THE OMAHA DAILY BEE * WEDNESDAY , MA11CTI 30 , 1892. WHO DISCOVERED AMERICA Prof , John Fisko of Harvard University Talks of the Great Find. MANY BUBBLES BURST BY NEW FACTS IttitiilfM llcnilln ? " ' Cliorlalird I.OKPIH ! mill Tootle I'nncjr Culnmliit * In It How the Country Wild ChrUtcncil. John FlskoVnnmo is bonoroil on two con tinents , nnd It wns natural thnt when he wai announced to lecture In Otmna much Inter est , mid not a tlttlo commendable curiosity , thoula bo evinced. Mr. Fisko la eminently n "credit to his country , " nnd his work nn unanswerable refutation of the Europann- born sneer nnont America's lack of distinc tion In science nnd letters. The Importance of his contribution toward tin demonstration of the Darwinian theory nnd exposition of the Sponccrlan philosophy gained tno Immudlato recognition of the masters themselves seine twenty years ago. "Excursions of nn Evolu tionist" In the "Tho Unseen World" nro hlcbly interesting nnd perhaps ai conclusive &s nnything on thnt subject can bo. tie has ranged from "Myths mid Mythtnakori" to the outlines of cosmiu philosophy , mm has analyzed "American Political Ideas. " "Tho Critical Period of American History" ( thnt Immediately' following the revolu tion ) ho has nuulo peculiarly his own. his latest \vorU , monumentally minute , the fruitage of manv years' study , deeds with the discovery of America. Unas Just been published , nnd Is likely to remain tno proal- cst < iuudrcccntotiDlal memorial of that preg nant event. It was on this subject that Mr. Fisko lea- turcdm ; Unity church Monday night , nnd his auditors will never forgot It. IJut , no , ho doesn't "lecture , " ho talks , nnd makes drafts on his fond ot facts ( all duly dated ) that htnnzoono Into confusion. Ho Is no terribly destructive of all our cobweb notions of Ins- torv. When Mr. Mann Introduced hlnvto his nu- d 10nee , It was at oneo evident that Mr. Fisko was not of the "pule , scholarly stooped" gen us , ana In ttio moment one remembered thai thn historian nnd scientist had also declared 'It does pay to smoko" nnd that "tho coming man will drink wlno. " Halo and ruddy , \vIththoglrthofllftyyeaH , hU very pi-oi- cnco lightened the to many dry-as-dust inln- ullao a knowledge of which ho considers ot- sonltal to n ritht appreciation of how the discovery of America wns brought about. Mr. Fisko bears n not remote resemblance to Mr. Walter Besont , tht novelist , In uppraranco. Ills lower lace Is concealed , and partially rovcalod , by n full beard somewhat thin , Ho wears a pair ol gold-rimmed spectacles which somehow resent resting o > i such an noncharacterUlio nose nnd liuvo over and again to be settled by Mr , Fisko. The Dclsartean method is unknown to Mr. Fisko , evidently ; generally ho stand : with bis rigbt hand resting on his waistcoat in side the scrupulously buttoned Prince Albert his loft caressing the small of his back , bul now nnd again ho loosely twines his linger : In front and an auditor anxious for the pro tirlotios perspires in fear thnt ho may twlr Ills thumbs whllo uttering the gravest ol novel propositions. His aye has tbo twlnkU ( doubled in the same way ) of Walter Bes nnt's The lecture ! The Intellectual vanity of the "omniscient one" on tbo slatT dropped n notcl nnd then slipped all the other notches lie could anpre'clato In n vaguely sort of in vertebrate way the quality of the wlno , bul how glvo n kcon-palated public oven a fiulcc flavor of the bouquet ? After a neatly worded introductory sent cnco from Mr. Mann , Prof. Fislto spoke , and some of bis tnoro striking sentences ( though his last merit will bo scntcntlousncss ) arc substantially transferred. History needs to bo rewritten with over ; now generation. Especially is this true ol the discovery of America , atfd especially necessary in thcso days wbcn so manyruo\v and disturbing data arb constantly coming ti light and n broader , fuller , yet not' los : microscopic , motubd of treating history I : ooliig everywheredemanded. . The dlscov cry of America must bo treated in its con ncctlon with other subjects ; it must bo borm in mind that it was only a part , importau as that part may bo , In ttio general broaden ing of mind that so predominantly cbaractet izcd the fifteenth and sixteenth conturlc tno world over. The modern map must bi banished from our mental view , that inoacrr map of thn ancient world In which the enl ) things ancient are the Latinized names. Fo example in MO3 Martin Bohaimof Nurernbcr , mode a glebe in which Ceylon shows largo than Hlndostan. It Is necessary to get lnt < sympathy with the state of nscertalnci knowledge of tbo times to fully appreciate UIQ situation ; nineteenth century icuowlodgi must bo forgotten for the tlino being , or cas aside , The discovery of America was n commot clal untcrprlso , principally. Very llttlo interest torest was taken In these days Inlho voyaae of the Cabots or tbo Northmen adventurers In the eleventh century thereIs llttlo doub that Icelandic : sailors visited the coast o North America , and , indeed , probably via itcd Massachusetts tnv. Ea , Mr. 1-isko has a pleasantly desultory ( In the literal meaning of thai much abused adjective ) habit ; from point U point ho jumps , but ho is pardoned , us hi : views If kaleidoscopic are Instructive. But tbo voyages of the Icelanders solvoi no commercial problem and so were un noticed. Until the sixteenth century Europi ntood with her back tn America. Her eye were over on Asm ; from tbo morning tiuii had always coino that danger .Europe was Interested In Asia cornmer dully. Mr. Fisko put brlelly , but In high light the trade relations of the occldon and the orient during tbo so-called durl ages. But in the thirteenth contur fiortio events occurred which brought uuou a change. Most prominent among thos was tbo rise of Moghol empireTb members of that great dynasty were or lightened to a dogroo. and at their Invltalio it number of Frunclsclan monks visited Chin and back to western Europe brought th startling news that Asia on tbo east wn terminated by a great , not , as Ptolom , bad theorized , by swamps. And hero Prof. Fisko prinked a very full bullied bubble of popular history. Tno idc of the earth being Hat was held by none bi the Illiterate of that time. Aristotle ha spoken of the sphericity of thu cartt | and by the dawn of the Christln era the Idea ( the fact ) wns we known. A very important point to romom bor. for the body of learned geographer with wbom Columbus debated nt Lisbon on ono und nil bollovcd In tbo sphericity of tb earth. Uogor Bacon of England in 1 )7 ho quoted many authorities to provo tbo poss bllity of reaching the Indies by an ocaanl route , but hie IdeA had taken no hold , bi causa as'yct thnro wus no necessity for gain that way. In 1-110 the author of tno "Iinn ? Mundl" had gathered all the known oplnlo an the subject , nnd it i now well known that Christopher Columbu possessed the book and wns largely influence by It ; his marginally annotated copy Is noi in the cathedral at Seville. After a pregnant reforoaca to the book c Marco Polo , the speaker came to what h evidently considers the seed of thoshru that bore in fruitage tbo discovery ( America. Toward tbo latter half of the fou tcenth century tbo Chinese tlrml of ill mighty Mocnol dynasty and overthrow I closing to western Europa the golden gate of the oast. The power of Islam rovlvei Now , whllo Voinco bold the Oriental trad by way of Egypt , Genoa , the blthplaco an childhood homo of Columbus , controlled It vl thu Bospborus. Constantinople foil In 14K und Genoa's trade was paralyzed. Tb Mediterranean swarmed with TurUlsl- salrs. Whnt to del The circumnnvlgatio of Africa had boon spoken of years uofor largely as a geographically nud scientlllcnllj curious i > oint ; now it entered the realm o 'practical politics. " so to speak. Mr. Fisko doscrlbod how the western cons of Africa bad been explored by vnrlou hr.rdy mariners , noting that Bartbolomov Columbus , Christopher's brother , bad beei in tbo expedition of Bartholomew Diaz , wh bad rounded tbo capo of Good Ilopo , About 1470 Ibo brothers Columbus were i Lisbon , There Christopher man led an wont to live on Porto Santo , In tbo Madeira All exploring expeditions called at Port Kauto , leaving their Impress and Insplrln the Gonooio navigator and drcaraor. Dae in Lisbon , importuning ; but fUiug cxorbltan terroi , the king to lit out un cxpodltloii t roach the spices , oils and valuable product of the Indies by the water route. The kin Ot Portugal ( yid tbo geographers cover quo : loncd that the Indies could bo reached bf vostward sailing , but the distance 8,000 r 10,003 miles with no sboro to hug , nado tbo project impracticable. Disgusted , nit not disheartened , Columbus crossed over nto Spain. Ill-fortuned , Spain vas In the midst of her war with Grenada. ; ice time to tnlk of visionary oxpiditlon * . 'ho war over , however. Columbus' got his ( loot and sailed townrd the setting sun. Many Interesting and novel points brought tit by Mr. Flskcboro mny not bodwolt upon. lowcvor , ono. Thd scorning iwnrlcn of Co- umbuY terms ls explained by Mr. Fisko ns n dcslro to got the moans whcro by he might Itout another crusade npalnst the rccrcscont Moslem , Columbus returned from his first voyngo , but added llttlo to the old world's knowl edge ot the now. Vasco dl Gnma had boon ound the Capo nnd brought buck wealth ; Columbus bad none , nnd the ovldont was uoro valuable than the potential. The people - , plo of his tlmo thought nothing ot his nccom- ) llshmcnt. But In fact ho accomplished llt- lo. In Mr. Flsko's opinion. How did America got Its nnmo ! A one story , to Mr. Fisko's scrupu- ously inlcroseropical sense ot truth. Vospuclus Amerigo was n noted astronomer n the service of the mighty Mcuiel of Flor ence. Astronomer nnd cosmoernphor , ho wns naturally stirred with n desire to enter the enterprise of seeing this now world Ircamt of for 1,5'JO years before his tlrao. 