Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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    / 1
Dnlly lien ( nithotit finmlay ) Ono Year. . . . f R fO
Dnlly nnd Sunday , Ono Year. . in on
Hu Months . " >
Three Month * . . H52
hundiiy Her , Ono Yonr. . zoo
pHturdny lice. OnoYaur . J * J
\Vccklyllcc. Ono Yrar. . . '
Omnh . TlioncoBiilWlliR. ,
PotithMuilin. oornor N nnd Cfith HtroeU
Council niiitTs , 13 I'oarl StrrrU
Chlcn'o Ofllcp. ai ? f humbrr of Commnrco.
Now York.looiii ! r.I4nndlS.TrlbiinoUulldln ?
WDshlnpton , M3 Fourteenth StrooU
All comnninlcallons roliitlnn to newt and
editorial matter should bo addressed to the
Kdlloriil Dcparlmont.
All lnislnf letters nnd roinlttancps Mionlfl
tonrttlrcs rd toTholluo Publishing Company.
Oinnhn. Druft * . phookii nnd pnstofllcp ordoM
to bo made pnyablo to the order ot the com-
llic BccFnlilisliing Conmany , Proprietor
Hatoof obrll ka t. .
County ot Douglas. (
N. I' , roll , business manager of Thn Uoo
JnblldhltiJ Company , does solemnly swear
thnt tbo actunl circulation of Tun lAit.r HBR
for the week ending March 20 , IMC , was as
" !
Him"y ] . March 20.
Wondny. Mnroh 21
Tncidny , March 12.
Wcilnc rtny. Mnroh Zl
Thnrsdnv. MnrohSI
Jrldny. March 25
katurday. March SO
A CMSC . t . 2J , : no
N. I' . FKIU
Sworn tn I cforc tiio nnd iiihscrlbrd In my
prrienro thls'JOtb day of Mnrcli. A. D. 18U2.
Notary Public.
O Olrculntlnii for IVIirunry a4niO.
Tim London Times is u pcnulno Bour-
Lon BO ftir as American affairs nro con
cerned. It never learns or forgets any
thing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tin : rolocntion of 100 lire hydrtinls
will give unprotected localities flro
eorvlco without materially increasing
the water bills of the citj.
RIIODK ISLAND Is not as largo ns some
counties In Nebraska , but if she goes
republican by a good majority she will
Bhino in the firmament , of states like
.Tunltor in the heavens when that planet
Is the morning"star. .
TUB contracts for lighting fixtures
nro suspended in mid-air by the action
of the council. The quickened con-
Dclonccs of some of the memberS revolt
nl the idea of expending uvor $18,000
for what should cost no moro than
8iooo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
JUDQI : BUKWKU'S decision declaring
that iho Union Pacific may not legally
lease its telegraph lines to the Western
Union Is a decision of considerable con
sequence In this western country. Its
full text will bo awaited with a great
deal of interest
PEOPLK who signed for rotten block
pavements have only themselves to
blame if they are required to pay for
keeping these blocks in repair so long
ns they will last. It is bad enough that
the city at largo has to pay for keeping
the intersections in repair.
Tun Fourth ward should receive some
consideration nt the hands of the 'city
council. It is a fairly rcspactablo ward
in the matter of population and wonlth.
A part of the Intersection fund for pav
ing , guttering nnd curbing should bo
awarded to the Fourth ward.
Clf AUNCEYM. DKPBW has made many
great and eloquent addresses ; but none
thnt are moro finished and readable to
patriots thnn that delivered Tuesday
night in Albany nt the memorial exor
cises in honor of the Into General Sherman
man , .published in full in TnK But : of
TITK spectacle of 150,000 citizens hold
ing up the hands of the mayor and city
attorney in n wrestling match with a
giant "octopus , " as pictured in n Fake
Factory paragraph , Is thrilling indeed ,
all the moro so because of the dilllculty
of wrestling with "ootopi" with both
hands hold up.
Tin : controversy ns to whether the
chest of powder was carried from the
Ames building at Sunday morning's fire
by dromon or nolicomon has gone far
enough. It was a daring deed in either
ins tun co but the doors thereof probably
had no thought that it would become n
cause of Ill-fooling between the two excel
lent departments for protection of lifo
nnd property.
IT is understood that the threatened
litigation over the will of the late Byron
Hood will not affect his bequest to the
city for a library building. Neverthe
less the taxpayers of Oiniha would fool
n trlllo moro confident about the matter
If n deed In escrow were oxooutod by the
heirs , convoying the Rood lot to the city
in absolute fee.
Tim sale of the park bonds need not
bo hastened. This largo block of city
securities should bo thrown upon the
market after the absolutely necessary
funds have boon ruull/.od. The park
lands uru not increasing in priro and
the city Is saving over $1,000 per month
by taking her tlmo , to say nothing of a
possibility of further reductions in the
prices of land offered.
WAf/r WHITMAN'S poetry will not bo
remembered as long by his follow citi
zens as his unselfish devotion to wounded
nnd dying union soldiers on the battle-
Holds of the rebellion. Ills poetry is
good , bad or Indifferent , according to
the reader's preconceived notions of
what poetry should bo. His patriotism
was pure and unselfish. There can bo
but ono opinion of that.
CoNC ! KSs AN DOT.LIVKR , the young
man eloquent of Iowa , delivered a speech
In the house on the tariff question Tues
day which it is atatod riddled Brilliant
Billy Bryan's harangue into tailors.
