Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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I President Harrison Accused of Simply
Hinting by the London Times.
Complaints Tlmt Cnnixln U Octtlng the
Mother Country into Mora Trouble
Tlinn the Colony in Worth
Moieincnt * or Wnr
LONDON. March 30. The Times tills mornIng -
Ing contains an article reviewing the Boring
sea dispute. The writer comments on the
fact that the matter has no direct Importance
for the English consumer ot sealskins , to
whom It matters nothing whether the skins
are obtained from Canada or Africa. The
writer soys : "Tho controversy only con
cerns soml-lndopondont colonies , who treat
us as a commercial onomy. Vhcto colonies
ro always embroiling ui In foreign disputes.
Wo are obliged to fight their battles whllo
they treat us as a foreign power , how long
is this to last ? A row more troubles Ilka the
Bering sea controversy will compel us to f uco
the problem and seriously ink ourselves
whether the present relations between the
mother country end the colonies arc qtiuo
fair to British taxpayers. "
The Times says : "In the midst of demon-
trations which In the old world would exclude -
cludo nil hope or clmnco of n peaceful solu
tion , thn Americans cnn nt n moment's no
tice drop rant and adopt the serious tone of
business. Whllo President , llarrlson'is fum
ing and sputtering In n fashion which the
Americans think Important mid which the
English think absurd , the senate Is quietly
preparing to ignore all his nights * Appear
ances had to bo consulted , however , and the
senate , whllo putting aside the president's
hysteric ? , bas econ obliged to land htm what
help It can. Lord Salisbury's ' dispatch ,
repeating a proposal already made in other
forms , was accepted and the Americans are
able to boast that tbo president bus twisted
tbo tall of tbo British lion. No practical pol
itician concerns himself with the fact that
the country docs not intend to maintain the
dignity of the republic. "
The admiralty bas notified the Canadian
'ncllloof its Intention to send 203 seamen
nnd two oftlcors In the middle of May from
Halifax to Vancouver , H. M. S. Daphne and
1 Nymph and tha vVarspltoaro to ho com
1I. missioned nt Esqulmault this summer and
( I. their crows transported over the Canadian
Pacific. Previously all cruisers and sloops
wore sent to the China station to rocom-
' V ' mission. Thii action of the admiralty at the
> t I present moment will probably arouse a misconception -
conception unless it Is clearly stated that
tnis course was decided baforo the Bering
sea dispute arose.
i'iiu.siiii ) IN THI ; sroictr.
Dentil of u AVonmn unit Her Son from I'.x-
, iiosiiro In Scotland.
Gi.\soow , March 2U. Wbllo n heavy snow
1 storm was raging today in the county of
1JJ _ "Dumfries , Sarah rinmlllon , accompanied by
h'er son and daughter , started to walk from
' a distant point to tholr homo in Snnqubar ,
near Dumfries. The mother and son grow so
exhausted from tholr strugclos through the
deep drifts they were unable to continue
tholr way , sank into tbo snow and were
frozen to death. The girl bore the hardships
„ much hotter and tried doaperatclv to help
her mother and brother along. When tboy
succumbed sha tried to reuse the in from tbo
deadly stupor , but her efforts were of no
avail , and the sorrowing girl was at length
forced to leave the bodloi whore they foil
and to struggle onward alone. Sbo reached
her homo exhausted and rcportod the faiv t.
Searching pintles are trying to recover the
1 AmirclilxtA Ordered tol.cuvn Franco.
\ Puns , March 30. Forty foreign anarch-
lists have boon ordered to leave the coa ntry
j'anda number formerly ordered to leave have
' been conducted to the frontier. It Is under
stood another explosion has taken place , this
time in the Credit L/yonub , one of the larg
est banking institutions of the city. Tbo police
in cbVrgo allowed no ono to approach. Two
unrests have been maao. It is stated that two
persons wore injured. Warniuir has boon
given that the custom house will be blown
urict Several other attempts to destroy buildIng -
Ing have bean discovered and a number of
portions have been warned. Another reign
oLtqrror Is immlmont.
, Leon Ravochal , the anarchist loader , has
, "Ordered to I'rocecil North ,
i Vfcrouu , B. C. , March 0.-H. M. S.
Chftmp'lon is duo from the south and. orders
ifavO'bcciylssucd for her to coal and proceed
poftbLat-Onro. The Warsprito is expected
Sunday. It Is thought tbo Champion's orders
haVO ft bearing on the Boring boa matter. No
government boats have yet gone north.
Appeal to Ucriimn-Aincrlruns.
" ST. PKTcnsnuno , March 80. An appeal to
German-Americans is about to bo issued on
behalf of iiOO.OOO Gorman colonists in the
j famine districts decimated by spotted fever ,
who need corn for food ana tiood. It Is pro
posed to ask that a shipload of unground
ooru bo rained nnd sent.
5t * "
Springs Will Son Kmlily Hreenan anil
7 David lleeno Oolliilo.
sos , W.vo. , March UO. [ Special
ji io"TiiB BEK.J-iTho flcht between Hoddy
iH "Brcnuan , "The Stroator Wonder" nnd David
| Reese , "TJio Montana Kid , " will como off nt
, -f. tbo .opera house at Rock Springs on Satur
day , April ST. Link Pope , the trainer of Billy
Myers , is training Brennan , and Jim Wilt -
' , ' ( 'Hams , champion of Utah , will bo behind
' t ' 'Hcosoiit the light. Originally tbo fight was
for fcJV ) a sldo , but bsa accumulated
in i until it now roaches $1,000 a sldo.
Local excitement is intense as both men
many fi lends. Avicos from Colorado and
Utah inform the management that largo dol-
ccallons will bo prosant from both stains.
It will bo the best light over seen in tbo
, ( .west. Both men are In excellent condition.
Managnr Southern will so arrange a raised
platform In the center of the opera house
that all will bava an unobstructed view of
- . u i the light. Sufllclont capital will bo on band
to moot domunds of visitor * . Receipts from
sales of seats amount to about 53,000 , and the
end is not yot.
" * Itenultaut Olouci'stor.
ULOUCB3TKH , N. J. , March 8J. Weather
clear ; track good ,
riret nice. sovon-eUhths of a mlle , soiling !
Ralelph ( the fnvorlto ) won , Urbuna Bocoiid ,
VjmiiyUo third , Village King drawn , Tlmoi
t-trond raco. six and ono-ijimrtor fiirlonKB ,
n-yciir-nhla : rddio M won , J rtoy xecond ,
i'ratondorltho fuvorllo ) thlrb. Tln.o : 1:27.
Third riu-o. nlno-ilxtoonths of a mllo. soll-
Inz : lli by won. Mathush Hooond , Hullo of
. Phci'iilx third. Maid of Kluhluml , linrlun and
MW , Tumor drvn ; Jardlno ( tbo fuvorlto ) ran un >
plHccd. Tlmu ; liOO(4. (
1 , Fourth rnco , tlilrteon-tlxtecnthHof n inila.
sulllnc : ( Jlostor ( the favorite ) won. I'ernwood
< < BL'oom ) , A. O. II , third. Tlmei ( :2iU. *
> Klfth raco. ono-hnlf mlle , tolllnz : Aiinlo K
* „ ( tliDfatorUouon. ) MuolluRO oecond , Hloldouo
' 11" ' 1 oninuco , Sjundnyuml Co in r ado bruwn ,
„ * Tlmoi fii
blxth ruvo , flvo-elirhtlis of tmile. . EolltiiK ;
, ? * Htzroy won , Mllledun svcond , Carlcivr ( iho
' ( avorltul third , llanner Doimtr , Judco Htovlns
' aiulJuntl IClUUoH drawn. Tlmo : l:00tf ! ,
Uolujr ute
o , N. J. , March 30. Track fair
nod attendance largo.
rirst race , six anil n half fiirlonssi Jlcno-
dlotlue won. l.lthborth soooud. I'oarl bet third.