1'ho result of his voyages wora communi cated to n Florcnltan friend , Lorenzo dl Modlcl. This letter Is the treat Item In the discovery of America.VnIdsoomullor of Strasburif wrote an Introduction to It for publication and Jestingly said. ' Seeing Eu rope , Asia and Africa were nil numod after women why not christen the mundus nevis America , nftor n maul" A jest tbo name re mained. Mercator was the 11 rat to use It on a map. But this wr.s not the discovery of Amorlca a wo know It , varningly says Prof. Fisko , nnd the reporter is loft in n , bazo as to last what the Harvard lecturer docs consider the when nnd the how nnd by wbom America was found out. BunuxoTOX , la. , AprlU , 1891. Dr. .T. B. Moore Dear Sir : Have boon troubled with catarrh In ray head 'nnd ' face Tor tbrco years nt times > \aiumiblo to hoar , liad a constant ringing In my oaw nnd for two years wis almost deaf. Have tried sev eral so-called remedies and been treated by regular physicians nnd noted specialists , but failed to got any relief. I tried ono bottle ot Mooro's Trco of Llfo Catarrh Cure. It gave immediate relief and cffoutnd a permanent cure. I heartily recommend It to nil suffer ers of this disease and will cheerfully give uny further Information on bomc addressed nt my homo , No. 2 : > 3 Swoonoy nve. , Burling ton , In. For sale by all druggists. Hcspectfulllv , It. L. HtiD. J1AT.F FAKK EXCURSION To the Hot Spring * ot Arkansas Via the AVuliash Itullroiid. On April 7 nnd 8 the Wivbash will soil round trip tickets nt nbovo rnto , peed returning until May 10. April 12 the government will commence snlo nt auc tion of town lots from the reservation. Only 117 hours from Omaha to the springs via the Wnbash. For tickets , sleeping car accommodations nnd a map showing location of the property to bo sold , with description of the springs , call at Wa- bnsh.olllco , 1502 Farnam street , or write G. N. Clayton , N. W. P. A-jt. , Omaha Neb. Why are ladles moro patirotio than men , they buy Union poap. WH. ZEJVLER'S STRANGE DEATH. Ho Took n Decoction for the Tobacco Habit , \vlth Fatal Ilc.sutts. Narcotic cures have got another victim. This tlmo'it Is the decoction of drugs that destroys the uppotito for the use of tobacco , nnd In this case the life of a man. William Xeller , a carpoator , who has been In the employ of Contractor Coots for the past tune years , nnd who resided with ls wife nt the corner of Twentieth nnd Grnco streets , was nn inveterate tobacco chower. Hd did not smoke , neither was ho addicted to the liquor habit. Ho chowcd tobacco con stantly , nnd a llttlo more tban a week ago bo thougbt ho would rid himself of tbo desire for chewing the weed and squirting its amber substance around over everything. Ho wont to an institute and procured the tobacco rem edy. Ho bad been taking it about a wcolr , nnd Monday nigbt went homo apparently in good health , but ono of his co-worumon said ho quit work an hour earlier than usual. When /.oiler started homo ho staggered a llttlo and said bo felt a llttlo dizzy. Arriving tbcro ho complained of feeling poorly , and , shortly afterward , died very suddenly. A physician who bad been summoned in formed Zsller's wlfo that ho died of heart failure , probably caused by Ibo tobacco euro. teller was n healthy man , nnd during his long career lu Contractor Coots' factory nt Sixth and Jones streets , ho bad little s'lck- ncss. Ho was 55 years of npo and his family consisted of a wife only. Her relatives at Springfield , Nob. , were telegraphed tbo sad intelligence of her husband'- * sudden and unexpected death. They arrived in the city yesterday. Ono .Minute. Ono mlnuto tlmo often makoi a groit dlf forence n ouo minute- remedy for bronchitis choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , fo ourso is a blessing. Cubeb Cou h Curj is § uch a romody. For sale by all druggist * . Cubcb Couch Cure Onomlnuto. noes Fill-mini ; la XchniHlin J'ay ? In a recent issue TUB Bnc published ovoi a page of interviews with prosperous farm ers in various portions of Nebraska , each ol whom gave his personal experience in tilling the soil , in stock raising , in fruit culture , etc The showing was a revelation. Eaaterr newspapers commented upon the unexampled success of Nebraska farmers as demonstrated by Tne Bun. Farmers ntd business nion ai once became Interested and are now demand Ing more- information with respect to otlioi sections of tbo state. The Issue wus boor exhausted and late orders for extra copiei could not bo filled. No stronger Induce incuts could bo hold out to prospective settlers tlors or land buyers than the facts as glcanci bv Tun Ben , coming directly from tbo mer who have made fortunes on Nebraska farms Tun BEE will soon print another oxbaus tlvo showing of the agricultural resources o ; various counties. Old residents have boct interviewed , and they furnish a fund o ; trustworthy Information concerning the pro ductlvo qualities of soil , perfect climate , experience perienco with successive crops , advantage : of utook raising , fruit nnd trcu culture ir short every essential fact to prove that No oraska U'pio-cmlnont PS an agricultural ant stock raising slate. This information wll bo In demand not only in this section , bul will boot interest to thousands of dissatisfied iurmors In eastern states who are looking for more desirable locations. All orders foi extra copies will bo promptly