Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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ttlitticd ty Carrier to any part of the City
IluRlnextOfnce No
Editor . .
'Jtf/AO/t J/J O.V.
y , Y. Plumbing Co.
Council BluH Lumber Co. , coaU
CrsU's chattel leans. E04 Sapp
Wanted Olrl for ccneral nousework. Mrs.
T. K. Tnick tnn , 721 Willow avenue.
O. E. O niton , court reporter for Jndpc
Thornell , left last evening for his horao In
William J. Lorerctt of Sloox Fall * . S. D. ,
brother of Mrs. George Sanford , arrived iu
tbe city last eveninc.
Hccrv Betheri was fined S10.20 In police
court yesterday morninc for committing an
B sauHon a companion night before last.
Unity pnild meets in recular session with
Mrs. Oeorpe Ri.dlo. on First street , Fnday
afternoon at 2.33 o'clock. A full attendance
Is requested.
A meeting of tne Railway Employes1 cltfb
will be held thU evenlnR in Archer hall at S
o'clock. All railroad men are cordially In
vited to attend.
Marriaco licenses were Issued yosterdav to
8. J. Ely and Lalu A. Scott ol Haiel tell )
township and Theodore Grebe and Mcdora J.
Glover of Omaha. *
Tbe Ladies' Aid society of St. John's Enp-
Ji b Lutheran church meets tomorrow at 2 n.
m. at tbe residence ot Mrs. N. J. Svranson ,
G20 Franklin nvcnur
Rev. G. W. Crofts has had a copy of bis
boon of poems , entitled "Golden Rod1 hand
somely bound in Russia leather ana will pre
sent ii to tno public library.
Regular meeting of Hazsl Camp No. 171 ,
Modern Wwirnen of America , will be hjld
Thursday evening of each uoek commencing
tomorrow evening at Knichts' of Pythias
Tbe social of Lily camp , Royal Neighbors
ot America , which was announced for this
evening at the Knights of Pythias hall , has
been Indefinitely postponed on account ot bad
Judge Thornell has overruled the motion of
the defendant in the case of Fanuio L. Pat
terson against tbe Omaha and Council Bluffs
Bridge company fora new trial. Tbe case
will be appealed to the supreme court.
Tbo remains of Mabel Mooney , alias Mabel
Stevens , xvbo was Hilled in Oma&a Sunday
rnornlnc , were brought to her home at 113
Vine street in this city last evening. Ar
rangements have not yet been completed for
tbe funeral.
Pottawattamie Tribe Xo. 21 , Improved
Order of Red Men , will meet this evening in
regular council in their wigwam , corner of
Broadway and Main street , at 7:30 o'clock ,
for \vork in the hunter's degree. Visiting
chiefs are wclcomn.
The preliminary examination of George
Water * and Thomas Owens on the charge of
ictabing the cash drawer of Williatn Keelinc
several days ago was completed yesterday
nltcrnoon and tbe cases taken under advise'
ment by Judge McGee.
Tbo regular meeting of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union of Council
Bluffs will be held in tbe rooms in tbe Mer-
riara block , Wednesday afternoon at3 o'clock.
All members are requested to bo present.
Mrs. Ur. Gonlon , president.
The cose of Frank Webster , charged with
assault and battery and threatening to kill ,
ana John Mulvaney and J. M. Mulvaney ,
charged with assault nnd battery , have been
continued until next Tuesday , when they
will bo again aired before Justice Swear-
A motor man named J onsen bad a narrow
escape from u serious Injury yesterday.
While taking bis train up the incline on the
Iowa side of inn Dridge a bullet penetrated
his cap and passed through without staking
him. It evidently came from some one shoot
ing at a target in the u illows.
Articles of incorporation were filed with
the county recorder yesterday by the Citizens
State bank of Oakland , with a capital of $ .10-
1)00. ) Tbe signers are as follows : President ,
W. H. Freeman ; vice president , S. S. Kust ;
cashier. L. F , Potter : directors , L. B. Rob-
inron , J. Q. McPherrin , J. L. Caldwell.
Justice Cones rendered a decision yester
day in tbe suit of Airs. Johnson against Lillle
Jones , which was commenced by the plain
tiff to replevin a told ring and'watch wtiich
had been given by her son to the defendant
during a marriage engagement. By the de
cision the girl is allowed to keep both the
ar.ldes of jewelry.
Word was receivedyestcrdav tbat William
Arnd of the Stale Savings bank bad received
tbe senatorial recommendation for the ap
pointment of surveyor of customs , the new
office created In Council Bluffs by Congress
man Bowman's bill , making thi * a port of
delivery. The appointment will probablv
follow the recommendation.
The injunction suit which was to bave
been decided by Judge McGee yesterdav
morning was again continued by request o'f
the attorneys for tbe aelense on account of
the absence of George F. Wrieht from the
dty. No dale was set for the decision , and
Judge McGee stated that he would not fix
any time until tbe attorneys cime to an
agreement among themselves.
Tbe rains that bave fallen during the past
few days have left tbeunpaved streets in the
western part of the city , where grading has
been recently done , in a horrible condition.
The grading on each side of tbe motor track
on Avenue A is somewhat higher thin the
track Itself , so that tbe water is unable to
run off. By sinking into the grouud it has
made the roadbed of the track so soft tnat
tbe greatest care ha ? to be exercised in run
ning tbe motor trains to prevent serious acci
dents from happening. The running of
trains last evening was made some wbat irreg
ular on tbat account.
Grand Spring Mlllinrry Opening : .
On Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday
of this week ilrs. Plelffer's pprinc mil
linery opening : will occur. It will bo
iho most elaborate ttmt Mrs. Pfeiffcr
bus ever attempted , and has required
weeks of preparation. Miss Lizzie
\Veitz , an expert trimmer and designer ,
who has had ten years' expe-ienee in
the crrent eastern wholesale houses , is
in charge of the pattern room. The
opening will include both stores , 220
and 341 Broadway.
The ladies of Council Bluffs and
Omaha will soon have an opportunity to
.witness the millinery opening of the
reason. It xvill bo held in Miss Rags-
dale's millinery parlor , 3U7 Broadway ,
Thursday , Friday nnd Saturday , after
noons and evenings. The ladies know
what her openings have been in tha past
and they will feel certain that this will
justify a visit.
Death of William Garnrr.
William Garner aied yesterday morning at
his borne in Garner township , aced Si years ,
cfter on illness of eighteen months , from
dropsy. Tbo deceased was one of tbo oldest
&nd best known residents o ( Pollswattainic
county , having moved to this locality In 1SW.
&t the time of tbo Mormon settlement , and
snade 11 his borne ever Bines. Ho bos been
afflicted with , the aiseaso which finally
proved fatal for nearly two years , bat has
been confined to bis bed only since last Mon
day , lilt death , while not expected , will be
a chock ta bis large circle of fricnas. Notice
of the time of the funeral will bo siren later.
The Ulnc ofGmollne Store * .
The old single generator Dangler was
the best pnsolino stove ever made , bu ,
Shujrart & Son have a now Dangler that
Is unquestionably the king of vnpor
stoves. It is called the Dangler bur-
prise , and is simply the old reliable
fctovo with a perfect process generator
added. It burns a blue flama when
lighted and has no odor in stopping or
starting Shugarts arc the only people
who handle them.
Jarvis' wild blackberry la the best.
Eastern money to loan on real estate
by K. 1L Sheole , U road way and Main.
Mi\\o ! \ \ rKUJl lUUiMlL DLtrro
Another Eocky Tura Derelops ia the
Bough Eoad of the Grand HoteL
Attornej-Mira eek to rorrclo r Two Mort-
Cngrs lint ! Enjoined A Counter
injunction Itrooglit "oine I'ocu-
llar Legal Complication * .
The Grand hotel became the scene of a
lively encounter again yesterday morning
when a constable , armed with tbe necessary
papers , went tuera and attempted to levy on
tbe laundry and kitchen lurniture on the
strength of a chattel mortgage vthlcn had
been executed in favor of J. J. Shea on Feb
ruary 11 by John F. Kim ball and George H.
Champ for the amount uf & 3U , and another
rnortTage of the same date in favor of E. A.
Wlckbam for 150. Juice Thornell was at
once applied to by tbe attorneys for Receiver
C. R. Hannaa for an order restraining the
holders of the mortgages from levying on
the property In question. In the petition It
was alleged that the hotel bad beeu leased to
E. F. Clark and tbat the seizure of
the furniture would work Irreparable Injury
to tbe hotel. It xvas also alleged that the
plaintiff believed that ha oad a valid defense
to the mortgages , and that ho bad offered to
appear in court oa a saitfor foreclosure with
out process , but that the holder of the mort
gages refused to allow it , insisting upon sum
mary foreclosure. On those representations
the levy was prevented , and the property was
left In the bands of a receiver.
The mortgages above referred to had been
given to Wickham as security for the amount
which was still owing him for tno construc
tion of the building , while that of Shea waste
to secure attorney's fees for appearing lor
Kimball & Champ in a recent law
suit in which they were defendants
ants in the district "court. Frustrated
in his attempt to get possession ot the kitchen
and laundry furniture in this manner , Shea
decided to try an ancient though effective
way cl gettine even with the receiver of the
property , and with that end in view invoked
the aid of the state prohibitory law. Within
an hour after tbe writ of injunction had been
issued from the district court to prevent the
levy on the goods , another petition was on
file in which J. J. Shea appeared as plaintiff.
In this petition it was altered that the
Grand Hotel was a place where intoxicate
inr liquors were accustomed to be sold la vio-
latiation of the prohibitory law , and an in
junction was demanded to prevent tbe sale
of liquors from being carried on any loneer.
C. K. Hannan , the Kimball-Cbamp Invest
ment company , and Edward F. Clark were
made defendants to tbe suit. Judge Thor
nell heard the application for a temporary
writ of injunction and set next Tuesday
morninp at 10 o'clock ai the time for the
bearing of the case. Shea announces bis in
tention of showing the people of Counril
Cluffs what a success the prohibitory law
can be made in a given instance with a man
back of the effort that means Du.iness.
A rumor was circulated to the effect that a
searcb warrant would bu Issued from some
justice court for the purpose of determining
whether there were any intoxicating liquors
to be found in the hotel. For fear that this
report was true Manager Clark had the bar
room hermetically sealed all evening , and if
u search had oeen made the searcher would
have found dim picking. It is stated that
no effort will bejmade to run tbe bar until the
injunction suit now pending is settled.
Easter display of fine millinery Thurs
day nnd Friday afternoons and evenings.
Souvenirs. Louis' , Masonic block.
All the new things in spring millinery
Thursday and Friday afternoons and
evenings. Louis' , Masonic "block.
Thomas Tostevin , civil engineer and
surveyor , over DeVol's , 504 Broadway.
Ewcnson Music Co. , Masonic temple.
Xo Hope Whatever Tor Relief From the
Prohibitory Lntr.