Tlmoi r.'Wi-
Hofond raco. flvo furlons : Arthur Dnvu
won , Maxim Ully BOCOIH ) , Tcutonla third.
Time : 1OJ. :
Thlril rai-o. four and a hn'f furlonirs ; Noon-
dny won. Klstone loooiul , Turk Ilia Second
third. Tlmo : M
fourth ritco , live furlouRsi O. W. Cook won ,
Lovelier sorond , Kl on rot to third , Time : l:0'li.
KlUli racu , one and ono-oluhtb inlloa : Turk
von. Ulco second. I'ollmm ( bird. Tlmei
BUth race , sevou furlonss : I'lrolly woiu
Centaur mcond , IrrcguUr third. Tlmo :
llcatrlce'a l'Uynr < i ,
BBITUICB. Nob. , March 00. ( Special Tclo-
frramtoTjiB BKE.J The following named
comprise the mumbora of the uow Baatrloo
who have boeu slgnoj and are
now under contracts : Itnrry Clatowood , A.
H. SlaRhol , J. W , Kdlnpor , li. H. IIowo , U.
O. Thompson. JV. . Holmes , 0. K. Jonoi , A.
S. Kennedy , Van Arnun and Ocorco Taylor.
Clrvntiinil'it Dny.
HoTSfni.vos Ark. , Mirch l.-Clovoland
won n ( treat victory over Chicago In toJny's
bnll Ramo , defeating tliom oy a scora of 10
to 1. _
Tip * for Todity.
Hero tire thu horses 1'jokcd upon as Rood
thing ; ) for today :
I. Pardon Il ! pont ,
U. Strain Koiu Mury M.
't. Hopnhlio llnrloqtiln.
4. Klna Idler IndoK.
6. Tloga llarrlftburgt
1. Pacific f.irlow.
2 , .lorry McCarthy Syria Colt ,
a. Illrthilny Ilr.ivo.
4 , Lee llrlirul llarthena.
C. niolipn'i Hunduy.
0 , Miirty II Vandyke.
Clmnco to Unllif Up n Hltr Omiih.i Industry
tit Smutl Outliiy.
"How Is that car-wheel factory project
getting along ! " was the question put to John
T. Cathdrs , vlco prpMdont of the Ucal Estate
Owners association.
' "Boiler ask the people of Omaha ; the matter -
tor is in their bauds now. The association
has done all it can | n tlio matter. "
"What has boon donol"
"Woll , you Know a cnr-wheol factory Is
what Omaha needs ; certainly ouo will suiely
ho started in the wcit , And if Omaha doesn't
step up the prlzo will bo awarded oho-
whore. "
"Butnton't tno Plifrnlx foundry people
going to pUt in u nlantl"
"Of COUMO they will If they nro helped n
bit ; unaided , they are not equal to it llnnu-
daily. "
" What has the Real E-itato Owners asso
ciation done In the nuMirl"
"Tha Pboaitlx people cnmo to the associa
tion nnd said thov uoro willing to extend
their plant If the citizens of Omaha would
plvo teem substantial sympathy. The asso
ciation appointed at a committee L'adot Tay
lor , J. li. Dumont and myself , as chairman ,
to Investigate and report. Wo took u trip
out on tha Bolt line to Cumoron street aud
looked over the foundry. "
"What did you lltid ! "
"Tho plant is complete in every detail for a
general foundry business ; they have a
cupola , flasks aud all the necessary machin
ery for tholr work , but It would huvo to bo
much extended to undertake a car wheel
business proper and compote with Pennsyl
vania concerns. Tbo financial standIng -
Ing is O. K. Tbo banks all endorse -
dorso it , and Mr. Kimbull of
tbo Union Pacific says tbo work turned out
Is of the highest standing. They have a
mortgage Indebtedness of $3,001' , which ma
tures in Dccombor next , but by the efforts of
the Rani Estate Owners association this has
been extended for live years. "
"How much is needed to put the firm m
ehnpo to take contracts ! "
"Only &VHX ) . Tnxt ! would establish a fac
tory that could taito any contract. Ono
hundred car-wheels a day is wantod. They
huvo a line cupola and eighteen llnslts now.
Klasks are oxponstvo and .thoy will need
moro nnuoaltng pits. "
"Thoy h.tvo the promlso of plenty of
' The Union Pacific agrees to take forty
Wheels a day and 100 xvhon they can bo sup
plied. Tno Union Paclilu averages 100
whooli a day. A car wheel's COUMO is run
when it has covered 70,000 miles ; that's Its
average llfo. The Union Paclllo requires in
its vhcols u combination of thrco different
qualities of iron , which como from Connecti
cut , Pittsburg and Lnko Superior. Cost of
the Connecticut brand Is $3t a ton delivered
boro. And , by the way , Mr. Holdrego of
the B. it M. , has agrccd to take the wheels
bis company needs from the Omaha
Car , Wheel factory , whenever it
is started. The Omaha Strcot
Railway company will do likewise ;
so will the Council Bluffs company und tbo
Sioux City company. Those are all pledged.
So you sco there is no fear of demand falling
ibortof supply. "
"What Imvn you done about raising this
' 'Well'wo ' have succeeded in
, getting 13,000
pledged : onlyS-QOO ! moro is needed and if
the people of Omahaonly realized tbo oonoflt ,
the special benefits that will How to the city
from the establishment of a car-wheel fac
tory-hero they would bo tumbling over ono
i anoibor with tbo needed dollars. "
"Is it not a pretty late day for Omaha to
bo bonusing factories ! "
"Bonusingi This is no case of bonus.
Two plans have been proposed. Tbo com
pany Will olthor sell stock , or it will put up
stock as collateral with the Real Estate
Ownorsassoclation a. * trustco and will pay 7
per cent on the W.OOO loaned ; it Is no dona
tion , it is only a loan and with ample se
curity. "
' What would bo the material advantages
gained ! , "
"Ono factory would moan moro. Half n
bundrodmon would bo omploycd at once and
that means fully 300 moro people for tbo
city. All the western railroads and street
car lines would buy their car wheels hero.
A car wheel weighs 000 pounds. Fancy the
freight from Pittsburg to Omaha aud the
othercitles west. If tbo Union Pacific could
got its car wheels bore it would mean a sav
ing of $50.000 a year. That i,000 should DO
subscribed in half a day , if tlio citizens only
know what they'wero going to gain by It. "
Now School ISuIlillng Uendy.
The Board of Education committee on
buildings and prooerty mot yesterday and
ordered blackboards and sidewalks placed in
position at the now Clifton Hill school. This
bulldlnc as well as tno Monmouth Park and
ICollom schools will bo ready for occupancy
next week , when the summer term opens.
Only the Monmouth Park scnool bas yet
been accepted by the board und is thoreforu
the ouo that will bo opouou Monday.
