n J' I r THE OMAHA DAILY JJEE : TUESDAY , MARCH 29 , 1892 , 7 iSPEQlflL NOTICES , , DVKHT1SKMENTS FOIl TIIKSK COLUMNS , L will be tnkcn nntll IJsaO p. in. for the evening L and until 8.80 p.m. for tlio morning or Sunday fdl- ttlon , All ndverlliipraent * In tti ( > o cohimrn 15 cents a .Jnc first Insertion , nnil 10 cents n line thereafter , or i l > r line tier montli. No advertisement taken for les * than 3i conU for tlic tlr t Insertion , Tornn , jrofli In dv nco. Count nbout f even words to the llpp Initial * . Hmire , symbols , etc. , each count ns a p/wotd. All ndvcitlicmrnt * must run consecutively. 'lAdvertlfterft liy requesting a numbered check , cnn iinvn the letters RddrrMPd to a numbered letter In % tnor THR Hrr. Answers no addressed will be rered on prcucntatlon of the checli , SITUATIONS WANTED. illATKB IJc a line first tlmo and lOc n line there- aflcr. No advertisement taken for leu thanjtio. 'mNKKri ' WOULN LIKE POSITION i on stationary engine ; flrstclns * rcrcrenrrg Ad- T CTJlco/ M9JV931' , vi'llMTt'UK FINISIIKH WANTS POSITION ; Uliloto take charito of finishing room. AdjUeM , - SITUATIONVANTKD , AH COOK. MAN AND iwlfc. on ranch. Address , T 43 , Omaha Hoc. * , - A YOUNO WOMAM WITH 1 MO. OLD CHILD 'l ' 1ii idtiintlon to work for room nnd lionrdi j > ilUci ( ) T 6.1 , lice. . MKO 1 * l-WANTED , POSITION AS COACHMAN 11V colored ! man. Experienced rofcrenco from Inst employer. AddrcssTfil , llco. MZJ4 31 * WANTED--MALE HELP. BATES 16cn line first time nnd lOo n line tlicro- . after. No advertisement taken for less than 2io. irWANTKD. BALKSMKN ON HALAIIY Oil COM- nnlsslonto handle the new patent chemical Ink _ - lnc pencil. The ercateit celling novelty ever rproduccdi ernsc * Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no nbrsnlon of paper ; 200 to MX ) per cent profit ; ono MBcnf * nlen amounted to IG2U In U days , another JW In two hours. We want ono general ngenl In tench * lntc nnd tr-rrllory. For tprmsnnd lull par- TJrulnr * nddrets Monroe Krascr MfK. Co , LnCros o , llg. . X l. 877 l-SALESMKN. PAYS WELL. 401 HKE 111,1)0. ) J.-2S 11. ILLAHOHEHSWANTKO KVKHY WF.KK 'for Wyoming on the ! > . A M. 11 , It , f rco trans portation from ( ) mnhn. Call at IXW8. loth atroot. LTnTV CAN VASSEH8.SALAHY PA ID WEEKLY. L JJSInccr eonlntf machine onicc , 1MUDoiiKlnsstreet. MISi-nll > AOINTS : WANTED. IXCII.SIOH : : > Co.-Wnro block. 7nI8' WANTEO.EXPnilTHOXHlPSAWYEH : NONE llitr need apply. Knst Oinnlm llox Faclory , Omaha. 7S4 -WANTii > , 2 HOYrflflTOlB YI5AHS. OMAHA > Ilex Knctory , Knst Omaha. 953 5'7WANTICl ) , HAIINKSS MAKK11S K1JKP AWAY JDfroni 1'corln , 111 , Htrlko there. M9JU ill * B-8AI.HSMKN WAKTKD , C100I ) WAIJKS , < lloo Ijulldlnii. M183 S0 YOU A ( JOOl ) AOKNT7 YOU AUK JJlurkr. Wrlto for tarint to The Odorless Cook- InffVnro Company , Denver , Colo. , for tlio bc t , Jaslesl-felllnit houduliold article over sold. Kxchi- Btve territory. M18I1 * > -WANTKD. OOOD STEADY HOY TO DO JANh > work. 419 South SOth. MUM 29 * T ) WANTKD , A 1 SHOE HALKSMKN WITIt 'jJcstnhllshcd trndo for country tributary to Chi- caxo. Address U. U. KIUKO & Co. , Clilcaito , 111.UHI UHI 3 il > WANTKD. 20 TKA.MSTKIIH FOU U. U. WOIIK J'ln Wyoming ; KOOI ! WIKCS ; frco pass. Albright Labor Olllco , 1120 Karnam St. 2UO U WANTKD , A FIIIST CLASS ItliACKSMlTII. J/Stcndy Job to thn rlelit mnn. JInrrled man pre ferred. John M. Stewart , Atkinson , Nob. 11 6 , -O WANTKD 1MM1CUIATKLY. TWO IOOD ! JJsollcltors , younismen preferred. Call between 1 and o'clock p. in. , at the Llndcll hotel. M22S 2J < > -WANTKD YOUXOMAN HKCKIVK IN- > MructUins. keep books In April , naucsC4. > . J. I ) , ulth , WJ N. Y. Ufo bulldlnK. JI 5193 ! ' J WAN.TKD-A YOUSO MAN KllOM 18 TO 80 Jjcnn of ago that bns bad some experience In n grocery store and nlll make hlutielf uonornlly use ful. Address , T 52 , llco. M217 UO B-WANTKD SOMEONE ' 1O TAKE THE aitency for a household article entirely now that retails for 15c. Pays 100 per cent prolll , nnd will positively sell to every family. Enclose ntamp. llobcrt H. West , Cleveland , O. M21U 29 * J * n-BAT.KSMK.V WANTKD TO SKM , OUR GOODS JL > by lamplo to the wbolcaalo nnd retail trade. Liberal salary nnd expenses paid. Permanent po- Htlon. Money advanced fur wagoi , advertising , otc. For full particulars and rofercnco address Centennial AUK. Co. , Chicago , 111. . 1121525' . WANTED--FEMALE HELP. ltATia-lSo a line llrst tlmo and lOo a line there after , No'advcrtlsciucnt taken for loss than Z5a C-WANTKD , A UOOD ( ilULKOIl GUNKIlAh homo work ; German preferred- Inquire 2(21 JJoduc. Oil 1-WANTED , llllll , FOU OKNKllAL I1OUSE- C wurk. Mrs. O , W. Loomis , 1014 Ho. 30th avenue. M7U5 ri-WANTED , A YOUNG OIUI , TO ASSIST IN V taklnK care of children. 2422 tit. Mary's nvcnuo. M9 C I-WANTED , KXPKUIENCED 111NDE11Y OIULS. llees Printing Co. 944 J-WANTKD-GOOD SECOND OI11L. 1914 LO- C cust.Btreot. ; M9G1. /I WANTKD , OIIIL KOIl UKNKltAL HOUSE- HMirk ; good wages. Call 2527 California st. 101 KI011T 1NTELLIOKNT LAD1K8 WANTED niuiodlntely , 409 llco building. MIS7 30 * i-WANTED , WASHEHWOMAN. 419 8OUTII 20th. MItll 29- - . COMPETENT OIIIL FOU OKNKllAL C-WANTED. housHwork for family of two ; good wages paid. 'Apply at once. 2712 Parker st. M192 21. ! * -8MAIIT , CAPAULK WOMAN AB WOUKINO housekeeper , must be neat nnd a good cook. 618 20th st. Iftl ! -WANTKD , A OIIIL KOH OENKHAL HOUSE C work. 1214 north 20th street. 20523 * C-ailtLFOllGKNEHAL UOUdE-WOllK. 603 S. 18th street. 201 30 C I WANTKI ) . A LADY OABHIEH. ADDHE9S wltb reference only , llox IBS , Omuba P , 0. 