Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1892, Image 1

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TWENTY-FIllST YE All' ' OMAHA , TUESDAY MOtolNC , MARGIE 29 , 1892. NUM13FR 280.
Testimony Given Yesterday Before the
Committee of Investigation.
l. tet Proposition from tlio inRll : 1i 1'rc-
mlrr Proponed Tariff Legislation Prcs-
liirntlitl Appointment * Coiillrmcit
About tlio Ciipltiil.
, D. 0. , March 2b.-O. N.
Lockxvood , patent attorney of this city , for
merly chief clerk In the Interior department ,
wns the first witness called by the pension
offlco investigating comm'.ttoo today. Wit
ness told of a request that General Raum
made to him for a loan of money for n few
days. Ho coaltl not loan iho commissioner
the money , but took him to Mr. Thompson ,
the president of the National Metropolitan
bank , who ho thought might accommodate
him. Mr. Thompson refused to accommodolo
the commissioner , because of sotno personal
feeling against him on oocount of the com
missioner's refusal to promote a clerk In the
pension office that ho ( Mr. Thompson ) and
, other persons hnd nsked him to promote. Mr.
Thompson ngrood subsequently to lend tbo
money to Mr. Lockwood , who In lurn loaned
It to the commissioner. The commissioner
disclaimed to him ( witness ) that ho had any
fcc'llng npalnslMr. Thompson , but sold that
bo would soon have a largo number of pro
motions to make nnd would consider tbo
case. The loan was subsequently paid.
Hint no Confidence In Ituiim ,
President Thompson , referred to by the
previous witness , detailed the circumstances
of the loan , lie had expressed lo the com
missioner tbo hope that If It was consistent
with his duty ho would raako the promotion
of the clerk referred to. Witness refused to
clvo the name of the clerk whoso promotion
lie bad asked for. Sbo had not been pro-
moled and hnd boon Ircatod a lilllo roughly
by.Groou B. Raum , jr. Witness stated that
ho had no confidence in General Raum.
William H. Barker , formerly chief of the
record division of tto pension office , said
there had been charges preferred against
him whllo in the pension office of borrowing
money from the employes arid not returning
it. Witness said the oi'tiro amount of money
lie had borrowed in Washington was ? OW ,
and he bad lost 512,000 In speculation. Ho
Hnd received , ho admitted , Information from
W. W. Dudley in regard to slocks on which
ho had acted.
Mrs. Fithian had once offered him money
in return for promotion. Witness reported
the mailer to Green B. Raum , jr. , and Mrs.
Flthlan was not promoted. Ho bad borrowed
$50 from a clerk named Donahue , whom ho
bad made n soctlon chief , Donohuo
getting the money from a clerk named
Morso. The note not being paid , Donohuo
wrote witness n letter durinjr ofllco hours ,
Buying that unless the money wns paid lin-
medmlcly , Morse would have him ( Barker )
nrrcsied. Witness paid the money but 1m-
mcdiatclv reduced Donohuo to a clerkship
( but without reduction in salary ) for in
subordination lu writing such a letter during
olllco hours.
Aflor a good deal of questioning the wit
ness said Green B. Raum , ' jr. , prooably got
n' part of" the f50 , as bo "arid witness wpro ,
borrowiug money back and forth of each
other. .
Advanced for n Consideration.
Thomas Farcott , au attorney , and formerly
an employe ot the pension office , testified
that before iho election of 1B90 there were
pension claims from the state of Indiana advanced - -
vanced fora consideration. He cited , n case1-
from Columbus bo bad handled , in which"
Mr. J. J. Dunbar , Roresoniallvo' Cooper's
opponent for congress , was Interested.
