IT THE OMAHA DAILY BEKs : THURSDAY. MARCH 31 , 1892. HIE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Efforts t3 Got Wheat Up Yesterday Wera Entirely Useless. THERE WERE A GOOD MANY BUYERS Clrcitninlnnce * Were Ajnlnst tlio CrrcnU In M ny Kc i > crt nnil tlio Cloning Wn Anything Hut KncnurnRliiK for Holders Stork * nnil UoniU. CIHCAOO. III. , MarchSO.Vlicatmauolicrolo efforts to sit tip toJuy. Its strength proved hardly RUfflclcnt for tlio olTort , ami the at tempt hud to bo abandoned. There soomcd to bo a pee I ninny buying ordcrj at tlio Hurt , nwl for a tlino there wa a considerable dis play of vigor. The curly cables were con- Ktrucd liy nome M rather fnvorablo. capod-illy those from Jjlverpool , and , domestic nmrltots showing nn upward tendency , tlioro was n Rood deal of covering. KeportoJ inivro ex port engagements hero yesterday had n tendency to create strength , and caused shorts to cover , whllo Ilrnd- utrcut'fl report of a dosroaso In tlio available sutwlv last week of Ir : > ? , ' 0) im. was also rezardol ai a favor.iblo factor. Vho rocolpts for tlio day wcro only nlnoty- blno cars , or forty oars less than ostlmatoJ. whllo only ninety earn are expected tomor row May opened hiUUlv at from ! 4o to JJo lilKhoratfrontTO'ic ' to 70'jio but tlio advance brought out frco offerings. Tlio tone soon changed toono of wuukntiss , and before It o'clock the prlcm went off at from 7SS ! to 7uo Kaufniariii of St. l.ouU and the Now York contingent proved the host sellers. Tliolr of ferings were urgent and buyers soon lost con fidence. Nearly nil of the Into cables were weaker , and these from the continent wcio particularly depressed. I'arU ami Antwerp ivero both quoted lower , with the woiithcr In France said to bo fiivorublo and the wheat crop In flno rondltlon. Tlioro were nUo inntiy favorable reports from exports making the tour of tlio winter \vhoat country , diclarliiK crou damage ro- jiurls axniSBorntlons or cntlio fabrications. About noon tlio in irkctsoUl on to 7lH c. Tliu vonkness continued to rule during the closing hour mid May xtmriiiply sold as low as 70'i.c , unil olfoasy at7U ? u. Anew Centura was tliu < lecllnu In the pioiiiluiu on July. The pressure 1o sell that month was great from the south- WC3' on the line crop piospcots. and It fell from 1'ic over Aluy to only ' , { uovor. It was iilso discovered that a number of houses were liuvhiK May hut Helling an e < | iial amount of July. Unoof the Itomsof gossiplloatlngmound WHS that the MeCormick Harvester company nf this o ty wns iirran.'lng Ita plans for a crop Hourly equal to tbnt of Ijfit year. Heports Into In the day of cnsn sales of 500,00) ) bu. at Mlnnrapolls had no effect here. Dispatches vrero received today from the strait spying the Ice U breaking up and that navigation Mill llkoly bo opun by April 10. Thu corn trailing III Its course was almost a duplicate of thculioiit market. It stalled at nn advance for May of about 7ic , and made tlio best prices for ino day In thollrstfew mlti- iilns ot the xcsslon. b'omo of Iho iiarllos who wcro supposed to bo the heaviest holders uera sellers on the opening bulgn. Cudahy was said to bo letting his po nnil llarllell-l'ni/er were alsosud to have hold freely near the opening. Tlio lee il 10- celptn woio bvlow u.xpcctHllons , whllo Iho weather wns regarded as iiufavorub'.a Considerable oxcitemoiit prt < v llo < l In oats at the opening , the market lictng very ( Inn us nrosultof H mllnr conditions In wlioal and corn and the f.tcl that the iccoiptsero Ik-liter than oxpoctvd. Con-isulnian nnd lliirtlott-Frnrcr bought pretty free early , tailing about''Uii.Oi'1 bu. ouch and sending the jirlco to > Uc. Iiuto In tlio day Schwart/- linpeo punhasoU ( jultu u Una for Now York inn tics. Hog products wore the wen liest thins on the list. Icynn. Loan : and llatoloy were generous sellers , denim prices wcro nearly the low- Ht. May iiork closed at tI0.17M. as con < pircd with fll'iili : yesterday ; Mtiy lard ut S'l..O , iiuainst BI.UJ yojterday. and rlba $ ) .77J5 , com pared with J.1.7U yesterday. The estimated receipts for tomorrow arc : AVhoat , Ui cars ; 1U cars of corn ; 1U ) cars of o.its and 2T.UOO to ; i-,000 ' hogs. The loading futures ranged as follows : AI1T1LI.LS. CI.OHK. I1KIH. I.OVV. OI'K.V. WHEAT No. 2 Mnrch . , e 78K 73X Stnr . July . COIIN No. 2 Mnrcb . Mnj . , 4'JV , Juno . OAT.S No. . ' Slnj- . Juno . 28TJ MEhS 1'OIIIC- JIarcli . , 10 27) ) < 1000 lOO'i Mny . 10 < 0 1012W IU17H ! Mnrch . n ; 5 May . GoU 017H 02U SHOUT Kins Alnrch . BK ) 6S3 SIny . S 67i Cash quotations were as follows : I'uiuu Irregular. WHEAT No. 2 spring wheat , 78Xc ; No. a fiprliu wheat. T.I'No. . - red. 84c. "niiN-Stcady : No. , ! , aayci No. 3 , yellow , s No. 2 , ifiVic : February. 3Io ; No. 2 white. J'GL'il'ic : No. U white. 2W2iO4. : ! llVK-No. 2. 77'c. IJAlii.EV-No.-2 , 52cj No. a , SOSCOci No. 4 , 33 ® 1'fiAX SRCU No. l,07c. TIMOTHY SBKU I'rlmp , ll.22ffll.28. I'OIIK MOPS pork , per bbl. , fI0.0710.r : lard , per ex\t , W.17 : dry salted JoM5.57'/J ; nhoiililcrs ibnxoil ) . il..V'i.uO ; shurt clear sides ( boxed ) , M.l7Hi. ( ' . ( ) . WIIIBKV Dibtillcrs' flnUhca poods per sal. , Huotns Unehanscd. Uccclpts and shipments today wcro us fol lows : On the I'rodiicocxchango today the butter iniiKrtwnB easier : fancy creamery , 27542Bc ; line nestorn , ' . ' 45i.lOc : orJInury.OSi''Ilc : ( Ino dairy , saa.'Bc. liivs. fairly steady ut is&tsjjc. Ncnv York Murkrts. NEW YOIIK , March 3) ) . Ff.ouii Uecrlnts , no- 144 iikgs. ; exports. 4.U4 : hbls. and 0,777 Backs ; market heavy , Irregular und quiet ; sales , Sl- 000 bbls. UOIIN MRAI. Stoaily nnd nulot. WilUAT-Hocelpts. 57,000 bu. ; experts , 413.00 lii. ; siles : , n.'aO.OUJ Im. of futures and 101,000 tin. of spot. Hpot marUot uusott'od nnd lower , dull ; No. 