20723 WANTED THHKK PEHSON8 UKCB1VE 1N- truction" keep books , good situations , J. u , , Y. Llfo building. M 213-31 C-WANTKI ) , , D1NNEH WAIT11EHSES AT TUB Woman's Kxchuneo , lleo building. M22129 * 3OR RENT-HOUSES. UATKS I&0 H line first time nnd IDs n linn there After. No advertisement taken for less than 25o TTk-HUUBEB AND APAHTMENTfl IN UKST H15SI- JL/dcnce block In city. 610 B. 22d itreot. Tel. U'.kl. Sllirj LAIiar. LIST OF HOUSES. HTOHES , FIlATS ' K and up. Paul , 17 Hoard of Trudo.ZI3 ZI3 A 8 KOlt KENT , d NICE NEWLY , CXI N. Idttr , Urcnnan lints. M1W K \-nntllKNT , HOUSKS , * 7.00 PKll MONTH AND ! ' /upward * . The O. F. Davis Co. , I'M Farnam st. . Vv-KLKOANT 13-HOOM FUUNISHED HOUSE i \ LII modern , near llrownell hall ; 1100.00 per mo. I fc. K lUrrll oa. Vl'j N. Y , Life. 010 alt . HOUSE 1347 N. KTII ST. , u HOOMS , balh , etc , , 120 per month. F , H. Woodrow , Nob. at , bank building C4S ill UENT , A110VE NOS. C2I AND 02(1 ( SOUTH lClh etreot , V-roorn tintovory luodern rouven- enco , Including larite kllchen lance. Apply Wind- , lieriys \ Co. . a N. Y , Llfo liTdit , J17II4 \-JIAY 1ST , bEVKN UOOJl COII'AUK CBN 'trally located. Inquire 112 N , 19th 'street , M791 . UNT , 7 AND 8 ROOM MODE11N FLATS 'X4ing6 ' block , cor. 13th aud Juekson tn. MUJ3 111) 1-10 HOOM HOL'BE. ALL CONVENIENCES. Jllecil .t f olby , 8J5 Hoard o.f Trade. UM \-HOUSF.8. BTOHMS AND FLATS/ . C. FU03T , Doutila * block. IClb and Dodge. l Wl AJ3 , XDi4 UUO.MB , 1ST flJOOtt.IVTU AND HOWAllI ) , 3 rooms , 7tb and ParlHc , (7 , I luuiun , 2l t and Nicholas , li , > f. yiu.1jh' % and draco , til. * " colUKe * In all part * of the clly. ( I. F. llutts , II001U4 , lleo bulhllnK. UK III -IMIOOM COTTAjE ( , HOT AND COLD WATEIl lialh.clos l , furuatv , beautiful lawu and ( hade Apply N , E. corner WnO and Miami. MV90 I > D - - HOUSU , UK.YT LOW , INQUHIE 27H DouKl * st. I" , -J-OH HKNT , II HOOM HOUSE. IIAT11 AND r 'Mmodern [ convenience * , 007 N,20th > t. Ill ) per mouth. InqulroDr. J.C.Jones. MlC6-rj -8 UOOM HOUSE , HATH. SEWKU AND C1TV .nater. west of HluU tcliool , by April 11. In ! Ulr BJ8ti.l9lh street. 170 HHNT. 14 HOOM NEW UHICK HOU8K * ! ! modern conrculoncts. llood location. Mod raU r nu Urcnnan , til Karbacb block. M1T3 l v-M BOOM FLAT WITH FUHNITUIIE COM L/plvto , ttood location , all modem convenience * o Operative Land and Lot company. 205 N. Hith l-FOIl HKNT , 4 HOOM FLAT , SOUTH IGTH AND Jlllckory U 194 S UOL'tK , 8 HOOM 8. INQUHlb i Capitol ave - Iir7-a _ _ v-FOll HKNT OH BALK. MY HESIDKNCK PHOP * ' rly oru r4d andNlcboU * , Walnut Hill , two 'block * from motor.cliy water. Inquire on preuilsei 3FOU ENT..gURNIHHED ROOMS. . , line first tlmoaod 10o a line thero- ( tor. No advettlseuiem ukcu tor le * < tb n Itio. KUHN18UKU ANIJ UNVuilNisilKD. KENT FTJKNI8UBD Conffnuol. T'-uN sHF.ii i iiooMf nm ( JENTLKMENI -l refcrcncca required. Cll N 18th , m A2 _ 1.1.-FOH HUNT. ONK LAHOE FHONT OH TWO JLJhnck fnrnlshcd or unfurnlshtd room * , in South SSth street. W ) -NICELY FUHNIHIini ) HOOM FOHTWO (1EN- Ilillcnicn , I l.OU each per monlh. 1CU3 t aruam , Wfl-K * - - OH UNFUHNISHKD HOOMS E--FUHNISI1KD with first-clam board , 1721 Davenport st. | 941 30 * _ _ E-NICB ROOMS , ALL CONVENIENCES. 1723 Da von port , M99I B * DEtilAIILB FUIINISHF.D FHONT HOOM , l-'modorn convenience * , Adjoining good board- ng. 405 N. tilth st , MHO 2 * E-FUHNIS1IED HOOM FOIl ONE OH TWO UF.N- tlemcni references eichnngcd. 201 Sonlb 25th nvcnue. M2J081 * " " "FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. HATES-ltan line llrnt time and lOo n line there after. No ndvcrtlscmcnt taken for less than 260. VKHYDkSIHAHl.K IST ANO BECON'O lloor , south nnd rail , furnished rooms nl ' 'The Kleiner , " HO No. TMh street. M781-3 * F-PLEASANT IIOOM AND HOAHD. 201.1 DOUll- ln 8t. MSS52' WITH ALL CONVKNIKNCKS. 703 S. ml ! F.1 . , j Ml 42. 1-NKWLY FUHNISHKD HOOMS KN SUITE OH JL nliiKle ; first clnss table 1819 Farnnm st.MI41 MI41 29 * 17-NICELY FUHNISHKI ) HOOMS AND HOAUD , J20 S. Will t. 201 3 -NICELY FUHNI8HKD HOOM3 AND FIHST F class board , 2M3 St. Mary'anvo. M2234' FOR KENT-UNFURNISHED Ito'OM3r 11ATIW ISo n line llrst time nnil I0o a line thcro- _ nfler. No advertisement taken for less than 25p. p sfjT AND TilHKET HOOMS V-I.Sonth Seventeenth avenue. 3 HOOMS WITH CLOSE PS FOIl UOUHKKKK ! Ing. tllO. 202J Howard St. M2I4 31' BOARDING. KATKS-l&c n linn nrst tlmo nnd lOc n line thcrcftt- tor. Nondvcrllsemont taken for less thnniSc. 713 PULLMAN 1IOUSK. 1310 POIHJK. FOU OOOI ) board , nicer rooms , conveniences , rates nnil lo- ntlon It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor X'l A ID * H-KOIl HUNT , lU.KHANTI.Y FtlHNlSHKl ) rooms , Hrat chui board,318 South 2lJth nt. 101 T-llOAltl ) AND HOOMH. 2107 Donclas.M 1M-31 * FOB BENT STOKES AND OFFICES. HATK3 lie n line Unit tlmo and lOo n line then ) after. No advertisement taken for Icis than 2. " > c- " " - i-oiinKN'rTaTonK , , ifiJTuowAua fsa I POIl KKNT. T11K 4-HTOIlV HIHCK 1IUIMIN ( > , SltR Knrnnn street. Tlio building lina n , tiro-proof cement basement , complete Btcnm-ncntlnn lUtnrei , water on all tlio tloora , gas , cto. Apply at the otiiee of Tlio llco. 1 < 13 8U1TA1ILK lUIILDlNaS KOIl MANUKACTlJIt- I la i purposes at Eckcrmann I'laco , KOOil onxlno nnil bollor , l.lo per month. U. F , liarrlion , 012 N. Y , Life. D82nl 1 FOU 11KNT , IN BEST UI5TAIL LOCATION IN Onialia , entlro second floor , or departments In Golden Kaglo Shoo Store , 1U B Ititb st. VU1 FURNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. UATKS--15O a Una flrsc tlmo nnd lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o. K FUUNISHKI ) 11OOM AND 1IOAUD. I'UIVATH family , by Kontlomnn and wlfo. Address It. to Dollono hotel. M237 31 * FOB BENT-MISOELLANEOUS. HATKS 15c a line first time nnd lOe a Una thcro- after. No advertisement taken for less than 2 c. r GAHDEN FAU.MS TO KENT. T. MUUUAY. > 881 IllllCK YA11DS KOlt KENT. T. MUUUAY. J MUUUAY.MC52 r-FAUMS 1011 11ENT , H. T. CLAUK. ' G04al2 J-600 ACUKS OF GOOD LAND FOU IIBNT KOIl ono or more years , center of Howard county. Nob.,740 acres undor.fence , 00 ncroi under plow , 2 bouses and plenty of running water. Kor further particulars call upon or address W. I ) . Taylor , 1201 llnrnoy street. Omaha. 