Regarding tbo working of the completed
Hies order , witness said that aboul 5 per cent
of iho cases lhai were sent to his division as
complete wcro really complete. Tbo first
lot of cases that came along were Lemons'
cases , which always come up smiling with a
completed slip. Tbo cases of Mr. Lemons
included man ] of their claims that bad been
in the ofllco for along tlmo. Wilnessrognrdod
the completed files order as a detriment to
In concluding a reply to a question , wit
ness remarked thai ho would like to show in
parallel columns bis record in contrast with
that of the commissioner in discharging him ,
and at the same lime keeping Tbcodoro
Smith and a number of women reputed to beef
of bad moral character in ofllce. This re
mark was finally stricken out and the com
mittee adjourned illl Wednesday.
Tiirlir f.egltilntlon.
The Springer free wool bill will probably
bo brought to a vote April 23 or 23. Chair
man Springer of the committee is on tbo pro
gram to close the debate iu nn hour's speech.
Mr. Springer expects to ba sufficiently im
proved in health by that tlmo to fulfill the
The binding twine and cotton bagging bills
will thou bo pushed to a vote as soon as pos
sible , to bo followed perhaps by ether
pecitia bills attacking separate items of the
McKlnley law. With tbcso measures dis
posed of In the house and iho appropriation
bill In excellent shape so far as tbo house is
concerned , the democratic majority of the
ways and moans committee believe that an
early adjournment of congress Is possible ,
and accordingly dlscustod tbo adjournment
question to some- extent today. No conclu
sion wns reached , but the sentiment was
favorable to Juno 1 as the data of final ad
journment. This Is nu unusually early date ,
for adjournmentaud tbero are many persons
-vho believe final adjournment will bo de
layed for many weeks after the date named
Stanton J. Pculo of Indiana , judge of the
co'irt ot claims.
United States District Judges John B ,
Kector , northern district of Texas ; E. P.
Inghnin. United States attorney for iho east
ern district of Pennsylvania ; G cargo B.
Dowon , register of tbo land office , Loadvillo ,
Doing * Yesterday in tha Semite und In the
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Maroh 2S. Mr. Mor
gan offered a resolution which was agreed to ,
calling on the president for tno correspond
ence with the Argentina Republic on tbo
subject of reciprocity and for Information as
to urtlclos exported therefrom to the United
States to which this country requires a re
duction of duties Imposed by thu Argentina
Republic so as to inane reciprocity fair and
equal ,
The sonata bill allowing thirty days' leave
ot absence to employes in tbo bureau of on-
craving and printing was taken up. Shorma
said there wore some reasons why annual
furloughs should bo glvon to men In regular
permanent employment uuder the govern
ment , but none why It should ba given to
men employed on plcco work.
Vest opposed the whole system , if It were
applied to private Ufa it would virtually stop
employment throughout the country. Ho
wanted the professed friends of the work-
iugtncn. tboso who understand how to
manlpulaot the labor vote , to understand
they would find tbo passage of the bill a dull-
cult campaign experiment.
Halo remarked that the worklngmon of tbo
jir * countrv hnd no Interest In the mutter. In
f passing the bill the sonata would not bo legis
lating lu tbo public Interest , but legislating
for class Interests and against worklngmen.
After further discussion Halo moved toluy
the bill on the luble.
The motion was defeated , Yeas , IS ; nays ,
83. Cocuroll and Vest voted ullU yeas ,
whllo Perkins nuiJ Poftor voted nay ,
lluln , in order ( nut the conoto might sou
whutuj bjforj ilia ujamtur , uU :
would bo tbo Irresistible demand , offered as
nn amendment tbo insertion of an additional
soctlon , making the provision ot tbo law
apply to nil regular employes of tbo United
States , whether they may bo employed by
the year , month , woeit or day.
The amendment was agreed to and the bill
was recommitted to Uio committee.
House bill to amend the action of March 0 ,
1S3I , authorizing a bndgo across tlio Missis
sippi at Burlington , la. , was passed.
Sonnto bill to establish n rallvvay bridge
across the Illinois rlvor , near Havana , 11 ! . ,
was passed.
After an oxccutlvo session adjournment
was taken.
