THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MARCH 30 , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL OFFICE : - NO. 32 PEARL STREET. ttlltcmlly Carrier to nny part of the City II.V. . TltTON. > MANAGER. Hti 'ne ' i Offlco . No il r . NoSJ N , Y. Plumbing Co Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Crnlt's chattel loans. 04 Snpp blocif. Wanted ( Jlrl for ccncral housework. Mrs. T. P. Tbickstun , 721 Willow avctiue. A mnrrlnRO license was issued yesterday to O. L. Hees of Omaha and Henrietta Dumber of Council BlulTs. Mr. Tostevin. ttio well known civil engi neer , has removed bis ofllco to WH Broadway , over IJoVol's storo. United States district court will convene this morning In the government building with Judge WooUon on tbo bench. ' A number of tbo members of the degree of Hcbckab will go to Ulcnwood tomorrow even ing to institute u new lodge of the order. The funeral of Mrs. Brcnneman will occur this ntttrnuon r.t 2 o'clock nt the Broadway Methodist church In the Hughes block , Hov. T. MclC. Stewart officiating. George Waters und Thomas Owens w H bavo n bearing bolero Judge McGee this afternoon nt 1 :30 : o'clock on the charge of robbing the cash drawer of William Keellno last Friday. The funcrnl of C. E. Stone occurred yester day nftcinoon nt the Trinity Methodist church , Kev T. MclC. Stewart of the Broad way Motbodlst churcn officiating. It wus attended by tbo members of tbe bar in n body. Articles of Incorporation were filed with the county recorder yesterday afternoon by the Delta lodgp. Independent Order of Odd Fellow * , of Avoua. The trustees whoso names were ndlxcd to the rrtlcles are F. Paulson , it. J. Bowman ana .1. C. Hctel. John Dunn sold bis business house near the intersection of Broadway nnd Scott street yesterday afternoon at auction. There were several bidders , and niter n coupio of hours' work on tbo part of the auctioneer the hammer tell and A. 1C. Larkin of Omaha was declared to be the highest bidder , tto amount ot his bid being $ . > ,2UO. Frank P. Paulson , son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley S. Paulson , died yesterday morning nt 7 o'clock at the residence of the parents , W3 Fifth avenue , aced 3 months. Mr. Paul son bad gone to Norfolk , Neb. , and was away at the tlmo of the little ono's death. An nouncement of the funeral will bo given later. The case of S. E. Maxon against the city of Council Bluffs , In which tbo plaintiff Is Becking to recover the amount of a bill for drawing plans for the lotvcr Broadway en tine house which were aftortvurd rejected bv the city council , was submitted in the dis trict court yesterday. A large -amount of loutino business was transacted by tbo court , It was expected that tbo criminals who were found guilty during the present term of the district court would bo sentenced yes terday but n crush of other work prevented Judge Thorn ell from reaching them , und only ono sentence was passed , Peter Egan being fined $100 for stealing 50 cents from n man numod Sheridan. Ho will servo out bis sentence In tbo county jail at the rate of n day. The business men of the city are taking considerable Interest in physical culture oi late. On Monday , Wednesday nnd Frldav afternoons from 5 to G o'clock special busi nessmen's classes nro held at tbo Young Men's Christian Association rooms , and on nny of these days quite a number can bo found there exercising their muscles. They nro unanimous In exprcrsing their approva of tbo system taught , and it is tbought-that a largo class will be worked up before long. Grand Spring 'Millinery Opening. On Monday , Tuesday and VVodncsdny of this week" Mrs. PfoilTer's pprinp rnil- Hnory opening will occur. It will' bo the most elnbornto thut Mrs. PfeilTcr has ever attempted , and has required weeks of preparation. Miss Lizzie Weitz , an expert trimmer and designer , who has had ten ycarfa' experience in Iho creat eastern wholesale houses , is in charge of the pattern room. The opening will include both stores , 220 nnd u41 Broadway. Tlio KliiR of Cusollnc Stoves. The old single generator Dangler was the best pnsolino steve cvor made , bu Shugart & Son hnvo n now Dangler thn is unquestionably the king of vnpoi stoves. It is called the Dangler Sur prlso , nnd is simply the old reliable steve with n perfect process generator nddcd. It burns a blue llnmp when lighted nnd has no odor in stopping or starting. Shugarts nro the only people who handle them. I'XKSlUf.lL I'AltAGllA 1'llS. Smith McPherson ot Rod Oak is In the city.A. . A. P. Cramer of Avocn was n Bluffs vis her yesterday. Judo ( K. M. Hubbard and wife 'of ( Jeda Itaplds nro in the city. Miss Anna McColm of Columbus , Neb. , is tbo guest of Miss Evu Barnard. Lewis Miles of Corydon , United States district attorney , is in the city. Dr. Miller of Tacomn. Wash. , Is the cues of Mrs. L. K. Hoe anil J. K. Ulco. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. O'Conncll have re turned Ire in a trio to Minneapolis. Thomas C. Shorwcod of Des Moincs ana M. K. Uilchrlst of Avoca ore at tboUruna hotel. F. II. Evans and Oscar Keellno have re turned from a duclt'hunling expedition in northern Iowa. Attorney W. R. Grcono of Audubon Is In thu city for the March term of federal court Ho is stopulng at the Grand. J. B. Rockefeller , a prominent attorney o Atlantic , arrived in the city ycstcrdnjaud i quartered at tbe Grand hotel. Irvine U. Parsons returned Ian evening from New , York where bo has been attend itiR Uellvuo Hospital Medical college. Frank I ! , jirooks , who lies been in the clt > for several days pa t in the interests of th' ChicaRO Tribune , left for bnmq last evening. D. 1C. Dodson will attend the annual con ference of the Luttcr Day Saints church , which will bo held nt Independence , Mo. , be ginning next week. Frederick A Soule , who is wanted in Chicago cage to testify before the crand Jury in the boodling alderman cases , left with his wife yesterday afternoon for the west over tbo Hock Island. How nro your awnings ? J. M. Latnelio , 131 Pearl. Only homo factory. It is with pleasure that Misses Sprinlc & Kearon announce to the public that they have secured the services of Miss M. Wheeler of Chicago to take charge of