The Nnbraskun stood tno flro bravely
for a time , but before the Iowa repub
lican had finished his address crept out
of roprojoutivtlvo hall. Hn felt that a
moment had come whim ho should bo
Slnco 187 ! ) congress has made nn an
nual appropriation for "special facili
ties" In the transportation of Iho mulls
by railroad companies. The appropria
tion for the current fiscal year Is In
round numbers $ 93,000.000. The postmaster -
master general , in hist estimates for the
next fiscal year , omitted this allowance ,
for the reason that ho thought no oc
casion exists for perpetuating the pre
ferential method whereby it limited
number of railroads would bo paid both
ordinary and special transportation and
full car compensation , whllo olhor rail
roads , performing precisely the sixmo
character of service , can ho allowed
nothing moro than the compensation
which the postolllco department Is by
staluto permitted to pay for ordinary-
The fact appears to bo that this special
facility pay Is a sort of subsidy which
has boon given principally to what Is
known ns the Atlantic Const Lino. This
consists , in general terms , of lines between -
twoon Now York and Port Turn pa , Fla. ,
nnd carries the , malls. Not one
other of the hundreds of railroads in the
country receives any part of this special
facility allowance , nnd the subsidized
Coast Line has been for yoara Influential
enough to prevent the cutting off of this
extra compensation. Tills 'dtfrlmlna-
tlon was pointed cut by the postmaster
general lust year when ho left oul of his
estimates $100,000 of this subsidy , but
the roads had Iho money ii | preprinted
just the same. It remains to bo scon
whether they will bo again successful
tills year In Inducing congress to prac
tically present thotn with noirly : $300,000.
Poslintistor General Wanamakor , in a
loiter to Chairman Henderson of the
house committee on nostoniccs and post-
roadu , states that the continuance of the
special facility allowance has for some
years past boon the source of much an
noyance to the donnrlmant , and has
hampered the best Interests of the mail
service , because railroads operating in
contiguous territory , and to some oxtout
paralleling the roads which receive the
extra pay , object to rendering equally
good or quicker schedule mail service
except they bo paid corresponding rates.
They ask that all bo treated alike. The
practice of compensating a few railroads
unon a highar basis than others render
ing the same or moro satisfactory serv
ice has boon the source of much nnnoy-
nnco , which each year becomes moro
perplexing to the department and hurt
ful to the general service , \ > ocauso It
acts as n chock to the extension of the
fast mail system In sections where It
would work great benefits. The depart
ment , in endeavoring to do business
with nil the other railroads and secure
liberal treatment from them , is always
confronted with this continuous dis
crimination in favor of the fow.
There can be no doubt that this special
facility allowance ought to bo stopped.
The roauons for this given by the post
master general uro conclusive. The
democratic house professes a desire to
cconomi/.o , and hero Is ono good oppor
tunity for it to do so.
The Boring son arbitration treaty
proposes five questions to bo passed
upon by the court of arbitrators , which
will'bo hold in Paris. The first question
relates to the exclusive jurisdiction and
rights assorted and exorcised by Russia
in Bering sea and the seal fisheries
prior nnd up to the time of the cebsion
of Alaska to the United States , and the
second matter of inquiry is ns to how
far the Russian claims of jurisdiction ns
to the seal fisheries were recognized and
conceded.byGicat Britain. The ques
tion whether Boring sea was included
in the phrase , ' 'Pacific ocenn , " ns used
in the treaty of 182o between Great
Britain nnd Russia , nnd what rights , if
any , in the Boring sea were hold and
exclusively exorcised by Russia uftor
said treaty , is the subject of the third
Inquiry ; and the fourth question is as to
whether all the rights of Russia as to
jurisdiction , and ns to the fisheries
In Bering soi : east of the water boundary ,
did not in the treaty between the United
States and Russia of March BO , 18 ( > 7 ,
unimpaired to the United States under
that treaty. The iiftli question .is ns
follows : Has the United States nny
right , and if so whnt right , of protection
or property in the fur seals frequenting
the islands of the United States in
Boring sea when such souls are found
outfiido the ordinary tliroc-milo limit ?
These questions embrace the entire
contention of this government. The
claim of the United States is that Rtis
bin assorted and exorcised exclusive
jurisdiction over the waters known as
the Boring sea and tlio seal fisheries
therein , and .hut this jurisdiction had
hud novcr boon questioned by Great
Britain. That being the case , this gov
ernment contends that when the United
States purchased Alaska from Russia all
the rights of the latter as t/o jurisdiction
and as to the seal fisheries passed Into
the possession of this government unim
paired. The arbitrators will probably
have very llttlo dilllculty in establishing
the fact of tho'oxorclHo by Russia of ox-
cluslvo jurisdiction in Boring etou UP to
the time of the cession of Al tiska to the
United States , the evidence on that
point being practically undisputed , but
the question as to whether the United
States succeeded to the jurisdiction and
rights exorcises ! by Russia must bo do-
cldou upon principles of international
law. There is strong argument on both
sides of the question , but it may as wall
bo admitted th it the probabilities nro
against an international tribunal giving
the Unlto'a Slates exclusive Jurisdiction
over so largo an area -of water ns the
Bering sea , which is larger than the
Mediterranean. At the outset of the
controversy this government maintained
that the Boring was u closed sea , but
this claim has been abandoned , and now
the contention adnply is that as
exorcised exclusive jurlndlntloii over
these waters , tlio treaty which trans
ferred Alaska to the United Statoa oir-
rlod with It also the rights and jurisdic
tion which had boon up to that time
conceded to Kussiii ,
This government claims the right of
property In the fur seals frequenting the
islands of the United States in Boring
ecu when sitoh seals uro found outside the
ordinary thvoo-mllo limit , mid the arbi
trators will detorinino whether it has
such right It will not bo surprising if
' ' ' ' '
'i'r' i'
the decision Is adverse to the claim , nl-
though the arguments which this gov- I
ornmont has advanced In support of It |
certainly malco n strong case.