Ilia lnst Xoto 1'lcnfics the President nnd tlio
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March28. His stated
on good authority that tbo president and
cabinet are pleased with the conciliatory tone
of Salisbury's note of the 2Gth Inst. , holding
It to bo a concossslon to the demand for a
renewal of the modus vlvcndl. Tbo presi
dent said ho was especially plnased with the
admission that Great Britain would bold
Itself llnblo for damages resulting to tbo
United States because of a violation of the
modus vlvondi in the event that a verdict ot
the arbitrators was ndvorsoto its contention.
Further correspondence will bo necessary
to settle the method ot determining the char
acter of damage claims.
Lord Salisbury wrote to Sir Julian Paunco-
fete on March 18 as follows : "Her majesty's '
government have consulted with the gov
ernor general of Canada with regard to tbo
arguments In favor of tbo modus vivor.dl
contained lu Mr. Wharton's note of the 8th.
tbo necessity ot referring the arguments to
Ottawa has caused the delay In returning an
answer. Tbo information which has reached
her majesty's government does not prevent
them to believe that in order to prevent the
undue diminution In the number of fur seals
any necessity exists for the suspension of
scaling for unotber yoor. Beyond the ques
tion , I understand that the Unltod States
will consider that should frco sealing bo per
mitted this year and the United States claim
to jurisdiction in the Bering bo upheld by the
arbitrators they have a right to bo
protected from the loss they Buffer by sealing
operations. Her majesty's government does
not dliputo that tbero will bo some founda
tion for this contention , v/hon the arbitration
agreement Is ratllled. But there Is this de
fect In the prohibition of till soallnc as n
remedy , that if the British contention bo up
held by the arbitrators there may bo ground
for complaint on the part of the British seal
ers who will have boon excluded from Boring
sea. Further , no security exists that the
arbitrators will glvo their decision boforotho
sealing season of IS'.U ' arrives. There has
been arbitration pending fov four years be
tween Great Britain nnO the Unltod States
and Portugal , and It is not yet apprcachlng
conclusion. Serious damage will bo caused
to the scaling industry by the suspension of
hunting for a prolonged period. As a morn
equitable arrangement , might it not bo
agreed that scall j vessels shall have liberty
to hunt In Boring sea on condition that se
curity bo eiven by the owner of each vessel
for a satisfactory award of the damages , If
any , which the arbitrators may eventually
pronounce. "
Scnllng nt Their Oivii Itlsk.
Lord Kimtsfnrd , secretary of stoto for col
onial affairs , wrote as follows to Lord Stan
ley of Preston , governor general of Canada ,
on March 18 : "Direct the proper port au
thority at all harbors on the Pacillo coast to
inform owners of vessels who are clearing or
have cleared this year Jor Boringsea. . that
her majesty's government nnd the United
States have agreed , subject to ratilication by
the United States senate , to submi the ques
tion whether sealers have a right without
permission from the United States to seal In
the east half of Boring sea , east of the Rus
sian line , is.posslblo that the sontcnco
of said .tribunal-1 may bo glvon within the
present season. Moreover , both her majes
ty's government and'tbo United States have
miido propositions for intermediate regula
tions restraining the catch ot seals in said
Waters Tla case the said arbitration agree
ment , or , 4my intermediate agreement , bus
not yet been definitely adopted between the
two governments ; nnd whether any will bn ,
adopted ] or on what date , Is necessarily a
matter of uncertainty.
"Notlco Is hereby given that all steamers
proposing to seal in said waters do so at their
own ribk , and after warning of the liability
to Interruption 10 which they will bo exposed
In consequence of cltherof said agreements. "
Ills Killer Hill la 1,09111 * ; rriciuU In the
.House. "
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 28. Today a
petition was in circulation asking for report
of cloture resolution tomorrow , but thirty-
11 vo well known silver men declined to ufllx
tholr signatures and anti-silver men are jubi
lant. Bland Is very much downcast over ,
tbo news , and ho might not bo aole to force
a voto. Ho admitted that tbo silver bill has
mot another sot-back and one which practi
cally meant its death without a Anal voto.
