Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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TI.UMS or sunoitii'Tiox.
Tlnllylleo Iwillioiit Sundny ) Ono Yoar. . . . R Ml
llnllrnndSiitidiiy , OnoYunr. . in 00
PtxSlontlu . . . gM
Three Month * . . . . . . . . ' 2 no
f-undny Her , Ono Venn , . SCO
Bntiirifny Hcc. Ono Year. . . . . . J WJ
IVeoUlyllec. Ono Year. . "
Omnlin. The lire Building.
FomliOinnhn. rornor N nn < l Will HtreoU.
Council HlnnX 12 1'onrt Street.
G'hlcnro onicc. 3i7 chamber of qmnmerco.
Now Vork.ltooinM'1 , llnntl IS.Trlliiino Iliilldln ?
Washington , fill ) Fouricontli Street.
All communication * rolnlltiB to now * finil
editorial mutter should bo addressed tc the
LoiIcrl'U Department.
All tnnlnmi letter * and rornllfinrc * should
tonddres ed to Tlio Ilro I'ubllMilnjr Ootnpnny.
Oinnhit. llrnfw. chocks nn.l pmttilllep oruow
to bo mndo piiynlilo to tlio order of the coin-
llie EEC FDlsliini Company , Proprietor
Uato of Nebraska - .
County of Uouijlns. I
N. P. Kofi , business manager of The Hoe
1 nlillBlilhCompany. . does solemnly swear
tliuttlio notiinloiratmitlnii of TIIR HAII.V HEB
for the vicclt cndlnR March IM , I61H , wus ni
Hind . March 10. . S-jB ;
Wonrtny. March 21 . ' ' < > 1J
TtiFidiiy. MnrchSS. . ' % *
Wed h rod n y. Ma roh Zt. . K .BIM
rriinnulny. MnrcliS4 . 8'.R0
Friday. Mnreh s . I * " ' ]
Kuturdny. .March 20 . g rt
Sworn lol oforc nio and subscribed In my
presence IhlHVOth day of M rch. A. I ) . IBM.
HKAI. I > I * . HonoKjf.
Notary Public.
Circulation lor rrlirunry 24,510.
Tm : inotal In the st/indard silver dollar
lar hns now shrunk in its market vnluo to
n fraction below ( it ) contR.
Iho clock Blrllcos twelve to
niglit the lowfa loKislnturo will cloao its
eossion and silently stoul uwiiy.
itnd Crisp may yet bo forced
to settle the question of voracity between
them by an uppoal to the code duello.
Si'lUNOEit's free wool bill will prob
ably enjoy about as much popularity as
the Blond Bilvor bill. This is a do-noth-
inp congress.
JUNK 1 is now mentioned as the date
of the probable adjournment of congress.
Fortunately for the country , Juno 1 is
only about two mouths olT.
Till : secretaries of the Stuto Board of
Transportation still maintain a masterly
inactivity , but their pay goes right on
ut the rate of $2,000 a year" .
THIS chairman of the committee on
janitors of the Chicago Board of Educa
tion lias boon indicted for soliciting a
bribe. This is decidedly suggestive.
REPUIIUCAN clubs should bo formed
in ovary city , town and prouinct in the
Btato without delay. The next cam
paign moans business from start to fin
SKNATOR STKWAKT will now , in all
probability , push his silver bill to a vote
and force Hill , Gorman uuid Brice to
show their hand whether it passes or
Mil. BLAND orobably fools that there
are moments when ono should bo alone
and the present is ono of them. There
is nothing in parliamentary rules any
where cqualto the emergency.
GLAUS St'itECKLKS is not a philan
thropist. Ho is a sugar king for the
money there is In the dignity. Consequently
quently no otio is surprised to hoar that
lie has accepted advantageous terms
from the sugar combine.
Tinpollco oflicor who was assaulted
and shot at by burglars exhibited good
nerve , hut his services will bo tnoro
highly appreciated hereafter if ho will
tnanago to got the drop on the burglars
instead of glvin ? thorn that advantag
over himself.
ATTOUNISYS whoso avarice loads thorn
to extort unconscionable ) foes .or to on-
gago'in sharp practice to acquire real
estate , are beginning to understand tlmt
Judge Scott will make the temperature
very torrid in their vicinity. The latest
dread Scott decision catches a Burt
county attorney in avery disgraceful
transaction and burns a hole cloiin
through him.
Tim determination of the assessors to
list all corporation property in the ward
where it is situated , to Assess the Bolt
Line railway as alocal , corporation , and
to include all property not actually used
for churches , charitable and benevolent
institutions , will bo approved by all good
citi/ons. The prospects are good for a
thoroughly honest and olllclont assess
ment of all taxable property.
THK Wui'flprito is reported as a very
formidable ship which could make
BO nip iron of our heaviest cruisers. Wo
are also advised that Kugland has a
dozen such men-of-war within easy
roach of Boring BOO. Nevertheless , it
is observed that Lord Salisbury has
soon a way for the prompt renewal of. the
modus vlvendl , and poaching sealers
are advised that they go Into the dis
puted sea at their own risk.
Till ! Roul Kstato Owners association
bo idle all summer If It proposes to
depend upon its circulars to obtain funds
for prosecuting the good work it wishes
to undertake. Circular loiters are all
right in their way , bnt not ono man in
100 will give up cash In response to a
printed request. A live secretary or as
sistant secretary making a personal can
vass will do more In a week than circu
lars can accomplish iu a year.