1.83 2U * T KOIl 11ENT. PAIIT Ot * OUH KlVff-STOIlY < > brick warehouse ; good elevator and track facil ities. Omaha Warehouse & ' Storage' CoV 1 :1-15 : Leaven wo rtb at. 739 31 F WAUKUOUSE , 1NQUIUE31SSO. 16T11 STIIKBT. M'JIB T AGUES OK OA11DKN LAND IN IIKNSON O for rent reasonable ; good state of cultivation ; no buildings. Co-Operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 No. lllth St. M1C2 29 WANTED TO BENT. HATKS-l.'Ki n line first Imo and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for lojs than 25o K HOOM AND 1IOAU1) FOU MA11UIBD COUPLE and two young ladles. Address T 41 , lleo. Ml75 2fl K-TVVOYOONO LADIES DKSlltK UOOM AND board In vicinity of 22nd nnd Loavenworth Sts. Private family preferred. Btato terms. Address T 4S llco. 204 29 * BENTAL AGENCIES. UATES-ISo a line first tlmo and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less thai ; 25c. ' -K. 0. OAHVIN & CO. , 203 SUBELY 11LOCK. j ma L-STAU LOAN AND TUUST CO. 11KNTAI. UK- partment. M9tl-n2l STORAGE. RATES 15o n line nrst tlmo and lOc a line thoro- after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o M-OLDEST. CHEAPEST AND nEST STOUAOE bouse In tbo city , Williams & Cross,1214 Harnoy. 887 M-CLEAN , DUY AND PIIIVATKLY BTOUED furniture. Heating stoves stored over summer. 1207 Douglas st. Omaha Stove llcpalr works , tilt M I1BST BTOUAUE IN CITY. OMAHA WA11IS- honso& Storage Co. , 1213-15 Lcuvenworth nt Household nnd other goods ntorod und cared for .Low rates. 1'rlrato apartments If desired. l'hono4IU 740 31 WANTED-TO UATKS-15e a line llrst Unie and lOonllno there after , no advertisement taken forleis than 25o N--FUIINITUUE IIOUOHT , BOLD , STO11KO. Wells , 1111 Farnam st. gSS VT WANTKD TO 11UY. EIOIIT OH TKN HOOM J.1 bonso with modern Improvcmcnti. nnd good sited lot , located within ono mile of tbo postolllce. Htnto price , site of house and lot and full particu lars by addressing U 47 lloo olDoo. 712 S' WANTKDTOBUY.CASHHKOIBTEU , ANTON F. Dworak , Uurwoll , Oarlleld Co. , Nob. jw 30 * N-WANTED TO BUV-INTKHE8T IN AN Es tablished business. Hare five to seven thou sand dollars to Invest. Am capable of taking charge of oltlco. Can give best of reference Ad drosi , P.O. HoxMJ , Oiimba , Nob. FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETO. 1FOIt SALE , HOUSES AND MULES , CHEAP. Fidelity Oil Co. , B 20th and U.P. Hy. 642 23 * 1)-FOI18ALEALOT OKCAUIIIACES.BUHUKYH and buggies at your own price ; also single bar ness. Fidelity Loan Uuarantco Co. , room IVltli null building. t ; | 7 1F01l BALE , 1.1C 1 IT , B1YL18H HOAD WAGON , und harness nearly new. Address T 20. lice.MU07 MU07 I > -PONY AND DOG CA11T. SIDE RADDLE. HAH ness , been used tihort time. Call or address J , Johns. Walnut Hill , 2d und Nicholas. 213 JtQ1 FOR SALET.MISOELLANEOUS. UATK3-I50 a line tlrst time and lOa a line thor ? after. No advertisement taken for less than Uo < rVlKK IIPH1GHT PIANOTBTANDAIID MAKE , Wusod only u few too tit Us , At a sucrltloo. Wt ! Cald well u 43J Q-FOIl SALE AT A UAUOAIN , BET OF I1OOT aiidtbooDholvluv , It Is la good shuiio. Cull at till Harnoy tlrcet. Ui Q I-FINE PUO PUPPIES , H W , UAHKEH IILK. V49a23 Q-FOll BALE OH TIUDE FOU FAUM LANDS IN eastern Nebraska , a Si barrel stoaiu roller Hour mill situated at Tukamab. Nob. Thos. Crouch , IC07 llurectte > t , Omaha. 1U4 3 Q MASTlFFd.8840 DEOATUH , OMAHA.MI4J29' MI4J-29' Qn FOH BALK , 200 NAIL KK08 , CUKAP. OMAUA Uox , Factory , Kat Omaba. 18 MISCELLANEOUS. UATES-150 B line Urst time and Ida line thereafter - after , No advertisement taken for lass than Sic. f-HAMILTON UllOS. CAHPENTBHS AND J\ builder * . All kinds Jobbing ; 414 a. IStb. Tel. 1179. R-IIAV FOH SALE. TIIK 8TANDAHI ) CA'ITE Co , oner l.OuUtoiu selerled , bo.ru ilurvd bay for ale on truck , Auic * . Nebraska. J18 K-LADIK3' CAIIED FOU 1UU1N ( ( ! CONFINE incut , ilrs. Uurulti , tJuramn graduntcU mldwlfu , 1848 bo. lOlh. U5 | AH R-KBTATK OF J. T. CLAHK8ON. PAUTIKj aavlDK uunolllcd butluvis trauiactlon * with or wlsblnii Informmion of ( he land * or lot * of Mr. J. T Cln-kson diveaseil , wilt pluato nddruu tbe uinlerui l wlio ba Loeu appolutud aituut of bl * Mlal . v'l rk un , 04i > l Nab. WT M CLAinVOYANTS. IATKS ISo line flrnl llmo nnd lOe n Una thnreaf > tcr. No advortlnomcnt taken for lem than I'M. Preventions. Chillonucs the world. Mrs. Dr. M. Ix-cravc , dead trancO clairvoyant , astroloislst , puimlst and life reader ; tells your life from the cradle lo uravo ; unite * the separated I causes m a r- rlnKO with the ono you love : tells where you will succeed nnd In what business best adapted for ; bat the celebrated Kujptlun brcaslptata for luck nnd to destroy bad Influences ) cures fits. Intemperance and all prlvalo complaints with massage , baths nnd alcohol treatment , bend I ) , lock of hnlr , name ind date of birth nnd receive accurate life obnrti 2 cents In stamps for circular ; nlvo Initials of one you will marry ; also photo * of same. Olllco 10U7 outli I Ith street , flrnt floor1. hourf,9n-m to 9 p. m. ( "omo ono , come all. nnd bo convinced of this wonderful oracle. MOT I _ S-MHS. NANNIE V. WAHHKN , CLA1HVOYANT reliable business medium , tutu year at Hi ) N , Cth , 689 _ MAS3AQE , DATns7 ETO. ItATIiS-l.V ) a line first Unto nnd lOc n line there. ' after. No advertisement taken for less than i2iq THTATMENT : , KLKCTHO-TIIBH. J mal balhs. scalp and hnlr trratmcnl , manicure and chiropodist. Mrj.l'ost,3H'4 S. 1Mb , Wlthuoll blk. 910 ff MADAME SMITH , 1121 DOUOLA.S ST11NET , J. room 7Sd lloor. Alcohol , sulphur and ro balhs. M831 31' _ TI-M1W3 HTOWB , MASSEUSE KLKCTIUCIAN 322 Unman block. MMO 4' _ PERSONALS. HATKS ISc n line first tluio and lOo n line there utter. No advertisement taken for less than 3ta " - bis address please wrllo to Heed & bolby.Oinnlia , MiC4 _ _ U-PKHSONAL-1NFOIIMATIOS WANTED AS to the whereabouts of William Worm , Journey man plumber. When last heard from wo * at Unite , Mont , ; bis brother Earnest lias bad nn arm n in nil- latod. Address T M , Uuo Olllce. 3l.2ii | _ MU8IO , AKT AND 1.ANQUAQE. HATES Idc n line tlrst time and loon line there * after. No advortlsomont taken for loss than lie > wllhllospo , or 518 N. IStb st 9U \r-UKFOHE BUYINO A PIANO EXAMINE THK v new scale Klmball piano. A Uospo , 1513 Douglas. V FOH SALE , CHEAP FOU CASH , A FINK upriKht piano , nearly new and standard manu facture. Address O W. lleo olllco. 