their trimming department. Will bo pleased to see all the Indies at our now parlors , No. 11) ) Main street. Seduction Case. Yesterday was the time set for the bearing of Ira Keycs of Villlsca on the charge of se duction. The defendant , accompanied by his attorney , W. II. Hedmond of Vlillsca , urrlvcd early In the mornlnp , and as they walked up the trcet to the offlco of Justlco Hammer , folloxveo. by nbout twenty men who had been subpa-nucd as witnesses , they made a somewhat Imposing ypoctacle. In tbo afternoon a chanpo of venue was taken to tbe court of Justice Cones , but a acluv was experienced by the refusal of Justlco Hammer to certify the ca .o to the other court uutll this toornlnr. The whole auy wns spent in wrancllop , the prosecution wlshlnp another continuance. Tbo case will bo broucbt up apaln this inorniuir , when Justice Hammer's transcript will bo on hand end a time set for the bearing. The defense will bo grounded on the char acter of tuo Drojocutine witness. Eastern money to lonn on real estate by H H. Shoafc , Uroadway und Main. I ' NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Henry Bethers Stabbed a Companion in the Face and Ran. IE WAS CAPTURED BY OFFICER CLAAR itgli Only 14 Years Old He tins ! Slated With Asoinlt How Ills Victim ' ttns ln. | reil Other Local NCUR Notes. "A disturbance was made last cvonlnc ; near ho corner of Broadway and Bryant street / ) a number of boys who enfjaced in a fight , Jne of them stabbed a companion In tbo faca vith a knlfo and started down the street as fast Bi > ho could run. Officer Claar Inter cepted and took him to the city Jail , where 10 was Muted with assault. Ho Rave his nnmo ns Henry Bctbcrs nnd Is a 14-year-ola brother ofCod Ucthcrs. who Is now in the county jail charged with the larceny of n wagon. HU victim , whoso nnmo Is Tarny , wns found to huvo received a bad cut in tbo nose , which Lied profusely. IT Avi1.1in : A tiiiKATVIUK > Some ( iTtlio Attraction * t the Ilnttnn Store Till * \Voi'J : roiiiitiilns ofrrrruinr. This week will bo a. hummer at the Boston store , Council Bluffs , nnd the people will have abundant inducement to como in oven if the weather should not bo just what is desired. The prlmo fact of interest to the ladies is the announcement that our immense block of spring dress poods is now on display , nnd no lady who loves the beautiful can fail to bo pleased with what feho sees. There are the latest novelties in wool nnd cotton dress goods , spring wraps and capes , novelties In hosiery , embroideries and lace flounc ing , silk mitts , gloves , umbrellas , cor sets , etc. The word novelties is used ndviscdlv. These goods are novelties , and the Indies will appreciate them. Ono of the most important events of the week will occur Friday and Satur day when Mr. Leon Meyers , the grout Now York perfume manufacturer , known as the Perfume King , will spend these days in the store introducing his high grade perfumes. There will bo sprays , jets and fountains of perfumes , and the whole block will bo filled with fragrance. Eight cases of Mr. Meyers' finest goods have been received and un packed , nnd some idea of their charac ter can ba obtained by the great dis play in our show window. There is more perfume in the Boston store ] ust now than can bo found in all the other houses in the Missouri valley , and on Friday and Saturday they will all go at special prices. 50c bottle of pnrfume nt 19c. 75c bottle of perfume nt olc , $1.00 bottle of perfume at Me. 50c bottle of Florida water , 1'Jc. 50c bottle bay rum , 19c. There ate all the standard odors and many now ones , all high grade , and for Friday and Saturday they go at above special prices. The lightning landscape artist is still with us and these desirous of having a handsome oil painting nt n nominal cost will do well to see us within the next few days. In wall D.tpers wo carry the largest and most complete stock in the city nnd all new poods not an old roll in the houso. Prices just about one-half regular paper dealers. Estimates fur nished. None but the best workmen cmploved. BOSTON STORE , Council Bluffs , Forthoringham , Whitelaw & Co. , Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices. Mail orders receive special attention and solicited. _ All on Account of n Woman. Several men were brought before Justlco Swenringen yesterday with battered up countenances as the result of a squabble in which a woman and the partial way in which she had dealt out her smiles and other favors played an important part. The names of the men who had been engaged in the fight were Frank Webster. J. M. Mul- vanov , John Mulvanoy , W. U. Irish , and Jacob PlcKard. Accordine to tbo story told bv the participants tbo quarrel arose a coupio of weeks ago when Irish asked a widow , Mrs. Mary Johns , to marry him. She was somewhat stunned by the suddenness of tbo proposal , and not having presence ot mind enough to toll him that she would be a sister to him , referred him to "Pap , " Dy which she meant the older Mulvanoy. Irish conceived the idea that Mrs. Johns had an exceedingly vrarra place In her heart for Mr. Mulvaney , and as Mr. Mulvaney wns u widower of several years'standing and in everv ' wav eligible , ho came to the conclusion that'the only thine for him to do under tbo premlsns was to annihilate Air. Mulvanoy nnd thus clear the coast. Ho nccoidlngly bided bis time , and last Saturday caught Mulvanoy out alone. Mulvaney claims that Irish made ah assault upon him with an axe tbat he held In his hand , while Irish claimed that the first blow was struck by tbc other man. In fact , tbo testimony of the two tncn is very conflicting , the only thing the parties are agreed upon being tbo fact tbat Mrs. .lobns llkoj Mr. Mulvanoy a great deal bettor than she docs Mr. Irish. Justice Swear- luge n is busily engaged in ravelling the tan gle , and ho had not completed the Job at tbo hour of adjourning court yesterday after noon. Tbo case will bo resumed this morn ing. The apron sale which xvas to have been held March 31 by the ladies of Broadway church has been postponed until Thursday. April 7 , on account of the death of Mrs. Brcnncman. Thomas Tostovin , civil engineer , over DeVol'H , 604 Broadway. A