Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAAIT DA FLY BETC : WE N CSDAY , MAllfH 30 , 1892.
" " "
Indications That They Arc Mostly Outlaws
and Active Revolutionists.
Cimliln to ItrMmln Ills Donlro to IMinUli
the Crlmhmln , Ilo Ordered IlioTlilrd
Cmnlry to lli-Rln Dprrntlont
Duninu OP Tnn Dnn , )
518 FounTEB.VTii HTIIERT. >
WASIIJNOTON , L ) . C. , March 2U. )
"Japtaln " John G. Bourke of the Third cav
alry has wrltton n latter bore from his sta
tion nt Fort Klnggold , Tox. , relative to the
war that , has been made upon him for bis
campaign ngnlnst Hovolutlonlst Garza nnd
his sympathizer * . Captain Bourke needed
no words from himself to vindicate his
work , Ilo shows , however , that nodrly
every man who has brought charges against
him was nn open nlly of Garza and n major
ity of them hnvo cither been so prominently
connected with the revolutionist as to war
rant their arrest nt the hands of the civil
authorities or have fled the country.
Some of thorn were county sheriffs nnd
bavo bcon expelled from their ofllclal posi
tions , others hnvo bcon Indicted by grand
juries. Some uro notorious characters who
have infested the Mexican-Texas border for
years and have been recognized ns highway
men , In ( short , the accusers of Cautuln
Bourlco nroln n largo measure revolutionists ,
or notoriously dlsrapulablo characters.
The captain himself says that when these
men flrod upon hit soldiers he could not restrain -
strain the desire to punish them nnd so wont
nt them In earnest. In the opinion of Cap
tain Bourke , Texas should have bcon plncud
under martial law at the outset of the rover -
r lutiou by nn order from President Harrison.
Death cifu Wull Known Hnltllrr.
News was received here today of the death
of Lieutenant Philip 11. Bettons , Ninth cnv-
1 nlrv , U. S. A. , which occurred Sunday night
at I ort Huachuco , Ariz. Lieutenant Bet-
tons , who has been stationed for a number of
years'at Fort Robinson , Nob. , was nunrtor-
ifmstcr In the field during the Wounded
KIIOQ campaign and contracted the disease
from which ho died , consumption , the result
of sovcrc aud constnnt exposure dur
ing the Sioux war. Late last fall ,
under the advice of Dr. J. E.
Summers , jr. , ot Omaha ho applied for leave
of rtbsiiiH-o and went south , where ho was
subsequently joined by his wife , the daughter
of | MnJor B. DOWOSJ , late of the Ninth cav
alry. Lieutenant Bottons was one of the
intm popular young ofllcors of his roglmont.
IIo.wns u'graduate of the military academy , . made many strong friendships
through the geniality of his tomporanientnnd
the charm of his manner. Ho'served con-
tiifuously on the frontier after entering tbo
cuyalry nrm of the service and. was well
known and greatly respected in the extreme
northwest portion of Nebraska. Mrs. Doivcss ,
who is living iu.Maryland , loft on Sunday
for Fort Huachuca , Ariz.
Money Tor Fremont's 1'ubllo Ilullillng ; .
A rather remarkable condition of affairs
has for some tlmo surrounded tbo supposed
unavailability of the money appropriated to
construct the federal building at Fremont.
At first the act providing n public building
for Fremont appropriated 825,000 for the pur
pose of a site , the beginning of the building ,
although it named $60,000 as a limit
of the entire expenditure. Later , during
tbo lost Ecssiou of congress , Representative
lorsoy ) hod the remaining $35,000 appropri
ated , mailing the full $00,000. The site was
acquired by thn government July 21 last nt a
cost of lO.ftifi. There was on the books of tbo
supervising architect's ' ofllco September ao
last * o3,7J4 to the credit of the Fremont pub
lic building account. The sketch plans of
'tho building are now well under way and will
bo completed at the ofll''O of tbo supervising
architect within two or thrco trcoks.
Notwithstanding the fact tbnttho monhy appropriated
propriated , for tbo purpose of r site or' the
construction of a federal building , or both ,
nro made immediately available when the
bill making the appropriation is signed by
the president , and here comes the remark
able condition existing at Fremont or some
other place.
In this connection it has been contended
by contractors or other parsons directly in
terested that tboro is doubt wncthtir the
money would bo paid if a domnnd was made
by neon tractor , and letters have boon llred
into Washington atnlivcly rate of latoasuiue ,
"What is the ranttnr with the Fremont public
building money 1' ' and saying that , "It is not
available and bills are not puid , " or "Will not
bo paid. "
All Hills "Will Ilo 1'alil.
. .This is all misleading and untrue. Tbo
entire' balance of the $00,000 remaining after
the site wns paid for IB available > and has
been from the day after the president signed
the bill making the appropriation. There is
plenty of money in tha treasury to meet all
obligations just as promptly as the bills are
paid , Tho. Fremont mouoy wns * ot aside to
the supervising architect many months ago ,
nnd has not slnco that tlmo boon counted
in the nurplus. The only way In which the
oDlcora at the Treasury department can ex
plain the impressions which exist , 'at Fre
mont or else where , and which have called
out these wild reports and many inquiries
Is , that it is bclioved tha title to tbo site has
not yet been passed to the govcrmont and
that an anpropriatlou for building is not
'available til ) the government baa acquired a
title to the site.
v ' The government has nad a1 clear title to the
Fremont site for eight months. An ef
fort has bcon made , too , by certain unrolla-
, bio .dnd , misleading democratic ) and mug-
wump and independent newspapers to create -
' ate nbo impression that the treasury is
bankrupt and tboro is no money to moot.
, government obligations. All this is bosh.
Representative Dorsoy appears to have cov
ered every point of interest in securing the
appropriations and the site for the Fremont
public building before ho retired to private
11 fo.
niUcellanooui. '
. Mtas Ion Hinman , who wan summoned to
her homo in Iowa recently by tbo fatal ill
ness of her father , will not return this
spring. >
Senator Pcttlgrew has introduced an
amendment to tbo Indian appropriation bill
which directs the secretary of the interior to
expend 80,000 in the construction of two
Ipdlan industrial schools , to cost not to ex
ceed MO.OOO qnob , ono to bo lo
cated at or near Chamberlain ,
and the other nt or near
Hapid City , S. D. , upon such tracts of land
not IMS than eighty acres at each place , as
shall bo purchased by him for a prlco not ex
ceeding $ luoi ) .
Henator 1'addock today introduced a bill in
tbo senate to pension John D. vVakoloy and
Anna Morcau Burns.
Senator Paddock reported favorably with
out amendment from the committee on oon-
Ions , tbc bill for the relief of Wesley Mont
gomery ot Nebraska ,
Frank b. Emerson of Omaha is at tbo St.
J. M. Klder wa today appointed postmas
ter ut Highland Center , Wapollo county , la. ,
vloo 1) . B.Knight resigned ; nnd J. Nownll
of Spring Hill , Albany county , Wyo. , vice
Lrt. . Cucbuian resigned.
