THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : HIlUUSDAY , MARCH 31. 1892. "NEBRASKA CENTRAL'S ' PLANS i 6onrt Asked to Appoint Appraisers to Gon- j domn Right of Way , PROPOSITION ro THE COMMISSIONERS tlhnt Othrr ItnniU Think of the rrojocl Fast Trnlin lo llo 1'nl on by the llnrllngton Other Itnll- ronil MntlcM. The oniclals of the Nebraska Central rail- ffoy company were busy yestrednyln pushing manors looking toward the construction ot their lines in this city nnd Douglas county. At nn early' hour yesterday morning the vice fprcsldont I of the company , J. II. Dumont appeared In the county court nnd illod the plats of the road as it is proposed to run in the city. This plat shows the location of the proposed stool brldgo across the river at the foot of Cass street. Double tracks nnd a n mammoth structure are shown. Upon the plat double tracks run west on Cass street to n point near the intersection nt Tenth street. . There tbo lines branch oft. Onorunning In a 1A southeasterly direction for a short distance and then nearly duo south along the bottom ; after which It'turns southwest to the pro F'k. posed depot near Fifteenth nnd Chicago Btroots. The other line after leaving the intersec tion of Tenth nnd Cass streets boars north until Iznrd street U reached , after which it runs northwesterly through the bluffs west of Twenty-fourth treet nnd Into the valley through which the Belt Line railway runs.Vbon once In this valley the contemplated line Is to the stock yards ut South Omaha , with the main line running nearly duo west Into the Interior of the state. Tha plans and profiles filed in the county court provldo for a stool viaduct or olovatcd line , not loss than twenty foot in bclght , from the west approach ot the brldgo and over the tracks , the right-of-wuy and grounds of the Union 1'nolllc , the Omaha V Bolt Line , the Omaha & Northern Nebraska , ' * * - thn Missouri Paelllc , the Fremont , Elknorn & Missouri Volley , the Chicago ft North western , the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha and tbo Omaha & Southwestern railways. Tbo petition further states that the No- brosita Control Hallway company has staked out its right-of-way and grounds , and alleges that , nn agreement cannot bo reached as to what damages should bu awarded lot owners nnd railway companies over which the pro posed lines are to pass. For this roasou the company nsKs that tbo judge of the county court direct the sheriff of Doug las county to summon six disinterested freeholders to Inspect the real estate thus damaged , If any damage there bo , and report tUo sumo to the court. Judge Ellor has taken the matter under advi&omont and will name the appraisers within a day or two. LAID lllU'OltlTill : : COtlNTV. Vice President Dumont Puts Ills Prop osition to thu Commissioners. At an adjourned mooting of the Board of County Commissioners , to bo hold next Tuesday afternoon , the members of that body will decide the question of whether or not they will submit a proposition to tbo L. yotors of Douglas county to allow tbam to Vote upon the Issuance of $500,000 of twenty year bonds to aid the Nebraska Central Rail way company in the construction of a double ' track stool brldgo over th'o Missouri river at tha foot of Cass street In this city. Yesterday afternoon a delegation consistIng - Ing of J. H. Dumont , vice president of tbo Nebraska Central company , C. J , Green , E. Rosowalor , J. A. McSbano and a number of others appeared before the commissioners. Mr. Paddock apologized for the remarks that be amdo last Saturday at tbo commissioners' mooting. Ho stated that bo did not under stand the import of the request for the special , but was glad to learn that it was for tno purpose of considering a matter tbat was of considerable Importance to the pcoplo of Omaha and Douglas county. After tbo board had boon called to order the county clerk read the proposition asking for the culling ot a special election to vote upon the question of issuing bonds. Text of the Proposition. "Tho undersigned , tbo Nebraska Central Railway company , a corporation duly organ ized and existing under nnd oy vlrtjo of tuo laws of the state ot Nebraska , proposes to build a douole-tnick stool railway brllgo across tbo Missouri river at the location shown upon the plans for said bridge , which Xbavc been approved by the honorable , the 'secretary of war , and also a doublo-tracK railroad from the west approacn of said bridge , through the city of Omaha , to a con nection with the tracks of tbo Union