Few Day * Only. Miss Pauline Fgoldo of Minneapolis arrived at the Grand hotel yesterday with an exquisite line of fancy work. Ladies nro invited to call , Instructions in artistic embroidery. Stamping dono. Cainu Till * Way. A card was received at the oflico of tbo sheriff yesterday , asking that a lookout oo kept for a men who had stolen a horse , sad dle and bridle from Spearman's barn near Papllllon , Neb. , last Friday night , and was supposed to have come this way. AU accur ate description of the thief and the stolen property in his possession was given. A man answering tbo description perfectly was In tbo city Sunday and put his uorso up nt the Klo ! litcry barn. Unfortunately it was not known at tbat time that ho was wanted , and he was allowed to escape. Which direc tion ho took U not known. There ls n re ward of KO for the capture and conviction of the thief , and for tbo return of the property. Ewtsnson Music Co. , Masonic temple. J. C. Pryor. formerly of the Bank rupt bhoo store on Main street , is now with L. Kinnohnnatthocornorof Broad way and Bryant stteot and hopes to sco bis friends there. Walnut block nnd Wjomtng coal , fresh mined , received dally Thatcher , JO Main street _ * Jnrvls' wild blackberry Is the boot. Wanted at Itcil Oak. S. D. Vlers , a KeJ Oak man , has been brought to tbe city in charge ot a deputy United States marshal on a cbargo of violat ing the internal revenue laws. He was indicted in tbo district court of Montgomery county on tbe cbarco of selling liquor con trary to the state prohloltory law. Ills bond was fixed at tSOO , and at boon as it bad been properly signed ho skipped the country and I left hi * bondsmen to make good tbo lost. Kvcr slnco that time the state- authorities have been after him on the old cbarce , nnd the federal authorities on the charge of boot- Iccclnc ; . Ho was run down at Berioott , Nob. , nnd Is now confined in the county Jail of Polk county , awaiting his trial , which wiU come off at the present term ot the United States district court. _ O. Yunkorman &Co. . feed , seeds , com mission , country produce , 103 Broadway. Looking Oicr the Oroumti. Four members of the school board , Messrs. Shuucrt , Stacy. Field and ilrldenstoln went to the corner of Mudlson street and Orabnm avcnuo yesterday afternoon to look over the lots whlcb have boon oHered the school dls- tlct for the erection of n school building. President \Vnllo was unable to bo present nua Mr. Wells was out ot the city , so that no donnlto action was taken , but the probabil ity Is , as matters now stand , that the slto offered bv S. B. Wadsworth & Co. at the corner of iCnppcll nvcnuonnd Madison street will bo chosen nt the next tncetlnc of the board. The price demanded isTO3. ! . Knitter Opening. The Indies of Council Binds and Omaha will eoon have nn opportunity to witness the millinery opening of the season. It will bo held in Miss Rags- dale's millinery parlor , 33" Broadway , Thursday , Friday and Saturday , after noons and evenings. The Indies know what her openings have been in the past and they will feel certain that this will justify n visit. Motors Still Hun. It wns expected that the decision of Judge McGco in the case or Bixby against tbo motor compuuy would bo rendered yester day morning In the superior court according to the program laid down last wonk by the attorneys for the prosecution , and that the writ of injunction restraining the company from operating its trains on South First street would bo Issued. By request of the attorney for tbo defense a continuance was grunted until lhl ruornluc , and in the mean time It Is expected that an agreement will bo reached between the parties in the suit. Something Ahout Wall Taper. The Boston store this season has the largest stock of wall paper they have ever handled , nnd will make this a spe cial feature this year. Sonic of our competitors nro reputed to bo circulat ing the story that our papers do not measure out full-sized rolls. Wo invite the public to investigate this , and meas ure the paper they buy nt the Boston Store and save half the cost while dis covering that this Is n senseless clmrtro. BOSTON STORE , Council BlulTs. Wo hnvo our own vineyards in Califor nin. Jurvis Wine comoany , Co. Blutfs Jnrvls 1877 brandy , purest , snfest , best , Reiter , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has all the latest styles and newest goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. PROTECT SIXTEENTH STREET. Property O ner Protest Against Ahatulon- Ing the Present Street ami Viaduct. Citizens who take a pride in Sixteenth street as Omaha's great thorougblaro north and south , have nt last become awakened to the designs of interested property owners who are trying to bring about the abandon ment of the Sixteenth street viaduct , atten tion to whlcn plan wns first calloJ by THE BBC. This Induced a number ot citizens to hold an impromptu meeting at the Commer cial ( National bunk Monday , wbcro tbo question was fully discussnd. The meeting organized by the election of \V. V. Morse as chairman and M. H. Red- field , secretary. Mr. Alfred Millard stated the object of the meeting to bo to take vigorous step ) to se cure a new viaduct of steel and iron over Sixteenth street at the earliest possible date. The council bad passed an ordinance declar ing the necessity of such a structure and tbo present wooden bridre was in danger of falling down at any tlmo. Mr. Lewis Reed agreed that Sixteenth street should have a new viaduct in time , but bo said be was pledged to encourage the Fifteenth street structure first , after which ho would favor Iho Sixteenth street Improve ment. Hon. E. Rosewoter reviewed tbo situation , and stated tnat it was a mistake to assume that the Sixteenth street viaduct would oo speedily constructed after the trade was diverted over Fifteenth. The rail roads evidently intended to oppose one or both of tbo structures , and it was reasonably certain that ufter ono was built they would claim that no necessity ex isted for the older. While be favored th'e im provement of Fifteenth street , it would be un irreparable aamatre not only to tbo prop erty immediately affected , but to the city at largo if Slxteentn