Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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VThoit Took a Tnmblo and Traders Got
Excited ,
C. P. llorrr * Co. Cniijrht on the Wrong
Midi ! At tlio Oprnlng n 1'anlcky
rerlliiR 1'rmnllcil nnit
1'rlccs yulckly fell.
CHICAGO , 111. , Mnrch 23. Todny broke tlio
JVcord this year for Ion prices In the whcut
pit. Tlio figures for Mny , tlio ruling option ,
Crailicd down to 70s. A your uzo this tlmo u
bushel for the same delivery wns several
rents ubovo n dollar. The demoralization pro
duced ono faltire , that of O P. Doorr&Co ,
who wcro on tlio wronz sldo of tlio market
with S.,0,030 bu. on their hands , rial foreign
murkots and nn iinusuul Rrlst of bearish news
on this side of t'io wAter wns what brought on
the biz slump. A Rcnulno piuilcky fcollng
iirovullotl utthooponlnK und llio prlo quickly
fell Ic front tbo lowest iolnt : touched Satur
llnd the nown mndo to order for the boars ,
it could not hitvo suited thclrpurposcs better.
Tlio weak opcntnR CHblcH , the decline in the
Now Yoik markets , the remarkably favoiablo
weather shown everywhere and tbo nntlcl-
pated heavy Increase m the visible supply ,
combined to dlscour.iKO the bulls. Soiling wus nnd persistent , Exhausted murRlns
nnd slop-loss orders cut n considerable IIsure ,
and nil foreign markets teemed to bo on llio
down erndc. Tor a time It scorned to bo n
neck and neck race to sco who could got rid of
thn most wheat. May opened from 79.1o { to 80c ,
but the solllnR pressure was enormous , anil In
loss limn Ihrco minutes it had touched 7l > c.
Tlio market qululi ! ? showed n disposition to
j-tcovcr nnd thu shorls uog&u lo buy , llio
telling becoming less vicious , and when it was
found that PurdrldKO wns not putting out any
shorts the market Hi mod. .Muy sold back to
79'iR , liioko inaln to 70Uc. then Improvca a
trillo and ut 18 o'clock was iibotit 70' ' , c. Dur-
IIIR the I ast hour the market developed u Rood
deal of weakness on very hoiiyv uublcs and
selling out of the lonu wheat held for Dourr &
Co. , whoso failure WUB announcvd , and there
was n gradual decline to TUc , the closing UK-
tircta 4
p I'r.nlr.'ilco Is said to have said today tlmt ho
did not propose ) tusnll wheat short nt 8Uc.
Wllluiil said tlmt \ < heat ouRht to bo worth
80c. at leust. tint 1 tlio povornmciit repottls
published. If that shows the crop In Rood
condition It will probably soil at Toe.
Corn showed a uood denl of strciiRth In the
lyzthe t-js ; i < : } ti' ' ? 'q ' . 'TlW'iU. ' M"y . "Pcnwl
at lili"Jo sold thOil It
, at 116111 Su-o to Suyc ,
lurtrt HP "I'd sold at 4iJSc ) , eased olT to 4'iie
Knd at U o'clock was nuuut 4U.'jc. ' The mar
ket weakened during the last hour and Muv
fell toiB : ? eat llio c.oso. The ostlmato of 00
ears for tomorrow was one of the features In
tlio late depression.
Oats were hardly so firm as corn , but the de
cline was slight , May hold at from ' 't e toSUo
and at 12 o'clock wnsv8ic. and In the last hour
May touched "S o and closed ut28ic. !
Ifog products were ICe higher on peed cover
ing by shorts , moderate olTcrlngs and Qrmness
In corn.
The leading futures ranged as follows !
.AllTICI.IB. oi'n.v. men. i.o\v. CI.UM : .
JMnrcli 78M 76M 78
Mny1 W ) t'J 7'J
July 7'JMM
COHN No , 2
Jlarcl 39
woy.-.7. to 40M
Juno 3''K
OATH No. 2-
Mny 2SH sn
Juno 28M
MKSS Poiiu
March 10 10 10 22 10 10 10S2W
May 10 22 J < 10 as
March G20 02 ; , fl 17H R 2.1
Mny 8 25 GK ) 22Jv 63U
BlIDIIT Hlll1)--
Murch MM 5K5 6 C ,
May 6 t'H 5 70 570
Cash iiuniatlonscro as follows :
Vixjuu Deinorallzcdi no established market ;
buyers boldlnzolT.
UOIIN Higher ; No. 2 , IlS'iQUStfc ; No. 3 , yel
low. : K5M8 > , fe.
WHEAT No. U spring wheat , 7Se ; No. 3 spring
wheat n\c \ : No. red. 83c.
OATS No. 2 , SSo ; No. 2 white. 30c ; No. 3
While. S8U-HM/o.
Uvr.-No. S. 7Sc.
UAHLEY No. 2 , Me ; No. 3 f. o. b. . 3 ® )8o ; No.
4 f. o. I ) . . : i348r.
KI.AX SF.KD No. I.Tifliic
TIMOTHY SEiq I'rlmc , tl.S3Iil.S3.
1'oiiK Moss pork , per bul. , $10.4CQ,10.425 ! ;
lard , percwt. JO.SJSjn.'MlJ ; short ribs side ? ,
( loose ) . ? ' > .C7i3 ! ; : > .7U ; dry silted shoulders
( boxed ) . $ l.5J@5.tO : short clo ir sides , * 3.17l ! ©
O.U ) .
\yiiiSKr Distillers' Hnlshcd goods per gal. ,
Full Aits Unchanged.
Receipts and shipments today were as fol
lows :
On the I'roduco oxolmngo today the butter
nriruot wna nulct : fancy creamery , 2723o :
line western , 2l0o ; or.llnary. 205i23oj flno
dairy , 2'ffl.l3c. Ksf , lower at 12l2io. !
York Sl
NKW VOIIK. Jlnrch 18. FI.OUH Hccc'lcts , 34.-
IH8 plies. ; exports. lll.O.VI bbls. and 3,350 backs ;
marKet ilnll ; heavy salec , 17,350 bbls.
WlJEAT-ItecelptR. 45.000 bu. ; exports , 3:1.030 :
bu. ; bales , 5.5COOm ) bu. of futures and 110,000
bu. of spot b'pot market unsettled nnd
weaker ; bo. 2 rclU.V ( c In story and elevators.
07y@l"0o " ulloat ; No. 3 rod , OUSG'J-'o ; ungraded
icd , 03'4 ' < i493io : No. 1 northern , 08 ? ialBo ! ) ! ! ; No.
1 hard. 07W08XC. Options ( ln-llnoil almost
HlciKlllyiuul stood lit 'aOlMo undei'Suttinliiy's
eloso ; No. 2 red closed at 94n , c ; May , OP.c ;
June , 80ic. ?
UYK Quiet ; western. 60OIJe. { Sleeks of
grain In store und alloat Mareh "G : Wheat ,
2.770.107 tin. ; corn , 1.507,703 bu. ; oits. : 18,077 bu. ;
rye , MW..Tdlm , ; barley 143,700 bu. ; malt , 40,072
t > u. ; peas. 3,101 bu ,
COUN Receipts. 31,775 bu. ; exports 7.3231)11. ;
sales. BaOao bu. futures , 20I.HOJ spot. Spot ,
stronger : No. 2. 4SS14S4o ! in elevator ; graded
inlxeu , 40e. ! Options closed wnalc and . '
lower ; April closed at 4Kc ; May , 47c ; June ,
OATK Ilerolils. ] 5.2:5bil ( ' ! : , ; oxportu , HB.O.'X )
tin. ; sulcs , 2I5.0UO tiu , futuies. 140,000 bu. spot
Knot , stronger ; qulot ; firm ; May closed 34io ; :
No. 2 red. western. 34Mcj white , western , 37
HAV Quiet , firm.
