Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1892, Image 1

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Ho Will Not Bo a Oandidato Before the
Minneapolis Convention.
? ol Afralrt of n Vote In the
r Illnlnr Apaln In Charge lit
the State llrpartincnl Wash
ington New * .
D. C. . March no. Serntor
Cullom has sent tbo following letter to ex-
Mnyor Rocbo of Chicago :
MurchfH. IMt. . Hon. John A. Hochf * . Chlcnzo.
My IHnrrrlcnd : Your fat or nf tliolStu , in
which you Inquire concerning mv wishes in
reference to tno selection of n dele-gato to bo
cho en by the republicans In the several eon-
V Kre'slonnldlstrli'lsnml hv our slale conven
tions to represent tlii party In the national
convention to bo held In Minneapolis l.i Juno
next lies been received , nnd l take pleasure
In unswcrlnz you frankly ns to my position.
1 huve said to republicans who huvo wrllleit
to me. and to the pcntlomon representing the
press who have Interviewed mi * , tlrit 1 woum
csti'ctii It n high honor to luivo the support of
the Illinois delegation In the national repub
lican convention for prosldcnl of Iho United
Btates. and would bo plcnt-od to have such
oclCL'ntlon do ml that can honorably be dene
to scoiiro for mo the nomlnitlon.
I have many letters asking me to leave my
post of duty hero nnd rotno to our Miito and
tulio part In tbo campnlgn going on there be
tween candidates fur the several stales offices
nnd ulso to look utter my o n Interest In the
MI cctlon of delegates to the national conven
tion. I have declined to do so. and ns I am
filluntod 1 do not feel ut liberty to leave my
nfllclul duties to take part In any camp-ilgn
for myself or nny one else and will not now uo
BO for nny office.
Able , Clean nnil Patriotic.
To the people of the Rtntc of Illinois , who
Jinvo honored mo repeatedly with their or-
Blderatlon and whom I have served olllclally
for tuuny years , 1 am grateful. I desire , how
ever , that mv imme fhall not bo longer tiMd
tis a candidate for the olllcc of president. The
pcorllu vomi to favor the renomlnatlon of
1'rcsldcnl Harrison , whoso iidnilnlslraUon has
Cecn ublc. clean , courageous and pntrlottc.
I urn a republican , I bollcvc In the princi
ples und politics of Iho parly , nnd I expect
always to do my part , ns I nri v bo able. In up
holding It wMlo In power nnd In securing for
It victory. Wo luuo befotu us In Illinois nnd
In the nation u great and stubborn hattlc.Vu
must liiive harmony In our ranks If wo are tel
l > o assured of success , either In the state or
nation. Uur state nnd national convention
should bo jso In the selection of candidates
who nro most likely to give our party succc-s
In the state an.l nation , and by success give
iissnranco ol the continuance of our present
vise , strone nnd patriotic foreign policy ; u
troll considered lltcal policy , the foundttt on
principle of which Is hotmst money fornn hon
est people : a revenue policy , under which
American tntdo nnd Industries will be care
fully fostered nnd American Inbnr jealously
jirolod ; of nn Inlrrnal pollcv that \\lll make
mitigation safe mid sure on our srcnt rivers ;
that will give commerce bolwecn slates pro
tection from extortions nnd unjustdlscrltnlna-
tlons ; that will give the country H pure nnd
competent civil Mirvlcc : Unit will compel re-
Ciiril for the rlzhts of every cltlren In every
Mate : that will make the Government puis
sant In Its partu and Invlnclblo In tiieli unity.
With respect , I am very truly yours.
Army Officers as Indian Agcnti Sir. D.iwcs. '
VI own :
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Marcn 30. Senator
elect Roger Q. Mills of Texas appeared , pra
acnlcd credentials and took the oath of office.
Ho wns warmly congratulated by the otner
members of the sonato.
Mr. Stanford addresser ! the senate in sup
port of his bill to determine tbo value of the
legal tender dollar. His speech was In fur
ther rxplanutiou and advocacy of the land
loan bill introduced by him some time atro.
Tbo Indian appropriation bill having been
taken up , tbo discussion which was bocun
last week on the subject of army officers
being assigned to the duties of Indian agents
ayas taken up , Mr. Peltigrew balnrj the first
ono to address the senate upon the propo
sition. Ho opposed the proposition as a step
backward and argued that army officers did
not possess the necessary qualifications and
were not familiar xvith the duties.
While the cler wan reading a long and
tedious letter from Commissioner Morgan to
Mr. Pcttlgrew ns a part of that gentleman's
speech the attention of the presiding officer
was called by Mr. Tuipleto tbo fact that a
majority nt tbo senators was failing to re
ceive tbe views set forth in the letter. This
necessitated a call of tbe senate , and during-
its progress many of the absentees came in ,
co that , forty-eight senators ( three moro than
n quorum ) answered their names. Tno read-
lag of tbo letter was resumed and finished
nnd Mr. Pottigrew wont on with his argu
ment. Ho appealed to the senate in tbo in
terest of humanity and civilization to strike
out the proposition.
lru\ore < l Army Oliicora in Agents.
Some of tbe points made by Mr , Petllgrew
wpre replied to by Mr. Proctor particularly
qno us to the troubles at Pine Ridge. If
there bad been three or four nrmv officers at
the Pine Ridge agency , Mr. Prortor believed
that these troubles would not have occurred
there and that vho millions of money ex-
pcndei\ and thn lives lost would have boon
A dissertation on tbo general pollcv of the
country followed on the part of Mr. Peffer.
i'The ' discussion was continued by Mr.
Hawley. who favored the proposed assign
ment of army officer * to tbo duties of Indian
agents , and who was inclined to think the
better of it the more objections bo heurJ
against it ; nnd by Mr. Maaderson , who ex
pressed his belief thut the provision was a
rory wise ono and that wltb army officers as
Indian agents tbe era of bad blankets ,
shoddy clothing and rancid bacon would bo
at an end.
Mr. Hawley moved to amend the house
provision by adding to it a proviso that
whenever the president shall be of the upln-
icii that the good of tbo service especially re
quires It ho may appoint a civilian.
Ho was asked by Mr , Palmer whether the
word "specially" had any significance , and
replied it had , In common conversation , and
that tbe law was not much of a fool.
Called It u Colil-IIlooilril llutclicry.