The delegation wbicn went ta Des Moines
last Sunday to try to cajole the bouse of rep
resentatives into passing the Uatcn bill , or
some equally satisfactory temperance meas
ure , returned yesterday noon in no very hilari-
ois frame ot mind. From the time they set
foot in the capital city life was a series of
disappointments , and by tbe time they were
ready to leave they were unanimous in the
opinion that the man who conceived the idea
that the prohibitionists in the legislature
could be reasoned into anythincwould better
devote the rest of his life to sawing wood.
Tbe members of tbe committee appointed
by the republicans of the legislature to con
fer with tbe delegations from tbe cities were
insulting in their manners , and gave the
delegates to understand without any delay
tbat they had come on a wile goose chase.
The conference , was held , however , and at
the close the housti committee went into
secret session to tall : tbe matter over. About
midnight tbe delegates were informed that
the hour was so late tbat it would be impos
sible to do anything before morning , and
something told the delegates tbat that was
simply a polite way the committee had of
saying tbat they might consider themselves
fired. The delegates left f jr their respective
homes about b o'clock tbe next morning.
Tnere were uboutseventy-flve presentfrom
other cities , although it was considerable of
an all-around surprise to find that for some
reason or other neither Burlington nor Sioux
City , both of which places were supposed to
bo heartily in sympathy with the movement ,
were represented.
"It serves the people of the cities right. "
sain one of the delegates vesterday , "for
going to sU-ep until the'question bad been de
cided and then waking up to cry like a lot of
nhipped school boys. If we had made tbe
same effort to have tbe wrong rigntod three
months ago , and if tbe delegates to the state
republican convention bad shown any sort of
spirit , we would in all probability have col-
ten what wo wanted. As it U our ease is
settled fur the next two years at least. "
Reiter , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has
nil the latest styles and newest goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
How are your awnings ? J. M.
Lamcke , 131 Pearl. Only home factory.
Judge Thornell Provide * Criminal ! with
CmlrutliiU for Tout lirailunte Mudie .
Judge Tbornell had tbe closing exercises of
tbe term of district court yesterday and dis
tributed sheepskins to the members sf a
small though promising graduating class.
Fred ICissell , who took advantaire of the
innocence of Sam Shankiin to get him drunk
end relieve him of a roll of (40 while doing
tbe town with a couple of cyprians In a back ,
was given three year * at bard labor in tha
penitentiary in order that bo might meditate
on lea hardness of the transgressor's way.
Toe attorney for Ross risers , charged
with shooting nil but the daylights out of
John Peters at tne Pluiner farm , made an
extended argutneut to tbe court with a view
to showing several error * in rulings which
were supposed to have deprived his client of
a portion of his rights. The court refused to
reverse bis decision and sentenced Savers to
u term of two years ill tbe penitentiary and
fixed Bis bond for acpeal at $1,000.
vVilliam ( 'rise , a colored man who was
found guilty of embezzling a checv for 15
belonging to Mrs. Pralor , has devoted a
good share of bis time since tbe close of his
trial to writing poetry , but his sentence was
not made more severe on that account.
Sheriff Hnzen left last evening for Fcrt
Madisnnwith Oriu , KUsell and Sayers la
William Cuptcr was given a fine nf S25
and a term of ninety days in. tbe county jail
for tbe theft of a number of small article *
from an upper Broadway restaurant.
In tbe case of the state against F Scbroe-
der. who wcs t ied In a justice court at
Underwood for selling liquor contrary to the
state prohibitory law , the judrmeut ot tne
lo wcr court tvasaSiraed ana Schroeder was
sent to the county jail to serve out the fine of
1100 which had been assessed against him.
Judge Tbornell will bold a brief cession of
court today to close up the work of tbo term ,
after which hi will leave for his home in
O. Yunkerman&Co. , food , seeds , com
mission , country produce , 103 Broaolway.
r > deral Court w .
The March term of the United States dis
trict court opened yesterday morulng In the
government building with Judge J. S. Wool-
son on the bench. The greater part of the
day was spent in preliminaries , calling the
docket , empanelling the grand and petit
juriei and getting readv for the trial of cases
w hich commences today The case of John
Grant acalusl tbe Union Pacific Railway
compan v is tbe first case on tbe docket. JThe
plaintiff , an employe of the Ogden bouse ,
seeks to recover 810,000 for personal injuries
received while switching for the company.
The case bns alrcadv bad two trials , tbo first
nno being before Judge Dandy in Omaha.
The Jury disagree and the case was
next tned before Judge Shiras , resulting in
verdict in favor of the defendant , which ,
was afterwards sot aside by Judge Shirat on
tbe ground of misconduct imocg the jurors.
The jury was cmpannehoi in tbe case and
the tnal will commence this morning.
D. L. iloss was adralttcJ to practice in the
United States courts.
There will be a large criminal docket at
this session ot court , most of the cases being
of men cnarged with violations of the inter
nal revenue laws , known in every day lan
guage as "bootleggers. " The corridor * of
the government building are swarming with
men who bavo been brought to the city to
appear before the grand jury either as wit
nesses or defendants , and it is probable that
there will be a hundred or more indictments
returned. The term of court , It is thought ,
will last about three weeks.
We have our own vineyards in Califor
nia , Jarvis Wine coniunny , Ca BluSs
JarvlslS77 brandy , purest , safest , best ,
DlnmUocd the Gate.