There Is a vital amount of insufferable
rot afloat regarding the olToet of the
tarllT upon commercial conditions. Your
average democratic free trader charges *
everything from I ) id cropj to trusts to
the republican tariff. Ho chooses lo
Imagine that the paoplo are foolish
enough to follow II'.H fallacious wtylo
of pointing out the effect and then minij
Ing a cause regardless of the relation of
ono to the othor. The fact Is that trusts
nro no more dependent uuon tariff laws
than the weather. There Is no Import ,
duty upon petroleum , yet the Standard
OH company Is the most successful and
gigantle trust the world ha ? over known.
The English free trader understands
this fact. JVhllo the American free
trader Is endeavoring to prove that the
protective tariff Is promoting.tho forma
tion of combinations In this country the
Enellsli free trader Is just as earnest In
his offorH to prove to the people of that
nation that protection cuts no figure ,
because trusts flourish in-'England as
well ns In America. Tlio late Profi
Rogers , wlto Is a well known writer on
economic subjects In Great Britain , in a
series of lectures delivered In 1833 and
1889 , says :
I have never .vet heard , tn modern times at
least , of 0110 man or any association of men
being nblo to dictate the tormt ujidor which
n frco industry shall bo carried on , nnd a
oneosecured lo the regulated produce. Of
course , if the state conform a monopoly by
patent the prlca can ba scoured to the
patentee , being thnt nt which ho Is able to
undersell successfully nil producers under a
common and old process. But the monopoly
afforded by protection does not effect an ox-
ullod profit. As long as the government
does not go to Iho length of protecting indi
vidual producers and allows the area which
It fences for the industry to be open to nil ,
the Inevitable tendency of profits to nn
equality Is sure to du its work. I very much
doubt whether the profits obtained by the
Now England cotton spinners and woolen
weavers nnd the reputed gains of the Penn
sylvania iron masters are duo to the aid
which the covernmont gives thotri by a pro
tective tariff. Too population of the United
bitatos increases at nn enormous rate , mainly
by Immigration. There Is consequently an
over increasing body of local consumers ,
whom the cost of freight and the habit of
the market bind in the domestic producer.
And If tUoro bo any truth in the complaints
about the cotton and woolen trades , domestic
compstilion has reduced proflls tn Now Eng
land as fully as in the old country.
Mayor Bemis and City Attorney Con-
neil are to bo congratulated by citizens
generally for taking the bold stop of
fencing in the lands north of the old
water works pump house claimed by the
Union Pacific railway company but be
lieved to bo the property of Omaha. The
course pursued puts the burden of proof
upon the corporation and gives the city
the advantage of actual possession , un
less the work of inclosing the tract is
stopped by Injunction. In such case the
company is forced to set up its title and
the issue can bo early made up for final
The fnct is that the Union Pacific has
no portion of its lines on the land adja
cent to that in dispute except side tracks
ami u spur to Eist Omaha. The con-
ditlons upon which the lands were do
nated to the company have never baen
fulfilled nnd the city has apparent
rights there which should bo assorted
nnd defended until the courts have de
termined the facts.
The doctrine of accretion is nn old ono ,
but the question has never been passed
upon , we understand , in the shape which
is presented heroin. The eastern bound
ary of the city of Omaha is the center of
the channel of the Missouri river. There
is borne reason to believe therefore that
nccrotions on that boundary will become
the propnrty of the city and not of indi
vidual lot owners owning property adja
cent to the bank of the river. At all
ovonta there is merit enough in the
claim to warrant carrying the question
into the courts. This phase of the con
tention is independent of the claim for u
restoration of the blocks and lots condi
tionally convoyed to the railway com
pany and , as wo understand it , the stops
taken by the street commissioner in
fencing tlio disputnd tract are a part of
thu plan of assorting claim to the ac
The importance of the land In ques
tion , which is about 200 acres in extent ,
cannot well bo overestimated. It is the
key to the on trance of the city from the
north. It is well worth fighting for and
no doubt , the legal battle will bo fought
out with persistence and vigor on both
sides. If the decision bu favornblo to
the city It will form a precedent for re
claiming other lands and lots also of
great value.
Tin : course of thu politicians who nro
in control of the government of Canada
is boglnnlng to nromo u sentiment of
hostility to them in England , The com
ment of the London 7 IMS. ? on the colonial
nial situation , manifestly intended to
apply especially to Canada , undoubtedly
reflects u growing sentiment in England.
Whllo the public men of that country do
not openly declare tholr fooling regard
ing the conduct of Canadian polit'ical
leaders , in private they do not hesitate
to express the opinion thnt Canada is u
troublesome nuisance. The dilllculty is
that the men who are nt thu of nf-
fairri In the Dominion uro bitter enemies
of the United States , and as long as they
continue in control there will ba danger
of disturbance of the rohttlons between
England and this country. The high
commissioner of the Dominion in Eng
land , Sir CharlesTuppor , cordially hates
the United States , and such a man olosu
to the on * of a tory p-imo minister is
oipublo of doing n great deal of mischief.