Stock Yards ana Railway company at South Omaha , providing the county of Douglas Will donate to the said Nebraska Railway company five hundred thousand ( $500,000) ) dollars ot Its twenty-year live (5) ( ) per cent Bonds , to bo delivered to the com pany , one-halt upon , the completion of the said bridge , and the ether half upon the com pletion of the said railway , ready for opera tion ; the improvements herein contemplated to bo begun within ono year from thu first day of July , 1893 , and pushed to completion without unnecessary delay , and completed within , three years from and after said < 1 oto Tbo cbartor granted by tbo congress of tbo United States , under which this brldgo will bo constructed , provides that the bridge and. H , its approaches shall bo open to the use of all tsl ! railway companies dosirlug the same , upon equal terms ; the charges for the use of tue said bridge aud the rules for the operation of tbo same , m case said railroad companies cannot agree , to bo ilxoa by the honorable the secretary of war. In consideration ot receiving the proposed subsidies tbo Nebraska Central Hallway company agrees to allow nil railway com panies desiring to use the same tbo right to VV/"Nv run tbuir passenger and freight trains over the bald brldgo and said double-track railway between Omaha aud South Omaha upon Just and equal terms. "In casa tbo terms proposed heroin relating to the beginning , progress and completion of the said Improvements are not complied With , und In case work shall cease upon the proposed improvements for a period exceed ing ninety days , before a sum exceeding $3,000,000 has boon expended upon said project , unless salt ) delay is caused by a strike or strikes , or by Injunction or other Judicial proceedings , the said company shall not bo entitled to receive said bonds , even though the proposition should bo carried by vote of thu directors ; and provided , furtnor , that said bonds shall bo delivered to the said Mobrujlta Central Rail way company , its agents , successors " ] r assigns only upon the execution by the aald Nebraska Control Hallway coin- 1 pany , or its successors , aud delivery to the .sold county of Douglas , of an undertaking In writing to the effect that the principal depot of said railway company , Its general ofllcos and principal machine shops , when built , shall bo located and maintained wltnln thu corporate limits of the city of Omaha , and E * thut a violation of tao terms of said under- f\-tniting { by the said Nebraska Control Kail- ' * / way company , or its failure to comply with the conditions heroin sot forth with respect to tbo use ot said brldgo and railway by other railway companies , shall render the said Nebraska Central hallytay company or Its successors indebted to tbo said county of Douglas in the full amount of said bonds und the interest thereon. "Should tbo progrojs of the work heroin contemplated be delayed by strikes or legal proceedings , the time herein stipulated shall bo extended , to the extent of such delays. "Upon the voting of tno subsidies herein described , the Nebraska Coulrsl Hallway company will surrender all right to receive the UDsldy voted by Douglas county on tbo 8d day of December , ISS'J. " ' Colonel Uuuioiit ExuLilnit Vice President Dumont of the railroad company was Invited to odd ran the mooting and In doing no no said tbat It might seem traugo that his company was before the MAuukuTstslonors wltu another proix > s- i vote bonds , when the terms of the ot under which the 30,000 of bonds [ .voted two years ago had not boon complied With. It might also scorn strange that tbi l ucc of (500,000 WM usUod , when oplj W.OOO was asked for at & former date , tbat tluio eastern parties bad been inter ted in thu bridge aud railroad scbrmo , bu' ho Iowa roads had boon Kept upou the lowt toot tha river. Tuev ntd cot buen pur ftod to cross the Uulon Paciiio " ' ' THE MORSE DHY GOODS COMPANY. IN HOUSEFURNISHINGS AND Sensational Bargains Basement. HOUSEKEEPERS EVERY DAY WANTS AQUO FILTER 4-Qc each , Frees Uio wnlor of nil nnimnlcuhunnd orpnnie nmttor. Pdro water In n min ute. Attached to Vlio fnucot in nn Inslnnt , nnd tutors nt once : no'dolay. Basement. Five Thousand.Scrubbing Brushes , worth 121 2c QG each. Thousands of Useful Articles , which wo cannot toll ol in an advertisement , nt LOWEST nricos in the west , nro upon oxory table and counter , and shelf in this largo , beautiful and com plete household department. Water Sets Four bottle , all glass castors , 40c , Two quart pitcher , finger bowl nnd worth SOc. full complement of glasses and gins1 Five bottle , all glass castors , fiOc , tray , all frosted , Too sot ; worth 81.CO worth SI. Basement. Dinner Sets. 130-plcco dinner sots , elaborately dec orated in throe colorings , fine English china , artistic ; sot complete for $10 , worth $18. 