FICKQUENT burglaries and other depre
dations are conclusive proof that a
round-up of all the toughs , vagrants and
disreputables will bo good policy , If the
police force Is not largo enough to make
n success of the job lot the ohlnf call in
a hundred citizens. Nothing has over
had so healthy an effect upon the vic
iously disposed of the city heretofore as
u general jailing of nil classes of persons
who hkvo uo visible menus of au pport.
It was to bo expected that the
government organs would nserlbo the
position taken by President Harrison in
the Boring sea controversy to political
motives. Bolng on the wrong sldo of
the argument and unable to controvert
the sound ami logical contention of this
government , It was entirely natural that
the British lory nuwipnpor * should en
deavor to belittle our position by charg
ing that It was prompted by oonsldo-a-
tiotiHof turty expediency , thereby im
plying Insincerity on the p.irt of thn
president. This is porhaiu pardonable
in the Knglish press , and ju-Ueulnrly
that po.-tion of it which represents the
views and policy of the government.
But It was not to bo expected that this
assumption of the English government
organs would find" authority and ap
proval from any repittuOlo American
newspapers , anil 11 is a notable illustra
tion of the intensity of partisan hostil
ity that it has done so. The democratic
and mugwump press have not hesitated
to assure the lory newspapers of Eng
land that they wore right In believing
that the president was seeking to make
political capital out of the controversy
for use In the presidential oiavtsj
They have charged Unit ho was endeav
oring to foment international trouble for
party or personal ond.s , that his aim waste
to work up an oxcllemont over this matter -
tor which would arouse national pride
and obscure the legitimate Issues of the
domestic political contest , The course
of the administration In Insisting upon
a proper and adoqu.Uo recognition of
the rights claimed by the United States ,
involving the preservation of a great
Industry of value to all mmklnd : and
imuorillcd by the piratical oper.ittond of
Canadian poachers , Is declared by the
partisan opponents of the president to
bo a "jingo" policy , dictated by a po
litical exigency.
The utter injustice of this charge , to
say nothing of the complete IIICK of
patriotic fooling which It implies , must
bo conceded by every fair-minded man
who has carefully followed the progress
of the Boring sea controversy under the
Harrison administration. Instead of
seeking to foment trouble , the conces
sions made in order to avoid trouble
have boon made chiefly by thla govern
ment. In arranging the terms of ar
bitration nearly every filing asked by the
British government was allowed. Twice
at least , after it was supposed that
everything had boon sallied- , Lord Salis
bury proposed changes , affecting moro
or less radically the original arrange
ment , which wore accepted by the ad
ministration. Although the importance
of timo.was felt to bo urgent , the Stito
dopaitmcnt was most Indulgent of the
tardy course of the British foreign
office and in every way , in short , this
government manifested the most earnest
desire to arrange for a peaceable anu
honorable adjustment of the contro
After the two governments had t > ot-
llod the question of arbitration , and the
treaty had boon sent to the senate. Lord
Salisbury decided not to renew the
agreement of last year for the protec
tion of the seal. This was a very vital
matter , and the surprise and disappoint
ment of the administration at the deci
sion was and reasonable. It hud
expected a renewal of the modus vlvendi
as an essential condition to arbitration.
Lord Salisbury was asked , in diplomatic
language as'frco from the "jingo" spirit
as it was possible to f riima It , to recon
sider his decision. Ho declined in very
positive terms to do so , and thereupon
this government replied that it must in
sist upon its demand fortho protection
of the seal ana if Grout Britain would
not join it in giving the necessary pro
tection it would assume the task alono.
Tho.'o was no menace in this. It' was
simply an assertion of the determination
of the government not to permit its
rights to bo ruthlessly violated and its
laws defied by British subjects , oven
though their operations had the coun-
tqnanco of their government , and it is a
position which should have the approval
of every American citizen.
The results have most amply vindi
cated the firm , judicious and patriotic
course of the administration. The last
note of Lord Salisbury is regarded as a
concession of the demand of this gov
ernment , the completeness of which is
not materially affected by the conditions
which ho proposes , and which it is un
derstood are satisfactory to the adminis
tration. The partisan critics of the
president nro discomtiltcd and the out
come , as now promise/ ) a diplomatic
victory for the administration of which
the country should bo proud.
A cirr
The ordinance creating the ofllco o
city electrician should bo unacted with
out delay. There is a sonsn of uneasi
ness all over the city regarding the
electric wiring that has boon done
heretofore. Much of it has boon care
lessly placed and the best business
blocks In the city nro in danger of flro
from electric sources. The business of
lighting by electricity Is comparatively
now and the multiplied uses to which
electricity is applied have compllcatod
the problem of how to deal with this
now element of danger very greatly in
all cities.
The consensus of opinion is that the
mechanical work of placing wires
should bo performed under expert super
vision , just as plumbing must bo don
by. men who have given proof of their
ability as plumbers , except that the rule
should go further. Not a wire should
bo locato'd in a private dwelling or busl
ness block , or upon the streets or alloys
without a permit from the electrician
who should ho required lo make test
that will afford a guaranty for the safety
of buildings. Thus responsibility for any
accident arising from nogljgetico mlgh :
readily bo detoriuinod anil a houlthfu' '
restraint be thus placed upon eloctri
contractors and companies.
The Inspection of the electric light
may ube bo placed under his control
though this should by no moans bo hi
principal duty. What wo want partlcu
lurly Is an export in electrical engineer
ing who Is familiar with the details o
electrical machinery. His first Uut
should bo the inspection of all building ,
penetrated by electric light wires , to do
tormina whether or not they are so
placed as to avoid ordinary rjsk from
lira 'He should then familiarize him
self with the whole electrical wire sys
tem of the city. Those duties will vo-
qulro an electrician and not a politician.