HOPS Stonily. s
SIIOAU Kiiw. moderatlvoly active , steady.
tin K I'lrm.
rETiioiruM-Stoady ; In bbls , Parkers , 64o
bid ; In bulk. 15.20. United , closed 67jo for
Ken Weak ; western , KKJISJJo ; receipts ,
' I'oiuc i'alrdomnnd , steady.
UUT AlBATH-DuU butHteadyi middles , dull ;
short clour , M.40 ,
I.Aitli Klnner : western steam.M.G9. Option
Biilus. 8.750 tierces ; Mnrch , 10.58 ! Muy. M0) bid.
llUTTBii-QuIet , slouay ; .western dulry , It ©
22o : crcumery , 2ta2'JlJoi Elcln , 20He.
OIIKKSK Kteudyi part skims , CftlOc.
I'lO IIIOK Dull : Aiiiorlcan. J14,7510.25.
Copi'Kii-KuByi luko. $11.03 iikkcd.
l.KAD-Qulet : domestlo. l. 15(21.25. (
TIN Easier ; straits , tu.85. ;
Bt. I.onls MurkflM ,
RT. I.OUIM. Mo. , March 28. I'j.ouii Dull nnil
WiiKAT Opened lower , nnd there was a
wt-uk und dfollnliiK .mnrkot ull through the
BUhsioii , und the oloso was iyffll'io below
Haturdiiy'8. No. 2eu h , B4iCJ85e ! ; Mny closed
UoilN Cash hlrlier at .15 o : options weak
mid a' o lower ; May closed nt 33iia35/'iu ! ;
j uy \ t'tUi
n OATri-Cush higher at 20ioi ! May lower at
Kvk No snloa.
lUiif.BV-NothInB done.
HIIAK Dull and lower ut OJSlCCo.
. .MAyrrRw011 ' Pralrl ° ' WOOOS. timothy
, . .
1111 uvdfi H.OU.
IMIID Klrin ; sales , 400 for Muy.
FI.AX BBKII Quiet atuic.
l.'oilM MEAiBtoudy atJI.M.
Wni KV-Btoady
JlAill.NO-QillumtlJiQ.6f. !
JitdN COTTON TIKS li.i'Ofii.M.
I'HOVlsioNs Firm , hut slow.
PoiiK-f IO.B1 for now in m , taco for old ,
, } > itv BALTUD MEATS-LOOSO shoulders anil
ribs , 15.00 ; shorts , U.HO.
liACON-SliouIdors. e5.47 ! o | longs and ribs
10.40 ; hhorts. ta40U0.45.
riUOAHUuilKD llAUS fO.OOitlO.f.O ,
RiCKiPTS Flour. 8,000 Ibs , ; wheat , 270,000 bu ,
corn. J07.000 bu. [ oats , 730,1)00 ) bu.j rye , 10.0W
lu.i barley , H.OOJ bu.
flour , 4,0)0 Ibi. ; wheat , 86.000
bu. ] corn , 108.000 bu. : oats , 30,003 bu , ; rye , 30,000
bu.i barley , 10.000 bu. _
Omnliu I'roiluco Market.
HIDES No. 1 green salted hldoe. 4i ! < a4Jo !
No. S green salted hldei. 3'4'Jiio : No I green
tildes , IU to 43 Ibs. . 3atio ; No. 2 greei
Lidos , 25 to 40 Ibs. , i. ' 'Uo ! No. 1 vea
calf. H to 13 ) ba. . Co : No. 2 veal calf , a to 15 Iba.
Jo ; No. 1 dry flint hides. 7fcos No. 2 dry illu
lildcs.6 < ace ! No. 1 dry suited hides. MlOo. Tal
low. No. . ) ) | ® | tallow , No. 2. 3 > jo : grease
wbltoA. 4oi Krcaio , whlto H. ati&'iUo ! K" " ,
ellow , 3o ; grouse , durk. 2e ! old butter , ; ; ®
bcusVYUJf , prime , Ittci rotijh tallow , li !
FHtilT8-0 llforula Ulversldo oranges. fi75O
wij Washington navo.ii. M vmiJ.SSi choleo up-
lc , W.OJ ! vCoUs < oiuoos , ll.OOj luucy lemons
II..5.V34 SO ; b.innnns. crated , fiOOas.M : prnn-
licrrlpi , slilpn ng stock , binhel boxes. 112. ;
strnwborrle * . 40u nt : Florida tonintoes ; J0.59 ®
7.00 per crnto of lx Oaskols.
i > KOETAIII.RS I'nnoy Mti. cntlne sweet pot.i-
iov3 , (,7S ; : seed sweet potntoos , j..coai : . ' ;
Cftllfon : ! , ; Jftbbogc , Slto per IK In Cflc1 * !
Iiomo grown lettuce , < vo per uui. ) oaloiiR.
OCcQtl.OO per bu , : Nebraska linmlplckpd
beans , tl.7.vRl.ft3 | medium. Jl.5' 1.00 ; ( Cali
fornia co'.cry , fl.OO ; Colorado nnd wcstorn
Nebrn kn potatoes , < l" o : native potatoes , 20 ®
25oj Hum lean ? , 4o per Ib , ; water crrit.
24-cit. oases. 12KOI5c pcrqt. : nplnnch , f-J.oo per
bbl.t .Spanish onions , tl.fti per crate ) radUhcR ,
40pj rutnbugas , J1.75 per bbl.j now turnips , 50o
icrdoz ,
Knnnn * City Jliirkot * .
KANSAS OITV. Mo. , March f8.-WiiEAT-Dull :
No. 2 hard , nominal nt 72c ; No. 2 rod , 82ic. !
COIIN Wus wanted nt nn advance of ! 4 < 3'c ;
30S&T7o ! nt the Mississippi rlvnr.
OATA-llaroly Ktcndy nnd In small demand ;
offerings light nt i.-c ; No. 2 white , 2ic. }
KVE-Hteadyj No. V. 7tc. !
KJ.AX 8F.RiCo on the basis of puro.
llitAN Weak nt Clc. . .
HAY Choice In steady nnd low grades nro
weak ; timothy. $0.1)0 ) ; fancy prairie , tJ.M ( ; good
to choice. ? 5.0vt.W. ( (
HUTTBU Steady.
Kans Klrin ut lie ,
llecEii'TS Wheat , IB.'OObu. : corn , J.OOObu. :
oats , none.
SHIPMENT * Wheat. 31,400 lu.corn ; , 1,033 bu. :
oats , 1,030 bu.
llrlllsh ( Iriilu Trade Itotinxr.
LONDOX. March 23.--Tho Mark Lane E\pres ? ,
n Its weekly review of the llrltlsh grain trade ,
says : Knallsh wheats have fallen on the av
erage lOil. Knrmors continue to Increase their
li-ll verlcs on the fulling market nnd have lost
ill hope of being nulo to hold out against the
enormous imports. Knrolgn wheats dropped
s. The ( jtiuntltlcs of pnssagb from India ,
Australia and America are c.\ccsslvo ,
Corn Is depressed , American sells nt2ds On ,
lurluy Is ( id lower. Oats flat. At today's
uarkot KtiRlhh wheats of n fair iitiallty Were
rather Ilrmur at 35s , Torclgn wheats were
rrcEiitar. American red winter was better
loUl , Flour dccllncil IB tier sack. Corn was
Btcadlur , with n hardening tendency. Outs
voro rjulct.