125-ploco dinner sot , opaque china , plain , $18 , worth 325. This china is war ranted not to croko. Basement 55-pIcco tea sots , decorated , 3 colors , best English wuro , $3.60 sot , worth $0. 60 different styles and various prices. Basement Berni | Dishes , Fifty now styles to select from at those prices : Seven incftos across , graceful shapes , lee each , worth 25c. Frosted 8-inoh bowls , finest Pittsburg glass , 40c , worth G5c. Ton-inch frosted bowls , 05c , worth 90c. Basement Berry sots , 10-inch dish with dozen saucers , elegantly ornamented with nat ural colored flowers and sprays , $1.50 sot , worth $2.50. Basement. FINGER BOWLS , Fine Pittsburcr glass , largo nnd beau tifully shaped , lOc each , worth 25c. Finer qualities at slightly higher prices. Basement XBPHYR QINQHHMS. 9C30 yards now , crisp Zephyr Ging hams ; beautiful patterns , nonolikothom elsewhere ; 15c yard. Second floor. / - the work. Of the la t500 proscriptions ordered W II cox's name was attached to but twenty-five , which showed that ho was not earning his monoy. Mr. Paddook did not think the prescrip tions were a fair test of the amount of work performed. Tbo resolution was referred. Judge Ellor's bill for a carpet in his ofllco , was rejected , the reason being ttist the judiro had not bocn given authority to mnko the purchase. Tbo contract'for doing tbo plumbing In the county jail was awarded to Graham Parlto. The Junior Bar association of Douglas county was given permission to hold a moot ing la court room No. 1 this ovoulng. Viewed by otnur Vice President Klrnball of the Union Pa- clfio iblnln the now hrlJpo proposition a scheme to gain a franchise which the pro prietor * will try to soil to ether purtlos. General Solicitor Thurstou says ho is In favor of gottinir all the railroads possible fof Omaha , but bo M not suio the city should give bonuses to secure them llo thinks tbo business of Omaha is now larca enough to attract railroads without subsidies. How ever , ho will not stand In tbo war of now lines , and bo sees no objection to holding the election proposed bv the NoorasUa Central If that corporation will boar tbo expense of U. Ho doesn't think It a schema to get and sell a franchise , because he belicvoj It would bo impossible to Und anyone to buy it. Cook'sExtra , Dry champagne Is one of tbo the most delicious beverages In the market , Once tried it will always bo on your table , NEW LABOR UNIONS. Work of Organization Itniiif ; Carried on wldiplilly In Out tliu. Labor organizations arc gaining stroncrtb in tbo local Hold. Both the Central Labor j union and the ICnlghU of Labor are doing all i.thoy can to organize now unions. Organizer Mu ser U now at work getting the brewers logotbor to form a union. There are about SOU working liro.vora in Omulia and South Omaha. They will got a charter from the National Brewers union of St. Louis. Ho has also called a meeting lor to night of the electricians , who will also form a union uf 120 members. They nave a national orKanizatton from which the local electricians will got a charter. Mr. Mus cr , the past month , has also or- ganUoa the waponmakers' union which has a membership of 200 , and Includes not only carpenter wapou makers , but the blacksmiths , trimmers and painters. Tbo toamstora' union is another now labor organization recently formed bv Mr. Mimor. Those different organizations will bu ro pre sented by delegates in the Central Laoor vulon. Mrs. L. R. Pulton , KocUford , III. , writot : 'From personal experience I can recommend DoU'ltt'a Suraaparltla. a euro for Impure blood and generildabiiltr. " C. D , Woodworth & Co. , succassord to Wolty & Guy , 1310 I-.irmuu street , uun- ufucturers and dealers in hurno-u , d'ud- dies eta , _ _ Jtulldlni ; I'urutiU. Tbo following permits were UiueJ by the Buporintondoot ot bullcilnzj yesterday ; U. ll , Jllbbliis , two-Ktorr brlok rualduuuit. Twonty-llratuud WubKtermrucU . . $ IP.roi Six minor puriults . 1,115 * Total . 