HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : . THUMSDAY , MAUCII 31 , 1892. 8PEG1RL NOTICES , . IVKIIT18KMKNT8 KOIt TIIKSK COLUMNS .wlllbe token until HiH ) p. m , for tlio evening Snrt nntll 6u p. m. for the morning or anndav cUJ- I All dvtrtl'MTncnts In these cnlnmni IS cents a ! line fit l int crllon , and 10 cents n line thereafter , or M * tier line fir month. No advertisement-taken for i ICM limn S4 cents for tlio nr t Insertion. Terms , . rush-In nrtvance. Count nbont coven word * to the lnp. Initial * , figures. * > tnliol . etc. , each connt n * a | ord , Altndvcttliememsmuitrim consecutively. Kuverllteis by requesting n numbered check , can , imvetlin letters addresMsl to n numbered letter In Irarnof Till ; IHcr. . Answers to ndilrt r < l will be delivered on presentation of tlio check. 1ATK6Ife n line flrst tlmn and lOo n line tliero- fler. No advertisement taken for less limn j c. GOOD KNUINBBR WOULD LIKK I'OSITION L ken ntntlonnry engine ! tlrttclats references Ail- > - , * m > - - - - ( | | ( ,0 , . FUflNITfltK KINISIIKH WANTS IW1TOS | | Kahlo to take charge of flnlnhlng room. Addri-ss ' MIKPUl' . lien. A YOUNG WOMAM WITH I MO. OLD CHILD wl.lios situation to work for room and boarrt. .Idress T U , llco. M" ' . -WANTKD. POSITION AS COACHMAN IIV , young colored ! man. Kxpfrlenccd reference bin | ast employer. AddrcstTM , lleo. M2JI 31 L t-WANTKH , SITUATION AH WOllKINf ? i-Mionickecpcr by mlildlo aged ICngllsh person : ldoweror ainglo gentleman ! fanner preferred. Vildrest. box CI , Irrlngton , Nclt. M2M ) ! L SITUATION WANTKD , AS COOK. MAN AND Vwlfo. on rnncli. Address , T 43 , O in aim lloo. i-WANTKI ) , A POSITION 11Y AN ALIrAUOUND CclothlnK man j best rcforencos. T is , thl olllro. M3IR V WANTED--MALE HELP. tKS 15o n line tlrsl tlmn nnd lOo n line there- er. Ni > advertisement taken for loss limn 2io. ) WANTKI ) . 8A1.KSMKNON SALAItY OU COM' JmlsMnii tn linnillo the new patent chemical Ink rasing pencil. Ilio Kicalcsl Belling novelty orer uodiicfd ! i-rnsps ink thoroughly In two n-condil io abrnslnn of pnper : JU ) to flO ncr cent prnllt ; ono fcsont'11 uiles nniountcd to HSU In nix days , another ' .12 In two hour * . Wo want ono general agent In frcncliHnloni.il . territory. Kor terms anil full pur- Ftlounrs ! address Jionroo Kroner Mfg. Co , LnlroMo , s. , X. m. K7 -8ALKSMKN. PAYS WIM.U 401 11KP 111IIC. B 1W-A2' TJ-25 H. It. LA1IOHKHS WANTKI ) KVltnV WKKIC Jlifor WynmlnK on the it. .V M. It. H. , frco trans portation from Omaha. CallntUOUS. lOtll street. . -flTYCANVAHHKH8.HAI.AUY PAID WKHKLY. JSIncer tcwlna uiachlno olllco , 1510 Douglas street. . - M4B7-all A OK NTS WANTED. KXCKI IOH 1'OUTHAIT . B ; Co. , Ware block. 777018' ' 7J WANTKI ) , HA11NKSS MAKK11S KKF.P AWAY .JJfrom Peorla. 111. Htrlko there. MDili 31 * TJ-A1IK VOU A (3001) AOKNT ! YOU AUK DliiPkT. Wrlto for terms to The Odorless CookIng - Ing Ware Company , Denver , Colo. , for the best , la tc ollDK [ houncliold article ever Bold. Kxclu- . . 1 * D WANTKD , A I HHOB SALKSM1SN WITH JJostabllshcd trailn for country tributary to Chi' cage. Address C. H. Fargo & Co. . Chicago , III. 1 "p WAJJTKD.SO TKAMSTKIIS KOH It. 11. WOIIK 1,1 JJlivWyirtnlng ; gfcod wages ) frco puss. Albright JTjaiWANTKD , A K1IIST CLASS IILACKSM1TH. J'Stcady Job to tlio right man * Married man pro- fcrrcil , .Jqlin M. Stewart. Atkinson. Nob. JJOJa * tl WANTED YOUN < 1 MAN 11KCK1VB 1N- iJstniellons. keep books In April , wages f 43. J. II. mltlr.triJ N. Y. Llfo building. M 219-3 ! " > -BNBHGBTIG SOLICITOUS WANTltD S21 N , > Y. LUo building , 237 4 WANTKD.TWOCOATMAKKHS AT'ONOK. M. B ! ; Gohlliolm Ic. Co. , IhMilson , In. M2IS 1' WA.NTIJD , AT ONCE , TWRNTY-FIVK HAH- 'lionsmakcrs on biiKKy and team work ; Rood aROS anil steady work the year around. For pnr- k'ujars address The Konanu baddlury Co. , Kit tilb- ' r St. , t-t. Paul. Minn. M23I 5 _ WANTKI ) . KXI'KIHKNUKI ) BALKSMAN IN inprclinnt tdllorlng establishment. Adurois T M. am 2 _ > -WANTKI > . tinLlAllI.M MAN FOll OFFICK Jwoik , must furnish Rood references and &UO rauli capital , Salary tlOO tier month. Address , . ! . U. UrnstbcrRer , DCS Molncs , la. 2C7 3U * - ' 10 .00 WKKKLY TO SKLL "THK B-JI500 Croat I.padera of n Ilrnvo 1'eople. " Rrout Irish liomondvncntoi : a standard volnmo , sl7O7xlO. i > UO IIDROII. Illustrated outfit now ready. Kxperlenco iiiinecOMiiry. Installment , Publisher's box. IMJ , Now York. M323SI' WANTED-FEMALE HELP. | lATjS ISc n line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there No advertisement taken for Icsi than 2ao , ( JlilLi"ifdlt"GKN UAL IlbuSK- , Tork. Mrs. G. W. Loornis. 11)11 ) So , UUth avnnuo. M7K3 In WA NTKD-GOOU BUCOND G1HU 1914 LO- t struct. MWI. .1-HMA'HT. CAI'AIILK WOMAN A3 WOHKINB [ /housekeeper , must be ueat und a Rood cook. 513 1 20th Bt. Iftl li Gnu. FOH GINKHAL : HOUdK-WOHK. SOi H. I/l8th street. 201 SO * ( - WANTED THHKK PKHSONS HKCKIVB 1N- Vstruotlons keeii books. Rood eltuatlons , J. U. frjiitli , 11.15 N. Y. Llfo bulldlntr. M 213-31' I-WANTKI ) . G1HL FOH GKNKUAL HOUSK- i/ork at 618north 18th. 228-31 f5 WA TMICOMPBTKNT G1HL FOH HOUSK- > workln small family , llest of WBRCI. Apply nt 1120 eoutirjjil street. MJ4IJ I D. AG1HL Foil GUNKUAL HOUSK- .Apply 320 youth ) Uth el rent. 257-1' p WANTKI ) . GIHL IN SMALL FAMILY FOH J/conpntl housework ; Gorman preferred. Ml ioutll 2iltliiivo : 21H 31 _ i W/NTID : APPHKNTICKS AND FIHST CLASS ist Ulnlshers. Mrs , A. lllce , llushuiiui block. 2721' 1-WANTKII _ YOUNG GIHL FOR LIGHT HOUSE. i , < \ b.-k ut ' 'lie Ohio utreot. 271' p WANTMI ) . A GOOD GKIIMANGIIIL OH MID- v/dlo-nRod * woman for Roncral housework. In- qulruut meat market , 614 Ko. lUth st , 270 7 WANtBD , A GOOD GIHL FOH. GKN15UAL Vhousuwork : will pay the rlRhtglrl K per week. lV' ll2i .pillfprnla st. _ IIOI / vWANTKD. . THIS WKKK , ONU PKHSO.M : HK- LA7AilvelnitructIons ) ; keep looks. J. D. f-inltli7tBi Y. Life. MKO al _ _ C WANTKD , Glltl , KOIl ( ilwNKHAI. I1OUSK- work ; small fnmllri R23 1'luo street , near llrown- ell hull. Mrs. 11. p , Colo. MKtl 31' FOR RENT-HOUSES. iWATB8T-I5on line first tmi3 an I lOa a linn tliora i after. N uilvortlsouiunt takun for lest than Jio \-Il6nMKS AKU Al'AUTMKNTtiYNYlUST UKHI. /dvuco block lu city. blO S. ! d ttreol. Tel. IW ! . M1CI I-LAII(1K ( LIST OK HOUSICS. STOIIK8 , KLATS ' ,15 and up. 1'aul , 17 lloard of Trade. 