The case of tbo state against Ira Keyes ,
charged with the seduction of Maud Marsh ,
was brought up in the court of Justice Cones
yesterday morning again , but failed to come
to trial. Ihe attorneys for the prosecution
had made an investigation and had come to
the conclusion tbat there was no likelihood
of their being able to prove tnat the crime
had been committed in Pottawattamie
county. The case was accordingly dismissed
by the prosecution. Another suit , however ,
will be commenced at once in the courts at
List ol the Orders ol n liar In the Regular
Sen lee
WASHINGTON- . C. , March 29. ( Special
Telegram to THE fine. ] The following army
orders were Issued today :
Major Culver Sniffed , paymaster , will pro
ceed to Fort Myer , Va. , Fort Mcrienry , Md. ,
Washiugton Barracks , D. C. , and Fort Mon
roe , Va. , and pay the troops at those stations
March 31 , IS'Ji , in the order named , and on
the completion of this duty will return to his
staUon in this city. Captain Daniel M. Tay
lor , ordnance department , is relieved from
further duty in tha office of the adjutant
general of tne army , and -will report in per
son to the chief of ordnance for such duty
as he may direct in addition to his duties as
recorder ot tbo Board of Ordnance nnd For
tifications ana also of thr. board fcr test in tr
range and position finders.
The extension of leave of absence granted
Second Lieutenant George B. UavisTwenty-
third infantry , is further extended one
month. With the approval of tbe secretary
of warthe , extension of leave of absence
on account of disabilitv granted Lieutenant
Colonel William H. Penrose , Sixteenth in
fantry. October 21 , 1SD1 , is still further ex
tended six montt.s on account of disability.
A board of officers is appointed to meet at
call of the president thereof at Vancouver
Barracks , Woih. , for the examination
of such officers as may be ordered
before it , to determine tbe fitness
for promotion. Detail for the bo rd : Colonel
Thomas Anderson , Fourteenth infantry ;
Lieutenant Colonel Charles C. Byrne , sur
geon ; Lieutenant Colonel Hugh Ateaker ,
Fourteenth infantry ; Major John W.French ,
Fourteenth infantry ; First Lieutenant
Thomas U. Raymond , assistant surgeon ;
First Lieutenant Alfred Hasbronck , jr. , ad
jutant Fourteenth infantry , recorder. The
following named officers will report in per
son to Colonel Thomas Anderson , Fourteenth
infantry , president of the examining board
appointed to meet at Vancouver Barracks ,
Wash. , March 23,1S92 , at sarh time as he
may designate for examination by the
board as to their fitness lor promotion :
Captain Augustus H. Bainbndgp , Four
teenth infantry ; First Lieutenant George T.
Patterson , Fourteenth infantry. " On tbo
conclusion of bis examination Captain Bain-
bridfre will return to his proper station.
Captain Henry Metcalfe , ordnance depart
ment , wlU proceed from Cold Sprmsr , N. Y. ,
to Watervliet arsecel , West Troy , X. Y. , on
official business at.d on the completion
thereof will rejoin his station. Captain
.George F. Tovrle , Nineteenth infantry , now
on leave of absence , will proceed to his home ,
where he is authorized to await retirement
at his own request. On bis arrival there he
will report by letter to the adjutant general
of the army.
Western I'utciits.
WisniscTOS. D. C. , March 29. [ Special
Telegram to Tne BEE.J Tbe following list
of patents granted is reported by TUE Bcc
and Examiner Bureau of Claims :
Jonn Arbtln and W. J. Anderson , Des
Moines , la. , vehicle wheel ; Jacob C. and A.
P. Bressler , Cedar Rapids , la. , houseinovlng
truck ; John M. and M. t > . Browning , Ogden ,
U. T. , automatic magazine gun and machine
gun , three patents : Gustavo Carsonsparks ,
assignor of one-half to C. H. Corwell. Valen
tine. Xeb. , whlffietree hook ; Louis H. Dempsey -
sey and ll 1. Folk , Dubuque , la. , vehicle
wneel ; George K. Eacrett , Solomon. la. ,
propeller : Elmer F. Estes , Lincoln , Men ,
typewriting machine ; Charles EL Howard ,
Lieghton , la. , hone shoe ; Charles H. Kel
logg , Allen. Neb. , fence machine ; James F.
Kellogg , Mitchell , S. D. , assignor of one-
half to P Gould , J. C. Skelton and A.
Hoeffer , Canton , O. , neck yoke ; John F.
Lyndon , Des Moines , and W. Stairy , Iowa
Falls , la. , finger bar for reaping and mowing
machines ; Frederick Muenger , Hill City ,
S. D. , miner's candlu stick ; Lemuel C. Neal ,
Lewiston , Idaho , current motor ; Ira H.
Plummer , Glendive , Mcnt. , car axel box ;
Ambrose B. Stricter , Sioux City , la. , ther
mometer attachment for ovens ; Mary J.
Tennev. floor or window screen ; Andrew
E. Wa'lkup , Omaha , Neb. , court fila cover ;
Silas Witbedell. assignor to L. C. Hinze ,
Fort Madison , la. , bouse door letter box.
LEFT Jtf J1" riCllMS.
Questionable Work of a Well Known Illi
nois Grain Deuler.
COLUSI , III , March 29. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Chns Bailey , who has
succeeded in swindling so many farners of
this vicinity , has fled. Last Sunday " night a
belated citizen of Dalles City noticed "a cov
ered rig dnve cautiously up to the the Santa
Fe depot in Dalle * . City. For the first time
in the history of the town tbo fastvestibuled
tram halted for a moment and a man
was seen to quickly board tbe train.