'J red. OMJ < 2K31'c : In Htoro and olov tor8.00i < cG.lOOMj alloat , 08yc ® 1.00'4 ; No. a rod , OHVav.'o ; uniraded ted , Ss cfflJI.nOlij No. 1 northern , 07UOOSio ) ; Na 1 Imnl.USlioi No. 2 northern , lilUu. Options advanced lUo on Mnrch on covering und Uffl'/Jo on t'.io oilier months , with firm cables , forolKn buy ing , llrudstrcet'shtatemcntnf docroiisoil snn- jilh'3. larto clearances and light receipts ; de clined 2)io ) on Mnrch , with contrncts well aottlod , and Xftlfto on other inonthi. with lute cables weak nnd favorable weather ; and hi Trance , closing 2 o oir on .March and ? i lo on other inontln. No. 2 red , M-ireli , DM * ® U7'C. clnilnK utilise ; April , IHffl.3Mi ! ) ; , uloslni ; nt ( Met ilay , 01 3-llxai > to , oloslni at OIUol JIIIIP. WiWWiv , clotltu nt SO'iot , 81U-li5 . . . . < > 'lonlnu at fU.o ; : Autrust. 83JiQOOc. elos- lui : ut Kh\iu ] September. bHjjdtMllic , uloslni ; nt 6S3o ; Ducombor , lOl/fiUl c , closluu ut DOl/c. Itvr.-itllt ] ) western , bttit'JIiio , llAllt.KV Dull , lUui.uv MALT Dull. COIIN KeciMpls. lU.N5bu. : exports.R8.W4 Int. ! ales. GOO.IKIO bu , futures and ) bu. pnt , tjpot opened firmer , inoJeruto bunlnpssi cliis- liiK uaayj No. 2,4Ho lu olovntor ; &DO ullout ; un- KrmUtd mixed , 4S Vu ) : No. : i , Iho ; sionincr mixed. 48 010 0. Option ! ) advanced and ro- tlowni March , 4H > ; o ! Anrll , S'.iitiS'jci May. 47iii' , ulonuiKal 47o : Juno. 45fi < ( ( ; IT c. olosln ; nt 4AHui July , 4ftJ.iBIO'ic. oloblni ; aHOc. OATS Itocolpu , 74bOj bu.i exports , jy.MXX ) bu. ! : iles. 415.000 bu , futuius nod. 11,000 bu. spot , Knot , alow , heavy , wllito , 37UO.t8)o ) ( : mixed western , whlto western , ; H llo HAY Quiet , bteady. lloi'HVJrni , quloti stnte. common to choice , lOOMc ; I'aolllocoait , lUiianc. bilOAH Uaw , fairly active : firm ; sale ? , 21,103 lHK ) , cent rlfiiKulW test at J'ic , nnd 'Joo hags inoluses sugar. 89 test , at 2Jso , and to I'lilla- tlolplila 1.5K ) baas contract. 84 test , utSSc. Mot.ASBS-lollnod ) quiet ; foreign , dull : Now Orleans , quiet Urin. It I IK Fairly active , 1'KTiioi.f.UM Dull , lower ; Unltml. closed ntUofor April ; rollned ut Now Vurk , ( tiU ) ; rDrtnod. Inbuilt. WMJUtA COTTONHKKU OIL Dull. TALLOW Dull ; city , ( (2 for package * . * . KOBIN ( julot , steady. . Ktiu - PirnAestcru ! , la'ittlio ; rccolptv , 13- OCO pkss. i'oitic Quiet and steady. CurMRATS-titrong ; pickled ahouldcri , inlijilliih , dull tlorcUi : IO.3 iluVrcii Quiet , rattier eaiyt wcsteru dulr/ , lWJ2o : ncsicrn eronmory. SXtTOiicj ncslorn factory , IVJa tc ; Klnln. xus c. UMKR4K nrni , domnnd steady ; parlsklmi , Mil Oc. T'IO InoN tndctlvp tnoHcan.lH.lvaifl.S.V. CorpKit-Qillot ; lake , Jll.ltt bill , 111.03 n Upil I.KAii-Dillll domestic. tl.n bid and 11.23 ashed * Tm-Stoaay ; straits , t.0.80 bid and 110.03 St. l.ouls ST. I.OUI1. Mo. , March W. Pl.ouu Un settled anil llttlo doing. WHEAT Advanced early , then broKe nnd declined almost continuously to the end , dining nt ' .io for Mny nnd le for .Inly lower than yesterday. No. 3cnnh , KIM t May closed at M ! o : July , "H'.ot August , 77ic. ? COIIN rollowi-il nhoat both up and down and closed "ic below yostorlny. No. 2 cash , : i3Mo ; May. : iM43 VInly ! , asjio. O \TS-dash u.isy ; 2Sio ! bhl ; May , lirm ut cnue. Uyn-Dullnt7f c , llAiit.RV Oulot ; Minnesota Me. IIIIAN Dull and lower utr 2ft1o. llAV-Dnll : prairie , ( J.SOQ8.SO. LEAH rirnt. ( ! OIIN MKAI , Steady at II.8J , \VllISKV-lJlllot lit $ I.H lUnni.Ml Quiet nt fl'faso. ' luo.v COTTON TIKS $ i.vo.25. ' I'novisioNS Dull nnd loner. PoitK-l0.5)lJ.GJi ) ! for now , $3.70 for old. Diiv Su.TKt ) MEATS I.oasc shoulders , f4.GO : longs and ribs , $3.0. ) ! .shorts. ti.73 ; boxed lots , 15n more , lI.vcoN Shoulders , U.33 | longs and ribs , to.2oo 25 : shorts. uo. sun \u utiitri i HAMS $ J.03ID.'iO. llKCKlt'M 1'lour. 4.U3J Ibs.ihoat , 11.000 bu , : corn. IW.OJ3 bu. : oats , 2I.IXU bu , : rye , 1.UOO bu. : bnrioy , 4.1011)11. ) Sltit'MBNT * Flour. 4,0)0 ) Ibs , : wheat. 11.0,11 bn. : corn , I.M.OOJ bu. ; o.its , 20,03) bu. ; rye , 2,003 bu. ; barley , 1,033 bu. Omalm Produce Market. HIDES No. 1 croon s.iltcd hides , 44l'5c ! : No. 2 BTCOII salted hides , Ji'lUlHei No. 1 croon lidos. 2 > to. 4) ) Ibs. uailic : No. 8 green ild ( " < , 25 to 41 Ibs , i'OHic : No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 15 Uu. . lies No , 2 veal e Of , 8 to 15 llu , 4e : No. 1 dry Illnt lildos. 7Sc : No. 2 itry flint ildus , .VilOe : No. Idrrsaltol hides , filJGc. Tnl- ( iw. So. I. : i4lc ! ; t-illow , No. 2 , : iio ! : grease. whltoA. 4cj grease , whlto II. : iH ( l9ic ; crease , yellow , 3c ; grease , dnrlc , 24c ! : old butter , 2 ® J4c ! , beeswax , prime , lOes ronjh tallow , 1'i ' " ,2e. ,2e.FIIUITS California Illvorsldn or inzos , $2.7'i ' ® _ UO : Washington navo'.H. HOOI.2S ; choleo ap ples , M.ui ; clioko .onions. $100 : fancy lemons , I4..V.V3I 50 : bananas , crutod. J.MHO2.50 ; cran- icrrh'S. shipping stock , bushul boxes , $ J > ! slr.iwboirlcs 4'ic ( it : Florida tomatoes , } 0iJ ! ® " ,00 per crate of six uaskots. VKOKTAIILES Fancy Mnscatlno sweet pota- oos. $2.50.75 : seed sweet potatoes , $ . ' .t)0.25 ) ; JallfornU cabbage , 24e ! per tb. In crates ; lonio grown lettuce , 4Uo per doouons. ; . Kc5ll.09 ! per bu. : Nebraska handiilcUud loans , ; medium. $ l. ! > 'jI.OO : Cali fornia celery , $1.03 ; Colorado and western N'obrasku potatoes , 35n : native potatoes , 20 ® iio ; llmu beans , 4o per Ib. ; water cross . ' 4-qt. rases. 12'il5c ! per qt : spinach. SI.UO per jbl. ; Spanish onions. $ t.5i per crate ; radishes. 40o : rutabagas , $1.75 pur bbl. ; now turnips. Mo poriloz. Kaos General market , 10io. ! t HUTTClt-A Inrgo proportion of the receipts gent 10452lc : selected lots In a small way to the rot'ill trade at202lo. 1'out.Tiiv Good dressed chickens , lUllc : turkeys , ii313c. : GAME The market Is glutto.1 with ducks nnil prices uro most too demoralized to quote. Kansas City Market * . KANSAS CITV. Mo. , March M. Wncvr Was not materially changeu from yesterday : No. 2 haul. 7Jlje ; : No. 2 red , fcOSSIc. COIIN Firm , with no iiiotablo ] cbango In prices ; No. 2 mixed , locally , U3'UUc ; No. 2 white , 3li5'l5e. OATS ; teadyNo.2inI.xod ; , 27Sc ! ; No. 2 white , 2S c. KVE Steady ; No. 2 , nomliril at74c. FLAX SHED sSo on llio b.isls of pure. HHANVoil : ( ; backed , ( He. IlAV Stronget ; uholeo hay 50o stronger ; ; fancy prairie , $7.00 : good to choice. .0UH ( Huirzii Weak , but unchanged. EIOJ I'lrm to blither , lie. 1'i.oun Uiuhanscd ; litch pitcnt , $ i40 : pat ent. IJ.