Ciiy l.Ue Stock Murker.
KANSAS Ctiv , ilo. , Mnrch 23 , CATTT.T : Re
ceipts , 2,700 ; shipments , 2.l > 0o ; maiket qumt
nnd steady to lOo lower , Bolllns jit.a'V&4OJ !
cows stoudy to lOo lower nt JI.7WI.25 ; stockers
nnd feeders (11333.83.
lions Hocnlpls , 2.409 ; shipments , 11,000 :
market steady to 5c higher ; ull grades , I3.GO ®
4.B3 ; hulk , $ .I.I51.53.
Slll'.Ei' Kocelpts. 000 ; shipments , 1,500 : no
sheep on sale and market nominally steady.
St , T.nulH I.Ho Slock Market.
ST. Louis , Mo. , March28 , CAITI.I : llocelpK
2,200 ; Shipments , ! HU ; mnrkot slow : steers , JJ.OO
® 4.40 : Toxansand Indians , (8.23&1.5.
lions ItcColpts , 5.00 ; shipments. 2,403 ;
market 6u higher ; heavy , } I.7UI.85 ; mixed ,
$1.20(34.73 ( : llltht , $1.004.8li.
Sunup liecolpts,033 : shipments. 300 ; mnrkot
steady ; good western muttons , $5.50.
Coll'eo Market.
NEW YOHK , MnreliJS.Optlons onersrd
barely stoudy , S to 15 points down , nnd closed
barely steady , 5 to 25 points down. Sales ,
MI.83I ban * . Includlnc : Mnroli , { 13.505513.00 :
April. $13.15 ® ! I.-M ; Muy , JI2.W ) : June , 818.55 ©
I-.IM ; July , $ i2.45 < 31'.50 : Ausust. I2.35I2.40 ;
September , tl2.8518.35 ; Uecembor. J12.15.
Spot Ulo dull , bul steady ; No , 7 , ( :4.37 : } { ,
New York Dry Uoods .llurltet.
NEW YOIIK , March 28. The dry Roods mar
ket ut first hands presented no now features.
1'rlccs wcro unchanged.
Cotton Market.
Nnw YORK , Mnrch 28. COTTON -Futures
closed flrm ; hales , lOJe'W * > alcsi Mureh , ? 0.45j
May. $0.50 ; Jaiitliuy. tt.ia.
Liverpool Markets ,
I.tvEiirooi. , March 28. WHEAT Dull.
C'ous Easier ; mixed western , 4s > Od per cen
Inulei-s' Tulk.
CiliCAOO , 111Murcb 28. Kcnnott , Hopkins
& Co. to S. A. MeWhorter : The last bull
scorns to have lost his grip and his wheat
today on this brilliant weather und weak ca
bles. Those who have Ininxlned that 8Jo was
the bottom are now thinking It will go to
75c. It is hardly probable that this
market will turn until tbo gov
ernment report is Issued next month ,
unless It should In the meantime bscomo evi
dent that the report is sure to bo a bad one.
The report should bo favorable , ut least indl-
catlons point that way , and wheat should bo
n safe purchase on Its merits' , wo believe. The
world's shltmicnts for the week nro 1.500,000
more tlinn for the previous week , Corn
and oatfl wcro sillily held most of tlio day
ImtsaKKCd off ns soon as buying orders were
withdrawn nearer the close. Foreign mnrkots
respond feebly to our rully. The newspapers
hnvo been supplied with some Interesting
Kosslp , auoaicntly not wholly from America ,
staling tlmt corn is beliiR manipulated to a
certain extent by London parties.
I'rovlslonsopencd higher ut the yards as well
us the f utuio market nt this point. They hold
steady nil day ana closed with an upward
Signing of tlio Heading Bill lies trie toil
Operations In Gonerul.
NEW Yomc , March 28 , The stock market
today was again a limited ono , the uncer
tainty ever the silver question , the slgnlng of
the Heading bill by the governor of Now Jer
sey nnd tlieshrlnkii'io of loans by the Now
York banks ull tending to restrict operations
especially for the long account und the buy-
throughout the day was of a scattering
order , while there were evidences of renewed
activity on the part of u lead In ; boar opera
tor. This was especially not'ible In the early
dealings when thu prcssiiro of stocks for sale
carried prices down over I per cent nnd v/lillo
the covering of shorts at the decline wns
Biifllclcnt to cuiiso a general rally
the resistance was no unexpected that only In
a few bhuies was there any fiuthor anima
tion manifested during the rest of the day.
The iirbltrago of the Itcrlng ssa question was
not a'factor In the market. The
ket opened ut Inslgnllluant chungo.s from Sat
urday's prices , but the weakness of the load
ers resulted In small fractional losses through
out the list. These were afterwords icstorod
in the general rally und from that tlmo dull
ness mnrkcd tlio dealings und fluctuations
were without very great chance , tlio murkot
finally closing quiet und llrni with most stocks
nt or near the best prices for thu dav , but only
slightly better than flrst prices. The Impor
tant changes , however , were utmost all In the
direction of lower prices and Louis vIllo&Nash-
vlllo Is down 1 ? per cent. Jersey Central 1'i
percent : Delaware & IliuUon la ! per cent ,
und Distillers 1 percent , while Northern 1'ti-
clllo preferred Is up 1W percent.
Uovcrnmont bonds have been dull and flrm.
State bonds have been dull nnd steady.
The following uro the closing ( mutations for
the loading stocks on thu Now York Stock ux-
changa today :
The total salct of stocks tonoy weio a05,00'i
including : Alehlson , u.GCO ;
Uus , J.'OO ; Deluwuro. I.nokiiwumm , t Western.
4lvO ! Krle. 4.1001 Lake Shore , 4.KX ) ; Missouri
1'aolfle. 3SOJ | Northwestern , 7.0UJ : Northern
1'aolllo preferred. .675j riow inKland. : 17,70U |
Itoudlng. S7.l X ) : Hlclimond & West I'olnt , 32-
BJOj St. 1'uul , a.7Ki ( ) Union 1'aclllo , 4,000.
London Htoek Jlurliet.
ICopurlyMtd 18X3 by Jjina ( Jordan\ \
LONDON. Muroh 2S.-Now [ York Herald
Cable Hpuclnl to THIS HER. ! Dealers and
other ! ) connected with the Htoek exchange
huvo today lieen ohltlly oecu [ > led with the
urolinlnary : nrruiiKoiuoiita of tbc settlement ,
but It haa nut proved n heavy affair. On this
aceount rutcn for conlluuutlon huvo ruled
soiiiewlint higher tlmn on previous ocouHloni' .
lluslncsj from the now account has been ux-
eeeillnnly hlunk , India liupeo paper liaa lieen
very Hut owlni ; to the fnll ol Mlvrr , I'lniil
quotations show u drop of li ! per cent.
Ilonio rnUwnyh have bhowii soiao Irit'KulnrUy ,
llrlghton deferred had fullea 1H percent on
tholaryotiocrorsuln the weekly tratlio state
ment which , lionuvor. compares with ICnster
\u'ok last year , while stock proves rtttlier
ulontlfiil , A aucllno IIUH til&o ocuuuud In
lieuKt liotorred. Mtdlund , Orei.t Kust-
eruuud t'aludouluu unU iu ouo or twuutuur
Binmn < * > " <
small lniprOT menU nro marked.
American have lioon mnro or loss
lint the Creator pi < rt of the dar. operators evi
dently holnp nervous ever the outcomoof tlio
silver bill and the llcrlus ooa diniculty.