This was midnight Sunday. Bailej is hun
dreds of tniles away by this time. Bailey , it
is alleged , has been doing- crooked work as a
grain dealer for many year * . Tois is what
good men who bavo reason to Know say. He
gambled on tbe Chicago Board o ! Trade and
not ( .nly lost his own money , but that belong
ing to others. He drained bis father's purse
as long as passible. His transactions
involved many people in this vicinity , most
of whom were young farmers , who trusted
all they had to Bailey's care. Bailey's last
operation consisted in shipping grain for his
own use which he bad received as ware
houseman and for which he bad given
receipts as such. Bailey went to Kansas
City "or Omaha ,
The ! > < -atu Hull.
jjAiiKt Gurlii Uri'ieV j
March 2a | New Yoric Herald
Cable Special to TUE Bee. j-Prince Cars-
man Chiinay , minUter of foreign affairs ,
died this morning after a lone illness , ajed
M. He recently married tbe second time ,
bis bride being Miri * do Barandeara , a Mex
ican lady. Trie title reverts to tbo eldest
son. who recently married MisVnrd , a
Canadian heiress. Probablr bis successor
as minister of foreign sffairs is the Duke of
Upbel , senator for .Mechlin , and a member
of tha clerical part ; .
BEUUX , March 1 $ . General KonstanUn
von Alvensleben has lust died so this city at
t theseof b3.
Daughter of Ex-MaySf fcchwartz of Sioux
City iW Victim.
* fe i
Some Doubt s -IThethrr It
Murder or thr Ilcinlt ot an Acci
dent They Were Known
In Oinahn.
Moixnu. la. , March 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnc BEE. ] About midulsht last
night a fatal shooting occurred In the house
of 111 repute operated or Ida Jamison at 115
West Grand avenue. Toe shooter was F. S.
Crafton and the victim \v.n a young woman
about 22 years of aga and quite comely. She
\vas the daucbtcr of ex-Mayor Schwartz of
Sioux City , but was supposed to bare been
Crafton's wife b.v the inmates ot the house.
The shooting is said to have been accidental
by the Jamison woman and by Crafton.
Crafton , who is a little vain of bis skill
with tao weapon , took a revolver from nls
pocsot , twirled it recklessly on his finger
and refused to return it , Pha youngest of
party was this woman called bis wife.
' Point It at me , Teddy , " she cried , "I am
not afraid. "
Crafton was standing about fifteen feet
from where sbo was sitting. He turned
toward her still whirling the revolver. The
pretty blocdo smilingly faced him.
There was a flash , a stunning report and
through the smoke tbe horrified witnesses saw
the girl sink slowlv forward in her chair
while tbe blood welled from a largo hole In
her body.
CrAfton is a son of Major Crafton , who
lived for many years at SpringtiEld , 111.
About fifteen years ago Major Crafton con
ducted a general store at Atlantic , la , then
removed to Missouri and afterwards came
back to Iowa again , locating at Atlantic. '
He then returned to Des Moines , where he
conducted a sort of second hsnd store.
Some four or five years ago younc Crafton
married Miss Lizzie Dufford of Atlantic , la. ,
very much arainst the advice and wishes ot
her parents , who had no faith in Craflon ,
but the daughter persisted in marrying him
and has stood by him in all his subsequent
career. Ho has been guilty of manyonenses
in Omaha and Des Moines , and ihrouch his
wife's influence he has so far escaped with
light penalties. He is out on fl.UOO bail for
an offense committed in Omaha , and only a
few nights are was arrested by tne police
along with the girl he since killed. His
former wife now lives at Knoxville , la.
Crafton is in ] ail.
Released train the Contract.
CncsTON , la. , March 29. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Judge Tedford today
granted a divorce to Rhoda Wrigley to free
ner from her marriage contract with J. H.
Wrigley. The parties to the case are promi
nent , Wrigley is acommercial drummer
traveling from this city. The wile charged
adultery betivecn Wrirley and a woman
named Nichols , of Clarinda. Wrigley and his
wife were married in 'IbTS and separated on
his becoming infatuated" with tne Kichols
woman in 1S91.
Jlnlvern'g I'acklng House Soltl.
la. . March 29. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The Malvern packing
house was today sold to Bennett , Theme &
Co. of Philadelphia , 1'a. , for J7.T70. The
business men of the 'town subscribed the
amount over $7,000 to insure the deal going
through. The original cost of the plant was
$05,000. It was erected ten years ago for a
port ; packing establishment , but has been
idle for four years. The purchasers purpose
operating a cola storage-warehouse.
Thousands toe ItniRta's Aid.
FonT DODGE , la. . March 29. JSpecial Tel
egram to TUE BEE.J Hon. S. T. Messerrey ,
treasurer of the Russian famine relief fund
for the Tenth congressional district , has for
warded $721 to the state treasurer. Six car
loads of shelled corn have also been shipped
from this point and contributions are still
coming. Many of the county treasurer : have
not yet reported.while others have forwaraed
their contributions direct to the state
Came from Council Blum.
DES MotXEs , la. . March 29. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnn BEE. ] The city authorities
today ascertained who was the mother of the
girl baby found dead in -water closet in tbe
Itobertson block Sunday nicht. It Is Anna
Uoberlson , a young girl who came here two
weeks ago from the deaf and dumb asylum
at Counril Bluffs , where she was employed
as nurse for lour years. She claims mat an
employe of the asylum is the father of tbe
child. The girl is very dangerously ill , and
if she does not die may losn her reison.
Stole a Stall Touch.
CEDAH RAPIDS , la. . March 29. iSpeclal
Telegram to THE BCE.J Albert VanSlyck ,
who was arrested at Center Junction yester
day by Deputy Marshal Francis , today
pleaded guilty to stealing a mail pouch and
was bound over.
Iowa Liijuor Law Violators.