The discussion , which had lasted over
two hours , was elated by Mr. Dawcs , chair ;
man of tbo committee on Indian affairs , wbo
bad charge of tbo bill in r i argument
against tbo bouso provision , 03 uelng a radi
cal change in tbo administration ot tba Ii
dlan service a change sprung by a ln.-5
member of tbe boisn and which aid nat At
ceived tbe sanction of any oxccut u
officer. Ho complimented Mr. Proctor's
brilliant administration ol tbe War
department , although tbo Pine Ridge diffi
culties which had occurred during that ad
ministration , 'resulting in a cold-blooded
butchery of 150 men and women and a debt
of $300OOJ formed nn part of its glory. " It
civil places were wanted for the SOO super
numerary , highly educated army officers ,
why not ( Mr. DawM asked ) find places for
them in the customs service , which was so
rotten , or in tbo land office service , which
baa been so run .riot with by political huck
sters out in tha " .vostern country I Tbe com
mittee on appropriations , ne stated , were
unanimous in recommending that the bouso
provision bo struck out.
Finally Mr. Hawloy's amendment to the
bouso provision was agreed to , and without
reaching a rote on the amendment to strike
out the bouse provision tbo senate adjourned ,
Wctrrii J'ciuluiu.
WASHINGTON- , C. , March 30. [ Special
Telegram to TiicBEU-J The following list
of pensions granted 1 $ reported by Tun BCE
and Examiner Bureau of Claims ;
Nebraska ; Original John H. Crawford ,
Byron E. Taylor , Albert C. Randall , William
H. Kibbe.v. Simon Adamsky , Joseph 1L
Hood. James Moles , Reuben Harris , Ichabod
Trlitile. Alex Warner , James J , Brooks ,
Francis Brunnnn , William B. Dune , Samuel
11. Showers , William M. Hlndman , David B.
Knight. Additional Michael J. Darnell.
Increase Isaao Underbill , Uooree E.
Douglas. William B. Muner. Ueorge
Foslcr. KeU ue William P. Fultner.
Iowa : Original -William Aldricb , Jullui
A. Beddenstadt. Ellas Phlllls , Madison Reef ,
Gcorgo O. Basott.fohn Owens , John Hutchinson -
inson , Lewis W. sillier. John UrlnderlicK ,
John tt. Hawthorn , Andrew D.Walltor. Alex
ander J. Trego , Charles O. C Brown , Joseph
Roser , Oscar C. Rose. Additional-James
Halloweil. Increase John F. Wheeler , John
B. .Thompson , Henman Harden , Robert R.
Patterson , John P. Fister , Robert Codllnp ,
\ \ nrrcn L. Maxson , Darius O. Smith , Uovl
Uroshnr , David Showallcr , James II. Easloy ,
Charles S. Shippy , William P. Tupper , Al
fred Burden. Green C , AdKlns , Alexander
W. Trout , William A. Forbes , Charles HaVen -
Von , Charles Richardson , Jumu.i B , Ouisle.f ,
John W. Rico , Charles Dupbntn. Francis
M. Adams , Georpo Wcsms , Jaraes Bass , ito-
issue William A. Franklin , Jefferson Won-
trr. ItcUsuo and increase James Eling.
Original widows , etc. Mnlissn A. Bottler ,
Curcline Van Epi , Sarah Lucas , Maria M.
Fenton , Jane Flint , mother.
North Dakota : Original John A. Lyons ,
Edward Bly , Magnus Anderson.
South Dakota : Additional James Mor
rison. Increase liaao P. GrlTHhs.
Contlnimnro of thn IHitmlnatlon Into the
Conduct oT It * Arr.ilro.
W \sntxoTox , D. C. , March ? J. In the pen
sion oflico examination today the case of
Clerk Uenaud , who was discharged from the
pension ofllco for bavin ? wrl'.tan nrtlcloi
\\hlchappearodinthoNow York Tribune ,
criticising the conduct of pension officials
nnd commenting particularly oa ono case ,
wns taken up. llaum said Ranaud had the
papers in the case on hi * desk and had no
right to bavo taken thorn from the flies.
Renaud dcnlod having written or inspired
the articles in question , but admitted being a
wnler for tno Tribune. The article was a
tnisstatctneut ,
Raum further stated In bis complaint to
the secretary that Renaud , after Commis
sioner Black went out of office , boasted of
having written well known "Physical
Wreck" article ! .
A Tribune correspondent denied that
Renaad wrote the nrllclo or furnished the
Then ensued long colloquy between Raum
nnd Enloe. Enloe asked If Ranra sent some
body to see Russell Harrison to ret him use
his influence with the controlling powers of
the Trlbuo to slop Ibis attacK.
Mr. Ebtoe attcmptod to show that the ad
ministration bad induced Wbitclaw Reid to
reuse the Tribune's attacks upon the pension
Air. llaum stated that bo had not approached
preached Mr. Reid on the subject , nor had
any done so in bis interests , so far as he
know. Ho understood , however , that ono of
the principal men of the Tribune was in tno
city and had a conversation with Ben Bussey
ol Secretary Nobles' offleo. Witness
did not know , however , what the
conversation wns about. Ha understood
thct General Bussey had told the Tribune
man that tbo business of tbo pension ofUce
was well conducted and that the attacks ot
the Tribune were unjust.
Mr. Enloo Have you not , understood that
the influence of tto administration was
brought to bear upon Whitelaw Reid to stop
these attacks !
Mr. Raum t cannot state that I have any
information on the subject Persons have
spoken to mo with some indignation about
the manner in which the Tribune was con
ducting its flgbt in the matter and said Mr.
Reid ought to be spoken to.
" \ \ bo were the -persons who expressed
themselves ! "
"I cannot tell you. Mauy persons coming
into the ofllce and taluing about these arti
cles thought it a little curious that one of the
principal bureau of the covernmentshould be
attached by the Tribune when Mr. Whitelaw
Reid was a minister at Pans. "
"While ho was holding u position under
the administration ! "
"Yes. "
"Did they 'express to you the idea tdat
anybody holding a public position under the
government and having control of a public
journal should muzzle his papsr ! "
"I have no information on the subject. "
The remainder of the hearing was devoted
to listening to the reasons wnich influenced
the commissioner in romovin ? certain clerks.
S ton rush lp Snbiidl.'s Utah nnil the Fair
NotrH anil Gc > - , lp.
D. C. , Marcb. 80. The re
port of the commiuoo on msrchant marlno
and fisheries , recommending the repeal of
the mail subsidy act was submitted to the
house today oy Mr. Euloo. It takes the
broad ground of dissent from tbo policy of
granting subsidies to persons engaged in any
character of pursuits whatever , xvhicn
policy , it asserts , is robbery in the tooth ol
the law. If the principle of subsidy is right
it should apply to all , and tbe cotton planter
of the couth has us much right to a subsidy
or bounty ns the ship owners , sugar planters
and tree nippers who now recolva it The
views of tbe minority are set forth at longtb ,
and are in substance an argument in favor
of the retention of the present luw , based
upon flirures showing a great impetus given
to ship ouildtng under ibo new regime.
Tbe house commltto : oa territories will re
port favorably tbo measure designating the
board of World's fair manager * from Utah.