It is well that the British public Is be
ginning to see nnd understand the true
state of things. It it should go deep
enough into tha mutter to learn the ro'il
nature of Canadian motives it would
hardly fall to demand of the British gov
ernment at least a loss implicit confi
dence in Canadian representations and n
less ready willingness to comply with
Canadian wishoj. The latest experience
ought to have , nnd it seems very likely
Will have , the effect to somewhat lessen
the Influence of thu Dominion politicians'
with the imperial government. At the
flame time this country has lm.1 another
lesson 1 < In Canadian enmity which ought
not to bo nltugotKir unprofitable.
FllRl ! colnngojw n ghost which will
not stay down tttml after the election ,
ns Iho democrats fervently hope.
A Yrlltm Knock Out.
AVwcTff/c Oimmtrdal.
Gold has 8curojho < \ [ first knock down. But
there Is no tolling \vhnt silver will do when
it toes the mark rfoPnnothor rotiiul.
The siigcoslton to make Senator I'lntt ot
Now York Into n successor to Minister Hold
is ) enough to drlvo President Harrison to
drlnk >
A. IMrrn rll Hqnonl ,
Ittciiuter IVwf.
Hopcr Q. Mills refuse * to leave the houio
of representatives until ho can deliver a
speech en the tariff. But , really now , isn't
this carrying animosity too far ! Cannot
Uofjor afford to bo generous after having won
a scat In the son ate I
A rrcmnturn rrophocy.
IVitfdiMpMa Hcconl.
Sonntor Hill say. no Is not a candidate for
vlco president. Ho has not long to wait to
find out that ho is not a candldato for the
presidency. "Wisdom crloth without ; she
uttorotu her voleo In the streets. " David
will hear from hor.
A Ornitt Rtntc I > e1itcft. !
IViffdifcfphli Inquirer.
Today Pennsylvania is practically free
from debt , Her once largo state debt has
been nearly wipod'out. Ine small balance
has boon provided for nnd if she paid every
dollar she owed she would have a surplus of
nearly 3,000,000 left.
This result 1ms boon achieved by the re
publican pitvty. In 1801 the public dolit of
Pennsylvania' f3S,000,000. Of this
amount moro than $20,000,000 , was overdue.
The democratic party had not only not pro
vided for its payment ; they could notsco nny
way to pay It. In 1859 the state treasurer
traulclccd in the dishonor of the state for the
state's profit and made $41,573 bv purchas
ing $310,000 of the depreciated state loans.
In\ld In tlio South.
Kailtvllle American.
Mr. Hill may bo n great man in a state
where proat men hnvo been rarer than in the
south , nnd hU statesmanship may bo ap
plauded by people loss acquainted with real
statesmen than nro the southern people , but
ho certainly is no great man among our
pooplo. Tennessee has many , loss experi
enced perhaps in the arts which Mr. Hill's ad-
mlrors proudly call political diplomacy , out
which really constitute political trickery , but
bettor Informed in the principles ot uprlcht
democracy and moro courageous to sacrifice
the advancement of self to the woUaro of
partv. Georgia can tmmn dozens of her sons
who nro worthier tlfan this shrewa and sue-
co'sful Now Yorkor"to wear the shoes of Ac-
drew Jnokson , ani o can Texas , Mississippi ,
Kentucky and otlfor southern stales.
Cult li ; Chicago.
Among ether aijnpirabln features of the
work now being clone m this citv under the
direction of Mr. Tjtjcpdoro Thomas is the in
troduction ot thoomnof publishing on con
cert programs analytical and descriptive com
ments upon the music to bo performed. The
scheme is well onpugh , but somebody should
at once call Mr. Thomas' attention to the
weird manner lujyuich it is occasionally put
Into execution , gdv ,
Tbo.latest program , for instance , contains
a powerful rhapsodic paragraph on thoolghlh
symphony of Beothovon. The following Is
un excerpt : t
"Wo liavo to forego the beautiful adaslo in
which the soul yearn,1 ; for the ecstasies of
love and soul-stato No. 1 meets soal-stata
No. 2 on an otlioroal chord of iha diminished
seventh , for there Is no adagio not even u
vulgar andante. "
Slnco there is no adagio , upon what esoteric
information docs the writer afllrm that
adacio soul-states No * . 1 and " are in the
hault of holding tholr confabs while precari
ously roosting on the soft , ethereal chord of
Iho diminished seventh lllce cherubs hop *
ping on the thin edge ot a cloud ) Why , since
tbcro is no ndagio -vulgar andante , docs he
say anything about it at all ) Why cxpall-
nto on the beauties of something tuat Is not !
Why , further , does ho expect audiences of
intelligent people to benefit from reading
such remarks ?
Of all arts music is the ono most cumbered
with gushing "criticism" . The instance
quoted is but a specimen. In the behalf ot
art lot Mr. Thomas , who is probably not in
nny way responsible for this writing. Insist
thnt the yearning , passionate soul of his
program writer clamber down from the
otboroal nnd restrict itself to the elucidation
of facts.
COMICS Oft' Till ! I'EltVlI.
Globe-Democrat : 'Premier Salisbury ts
backing down , reluctantly und ungracefully ,
perhaps , but ho is backing down.
Chicago Tribune- : Lord Salisbury Is not
such a bad man if you only know bow lo
takuhlni. And Mr. Harrison seems lo know
how to taKe him.
Chicago Nowa : AVe believe that the British
lion is about ready to slop roaring and
quietlv lap milk from iho s.iuoar in which
John Bull usually foods it.
Globo-Uomocrat : Tbo Canadian poachers
will have lo itcop away from Iho seal fisher
ies wholhor the arbitration treaty is ratllicd
or not. This is ono of iho large nnd signifi
cant facts that Lord Salisbury should Keep
steadily in mind wlillo ho Is pottlfopclng
aboutrtha alleged rights of tboso law-break'
ing individuals.