CJIESTOS , la , , March 29. fSpecial Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Twenty-two criminal
cases for violations of the prohibitory law
are docketed for this term of tbe district
Peculiar .Manner In Wltlclt it Cli-Jrch and
Otlicr Projiertj- Was Dentroyed ,
PiTTSBunc , Pa , , March 29. A frame dwell
ing situated on tbe hillside in Mclveesport
and occupied by the family of John
Hill , was carried from its foundation by a
landslide this afternoon and deposited on tbe
roof ot the Coursin street Methodist Episco
pal cliurcb below. The house took fire from
the stove and the occupants , who were uuin-
Jured , wera rescued with difficulty. The
flames soon spread to tbe church and thence
to the adjoining buildings on both sides , de
stroying the handsome church structure , six
dwellings nnd Ryan's livery stable. Tbe lots
on the church is 35,003 and on other buildings -
ings about (15,030. . The church was Insurnd
for 130,000.
Fur tin SUn , Beilp uJ Complexion.
Itir-reinlt of * .
so jtmn rzperUmce.
fMwccltlM Mt ftr nail.
e. A fcuniile Cuke and 1:1 TWO
T UiiHt en IHimiMUiUipT and Ueautf ,
f lUcktratotl , itn bklu , rculp , hrrvoas
/ anil UltMKl DiiKiei and ttelr treat *
_ nrtiil. 101 ualud. < Oc.i Dlrncnrc.
nM > nu.J..nh MarLi. > lulf , Waru , India
Ink iiriU rinrilur Uarki , t-car > , ritiliicm ,
_ . _ lue 't , ! , , KuiKirflui'iii liulr , Jima -
a , etc. , re-moT d. Coz.ialtifctluii trvr , at ul&re or liy zncil.
JOHN H. WOODBURY. Dermatologiccl Institute ,
125 IVr.t 4.2nd Street , w York tr.
' "etkaeaj of Body * nd Kind , EfiecU
h UIl ) t IIDHK TCUTXUT IlruSu U a
/fnBtUlllur azll > rr4c > l4iiuilri > . Mrtl'U
* fiuU rtvio atlMia * | trM4 BaW4 ( r lr4jl
250ZS.FOR25 ?
Every MAN can l > e
NBRVINB , the great Spanish Rented T. VOTING MEN
FAILING MANHOOD. liichtlj-cUiisiotitconvnlBion5 , neivoir :
prostration , CHUEtd by tbe use of opium , lobucco or alcohol , wake-
fulnest , mental depression , lots of power in either sex , fpennatcr *
BErnon AMD AFTER USE. rlio.a caused br self abuse and over indulcence or anr personal weak
ness can be restored to perfect health and the NOBLE VITALITY OF STRONG MEN.
We gic a written guarantee wuh 6 boxes to cure any case or refund the money. x box ; & boxes $5
For sale in Omahabv Snow , Lund & Co.
Specially Adapted fcr Use in Hard Water.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics.
Chapped. Hands , Wounds , Burne , Etc.
A Delichtful Shampoo.
HENTa p2cincfor llrttarli , Dlizlnm , Flti. Nan.
nljTlJu Headache , Nerrous Projtr&tlon causal by at *
couol or tobacco , WAJtefulaeu. Mental Uzpraislon ,
Sofienm : of the Brain , cimln ; Inanity , mtierjr ,
dcenr. devh , Prcinitarj Old Aia , llatrsnnen. Lo i
of Power In either BBX , Impotenc7 < I acorr ioea &al
all Kemalo We ikr.emoi , Inrolantniy IJDSIO , Snr-
mntorrhoeacauxil br ovcr-exortloa of tha brain.
Belf-nbuBs. over-tnduhronca. Amuath'i tre&tmanc
flGfur fJ. hy moll. We Mi Lxnei t }
cure. Bachopdsr/orG boxei. wlthfj will sea3 writ *
ten CK&rnntee to rpf und If not cural. Guarantee
Iteued onlj t > r A. Schruter , JJrncKUt , * ole agent ! ! , S
K. cor Ihiti and Tarnum fete , Omuha , Neb.
Sealed proposils will be received by the
undersigned until urwo'clorlc n. iu. . Apill frtli ,
jhUJ , for tbe following Muds of paring mate
rial , viz. :
hbcet iiSDhaltutu.
fc'lous Kails or other rranlte.
White Colorado sandstone.
} tcd Coloi ado 8andhlone.
WoudrutT. Kansas , stone.
Vitrified brick- .
And i rlclc b.oclis. all according to specifica
For repailnr Park or 29th avenue from
Leavenxvorth street to Hli-I.ory street. In the
city of Umnba , comprised in Mjeet Improve
ment District No. XO , ordered lmpro td bv
Ordinance Nn.ia > W.
Each bid lo specify a price per square yard
for tbe repavlne complete on the avenue.
Work to ( HI done In accordance with plans
and specifications on tie in the office ot the
board of public works.
EH eh proposal to be made on printed blanks
furnished uy tbe board. an'J to be accom
panied by u ccrtllitd check In tha hum of E. > U < ) .
payable to 'he city of Omaha , as an evidence
of eood faith.
The board will award the contract for tbe
different kinds ot material subject to the. se
lection of the iniitcrla ! by tbe property own
ers or mayor and city council.
The board reserves the rlsat to reject any or
all bias uud to w < ilv3 defect ? .
Chairman Board of Public Works.
Omaha , Neb. , March mb , le'Ji. m
] [ < > < TU < T Sale.
Notice is hnreliy given that pursuant to nn
orderof the Ulstrjct Court of Sjllne Oounty.