Money lias been more wanted owing to Slock
oxchanco rcoulromcnti and S'f per cent lini
rceij Jin'A for "bort loans. The discount tnnr-
kot hn * been quiet. Two ntH thrco months
bills are quoted nt from llf tol1 , percent ,
LONDON , March 18.--Tho following were tlio
London stock nuotatlonscioslni ; nt4 p. in , :
ConsoU , money.Wll-Hi Moxlrnn ordinary , . 28 } (
do , account , . . . . . 1'51 ' St. Pan ! corn 78H
N , Y. , P. ft O. IMs. . . 85 N. V. Central 118
Canadian I'aclOc. . . M'4 Pennsylvania , . . . . . . f'K
Krle < U Kcndlnit 2 H
do seconds. 1W ! < Mcx. Cent , now 4s. . 72,4
llllnoli LVntrnl 103
ItAlt SirVEn--30l.
MONBV Si ! percent.
Kiito of discount on open market for snort
and thrco months' bills li ® lj per cent.
The nmotintof bullion eono into the Hank
of Ungland on balance today 07,003.
I'ltmnrliil ltovlp\v.
Nnw VOIIK , March 2 ? . The 1'o tsnys : Now
Vorksolllin was notrcsponslblo forthosen-
Biitlonul oronk In silver Saturday and today.
On both occuslons the London silver murkot
went to pieces curly In the rtav und our quo-
tatloiiH wnro merely mtirkod down to corres
pond. There la nn Impression to
the contrary In London , but It Is
undoubtedly mistaken. London transactions ,
have. In tnrt , controlled thu movement , of sil
ver absolutely for u month past and hnvo
been the piedominntlnR force for very much
larRcr prices. In the entire past month , salon
of Oliver on the cxchanRo have aggregated less
than 03' ) ounces , whorotis a yenrnco the trans
actions for the sumo period were night times
as large ,
New York Money Mnrkot ,
NBW YOIIK , March 28. MOMSV o.v CAM.
Ensy at I1,4 to 3 per cent ,
STKIIUNO KXCIIASOC Dull , but steAdy nt
$4.80 for sixty days and $ l.f-S for demand.
The closing quotations on bonds :
U. f. isn-K 1I5) | N. J. O. Int. Cert. . . . , Ill
U. 8. in coup. . . . . . . . . 1IO ? ( North. 1'iiclllc lets , . . 117W
Ml. S. 4 s reir. . . . 100 'North. 1'nclllc 2nil . HSij
1'nclflo Us of 'Hi 10U Northwestern Con. . M'H
Ioulalnnastp'i14s. . , 66H 'NortnweKt ndebln. 107
1'cnn , new set ft lou St. 1 , . Jt I. M. Ocn. f s 80
Tt'l ) . new set fs 109 St. L. .V 8. K. Hen. M. 10' !
Tcnn. new eel 3s G7 St. Pnul Consols. . . 127H
Cannda Ko. 2nds IOOH St. I' . , C. ft 1'nc. Ista. 120
tl > . & II. (1. 1st MB Tex. K I.O.I r.llcts 83K
I ) , ft It. a. 4s 8114 Tor. P.U.d.Tr. Hcts JIM
Krlo2iuli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOULj Union Pacificists. . I07K
M. , 1C. AT. fien. . . KI > 1 WcstShoro . . . 10Jj
SI. , 1C. VT. ( Jen. 5s. . fO 1) . All. U.V. . lots. . . 7ti
Mutual Union C 107
bid. 1 naked.
] ' 'lnnnclnl Notes.
Nnw YOIIK. Mareh 58. CIonrhiRS , $70,810,7:10 ;
baluncca. $0,1 .211.
KANSAS OITV. Mo. , Jlarch SS.-CIoarliigs this
duy wuro JlJO..Hl. '
I'AUIS , Mnrch 28. Three per cent rentes , Oflf.
1-Sio fur the uccount.
IIAI.TIMOUI : , Md. , Mnrcli 'P. OloarliiRfl. J2-
53f',907 ; balances , KOT. G. KuteO per cent ,
I'Hlt.ADEt.i'iitA. 1'a , , Mnrch iV-CloarliiRS ! ,
fllnrK4j ) ( bulnnucs , tl,4i5,51T : , Money U per
MF.Mi'in : , Tcnn. , Maroli C8. Now York exchange -
change , parj clearings , J413 , OD | balances.
OinrilKNATi , O. . March 28. Money. 45iG po.-
cent ; Now York oxchtingc , 7075o discount ;
clearings , $ -V.05.53.
ST. Lot ) ! ? . Mo. . March 28. Clearings. $3,410.-
41' ' ; bulnuccs , $ l4\0i.i Money Quiet ; OS7 per
cent. Kxebango or Now York , pur.
110JTON , Mass. . March 28.-Clearlngs , JitM2- :
291 ; huliiucos. $ l,72i.781 ; ; money , i per cent. Kx-
chungo on New York. 17'Sc ) discount.
Nnw OIII.UANS , La. , March 28. Clearings ,
JIaili.V : : ) . New York excbanzo commercial Me
uer$1OJO premium ; bunk $1.50 per $1,000 pre
1'oston Stock Mnrltct.
nosrox , Muss. . March 28. The following
were tbo closing orlccs on stocks on tbo Bos
ton stock mnrkct today :
Atchlson ft Topekn. o7 ? < Calumet & llccln. . . 270
lloston .V Allinny. . . ' . ' . ) . ] Cntalpa IS
Uostonft Maine. . . . 1CH Huron 1.1H
C. 11. .1Q 101 ! Kcarsnruo 319J
Fltchunre K H S7M Qulncy
Flint & . Pcro M 28 hantn To Copper , ' . ? ' '
do profcrrcd BIH Tninaraek "
Mass CentrnI 1t > Annlston Lnnd Co. , "u
Mcx. Cen. com 18 17
. Y. ft N. KiiKlnud. 4U ) { Hun Diego Land Co ,
do7 12D Hell Telephone 200
Old Colony , 172 I.nmson Stores. . 1501
Itutlnnd preferred. U'i Water Power
Wl . Cen. com 17W Cent. M
Alloucz M. ( ) U < I ) , .tit. C.
Atlantic. 12 l.l IB
Uonton ft Montana. . IIH N. Q
Sun Francisco Mining
SAN FRANCISCO. Gal. , March 28. The offlolal
closing quotations for mining blocks today
wore ns follows ;
Xcw York Mining Quotations.
NEW YOKK , Much 23. The following ore the
dosing mining stock quotations :
AdnuiH Con 160 Horn Silver : U5
II , & U 2VO .Mexican ISO t > 5 Ontario CluO
Chollnr < 110 Plymouth Ifri
Con. Cul. * Va 485 I'otosl 125
Doadwooil 200 t-nvago 140
Km Oku Con 200 Sierra Xuvadn HO
Could X U 135 Standard 140
llnlo.t N U > Union Con 140
llomestake 12&0 Yellow .Jacket 110
Cattle Dull nnil Slo\v Hops Active und
Higher Sheep Stonily.
OMAHA , March 2 ? . The wccK starts out wltli
a rutlior light run of stock , thla bplng In a
grout measure duo to the suvero .storm of Hut-
utdiiy , but tlio wouk tone to the markets at
tlio cliiso undoubtedly had n groit : deal to do
with shutting off recnipts.