Chicago Herald : It Is simply a case of mo
nopoly ngalim piracy. It Is not a national
coniunlion fpr national rights. There is not
Involved nny principle nffoctlng the honor or
solf.rospoct of the American people. Lord
Salisbury and tbo president will go on blufl-
loir until both weary of thn folly. Then they
will devise anolhcr reference to arbitrators ,
ana wo shall inoauwbllo have no war.
JII.ASTS vRO3i it.iirs nony.
A bad reputatlomis'a ImrJ thing to ioso.
As soon as wo foriiba nablt we have a mas
ter. . ,
An ovll thought.Is the mother of an ovll
dood. / '
Going iohoavon | nj a tombstone is rlsuy
business , ! " ,
'I'lio man who tines to cl to heaven 01
Rtllts will Imvo n g4b-J many tumbles ,
It head proanhiimicouhl suvo iho world the
dnvll would Imvo f > 9pn.usod up long ago.
Men who pray in , earnest ahv.ivs hnvo
anna longnnoithlconon | wimlowA in heaven.
All iho suionco ttnho world can't make a
mean man feel at hosno lu a prayer meeting.
It angcU hear jolloiho preaching that ts
dona on onrth , they mun wondur whav some
nion nro drivi.iir at.
Among the groat1 trials that n wnmnn ha1
to underco , Is to Im a n now bonnet in Iho
house un a rainy SuuUay.
Tlm i inuilily dura
In duvlima nays
Su'url ' > : iiis IIHVII lu iriiuclor ,
And on the brink
I'uusiinft null ili'nk
How to firt over yonder.
Tim I
Tholr skirts with o lU
Atid i > oiiictliiiiK--Kr.ioefiil mutton ;
Tliuy pick tholr war " "
As bivit tlioy may ,
I.IUo hiillora o-i tlio ocean ,
Tlioy Iioi. ) und nUlp ,
And lldo , nnd ulli. |
And Jump , \vlion nticT > sir.
Tliuru's iiiidulluht
In HID Ii u , sKlil" !
It Is uulOtttlv , vory.
And u aacli 111:111 :
Ah boil 'HI ' uuu
i nut to ul oil , bl
us ;
3omo Lively Discussions in the Sonata on tbo
Ity Army Offlcors M until Jfot
Conduct the HtnliioM of tlio
Views of Western Sonntorn In Itof-
cronco tn tlio Chutigo.
513 FOUUTBRXTI ! StnliBT :
WASIIIXOTOS , D. C. , March i 30. )
Senator Mandcrson today reviewed the
conditions nt Pttio Htdgo , nnd especially
those facts of former III treatment nnd no-
gleet of the Indians In the nmttor of sup
es nnd furnUhtng the J provisions , that
: io& boon well known and published In Till !
QBE. Ho dwelt moro especially upon the
specific items of the bacon contract which
ind boon rejected by Captain Penny ,
thn army officer assigned to Pine Hldgo
nnd who was nUorwnrds succeeded by Cap
tain Brown , who took the sntno course. Ho
referred to the fact that the army oftlcors
would not iseuo 120,000 pounds of bad bacon ,
although it had been passed by the Indian
Inspectors In Chicago , nnd the ofllcors ap
pealed oven from the decision of the Indian
ofllcc to the secretary of the Interior.
Sonntor Mnndorson maintained thnt the
civilian agent would have Issued the bacon
and nooyod orders , nud would not have taken
Iho chance of having his official head cut olT.
The venerable Senator Dawos , chairman
of the committee on Indian affairs , made ref
erence to "tho deplorable condition of affairs
at Pine Uldge,1' but ho nlso paid a high tri
bute to Agent McLaughlln at Standing Hook ,
who had been twenty years In the Indian
service. Ho said thnt under this now regu
lation ho too would Imvo to go at the expira
tion of his term. The statements in the
report of the Stoux commission rein-
live to the 111 treatment of the Indians aud
the manner In which their goods have boon
furnished wns referred to. Ho sold the gov
ernment would have no ilnnncial recourse ,
for while the civilian agents nro compelled to
clvo bonds , tbo army agents would give no
bonds nt all.
Not I'rpparoil fur the Service ,
The army ofllccrs did not care to bo agents
and would not , of course , try to glvo satis
faction as ngcnls. If nn army agent Fhould
bo hauled up for bad management , or dishon
esty ho could outer a pica of Ignorance , or
adaptability and bo could not bo hold ac
countable , as men who enter the nrmy
take the oath , and are educated to perform
military services , which Indian work of this
character is not. Since this is true and the
ofllccr ha * 111 voice in nn assignment outside
of his line of duty as a soldier , no court-mar
tial would convict a military agent for mal
Senator Pottlcrow had some very vlcorous
and oricimU ideas on the subject of tbo In
spection of Indian ngonclcs which were
not altogether complimentary to the in
spectors. Ho declared that the pros-
cut inspections were of no account
whatever. It was nbsurd to detail an army
oftlcor to inspect nn Indian agency. There
should bo a change of inspectors at oncli
agency every tlmo th'cro was nn Inspection.
Ho ripped up the frauds of eastern contract
ors who supply rotten or shoddy blankets ,
light weight or tough moats and inferior
foods of all kinds. .
