Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Dhauncay M. Depow Talks About the Gen
eral to Now York's ' Legislature.
of tlio Orrnt Trlnmtlrntc orcu ] > tnlni
mill Jill ArlilpvomcnU-IIM Ilurly
1,1 to nnd Manhood' * Glory
iioqticntly Kxlollcd ,
AUHNT , N. Y. , March 20. Tonight nt the
Btato cnpitol memorial oxcrclsos In Honor of
the late General Sherman were liold. The
principal speaker was Chauncoy M. lopow ) ,
jLlj-D. , who said i
Senators and Members of Assembly : The
passions of civil war 'usually survlvo
centuries , Wo cannot jot Impartially nnd
cnlmly estimate the ability nnd services of
Hamilton and JofTcrsou , Tholr names still
stand Tor antagonistic principles and antag-
onijtlo followers , llut the issues of the re-
boiUon wuro burled with its dead. That
strug o was unique , both in nuignliudo and
sctllcmcxt. It was an earthquake which
rent asunder a continent nnd plunged Into
cavernous depth millions of men and money ,
cinJ thu uhflcklos ot the slavo. It closed ,
and tha survivors , freed from the causes of
contention , wcro united for the uubutldlug nt
the new nation- Prior to the war wovcro
insularly provincial and Insular , hut wo
have slnco grown in ho as radically
liberal and cosmopolitan. Then our
Judgements of statesmen and meas
ures wera governed by considerations
which were territorial or inherited. Mow
these uho were in the fiont and heat of the
great battle can talrly vlow nnd Jreoly weigh
the merits of their friends and foes. IVo can
eliminate our feelings , our prejudices and
our convictions upon the purposes for which
they fought , nnd contrast Grant nud Leo.
Sherman nnd Joe Johnston , Sheridan and
Boaurcgard , as to Ihugonluinnd ability with
Which they planned and played the came of
war , with equal candor and better light than
the historian of the futuro. Yesterday Gen
eral Bhorman was'tbo last of that trium
virate of grout captains , Grant , Sherman and
Sheridan , who were the most distinguished
f sol < liera of our country and of our times , nnd
a familiar figure In our midst , ills presence
revived and embodied the glories and the
rnomoilcs of the marches and the victories of
the heroes wbo ( ought and of the heroes who
bad died for the preservation of the union.
Today wo commemorate his llfo and deoils ;
and the Civil war is history.
General Sherman's ancestors had been
noted for many generations for their culture ,
ability nnd Intellectual power. His father
was n judge of the supreme court of Otilo.nnd
his grandfather of a Connecticut courtwhllo
the grandfather of the Connecticut Judge
Was a Puritan clergyman , who came toMass-
tichusoits In 1034 , In company with a warrior
relative , Cup turn John Sherman , the ances
tor of Itogor , the signer of the Declaration of
Independence. Much has been said , hut the
whole can never bo written , of the influence
ot tbo Puritan stock upon tbo formation nnd
development of the United Stales , and
the destinies of mankind. Thov
alone of all colon IsUi emigrated ,
not to improve their worldly condition , out to
secure liberty of consctoncoand to llvo undos
a government of Just nnd equal laws. All
through the career of Guncral Sherman the
spirit of Cromwell und the Covenantor was
ho motive-power of hla action. Ills princi
ple of war was to use up and consume tbo re
sources of the ouemy , Tbo destruction of
Atlanta and the devastating march through
Georgia and tbo C&roliuas wcro upon Purl-
trn linos. The enemies of his country were
as much to hla mind the oncintos of the Lord
ns wcro the cavaliers of Prince Iluport to
Cromwell and his ironsides. Ho was bv na
ture the most genial , lovublo and companion
able of men , but the mailed band and mere !
loss purpose followed any attack on the
things ho held sacred. This appears not only
In his campaigns , but also in his dispatches to
Generals Grant nnd Hallcck. "I will make
the iuUrior of Georgia feel the weight , of
war. " "Tbo utter destruction of Its roads ,
houses nnd pcoplo will cripple their military
resources. " " 1 attach moro Importance to
these deep Incisions into tbo enemy's coun
try , because this war differs from European
wars in this particular. Wo are not onlv
fighting hostile armies , but a hostile pconlo ,
and must make old snd young , rich and poor ,
foci the bard bund of war as well as their
armies. " And in his loiter demanding the
surrender of Savannah ho says : ' -Should I
bo forced to assault , or the slower and surer
process of starvation , I shall than feel Justi
fied in resorting to tbo harshest measures ,
and shall maKe littln oftort to retain my
army , burning to avenge the national wrong ,
Which tboy attach to Savannah and other
largo cities which have been so prominent in
dragging our country into civil war. "
This was the lauguago of the Iluritan sol
dier. It was born und bred in the children
of the people wbo first separated church
from state , and went to the stake for believ
ing nnd declaring the will of rood could boone
ono way , and the will of the king the other ,
and their allegiance was to tbo Lord. It
was the same conscience which beheaded
Charles the First , nnd o I to wards throw tbo
tea | tto Boston harbor. MarUm Moor , Lex
ington and the March to the oca were fruits
of tbo same tree. Sherman was a soldier ,
educated by the government of the United
States , and the republic was bis love and his
roliclon. The intensity of his passion for
the nation would in ether times and sur
roundings have made him a general In the
.Parliamentary army or the .leader of a Now
.England colony.