444 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. HATES-lSc n line llr l llmo and I0u n Una Ihara- nftor. No advortlsomunt takci for loss thin 2)3 ) w- "OBNTHAlTLOAN i THUST Ca HEE illTla ww wUI1L , HKAl.KSTATKIXMNS.SIS UI5IC HI.ll' 420 XT' MONEY TO LOAN ON I.MPIIOVHD CITY l property , low rate. A. C * Frost , Douglas blk. W IlKAl.lISTATH LOANS , II TO T I'KIt CKNT ; no additional charpos f < ir commission or attor ney's fees. W. 11. Melklc , First National bank IMt. ' MX ) ir-COATES , ICllFAUNAM , KASTEHN MONKY IM1 W-LOANS , O. a. WALLACE , 312 HIIOWN IILK. b9J TXT LOANS ON IMPIIOVK.D AND UNIMPHOVKI ) > ' city proierty.WlXOand | ) upwnrds.6 to I per cont. No delays , W.Karnam Smltli ACo.IJth nndllnrnoy. T17 PII1VATK MONKY. KIUST AND HKCOND ' mortgage loans , low rates. Alex. Moore. 401 nee building 31753 W APPLY TO J. U LOVETT FOH OUEAP ; monor ; only llrst class security , 2-,1) S. 13th. MONEY TO LOAN ON HEAL KST TK. TUB O. K. Davis Co. , IfiOl Fnrnnm st SOI W C. W. UAINEY. 315 OMAHA NAT. UK. 111.1)0. City mortgages. Lowest rates. Money on hand. \\r-OMAIIA SAVINGS HANK .MAKES LOANS > > on real estate nt lowest market rate * . Loans made In small or largo sum nnd for short or lonst time No commission li charged , nnd thi ! loans are not cold In the cast , but can always bo found nt the bank on the corner of loth and Douglas streets , . 7S.1 , Vi T LOANSW.M. IIAllIUS , 11.20 , FIIENZKU IILK. * DO. W ANTHONY LOAN AND TIIUST CO. , 318 N. V. Llfo , lend ut low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. ' KU TIT "MONEY , MONEY. MONEY. IOO,0W ( TO LOAN , ' In sums of J2UO to (5.000 on Improved yr unlm- proved residence business property In the city o'f Omahn. , No delay In closing loam ns money Is on hand. No dcallni ; with eastern partlea , all buslnenfl transacted hero and Interest payable here nnd not ' In the cast , also make building loans on most favorable terms. " Fidelity Trust Co. , Kill Fnrnam. W -LOANS , CITY PUOPKUTY , K. NB11. AND W. Iowa farms. K. 1' . lllnger , 1519 Farnam. \\r-fl PER CENT MONKY , PHILADELPHIA ' Mortgage and Trust Co. Thomas Uronnan & Co. representatives , 217 Karbncb block. 1721121 ; MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. KATES l&o a line first llmo and lOe n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 23c. - ) YOU WANT MONEY' X-1X If so do not fall to get our ratas before bor rowing. We make loans , without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , hor&os. wagons , eta. , at the low est possible rate. There Is no unnecessary dolay. but you got the money on the same day you ask for It. Wo will carry the loan as long as you desire , giving you tlio privilege of paying It In full or In part at any tlmo to suit your convonlonos , nnd uny part paid reduces the cost of carrying tlu loan In proportion to tbo amount paid. There nrb no Charlies of any kind to bo pad. In advance , but yon get the fnll amount of the loan. Our otllcos nro centrally located nnd nro so ar ranged that parties calling on us can bo walioJ on quickly and courteously. If you have a loan with other parties , or have bought a plnno or otbcr furniture on time and Und the payments n llttlu larger ttian you can ineut conveniently , wo will pay It for yon and carry the loan ns long as you desire. It will bo to your advantnzo to sou Us boforq so- curlnir a loan. OMAUA MOUTGAOE LOAN CO. . lloom II , Crcliihton lUocfc. ISthSt south of Postotllca. M ; MONEY TO LOAN. X FIDKMTV LOAN UUAIIANTEB CO. On liousobold eoods , pianos , orcans. Iiorsos , mules , wagons , etc. , " at the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or clmnita Of possession. . Tlmo arranged to suit the borrower. , Payments of any amount can bo made at nny time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus giv ing patrons all the boneHU of the partial payment plan. . Call and BOO us when you want n loan. . " Money always on band ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rules : business confidential. FIDELITY LOAN UUAHANTEB CO , , JI. F. Masters' old stand , H. 4 , Wlthuoll blk , 15th and Ilarnor. ' MI5 8 X WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF security ; strictly confidential. A. 1C. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. 1U5' X -HOH'T PHITCHAHD , H.S , WITHNKLU I1LIC X -WHEN YOU WANT A CHATTEL LOAN SICK W. U. Davis , room 20 , Conlluental blocK. WJ X MONKY I/ANED ON FUHNITUIIE. HOUSES , wanoni , pianos , etc. FrodTcrrr , U. 4JJ , Hunnio. 910 X-MONEY TO LOAN.SO. 00. 9U DAYS ON FUHNI- turo , live stock , etc. Dua Ureou , , romuyod to lloom 8 and 9. Ilarkor blk I&3 "V MONKY ON ilONDS , BTOCKSMVAHHANT8 tVpenional property. Way uo&UulleyU.49.l KarUnch ' UUUM31 * X-110,000 TO LOAN FIIOM'110.00 UP ON FUIIN1- , lure , borsos or any uood eoeurtty. r/Owest rates. Nebraska Loan Co. , 1310 Douglas direct ; MIUI M ! BUSINESS GUANOES. IlATES-150 a line Urst lima and lOo n.llno tlicru- after. No advorllneiueiit taken for less Y-HUV THE COMMKIIOIAK TUB .LEAPING betel at Hrokca How , Neb , No land la trade. ' 911 V ' 'OH HALE. A CIOAIl MANUKACTOHY AND L tobacco store of twenty-ouu yeun' Btaudluir. nn account of old nu'e. Inquire of 1) . Arudt , llUlr. Nub , MI21 c3' _ V-"OK BALE. MY UATII1NC ] HESOHT AT J- Lake Manawa. AddrcxJ , J , Malowuoy , Hebron , Nob. ? 09 V FLOUllINU MILL FOU BAI.K. 'THE BTKAM J. power UourliiK mill , with a ctpjclty of | 2J bbU. per day , of nil modern ImprovouiuiiU , built t iears ago wllh the expense of II4.0JJ.OO , In 1'rajuo , Maunders Co. . Neb. , Is offuroU fur ialu on easy terra i. For further particular ! address Kaspar llros. , Prague , Haunders Co. . Neb. MlOf at . GOOD SALOON AND FIXTUP.E8 , L best location , llcasou for nulllUK , ulckuesi. Ad dress T 17 , Duo. W'J1 Y-THE MUN80. > TYPKWHITKIl IS TUB UKST. Machines fpr sale or rent , T. 11 , rimUh , IT Hoard of Trade , Omaha. M&JI ul'J \ ' WB WISH TO I'.STAIII.ISH AN 1NHT1TUTK In every city lu thu United btatej for the euro of liquor , uplum and tobacco bablts. Parllua look- luutor u tU paylnii buslnes * address Knsor Hem- cdy Co. , South Omaha. Neb , MIW ii KIUTOH WANTKD TO TAKK PAHT OH wbol Inturust In ( wo prosperous republican paper * In Wyoming , should be printer , f.uuO for both paper * . Addrvs * Independent , Hock .sprints , Wyo. MlM 29 V HOOO , DUY HOODS , IIOOTrf AND HHOES. FOU Lcloor land and c U. C. & Co. . Wutioo , Nob. T I FOR EXOnANQE. KATES-ISC a line first tlmo-inml lOo n line tharo after. No advertisement tskcp for le than J5o fIF YOU HAVE A OOOI ) UIMlfoiIT'f'IAlffrTO /Jlrnilo for lot 41) . block I , Armour Place , Month Omaha ; clear of all lucutnbrnnro. Address N < } , Hoc onice. , MM " " -FtTi ) SALE Oil K.XCIUNOK FOH LAND stock ot general mcrchnnainijdn ono of bp t towns In town. Nlco bulldlnit-for rent to pur * chntcr. Address W , K. Hcmlpittbn , Ncola , lonn. ° f PUM _ _ Z -CLEAN STOCK OF HENUHAL M'D'SEl WILL take real cstntu Amoncy. llox.i'JJ.Frnnkfort , Ind. I t 913 _ ' _ rFOH BALE OH F..XCluYx' E FOH YOUNO vJwork Imrses nnd mares , one > ) fP lstpred French draft stallion , 4 years old , ] wffcht 1,70) . .T. W. Holan. Indlanol.i. Nob. j ' , . _ PIO 30 / FOH TllADi : , A CLEAN bTOCIC OFOKNEIIAL ' 'mprchaiidlno for Innds nnd cash. Address U. W. Wnlklns A Co. . Frankfort. Ind. MSI3 M , PHOPEHTYillOLlRT < call or write. Alex Moore , 401 lleo bids. IVW y roii i\ciiANiE. FINE FAMILY HOUSE "and perhaps somoca b for teim of ponies. O H , Went , ParkMahlc.i , 26lb nnd Leavenworth ! ' . 