, Iff THK
An Englishman who Is largely Inter
ested In English and mortgage com
panies , which have placed $7,000,000 In
western investments , said to the repre
sentative of a Danvor paper , that Eng-
1'sh ' capital prefers the west for Invest
ments , bnt that the confidence of Invest
ors hud boon seriously shaken by nil-
verso legislation and by the apprehen
sion that there would bo more of It. Ho
said that the niton land law of Texan
had kept millions of foreign capital out
of Mint st.ito , and. although It hnd been
declared unconstitutional It will bo a
lorig time before Texas will recover
from the hnrm Inflicted by the passage
of Iho law. The demands of the alliance
n Knnsusand othorstatoH , ho said , had.
also hud the olloct to topol foreign capl-
> al from Investments In the west.
There is not the least reason to doubt
ho credibility of this testimony.
i\bumlnnt corroborative evidence could
undoubtedly be Bucuicd without much
dlllleulty. How seriously this \ynnt of
onlldonco on the part of foreign capital
msinterfered with the material prosper-
ty and progress of the west during the
two or three years can only be a
nailer of conjecture , but Ills not to bo
doubted that tlioo'ffccl has benn harmful ,
mil that "lho growth of the west must
continue to bo retarded HO long as lho
onditions which are responsible for the
ack of confidence remain. The attempt
to deprive aliens of rights In property ,
, vhich was done by the Texas law ,
.a ' not likely to bo general , because
t is well understood that such laws
are repugnant to our treaty obliga
tions , but there are manyothor ways
n which capital may bo repelled , and
some of those are contemplated In the
economic policy of the third parly.
No argument ought to bo necessary lo
prove the obvious proposition that it Is
not sound policy for a now country lo
drive awiy capital , and the more encour
agement that Is offered to foreign capi
tal to invest the greater the probability
of reducing and Icon ping down the rate
of interest , since that capllal is usually
salislicd with a reasonable return \vhoro
the investment is satisfactory. The
people of the west need lo give moro
careful and intelligent study lo Ibis sub
ject than they have horoloforo dona In
order lo slimulato development they
must invite capital by giving it every
necessary assurance of just protection.
The senate has unanimously ratified
the Boring sea arbitration treaty , with
out restrictive condilions. This action
clearly indicates that the last note of
rd Salisbury was satisfactory to lho
administration , and that the condilions
upon which ho stated Ihat the British
government would renew lho agreement
of lastyoar will bo accepted by this gov
ernment. Until this note was received
the general feeling in thosonalowas that
the treaty should bo ratified only with
the condition that the modus vivendi bo ,
renewed , and undoubtedly this is what
would have boon done had Lord Salis
bury persisted in his decision. His
concession , however , changed the silua-
lion mosl materially , and lho earnest
desire of this government to roach a
peaceable and honorable settlement of
the Boring sea dispute is again mani
fested in t'.io attitude of lho administra
tion and the action of the senate.
This controversy may now be regarded
as practically at an end , so fur as di
plomacy is concerned. There will bo
some further correspondence relating to
the new conditions proposed by lho
British government , but no ditllculty Is
apprehended in coming to a satisfuclory
understanding. The U'Jiled States gov
ernment having now fully performed its
part , It is to bo presumed that the Brit-
ish-govornmont will lose no time in , mak
ing good its assurances , and if the con
troversy shall bo submitted to the arbi
trators as promplly as possible a solllo-
mcnt may bo reached before the sealing
season of 1803 comes round. At nny rate ,
all present danger of n moro serious con
flict over Ihis dispute has passed , and
thd administration of President Harri
son is to bo credited with a notable dip
lomatic victory.
In laying out the paving dislricts for
the present year the council should en
deavor to work from lho cenlor lo the
circumference. There are still fifteen
or twenty unpaged blocks in the very
heart of the city. Douglas , between
Sixteenth and Twentieth , and lho cross
streets west of Sixteenth lo Twentieth
between Fiirnam and Dodge are porlcct
quagmires and the paved thoroughfares
that have been the pride of. the ally nro
constantly overlaid with the mire that
isdoposltoi upon them after every rain
storm from lho adjacent unpaved streets.
This isnlsotruoof Park nvonuo , Georgia
avenue and cross streets in the south
western portion of the city. In a measure
uro this nogiect to pave from center to
circumference has also made almost iirv
passable-tho paved streets irl the northern
orn portion of the city and made street
cleaning and street sweeping almost
The policy of paving by stro-iks nero
und there in the outskirts and leaving
whole streets unpaved in the populutlui
and trallle centers is unbuslness like am
destroys the primary object of our pave
ments , namely , the cleanliness ,
tiealthfulnosa and oao of locomotion.
So long as the present policy is puruued
wo may as weir discontinue street clean
Ing and quit bragging about Omaha beIng
Ing the best paved city in the west.
AS SIIOIIT have boon expected the
Pullman car bill , which p.-opnsod to
regulate the rates of fare on sleeping
pars , hns boon defeated by the lowi
legislature. A liberal distribution of
Pullmun car passes and a deposit of
axle grease whore the croaking was
loudest had lho desired ulfect.
cannot n'Jord to have the statement of
her prosecuting attorney thai It is im
passible to convict a while man for i < ill-
ing an Indian go unchallenged. Cor-
ta'.nly a slate or society which would
thus dibcrlmlnato between a miserable
equuw man and an Indian cannot exist
unong the intojHgont settlers of Pen-
nlngton countyjuaTfto Indians have not
orgolton the flnSco of a trial nccordcd
ho cold-bloodqi murderers of old Few
Tails , but that/ / ( crime happened when
ho tribes wcrtS'hostllo ' and Is thus pulll-
itod , though noft justified. The present
case of the murder of an Indian by
kVhlpplo Is abfi Aitoly Inexcusable , and
ho evidence appears to bo conclusive
against Whlppt i. South Dakota has
suffered cnoughipn account of the Few
Tails case. Shorishoiild force her law
onicors to proseiitUo this murderer to the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
MIL BRYAN'S ' organ In these parts ,
commenting on the speech of lho hnnd-
mo-down statesman from Nebraska , pro-
"ossos lo have discovered that the tariff
ogislatlon of congress hns increased the
lumber of , tenant farmers by making
agriculture loss protllablo. Admlllitig ,
'or ' lho sake of nrgumo'nt only , that the
tariff has made farming loss prollltiblo ,
mw can anj' sanq man conclude Unit 11
ncrcascs lho number of tenant formers ?