The supply of cattle WHS only about u third
ns lance us Hutu relay and fell nbout TOO head
short of last Monday's run. There were plenty
of very decent beeves hero but notnlnx choice , quality of the offerings was
not more than fair. This fact In' a measure
prevented any grout amount of activity on
the purl of snipping nnd export buyers , and
with rather bearish eastern reports they were
but Indlffcrcnt.bldders at best , l.ocul buying
was fair , but Oiiyors were all trying
to cheapen up a llttlo and lilcls
wore generally somewhat lower than
Saturday. It was u slow , dull market
throughout iincl rather grew worse us the
morning advanced , The greater part of the
medium weight steers were nbout steady with
Haturduy'H weak close at from l.a > to IJ.55.
Heavy 1.800 to 1.400 Ib. cattlu were , weak nnd
lownr at from W.OJ to $ J.lU Owing to the
rather brisk feeder demand light 1 > JO to l.l..O
Ib. steers were not quotably changed , selling
around CJ.OO to JJ.tO. :
There was no material change In the mnr-
Icut for butuhcrs' und dinners' stock. Offer
ings inthli line \\ore proportionately rather
liberal but the demand wns good and the
movement frco , } l.4. > to KI.-A buylnc poor to
prlinn cows und heifers with thu bulk of the
sales from JJ.25 toJJ.W. Hulls , oxen mid stuns
were iinchungod und ( Inn at from tl-.W to ti2. : > .
CnlvcH were IIH usual scarce , u few head soli-
Ing uround $1.00 to Sl.ftO , The range Is nomin
ally $ . ' .00 to i5.3 for poor to prlmo vouls.
Trading Inntookors and feeders WUH rather
tame but prices showed no weakness any-
whero. The country took n few uietty good
bunches und regular dealers .wore wanting
some. .Sales were largely from 1.05 to KI.40
w.lh common lotign lots selling down to t'iM.
Koutc&cntutivo sales ;
No.Av. I'r. No.Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
1. . 000 $ U 00 11. ,1200 I ! ) 43 U..107J (300
1005 3IK ) 7. . 1233 a 40 10 , .1231 365
I080 300 11 , .1178 340 17. .12.10
I140 300 18. .HIS .140 365
10UO 32.1 21. , Siva ! 340 15,111)8 )
111)3 ) 325 11) ) . , 1 07 340 37.1210 355
10J3 330 12. . 1010 340 10..123J 355
1157 330 J7..IOUJ 340 80..1314 3LO
U24 aw : 1. , TOO 340 30. 1182 3 CO
18 , , 1014 330 Kl. 1228 345 10..1304 300
7. ,1135 l < 3) 10 , 1053 345 8..U87 300
4i : , , 1070 330 0. 1I83 345 18. . 1318 365
11) . , 082 330 ft ) . ,1215 345 22. . 1340 365
O..I107 3.'HI H.,119- ' 345 '
1. , 83J 335 40..10J4 345 17.125a ! 305
IU ,1043 3 35 17. , 1214 3 50 31. .1200 : iC7'/i '
42.,1041 3 35 20 , .1187 353 18..13JO 375
17.,1021 3 35 3 1,0 375
17.1148 3 M 18..1140 3 51 . 375
21.I14' ' 3 60 15.1 07 3HU
17.,1137 44.1875 II 60 3'J,1358 ltJ )
18..1103 3 40 1..KOO 3 53
770 1 45 1005 8 40
7 ! 1 45 ll'id ! 40
730 1 50 017 140
, HOO 150 077 2 50
, 780 1 6(1 ( 1)70 )
. .v 1 B5 021 2 60
4. , f.U5 1 75 1003 850
2. . 00 1 75 I ) , . 083 850
1. . 070 1 75 ' ' 26'J
1..113J 175 J.'lUX ) 860
20 , , 782 1 M
5 , . h74 1 V ) 8 CO
1..1IGO 2 00 12 , . IH5 2 GO
1. . 700' ' 800 1..1050 8 UJ
10. , 1003 200 2 65
2 . 103 20 } ililOOO 2'
1. . 030 1..10CO 275
S..10CO 383 4 . B57 2 75
2. . 1030 225 2. . 1020 2 TO
' . ' . .law 8 85 1..1450 2 75
11. . 6J3 835 1..14M S 75
8. . 535 t 75 4. . G20 2G3 8. , 700 875
2. . 140 4 03 5. . I'H 4 00 1. . 140 450
J , , 8RO 1 M 2..I3U5 225 O..HOO 2A5
.1. , 770 a w J.1400 i UJ 1..1KO 870
1 1SOO SOJ 1 , ICOO 2M 1 IKO 275
1 1510 813 Mf1.V0 ! 243 l..t7W 275
1 1530 2 10 - * C83 2 40 1 1200 2 75
2. 120 ! 8 2J " 1 T:4D 241 1..I53) ) 2M
1 KIO 2 2. Q.MIKI1 853 1 12fiO 8M
1.1300 825 1..1VW 2 SO 1..18M 3CO
1. 1K 225 ' 2i.VIU : SflO 1..IKIO 3tO
1.1110 2. ihiwa ? oj L.ICSO aoo
1..1770 823 - ,
„ „ !
J ( , , .rVTAOS.
1. . 020 3 03 " 1IWO 383
4. . 1510 8 S3 , rv A |
RTOCKKns .txn rEiiiEiis.
20. . ft'0 2 W1"m ) 303 7. . 023 323
1..1000 273 tfO , . tel 310 8. . VM 325
a. . OS7 303 .4. . 740 310 13. . III' ! : IS'5
8. . C20 300 lAJji.POO 315 M. . 083 325
6. . DID 303 .iC ra 320 15. , 977 32,1
1. . WO , ' 100 4. . 015 320 10. , 8S5 323
4 . 0.-0 3 00 , . OTfl 3 20 5. . 008 330
1. . BSO 300 Ifi : ' 875 320 13. . 101(1 ( 3.TO
1. . 070 300 10 > W 323 15. RVJ 333
1.1150 300 X.UXX ) 325 13.1070 343
2. , 880 303 37. . 9J3 325 1..1UOJ 340
No. < < Av. I'r.
41 fccdcri. . PRO JJ2 , ' )
Hens OflcrlnRsworo ulout the sumo ns Inat
Monduv as to tnimuersnml not notlcoibly : dif
ferent from Inm week ns to nuullty.
There wn n very fnlr Rhipplni ! nnd fresh
incntdcmnnd for Rood llKht und medium or
liutchcr IIOJB. nnd tlioso RnulcB gold at
from JI.M to W.65. I'nckors were not overly
uctlvo lilddor.i nn liouvy nnd mlxod IIORB und
Rules were lursely ut from f 1.45 to f4..V ) . Most
of the JI.M to fl.r > 5 hogs were sorted , from
two to twenty roiiRh or hruvv IIORS liohiR
thrown out. these selling ut nroiind J4.25 to
M.30. Hi-ports from wcro peed nnd
this acted ns sort of n stlmulnnttu thu trndc.
The uens wcro iirnctlonlly clrurcd by 10
o'clock , the hulk sollln * nt f rom to Jl 63 ,
uRnlnst $ l.4i to I4.5U 9aturdiiy. llio ccncrnl nv-
oruRO of iirlccs paid Uolne $1.50'S , npnlnst $1.40
Hnturdny nnd $ l.4) ) , " > lust Mondny , lloprcscnt-
ntlvos.ilrg ;
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sli. 1'r.