213 A 6' tl | k-TOH JIUNT. II NICK NKWLY rUUNlHHKII /roolns.'fllS N. litli. llrcnnau Hats. \-JfOU IlKNT , IIOUSKS. f7.00 I'BIl MONTH AND rupwprfla. The 0.1' . im Is Co. , IWi Karnam si , ' SUt V KLKOANT | J-ltOM KUIIN13IIKI ) IIOUSK /all niodern , near llrownell LalliflOOOO per mo. K. HarrlsoiutU N. Y. Llfo. tlio nit 1-KOIl HUNT. HOUSK 1X47 N. I7TH ST. . IIOOMS , /Imth , etoI'AI pur month. K , 11. Woodrow , Nob. \-KlHt IIBNtAUOVBNOd.C3IA.NI > CM SOUTH /inth'ttrupl , trrooru flat , ovvry modem convtm. * . Including largo kitchen . IV. range. Apply Wind- t Co. . VUI N. V Llfo , bldg. MT.il " i-IMtOO\l | HOIIHU , ALL CONYBNIBNCK * ) * SolLy , Sli lloard of Trade. U3U I TV1"1ISK8. ; : ' HTOIHM AND KLATS. A. C. KllOST , k\4'raom 23. Douglas block. Ililli and Dudge.DM DM Art i jtooMD. IST FI.OOU , rni ANOHOWAIIU. rs"rooiu , ; tli and l'aclllc.17. ' trouius. lit and Mchol.is.f3 , t S i paint , 2-Jst and Grace , M. VuctUlencet and cvttagesln all part * of the. city , ' G. K. Hull,1 lloom 4 , lleo bulldUig. . I-IIOOM COTTAGK , HOT AND COLD WATKu" fbatli.cloret. furnace , beautiful lawn and tbade. kV'ply ft , Kcorucr nd and Miami. MVjtl 1 * . OOU HOUSK , UKNT INQUIIIK2H1 St. -JfJll UKNT. II-UOOM KKW 11UICIC IIOUSH , all tnpdvruconvcDloiires. Good location. Moil ate runt , UtoiinanJIJ Karbacb block. Mm n.1 " "KNTl * ' OOM . SOUTH UTH ANt i/Hlfkory tt. iui a * -V-llKHIIAil.K : IIOUSK , 8 HOOM a. INQUIIll Ji6W Capitol TO IV7-s \-l-OU UKNT OU BALK. MY HKHIDEKCB I'JIOI' /crlrromer tM and Nicholas , Walnut Hill , twi ucktilrum luotor.cll- water , Inqulre in premises I * J1X80' VIVK ItOOM rois rlet. , -HK HKNT-r-TBXUOOJI HKTAOHKD HOUSK Itll uiodorn ; nlto cluorii and yariti will rrn u to doslrablo party takluichuu > u by April 0 | alltoriUs V fl-UOOM HolJriKi ALL COSYKNIKNCKS | soot ] loritllly , at 1IOJ B. Zbth. Mill' o r sud city viutBr In houio , l < uu Suutb Ik BKNT..FURNISUED ROOMS. llnu tint llumnad too o Una Ilicro eiB tor lu.a ilian IB IIOOMS , ALL coN\KM s.NtKj : us | apurt , MlWb * RENT-rURNISriED ROOMS. - ConfJuiifd. . T ? VUItNiailKll IIOOMS KOIl UHNTI.KMKNI J-Urefrrcnccs rpqtilred. 811 N Ilia. _ VU A2' _ -r'OU IlKNT. ONK LAItGK KUONT OH TWO E- tarnished c.r unf nmlsbed rooms , in Soiith Mthitrcct. _ _ _ Sns _ T-lksillABI.K rOIlSIBHUB KIIONT HOOM , llimodorn conveniences. Adjoining goml board- lng. _ Qj N. Intli tt. _ Mima * . - UOOM FOll ONK Oil TWO ( IKN- tlcmcni references exchanged 'JO I South ZMli avenoo. 13 OH HOOMH. FUllNISIIKDOIl UNKUIl- J JnlKhed , for hon ekccDlngiliiiodcrn convcnloncos. 7705 Woolworth aye. WI 31 * _ -KUIINIHIIKJ ) UOOM WITH ALCOVH ONK Jj or two gentlemen ; all convenience ! , fill N 3 ? < l FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. It ATKS Itfln Una tlrst time and lOc n line there after. No advertisement laktn for less HiAtiZVc. -VKIlY""llKsiiVA"HLK"ViVLHT""ANI"rndosii > Moor , south and east , furnished rooms at "Tho Krontcr , " H8Na J5lh street. _ MJal-3' ii1 VLKASA lMtOOifANI ) UOAUD. Ml.t DOUG- 'las ' 81 , _ MSJ 2 * _ 1W1TII ALL CONVBNH5NC1W. 7W S. 18th j.1 gtrnpt , _ _ _ 5Uii _ I.-NICKLY KUIIN13IIKI ) HOOMS AND IIOAIII ) , 1 37U 8 , Mill Hi. _ , _ ZUI ' _ - NICKLV ; KUHNIBHKD UOOMS AND KlItST P-NIC board , 54M St , M ry' avn. M52 14 - KI1HNISIII51) KIIONT UOOM WITH AL cove , for man nnd wlfo or three gentlemen ! also ono back room , at ITU Dodge. 2H.I-.11 * ? - VKHY NICK KltONT HOOM WITH ALCOVI3. ] 12nd floor , best location In tbo city. 2I3 ti. IMi street. 3 TJ'-KUIlNtHIIKJ ) OH UNKUIISISIIKI ) IIOOM3 X1 with lim-clnss board , 1721 Davenport st. 911 W ) ' 17-r-Oll HUNT , r.LKIl.VNTI.Y KUIISISHKI ) JL' rooms , nrstclass bonrd.318 South SOth st. 101 : - ) : , UOOM AND1IOA1IOIN 1'ltlVATB family. 7W N. IWIi , MIMM l-lKSIUAHLi ) : IIOOMS WITH IIOAIID : SMALL -L1 family ; nicely sltuatcil ; modern cnnvonlrnrai , 2130 llarnoy st. M2.M 31- -A LADY AND OKNTLI'.MAN OH 2 LAD1KS 1 can have room and hoard In a private family. Hplcnilld location. Terms reasonable. Address T a i llco olllco. 2S'J 5' aF F -NKWI.Y FUUSISIIF.D HOOM9 KN BUITK Oil slnRloi llrst class table 1819 Farnani. < FOR BENT PNFTTKNIBHED BOOMS. IIATK8 ISo n line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2oe. - AND TII11K15 IIOOMS FOll UKNT. ( Ul G-SIX Sovantconth avonuo. MBU2 31 - UOOMS WITH CtJUSK C3 FOItUOUSKKKKP- G-3 , 1110 , 2W1 tloward St. M2I4 al' BOARDING. [ IATKS 15c n line flrst tlmo and IBo a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less thanZSc. PULLMAN IIOUSK , 1310 DODUIC , FOll (1OO1) H board , nicer rooms , conveniences , rates and lo tion It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor rr I1OA1U ) AND IIOOMS. 2107 DouKlas. -T WANTKI ) . A FKW MOHI3 DAY 110AHDKUS H ; 11711 DodKOSlroot. 2JI-31 * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. 1ATK3 ISc n line Mrst time and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less tlmn 2 , " > o- - FOll UlCNT , STOltH , IG21 HOWAHD. 883 T FOll KKNT.THK 4-STOHY I1IIICK UlIILUINll. J .Mil Farnnn street , The building tins n tiro-proof cement basement , complete steam-beating fixtures , water on all the floor * , cas , etc. Apply at tuo offlco of The lleo. M3 8UITAIILE UUILDINQS FOll MAMUFACTUIl- InR purposes at Kckormann Place , Rood cniilne nnd boiler , U per month. C. F. Harrison , i)13 ) N. Y. Life. ittinl _ "I FOll HUNT , IN BUST IIKTAIL LOCATION IN J-Omaha , entire second floor or departments In Golden Kaclo Shoo More. Ill S ICth st , 1W1 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. , llATlCS-150 a line llrst llmi- and lOo n line there after. No ndvurtlscmcnt taken for loss than 23c. T UlllCK YAUIW.FOK HUNT. T. MUllllAY. l * MM P--FA'liMS FOll1 IIB.NT. H. T. CI.AHK. COlnlS J FOll HUNT. PAHT OF OUH F1VE-8TOIIY brick warehouse ; Rood olovatorand track facil ities. Omaha Wnrehpuso & Storage Co. , 1213-13 Ijcavcnworlb st. 7 9 31 J- , INQU1HB31USO 16TH &TU1CKT. T-FOll HUNT , 320 ACHF.S VALLEY LAND. KX- * J ccllent water , Rood house , 20 acres broken : could cut 400 tons hay ; - ' miles north Hynnnls. Grant Co. , Nvb. Mrs. M. U. OeralrdWJ N. 13th , Omaha , Nob. 23130' J IIAKKUY tOll JIKNT AT ALHIUGHT , SOUTH Omaha , In Rood order , nnd rent reasonable. Apply J. W.k Johnson. 1917 Clark street , Omaha. Neb. M320 2' WANTED-TO RENT. HATK3-l6o.a line ilr.it luio and lOo n line there.- after.No adTcrtlscmont taken for lojs than 23a FUHNISIIKD HOOM AND 1IOAIID. PHIVATH K family , by gentleman and wlfo. Address IL u ) Dolloiia hotel. M237 31 * WANTKD. HOOM AND UOAUD IN GOOD K locality nnd In prlvnto family by a younR man. Address T 6S , Ho3 olllec. 