ioraireloi nUornv * , and of noJlu j ti it inr tlun > arowollprutito4 by v.ilM pitanti , Tilrtll 1IU1IKAU hni ratnlual couniel ot jr ; In practice ; anilti tliurof ( ibtulit jmtentu , Coittlitct Hi > fclnl i-jntinlinttloin , i'roai'uutc rejected amen , ' ti-ii.la iiutr.'ix ttn-.l rojrjrl ihli opinions tmtoHcojia tint ! ofi > nlcnln , Irtmecutit Hint dj aiillH , etc. , ele , If you h Toan Inronllon on li nd cn1 TUB flBS DUUKAUankotoi or pliotoiirapli llieroaf , to/itaj.1 with n brief uoicrlpiton of fie linnortint loiturji. aurtyuu will bsonoj a'Uliot i i lo tha bait eo > iN9t > purjuo. .Moduli uro notuosoiiirr union lliilnrav llun l > of u cuai.illc.ua I nitiirJ. If olheri nrj l.i. frlniilcuon your rUliti. or If you arJ cniMalwII'i Infringement DJ oiuerj , nubnilt tlio nutlor Til 3 llUlllJAUIor a riSlUOlJ Ol'JNION Uofora acia u4 ( tie mutter. THE BEE BUREAU OF CLAIMS 220 Itco nulUIiij , Onnln , No'j. Iliironu U ciiir.ititcal by tlia , the I'luuuur i'rus. utiJ thu S.ia Lxumliier. GUI thU out aqd sonii it with your U qUlry. WHERE'D THAT HAT COME FROM "The Nebraska , you bet ! I used to gotosome hat store , buy a hat with some swell hat mak ers name on'the Inside , plank down five big , hard earned dollars and walk out Into the cold world under the Impression that everybody was admiring me and my now hat. I'm wiser now. I go to the Nebraska Clothing Company , buya Nebraska" hat , put up three dollars and walk out under just as good a hat as I ever wore. Another thing , I can always get a , y shape to suit me. . " THAT MAN KNOWS HIS BUSINESS. , * "We do sell as good a hat for three della as any five dollar hat that ever was made. TT stock is there the linings are there the trii mings are there it's all there but the two dc ? lars we save you. This saving not only appliU/ / to the best hat made ( the "Nebraska" thr dollar hat ) but it applies to low and niediu priced goods as well. For instance , we sel ) derby hat for seventy-five cents and anot1 , one for a dollar. You'll wear out a pai shoes hunting a hat store that sells the sf * * * qualities under a dollar fifty and two dolU. , . Perhaps you'veno idea of the stock of 1' ' we carry. It's great. We carry all shapes , shades , all colors , all qualities. When j come to us for ahat you can buy a hat to i . yoUj. . You're the man to be suited. All fj want is to please you ( and to make a few si' lings to buy bread with ) . Our full spring stoc i of "Nebraska" hats is now open. ' Soft Hats , 8Oc , $1 , $1.8O , $1.78 , $2 , $2.2 $2.8O and $3.OO. Stiff Hats , 78c , $1 , $1.28 , $1.8O , $1.9O , $2.i - | $2.8O and $3.OO. Boys' Hats , 38c , 43e , 6Oc , 78e , 9Oc , $1 , , and $1.4O. ' A Crushers , 68c , 88c and $1.28. Open Till 8 p. m. Saturdays , 1O p.1. f | For Consumptives and In valids must surely be the most wholesome for those who use it as a beverage. PURF RYF I bf BlEjc I * I Lu IB tlio b et for nil purpoass , bs- oau3O it is poiitlvoly pure and mi- turo. Ic JB oxaeadlnply pleasant to the taste anJL has a cjellolouj bou quet. N. B T' doosn't burn nor scald the > th-oat or stem ich Hko inferior whiskayj. It i3 rocomtnandod by tfco beat physicians. Sold on y at high class uotols , drusr and liquor atorrs. Kt CO. . CHICAGO. SflltiPS rl.ARESTRICny ylp.sT CLASS She Lnrpctt , Fattest nnd I'lnent In tbo World. NEW YORF.TdHDOHDERRif'THD'oiASQOW. I'very Bulurdnr. NEW YORK. < ! IIIKAI.TKII nnd NAPLES , Atrcuulnr Intervals. SALOON , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rates on lowest t.irms to and from the principle 030ICH , EH3L1OT , IEIBH k ALL COMTIiTEllTAL POIMIO. r.icurelon tlclion niallablatoictiirn liy ulllur tlio pie- tunwque uivilo < \o-tli ur Ireland or I.'nploa & Olbraltar Bratti sal Ileo7 Oritrt fr A-.7 Acoast it loxost Bitll. Apply to any of our local AeenUortu UJJN'IJIJUSON lillOTIIUKS. Clilca/-o , 111. COOK'S HIGH CLASS EUROPEAN TOURS. All Tiitvcllnt ; j\ii'iinM ; | liiulmluil 1'lfly lliHt Vc.ir. A nerloi of pnrt'oi to Hciro j durlnx tlio ensuing icanun will Icnvuiu fjllun ; Mny I'nrtr-l'iTH. H , Mnjeallc. April 27. I Ir.t Juno 1'nrtyIVr ri. H. lUrurln , May 31. KpccUl Hhort Tour I'cr H. f. hiriirln , May 21. rieronJ Jiinol' rlr I'iii S. S. Teiilonlc. June8. Tlilrl Juno I'nrlyIVrH. . H. .MiiJiiitlc.JiinnM. I auttli Juno I'nity Tor H. H ( 'liy of r rliJiino a T uHicclnl | Hliort'lnur < - I'cr H H. City of ovr Yorli , July H ; anil i lly of I'urls , AIIKIJI-KI. ' I'cr d. ti. Ktrurl Nurtli Cnpo nnil Hiuilan 1'urty t Juno IS. \\o nro < 1nlly booklnz nicrnbirt for Ilioso oxcur- ( liini , nn d Invites lln mi'cllaloniipllratlon from nil who . nlonii to avail llicmtvlriMuf tliom , Illii'trnlu-Mj. - crlptlvu puiirn muiuecjn bo obtalnol br ad ' ' ' 20lllr04lWix. ( ! Now York , Orl14 ! Pouth 0iirlHt. | , Clilcuzo 131 Ffltlll Under the patronage of Mrs-MDFRAZAR - , , , 70 and 71 Globe Hldg. , Itoslon , Tour of 80 days , 6500 ; Tour of M days , 8400 ; Tour of ( JO days. $37o ; Tour of15 days. &WO. All traveling , liotcl arid lUM-iooliu cipcnjoi In- CluUtiUt U'aillos ( mill itltii lln. VtilM , Jtiljr 2 , iiloaiu- ulilu bc'\TIIIA.Ciiuurit ' l.lne. lluitun ) NOIIT1I t'Al'j : I'AIUV lunnllJniiulit.if \ ( tcaai- llll | I'AVUMA ttUttl llOtlUII , 73ll.1)T ) < .l < lJ ) Appllcnlloin mini Ua mail } t uncd ( ur tlil > tour unit lor circular anil refereuca. Dr , Bailay , $ r The I oadliij , ' Dentist Third FlosPixton Bloa't. Tclcplioiio 108' . Kith and 1'nniaiii K ( < ( . A fall fc-t of icelh on rulibor for JS. IVrfrct tit. 'Iceth without i > lnto iir rt'iuomlilu lirlduu uork. jntt tlm llilog for ulntt-rs or jaitllo ticnkur | , nuvor UrujiUowii. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAD. All fllllnKet rcufonnb'o rote , ell work wuirnulcd Cut Ibli uui for a uulde. REGULAR t Army ar ) f Navy Soldiers in the Regular. and Sailors , Seamen and j % incs in the United States A'n since the War of the fiebcllic. \ who have been discharged ftv-j the sorv ice on account abilities incurred therein whj in the line of duty , Entitled to Pensii\ at the same rates nnd under same conditions as persons dering the sams serylce d } the War of the Rel except that they are not un'ler the now law or act June 27 , 189O. Such porsonsro also enti'lt. ; t3 pension whether dlschai 3 rom the servics on accoun disability or by reason of expl ation of term of service , * ' while in the service and ? of duty , they incurred wound , injury or disease a still disables them for ma.\ \ labor. I'Vi do rr s fi r d > or persons rendering servltj the regular army nnd i Since the War are Entitled to If tlio death ofthesoldlor watjl to his service , or occurred v | y ho was in the service. Parents of Soldiers & Sa dying in the United StatA vies since the Wnr of the | 7 Jlon , or after discharge froir servica , from a cause orlgj ingthereln _ , leaving no w. or child under the ago of si years , ara entitled to pensu now dependent upon labor for support , soldier * ever contributed \ support or they were d < / * ' _ . upon him at the time death or not , FOB INFORMATION' As to tltlo to ponulon , Bee Bureau 11OOM 220 , BEE 13 "re ,