Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY REE : TtTKSDAY , MA11CII 20 , 1892.
John Campbell Receives Probably Patal In
juries tit Gulch & Ltiuman's Store ,
, iriir : t Worm Low Illi ItlRlil Hnn < \ In
n limiting Arrlddil llpporlcil i'lim
to Content the Wilt of
llyrmi Itccil.
John Campbell , ono of Oliver Maggard's
drivers , was seriously and perhaps fatally
injured by u freight elevator In ihorcir of
Hatch &Laumnn' china store on Parnora
street yesterday morning.
Campbell attempted to jump to the platform -
form of the elevator whllo It was descendIng -
Ing toward the basement nnd was cauoht
between it and the walls of the
shaft mill terribly crushed across the nolvls.
The car wao bioppod as soon as possible
nnd physicians were summoned , who ordered
his removal to St. Joseph's hosmtnl , where
ho was taken in the police patrol wagon.
Campbell Is an unmarried man and has
boon boarding nt the Omnhn house. His
physicians have but small hopes for his re
imto.v uiii WILL CONTEST.
llclrn AllrRrd to lie Itriiily to TnUn Their
DlmmtlArnctlon Into Court.
It was reported yesterday that the nt-
tornoysof Mrs. llyron Ucod would soon Ilto
u contest against ttio will of the late Byron
The cause for this action will bo the al
loyed lucqultnblo division of the property by
the testator. When Mrs. Hood first ex
pressed dissatisfaction It li said that her son
nnd daughter wcro willing to walvo tholr
rights under the will and share equally-
each a ono-thlrd Interest In the stato. This
may or may not bo true. The real Grounds
for'lho proposed contest nro not Icnown.
The Interested parties decline to talk. A
close frlciifi of ono of the heirs said yesterday
that ho regretted tlio proposed action keenly
nnd that ho could see no possible reason for
It. The ease will probably rcaoti the courts
this week. _
Kriicst Worm's Hunting ; Trip Nearly Cost
Him lilt .
Earnest Worm , u young man living nt 1010
Davenport street , lost his right hand from
the accidental discharge of n gun Sunday.
Ho nnd his brother , Lou Worm of Tun
Dm : composing rooms , had bosn huntlne on
the river and tno guns were lying In the bottom
tom of the boat , when Eirnost loaned over
nnd reaches fur the hawser.accldoutnlly dis
charging ono of tbo guns.
The full charRD struck Worm In the right
nrm Just above lha wrist almost completely
aovcilng It.
It was some tima before a physician could
bo found but ono of the .voung man's com
panions had the presence of mind to twist a
cord about the wounded arm , thus probably
saving his Ufa.
Worm Is a plumber about 21 years of ago.
A Close Call.
Mr. J. P. Blnlze , nn extensive real estate
dealer In this city , narrowly escaped ono of
the severest attacks of pncumonhi whllo in
the northern part , of the state during the ro-
ccnt blizzard. Mr. Hlal/o hail occasion to
tlrivo several miles during the storm and was
so thoroughly chilled that bo was unable to
get warm , nnd Inside of an hour after his re
turn ho was throatcued with a severe case of
pneumonia , or long fever. Mr. Blalzo
to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , of which he
had often Heard , and took a number of largo
doses. Ilo says lha effect was wonderful
and that in a short tlrao ho was orcathltig
quite' casllyrHo kept on taking the modiclno
mid tbo next day wus able to como to DCS
Moinos. Mr. Bliiizo regards his euro as sim
ply wonderful , ind says ho will never travel
ngain without n bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. The ( Des Moinos. Iowa )
Saturdav Koviow. 2o'nnd-50 cent oottlcs for
sale \5rugglsts ,
s' Jtuccjitln'n. _ v
All the ladles nro cordially invited to
nttond n millinery reception given tit
Mrs. K. II. Duvios' millinery parlors
next Friday and Saturday , April 1 nnd
i ! . Special attractions , and without
doubt the largest nnd finest display of
pattern hats over shown in this city.
Music. No cards.
S. 15th , opp. P. O.
An ImpiiKsaUlo Street.
William McKay , Henry Cook. K. F. Chllds
nnd many ether property owners residing In
the vicinity of Twenty-sixth and Patrick nvo-
nuo have a complaint against the city council
nud especially against their representatives ,
Chris Scocht and John Mclvmrio , in that
body. The property owners assert , that tbo
street Is In a deplorable condition , mid as tno
council will pay no attention to tholr wants
they have sent the following communication
to the Bic :
OMAHA , March 23. To tbo Editor of TIIC
BF.P. : As our appeals to the Sixth ward coun
cilman have been as naught , In writing to
you wo hone to call the attention of these on-
orgotla citizens wbo take such prldo In their
ward's welfare and appearance , hoping
thereby to Induce them to notlco tho. almost
Impassnblo condition of Twenty-sixth street
and Patrick avenue In particular. Wo have
stood this for the last four years , and at
every rain or thaw wo residents in .that
vicinity have had our property deluged with
mud and water owing to the defective condi
tion of the streets. Twenty-sixth street Is
graded In such a manner that It carries the
mud nnd water from some half
dozen adjacent streets down Patrick
avonuo. This water has cut the street up so
that travel Is conllned wholly to tbo sldos.
The abandoned street car tracks on Twenty-
sixth street are nt least a foot nbovo the
level of the street , but this only aids to mike
the deposit of mud ou Patrick nvcnuo
greater. Now , the property four miles from
the city has boon greatly bouotltod of lato.