9MSq _ _ " rFOH nxCIlAMli : . TWO 8TAI.LION37"oNK 'JNorm.in , one troltlne , nnnt clear land , prlco H.OUUencb. HOT Ml , Hbennlidoah. la. 10J4' V- WELL ESTAlflilHUEli lUtt > lXKp5T"woUTli /JM.IXX ) not , nt HUli nnd Douglas , for IUIIIKO nnd lot. Address T 47 , Her. 191 'JJ' FOB SALE KEAl. ESTATE. TtATES 15c n line llsrt Mini mil \h \ a lln ) thera after. No advortlsomont taken for loss thitn 31o Call on A. Hope jr. 45) ) T OIl SALK-S-K C011NP.H Kill , DOHUAS. 81' < X .L 1.13 .Icoltains , stable forUhorses. can badlvldoJ Into D lots. Inquire nt promlsa'i Hi 90' ii'lVK ACHE LOT.I ADJOINING THE TOWN OF A lllnir , Nob. ; good land. U. W. Mcllrldo. 144-A-5 * i FOIl SALIC , HOMES , ANY PIUOK , J > 7V ) , II.2M UP easy lurms ; tnkoclearpioportyns tlrjt payment 0 U. Wallace. Hrown block , lOlu-nnd Douglas , , 015 MODKIIN1U UOOM HOUSE. DKSIHAIll.K LOOA- tloni bargain forcnsb. Address H4I. llco. ' * M70J-30 i/oit SAM : SKVKNTKICN TIIOUSANII unlniprovctl Innds In Howard. Sburniin , ( Ireeluy anil Vnllcy countliii , Nebrnskn , on very liberal term * , on defer red payniontn. U per cjnt Inturosl. Addloss 1) . Komlclc , l > . O. boxZJJI l.os A -ill nil' AT M. COUNI'.H 2UTI1 AND IltUKOUV , fflXl4. ' -l > .feet ! n hurciiln tor a few days only. K , K. lar llnifllarkcr _ bloek. Ult I OH SAI.lfAT A IIAinAl.V'l , ) P li llljOOid , J.V. . I , . Selby'H llrnt iiililltloa to South Omihl Smnll payment ilown , balancj muntlily U iluilra I Inqnlru < i. II. T/nebuck , Unitba lloo. IWI house , barn , grnnurlei , crlbi , etc. and un nlmmlancu of fruit , timber und running water. Also for snla or exchange for good lands or city property , it brick pork packing house and fixtures In Hebron , Thnyer county , near H. A M. depot. For particulars In quire of nny real estate ngont In Hebron , A33 If OH SAi.K-ON MONTHLY' PAYMENTS , iii ) houses & lols. The O.F. Davis Co.ljlJ ) Farnam st. Ml F IJII SALE UALCYON IIKIOHT5. Acres , half acres ana loti on electric motor road. Also bouses ami lots In Halcyon Heights OMAHA'S I1KAUT1KUI. SUIIUUII. Only thirty mlnutos rldo from center of city. Easy payments , low rnto of Interest. Now Is the time to si-euro n borne. William II. Crnry. 203 New York Llfo lllrtu. M E-Al3 MONMOUTH PA UK HAS Till ! MDTOH. CITY water , graded ntrceti , sldiUvrilk. school , beauti ful lociitlon everything 14) " .inMie It attractive. Kor lota or home ! ) In thla > , | fttaiitlful addition on onsy tenui see t * . ( i Wullatv , tfiistee , 3U llrown lllock , Ibth and Douglas. " n . n M'.UJ A T I1AL1' VALUK. LOTS. AC.l lS. 11OMK3. HUfl- 'Vnets property. AldcMooVe , Wl lleo Mt\jt. \ WT Foil SAW : oitnxciiANiiK , 2a-iAcitKS ADJOIN- Inxa Nebraska county Hcnt.-'b/aune 4x31 , good well nnd stable. Address P. OJHo.\ . Ansley. Neb. t 1.1 I.OS HATES 15o n line first tlmcC-amMOs ullno therenf tcr. No advertisement tuktil lujnlo < s tlmn'-'jc. LOST-1IUINDM5 POlNTKlC./fJlCK ( , " 1U5WAUD at 821 fct. liitlmt. ! tf g > . ' > , * Mi } ' QiloYuru t"6'419Smith 1Jrii'arid'Ir6-eivoreward. ( ' -H' "II lilt i M22 29 * ' FOUND..1' UP. WHITE 110UK1C WITH BADDLE , LSaturdny. Man-h ' , . "on 17th nnd Ohio. Oxnur can have tame by proving property and paying ex * pauses. Apply , 1719 N. 18th st. an 28- PAWN BBOKEBS. U ATKS-lfc a line llrst tlmo and lOe a line thereat tcr. No advertisement taken for less than 2oc. B fV'MAUTI. UKMOVKD TO u' OT1 An * S.SNYDEU'S LOAN OKFICIS , 1510 DODCE ST. . M91J aSO- TMIKD MOI1LU , OFFICE 1J11K FAllNAll ST. HAIR GOODS. UATErf 150 n ilno llrst tlmo nnd lOo a line thero- attar. No advcrlUnment taken for less than 25c. rlcal wigs and beards a specialty.VUi , bangs switches , hulr chains , etc. . send for citntoxnu Mall orders solicited. Davlos , HIS. 15th st. Omaha 911 } MANUFACTUKINQ JEWELERS. HATES 15o n line first tlmo and lOo n line there after.No ndvcrtlsemont taken for less than 25o rusiTpATDFmi"oLi ) GO LD."CAUSON"A TuTTic s V/room JO Ilarkor block , Omaha. 913 D.KESSBXAKING. HATES 15o n line tlrnt tluio nnd lOo u line there after. No advertisement tnkun for less than 2 > a. ? ( ! . . TO DO IIHKS8 MAKING IN INtJAEMK.NT.S . Jlhs Sturdy , 3.M S. 2 < ith st. CUTLERY GRINDING. JKND YOUH HlIlSSOHS , HA/.OIIS , ETC. , TO HE -ground to Undcrlniid li Co. . 100 s. 14tb st 019 RElVi I N G TOW < For Sale , Rent or Exchange , ' BEST IN THE WORLD I „ ; Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , 1607 Firnim Slreot , OMAHA Tu Coiinintorn. Proposal ! , for tlio erection of a two story Imiuc nnd business block' , MxlUT ) , will 1)0 ) ro- lvoil8iitiinliiy. . AprlU'tul. nt lln. ra. at tlto I' rst Niitlonitl Iliinit of Wood Klvnr , Neb , I'liibaoiin boscou nt tlio otllco of II , T , Jut. I'liolirnmn , Aroliltect , ( Irniiil Island , Neb , OWIIUI-H rusorvo the rli.'lit to rejoot nny or nil proposulH. , TIIK IIK.VLTY - n.xi TNBTRUMENT.3 plaaal da uaarl Murob L'B , rIW * ' i "J ) WAIUIANTY IJEtllV JO Mcsr > iilli iinil wlfotoMfVnics lloylo. lnt.l2i..Wiiiilsoriluco , . . ' .JlU. - . . ' . . . . . . . 3.000 18,000 . , , . . . . - . C5u Ida II Unilurwuoil nnd JiliKlijwd toll M lid nn. lot 10. lilool ; 15. lliMFoin plnco : iU03 K II Kulxlit mill liiubiinil til HUH/soJj / Jiiflc- son , lot T. liocl5.