Senator Manderson today reported from
the military affairs commlttoo his bill to deMote -
Mote twenty ncres from tbo Fort Sidney military -
itary roiorvation for cemetery purposes ,
with favoiabla recommendation ,
The senator was in bis scat in the senate
Commissioner Ilumobroy of public lands
und building ! for Nebraska bust requested
Land Commissioner Carter to suspend en
tries on the school lands outside tbo old
Ponca reservation till a decision ti rendered
on the quettlon of allowing entries ot school
lands outside tbo reservation named. Com
missioner Humphrey Is standing on the let
ter of Commissioner Graff of IS'JO. '
Justice Lamar Is again ill and although tils
condition is not nlarmlue It U directing at-
tuntlon to the feeble condition of the justice
and the posiiblllty ot bis enforced retirement
at any time. The Justice's memory lias
( lied Mm very much of latA. Ills dissenting
pinion la ( be McKlnlojr bill contest was a
urpriie to hit court associates , as it brought
out some cf tils old time flru , and since then ,
bortmer , tbo Justice's health bos prevented
ltl taking much part la tbo work of tbo
Until ,
Id Itts J ii duo land caio of Frank Ulcbsrd-
o , ( rota Mltcboll * , a 1) , , Asiisuut Sccro-
tary Chafidler today docldo'i thnt ho wns
wholly unnblo to dotcrnilno from tbo record
just what the ntntus of the land was at the
data this entry was made and ho has. Issued
directions thnt an examination bo made of
tbo pint's record nnd oxnouitva ardors relat
ing to the Sioux Indian reservation , with n
vlow to the determination ot the status or
the land nt the data of entry , nnd whether
the land Is now embraced within that reser
vation ,
In the homestead case ot John O'Connor
nnd Mary II. O'Connor , husband nnd wife ,
nttompllnc to maintain scpnr.Uo rosldcncot ,
from llurou , S. D. , the n Intuit secretary
dccldot ttiitt wholhPr the husband nnd wltu
consider themselves OH occupy Ing the same
resldanco , or as rosldlnc separately , la
neither case can patent bo IssiloJ to both ,
aim proof Is rcjoctoJ.
P. S. H.
Onmlm ItontUtrr C'luli lloliltnn Intcrostlti ) ;
A mooting of the Gentlemen's Itoadttor
club was held last nlcht at tlio Mlllard hotel ,
only about a dozen inomDors of the club at
tending. It was prosldtd ever by Dick
Smith. A committee composed of II. 1C.
llurlict , D. T. Mount and H. V. Terry , to
which had boon rofurrod the nuittor of pro
curing grounds for speeding howos , reported
through Its chairman , Mr. Uurrfot , that no
traclt had yol boon secured. List year tha
club used the old fair grounds track , which
Is the pr ° P ° rly of ' JBrown ,
but Is ranted to Adam Thompson ,
who sublets It. The r.lub lust jvnr paid only
M tor each member , for llio USD of the
grounds , and as then * were forty members
Thompson rccotvoJ $100. When visited by
the cuuimltloa the other day ho wanted ? "iUO
for thu uno of the track for Saturday after
noon inittlncsv The committee reported ad-
vcwnly on tha proposition and rocominendod
that the East Omaha Land compnnv , the
Driving Park association nnd Council UlufTs
grounds lie considered.
The matter of location wns loft In the
bands of the same committee which will tty
and tnalco nrrangomonts for the grounds as
soon as uoislblo.
Now monitors , as follows , were admitted
Into the club : Fran It Gould , C. L. ChafTco ,
Major T , S. Clnrkjon. Dr. McMnnignl , Kd
Hurt , C. Morroll , UurtVllklns , Thomas
Swobo and Jatniis McUavack ,
A memorial rnsolutlon was passed on tbo
death of John F. Boyd , who wus n member
of the club.
In future n board of dlrcotora will con
duct the affairs of the club , as tha committee
ou bv-liuvs , and constitution was directed to
incorporate such d clituso la the rules and
regulations govcnng the club.
Tha meeting adjourned to moot ansin next
Monday night at iho sarno placo.
Itrsiilts ut Gloucester.
Gi.oticr.sTKit , ff. J. , March 29. Woothor
clear ; track slow.
First race , tlilrtcen-slxtnnntlis of u mile ,
Belling : TopmiiKt won , I'aolasocond , Shakus-
puuio third , Huhomlan ( the favorlto ) run un-
jilncedi Tlmu : lTE : ) .
Second race. Rovun-slxtoonths of a tnllo :
Syria colt ( the favorite ) won. Devisee second ,
Jjittlo Mmlam colt third. Tlmo : 4B/ .
Third race , out ! mile , sulllns : Ililnn ( the
favorlto0ti ) , Tiiipahauuook second , I'llKrini
third , Tlmo : 1:51" , ' . ' - i
Kourtli r.ibc. tlve-elshths of a mlle , selllns :
i'oxhllt on , Kuna second , Wlllium llenrv
third , Lottcioii und Virgin drawn. Honnlo
LIIHS ( tlio favorlto ) ran unplaced. Time : 1 : 8.
I'lftn race. nlno-slitteontlMof u mile , soiling :
Contest won , Siuuhiy Bcuond , .Marty II third.
Ilydr.i drawn. V-.uico ( the favorite ) ran un
placed. Tlmo ; f > .
Sixth ruco , Uftccn-slxtccnthsof it mlle , aeH-
Ing : llunrl ( the favorlto ) won , Kluhard 1C.
IMIX SL'cojul , Thn Kurmii third , Tun Honker
> Voodburn und Jack I'ot Ur.iwn. Tlmo : 1:40. :
Going ute
o , N. J. , March 29. Results :
First race , flvo-elghths of u mlle : I'luto
won. Ulurlan'i second ; Trauklo T third. Time :
I rtiiy.
Second race , four and one-half furlongs ;
Ittwuhvay won. Cfaluco second , Uladlator
third. Time : & " ! <
Tlilre rnuc. alx and ono-half furloiiRs ; Urxin-
blcrwon , lianuocas second , Woodcuttur third. '
'JCliuo : it'Jj. ;
Kourtii , mlle and a qnaitdr : Fonlon
won , Ulturcullt Gl.irk second , Sir UoorKO third.
Tlmo : a : 12 .
Klflh r.ico. five-ulnliths of a mlle : liaall
Ulrko' won , Jjtttlo "bandy second ,
third. Time ; 1 : < U ,
, Sixth race , seyoa-olshths of a mlle : Ivaulioo
\Van"Uiiccrtul ty second , Van third. Time :
Now Orleans lliiclng.
Nnw OitLKAXs , ba. , Maroh 29. Fine
weather , a good track and fair attendance
were today's features.
Kirdt r.ico , solllnfl. llvo furlongs : Joe Woll-
nian won , Koseola aououd , Ulaudluu third ,
Tuna : la : (
' , five ono-half fur-
Jjnccind'race , soiling and - -
IUUKS : Ono Dime won. Ar.nlo .Moore second.
Not In It third. Time : 1:0'J ' ,
' 1 hlrd nice , solllnir. six furlongs : American
Lady won. Heel 1'rlnco second , Dock Wick
third. Tlmo 1:11)11.