It is expected that the otborj will bo
accepted at the regular mooting next Mon
day night , and will bo opened about tno mld-
dlo of the weak.
aiiirrluge J.
Tbo following nwrrlaso lluon-m were Is
sued by Judge Ellcr yesterday :
Name and Address. A o.
I Juntos I ) . Ghiimhorlaln , Omaha : it
I Allco T. Himuldlnu , Omulm 23
I Nicholas Clunson , Allllnrd f. 11
lilarluM. lUthman. Mlllard 21
j William Nou , Omaha sa
( Minnie Decker , Umuha 25
Attention , Veteran Firemen.
AU momborB o ( the Onmhu Vetornn
Firemen's association uro requested to
iis'omblo nt No. ii angino house ut 12:80 :
o'clock slmrp in full uniform to nttond
the funeral of our Into brother. Meyer
Ilollmnn. JOHN BAUMKII , Pros.
J. UONNEUAJu. . , Roc. Sue.
Superior to Any Other.
Mr. W. J. Mowrey of Jarvisvllle , W. Vn. ,
says : "Slncn wo bavo teen handling Cham
berlain's Couch Remedy wo have suld it on a
strict guarantee and found that every bottle
did good service. We have used It ourselves
and think it superior to any other prepara
tion wo know ofr'-5 und 53 cuntoo IIIw for
sale byidruggists.
DaWttt's Sarsaparilla destroys sucn tiol-
sous us scrofuli , skin disease , ecioina , rheu
matism. Its timely USD saves many lives.
"Lain lo bed and early to nso will shorten
the road to your homo Inttbo aklos. " But
early to bed and a "Llttlo Karly Riser. " the
pill that matte * llfo longer and butter and
Or , Blrnny euros oatarrn. BKK bid
A slight cold , If neglected , often attack
tbo lungs. Brown's Mroticbial Troches give
sure and Immediate relief. Sold only iu
boxes , I'rico 25 cents.
Try 1'Iso's roiuoily for catarrh. H U
bandy and. pleasant to take , nud what Is
moro does euro. AU druggists. GOo.
Mr. Darius Watorhouio , Chattanooga ,
Toun , , says ; " .It costs but Ilulo to fry
Ilrudycrolloo , and a trial is all thai is noooa-
sury to couvluco the doubting thouiands that
it will euro beudache. "
Wuon you eat too much ,
Wh n you drtnU too much ,
When .vou amoko lee much ,
When you work too much ,
Bradycrotlno , no headache.
Matters Which Oconpiod Several Honra of
the Oity LoTislatiiro's Titno.
lllds on I.titlitliiR rinturr j Kojcrtcil rinlsh-
IUR Dm City Hull Acrimonious DUciis.
fllun of thn ( Iriiornl I'ntliiR Or
dinance Ildtittno Work.
The city council last night received the fol
lowing communication from the Nebraska
Coutral Railway , presented by its vice presi
dent , .1 , H , Dutnont :
The undersigned , the Xoliraska Central
Hallway company , has this day submitted to
the honorable Uo irdof County Commissioners
of Douulus county , n proposition to build upon
terms set forth.flioroln , a brldito cn > s9 the
Missouri river at Omaha , and a double Irani :
railway from the west approich of said bridge
to connection with the tracks of the Union
ytock\ur > ls and Hallway com ] ) my ntHolith
Omahn , and has requested said cominlssloiiors
to call n peolul election to submit to thu elec
tors ot DoiitfliiH county the conillllonaof a ilit
lliu sild Nebraska Central U.itlway comp -
p my has solecled for depot puriioiM tlio cer-
tn n tract ot land located within the district
bounded by Klovonth street , I'lftennth street ,
Chluauo street and California street In the
city of Omaha. t
To al'l thu company In acquiring this prou-
orly : iud in iho cn'ct on ot u union tl5pot. at
the corner ot ntluonlh and Ohio 130 sireijts
the company nsks the city of Omaha to
donate to It * JiJ.uij ) of Its twenty-year ft pur
cent bonds , Said bonds tu "bu delhercd
upon ihu following conditions , viz. : Ono
hunurod uml tlfty tliotisaml tlollars there
of when thuiionip my sh ill have ti6iilliud and
tnlion possession of s ild ' rounds and com
pleted thu creation of u union depot upon said
loontlon designated above , to cuBl , together
with Iho olhur railway liiiiioVuniunls | upon
ild uroumls.-not luss than * 4 U.uoo , nud S1UJ.UUJ
tlieicof wlion the Nubrasktv Central Hallway
company , Its successors or asil ns , shall cotn-
plctu or causa to bo co'npleto.I a line of rail
way In the state of Iowa not le > s than IUO
miles In extent , conne tlin. , .wlthln the sfito
of Ion a. llllnoli or Mlssouil with the
lines or Uvo or moio or the fol
lowing named railway corporations , viz :
Thu Illinois Coutral Hallway companv
the Wlnona St boilthwostora Killwav com
pany , thu Mlnnoapolls & St. Paul Railway
company , the Chicago , Su Paul fc Kansas City
Kallwav coinpany. the Clileniro , Fort Madison
& DCS Molnos Knilwiiy comp my , the Atclilson ,
Tuucku & Sinfi I'o Hallway comp my. the
llaltlmuro iV Ohio Hallway comp inv , the Ohio
& Mississippi Hallway company , the ICeokuk
& Western Hallway company , the Qtiinoy.
Omaha & Kansas City Hallway companv , and
thu Iowa Central Hallway company ; and also
upon the further condition , that all railway
companies dcslrltu to u o the same shall bo
permitted to ritntholr passenger trains across
said bildgo and Into said union depot upon
just and equal tcims , and that before the de
livery or said bonds onu or moro railways. In
addition to the Nebraska Central railway ,
shall bo actually us ng said union depot.
This proposition Is miidn upon tlio further
condition that the city of Omaha shall grant
to the said NubiasKa Uallu.iy com-
piny the rlsht of way through aml.nerossLor-
talnstrcots and alleys In thu city of Oinali i ,
which are enumerated In a certain ordinance.
entitled "Ordinance No. , tin ordlninco
cruntilispermission anil authority to the Ne
braska Central Hallwav company. Its suc
cessors and assigns , to construct railroad
tracks alou , acioss , over and under certain
streets and alloys In the nlty of Oimha. sub
ject to certain conditions , " and which are
necessary to thu successful completion of Its
proposed rallwav ami terminal system.
Noel-saury Ordinances Introduced.
Following this was an ordinance intro
duced by Mr. Chuffee- providing for the
calling of a special election to bo hold April
27 , to vote upon Iho question ofissuinp , bondj
in the sum of fioO.OW to aid iu thpiconstruc-
tlon of tbo uulon depot as contemplated in
the communication.
This ordinance was read twice andre ,
ferred , after which Mr , Prince introduced
another ordinance granting the Ifooraskii
Central railway the rientj of 'wjiy ' qvor cer
tain streets and alloys in tuo city. AS In the
case of the other onlmanc0tuis ono was
read twice and referred.
For laying walks around the city hall .f.
W. Furnas & Son bid 0"i cents per square
foot on Bedford stone and John Graut bid 30
cents per square foot on slagollthic.
Mr. Lowry insisted that tba bids should bo
Mr. Chaffeo said the motion ) to rotor was
for the purpose of delay.