-.0 : cho co , Jl.M ) ; XXX. SI.UOai.70 KECEiirahcat , l.lwo bu. : corn. 1J.033 bn , ; oats. none.- Siiii'MUNrs Wncat , 7,033 bu. ; corn. 1,003 bu. ; o.its , none. Cotton Market. NEW YOHK , March : ! , Kiiturcs closed quiet and stoidy ; sales. 7.700 'jalcs ; March , ? OS.37 ; April , ( i.37 ; Mar. SC.t'.l ; Jcne. J0.58 ; July , IfdGO ; August. $0.74 : yoDtomber.4J.84 : October , IB.OI ; November. $7.04 ; Uoecinbor. (7.81 ; January. $7.2 * . NKWOiirEANSLa.March31.-Quiet and firm : middlings. ( l ? e ; low mlddllnes , A' c ; good ordinary SUc. Net , receipts , 3.07J hales ; gross , S.KM bales ; exports to Drltnln , B.330 bales ; to France , fl , 2 > bales ; coastwise , 8,003 bales ; sales , 3.450 bales ; stock. 377,000 b.iles. Liverpool Markets , r. March 30. WHDAT Steady : de mand poor : holders olTor moderately : No. 1 California , 7 .U percental ; No. 2. rod winter , 7s 7Hd7s SHd. COIIN Qulot ; demand poor ; mixed western , 4s O'.id percental. HEEP Extra muss , Os 3d pertlorco. HUTTCii United States , finest , U7s Cd per cwt. TALLOW Flno American , 55s 2d per cwt. Itrltlsh Tradu Itcvleiv. MASCnESTCH. March 30.--Tho Guiu lan In itscommuiulal nrtlclo hays : The decline of silver and eastern exchanges depressed the 111:11 : kot. Tnero have been a few eastern tran sactions at prlcos below these which ruled on Friday. There Is a modoraiu minor foreign business. Manufacturers , though anxious to tell , are not pressing. Yarns aiu neglcctoJ. Coilro Market. NEW YOIIK. March 30. Options oconcd steady , 10 to 1 > points down : olosoastcady. 10 to VJ points do\vn ; sales , 2(1,254 ( bag ; . Includ ing : March. JU.I'O ' : April. $12.80 ; May. JI2.V5 ® 12.60 ; June. $12.25U'iJ : ; July. JU'.l.r > ; August. I2.111'.MS. September. JI20I2,05 ; Decoin- bor. SII.'JO ® 11.U5. SpotUlo dull , nominal ; No. - , I.4V5. Iliiiaiiu SiiKiir .Miirlint. HAVANA. March M. Sugar quiet. It Is stated that during last week the cano ( lu st roy oil liv the Ures In the fields amounted to 2,8jOOJ ( arrobcs. 1'orelcn OH Murkct. LONDON. March SO. LINSEED OIL 33s 3J per quattor. I'ETiioMSUM Iteflncd , 5id ( per gallon , New York Dry OootU Markut. NKW YOIIK , March 30. Dry goods un changed , TnulcrV Till It. CIHCAOO. 111. , March 30. Counselman& Day to Cookroll llros. : Hpccuhitlvo markets opened actl\o and goncrnlly higher , but from the hturt Mjemocl to hare nothing hotter than sentiment to sustain them and that oozed out rapidly under hn.ivy professional selling on orders from other largo markets. Wheat opened UJ higher on scattered buying for u turn , Induced by receipts of lurgo purchases for export , but private advices quoted conti nental market depressed and crop prospects inoro encouraging In France , ulno In our own country , Although considerable cash wheat was reported takun In various lurgo markets fur export , receipts wore light and cloy ing public cables fulled to confirm early private advices. The mirkct ruled weak und closed heavy , ? a for May and ; Uc for July lower than yesterday. Corn sold early ! io to iu ( higher , nut on heavy soiling by longs de clined ' 40 and finally rallied on light call- in ut oil lucolpts , clo lnx iio higher. Oats tame and moro disposition to sell. Provisions opened staaily biilbecamudoprcsspilon heavy Belling by gialn opomtorj nn I declined 27 > ia for pork , 17'io for ribs nnd ! 2So ( for lard , elo > > - Intr with slight rallies on buying by pacUnrs. CiitCAno.lIII. . March 30. Kunnott. HopKlns A , Co toH. A. MoWhortor ; The fealuroof the markettoduy has boon selling of July , ap parently by Nuw York and bt. l.onls. This Is takun to show tlmt crop H'porto are moro favorablo. Foreign inarKeU show moro Btronctb. und thn now export engagements aruquito A prlvTito catilo claims that English stocks of who it and Hour will' hhoiv oiilto largo leduotlons this month. Huiiorts of considerable wheat huvlnx boon worked uro uurruiit , but. not wholly conllrmoO , There Is. lion over , no doubt that Inquiries are Increasing. OuUldo marknts ccnorully vlosed'weaker than ycstor- ( lay'forMny coin , but the Ktoam Is kept up hero and tno detl seems to bu well In hand. It toiuihoU the point yet mudn on the piconl boom , and closes higher than ycstcrJay , There was a moderate trade In o.ila with but llttln fluctu ation In prices. Provisions hud quite u relapse - lapse , the selling yesterday by packers hav- luj ; produced Its uliuct. STOCKS AM > IIO.NUB. TradlriE It Uhldcil llotworn Two Factions New YORK , March M. The operations In the stock miirUot today ilUplaycd u proof that there nro two parties In the speculation ana that they are for the present quite evenly di vided. Under tlio Influunco of these contend ing forces'.lie market was during most of the day feverish und uiibotllud , but the hulls Mud the aid of u free covering of yesterday's shorts and prices as u rule wcro wo'l maintained , The profcusloiiKl nuturo of the market , how- oxer , was tvjulii demonstrate 1 by the uttur stagnation \Tlilch followed the completion of the ventures of yosterJuy , accom- pitnlo'l by ulmiut ontlro cessation ot tradln ; , Nonhorii I'aclliuvau loui nut- muted thnu usual of Lite , whllo tesullo the atticl.a : upon It , Ilioro wus ilemuntl uuoiigh from thiiNhorU to kouu it. moving up ward af li-r the upunlng di-ollno of 'i per cont. bbarp unit short drives were tn.'ulo ut llio coalun > U ull cxcoyt ItuaUluit jrloldod iuii- lorlnlly on light tradlni , I.n l < aw nnn. Jersey Central nnd Delaware ft Hudson reaching lower prices than hive been peon for some time , but tha rocivor.y wns oqunlly It not more rapid thnn the drop and Intoino diillnoss markou the further ilbnllngs In these Mi ires. In thd rally which followo.l , however , Koadtng scored iiHtibstantlal itnln In company with n few other stooKs which have of Into been the object of xpeclnl bear pressure. The gr.