Fourth racu , handicap , seven furlongs : Gen
eral Marinailiikuoii. . AsKuy second , Uncle
Harry third. Time : 1:20. : .
Chicago Won Another.
HOT Sriuxaa , Ark. , Murch 29. The Cleveland -
land Solders woreiadly defeated by Anson's
L-olts.iu todays game. Scoro- Chicago , 14 ;
Cleveland , C.
Tips for Toiluy.
Hero are the good things ai picked out by
tho.Kuowing ones fromtbo cards for \Vcdnos-
day :
1. Jack.ltose I'carlSuU
'J. Tntitonic Maxim K
U. Tlogu Noonday. ,
4. Mrbollo KJourctte.
5. I'ulh-im Crispin.
0. Irrosular Kirelly ,
1. Ttalolgli L&nnri.
2. Eil die M I'rotondor.
it. Kloquenco Fliitlnisn.
4. Fern wood I'M. McHlnnts.
f > . 1'on/anco Annie K.
( S. Kltzroy Jud o Sterns.
Itov. W. J. llur-tlm ol tlio First rrogbytorlan
AVIIllli-Hlen Ills I'lmtorutc.
Hev. W. J. Howha , D D. , for the past llf-
loen years pastor of iho First Presbyterian
church of this city , Informed a Bnu reporter
Monday night that ho would In about two
wopke leave Omaha for Now York ciiy
where a position has DOCII tendered him.
Dr. fiarsbu has DOCII a central Ucuro among
Prosbyturiati workers for many years und
will doubtless be very much missed in
Mr. JIarsha came to Omuhu direct from
the Chicago Seminary ilftuen years ngo and
has occupied the loading Presbyterian pulpit
m Omalia over since. Tha church to which
Dr. Ilur.sha will probably go Is of tbo Dutch
Uoformo.l denomination and is located near
the corner of Fifth avenue and I'J-lth street ,
Now York city. Ho will leave for Now Yorlc
next Monday accompanied by Mrs. Harjba ,
and will preach lor tbo ucoplo of his ne\v
Held of labor for two h'nncluys before return
ing to Omuba to take hU llnal loavo.
Disease nnvor successfully atiaeki a sy *
torn with pure blood DoWltt'a SaMaparllla
makes pure , now blood and enriches the old.
Work of Compiling the J\tu \ of ricurcs
Completed. Ahoait of Tlmo ,
City Clerk Graves yesterday turned "over
thu tax list for 18'JJ to the 'treasurer and
comptroller of the city. The original wont
to the former and a dupltcato to tho'lat-
tor. The list shows tbo city valuation of
property to bo 20,43,759. | The tax to bo col
lected on this assessment , nt tbo rate of 41
mills on the dollar , amounts to fcS.)7,702.14. )
There Is also * JUUOO ; .assessed on the
Union Pacllla property as urovidod by the
charter , but as the assessment Is now In lltl-
eatlbu In tbo United States court the amount
cannot bo collected until the matter Is set
There is an increase of about $4,000 ever
last year's assessment , nnd the work of preparing -
paring iho tax list U six weeks in advance of
the tlioo required by taw.
Mrs. L. It , Pulton , Uockford , III. , writes :
r rora personal oxporlonco I can recommend
De Witt's Sarsaparllla , a cura for Impure
blooj nndpencrildobiiUy.'i
.Other I'uoplH'i Chllilron ,
The faintly of Davis and Iho faipily of pa-
hill Jointly occupy a residence at 1121 Jones
street , uul thus far the domicile ba not boon
distinguished for the white wmgo4 peace
which broodS over the traditional doves la
their nest.
The other day their bickerings culminated
In n vigorous drnbblng administered to a
llttlo girl , ICntlo CsbllL l > v Mrs. D. vls. The
mother or tno child , Mrs. Maggie Cahlll , uow ,
brings the troubles Into police court on a
warrant charging Mrs. Davis with assnult
with Intent to commit great uodllv harm.
The child , It Is claimed Is laid up from the
effects of the beating and the case was con
tinued ono week.
,1XXO V XCMM llTS. .
"Slnbnd" will bo given today , the only
matinee tn tbo engagement , at Lloyd's thea
ter. It the history of the ploco all through
the country Is duplicated hor.i , the m.Hltico
.vlll ba crowded u-ttl. ladles nnd children.
"Slnbad , " like nil tales in the Arabian
Nights , has a peculiar fnsclnntlon for chil
dren , as well us for people ot older growth.
The scenery , Including iho port of llalsora ,
with \vorUintrstilp ; thodecUOf the Hoc ,
thotcallstlo shtp.vrcck of the smuggler's
craft , the bottom ot the sea , with the ship
Ivlng'edded In the yellow sands ; the
( light of Slnbnd to the surface of the ocean ,
the npi'cnranco of Cupid , the gunrdlnn angel ,
and the sea horse ? , the oriental ntcturo pre
sented In tha pigmy Island , tha comic llttlo
cannibals , tbo funny son dog , Iho curious
little old man nf the sea , the ivory palace of
horses and elephants and thu glorious page
ant of nations , the frozen valley of diamonds
mends , in which occurs the carnival of win
ter , with Its roaiutic snow effects nnd ctm-
stuntly shitting lights , the glittering trans
formation , with tbocuptds and the .swans , nil
are calculated to llvo In iho memory of iho
younger folks , just us such pictures do tn the
minds of children of foreign nations when
they attend a Christmas pantomime. The
last performance of "Slnoad" will bo Riven
tonight. _ _ _
For thrco nights , commencing tomorrow
night , Conrlud's Comin Opara company will
sing tno great Now York Cnilno succors ,
"Poor Jonathan , " nt Doyd's new theater.
"Poor Jonathan" U said to have an under
current of ilia Impossible bordering upon
the ludicrous , but from a musical stand
point It is n gem of airy nnd refreshing har
mony , at times bordering upon a higher
order or music tlun is ganorally heard la
comic opera. In the third net a cadet drill
by the chorus Is a marked hit , the manual
and fancy evolution' ) being admirably exe
cuted. Seats go on sale .this morning. '
At the Pat-nam Street theater for three
nights , commencing Thursday , With two
matinees , Friday aud Saturday. The Phlla-
aelplna Item recently snld : MM. Tom Thumb
is now thn Countess MagrI , and has boon for
many years , 'but sbo is still the same charm
ing little tnllo of humanity as she was In
these halcyon days whoa Barnum , who
brought the dlmlnutivo pair before tbo pub
lic , was iu the heyday of his Dopularltv.
Last night at the ftuttoaal theater , when I
again saw this delightful llttlo lady for the
first tlmo in a decade at least 1 could uct
but remark bow slight had been the touch of
tbo Intervening years , and What old-time
ease and self-possession she yet displays
from boblnd the magic footlights the very
personification of wllisomonCss mid urnco.
In 1S34 Mrs. General Tom Thumb organ
ized a company which Incluilod tho'celooratod
Italian nitdgots , Count nnd Baron MagrI , the
former of whom she married on July 0 , 18ST .