Turning to the chorees , in a recent speech
of his colleague , Senator Kyle , in which it
was alleged that there were cross frauds and
corruption on the part of South Dakota Indian
agents and the men now occupying those
positions were simply the tools of politicians
who were given the place * ns a personal re
ward for personal tavors. Senator Pettigrow
Jlrstj denounced tho. representations of fact
ns being utterly and whollv devoid of nny
Accused Kyle of Mnllcc ,
Ho broadly intimated that Senator Kyle
was prompted by malice In making his state
ments. If the statements of Mr. Kyle were
true , it was that gontloman'a duty as a citi
zen to call the attention of the courts of
South Dakota to them , as no state had bettor
courts or tboso more eager to deal bwift jus
tice to Just such conditions and the men re
sponsible lor them than South Dakota.
"Yes , " said Senator Potttgrew , "it Is true
as charced by my colleague that the South
DukoU Indian n fronts are men of political In-
llucnco. It is into also that they are my
friends. I make Ita nolnt to select men for
ofllco whenever I can who have inllucncoand
who are republicans. When a man has in-
llueuco it is nn indic-ation bo has friends ,
that ho Is respected , and when bo
is selected as a republican ho ts
sure to bo taken from among lh o best class
of citizens in iho country and to represent
the majority. I presume that should a demo
cratic president bo elected , my colleague
would go to thnt president and recommend
for these places democrats , that is unless ho
sought men of na political intinonco these in
the minority-parly in which event ho would
go to extremes mid recommend republicans ,
and got tbo host men in the state. "
Senator Pottigrew's speech attracted close
attention nnd had its effects. It is believed
that Iho provision to turn over the agencies
to array ofticors will ho stricken out of tbo
bill ,
Senator Pnddoek oppose1 ? the proposition
to make army ofllccrs Indian agents nnd Sun
ntor Mandcrson favors It. The latter spoKa
for the provision in the bill uftur Senator
Pottigiowtook his scat.
Hpokn from rernoiml Kxperlnncc.
During the consideration ot the Indian ap
propriation bill Sunator Pottlgrew opened
another broadaidu UL'ainst that fo.itura of the
measure Inserted in the house whlcn turns
all of the Indian ngcnis of or to the nrmy ofli-
cera. Senator Peulgrow has spout , the hot
ter portion of his llfo among In
dians , is a member of iho commUtco
on Indian affairs ami spoke from a personal
knowledge of ho'.v Indian agencies nro con
ducted. Ho said that If the agQncloa wore
placed In the hands of army officers tbero
would oo no restraint whatever and such a
thing ns cu inspection would ba known no
moro. It was In violation of a most , emphatic ;
prlncmlo of army discipline to cast reproach
upon 'an ofllccr by sending u civilian to
Inspect his ofllco , whllo t hnvo an
Inspection bv an nrmy oftlcor was the
same thing as having no Inspection
at all. Ho rnado the olllcor Impact his own
ofllcos. lib observed that through the ras
calities of the Indian insneotor , or some of
thorn , the name "Indian Inspectors" had bo-
cnmo Hynomoiioiis with all that was dis
honest nnd rascally , whllo ns n mutter of
fact it was not oosslblo for an 1'idlan ugont
to bo oniclallv disbonost. The contracts
were made by higher ofliccrs than tlio ngonts
and wora generally glvon to eastern con-
traulors , the friends of men In con cross
who were striving to make nrmy ofllcers
No lU'foursu on Army OMIfi-rd.
At present an Indian ngont was subject to
romovul if ho did not glvo satisfaction , nut ,
mich a thing would not bo posslblu if the
agent was nn army olllcor. Tliu Ind Inns nor
ttio people directly Intorouod would have no
recourse upon an army otllcor us iivont.
The poor quality of goods will probably bo
brought out ijuito thoroughly in this discus
sion. Senator Manilerson made the state
ment that It ' 'look only u few years for In-
ulun ugonts on a salary of fl,3'JO u joar to
amass a fortuno. " Too implication clearly
being that the ncunl and inspector were paid
by tlioe-ontrnrlort to pani bad goods to the
Indiana when the contracts culled for first
clnss goods. There Is llnblo to bo consider
able fun In the matter before It Is oror.
Later In the day Sonntor Kyle undertook
to reply to Senator Dawos nnd was very
much sixt down upon. Ito wished to Impress
upon the sonata what ho know nbout Indian
nllalrs from his llfo In the Hooky mountains
nnd by Insinuation made tno broad nnd swoop-
Inn charge that there was nobody In tno Indian
service who wns lionoit. Thl , ol course ,
was absurd upon the fnco of It , and Senator
Dawos had an easy time in Knowing the false
position of the South Dakota "ItulocrnU"
Hnmlor Ciilloin Tor llurrUoii.
Sonntor Shelby M. Cullom of Illinois is not
n presidential candidate nnd refuses to Imvo
his name used farther for the nomination.
Hcvls out In favor of the nomination of Pres
ident Harrison. Tonight Sonntor Uullom
Addressed n letter to ox-Mayor Hoclio of Chicago
cage In which ho says the people scorn to
demand nnothor term for President Harri
son and ho desires his own name shall not bo
used further for the nomination. Ho bo-
llcvos n good administration should bo appre
ciated , and all thtnga considered , ho regards
the present Incumbent ns the strongest man
the party can plnco nt the head of Us tlcknt.
It wns the Intention of Senator Cullom till
now to do nothing to nccullorato hli presi
dential boom and nothing to choke 11 off , but
ho has come to the conclusion , after
thn mooting of several county conventions
In Illinois , that his state , or at least n goodly
portion of it , favors n contlnuanco of the
present administration , nnd ns n peed repub
lican , desiring party success before personal
aggrandizement , ho would do nothing or per
mit nothing In his power to bo loft undone to
secure party success. Ho therefore recom
mends his friends to stand oy President
The retirement of Sonntor Cullom leaves
but ono open usplrant in the way of n rononi-
inatlon by acclamation , and that is Uoncrnl
Alpor. It ii believed In Washington that
President Harrison's rouomluntlon by accla
mation is assured.