-itucrc were given moro prominence today und St. I'aut again iiMiimcd Us old place ns lea'lor of the market In point of ac tivity ami In It , ns In the other prominent shares , the efforts at deprcslon wcto followed by u full iccovcry nun gains of small frac tions In mldltlon with the Industrials wcro comparatively nnglccted nii'l thi' low price sh ires were throughout bnrren of fcnturo. The open Ing of MID general list was made at fractionally lower llgurcs than these of lust o\onlng , but the covering of shorts wus on so Inrgo K scale that prices rose f om the first s'llcs. The continued sales for the short account , however , ulilcd by some liquidation of loii accounts kept the market throughout the forenoon Inn highly fexorlsh mid unsettled state , tnotuli prices udrunccd In the main , The forenoon was marked by u further Improvement , thoiuh the business done decreased to the smallest limits at ono .time , whllu In Itcadluir , the conlcri. Sugar nnd sonto other material gains were scored on u very mo.lorato trail I lu. There wns no setback - back nnd the market finally closed quiet to dull , but firm , generally nt iibout the best prices of the day. Ono of iho most prominent foituros of the Into trading was n sharp upward movement in Manhattan , which , after sollltu down IM per cent to JI.UJ. uno rapidly to HUM nnd closing with a to ii-Con of only 'j per com , Tliu ( In u changes are almost Invariably Slight gains , but Manhattan Is up a per cent ; Iliirllngton I1 , percent and Delaware .t Hudson 1 per cent. Government bonds have been dull and firm , State bonds buvo been entirely nojlcclcd. The following uro the uloslng quotations for the loading stocks on the New York SlocU exchange - change tnday ; Atchlson 17 uo pivluiri-il i.i Ailnnn Ktnrcss , . , . Ill .V. V Central lUX Alton , T. II 3- > N. V. , 0. A S < t. 1 , . . . . ISt-i AltonT. U. | iM. , , . Ill do iireferreil 8)i ) Ainprlcnn Kxproas. . 117 Ohio Mli > Bl. Mppl. . . . K3 Ml. C. H. AN 52 do preferred M ' Canada Tactile 1 > S Onlarlo 4 WoMern. 1SH Canndu Southern. . tO > < Ori'iion Improvcm't 21 Cvntrnl Tacltlc : > OH ( Ircnon Nnv 85 Chen. & Ohio Wl Orriton Trnni I4 > S do 1st preferred , . ( U 1'nclllc Mall Si do 2ml iircfcrrcil. . 41 uorla Dec. .VI ! . . . . 'S ' s Chlcnuo , V Alton. . . 117 -MtUunrtl I'JJ a , u.y H'TK I'nllman 1'alnio. . . I'.11 C. , C. . U , V ht. Ij 70 Heading KH Del. Ihulson 110 Hock Island K5) { Del. K A.W ! & ! > St. I * .VS. U Utpfrt Til l . AM. U. pfn W ! ( St. Pnul 7H < Knt.t Tcnni'snco . ' > ) ( do preferred ICTi ilo lut prcferrcili. ! I3 SU I' . , Mill .V .Mnn. . 1U Oo iml preferred. . 14 bt. Paul X Omaha. . . 47 ! { Erie lOVi do preferred. . ) . . . 114 do preferred . . . . " 3HS Tcnti. Coal A , Iron. . 4S Kort Wnjnc 151 Texas 1'nclllc 10 } ( Chi. A Kii t. Ill UIH Tol. .V O. Con. pfd. . S3 J Hocking Vnllej IW Union Pncllc 41 } HoiHton , v Texas. . . : i U. S. i\prcn : < (1 ( Illinois Central lom Wnbnsh. Ht. 1 , . .V P. . 11 SI. 1 > . , V Dnlutli l.'hj do preferred 2H < nn n , VToxa 15ii Wells Karito IC.x. . . . II ] .nke Krle.t West. . 2VH Western Union PT ? ( do preferred 75 Am. Cotton Oil oi.Vjj Lake-shore 1.1.1 Colorndo l.'onl o.llj l.oulavlllo , V Nnsli. . 72 llnme tnku 1,1 l.oulivlllo.t N. A . . 'JI Iron Mlvcr UJ Uomplil < A. Char. , fa Ontnrlo 41 ( Julckullxcr Wt .Mil. 18.4 W Ill do preferred HI do preferred 1.10 Sutro 4 Minn , A. St. U 10 llulncr . . . 40 do preferred VI ! Hlcli. 4. W. P. Ter. . . 11 Missouri Pficltlc. . . . i > 0 Wl consln Central , , lt'4' Mobile A Ohio 314' * 5 > I Niulivlllo Clmtt . . . S3 Trust . 1UH N. J. Central 1I8 hURnr Trimt . Norfolk & W. iild. . . 411 houtliorn I'aclllc. . . . Northern Pnclllc. . . ! B O. S. I. . A.U. N . 25 Vorth. 1'nclllc pM . . ( .1 1) . U. U. A. W. . 37 U I * . len..Vulf. ! . . 19 do preferred . 72 Norlhwcilcrn 1I1IUJ IMsl . \ . . ' bid The total sales of stocks today were S8V23 ! shares. Including : Atclil < = on. L'l.i.VS ; Krlo,23,243 : Loulsvlllo & Nashville. fi.V.IO ; Missouri Pacific. 4.23I ; Noithwoslern , II.BII ; Northein I'aclllo jreferrod , 2i'Jiti ) ; now Kngland , UH7i ; iload- ng. 2.-/.00 : Richmond & West 1'olnt , UI45 ; St. I'aul , 3J.OOO. rinancliil Kuviow. Nnw YOIIK , Mnroh 30. The 1'ost says : All things considered the piosont market Is a nat ural bcquenco to tlmt with which tliu month opened. It was obvious to all unblu ° ed ob servers nt the end of Fobiuaiy , und after the Heading deal had culminate. ! , that no mate rial upward movement wus contemplated. The bull manipulators wcro determined , liowevcr. not to let the market lapoo into Its normal dullness. Aided by the cnso of money and by the hys terically bullish condition of the average trader's mind they forced the market up sec tion by section. All this , vus very well so Ion ; as tlio manipulators were willing to hold tliolrstock ? , lint If they should undertake to self , there was nobody to buy but otheropera- tors. most of whom weio carrying already u fairly burdensome load. Outsiders showed no disposition to buy. London contlniioJ In the main a seller. This is the only explanation for the market's failure to respond to any ot the rnccnt announcement : , of good news. The "bull news" has come , but tbo buying force Is exhausted. Thu situation , as might easily bo surmised , has proved inviting to powerful bear adventurers. Now York Money Market. NEW YOIIK , March 33. MONEY ON CAIX Easy ut 15 ! to 2 per cent ; last loan closed of fered utpercent. . I'ltiMu MtsucANTJi.E PAVBH 4QC per cent , BTHIIMNO EXCHANGE Quiet , but steady nt JI.8UU for sixty day bills ana Jl.SSU for de mand. The doling quotations on bonds : U.S. lures . IHi .Uillmil Union LB. . . 107 V. ti. Is conn . 117 ! { N. J. C. Int. Cert 112 ! { U. S. 4 > ns ri-K. . . . 100 North. Pacltlc Uts. . . ll'H Pacific us of IB . 109 North. Pacific 2nd . 115 uoillshinn Blp'd 4s. . . 109R54 NortliwcBtcrn Con. . US remi. new set OB . HHI tNortuwtst ndcuSs. 107 Tenn. now uetts . Ull M. L. .t 1. M. Cen. 5n 8C > Toun. new set Xs . Ullo'J at. I , . , t f. K. ( ion. M IIW Cnnadn &o. 2nds . . . 