While Mr. ChaTeovvas ( talking , Mr. Kl-
sassur wanted to talk. President Davis
called him to order , saying , "The gentleman
from tbo Seventh has iho lloor. "
"Yos , " retorted Mr. Elsassor , "ho always
has tno iloor. You are too gay. "
"So uro you , " answered President Davis ,
"and if you don't sit down I'll have you put
out. "
This .settled It , and the city attorney was
instructed to prepare a contract with J. W.
Furnas & Son for Bedford stone.
Again Mr. Elsassor talked and- said that
the Bedford slono had never boon subjected
to a crushing tost. Ha was declared out of
order and the business of tbo council moved
Tbo creation of a paving district around
Hanscom pane was postponed for the reason
that the question of who should pay for pav
ing about the park was now being consid
ered bv the supreme court , aud a decision
had not yet been handed down.
Tbo petitions to pave Michigan , Twenty-
third and. Izord streets were placrd on Ilia.
The committee stated tbat the streets were
ordered paved last year and that tba courts
bad decided that tbo city was not obliged to
pave tbo streets this season.
Mr. Euasser'a resolution , asking1 the city
attorney for an opinion as to wbctber or not
the water company could bo compelled to lay
water mains without the city setting hydrants
along the lines , was adopted.
City Hall Contract * .
The contract of John F. Cools , amounting
to { 17'J17 , for making tbo changes m the ro
tunda of the city hall , was presented and ap
proved , together with tbo bond.
Tbo contracts of Hussoll Pratt & Co. and
the Do Kosonko & Hoihoritiglon company ,
amounting to S18,4i7.50 , were presented and
Mr. Prince mido a ringing speech for homo
Mr. Tuttle thought that whatever company
secured tbo contract , most ot tbo work would
bo done outsldo of the city.
Mr. Steel offered n resolution instructing
the comptroller to roadverllso for bids. Ho
wanted the advertisement to run three weeks
and the cost of the llxturus not to exceed
$13,000. The resolution was defeated by a
vote of 0 to 7.
Tbo contract und bond of Ed. PhHan for
grading Capitol avenue from Forty-eighth
street to the Bolt Line railroad was op-
pi oved.
Chairman Blrkbausor of the Board of
Public Works reported $5,43 $ In the curbing
and guttering fund , Ho stated that the ex
penditure * during the year I'JJ would
amount to til,000. Ho could see uo way out
of the difficulty without tbo council decided
to charge the expense of repairing pave
ments against the abutting property. Tbo
report was referred to the city attorney and
the committee on paving , curbing and gut
The chief of pollco asked that .defaulted
bands in the nolloo court , aud money lacuivoJ
from dog licences ba turned Into tbo oalioa
relief fund.
Acting Chief Baiter ot the llro department
reported that bo had found 100 llro Uydrants
thut could bo relocated without endangering
property. This was referred.
John Sboprml bid 127 for glviui ; the east
wnil of iho city ball two coats ot wbito paint.
The contract will bo awarded to BhoparU
when ho enters into bond * agreeing to do tbo
FluUhtntf the Xnir Hullitlng. .
Superintendent Coots reported that ho had
expended SIU.314 on the interior tlnish ot tbo
city halt. The amount was allowed und
placed In tbo appropriation sheet.
The Fonton Metallo company , lit a typo
writtou letter stated that work was pro
gressing at a rapid rale upon the vault llx-
turea and that tuo material would bo ready
to ship cro many days.
Tbo committed on public properly nnd
buildings reported In favor of placing
$200,000 tire Insurance upon thbuildliiir and
flu.UOO upon tbo furnituro. Thocomptiollor
was Instructed to look at tor tbo matter.
The request of the VVoitoru Union Telo-
grapb cotupauy to place clocks in the , city
hall was placed on Ilia.
Architect Uelndroff ot the city hall pro-
ion to J bis bill and was allowed (500 on ac
Tbo comrolttco on ? a * end electric lights
reported that'JJ per coot ot the lighting fund
would raise ftft.tntl. The amount loft i vie
from last yeirnwrould , amount to ? Utf > il.
The nucitlon 5/W'Ht authority to transfer too
CItv Attorney Con neil was culled for. Ho
said that all balances would have to bo trans
ferred to the Roneral fund <
Mr. Lowry rhuVited that the council should
go slow. It JUKd made a stcclnl levy lor
lighting , and ho did not think there was
onv authority fur-making the transfer. For
that reason ho cpuld not sea by what right
the council had W1 locate 500 or 000 additional
gasoltno lamps. _
Uctllna down" the question ot casollno
lamps , Mr. Spcetit thouitht that money could
bo found to puLln.nt icait 3'JO additional pas-
ollno lamps.
Mr. Howell , K now member , stated that
ho had been misled , no was told that the
surplus would bo transferred to the lighting
Mr. Jncolnon ot the commtttoo on finance
estimated the cost of street lighting for 1S1U
After n langthy discussion iho whole matter -
tor pertaining toltghts.was recommitted.
Ovnrial rating Ordlitnncit ,
The ordinance ordering the repaying of
Leaven worth street from Sixteenth to
Twenty-ninth xvas passed nnd Is now ready
for the mayor's signature.
Mr. Heche ] denounced the general paving
ordinance as unfair and unjust. It provided
for the piving of the outlying streets cut
made no pmvlsious for paving the streets in
the heart of the city. According to the terms
of thu ordinance , no provision was made fern
n foot of pxvlnc in the Fourth ward.
Mi * . Muuro culled for tbo reading of the
Mr. Hecbcl asked If the ordinance ab
sorbed tlio wholoof the tntortcctlon fund.
"No sir , " answered Mr. Spochu
"I nsltcd the engineer , " continued Mr.
Oltv Knplncci' llo owfttcr when called for
stated that thu stioots mentioned in the general -
oral paving ordinance would uao up the
Whole of thoesO.OOJ fund nud about $ iU03 be
Mr. Lowry opposed the ordinance. The
funds wotonot divided equitably boUvoon
the wards. The Second ward got only
f..UOO , und thut would all bo used on Lonvon-
worth street.
Valuations of various -wards were then
quoted , after which , Mr. Chaffoo stated that
where $1 had Uuon spent in Mr. Lowry's
ward , the First , not'iS cents had boon Spent
In the other wards of the city. The tlmo hnu
come , ho said , when some attention would
have to bo devoted to tbo outlying districts
ot Iho city Instead ot spending nil ot the
money In the business center.
President Davis cpuld boar out the state
ments of Mr. Chaffoo. The First ward , In
the past , had hail moro than Its share ot the
public money , and the , same thing could bo
said of the Second Ward.
Ward I.lncs Not Considered.
Mr. btool of the pavin ; committee slated
that ho had known no wards. His object nnd
purpose had been to place tno pavement
where it would banollt the most persons.
Mr. uowry was lindlng to fault with other
portions of the city , but wanted his ward to
simply have its sbaro of tbo public money.
Mr. Muuro spoke" upon the necessity of
passinc th'o ordinance. If it was killed , it
would bo thirty davs before another could bo
prepared and thou. 140 ay miner would boon
nnd 110 woru doao , '
Mr. Tuttle xvould admit the truthfulness
of Mr. Muuro'si'etntomoiit ' , but ho wanted a
show. v..h >
Mr. Prince jiiofiistodthat Spocht had
agreed to give y o < Xhlrd wara two lutorsoc-
slons , but had frttlud to-do so.