1 shall never forget a dramatic scene at a
notable gathering in Now York , when
Charles Suinner Indirectly attacked Presi
dent Grunt , ns a failure In civil affairs , by
ridiculing Miles Standlsh. General Sherman
was. a stranger to a Now Vortt audience , nnd
nouo know that bo could speak. Few men
would have dared to reply to the world-
famed orator. But ho bud assailed the two
tcndercst sentiments of General Sherman
bis love ai'd admiration for Grant and bis
rjrido in his profession ol a soldier. Without
any opportunity for preparation , but
without hesitation , ho immediately arose
to meat this unexpected and surprising
* attack , Defense , unuer such conditions ,
wouid with most untrained speakers have
) degenerated Into abuse , but with Shormaa It
became the most Impressive oloqucnco. It
was u din-el and simple statement of his
faith in Hi friend , and a description of the
merits and mission of tbo soldier , which was
line tbo brilliant dash nnd resistless momen
tum of u charge of cavalry through the
broken squares of tbo enemy. It was a
speech Cuptatn Miles Standlsh might havo"
inado after 250 years of American opportun
ity , und tbo mighty soul of the Puritan cap
tain seemed inspiring the volco and tbo pres
ence of his advocate.
Tha same qualities made him the most
amlablo nnd lovable of men , and the most
rigid of disciplinarians. Ills heart was
easily touched and his sympathies aroused
by the distress or want or sorrow of others ,
but ho was tbo incarnation of the vengeance
of the law upon military crlmos. A corps
commander of the Army of tbo Poloinao ooco
said to him : "General Sherman , wo bad
trouble in enforcing strict obodlouco to
orders , because the lindlnga of the court
martlals bad to bo sent to President Lincoln
for.upproval In extreme cases , and bo would
never approve a sentence of death. What
did you do I" "Ishot thorn first , " was the
V General Sherman was destined from bis
; blrtb for tbo career which bus become one pf
th ; brightest page * in bis country's history.
Tbo hero among tbo early settlers of the
Ohio valley was .that bravo and culvalrlo
Indian chief , Tcc'umsoh , who bad com
manded the admiration of tus whites by his
prowess , and their good will by his kind
ness , tlo fought to exterminate , but kn
could as quickly forgive as bo fiercely and
aavugely struck. The qualities of this wild
warrior became part ot tbo characteristics ot
bis namesake. It woi ruthless and reluati
less war with the enemy Iu the field , but no
commander over granted more generous
terms to tha vanquished or was to readv to
assist with purse and .Influence a fallen foe.
Ills father , Judge Shermtu , died suddenly ,
leaving-his widow with .little tnemn , and a
family of "eleven children. The helpfulness
of tbo American futility v.-uou thrown upon
tbelr owu resources , and the ready and prac
tical svmpalb of American communities , so
extended is to convey , not charity , but com
pliment , had no better example than in the
tory of this household. The uench und the
bar felt that the bojs were wards ot tbo
profession. Ohio's leading lawyer and
United states senator , Hon. Thomas Ewlnp ,
said , "Give ice one , but thu brightest , "
nnd Ibo brothers and sisters of the future
captor of Atlanta answered : "Tako Cuup ,
be U tno Miiarlmt. " TbU profound jurat
aau kouu observer of character aw the Iu-
turo Ronornl In thU quick , nervous , intelli
gent , pugnacious boy , with his Indian war-
rlnr name , and appointed him to the West
Point Military academy. Hit fertile and
versatile mind pushed It * Inquiries Into too
many directions , onrt explored flelds too dl-
verse for that methodical and accurate
tnanery of the curriculum which makes a
valedictorian , but not always n man.
Nevertheless , ho stood sixth In his class , and
was Its moil original nod atlractlvu member.
Ho baa a fondness for topographical studies ,
and a kcoii eye and natural and trained In
stinct for the opportunities for defense and
attack winch could be utilized In t'io ' places
whcro no was stationed and the country over
which ho traveled.
Ills first siirvlco was In Florida , and his
duties carried him , during his six years hi
tto south , through South Carolina , Alaoama ,
Georgia and tbo adjoining-counties of Ton *
ncssco. Tbo great Oobato as to tbo powers
of tbo general government and tbo reserved
rights of the states was at Us height. Gen
eral Jackson bad placed bis Iron heel upon
John C. Calhodn and registered the mighty
oath : "By the eternal , the union of ibcso
slates must and shall bo preserved , " South
Carolina was specialty Independent and do-
liant. Throats of disunion mot Sherman nt
every social gathering. Webster's
masterly nnd unequalled argument
and eloquonca baa converted the
north nnd thousands of broad-minded
raon In the south to the Idea that the United
States was a nation , with the right to use all
tbo resources of the country to enforce its
laws and maintain its authority. The possi
bility of tbesa questions being decided by the
arbitrament of war was ever present to the
sucgcstlvc thought of this young lieutenant.
Tbo line of the Tennessee river , the stoop
ascent of Koncsaw Mountain , tbo military
value of Chattanooga and Atlanta , wcro Im
pressed upon the Intellect of the maturing
strategist , to materialize twenty years after
wards In the severance and ruin of the con
federacy by his triumphant march to the sea.
Sherman had been brought up and trained
In the school of Hamilton , of Yvobstcr , and
of Henry CUv. Ills blblo was the constitu
tion. Ho had Imagination , but no sentiment ;
passion , but no pathos. Believing slavery to
have guarantees in the constitution ho would
have unsheathed his sword as readily against
n John Brown raid as bo did at the tiring
upon Fort Sumtcr. Ills imagination led him
to glorify and Idealize the republic. Its
grandeur , Its growth and its possibilities
captured and possessed bis heart and mind.
Tbo Isolation and loneliness of the life in
frontier forts destroys many young oillcer.i.