Will a shoemaker hlro hands to make
shoes when ho llnds it unprofitable to
nnko them with his own hands ? The
doa Is preposterous that a router can
cultivate the land ho rents at less cost
, hnn the owner of the same land who
: UIB no rent lo pay. If lho Bryan argu
ment wore correct the owners of lands
would not bo able lo secure tenants on
any condition.
TllK deeper the Chicago grand jury
digs Into the municipal compost the
more rotten becomes lho moss.
Just I.I hi ) the Miaul.
t'liitiHlrliMtl Time * . „
Curiously enough wtion brought to thn test
Lbo claims of the free silver folks fell oft
quite 3D per cout.
Wlmt Killed lllund.
Pt'ew 1'orfc IPofW.
Wbon Mr. Blnnd tntnglos free colnnpo with
tyrauny mid autocracy ho will proonbly find
that his cnusn is weakened instead of
ATvplrul UmnurriilU' Itosi ,
Clitcaao ncrahl.
It bcco'aios moro and moro ovtdont from
the sentiment manifested by tbo democrats
ot Illinois at their county conventions that
they nro not Rolrtg to nomlnnto a mnn for
Rovqrnor of this state merely because tbo
boss gambler of Chicago says they must.
A Korlcirn Hupr.
GMit'Dcmucmt ,
If all the democrats had the couraRO of
tboir Ignorance that Dtand bill would have
ooeti sent to the ptliUo last week. The four
of the defeat of Ibolr national ticket in the
coming canvussv/forced / many free coinage
men to oppose tb'AC'mensuro when It was up.
A PatMut for Profit.
Glileago Times. ,
Ben Butler snjj' wants to see the Ameri
can ( tap \vavingtfrijni the north polo. No
doubt ho dooj , 'fehd ' from every other polo ,
stick , city uall.'HLtlo rod echoolhouso and
fourth-class poatoQlco. Bon has a monopoly
of the bunting bus'fnos , : and. llkos to sea trade
boom. ' * OTK <
A Vriyzlcd llooiu.
DftQMt five. I'l'CfS.
'Xho.AlROr boom seems'to lag , and hij home
org-unWis try in ? " tostart it up by.opposing
Harrison's rcnomlnation acd invltifl"g Jibe
frlo'nds of all the other , candidates to'join In
the exorcises. But It won't do. There nro a
few men besides Harrison who stand some
shouof a chance of pottincr tbo republican
nomination , but General Algcr is not otio of
Ignorance ami Mullcc. ,
CMcQJH Kcict.
.The tory newspapers of Encland are fain
to bollevo tbat the vigorous policy adopted
by the president regarding the Benne sea
matter is a bid for political favor. They say
about tbo same thin ? whenever tbo prosi-
dontof this country signs a bill or holds a
reception. la fact , English newspaper
writers seem to believe- that presidential
elections1 are hold In America every llftoen
Death o'fii Noted Editor.
Kanxcif f'iljJournal. .
For moro than ; twenty jears Morrison
Mumfordhas been.r. prominontcbarautorand
an Important factor in political and general
affairs of the rapidly prowlupr west , und to ,
Kansas City bo bos been a never faltering
champion end a never tiring friend. His
dnatb leaves his place vacant. In whatever
bo undertook to do ho never recognized the
possibility of failure so long as physical en
durance und time loft a straw within his
grasp. Countless bonellclarlos of these
characteristics ol tbo man will road of tbo
ending of bis llfo work with feelings of the
slncorost grief. If there nro any executions
to the rule , they are of tnoso who received
but never gave.
At all times his chief pride ivas his news
paper ( the Times ) . In tbat wora centered
his um&lllons , his hopes and his care.0.
It is not without warrant , to say
that his failure lo stum the tide of
business complications , tvhich roiultod in
the loss of bis paper , was m a very great
measure responsible for bis death. This fact ,
If nothing oho , would account ( or the feeling
of universal sympathy that toaay pervades
this community , whore bis every Influence
has been so strongly felt. The world Is Just
to ono who has its sympathies , and oven ene
mies and cowards smile approval of the trulh
when death stands witness.
HT.IUT AfTO Till !
Boston Traveler * ; Ho cortamly ewes his
coltogo und comrndiiwealth an explanation , If
ho has ono to oflJr."atid if ho is prepared to
stand by what" he said on the occasion referred -
forrod to we canfvoo help thinking tnat bis
usefulness lit Harvard is over.
Now York AdvMHiUor : By tbo utterance
of a few liindlv onjmonplaods ho hns doubtless -
loss won the Mormon heart. His are the llrat
charitable wordrttiat they have over heard.