Sidewalks have boon laid and streets kept m
order , but wo , who are much nearer , unvo
boon forced to be content with miniature
swamps In front of our homes. To bo sure
wo have stn > ct crossings , but as these are
nearly always covered with mud a foot In
depth they nro of little service. If Patrick
avenue nnd Twenty-sixth street wore put lu
Bhnpo It would provo an aid to Twenty-
fourth street also , as much of the tilth Is car
ried down to that street.
\ \ . J. McDonald , superintendent Lnnnenu
Munufuctuiing Co. , Urocnvillo , B. C. , says ;
"My wlfo has used Bradycrotino for head-
actia and It ls the only thing that relieves her
sufferings. "
Drunkenness ,
dUoaso , treated as ouoh nnd permanently
nontly cured. No publicity. Noinllrm
nry. Homo treatment. Harmless nnd
effectual. Refer hy permission to Bur
lington Hivwkoyo. Send 2o stamp for
pamphlet , ShoUoquon Chemical Co. ,
Turlington , la.
DciUll of Mu. U. S. Mullen ,
Mrs. U. S. Mellon , wlfo of the general
traflla manugor of the Union Pacific railway ,
died atSt , J'uul , Minn , , Sunday. Sbo had
been 111 three weeks , and her husband was
called to tier sldo from Now York a week
ago , but her case was not considered hopeless -
loss until last Wednesday. At the time of
her death she was visiting a sUtor , the wlfo
ot J. M. Hanniford , general traQlo mauagor
of the Northern Pacillc.
The deceased vlsltcQ Omnbu several times
with her husband , but the family homo has
been lu Chlcaco. The remains will probably
bo taken to Vermont for burial. Deceased
loaves children aged 11 and 3.
Hick hoadackol Ilwjohara'sPills will cure U
The Co in I nt Coutorcnre.
The list of people who will entertain delegates -
gates to the Methodist conference- continues
to grow , Blnco tbo publication of the list in
TUB SUNDAY HUB quite a number of enter
tainer * Imvo expressed a preference for cer
tain delegates ouU louie assignments bavo
' - i
Doon made. Henry W. Yfttos , president of
.ho Nebraska National bank , will entertain
Dr. Moulton , the delegate froruKnglnnd and
the fraternal delegate from the Methodist
church South Dr. Moulton U n learned
llvino and was ono of the revisers of the
east edition of the nowtostnmont. ,
Lewis Hoed will rntortnln the delegates
from Switzerland , Kov. Hnns J. Broiler ,
O.D. , of Basil nnd Prof. Wllbolra Uttter of
thn X.urich university.
JCfforts nro being mnJo to have the confer
ence committee take the Coliseum , but as yrt
no arrangements for using Bnyd's theater
lold good.
CrofMoil Tclrptionc Wires Itcuponsltiln for n
YOIIIIJ ? ilriicnr Clerk' * Dementlii ,
"If somothlng Isn't done prottr soon to get
hcso tclophono wires straightened out' " said
the head clerk In a loading grocery store
yesterday to n Bcc man , "Iwlll bo n raving
maniac nnd there will bo n big crowd of poo-
ilo hero In Omaha lu n lilto condition ,
"Tho tclophono to us , you know , Is Just
Ilto having n gun when you see game , wo
can't ' do business withoutit. hast Saturday ,
of course , wo simply took a vacation
so far as telephone orders wore
concerned. People came bodily Into
the store for what thov wanted
or the } ' caueht our order and delivery clerks
is they made tholr rounds. But this mornIng -
Ing wo began trying to tnko orders over the
telephone. Tho" proprietor was tbo first vic
tim. For tbo llrst live or ton minutes ho
sm'.lod ami laughed and rang , and explained
that this was not tno shot tower , nor the union
depot , nor the pollco station. But the thing
soon becun to wear on him nnd ho
lost his temper. Ho sMd a " few
Lhlngj that would have startled the
Sunday school class that ho teaches , nnd
then being n prudent nnd cautious man ho
sent me to tnko cnarga of ttie 'phono orders.
"In about three minutes the bell wont
wr-r-r-rt , wr-r-r-rt , wr-r-r-rt , and I answered
back. iycs , tills Is the plnco you want , ttm
Is Spicor & Co. . the grocers , what is U you
would hnvol' ' I said in the plainest possible
tones 1 could command. Huro Is the order ,
as it came back over the 'phono ' :
"This Is Mrs. nl number Park
nvonuo. Send mo up a sack of Hour , a bushel
of oholco potatoes and put them In your In-
sldo poekat so you can't lose thorn. 1 want
them to go out on the llrst mail und for
goodness sake don't forcot to look in that
pigeon hole just nbovo my desk , I think the
brief I want Is thoro. Bring it down to the
livery barn on Ginning street , I want to bayo
tils tail and mane clipped. 1'ut the
saddle on him nnd fotcii the bay mare
along for she needs shoes on the front foot.
She hasn't boon feeling well for several
days and I nm afraid she Is going to have n
spell of nouralgin. She rolled nud tossed all
night in her sloop and kept mo awake half
the night. Sbo mndo iv mistime bv going to
the marine hand concert Saturday night but
there was no use to tell her so for she bit
little Allco terribly this morning
and I want you to come right
homo nnd chain her up. She's
n nutsanco anyway and the hired man says
he has a notion to takoher out nnd shoot her.