Their energies are exhausted and their
habits and principles demoralized by dissi
pation , or their faculties paralyzed by idle
ness. * Hut , the card tnblo or the
carouse bad no attractions fur Sher
man. His umo on tbo plains was fully oc
cupied. Ho was building railroads across
the continent on paper , and peopling tboso
vust regions with prosperous settlements ,
long before they had uny roads but the paths
of the buffalo , and any inhabitants but roving
ing tribes of wild Indians. Ho could never
understand the lamentation , so common , over
Uie extermination of tbo buffalo. The patient
oxen drawing the plow through the furrow ,
nnd the lowing herds winding homo at sun
set , seamed to him to have replaced tbo wild
and useless bison , with the sources of Indi
vidual and national wealth and happiness.
Ho would have destroyed tbo Indians , because -
cause with their occupancy of extensive and
fertile territories , which they would neither
cultivate nor .sell , and the wars with them ,
which frightened settlers from their borders ,
they retarded the development and checked
the majestic march of his country to the first
place amnnft the nations of the earth.
This intense nationalist nnd accomplished
-soldier was selected by tno state of Louisiana
to bo tbo superintendent and organizer of her
state military school. The veteran who
could bring to the business of banking little
more than unswerving Integrity , und failed ;
and whoso directness of purpose and trans
parent candor were disgusted with the law ,
found in this Held of instruction a most
pleasant and congenial occupation. Ho was
at the head of a university which was fitting
youth for careers In civil life , and training
them , if needs bo , to light for their country.
The Institution grow so rapidly nnd wisely
that the attention of the state authorities
was attracted to its able and brilliant princl--
pal. Ho did not suspect treason and they
were organizing rebellion. To capture tnis
born loader of men was to start wilb an array.
Social blandishments , political pressure and
appeals to ambition were skilfully applied to
his" purposes nnd principles. Suddenly the
truth butst upon bis frank nature. Ho was
poor and had a largo and holuless family.
Ho beld an honorable , congenial , lucra
tive and permanent position. The fu
ture , if ho abandoned his place , was
dark and doubtful , but tha union
was In danger , and bo did not besltato a mo
ment. His letter of resignation to the gov
ernor of Louisiana roads llko a bugle call of
patriotism : "As I occupy a quasi-military
position under the laws of tbo state , I deem
it proper to acquant you , that 1 accepted
such position when Louisiana was a state in
the union , and when the motto of this semi
nary was inserted in marble over the main
door , "By the liberality of the general gov
ernment of tbo United States. The union
csto porpetua. ' Recent events foreshadow a
great chance , and it becomes all men to
choose. If Louisiana withdraws from the
federal union , I prefer to maintain my al
legiance to the constitution as long as a frag
ment of ( t survives. * * On no earthly
account will I do any act or think any
thought hostile to or in defiance of the old
government of tha United States. "
Events move rapidly in revolutions , and
the situations are always dramatic. Captain
Sherman is in Washington offering bis ser
vices to tbo government , Lincoln is presi
dent , Soivaro secretary of state , Chase sec
retary of the treasury , John Sherman the
new United States senator from Ohio and
old General Scott in command of tbo army.
Nobody believes , there will bo war. It is the
general conviction that if tbo southern states
are rash enough to attempt to secede the re
bellion will bo stamped out ( n three months
and the campaign will bo a picnic. Alone In
that great throne of ofllco seekers and self-
seekers stands this apgressivo and self-
sacrificing patriot. Ho understands and
appreciates bettor than any man living tbo
courage , resources and desperate determina
tion of the south. "Thoy moan war , " ho
cries ; -'they will soon have armies in the
field ofllcorod and led by trained and able
soldiers. It will require tbo whole power of
the government and three yean of time to
subdue them if they got organized boforo.vou
are on them. " Congressmen laughed at tbo
wila talk of tbo dramatic alarmist , old army
ofilccrs significantly tapped their foreheads
and said , "Poor Sharman , it Is too bad ; " and
the president answered "Well
coldly , , cap
tain , I guess wo will manage to keen house. "
The confederate army had concentrated ut
Manassai , threatening Washington. There
were few West Point officers available , and.
Captain Sherman was commissioned a
colonel and given command of a brigade at
Bull Hun. Ho was the ono earnest man
among the crowd of trlllers in uniform and
citizen's dross who Hacked to the field. Con
gress adjourned to sea tbo rebels run , and
congressmen lea the tumultuous flight from
the battle to Washington. Holding In hand
ail there was of bis brigade which bad not
stampeded , exposing himself with reckless
courage , and Keeping a Eombianco of discip
line which did much to prevent pursuit by
the victorious eneuiv , Colonel Sher
man rode into Washington to so
freely acknowledge tbo faults on tbo
field and so vigorously denounce the
utterly Inadequate preparations for civil
war , that ho again.- fell into disrepute , was
again assailed as a madman and banished to
the west. But Ohio never lost confidence in
him , and demanded and secured his appoint
ment in tbo long list of brigadier ccnorals.
Tbo senseless clamor which frightened
the cabinet ana the war office by shouting ,
"On to Klcbmond. " was not appeased by the
disgrace and slaughter of Bull Run and
Manassav Tbo frightful recoil which had
followed obedience to the popular cry only
infuriated tbo politicians. If they could not
put down the rebellion in n day , they could
nt least punish those who had insisted
upon the power of the confederacy. There
was a significant display of that singular
quality of human nature which leads people
whu have boon warned against a rash act , to
turn in defeat and disappointment and rend
the prophet who foretold the result. Shor-
rnon , from the more commanding position of
bis superior rank , was once more announcing
the strength , power and resources of the
rebels in Konluctty and Tounossoo.