Tne bouso today passed tbe Dill authorizing
izingtbe construction of a bridge across the
Missouri river at D.UVitte , Mo.
The attorney general will take an appeal
from the judirmonts recently returned by the
court of claims In favor of loiter carriers , in
several cases involving the construction of
tbe eight-hour law as applied to the work of
these employes.
In view of the danger thought to bo im
minent , of a violent rusn and possible bloodshed -
shod in connection with the opening to
settlement of the lands in Oklahoma re
cently ceded to the government by the
Cheyenne and Arapahoa Indians , if con
ducted under exisilntr laws and rules , Hsp-
sentallvo Fvnston of Kansas will introduce
in the bouse a bill providing for tba distri
bution nf the land by lot
Assistant Secretary NotUelon has in
formed Senator Palmer , president of the
World's Fair commission , tnat the condition
of tbe appropriation available for the pur
poses oftbo commission will not iustify an
expenditure , estimated at JIS.OOO , for the
holding of a meeting of tbo commission iu
Mr , Hopkins of Illinois , has bcn appointed
a member of the comro.iltoo on ways and
means in placoof Mr. McKenna of California ,
NttWS I'OIl THE A It At V.
Complete I.t t of Chtiiffei Iu the Hejjulir
hen Ire.
WasnixciTox , D , C. , March 30. ( Special
Telegram to Tiic BEE. ] The following as-
tignmentsto regiments of ofticerj recently
promoted and transfer * of ofliccra are or
dered :
A board of oftlccrs is appointed to moet at
Fort Musoulo , Mont , on Tuesday , April 5 ,
Ib'Ji ' , or as boon thercalter as practicable , for
tbe examination of such oQlcers as may bo
ordered before it , to dettr.nlne their Illness
for promotion. Detail for tbe board : Colonel
GeoreoL. Andrews , Tivenir-ttftn infantry ;
Lieutenant Colonel John C. Buas , Twentieth
infantry ; Major Evan Milesl Twenty-fifth
infantry ; Captain William V. Gray , assist
ant turgeon ; Captain William D. Urosbv ,
assistant surgeon ; Fint Lieutenant George
Andrews , Twenty-fifth infantry , recorder.
Upon tbo ea-nplotlon of the business oefnro
the board Lluutonant Colonel Bates and
Captain Gray will ro-Join their respective
stations. The following named ofilcurs will
report in person on Tuesday , April 5. to
Coloufll Goorce L , Andrew * , president ,
of the examining board , at Fort Mlssoula
for examination by the board as to tbelr fit'
ness for promotion ; Captain Hmues Luiv *
ton , T.venty-tmh infantry ; First Lieutenant
John McMarUu , Sweety-fifth infantry.
The following temporary changes in the
stations of tbe medical department are or
dered ; Captain O. N. Biu"y ! , assistant sur
geon , now on duly at Baltimore , will report
In person , cot later than March 31 , to < bo
United States military academy , West 1'olnt
for temporary duty during tbo absonca of
Captain Henry S. Kilbourno , aisUtant aur-
1:0011. as a incmbrr oftbo army medical board
at how York City , nnd on the rolurn
of that officet will rejoin his proper
station ; First Lieutenant Frank 1.
Merriwcathor , assistant surgeon , now oa
Uutv at Fort Adams , will report in person
later than March III to tbo commanding
oflicer Madison barrarks for temporary duty
during tbe absence of Captain Henry S.lur-
rill. assistant surgeon , as n member of the
nrtuy medical board Now YorK City. The
leave of absence granted First Lieutenant
Richard M. Blatchford , Eleventh Infantry ,
Madison barracks , is extended to April 30.
The superintendent of the recruiting ser
vice will cause twenty-lire recruits to bo as
signed at Columbus barracks to the Eighth
infantry nnd forwarded under proper charge
to such"point or points in the department of
the Platte as the commanding general ot the
deparunctitshaU designate. After nrrivu' ' in
the department the recruits will bo distri
buted as cqualabla as practicable among tbo
companies of the regiment , also seventy-Qvo
recruits ttf ton assigned ut Columbus bar
racks , to the Twcntr-seccnd Infantry nnd
forwarded under proper chargn to such pointer
or points as the department shall designate.
First Lieutenant Joseph B. Batchcltor , jr. ,
Twenty-fourth Infantry , now at Fort Loav-
cnwonh , Kan. , will report In person without
delay at the headquarters of the army in thts
rity. Second Lieutenant Thomas H. Mc-
Gulro , Twentv-fiflh infantry , is relieved
from further duty at the United States In-
fantrv and Cavalry school , Fort Lenvon-
worth , and will proceed to Join his company.
Tha leave of absence cranVed Captain Mer-
shall W. Woods , assistant surgeon , Novem
ber 21 , 1891 , is extended ono month.
The suspension directed February 2 , 1S9J
uf operation of paragraph 2 , special orders
No. 18 , January 10. 18ii ! , relating to Captain
Aaron H. Appol and First Lieutenant Julian
M. Cnbell , assistant surgeon. Is removed.
First Lieutenant Francis A , Winter , assist
ant surcoon , recently appointed , will proceed
from St Louis to JeiTer.-on Barracks , Mo. ,
nnd report in person to the command-
in e officer for duty at that station and by
letter to tba supeointondent of the recruiting
service. Major Jogn Van R. Hoff , surgeon ,
will proceed from Fort Rlley to St Louis to
represent the medical department of the
army at the meeting of tbo Association of
Surgeons of the National guard to bo held In
that city April IS to 21 , and upon the com
pletion of this duty ho will return to his sta
Unsuccessful Attempt Muilo to Malm the
I'uglllst by nn Unknown.
NEW YOIIK , March 30. Some ono throw an
empty whisky bottle at James Corbet t from
the gallery at Miner's theater last night
The missile missed its mark by several feet ,
but the attempt to maim the Californlan
created some excitement Corbett had fin
ished two i-oucds of his usual three-round
sot-to with Jim Duly and xvai about to "wind
up" the bout when tbo battle whizzed
through the air and smashed into pieces on
the stngo a few inches behind the footlights.
All eyes were turned to the galleries , but no
body could discover who the guilty man was.
Corbett looked up angrily. Ho intended to
say something , but instead ho walked to tbe
front of the platform and kicked the pieces
off the stage. The house was crowded to the
doors and nearly every man present joined in
cheering the pugilist
"I'm glad it was not a bomb , " Corbett re
marked as be picked up a piece of glass and
throw it towards the south wall of the stage.
When the men finished the bout an en
thusiastic chear went up. Just baforo the
bottle was thrown a man with a husky voice
and a dialect savoring strongly of Piccadilly
yelled out : "Get bout y' blnotner. You
cawn't lick Chawlev Mitchell. Y know yon
Some ono elss suggested that , Corbett
could lick a room ull of Mitchells and. this
declaration mav hare bad the effect ot mak
ing one of the Briton's admirers furious , for
it was immediately followed by the crasnins
of tbo glass on the stage. *
Good Work of Americans Among the Starv
ing Poor of Uus-ila.