I sent him down town to get the right hand
upper berth In section sixIlo U going right
through to Chicago and in all probability ho
will ho ono of the leading attractions at the
World's fair because there won't bo another
thing there like It. Everybody , says that it
will bo the very thing to take when you
have any further trouble of that kind will
bo n good , big dose of ( [ ulnlno and whisky ,
and don't be particular about coming to
lunch , because wo have nothing to cat but
9,420 hogs and 4&lo , cattle. ( Jood shippers
wcro scarce and eastern buvors took the
booby prize , and It plagued him awfully because -
cause ho poses , you Know , as a line player.
Ho used to boast to mo that the local forecast
For today will bo fair and warmer with clearIng -
Ing weather. "
"Did you 1111 tbo order ! "
"Not yet , " said the clerk , sadly , ns ho wont
iway to listen to another chapter of Babylon
ian chow-chow.
ToLEiio.iiowa , April 0 , 1801.
Dr. J. B. Moore , Dear Sir : My wlfo has
nsod about six bottles of your Tree of Life , *
nnd thinks that she has received greater bon-
ollt from it than any medicine she has over
taken. Yours truly , L. H. BUPKI.V. ,
Geu'l Atront and Troas. West College.
Since receiving the above testimonial , I am
In receipt of 'a letter and chock.'from the Hov.
U H Bufkin of Toledo , 'Iowa , April 25 , to
send Hov. J. W. Konworthy , Crestlino , Kan -
sas , six bottles of Mooro's Tree of Life.
i-'orysalo by nil druggists.
Dr. Culliiuoro , < oculist. Has building
Among Itallroiul Men.
Benjamin H. Barrows , the literary man of
the Union Pacific , Is at his desk again after
an absence of several weeks at Hot Springs ,
Ark. , and ho Is so much Improved that ho
has discarded crutches.
Ho found qulto an Omaha colony among
the Ozarks * . The most distinguished among
thorn was John A. Croigbton , who is a ball
follow well mot with everybody and parlicu-
laMy with noted democratic politicians.
Frank P. Hanlon shod a beaming effulgence
OIL alljcomors , and George Mills was making
social conquests right and loft. Lew Hill
was doing well , and Henry Estabrook was a
late comer.
Among old-time Omaha people who will bo
pleasantly recalled by many were Mr. and
Mrs. Cnlloway and W. McMillan. Mr. Callo-
woy. formerly general manager of the Union
Pacillc , is now living at Toledo , O. , nnd is
president of the Toledo , St. Louis & Kansas
City railway. Mr. McMillan , who was in
Auditor Gunnolt's ofllco twenty years ago , is
now n prominent and woll-to-ao resident of
A report comes from Rapid City , S. D. ,
tbat the Coad road now building from that
point westward to a Junction with the B. &
M. has been gobbled up by the Burlington ,
but at B. & M. headquarters it is ofllcldlly
stated that "thoro Is nothing In It. "
Thomas Schumacher , cblof clerk of the
Union Pacillc freight department , is enjoy
ing a vacation at St. Louis.
George W. Loomls , assistant to General
Manager Holdrogo , will leave tonight for
J. C. Oswald of Los Angeles will como In
nn the Union Pucillo tonight in a spocml car.
Ho Is oound for Minneapolis.
Wonderful results follow the use of Plso's
euro for consumption. Coughs quickly yield.
All druggists ; 25 cents.
Omaha compressed yeast strictly pure.
Inn iiriincu CoinjiiinU-s Will CoiiU-it.
It Is understood that tbo Insurance compa
nies will contest payment of the policies ,
carried by the Omaha Hardware company.
Tboy Insist that the stock was insured for
more than Its aatual value , contrary to the SO
per cent clause of the policies. Four mouths
ago tbo stock was insured for $130,000 , and
tbo companies sent tholr adjusters hero ana
cancelled policies to the amount of $10,000 ,
but the sum total bad been run up again to
within $ UIXX ) of whut It was beforeOn tbo
tbo llrst of the year the stock Invoiced $111-
000 , and It Is stated that a month
ago the Indebtedness was $110,000 ,
The commercial agencies state that
the concern was owing altogether too much
money for the stock carried , The business
was about to bo removed to the McCroary
block on Douglas street between Twelfth
and Thirteenth , Mr. McCreary having tunica
In bis interest in the property only a few
weeks ago for Its equivalent iu the com
pany's stock.
Whether or not the change will now bo
made depends on the action of tbo Insurance
companies. The origlu of the tire I * still an
unfathouablo mystery. Treasurer Carter
says be is positive that it was tbo work
of burglars.
Mrs. L. H. Patton , Hockford , III. , writes :
'From personal experience I can recommend
DoWltt's Sarsaparllla , a cure for Impure
blood and goucrildobiilty. " ,
Think Ilo IB 1'oruor.
F. W. Selfort is held at the pollco station
on suspicion of being the young man wbo
victimized a number of merchants with
forged checks two or three months ago.
Tbo checks bore the forged narao of John
Howe and ranged from 515 to ? X > . They
tvoro passed indiscriminately all over the
town. One of tbo victims was nt the station
yesterday , but could uot positively iden
tify the youth.
A slight cold , If iicglcctcd , often attacks
tbo lungs. Brown's lironchial Troches give
uro anil Immediate relief , Sold only iu
boxci. Price W cents.
Democratic County Oommisiioncra Unable
to Maintain ThoSr Working Alliance ,
Mnjor Pnililnck' * lIlTorli lo Select Poor-
mnstor .Mulioney'ft Successor Opposed by
Van Camp mid Tlmmn llepubll-
v\nn : Cnn Stiuul It.