Ho boldly proclaimed that tbo forces
collected to bold those states were so
absurdly inadequate that another and
moro fatal Bull Run was sure to follow ,
unless the means were equal to tbo emer
gency. Tbo government , tbo press and the
people united In condemning uis terrorizing'
utterances , and for tbo third time bo was
scut into retirement ns a lunatic. Accumu
lating perils and providential escapes from
hopeless disasters speedily demonstrated that
this madman wo * a seer uud tbu alarmist a
Then , for tbo glory of tbo American army
and the incalculable Advantage of the union
cause , came the opportunity for tbo most
brilliant soldier and magnolia commander in
our nnnals. The control of the Mississippi ,
the allegiance of the border states and the
oxlstcnco of the western army wcro
in grjrost peril at Shlloh. Sherman
was at the fiont on these two desperate -
perato day * , holding bis men by his
personal example and presence. Ho was ns
much the Inspiration of the tight as the wbito
ulumo of Henry of Navarre nt Ivry. Though
wounded ha still lea , nnd though tbrco horses
wcro shot under him ho mounted the fourth.
General Hallock , then comtnnndor-ln-cbiof of
all the national lorccs , reported to the gov
ernment that ' ( Janoral bbcrman saved the
fortunes of the day on the ( ith , and contrib
uted largely to tbo glorious victory of tbo
7th. "
Critics and historians will forever discuss
the men and tbo movements nf tbo civil war.
As time passes , nnd future events crowd tbo
record , most of the figures of that bloody
drama , now so well known to us , will disap
pear. It requires , oven niter tbo Inpso of
only a quarter of a century , an oiTort and n
history to recall many names which were
then household worx's. But Sherman's
March to the Sea , llko the retreat of Keno-
pbon and his 10,000 Greeks , will ,
through all ages. nrouso tbo en
thusiasm of the schoolboy , tbo fervor of tbo
orator , and thn admiration of tbo strategist ,
Wbou at last with a picked nrmv of 00,000
veteran ! ) Sherman WAS encamped at Atlanta ,
he bad grasped and materialized the factors
of success in tno dream of bit youth , tlo
bombarded the president and the command
ing general with letters and telegrams : "I
can divide the confederacy , destroy the
source of its supplies , devastate Its fcrtilo ro-
glens , nnd starve Its armies. " "Ulvo mo the
word 'go' " burdened the wires and the dis
patch boxes. The cabinet said : "Your
army will bo lost floundering in the heart
of tbo enemy's country , and cut
off from your base of supplies. "
The headquarters staff said : "Turn
buck upon the course you have traversed and
destroy Hood's army which threatens your
communications and your rear , and then wo
will discuss tha question with you. " Shor-
raan dctatchod thnt most remarkable general ,
Ihomos , with a force sufficient , In his Judg
ment , to take cara of Hood , end that sliporb
officer vindicated the trust reposed iu him by
pulverizing the rebel arm ) * .
At last the president gave nn approval so
reluctant that It threw the responsibility
upon General Sherman , nnd Grant gave his
assent. Said General Sherman to mo , in
ono of the confidences so characteristic of his
candid mind : "I believed that this
permission would be withdrawn , nnd sent
Immediately a detachment to destroy tbo
wires for sixty miles. 1 never felt
so fceo and so sure as when
the officer returned and reported the woric
dono. Years afterward I discovered an olll-
clal memorandum that , 'owing to the sudden
Interruption by tbo rebels of communications
with Atlanta , a message countermanding the
assent to General Sherman to march across
the country to Savannah could not bo deliv
ered. ' " Upon such slender threads bang the
fate of campaigns and the fame of illustrious
men.Tho armies , ot Tennessee nnd Georgia had
the dash and daring , tbo free and breezy
swine nnd ways , and the familiarity with
their officers , charactciistlo with the west.
They idolized their fatherly but cyclonic
commander. This superb specimen of tbo
pure Puritan stock , born and bred in the
west , careful of every detail which promotrd
their comfort and efficiency , and careless of
tbo form and dignity which hedges iu au
thority , won their love and admiration. Most
veteran armies , with their line of communi
cation nnd supplies abandoned , and march
ing into the enemy's country , lenorant of the
food and forage which might be found , or
the forces which might cross their path ,
would have murmured or hesitated. Bui ,
the soldier who , with only ono day's ra
tions in his haversack , called out to the grim
und thoughtful general as ho rode bv ,
"Unclo Billy , I suppose we are going to
meat Grant' in nichmond , " expressed the
faith of his comrades. If Richmond was
their objective point , nor mountains , nor
rivers , nor hostile peopled , nor opposing
armies , could prevent Sherman from taking
them there triumphantly. Tbo capture'of
Atlanta bad aroused the wildest enthusiasm
among- the people. For the thirty days dur
ing which the victors were lost in the * In
terior of the confederacy tbo north listened
\vith gravest cpnrobenslon and bated breath.