Went on the Itockx and Snulc.
WASHINGTON , D.C. , March 23. Usport has
just reached hero that the iron tug Tlpplo of
Vancouver , B. C. , wassunk with all on board
In English Bav Thursday. It is supposed
tbo vessel struck a rock and sane Immedi
WESTi-onT , Cal. , March 23. The steamer
Bcntur. lumber laden , was xvrcckou at Hock-
port. Both engineers , the steward , ono flre-
niatrana ono sailor were drowned. The ves
sel has broken in two nnd gene to pieces on
tbo rocks. The rough sea came suddenly
while tbo vessel lay under cable , tossing the
vessel so hard that the crow were unable to
cut the cable and save tbo vcssol.
Justice Linnnr 111.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 28. Mr. Jus-
ttco Lamar. of the Unltod States supreme
court , is seriously ill. Hli friends are much
alarmed at his condition.
Murderer ditto Meets 111 * Death In unim
proved Klcctrlcul Murmur.
SING SING , N. V. , March 23. Joromlah
Cotlo was electrocuted at 10:55 : this morning.
TUo murderer met his death in a new cbair ,
Cotto's brother visited him last night and
tried to induce tbo condemned man to glvo
him fW , which was in bis possession when
arrested. Joromlah rafusod , and the indig
nant brotbor loft , notifying tbo warden that
ho could keep his brother's body and bury it
where ho pleated.
Cotto spent the most of the night in prayer
With Father Do Sautls , and was praying
when the current was first sent through him.
Ho appeared almost in a state of collapse
when about to bo strapped Into tbo cbair.
Five contacts were given , each of 1,000 volts.
His right leg , where tlio electrode was ap
plied , was severely burned. Cotto's face
was distorted and horribly discolored , nnd It
was black above the eyes. Electrician David
said the discoloration and what appeared to
be burns on the log wcro realty only slight
The Jury llnahlo to Agree Whether He
Murdered rjnuley or > 'ot.
PJIILUIKLWIU , Pa. , March Si The Jury
in the ciso of Robert J , Cascadon , aged 10 ,
on trial for the murder of Oftlcor Fingley ,
came in last evening after bolng out llfty.
four hours and was discharged by Judge
Arnold , It being uuablo to agree. The case
has excited tbo greatest interest , both on ac
count of the youth of the accused and as
offering a curious instance of a boy brought
up under the boat homo influcnoo deliber
ately choosing to become a tblof , and as a re
sult , a murderer ,
The boy's father , who died some months
ago , was it will known business man of tins'
city and gave hU son a good education. On
I ho night or December ID young Cascadon
loft home with his brother and bister to go to
cuurch , lie wont only a abort diitanca with
them when ho nmdo an excuse , returned
homo and went straight to too tvtlno stcro of
Coylo ft Coylo on Minor * street. Ho effected
an entrance and made nn unsuccessful at
tempt to open the safe. As ho wus leaving
the place ho was met by Ofllcor Ftngloy.
The officer- suspected that all was not right ,
and , finding the door unlocked , turned to
Cascadon , who drew n revolver. As ho nnd
the ofllcer clinched the weapon wont oft
twice , Inflicting fatal wounds upon Fingloy ,
"RKMNANrs. "
nev. W. It. SInclcny'i Successful Mission
Closed liy n Mngnlllccnt Sermon.
Ono ot the most successful missions over
held In un Episcopal church of Omaha came
to a close last night at All Saints church , on
Twenty-sixth street.