Mr. bpccht dijnjcd that' ho had agreed
to do nnvthmg or tho"k'lnd , and while the
discussion was la progress a motion to ad
journ was carriidj > -
Spcchil T < 1ples for Tonight.
The north sido'cltizens ' in a lengthy" com
munication askud Itho council > -to declare
Itself and say whatl It Intended to do about
purchasing 11 pajjc tract iu the uoi'th part of
the city. They , 'pdJjlcd attention to the fact
that the saason v wns rapldlv"advaning nnd
that no lands " .
Boggs & Hill jSiUmnttcd a proposition to
, sell fourteen ncrps bf land for SIOO.OUO. " *
Mr..Chaffoo &uQho ( council ouqfit to de
cide upon wbnl.ivnk Intended to'bo 'done and
go to work. Tilt poophi < wcro looking at the
cpuncU-uml.axDtftVIQbOmothing. , i - < > .
Mr. Munro ordered . . .u. resolution , and to
night the council will meet la special session
to talk nboul parli mrfttors. 'Tho park com--
inlsstoners-lmVo beotilavUcd tb'bo present.
The followlnc resolution xvas otTeicil by
Mr. ChnfTeo , who moved its , adoption :
Hcsolvcd. That tho1 nct'on of the Public
Library l > o ml in Inviting competitive designs
for the new library ; building bo , null tlio same
is hereby , approved. . , o ,
Hcsolvoil , Km ther , that In casojin dcucpta-
bio plan bu found .imoni ; tboso nowsultuitt6l ! ,
that thu library board Ue.and Is hereby author
ized to proceed with the construction of Iho
now library building us rapidly as possible.
Mr. Cbafteo said tbdrbr'xvas some question
about the library board having authority to
go on nud construct tbo building and bo
wanted it settled. The members of tbo
library board ware all honorable gentlemen
and men who had bad experience.
Mr.'EIsassor said tbo board xvas to expend
$100,000 uud iho council ought to know how
the money xvould bo aponu
Mr. Lowry thought tbo library cimrd
should bo , kept out o { tbo council und out of
poli'lcs. " .
Mr. Elsassor said' , that the Fire and Police
commission suumltto-t its propositions and
there was no reason why Iho members of the
library board should not do the same.
Mr. Munro xvas of tbo opinion that nil
bodies should submit their mutters to the
council. - *
Mr. Edwards , chairman of tbo committed
on public property and buildings : unoiv that
the building had to bo commenced next Juno
and was xvilliug to lot the librarv board go
on with the xvork.
Mr. Lowry thought the whole matter
should remain In the bands of the board.
The resolution xvas adopted , Messrs.
Brunor , .Elsassor and Munro voting no.
Then bv a resolution by Mr. Jncobson the
city treasurer xvas authorised to sell thu
library bonds.
The comptroller xvas authorized to employ
a stenographer at a snliry of $ < , > per month ,
aud nt the snmo lime bo was authorised to
open and keep au account xvlth Iho treasurer
of the Board of Education.
The Omaha Street Hallway company xvas
instructed to remove its. rails from rievvanl ,
North Twenty-sixth und North Twentieth
ht reels.
City Attorney ? Comicll was instructed to
Inxcsligata und reportwhether or not the
Metropolitan Street , railway could bo com
pelled to pave butweon its tracks.
C. P. Tloinus asked to bo appointed eleva
tor man in the city hall. Ilia request wont
to the ille.
It xvas uorldrd to take up tbo Did ot the
Do Kesonku&Hqtborluglon company for fur
pishing oljctrio fixtures when the council
meets iu couitmUeo.'Of UiO'ivholo tonisbu
The bond of S. S , Curtis , xvho xvill oiact
a central firesUUloh _ , was presented and ap
Quito an Tnoro'i j ) i ijirnliiKf Uniiiirtoil
Aloto r.KluiiKnnUitu Uuinilic.iHoiis. [
Cuicxoo , III. , M.itoSh so. Tie ( UurllnRton
statoDient was is eijc'today. It shows that
the earning * of tbty Jftoad for Fohruary m-
creased fiiO-tS | or ilatt February's oaru-
Ings. The not oirmugs were # i7J,8-iiJ , au
mcroaso of $ IOO-&X' { '
Lines In the nor Jhpoitoru paisnugor paol
xvcro tnrown iiiu > f * iitopf foment today by
the report of thaSiJnouticomout , from thu
Omaha road to lJ effect thut , uoui-
uicncluR April art ; | it. would shorten
the time of iu. * . > libuleil train botivoon
St. Paul and Chlc'fr thirty- minutes In both
directions. is taken on Its part
to enable its pasfcuifi'Gra to inalio butter con
nections with thuS&uthcru connection of
th o road. There U nothing in the West
ern Passenger association agreement to prevent -
vent any road shortening its route if ItxvanU
to , but it Is claimed by the competitors of
the Omaha thut there Is u tacit under
standing that the ahal | not bo cm , The
iMfllo manager of onu ot UIPSO lines re
marked todav : "Well. If/'iho Omaha cuts its
time there Is nothing , left for us to do but
cut out1 rate. Wo muktovcn up thing ) scmn-
haxv and that U the only > xvny of dolne it. "
Other experienced nnt&vugcr man cxpnuseti
< bo opinion that bclorcuiio , | 1 u violent pas
senger war would break out.
Evidence Is uunl lo hayo boon rrcolvcd by
the inspectors of tin ItilJDiMiaU ) Commarcu
Commission that eastern Inea that en upo in
rate cutiini ; niethoUs to uri-uro butlucs ) bavo
dor.o away xvlth Ilia i > ecalty of iiuents , at
taching their slL'iniJuros to tell-tulo raoato
orders bv the aciop'iou ' of individual punched ,
xvbich nro as blndlps o > tlln iisont' * signa-
turo. In this xvav they hopa it will b i in pos
sible to briig bom4 iruilt to nL-cnU givlug IC'
bales , cvcu tbouKh inch robilo order * should
fall into the band4 of public 'i
no Carried .Bombs Around iu His Pocket
For Salo.
InTliU Ho , Tn tlllM tlio Murilrron Course
of 111 * Comimntonn I.lfo Tnkrn Now
rliht 1'uturn ( Icncrntions Muy
I'roipcr Tlicrclij- .
ama Gordon JJemielt.1
PAUI , March 29. [ Now York Herald
Cable Hpocinl to Tun BKK.I I had an Iu-
torvlow this afternoon with nn accused nit-
nrchist who knoxvs the author of the rcccn-
explosion , If ho U not the nuthor'tumiolf. I
mot him nt n tipuso which I nm not nt liberty
to tin mo. Ho was offering to sell a bomb for
r > 0 francs nnd explained that ho hud two
nioro at his liomrf but that they belonged to
u "companion.1 * When do wa.s eolng out f
followed him to find out what ho Intended
to do with those engines of destruction ,
ono of which howauled to sell. Ho
went to the house of another anarchist for
the purpose of unloading the bomb , but ho
arrived at the very mtnuto when the pollco
were there , ana saved himself In time by nu
This man , itsccms , always carries under
nls nrm n bomb charccd with MX kilo * of
dynamite. Finally bo wont to the house of
another friend , where tba bomb was un
loaded. Tha bumb , which was in two plccos ,
was tilled witli dynumlto and oncloscd In an
old box , half illlcd with albert
cakes. On top was an ulcctrlo ar
rangement which could bo handled by a
child nnd was sot , by an ordinary alarm clock.