filled. Every bar Union Beau guaranteed. JHS.ITUH. Xotletififflr * Unesorhu under thli luaa.Mtn cent ; eiichaMltlt > nalltne tenants. MICl EN-ln Hi ; I'aul , Mlniii .March l-tHSse nt thu residence of her sister , Mrs. J , M , llannuford , No , 405 1'ortland avenue , Murloi lleiirdbley Vaster , wlfo of Charles t > . Mellon 1'uneral burvlccs Tuesday afternoon ut I o'clock. Interment ut ConcurJ , N , U. HORSE HIGH AND HOG TIGHT Strost Oommissioner WincUpaar PtiU a Legal Fence Around the City's Landi MAYOR BEMIS DETERMINED THE MOVE Property Claimed \ > y the Union 1'iiclllc Ho Held by the City Until Do- feilcil : In the Court * A Doll * nlto 1'roccodlng. City Attorney Connell decided yesterday , after looking Into the matter thoroughly , that the triangular ploca ot land containing about'-'CO acres nnd situated on th ) rlvor bank just south of East , Omaha was the property of the city , and not tno Union Pa- clllo Uiilway company. A diagram of the pint of ground was prepared by City En gineer Hosowater , nnd nlong wltn Mr. Con- noil's decision laid baforo the maydr. In compliance- with n decision roachoJ nttor a consultation with the engineer nnd the city attorney , Mayor Homls yesterday morning ordered the land In dispute to bo fenced In. Street Commissioner \Vludipjar w.xi rather expecting tbo order , and whou it reAched him early yesterday morning was ready with a force of thirty men and several wagon loads of material to commence work nt onca. Once on the ground tno laborow turned to nnd worked rapidly. The post was planted nt tha foot of Cumin ? stwat and a line of posts placed In position to the north ward ns fast as possible. When the work men laid off at noon-tliiio they had about 1,530 foot of yellow pine boird fence , llvo feet high , in position. KntcriMl Form-it Objection. Some Union Paclflj employes happened along about this time and when they niw what was going on , hastened to tbo railway company's headquarters -nud reported the matter. This brougnt William Canada of tbo Union Pacific land department to the scene nsfnitns ho could travel. Ho was accom panied by a clerk nnd throe or four yardmon. Mr. Canada approached Street Commis sioner Windspcar , who was still on tbo ground In charco of the work , and notified him "ofllclally" that ho was a trosspassor nnd would bo hold responsible , nnd concluded his llttlo speech by ordering Windspsnr , his men and material off the ground. The bluft didn't work on Wlndspoar , however , who merely replied that ho was acting under orders from the mayor mid city attorney and did not Intend to stop until the work wns completed or ho was ordered to do so by the courts. The carpenters returned to their work and Canada loft , saying that ho wa * going to got out an Injunction. In snlto of tbo rain the work progressed fairly well , but not as rapidly as bad been expected. The land being fenced ) n is Just north of the old water works pumping station mm In the form.of n letter V , made so by two sid ings ; thus tbo fence does not cross nny of the rnilrond tracks. . Windsponr stayed oa the ground all day and saw that the work was pushed rnpjdly forward. Ho wanted to bo on hand any wny If there wns n chance for n fuss , ns it wns thought nt ono time thnt the Union Pacific might send a gang of men out to tear down the fence already up. All through the long , wet afternoon tbo men worked , and at quitting time hud 1,030 feet of the long fence in place. Up to 0 o'clock , when the men lolt the ground for their homos , Canada haa not showed up with his'threatencd injunction. Wliut the I.iuvycrH Say. General Solicitor Thurston was seen last night by a representative of Tin : BEE , but declined to disclose the course which would bo pursued by the corporation ho represents. * Ho dd | say. though , th'at no force would bo used by the Union Paciflc employes to dnvo the men from their work or to tear down the long yellow wall of plno boards. City Attorney Connell suld last nigbt that if the railroad company had a bettor claim to the land than the city it would hnvo to go into tbo courts to provo it. The city attor ney further said that the land In question was the northern key to the city , and was of great value and would be especially so if another railroad desired entrance into the city.Street Street Commissioner Windspoar was rather pleased with his day's labor , though he said that the heavy rain greatly retarded the work. The material for the completion of the fence is nil on the ground nnd the work of erecting tbo fencing will bo continued today , Two regular police officers nnd several of tbo street commissioner's men guarded the fence and material all night. WITHOUT A TKArriC M.YNAGKK. Mr. C. S. Mullen IlcslKiix IIlH Position With the Union I'ucllio Hallway. The rcslgnntion of Charles S. Mellon ns general traffic nianagar of the Union Pacific is a surprise in railway circles , though a few intimates profois having known that ho had contemplated such a move for a considerable time back. Tbo resignation will take effect April 1 , and Mr. Mellon has accepted the general managership of the Now York & New England