Pnit.AnEi.rniA , Pa. , .March 3D. Mayor
Stuart has received from Rudolph Blanken-
burg , a member of the Pniladelphia commit
tee to superintend the distribution of sup
plies , a cablegram dated Saratov , Russia ,
March 2S , in which his movemsnts for four
days are given. Tno cablegram Is as fol
lows :
"Just returned from a four-days sleigh
journev through Samara. Scones tinrtrend-
inp. People just kept from starving through
half a pound Mark broad and a dUh of thin
soup daily. Hunger typhus in many places.
It denes description. Implore aid to pur
chase seed wheat to prevent a recurrence of
thefamin ? . We help 20OjJ now. Will bring
untold happiness. Answer whatyou will do ,
care of Minister Smith. Cable him all the
money you can spare. "
To tms the mayor replied as follows :
"Havo purehaiod a second cargo of flour :
American steamship Conomaugh will sail on
April 13. Now trying to raise money for
same. If successful , and any balance re
mains , will use it for purchasing wheat , as
you urge. "
Jurors In n Murder Trial Alleged to Hate
lieon Ilribril.
PntLADELi'im , Pa , March 33. Thomas F.
Wheeler , the onlv colored juror on the panel
of the twelve men whoso failure to agree
will result in a now trial for Casoaden , thu
murderer of Oflicer Findloy , has mido an
affidavit charging Elias W. Evans of No.
3340 Market street ono of the trio who stood
out for murder in the second degree * , with
attempting to corrupt the jury , The docu
ment In question will be submitted to Judge
Arnold , before whom the case wns tried.
Whseler says that Evans offered him a
present if ho would side with him in reaching
a vcntict in the presence of Coarad Goiscl
and George Armour , who united with Evans
in forming the stubborn minority who hold
out for a verdict of murder iu the second de
Till ! L.11IU11K1CS.
How Workmen lire Trolled Iu Kallraail
* C'aiuiu In Xe\v York.
UTICA , N. Y. , March 8X The state boird
of arbitration and mediation continued its
investigation at Lowvillo into too treatment
of laborers on Dr. Webb's Adirondack rail
Leopold Dburm , who had just coma in
from tbo camp , said he bad worked two
months and received fia. John Mclntrre ,
contractor , testified that except for club-
bine , Ibo men irere well treated ,
Ono boss said that the men would get
goods at tbe company's store and run awav
an hour later. Ho bad driven many of thorn
back. The men , as a rule , he said , were un
The printers of Omaha held their annual
lection yesterday and tbo following officers
ot Typographical Union No. 193 wore
elected : President , W. C. Boyer : vice presi
dent , G. W. Armour ; recomlnz secretary ,
W. A , Pangburn ; financial and correspond
ing secretary , F. A. KianoJy ; treasurer. J.
H. Cornell ; realms clerk , C. E. Matbews ;
bergeant-at-arra , R , H , Jcnness : delegates to
the International convention , \V. U. Palmar
and 1C. W. Runkles.
It was also decided by a rote of 27 to take
tbe baok binderi into the union as a branch
or uuxltlarv. By a vote a relief fund was
also established , There were 217 votes cast.
JlulUruy 1'oitul ( Merits.
Charles B. Hoffman of Clarlrs has been ap.
pointed rail way postal clerk betwaan Loup
City and Grand Island , vice A. L. Rush ,
transferred to the Columbus & Aloion run ,
rice George M , Balrd , transferred 10 the
Omaha & Odon run , rice F. A. Harrison ,
resigned to ru-engage in newspaper work ai
C. W. Robinson of Fairmont bat boon ap
pointed to a railway postal run between Pa
cific Junction and McCook , vice W. C.
Lelgbty. removed pending an investigation
for fraudulent use of tbo mall * .
vi nn i f ir t Tr'n'rotr nn iir i T
Associations from Different Portions of the
State in Session ,
Numerous Trnlrlo Tire * tinging In tlir Vi
cinity of OpaUiUa Mnch farm Prop
erty IJestroj-etl Jnll Oelltery nt
1'nlrbury > tate Nc Notc .
Nonrouf , Nob. , March 30. [ Special Tele-
pram to Tne Bet. ] The North Nebraska
Teachers association convened its .sixth an
nual meeting this evening. A great many
people are present , nnd the prospscts arc for
the largest meeting in the history of the as
sociation. The program for thU evening is
on address ot welcome by D. V. Sterns of
Fremont : response , J. E , Hornborger of Nor
folk. The principal nddrois of the evening
was dellverid by Chancellor James H. Can-
field ot Lincoln. The program for tomorrow
afternoon is : Musical selections by Miss
Maud Marston , Schuylor ; Miss Fannlo Ar
nold , Omaha , nnd Miss Annie G. Monahan ,
Blair. The session will last three days.
Tccu.Msr.ii. Nob. , Marcn'UJ. | SPJclal Telegram
gram to THE Ben. } The" opening exorcise *
) f the Southeastern Nebraska Touchers as
sociation were held in the opera house this
oven inc. The address of welcome on behalf
of the people of TcciJrnseh was delivered by
Nlnyor Hill and ontjohalt of Johnson county
by George Dillon Jot Cook. Responsive
speeches worn made by Superintendent
Pearson of Bcntrloa and Superintendent
Carey of Falrbury. The president's aderess
by Superintendent , Gardner of Nebraska
Cilv was the feature of the evening , ho tak
ing' for his subject "The Schools of the
Future. "
Over 100 teachers were enrolled this even
ing and presoat indications point to double
that number tomorrow. Richardson county
intends to carry off the banner this session ,
having sent nineteen teachers today with
forty to arrive tomorrow. Tbo exercises to
morrow morning will be devoted to city
schools nnd the afternoon to school officers ,
their duties and so forth. In thn evening
Rev. Mr. Mclntire of Chicago will deliver n
lecture upon tbo "Sunny Sldo of Soldier
Life. " Already nil the seats in the opera
bouse are reserved and it is doubtful if some
will bo able to even eel standing room. Fri
day tnorning will be devoted to counties and
the election of officer
Claimed ailg Fee.
XD , NcOxJMarch 30. | Special
to Tuc BEE. | A case pfmore than ordinary
interest in the district court was the ono
titled Albert A. istevwrt against R. R. Berth
for an amount ot monty received by the lat
ter for the former's farm. Horst is an attor
ney and was authorized to sell Stewart's
farm. Upon doing 'EO ' < ho kept all the proceeds -
coeds ns attorney's foes under contract for
defending the wvner of the farm about a
yearapo. Tbe juryin the case returned a
verdict of recovery -tor the plaintiff in the
amount of $1,213.10.