2U1-31' - WANTKD-YOUNO MAN WANTS K-IIOAIID board In private family not moro than live blocks from Douulnsund I&th Kts. Ad dress T CO Hoo. 27I-iO' : RENTAL AGENCIES. HATKS 15c a line first tlmo nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less t K. C. GAltVIN & CO. , 203 HIIKKLY ULOCK.WB L WB - . IXAN AND T11U3T CO. HKNTAL DK- L 1-.STAU . M9ll-a2l STORAGE. KATB8 15o a Una first tlmo and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less tha M OLDK8T , CJIKAl'KSTAND BUST 8TOUAGU bouse lu the city. Williams & Crosstill llarnoy , S87 M-CLKAN. DllY ANO I'lttVATKLY BTOItKI ) furniture , llonllna stoves stored over summer. l OT Douglas st , Omahu Stove Itepulr works , till \f-HKST 8TOUAUK IN CITY. OMAHA WAItK- JT1 homo , V Storage Co. , 1213-15 Leavcnworth st Household anil other gopds stored and enroll for Low rates , t'rlvato apartments If deslrud. I'hono41 ! ) 7(0 31 WANTED-VTO BUY. 11ATK8 ISo a Hue llrst tlmo and lua a Una there after. No advertisement taken for Ion than 23o N" KUitNiroitK ncwiTfiri SOLI ) , WolU. 1111 Karnaui st. N WANTKI ) TO IllJY. KIOHT ; Oil TUN ItOOM bo mo with mpdnrn Improvoinonts , nnd good Mied lot , located within one ratio of tbo uuitolllce , Htatoprlce , sliuaf lieu .8nd lot and fujl partlcu- Inrsby addrBs ln 8 < 7 lieu otlloa. 713 XT WANTKDTlIIUY.CAHHHKOISTKIl , ANTON 1 > K. Uworak , llurwell , ( iartlcld Co. , Neb. 73.1 30 * AT 'WANTKI ) . TO J1UY A YOUNtl , BOUND IIOKSK J-i or horse , wuxun and liarnvss. first class : 001 N. 10th it , furniture store. Kl 31' VT DON'TSBLL ANY KUllNITUllK UNTIL YOU J-ioeo the Omahabocund-lland rnrnltura.Co. , Just opened. Uhibest prices paid , IM North ICth it. 2fi 12 FOR SALE-FURNITUHE. - HALU CI1KAI * . KUIIMTUIIK OK A 7. 0-KOll Hat. all la coed eondlilon. Address T it , UceulHcu. K3-1' VKllV KINK KllKSII MII.CII COWS AT S2U Ohio > tre t , Otuulin Vluw onluqulru at (111 ( How. rd utreet , 2U i \-KOIl 8AL15. NKW UOLLKIt TOP DKSK AND Eunice chair , ciieap. Address Lock IJorMJ.M3S32 M3S32 * FOR BALE-HORSES , 'WAGONS , ETC. ItATUS-llo u Iliiu tlmv tluia unit I0 < 5 aline there after. No advertisement tukonfor less tunrjic. 1Hll BALK , A LOT Uf UAIIUIAGBS , SUItltl ! YS 1 and buggies at your own price ) ulso single har ness. Fidelity Loau Guaruutee Co. , room 4 , With- ncll building. 717 1I'ONY AND IOG CA11T. blDK BADDLK , 11 Alt- nets , been used tbort time. Call or il.rcu ! J. Johnt. Wulnut Hill , tidcnd Nicholas. 313 SO' FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. UATBS-ISc a line first tlmo And , 100 a line therf after. Ka advertisement lakpn for lesj than 23d' Q-FIKH Ul'IHGHT I'lANO. STANI1AUU MAKU. uted only a few months , at a tacrtaoo. Ktl Cultl. well tt. isj _ _ Q-TOll 8ALB AT A IIAUQAIN , 6KT Of HOOT sud shoe thvlvlog.lt It lu good ( hape. Call at HUIIarney ttrcot. ' Wi _ _ -KINB I'UU I'OrriKS.'U SO , IIAHKKIl 11I.K. - KOU BALBOUTilADB KOIl FAUM LANDS IN catlcrn Nebraska , a U barivl ttuam roller lloui lutlltltuateUatTekamab. Neb. Thut. Crouch. ICU1 llufccttt ) it , Ovqabo. Ull * Q - BALK , 1-UJNAU. KBUS , C1IKA11. OUAUA llot factory , Ka.tOiutha. rx. ron ConHnuciL. r\-M > H HAI.K , A KIIKSHCOW AND C&LV. IN' WqulraatMUCh rle Mrcct , 835-30 * rwKmsALK. TWO LOIUDA A Warnl tnnk with wlro screen covering ; al llgiUors 4 feet J Inches long. tnnk IxlO feat. Address J. It. Wcstreer. Clarks , Nob. M247 1 * MISCELLANEOUS. 11ATKS-I50 n line nrst tlmo and lOo a Una there- after. No advertisement taken tor lea * than -2)c. 1)-HAMILTON IIIIOS. CAIU'BNTKIIR AND Jbuilders. . All kinds jobbing ] Ill S. 11th. Tel , 1179. 2SI-AB * R HAY KOIl 8ALB , TUB BTANDAIIU CATTB Co. offer 1,000 tons selected , barn stored hey for i ale on track , Ames , Nebraska. MPM p-LADIBS' CAIIKD KOIl DUIHNG CONKINE- J-Vmcnt. Mrs. IlurnlU , Gorman graduated midwife , 13111 So. ICth. Ml A 83 -KSTATK OK J. T. CLAIIKSON. ' PA11TIB3 having unsettled business transactions with or wishing Information of the lands or lots of Mr..I. T. Clarkson , deceased , will please address the undersigned , who has been appointed agent of his estate. T , H. Clarkson. Omaha. Nob. P77 A7 1J8KB ADVBIITISKMBNT Of D. H. HMMKT. JLV 233-1 * CLAIRVOYANTS. It ATKS ISc n line lint tlmo nnd IDa n Una thoronf tr > r. No nilTortl.iomcnt tnkon for loss titan iJc. S rcvolatlons. Clinlongcs | tha world. MM. Dr. M. Ix-Kriirn , riend franco clalrroyant. n'trologlst , palmist and llfo reader ) tolls your Itfo from the cradle to urnTo : unites tlio ncparatodl onuses mar- rlaco with tlio ono you love : tells whcro you will Miccccd Ltiil In what business bent ndnptod Tor ! has the cnlnbratcd Kityptlau broaslplate for luuk nnd to destroy bad Influences : cures Ills. Intemperance and all tirlvnto complaints with maasaKo. baths anil nlconol Uontrunnt. .Send ( . ' , lock of hair , nnino nnd datu of birth nnd receive necurnto Ufa ohnrt ; 2 cents In Btnmps for circular ; clvo Initials of onn you will marry ; also photos of samo. onico 1007 b'onth 11th street , nrst floor ; hours , Uo.ni to V p. m. Pome one , coma all. nnd bo convlnond nf this wonderful oraclo. MUM I * MltS. NANNIK V. WA11HK.V. Cl.AIUVOVA.NT S rollnblo bualnoss medium , fifth year nt I1J N. MASSAGE , PATHS , ETC. HATKS 15o n line flrst time and lOc n linn thero- nttcr. No mlvortlsemunt taken for loss than Me rp lrtA8S"M rTuiATM"KNT : ! , " 'EMlcfilo'Tlinif- JLinal baths , scalp nnd hnlr treatment , Inatilcuro nud chiropodist. Slrj.rost,31 HS. ISth.WlthuoIl hlk. SMITH. 1121 DOUC.LA8 STIIBKT. roura 7Sd Door. Alcoholsulphur and * oa baths. M834 31 * n-MISS STOWK , MASSKUSK KLKCTIUCIAN L S22 HamKO block. MMO rp-MADAMK LA , HUK , MASSAOK. 411) SOUTH X 15th street. ! rd floor. Hat 4 , assistant. M325 V PERSONALS. ilATKS ISo a line first tlmo and lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c ' GKOIU1K A. LANG OU ANYONK KNOWING Ui his address please tvrlto to Hood & Solby.Omnha. MWl - - WANTKI ) AS U-PICHSONAL-INFOHMATION to the whereabouts of William Worm , Journey man plumber. When last hoard from was at Unite , Mont , ; his brother Earnest has had aa arm ampu tated. Address T SO. llco onico. 2IB-4' .MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. [ T C. . F. (3KLLKN11GCK , 11ANJO TKACHK3 , > with llospo , or SIS N. 18th st 912 T I1EFOHK OUYINU A PIANO KXAMINK THE ' new scale Kltnbull plnuo. A llospo , 1313 Douglas. FOll 8ALK , CHKAP FOll CASH , A FINE uprlRlit plnno , nearly now and standard luanu. fncturc. Address OIU. llco ofllce. 