Nebrahko , I ? lll , a lecelver of tbe firm of
Uawes itx r'oss , offer for sale to thu highest
blnfixc for cabh all of the law llbraiy about
iiS3u volumesconnxibiid of text books , dlpp&u
nnd reports all the office furniture , fixtures
and appointments , deslih. honk cases , safe.
Move , typcwritluc machine and ull of the of
fice fuinfture. fixturra and appointments of
every kind und ocscriptlon belon lu ? to the
ald firu , of Oawci & Koss. Hie to bu at Crete.
.NeliratVu. rainmencliis r.tu o'clock a. m. April
"I , lairi Text books will be sold In t.cts. us
w ill albo reports nnd digests. The various
article ! ) of of lice furniture , fixtures and .tp-
nolntments uill be ollercd In separate pieces.
A cattlosue or of all of said property cau
be obtained bv address nz > e ut Crete. Neb.
C. C WIIITK. liecelver.
IV. G. HASTJSOS. Jndzfi.
tVrtlllcute cif Publication.
Office of Auditor of Public Accounts-state of
Nebraska. Lincoln. l'eb. 1 , Irt ! ' ,
1 1 is heieby certified , that the American Fire
Insurance Co. . of iio ton. In ttohtuteof Masi-
airhusettK. has complied with the liisnriuire
law uf this Mute and Is authorized to transact
the business of tire insurance In th.s stuto tor
the current veer.
WltnetB my hand and the seal of the auditor
of public accounts the. day iinfl yearabo\e
| > eal ] Auditor P. A.
II. A. liabcock , Llepuly ,
Certificate of I'ubllcatluu.
Ofllcc nf AuCUor of .Public Accounts Rate of
Nebraska , Llmoln. Fob 1. JKii
It i' hereby certified , that thu American
Funtr Co. , of New York. In the * tate of New
York , has compiled vlth thu lusuiance law of
this bUito und is authorized to transact lbt >
business of surety Insurance in tbls state for
t he cu rrun t y e i r
WIUICM mv Lund unJ the heul of the nudltor
of nubile accounts the day und vear above
written. T. II. 11KXTON.
Auditor P A.
II , A. Babuovk , Uepuljr.
Eye & Ear
FOl-i THE.
.v . facilities , apparatus tind Kcmedlej
for.snccossful treatment of nvery form
of dUeaso requiring medical or
sur-'lcul treatment ,
50 beds for patients , board and attendance.
Best aecomodations in the west
Write for circulars on defonnlt es and
braces , trusses , club feet , curvatures of s nlne ,
piles , tumors , cancer , catiurh. bronchitis , In-
hala.Jon.eleclricIty. par.ilysls , eDlleosy , kid
ney , b.adder , eye. ear , ikln and blood nnd all
surclral oucr tinns.
Women 1'ltEE. We havelately added n lylns-
Jn department for women dnrlnc confinement ,
strictly orlvate ! Onlv Reliable Nodical In
stitute making n ? peclult v ot
An B'ood Disease * successfully treated.
fc3'uullltlc Poison removed from the syMcm
without mercury. New i er > toratlva Treat
ment for Loss of VITAL I'D WEIL 1'ersons un
able to visit us mav be treated nt home by
rorresoon fence All communications confi
dential. Medicines or Instruments sect t > y
mail orexpress. securely packed , mi murks to
Indicate contents or sender. Ono per-onal In
terview preferred. Call and consult us or send
history of your case , ana we will send In plain
wrapoer. our
FREE : Unon 1'rlvnte
Rnnif TO MEN ,
auun ill men , 4.pecl.j or xcrvous UIR-
pases , Itnpotcncy. Syphilis. Gleet anJ V.ulco-
oee ! , witb.que-t.ion list.
Braces Appliances for Deformities & Truces
Only manufactory In the Westof m r * > tt ti
lt -it-l'i./i t.a.i' , fitUaat. * , KLUUCltlC
HATTEltlES . .t.1) 1SKL1S.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
26th and Broadway , Coincil Bluff t
Ten mlnutos * ildo from center of Umaha on
Omaha and Council Bluff , electric motor line.
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& SL Paul R'y , as represented
on this mao.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
Persons who hare lost property from Ind an
raids rhoul'J file their claims under the InU an
DeprcJutlon Act of Marsh * , IS 1. The time i *
limited , unJ the claims are taken up by tha
court in tbe order in which they are ieolrod.
Tak3 Nouce thatall contracU entsrei into
j vnth attorneys prior to tha At ara nia'ij
I null and void , Information Riven anJ all
claims oromptly utteudcJ to by the
Jtee aiilltllny ,
t3T Thls Bureau it cuaratitcc ] by tbo
Omuba lire , tna I'lonuer I'lMJ uuJ Iho ban
Krauuisco Examiner.
CcnitlcHte of rulillrutloii.
Office of Auditor of Public Accountf Stat < of
Nuhraslcu. Lincoln Tob. I , IKC
It Is heieby certified , that I ho fuloaonlua
Tire Insunuicu Co. , of I cilnhurzh. l eouand.
has compiled with the insuiaiice law of this
blute urul U authorized to traiisuct thububl-
iie.of tire Insurance In till ! ) SU.1C fur the cur
rent year.
\VUiic. t. n.y hand und the seal of the auditor
ol public accuuitts the day nnd your at > eve
wrltU'u. T. II. DKXTON.
\udltorf. A.
n. A. Iljbcock.
Crrlilli-Hte of I'ubllcatinn.
Ofat-e of AndlUir of I'ubllo Acouunts State of
NvbmfcUa. Unfolp. I'ch. u IrfJi.