And uoyond question they have etirrcd a
pratitudo that will malte of Utah another
Harvard annex , 3 |
Now York Uuu Wo thlnit that President
Eliot has a ccrtaUvtendency , , not uncommon
in Now England , ' jio Instruct poisons who
have passed the' juool ago as to their dutioi ;
and in his parqifiiailons { | through the coun
try ho is 8onietime.-j.u llttlo unfortunate in bis
choice of subjoclg.j
Buffalo Kxpnjijf , President Eliot of Har
vard got so wrapped up with generalities
about colonies b lnM founded by persecuted
rellgtaus sect ! thathu lot himself compare
tbo Mormons with tbo pilgrim fathers. Dr.
Eliot Is like allother mugwumps. Ho fixes
hU general theory and if practical , ovory-day
oxpcrlonco doesn't lit , ! ! , do much tbo worst )
for experience.
Boston News : President Eliot has said
peculiar things In his lifo , but none tnat point
so menacingly at Insanity us his words at
Bait Lake City , iu wlncU ho compared the
Mormon emigration and nottlement to the
adventure of tbo Puritans , with the plain
implication thut the persecutions suffered by
the latter wore wholly on a planu with the
necessity the Mormons have been undo' of
complying witu the laws of tuo United States.
Salt I.aKoTriouno : Itvns not that Prof.
Eliot received hospitalities from the salnt.i
und said kind things of them that any ono
hero objected to bis romurki. It was tbat bo
went out of his way to Intimate very strongly
tnnl the saints bad been put under harab and
.unjust restrictions by the government of the
United Htntoi , and that tbcru are certain
lib'rtloi oujoycd-ln Massachusetts which'aro
not permitted to the people of toll territory ;
nnd ho sntd It in such n wny that ho carried
tbc Idea that. In his desire to toady to a cer
tain elms hero , ho WAI willing to botrny his
Ignoranca and to make , If necessary , falsa
statements. Alt In all , ho made a procloun
old ninny of himself , even as ho generally
doc * when ho gets on n rostrum ana opens
his month.
Philadelphia Lodger : President Eliot of
Harvard said some liberal things to the Mor
mons at a mooting In the Mormon temple
( Salt Lnko City ) an evening or two ago , and
not only nmong the gentiles In Utah , but
down In Now Knglnnd nn notation is the re
sult. President Eliot'n friends nvor that
what ho really said 1ms been exaggerated.
Later ono may expect somebody to nsiort
that the Harvard president nas concluded to
settle down in Salt Lake nnd otnbraco Mor-
Chicago Inter Ocean : President Clmrlos
\V. Eliot , In defense of his sooech In the
Mormon tompio nt Salt Lake , hns telegraphed -
graphed to lho Boston Advertiser : "Polyg
amy Is completely abandonee ! as n doctrine
of tbo Mermen church , nud hn * boon mndo n
cnmo hv the vote of Mormons. " On tbU
point tlio people who hyo In Salt Lnko ami
In nil parts of Utah do not nproo with Presi
dent Eliot , nnd It must bo confessed that n
resident of years know.i moro than a visitor
of two days.
Sprlncflold ( Mass. ) Hopuhllcnn : President
Eliot of Harvard will begin to wish pretty
soon that bo hntl not mndo nny speech nt nil
to tbo Snlt Lake Mormons , nnd probably
wishes now thnt ho hud not slopped over
qulto so badly ns hodid. . The gontllos In
Utah nro sconlng nt him for his eulogy of
Mormonism ; In Denver they nro Inughing nt
htm nnd nt homo in Cambridge the sludonts
and professors of hU own college do not dls-
KUiso their opinion that ho has made a hnd
HCHV the Stntnt Will Count In tlm Klcn-
torat < lnllrc. |
The following table exhibits the electoral
votes of the states uii'ler boththu old and the
new apportionment. The Increase In the
total vote sluco ISSS Is accounted for to the
extant of twenty votes by the creation of the
now states of Idaho , Montana , North Dakota ,
South Dakota , Washington nnd Wyoming ,
nnd ns to the romnlndor by additions of
twenty-three votes to the apportionments of
slate ? , ns follows : Alabama , 1 ; Arkansas , ! ;
California , 1 ; Colorado , 1 ; Georgia , 1 ; Illi
nois , U ; Kansas , 1 ; Massachusetts , I ; Michi
gan , 1 ; Minnesota , - ; Missouri , 1 ; Nebraska ,
3 ; Now Jcrsov ' , 1 ; Oregon , 1 ; Pennsylvania ,
3 : Texas' S ; Wisconsin , ' ! :
Suites. 1838. ISO !
Alabama 10 11
Arkansas 7 8
California 8 0
Colorado It 4
Connecticut 0 n
Delaware 3 3
KlorldX 4 4
( tporila 12 I'l
Idaho a
Illinois 22 24
Indiana 13 15
lpwi : . ii : 13
Knnsis 0 10
Kentucky H M
Louisiana 8 8
Maine 0 G
Maryland 8 R
Massachusetts 14 l.'i
.MIciilL-an 13 14
Minnesota 7 U
Ml.s-ysslpnl 0 0
Missouri 10 17
.Montana : i
NuDrasko. 5 8
Novatln II II
Now Ilanilislilro 4 4
Now Jersey U 10
Now York 33 30
North Carolina 11 11
North Dakota II
Ohio 23 23
Oregon 3 4
I'onnsylVanla 30 3J
Khodo Island 4 4
Pnnth Carolina 0 U
South Dakota 4
Tennessee 12 12
Texas 13 15
Vermont 4 4
Virginia 13 12
Washington 4
Wost. Virginia. fi
Wisconsin 11 12
Wyoming 3
Total 401 44
States organized slnco 1833.
Now Orleans IVcaynnc : Souvenir spoons
have created iiulto n stir-
JVcio Ynili HcriiM.