4b4 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. IIATK8 ISc a line llrst tlmo and Ida a line there after. No advertisement taken for loss than 233 ir-CKNTllAL LOAN & TUU3T CO. BBB 1ILDG. W UHL , HKAL15STATK LOANS.342 BKB BLD'G - 420 \v T MONKY TO IXAN ON IMPKOVKD CITY property , low rate. A. C Frost , DoiiRlas blk. * W-UKAL15STATM LOANS , UTO7 1'Kll C15NT ; no additional charges forcomnilislon or attor- noy'B fees. W. U. Mclklc , I'lrst National bnnk blJx. ! KW ir-COATKS , 1C ! I I'AU.VAM. HASTKHN MONKY > 801 W -LOANS , G. O. WALLACK , 31S UllOWN TJLK. - 8W W I/JANS ON IMl'UOV'KO AND tINtMPIlOVlSD city propcrty.M.lXX ) anil upwardi.t ) to Ipor cant. No delays. W.l'arnam Bmlth & Co.loth undllarnoy. W 1'lliVATH MONKY. KtltST ANI > HKCONI ) niortRago loans , low rates. Alex. Alooro. 401 Heo building- _ M783 W MONHi'TOLOANONlilSALKST TK. THE ; O. K. Davis Co. . ISO > Fanmm t nil ir C. W. UAINKY. 315OMAHA NAT..11K. ULDG. ' City mortgages , Lowest rates. Money on hand. _ - Rrj W-OMAHA SAVINGS BANK MA 1C US LOANS on real estate nt lowest market ratui. Loans niado In small or largo sura and for short or long tlmo No commission M charged , and I ha loans are not ? old In the cast , but can always ba found at tbo bank on the corner of Uth and' Douglas streets _ 7811 T LOANSW.M. 1IAIUUS , 11.20 , KllBNKISIlIILK. aw \\r-ANTHONY LOAN AND TUUHT CO. , 318 N. Y. ' Life , lend at low rates for oholcq socnrlty on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. 801 Tir " .MONKY. MONKY , MONKY. JtOO.OOJ TO LOAN ' In sums of IJOO to K.VM on Improved or unim proved residence business property In the city of Omaha. No delay In closing loans as money Is on hand. No dealing with eastern parties , all business transacted hero and Interest payabla hero and not In the cast , also make building loans on most favorable terms. " Fidelity Trust Co. , 1IS1I Farnam. 130 W IXJANS , CITY IMIOI'BRTY , K. NEH. AND W. ; Iowa farms. K. K Itlngcr , 1511) Farnam. \\r-0 I'Kll CKNT MONKY. I'llILADKLl'lIIA i ? MortRaKO and Trust Co. Thomas Uronnnn A Co. rnprcsentatlves. 217 Kurbach block. mail ] WlNHUKANClS : MOMKY TO LOAN , AITLYTO ; J. ULovott , 2208Hth. tfJ4 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. ItATKS lie a line tlrst llmo and lOo a Hue there after. No advertisement taken for less than 23c. " " " * " - YOU WANT"MOMMY' X-no do not fall to KOI our ralsi licfora bor- rowlnx- Wo make loans , without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , horse * , wazoni , eta. , at the low- cut possible rate. There Is no unnecessary delay , but you got tbo money on tha 0amo day you ask. for It. Wo will carry tbo loan as long as yon desire. Riving you the prlvllexo of pnylnj It la full or In part at any Hum to suit your convenience , and any part paid reduces tbo cost of oirryliu th ] loan In proportion to the amount paid. There are no charhosof any kind to bo palu In advance , but you net tbo full amount of the loan. Our offices are centrally located and are so ar- rnnui'd that parties calllnz on us can lj waliel on quickly and courteously. If you have a loan with other parties , or tyavo bnuKlit a plauo or other furniture un time and find the payments a little lancer than yuu can moot conveniently , wo will par It for you and carry tbo IUAII as long as you desire. U will be to your udvantajo tp soiui before se curing a loan. OMAHA MOHTGAUK LQAN CO. . ' lloomll , Oralgliton Illock. 15th tit south of I'ostolllos. 60il X MONKY TO LOAN. KIDKLITY LOAN ( IUAHANTHI ! CO , On household goods , pianos , organs , liorsei , mules , wagons , etc. . nl tue lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property > or chauga of possession. Time arranged to suit the borrower. I'uyuutnti of any amount can be made at any time , rfduclim both principal and lutarrst , thus giv ing patrons all the uvuutlts of the partial payment plan. ( 'oil uid see us when you want a loan. Money altrsyson hitnd ; no delay ; no publicity ) lowest rat D ; business confldeiittal , flDKLlTY LOAN UUAIIANTUH CtX , II. V , Matters' old Bland , U. 4 , Wltbnell bk | , 15th and Harnov. MIJ B -WILL IXAN MONKY ON ANY KJNl ) Of security ; tulctly coiindviillal. A , K. Harris , room I , Continental block. DOS xuou'T i'liiTCHAitu , it. a , WITHNBLL nut , 107 _ _ X-WUBN YOU WANT A CHATTKL IAAH 8KB W. It. Davit , room 30 Contlmntal block. HM YMONKVUNKIO.KUltNITUltK , HOUSKS , A.wngon , pianos , otu , r'rud.Torry , U.lf , llumuj. -MONBY TO LOAN , 30,0) ) . W DAYS ON r'UIlNI. turo , live ttock. etc. Duff Greeu , rtnuovel to Koorn 8 ttndU. Darker blk I S3 V MONKY ON I1OND8. S'lVCKS. WAUHANTS A personal property. WuyuoiUsllDy.Il.iOJ Karbach -I1U.OOOTO I/JAN KKO1I 110.00 Ul' ON fUltAT turo. horses or auy good security. Lowest rate * , Nebraska Loan Co. . Ulli Dougla * street. l' l AM BU8INEB3 OHANOE8. ihotfl at llrokon Uow , Neb. No Isnd tn trade. _ | _ _ J _ V'Oll WALK. A CIOAU M.ANUFAOTOIIY AMI tobacco store of twenty-oua years' staudlug. oa account of old ago. Inquire of U. Aiuut , Ulalr. Nub UU1 BJ Y MiOUIIIMU MILIraJSALR. . THK 8TKAM power tlourlnt mill , wuh./n capacity of IM bills. per day , of all moderns improvements , tmllt t pars ago with Ihocxpcnst nt IU.OOJ.OU. In Prague , launders Co. , Ncb * Is 4t7erctl for sale on easy rrnn. Kor further purtlculsrs adilrou Kaspar trot. , Prague , Sanndors Q ) , Neb. MI07 o9 1)Il HAI.K , GOOD HAlX > ON AND KIXT UHKS , best location. ItcasOD for soiling , sickness Ad dress T 17 , lice. ti VJ'J 1 * Y-WK WISH TO KSTAUL1SH AN IN9TITUTB In every city In the UnllnJ Btatj for the cure of liquor , opium and tobacco hnblti. Tartles look- ng for a Mil trying business addrcn Knsor Iteni- cdy Co. . South Omaha. Neb , , n MISO 3- V -A YOUNG MAN. A fl OU IIUBT7.KU WIT7T JL small capital , can sccurd Il more than half Inter est In good Insurance business established In the ipst town In the stale. > Adnros < T l. llgo. r/it 4 V -DHL'U STOCK INVOICING A11OUT tS.W foil I sale at a discount It taken at once. Ownnr obliged to leave the city. A bargain. Nebraska ) rug Kiclmnge. CO I'm ton block. _ 2J.t 3 | Y-VOU 8ALK , MV HATHING IlKSOHT AT Lake Manawo. Address J. J. Malowney , Hebron , Job. _ jp9 V HOTKI. DOING UOOD IIUSINKSS KOn fi.TOO OoT L monthly payments . IM II. Glbbs , Craig , Neb. 2M-81' _ _ _ _ FOR EXCHANGE. IATKS 15o n line first ttmo and lOe a linn there after , Mo advertisement taken for less than 23o lot 46 , block 1 , Armour 1'laco , South ) maha ; clear of all lucnrubrsnco. Address N4L ! Icoonico. M2M BALK Oil K.XCIUNGK KOIl LAND ' 'stock of general merchandise. In DUO of best towns In lown. Nlco building for rent to pur chaser. Address W. K. Hcmlngton. Ncola , lown. . " 1230 Z-CLKAN STOCK OK GKNK11AL M'll'HRl WILL take real estate Amoncy. UoxjjKrankfort , Ind. rf KOIl 8ALB OU KXCIIANGK KOIl YOUNG /Jwork horses and mares , ono registered Krcncli draft stallion , 4 years old , weight 1.70J. J. W. Dolnn. Indlanola , Neb. 1)10 ) .10 KOIl TIIAUB , A CLKAN STOCK Ol-'OENKllAL mprchanillflo for lands and cash. Address It. W. Watklns A Co. , Kran.fort , Ind. M8I3 M , Z HXCHANOB YOUIl 1'llOl'BHTY , 1110 LIST cull or write. Alex Moore , 401 lloo bldg. KM y KOIl liXCHANGE , KINK KAMILY HOUSE AJand perhaps some cash for team of ponies. O II. West , Park stables , 2Stu und Lcavonworth sts. UJO M Z-KOll IIXCHANGK , TWO STALLIONS. ONK Norman , ono trotting , want clear land , price n.OOUoncli. llox fljn , Bhcnaudoah. la. 1034 * r/-WELL KSTAULISHKD 1IUSINKSS WOIITH /-Jf.1,000 net. at inth and Douglas , for house and lot. Address T 47 , llco. I'.ii 30 * ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HATKS ISo a line tlsrt tlni3 and 10o a line there after. No advcrtlsonienttukcn for less than 3io atod 1G14 Unrct street Gallon A. IIopo Jr. FOll 8ALK-S-K COltNKIl 17th. DOIICAS. ISS. acottnKOS , stable for ( ihorsos , can bo divided * Into 5 lots , Inqulro at promlsos 112 li * FIVK ACIIKLOT.I AD.IOIN1NO THK TOW OF lllnlr , Neb. ; t'OOil land. II. W. Mclirldo. 144-A-3' 17011 SALE , HOMES. ANT PIUCIC. J750. ll.afl UP J- easy terms ; tnkocloarproperty as llrst payment O U. Wallace. Drown block , lUtli and Dou lns. 915 FOll BALK SKVENTJJKN THOUSAND ACltKd unimproved Iqnds In Howard. Sherman , Orcolcy nnd Vnlloy counties , Nebraska , on very liberal terms , on deferred payments. I ! per cent interest. Address D. llcmlck , P. Of Wk 2001 Los Angeles , Cut. iJ 271 nC AT K. COHNKIl 29TIIi1 ND IHCICOltV , WXt"1 J.feet : n l.nrculn for Ufa * Mays only. F. K. Dar 11ng , Hnrkor block. [ Fj iH ) F Oil BALK AT A I1AIIUAIN l/irti. UI.OQKI , W. L. ticlby's tlrst addition to South Grain i Small payment down , baliurco monthly If deslrol Inquire < i. tt. Tzschuck. Otniha llca. 331 FOItSALR-400 ACIll ! FJIIIM IN 1ILUK UlVKR vnlloy , Thnycr county , 10 miles west o ! Hebron. Ono of. the very best farrQs In the county ; Rood house , barn. Rrnnartcs , crib j , etc. , and an ubundanco of fruit , timber and runnlnc water. Also for sale or oxchanRe for Rood Iands.6r city property , a brick pork packing house and natures In Hebron , Thayur county , near II. A M. depot. For particulars In. qulro of any real estnto ncunt In Hebron , 633 fOn SALK ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS , 30 houses & lots. The O.K. OAvIs Co.,1503Karnam st. iO 601 Oil SAHB F UALCYON HKtailT3 , Acres , half acres and lots on oleetrlc motor road. Also houses and lots In Ilnjcyon Heights * OSIAUAltj HHAUTIKUI , SUIUIIIH. Onlf thirty mlnulCB rldo from center of city , Kasy payments , low rate Of Interest. Kerr Ij the time to eccuro a home. William II. Crary. 305 Now York Life BldR.f ' M 822- IB MONMOUTII 1'AIIIC HAS THK MOTOlt. CITY watcr.'arndud streets , sidewalk , school , hoautl- ful location everything to make It attractive. Kor lots or homes In this beautiful addition on easy terms sec U. U Wallace , trustee , 312 llrown Ulock , loth and Uouelus. A T HALF VALUE. LOTS. AGUES , HOMK9 , DUSI- i ness property. AloitMooro , < 01 Bco bldit. t'OT F OltSALK OU KXCHANGK , 20 ACltKS ADJOIN- IHK a Nebraska county neat , house 21x24 , good well and stable. Address I' . O. llox 31 , Anslvy. Neb. 210-2" LOST. HATKS ISc a line tlrst tlmo and lOc a Una thereat tor. No advertisement taken for los than 25c. LOST UllINDLK POINTKIl , "HICK , " IlKWAIII ) at 8218. SJItli st. ' 200-31' PAWN'BKOKEBS. U ATEH-15C a line first tlmo and lOc a line thereat ter. No adrcrtlscmcnt takvn for less tlmn 25c. TJKN K. MA11TI , UKMOV1SO TO 101 & IBTIl ST. 871 AH- S.SNYDBll'S LOAN OFFICE , 1510 DODUK ST. . MOI3 aSQ- OKKICElSim KA11NAM8T. SI7 HAIR GOODS. UATBd 15c a ilno first tlmo and too a line there after. No advertisement taken for loss than 25c. . wlKS and beards a specialty. Wilts , bangs switches , hnlr chains , ctt , , send for cataloftus Mall orders solicited. IJavlos , III a. 13th st. Omaha U10 MANTTFAOTURINO JEWELERS. HATES 150 a line first tlmo and lOo a line there after , No advertisement taken for less tlmo 2 > a oAsoN * IANKS wroom 30 Darker block , Omaha. 913 DRESSMAKING. 11ATIC3 lie a line llrst tlmo and lOa a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 3Jc. ENGAOKMKNTd TO 1)0 UltKSS MAKING IN ramllles solicited. Miss Sturdy , V10 ti. 20th u ! CUTLERY GRINDING. HATKS-lnc u line first llnia and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken foe less than 2i.u JKNI ) YOUlt SCIS30US. KAXDIIS. .BTC. , TO UB Aground to Undorland A. ( Jo. . I Dei H. Uth st 01 ! ) TON I REM N C TYPEIRITERS For Sale , Renton Exchange , BEST IN Ttfj WORLD ! Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , 1607 Firaam Strut , ' OMAHA , , , n TH5 FOR WEAK MEN Prompt relief Lastlns Uuro. I will send ( soalea ) free to any suf ferer prescription to litilDrgo sin ill. weak parts and soonllly _ _ _ _ _ euro lost manhood emissions , V M vnrlcoco'.o and Imuotonoy , . . 1'osltivo Ileiuody. Ail dross with stumii DAVfii U KUUKV. llox 1W , TOI > KKA , " " Crrtllleuteof I'lilillcatlon. OfUco at Auditor of 1'nlilfo Accounts Stiito of Nebrunku. Uucoln. I'oh. 1. Ita , ' , It la hereby cortlflod , Unit the Kmuloyurs' Liability Asaurunco Uoruoratlnn of Ixtmlon , Knuloiul , has compiled with tlio inaur.incu Inw of ttiU sittto und u uuthorUcd to truniiact the buslneu of accident Insurance In this statu for tliocurront voar. \VHiiussiiiyliaiiil and the seal of thu auditor of public uocaunUi the day nnd yu-irubovo written. T , 11.1IKNTUN , IbculJ Auditor I' . A. II. A. liabcock , Deputy , RHILWHYTIMECRRD UNION I'AflKtU I Arrlros Onmlm. ( Union DepotIQtli nnilMnrer 8ta. | Omilic l.ai p ml DcmTcr Uraltort..I.'I.IU p m 7.03 p m | Dcnyor Kxpross I7.SO n in PROPOSALS KOUHUILDINO MATERIAL und horses U.S. Indlun Sorvlcc , Otiutha nnd Wlmiiiliugo Indliu : Agoncv , WlnnobnRO. Thurston County. Nob. , IHUi feonlcd uro Iiosula , endorsed "Proposals for Itiillcllns Blu- torlnl and Horses , " as tlioc.iso may be , nnd addrussod tu the itndcrslK od lit WlnnubiiEo. Nob. , will bo received until 1 o'clock , p. in. , of AiirlNth. ISO- , for fnrnlshliiz and diMlvcrlni : , nttlm\VliHiobao'Agency. , ; ( iilout 8000 feet , of ussortud lumber. CU > ylndqv ) - " doors , luird- warc , brick , lime , etc , , required In tlio erec tion of 15 frame houses far WInnebaRO Inillaii' allottees. Also for furnishing nnd dcllvorln ; 1(1 ( horses ntsaid iisciicy. A full list and de scription of the material limy bo obtained , up on atipllcntlon to the undei-slRiiod. llorses must bo of'American stoelc , from 4 to 7 