111.115 DoWiU'sSiriipirllu Dr ; Blrnoy.noioanU tncoAU BJK b'.d/j / Novelties in' Ladies' Waists Ladies' cnshmcro Norfolk wnists , nil colors , $3.60. Silk waists , blnck , plain colors , shaded ollccts , nil now , novel nnd beau tiful ; $ A.60 , 50.50,88. $10 nnd $12 each. Sue what others nro showing , then sco thcso. Children's Reefer Jackets FOUR STYLES-FOUR BARGAINS $1 , $1.60 , $2.75 and $3.00. These tire positively the best values over shown in the west. Sao thcmi moans to buy thorn. Ladies' Capes Now Ideas The "Stalking , " the "Rodforn" , hooded capo military capo , nnd others not shown olsowhoro. Ladies' Jackets NEW ARRIVALS $10 and $15. These nro popular styles , popular prices. Good goods , splendid for wear. Plenty other higher in price , better in .quality , but the fit und the ttylc is the sumo , perfect \Vohavo _ placed upon a table in our Popular Boys' Clothing Department Complete 2-pioco suits , ranging in ages from 4 to 14 years. * OC' A GROUP QP ASTONISHING BARGAINS. on Suits worth $5 for $3. Suits worth $10 for $5. Suits worth $12 for $0. Suits' worth $15 for $7. Nothing wronj ; with these a lifts. Too many that's nil. So they go out at a grofttfbargain for you. A Blow at the 'KiltS ft Price Four Hundred Kilt'Suits. ji.'i These suits are Scotch Chovlot fcnsh poods , fast colors , and are worth $1) ) , $0 , $7'fiAuit , The take away price for Tomorrow and Saturday , 8J.50 , nnd with every suit purchased of us , whether Kilt suits or any other suit , wo will give youras base ball and bat for tlio boy. j o.lx mi ' f -i > Knee Pants Bargains. The $1.50 quality for $1.25. The $1.25 quality for Boys' two piece doublo- The 7oc quality for 50c. breasted suits , m ido of fine black , grav , tan anil wood Shirtwaists brown cheviots , home New Style spuns in tweeds , iu all new and pretty mixtures. Sizes Now style , that is , cut with round collars. In Blue 4 to 14 years. Price , J3.75 , Ponnng , 81 , worth $1.1'5. In White Printed Percales , $1.50 , $5 , $0 , $7 , $8 SO und SI , worth $1.25. In Whlto Printed Percales , 75c , $10 suits. worth 81. VAUGHAN'S ' LATEST SCHEME Council Bluffs' Ex-Mayor Wants to Name a Colored Presidential Ticket. DOUGLASS FOR. THE STANDARD BEARER The 1'lan Rrontot Some Stir Among u Tow Credulous roajilo TalJc IVltli n Leading ACra-Atncilcqn on the Subject. NEW Yoiiic , March 30. The announcement recently that ex-Mayor Vaughan of Omaha , who caused to be Introduced in congress a bill for the pensioning of ex-slaves , had in contemplation a movement to place a colored presidential ttcUet In the Held next fall with Mr. Douglass at its bead , boa created consid erable talk among tno colored people in this city. In connection with tbo proposition Mr. Thomas Fortune , one of the loading public spirits among the colored race , when inter viewed on the subject today , said : "As far as Mr. Voughan's proposition is concerned , tbat Mr. Douclasi should bo nominated for president , or tbat bUtnamo should bo bungoatod in connection with the presidency by a whlto man of , I bollovo , southern antecedents , upon a platform In which tbo fundamonta p.lank should bo tbo voting of pensions to ex-slaves , it Is remark- ablotosay tuu least. It contains novelty.not to say humor , of the broaddst character , I have received a letter today frpm a whlto friend , whoso name Is known throughout the coun try. In which ( his paragraph occurs ; 'I SUK- cost and urge thu selection of as many Afro- American dolOjtutci to tbo national conven tion us shall proportionately roptesont the colored population of > all the states north aud south , and that wUcn"thoso delegates are chosen , tboy shall , as sBon ' after as possible , go unlustructod , aad'jl on they got there agree to vote in umty.Ufc < "Suppose all tbo AfroUAmcrlcan delegate ! , without threats or bit/star , quietly and with dlenity vote as n unit .Frederick Douglass unil John M. Liugston/jaf Virginia , Such action would negative thai idea tbat the delegates - gates were there slinaljr , to sell out to tbo liiKiio&t bidder , as sorao colored delegates were charged with doiug ut the convention In Chicago four years aco. You can never demand reco oillou until you demonstrate your power to nominate and clod your friends und dufoit your cnouiloj. Buopoio thatsuch a ticliot vai placed In the Held , to \vhat extent would U detract voioi from the ether tickets ; Though Mr. Douglass l strong with bu pioplf , I candidly holiovo , and I } blntt my brother colored pcoplo be lieve with mo , that tie would receive mow votes from iliu Hue of abolitionists In Now England and the west than ho would receive elsewhere. "The nomination of Dauqiassor any other man dimply because ha belongs to tnls or that race I do not nuliovu in. I do not ho- llnvo In the color line. I