The count and his brother uro magnlllccnt
swordsmen , and in the musical melange
plvon by the Llliputmns , "Tho Rivals , " they
apnoar in thrilling fencing scones.
The program H uniformly excellent
throughout , combining music , dancing , par.-
tomlmo and comedy , la all df which the
little folks exhibit to splendid advantage
their several capabilities , presenting a per
fect animated stage picture la mhlialuro
intelligent , ploasinc and agreeable.
Mi-s. Tom Thumb was fairly ablaze with
bedazzling jewels , it being stated uoon good
authority that during her levees she wears
upon her llttlo form no less than $50OUO
worth of diamonds and other costly brilliants ,
the greater portion of them being souvenirs
of remembrance from sovereigns and nobility
of the old world , boioro whom , she had the
honor of appearing. ' ' J
Mr. George W. Cable , the celebrated Now
Orleans novelist and doplctor of a special
phase of American life , will rend selections
from his- own works at the Yountr Men's
Christian association hall on .Friday and Saturday - .
urday next. Mr. " Cable 'isiBmall.tslight ' add
somewnat of c-French-type. His volco Js i
light und line , lus smilq dainty , his whole (
manner and appearance delicate. , Ho is a de
lightful speaker , a consummate actor-master
of himself and tone , attitude and gesture ,
und master , ulso , of bis audience.
The "Old FlddloJ" as , ha. modestly and
felicitously calls himself , Kdounrd Hcmeuyi ,
will appear with bis concert cpmnatiy next
Monday evening at Boyd's .th'ealer. It has
been nearly a decade since thu t'roat virtuoso
has bccu heard in America , and he. comes
now tn tbo plontltudo of bis powers to make
musicfor au Omaha audience. All people
seem to kuow and love the witchery of
Kenicnyl's violin , Dnd the critics do say that
the violinist has never-been heard to so excellent
collent as on the present concert
tour. Ho will have the assistance of Mr. . VV.
H. Fossondon , the' popular tenor , Miss Edith
M. Grrgor , formerly wiih the Bostonians as
soprano , iu addition to so'vcral other -artists
of renown.
Mmo. Modjosua nrd her companv of play
ers will produce "As You Llko Ii"'Saturday
evening at Dohany's ' opera houso. Council
Bluffs. There will bo a number of theater
parties from Omaha uttond the performance
and enjoy tha most captivating Hosalind on
the English speaking stage.
Paving on N Htrcot.
Tboro is considerable indignation on the
part of N street property owners ever tbo
manner in which tbo Metropolitan Street
Kulhvuy cdmnany Is ropavlng tbo-center of
the street which was torn up to lay tno
tracks. According to tbo provisions of its
franchise tbo company must use
suca material in ropavlng as tbo citv
council desires. The material which
It has used so furls anything but satisfac
tory to the udjaeent property owners. A lot'
of old brick which evidently bad been con
demned and thrown out somowhoru else are
being used in paving between the rails. Kot
ono brick In a dozen Is whole. Nearly all of
loom nro crucicod or have corners chipped off
as may bo seen by anyone who takes the
trouble to look'at them.
The cedar blocks which were removed are
replaced between the tracks and on the out
side. These have passed tbo period of use
fulness and are In an advanced stage of decay.
The result is that too new paving' a llttlo
worse tbua tbo rest of the stropt , the condi
tion of which has been u subject'or criticism
for some timo.
'I would like to know , " said ono gentle
man yesterday , "whether iho council Is
acquiescing In this matter or whether it Is
allowing tbo company to foist this condemned
pavement on us through Igno'v/knoo. / It ii a
matter that should bo * attended to at once.
The council should , see that the street car
company pave between the1 tracks with Just
as good material as they would expect a con
tractor to use In paving a new-street. The
company bus a valuable franchise tor the
asking and the rights of property qwncrs
should bo protected. "
Worhiiinu Will Knturtuln ,
South Omaha lodge No. 00 of , the Ancient
Order of. United Worlcmoa Vlll eatortaln
their frieuds at Workmen's ball this avert
ing. Grand Mailer J , D. Tuto ot Hastings
will bo present Und deliver an address. ,
Tbo program. i as follows :
Introductory , by tbo chairman.
Piano solo Miss Anna Ulasovy ,
Song Will Smith.
Address Hov. Robert L. Wheeler.
Piano duet Dr , T. A. liurvvlck and Sig-
nmnd Lonsborp. .
Sone G. H , Sutherland.
Address J. D. Tato.
The programme will bo followed by a re
ception aud supper.
Tbo Uachulors' dub will glvo a reception
ut Knights of Pythias hall this ovcnlnu-
Mr , utia Mrs. D. Alborry aud Mr. aud Mrs.
Harry Targ. Cards and dancing will bo
among the enjoyments of the evening.
Workmen Culobratlne ,
A very plosant entertainment , was given
uy the local lodge of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen In tbolr hall at Twenty-
sixth und N streets last evening. The aftalr
wus la honor of Grand Matter J , D. Tata of
Uniting ) ) , who was the guest of tha lodge.
After an introductory address by tbo chair
man , Miss Anna Glasgow rendered a piano
solo which was well received , A
song witb guitar accompaniment bv
Will Smith after which Kev. .Uobort
L. Whoclor gave a short address. Dr. T ,
A. Berwick and Slgmund Lanaborp con
tributed ono of their piano ducts , which was
ono of tbo best numbers ou the program. A
- L1 - - " *
j L- i
songbvG. U.-K horlftml ft 1 nn address
by Grand MustorTaio cioso the program ,
niter which a rmccptlbh wns hold and re
Olfjl In Cnllfornlti.
IntclliRcnco yis tocelveii here yesterday
of the death of0lfinn'U McUftuloy , who died AngcloAitl. ) ( , at 3 o clock yostoitlay
morning. HonW''boen ? ' 111 all winter and
\vont to Call foiSiflL three weeks ago In the
hope of recovbrtnljj his health. Mr. McCauley -
ley was n well known employe of the Cudahy
Packing compoiir.and has many friends hero
who nrn pnlncd to know of his death Ho
loaves aylfo nnd'one child. The remains
will bo sent to gf ; Chanos , 111. , for Inter-
meat. " ' 'v
Notc nnd Versonnl * .
A "Nleht Cnp" social will bo plvon next
Monday evening at the M , 15. church by the
local lodfjo of Good Templars.
Hov. C. N. Dawson will tocturo at the First
Methodist church on ThUMduy ovonlnp ,
April 7. Ills subject will bo "Our Boys. "
The telephone connections between this
city and Oinnliu nvo still disordered In con-
acqiinuco of Saturday's ' storm.
The reception which was to havo-boon
plvon'to the newly wedded members of the
Bachelor's club by the club last ovonlr.g was
postponed on account of the storm.
.1.13. Millar of the Ex'prcss ' is on the sick
Miss Allco Qnmth Is'conflned to her homo
by illness.
W. K. Iliilbort of the Stockman loft for
Lincoln yesterday.