years old , sound and well , broken to harness , with out blemish , not , less than 15 hands lilk'li , wo.l built In proportion tohl ht , and to welsh not loss than 1)50 ) pounds. Didders will bo re quired to btutc sneclflcully hi their bids the proposed prlco of each artlcluolTerod for do- llvory under a contract. The rlfiht Is reserved to reject any or all bids or any part of any bid If aoemcd for the Lest Interest of the ser vice. ( Jertlllod ohcclts : Kucli bid must bo ac- companled-by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository or solvent national bank In the vicinity of the residence ! of the bidder , iniulo payable to tbo order of the Commissioner of Indian Ailiurs. for at least 5 per cant of the amount of the proposal , which check ordraft will bo forfeited to the United States In ease any bidder or bidders rocotvlug an award ahull fall to promptly execute - ocuto u contract with Rood and sufficient sureties , otherwise tti bo returned to the bld- dnr. Itlds acroinpanlcd uy cash In lieu of a certified check will not bo considered. r- further Infer mntlon imply to KOHEUTMI AS11LEV , U. H. In Ulan Agent. M 11 d 211 m 1'roposals for District radius lionils. Scaled bids marked "Pmpoaals for district aradln bonds" will bn received at the olllco of the city treasurer , Omaha , Nob. , up to 12 o'clock noon of the Hh day of April , ISif. , for the purchase of $11,200.00 district gradlnc bonds of the city of Omaha , Nob. Said bonds nro dated May 1st , 1BUJ , and are payable from ono to nine years alter date thereof , in denomina tions of JlOO.ODand $500.00 each , with Into rest , at the rjto of . " > per cent per annum , payable scml-nnnually. P.-lnulp.il and Interest pay able at Kountzo llros. . New York. goooo.OO : of Qrsalne District No.av l.r.JO.OUof Gradinu District No. 33. TOO.OO oC Qradlni ; District No.IW. 29.00J.OO of OradliiK District No. U. Euch bid must t > t.\to prlco and amount sought for And Include accrued Interest to datii of delivery at Omalm , Nob. Tbo right Is reserved to reject any and all I ) Ids. Issued under charter power of cltlosnf the metropolitan olhss and Ordlnunco No."J7 . approved March Uth , Ib'.U , IIENUY BOLLN , Mcli2kiltin. ( : ) CltyTroasuror. PROPOSALS FOR SEWER BONDS. Kealcd bids marked Proposals for .Sower Ilonds will bo received at the olllco of the olty troasnrerot the city of Omalm. Mob. , up to U o'clock , noon , of the > th day of April , 1BJ ? , for the pufchasoof ttU.QW.03 bowi-r honds of tlio city of Omata. Nob. , dated M.iy 1st , 180J. pay- abio SO years after dato. Interest 5 per cent per annum , payable soinl-anniullv. Prlnui- iialnnd Interest payable at Kountzo llros. , Now York. Denomination of winds. $1,000,00 each. Each bid must slate prlco and amount hoiiKbt ( or and include accrund interest up to date of delivery at Onmlm , Nub. The rlaht Is roiorvcd to .reject any und all bids. Issued undci charter power of cities nf the metro politan clans and ord.nance No. 20 ! ) I , approved March . ' ' ' . WJC. HENKVHOtLN. MiJdmM ( Jlty Treasurer. J'riiposals rorl'ulillo Library lliilldliiilloiuli < goulcd bids marked proposals for public library building honds will ho recnlved at tlio olllfo of tlioolty treasurer. Omalm. Neb. , up to 13 o'clock noonof the 25th day of April , | H'X ' . for the purchase of SIUJ.OOHO publlo llurary bulldlnz bonds of tlio city of Omalm. Nub. , dated May 1st , ISOi. and p.iyablo years utter date. Interest at tha rate of 5 percent per un- nuin , payable soinl-annually. 1'rlnclpal and Interest payable at Kountzo tiros. , Now York. Each bid must atato prlco and amount soiiKht for und 'Include accrued Interest to datu of dotlvory nt Omaha , Nub , The rjk'ht U reserved to reject any and all bids. Issued under charter power at cities of the tnctropolltHu class , and ordinance No. i"Ji3. approved March * Utfc fo B in''Cdiltil : Clty'froaguror. PROPOSALS FOR PAVING BONDS. Sealed bids marked proposals torpavliu bonds will be received at tlio olllco of the city treasurer of Omaha , Neb , , up to 1'J o'clock noon of tliB "Uli day of April. 16K. ! for the purchase of * O.M)0.00 pavlus bonds of tlio city of Omaha. Neb. , dated May I. IW ) . ' , payable M years after date , Interests per cent per annum , payable soml-annuiilly ; principal and interest payable at Kountzo linn. . New York Denomination of bonds. fl.UU.OJ oiicli. Each bid must state prlco and amount sought for und'lncludu accrued Interest to dato.of deliv ery at Omaha. Neu. The rluht U roiorvod to reject any und all bids. iKbtiod under charter power of cities of metropolitan el a en and ordinance No.-// ' , appruvou March va. 18 IIENUY M2GJ3HM t'Hy Treasurer , Notice. . Notice Is hereby given to the publlo that I will not hold myself responsible tor any Indobtednesi which my vrlfo , Anna Jlpp. may contract , as she ha * loft iny bed ami hoard. AUGUST JIPI- . SlIHar.l , Nob. , March S3,1803. Madjtnt : INSTANT RELIEF , flaalcure miua.ii. andumor returnt. No . frar nof simple remedy frat.br td- rLK jt uo.,18 HMUUUU.M. y.uit/ . PEAF'FROM' CATARRH ; I was thu Tlctitn of the \vorst case of Catarrh tliaC I ever heard of. I wns entirely tlcnf In one car , nnd nit tlio inside - side of my nose , including par : of Iho bone sloughed off. No sort of treat ment bcncfltled mo , nnd physicians said , "I would never bo any better , " As n last resort I took Swlffa Specific , nnd It entirely cured inonnd restored my hear Ing. I hnvo been well for years , nud no sign of return of Iho disease. Sire. JosEiuiuin POMIILL , DuiiWKtrr. 8. 0. A Written tluarantoo SYPHiLIS to Cure Kvory Case or Money Uofundod. ) nrcuro l < pctnmnont nnJnnt apnlc.ilng up. Cves rontcilfoTonycnrsnitolmvoiiovor eon n pymptom Inci1. llrtlixcrlWnars'o fnlljirocan troit jon bjr nall.nmlnocITotliO ! ( Mm tron ( ! Runmntoo tocura or rrfnml nil raonor. 