-lot ! { ! ftijliJot-k.'fi , Al- lirlL'ht's Clmlco , lot 7. tie ! > - fj. lotstl iindT , block : w. AlbrlsliL'4-Jrtiolco ( ro- i nil' ) . . Jll'l . . . D.C03 K A lU'ii-on. trustee , to K W Lewis , lota Uuiul 10. liloc'i „ ' , ItPiison. - . . , . , - . BOO 0 V I'anl toV U I.iy. 'loWJaAnd 11 , IliirrUiinpliiri ! . .X'.f'/l ' . , . . ; . WS llobcrts nnil wlfoto JitVoJolinson , o : tt tuot lot IU und tvu > t 2 f jeUut II , 1'uul- si-n'sada 'QUIT CLAIM It R Mocro find liiialmnd to t'onnty of lionuliiH. lot J , liloeU't. Doimlin udof. . . . 1,2M A \\llklnsi-t al to HA 1'orlur , lot 0 , blook V. Slilnii'g.'W uhd. . . . . . . . . . , „ . 1 Suimitoll W WIlKlni. lot P. B.uno. . . 1 M A 1'nrtor el ul to A J U'llUliib. n } , loti I und - ' . liloi ; ! ; W. , Oinplia . . . . . . . . , , . . , . J Kdiniind 1'ovcUouiid wlfoto Muv Meyer , Iol niinil7. block 11/illslilfiiid I'laco , liitHllnniU. hlol ; 7. Jcronui I'.irk' . \Villluiii Ljtoy ot nl tn Aujniat Mcu- 4Q3 Ad1'vyekp. . lots 5 nnd f , block 7 , I'.irU . . . . . . , . , - . , . Slurlu Meyur null w.fo trt uine , lot T , , block 7 , viiiiio . > . . , . - , . .j , . . , OA Hciiiiutl.slieritr.ti ) H O Dovr'cs , lot 11. blooUVO. lluilsconi liluco. . ' , . Ki3 II II poster. b | > cciul ail in In I strut or. < O'O V Ourdni-r. lot 2- > , block 7 , Ili-dfurd l > lace . , . XlO Total amount of transfers , , .t 17,023 FOUND AT LAST After YO.ITS of Unsuccessful Ss rah for Curpi Martin Anderson Gets Relief from thai Chltujj Doctor A Vol'inUrTJJJ inonlnl. OMAHA. Nob. . .Tnn. 18,1892. To whom It Mny Concern : This la to cortlfv thnt I Imvo boon n constnnt sufFerer for mnny years with ctitnrrli. asthma und bronchial 'alfco- Uons of the t limit , nnd trlod nil the union t medicines and remedies I over hoard.of , but with no success. I tioatod with doctors in various parts of the country , but none of thoni could do mo any good further than Riving mo shor tomnor.iry rollof. I suffered night nn day. and continued to grow worsu notwithstanding withstanding- the mcdiclno I had taken. I had almost given up my cuso as hopeless when I wns informed by u friend of Dr. C. Gee Wo , the Chinese doctor , and advised to go and see him in the nope of getting rollof at toast , if not a permanent cure for my trouble. I was slow in making Up my mind to inuko such a radical change in my treatment , as I It MOUa trial with the Chlnoso doc- lor would bring mo , but I ilnnlly con cluiled to give him a trial. BO I called at hisolnco with that intention. I tound thadoctor u clovcr , entertaining gentle' mnn , thoroughly posted on my coiull lion , and it took only a vary short tlmo to convince mo thai ho was the parly I was so long in search of. Ho told mo my case wns curable , and that ho could euro mo , nnd pronared mo a snoclal treatment to suit my condition , and in two weeks I was to much hotter that I hud the fullest confidence in the doctor's ability nnd committed my case to his treatment. I continued In grow boUor rapidly and am now entirely well. I owe my cure to Dr. C. Goo Wo , nnd am not ashamed to admit it. I udviso all who want relief from their troubles to cull on Dr. C. Gee Wo. nnd they will bo cured. For all particulars apply or write to MARTIN L. AND'HHSON , ai21 Cuming St. , Omaha , Nob. DR. C. G13K wo , Itosulnrirr.idimtoot Clilneso inodlnlno. olzht years'study , ton years' practice. Trents suc cessfully all dlsoabos known to " ' inanity. Hoots plants mid herbs nuttiro's remedies Ills medicines the world his witness ; 1,0jj toi- tlmonlnla. O.ill nun sco him. Consultation free. lias also ronstnntly on Irind roniodlos for the following diseases ready prepared : Astlunn , Catarrh , Itlienmiit'.sni , Indigestion , Lost Mnnboo 1.1'omnio Wo'ikm-ss. Kick lleid- r.clic , llldod I'lirlllnr , und Kliln y and Liver. Price , ono dollar per bottle or six for live dol- \nrs \ . Those who cannot call , enclose 2-L-ont stump for quojtloii'llst and.'f nil particulars. Ulfljj , Car. 10th ah I California St3. , Cm PROPOSALS FOR PAVING BOKDSl Sealed bids marked proposals for n.ivlntt bonds will bo received at the olllcoof the city tro.iHiircr of Omaha , Noli , , up to 12 o'elofk noon of the 2Hh day ot April , 1KL . for the purchase of $ t.0fl.no oavlni ; boilds of the city of Omaha. Neb. , dated Muy 1. 189puyablo " 0 years after date , Interest ft per cunt per iinnnm , payable soml-annnally : prlnclpul and Interest payable at Konnt/.u Itros. , Now York Denomination of bonds. JI..OD.oj oach. K toll bid must state prloo anjl amount soucht for nnd Include accrued Interest to ( I a to of deliv ery at Omaha. Nob. The r'Khi Is reserved to reject anv nnd till hlJs. Issued tinder charter power of cities of metropolitan elnss and ordinance No.2992. approved March ' 'a. 1KIG. UENIIY 110LLN. MSudliltM. City Treasurer. BHILWRYT1MEGHRD . a ml..lCfinUi ! * City Jay Kvpresy. . . . I 6.M n i 9.4i pa nilK. 0. Nlulit KHI via U. I' . Train | 0.43 n i FAIRESTJOorFAIR $2.25 A MONTH , AT HOME. Catarrh Bronchitis , , Asthma , Consumption , Deafness , Nervous Prostration. SpecificOxygen Produces NATIWAU.Y Glowing Health ! Rosy Cheeks ! Healthy Bodies ! Mil OXVCKS JH.tMfHi , .V- t'HKi : . l'n\ ] \ orVrlto Today , Pnyslclnn of 30 Ye.irs In Chargu. FREE TRIAL INHALATIONS. DON'T OKI-AY. CALL TODAY. Von'Il Smile. The SPKCinC OXYOK.V CO. , BlOSheoly II u I lil In ir. ror. ISl'i nnd Howard ulrcel" Onmlio , Nebraska. A Written Guarantor SYPHILIS to Cure 1'jvory Case or Money Uofuiuloil. Our cure Is pel nmnont nnil not npntchlni : up. IrontoilKCTOii jonrs nxii have nutor noon n symptuin > lnee. llyttcscrlbliucn u fnlljrwornn trent you by innll , rxml no Elvellioi-nme'lrimK Kimrnntco to euro or refund nil mnncjr. ' 1'hoio nlio r-rclor to rome hero forlrcntmpntrnn ilosonn.lwe will pijr rnllron.l fnro both wnjr nnit hotel bills while hero , If \ \ o fnll lu ruro Wo rlinllriiKethu worlilforn cnxo Hint our Mnnlc llcmeily will not cure , wrlto for | mrllc\ilar nnil Ret the evidence. In n\ir soron yeiir prncllco nlth tlio Mnulc llenioJ ) ' It Inn been nio.it illflleaU to overcouiu tlic projuillccii nunlnst micnllrd i > | > i'clllc . Hut uniler onrMroin ; itn nuitcn tliousnniU nro trjlna Itiuul bo- ItiKcurel. Woitnamnteo tn euro or nilunil every ilollar.anil n wo Imve a romitntlnn topriuuct , ulso llnnnc-lnl