Miss Lilllo Christiansen of Omaha Is tbo
guest ol the Mlasos I loy in nn.
Manager T. W. Tutlnfcrro of the Omaha
Packing ! In Chicago \vllli his
wlfo to attend the funeral of n relative.
Mrs. K. G. Smith returned yesterday from
n visit with her parents nt Lincoln. She
was accompanied by lifer sister , Miss Mngglo
MuBcnth , nnd her brother , Uivld "McBoath.
who will spend a few days In town. '
ciiAuiKiti < iYi's cuuon UKUII , > Y.
.Snprrlor to Any Other.
Mr. W. J. Mow ray of Jarvtsvllle , W. Va ,
"Sinen been handlln Cham
says : wo Imvo ?
berlain's Couch Ketnody wo have suld it on a
strict guarantee and found that every bottle
did peed service. Wo have used It ourselves
and think It superior to any other prepara
tion wo know of. 25 nnd 53 oontDottloj for
siilo by druggists.
Yostortlny'H llMVmlimtlmi IMsrlosrd l.lttlo
That Is Now-In tlio Gnll'onl Trncody.
The Gafford-Moonoy inquest was continued
by Coroner MauLycs\orday afternoon.
J. E. Lone , a tiaricoopor la a saloon at Six
teenth nnd Corby streets , told anout the
visits of the pair to his saloon. Nothing new
was developed.Iu Mr. Long's testimony. r
Cecil Gray wasi recalled and closely quos
tioncd by Attorney W , S. Strnwn , who is
employed by Gaffordj senior , to sift the mat
ter to Ihu bottom Too .witness said that her
real name was Nellie Connolly aud tnat her
homo wus In Carroll , in , In speaking of
Nelswungor , ono of tho-Jrlonds who accom
panied GulTord on some ot his carousals , she
said that ho toft'O'arroli ' very suddenly about a
yojrago because ho WAS Implicated in robbing
tbo express company's safe at that place.
Two others nifacd'Charlea Matthews and
II. Sherman wo'rjaftccompllcos in the robbery.
Miss Gray then'-'refatod again to the jury all
that had transpjitad between Gafford , Miss
Mooney and hVrXolf from the tlrao ho ar
rived on Sandajr'Aho 20th until shn partPd
with them abput'ro' ' o'clock Saturday ntghU
The witness wiiS'.rlgldly examined .by Mr.
Strawn about hBrlftst visit to thu ,1-00111 occu
pied by the couple , and la regard .to the
Hading of the corpses at 3:20 o'clock Sunday
morning. . , in
Then the attorney Inquired 'about Moroy
Hart , the lover-Of Mabel Mooney uad of
whom. GuffordVap'peared to bo so"jealous. .
Witness said tbut-ihe pair had several bitter
quiirrols aooufltivt , during ono of which
Gafford slapped-Miss Mooney'd face.
> Frora alli.tbiKteptlroony on the aobjcct ii
appeared JhatiTccnng.Gafford wasjjiaalpug of
Alabcl Mppneyj katidriwas anxious , to get liar
awdy to 'Denver or afiy 'jilaco so tfiats"ho
would"t > o"out of Hart'if rdach'"N <
David Mooney of Sioux City was called
uad said that his.slster would bavo bcoa 17
years old if sbo had lived August.
Ho had made two or three trips to Council
Bluffs , and had , talCiher ! to , his home in
order to ibduco her to load a bettor life. " Ho
often spoke and wrote to his sister about
this man Hart in whomsbe - scorned to bo
completely wrapped up. . . .It waa tno. desire
of the brother to got'Mabel away .from .Hart
and his inilucnce. Hart , ltwas > sald , was
also very jealous of the girl.
Mmo. King testilled that Mabel and Oaell
had been inmates at .her. place for the last
two months. She saw Miss Mo'onoy go up
the stairs about 11 o'cloeic Saturday night
with a cup of coffee and some lunch for
Gafford. Witness said that she was propar-
inc to rotlro when fltiO'hoard Cecil come run
ning and screaming down the 'stairs. The
rcudnmo ascended to tbo third lloor aud
entered the room ; she saw the revolver and
the blood-stained ucddlng aud hurried down
to send for an ofllccr. There hnd never been
any trouble botwoon-Mabol nud Cecil about
Gafford or his favors. . During the week , of
tbo young mati'a stay ho had spent Jlfiu in
tbo aouse to her knowledge , which did not
include refreshments sent to the room or any
money or presents1 given to tno girls.
.WituciR then told about the search lor
and tbo finding of the roll. of. mouoy
which contained ji43. The money was found
on the Hoar directly under the head of Miss
Gray's bod. As soon as iho money was
found the coroner- ' was sent for , who took
charge of the roll. . Hart called at llio house
some Umo duriug Friday night but did not
see Mabel. Ho did not call Saturday after
noon or evening. He bad only bcon calling
ai iho houso'nbout & month. Madame King
did not thing that u revolver Jlrca in a
cloicd room on tbo top floor could bo board
In tbo parlors , at least sbo was positive ) that
the shots which killed tbo young couple were
not heard by anyone in the houso. GatTord
bad talked with tha witness about tuklng
Miss Mooney a way , ) taut sbo bad declined to
let her go.
.A couple of newspaper reporters who saw
the bodies lyiug'ln ' the bed before the coroner
arrived , told the jury the condition of thu
room and the position of the bodies.
Detoctiva Vaucun described the bullet
wound In Gafford's head , and said that the
bullet had gone straight Into the head and
that tboro wera no powder marks on the foro-
bead. Ho did not think it possible for a per
son to hold a 83'pft.libor revolver far enough
away from the head so as not to leave pow
der marks on the skin.- - .
At thn conclusion of .the . ofUcor's tonlmonv
the Inquest was continued until 0:1)0 : o'clock
this morning , <
Th'a body of J Mabel Moonev wan taken
charge of by yH(6-brothers ( last night and
takou to Counclj uffs.
DoWitt'a Sa apirma u reliable.
Tim Nobility In ( lotham ,
I WOB Witlf | nfc ] 'down Fifth nvonuo
yesterday witliauii inlolligont forolgnor
who linn not i > ob > lioro lon"rsaya u writer
in the Now YoWUeconler.
I won't say wUeUior It was Roulx do
la Villo or Coufi'V ' Sloratorptr or Willie
Wildo. Any 'bpjp'ot thorn will do to point
my story.
"You havo1 Mtyn iv nobility of your
own here , luonTrbu noli1"
"How BO ? "
"I judo { froin-4.ho onrrlapcs and harness -
ness I HCO om , lyvionod with croatu , coronets
nets nnd co l J-arma. Look thorov"
and ho polntca.Jo" great hl li-8\vnn r
d'Orsuy ' that rolled'by , blinUor < viunrtor
lilnnkols and door panels nil covurod
with bomo ratnpitnt uniimil stiukinp his
lioad tlirou 'ha crown.
"Yes , " 1 said ; "that la n nobleman's
carriage , without doubt. Ho was u pork
luoUor In Chicago before ho came oast.
Since then lie has stolen two or throe
railroads und now his wife and daughter
fflvo the cold shoulder to MoAHuter.