'I'luxo Tvliti profof to coma hero or treatment cnn do oi > n I wo rrlllinr rAllrond fnro lolli irnynnnilliolol bills while hero. It wo fnlltocnra Yo rlmllqnKo tiio wi > rM for a cnso that our Mnftlo llcmcdy will nut euro , wrltofor particulars ni\d not hoovMonco. In oiirtOTO.i rrnn tirnctlro nltli tlio Maulc llcnio'.lr It lias tieon mo t ilinicuH to overcome lie prrjuillccs niMnt nocalUvl ; pcc0c ! . Hut unilcr our ctruim Kutrnnten thuusnntls nro trjrlne It unit be- iiKCurcit. WoKiuimnti'o to euro or rofuiul ovorr dollar , nnd us wo have n rotiulntlon to protect , nl o nnnnclnllmcklnitotKiiO.UMIt l porfccllr safa to nit who will trr tha trrntmont , llcrotofuro you Imro Hitting up ami pajrltii ; out your money for iIIITijrcnt rcstment .niu1 nttliointli you nro not yet curo.l no one lias paid back your money. Wo will posltlTcly euro you , OMchronicileepneatoJ cu ei curoiUnW InviMtlKnlo our ( liiancln ) ntnnilluir , our rcpulfltlnn nobtiitlneas men , Wrlto for nnmei nmt nJJrt'sscicf liiO0 Wolmro curoil wlio liavo RUcn crto thoui. It co'ta you only post- ngo to do this. If your jjmptnmn nro ere tliront , mnctiuspntcliosln mnutlirhcumntlsni In t ) ne nnd lolntnImlr fnllliiK out , cniptloni on nny part ol Iho . > oJr , fccllnnof Konornt duproislon , pain * In liuador bones. You tmroiui tlmoto wnito. Tnoso who nro constnntly tnkliia mercury nmt potnsli , ! > liould dls- eontiiiiiolt. Colistanttnoot tlieso Uruit * will nurcly lnn tores and untlim tilcurs In tlio i > irl , Don't fall to write. All correspondence sent sealed In plain en velope. Wo Invlto Upmost rl lt InvestlRatlou nnd will do all In uur power to nlJ you In It. Aildrcn' , COOK REMEDY CO. , - Onmho. Neb FOR MEN MAGIC CURE ONLY 8500 fora ease of Lovr or PAIMMQ MAN HOOD , UonQriil or Ncuvoua UEiiintTV. wonk- nona of body or mini ) , tlio otTocUof orroHorox- cossoslii oldnr youiiRtliiitwooiiiinotoura Wo iiiiiraiitooovcry case or rotund ovnry dollar. Five days trial trnatmont ni , full course SO. I'crcoptlblo bonodts roillr.od In three . Ily innli , securely iiiolcoil from ousorvntlon. COOKKKMEUV Co. . OMAHA. NKII. LADIES ONLY UARIP JPBMAIE 1SB III.ATOH , Snfo mill IflnUlU Cortnlti to a day or ninnoy refunded. Ily mull S ! . Heeuroly soalol from obsurra- tlon. COOK KE.HEUY Vlt. , Oiunhii. Neb A 10-fflINUTE TALK with an able , conscientious , skillful and suc cessful Specialist , such as oacb member and each trained assist ant of the famous firm of Drs. Belts & Belts U universally conceded to bo , ma ; bo worth moro tlian. $10,000 to tbo roan who la sick , and who has tried all other means to eecuro lellef , but In'valu. And yet tU&t talk , valuable 3 U19 , Costs Nothing1 , If held In the private consultation rooms of Drs. Belts & Belts , for consultation la-free , net only to tboso who call In person , but also to all the afflicted who write their symptoms fully ana enclose stamp 'orreplj. , , Maybe the patient IB suderlnc f rom vome one of tboao numerous , yet dclicato maladies , which pollto societyiloc3 not aeo proper to discuss aa a soc ial topic. lu short the ma ; lie aCfllcled wltU Syphilis , Gonorrhoea or Gleet. Wo can cure him. It may bo Seminal Weakness. Bad enough , but no matter , we cau curd him. It may be Slrielure , or Hydrocole , or Vartcpcole. Great misfor tunes , truly , but vro can cure him. Probably Piles , Fistula or Rectal Ulcers. A terrible atQlctlon , but we can cure him. him.Sexual Sexual disorders , diseases and weakness. Nervous , Chroiiioanu 1'rlvato Diseases wo euro them all , safely , surely , speedily and effectually , liy methods Iho most advanced , humane anU suc cessful. Bend 1 cents for our handsomely Illustrated 120-uaRo book. Consultation free. Call , or write , enclosing stamp. 119 South Uth St. , N. K. Cotvior 14th nnd Douglas Sts. Omaha , Neb. MANHOOD RESTORED. fSANATIVO. " th Wonderful HpmiUh ItemedIs told ttltli a Written Guarantee : In euro all Ncivous ll - COMB , such as Wrak Mimory , J/cui of Ilrala 1'owor , llcailachc , . Hervomnf u , Lai- rllnJc , all dialns and Doforo& After Uso. losi of power of | h Photographed from life. Grneratlvo Oirans , In rltlicr BOX , caiucd by oier-milloii , youthful liullccrrllnini.fir the mrfeilvj iwof tnbnn'O , oiluuioi | HlinulanH , which iimmnlely li'iul to Iiilliinlty , Oui UMiitloii | nud Iii'uultr. i'lit up In convenient furm I" tarry In the \rit | xnUt. I'lli * II a iMultitjie. or for ? 5. With nvtry ( j onlrr ne clv a written uarnnteo to cure or refund tha money , bmt by mull tu uiiy audresi. Circular Trea In I'laln eiifelope. Mention Ihl * ral > er > Acldti , MADRID CHEMICAL CO. . llmnch OfUce for M. 8. A. 3M Ocaihnrn Street , CHICAGO , ILU POtt SALE IN OMAHA. KEB. , BY Kuho & Co. , Co.r J3th dTDouxlts fits. J . A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. Uth i Douclu SO ) . A U Potter & Co. , Council lllulU , iu. YOU NEED NOT FEAlc tluit jn'oplo will Imotv ynur Imlr I * ilyixt It yuu iu > o that imrfcct imitation of unturo , Tutf s Hair Dye HirUaclcMiiy color und Trotli llfo totlio 1'rlce , 1. OflU'ii yu Turk i'Juco , if. Y. Certlllcatu iif rubllc.iUun. Olllcp of Auditor of 1'uullo AccounU State u | Nnliruika. I.tncolUrKob. I , Ihiti. It U hereby certified , tbut tlio AintTlcuti Casualty nun Soourlty Co. . of llultlninro. In tlio state of Maryland , has compiled with ( he lnuuruticulaw of tlilt svatqauil U luithurlzod to triinsaot the liuslneai of casualty and stour- ity Insuruncu lu tbls state' ( or thu current year. wllties * my baud aud tlio seal of the nii'llloi L of public accounU 1lio day nnd yi < aribo\c : written. T.ll. JIKSTON , [ Seal ] Auditor I' . A. II , A. . Uabuook , Dopi/ty. / CLAIM THE LAW IS Savings Banks Offloials Eoply to the Oir- bular of Bank Examiner McOrow , ' CASHING CHECKS FOR THEIR DEPOSITOR ! VllrgnTlml ilio l.nDuos Not ilcnrly ; ttin I.lnc llotwprn SnMiif ; * unit Com itirrrml llnslnpss NOT l.nw Needed. nnnkcrs dolnff n savltiRi business In 3nmlm nro somowlmt oxnsporntoJ at tha notion of State llnnk Kjcamlnor MeOrow , vlio , In n t-oiwrt to the stnto bnnkiiiff board , anld that many of tlio snvlut ; * bnnk of the stnto were dallborntoly uv.idlnf ; the pro visions of the state bankinR law. By lih InvusU&ntlcm Mr. MoQrow said ho found sovcrnl of the saving } banks damp A commercial business by Issuing and tlcllvor- IIR to tholr customers blank cliooki , shnlitly dlfforont in form from these usoil by com mercial banks. Ily conducttiiK this Kind of mslnoss the banking law was 'evaded nud savings depositors ran great risks. Mr. McOrow nlso rocommcndod to tha jonrd that nit savinRs banks not ndhorhig to ho law oliould bo doomed unsafe nud should bo closed up. The question now Is , according to the bankers , "What Is the la\vt" "Who In to lellno III" Somoofthe nnauciors say that Sir. Metrow ) callt ono thing commercial juslno.ss when they do not. John E. Wilbur , cashier of the OmnhnSav- up * bank was seen by a UIR : ruporier tn ro- ; nrd to the alleged irregularities of the sav- tigs matltutions. Llo said that ho thought Mr. tcOraw was going off hnlf cooked , and that ho wns nuttng too hastily tiaforo a sufll- . clout InvostlKatlon could bo timJo. "It Is mi easy matter fora bank oxuinmor , " sold he , "to sco whether or not a savings banlr Is doing u