Uevoted llcr .Estate to Charity.
NMop. . Mftre"h 3D. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BcE.Ajtolegrarn ] jnit received'
from Hot Springs-S. D. , nnoonncos thu
death of Mrs. Ellfc'aBoHa.C. Handley , an old
resident of Brownvflle"Neb. : : Th3 deceased
was the widow of M'AHnncUjay , who died
in 'BrownviUo / years 'ago , ' leaving bis
widow in possession of afine estate. The
remains will be Brought to' BrownviUo for
interment. Her will was opened today and
oy its terms all of her property except her
library is bequeathed to the Homo of the
Friendless at Lincoln. It is estimated that
she was worth about J > (59,000. (
' Defeated the Itonds.
Ono.'Neb. , March SO. [ Special to Tuc
Bcc. ] The election called to vote S10.0DU
bonds to build two school houses , ono each In
the Second and Third wards of this city.took
place today , the proposition being defeated
by thirty-seven rotes. All are agreed upon
the need of more school rconi for the chil
dren of this rapidly crowing city , out cannot
agree upon the plan best fittad to supply it.
A public meeting will bo called at an early
day to consider the situation.
Troubled JlyrVounjr Thieves.
HASTINGS , Nrb. , March 30. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BcE-J-yHastlngs ordinarily is
little troubled with petty lawbreakers , but
for a few days past a'ganj of young snoalt
thieves bos'botherea ho merchants of this
city. Tbe police are doing their best to
break up the gang by arresting and fining
the members.
Cat Ho for I.fveriuiur * .Market.
Surnuioii , Neb. , r March 83. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] The Superior Cattle company of
this city loaded several cars ot cattle yester
day for export to I verpool. Tbo cattle will
bo taken from Superior to Fairmont by the
Burlington and Wilibo landed in Boston in
sixty hours. ' .
Sold Moi'lfcttteil 1'roperty.
lUSTixas , Nob. , March" 30. ( Special Telegram -
gram to THE BEC. | C. M. Coo , who was
wanted in Scotts Bluffs county for selling
mortgaged propertytwas nrres' jd here today
by Chief of Police , Wanzor. Coo bought a
horse in ScotU Blurt * county and gave a
mortgage in part payment. Ho came to Hast
ings , bringing the horse with him , and sold
it here. The sheriff , of Scotts Bluffs county
took the prisoner back todav.
J'ralrltJ I Irji Knifing.
OCUU.AI.A , Neb. , March UO. [ Special Tele
gram to THU BEE. ] Prairlo fires are raging
south and west of Ogallala. Tbe country Is
lighted up for jnlles. Several houses and
barns and some Iiv0 stock are reported du
st loyed. Full particulars of damage can
not be had until * tomorrow.
At'ruicit of llonte Stealing.
PAPIU-IOX , Neb. , * March 30. [ Special to
THE BEE. | Two or Uiroo days URO a young
man called at $ pbammu's livery barn and
asked for a horse la ride out In tbo country
a couple of miles' , , ' lo ( got n pony nnd roio
off , and has so far- failed to return. Ono of
tbe proprietors of tbo barn bus bon out on
tnu search for him , fad discovered where he
bad stopped overflight , at Omaha , after
which b'e Is supposed to bare gone north
ward. Ills ibouirtite is the man implicated
in the slabbing affair at Fremont
DAKOTA CITY. NJsSx. March 30. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BCK.J Deputy Sheriff Car
ney yesterday afternoon at Emerson , on a
complaint sworn cut by Perry Bros , &
Co. of South Oiuaua , John P. Alberts ,
charged with disptylag of mortgaged prop
erly. Alberts cn& 'fcere from Waterloo , la , ,
about two years ago and has been in tbo
cattle business kith County Treasurer
O'Connor. Aloertii&ave $500 bonds for bis
appearance | _
( inga Cpuntr Democrat * Meet.
BEATUICC , Neb. , I\Iarch \ SO.- [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Br.E. The democratic county
convention .moVbere today and selected tbe
following delegated to the democratic state
and congressional convections : John Dtvyer ,
R. S. Bibb , A. Hardy , George F. Collins , A.
M. HsrtmanX J. R. Burks. O. P. Marvin ,
Samuel Cotnor , D. W. Cook , A. L. Simmons ,
Luke BredentLul , B. F. Taylor and Stephen
Bull. A resolution was adopted instructing
tbe delegates of ( iUge cpauty in favor of D ,
W. Cook as a delegate to the national demo
cratic convention from this district
ork § In U s.
BEATiiiCE , . * ea , March 30. [ Spf rial Tele
gram to TUB BEE.I The city council last
evening entered into an agreement with
Messrs. Godfrey ' and Meals to defer tbe offi
cial test of the 'capacity of the new water
works plant for thirty days. During that
period Uodfroy and Meals will turn the
water from the Paddocx wells into the mains
without cost to tbo city. Tbo pumping
under this agreement began today , and this
evening nn excellent quality of pure , clonr
water is being supplied the water con
The council also passed an amended ordi
nance regulating tbo method ot building tbo
street railway line ? of the Rapid Transit and
Power company. The ordinance also pro-
rldcs for penalties nnd fines for violation of
any part thereof , nnd that nil worn done
under the ordinance must ba to the entire
satisfaction ot the mayor and city council
within thirty days nnd that the company
shall be llnolo for all damascs caused by its
tracks cot being in good condition.
I'ulrlmry 1'rlsnh r * Ksrnpr.
FAtnnrnr , Nob. , March 33. [ Spsclnl Tele
gram to THE Bur-l Two prisoners escaped
from the county jail today while the Jailer
was nbicnt at dinner. The escape was made
by prying a board off the front window.
Ono was a local character and lives In this
county , tbo other , Pat Burns , is n general
nil round tough , and was held to await trial
for biting a man's nose off some wocks ago
The sheriff offers a reward of f5 for his ap
Funeral ot Ki-Mayor Ilrntlstrom.
SinoMsnunn , Nob. , March 30. [ Special
Telegram to THE Bcn.j The funeral ot ex-
Mayor S. Headstrora wa held at the opera
house thts afternoon , which wui crowuod.
County Attorney 41. M. MtrqnU nnd Hon.
Erick Johnson delivered eulogies.
Cunrlunlon ol Dr. llronn'ii Trial.
AuiioiiA , Neb. , March 33. ( Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Dr. C. J3. Brown of
BromOcld , who has been for tbe past ihrno
days on trial on the charge of attempted
assault , xvas today acquitted of that charge ,
but was found 'guilty of common assault
The complaining witness was Mrs. Margaret
Wells of Bromficld.
Juslloo llreircr Dcclnrei Illegal thn Union
Iacllc-\Vestcrn Union Contract.