do not boiiovo In Vuugban's proposition to pension ex slaves any more than I bcllovo la the propoiltlon to reimburse slave bo'der * for thu uiiiUiuatloii of their slave property. I think .Mr. Doug lass made a mutuke uhcn ho committed tit in- self In favor of Mr. Vuupban'a proposition , oud 1 thiiU | Mr , Vaujbau made a mistake Send for our elegantly illustrated spring fashion catalogue. Drapsry Dept - Wo made seine special reductions on ohcnillo portieres , Inco curtains nnd draperies lust wool : that lots of our 'friends could not tutfo mlvnntngo of dur ing the bad weather , so to accommodate thorn , for next week : LACE CURTAINS . . . . $1.75 3j yards long , almost a yard nnd a half wide , delicately traced patterns , worth $2. CO. LACE CURTAINS . . . . 98c Taped edge , 3 yards long ; really worth SI.CO. CHENILLE PORTIERES . . . $4.75 3t yards long , worth $0. CHENILLE 1'ORTIERES . . . $5.75 These have heavy vnhuico fringe top and bottom , $5.75 , worth S7.CO , CHENILLE PORTIERES . . . $7.90 These have rich dado top and bottom , nro 81 yards long , 50 inches wide , 87.90 , worth $11.50. Other sppcial values at $9.50 , worth $12 ; tit 311.50 , worth 814 ; at $12.38 , worth $17.50. Nine Cases of Fine Fresh Scotch Ginghams , 25c Yard. 32 inches wide , warranted to wash and wear , nnd wottr and wash , always keeping the color , luster nnd iiniso like new. 2c yard. Second floor. Glass Things. Molasses can , brittania top. 15e , worth 25c. Finely engraved molasses can , brittania top , 20c. worth 35c. Fine Bo hemia gloss syrup can , plated tou , 40c , worth 65c. Sugar shakers ( largo-sizo ) , plated top , 8c , worth loc. Oil bottle , cut gloss stoppers , SOc , worth 40c. Base ment. Four-pioco "jlass sot , sugar oowl , cream pitcher , spoon hold or und butter dish , all for 15c sot , wotth 25c. Another sot , flnor and handsomer , 30e sot , worth 50o. Send mail orders. Send for samples. Send for fashion particulars ; wo are authority. when ho placed Mr. Douglass in nomina tion. " Not So Il'ad After All. E. V. Wood of McKeo's Kocks , Allegheny county , Pa. , In spoaklni ; to a traveling man of Chamberlain's modlclnns said : "I recom mend Uiom above all others. I bavn used thorn myself and know thorn to bo reliable. I always guarantee them to my customers and bavo never had a bottle returned. " Mr. Wood bad hardly finished spoaklng , when a Uttlo girl came In the store with an empty bottle. It was labeled , "Chamberlain's Pain Balm , " Tbo traveler was interested , as there was certainly n bottle coming back , but waited to hour what tbo Uttlo girl said. It was as foliowd : 'Mamma wants another botttoof that medicine ; she savs it is tbo best medicine for rheumatism &ho eve r used. ' bottles for sale by druggists. EXCEEDED ITS AUTHORITY. Claim Tlmt the Council Must Siiperlntuml Kxpeiullturos for tliu Library Itullillng. Tuesday night the council passed a resolu tion authorizing the library board to proceed witn tbo construction of the new library building and approving tno action of tbo board In Inviting competitive designs for the building. This action was opposed by Councilman Elsastor. Munro aud Bruner on tbo ground tbat tbo charter made it clearly tbo duty of the council to perform the work which it has by resolution delegated to the library board. Section Ml of tbo charter reads : ' The mayor and council shall have power to establish and maintain public Ubtarioj , reading rooms , art galleries and museums , and lo provide the nocestary grounds and buildings therefor" , * * * It is bold by the opponents of the council resolution that this being a charter provislou , tliu council has no authority to violatn it cither by ordinancs or resolution ; that if the library bonrrl astumos the Unties of tbo council In thU matter It can In no wlso bo legally bold rciDonslbU- the citv or to tbo taxpayers for any act done or loft un done. It is argued further that every councilman voting for this resolution will bo hold liable under his Individual bond for any monies misappropriated. Section 133 of the charter plainly provides "that no liability shall bo Incurred , debt created , or contract involving tbo expenditure of money appropriated by tbo council , except by n majority of the entire - tire counpll upon nil tbo yean and nays nnd the record of tliu council proreodlngs hall show how each member voted. " This section alto makes each councilman liable under bis baud In cato ho votes away the city's money la excem of loal limitations , ' The council was wrong la adopting tbat resolution , " said Councilman Elsasior. 