Hev. W. K. Maekay of Plttsburtf has boon
the loading spirit ot the mission , and his
many excellent sermons bavo attracted very
largo audiences. Ills sermons nro both logi
cal nnd entertaining , his style of oratory
wonderfully direct and convincing. Ho
speaks without notes , nnd there Is no slraln-
ine nt effect through the medium of ele-
cantly formed sentences. His language is
simple , plain Anglo-Saxon of the keenest
nnd most practical kind. Ho taltts lllso n man
who says what ho moans and means what ho
snvs.Prior to the delivery of the dlscouwo laat
night Rev. T. J.Mnckayvectorof the church ,
administered the ordinance of baptism to
fourteen young people. The nudlenco was
measured bv the utmost rapacity of the
largo church nnd the baptismal scene was
very Impressive.
The subject of Hov. W. U. Mnclcni'a ex
cellent discourse was "Remnants. " Ho read
two scripture lessons bearing upon the train
of thought to which ho , invited tho- attention
of the uudlonci ) . The Hivst was the ninth
verso of the first chapter of Isaiah which
reads ns follows : "Except the Lord of hosts
had loft Into us a very smiill remnant wo
should have been as Sodom and wo should
have beou like unto GomorrHh. " The second
lesson was from T'aul'scpistlo ' to the Homans
bearing upon luo same thought , the wisdom
of God In preserving a remnant of 111 * people -
plo to carry forward His work oven in the
fnco of great difficulty ,
The speaker suld that there were two kinds
of faith. Ono was nn individual faith lu
God's power to save and sustain , a personal
faith in tbo uock of Ages. Then tbera was
a wider , moro comprehensive faltn that
reached beyond the special interests ot the
individual possessing it and believed thai
God would take care of all Ills people In good
tlmo mid that the truth of God would eventu
ally triumph over every opposition. This
was the solid , practical talth tu at could claim
the hlstorv of the world as its witness. In u
thousand ways God had shown His people
that Ho would bring His cause through uv
umphantly in the end. Isaiah wus no daunt
thinking of the tlmo when Abraham wni
pleading for Sodom. God had promised if
there were llfty , or twenty , or even ten ,
righteous people In the wicked place Ho
would not destroy it. A moro remnant of
righteousness wns sufficient to save a wicked
"Tho Lord always has a remnant , " said
the speaker. "When Elijah wont up Into
thn mountain and told the Lord that tbo
children of Israel had alt gene nstrav , nnd
had thrown down the altars and were gene
off after strange gods , the Lord said , 'Stop ,
I have 7,00'J ' young men who have not bowed
tbo knee to Baal. ' We uro too much lllie
Elijah sometimes. Wo look on the dark
side. Wo look at the crowd and forget the
remnant. The children of Israel were a
stiff-necked p'oplc. They had to meet with
chastisement that made them smart. Some
times It did look as though the lleht of
God's truth was almost extinguished among
His chosen people , but like a torch
in n storm it was appaicutlv
whipped out only for an Instant.
God lound worthy hands always ready to
pick up his truth and bear it on. Some of
God's servants in the earlv days of the race
and in the first years of Christianity did not
know a great deal about theology. If you
had placed the flvo points of Calvinism be
fore them for study you would probably have
driven some of them to the insane asylum.
And I might say that the same-sort of study
comes pretty near sending some people to the
asylum oven now. But these early soldiers
of the cross xvero God-fearing men. They
were men of courage and conviction. God
has his chosen soldiers. They may be only a
remnant , but Keep your eyes on the remnant.
God don't save the world bv thu efforts of
the multitude. Ho saves it by tbo
faithful work of the few. You might
think that Ho would send his
chariots thundering over the earth to
startle and overcome uvory opposition , but
Ho docs not save tbo world in that way.
God has His purpose * and His plans and wo
can depend upon it Ho will do His work. "
The speaker said that pcoplo in this ago
wore too much like the disciples when they
feared to attempt to feed the multitude with
live-barley loaves and two small fishes. They
said that tborc wouldn't bo a taste for half
of tbo crowd. The fishes were small to
begin with and by the time tholr beads and
tails and fins wcfo cut off the disciples , no
doubt , thought it was utterly useless to think
about feeding 0.000 people with so meager n
quantity of food. But they didn't under
stand the way that Christ saw It , The dis
ciples thought they bad nothing but flvo bar
ley loaves and two small fishes -to match
against the appetites of 5,000 people. But
the fact was they had live loaves , Uvo fishes
and God as tbclrstock on hand.