street was not tirst pro vided for. Councilman Mvnro suggested that tbo meeting should appoint a committee to con fer with tbo members of the council to enlist their support for Sixteenth street. The Idea was adopted and the chair ap pointed Major St. A. D. Balcombo , William Turner and M. H. Rodficld as such commit tee. tee.Mr. . Alfred Millard was elected as tbo pre siding ofllccr during the existence of the or ganization to whom the committee is to re port. Ho is empowered to call meetings and take necessary steps to preserve Sixteenth street as the great , thoroughfare north and nnd south. Property owners south of the viaduct will bold a mealing in the near future to clbcuss the question and take action. BOLD WORK OF THUGS. They Entice a Junk Man Into Cellar and llrutully Assault Him. Yesterday afternoon N. KiHlomnn , a scrap iron dealer , wai walking along St. Mary's ' avenue looking for a chance to pick up a bargain or a pleco of old iron. When near tno plumblnc- shop at the corner of Elgb toentb and St. Mary's avenue d coupio of men approached and said that they bad a fine assortment of scrap metal In a base ment near by and asked Klttloman to come and look at the stuff. Ho followed the two who were soon joined by a third. While stooping over to look at the Iron bo was assaulted in a brutal manner and badly bruised up. Ono of the assailants said that they bail nothing to sell and demanded his money. Tbo Hebrew - brow yelled loudly for help and the would- be robbers took to their heels. Kittleman reported the matter at tbo police station and bad the cuts and bruises on his face dressed. He gave a description of his assailants and later on Harry McVej and S. Laoaugh , both plumbers , were arrested and charged with assault with latent to rob. Their employer bailed them out. Tbo third parly to the crime has not been captured. Fire Near .Me Cook. McCooiv , Neb. , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] Western Nebraska caught a heavy wind today. It commenced blowing about 4 o'clock this morning and In- ciased.during the day. Several small buildings - ings wore uuroofed but no terlnus damage was done by the wma in this city. Some miscreant started a fire on the big divine south of this city which the wine soon fanned Into u perfect cyclone of lire and it swept all before It , burning over several thousand acres of land , and was stopped only when It reached the Republican river about't o'clock this evening. The wind bad subsided come and was not strong enough to carry tbo fire across the river. Word bat Just reached bore that several families have been burned out and some stock killed. Owlug to ttae lateness of the hour no definite repori cau bo made of tbo amount of damage done , Chill WIU Allow- the Clulini. [ CoplirlaMul iSKb'J Jma Gonl-m ntnntiU\ \ SANTIAGO , Chill , via Galveaton , Tex. March 23. [ By Mexican Cable to the New York Herald [ Special to TUB B BE. ] I am told that United States Minister Egan in conversation with officials of the Chilian for eign office relating ; to the CarUcn case said after reading the evidence submitted to him by Colonel McCrcery , that bo did not intent to move In tbo matter except to refer it to the State department at Wash ington , 1 also learn that the United States is DOW preparing tbo claims of the Inltlmorc's men. Thtc 'iris sent Monday rom Washington through trustworthy chan nels. , It is believed that \vb < 5n Iho rlalmi nro orc- cntcd to the Chilian cpngrosi tbo sums agreed ur/ou will bo TOtcfl'so M not to in any vlso acknowledge tbo rlgbV of the demand , > ut ns n charitable and humane act , similar o the precedent cstablUbca , by the United States In tbo cat o of ttt0 Chinese killed at lock Springs. JWAlt.S TlfyL'ltLK. ) r. M'Olllj-cm1 < lyTiilk 'A } > btit Affairs nt the Indian Acriiclr * . CHICAGO , III. , March 23. Dr. V. T. M'GU- I cuddy , formerly the Indian Agent at Pine dago , called at nrmy headquarters today and gnvo it ns bis opinion that trouble mlcht to expected nt tbo Rosebud and other agen cies. Those Indians have been raised to n ilgb state of excitement by the recent kill- nc of an Indian near Black Plko creek , north of White rlvir , nnd out of tbo Juris diction ot the government. The murderer was a desperado named .Tack Whlpple , who Bounded the redskin to death. These In dians demanded vengeance , and Whip- ilo was arrcstoJ , but the authorl- .ios claimed nothing could bo done with htm. as tbo killing occurred outslda of the jurisdiction of tbo United States. The Indians could not see the loeiooftlils nnd ire now muttering nnd making threats. Dr. M'Ullllcuddy nUo says the redskins are still ndulglng in the ghost dnnco and nro ready For any exciting event as an excuse for nn outbreak. Another complaint mndo by tbo Indians Is that they nro not allowed to cat part of the : attlo which tbo government gives them. Presn entrails and raw cuttle are considered n luxury , but tbo eating ot thcso delicacies tias been stopped by tbo Interior department. It being considered that this food tends to arouse the nrutal and saVogo nature of the Indians. Tbo red men hnvo t niton this ? rcatly to bcnrt , und some of them have re- Tusnd to take their rations because the beef was not served a la cntrall. JMV C.IPAE.I HATE Tl'.l/f. Cent nil Trnfllc A oclitlnn : Disturhcil by illinium ol Trouble. CHICAGO , III. , Marca S3. It Is a matter of considerable surprise In railway circles that the voluino of eastboand frolcht shipments lias , so early in the season , fallen below tbo half corresponding period last year , es pecially as there was every reasou to expect from a comparison of tbo grain yield in all parts of the west that the weekly figures of IS'Jl would bo cchpsod throughout the present year. The only explanation offered for tbis stnto of afTairs is that rates nro being secretly cut by way of tber gateways , thereby diverting n largo proportion of the tranic that would otherwise pass through Chicago. Central TralUc association roads concede that eastbound - bound rates are In bad shape and they are likely to become more demoralized In con sequence of the significant showing made in last week's tonnage statement , which shows a decrease of H.GOU tons , compared with last year's figures. In consequence of the" passenger rate war between Chlrugo andJDhlo river points , the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City road has applied to Chairman Fiulpy of the U'cstcrn P'nssenger association .for authority to use the reduced rates as basing rates In selling tlcKCts from St. Paul'and Minneapolis to Cincinnati and Louisville. This would re duce the through rate , between these points from SlO.ftO to f 17.50. Ono of the results of this fight will bo the reopening , April 1 , of tbo botcl ticket oOlceg'Ju this city , which "were abolished two or three years ago by agreement of all tbo roadsentering Chicago. XE\rs \ run TUEAmur. Complete JLlst of Changes In tlie Regular Strvlec.l W-isni\GTON , DJ C. , " 'March ' 23. ( Special Telegram to THE BEE. ' ] Tbo following as- dgnraents to regiments of officers rpccntly promoted and transfers of officers are or dered : Leave of absence for ono month and twenty days from the date of his relief from duty at the Michigan military academy is granted First Lieutenant AdelbertCronkhitc , Fourth artillery. The following named officers will report in person to Colonel James W. For- aytho. Seventh cavalry , president of the ex amining board , at Fort Rlley , Kan. , at such time as he may designate , for examination by the board as to their fitness for promotion , and on the conclusion of their examination will return to their respective stations : First Lieutenant Hugh T. Scott , Seventh cavalry ; First Lieutenant Lloyd S. McCormick , Sev enth cavalry ; First Lieutenant Edwin P. Andrns , Fifth cavalry. First Lieutenant Francis J. Kernan , Twenty-first infantry , is detailed ns acting judge advocate of the De partment of Dakota , and will report in person for duty accordingly to the commanding gen eral of that department. CLOSE Iowa. Ministers Declare for Prohibition , Which , They Think , U Enforced. Cenui RAPIDS , lu. , March 23. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE.J The Des Moincs conference of tbo Evangel ical church concluded a four days' ses sion today. Tbo following are the principal appointments : Cedar Rapids dis trict , B. H. Niobel , presiding elder ; Wilton Piper , Cedar Ralpds ; H. H. Long. Lisbon ; George L. Kulb , Cedar Point ; T. F. Moll , Laporto : Charles Pickford , Nora Sprinps ; Charles S. Long , Belle Plain ; C. B , Utt , Marshalltown ; S. A. Fallen , Sean-ing. Dos Moincs district , E. J. Anracbcr , presiding elder ; E. S. J. McAllister , EastUes Molues ; W. W. Shuller , West Des Molnes ; T. M. Evans , A ( ton : William Force , Winterset ; J. E. Stnuffacuer und W. A. Jordan , Iowa Cen ter ; U. L. Springer , Council Bluffs. Sioux City district , William Jonah , presiding elder ; C. A. Muller , Sioux t/lty ; H. Kllnosavo , Stanton A. Goctschel , Loinars ; C. A. Mcrtz and William Brescbcr , Slbloy and Hartley ; 'F. A. Frazor , Charles City : Charles J. Schmailoy , Otter Creek ; Peter Belzor. Hampton and Di'lmont ; J. C. Dorlng. Nable and Anita ; J. J. Miller , Defiance ; L. C. Belzer , Odebolt end Carroll ; A. F. Hahn , Battle Creek ; S. H. Stroyffels , Ktngsley. In regard to prohibition tbo following reso lutions were adopted ! That we will use all righteous means for ob servance und rnnlntctmnce of our tornpcrnneo laws which lnifi hoeiibo rlebteously and wisely clvcn , but stum ! In peril every hour I y thoto who v olnte tlioni nad hproby dUru/ard tlio vpjy principles of elt zuushlp upon which our \\holeKOvernmentstarirts. ' That vro do most heartily con-.mcnd our legislators who lmvoiM6ou so nobly d ; rlns the nrosent tesslon In-defunseof our present prohibitory laws. icitf Wo consider the openU i of the World's ex- potltlnn nn tliu abbutlr oity a direct violation of Ood's holy law ; n tUcnm on tlio cnim ) of civilization nnd u dlrqrViblow atone of the pllliirs of the Christian church and civil gov crnment. " ' Wo fnvoran upproprhtWon of the necessary funds for fiaUl exDositlgn , providing Umixuld inanuglnz board of tho.CpIuniblan , pxroiitlon will agree to close the Txposltlon on thu bib- bntb any. Wo hereby respectfully ask that our repre sentatives ut Wnslilnstop. 1 > . O. . earnest y con sider this , our irQiioit , before voilns an addi tional appropriation. In the Hands af-fltvlr Creditors. ( Copi/rljMcil ( iKCbyJamai Ooriltn llcnnclt. } BUINOS : Avitcs , Argentina , ( via Oalves- ton , Tex. ) March 23. [ By Mexican Cubic to the New York Herald Special to Tun BEE. ] The radicals celebrated tbo election of Saenza Paena in a meeting yesterday. Much enthusiasm was manifested. Next Sunday another monster meeting will be held and tbo radicals will make a full show of their members. Many national guards men have deserted. They cannot stand the heavy drilling. President Pellegrini will re ceive Scnor Assls Brazil , the now Brazilian minister , tomorrow. The creditor * of tbo municipality huvo destr&inod tbo municipal policies. From the Vatican. ROME , March S8. It Is stated on gooa authority tbat Pope Leo , lu anticipation of future diQlcultles which the boly eo may have to encounter , has depoilted In a bank , to be paid to bis successor , the sum of 5,000- 000 lire , which have been saved by tbo eooo omies introduced at the Vatican. This amount is a suecial " gift made by Leo XlII. U ) his ucce 5or. The pouo bos notified Arch ilshop Ireland tbnt no doctrinal decision will )0 taken in regard to tbo scholastic question n tbo United States. P1HI3IISKXT If ( Mli.V. Asl tcrof CardinalMnnnlnr , Mrs. Austen , iassurvived him , and though over W years if ago she is still active in charitable and Benevolent work. Sister , lately deceased nt Montreal was ono of two nuns who traveled horseback across the continent In ISo'J In benevolent work for tbo Indians. Mrs. Vest , wife of tha Missouri senator , is n very quiet , retiring llttlo woman of donjj la lottos. She is slight nud graceful , and ms line , dark brown eyes. Mrs. Eugene Field Is always spMten of ns i llttlo woman , but , ts a matter of fact , she s somewhat above tbo medium height and fully up to the modlum weight. Mrs. iNovvman , wife of Dlstion N wmi\n of 3mabn , has been elected fellow of tuo Atncri can ticoernphical society. Sbo has earned tbis