'Ah ! You are valr droll , you Amorl-
Dawltt's Sarsapanlla cloinsas the blood ,
Too following in rrla o llconsos wore is
sued by Judge Kller yesterday ;
Namonnil Adilreu- Aso.
I AdoliiU N , l.lnibpr. , Onmlm. 21
) Kdla epoiiK. OmntKt , ' - ' - '
i John Dennisoii , Onmlii. . . 32
] Cutborlno I' , Lvfllcr. Omuhu M
A i. "
Authorities Determined to Oapt\tro the
Authors of Recent Outrages ,
In ruturn ( ho t'rfinlty lor DyimniltcmVIII
lie Death In nil Casps Wlirrn Much
Kxploilvo In INcd ( o Do *
utroy rroporty.
an : buJn-nu Onntvi Iti'in'.U. ]
I'AIIIS , March 23. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tun Unit. | Tno poltco have not
yet succeeded in discovering any trnoo of the
anarchists who blow tin llio house In the
Uuo Clichy. Fortunately nil the Injured
persons are still alive nnd probably in lime
they will bo restored to health. No ono Is
living In the house where the explosion oc
curred nnd the neighboring houses are also
empty. Indeed owing to the daugcrous con
dition of the walls It would bo risky for anyone
ono to llvo in the wrecked house.
I visited the pbico today with the prefect
of police and witnessed some' indescribable
sights. During tbo war 1 have frequently
scou n house wrecked by n shell , but the de
struction wns not so great ns on this occa
sion. By the sldo of a wrecked room ono
would often sea another room entirely intact.
In the Uuo Clichy house , on the contrary ,
everything was destroyed. Objects were
also burled to an inora.llblo dUtunco , n tic-
cantor wus dashed from an Inner room to the
top of the ruined staircase nnd was not
brokeiii In the kitchen on the second lloor
all the knives were torn from thotr drawer
nnd were stuck Into the wail aftur Iho fash
ion ot a Japanese feat , Anotnor result of
the explosion was that tbo servant girl , who
was Injured wai entirely divested of her
clothing by the shock , even her Inccd shoes
were taken from her feet nnd hurled quite a
Inrcitlg.ttltg ! tha Casr ,
The police bavo made no discovery yet , but
are taking all precautionary measures. The
residences of the magistrates and jurymen
who are engaged in the prosecution of the
anarchists nro strlotlv guarded by the police.
The good humored Parlsienncs bavo not lost
this opportunity for exciting laughter. On
several houses can bo soon placards announc
ing "no magistrates nro lodging horo. " The
chamber Is occupying itself with the matter ,
and tbo government nas announced thnt nil
possible stops nro being taken toward discov
ering the criminals.
The chamber subsequently voted than nn
indemnity bo pivou victims of such nttncks
nnd thnt a now article bo added to the notml
cede making de.tth the penalty for such
The municipal council of PnrU has offered
n rnwnrd of 20,000 francs lor the discovery
of the persona responsible for t.ho explosions.
There was another violent outbreak lust
night in a church at Belleville , the consequences
quences of which wore thnt tbo police were
obliged to interfere and clear the houso.
There will bo nn important session to
morrow at wbch | tbo budget committee pro
poses to cut down tbo wns budget by bomo
thousands of francs , the object buing to cast
discredit on "M. Freyclnot. If the chamber
votes for the reduction there will bo a now
ministerial crisis of which there is really no
Dreadful Work ot n Ouurlc Doctor.
[ Copyrighted iW ? by Jama Gordon liennM. ]
toix SUA'ADOH ( via Galveston , Tex. ) ,
March 28. ( By Mexlran Cable to tbo New
Vqrk Herald Snocial to THE Bni.l Prcsl-
duit I zeta dined aboard the United States
crjiiser Boston today nnd was trentod-rabs't
cp-dially and hospitably by the commander
and other qQIcors of * the vessel. His recep
tion , pleased him immcnsclv , aud ho was do-
llgbtod with overythinc on the Boston. In
return for the courtesies shown him be has
invited the American commander and his of
ficers to banquet ashore.
A quack in the village of Cimmnron , who
pretended to bo nblo to prevent the spread of
smallpox , inoculated twenty children witb
virus , promising that bis treatment would
preserve them from disease. On the follow-
in u morning sixteen of 'tbo children died.
Tboro is little hope of saving the others.
The village Is greatly wrought up over their
deaths , and popular feeling against the quack
Is very bitter.
* Jtumora ot JCglfiiiitloiiH.
BEKU.V March W. Tbo nlr is filled with
reports of intended resignations ot officials. current In parliamentary circle *
is that Dr. von Boottichor , secretary nt the
Imperial home ofllco and representative of
tbo chancellor , is about to resign tbo posts
hold by him , in order to become governor of
Dr. Miguel , minister of finance , has been
designated the future vice-president of the
Prussian ministry.
Will Not Accept HlMRvNlRimtlon.
BBIIMN , March 28. The Freisslnnigo
Zcltung says that Minister von Boottichor
will remain at his post , the emperor refusing
to accept bis resignation.
Wlck ( \VllcH of u Murilnrur'H Wlfo llor-
rlliln Story from Wiirni\r.
\\AUSAW , Marches. Police inquiries Into
the case of two brothers named Kotilikvosky ,
who are imprisoned bore on the charge of
murdering ana robbing a peasant nonr
Blulostock , have revealed the practice of
wholesale murder ot emigrants on the
frontier. Already the naked bodies of llvo
victims have been discovered in tha xnuw
In the woods adjacent to the bouse occupied
by tbo ICuulikvoskys , who lived In the vll-
laga of Mould , and the search for bodlus Is
proceeding. Thoiohnvo boun many dliup-
pcaranccs of lulu in thn nult'hborhoml of iho
koulikvosky residence , and the pollcu rutl-
nnuo that tie two brother * have murdered
at least forty pnr&oiiB.
The revolutions cuncornliiK thu tin. Ljrs
have caused much tixcltcmont througutmi
the whole district. The I'ldor brother , who
wus a peasant Inrinur , has n .tiling wlfo ,
wbo , it is r.lmrijoJ , took ndvantiiio of her
so * to aim JILT mis bund In til-i oruntvt , ro.
cclving'hor ihuro of iho spoils Nocurod Irom
the unfortunate victims.
The younger brother had boon a roldiur In
the Kmslnn uni.y but his llmu had expired.
Ho took to smuggling across the frontier ns
n moans of livelihood , und naturally became
thoroughly ucnuolnted with all thn devious
paths that led into Prussian torntorv , uwny
from the ayes of the watchful fron
tier gunrdd. Many of the persons
desirous of leaving Kubilu , particularly cult ,
grants , were not auiillud ( [ with Ihu IUHMSIIU-.V
passports nnd would approach thu KmillU-
vosiiys and bargain with ilium fnrn HIIU non-
duct huyoml Uiimiun toll , FuultUVH Irom
justice also availed Ihuinnolvim nf Knulluvni-
ity'H knowluiltio to oii'iipo from Ihu ( illU'nr , < of
I he law.