0 . .lOS 80 425' W..IOO 80 463
0 . 282 40 425 Gl . 815 ICO 450
3 . 813 40 4 23 68. . . . .213 ' 203 450
fi . 331 4 21 65 . 317 120 4 5J
7 . W4 240 425 CO . 204 803 460
5 . M8 80 425 73 . ! 64 10) 463
fl . 320 lIX ) 423 01 . 152 'BO 450
10 . 3J1 83 431 70 . 2110 121 4 M
11 . 330 120 4 30 74 . 224 200 4 M
TO. . . . 814 445 113 . 2V.1I 80 4 55
( I ? . 278 1M 545 05 . 2.1G SO 463
03 . 273 181 4 47K Gi . 20J 12J 435
59 . 107 100 4 47'i OS . 215 SO 453
r > 5 . 2.S9 12) ) 450 B3 . 215 120 463
( ,7 . 883 ICO 450 77 . 181 - 453
Cl . 853 240 460 68 . 250 463
Siuii' : Of the two lends of sheep received.
ono , u double deck , of wrstornswus consigned
direct to Swift & Co. . llio other , uslnilo deck
of choice hlnokfaco lambs und yearlings , sold
rcudlly for $1,00. The murkot Is slrons nnd
the dumnml ull tlmt shippers could usk for.
ijuotutlons : I'nir tu Root ! nutlves. JI.5J5.30 :
fair to Rood westerns , J-l.njffi5.7r ) : common nnd
stock sheep , J..MfM.tO : Rood to oholco 40 to 03
II ) . litmus. * l 5J ® .5a Iteprcsentntlvo sales :
No. Av. I'r.
1 buck . 2JO 1425
58 black faces , lambs nnd y'lgs. 103 G 00
cqcptH nml ll | ) o ltloii of Stock.
Receipts nt tlio Union Stock ynrds , South
Umiiliu , Nob. , for the twenty-four hours endIng -
Ing ut 6 o'clock p. m. , March 28 , Ib'J- ' .
iKmsiy : , < i M'I
Hcnd Cnra. Ilend Cars. I Head Cnrs. I
S7 1.212 21 1.40C 2 278 Week's Purchases.
The following table elves the purchases of
cattle , IIORS nnd hhcop on this murkot by
liuckers und other buyers the Dust week :
1IUVKIIB. CATTI.I : . lions. 8111:1:1 : : * .
Jjnnliu. , . . . 112 2,085
Hammond. 85J 1,371 057
Swift 6,022 < , ( > SO 3,171
Cndnhy 2,110 10,220 313
Others U.42JI 7.40J 212
Totnl. 15,12ti 2J.7M Tosii
CIUCAOO , HI. , March 23. ISpeolal Telegram
to THE 1IKE. ] Not-withstanding the heavy
run there was nc erious shrinkage In value of
cattle. The Increase In the supply was gen
erally anticipated , und the pronablo ollect
upon ptlces was discounted lust Friday In a
dee line of lOo to 15c. After rather
a Klow opcnlnz the market became
active as the forr.noon advanced , but the
feeling WUH weak throughout. Fat , light and
medium wcluht steers command relatively
better prices thati those of heavy weight , no
class of buyers caring to handle anything
weighing over 1,450 IDS. Dressed beef anu shlu-
plng steers were < ] Uoted at from HOO to $3.00.
with sales principally at from ) to
$4.40. Cannors' , nnd butchera' stuff was
In moderate supply and was about
steady at fromS1.25 _ _ to 3.25 for poor to
choice cous. andfatXtom $1.50 to $3. ! > 0 for bulls.
Not many salesware , noted ubovo.SI.OU. the
greater part being at from $ 'J.OO to $3.0J. Local
speculators plckud up a few hunches of
stockcrs and feeders on a basis of from S2.S5 to
U73 'MT averages of from 000 to 1,200 Ibs.
Texas cat tie were quoted atS'iOOand $2.75 for
cows aid $3.00 to $4.03 for steers.
There vas a sharp advance In the
urlco of hogs. They were lOe
higher than on Saturday and were active ; the
beat sorts climbed to $4.03(250) ( and tlio bulk
of the trades were above t.70 though the
quality averaced rather poor , gauzod by the
average weight. There were comparatively
few prime heavy lots and the average of the
ontlrosupply Wks not much lno\cess ot2031bs.
The Evening Journal reports : CATTI.I :
Receipts. l.l)00 ) ; shipments , none ; murkct slow ,
weak ; natives. $3.354.80 ; Tcxans. W.2-VS3.60 ;
miockers , $ J.7 ® 3.85 ; cows , $1.5J@2.05.
Unas Itcccipts. 25OOJ ; shipments , none ;
market 5 to I''e higher ; rough and common ,
? 40a@.4.iA : ; packers and shippers , $4.0j < iM.S5 ;
prluio heavv and butchers' wo.ghts , $ I,8D ©
4.071S ; light , $ l.KVZftl.95.
BiiBBi1 liecolpts , 5,000 ; shipments , none ;
inaikct steady ; owes , $5.00@j.i5 ; ; wethers ,
$3.00B .75j mixed $ \OOS6.5U ; westerns , $3,00 ®
0.35 ; lambs , } 5.5J@0.75.
> 'o\v York Live .Stock 'Mar.'tet.
NEW YOHK , March 2S. HECVES Keceluts ,
5,000 head. Including 40 cars for sale ; market.
403 per lee Ibs. higher : native steers. Jl.OiOS.O. ,
per 100 Ibs. : bulls and COWK. Sl.uaa.'i.'H ) : dressed
beef slow utCWHc peril ) . Shipments today,570
beeves and 1,003 quarters of beef ; tomorrow ,
OAI.VKS Receipts. 2,4SShcad ; market doinor-
nll/.oil and ! ia per Ib. lownr ; voals , } 4.25 < % U.05 ;
buttermilk calvas , $ J.5.va4.00.
SiiKKi' Hocelpts. 1,900 head ; firm : unshorn.
* 300B.6j ; clipped , JO.OO ; dressed mutton , 10 ®
IlUc per Ib. ; lambs/-ll@12o per Ib.
llnus ltcculpts , ll,37b ; nominally steady at
One of the ICxtraorillniiry Prodiictloim of
Itourbon County.
The famous Howard family of Bour
bon county. frequuntlyllgui-o in the
papers as being the largest people in the
world. The family consisted of father ,
mother and nine children. The cloven ,
in the ngcrogatc , measure 70 foot and Ji
inch in height , weighed 2,298 pounds ,
and the sum of their entire ages was 657
years. The computed strength of the
father nod six BOIIB was 0,300 pounds.
But Bourbon has another giant , hith
erto overlooked by the dallies , says the
Cincinnati Commercial , who can stand
Hat-footed and roach persimmons where
the tallest of the Howards would have
to resort to a chitir. This colossus is
Joe Cruig , of the Flat Rock precinct.
The balmy breezes fan Joseph's fevered
brow seven feet live and three-quarters
inches above the earth. Ho weighs
! ! 2lj pounds and is 43 years of ago.
When ho visits a locality where ho is
not known cray/ds of astonished people
follow him , at him as if ho did
not belong to this planet , but had
dropped from Jhp clouds.
Craig came 9 Paris as n witness in
the Case-Bryant broach of promise suit
As ho was'a witness for Bryant , ho had
frco access to Jtl o Bourbon house bur ,
und iittomptoui , tb olako his gigantic
thirst. When upbraided for getting
drunk , ho exf/jliii'pcd / that ho did not
take but a mouthful , but upon finding
how the whislcy'alTected him , ho meas
ured tlio capapit 'pf his mouth , and was
astonished to find that it hold u half
gallon. 'J J
When Craig jvjls called to take the
witnebtf stand ho was carrying an invoice
of hand-mado'tonr ' mash. As ho arose
and fullv * inllatiul Ills mammoth lungs ho
looked lko ( VJifoo grand shows" under
one tent Judge Scott was hoard to re
peat those famous lines from Milton :
"Dehomotli , the biggest born of eartb , up
heaved His vastnoss. "
Prosecutor Smith screamed to the
sheriff to "make all of those men sit
down excepting Craig , " while Hon.