association by her observations ns nn extensive traveler. .Mrs. Lovl P. Morton Is said to bo one ot ho most charming and entertaining hostesses n Washington. One corrosponaont says of her : "Sho has all tbo grace Imaginable to attract and hold the eye. " The telephone is making the ladles of ilonolulu stouter. They used to do their own shopping , marketing , etc. Now they send their orders by telephone , and the lack of exercise hai caused an accumulation of ilesh. . Fanny Kcmble , the famous actress , still brcatucs the breath of life , but the divine cfllatus has departed. She Is still vital In Lho flesh , but the spirit , the bright and vivac ious spirit of old , 1ms vanished into Iho world of shadows. She is SJ. Ella Wheeler Wiloox , In flowing Grecian drapery , has been posing as a model for Iho first time. The poetess is soon to bring out n now book , and at tbo special request of the artist she has posed for a series of remarka bly pretty nnd effective sketches. Tbo number of women serving the United States as postmistresses l 0tl'Jo. The largest number In any ono state Islilt. . In Pennsyl vania. Vlrslnlu has but tbrce less. Now York , Illinois and Ohio have less Individually that has North Carolina , which has 322 , One of tbo most beautiful of Paul's pos sessions is her watch. Its size is not larger than a ID-cent piece , it Is completely studded with diamonds , so tbat the case Is ono mass of brilliant , sparkling gems. Experts value it at not less than SI.OUO. It is a foreign , open-faced stem-winding watch. Tbo widow of James Fisk. jr. , once rolling In uenltli among tto wealthy In the city of Now York , now lives In a llttlo wooden house of four rooms right over in Suuth Boston. Her fortune has taken unto Itself wines. She , who ns a girl was the belle of aVerment Vermont town , married magnificently , left her mountain borne to rule as a queen over a metropolitan palace , is now doing her own washing nnd Is proud of her work over the wushtub. Her husband died leaving an estate ustimated at over I,0.)0OUO. IBK.VI\f .1X1) HIS C'H/JJKS. Liverpool's Murderer's History tor a Port of Ills Lifetime. LiVEitrooi , March US. The coroner's jury investigating tbo death of the woman and four children whoso bedics wore found under tne Diuhnm villa at Rain Hill , concluded its investigation toaay , nnd returned a verdict of wilful murder against Deeming. In their verdict they severely criticised the action of tbo Rain Hill police who. nltbougn every body was suspicious of Deeming , took no action against him. When the verdict was rendered the super intendent of the Rain Hill police reported that residents nad not communicated their suspicions tottio police. The story of Djoming's crimes has becomi so complicated through his adoption of aliases that U will muke matters clearer to give in chronological order the events in tha career of tbw remarkable criminal under bis different assumed names. It is as follows : Under the name of Deeming1 , which is his right name , be married Miss James in ItjSO and left the same year for Cape Town ; joined by his wife In Sydney in 1882 ; received six weeks' Imprisonment for theft in 1SS2 ; absconded from Sydney on charges of fraudu lent insolvency in ISSS ; returned to England on August 11 , and to Birlconhead , leaving tbat place and his wife , after the birth or bts fourth child , about four months afterwnras , ia ISS'J ; under the name of Lawtonarrived at Hull and obtained jewelrv on false pre tenses March 15 , ISM : married Miss Mather at Beverly , Yorkshire , and deserted her a fortnlcbt afterwards , in 1893 ; arrested at Montevideo , 1890 ; tried at Hull assizes on a prosecution of the jewelers and sentenced to nine months' imprisonment , October , 1890 ; under the name of Williams , arrived at Rain Hill in July , 1891 ; visited Blrkcnhead , taking Mrs. Deeming and the children with him to Rain Hill ; supposed murder wns committed August , 1691 ; married Miss Mather at Rain Hill September. 1S90 ; arrived with bis wife in Australia , 1891 ; murdered Mrs , \Villlatr.s December 25 ( supposed ) , IS'Jl ; under the name of Swanson. ho was arrested when on the eve of a fourth marriage. March 18ftJ. MCLIIOUKXC , March 23. It has been ar ranged that tbc landing of Deeming hero on his arrival from Aloany , W. A. , shall bo secret. In order to foil attempts that may bo maao to lynch the murderer. 61LTEK1TES O1SGAXJZE. Colorado Culls Upon the West and South for ABSIstuncc. DENVER , Colo. , March 23. Tbo state exe cutive committee of the Colorado State Sll- vca league today issued an address to tbo voters of Colorado and the United States. Tbo address sots forth tbat tbc organization is a purely nonpartlsoa one , and its object is to unite all voters of all parlies throughout the west and south to secure , if possible , tbo nomination of a free coinage candidate , on a free coinage platform , at both Minneapolis and Chicago. Thlo work , they urge , should bo begun at tbc primaries , and with that end In view they ask the mosttborougb organization throughout tbo country. While recommending tbnt every state and territory send delegations to these conventions com posed of the best men tbat the parties afford , still they give notice that unless their re quests are compiled with they will not sup port tbo candidate of cltburcouvention. The address recites the organization Is u ready completed in this state and urges the cooperation - operation of both the wosl and couth. Worth five dollars lars a bottle , but sold for only ono dollar , nnd iruar- anteca to benefit or cure , or money refunded tbo nratiine Doctor I'icrce'B Golden Medical Discov ery. Fraudulent imi tations of this medicine ore sometimes offered and sold at ( X ) and TO cents. To protect the public from such imposi tion , the genuine is now sold only through druggists , regularly authorized as agents , and nt the uniform nnd long-established price of 11.00 per bottle , or six bottics for 55.10. But each tot tie of tbo nrimi'nc Golden Med ical Dibcovtry carries with it something tbat makes it tbo cheapest blood-purifier and livcr-invigorator that you can buy. It's tbo printed yuurantec of lU makers that , if it fails to benefit or cure you , they'll it-turn tbo money. 