10J t. I'nnl Consols. . . K" , ' ( Central Pacltlc Uts. St. P..C. It PHC. lats 113 I ) . & II C. lets . I'ex. P.IJ'lr. Hcts M < { I ) . A , It. ( i. 4s . Kl'-j Tex. P. ll.ll. ' 1 r. Hcts ais < KrloZnds . Union 1'nclllc iBta. . 107W M.f K. A. T. ficn. ds. . \Vestblioru . . . 10. ) it. , K. A T. Hen. 5s. . l ) . .V H. li.Y. . Ists. . . 7'J bill , f uskcd. I'Tiinncliil Notes. PAKts.Murch 30. Three percent rentes , OOJ o for the account. Nuw YOIIK , Muieh 30. Clearings , 1100,357,000 ; balances. $3,419.0X1. KANPAS CITY , Mo , March 30. Clearings this duy were ei,433US2. MKMIMIIR , Tonn. , March .10. Clearings , JJO'iG ) ; : ; New York oxcliiuigo helling at par. IlALTiMOlli : , Mil. . Mutch 30. Clearings , $2,070.000 ; balances , . ' 84,000. UutoO per cent. I'llli.ADP.i.iMilA. I'll. , March 30. Clearings , $ tli , < i7..OU ) ; balances , tl,041,200 ! ; money 3 per cent , ifJCiisNATi , O. , Mnrch 30. Money. 4So3 pc.- cent ; Now York exchange , r > : Ci75o discount ; clearings , $3,144.20) ) . HOSTON , Mass. , March 33. Clearings. $12.603.- OjO ; balances , $ I,7IHOJO. Money. 2 per cent ; ex change on Now York , COo discount. ST. Louts. Mo. , March 3J. ClotiHugB. J3COO- 155 ; buluncos. } U5iU07. Money , OQ7 per cent. Exchange on New York , -)0 premium , NKW OULUANR. l > a. . Mnrch -Clonrlnps , tl,40JH'13. Now YOIK exchange , fie per { 1,000 promluin ; bank , porfl.OOU premium , NKW YOIIK , March 3J. [ Sucolul Telegram to TIIK HUB. ! Kxoh.ingo WUH quoted us follows ; Chlcatro , lOSWo discount ; lloston , 2jo dis count ; Ht. Louis , 23u premium. CIIICAOO , 111 , , March : u. Money onsy at 4135 percent. Clo.irlnzH. $13.020.0 10. Nuw York ox- uhuneo quiet ut IOWo discount. rJtorllng cx- cliiinzo quiet nt 14.80 for sixty-day bills , (4.88 for demand , London Stock Market. [ Cop/rfo/inl/S9Jj7 | / ( Jjmu OonltnJennctJ.1 LONDON , March 30. I Now York Herald Cable Special to Tin ; llnis.1 The sotthmiont huschlolly cngaucd attention In Iho Ktock Kxuhnngu tod.y und bus been brouxht to a Hutlsfactory conclusion , no dtlllculllos having been reported. Consols Impiovcd ) i percent und Indian rupee paper Is also H per cunt hotter. loreluu fiovornnient securities huvo been moro or loss firm ull day , duo to thn strong tone of the con tinental bourses. Although dealings have been lostrlclcd , ull International stocks huvo iixperlenccd un ndvanco moro or less ( ippreclublu. Homo railways have boon most Inactive tlio whole day , Weekly tr.illlo sta'.o- iiiunta mo not worbo than expected , especially hb they romparo with other \\ooks of lust year , with ono or twooxoufitlonH , The tone ut the close wus rather fatmiahlo but cltungos cstabllhhcd lu pilcos are few und of no particular Importance. Nortli Ilrlt sh picfonod IIIIM given way . per cent : sliulllold deferred a per cent , whllo several otluir uro ii to U per cent higher , The market for American railways bus been llttlo belter than In u stale of collupot ) , bulling huv- Ing been very persistent , lloiihsurlng ud- % lceii regarding the lierlng son dlsputo and the defeat ot the silver hill causes consid erable surprise. Money ha * been moro wanted today In connection with thn Block exchange requirements. Khort Ioans4iuvo been chutgcil -4 ! to. l per cunt , hut ut tlio cloio him be-on ob tained ut 2 to 2)t ) percent. The discount murkct Is easier , two and three months' bllln being quoted atK \ to'i \ per cont. LONDON , March 30. Thu following were the Louilon btook quotations closing at 1 p. m. ; ex dlv. --4U.i ! : \ > ur cent , Halo of illhfotint In open innrltot fur both chort and three ii > onth ' bliu ISiilii nuruunt. Tlio amount of bullion u-ono lul tdo Hunk of KiiKliiud uu bulunuo toiluy A.l > 00. llottoii htock .Marliut. liosiOM , Uuk . , March 30.-Tbo following I.IVU STOUK MAUKUTS. Cattle Moro Actltonul SIlRlitly Active hut l.oivcr. OMAHA , March 3) ) . Three days' receipts foot up ( I.OV2 cattlo. P. IBS hois and l,07rt sheep , against 0,007 eattlo. 7,0.'i boss and 3,110 sheep the first half of last week. The supply of oaitlo was about the sntno as Tuesday both In quuntltv and quality , llusl- ness was only moderately actlvo und prices , whllo no stronger than Tuesday , Irivo ad vanced so far tills week from r > c to lee on do- filiablo grades of beef steers. Shipping nnd export buyers did a good share of the trading , but local dressed boot men were not slow In taking hold am ) a fair and reasonably early cloirunco wasclTocted. Good 1,250 to l.fijj-lu. beeves sold from W.01 to tl.OJ : fair to good 1,003 to 1/1 W-lb , steers train M.40 to ( .1.0 ; and common light grades from SI.20 to $3.40. The trade In butchers' und emitters' stock was fairly lively with prices steady to strong in all grades. Bales wore mostly of snmllodd tmnches. sonlo of them as huh us from 11.21 to MM. but from $2.75 to Jluu bought tho'TIouter part of the good block. Fair to good cows sold from $2.15 to $ . ' .01 , and canncrs nd In ferior loth from (1.23 uu to (2.00. Hulls , oxen und staes were about steady ut from ( MB to fL25 , Calves wcro In small supply , good du- mand and nominally quotable at from $ -,03 to S5.25 for common to choice veals. There was considerable doing In the stockdr and > fcoder line and prices In general were firm. Country orders were good und regular dealers were willing to take all they could get. Some of the , commoner stufTsold from 1,1.01) ) down to ( A75 , but from JJ.l ) to U3j bought the bulk of the offerings. It Is a little early \\osterns.but thcro wcro several loads ot buy fed stuff hero Unit sold fioni W.23 toSJ.4S. Representative sales : STEE1IS. No.Av. I'r. 'Kb. ' Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4. . ! ) IJ $320 ar.12.13 $ J 45 4 .U8J $ .1 03 0 ! 1.1 a - . 1..1I70 34' 2J. ll'J.I 300 10. a a 2. ) 5.M31S 3 45 19..UI2 3li5 lO.Mi a ao 3 4" (8. . 1232 3(1 ( } 11..1000 a 39 ui.i 3 41 ( 41..1W7 a ; w > I'.1. 070 il 5J 54 ! 37J ' .IIS a : u tUt.1153 ! 353 .I7..124I 3 75 IOOJ a : iri MU.10. ; 8 3 5) 13. I'M ' iona a. 43 ' 3 50 21 OSJ 38) a 40 ,20' , ; . 1337 3 59 20..1481 3 l > 0 10. .1010. a 40 SQ'.llO ) 3 50 14..14' ' 3 IK ) 1114 a 40 nr. 1211 353 13..134' ' ) 3 01 14. lira 3 4r. 20..1038 355 VI. 134 ! ) 3 ! T > 10. . 