The parson from Ills imlplisought to extirpate
the rliiu- .
And his soul was HUed with rapture nt the
tuospoct of the thin.- ,
And ho wiidai ! In with visor , nnd ho smote
them hip und thigh.
Till ho fancied In Ills Innocence that victory
was nl h ,
Itut the rlnz had lots of patienceand It smile
u childlike smile.
And It bided Its own Inning for a brief yet
trylus wiillo :
Then It look Its llttlchoycott , when It thought
the time was ripe.
Ana It Knocked that parson silly with ono
swift , cyclonic swipe.
Dallas News : \Yliiin yon see H man In n
hrnwn study yon may know that his iipoao U
Boston Conrlur : A chaplain In a pcnltnn-
tinry novnr has to exert himself to "Hold his
audience. "
Somerville Journal : The tlmo Is almost
hero when the family miiii who docs not Unnw have an opportunity ,
tn learn.
now IT WOULD wnmr.
7iii//iiiifiiinf/i / / / Journal.
Tlio grfnt whlto car In I'otorshurg
The kaiser In llerllti.
Ilavu dared each nthorout to light.
Ho lot the fray bozln.
The border's dyed n deep , deep red ,
In battle , wirnnd sin ,
Tlio czar Is s.ifo In I'otursbur/ ,
The kaiser In Ilorliii.
Chicago Trillium : Intolllcont 1'oralunor ( to
imrloronr iiciiuuiiitiincol I mil Indebted tn
you , sir , for n most oiiloynblo afternoon und
inurh political Information. You are In pub-
llo llfo. I presume ?
Dlstlnaulslied-l.ooUInz American No , sir.
I nm u lieutenant governor.
Detroit Kreo Press : The manager of thn
dime museum was feeling prcttv rocky wlittn
ho mot the snaUocliarinor nt dinner.
"How nro your snakes todayV'J ho Inquired
by way of salutation.
"All In tholrciizoH. ho responded p oiis-
antly. "How nro yours ? " ana tbo manager
wont out tnthullowiii'i hydrant In the buck
yurd and stuck Ins head under It.
Washington fit ir : "I don't know. " tnlrt the
coed InoUlnir pnllccniiin. "Unit I won't hive : Hi
have BOIIIO of these Indies arrested for roslsl-
iiin annfllccr. That's the third one who has
refused to lot mo help her over the crossing
Hartford Jnumill : The latest fad Is to turn
the buulcof the piano away from the wall and
tnwiirdD lho room. If tbo uurformor could
now hu Indnuou to turn hur buck to the plunn
nil would bo well.
Philadelphia Times : Many n , man who rn-
lolc'cs ut the nrobnblo nxtoi initiation of trusts
in this country kicks If liU i.illor shows nny
willingness to help along Its coming In his
own dealings.
K'mlra ' Oazotto : Jiuson savs It Is no proof
that lovu Is purmnnuntly blind simply hc-
uanso u bridal trip to Niagara I'ulu doesn't
remove thu cataract.
Yonkuri Gazette ; "Hut" U n conjunction ,
but you liuvitr ruullzo U < > thoroughly as
when u ( .oat uilmlnlslvjs It.
TIIK.uriit \ \ < ; / / ; / -
Dttnitt Trllmne.
Oh. she Isn't very piotty ,
llutslie husn Hauev noo.
And you but your llfo Hill's gritty
liatner more than you'd mippoio.
Bhncan f.icn tlio moanosl drummer
With thn utmostof HIII ? frold ,
And nmtfo him think hU mamma
Should ho curl us for her boy ,
Hhuc'in ' Bllonco any kicker
Iiinfrnutlonof utrlt'o. ,
And muko bun think shu'sullokor
Tliau ailnllur c.ikc ( if Ice.
Shu can be UK Rimxitli as butter ,
Or UK hunl us U the bra id.
Him will also bo t'nui utter"
Whun u muslior turns her head.
Sh speak * Chinese and /.ulu
Wliti llnunoy uiul < ! " > ,
And chewa on talfy-tiilu
in u wuy tlut' * uru to please.
To England's tonnno u stranser
With seine oxowpllona rare
And that U why tlicro'udunsor
In hororal billet faro.
Thouuh Blm's oaroluis In her talking ,
I will slnilly o r mil *
l > cn soleuldiiisuhooUlii :
I'orshostunda In wllli tlio cook.
Motion to Eoopon the Matter Argnod Before -
fore tlio Supreme Oonrt.
At the ConrliiMon of tlio Htntrincnts of tlio
Attornoyi tlio 'MotionVm liiken
Under Aih Uciurnt Duels-
Ion Kxpcrtpil Toit.iy ,
LINTOI.K , Nob. , March 20. | Special Tolo-
Rrnm to Tin : IlKK.J-Tho motion ot the
attorneys representing Ocucml Tlinyor to
reopen the Tlinycr-Uoy-d case wns nrgucil DO-
fore the supreme court thla forenoon.
Thuyer was rcprosontod by Hlalr ntul Ueoso
nnd Uovcrnor Uoyd bv Oonoral Cowln.
niairronil aflldnvlts of Thnyer nnti lilimolf ,
ns published , in Tin : Uiiii on Sunday , nnd
nsUod the court to reopen the case mul per
mit Thayer to fllo u roplv to Hoyil's answer.