The democratic tnomboH of tbo Board of
County Commissioners had agreed to make n
number ot appointments on April 1 , but now
they are nit nt sea nnd the wisest ono of the
trio wllljiot oven venture nn opinion ns what
may bo done upon thntdato.
When the democratic majority organized
during the early dnys ot the present year
there was an undorjtniullni ; that no changes
should tnko place until the first of
next mouth. A resolution upon tbo
subject was Introduced nnd adopted. Since
that time tbo throe democratic members have
be-on busily engaged In hunting candidates
Tor superintendent , matron nnd engineer nt
the poor farm ; engineer nnd janitors nt the
court house ; clerk of the county .board nnd
county physician. For n time It looked ns
though they would have uo difllctilty in mak
ing tholr selection , but now the aspect ot af
fairs has changed nnd no man can tell who
will bo the appointees.
There has been nu understanding tlmt-tho
appointments would bo made and confirmed
atthoscssion to bo hold next' Saturday , but
the split In the democratic rnuks now makes
this next to impossible.
The whole trouble started when PnddocJ
promised W. A. Austin of SoUtblQmnhathat
no should have tbo silporlntbadoncy of the
poor farm nnd county hospital. Tlniino nud
van Cnaip declared that they would light
Austin to the death ; thov declared that
Austin was not only n republican , but a citi
zen of very short dnrution. Paddock was
stubborn and said that ho did notcaro n cuss ,
tie know Austin and would put him
nto J. J. Mahonov's shoos. At last con
siderable democratic pressure- was brought
; o boar nnd Austin was dropped like n
hot potato. Without consulting his brother
democrats , Paddock' caught on to Gooriro
3uy and wlfo. Ho told thorn that they could
have the wholu thing nt tb.o hospital. Ho
would make Guy superintendent , While his
wlfo would bold the position of matron.
Van Camp learned of this and bolted the
ticket. Ho openly declared that Paddock
was trying to run the oiitlrolioanl , nnd that
if ho thought ho could do so ho could go on
with his wortt.
Chairman Timmolooked nt matters through
the same glasses as did Van Camp , but ho
smiled und maintained bis silence.
Paddock thought ho had things his own
way until last Saturday , but now bo hos
change hU mind. Ho realizes that thn chair
man went back on him when ho voted to
adopt Berlin's salary resolution.
Paddock feels the same way toward Vim
Camp , lor ho knows that Van deserted him
lu the hour of need. When the resolution
was road , Pnddocit talked long nnd loud for
Its roforonoo , nnd nil of the time ho knew
that Van Camp was out iu the corrhiori uud
would not como m to vote.
After the mooting adjourned Paddock de
nounced Var. Camp in loud nud clear terms.
Ho declared that ho had gene back on his
pledges and was playing into the hands
pf the republican members of the board.
This information was carried to Van Camp ,
who unhesitatingly remarked that Paddock
nlked too much with his mouth , that ho dis-
tustod the democrats.
The republicans ou the board do not fool
sad ever the turn that affairs have taken , for
they now feel pretty sure that when the ap
pointments nro made next Saturday they
will got their share of the loaves and fishes.
In other words , knowing the strained relations -
tions that exist between Van Camp and Pad
dock they oxncct that the former named
gentleman will tie up with them nud assist
In naming the appointees.
The Howe scales , the only scales with
protected bearings. No chock rods. Cata
logues ot Borden & SolleekCo. , Agts. , Chicago
cage , 111.
To tlio Hot Springs ot Arkansas Via the
WnlmBli Itallroacl.
On April 7 and 8 the Wabash will sell
round trip tickets at nbovo rate , peed
returning until May 10. April 12 the
government will commence sale at auc
tion of town lots from the reservation.
Only 37 hours from Omaha to the springs
via the Wabnsh. For tickets , sleeping
car accommodations nnd.a map showing
location of the property to bo sold , with
description of the springs , call nt Wu-
bash olllco , 1502 Purnam street , or write
G. N. Clayton , N. W. P. Agt. , Omaha
Tho- largest and finest display ever
shown of flno pattern hats.
MKS. R. II. DAVIES , Opp. P. O.
Taxlner Indian I. ami * .
Senator Mandorson has prepared a bill of
great Importance to nil the states having
within thorn Indian lands. It provides that
the lands which have bean allotted to any
Indians in severally under the provisions of
any law or treaty , In which the lands nro to
bo held in trust by the United States , or are
to bo exempt from taxation , or which may
hereafter bo so allotted , shall be subject to
stale and local assessment and taxation , the
sumo as any ether lands similarly located ID
such states. Sales of land for taxes is pro
hibited , but such delinquent taxes , If not
paid , by the owners of 'the land , shall bo
paid by the treasury of the Urikod States to
the authorized ofllco of the rcspoctivo coun
ties or municipalities , No taxes shall bo
levied fora poriodof five years after such"
allotment. The bill makes a continuous ap
propriation to moot the taxes and 'assessments
- 1
Forty years In the market , and not an
adulteration. ' 'Strictly pure , " is' the motto.
Cook's Extra Dry imperial champagne ,
Via rcniiwylviiiila Khnrt r.lncs.
Present rate Chicago to Cincinnati ,
O. , Louisville , Ky. , Hamilton. O. , Day
ton , O. , is but $0.00. To Indianapolis ,
Intl. , only S.'t.OS. Ticket oilico , 248
Clark. street and at Pennsylvania sttt-
tion , Cliicago.
Don't forgot next Friday nnd Satur
day. Kvory liuly in tlio city ought to
attend. MUS. U. II , DAVIES ,
Opposite Postolllco.