William Purnoll fainted and was carried
Notwithstanding Craig's immense
slzo , ho is an intelligent , level-headed
man. Ae ho never works it was sug
gested that ho was bitten by n laboring
man years ugo and now sutlers from a
sort of laborphobia , but G'raii ; says he
put in enough work getting to bo the
largest man in Kentucky.
Circubos and museums have often at
tempted to sceuro him as an attractinn ,
bul nothlixr can tempt him to forsake
Kentucky even for a time. Ho has no
faith in the "Bourbon" of other states.
Drnth rolln * llio Siicrnl Note * of n ( Irmul
Olit Hymn.
One who looked the crown over as wo
waited for the train would not hnvo Hot
us down as hard-hearted and Indifferent ,
says a writer in the Now York Sun , but
so wo proved to bo , as a , girl , not over 1J !
years of ago , lending' tin old man who
was Btono blind and very feeble , passed
slowly n round the room soliciting alms ,
They got iv penny hero and there ; but
oven tlioso coins seemed to bo given
grudginglyiind those who gave nothing
consoled themselves with tlio reflection
that the pair were frauds and really
needed no financial assistance. When
they had made the tour of the room the
girl led the old man to a soul in tlio cor
ner , and after u few words had passed
between them they began to sing a
hymn. She had a wonderful volco for a
child , clear and sweet , and his wns n
deep bass. The hymn wns that entitled
"Nearer , My God , UVTheo. " You have
hoard It by ti full choir , accompanied by
the strains of a grand organ , but you
never listened so Intently as would thoro.
There was a plaint in that girl's volco
which touched n chord , and there was a
quiver in the old mini's bass which sad
dened you. They sang low and soft ,
and thuy had not finished it verso when
half of us were standing up to son them
bettor. The girl kept her eyes on the
floor at her feet. The sightless eyes of
the old man her father were raised to
the coiling , and oven his wrinkled face
crept a glad smile as they finished the
chorus ;
"Noaror , my God , to thee
Koaror to thoe. "
The hymn wns not finished when
every mini began feeling for a contribu
tion and women opened their portcmon-
nnios. It was different now. They were
no longer frauds , and every one wns glnd
to give something. Two or three were
ready to move nbout to take up n col
lection , but they waited for the end of
the hymn. When ifcamo to the chorus
of the last verso the old man wns
singing bravely. Halfway through his
volco suddenly choked and the
last twir lines were sung by the
girl nlono and died away in a sob and a
cry. All of us saw the old man's head
drop forwiyro nnd his body lurch. lie
would hn vb fallen to the floor had not
the girl sei/.ed and hold him up. A
dozen of us were there In a moment , but
wo were too lato. The ofd man's life had
gone out as you breathe upon the llamo
Df n candle , nnd on his ashen lips still
trembled the snored notes of the refrain :
"Nearer to Thee ! "
Red Tape ill Legal 1'rnclco
Philadelphia Times : Said one of the
oldest and most successful legal practi
tioners of the cltv bnr to ono of his ris
ing young students a short time
ngo ; "My dear young follow , never fai
to remember that in the successful
career of n lawyer there is no one item
so important to his reputation as 'red
tape. ' You may smile at this remark ,
but it is as true as holy writ , and the
proper use of it in binding up a legal
document has saved imtny n court paper
from being handed back for perfection
or rooision to its legal sponsor. In
earlier life I practised in the
court of ono of the most particular
judges in this commonwealth. I
presented , as I believed , a well prepared
report which I asked for confirmation ,
and to my surprise the judge , unfolding
It and looking it over , found a hundred
and one faults nnd directed mo to prepare -
'but In bettor form '
pare another ono , ,
us ho said. I was utterly nonplussed.
My time was so limited it was utterly
impossible. An inea struck me. That
night in my otlico I put on a showy out-
sidu wrapper , with a handsome endorse
ment of the title , with the most liberal
supply of the widest red tape that I
could'find , in graceful bows. The next
morning I nervously presented it again.
The judge received it smiling , adding ,
'That is the correct way all papers for
tno court should bo drawn up. ' There's
nothing like red tnpo. " '
A Fight with a Shark.
The Now Zealand Herald describes a
desperate light between a man and a
shark which occurred in Manukau har
bor. Mr. Henry Jaoobson , wlio is em
ployed at the North Manukau Heads _ as
beacon-light keeper , was out in his boat ,
about six miles down the harbor , when
it was struck by a squall and swamped ,
nnd the [ occupant left in the water.
Jacobson dived , nnd endeavored to re-
llovo the ballast , but wltliout success.
Ho then grasped an oar , nnd being a
good swimmer , struck out for land ; out
as a strong tide was running ho was
swept down the harbor a distance of
three miles. At that point ho was at
tacked by a largo shark , which grabbed
at his hand. He protected hlmelfhow-
ever , with the oar , which ho tried to
ram down the shark's throat. The fish
then made a circle round him and re
newed the attack. By this time , however -
over , Jackson had his shoath-knifo
drawn , nnd desperately stabbed the
shark , ripping its side open , so that the
water became rod with blood. A fur
ther attack wns made when .lacobson
ngnin stabbed the monster near the tail
and it swam away. At that time a
boat came in sight , and Jacobson , ex
hausted , was hauled into the boat , hav
ing boon in the water two hours and
thirty minutes.
ItuiUlliiff I'ormlts.
The following permits were Issued yostor.
day by tlio superintendent of bulldlnjM :
John A. CrolBhton , repairs on building ,
Eleventh and Karnam streets $5,000
Edwnrd Ijvnoh. one-story friimo addition
to dwelling , Seventeenth and Mandor-
hon streets , MO
Six minor permits 2,200
Total & 000
She : "You are really a good hus
band , "
Ho ; "What is It now , darling a
new bonnet' * "
" No ; I know you want mo to look well
nnd be in good trim. Order me some of
Johanti IJoiFs Malt Extract , the HUIIKI ns
Mrs. Webb uses with her meals. It im
proved her wonderfully. You used to
make fun of liur light weight. You can
not do eo now. She has become plump
nnd of nice form. She uses it constantly
as a beverage , and I like it very much.
Baby needs it , too. It is very pleasant to
take , increases the appetite , nnd it cured
her of lior dyspepsia and sleeplessness
completely. Look oiitund buy no imita
tion. Tlio genuine imported article haa
the sJpiaturo " Johaim.lluil" oil the
ueck of every bottle.
INO COMPANY , Tpnts , nwnlmtn , lnt | > nit
Klait , liMiniiook' . oil anil lln , covers of nllklnitH.
riilibpr clnthlnir. Semi f Ings , banners , etc. Soml
forcnl'Kiie. | | | 3 Knrnntn for cntfilo uc,7ro f. ICIh
8l nl , nmnllln , coltnn
Importers unit mrf * . Hour rene , lipini | , Jute , rotten -
Clicks , tmrlnps , In Inc. ton Inthpp.tnrrfM tortl-
rtnifp. fli81J * . mil M.
MD. DAXON , Succc nr luJ.J.
. '
cnviii. M'Cuclxnr , tupvr
lllrjrclns cold on inontlily pHcklnidioso * . All iio\rl
imymciitft. 150 N. IMIi-Bt ics In hot Hni' ,
HID ft.
110) llowarastro ) ' . .
FaOtorjr corner llth unit DoiiKlrt utrooli.