They rnvor Tlolog for I'roaldont.
Frank P. Emerson of Omaha Is at the St.
Hon. Mutt ICoau of Lawlor , la. , a democrat ,
Is hero and says : "Governor Doles has
made such n line record that wo wnnt to see
him nominated for president , lown
has boon gottlng moro domocrallo nil the
tlmo on the prohibition ISMIO until the repub
licans can no longer lay claim to it , Outsldo
of Governor 13oios wo have no special prefer
ence , but will co to the man that sroms to
stand the host snow. In my judgment It
would bo folly to choose either Hill or Cleve
land , but Governor Flower might suit admir
ably ns a compromise candidate. "
Upon the recommendation of Senator
Pcttlgrow , William F. Bushnoll , owner nnd
editor of the Dakota Farmer , published at
Huron , S. D. , will oo appointed a statistical
agent of the Agricultural department. The
South Dakota congressional delegation
agreed upon Mr. Buihnoll ns the man for the
plnco. The appointment will bo made nt
on co.
Representative Jolloy today Introduced
bills to pension John H. McLaughlln , liou-
zlllal Morlan nnd Thomas W. Thompson of
South Dakota.
Iowa postmasters were appointed today as
follows : Churchvlll , Warren county , J. W.
Ltnimmann , vlco J. E. Churchman , ronlgnca ;
Dot-rough , Warren county , S. E. Walrus ,
vice J. T. Soohn , resigned ; Flugslnd , Ham
ilton county , O. D. Peterson , vlcn M. H.
Murphy , deceased ; Grafton , Worth county ,
L. C. Thompson , vlco J. 1C. Sherman , re
signed. P. S. H.
V. M. C. A. Note * .
The younRor members of the organization
have organized a bicycle club with twelve
memoers nnd have elected H. Wood captain ,
G. Purvis lieutenant , F. W. Lake sergeant ,
aud F. D. Kerr secretary and treasurer. The
boys uru expected to make some line runs
this summer.
The Knockabout club moot Wednesday
afternoon ntfi p. m. and will ( in their minds )
tulcc a trip across the ocean. The subject
which will engage their attention next
Wednesday will ba "An Ocean Steamer and
Its Fittings , " nnd the following wool :
"Sights to bo SoonJromJts Decks in Cross
ing the Ocean ; " the next , "A Storm nt Son , "
nnd the fourth , "What May lie Seen at the
Bottom of the Sou. " The club will take
some tramps nbout iho country as soon its the
walking Is good. Secretary ODor Is thn
leader of the club. >
i'hursday evening the nowlv organized
chess clu l ) moeU again. A number of new
applications for membership have boon ro-
ceivcd , aud the prospects are that the club
will become qullo largo.
Ucborvcd scats can now ba had for the
magnlticontly Illustrated lecture on the
"Yosemlta and National Parks , " by Colonel
Daniels Thursday evening.
Next Saturday nlpht Dr. Gcorgo L. Miller
will deliver an address unon "Fifty Years in
Omaha. " Ho will not only deal with the pro
gress and development of Omaba in tbo past ,
but will also attempt to pull nslde tbo veil of
the future aud picture some of the things
that the people of Omaba may reasonably ex
pect to take place within the uoxt two de
Or. Sunday afternoon Hon. J , M. Woolworth -
worth will address the men's meeting at 4
o'clock , taking for bis subject "Hocks In
Business Life. "
The American History club will discuss
the revolutionary period this ovonmg.
Colonel Churles Bird will taico charge of
the young iron's meetings on Friday evenings -
ings for the month of April.
Dean Gardner will deliver the opening address -
dross at the Young Men's Christian associa
tion district convention at Columbus , on
April _ _ _
Instructed for Ilnrrlflnn ,
WisciithTEit , ICv. , March 30. The repub
lican convention for the Eighteenth uistrict
mol hero nml fleeted Dunlol , . .
MROUIIO delegates to the Minneapolis ivr *
tlon nnd Instructed thorn to vote for Ii ,
BOH. o/e ,
Albert Kilnrnril Snlil to Hnro ( 'nnnaetoil
lIltn < cll"WUh it IMpo I.ltio Cnmpiuij- .
PiTTsuumn , PA. , March 30. Another plpa
line from the western Pennsylvania oil
fields to the seaboard Is contemplated. TQI
now line Is to bo built with Kngllsh capital ,
It is said titled royalty has n hand In the on
tcrprlso nnd will own a big block of stock ,
The member of the royal family of England
who will llguro conspicuously in the com-
monplnco business of plplncv oil Is his royixl
htghnoss Albert Kdwnrtl , prince of Wnlos
nnd the future king of England. Ulosoly as
sociated with the prince will bo Mr. Wilson
of Trnnby Croft , who will also Invest exten
sively In the lino. Besides thojo Illustrious
gentlemen , English capitalists nro Intorcited
In the venture nnd will back It with English
gold. The capital stock of the company Is to
oo 2,000,000. A charter has already boon
lakon out in the stale of Now Jersey by Mr.
Wilson , and the line Ii to bo called the Eng
lish Pipe Line company.