WAsm.vaTON' , D. C. , March 3J. Justice"
Brewer of the supreme court , sitting as a
judge of the circuit court lor tbo district em
bracing Nebraska , today rendered a decision
declaring illogil the contract under which
the telegraph , lines of the Union Pacific rail
road are operated by the Western Union ,
and directs tbe road hercaftar to operate its
own lines.
What the Decision Means.
In referring to tbo decision of Justice
Brewer annulling the Union Pacific- West
ern Union telegraph contract , Judge W. R.
K el ley , assistant general solicitor of the
railroad company , said last night that the
members of the department in Omaha
were not familiar with tbe minutlal ol the
case , because it had been handled by Judge
Dillon of New York. Ho explained ,
ho\ve\er , that the Anderson bill , passed
by congress in ) July , 18SS , required
all land grant railroads to operate independ
ent telegraph systems and prohibited them
from employing the officers or agent * of any
other corporation in such service. The osten
sible object of this measure was to give tbo
public the benefit of competition , the rail
roads. being required to do acommercial busi
ness.Tie ( Union Pacific and the Western Union
had a compact for tbe joint use of tbe tele
graph lines on that railroad system , . but two
year * or moro ago the Union Pa
cific began preparations to abrogate
that contract , and comply with tno
provisions of the Anderson bill. Among the
first steps was the transferor Superintendent
L. H..Korty from tte joint service otthotwo
corporations to the employ of the railroad
ulone. Tbe Western Union thereupon began
injunction proceedings to restrain the Union
Pacific from carrying out. its purpose. Tbe
railroad companv then notified the attorney
general of the United States , who began nn
independent action in the name of the gov
ernment to annul tbe contract and made both
tno railroad and telegraph companies parties
defendant The case wns argued last fall ,
Judge Dillon appearing for the Union PacIHo ,
Judge Woolvvorth for the Western Union
and Attorneys Caldwcll and Aldrich for the
The decree announced by Justice Brewer
is a finding of tbo circuit court , which is not
the court of last resort , and nenco tbe mat
ters at. issue may yet be kept in litigation for
several years.
Superintendent Kortv says that the cnly
parts' of the Union Pacific tsvstem affected by
this decree are the lines from Council Bluffs
to Ogden. a distance of 1,032 miles ; from
Kansas City to Denver , O'J'.I miles : from Den-
rer to Cheyenne , 10U miles. These lines
aggregating , 1,771 miles , received land grants
from the government Tbo Western Union
owns 'J30 miles of tbo telegraph system
in Kansas but the other 1,541 miles \vero
built at the joint expense of the two corpora
tions , and thev have used the whole system
jointly. Tne railroad has three through
wires' betweea Omaha and Upden , tuo be
tween Kansas City and Denver and two be
tween Denver and Cheyenne. The telegraph
company has five. Jour and two respectively.
In addition each has a number of local wires.
The commercial business has been done in
the name of the Western Union , but the
Union Pacific has been receiving a share of
the revenue.
Superintendent Korty says the present ar
rangement is an economical ono and has en
abled the Union Pacific to make a profit
from its telosrraph department He thinks
thit it tbe railroad Is compelled to operate
an independent system it will bo much more
expensive and the additional cost is likely to
fall upon the public. Not only will Iho pub
lic oe the loser iiuanclallv , in bis opinion , but
It will suffer more or le s inconvenlcnco because -
cause of the transfer of telegraphic messages
from the Union Pacific to the Western
Union and rice versa.
Should the decision of Justice Brewer be
accepted as finul there will have to be an
accounting between the corporations , and the
railroad company will probably bo compelled
to buy tbo tolegmph company' : ) interest in
tbo lines affected by the decree. That will
leave the Western Union without wires
along the 1,771 miles of the Union Pacific
mentioned aoovn. It will reach many points
east of Cheyenne and Denver over other
lines , but there are many other cities and
towns which will have to depend on the
Union Pacific for telegraphic accommoda
Attorney General Miller was asked this
evening for an expression of bis news in re
gard to tbe decision of Justice Brewer today
in favor of the government in its suit against
tbo Union Pacific Railway company and tbe
Wejtern Union Telegraph company to
compel the former to operate its own tolc-
crftpb lines iu accordance with the act of
August16S8. . Ho said he had nothing
special to " ay about the decision except
bo naturally was gratified at tbo re
sult. Ho gave * n , brief hlttary of tbe
case and sold ; ' -Tho decision , of course , up
holds the validity ot tbe Anderson act and
maintains the right of the government to de
mand of tbe railroad company tbe execution
of | ts telegraph as well a > its railroad fran
chises. There are a number of cases against
other Pacific railroads dependent upon tbe
tame principles covered by this decision.
Whether the defendants in this case will ap
peal to tbe supreme jnjirt is not Known tome
mo , although it seetuTt ory probable in view
of the magnitude of tbo interest Involved. "
Union I'urillo Annual
Tbe annual meeting of the Union Pacific
stockholders vtlll be held April 27 , and there
are rumors of a probable change in tbe man
agement. While Jay Uould's interest In the
Missouri Pacific is that of an investor , belt
bald to be handling tbo Missouri Pacific for
speculative purposes. It is asserted that-he
has been unloading bis stock la tbe Union
Pacific for some tlmo with "a view toic-
lluquishing In control at tbe oomlnpr election ,
and 10 support of this it is reported that his
boldlni ; ot stock has been reduced to 'JO.OOO
shares. At least only that number stands in
bis name on the corporation books if reports
may bo believed.
About a third of tbo stock Is said to be
held by foreigners who are not frlemUv to
the Gould ItitorcM. They uppjivr to dislike
S. H. H , Clark's appointment as general
manager because of his similar connection
with the Missouri P.icltie , nnd they are said
to be ready to unite with any faction for the
overthrow of thoUould management Mr.
Clnrk has brought many of his old subordi
nates back to the opjratlni ; department of
the Union Pacific , nnd the change , If it
comes , is likely to strlko that department ,
These rumors are rather YAZUS , and nny
bo merely the usual brood horn ol the annual
meeting of the Union Pacific but in railroad
circles thtro is general expectation of Im
portant changes.
* i-r-i- T - mr 11 IT
rutting on I'rtst Tr.ilna.
The Burlington is preparing to put on fast
trains botwoan Caicno , Omtha nnd Djnver
that will make n stir amougtho railroads.
The train which now loaves Chicago at 10:30
p. m. and Omaha the following evening at
7:10 : will bo expedited. Under the now
schedule it will leave this city about 4 : " 33 p.
m. and reach Denver at 7 in the morning. It
will then bo the fastest train between Omaha
and Denver by moro than two hours. It will
curry the fast mail and n dlulnc car.