C. D. Wood worth & Co. , successors to
Wolty & Guy , 131(1 ( Fiirnam street , man
ufacturers and dealers in harness , sad
dles , etc
_ _
'M Need of JliinufiictorloH.
Mr , Lorton of Nebraska City , a member of
tbo linn of Lorton & Co. , wholesale grocers ,
said yesterday to a BUB reporter at the Paxton -
ton hotel : Wo bavo about come to thu con
clusion that the growth nnd prosperity of
Nebraska City will depend very largely upon
our ability to got manufactoiics. Wo are ex
periencing a healthy growth but wo don't ex
pect to expand much In the wholesale or job
bing line , Omaha is sure to overshadow
all the smaller cities in the state
n.i n wholosnto and Jobbing center , fffo fcfll
that more nnd rnoro ns the years go by nnd
wo Joobors oTVNbtrnska City a.s well us other
small cities hutuls central west may just as
well make up pur minds to the fact that
Omaha Is nntl-.wlU bo the great center. Wo
shall give cor Attention more nnd more to
the development ot our manufacturing In
dustries. Thuro Is plenty of room in Ne
braska for manufactories and in the smaller
cities wbcnrHnboring men ein Jive more
cconomicallytmm In too larger cities there
will bo opeclftl inducements hold out for the
establishment ! of f-ir.toncs. Wo expect a
very satisfactory growth this summer nud
will probao'.yrKOt our share of now manufac
turing establishments. "
I have boon cured of a bad case ot rheu
matism by imng ono bottle of Salvation oil ,
nnd I cheerfully recommend It ns the best
liniment over mado. Mry Clarke , Maltby
House , Baltimore , Md.
Beware of counterfeits 1 See that you got
the genuine Dr. Bull's cough syrup. Price
'Jo cents.
.H' Mpeelul Notlee.
Owing to the increase in tnulo it will
bo impossible for 11.1 to send invitations
for our millinery receptions to nil our
patrons , wo therefore only tulvortlso in
the papers. 1US. II. II. DAVIKS ,
115 S. loth , opp. 1' . O.
Young Ciill'oril Spent n Week CiiroualtiK
llelnro Killing lllnifte.ll.
Ail Inquisition was hold by Coroner Maul
in the council chnmbsr of the now city hall
yesterday afternoon over the bodies of Abnor
N. Oafford nnd Mabel Moonoy. County At
torney Mnhonoy questioned the witnesses.
Polleo Onicsr Bennett was the first wit
ness called. lie told about being called to
Nclllo King's house ntl'JO ! : Sunday morning ;
nnd looking at the bodies ns they lay in bod.
The matter was then reported to tbo police
station nnd tlio coroner. Bennett described
the condition of the room and the position of
the bodies in detail.
Cecil ( Jruy , the chum of Mabel , said that
for seven months she had been n near friend
of the dead girl. Sbo said that G afford nnd
n friend came to tbo house ou Sunday , the
t0th ! , and stayed there until Wednesday
evening , whun ho loft for Carroll , la. The
days and nights wcro spsnt in drinking nnd
having a good time generally. Thursday
night young Oafford returned and remained
nt the house until taken out In n cofllu. All
the time ho was there ho spent money freely
nnd recklessly. Saturday the deceased was
111 and remained in bed all day. About 0
o'clock thu witness was In the room occupied
by the pair , nnd Uafford took n ravolvcr from
his satchel nnd pointed it at Mubol
in fun. The wcapou was then put
back In the grip. About 10 o'clock
witness again visited tbo room and when she
left was asked not to como up again that
night , as both wcro tired nnd sleepy. Miss
Gray further stated that she had often wit
nessed quarrels botwco.i Gafford and the girl
about u lover of Mabel's , ot whom tbo young
man \yas \ very jonlous.
The witness then told about her visit to
Mabel's room a little after S o'clock Sunday
morning and the discovery of thadoad bodies.
S. B. GalTord of Dos Moines , father of the
deceased , was put on the stand and snld that
his son was aJl'tlo over 2J years of ago.
Abner was employed by his brother at Man
ning , la. , nud 'had boon traveling for about
thirteen months. During the lust ten days
ho had drawn : S&)0 ) , which money ho had
when ho arrived : In Omaha a week ago.
Mr. Uafford"said that as far as ho know his
son was not in the habit of carousing about
or visiting such places as Nellie King's.
At too coucluMou of this testimony the
further healing of the case was continued
until it p. m. today.
DeWitt's Sarjaparilin is ra U > lo.
' Appeal to llt'ii
The following .circular letter has boon ad
dressed to the republicans of Nebraska by
the prcsidcncand-socrotury of the State Ko-
publlcan League : -
Li.M-nr.N , Nob. , March 2.I. Headiiuartors
Ptuto Republican Licuxuo of N'obrunka. To
the Republican 'Voters of Nebraska. Follow
workers : The time Isnttmml forthu thorough
orzanUutlon of thu State Uupubhcau Ica uo
which Is composed of the local republican
clubs In the state- .
The object , ot . .tlio Republican leaiuo cm-
bracing ail republican clubs of the state Is to
advocate , promote und maintain the princi
ples of republicanism ns enunciated by the
republican party and to have u perfect concert
of action und co-operation.
At leaht ono club should bo organl/od In
every city , ward , election precinct or school
district. Alee by this organization In each
city und county und promptly reporting the
nuiiics of the ofilcors to iheso noid < ni rtor.s
llteratur-j can bo the more promptly and sys
tematically distributed.