10.0 34.-1 05..1137 35" > W..H57 40J is. im a4" ! . . 122(5 ( 3 GO 0..1015 409 11. .112(1 ( 3 45 SIEEH8 AND IIEIFCH3. 2. . C03 3 23 COWS. 3. . 413 1 23 14 .107i : 2 40 1..1320 2EO i no I..1010 2 43 ! . . 870 2 SO R.H ) 1 5J 1..10BO 2 40 13. . U5S 280 853 1 SO 1..112I 24" 2. . OU5 2 BO f,75 1 M 1. . UOO 2 53 ( i. Jl'43 280 S. . 037 1 70 1 .1010 250 0 . 1)7:1 ) : 285 2..10JO 1 75 1..1130 253 0. . bOl 285 2. . 030 1 75 1. . U40 25U 1..11U ) 285 2..1000 1 75 10..11CJ 2 00 8..1157 2a" 3..1033 2 00 I..IOJO 205 10..1U01 2K5 1..1030 2 OJ 1 ! ) . 1033 8 Ki 15 , 1033 283 3. . 043 203 0..1033 2 G5 I..IOUO 283 1. . 810 2 01 1..123) 2 03 1. . 01U 200 3. . 1070 200 1..I203 2 70 I3..10J7 20J 1. . 010 2 UO 3..111)2 2 75 2 . 855 200 3. . 8211 2 DO 1..1IOO 2 75 I3..10J7 20J 10. . .1.14 2 10 1 .1110 2 75 B..1040 203 1. . OJO 2 10 1..12IO 2 75 13. . 1001 205 IB. 735 2 10 1..10U ) 275 2"J. . OOb 300 2..1075 2 10 0 .1120 2 75 18..1070 3IU 1..I170 2 IS 1..1100 2 75 fi.,1120 auo 10..1033 2 in : i 109 i 2 75 0..10S2 : io- , 1. iioo 2 35 1 130 ! 2 75 1..152J 32. ) 8ou 2 : < n 2 .1ICO 2 75 4..1212 325 850 2 33 14. 1035 2 BJ 4..145-J 35J HEIFEIIS. 4. . 523 2 10 31. . 724 3 00 CALVES. 3. . 223 4 00 HULLS. 1..1490 1 G- 141)0 2 35 1. 1IM 275 1. . 710 2 1 ! ) 1140 2 4J 1..1230 275 1..1 03 2 13 1210 2 40 1..14IU 2HO " 1703 2 SO 1..I833 283 l"l370 8 13 483 2 50 1..1KJU 300 2.12 ( > 0 2 15 1010 2 53 3. HUG 300 2..1575 2 20 1 .1053 2 lu 1..11,10 3110 1..I3BJ 325 1..1220 'fi5 3. . 1070 325 1 .1503 2 25 1..1180 2 75 2. 8S3 2 33 - 6TAOS. 1.1220 225 1..1300 303 2..1100 310 1..1533 2 83 1..I010 3 00 STOCKEIIS AND FEEDERS. 1. 010 275 23. . 710 3 1) ) 47. . 021 323 2. . 703 2 75 3. . 717 3 10 1 1170 325 17. . 551 285 10. (111 ( 3 HI 5..1054 325 1. . 7UO 3 ( K ) - ? " 070 3 15 II ) . U74 330 i. 020 : i oo , ' ' 770 3 20 13..lllli ) 33) 2. . UM 3 (10 ( I. . 783 321 M..ll:0 335 870 3 00 15. . 844 3 20 20. . bOJ 333 84 I 3 OJ 2i. . on assji 45. . HJ.'I ai3 ; 1. . 510 3 00 1. . 070 H 25 I. . 85) 335 1. . GOO 3 10 12. . 0-5 3 25 7. . 1078 335 1. . 7VO 3 03 2. 855 3 25 O..lin4 3Xi 2. , 705 3 00 & . . 848 3 25 2 . . CKi2 335 3. , 770 303 1..1100 3 25 3. . bSJ 335 4. . 700 U 10 CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. .a feeders 1172 $125 84 Bteors. hayfed 12J2 345 MU.KKHS AND SPUINflEIIS. 1 cow und oalf 20 00 1 springer 2800 lloos The fooling was rather bearish when the market opened , owing to unfavorable re ports from Unlciigq but the supply wan too light and thoneninnd too good to admit of any furious decline. Ilotli local fresh moat men and shippers wanted good light and butcher weight hogs and bought thorn freely and mostly boned ut from * 4,55 to $1.03 or a shade to no lower than Tuesday , Heavy and mixed packers were ula'Wjs.iln at a gooa Co decline , iho hulk solllniullf4.4J totl.&ii , Hovcral loads ot this class olJfhogs remained unsold on which buyers wurudoinamllngu concession of 5 to lOo from Tuesday's prices. Hu'oi were lurgov ] ut frotiUfL.VJ to 9i.X > , agulnst (4 53 to tl.iiO Tuesduy. with the general u\orago of prices paid KI,5.1iJigalnst(4. ! > 8U Tuesday and JI.51 Wuclnesdny ot lustwcclt. Kcprescntutlvo sales ; jf No. Av. Bli. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. , .230 SJ (4 40 fit 20(1 ( 120 $45.1 32200 4 40 &l 207 120 445 " ni : t2 200 54 1U7 83 451 M 3.T ! 28) 07 2(1 ( ! 40 455 70 22J naW M3 22il 455 fal 2W W ) 4 M 00 251 203 455 GOA . 200 H ) .4 50 GO ft ! ! ) 12J 4S5 ( A , . .230 40 08 2U M 455 71 120 78..100 4) 455 83 , 23 ! ) 8J f.8 20) 120 45.1 G4,28) ; ; ; ; 2 i HI..V77 100 455 00 323 tO 8J 2111 JSO 45.1 01..240 2)0 ) C8 234 4) 451 B5 , , . . 211 123 4 .V ) HI 21.1 1W ) 45,1 Hi 241 120 4 f * 01 2711 12J 451 m 28.1 12) 4 S3 f > U 202 83 155 OJ 3J7 2W 4 f-0 OI..WI7 2JO 451 03 271 IGO 4M 8.1 20H liO 457M 9 BS.I 4 50 lil 270 463 50 270 120 4 51 40 4IX ) 50 , 2AI 80 4 M oa,222 ; ; 40J 4J 4 51 40 400 " " ' ' ' ' " ( u""uTt ! ! ) 4 M . . , . 43 40) 75. . . ; ; aii 120 4 55 1'ias ANDiiounus. 1. . . 170 203 5 . 372 8) 410 20 , . , . . 8. ! 3 UO 2 . 453 M 410 4- . . , . . | O 323 II . 'MJ 8'J 410 O . 12.3 32.3 13 . V8. ) 200 413 o5l ; ! ! 115 2lO 375 a , , . .3il 413 . . . , . 1)8 ) 4 00 1 . 3JO 4 13 ' 1JO 40) 5 . IBS 120 420 ! : : : . ,3bO liO 410 2 „ , .32.'i 40 4 * 0 i. . . aao - o , . . , .310 bo 4:5 Tlio only slicop received , two double westerns , were billed direct U ) Kwllt A ; Co. und not , offered on the nuirkoU Local houses are Imiulrlns uflor dohlrahlo muttons and prices tire full atroii/ . Quotation * : I a rte to i-iiod native * . Jl SOiM.Mi fair to cnod west- urns , 14 UU&5.75 ; common and utoul , khocp , 2..t & 1.0 itrootTto ; choice 40-1 b , toUXU , lambs , I4.r0 ao.50. Iteecljitnanil DUposltlou of Klucli. Itccelpta ut the Uulon SlocU yards , South Dmaln , Neb , for the twenty-tour hours end * Ing nt 5 o'clock p , in. . March 30 , 1&U. CUM. Cnrn. Ilrnd Curo. i llesd , 4IX ) ntsrosmo.v. I'ATTI K. linnlin I'ncklntrCo IlieO. II , Ilnmmond Co , , aim Hwlft A Co HX ) ? ThoCndnhy I'acklne Co. . m " SJ .lohn r. Squires A. Co. . . . . I."l3 "perry A II 431 White , r.&D ! * liliicrii | | nnil feeilcrn. , . . 1,478 leftover. . . wo Totnl. J.785 .lxo Stock Market. CIHCAOO. III. . Mnrch 3J. iSpcclal TolcRrain to TIIR linn. ] The catllo market nmdo u Kalii In Btmmli today , the avcranci ot prices liolns fromfic to lOo lilRlier than for Monday. The Improvement was duo to tlio fact that the tmlv.'iU for toJay were much lo t than win o\pcctcd nnd that the supply for the re mainder of the wcok promise' ) to bo cones- pondltiKly ll lit There was n fairly nctlvo iiiovon.cnt In nil grndosoxcout heavy steers. Ihcy were neglected , as has been the case for sonic time past. Trading was on it basis of f rum f.L 10 tn J.Vli ) for very common to extra steels , from $1.M ) t' > $ : i.51 for Inferior to extra cons and hulls , from $ . ' ,25 to $1.73 for stool013 und focdors and from $ J.uo to $1,00 for Texas cattlo. W.tlt nearly twlco as many hops as for Tues day , the marUot worked uaslor. It was nut much lower than ut the close of yesterday's nir , but It wns olT from that day's opun- Inq ( itiotr.tlons fully troiu rote lc. Ifoavy and medium weights saRRod to from $4.40 to 11.83 nnd llRht weights were elf to from $1.50 to $1.83. At tint ranRo thoto wus a Rood dcRrco of activity , shlppors csnocl.itly buylnc freely. Thorn were s.ilcsof culls at from } . ' .50 to (4,25 and u few xory line heavy and medium wcUhta fetched from $ l.87'i ' to $ UM. The bulk of the business \vas at from ? 