This train will bo of especial benefit to
many interior points In Nebraska because of
Improved connections. It will reach Lincoln
about G o'clock , nnd the train for Grand
Island will lenvo that point about 5:15 : in
stead of S : . " > 0. This brnncb train mnv also bo
extended to Ravenna , Grand Island , Kearney ,
Central City nnd intermediate points will bo
reached at n seasonable hour In the evening.
The return train willleave Donverat U n , m. ,
go through Omaha about mldnlaht and
roach Chicago nt 2 p. m. This
will require but one night on
tbe road and will reach Chicago In time to
connect with the fast trains east This will
bo twelve hours shorter than tbo time of tbo
corresponding train now running.
Among other Burlington changes will bo
one by which the sleeping car service be-
twocnOmahaandDeadwood will bo extended
to Chicago. These changes will bo maao dur
ing the coming month.
Notes unit Personals *
General Manager Clark of the Union Pa
cific is expected to reach Omaha this
morning. Ho will come from Denver.
The Union Pacilio and the St. Joseph &
Grand Island bavo mads an arrangement by
Ahich each will accept tbo mileage of the
other. „
The B. & M. is building a handsome hotel
and eating house at Rivcnna. It will be 30x
100 foot in size and two stories nigh.
The Milwaukee bus brought in 5,000 pounds
of shell in bond for the new button factory.
There are rumors in Rook Island circles of
now fast trains on that line , but particulars
are not yet obtainable.
Ile > oiling1 itcvelutlons nTtheVlckcilncss of
u l.i : rl\iiillt Vlllnln.
DETHOIT , Mich. , March 30. "Prince"
Michael Mills and Lizzie Courts , disciples of
the "flying roll , " who wore nrroued several
days ago on charges of immorality , preferred
by the princa's wife , were arraigned In po
lice court this afternoon. A great crowd of
people were in and around the municipal
building this morning , when it was thought
the prisoners would be brought before the
court Owing to the fear that the high
pitch to which public excitement had risen
would result in trouble , and parhapi Ivnoh-
Isg of Michael if hs was sean , thi officials
announced that tno bearing would not take
plane for several days.
When rcry few people wer around the
court room this afternoon tbo 'torin c" and
bis spiritual wife , L'.ztto3oarts1 were
brought In to plead. Both refused to do this
and pleas of cot guilty wore entered In each
ease. The nnnce is charged with adultery ,
lewd and lascivious cohabitation , anu co
habiting witb a girl under 10 years of age ,
and bis nail wn's flxen at 51,700. The Courts
woman was only cnarged with adultery and
her bail was fixed at $ .JOtt. Both prisoners
were held to answer Monday morning.
After court was adjourned ths prisoners
WJro taken to _ the jail , followed by a mob ,
waicb booted and pelted the prisoners and
ths officers \vlth mud.
Gi neral indignation 16 caused by the fact
that the punishment in store for "Prince"
Michael , in case bo is convicted of the three
charges against him , does not befit the crime.
The most heinous crime which wa1 ? cora-
milteJ upon little Bcrnlce Bickle would In
sure him u lile sentence if popularscntiment
were allowed to dictate judgment , but the
law places the extreme pennlt3" at five years.
It is rery probable that .tno most serious
charge of nny made will ba preferred agnlnst
Michael , ut least the prosecution attorney
and the police are mailing every effort to se
cure the necessary evidence and the
making of a complaint in the matter.
The case is that or. Mary Armstrong , a girl
of H , who was taken from the Israelite col
ony by her father and taken had : to Canada.
If she can bo induced to return hero and
testify against Michael be will bo tried on
the charge of rape , a crime punishable by
imprisonment for life.
According to tbe story told bv Mnrv Arm
strong , she was. like Bernlco Bickle ,
detailed by Eliza Courts to bo a companion
of Prince Michael on a certain night She
refused to comply with the demand and was
threatened witb n straight jacket and hand
cuff ) and was finally compelled to submit to
Michael's desires.
Mrs. Mills , It is now believed , will sue for
a divorce on the grounds of cruelty and
adultery. Her luw re r has the matter in
band nnd will put the case through is she
does not change her mind.
City Council Imrlilr ? on I IIP I'arcHisn of
Three rrup < > t.c < l Hlt-a.
List nigbt in committee of the whole the
council adopted the report of tbe Park com
mission in favor of purchasing tbo Parker ,
Distin and Ettnwond tracts. Commissioner !
Miller , Lake , Pratt and Mtllari wans prji-
Dr. Miller addressed the council nt lengthen
on tbo subject of pint ? . Ha ihvelt particu
larly on the location of the sltni offered for
parks and their relations to the growth of
tbo city , explaining'A'hy the commissioners
hud come to tbo conclusions embodied in tbo
repsrt , In answer to u question concerning
the soutb side park , Dr. Miller said Tom
Murray bad withdrawn bis proposed dona
tion of four acres , and so tbe Clarke tract
was unavailable. Tbo board haj nothing in
view on tbo south eldo now , ex
cept to look ut tbo Uupont
powder house tract when the weather per
mits ,
On motion of Mr. ChafToc that pirt of tbo
commissioner.- . ' report favoring tbo purchase
of the Beirns tract was rejected.
Tbo committee arose and reported Its
work to the council and received endorse
ment , but not until nn to table tbo
report on tbo Bemls matter had been voted
Tbe chairman of tbe finance com mil too
was instructed to sell f 530,0JO worth of park
Ordinances ordering Hamilton street
graded fromTwentyrfeurtu to Fortieth , fix
ing the dimensions cf building brick * and
ordering Nineteenth street graded from
Mason to Pierce were passed ,
Tbe dirt hauling ordinance was read tb
third tlmo and referred to tbo city attorney
and Messrs. Lowry and Cbaffee for revision
After recital of some personal experience !
tbo Board of Public Works was instructed
to notify the street sweeping contractor to
proceed at nnce to clean tbo paved streets , or
the city would do it and como back on his
'Then ' on hour was spent In committee of
thowhole pn the city hall lighting fix-
lures and an adjournment was taken with no
We will for thirty dsiya sell $125.00
lull cushion fciifotles. 18 J2 pattern , new ,
for $95.00. Wrlto for our catalogue. A.
H. Pcrrigo & Co. , 1400 Dodge street.
Miss Georgia Rich hat resumed ber posi
tion in tbo Stockman ufhoo after a short va
Taylor of Ohio so Charactemas the Effort
to Reduce the Tariff oa Wool.
View * of thci Vnrlo
Vending Moi : uro "
prliitlon lllll In
clpltntci : i Wan
WASHIXOTOX , D. C. . ' .TO. Th
Springer frco wool bill w uncoil in tbo
uouso of representative as a censer -
splracy beltvcon the cot- /\sor ! \ of tbo
south and tlio wool man ol the
north to enrich thomsolvojfc' _ , , expense of
tLo nation. This charge wR ' , * * - , * bv Representative
resentative J , D. * " j , n'nd will
doubtless bo the subject of fWas vigorous re
torts from the democrats later In the session.