At the moment Indicated by the alarm the
electric contact Was made and tuo explosion
I nsked the anarchist who Invented the
bomb and ho replied : "Wo got the model
fiom Chicago nnd the invention is that of an
American companion. "
nought n Itomli for nrty J'rnnci.
The bomb was bought for 50 francs , but
the anarchist would not take a bank note or
gold but wanted silver. Ho said It was
easier to divide with his frionds. Ho ap
peared to bo an intelligent working man , a
mcchnnio or plasterer , and I had u cbnt with
Ho said at llrst : ' 'If you want mo to speak
for publication , 1 have nothing to say. " i
told him itas for the Now York Herald ,
"Ah , that is a different thing , " said no.
"Tho editor Is a good fellow. Ho gnvo money
for the omnibus strikers last year. Ho
would not give mo away , and 1 don't care If
you haven't got my name , nnd In an hour I
shall have gone off , to como back when I
plenso. "
i pressed him to take some brandy , but ho
refused. Ho accepted some cigars and sttuclc
a match'OU tbo bomb box. As I saw him do
It I exhibited apprehension , nnd ho said : "A
bourgoolso can never bo an anarchist ; ho is
too miich afraid of danger. Why , wo smoke
wuilo making our bombs. "
Not Anxious to Icstioy T.lfe.
I asked him if he approved of the crimes
that had been committed.
"No , " ho replied , "It is too soon ; in ton
years tlmo thcka things would bo useful to
us , but now they will bo too quickly for-
gotto.i. "
"What is jour object ! "
"To reform society , too inucli misery now
exists. It's n crime to have boon born. "
"But by thcso explosions jou will kill
somebody , " I remarked.
'Wo don't.wantto do that1 ho said , "nnd
wo don't\\ant to put those bombs in thickly
peopled plauos. Wo want to demolish pub
lic institutions nud not citizens. It is no
moro the fault of a bourgcolso to huvo been
born well off than for nn anarchist to have
.b en born poor , but if society becomes too
hard on us for the destruction of some prop-
.erty , then wo will destroy some men. Just
( t'o'dhow wlmtAve are nblo to do. "
; "But tell , mo what definite end you bavo
, lnvlew. "
To make society happy , nnd qulcltlv nt
that. Wo want to belp the world out of its
brutish state. But Just look : forlUUycnra
the bourgeoiso have not cared to emancipate
thom < olyes.l' ,
"WIH'lhpro be any trouble on"
"Wo are not suubjools ns all that , " the
anarchist replied , "us to nnnouucj in advance
\vheii wo me going to act. Tnat may bo the
occasion. W ° will act when we uro rcudy.
The day may bo an unbappv ono or n happy
ono for tbo bbargooise , but wo don't want to
lix tbo dale. Wo will act in concert with our
fi lends living lirothor countries. H
11 Will Miinn Kinoliillon.
"When wo _ hoar the signal which
will bo given in some city oy
n revolution. Everywhere the great revolu
tion will break out and you will then see
wbat society is composed of. To licit it , prick
it but a little and the whole crumbles to
dust. "
Ho didn't want to Bay any more , but pulled
auny at his cigar. Having ptomiscd him that
uo ono should follow him off ho walked
away quite calmly. In front of u house that
had been raided ho stopped a pollco agent for
information end then disappeared. Our con
versation had taKcn place iu the presence of
others whoso names are known in French
politics. Wo were all deeply impressed nnd
it Is certain tbatthpso people will not back
down before nnythluc. They have no con
science and are extremely rash.
Next I had an interview with the pollco ,
but tLey had discovered nothing , in spite of
their diligent search. On tbo other hand
numerous threatening letters bavo been re
ceived by different persons. This morning a
workman found n oartrldgo In front ot the
mesttoln of the Louvro. The excitement in
Paris is not allayed. On the contrary , It has
iti creased.
The Chamber today passed n vote of con 11-
douca in M. uo Fhovcinct. Tha danger of a
cmls is passing nwoy ,
r. Cem : .
Properly of JUg < : oiniunlen | Itolngr Destroyed
ut it htui tlliiR Jtato.
Ciunii.VMi : , Wyo. , March 29. Word comes
today of bold outrascs by ranee ruUlew. They
bavo bccn'sbootitig down hort > oj and cattle
lor a fortnight and scores of rurcassei Ho on
the forugo grounds. The prulrio pirates
select the propuily of largo owners who have
boon , vigorously cnduavorinj ; tu atop the
Uharlcs Ford U hero nfrald for his. life to
visit his ranch. The tuiovos uro running
Jolinson , Matrinn nnd Convoiso countlos.
Noirly o\ory prominent range owner has
been warned that ho will bo killed if ho vislU.
the rustler Ui.slrlct
-So u 111 til liuiiviir ,
DEXVIJII , Col , JViurch UO. F. A. Kouln , who
has boon frequently mentioned of Into In con
nection with the Chicago "boodlo" cases ,
paid Denver n short visit. Ho and hh wlfo
arrived hero yesterday , presumably from
Omnun. Iho.y registered nt the Albany ho *
tel , but loft thnt pinco after staying there n
couple of hours , nnd went to tbo union depot
where they too * the noon Snnlti Fa train for
the south , Tholr exact destination is Un
Ortlllcnto of riilillrntlon ,
Onico of Auditor of Public AerounM-Stnlo ot
Nobrjskii. l.ln , oln. rob. I. l l .
It In hereby crrtlflod. that thclllcniralN In-
Mtranco Co , of uioni Pall * . In the MAte of
Now ork , him compiled with the Itmiruuco
jiiwof thlistatonnd U iiuthnrlrud to transact
thoiiuslncMof llrolnsurniico In this stnto for
Iho current vour.
\VltiiOMtiiyiinnil ind thosi-iil of the auditor
of public nccounli tlio dny uud vrnr bo\o
written. T , II , llf.NTON ,
ISsnl ] Auditor , P. A.
_ H. A. liabcock , Deputy.
Certltlcntn of I'ntillnilioii.
Onico of Audltorof Publle AramoU-St-ito of
Nebraska , Lincoln , Keb. I. IMtt.
It 14 hereby corllllcil , tliitt the Or.ntil llaplds
Insurance Co. , cf Urnnd ( ( aphis. In thcst-.Uo
ot Mti hlRiin , liast-nmitlicd lih the-InMir nice
law of IhU state and Is iiuthor zed totrun-icl
thp bim.noKtuf lira Insiiianuo tu xtttlo for the
current year.
Witness my hand and the seal of the auditor
of public accounts the day and your ubovu
wrllloii. T , It , UK.NTON.
IScul ] Auditor P. A.
It. A. ILibeock , Duputy.
Certlllrntu ot I'ulillratloii ,
Oniooof Audltorof Public Accounts Stnto of
Nuhrjka. Lincoln , fob. 1.1MC' .
It Is hereby certified , that the Klii'mon's In-
siiranco Co. , of Newark. In the st.ilo of rsinv
Jiusoy , has compiled with iho Insiirancu law
or ihls slulu mm Is niithorli > d to iraiiHniit the
bnsliiu's of llro Insurance In th s stnto for
llio currontyuar.