Hov. Maekay said | be was uot an optimist
who believed that everybody was going to
heaven lu a palace car. Ha believed that
tbero WBs.a ereat deal of wickedness * In the
world. Aiiy man who kept his eyes open
could see that. But God bad His remnant
and that remnant would , by the grace of
God , work out the salvation of tbo world. In
the hour of durKness nnd peril Washington
kept his eye upon tbo remnant of the colonial
ormy at Valley Forgo. After losing battle
after battle and being reduced to a stuto of
pressing want , with scarcely food enough to
sustain life and not enough clothing to pro
tect them from the biting cold , yet the great
commander of the revolutionary army did
not despair. Ho bent every energy toward
the protection and encouragement of his
remnant of an army and to that small , half-
fed , half-clothed army ttamplncr over the
cold snow , leaving trucks ot blood made by
their frozen feet , tbo pcoplo of this country
owed their independence and their happiness
as a nation.
The speaker touched upon the necessity of
having tlio auxiliary departments of tbo
church all In good working order. Ho said
that unless the Sunday school , tbo guild ana ,
other departments of iho church wcra fully
allvo and earnestly endeavoring to do their
part the church might Just as well bechanced
chanced to a lumber yard and tbo seats
iiiiuhl as well bo sold for kindling wood. Ho
believed that women were the real founda
tion of every successful church. The great
majority of meu became Christians through
the inlluonco of tbelr mothers , sisters or
sweethearts. Ho spoke of the assistance
that Paul received in bis great evangelical
work from Lydiw , and salil that God had
made the work of women a mighty power for
good all down the ages.
With regard to the progress of Chris
tianity the speaker said that 100 years ago
tbero was not a Christian mUsion established
outside of Christian lands. During
the last 100 years more than 2,000,000
pcoplo In India alone had boon won over
to Cur stianily through the mission work.
When William Carey , the shoemaker of Lon
don , began to advocate tbo planting of mis-
slons people pronounced his plan avlslonnry
inyth. But be was tbo Lord's ' remnant , and
what a work that remnant bad accomplished I
The lover was woruluc and would continue
to work. Tbo speaker advised his hearers to
have largo faith and then work according to
their faith.
' 'Don't go fishing with a puny little hook
andcome , homo with a miserable llttlo fishnet
not longer than your finger , " said no earn
estly.r'Uo out with a largo , tftrong not and
tbo Lord will give you such a draft of fishes
that you will ha vote-call for help to got
ushoro without breaking your not. "
In closing ho said hu hoped that the mis
sion had been a bonollt and u blessing to the
pcoplo who had attended and ho prayed that
ibo blosslnir of God might rest upon the con
gregation and guide them ono and all into
ways of peace and usefulness.
' Lat to bed and early to ma will shorten
tbo road to your home Injtho skies. " But
early to bed and a "Llttlo Uarly Ulsor , " the
pill that mattes lifo longer and butter and
wiser ,
It Results in Eo\\j Buit3 Agahst Forraar
Through Connect loin Shortly to lie Made
with the Coimi.inj's Lines from ttio
Nonllnicjt Dintnge by 1'lro
Nenr MeCnoU.
LIN-COLX. Nob. , M'arch 23. [ Special Tole-
gratn to TUB Buu. | Ono of the largest and
most Important , luwsuits over filed in Lan
caster county occupied Iho attention of Judge
FioM today. It involve * financial transac
tions between Mary Upton , J , M. Chase nnd
Cbarlcna Chase on uno sldo und J. W. Sher
wood and J. P. Albright on tno othor. The
plaintiffs sue the last two parties for the sum
of $22,500 , whlch'ntnouut they nllego they
were induced to payifor the Ked Cloud Na
tional bank upon lho , roprcscntatlou that it
was In n sound fitinncial condition.