commercial buslncM , and ho should irmlco It do olthar ono kind of business or the other. The banking department has lumped upon us about oxohango , chocks ana receipts , but admits wo tto as near rt Hnvlugn busmc-13 as possible. A now law , similar to that'of Minnesota or Michigan , should bo passed dclliilnir clorxrly the dutlos of ( Timmor- cinl and savings banks. A savings' batik , it Is true , should not bo permitted to do a com mercial business as It is unsafe nnd' jeolm-a- Izes the interest of a depositor on account of the difference in the capital stock roqulrod. and the manner In whloh the two loan money. I do not consider that-wo dp'rt ' com mercial business when wo receive , or oJisU a chock or bill of exchange. For Instance , John Smith U working for a firmwhichpays him monthly $100. Ho makes it n , point to save f5 a month of that amount ana ii doing business with us anddeposits Unit $35 each month in our savings bank. Say tha ilrm for which ho works does business yith a national or commercial bank , anddpaj's Smith his earnings in n chock on oijo of these banks. Now , do you thliild that , .ho U going to ono of tboso institutions , look up some ono to Identify him , got hls/'chcclc cashed and then walk porliaps n' half dozen clocks to como to the savings bank where ho does business and then deposit the SJoJ Not much. Smith will go to his savings bank , got the $100 chock cashed nnd leave the $35 deposit. Tbo bank oxamluor calls such transactions commercial business. It Is not , and wo don't regard it as such. It is simply an accommodation to a customer.Va roust do this. Then there nro savings de positors who leave their passbooks with us , and when they hnvo to pay out money Issue a chork If they can't leave their business. This is not considered commercial business among bapkors , but it seems that the bank examiner thinks different. " "Tno difficulty. ' * remarked W. H..Uussell , president of the Dlmo Savings bunlr , "U that ncrv b-nk examiner undertakes to construe -ho law In a now way. The law Is indefinite. Under the term savings Ba'nlc , as tlio luw iroviclCH , shall bo Included only such banks as do a savings business exclusively , paying out money on presentation of passbooks nnd certificates of ilouoslU , discounting and buy- ng no commercial paper. That is the law jut there's nothing in it saying savings > anks shall not receive checks. Buying or discounting paper Is altogether different , and s nil right. In Its crude form the law leaves too much for tbo imagination bv not saving what It intends to convoy or cover. As to .ho form of chock or receipt lot tbo bank % do- lartmont attempt to sav what wo hal , ) use mil it will llnd that It has no authority bv axv to proscribe anything of the kind. . As 'ar as our bank Is concerned no commercial justness is being transacted. " Arthur Mot7. , teller of the Herman Savings lank , said that no cheek business was' dona n bis bank. All passbooks had to'accompanv horn It thor were Issued. Ho furtUor said the bank did a commarclul bus ) it ess , but It was entirely noparato from that of tho-nsav- ngs department. "I think the sucgostlons bffcred 'bjr'Mr. ' SIcGrow. " ? alrt John Rush , prosTdunt f tbo Nebraska Savings and Exchange bank ; "and .ho lines drann by htm for savings banks to follow should bo strictly adhered , to , As far is I Know , the banks of Omahu 'have ( never infnncod on the rules laid down in tlio. bank examiner's circular. Wo do both a savings and commercial business , anil undoi' ' the Head of the latter wo issue cheeks rind'drafls. This has nothing to do with the pavings jank department of our Institution. ' Dexter L. Thomas , cashier of tho-sama ban lc. said that ho know of savings batiks In Omaha practicing the business complained of by the bank Qtaminar. Ho know of.cor- taln savings Institutions that retained -jiass- oooks ana.cashed chocks on thorn , Oy , thl.t action ho stated that ho could ROD no Injury bolng done as money was slmplv paid out on receipts which were nothing more or loss than nogotlahlo chocks. , Ho said : "Mv love I nm sorry to disap point you about the picnic , but my traitor has n lame foot. " Tnat's nothingf Wo'vo got plenty of Salvation oil. , / The IJotro'it Free Press Fiend has i boon ] iunnlng on Dr. Bull's cough svr'up. Ho is only gratitude , for all thinking men knpw Its merits. Exchangi. ' Till : Iti.VLTV MAKICI5T. i rNSTROMENTd Dlaooil on rosjrd ; M Mh 3J , WAIIUAXTY niJK.IJV. i O\V Dorsuy otnl to AJ McDonald. lot ; 5. llook'i. : Mnyno'ft IH ! ndil to Vulluy. . $ 75 I , H Hood mill wife to It 'I llundorjon. n'/J lot1. ' , blank 2 , llnzol Tiirrucu . . . . / . . . . . B 11 Ttilma'Jouud ' wlfo to .1 H Tluiruton ct nl , lotlM , block 17. orchnrd Hill IM A W lltiblior to K II Untlkln. loin70 to B. ' . Ints lot ) to I'.I I , Nortlml'lo udd , < 1 A ,1 I'oppletnu unil wlfu to I'opjil-eton P.irk liiilldliu iibnoolutlon , lot 10. block 2. 1'npplolou narc ! . . ' 000 I'upnlutnu I'in If llnlldln niaoolntloii to 1/cJ Hchvriilonborv , siinui 2,50X3 J O Tlpton iiiul wlfo to C M Kindred , lot U , block : ) . Armour. , , EOT Hiiinii to aaniu. lot-- . lluckuyu 1'lauo. . . . 7J J , \ II Thompson to H A llro.idwrll , lot 4 , 7 und b , block : . ' , Andrew & lliiinon'ij add . * . , , -,109 ni ) Van ( Viurt nnd wlfo to J I' J'omornyi lot 10 to ' 'I , 10 to l.\ block I , ItlrklmuHer A : llliiuior'nHiili . ' ' .On Josqplilno llurr nnd luuli.ind to Hans Wtdso.swnwin-10.il , , , IGOO " r and I M Onapinaii to li J " ' E A Loavmnvortli and wlfo to K II TIN fany , pros u Wtl tux lot U In utv no 15- li-Ib . , . , 40,000 Haino to siinil' . lot 4 , Ilock Trt , Oiualin nnd U ftadjolulll/ 53.0W K I < I'atr uk und wife to ! < ' 11 1'ntrlok , lee D , block n , I'utrluk'a hocoud SitratoKa add , . . . , 1,000 J 11 Thompson tq Otenoora Doom , lot. 5 upd'J , block y. AndrowH & llonsoii'a add 60) ) Hij. II I' ' Uocliran ( special nnutor ) lo t.oiil > Jlradford , 4'lxUI feet ausol-U-IJ 155 Hiinio to HUIIIC , 4lxKl5 foot , same - . 101 HiiineloJiaiiic. 41xl'JA feet , auinu , . , , Stulo of Nohrubku to UUIIH Wloio , so nw IG-lO-ll. , Total amount of tran fora. | DoWltt'8 Sarsapariila cleaqsai the plorJ , lucroascitho avipctitoand toaoi up tha syj- tom. It has banoHUod many iia have suffered from blooJ duovJcri. holpyou. d\so \ aso , treated a * aciolitad / porm'i nontly cured. No puhUcitv , No lullriri nry. Homo treatment , ffnrmless and ofluctual. llufor by porinlBsIoii to Bur lington Ilnwkoyo. bonrl 2o at rap or pninphlct Shokoquou Oliomlual Co. Uurllngton , In.