Then tbo conquering hosts wereon the shores
of the sea , Savannah was laid nt the foot of
President Lincoln by their generals as a
Christmas present , the confederacy was di
vided and its resources destroyed , and
William Tecumson Sherman became ' 'one ot
tbo few , the immortal names , that were not
born to die.1'
Having placed bis army across all tbo roads
by which General Lee could escape from
Richmond , Sherman left his quarters to visit
Lincoln , then with Grant at City Point
In April , 18G1 , Captain Sherman bad In
formed the president in tbo wbito house ,
tbat "ho might as well attempt to put out
the flames of a burning bouso with a squirt
gun as to put down tbo rebellion with 75,000
men , and that the whole military power of
the north should bo organized at once for a
despprato struggle , " to bo laughed out of
Washington as a lunatic. Four years bad
passed. Two millions of men had been mus
tered in : 500,000 had been kill d in battle , or
died in the hospital or bad. been disabled for
life , und in March. 18(53. ( General Sherman
stood in the presence of tbo presi
dent. It was tbo original faculty of
Mr. Lincoln , that bo could so acknowledge n
mistake as to make it the most delicate and
significant compliment. "Mr. President , "
said Sherman , "I loft In camp 75,000of the
best troops ovcreathorcd in the field , and if
Leo escapes Grant they can take care of
him. " "I shall not feel secure , nor that they
are safe , " said the president , "until I know
you are back ogam nnd in command. " "I
can capture Jefferson Davis and his cabi
net , " said General Sherman. "Let them escape
cape/ ' was the suggestion of ibis wisest of
presidents ; "and , above all , lot there bo no
moro bloodshed , if that is possible. "
General Joseph Johnston and the
last army of the confederacy in
Sttorraan's bands , the terms of
reconstruction and reconciliation which bo
bad heard from Lincoln in tbat final and
memorable interview , submitted ns the con
ditions of surrender , tbo'president's assas
sination and its dread consequences , the con
temptuous repudiation of bis terms by Sccro ,
tary Stantou , the grand review of bis sol
diers by the cabinet and con press at Wash
ington , tbo indignant refusal of the proffered
hand of thu secretary of war in the presence
of the government and tbo people , the fare
well to the muster out of his beloved army ,
and ono of the most picturesque , romantic
and brilliant military careers of modern
times came to a close. Its ending bad all
tbo striking and spectacular setting of its
course , and its adventures , achievements and
surprises will bo for all time the delight of
the historian and the inspiration of the sol
Tbo later years of most Heroes have boon
buffeted with storms , or have coma to a
traeic ond. Caesar , in tbo supreme hour of
bis triumph , fell at the foot of Pompey's
statue , pierced by tbo daggers of bis friends.
Napolcou trotted out bis great soul In tbo
solitude of St. Helena. Wellington lost pop
ularity and prestige in the strifes of parties.
Washington was worried und wearied into his
gtavo by the cares of office and the Intrigues
of bis enemies enemies , as bo believed also
of bis country. Grant's ' death was hastened
and his last days clouded by ttao machinations
of politicians and tbo crimes of trusted asso
ciates. But General Sherman , iu retirement ,
led an ideal life. Only Von Moltko aharos
with him the peaceful pleasures of content
and of his people's love.
The fathers of the republic were fearful of
military Influence and apnrebensivo of dan
gers to liberty and perils to the life of tbo
young republic. Homo of them oven dis
trusted Washington and a dictatorship.
After him they sot aside all the revolution
ary generals and selected statesmen for pres
idents. But. with confidence la tha power
and perpetuity of tbo nation , came tbo popu
lar strength of the successful soldier. Nona
of our heroes bnvo been nolo to resist the
fascinations nnd the dangers of tbo chief
magistracy , except Cjonoral Sherman , All
of our great captains would have led happier
lives , and left their fame less obi cured , if
they had spurned tbo temptation. In
nearly every canvass since Jacuson ,
one or both of the great parties have
bad military candidates. General Sherman
bad such peculiar and striking elements of
popularity tbat party leaders bogt'Od and be
sought him to carry their standard , ( Us
election would have been a certainty , and
bo knew It , But bis answer was , " 1 will
not accept if nominated , and I will not serve
if elected , " "In every man's Ufa occurs an
epoch when be muit obooso bis own career ,
and when bo may not throw off the respons
ibility or tamely place bis destiny In tbo
bands of bis friends. Mine occurred In
Louisiana when , in 1880 , alone in the midst
of a ( tuple blinded by supposed
wrongs , 1 resolved to stand by the
union as long ns a. . fra ktiuntof It survived
on which to cling. I remember well the ex
periences of General ? , Jackson. Harrison ,
Taylor , Urnnt , Hnycs and GnrUold , all
elected because of their military services ,
nnd am warned , not encouraged , by thclrsald
experiences. " Not tho/loast ot the dramatic
memories which will distinguish this most
sincere nnd original adler In tbo dramn of
lilo will bo that ho will remain forever tbo
only American Mho refused tbo presidency
ot the United States , Though declining po
litical preferment for Ifltnsolf , ho rejoiced In
tbo honors bestowed upon any member of his
old armv. ' ! nra proud , " bo said , ' -that Bon
Harrison is our president ; that Fornkor ,
Hovoy , Filler nnd Humphrey are governors
of tbo great states of Ohio. Indiana , Illinois
and Kansai , all 'my boys,1" and ho would
have been wild with delight If ho coud have
added Slocum , governorjof Now York.
ills daily walks wcro n series of triumphal
proco slons. The multitudes never obtruded
unqn his privacy , but separated as bo approached
preached und united when bo passed to ex
press their Individual and collective affection
nnd gratitude. Tbo onrampmonts of the
Grand Army were time In nis absence , but
his presence called to cthpr from fifty to n
hundred thousand comrades to greet "Unclo
Billy" nnd rand thn heavens with the chorus
of "Marching Through Georgia.1' ' Ills
versatile genius met instantly and Instinct
ively the exacting requirements of nu Im
promptu address before a miscellaneous
nudlcnco. Ho possessed beyond most men
the quick sympathy with the occasion , tbo
seriousness and humor , the fervor und
story , the crisp argument and del
icacy of touch which rnnKo the
successful after dinner speech. Ho
was the most charmingly unconscious of con
versationalists. In bis cffacoraciuof himself ,
and cordial recognition of others , pictur-
osqup narrative ) of adventure , nnd keen an
alysis of character , dry humor , nnd hoi do-
fonsoor eulogy of n friend , his talk w.xs both
n panorama and n play. Ho was always a
boy , xvitta a boy's love of fun , keen Interest
In'current events , and transparent houojty
of thought and expression.