railroad. Tho'near approach of the annual meeting of the Union Pacific stockholders and the rumors of a probable change In management lead some railroad men to conclude that Mr , Mellon has improved an opportunity to an ticipate a olg revolution in tbo olllco buildIng - Ing ut tbo foot of Farnam street. On the other hand thoso.wbo stand closest to Mr. Mellon assort positively that the change was made soUly for family considera tions. Ho had been living ii Bosto.i before joining the Union Pacliioforco , und bis fam ily did not tuko kindly to the tar west. As a matter of fact their homo was made In Chicago cage , With an offica In Omaha and a homo in Chicago Mr. Mellon was lorccd to spend much of bis time at New Ycrk and other dis tant polnU. His friends explain that ho long contemplated u return to tbo east nnd tbat- the change- now announced Is simply la line with his desire and has noslgnlllcunt bearing upon any Union Pacific policy. Mr. Mellon himself Is said to have been well pleased with the west , and it Is thought In some quarters that the death of his wife , which occurred last Sunday , may lead to the withdrawal of bis resignation , but as ho bus accepted another position that Is hardly probable. ThosuccessorsMp is of great Interest in railway circles , but Its yet it teems to bo only n matter of speculation nud very vague at tbat. General Manager Clark Is ex pected in tbo city this week nnd may on- nounco a now traffic manager , but as the an nual meeting Is only n mouth distant the an nouncement may bo delayed until after tbat event transpires. A Union Pacific- official who has closely followed tbo trend of tbat road's affairs for many yeura expresses the opinion that the traffic managership will bo abolished as a distinct office , "Tho most thoughtful railroad men. " ho said , "havo coma to tno conclusion that a traffic manager is a fifth wheel. The general freight and the general passenger agents are his subordinates , and have to refer a great many things to him for bis approval or rejec tion. Tno traffic manager's business calls him awny from headquarters a great deal , nnd it has been tbo experience of the Union Pacific tbnt ills action on importnut mutters has of lea been delayed two weeks. This Is a great hindrance to tbo work of tbo freight Powder 10Se3 in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard * and passenger ( departments , mil It Is una voidable under Mo present system. "It Is ncccssoTT to hnvo a man to uo lust what the ttafilp raanngor has D30n dolne , but I Inlnk xvhon thorcliango Is announced It will bo found that Mr. Mur.roovlll bo concrnl freight nnd tnftlc manager. The freight business Is by fan tlio largest concern ot n tralllo manager , , anil the passcneor depart ment Is liable toaie talton out ot his Jurisdic tion. The cenoral passoncor afjont will then report to manager , which will greatly facilitate matters for all concerned1 General rrciRllt Agent Munroo has boon In California attondlng n trnnicontlnontal mooting , but Is now on hlaway homo. Mr. Mollcn Is rpnarJed by hli associates AS a tralllo man ot exceptional ability. Uo bcuun his railroad c.irocr as u clerk In the ofllco of the cashier ot the Northern , n small New England road. A year later ho wont to the engineering department ot the Ver mont Central , but In 1ST : ) returned to the Northern and became Us auditor and cashier. After seven years in that sotvlco ho wns made assistant trcnoral mutineer of Iho Dos- ton & Lowell. Ttireo years later ho was ap pointed general superintendent , which posi tion ho held until 1333. when the Adams management pursuaded him to coino to Omaha In the service of Iho Union Pacific. Ho began hero as u'oneral purchasing ngon * , but n year Inter was appointed general traf fic manager. Hallway nmiiliiyi-V Child. Harry ICnodoll , sUto organizer for the Htillway Employes club , has returned from n trip ever the Elkhorn and reports now clubs at Long Pine and Chadron. The latter was organized Sunday with sixty-five charter momoers nnd the following olllcors : President , O. W. Lahr ; vtco pro. l- dent , D. McNeil ; secretary , U. A. Tonnnnt ; treasurer , J. H. Sammons ; other members ot executive committee , P. H. Hayes , 13. 11. Woss , O. L. Harncr ; delegate to ntnto con vention , H. A. Cox. The Lone I'lno club started with twonty- flvo dinner members. Another club will probably bo formed nt Djadwood or Lead City. ntr. Knodoll wont to Columbus this afternoon to organize u club. A convention of the Nebraska clubs will beheld hold In Omaha next Tuesday to form a stale board. The Omaha club will moot Saturday night at the Grand Array of the Hopubllo hall to elect tune- delegates to the state con vention. At tbo latter there will be repre sentatives from Omaha , South Omaha , Slon'x City , Lincoln. Beatrice , Plaltsmouth , Nor folk , Long Pine , Chadron , Columbus and Wymoro. \V.E. Perry cf Minneapolis , snerotnrv of the national bourd , was In the city yesterday on his \vnv to Newton , Kan , , to organize n state board. Xot So Had After All. E. V. Wood of McKco'a Hoclta , Allegheny countPa. . , In sponltlntr to a