1 opposed the measure , as I know that the council could not confer any such authority on the library board. It la the business of the council tooxoonil that $100,0iu anil to superintend ana let tno con- true * far tliu Construction of the library build- inp. Whv thn council adopted such a resolu tion I can't understand. According to the law Iu the matuir the council cannot give anybody or uny board the right to construct the building. How would toe public know anything about wnat tbo library board did In connection with letting contracts and superintending such u structure ! Nobody ovoratumds the mooting * of the library board , ana It cannot bo given authority to expand tliu city's monoy. However , I don't think tbo resolution will ntund , as It will bavo to go to the mayor , and when It roachnt that dignitary U will probibly bo vetoed. I. would roijuiro u yotoof twelve to pass it over tha vote , und I ihlnk lout night only eleven YJtcd for the measure. " City Attorney Connell sais ; "Tbo coun- NEW CAPE NEWMARKETS , Capo Nowmnrltot. Shirred 1'l.tltcd Catio. N vy Chovlot Nowmnrkot. Capo faced Capo Detachable. The man attractlvo with Changeable b Ik. S/O.O0. nn well na the most convenient , garment we have. Slmdo light , ' tan nnd blacks. & 10.5O. Nothing in Nowmnrhots is popular or considered in keeping with the present idonl styles , that is not finished with a Detachable Capo not the short , "akininy" capos of last season , buta capo which in itself is a finished garment , having collar , garnitures , facings , etc. , just the thing ( or cool summer evenings full , graceful and shapely Hero , then , are two garments iu one. A Great Bargain Ladies' Lisle Vests \Vo open this evening , for tomorrow's sale , 1'JB8 pure Bilk yoats , now. Riche lieu ribbed weave , jersey fitting , low neck , sleeveless. Blacks , flesh , cream and blues , at the astounding price , S1-2S Worth 32. Second Floor Ladies' pure white or black silk vesta , 75c each , worth $1.50. Ladies' fine ribbed jersey fitting silk vests , low nock , sleeveless ; colors , cream and fast black , 76o , worth 31.50 each. oil undoubtedly has tbo ncht if it wishes to exercise it of controlling nil tno library work itself , and certainly can insist upon having plans and contracts submitted to it , but In this case , as there is no subsequent levy to bo based upon theiraction , they have author ity to delegate this work to the library ooard. At any rate I believe this is only preliminary ana the council will have the llnal word in the matter. " Dowitt's Sarsapanlla cleanses the blood , HVVTIL OMA.U.I. Now UullilliiK * 1'rojcctccl. As the season advances building projects multiply nnd ulrondy enough now buildings uro assured in South Omaha to iadicata that the growth of the city will bo fully crjua | to the development of the industries wmch sup port it. Walter Brandon expects to begin tbo erection of bis throo-story brick building between tbo Eggcra block and the Stockman oft I co some tlmu next week. The building will bo of artistic architectural design , tlir''Q stories hig'a , and covering an area of 5TxT5 feet. The first floor Is already leased. Frank Pivonka is preparing lo remove the wooden building at Twenty-sixth nnd N streets iii ordnr to erect a iimirmlicout three- story brick block , 101x80 loot. C. M. Hunt is considering the project of erecting a now bloc ! : at Twoiity-liftk and N street * and Charles Stager will build at Twenty-fourth and N. J , D. Thomas has plans drawn for the erection of two hundsomo brick dwelling houses at Twenty-fourth and F streets at an estimated cost of W.UOO each. lie will also oreot a biiok apartment house at Twenty- fourth and Q streets , whiuh will bo one of the llncst buildings In that part of tbo city ; its cost Is estimated ut $10,000. Editor Montgomery of the Express will BOOH begin tuo erection of a residence in the northern part of the city. Cotuinunruii Till * .lliirnlng. The seventh semi-annual convention of the Women's Foreign MUslouilry society of the Omaha district will ha hold at the First Methodist church In this city , beginning at 0 o'clock this morning. Tbo oxurclsus will continue durlnu tbo afternoon and evening. Thuro will bo a largo attendance of visitors and delegates from tliu various uhuruhus iu the district. The proimtm of the day is as follows : Morning Session 1'rnlsu ana promlso ser vice , cuuuuuto I hy Mrs. jHtu I Iron of Mon- moiiUi I'urK ubureli ; scripture uml prnyor , Alr . Illsliop Newman ; address of welcome , Mr * . 