Ho loved the theater , and the stage , fool
ing the presence of a discriminating but ad
miring friend , was nt Its best when General
Sherman was in tbo nudlonco. Ho xvns
delightfully happy in tbo applause
nnd prniso of his countrymen nud
countrywomen. Ho felt that It came
from their hearts , ns It wont to his. Through
bis course ns a cndot at West Point and bis
career as a young officer bo revealed his
innermost soul in fioqucnt coircspondonco
with the daughter of his adopted father , who
became afterwards his wife , and whoso
wisdom , devotion nnd tenderness mndo bis
homo his haven and his heaven. No impute
thought over occupied his mind or unclean
word passed his lips. There wns something
so dcliroUi and deferential in bis treatment
of women , tbo comultmcnt was so sincere
both In manner and speech , that tbo knightly
courtesy of Bayard had In him the added
charm of a recognition of woman's equal
mind and judgment.
Uo lived in and With the public. There
wns something in the honesty nnd clear pur
pose of crowds which was in harmony with
tils ready sympathy and unreserved expres
sion and action on every question.
Ho delighted In largo cities , and especially
In Now York. The mighty and yet orderly
movements of great populations were In hnr-
monr with bis constant contemplation of
grand campaigns. Ilia.penetrating and sen
sitive mind found restjaud recreation In the
limitless varieties of metropolitan life. Hose
so quickly caucht the' step of every assem
blage , that ho was Equally at homo among
scientists , and Sunday scbool teachers ,
alumni associations and ) national societies ,
club festivities , chambers of commerce cele
brations and religions , , conventions. Ho
never hesitated to respond on any and all
these occasions to a cajl for a speech , and
always strucu a chord \yhlch was so In unison
with the thoucbt of bH-nudlonco as to leave
a lasting impression. iAf tor the most serious
uud important , of consultations or meetings ,
the small hours of tbojiUrht would often find
him the honored guest , a boon companion
among Bohemians , or'old comrades , but in
all the freedom of story and repartee , of
humor or recitation , neither ho nor they ever
for an instant forgot that they were in the
presence of GonerdLShorman.
Ho was-entirely free from ttao intense and
absorbing passion " forwealth , whirh uhdr-
acterizeSjOur times. Ho .know < lltto } , ofand <
cared loss for the prdcossesof " monov crottjng.
The ono place in tho"country where fortunes
were never estimated was his house , and his
was the only presence where riches , tholr ac
quirement and their uses were never dis
cussed. He was satisfied with his well-earned
pay from the government , and did not envy
these who possessed fortunes. In bis simple
tastes and childlike simplicity , as bo lived
anu moved in tbo midst of thn gigantic com
binations and * individual efforts to secure a
larger shore ot stocks and bonds and lands ,
bo stood to tbo financial expansions and re
vulsions of the day as did the vicar Walco-
field to the fashionable society of bis period.
This soldier , citizen and patriot , this model
njisband , father and friend , held a place in
every heart , and a seat by every fireside in the
land. His death carried a sense of personal
bereavement to every household and plunged
the country in mourninc. The imposing
catafalque has attracted tbo curiosity of
thousands , as it has borne to the tomb em
inent citizen or soldier , but the simple
caisson rumbllngovor the pavement and car
rying General Sherman to the side of his beloved -
loved wife and adored boy in tbo cemetery ,
drew tears from millions. His name and bis
fame , bis Ufa and his deeds are among thu
choicest gifts of God to this richly endowed
republic , and a precious legacy far the ex
ample and inspiration of coming generations.
"There is a million it" said a dealer when
asked about Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price
Oft. . .
wJl *
For some time past I've been a rheumatic.
I recently tried Salvation Oil which guvo mo
almost instant relief. I sincerely recom
mend it. James Gordon' Baltimore , Md.
It Hail a IIulo In It its the Jtliijnr Learned to
Ills Sorrow.
At a recent mooting of the Board of Coun
ty Commissioners , Mr. Paddock , for reasons
tbat were apparently satisfactory to himself ,
secured the adoption of a resolution by which
certified chocks accompanying bids wont to
the chairman of tbo committee to which tbo
bid was referred.
Mr. Paddock gave it out that bo did not
want the county clerk to take possession of
tbo checks , as that official bad no business
with them. Pursuant to this resolution. Mr.
Paddock obtained possession of a certified
check for SJ3 accompanying n' printing- bid ,
and tucked it down in his pocket whore it re
mained snugly ensconced until it was lost ,
and it was lost very completely , too , for
though bo hunted tor it high and low , tbo
grizzled commissioner could find noitbor
hldo nor hair of It.
Then the story cot out , much to Mr. Pad-
dock's annoyance and lie , ! ? mentally cursing
tbo hour when ho introduced tbo trouble
some resolution aforesaid. He will prosecute
bis search awhila IOIIKOT und then if the
tnlsslni ; chock Is not forthcoming will go
dowa Into bis jeans an .dlR up twonty-firo
good cases to remunerate tbo county for the
experience that ho wa ? , .allowed to accumu
late while grafting some of bis original ideas
on tbo roetbodR In vb uo for transacting
official business , ' ; JW
Mr. J , P. Blalzo , an extensive real estate
dealer In this city , iiarrdwly escaped ono of
tbo severest attacks of,1 pneumonia ivbllo in
the northern part of tbb state during the recent -
cent blizzard. Mr. Illafzo bad occasion to
drive several miles durTnir the storm and was
so tborougbly chilled tbat ha was unable to
get warm , and inside 6f < nn hour after his re
turn ho was tbrrateiieJTvvitb a severe case of
pneumonia , or long fover. Mr. Blalza sent
to tbo nearest drug store and got a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , of which ho
bad often noard , and took a number of largo
doses. Ho says tba effect was wonderful
and that In a short time ho was orcathlng
quite easily. Ho kept on taking the medicine
and tbo next dav was ublo to come to DOS
Moines. Mr. Blalze regards bU cure as Rim-
ply wonderful , and says bo will never travel
again without a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Tbo ( Dos Moiuos , Iowa )
Saturday Review , ii5 and 50 cent Dottles for
sale by druggists.
i. o
Dr. Blrnoy euros caiarrn. BKB bdc ! |
Jerry's lrunVua llipennlvo.