4.70 to $4.83. Trade In shcon was not so brisk as on some recent days , but It was actlvo enough to ex haust the supply In coed season , and ut full prices. The fact that the arrivals were llRht checked itny tendency to weakness , the fcel- itiu' boltiR ( Irm nt from 13 00 to i0.5J for poor to o.Mra iiuullty. Sales of InmbsorooniibaslA of from J3.75 to$7.CO. Itucclpts were : O.iltlc , HOMi hogs , 20,000 : sheep , ( I.OJO. The KvonlnK Journal reports : CATTI.K Hccclptb. 13,000 ; shipments 4.001 ; nmrkct steady to strons : coed to uholeo stcor . f.lR3 I.H24l ! others , W.SVai.80 : : Btockors , f2.UU.1.23j To\ans.l.4t'l. j ; cows , ? lV ) f.'l.20. IJH-Kcooipt3. ) 27,00) ; shipments. 12.001 ; markotlouor ; roiiRh and common , $ > .104.i3 ; ; U'icKors and mixed. $4.5V&4.75 : pilmu heavv and Iiutcher3'$1.7i3l.8. ' > ; llRht , $ l.70l.bO ; pl 9 , 4 2MSJ4.70. SIIKKIllecolpts , 0,003 ; shipments , 1,010 : market slow , weak to lower : owes , Jl.00i5 ( 4.75 ; tnlved. t3.50O5.75 : wothcrs. 8.3.50S0.15 ; lambs , $3.SJQao5. Now York T.l\o Stock 'Market. NEW YOIIK , March 30. HKKVUS Hccolnts , 1,447 head. Including 10 cars for sale ; market llrm. Natlvosteurs. tl.IOfi3.OJ per ewu : Colo- rados. J.1.K.VBI.OJ ; bulls and cons , $1.33 2.00 ; Dressed beef slow ; liGtSc per pound , fchlpmonts today. 145 beeves und 0o5j quarters ot beef ; tomorrow 214 bcuvus , 30 nhoop and 1,303 ( juart- ors of beof. UALVES Reeolpls. 2,074 head. Market very dull ; vculs , * i.50.OJ ) per 1UO Ibs. ; skim milk calvos. U 0iaii.50. ( : Hiii'.r.p UccointR 2.0SI liorul : slioop steady ; uiibs , ! jc per II ) . hlzher ; slice p. $3.0i@i.50 ( per 100 lb . ; Iambs , $ T.Ki7.r.SK ( : ( Tressed mutton steady. OOlJiio per Hi. : dressed lumbs steady at 1 ® llc. Iloos Uccelpts , 0.2'fthoad , conslcned direct ; nomlnully stoudy : xtl.'JJii' > .5i per 1JO Ibs. Knnstis City l.l\o Stock 'Mnrltnt. KANSAS CITY. Mo . 'March 30. CATTI.C Kc- cclpts , 3.400 ; shipments. 1.000 ; steers were actlvo and steady to lOc lilclier , cows and feeders steady to tioniz ; dressed beef and bhlppln : ; steers. $ I.Hi/l.50 / ) ; co\vs , $ l.5'j1.25 ; htockers and fcedcis. &I.OOS3.05. linns Houolpts 0.700 : uhlpments , 3,903 : mnikct wns actlvo und 5u to lOo lower ; ull Rrudcs. J.J.5031.50 : bulk , $ l.4Ul,50. f-liKEf Hocelpts. 1,400 : shipments. 1,830 ; the market wus fairly active and steady. St. I.oilU Il u Stock Market. ST. Louis. March 33. CATTI.K Receipts , 1,300 head ; .shipments. 3,0 head ; btroiu ; fair to eholco native b tours , J. ) 00(24.5 ( J ; Toxun and Indian steers. $2.4'J3 ' G' . lions Hccolpts , tl.7ill head : shipments , 810 head ; lower ; heavy , $ I.G3@4.HO ; mi.xed , $1.00 ® 4.70 ; light , $1.53 4.55. WKSTKKN PACKINti INTiiliSTS. : Oft' In Numbers but Increasing In Weight. CINCINNATI. O. . M urchin. f Special Telegram to Tun I1EK.1 Tomorrow's 1'rlco Current will say : lie turns for the wcuk Indicate 175,000 IIORS handled by western packers URnlnst 2115,00) lastyear , making a total of 730.0JO since March 1 , uaulnst 1,103,000 a yeuruRO. The total winter packing In the west Is 7.7U1'J03 hogs , or 412,000 decrease as compared with lust year. The avor.igo weight Is nearly eight pounds heavier. I'acklnzat loading places operating com pare since March 1 us follows : _ I 1KU1. Chicago 30J.UXI 47U.UM Knnaas City. . . 101,0 U 128,000 Umnhn. . . 73.10) II 0,003 ht. t.onla Incllnniipolla. . S..tXJO HI.OUO Milwaukee. . . . 1UVJO 37W ) Cincinnati SOIXX ) 3.1.0JO Cedar ItupldH. 20.01X ) 29.0JO' rllonxClty 11.000 31,000 Wichita 10,000 2UOOO All others n. ' , ati irotuo YOUN& THEOLOGIANS. Stiitlcnts of tlio I'rcsbytorinn Soinlniiry to Ho TeiKlrrrd n Jtcrcptlon , The six younc men \vho liavo completed tlio llrst year's study at the Omnhu Theolog ical seminary took the closing examinations In Hebrew yesterday at the Second Prnsbytcrlan church. The examinations were conducted oy Rev. W. W. Harsha. D. D. , Uov. Stephen Pholps. O. D. , Rev. John Gordon , D. D. , and liov. Sterling , P. D. , professor of Circok. The class consists of the following ; youcg ministers : D. C. Kwanlc , Alexander Lither- hund , E. A. Enders , G. A. MuEwnn , K W. Slmonds and B. DKolloy. . The followinc visitors were prnsent : llov. J. T. Uairdof Plattsmoutu , itov. T. C. Smith , D.D. , Clarlnau , la. ; Kov. E. N. Curtis , D.D. , Lincoln ; Hov. John Fleming of Hastings and Hev. B. F. Sharp of YorK. This evening the class will bo ten dered a reception at tno Second Presbyterian church. Addresses will bo delivered oy Hon. Warren Swltrlcr , Hoy. J. U. Slonn , Dr. Stephen Phelps , Prof. Bell and others. Kxcollent musio will bo furnished und a pleasant time will bo provided for all who feel interested In the nuccsss and progress of the seminary. The fall term will bogln September U. The directors hold a incotltiK yesterday afternoon to look over and decide upon plans for the handsome now bulldln * atbey- mour park , which will ho well under way by tbo close of the summer. "Wonder liow Jumbo would like to take Joliciin IIolT'H Malt Extract wltli , every meal ? I love il. Hatninn Faya tlmt it is building mo up after my lust spell of Bickness. I must try it on Jumbo. Ilo is Hick. One of liia legs iaout of joint. But only the genuine none of the imita tions for me. " Tlio gemiino comes m squatty bottles nnd has tlio nignaturo of "Jolmnnlloir" on the neck of every bottle. EiBtier & Mendelson Co. , Solo Agents nnd Importers of Mineral Wat- era , 0 Barclay street , Now York. JAKA.NJ3SJS CURE A new an1 Complete ' 1 runliuent , tonBltlliiic P | fiupuoillorlfi , Oiunnonl In Cupiulei , aUo la llox nnlll'llU ; a Po lllvo CUM for Mnsru | . Internal llllnd or UluuJliu Ucliln. , CUrunlo , Uoouiit or llciudltarr I'llct. 