Upon application to these headquarters a
copy of constitution suitable for republican
clubs will bo forwarded. Make the policy of
the club so broad that any republican can
uorlt under It. Invlt.e to membership every
person who sympathises with the republican
party. At your meetings .Invite full and free
discussion on republican lines ot all political
bubjcets. i'urmttovary member to express
hlmsolf , free speech bclin ono at the cardinal
prlnclulos of tbo republican party. The
loairuo clubs do not , talco the place or but uro
auxiliary to and will co-operate with thn reg
ular committees of the party. Lot organiza
tion bo perfected at once , Send names of the
olllucrsund strength of club to these head
quarters. I'rompt organization , combined
with united and energetic action will crown
ourulTorts wllh a grand victory In tbo coining
campaign. I.V. . IiANBiNd ,
Trust. State Kep. Loacuo. Lincoln. Nob.
DllAI ) II. t'l.AUOIlTI'H ,
.Sec. Omaha , Nub.
W. . McAimiuu.
Ast. . Hoc. Lincoln , Nob.
Republican papers plo.iso copy
" 1 have found your Bradycrotino a sure
cure lor headaches. " A. H. Hanks , Moun
tain Peak , Tox. _
Harvest for I.liiouicn ,
Linemen of all descriptions are proving
the truth of the proverb of tbo ill wind. Any
sort of a man can claim good wages , (5 per
day bolntr paid by nearly all of the com
panies. The tclopbono company has a
force ot forty men at work and do not hope
to reduce the confusion to any sort of order
for the next two weeks with bard work.
The flro department now has communica
tion established with all except the Walnut
Hill house and is In fairly good condition to
toke care of any alarms which may bo sent
in. Chief Soavey has Issued orders that
whllo the wires are in tboir present condition
the pollco force shall hold Itself In readiness
to render every assistance possible. The
patrol wagon and six men will answer all
DoWltt's Sarsaparllla cleanses the talooJ ,
Incrcascstho appetite nnd tones up the sys
tem. It has bonolittod many people who
have suffered from blood JisorJorj. Itwlll
Wives too Oflon.
Mrs. James E. Cutler of Phusbus , Va. ,
writes the chtof df pollco that she would like
to hear of her 'bigamous husband who was
last heard from ! as a private In Battery A ,
Second Infantry , , Fort Omaha.
bbo chargoi ! > ( ho Jlcklo James 1C. with
changing wives almost as often as ho
changes bis clothes cod certainly as often as
he changes towns.
"L'ato tobodland early to rise will shorten
tbo road to junir home In the cities. " But
early to bed and a "Littlo lOarly Hlsor , " tbo
pill that maitai life longer and butter and
wiser. _
til"'C'lmc ,
Two moresoU the indicted saloonkeepers
who have boeiudolug business on the t-vo-
mile strip Imvo acknowledged the error of
their ways , pleaded guilty and taken the
consequents. James Fudden nnd James
s SI iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard ,
Knapp were before Judpo Davis yester
day. They withdrew their former picas of
not puilty , which were entered some days
BRO , when thov were nrrnlsnod. Fnddon
was fined S100 nnd Knupp ? 3SO nnd costs.
They entered Into bonds to pay the lines and
coM-i within flvo month ? , In accordnaco wltu
the provisions of the stntutoj.
FHOM 'itov.\n .inovT vs.
Cambridge has raised $1,500 for n town
Ha v. Mr. Clark ha resigned nipnttorof
tlio Congregational church of Dnvltl City.
TUo Dawcs county Jnil 1 % empty nnd the
sheriff will bavu the building swept nnd ( ? ar-
nlshod with a coal of whitewash.
A llRht bctwooii four cowooys In I'crltltn
county limy lojult In ttio death of Huclc Tay
lor , formerly with IJuffnlo Dill. Two others
were bntily cut.
John Tojko of Clnrusou bled to donth the
ether day. His arm had been nninutntod nnd
the ntuinp had nppnrontly honlcu' , when sud
denly an nrtory broxo nnd death resulted bo *
fore aid could bo seen roil.
Anolhor ovklot'co that alliance republicans
nro coming back to their llrst political love
Is thrtt the lirokon How Lender , n staunch
republican paper printed In the old Indepen
dent stronghold of Custer county , has been
enlarged nnd otherwise Improved.
A tjang of toughs mndo it lively for Wilson-
vlllo citizens the other day nnd It Is said the
town K looking for it now marshal. The
present ofllcer Is nllcRod to Imvo been Intimi
dated by the gniif * nnd to have rtllowed the
men to run the town somewhat In Uiotrulilou
of the old frontier uays.
Will Ilavtlett Hos near do.ith's door at
Archer as the result of n hunting trip. Ho
triou to crawl up to some poosc , when his
gun was nccldcntally dUchnrKcd , the load en-
tcrhiffhls leg. Ho laid on the ground four
hours bolero being discovered nnd It was
foand necessary to amputate the Injured
limb nt the hip. Ills recovery la doubtful.
Unknown Mlnden parties lumped ou John
AV. Uorilon nnd knocked out seven of his
tooth. They also loft n doren or so black and
blue marks ou John's head anu shoulders , all
because ho was alleged to bo the correspondent
pendent of n Lincoln sensational paper. John
will recover , but It Is said ho will In the fu
ture refrain from writing stories about his
nalghbors' private alTnlra.
Charles Philllpj , au old soldier , who en
listed In the Twenty-second Kansas under
the narao of Moore , has boon working In the
vicinity of Mil ford for the past two years.