Jerry Kornand bos the reputation of being
a hard man to handle in the section of tbo
city which ho frequents , the Third ward.
Monday night ho visited a disreputable house
presided over by Bolla Brandon , who in
formed tbo police that she was "no slouch ' i
herself,1' and proceeded to give tbo priprlc- j |
tres aa exhibition of bis strength. Ho
smashed the furniture and when the pollco
arrived had just landed n swift tcft-h&ndor
on Miss Brandon's jaw. which the lady was
propnrlnp to return with nn nso. Time was
called and both parties taken to the pollco
station. This morning Jerry wns assessed
$ r > 0 nnd costs.
DoWitt's Siirsaparllla cleanses the blood ,
Incroasostho appetite and tones up the sys
tem. It has bonollttod many people who
have suffered from blood disorders. Itwlll
In thn Criminal Court ,
The cnso ot the state against A , J , itced ,
charged with embezzlement , that has boon
on trial before Judge Davis and n jury for
tha past two days was submitted yostej-
day wltboutargument , Assistant Prosecuting
Attorney Morcarty starting that under the
ovfdcnce bo could not ask for a conviction.
Tbo Jury was-Instructed to bring In a verdict
of not guilty.
The casts ot the stnto against Louis Sack ,
charged with cur burglary , was next called
and a jury empaneled. The prosecuting at
torney was staling bis case to the Jury whan
itvas discovered that tha defendant wns hot
present. A stop was put to the proceedings
until n bailiff could go over to the jail nnd
take possession of the person .of Mr. Sack
and bring him Into court.
j'.K/ < : trust.
Charles G. Stcolo o7 Norfolk is nt the Mill-
\V. C. Holdcu of Lincoln Is at the Ar
Ft Dalboy and wife of Hastings nro at the
J. H. Riggs of O'Neill is registered nt the
* S. M. J. Gnhan of Grand Inland is nt the
Fred B. Smith of Nebraska City i * nt the
Dellone. .
S. F. Wallace of Lincoln is stopping nt tbo
Emmons Rolfo of Nebraska City Is nt tbo
J. A. Richer of Fremont is registered at
tbo Arcade.
Gcorgo Boomer of Lead City , S. D. , is nt
tbo Pax ton.
F. W. Fisher of Hastings Is registered at
tbo Mlllnrd.
Chauncoy Abbott of Schuyler , Nob. , Is at
the Mlllard.
W. J. Biles nud J. W. Love of Fremont nro
at tbo Mlllnrd.
M. O'Toole , Now Castle , Nob. , is stopping
at tbo Mlllard.
H. Hall and wife of Fremont are stopping
at the Millard.
George P. Cowed of Pine Ridge , S. D. , Is
nt the Murray.
Hon. Orlando Sofft of Cass county was In
the city yesterday.
F. McCartney nnd wife of Nobrasica City
are at tbo Paxton.
W. II. Chapirnn of Grand Island Is stop
ping at the Arcado.
F. W. Jennl of Tckamah , Neb. , is regis
tered at the Arcado. .
James W , . Shobotn of Crete , Nob. , is regis
tered at tbo Mlllard.
John D. HIntzonscn. of Lincoln is rests- ,
torcd at the Murray.
Ray Nye nnd wife of Fremont nro domi
ciled at tbo Mil lard.
M. W. Cochrano of Wllber , Neb. , is stop
ping nt the Dollono.
H. R. Jackson of Ashland , Neb . ,1s reg
istered at the Dollono.
James M. Woods of Rapid City , S. D. , Is
stopping at the Puxtnn.
F. M. Snckott nnd W. W. Hauors of Al
bion , Neb. , nro at the Paxton.
J. C. Crawford nnd M. McLuughlln ot
West Point nro nt the Pnxton.
R. A. Moore and F. t < \ Gllcbrlst of Kear
ney are stopping at the Murray.
"Lnto to bed nnd oany to rise will shorten
the rood to your homo ioUho skies. " But
early to bed and a "Little Karly Riser. " the
pill that maitcs hfo longer and bolter and
Dr. Blrnoy.nosoand tnraat. B3K bldjj
"I liad a severe case of Sclatlcn and
for nearly two yean I was scarcely able to
I wcnttc Excelsior Springs , Mo. and re
mained two weeks ; drank freely of ttie
waters , especially that of the ItEQEXT
SPUING , and was cured. I am to-day as
Well a man as I over was in my life.
( Signed ) Jwo. T , BCCIIAKAN ,
Principal , Kansas City High School.
The waters are bottltd only by l/te Bxcel-
tlor Spring ! Company at
Excelsior Springs
Richardson Drug Co. , A ts. , Omalia , Jfcb
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing.
Cbappod Hands , "Wounds , Burno , Etc.
Removes and Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for USB in Hard Water ,
One Miimte Remedy
Tor all alfootloni of the
Tliroal , Lungs and Bronchlil Tu' ) }
For pale by
LeDuc's Periodical Pills.
Tbo Kronen remedy aoti directly uuon the
gonercUvoorjansaiiJcuroJsurujslonof [ | ) tha
mensj' , 82or tlireo forti. atid cm t > mailed.
ShouldnolbeuaaJdurlnipnxiiiiiioy. Jobbori.