The agents of the contemplated company
are now out nloiijr the route endeavoring to
secure the right-of-way. The proposed line
parallels the now Crescent line throughout
western Pennsylvania to Itn terminus near
the city of Philadelphia. It Is estimated
that the line will cost not loss than ? J,000 ,
000. It will oc u slx-lncl. line , nnd It Is to bo
equipped with the cost duplex pumps used ,
for forcing oil through iho pipes. Thoro'
nro to bo six pumping stations ,
As soon ns the trunk line is completed. It
Is the intention to extend branch line ;
into Wast Virginia nnd eastern Ohio. The
line is to be as complete us the last seaboard
line , built by the Standard , and it Is to bo
ready to plpo oil before twalvo inonthi nave
rolled around. The oil Is to bo leaded upon
tank steamers nnd carried to England , whcro
the crude article is to bo refined , Tlio c5n-
traots for the ntcnmors have already boon
lot and are to bo completed by the tlmo the
plpo line is finished. The refineries are to
bo built near Liverpool , that they may bo
easily accessible to the Moamors ,
itnggcil , Cut IIIK !
A drunken man was found In the mud by a
shed no&r Twonty-llrst nnd Plorco streets
about 7 o'clock last ovontng with a long-
deep gash behind the right car. The cut
was evidently made with a razor or very
sharp knlto. The man was taken to the city
Jail nnd Dr. Towno called to sow up the
wound. The patient was then booked in
John Dee and lociccd up , ns ho wns still too
drunk to give his namo.
Chicago Horiild : A thick coat of trool has
nuponrcd upon the head and Dody of nn old
noxro down In Ui-orzla. Ho wnsshoiirod twice
lust your , and the llcuco was sold , bringing u
good price. This tlilim novurhiiuponud before
McKliiloy's llniu.
Mlnnoapolls Times : Manager nt the Dime
Wull. whutiita thuylllglitlnn about now ?
Attundntit The Uardlir Rliint nsod tlio rubber -
ber nmn to erase nn entry In His dliiry unil
threatens to bounce the rubber man fur kick
Now Vork Herald i Itnmysocmiui achronls-
tlc. but It bus boon suspected lately that lliu
king who shouted : "A lioi > e. n horse my
kingdom for n horsol" wus In reality u passan- .
per on un Alabama railroad.
Judge : Sumbo Moso Washington. I yord
a follulnsiililn' vo dls iniiwiiln' sayln' dut vo
hnd freckles
lloso Who's not freckles ! Who's got Crack
les ! Dotn nln' frooUos , doy's warts. Where Js
do Insult In * rascal ?
Somorrlllo Journal : The man who hna
never needed tn hnvo any touth pulled Is the
loudest In : ulvl.iliiR the biilforor to "braoo up
like u man and have the tiling oul ut onco. "
Th9y lovoft u.ioh ether years URO ,
Tlioy thoiichi tholr lovu.wus true.
Ho doted madly on hoi , nnd
Un him she do ted , too.
A something cnino between the two
As happens oft In llfo :
Another's husband ho became
And she another's wife.
Tlior mot today : the past was but
A recollection dim.
Ho wonders wluir lie s iw In bur ,
Shu what she saw la him. '
Slftlncs : Newspaper Hcportcr ( to president
of company ) Has your company i.ikun any
slops to uuy Us taxex ?
I'lostdont Why , ccrtnlitly. sir. Wo Imvo
m-ulo two protusw ngsilnsl the constitutional
ity ot iho law.
Life : On tlio llorsu Do you think Miss
Morton und bur tnotliur dlscovcroU Unit I
wus tipsy lusl nUhl ?
The Ulhur-Uh , no ; I explained to lliomthat
you woio cru y.
Chicago Tribune : Hlvors Whnt do you
think of that story that a puz nO'O cuu/
bo stralRlitoncd out by lying on ono'H fiicof , .
whan In bed ? C
llanks I think it'd ulloon the fncouf It. > > > .
Wushlniton Stnt : "Vou know , Marln. " lit
aald. "I think every child shows In Homo war
In what c.alllnc it Is most HUely to succeed tn ,
uftoryoiirn ? "
"Do you think eo't Then wo'd bolter mnUoa
real cstiuo man of our Willie. 1 cua't koop-
him out of tin ) dirt. "
Danvlllo Ilroo7o : ' The quickest wuy to" reduce !
duce llijuld mo.isnro to dry measurols to tuko
aiiuart of nltro-Klycorliio and hit 11 with u'
h.immur. Yun will then have a ton or moro
ot dubris , yourself Inelu led.
ninqhaiiiton Loader : A Sixth ward man la
kicking becuuso his wlfu doesn't throw n llttlo
moro Dols'irto o.xprussloii Into her perform-
unco uvor tlio wush tub. (
Hurlln ton I'ro-is : "Solud out , " ho mur *
murrod to hliuholf as the father of hl best
rtlrl guvo him a lift nt3 o'clock In tlio morn-
& CD.
K. Vi. C'oruor 15th aui
School Suits
* Now when you want them you can get
" them. For this Va
cation week we make
special prices on
every thing for the boys
$4 mid $5.
KNKK I1 A NT a n $ ,
1 to 10 years ,
LONG PANT SUITS , 85 , $0. )
13 to IHyonrJ , up to $10
Boys' Hats , 50c , 75c , $1 and up , Shirt
Waists 40c , 75c , $1 up to $6.50. Boys'
Hose with knee protectors , collars , neck
ties , all boys' furnishing goods and elegant
boys' spring overcoats at special prices for
this Vacation week. Pleasant parlors for
ladies' and children to rest in or to make
purchases. Many new and novel styles.
Browning , King & Co \
. " ' " I S. W. Corner 15th and Douglas St