1 lorn Uliiiau , hoiitli Umuhii ; reiponso , iir * A , Stouooyplier , Wusloy churclii ( ra- toriiil : greetings , lilsliup Jolin 1' . ( tuwinun ; vrurdi of chcur , Mimdiiinus ISBWiimn , Clandon- nlux nmliihanU ; orguulz itlou. mil cull , oto.j "Our J/Horatiirc. " .Mrs. Idu Moo , I'romont ; nmp xurcisu , luunliiKH from foreign llulds ; India , Mr * . I'ortor uml Trinity ladle * ; Ulilna , Mrs. Htuvum nnd Kliit ehuruh ludlus ; Japun , Miss E ulyn Urlllllb * and VOUIIJT Women's I'orelu-ji MUs.unary noijluty o. the I'lretuhurvh , Uinuhu. r i Afternoon belotMissionary ! eve foiut , conducted by Mr * . KovT , U. Uleudouiihiit ; coiuucr.itlon ultjr ucrvlcti , lud by ilrs. ] { uv , J.V , BluiiiU : repormof CJllIcursunduiutlUrlesi memorial services , MM. 11. A. l/'rnnu , BowurU streut church ) poem , "Our llulovud Iu.ttl , " Mm. Jimlu lloldor ; Howard tolrc'ot church : bolo , "Whllu KoboV1 jlrs. C'olo. South EUlilduntU struut uliuroh ; unnuiil election of ollluuni duct , MIKSUH Myrtle nnd Jiillhi .SclinoiUer. btur MU- Bleu Ilanuohldroii'u hour , Mr * . HUliuu Now- muiii iiiUcetlunuoui exorcism. Kvunlng ho Ion-Borvlcu of ion/ , Chorister It. U. Vomit : : oxercino hy Junior Louijuo und Ulillilien'a MUslon lluiul ; itauonslvo kcrv uo by coiuro/utlon ; scripture Ivntuu and linyi r. Mm , llrovru. liuniooin park ; reports of itua * uilUuug ; duol. Mrs. l/o u und Mis * Kuilth * South Kltfbtuuuth Htrcet ehuruh , uddrout , Ladies' Cotton Vests Ladies' jersey fitting summer vests , low nock , sleeveless , ribbon in nock , 12jc each. i Ladies' pure white Jersey fitting vesta low neck , sleeveless , ribbon ut nock , 800 each. Ladies' Egyptian cotton vests , low nock , sleeveless , 35c ouch. Ladies' fine jersey fitting vests , low neck , sleeveless , ribbon in arras and nock , 4Co each. Ladies' white lisle jersey fitting vests , low neck , Hloevolos , riobon In nock and arms , 50c oach. MORSE DRY GOODS COMPANY , 16th and Farnam Streets I unless they woujdrconsont to the payment of excessive tolls. No one company would undertake tbo construction of the bridge alone , buta local syndicate had since been irganizod and It ww proposed to construct the bridge aud let nil roods cross their trains on nfalr and equitable basis. Thfl Union Paclllo company had defeated the project and had secured contracts with some of the Iowa ' roads. This left matters In a shape where the local syndlcatq was compelled lo abandon the scheme , or alone build the brldgo without anr assurances that contracts for Its use conld bo mado. Tbo money market was also in n bad condition to insure the advancement of many now enterprises. As soon as the project of tbo local yndl- cato was out of the way the Union Paclllo wont back on nil of its oRrooraonts , botu as to bridge tolls nnd switching charges , nnd the city was loft nt the mercy of that com pany , Tbo brldgo was not built , nnd consequently quently the subsidy that was voted was uovcr called for. What II Will Dn for Onmlm. In spoaklng of the benefits that Omaha would derive from tbo construction of tbo bridge , Mr. Dumont stated that the eastern roads were anxious to got into Omaha , to the Union stock yards nnd into the country In tbo Interior of the state. At- least $ 1.500,000 would bo expanded In the city within the next two yeas. This would In clude money paid out in tno construction of tbo bridge , sldlngi , buildings and tunnelling through the bills west of Twenty-fourth street. Besides this , it would give Omaha eastern connections with the Delaware. Lacltawanna & Western , which was now at Osage , la. ; it would give a route to Chicago which would bo twonty-slr miles shorter than the Burlington ; it would place Omaha In direct communication with the lumber districts of the north : it would open n mar ket for Iowa hogs nnd catttoand in nil proba bilities It would result In bringlug the Balti more & Ohio railroad inlo the city. With those roads hero Omnba would bo connected with tbo great lakns , and wheat could bo shipped to Chicago or ether lake ports nt u rate of 7K cents per hundred weight. With the eastern roads reaching Omaha , those from the southeast would come and with them would come the llvo ate < ; K that now goes to Kansas City. Willing to I'llIts Share. Mr. Dumont said that tno achomofor securing - curing the funds to build tbo brldgo and a line of road into Iowa was feasible und that Douglas county was not asiumloir any great risk. Hli company was willing to spend Its money in dom * this work for Omaha nnd bo wanted to see If the voters