Soon iiticr they * purchased the bank , however -
ever , it was closed up by a receiver. Thuy
claim to have also been deceived in the matter -
tor of the collateral of tha electric light nnd
milling companies. . They also seel : to ic-
cover some Lincoln citv property which was
turned over In pan payment.
The defendants nllcgo that the matter In
dispute was purely . n legal transaction , and
that Ibo plaintiffs entered Into thu [ irrangc-
lucnl. with a cotr.plo'lo knowledge of thu true
state ot nlTnlrs and exact llnuuneial condi
tion of the bank nt Hod Cloud.
The casa will bo hotly contested , nnd is
being watched withlulorast by many busi
ness men of the city of Lincoln.
Richard Cunningham filed suit in
the district court today nt-alnst
C. A. Burke , alleging that In Ih'J ) ho oatero.l
into a partnership wjth the defendant in tbo
law business tao.exponses nnd profits to bo
equally divided. Cunntnvhatn alleges , ho.v-
ever , tlrat while Burke chuuffully permitted
him to bear the plotter part of tbo expenses
ho was reluctant In dividing the profits. By
this method of division ho claims Burke con
verted about tUOO lo hii own use. Wbou
Cunningham discovered th s fact , bo dissolved
thu partnership , out alleges that Uurke haj
continued to colioctpartncr&hip accounts.
Judge Field issocd.i * temporary injunction
restraining Burke from ma'clng further col
lections and get the case for tilal next Satur
day. _ , -
Judgment was" .fCndored by default thii
morning against M'arnunnd & Co. In favor of
F. W. Boghtol iu thq sum ot 81,314. The
case brougnt by thosYoung Mee's Christian/
association agulnst M A. Lamster to recover
11 sub-icriplton to thrf building fund was da- !
niisset.1 by the plulnHn this tnoruinir.
The hearing of thb fnjunction case brought
by Albert Wcltoris ngklnst the county com
missioners will Jd heard boforo.ludgo Hall
next Saturday. Cynthia Bartmau asks the
court , to compoll Wllltam Dotson to pay the
amount ordered by tba judge for the support
of their child und 06)ecus ) lo un extension of
time until May IU. „
Dr. ink Concprrt ruled
Bi. un , Neb. , Match23. ( Special Telegram
to Tun Bc ] An USffiionlbs-old child of
John W. Mnylos mowlth a serious accident
this evoning'Which tnfiy prove fatal. Whllo
Mrs. Maylo was busn tlio llttlo'boy got hold
of some concontratc'tll.TC anil .dranlc it. The
llttlo victim's moutfernnd stomach are badiv
burned.'t L" '
Arritntlifa firn ; Now Hotel.
BCATUICK ? Neb , ' March 23. [ Special Tele
gram to TUBBen. . ] Another enthusiastic
mooting of tbo parties interested In the now
hotel project was'hold'at-tho ' Auditorium ibis
ovonlng. Matters wore shown to bo In a
favorable state Of progress , and a renewed
determination was manifested to push the
enterprise to spccdv completion. Tbo further
details of thu matter were confided to a
special committee , with instructions to report
at a meeting to bo held fatcr in the week. It
is proposed to idvost nearly $ T5COO , in the
Took Alt the Cash.
GIIESIHM , Nob. , March 28. - [ Special toTnc
BUE. ] Charles Morrj of IJcadwood , S. D. ,
was arrested toJay for stealing the cash bos
at the Grnsham hotel , jit contained f . -j.
Ilrokn .lull' lit 1'onc.t.
PONCA , Nob. , March 28. "Special to TUB
BBC.J Last Saturday night John Grumberg
escaped from the county jail at thU place.