Beyond this utterance , which attracted gen
eral attention , the tariff discussion today
was without any unusual inclden's.
Representative Butler of Iowa made his
maiden speech on the taiiff and , although ho
was sharply questioned by Mr. R y nnd
other republican members , bo maintained hla
rlews with credit and virtually found n ready
response to the unexpected queries.
Will Vote ( in the free U eel Hill Alnmlay.
It is settled now that thts week will close
the general discussion on the frco wool bill.
At n conference of the democratic members
of the ways and means committee today it
was formally decided that general debate on
the Springer wool bill should close this week.
In order to give as many members as possible *
an opportunity to discuss the tariff , It was
resolved that night sessions should bo held
for ibo remainder of the week and that on
Saturday n motion should bo made to close
the general debate. Under tbls program it
Is contemplated that the wool bill shall betaken
taken up and passed on Monday , a few hours
probably being previously allowed for de
bate under the live minute rule.
Chairman Springer will himself appear in
the houto on Monday and probably make Iho
motion to suspend the rules for the passage
of the bill. In accordance with this program
Mr. McMlllin , immediately after tbe meeting
of the house , announced the decision ot
the committee to close general dcbato
on Saturday , and moved that a night session
be held this eveniur for the discussion of Ibo
wool bill. This motion was promptly ngreea
to nnd there appears to bo a general disposi
tion on the part of the democratic members
of the house to concur in the program of the
democratic majority of the wuvs and moana
committee and send the Ireo wool bill to tba
senate with the least possible delay.
ItiitlerV .Maiden T.irlir Kllort.
Tbo first speaker of the day was Repre
sentative Butler of lowu. who advocated tba
psssnge of the free wool bill. Tbo aim and
pdrposo of tbe political action of every man
on the floor , bo said , Was to secure the gen
eral wclfaioof the country ttlthout depriv
ing the individual of bis right of life , prop
erty nnd pursuit of happiness.
Speaking in regatd to Ihe intelligence of
the American work'.ngmoa , Mr. Butler was
Interrupted by Mr Kay of New York , who
Queried as to what had made the America' !
people intelligent.
"Why , " replied Sir , Butler , ' -of course God
Almich'ty gave usinteUieeneo. " f Laughter. ]
"And a protective tariff , " was the addition
suggested by Mr. Ray , amid applause from
Iho republicans and derisive laughter from
the democrats.
"Well , " replied Mr. Butler , "if that propo
sition is true It a protective ta-iff gives us
intelligence lot us put on I.UBi ) per cent ;
tariff and wo will all be Solomons. " [ Laugh
ter. )
Mr. Ray suggested that in those countries
where there was impoverished labor tbero
were no public schools. Tha laboring men
had to take their little children out of the
cradle and put them into the workshop ;
Mr. Butler And all of those countries ex
cept 0110 are protective tariff countries.
( Laughter. I
Mr. Butler , continuing , contended that the
price of no arliclJ of consumption had over
been decreased 1 cent by u protective tariff ,
nnd protection bad not resulted in tbo in
crease of the wages of the workingmon. Ho
had been accused of uclng a free trader. Ho
was ono of tboso democrats who was not
afraid to say that commercial freedom wns
the best thing that anv country could de
mand. The only wav for n nation to become
tbe center of wealth was to become the cen
ter of the world's trade. There should bo no
tax on itrado except what was necessary to
meet the necessities of tbe government
economically administered.
Questioned ( lie Committee's
Mr. Taylor of Ohio , speaking of the wool
growers of Ohio , opposed the measure. He
regretted to bo compelled to call In question
the integrity the report made by tbo majority
of tbo committee on wnys ana means. But
tbo figures in regard to wool and woolen in
dustries \vero entirely 'Inaccurate and abso
lutely untrustworthy , lie argued that thts
country could produce all the wool that was
needed. If in every southern state the dogs
could bo killed and sheep b-j substituted in
their stead , the putueni section would bo
moro prosperous. 1 ho south reedod protec
tion. Insloe of ten years the south would bo
demanding protection for its cotton , ns today
the people of Ohio were asking protoctioh
for tbeir wool. Ho predicted that free wool
would bo followed , by frco woolens in this
country as In England , and that the people
would resent it as a conspiracy between
the cotton raiser. , of the south nodi
the wool manufacturers of tbo north
to enrich themselves at. tbo cs-
psnso of our prosperity in tlmo of
neaca nnil our Independence in time ot war.
Ho exhibited a pamphlet published by tbo
Ohio democratic committee in 1SS3 , which
claimed that tbe reduction ot tbo tariff
wool 2 or 3 cents per pound bad reduced '
vnluo of the snoop , the vnluoof wool aqd tbo
value of land in Ohio $ G,000,0X ! ) in n single
year. He closed with an eloquent defense of
the McKinley act. Mr , Taylor favored the
bill , as did also Mr. Crosby of Massachusetts ,
who congratulated the country that under
tariff reform a republican majority of 70.000) )
in Massachusetts bad been so reduced that
Massachusetts was today a doubtful state.
Tito committee then a'roso and tbe
took nrocess until S o'clock.
The War Department Select * I ho Smith
1'remlrr Afl < * r O'MII pet 11 It ICi-i m Innt Ion.
WASiitsaTOX , D. C. , March 30. [ Spocloj
Teloeram to THIS BEE , ! Tbo War depart *
mont desired to purchase 150 typewriters and
established a board of exports to examine all
typewriters in corapstUion. After examina
tion the experts docldod that ibo Smith Pre
mier stood Highest in point of improvements
and mechanical construction , consequently
ibo order wtis awarded to tbo Smith Premier
Typewriter company of Syracuse , N , Y ,
Ily pnotlietl anil Tliuii .Mulcted ,
IlAHTfonii , Conn. , March 3J. la the so >
porlor court the case of Host vs Webster was
railed for trial This is one of the matt peculiar -
culiar cases over sot down for trial in a court
of justice. The pirtles to tbo suit ura
William H. Ru , an elderlv capitalist ot
Brooklyn , N. V. , and MM. Ursula L. Web
ster ot this city , a well Known magoetlo
physician. Tlio suit is to recover ( < iOX >
money advapced to Mis. Webster by tba
plaintiff , It is alleged that tbo defendant
poisoised some marvelous power over plain
tiff. | He is said to bo a man perfectly able to do
business for himself , yet bo easily yielded to
tbo psychometric widow and no amuunt of
money was refused her when the desired it.
Mr . Webster i in Carson City , Nov. . and
her counsel desired a postponement of fcrot
week * which was granted.