Ho was wounded In the lioail during the wiir
and the bullet was never extracted. A wcok
ngo tiunuay ho was playing with some chil
dren nnd attempted to show them how ho
coulrt stand on his head. The effort was
nmao nnd ho fell over In nn agonv of pain
from which ho never recovered. Ho became
unconscious nnd'died four days later.
'Iho.seml-anr.unl meeting of the York Bap
tist .association will be hold In Friend
Wednesday nnd Thursday. The association
comprises about seven counties. Ttio pro
gram will Include addresses and discussions
on church work arid policy. The woman's
mission cnaso , both homo nnd foreign , will
bo presented under the direction ot Mrs. J.
W. Schoottlor of York nnd Mrs. E. T. Allen
of Omaha. Uov. J. J , Koclor , stuto mission
ary , will bo present nnd explain the work
nnd show Its growth In Nebraska. The
young people's work will bo outlined by the
state president , M. U. McLcod ot Omaha.
Hov. Dr. Clark , late missionary to Africa ,
will speak of the Congo countrv and Its fu
Broken Bow Is a thriving city nnd Us
citizens nro respectable nnd l.iw abiding.
Anybody reading the following from the
Broken Bow Republican who Is not ac
quainted with the town might think It resembled -
semblod the town where the Arizona Kicker
Is printed , but It doesn't. Hero Is the editor's
tale of woo under the caption , "A Mob not
Jusllllablo : " "Wo have been informed that a
tnob was formed last night , after the appear
ance of the dally , to visit the editor of the
Republican with vengeance , for the local
that appeared In reference to the entertain
ment given of Undo Tom's Cabin nt the
North Sldo opera house , and had It not boon
for the Interference of some of our warm
friends , wo would probably have been a
'goner. ' The throe statements were that 'the
play was well rendered,1 'they carried out
the program'and that'ltd row a large crowd.1
These statements we persist In maintaining ,
but that It was ono of the most complete
humbugs for the price charged ttiut wo bavo
seen in tbo town , wo have not dented. But
ono consolation Is that It was not a one-sided
affair. Everybody who had M cents to con
tribute to the show was given an oppor
tunity to drop It In the slot , nnd nearly every
body did It , and tbcro Is none loft to do the
kicking net , so everyone that is dissatisfied
will bavo to contnvo some device to Idok
himself. "
A ( Julet Wedding.
Mr. Stuart Shears , son of Mr. Samuel
Shears of the Hotel Lincoln , and cashier for
Chase & Eddy , was united lu marriage to
Lillian .Vroat , Saturday evening nt All
Saints church , Rov. T. J. Mackay oftlciatiiig.
The wedding was a very quiet ono , only ttio
relatives of the two families uoinK pfosent.
Mr. and Mrs. Shears nro for tbo time being
nt 103'j Parlc avenue , but will go to house
keeping In tbo near futuro.
DoWltt's Sarsaparilla destroys sucu poi
sons us scrofula , skin disease , cc/oma , rheu
matism. Its timely use saves many llvoa.
Jtoptilillciins Take Notlro.
There > vil ) be a meeting of the Douglas
county republican central committee at the
league headquarters on Thirteenth street
next Thursday night at 7:33. : All members
of tbo committee are earnestly rou.ucsiod to
bo present as nutters of Vital importance are
to bo considered. By order of the president.
Disease never successfully attack ) n syn
torn with pure blood DoWttl's Sarsaparllla
mulcos pure , now blood and enriches the old.
Denied tlio Soft Impeachment.
Hozekinh Bedford and Agnns Donnelly
were charged with having stolen 15 and a
watch trom the parson ot August Llomtng
while ho was In an intoxicated condition.
Upon arraignment they both pleaded not
guilty and were remanded to jail to await
Mothers will flnd Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup tbo boat remedy for their children , " 5
cunts a bottlo.
Bg ! , lint lad
the old-fashioned
pill. Bad to take ,
und bad to have
taken. Inolllcient ,
too , It'a only
temporary relief
you can get from
Try romcthlng
better. With Dr.
Pierco's ricasant Pellets the Ijcncflt is last-
Ing. They tleanso nnd regulnto the liver ,
stomach and bowels. Token in time , they
prevent trouble. In nny cnso , they rtiro it ,
they cure It easily ; they're mild ami
but nnd effective. Tbcro's
I ClllAU , uuv thorough UII14 VIlVUtlTV. * * ivl u t >
no ill&turluiiico to the sybtcm , diet or occupa
tion. Ono tiny , sugar-coated Tellct for a
laxative tlirco for n cathartic' . Blck nnd
nillous Iloailucho , Constipation , Indigestion ,
Bilious Attncks , and all dernngcinciita of tlio
liver , fetomach und l > owels nro promptly re
lieved nnd iwnimncntly cured.
Tuoy'ro purely vegetable , jicrfocUy harm
less , tuo smallest , nnd the eusfost to taKe but
bc&ldcs that , they're the cheapest pill you can
' to Give pntla-
buy. for they're gvarnntttil
factlon , or your money Is returned. You
pay only for the good you cct. This is truu
only of Dr. Pierce a inoulcinea.
lias become a household word because ot
its absolute purity , nutritive value , smoolii
taste and delicious bouquet. It isgoodfor _
weak lungs and n stimulant for impaired
constitutiono. Unlike inferior whiskies , it
does not rasp or scald the throat and
stomach , nor cause nausen , dizziness and
headache. You may know it by the above
qualities and the proprietary bottles in
which it is served , Call for "Cream J'lice
Kye" and takn no other. For sale at all
first-class drinking places and drily stores ,
jj 0ALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago.