Vfo are nisklna cloio price * to o\ih b ITOM , nn 1 i\ro
elllnit n clnsi of Koodi wnioti t * vorr "I"1
nblowltli morctmnti.
\Vliolpaalo Mfr * . ARents llnold , fliocj. riibbprs
IIOKlon ItiitibcrBluipCo , felt nooils. IMltillur-
llltt , HIM. llOOHnrncy-iit
Ofllcp , S. Dili uinl I.pnyen-
\vorlli S ! , Unmlin.
John Slurliover.
Xtfru Conifcctlonpm nml
Jobbcrn of forcUn nnil
iloinoBllo friiltn , lli'J
llonnnl xt.
Mrfn. tiucKy tops. Imckp ,
A. T. Dnrliy , .M-r. ( Tops , cunlilon . Ptc. Senil lor
riishlona. bncks , etc. catalog. 319 S. IStli ft.
211 North l.'tli-'t.
LIME CO. , Mfrs. Iron
cornice , wlnilon ni" ! .
Hard nnrt soft coal. S K. inctallc KkyllnhlK , etc.
ctr. IClli nnil Douglas- 1110 , UI21)oilKC-f > t.
Clothing , notlon.furnlsh- Mnnufrn anil wholi'sal
Ingn. ( ilvo us n trlnl. clothiers. 1101) ) llniiu-y
Snniplps prppnUl by ex- street.
prcBH. lllllllarnay.
M.E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry pooil.i , notions , fur- Dry Kiioils.notions. cDiit'n
nlBlilnn nooil.i. Corner furnlDlilim KOOIIH. Cur.
llth anil llonnnl fcts. llth ami Honnnl-Ft.
Illustrated catalog free.
1BH Cnpltol arc.
Grnco nml Thirteenth
1201-1M3 Jones Direct , 10th nnil Hartley Btrcotp ,
Omaha. Ouiuhn.
215 liu of Grncle. Broker
In praln. etc. Prlvnto
wire to N , V. , Chlcaxo
nnil bt. Louis.
Hats , cops , strnw Roorts ,
Huts , cnps , Btr
cloves , inltlerKOwners KloroB , mittens.
< iato tlty
relehrnteil .
nnil Hartley.
hat. llth
CO. , Dcalcro' unnlwaro anil
' tools.
Corner 10th nml Jncksoii mechanics'
Streets. 1104 Douglas Street.
Every MAN can ha
I S'/ltONQ and VIO-
BE n MSN 1 OIIOUS in all retper.u
_ _ J by usiiiR SPANISH
NURVINlt.theBreat apanlfih Remedy. VOUNO MBN
OR OMJ suffering from NBRVOUS DBBIIdTV. XO8T Ol
FAIIvINO MANHOOD , tilKhtlyci.iisslons , convulsions , ncrvoni
, proitraiion , caused by the use of opium , tobacco , or alcohol , wake *
fulness , mental depression , loss of power in either sex , Epermator-
BEFhoKK AND AFTER Dit , rhcua caused by self abuse and over indnlRencc or any personal weak *
ness can be restored lo perfect health and the NODI/1 } VITALITY OP BTHONO MUN.
We give a written Rjarantee wilh C boxes to cure any case or refund the money , Ji a boib ; boxes (5
For sale In Omohabv Snow , Lund & Co.
\ f
Evorr MAN who rrouUl know the OnANnTItnTIIS , the I'laln Jfoctn , the
Old Becrctn und thu New Dlscuverles of Medical Sclonco ns applied to
Mnrrlerl Life , should write for our wonderful little lionk. called
"A TIIISATISE KOIl 1IKN ONI.V. " To nny etirnoitnmn wo will nmll ono
copy .Entirely free , la plain ocnled cover. "A reftiKo from the quaclta. "
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Buudari IU . a in. Bend itainp for reply.
r * " "
_ rYOUR8ELF ! ,
r Ailt your Druggist ( or ft
/ boltlo ol Ills . 'fj10,0"1' ! , i
/ tion-nolionoui remedy lor ulll
the unnatural diirhnrgei anil
I nrlvnto dlkcr&ta of men and the
I ( lebilltntlnB weakness vecuilnr
1 to voincn. H cures In a lew
Idavi without the aid or
\ publicity ol a doctor ,
IT/IS / Uniiersnl American Curt.
Manufactured by I
kThe Kvans Chemical Oa.1
" * :
fa U' ' " Otheri IF
tr rniiii > nrion nm tlovr or
- IKAU. If tuSulnetrjr
] t I'cnvlrulei. Hit
lluvi' . C'urnt.
, All LvruuI.U.
llnrdwooil liunbtr. woott
entH | > t ami | , i rquot Imports I.Amorlotn PorJ
floottnit , iMid rumcnt , Mllwnukr *
hydraulic cement nnJ
Pthnml Doiiehi. Uiilncj whlto lime.
Manor merchant * , 1115
llafiioy-iit. Mlrs Ken
\Vhnlenalo liquor dcnlori
m-ily-H Knit Inilln lilt 1UOI Fnrnnni at ,
Importers nml johhprtnf
Milliner ? . notlonscli > 'k < , lulllni'ry. nollom , Mnll
vie. llli-1199. lOlha orders | irom | > t ,
A. IIQSPt , JR. ,
I'lnnoa organs , nttlM *
materlala , ctr. IMS
Douglas si.
LINE CO. , No IKII ! oitor , no smokjr
clilmnjyji no cliHrrlnn
llotlneil nnil litlirlcntltm of n-leki , Ask your gro
oils , nxlo urcnso , etc. cer for It.
. . . , .
Alfrs of "K i s" | iant , Hfr.i pclchrntpit "llucki
nlilrti nnil ovornlls.ete. fckln" ovornlN , piTniV
6IH88. lltli t. shirt' , , conti , otr. Itnst
Unmhii ,
" *
KMiiWMuMl , 187 $ . BRANCH * . CO. ,
. Produce , friilf , of tnll
llutter , eggs anil poultry klmli , , oj slots. JIT e ,
3IU H. 13111-nt. 13lh st.
SONS. , lluttcr , chooio , cirm ,
Duller , e R unit poultry poultry nnil Kama
12W llonnnl-3t. 317 South 13th Street
Hutler.pgirs.cheose.poiil- roninilsslon nicrchniit ,
trv , hides mid gallic. 1'rodiico , imttur , van * ,
1SI5 Ilawnnl street. rlicuu and pouliry
Ucfvr to Com'l Nut. Hank 12th and llonnnl st
Hpoclnltlom butter , CRKS , Semi us your eggs , but-
< lieoo , poultry , etc.No tcrpiiiltry.Knme. lilili'i
15 S. Htli. lief , lot Nntl etc. KH-i : I.eiuen ortli
O e r diaEOta2
ilo p r till ' < DB.J.CUrtlEHB.Llb.ojn , U.
. .
TusOnly 1'jrfan Va iliu n
llealnl tiyrlnvu In
Ilia world.
la tbo onlr nyrluKO ever Invented - j
vented by which vnyliiitl l 'l
ji'ctlonv can bu a'ln > lnl loria I
Vfllliout limkliu and ulllliK ]
liu ilutbhu or iiucu lt-tllu > f |
liu ntu of n teiael. anil !
which can nl > oi3 \ ini l sorl
rcrinl Injuelloni or IrrlH
fcOlT IlllllllHlt. lllll.H ,
Mull ordcrj
The Aloe& Pcnfolil C ;
Street ,
to M'outu/'flue.
riir > lclnn > ' pro > crlptloni
( arvfiilly prvyareJ ut low