Tlia innthod followed bv llin hrolhur * In
Iho oases of purxunx desiring tn > : r > .i ihn
frontier wni in lolluwst Tnoy would nolcot
us tholrvlrllms only tlioiii who luul unoil
outllta and < money. Thu uthcm umild ho
taken across In nuluty , The vloimii , how
nvor , would bo tiiUen In uhnivo by the
younger urolhcr , and Hinxly ihuv
would bo conducted along n iiuirow putli
through a donuL * forest. In thu meantime
llio ftldor brother would hurry by 11 abort
routu to a .spot previously iigroou on und
ivhun the vloilm aiipruachud lie would ba at
tacked by his u'uidii nnd iho mini \\tio luy
in nmbush , Tliu iiiiforlunuto man would bo
strangled , and then to innko their work vuro
the brothers would bout In MX skull with
plubs. Ho would than bo robbed of every
thing In Ills possession.
At the outset thu brothers carefully burned
tbo bodies , lititns Umo wont by , they being
undetected became careless and uhoved tbo
bodies under tbo brushwood after utripping
But this was not Urn only way they bud of
securing victims. The wlfo of the cider
brother would Indulge in llirtaUons with
stratiKi-T.t who came to Monkl , and would
inako engagement * with tbotn to visit at her
tiomo. Sbo Is a comely , buicoui woman , and
idiulrers would bastnu at night to her bou o
jnly to meet death ut tbo bauds of too bus-
band and his brother , wbo awftltod tbel
Among the Iftstof the Koullkroskys1 vlo-
tims wns n peasant who hnd nought shcltci
from ihclomont weather in tbolr but. Hi
fell aslcon and the brothers nttomptcd ti
strauglo him. The man nwobo and mndo i
most desperate struggle forhlsllfoaa hi :
boay showed. Wbllo ho wai held o hi
could not escape , boiling water was pourct
over his head nnd fnco , and the murderer ;
then succecdod In strangling him. Tin
body wns hidden beneath some straw in i
stable where It was accidentally discovered
before the brothers had Umo to carry it
to the forest. The finding of this body lei
to the discovery of tbo five other bodies litho
the woods ,
The woman was taken Into custody will
the men , but she is kept entirely sopnrali
from thorn. Allthreo bnvo Ibocn subjcctci
to a prolonged examination , but they rofusi
to confess anything. _
bcoitcitun 7/r / fniiwnnK.
T o Hurt County .Urnviit > Mini Dolrnuiln
n Widow Iti'liinlcd.
TBKAMAH , Nob. , March 'JS. | Spoclnl Telegram
gram to TUB Unn. ) Judge Scot
listened to arguments in the casoof Mnrgarc
Klrklo against U U. Mennoll and K. W
Peterson nt this evening's session of the dls
trlct court. The case \vm ono in whlc !
plulntlff nskod thnt n deed bo set nsldo be
CHUSO of fraud. Thu court cut the nrRUincn
short and In ronderlng his decision said hi
hnd n p.UnCul duty to perform , ns the cnsi
had In It dark liurs.
Ho then ntralgnod Petersen ns nn nttorno ;
nnd Mennoll ns n man in most scnthlnj
language. Ho uonouno.Hl the unfair nnt
fraudulent methods of dcfondnnt In tin
measured terms , The nudlonco at ono Him
broke out In loud nuplauso. ,
Briefly , Monnell nrquircd mortgages foi
about $1,000 on Kirklu's IliO nores , linn whoi
Kirklo was dying Peterson was called In tc
draw n will. At the same time ho Indued
Mrs. Klrklo , in her distressed stnto o
mind , to sign n deed for the farm , convey
Ing It to Monnell. Alth'uugn Petcrsoi
was administrator of the cstnto , llio cour
decreed that the deed should bo sot usldo
nnd eave Monnell ten days to roconvoy tin
land , nnd it It is not donu In that tluio hi
ordered that the dccroo of the court constl
ttito n conveyance.
The decree gives general satisfaction , ant
Judge Scott's honest but emphatlii remark !
are the Ihcmo of fuvornblo cmuinont. Judgi
Dlckonson appeared for the plaintiff unt
Petersen and Glllis for defendants.
Onttvltlnil the Court.
VAI.PAIUISO , Nob. , March 23. [ Spocln
Telegram to TUB BIIH.J John Holmquisi
who was arrested several uay ace for selling -
ing liquor to minor. ) , appeared before Justici
Mongol for trial today. The justice accord.
ingly rt3loaod the bondsman and nt near tin
noon hour dismissed court nnd kindly per
ml t ted the prisoner to go to his dinner tin
nttondod by an officer. On convening cour
after dinner it was found that tbo prlsonci
wns missing.
Uinlirnllii Trust.
NEW YOUK , March 28. The Evening Telegram
gram says nn "umbrella trust" is boiiif
formed. Conferences have been hold by tin
manufacturers and it is understood organ
izatlon has nearly boon completed.
Vonm ! WnU'ry ( iraves.
LONDON. March 2a. The Grimsby smncl
Surprise reporUs having lost a boat contain
ing u crew of llvo men.
A ICURKinn View of thu Clinrgo of the
Ivnn Ivnnovitch , who wns a Russian
steward durlnff the Crimean war , und
wounded nt B'nlticliivn , thus describee
the ohurjio of the Light brigade to n
correspondent of the St. James1 Gazette :
"We were so sorry for them , " ho baid.
"they were such line fcllous , nud they
had such onlondid horses. It vny the
muddobt thfnff that was ever done. I
eanot understand it. They broke
through our .lines , took our artillery ,
and then , instend of capturing our guns
and making off with thorn , they went
for us. I hud boon in the charge of the
Heavy Brigade in the morning , and was
slightly wounded. Wo Had all unsad
dled and were very tired. Suddenly wo
were told : 'Tho English are coming. '
'Confound them ! ' wo said. My colonel
was very angry and ordered his men to
give no quarter. I was lying at tome
distance with my wound bandaged
when I saw them coming. They
came on magnificently. Wo thought
they were drunk from the way
they hold tlioir Unices. In
stead of holding them under their arm
pits they waved them in the air , and , of
cout'bc , they were easier to guard
against like that. The i men were mid : ,
uir. They never seemed to think of the
tremendous odds ngainst them , of of the
frightful carnage that hnd taken plneo
in their ranks in the course of that long ,
desperate ride. They dashed in umong
us , uhouting , cheering and curding. I
never saw anytliing liku it. They
scomod perfectly irresistible , and our
follows were quite domorali/cd. The
fatal mistake wo made in the morn
ing wus to receive the chtirgo of your
Heavy brigade , standing , instead of
meeting it with n counter shook. Wo
had so many more men than you , that
had wo continiioa our charge downhill ,
instead of calling a halt just at the oriti-
anl moment , wo should hnvo carried
u very tli ing holoro us. The charge of
your lloavy brigade was magniliconl ,
lint they lind to Ihanlv our had mamigo-
inunt for the victory. Wo liked your
tallows.Vhen our men tool ; prisoners
Lhoy used to give them our vodka. Aw
ful ( Hull it VIM , mure like spirits of wine
than anything else. Votir fellows ucod
to olTot' ns'thuir rum , hut wo did notoaro
for it ; it was to soft and mild. The
Iliisstnn boldlor iiuift have his vodka. "
A ( Iruu-lul lr | ii > MHr.