liackliisiil ai.OXMt Is perfectly silo to nil who will try tbe trentnient , llerchiloro you Imrn puttliiKup nnil pnjrlni : out your money for illtTorent trcntnient < < , nnil nltliniiKli ynu nro not > et cure.1 no ono IMIH pulil buck your nionuy. We yrlll positively fiirejou , Olil , clinmldd'pcpMiatoil cnies ciiriMllnR ) .IJiluy . liiVLMilunto our tlnuuchtl ntitiullnit , mir reiuittitlon us busline men.Vrllu mlurnninosand nddri'ssi'iof thi > q we IKIVO ' e/.irod nlio luiro k'lven pernilsloiitoreferto tbon. : It co-Is juumily nint- nxetofln thl . If > our tyniptonis uro aoro.tliroat . , mucous iintlieshriiioutbrlicuni tlsm In Ixines nnd Joint' , bnlr fnlllnu out , eruptions on any part of Hie boily.fcclbiKof xoneral iltiproxlon , pnlni In hcudor bone ? . Von linvu no ttmu tn wit te. Tlio o wlu > nro ( oii'tnnlly tnklni : ineMurr nnd i > otnib , xlKiulil illv ciinlniuu It. Constant u dot llid o clruns will surely brlnu sores nnil entln/iilccrHlntlicciul. Pou't full to write. All correspondeiico sent neuleil In plnln en- vulope. Wo Inv'tu tbomoU rlul.l InruMlKiitloii and will do nil In our power lo nbl you In U. Address , COOK REMEDY CO. , - Omaha. Neb MAGIC CURE wr.OO foru cttso of Io ; T or TAiMsn MAN. noon , General or NKUVOIM HKIIII.ITV. woalc- nciiof uoly : or nilnU , the olTects ( if errors or o < c- cossosln old or youiiRthnt wocnnnotcure. Wo eniirantco every cjiso orrnfnnU every doll ir. Five days trial troiitnioiit Wl , full course r > . I'ercoptlh'o henollf ) ro ill/oil In three Ity mull , Buctirely p icUo'l from obuurvallon , COOK UhMiinv Co . OMAHA. NKII _ LADIES ONLY il A nm ri-srAt.i : Ki : < ! urATOH. ITIHUlU Certain to a day or money refunded , Ity mull S. . Securely aoalol from obsorva- tlon. CllOIi MtEJlKUV Clt. , Oiimh-i. No ! ) THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this man : Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. I II.K.C WBJT'S NKUVJ ! AND II11A1N TllliAT. MUNT.aipBClNoforllritorli , Dlulnoji , Klti , Nou. rulKla , Jloidacbo , Nervoui I'roitratlon caused by nl. cohol ortobncou , Wnkofulnoii , Mental DaproislJa , Bofionlns of tha llraln. oiuilnt tninnlty , misery , decay , dovh , Pramatnra Old Au , Ilarronnon. I.DII of Power In cither sux , Inipotency , Loucorrnoai a-i I allFcmalo Wo iknu-noi , Involuntary IJU'IQI , Soar- matorrhoo.icinmJ by ovar-oxertlon of tbo brain. Self-abuse , over-Ill lulgonoj. A month's treatment II , U for fj , by mill. Wo ( iuarantaa six bnioi t ) cure. Eacliordar furl ) IIOXQJ , with I ) will son I writ ten Klinr.intoo in rffund "If not cir 3. Ounrantiio Issued only by A. Hcbrotur , Druzglit. oolo ajonti , H. B. cor. lutli and Farnam iu , , Oaialik Noli. OTAPANBSJEJ A non an I Complato Treatment , couslstlnu of Suppositories , Ointment In Capsuloi , uluo lu llox and Pills : n I'osltlvo Curd for External , Internal Illliid or IJleeilln Itohlnjt , Chronic,1 Hocant or Hereditary I'llc * . This llmnody u.ii .nuvur boon known to tall , fl per box.II forji ; tint Itf mill. Wbr nulferfroiu this terrible dlsjasi wliuna writ , ten iiuaranteo Is positively ulvon wlthUbjxos , or refund the monuy Knot ouraj. Bon > l sla < np tor free Sample. UparnntoD IssuoJ by Kuli-j Co. , DruBuUts. Solo Aueuu. corner IStU nnj creels , Omaha. Neb. ORDINANCE NO , 2 ! ) ! > 3. An ordinance nntliorl/.lns tlio Haulnz of the bonda of tlio rlty of Onialia In tlio sum of llfly ilmiiBiind ( Fnllur.i ( f.WUl > ) to bo culled "Hoxvor Itonds , " fie It ordulnud by the city council of tlio city of Oiniibni r-ccttim L Thatllio Itmioof bonds of tlio city of Uinulia li | tlio mini of llfty tliousuml ilollnri ( ) V,00) ) ) ) bo and lieruby Is aitthurlzod and dlrovtcd to bo made ; Ilio h | il bonds to bc't'oino ( hit' In twenty yours from tbo ditto tliert'of an 1 to bour Interest pMyablo HOIII-III- | : finally at tlio rate of A pur cent nor minimi upon liiturualcoupons to bo attneliod lo nulil Hind boiids lo bo cullrii Sntrqr llonils" mid to bo ( luted May tat , > NX : tlio proceeds ( run ) tbo unto of said bon JH to bo unocl for no otlior piirpuso tliun tlio uonstruct'oii nnd in iliitonniicoof honors lu tbo city ( Omaha ; tbobiild Ixiiidn iidt-to | jo bold for loss tliun par and tlio prliii'lpal uud Inlortst tliuri'or to Le inndo puvalilo at tlio liiiiiUIn ; bouso of Kdiintze llrolliursln tlio city of Now York , Tliu Hiild bonds Hliall bo slifiied bv tbo nuiyor and Ilioolty olurkiiiidliOL'ountLTnlRuod by tlio Ulty Oniniurollor und hlinll liuvo tlio sunlof Ibu clly of Omnliii iilauvd tlicrenn. Section : ' . I'tir thu p i.vinent of tlio principal aud Inti'ri'Ht of yiild stiwur boniU nnrolii iitilhori/ril lo bo IsstioJ , Ibo f tltb of tbo city of Onialia , Its property mi I revenues uro lioro- by plonked. Hoellon : ' . Tlint tills ordinance Hlmll takp ciroet and bo In force frtin and after It * pans- ago vK K..MAVI . ont of Iho Aoprovcd March Mayor I'roioaaln | lor Public l.lbr.iry Houled bids marked iiropo aU for public library builclliu bonds will l > o rcuolvcd at the ( illlciuif tboolty Iroasiiror. Onuiba. Noli. , up to 1'Jo'clock noon of tbo aili day of April , ItW. for the piuuliiiHO of tlOUKDIb jinbllo Ilnrary bulldlnv bonds of tbo rlty of O-naliu. Nob. , ilnted May 11. litlf. . nnd p'lynliUiv'J yo rii nflcr dntu. Inturciit at tbo rate of 5 percent per au- luiin , payubli t > oinl-uiiiiiiilly. | I'rlui.'lpal and iuturust payublo ut KotiuUo Ilroa , Now Voile. Kach bid iniiHt stutg prlfo mid amount fconubt for uud Include accrued futcrest to ( latu of delivery n * Onmlm , Noli. The rlKht U rcbervod to rojout any uud nil bids. Issued under rbarier power of clllosof the metropolitan cla * . uud ordluuuco No , iiiKS. approve March Uth. IHU , u nrJ4UJHM. : Oily Troutiurer. THE AMI-FAT SANITARIUM A Natural Hot Hole , Where Superfluous : Tissue Disappears. MID-SUMMER LIFE IN DEATH VALLEY KTperlonco of \\Yather llnrcnu Ceprrsru * tntl\c ClinnliiR Sniiil Iriiui Nrres.lty , \Vnslircl With Hot Witter A ltonlv : , .tlniln Slirnl. "If tlio tlovll over mnkoa nn inont nnd wnula to un npoiu business on this onrth ho will Ihul 11 plant ulroady cstubhshoil in the shnim of the famous 'Dcnth Vixlloy In Califoniltu" ' This stroni , ' tiffiirntivo roinnrk was inatlo by .lolin II. Clory of Iho Unltotl Stntoa wcathor bureau , as ho stood at a. win dow to the npar-tmonta of the signal sor- vlco on the fourth lloor of the federal building and lookoit out upon the fltrlne of attorno.yH ffolnp to and from the court house. Tlio remark was addressed to a reporter for the Dos Molnoa Kofjlstor who stood by his sldo , but. it had iio reference In tlio direction ho was look ing. The reporter pricked Up his meta phorical .oars and asked the manipulator of the weather to explain. "Well , I snout several months tltero In the sum mer of 1890 and ought to know what I nm talking about. 