General Cowln made n strong nivuincnt In
opposition to the motion. Ho called the nt-
tontion of the court to the fact thnt Thayor's
dotnurror was not nn ordinary doni'irror ' , uut
thnt It wn In fact n prayer for Jiulirment on
lho pleadings. Ilo stntod that vtio Nebraska
court bad not only sustained the demurrer ,
but und entered Judgment on the pleading
nnd Issued u writ of ouster o > i Uoyd without
giving the latter an opportunity to lilo
mi amended answer. Oonoral Cowln then
rovlowou the case from Its inception
to the day the opinion of lho supreme court
of the United Stutoa wns wcordod. Ho main
tained that thu supreme court of the United
Stntos hud by n majority of a quorum of the
bench established the fact of Governor
Uoyd's ' citizenship. Mr. Cowln spoke for
oyur nn hour and his brief argument was
both eloquent and complete.
In reply Mr. Blair nrKUcd that the decis
ion of tuo supreme court of tlioUnltodStntos
in effect decided nothing hut thnt the Ne
braska court erred In sustaining Ttmycr's
demurrer. On the question of citizenship ho
maintained that four judges had dlssonli-d
from the opinion of the other four , thus leav
ing the question undccldod.
Judgu Uecso of this city also made n brief
argument on the motion to reopen the caso.
At the conclusion of the arguments Chief
Justice Maxwell stntod that the motion
would bo taken under advisement. No de
cision Is looked for before tomorrow.
Hull road Company Makes Aiinwcr.
The attorneys of the U. & M. railroad have
fllo'l.thoir answer to the comnUilut mndo by
the citizens of the town of Hulo before the
State Board of Transportation In regard to
the opening of Commercial street across the
company's right of wav through that town.
In their complaint the Hulo people assorted
that the railroad company had closed ono of
the principal business thoroughfares of tno
town to tlio great inconvenience of tuo
pooplo. The railroad company answers that
there Is a deep excavation where the railroad
crosses the ntrcot referred to which Interferes -
torforos with the use of the street as a public
highway ; that It Is wholly impracticable to
grudo the street across the rlgdt of way and
that It Is equally impracticable to bridge the
sumo overhead. A crossing nt the piauo In
dicated would oo unnecessary and danger
ous. It is also alleged tbat tbo public Is not
inconvenienced by reason of lho closing of
the street , as the street on either sldo is open
and kept in good repair. Tbo board will
bear the case at an early date.
Litigation Over u Ciuriloii.
The nttentlon of Judge Hall and a jur/
was engaged this afternoon in a suit over a
market garden. The case was brought by
Christian Adams against the Lincoln Street
Railway company. Anderson runs a murkot
garden on both sides of Hill street near
Eighth. This garden was drained Uy a small
ravine. When the railway company ex
tended Its line along Hill street It crossed
this ravine nt rlgnt angles , thus forming a
dam which backs up the water whenever
there Is u heavy rain and thus overflows the
pardon and cellar of the plaintiff. , Hu sued
for damages in the amount of 52,500.
Supreme Court Not us.
Court mot pursuant to adjournment. The
following gentlemen wore Admitted to prac
tice : J. W. Evuns of Douglas county , Frank
M. Loomis of lotvo county , Willis L. Hand
of Buffalo county. The Jollowing causes
were argued and submitted : Parish vs Heal ,
Shot-win vs Giiebneon , Houek vs Homzman ,
Wttv-uo county vs Cobn , Dowlng vs Ovormlro ,
Walters vs Knutzon , ( joorgo vs Ednny ,
Clurko ilanklnp company vs Wright , Smith
vs Johnson , Chicago , Burllncton & Qulney
Railroad company vs Anderson , Coffmau vs
Headloy , Hash vs Baler , Harrington vs
Birdsall. The following cases were contin
ued : Gllcrostvs Nantkor. First National
bank VH B rstow , Seven "Vallevs bank vs
Smith. The following cases were dismissed :
Avcrhoft vs Sourlos , Majors va Irish , Mis
souri Pocillu Railway company vs Wen
ninger. Hico vs Gibus , motion for rehearing
sustained ; State ex rcl Pomaronn vs Cooper ,
case referred lo Jarao E. Ferris , esq. : Blake-
ley vs Missouri Pacific Hallway com pan v ,
submitted on motion to advance case ; Udall
vs Ovvon , dcatn of defendant suggested.
Court adjourned to Wednesday , MUCH 0.
Letter from Senator .Miinilcraiin.
Governor Boya today received the follow
ing sclf-oxplauatory letter from Senator
Mandorson : "I nm In receipt of vour favor
of the Hth msu , giving your opln'lon ns to
the necessity lor calling out the national
guards of the state during tlmSioux troubles
on our northern border In the winter of 18U. ! i
Your letter fs exactly what I desired , and If .
I am uuablo to add it us a supplement ' ,
to my report' I will use it when the till j
roraos up for consideration In tbo senate.
Prior to the receipt of your letter
the committee on military affairs of tbo son-
nto nuthorltod mo to report n bill making nn
appropriation of (13,000 , or o much thereof
ni might bo necessary , for the purpose of .
defraying the expenses of lho slnlo incident
lo this use of Rtnto troopi for nnltonal pur
poses. I expect lo got the bill through lho
senate shortly , nnd 1 hopothniinjr colleagues
in the house will give It their attention , so
thnt lho bill can bo mndo n law durlug Hits
session of congress. " '
Kent Money tn Litigation ,
.luilcoTIbbotts nml n Jury have been nb-
sorbod in the onto ofV. . II , Swlnton ngiilnst
Sheriff McClay. Two years ago lho sheriff ,
under an cxccullon issued by the district
court , took charge of n stcion of goods owned
by n man nninoil Mognphnn. The matter
became Involved In n series ot law suits , nnd
In the menntlmo the goods were sold out ,
Swlnton owned thn building where lho goods
were sold , mul ho now sues IhcthcrllT for
tbo sum of fSOO , which ho contends that 1
duo him ns rental for his property.