1'cu jiay only for thejiood you get , with tbis nnd with all of Dr. Pierce'u ' medi cines. You pay thu ono fixed price but if there's no help , there's no pay. It's " value received , or your money back , " CAN PROVE TO WIVES AND MOTHERS DR. MILES .reading . this tubt HEART mr DR , MILES' ' CURE. NEW CURE ron THK HEART Is the on ) ; reliable care for the tired feeling pecu liar to women Buffering IUi wrat : hearts , pain In fide , BUouldfr and arm , wrak and Imotrrj ej ellf , irrepnlar polfce , falaUnc. eiuotLcrin . Tlioupandi te tlr to their jwrmanent cure. ELZOANT IlooE I'KEK ATUnUGOUTB. DB MILKS MEDICAL CO.Elkhort , Ind. For sale by Kuhnfe Co. , Douglas end 1Mb fct HUMPHREYS' Dr. llnmphrcii' crefully iTrpamJ lirmeilifs , n l for jears In tirtTat * pmctf Mid for OTCT thirty JNUTI l > y Iho ! < -oplp with entire rocwa. Errrjr tingle SpccUla 0 Mvrlal cure for the dl Me named. "bey cure without dniKRlng. j-urplnR or rrdurlrtR the y ! > imandarcln Tact auddfcJ Uicr-oirrrlin llrinr < llc of the World. 1 in or nncir At not. cratf. rkir * * . 1 Fcver i Congestions , lofUrnrrmtlor. * . . , 'tS It Wormp , Worm Fever , Worm Colic . . . , U5 3-TecthliiBI ColkCrying. . WUrcfulnctt , U3 l-IHtrrlirn.of Children or AdulU .23 7-ConRhd , CoM * , Bronchitis . 'J,3 f-N > nrnlcln Toothtcbe , Fittfeaeuc. . . .23 O-Hcttdnche1 , Kick Headache , Vertigo. . .23 lll-Drsprpnln. Biliousness , Constipation. . ' 23 I Sappreword or Pnlnful Period * .12.1 12 While * , Too Prof u > Periods . . .23 13-Craap , l.nryiiElllf. HoarwnKa . .25 | . | _ < an | | Ithennif Eryflpfhw , Eniptlone .23 IB HhcumnlUm. llheurnatlo Tales . ' 23 1 0 Mnlnrln. Chills , Vent nnd Ague. , .115 17-rilcn , Blind or BlreJInR . . .113 19-Cntnrrh. Influent. ! , Cold In UioHesd. , ' 13 < JO HVhonplntr Connh. . . . . . . .25 27 Kidney I lien r . .23 aS-Nerronn Debility. . . . 1.00 30t'rlnnryVcnUnM , \Vettln ) ? Pod .US PolJJ Prnil lt , w "l tin tp U on rm. ir : > ru > Ltt' tltnti. < Hlp tf , ' ntnrKi . iinirnnMS' urn , fo. , ill * in nnn Ei. . y > wT . SJPECI F8 C S. TSeOrtglnal anil Genuine ( WORCEGTERSHIRS ) Imrsrts the rant delicious Utto UK ! tut i9 EXTRACT KOUI'H , CfaLLTTnUfrem t. MEDICAL OEN. GIlAVILi ? , TLEMAN at Mud. ranto hl lirothcr FISH , at WonCESTEK. Mar. 1851. HOT & CCI.D "Tell X.EA At P12HUIN81 MEATS , tbat their rauce la hlvhljr ostccdod In G.OiE , India , and IB In my opinion , tbo mot VVKI.S1I- r > latalile , as veil as tbe iurt vholn- FOaio MUCO Uut li . , _ . . piade. " * < o3f Jtc. Beware of Imitations ; aonnamBBMCMBBero Eee that you get Lea & Perrins' ' Eleratcro on every liotl'o of Orlclun' & Genuine , JOI1N DUNCAN'S BO.NS , NEW YO11K. JAPANESE A nctr nnl Complcta Treatment. ( onBlMInK of Suppositories , Ointment In Cupnules , nlBO In llox nnd fills : n I'osltlvo Cure for ISitoninl , Internal lllliul or UleoJInjt Itcbln : , Clironlc , llecent or lleictlltary files. This HcmoJy Un never boon known to lull. { 1 perbor.d for SI : 3nt br railL Whjr BUITcrlrum this ter.-lblo dtseivs ) when a writ ten punr.inico Is positive ! * flven with Obox 01. or refundtl > 3 rnoner tr not cirj.l. tinstamp lor free Sample. Uuarantso Isiuol br Kuhj .t Co. , DrusclttJ. bolo AKents cornar 15ti ! nnd l > uugla < sreets , Omaha. Neb. Or Hie Liquor Habit B'oalllTcl.Y Cured by ailinlnlilrrUic I > r. tlnlnca' < J ( > : .irii K | > rclUr. It can bs given In a cup 01 coHec or tea , or In feed , without the knowledge of the patient. It IB absolutely harmless , and Trill effect a permanent and speedy cure , wnether tbe patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreok. Ithst been clvan In thousands of cases , and In ever ? Instance a perfect cure has lol. lowed. Itnrrcr Fnlliu The system oncelmprrRnsted with the Specific , tt becomes aa utter Impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. UOLIICN M'ECIFIC CU Prop'TS. rinrtnnatl. O. 40paffe book of particulars free. To be had of Ktilin & Co. . 15th and Douglds Sts. . and 16th & ( 'nmlnz bts. Wholesale , Itluke , llruce & Co. and Klchirdson Urn ; Co. . Qmana , IscU P. O. Box C9 , Stcrllnp , Kan. , July 13 , 1851. TiiEATHLOpiioncsCo. , Newllaven , Conn. : Sirs : I take the liberty to address jou upon B. subject uhlch 1 believe will Interest jou. First , I l h to state that I IJOTO received ( Trent benefit from tlio use of jour vnlnalilc preparation for rheumatism. I n no attacked with In1nmiil.torr ! rheumatism tUcTth of January , 'VI. I wns under the pliyelclnrj'bcure for four weeks , taking from clglit to twelve utroniiiloftcs of stnff'ilally. I crew worse under tbe trcntmdnt nnd finally discharged my physician and tlicn commenced to experiment with cvcrytlilnu thrt I could lionr of that would euro the disease. I could llnd nothing that would relieve mo of tlio terrible i > Un flora which I was DuUcilni ; . I happened to ceo your ndicrlltcmcnt In the Toptka "Copltnr1 and KCI t nt once to our drusl t and procured a hotlloof Ath-lo-plio-ros At the time , I was lying In bed , my joints swollen and I was unable to move myself. In thiejdaya after commencing to lake jour rr.edlclno 1 wc > nblo to walk about my room : the B elllnu all left my llmtu and 1 Improved rapidly gaining ; In lieollh nnd strength , nnd nm nt present attending to my farm work Fonictltncn 1 fed n llttlo stiff and BOrc , but a few doses of your medicine drives It nwny. 1 think 1 will fully recover my health In duo time. Huvo never had any swelling of tbo joints tlnco I Lezari to take the medicine. Now my object In writing to you ! > to thnnk you for what 1 feel you Imvo done for mo. * Vonm reipoitfully. \V , I. CAUTEIt. Folillir nlldiupKlBti. ( Ipcrbollln ; II Intlles for f J. Uenullful picture free , postpaid , to any ono wlio nlll write for It. The Atliloplioros Goaipy , New Haven , Conn. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. FOR SAI.K--At n hnrsiiln , i-acrc fruit and L-iirden farm adjoining elty ilmltb ; food dwelling. R II. Hhoafo. FARMS. garJen ! an'l , liouso ? , lot ) anl buslnesi bloki for nile or rint. Day A Ubss.10 I'earl stroet. Council lllulfj. TjlOR RENT Over 101 dwellings of every clo- L'bcrlpllonnt prices varyln ; frnni $1 to ? HO i > cr month , lociituri In ull purls of thu city. K ll.Slioifc.S'JJ Hrouhvay. $23 per acre for seed farms In lowu , Fine , ktnooth corn liuid. 