of Douclas county would stand by the proposition to beuelit both city and county. In reaard to tbo expenses attending the election Mr. Dumont stated tbat his com pany would pay oao-tbird and the two- thirds ho thought should bo berne equally by the city and the county. If the brldgo was bulltbe proposed to mauo a 10 cent passcnqor rate against a 135 ceut rate charged by the Union Pacitln. A charge of $2.50 per car would DO made on freight and whoa the earnings of tbo.brldgo exceeded 7 per cent the excess would bo divided amouif the roads paying bridge tolls. Ho was auxious to have the commissioners take seine action , as It was a matter of im portance and delays' were dangerous , at other cities were attempting to secure roads that would come to Omaha if brldgo ratoj and depot facilities could bo secured. Iu regular session the board transacted but Uttlo business. Judge Stenberg offered a resolution to dis pense with the services ot Deputy County 1'hyslclan WIlcox , as bis services were not neodod. Tbo county could as well save tbo $5U per month us to nay it out to Wilcnx whim County Physician Kim ; coulu ao all ol I Ulshoj ) Nnwnian ; alnslnz , younz ladles' quar totto. Howard street church : bunodlotloa. Tbo program will bo Interspersed br sing ing , under the direction of Mrs. David Cola of the South Eighteenth street church. Wan Wanted Here. F. S. Craftun , who shot his reputed wife In n DCS Mollies resort Tuesday night , is well known in this city and bis record Is not an enviable ono. Last May bo was detected with two ether men in the act of stealing n quantity of Jewelry nnd money from the room of Mrs. Young , tbo wife of ono of the proprietors of the Dellono hotel on Twenty- sixth street. Ho was arrested nnd released on a bondslgr.od by Daniel Corriok of Omabii and others. His pals were committed to tno county Jail but subsequently released , as it appeared that Crafton was' tnc principal offender. Crafton did not appear for trial and his bondsmen have novcr bson hold for the amount of the bond. Nutns unil I'ursoimlii. Adam Snyder , ox-county treajuror , was in the city yosturdoy. It is expected ttiat the paving of Twenty- sixth street will ho begun some time uoxt week. A number of ladles have registered In order to vote for members of the Board of Education next Tuesday. 7. . Cudditib'ton has been given the contract to furnish D3'J car loads of stone for the now buildings of the Cudaby Packing company. The meeting of tbo democratic city central committee which was to have boon hnhl Tuesday night will occur tonight at Judge Lovl's ofllco. Tbo horse market was very quiet yester day , only about fifty bead being sold. The receipts of horse ? were not as largo as usual owing to tbo inclnmcnt woatber. Kov. Marlon Boles , who was ao severely burned at Manning , la , , has nearly recovoioil and will return to lliU city In time to occupy his pulpit in the Christian church Sunday. Chatios Duggun died nt his residence- , Twenty-fourth and Q otrecta , ycstorday morning of pneumonia. Ha leaves n wife and two chiidicn , The funeral arrange ments are not yet decided on. The approach to the east end of the Q street viaduct has bcon undermined oy thu recent rains and the embankment has caved , away so badly tbat the approach Is impassa ble for teams. It Is estimated tbut it will re- oulro several hundred dollars to repair tha damage. DOCTOH'S FEES AND FHIir AD- VURTI8ING. According to newspaper reports , n celebrated - brated American surgeon reodvutl (3,000 for removing a Uttlo wen from n wealthy ludy'a palp. The papers fail to gtalo the exact amount of free advertising the doctor managed to obtain. National Advertiser , \jtVn roauon together. Hero's a flrm , cno of tko largest ( ho coun try over , the workl over ; it has grown , stop by Btop , through many years ( o greatness- This ( inn pays the uow8pa | > cra good money ( expcoslvo work , ( hia advertising 1) ) ( o tell the jKsoplo that they bavo faith In wlmt ( her Bell , no muc/ faith that if thoycnn't benollt or cure they don't want your monoy. Dr. rierco'8 fJoklen Modlail Dleravcrr 1s sold on this liberal plan. If it docnrt benefit or cure , It ca.t.1 notMnfj. It curat tikln , Scalp nnd Scrofulous iiffoetlons , as Eczema. Tetter , Bait-rheum. Kover-tores , White Swellings , Hip-joint ( li msa nnd kin dred nllincntK. H'H the dieniicit bloM.puriflcT sold , through druggiata , no matter how ninny bundrod dose * are offered for ita price ( fl.tX ) u little ) , biiiow you pay only for U * good you ic.t. ; /ou ask tnor * r