Witness my liniid and the Heal of thn auditor
nt iiuUliuaccuunls lha dny nml jo.iruboxo
written. T. li , liKNTUN ,
l > ual ] Auditor 1' . A ,
II. A. Ilabcock , Deputy ,
Cortlllfiitf ol IMihlliiitlon.
Onico of Auilltorof Publle Accounts-Stato ot
NobiiiHKn. Uiuotn. 1'oh 1. ib'i , ' .
U is heiehy cortlllcd , thnt the franklin Tire
Insurance Uo. , of 1'hlmduliilila , In the state of
I'cnnsvlvanlii , has complied \uth thu Insur-
unco luw of this st.itu nml Is authorl/cil lo
transact thu business ot llru InsnruiKO In this
Mate for ihocnricniyeai.
Witness my hand und tnu of llio auditor
ut puhllu uccounts thu dav nml joir above
writlon. T. 11. HK.ViUN ,
Andlor I' . A.
II. A. llnlicouk. Deputy.
Certlllr.itnof I'lthlliutlon.
Onico of Auditor uf Publlo Accounts State of
Nebraska. Lincoln l-uh. 1 , IMC. ,
H Is hereby certified , ihu Glraril Insur
ance Co. , of I'hlladolphlii , In Iho Hlato ot
I'ciinsyvuiila , has compiled with the Iniiir-
uanco law or this stale und is anttunl/od lo
tritns.iut thu business of llio liiMur.-un.-e in this
stuto for the current
Witna- my hand of thu auditor
ofpubllu accounts the day and youriiboxo
written. T. II. IIUN'iuN , ] 4 Auditor P. A.
II. A , Ilabcouk , Deputy.
Ccrtlllciitu of rtitillrntloiii
Ofllcoof Audlloi of Publlo Aceounta-Bt ilo ot
NebrnsKu. l.lncoln , IVb. 1. 1HJ.1.
it Is hereby certified , tb a Iho OlU ens' I'lro lo. of Plilsbiirg , In the slulu ot
Punnsvlvitnhi , bus ujmplluu With the Insiir-
anco luw of this stulund is .luUuiri/iHl lo
tr.insiiut the business ot lliu InsnuuiL-e In this
stito for Iho current yum.
\\llnus-t my hand aim the -,1-al of thu auditor
of uuhllo iicuounls tlio day and yoirauuvu
wr.ttun. T. ll/Hi.MUN ; ,
L ual ] A ml Hot4 P. A.
, II. A. llabco.-lc , Deputy.
Curtlllcatcol I'nl.lU-.ilioii.
Onico ot Auditor ot Public Accounts St.ito of
uUiaMia. , i , iKoln. Koh. I. 1NJ.1.
It slii-iuby oertlllcd , that iho Uuy ot l.on-
uon I ire Insurance Co. of London. > tu.und.
1ms compiled Urn IIIMII.IIIIO mw of thN
stuto nml is anUioilyud to transact vho hosi-
lu-hs of llitj insurance in th.i atalo lor ihu current -
rent your.
AVItnov , my Imnd and Ilia ot the auditor
ot public uccounts thu day and Vuirabovo
written. T. H. lIKVl'uN ,
l o > ] Aiulltor P A.
HA. Ilabcock , Deputy.
Ci-rtlllriitoot J'uhlii-.Uloli.
Ollici'of Auditor ot Publli-
PublliAccountSlate of
ISubrHS4.i. IJiiLOln. I't'l ) . I. IM'U. '
It is hereby eertlllod , Unit tlio ja : lo Vtro In
surance Co , orow York , in the utaio ot : suw
1 orl ; , h in lompllcUAltli the liHiiruncu law of
Ihlsstalu and la anthori/ed to Uun-.ui.-t thu
Uiislnu.Sb nf llio Insurance in tills st. itu for llio
' \\ltne-.smyhand \ and the seal of Iho auditor
or puhllu acuounts tht ! day and year.iuovo
wi.tiun. 1. Ii. Hi ; ' s'Lo.N ,
l eal ] A'udltorl' . A.
H. A. IlabcouU , Duputy.
Certlllriitc of I'uhllratloh.
Onice of A ml i tor of I'nbllo Acoounts-Ptato of
Nobiaska. I.lnioin , Kol ) . 1. ] tO\
It is heruhy certlOcd. Hint the C'onnecll-jiit
I'lro liiBiiiiuico Co. . of Hartford. In thcslilc
ot Connecticut , bus i-omplluil with the Insur-
unto law ot this Male und Is uiuhiulrccl 10
tr.insuct the ( JiisInCaot lire Insiininco In thlb
state for the t-urrcnt your.
Witness my huntl and iho sral of the iimlitor
of public accountthu iuy | and yeai above
wililun. T. II. UKNTUN ,
l > call Auditor P. A.
II. A. llabcou.t , Ucpiily.
Certlllriitn of Piilillriitloii.
Olllt-o of Audltoi of Public Accounts Stnlo of
ISuhraika. LliiLoln. Foil I. IS' ) . ' .
It Is heroin'certified tluit UrnItnrlliulon In-
snranco Co. ; or Duriltmim. In thu stito of
Iowa , has compiled wlih thu Insuianco luw of
this stnto and is uuthorl/od to trans ict. llio
husliu'H-i of llro Insurance In tills Hl.ue fur llio
cnrrint year.
\VJlnuij4iiiyliiiiid and tho.seal of thu uudllor
of puhlii- accounts the day rod s oar above
wiliten. T 11. Iin.N'l ON.
Lbuull Auditor P. A.
II. A. Dubc-oik , Deputy.
Cortlllratn of I'lihUcatlon.
Offlco of Audltorof Publlo ALVOIJIIU , Stuto of
NebraMka. Lincoln , IVI > . ] , 1H1U.
-It Is hciohy cerllllcd , Unit Iho JIHiiu ( Klrol
Iiisur.iiico Co. . ot Hartford. In tlio state of
Coiinovtluut , has compiled with lliu Insurance
law of thls tiito und is authorzed to transact
the husincssof llro Insurance In this sluto for
Witness my hand nml the MM ! of thu auditor
of iiubllo uccounts the day und yuar above
written. T. II. lir.NTUN ,
Iboal ] Auditor P. A.
H. A , IlabcouU , Deputy.
Certificate of I'lilillciitlon.
OHlco or Audltorof I iihllc Accounts Stuto of
Nubiaskii. Lincoln. Kel > , 1,1SJV.
It n hcieljy certllk-il , Un ttho AinuHcaii I1'Iro
Iiisiiram-u Co , of Now Vorlc. In the Hiale of
Now York , bus compiled ullh the Insiirineo
law of this 8t ilo und is uutlionritil to trniisact
the business of lire Insurance In this bin ! of or
Ihu current yoai.
\\itncs-iuiy hand and thu seal or the auditor
or puhllu nucounld the dav und yuarabnio
wriltun. T. 11 , HKN'JUN ,
Lseal ] Auditor 1' . A.
II , A. Uabcouk , Dojiuty.
Corllltruto nl I'lilillt-ation.
OHlco of Audltorof 1'ubliu AevtnfnU btulo of
Nuhr.isUn. I.liuoln , l > 'oh. I , I Mr.1.
It Is hereby crrlllled. Unit Iho Agricultural
I'lro Insiiranco t o , ofVul rt < ) wi. | Iu vho Htnlu
of Now York. IIUH uniAiillcd ullh the IHsuruiico
luw of Hi nt no and In author nd in t oib.ict
lliu hiiHlnuss of llru Insurance In thlsBlaio for
Ihouiiiiunl. yuiir. .