'llili HoiuoJjr liai novnr tiuuu known to lull. (1 per Uji.d forli : iant U/ will , VVu/eullur frurn llil larrlblo ( ll oa i wbann writ- lea cu.irauiuo U puDlllvely ulruu with tfbjx 01 , or return ! Ihe uioiiur H not ouroJ. Bon.t iita-np tor free Buruplo. liuiraatuo luuuJ br Kuli4 ( .o , UrucL't'l * . ° ' 0 AuvuK , torajr lith kill OuuxliM Hul , Omaha , Noli. OMAHA Manufacturers' ' and' " AWNINGS AND TBNTS. OMAHA T HT .V AWH- . WOLF BROS. > V CO. IND COMPANY. Tentd , nwnlnuf. Inrpnii KIIB | , liniiiiiiockv oil nnd lln , cavern of Ml klndo. rnMier clothing , feml fliiKd. tmnnrn , etc. S < cnd for c.itnlonne.TOS . Ibth BAGS AND TWIN US BEMIS OMAHA BAD GO BISHOP CO. ? l i\l , nmnllln. eotton Importer * nnil mrfn. ( lour rnpe. lininp , Jnte , cotton tncko , liirln | ' , twine. ton lwlne , tnrrrd cord' ilnup. rtd 1H S. Hlli ft. BICYCLES. | BOX US. H.C.TODD , M.O. DAXON Siiccci'or toJ.J.YIIX - , ' ' cnron. M'l'n clKnr , ) > IHT old na monthly imcl > lnK IHIIO * . All novel payments. 1M.N. lies In l > nx line 1110 lkmuln M. BOOTS AND MORSE-DOE SHOE 03. Il'JJ ' lltm-inl Slro ) ' , . I'r.clory earner lltlinnd DoiiKlx utrooti. \Vo nrnnmtilni clu o prlsoi too till b.ijofi , m t * ro rolllnu n clisl of uoolt which U Tory silo- nslowlfi incrolnntl. KIRKENDALl , JOKES & AMERIOAH HAND SEW CO , , ED SHOE CO. Whnlesnlo Mfr . \centn llootii. Mioe ? , inhtiori llooton ItnliberSlinut'o , leltKOOda. 1XII ! ( , Illir- IIW , 1IUI. UOIllnrne > .Kt ncy Bt. BIIKWKUS. JOS. SCHLITZ BREW- IND CO. , S. Dili nnd Lenvcn- worth 81" , Oiimlni. Jolm MnrhoM'r. A Us. CONFHCriONERY. VOEOELE DINNINQ MfrK Conifeclloncra nn I jobburN uf ItirclKii n d domestic fruits , 1110 llownnl t. CAKIUAGK TOPS. COAL , COKE , CORNICE. OMAHA COAL , COKE & fAQLE CORNICE WORKS LIME CO. , Mfm. KnlvnnlfPil Iron . K. eornlce , window cnps , Ilnrd nnd soft tonl. ft . mulnllc hkyllulitft , etc. . lull nril DouKlnit- ci r. . . Bt3. 1110 , CLOTHING. BIOTCHKY& . COHEN , I OIIMORE& RUHL , C , notionfurnish jnmlfr8 | nn , | nliolcial IIIKK. ( itvu us i > trial tlotlilere. IIW llnrney SanipU't prepaid by ut- Mrect. prL < < . 111.1 llnrncy. DRY GOODS. KILPATRICK-KOCi : M.E. SMITH & CO. , DRY QUODS CO , , Dry KOOdn , notions , fur- nlsblni ; KOoiN. Corner KUOH ) Cor * llth nnd Hounrd btn. llth niul Moxuira ht. ELECriUCAL SUPPLIES FURNITURE BEEBE&RUNYAN FUR- HITURE CO. , Crnco nnd Thirteenth Btrccta. GROCERIES. DRUGS , Kt& D. M.STEELE&CO. , BLAKE , BRUCE & CO. , 1201-1.05 Jonca street , 10th nnd llr.rucy streets , Onmlin. Oniuhn. GRAIN. S.AMC WHORTER , 21. ' ] Hi ! of ( Jrnde Ilrokcr In uniln. etc. 1'rhato wire to N V , Clilcano mid bt l.ouls. HATS , ETC. GATE CITY HAT CO W. A. L. OIBBON & CO. , Ilnti , rapstraw rap\ llntn , , ulrnw . ' cnpe - , mlttpni.Owni'rs Klove-i ulovcH , mittens. Uth telubrnted ( into ( Ity liat. lllli nnd Itarney. and Hiiiney. HARDWARE. RECTOR & . WILHELMY LOBECK&LINN , CO. , Denlers' hnrdwaro nnJ Corner IQtU nnd Jnckeon mechnulcV tools. fctrcets. KOI Douglua Street. LUMHEIl , OHAS. R. LEE , JOHN A.WAXEflEUD llnrdwnod lumber , woo 1 ciupoH nnd Importot Amorlem l'orn lin leo'iient , MllwAtilia lirdrftulle cement nnd Ctliniul DoiuHi. Qiilncy wliltn ll-nc < . OYSTEUS. OVKUALLS , SIJIHTS. Kl'C. KINQ&SIMEAD , ROBINSON STOKESCO Slfru of "If \ S" imntf , llfru cololirnloil "lluck- Klilrl nnd o\ernllnetc , Bkln" OTpinll . limit , 011-18 S. llthBt. nliIrK uuats , etc. hunt . , Unmlin. t'j PRODUCE COMMISSION. iatnbllslied : , 1S73. BRANCH & CO. , WHITNEY & DO. . 1'roilnce , friiltii of t lliitier , CKKS nnd poultry fjn , . . . HIT H. Uth-ut. KIRSGHBRAUN& JAS. A. CLARK & CO. , SONS. , Uuttcr , chcoio , oiin , Dntler , fKKi an3 poultr/ poultry nnd K > ms. 12 llovrnrtl-9t. 317 South Ulli Streok i J. A. RYDER & CO. 0. PEQAU , tlnttCl.CkT , ClH'CUOJH > Ul- Conimltmlon merelini trv. hhiLM nndK'iuiu I'rodnoe , nutter , tn 1ZI5 llnwaril Btreot. elicoio nnd poul' Itcfer to Co in11 NuLUnnk 12th nnd IJonurd et MULLIN & MO CLAIM BINQHAM A.SOM , upeclnltlcii , butter , CKKS , i-enil us ; our VKRH , bi rlu-eso , poultry , itc.No tor.pon tfy.K.niiie. hid 15 S. lUli. Her , lalNntl elinuij htteet. PAPER. CARPENTER PAPER CO KING PAPER CO. \VrappliiK pnpcr. nil Kinds Instantly Mops tlio most excruciating palnii never falls toKlvecnij to tlio aurfoor. For siir.iliis. lirulsoi. biicioie ( ! ! , pUn in tlia fho t or slih , Iiiulaoi3. , or nny external pain , a few unplU-atlofis , rubood on by h-ind , not lilco inii'/Io , o.vus \n \ < r the pain to instantly ntop. For coiiywtluiii. Intt 1111:11 : itl i t rha.i iiutUm , iie.i- rnfitia , liimlmtfu , act itlo.i. palin in tha smill of tliu liuo't. mp-o oxtonilpJ and vo poatod txppllcations are nocoasary : Alllntjniil pilus , dl'trrlrui , i j'so HUT , 8nnsin < ; , niinsoi , fiUiiUiii , ' H > clls , nnrro.Hiiois , H'.ooploisiiou ' , nro rolioyod In and ouclclv cured by tuktn-i Inwardly 20 toG" ) droo.H in half a tumbler of watpr. BOcontain bottle ; snft by dril-u'lsti. With UAUWAY'S PILLS tlioro no better euro or prorcntlvo of Fever nnd Ague. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. i niul urniHrr illi Buudar * W in. 1012 m. atsuil l uio lut ivitlf IB "LAIS' ' PERFECT " © YRINQR. TujOnlrl'irf iiViin llKulul Hrlnio la lu ! orlJ. ] | i tno 'iilr rtrlnun over In- rented by if'tfdi v.iKlnul In- Jcttloiu cun I'O niliitlnlnU'ri'd wltliuut loakliu ami nollla : ho clutlilac i lu'iiinlt itliu bo n > u of a \ii jl , an.l hlcli con al o b9 nnoil lor rvtlnl lujcitluai or IrrlU- Ion. tOI-T3UlllliH ( : , ) ' ! JIAUD HUlllll.ll Hl'.l.f- t , UK , Hll.UO , Jlull nrilcn iDlU-ltoii. The Aloc& 1'CQfolil ' Co tu 1'ontuft'lae- ruyilcluiii' ( irocrlptluni invaitJ M lua 'CURE , r _ rYOURSELFI . T Ailc year Dnicel't 'or a botlloof III < J.1 ho only , no iiotior.nui i umudy for nil \ iho unnatural dlidmrKvt and Iprhnladibcwsiidncnaudtha I debilltatliiB weakneis inrrullcr 1 to Homeii. U rurr ; lu a lev/ dnrB without tbo old or publicity of a doctor. \ XA I/nilr ol Mfrfcnn Curt. Mnnnfncturcil by I kTht Evans Chemical 0. ' . ' CINCINNATI , O. U. o , A. PENETRAT AND THE J lfl/ / JJEArpwm