I ir-ivclsu and tlio publlo luypllotl by Ooodmaa
. , Omaha
. . . - ,
To |
Tennis Shoes
NO goods sold at retail. Ask shoedcalers for the New
Jersev brand. They are at the topi
lam western aqent for the American Rubber Clothing
and Macintosh Co. Bie Stock. Eastern prices.
1111 Jlarney Street , Omaha , Scb
"NorvoSooda , "
the wonderful rvmcilr
U told nlth n writ
ten eiiitrnnleo to euro nil nervous clhon'oii , Mich m WrnkMrmnrr ,
tiO snr llraln IVnrer , Headache. Wnkclulnosv Lost Mnuhtxx ] , Nlplitlr IJnils-
Moris , Nerroimnoss. Lassltudo.nllilrnlns nnd loaanfpnnvror thoticncrnlUo
Orcnnsln rllhorioxcnuticil byovnr exertion , youthful orrorn. or ricc lvn
iiso of tobacco , opium or stimulants which noon trad to Inllrmllv. CoiiMinuv-
llon nnd Insanity. I'ut up convonlont to cnrrj Invent pocket. 81 pcrpnck-
neohr raalliD for5- > . with every $ Aorder wo ( rft-f nKtutrn ffunmntrt forure
orreJundthemontV' Circular free. Address Acrvo Heed fo. , C'ulcuBo , ill.
in Otnnhii by Sherman & MeConnoll , loin Dodge-st.
: Do yon Unow that a llttlo Cough !
is a dangerous tiling t
Will Stop a Cough at any time :
and Cure tbo worst Cold in :
; twelve hours. A 25 Cent bottlo-
! xnay save you $1OO in Doctor's :
bills-may save your life. ASK :
< 3OOT > .
: TOit 'PINT P
Dr. Acker's English Pills |
Sfinlf , pleaannt. n favorlto with tlio ladle * . S
S W. II. llOOKEIt & CO , U Wcrt nroadwoy , K. Y. S
For snAo by Kuhn &Co. , andSherman
AMcConnoll , Omaha.
are "Treated with Carbonalo of Soda , Magnesia ,
Potash or Blcatbonate of Soda. "
The usn of chemicals can be readily
detected by tha peculiar odor from newly
opened packages , nnd nlso from a glass
of wpter iu which a small quantity of
chemically treated cocoa baa boon placed
and allowed to remain for several days.
for more titan One Jlundrrd Year *
the liotite of Walter Itithcr Jt Co ,
have made their Cocoa 1'rrparattotit
J-attnt 2'roceit , Alkallci , or Dye * .
W. BAKER & CO. . Dorchester , Mass.
Tereons who Imvu lost property from Indian
nulls/should fllo tliolr claims under the Indian
DoiroJatlon | Act of Muroh'J , Ull. Tha tlinoU
limited , an 1 tlio olulins nro tuken up by tlio
court m the order Iu wliloh they are rosolvoU ,
Take Notice t licit all contract * entered into
with attorneys prior to the Aot are mill
null and void , Information Riven und all
claims uromptly aUondcd toby this
lire UuHtllnu ,
t37 TU | IHiroiui is friiaranteoJ by tlio
Oiiiulm Itco. the riouoor l'rci > s anil thu Bin
I'ranoibco Examiner.
Under the patronugo of
Mrs. M , D , FRAZAR ,
70 and ? \ Globe Uldg. , Boston.
Tour of 80 diiya , $500 ; Tour of fiO days ,
$400 ; Tour of CO Uiiyn. J375 ; Tour of15
days , $300.
All Irarellnj , hotel and ilgbl totting erpanioi In
(1'artlo * to eoll wltU Mr * . Kraiar , Jul/2 , straoi-
hlpKc\TiilA.CuuanlUne. lloittmi
NOIITU'H TAUT ) tomllJmif III. \ > j ttenui-
> lil | > I'AVUMA truia Uoalun. 7J < lar .ti > J
Appllcailluui muit bo mn.4a ut ouca [ ur ttili tour
will fur circular and rofarenco.
Army and
Soldiers an the Regular Arm
and Sailors , Seamen and Mar
ines in the United States Navy ,
since the War of the Rebellion ,
who have been discharged from
the service on account of
abilities incurred therein while-
in the line of duty , are
Entitled to Pension-
at the same rates and under the
same conditions as persons ren
dering the same service during
the War of the Rebellion ,
except that they are not entitled
under the new law or act of
June 27 , 189O.
Such personsre also entitle d
t3 pension whether discharged
from the service on account of
disability or by reason of expir
ation of term of service , if ,
while in the service and line
of duty , they incurred any
wound , injury or disease which
still disables them for manned
Wide ws and Ch 11dnn
of persons rendering service in
the regular army and navy
Since the War are
Entitled to Pension.
if the death ofthosoldler wasduo
to his service , or occurred whllo
he was in the service ,
Parents of Soldiers & Sailors
dying in the United States ser
vice since the War of'the Rebellion -
lion , or after discharge from the
service , from a cause originat
ing therein , leaving no widow ,
or child under the ago of stxteeti
years , ara entitled to pension if
now dependant upon their own
labor for support , whether the
soldier ever contributed to their
support or they were dopandent
upon Him at the time of hio
death or not.
As to title to ponslon , ADDRESS
Bee Bureau of Claims
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
on this map.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , arriving
rivingat Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
nnniT | HAMMUVoon CAIMUIK $ are UK ,
II 1 1 III I I QbBtt mill only cupaulin pri : crlbod bjr
uwwu i rir0lar | jihy.lcliun for lliu curu at
fiunorr lion mid Ul ibiiryo ( rum tliu urinar
Hrltturo In i ilnjrt II U pvr Lux ,