1 was sent there by the Agricultural department to make in vestigations concerning the cltmnto and carefully register the tomporaturo. " ' That would make a good story , pro fessor. Everyone is Inlorosted in tha history of the vnlloy and many remember - bor when you wore sent on the perilous oxpudHl&ii. Lot us have the story. " After more urging ho seated himself and began : "Along in the winter of 1830 the Agrl cultural department suddenly thought that Death's Valley should bo explored , and consequently 1'i-of. C. Hoyt Morrlau and a party of government onginoora nnd scientific men put in the winter tramping around in the sand of that iniHobpltublo region picking up In formation. They found that thn valley , which lies near the southeastern line of California and extends a short distance into Nevada , is 150 miles long and Is from three miles In width at its south ern end to thirty at the northern. Like the Doud sea it lies below the aoulovol , being 200 feet below high tldo mark. They found that it was shut in by lofty mountains , the Pannamint mountains on the wed ! and the Funeral range on the east a cheerful lot of names they huvo given this region. Tliis region is Iho worst part of the proat American desert and many emigrants and prospectors have lost their lives in it. The surveying p.irl.v found Iho bones and decaying wagons of a parly of 500 which attempted to croa ; > the valley in 1819 , from Utah to Cali fornia , but most of them perished. Thi > vnlloy is tlio hottest place on the Ameri can continent. There is simply no vege tation save small brush a few inches hlph and even this nearly dies during the summer. The surveying party loft the valley in April , before the hot weather began and just as I was going in. I was unable to take anything with mo but my instruments ami food and this was carried by wagon from Daggett , 1U5 miles south. I look up my homo for the summer in an abandoned sundriod brick hut in the center of the niipor valley. The hut had been erected by a San Francisco syndicate which , during the winter months , worked extensive borax deposits. They kindly lent us the building and after putting my olf- registering instruments in place and un packing my few belongs I sottlcd down to housekeeping and remained there until October lit-bt. " ' How about the tomporatura , pro- fossor'r1" "Well , I guess my first remark to you covers that question. The highest tem perature was 122 in the shade , or I'M in the sun. The hourly temperature in July , the hottest munth , was 102 de grees and in August 101. Tills does not mean simply u few hours in the day time ; it was nearly , if not quite , as hot at night. The hot winds which were constantly swooping the valley carried with them , great clouds of glistening white sand , which penetrated every corner and made breathing at times nearly Impossible. 1 have read de scriptions by noted authors of sand storms on the Sahara desert , but they did not do these storms justice. You see there is. practically no rain there at all. There are frequent storms on the mountains , and there f would sit In'the boiling sun and see , through my tola's- cope , cool ami refreshing thunder storms on the mountains miles away , hut never a drop ioll in the vnlloy Once in a while a rain'cloud would break away from the main mass and lloat out over the valley , but the in tense heat- would expand the vapoirnnd it would shoot up like n baloon. I was practically alone. An assistant o.uno out and staid with mo thrco woolen in Juno , but ho became ill nnd returned ' to the somi-civili/.ation of Daggott , 105 miles away. There was n rancho thrco miles up the valley , but I could not go up there and leave my work. " "What did you do for WAlor ? " "I secured it from a crook two mlles distant. It was the Incipient end of a stroiun which ran down tho' fiiilo of a mountain and disappeared In the sand. The water was so hot that it was uncom fortable to the touch , but cooking my .meals and sleeping were the two most disagreeable features. Most of my pro visions were can nod goods , but I had .to have a llro occasionally and sulVored in- toiiHoly. I had a sign on my h6us.e , 'Hired girl wanted , no references ro- quircd but T scorned to have about as much success in getting one ua 'you do hero in Des Mo'.nes. And then sleeping was nearly impossible. The inlOnfo heat made it necessary for ono to drink from thrco to four gallons of water each day and every few minutes 1 would getup up and take u bwallow from my canteen. Clothing was a burden nnd I wo-o r , lUllo of it as possible. "My work required an observation .to bo made at 7 o'clock in the morning and at the same hour in the evening. Ho > sides this I Irul self-registering In struments that kept a continuous record. I can assure you I was glad w'jen ' the pack train came to tuko mo buck to civ ilization the l&tof October. After leav ing the vnlloy I wont to Knntms City and tlionuumo here and hero I nm. " Mr. Clory has boon connected with the wcathor bureau for six years. Ho wan nt Des Molnes station from 1888 to IKK'J ' and went from tho.-o to Kansas City , whore ho remained until ho wont oa this expedition. cii.vMiiiim.Ai.v.s < ; or < ni ICIMII : > V. Kuprrlor to AuyOtlirr. Mr. W. J , Mowroy of Jorvwvlllo , W. Va , Rays ; "Slnun wo huvo teen banUflni : Chum- borlaln'B Uout'h Heinedy we have bulU It oa a strict guarantee and lamia ttiut every bottle did peed Hurvlve. Wo have unoU It ourselves nnd think U MUperlor to atiy other prepara tion wo know of , > uud 5J ooutoottlo * tor uulo t > y