The Nebraska , you bet ! I used to goto some
hat store , buy a hat with some swell hat mak
ers name on the Inside , plank down five big ,
hard earned dollars and walk out Into the cold
world under the impression that everybody
was admiring me and my new hat. I'm wiser
now. I go to the Nebraska Clothing Company ,
buya "Nebraska" hat , put up three dollars
and walk out under Just as good a hat as I ever
wore. Another thing , I can always get a
shape to suit me. . "
We do sell as good a hat for three doll i . ,
as any five dollar hat that ever was made. The * \
stock is there the linings are there the trimmings - *
mings are there it's all there but the two dollars \ *
lars we save you. This saving not only applies - , i
to the best hat made ( the "Nebraska" threef
dollar hat ) but it applies to low and medium
priced goods as well. For instance , we sell a
derby hat for seventy-five cents and another ,
one for a dollar. You'll wear out a pair of
shoes hunting a hat store that sells the saifio
qualities under a dollar fifty and two dollars. .
Perhaps you've no idea of the stock of
we carry. It's great. We carry all shapes , all
shades , all colors , all qualities. VVhen you
come to us"for a hat "you can buy a hat to suit
you. "You're the man to be suited. All we
want is to please you ( and to make a few shil-
1-ingsto buy bread with ) . Our full spring stock
of "Nebraska" hats Ts now open.
Soft Hats , BOc , $1 , $1.BO , $1.75 , $2 , $2.25 ,
$2.BO and $3.OO.
Stiff Hats , 78e , $1 , $1.28 , $1.8O , $1.9O , $2.28
$2.BO and $3.OO.
Boys' Hats , 35c , 48c , 6Oc , 78c , 9Oc , $1.2S
and $1.4O.
Crushers , 6Se , 88c and $1.28.
Open Till & p. m. Saturdays , 1O p. m.
.To Soften the Hands.
Before retiring take a largo pair of old gloves
ind spread mutton tallow Insii ) ; , also ail over
Ilia hands. Wear the cloves all night , and wasit
.Hiehands with olive oil and \\liito castllo toan
tbn next morning.
The above , together with 1001 other thlr.R'J
equally If not more Important to know , is folni5
in tliu handsomely Illustrated new took just
published by
0 $ ,
America's most Rifted , popular and
This book they sent ! to any address on receipt
* t 4 cents lo pay postage But
Jo more than write valuable books which the )
llvj to those v-Uo need them. They euro
Catarrh ,
Piles ; Stricture , <
Hydrocele , Varicocele ,
Gleet , Spermatorrhoea ,
Syphilis , Gonorrhoea ,
Lost Manhood ,
Blood and
Diseases ,
Female Weaknsss ,
Effects of Early Vice.
nnd every f orm of
Nervous ,
Chronic and Private
Diseases. e
; iuH : tatlou free. Can upon or address v.ltl
fctilU'P ' ,
110 South Hth St. , N. K. Corner 14th
nnd DoiitfliH Sta.
Omaha. Neb.
National Bank.
Capital $ 100,000
ill-pill * . . , . . . . ( JJ ! , . )3 )
Ollkeri AmJniroctOM Honrr W. Vatoi.prjil lint
II , U. Cuihlnx. vlcoproilOonl. IH. . .M iiiilaiV V
Mono. JoliuH. Celling J , H , II. 1'atrlo . lijffli A
lloutl. Caililor. r
Corner lath and Farnam Bti.
DfT'Bailsy , $ r
The Loading
Ueiitisb "
ThlrJ KloaP ix ton
Ti'lcphoiio 108" ) . Kllh mid Fiininni SK
A lull Klnf trctli on lul.licT . for ( J. I'uffi'ct lit.
Ifflti without iiltiln * " r rvinuvubla brlilxu nurk ,
Jii t Hie thin ; ! lur iluuvrj or iniUllu | ivnkvM , never
All Mlinumr iiKinutjiu ratJ , kll work war-aui il
Cut tM nut fur
Army and
Navy .
Soldiers in the Regular Arm
and Sailors , Seamen and JUar-
incs in the United Slates Navy ,
since the War of Ike Rebellion , \
who have been discharged fromj
the service on account o
abilities Incurred therein whilel
in the line of .duty , aroj
Entitled to Pension ]
at the same rates and under thel
some conditions as persons ren-f
d'ering the sanis service dui'inm
th& War of the Rebellion\
except that they nro not entitled !
under the now law or act ofl
June 27 , 1S9O. " I
Such porsonsre also entitle dj
1,3 pension whether discharged !
from the service on account ofj
disability or by reason of expir-f
utlon of term of service , ir , |
while In the service nnd lint
of duty , they incurred an
wound , injury or disease win
still disables them for man
Widows and C/uld >
of persons rendering service Inj
the regular army and novy |
Since the War are
Entitled to Pension. " "
if the death ofthosoldlor |
to hls service , or occurred whlli
ho was > in the service.
Parents of Soldiers & Sailors
dying In the United States sor-1
vice since the War of the Hebel-l
lion , or after discharge from thoj
servic3 , from a cause originat
ing therein , leaving no wiclov
or child under the ago of sixteen
years , ara entitled to pension II
now dependent upon tholr owil
labor for support ; whether th
soldier ever contributed to their
support or they were dependent !
upon him nt the time eli. hlal
death or not. > . . I
As to tltlo to poiibion , ADDHIiSS
Bee Bomi'of Claim ! )
ItOOM 2'20 , BliE 1UJ1LD1NG ,