\MtiuL-is my hand and Ihu xunl of the uudllor
of public uicouiuu tin * dav mid > onr uhovo
written. T. II , W..YJ'O.V. '
[ seal ] Auditor P , A ,
II , A. IliihcoiiU. Deputy ,
otmnrti , . .
DURHAM ancl are A Fact
" "J
lltUM * * !
by tlic use of poor smoking tobacco.
The one tobacco that lias held its
own thiough all the changes of
time and against all competitors is Pears
Blackwell's Bull Dm ham Smoking
A Question WHY ?
Because it's always pure , always Jnchanglng
A Great Record the same , always the best. Such a
/ record tells more than pages of Talk's Cheap
* "talk. " It'slist as good to-day
1 For You as ever and it is the tobacco farrow ,
If you smoke , you should smoke
* iGood Advice Bull Durham
A trial is all we ask.
- DURHAM , N. C. -
That Unit Which I * Required ill This Tim *
of thn Yenr Do You Know AVImt lo Do ? N
\Vo hoar a Kroftt deal. Jtit now , ixbout SprlnR
medicines. It h known that people fool run
down utter Iho Inlwrs nnd siojo of winter , nnd
It U assumed they need a sprlhR moillcliui
This It not true. Spring mccllclnoi nro not
needed ) nixttiro will throw off the rheums In
the blood which have accumulated during tlio
winter , If site hnsonlv n little help. Natnro U
able tocluan horown house , nnd take cnro ot
her own household , with ti llttlo assistance ,
and n llttlo Rcntlo It nil the Spring
modlclno nnyono reunites. "Hut , " yjii nmy
fl.iv , "what do you moan hy stimulant , und
what do I tciiuho ? " We answer , Rowotlilntt
ubsolutulr pure , powerful , nnd which has been
proved to nbundantly nnswor the purpo > .e.
I'miiicstloimhly. whiskey , if ot the right Kind ,
Is the pronor thins to use , but unfortunately ,
there nro tow peed whiskies In the market , nml
only oun which Is absolutely puro. nnd
possesses qualities. That whlskoy
Is Duffy's Pure Matt. U tins bcoti upon llio
market for years. H has tlio uiuiuallllod on-
ddrsomoul cf phynlclnns unit ehotnlsts , nnd It '
Is the onlv whiskey which can bo toeom- * '
momlod , It Is trno certain unscrupulous f
( lrnialsts nnA grocers seek to soil other nnd
Infuilor Roods , claiming they uraciiinl | to
DulTy's , but ihoy possossllttlo uurlty and no
mOilfutnal power wtmtoVor. wharoas DulTy's Is
spi'oliilly dcslunn I us u inoillclnal whlsKoy. It
would bo well tht > to fuels In mind when
i-onslderiiiK the subject ot Sprlni ; medicines ,
mid how to h st put the syRtum In Hhnpo for
tbo ri'iiulruments of tin xcason. _ _
Health has its weight. We
cannot go far above or below > ' . „
our healthy weight without
disturbing health. We can
not keep health and lose our
It is fat that comes and
goes. Too much is burden
some ; too little is dangerous.
Health requires enough
fat for daily use and a little
more for reserve and coin-
fort. That keeps us plump.
The result is beauty the
beauty of health.
A little book on CAUKFUL
LIVING shows the importance
of keeping your healthy
weight. We send it free.
SCOTT ft loxvNRCI ) nliii , ij Soutlijih Avenue ,
New York.
; Do you Icnow thnt a llttlo
In a dangoroiiH tiling7
; Will Stop a Cough at any time :
iLnd Cure the worst Cold in ;
; twelve hours. A 85 Cent bottloj
may save you $100 in Doctor'a :
I bill3-niay eave your life. ASH :
zr GOOD.
Dr. Acker's EngUsh Pills
Hmnlt , iiloatiniit , o rnTnrllo trltll the tlifllcii. :
. . . CO . Id Wurt I'roadwaj , N. Y. !
a. W. . 11. . J1OOKEII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , n..n..i
For sale by Kukn & Co. , and Sliornann
& McConnoIl , Otimlm. „
\Vo Bi-nd tlin mnrvelnnii Vrtnrh
Koincjy CALTHOO f IIH > . unit n
Ic-nl cuarantot. that L'ALTUOS will
r.TOl'DtBchnrcM.V Emlulat | > ,
CURK Hnomint4rrnca. arltoerlo
aod nCSTOIIK I.Kt X/t r.
Ust it andtevi/saltjfedt
f its Aarrirea A
Invented llie famous
A ihousand olhcr men ImcJtricdt to
equal it , nnd failed. Otli'cr ? imilpji ; it ,
but all they have produced is n similar
key , and the key has fooled mariy a
man. The only genuine i'YALlt" L cl.s ,
arc made by TIIK YALE & TOWNE
the word ' ' YAI.E" in some form on lock
and key. You can't ' ofibrd anything
but a genuine " YALK " when you want
- a lock. Sold wherever locks sell.
Buvcntcnnth nnd Iliinjoy Sts .
TliursJiiy , LYiiiiiy and Snlunlaj , .March
; { 1 anil Apt 11 1 11 ml i ! .
llulnrU'b Conrlocl , Director. jhjlt
In JMIiloi'fUor'n Coini'ily Oprni.
Suns 551 times nt the Now York Uiulno. )
I'rlci'S I'lirquut , Sl.fOi inrcjuot olrclu , . 81.03 ; luicnnv. SJo. ' . ' > J ii 4 il.UJi Rallory ,
J.V- . KiluupunsVcUnoilay ( _ _ '
. . . . . . counnonclns Tburcta/ .
'lliu wurlil rviuiwn urlxlual
TH IS Ix 1JL , 1 PUT IA N S.
Tlio smalle-at iinil niont lalenlo I Illlle iielom In I !
. orlil. MntlnuinlTMuyiinilHaliiriliir. "chool
children miller | 3/err , lltnntii ,
Farnam Slreel Ttiaater. '
I'uur Nl.litb , Coiiiinonulii ! ; .Snnilny Mnt , Apr. .t
Anderson Unique Comedians
Miitlnco Wi'Unrhdiijr.
W O N U L5 ! li A. N L )
Grand Opsra House
IMun .MIIMIO Co , , OtMicri
1 Porformiicos Daily at 2iU. : ! 4:13 , 8:00 :
and ! ) ; i0 ! p. m ,
Wondwnril'K I'fluculcd Hu.ils nnd
M y Kesilur. Uornc.tUu hca Mima
Hurry M. mi I A'lil.i 1'rloi , Bkoleh Arllsu.
IM .N' ( ( ' < iiiuiillnn.
II in .MiiNon'ii funioUy Co. m "Thu Itural
OI'KN DAILY. 1 TO 13 P. M.
I'.cnjuut Seats , llflt ) _ ) ) C bulU , Slit.
. C.
Friday & Saturday Evenings April 1 & 2.
GBORfifi I ( Ml
ID lluiuorou * and I'atliKllo llcadlntf * from lilt owi
ltu < . , tvcil i U Tfnanilll. AdTunaa cute 0ion | ul
, Mi' A , uiU4i.liurlay JUrcU Jl t , nl'J ut.