OiliU nnil Knd ,
The public librnrv has received n lnro
shipment of books direct from Sweden M
nn addition to the Swedish section. , ,
Nelson Weslovor's M.OOO dnmapo case jr * ]
ngalnst Chief of 1'olico Dingo * was reaohod < f "
In district court today but postponed for
llftoun days.
The Young Men's ' Kopubllciin olubwlll
hold mi important meeting nt the Capital
hotel tomorrow evening.
I'ho now Young .Men's Christian Associa
tion building will bo formally dedicated to
morrow ovonlng.
The rear wall of tbo bulliliuc tit 015 O & * " 1
street was this morning condemned ns un-'sf ' ft ]
safe by the chief of the lira department. * i |
Judge Uorgolt hns so fnrrocovored ns to bo
able to wullc nrouiul the houao , lie is in n
fair wnv to resume his oftlclnl duties.
In order lo circumvent the ticket specu
lators Manager Church of thu Lauslng
thcnlor lint arranged lo give n matinee jior-
fornmnca of ' 'Slnbad" Thursday nflornoon
nt popular'pricos.
Meyer llolliiiiin , thn Votnrnu Merchant ,
Diet Alter u 1'rotractoit lllnnns.
The ranks of tlio old settlers are fast being
depopulated by the reaper whoso name is
Death. The latest to respond to tiio sum
mons is Meyer Hcllinan , who , calmly nud
peacefully , like n child asleep , passed away-
nt ll-0 : yesterday morning , after an
illness of three wcolo , For nvock
past It was thought that Mr. Hell
man would recover from his throat
affection , nn ho bad at other times , for bo has
been n sufferer for .vein's from the malntlv
which finally refused to yield to the minis'-
trattons of the phynicliins , but ho grew
gradually worse nnd sink Into unconscious
ness an hour alid u half before dissolution
sot in.
At lho time of his death Mi bedside was
surrounded by the members of Ills famlly.his
wife ; Blanche , his eldest daughter ; Milbol ,
Selma , Lillian , Clarence and his yonngost
child , Gracie , iu addition to the attendants ,
who watched the growth of the disease from
the moment ho was compelled to take his
Mover Bellman was born at Muolliauson ,
Germany. November 0 , 1&I. ) and was thorc-
fore iu his fiStli year at the tlmo of his death.
Ho came to Amodca In May , 1830 , and lo
cated In Cincinnati , where ho entered busi
ness for a clothing house as Its traveling
representative. In tils travels through the
country ho observed the growing power of
the west and , believing that the "star of am-
plro" was to the westwardHnully decided to
east his fortunes Iu Omaha , then a very
young village , and ho located in the metropo
lis of Nobrajua m ISoO. w-i
Where the Firat National bank now stands' , i
a modest store was erected by M. .Holiman &
Co. , the company until 1SSU being Mr. Aaron
Calin , his brother-in-law , aud for ten years
the firm continued in business there. With
tnoir success cnmo increased pronorty Inter
ests and not a great wiillo after the flrtn had
started in trade they hud purchased the cor
ner lot nt Thirteenth und Furiinm.
In ISM a disastrous lire swept away the
ono and two-story frame houses in the block
whore the Hellman store originally stood.nad
for a tlrao the block was unoccupied. But the
different lot owners got together nud decided
to build a brick block , M. Holiman & Co. ,
taking the southeast corner of Furiiam and
Thirteenth streets for tBoir site.
' On August l.'i , 1871 , M. Ilollman was mar
ried to Miss Mnrin Hau of Louisville , Kv.
In addition to a wife und six children Mr.
Holiman loaves n brother and two sisters to
mourn his demise , Mr. Ben Hellman of
Cheyenne , who is now In the city. Mrs. Aaron
Cahn of O mall a und Mrs. David Wise of Cin
Ho was ono of the members of Capital
lidge No. 3 Ancient Free and Acojptid
Masons , ana for many years a member of lho
Hoyal Arch Chapter , of which bodies , as well
as of the Tompio Craft , ho has .boon treas
urer. Ho was also a member of the Veteran
Free Masons of Nebraska. Ha was also a
moraocr of the Hebrew Bonnvolout associa
It is thought the funeral will bo held
Thursday afternoon from the deceased's late
residence ou St. Mary's avenue , and will'bo
under tbo direct cbarcu of his Mason lo
brethren whoso interests bo served with sig
nal ability for many years and by whom bis
death wilt ho sincerely and universally
Cnmlng from Oregon.
Mr. G.V. . Stavor of Portland , Oro. , Is in
the city. Ho is the lay delegate to the
Methodist conference from the Portland an
nual conference. Mr. Stnvor says that a
groat-inanv people nro coming to Omaha from
the metropolis of Oregon , and In till pro Da-
blllty an excursion train will bo run to ac-
commodato the contoronuo visitors.
& co.
\V. \ Coniur liHii aii.l Dan lu
f '
School S lits
Now when you want them you can get
" them. ' For this Va
cation week we make
special prices on
every thing for the boys
KILT SUITS , # 7 . C\ up to
t'j leO years , fl 3 'V J4 und S5.
< l to
LONG 1'ANT 85 , < UO
lilto I uitoJO |
Boys' "Hats , } 50c , 75c , $1 and up , Shirt
Waists 40c , 75c , $1 up to # 6.50. Boys'
Hose with knee protectors , collars , neck
ties , all boys' furnishing goods and elegant
boys' spring overcoats at special prices for
this Vacation week. Pleasant parlors for
ladies' and children , to rest in or to make
purchases. Many new and novel styles.
Browning , King & Co
. W. Corner 1 5th and Douglas St