traveling man of Chamberlain's medicines said : "I recom mend them above all others. I have used thorn myself and know them to bo reliable. I always guarantee them to my customers nnd have never had a bottle returned. " Mr. Wood had hardly finished speaking , when a little girl cumo In the store with on empty bottle. It was labuled , "Chamberlain's Pain Balm. " The traveler was Interested , ns there wns certainly a bottle coming back , but waited to bear what tbo llttlo girl oaid. Jt was ns follows. : "Mamma wants another bottle ot that modlclno ; she savs it is the best medicine focrhoumatism fihoovo r used. ' bottles for sale by druggists. Dr. Culllraoro , oculist. Boa building Omaha compressed yeast strictly puro. 300,000 bare Union soap sold in No braskn , hist month. It's the bast. Mntlnec Wednesday. See the best comedy of the season , "OhVhat Night'tit the Fnrriain street theater , and the sisters Leigh in their trreat delusion dance ; 25 cents any reserved scut in the house. * * A "Clinhi Lightning" Xcivslioy. ' 'OMAHA , MnroU ! iO.To thoJSditor | o.f TUB ' ' ) 'Bnn : In last evening's issii'o 'o'f ' tuo.Oniaha ; Fnko'Factory I flnnttHo following : ' Thb newsboys found a lively demand for papers yesterday morning , c Ono alone sold 451) ) World-Heralds before 0:30 o'clock. " Accenting that statement literally , not only did the newsboys find a lively demand for papers , but the people who invested their nickels in that sheet ( for the purpose , uu doubt , of reading something about the lire and tbo tragedy ) only found a lively nows- Doy , for they didn't Hnd the matter looked for. Lot us consider that nowsb iy for a mo ment , i happened to DO on the street , atC)0 : ! ) Sunday moruing. out found Farnam street and other usually busy thoroughfares de serted , and it was fully 7 o'clock before thcro vas any stir. But , sny tno boy began to scllatG0 : ! , from that tlmo until 0:3'J : la three hours 180 minutes. In this time , If tbo item is correct , the newsboy mentioned sold 4E > 0 papers. This Is nt tbo rate of ex actly two and one-half papers per minute , or one every t\venty-four seconds. Any man who has over bougut a daily paper Irom an Omaha newsboy nnd watched him fumble for the copy wanted nnd then waited while the boy mentally calculated the dldorcnco between the price of tno paper und the dime or quarter handed him In payment nnd counted back the change , will understand In n decree the marvelous accomplishment of this truly wonderful news buy. There is Irttlo doubt that the item was written bv the circulation editor. * . Mrs. E. M. Lewis , Oxanna , Ala. , writes : "For over twenty years I have buffered will headuchos without relief from tha many remedies and physicians tried during that period. Bradyuronno produces tbo nlosl satisfactory results. It la almost as ludls- pousablo to my comfort as my food. " Union soap omploysNebrnska labor. C. D. Woodworth & Co. , successors to Wolty & Guy , 1310 Furutun street , nuin- ufautiirera and dealers in harness , gad- dies , etc. . / 7-7-7 j" I 1 1'nd ' three little gfrla LILC I wlio were al lucked with ' rial 6 I obstinate ECZEMA or Q7/H.O. Blood Trouble , which at lirst resembled heat , but fcoon grew to yellow blisters , some of them quite large. One of the children died from the cirects of it , but wo got Swift's Specific and gave to the oilier two and they soon got well. S. 8. S. forced out tlio poison promptly. Tlus cure was wonderful. J. D , RAINS , Martlmville , La- KHJUfJH has mo equal for Children. It KButr'.B relieves the system promptly , und assists naturp in developing the child's hculth. Our 'Jlrcutise mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , ATLANTA , GA. SHIRTS 'i AND ' COLLARS * are the CHEAPEST AND TUB BEST. N. B.'FALCONER , Sell Them. BABY A SOLID SCAB TorltirliiK Disease of Itlcoil nnd Skin. Jinny Doctor. ? Full. Cured by the CuUciira Ibmcllcs. I linro A > l lcr troubled with blond or tkln ill ! > cn < o HcommpnojilClioi n ! > oul ono jcur old. Wo would Iff ono itoctornml then Knottier , nml It rccmcd Ilko llicjtcto glfil to got rM of It. Wlion Ilicr would commence , thcr wouM ny It l cnsy drlol up nnd cared , bul nt lnt they would tnj It cnaKI not bo cured. Jt ran on about two jrcsr.i. Wo lint tried nil tli doctors nrnun.t , nnd tlicr hnd fnlloit , I rntr your nilTcrtlKcmcnt In the paper , nnd wrote you for dir ection * nnd you sent mo n cony of your book nt once. We then cot Crnrt'iiA HKMKIIU.S nnd u ed It. U dried up lbe ore nnd lun'ol them up rlcht nwny. Her fnco , hendnnd | 't tt ot her worn n polld fcnb. The wny It would commence It woulJ ralso n tinmll lump under the Vln. then bcc.imc n Mimll flm- | > ! o nnd Itchcil fn tlml Mu > not no roit nUlit or dny , nnd Mie. wo.ild scintcti them , nnd yellow mnttcr would coma out of thoni nnd they would keep rprrndlnit und itchlim. Inm lure from whnt 1 know of llio Ci'TinntA HKMKIIIKP , they nro iho beit clncK f i r tcrof uln , or blood or ! > kln ill en'ci thnt nny ono cnn use. ( IKOUOK t ) . OAUTON , ItlK'ii 1'cl 11 , Dcc.itor Co. , lon.i Cuticura Remedies Thcso erau-ful tcstlmonhli tell tli3 tury of reiit