] t 1 hmoby ocrllllcd. Ih.-iH. o Aiurr'cui ) In-
curanfeOu. . of Newark. In the fctait ) uf New
Jersey. hm > eouiplhid wllh ( he ! n > ur law
of lliib Matau < l Ix : iull ) rz < id to Irjiihoct the
biifclnr s of flro lusurauce In llils blate fur the
current year.
WliiH-n uijr hand and the teal of the auditor
of nubile account * thu miy umlyeur u'jjvo
written. T. II. BCXTON.
u-it ! r P A.
IU A. , Deputy.
After Yei-s ot Ucsncssssfal Baarsh for
Cure , Martin Andsrsaa Geti Kelief fraai
the ChlajJj Doctor 4. Vjliatx-/ i
OMAHA. Neb. . Jan. IS , ISDi
To whom It Mny Concern :
This is to certifv that I have boon a
constant sufferer for many years with
cntarrh. asthma and bronchial affec
tions of the throat , and tried all tha
uatent medicines and remedies I over
heard of , but with no success. I treated
with doctors in various parts of tha
country , but none of them could do mo
any good further than jjivlnp mo shop
temporary relief. I suffered nicht an
diy. : and continued to prow worse not
withstanding nil the medicine 1
taken. I had almost civcn up mv case
as hopeless when 1 was informed b.v u
friena of Dr. C. Gee XVo , the Chinese
doctor , and advised to go and see him in
the nopcot pettinp relief at least , if not
a permanent cure for my trouble. I was
stow in makinp up my mind to make
such a radical change in my treatment ,
as 1 knew a trial with the Chinese doc
tor would brinp me , but I finally con
eluded to pive him a tri-jl. so I called at
his office with that intention. I lound
thp doctor a clever , entertaining pentle
man , thornuphly posted on my condi
lion , and it took only a vary short time
to convince me thai ho was the party I
was so lonp in search of. He told me
my case was curable , and that he could
cure me , and prepared me a snecial
treatment to suit my condition , and in
two weeks I was to much better that I
had the fullest confidence in the doctor's
ability and committed my case to his
treatment. I continued to grow batter
rapidly and am now entirely well. 1
owe my cure to Dr. C Goo Wo , and am
not as Same d to admit it. ladvisoall
who want relief from their troubles to
call ( wi Dr. C. Gee Wo. and they will ba
cured. For all particulars apply or
S121 Cuming St. , Omaha , Neb.
Uorular rraduato of Chlneia ineflfrlne. eliht
years' < itudy , ten yo'irs * pniKUce. Tror.ts suo-
ressfully all diseases known to sufferlns'hu-
Hoots , plants and herhs nuture'K remedies-
Ills medicinetbo world hlo witness ; 1,0110 tos-
Utnoniii's. Cnll ana Bee him. Consultation
free. Hasulso constantly on hand remedies
for the following diseases reudv prepared :
Ad hum. Catarrh , Kbeutnat sm. Itidlccstlon.
LoBt. Manbocrt. Female Wniknt-SK. Sick Hoid-
nclju. Blood Purifier , and JCldn-y ! Liver.
1'rlce , one dolUr per bottle or six for five del
lars. Thobc who cannot call , enclose " -cent
EtJimp for question list unl full particulars.
Office. Cor. 16th aal CaUfaran St ? . . Cm
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
New , modern , well-apDQinted , thor
oughly well-kept , 3 > 3 n day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop.
All Dyoln ? and Claunln : done In Ilia
highest Myleuf tbo art , Kadinl uiiJ fctilnou
fabrics imide to look ; i food ai new. lloJ
feathers cleaned by steam In tlrst-clai ? man
ner. Work prom ptlyuone and delivered in all
puns of vlie country. Fend for nrlce list.
C. A. MACHAX - -
1 OlHUroadwuy. Ne'irorthve t ra
Slins &
federal courtL Basra * s 4 suu.irf
Lteuubluck. Council Ix
Of Countll UluttJ.
C'apIUl itettf . . , . . . . , - $ ! '
fcuipluo unJ 1'roSls . . t
NctCnijIlal an3 Furplus fsVXt OOlt
llroriori.-J I ) Itd-iunai" " ! . n UShuzirt. \ " ) ,
Olc.inna , B. K Hart I A 'Idler ) V Jltnohmn
Ht/dCucrleiU lliir.Dan Transnrt ccneral hank-
liiZ bubiucGS. barges' fnpital und surplus of
itny bank in Southwestern Iowa.
Chas. Lunkley ,
Funeral Director ami UndertiVrr.
311 Broadwav. Council DlufTa.
til Inline IZf\ .
T7 On FALE At a bargain , j2-a.cri > fruH anil
Jcurdcn liirm adjoining cur limits ; cool
dff elling. E. H. She ifo.
UIARMS , gurJoti Uuls , Uo-jnov lot * anl
.1. ' bunlat-ac blojUi far siic or rani. D
UOKS. : . 'J i-eirl : tiraaU U.iun > ll IS uffj.
i OIl UEKT Over 0. OweliliKBuf every do-
bcrlpuun ct prlaci varying from tl to tl'O '
iiur inontli. lucutuu iu all psrii of the city. H
H shcj1 ? . 5JJ liroadway.
G JJ per acre for coo4 fuiini In Iowa. I'no.
PMnooth fern luad. i'or part cui r * rail on
oraddrcm Johnktun & Yun 1'Atleu , IjjuciJ
lllutTs ,
Clue 'liiAN U'Ulit.on ! lut fur rent , tcveu
'ruoiii t)4--Ui bata hot jaa sold water