1'nr particulars call on 01 address Johnston & Van 1'attuii , Council lllulTt. / 10CI1RAN addition Hals fur tent , seven rooms each ; bath ; hot and cold water , Day i , azeuts. Omaha Medical anil INSTITUTE. jye & Ear INFIRMARY TREATMENT OF ALL llo t facilities niMiarntm niul lieinodlci ( or ucccful treatment of nvcry farm of disease rertulrln i rno.-tlcnl or NiitMlcut treatment , M beds for patients bninl nii.1 nttcmlancn. llc l ncromoanltons In tlio woI. \\rllo tor circular * on deformities nnil ur.ncpi , trusfes , club foot , curviituroof inlno , lilies , tumor * , eaneor.ciitrirrli. bronchitis In- linlntlon.oectrcll.v. : ! paralysis , eullclny , klil- nejbinddcr , oyo. rmr. fkln ntv.1 blooj - uid nil Mirulral ( morallon . DISEASES OF WOMEN \VotiiiMi rHii'o : li.ivoliitclv ndiled : i lyltiR- In dcp.irtincut for women durlnc cnnllnctnenU strictly f.r.vntc. ) Only Ketlnblo Medical In- fclllutoiiiaUncn Snprltltvot . , JMlA'ATIC UfSKARUS All Illood IMsensoB Miccimfully troMol. bynhlllUu Poison removed from the system without incrctiiv. Now liestnrntlvo Treat ment for I.OIH of VITA \ , 1'OWKIt. Persons un- nlilo to visit us nmy bo treated nt homo by corresuon lence. All communications conll- dcnllnl. .MoJIclnes or Instruments Rent l y mull ore.\iires . securely pneUed , no mnr ! > s to Indicate contuntKor sender. Uno pereonnl In terview tireferroJ. Cull nnd consult us or soml lilstory of your cuso. nurt wo will send In plain wrnimor. our RfinK IU men HIKE : Unon 1'rlvuto. . , . j.u < .0lal or Nervous Dis eases" . Iinpotcncy , Svplillls , Qlcot nud Viitlco- eele , with qtiestfon list. Itraecs Appliances for Deformities it Tru os. Only manufactory Intlio Wcstof tiril-illtJt- 771 iuj'i./rl.M fcj.'iMfasn. . * , RLUVrtnO ltATTHKn.8 It IIKI.1S. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , 26th mid Broadway , Oo.inoil Bluff * . Ten minutes' lido from eontcrot Omnli.i on Omaha and Council Ilium oloctrlo motor line. THE GRAND HOTEL , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Now , modern , woll-npnointcil , thor oughly well-kopt , SJ n day. E. F. CLARK , Prop. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Hlu3l. ' Capltil stcc'f J.50OOff fcurplus im-a Profits tiOUO Net Capital nnS Surplus 9X3OOOO nirectors-J. I ) . Ed-nua4on , K. 1 * SlmiirS , P.O. Gleason , K. E. Hart , I. A. Miller , J. V. Illnolinn nndChurlci H. llnnnau Transact ceneral liank- Ins business. Largest capital and surplus of nny bunk in Southwestern lowu. NTBREST ON TIME DEPOSITS Chas. Lunkley , Funcrnl Director and Undertaker. 311 Broadway , Council Bluffs. 'Jii | 1 111 'Ul. PATENTS For Inventions PROCURED ilY TH3 Bee Bureau of Claims OMAHA , NEB. Equal with the Intcrou oC tlio in hiTlnz clalTi aealnst thoBOTcrnmcni li thst of I.VVU.VroilS. wh of ten loss the benoat of Taluab)9tnrantUn ) > b3tni3 of the Incompetancy or Inattention of tin attnrjoyi caiplucdto obtain thotr patonti. Too raucio.ir3 ! eannot ba oiorcliot In uuplo/lni cumiotaal anil reliable solicitor * to patent ! , for til valux of a pitont depend ! ifroally. If notenttraly , u oi ti ! cnro nnd skill of the nttornor. \Vlthtba vlow of iirotostlnj Inrentori fro n worfi less or circlets attorneys , and of soiln r tVit in 'J3- tloni nro well pruteuloJ by v.illl pitanti. T.IU il.O t HUIUIAU Imi retained counol etyin la pitj it practice : andli therefore vruyutl u Conduct liiterfcrcnssi , Slake Hjtcclul nxnintntitloin , rejected canes , trade iniirlm anil eopu > 'lyit ItcntleroplntoiiH imtuncuiie mill ntllj * ttuoftmti'ittn. ! in * tie fen I iitfi'tnycins-.i i , etc. , etc , If rou have an Inrentlon on Iitnd icnU'IIR II1513 UUHDAUnikotc ! ) or jiliouurapb ttioraof , tuzstlar with a brief doicrlptlon of tue Impartial leaturai , ens joirwlll beoncaadrlial ai to tin bo it t > } irjoi > pursue. Slodeli are not necomrjr union ti9 ! Inrni. lion li of a coaijillcitteii nature. If otlion ara 11. frlnclnicon ypur rliClili , orlf rou urj ciur/nj nlt'i InfrlnRcment Djr otnori , nutnnlt ths matter to'I'll 13 IIUItKAUfor n rulUblu Oi'lNION Ueforj .ictmjoa tbe matter. TUB BEE BUREAU OF CLAIMS 230 IIco llnlMlnr , Onm'ji , Xc'j. t ThIs II n ron u U by thn Oniiihii live , thu I'lonuur 1'ies ) un-l the Sun 1'ruiiclsuo Kxaralnur. Cm this out and send it with your la gulry. GONORRHEA , OtEET AND LUCOERRHEA CURED InSdajs by tbo rreiioh Itemodjr , entitled , Thu King , itdlisolvej uguliut and Is abjorbtd Into the iutlamed pans. Will refund money If it does notcura. orcausaj utrlcturo , Uontlemea here is urnliabla nrtlcle. tlji-iclcija or for ( > by mall prepaid , gnotv. Luna a Co , Omaha. Deere.Wells&Co . J \l f\/P7f"\'O Thonarnoof the liu > . G E Meyers UJ 1 1 V U ItS lnes houses licro , , , Agricultnra\ \ * - J I/ 1- I * - V ! . V XX riven are as tofor- Bucccinor to C. A. eiiuofor the Donllt , Ileoba X Co. Implement } of buyers.Vo rccoiu- Ijucoit Kurnltura mend thum na the Ilounfl In the Mo. Wagoci , buirclei , Vailsi3) ) to III Ha. South Main tit liroxlwar , Council council Ulutli llluttt. HnsieT&'cj.y W , A. Manre ? " DaiQSttS & C ) , 'HisilTcf Council Illuffi , la. 1601 to mi S , Main Importer and Job- iluulllun. O. .Manufacturers of. BU Council Ilium , bar tlUIV.irl llri-ich Otlce-- Mrupt , ram Fngines Jobbort of f ull line Crocko ; ? and Conroftbncrs , Council Ulutli , - la. of .Agricultural In- Munufacturerj ot Thrdshar Cyclone Ghavware thu Kuoull Auta- Carer A. Woodbur/ plemcnti , Jobber ! In Krulti. tutlo Out ol Un- Iloro rower * . etc , etc. Council Want , li. Nut * , Ctc. elnn. Mirieilics'MfiT1 iWeir-SfngariC ) Sandwh-liMfBCo Hrancli bouko.Viui Council lllutU. la. CO. Council lllulti , la. cUllluHi. la.Mfgr. WHOLHSALB I C South Main fct. Wli'ileisteind retail found ! lllult * . I Wliotoialeaud re rantlwlcU Uelleri , MANKilH. tail Uurrtun , Field Western Branch tail ( iariltn. i-tcUl ull > liai , Grltilo.-i Oarrliices.llu ? and Ftov/cr eead < llouto-Jobbcri la \ and Klvwcr eedt llnjr l'rui e , Dial mitrket ' . ' market on , M o er > , Uarr _ . O.irti iirlce pa.d for teed ) . Agrlsu'.ta al urlceiiald for ia l . t'.iirti , Woudiavr 1C to , Uu. lllulT * \Vrlto for citsl guo Itnylemeats. \Vrlto lor culalivuw Ct3. lu.