An employer rocoi'lly advertised in a
London pupor for a clerk imdcrfilnmliiig
dioi'lhand nnd the Keminglon typo-
iV rll or , and having a know loci go of
Kionuli and Gorman. For those qtmlili-
laiiouH ho otrored a s'lltiry of JL'0.0 per
iniiuni. Ho received the following ap
plication , "I am forty-live years of ago ,
ind was educated at Oxford1 university ,
ivhoi'o I matriculated in 18(19 ( , being
Senior Wrangler in 1871. I write short-
inr.d at tlio I'iito of 400 words a mliiuto
ind can opornto two typewriters at
) iice. Should this latter 'aocomplisli-
nont ho of iibo in your olllco , I would ho
[ iloiirtud to i-upiily the initchlnoH. I speak
ill the Uuioponn liuiguMgoH lluentlam
in ii x port accoitntnnt , and would bo
) roiiri'd | to work eighteen hours a day.
I'ho Hiilury you mention is nioi-o than I
uu'o Imuu roOoiving , and I would accept
Kurt , HH living < m nuts and water , my ox-
IOIIHMH nro modurato. I am a member of
our hurlnl oltiho , HO thnt , in the avent
if mv dlnoasQ while in your employ , you
vlll fool under no moral ohligulloiiit to
nihsDi'IOo to the cost of my funeral. I
nny further niM I am the holder of
ho London Merolianls' gold medal for
in oHsny on 'Ovorpuld ClorUb ; or , Why
Cncourago LuxuryV I Jinvo vnriotw
ithur accoinpllshmonU , whiuli f would
ie happy to detail at an inturvlew1
o , trout 3.1 a ) 'Juh ami i > 3rna :
lontly ouroU. No publicity. No infirm
try. Homo treatment. Hnrmlctu and
mectutil. Kofor hy ponnis.slon to liur
ington Hawkeyo. Send lie stump or
Kunphlok Shokoquon Chemical Co.
3urlngton | , la.
fiattuti ,
To whom It mnv concern : Notice Is liuroby
; lvun to Ihu pulHIu tlnit I wl I not huld iiiysrff
for any Iniiuijludnets which inv
vice , Anna Jlpp. muy contract , uu ttlio lint lull
uy lit'd undbuurd , AlJutiiv Jirr.
Mlllur.l , Nob. , March ? . ' , IBJi '
The Liebig COMPANY'S
Cattle arc reared on their
fertile grazing fields in
Uruguay , solely to provide
prime beef for making the
world-fame * !
Liebig COMPANY'S '
Extract of Beef.
Competent cliomNis miprrvMo every do-
tiill , from the oaro of the cattle nnd
tht-nuRJi iho nriioessos of imuiufacluro
scrupulous rlunnllnnss prevails to the
patting nf the cuinplotoii oxlrncl. Tills
preservestho yvJAi.iTr , rii\voit and l-un-
ITV of this famous product , which Is tn-
diiy , IIM when iiru pin up by the sn '
cliomlst , Justus von UoblH.
. Incomparably the Best
for Improved nnil Kcnuonnu Cookery.
1'or UiMlcloui , ItcfrcshliiR Ituof Ton.
rit.K.C. Wi ? t" < NUttVJ AND 1MM.N TUICA.T-
SI 1C NT , n spocinofnr IIr < tarls , DUilnon , Kin , Nan.
rnlKln. Jlo.iiUriia , NorroiK 1'njitrAtloii ciiusut bj at *
toiiul orlobncua , Wnkcfiilnni ) , Mcntnl .
POflonlnz of tlio Drain , nnnliu limnllr , ml err ,
ili-cir , Oo > 'h , I'roniituraOlil A40 , llirrjcmoii. I.jn
of Power In clllior-uit , lni : > ototicr. t.0 irorrliuos nn I
nil Kern Mo WaikncMoi , Involunt.irr lxi ui , ijuir-
iimtorrhooacnusul by ovcr-oxarllun at tin bniln.
Bi'lf-nlni < ( > , OTOr-liliiliionc > . A 'nuiHh's treatment
f I , ( I fur $ > . bjr tunll. Wo OunrAiitot ) six l > otai ti
euro. KnchorJor Torti t > oxi . wlttili will noijj wrl I-
ten RimrAntna to rcfiiiul It not enrol , ( lunrnntno
luiiuud ailtr lir A. Sclirntor , Imualit. ole i
K.cor. lUlh unit Karnain < U. , Omslio. Nob.
( Tmtla Hark. )
p '
, &
The above brands of ( jlovos for sale by
The Boston Store
N. W. Cor. Kith and Douglas St3.
Omtihii. '
S lv i g
By the American KxlruvngUDza.
t And Sou thu
IMi'MKAIIU'H I This U tlie last night , nnd
lUj.lll Jll'Mi , the
> - - * owliift to the iiiiinnlttuodf LIIU
play Ihu curt.iln will KO iii at sharn. , Uar-
rlasi'i may bo ordure I at lOs.vj.
Hlxlennlh and lliirnuy SIR. ,
nuiNJticrr coNitiisn , nire u r.
" rfiillK' ' . " > 0 t IIIPM ill iJiuNuw \ < nh ( J.ininii.
an Itl.AJ : halconv ! Tiou. TT.o mil II.UDl Kallery ,
' 'ic. H.ilu opcni WodiiiN'
FARNAM ST , THEATER * oeite& .
'J'lirju nUliln vJniMiniii.'liuTliurii'lay , Murciiai.
Ilia nurlil rviKinrit orlulnul
'riiaMiinlloilnuil ' mint tivlunlol MttlauitoM In tl
u wurlil , Mallnuiit l''rltlty anil hiiinrilii ) ' . holiool
ulillilit'ii iinili'r " "
Tonlk'lit Jlulliuo Wc'diionlur
oii.\a A.
In'l'ha limit Uoui
n-i'rc'itviriiini ( runiir > iou-u.
Tlio ti.WI l-Initlltli Wuixl * n
InTliuIr Murvcloiu Act. Tlio IMNCINO HKI.l/dlON
WON I. ) B II Ix A. N U
Grand Opera House
ICdcn MuR'U Uo ,
1 PorfonmicoH Dully ul Ul0. : ! 4I3 ; , 8:00 :
and UiU ; ) [ i. in ,
Woodward'H Kdnuiitrd Kualt. and
M y UchsliT. < 'oniL'llJU ei'i : liluna
Hurry M. uiiJAuil.i I'rlo.i. HLutoli ArlUtH.
l4 Nowinan. Urnn.lii ( ' ( iiiinUI.'in.
' ' Co. "iho Iturat
Ui.ii Jlason'H ( 'iiniuily m
l'arnnutiuatJ ! , Utfi IH'Jf 3aat < "Jo.