phy < lrnlsnrrorlnKof mpnlnlniiRulMi , by rcn'en of Iiumllntngdl9lleur.ulon ! < , nnd ot thrcntenu t dnn- tiers hnpully nnd rpojdlty cnlof , by the CUTlcilliA llEMKliics.thoKrenlcstSkIn Cure' , Illoo.l 1'urlllcrj nnd Humor Ilcniedlcs the world hn ever known. CiiTKtlitA Hr..sorVK\T. tlio no'v Illnnil mill Skin I'lirlllcf IntoriKilly ( to cluiinoo tlio blood of nit Impurities und nolsunnim oloiiH-nts ) . untl t'UTicuiiA. tlio Bri'titSkln Unixnnd UUTI- riiiiA hoAf. nn oxmilsllo Skin 1'urinor. nnd llUiiiitinor u.xturnally do clour tlio nklii nnd HJtilt ) nnd rosloro the hair ) , citroovury dlsntiso nnd humor of thn skin , Ecnlp , nnd blood with loss of balr. from Infimcy 10 IIRO. from nlmplcs toxcrofiilii. wlivnthn best phvslulans , liosul- tuU , nnd nil other icmctllc.s full. Bold everywhere. I'rlee. CtniritltAK1ci RoAr , 15's llrsoi.VKVT , f i. I'rcpnrtHl by the I'onru Uitwi ANU ClIKMUMI.Clinl'OIIATION , lloMon. Sirsend for "How to euro Hkln Dl c.i es , " Cl J > agc . M llluMtnlluna. nnd Itu to < tlnionlaln. PIM Ey , black-lien la , roil , tough , cbnppcd und oily hklti cureil by CtlTicUliA SOAP. NORKEUMATIZABOUTME ! lx ONE Mi.NUTi : TUI : ci'TiamA ANTI- I'AIN ; PI.A TKII relieves rlipiimntlo " / < clHtlc , hip. kidney , uni'cuinr nnd cliun ( Kiln * . Tnu tlrst iiiu ! only inMiintnncoua imln-lilllliici'lrciiKlitciiliiH plmter. SiitrorlnRlnmlnrt.boily niutpnrno from DHU.NK- KNNKHSur DIPSOMANIA can lie unrely. PiifVly Mia i > ccdlly cured by the wonderful now epccllla convenience , ami fissures tlio patl&ntnow llfo nnd happiness , llulnir luntcleis It can bo Blrcn by a Incrm In tea , coffco. Icmoimilo. beer , liquors , or teed without the imtiont'B knowledge , or ft cnn betaken taken by the patient In the ramo llquldn , with u cunrnnteoof nbinlutotuiccussnnd n radical euro multhoronpp. Hundreds of euros have been inndo with ( : HI.OItIOGOI > in llllnolo nlono. I'rlrn wllbln rracli of all , only gs. OIIl.OItIllOUI.ll can lie Imil ofotirnizcntB or cnt postpaid by un. I'nmphlett furnli > lpd free. Alleorrcspondenca ctintliluntlnl. MAllICIIXIZIKMlCAljCO. , t > ole Proprietors for the U. a. , 3i3 Dearborn teU , Chicago. FOR SAI.K IN OMAHA. NEB. , BY Knhn & Co , Car 15th ft Douclns St . J .A. Fuller ft Co. , Cor. 14th , V DniiRlas Sis. A. D. rotter & Co. , Council niuHs. Jo. Chfchcutcr' * HnslUh Illamuntl OrlslituI nnd Only ( Ii-nulnc BAFC. olwara rvtI&Me. LADIES , atk DrujxUl for CAleAriferft Knaltth Diamond mend /7rtmrf In Hed RD4 ComoiMile / . . tOT scaled with blue ribbon. Tuko J no other , ftefute dangero\i \ mbititu * ' tiont and fmttattont. At UrugglKf , or en < 5 4o , In numpi for partlculnri , ifitlmonUU and "Itcllcf fur LodlcB , * * in Ittttr , ty return Moll. 10 AUOTntlroonUli. < Vdmtoper. . > 1 rchlphmtvr Chemical Co.ntlUonHqiiarcb BoW by all Local Drassliu. rbllado. , rJu WHERE'D THAT HAT COME FROM . II. The Nebraska , you bet ! I used to gotosome hat store , buy a hat with some swell hat mak ers name on the Inside , plank down five big , hard earned dollars and walk out Into the cold world under the impression that everybody was admiring me and my new hat. I'm wiser now. I go to the Nebraska Clothing Company , buya 'Nebraska" hat , put up three dollars and walk out under Just as good a hat as I ever 1 wore. Another thing , I can always get a shape to suit me. . " THAT MAN KNOWS HIS BUSINESS , f * f "We do sell as good a hat for three dollar&s as any five dollar hat that ever was made. The stock is there the linings are there the trim mings are there it's all there but the two del < - laj's we save you. This saving not only applies- * ' tothe best hat made ( the "Nebraska" three" dollar hat ) but it applies to low and medium priced goods as well. For instance , we sell a derby hat for seventy-five cents and another one for a dollar. You'll wear out a pair dvf shoes hunting a liat store that sells the saTH6i qualities under a. dollar fifty and two dollars. ! ; Perhaps you've no idea of the stock of hatsJJ we carry. It's great. We carry all shapes , all' ' shades , a 11 colors , all qualities. When "you come to us for a hat you can buy a hat to suit you. You/re the man to be suited. All we' ' want is to please you ( and to make a few shillings - ( lings to buy bread with ) . Our full spring stock * ! of "Nebraska" hats is now open. Soft Hats , SOc , $1 , $1.SO , $1.76 , $2 , $2.80 and $3.OO. Stiff Hats , 78e , $1 , $1.2S$1.8O$1.9O , $2.25,1 $2.8Oand $3.OO. Boys'Hats , 3Bc/4Sc , 6Oc , 7Se , 9Oc , $1.28 and $1.4O. Crushers , 6Bc , S8c and $1.28. Open Till 8 p. m. Saturdays , 10 p. m. MONOER.r.T.&SYii Hill HL-ffihra OUR. SANITARIUM. This is not a Private Suniturium , but tv public water bottling osUvblishmont that furnishes employment for moro pco- plo than wora ever employed in a similiur business in the United States. From these two square doors pees out more water"f ° ' ' heaiiiicr of the nations''than ever wentfromany othci spring water establishment in America. Why ? Hceauso the people call for it. Why do they call for it. Hc-1 cause the doctors say it is the "Most Wonderful American Water for thn treatment Rheumatism , Gout , Gravelj Bright's and all Kidney Diseases , Acid Dyspepsia , und nil forms of Uric Acid Diseases. " Wo requested them to test it and toll us what'it would euro. They have tested it for years and the yordiut has como | repuitodly in the form of moro orders for water than wo have boon able to fill urorop'lly. from Chat-lea Gtlnmn Smith , 31. . , ConnnlHnu I'liusl- / . .V. Mltmfin-th , A. .11. , 31. 11. , I'rof. I'titlinlomi ' Kcnttl Dtunifn-i , II'OIIICH'M JIcil. Collei/v , ( hlcittiu. fltni , Chlcnuo. "I liavo hail a Ions experience In the treatment of Ktltiril niicaintl "I bollovo Iliiitnntiiro IIHH a chemistry so subtle Unit llrmmntlic with INliOMiiinV ( ) ) : , and nm nloiihiid to add tustlmonlal , nlthoiiKh II linltntnl , unit so 1 prefer tlio 'natural o.Ni > oNiiniiY ; LITIIIA to uny think It unnecoiary from the fuel that the eff-iit'iit the tratrrjitaltl aitljicl'jl combination. " inoieelnqutntlutlinn ntiu words which I mluht uttor. I nrl/o It vcryl lil'-bly In all cases ( if Clnnnlc IthtumnUtin or other mnnUohtntlonsori thu condition Known us iho 'Mtnlo Acid DUIhusls.1 I liuvo nsocl tliij from K. It. Jlclfllitir , . .Tit. . , Clilctiyo , lit. water u.Menslvely In my pr.ictloo und Intend to continue the USD of It-'f LmiiA SALTS can of course lie administered , but In my praclloo ialiiidl LoNiiONDKiiur lins proven of ( jroatur vnlvo than any ngunt Clifford JUllvhfll , 31. It. , M'i-of. Clicinttitni nnd I liuvo been able to Ulsucvor. " Jlani. Sled. Cotlc'i/a , Chtctifio , "I luivo UHod r.nNDONDiiiinv LITIIIA WATUII In CUSPS wcrn IliorS wai lllllliitl-i > yM'raf. of J'litlHietil DiatinoslH nntl aiirliifirf'/iinifmen / tin tliotiilno , and I liuyo found Una It inrrrtMiilli * tiiiiiutltilof win In twenty-four hour mid diminishes tlio uiiioiinlnl , ? Meillmil Colleue Cllntciil Aleiiiclne , fliirituo , ' . In th'o wlcitclilorv noilcpaUly. I luivo us d the wutor CHICAGO. April ISth , 1SS9. Iho various forms of llrlulit'K IJlxcate which iiroio from U'l'lU ' trnirnrlul I.ONDONDKIIUV LITIIIA SlMIIKn WATCH CO. Onn ohsvuro case that I remember wiisonls In which ilia nutloilt liuu iij OisNTr.KMiiN : I liuvo used I.oNiinNiiKiiiivSrui.Nn WATCH In manv m.intil urine cuntaliilii ? nlliumen and morn or loss urle uriil. wiiillniiiiiliN of u / ' cases of tlironlo Clnetni iuntlcnln * . with marked relit ! to tlio conSLMiiieiit inlnlHtratlniisuf this ' water wus followed by the DIIBSIIKO . I.oNiiMKiiiir dm/'J "Jiftliaemla , " Mu'ilu . Kturalula , utr. It Is u bjilondlil dlliiont , and Is annum'at rat Mm' wlileli lullovud tlioiiatliriitKroatlr. of ulboabunur thu Boploasaiit Unit putlontu will tuKo It In largo ijuantltlus. Anucussary I.rruiA WATKII " Is a iMdiuble cii/Jtiujnt In the treatment . tbliiB when Indicated. - UldnoyH. With invalids the cry is for the Still Watciwhllo "Sparkling Londonderry" is used ill all fashionable clubf the have said : "In this ago of wear , ini nliyuloliitiB and hotels , and is found on thousands of private tables simply boouuso Acid and must drink Londonderry always. " If you doubt us , jr car , your blood has bocorao polsono ; ! with Uric , you your own physician what ho thinks of Londonderry Llthia Water. For sale by all Druggists and Grocer CHARLES B. PERKINS & GO , , 38 KILBY STREET , BOSTON , MASS. , SELLING AGEttT , Distributing Agents for Omaha. PINRSPEGTRGLES Glasses , or tlio correction of alldvfocti of vlilon. Solid Cold Spectacles From M in upward Fine SteelSpectacles From tl.CO upwnnl Proteetanil Imp'ove your eyebight. Your eyes tested tree by a practical Optician. MAX MEYER & BRO. CO Kt. IbM. KAUNAM nnU ICtli bt Or , Bailay , $1 The Trading Dentist * ThlrJ Floor , Puton Tclepliono 1085. Ullli nnd Funinju Sts. . I'erleel tit. rubber for t5. A full tet of tcclli on work. wlliioul . or reuovnblu brlilco leelli plnlc. " Ju.t th"lhluKlor lincr or public .peukeri , uuvcr droii down , TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. All nillnK nt rc onub'o rotcioll uik warraotcd Cut tbls out fur a vuldu. PERFECT SYR.INGEL TloOnlyl drfonVuli \ i llvalul H > rlu 9 In tliu vmrM. li the onlr irrlnua over In- \cnti > ilby nlilfli vunllml lie Jciloii can liu iiilmluUluruil Hllliuut lunklnj anil olllci ( Ii9 i ItUllliiK or neruiilt Hint IKI u o or n MJiiul. iniJ nlilcli cnn lie bj moil lor rtTlnl Injuclluni r IrriU- lull , fcOn'IUIIIIII'.U. 1IIJI.II JIAilll KI.'llllKIt IIKliU Hull order * tollcHui ) . Tlio Aloe& PenfoliI Co 15th titfcrl , Kfjrt to routoffiao. I'h ) lclani' proicrlptloni rnrutullr jirepuruil ut low l > rkoi. IDEAS FOR SALE Addren buddrnly Wllhoul Kollco , OM4IIA AllVgllTlBIKII I'I'IItut' HU N V t/t * Hjf WHO NEVHR DRANK nny thing but Sour Mash are now jj infer for Cream Pure Rye" fa the statement ! made by n liquor merchant operating threol of tlio largest bars in the west. This la not ctrango when you consider that the purest , richest , smoothest anc most \vholesomo whiskey produced it : America is PURE RYE , Call for It and take no other. For i , nt all first-class drinking places anil u | Dtores , 14 DALLEMAND & CO. , Chlcnc" JOSEPH GILLOTT1 STEEL PENS. COLD MEDAL , PARIS cxpofiinoN , 1889.J THE MOST PEnFECT OF PENS.