Ho bad boon arrested and confined on the
churco of disposing , of mortgaged property
at different places" In this and surrounding
counties , obtaining , several large sums of
money. Officers are ih pursuit of the of
Futility Injured In n Jlmmway.
Lour , Neb. , MurelfSS. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE.J PotciTruolson _ : , ono of the
oldest settlor. ! pf noraian county , wns
fatally injured by a runaway team yesterday
between this place j nnd Asbton. Ho died
but a few hours after ho was picked up. Ho
and Joe Priass Were returning Irom
Ashton when tha accident occurred , Prioss
wns seriously Injupod , Invlnir throa ribs' '
broken and some infernal Injuries , but It is
thought ho will recover ,
In the Sixth District.
Bitoicr.\ Bow , Nob. , March 28. [ Special
Telegram to TiiE'BEE.j A largo and enthu
siastic mooting of tbo congressional com-
mlttoo from the Sixth district mot hero to
day , Several vacancies of the commltloo
were filled. W. A. Gilmore was olccted
chairman and W. B , Eastman secretary.
The congressional convention will bo held
here. All tbo commlttmon were enthusiastic
for placing a nominee in tbo field ana an
aggressive campaign will , bo waged.
Work nl un Incendiary.
LINCOLN , Neb , , March 28. [ Spaclol to
Tun Bui : . ] Thoi lira department was
called out after I o'clock thli morning by an
alarm turned iu from [ the corner of Eleventh
and Q streets. The < ire was located In a
frame building At' 1144'P atroot , occupied by
Mrs. N. F. Chamberlain us a boarding
house. The bla/a 'originated ' In a small vacant -
cant room at the u'ekcj. of tbo stnlri and a
partially burned baitol of cblpi and a small
can of kerosene prdvdd conclusively that
some ono bad deliberately attempted to lira
the building. AHe'tf ' hnlf an hour's work
tbo department t > xtnnf3bod } the ( lames.
Tbo attempt to burn the house might have
resulted rnnre serlbnsiytbut for tba early dis
covery of Iho Bra jahdr lha prompt worir of
the 11 ro dopartmSdU Tba looms were full
of sleeping Loardora KH d all were in danger
of suffocation . TDD Uoilding was by
A. M. Davis und ifvhs'inaured ' sufficiently to
cover the partial loss/ _
Tire IfuutWy hhot.
Cusnui. CmNfitf , March 23. ( Special
to TUB BnE.Vlirpivtlott ] , aged 10 years ,
son of T , G. Bartlo ; * ot Archer , wbilo out
nun ting on Saturday received a shot in the
loBwhlob comulotoij/jbhatteroa it tram tbo
thigh down. Ha was uot found for about
four houra afterwards , uud could not undergo
on amputation.
BisciioiT , Nob. , March 2S. [ Special to
TUB BIB. I Sunday uiorulug about 'J o'clock
as Andrew Swansou und a companion were
going out bunting on horseback , Swanson's.
horse became fractlous and ho handed his
gun to his companion. Sopu afterwards the
gun was discharged , striking Sivnnson on
tbo temple , mulcting a severe , if not fatal ,
Injury , Hwanson } ode houio after the Injury
and a physician was summoned who aroisod
the wound ,
Hiirmony iu the .
CEXTHU.CITV. Neb. , Mirch 2i fSpocial
to TUB Br.u. ] .Tho republican county con
vention will DO held A prill' ) , nn.l thu prim
aries ou the SHb. Uuawiojkius if the re
publicans would enjoy the novelty of a cam-
Pfiirn without a' ilcht nmontr themselves.
There nro no candidates for dclogato to Min
ruMjiiAi * or TWO i'FoxiiHs. : :
Theodore Vim * lu im.l .Janics Jurninn t
Cusnonx , Nob. , March 3S.-fSpoclnl lo
Tun BCK. ] The remains ot Theodora Van-
nlstworo today Interred in tha Elk City
comotory. Saturday Mr. Vanalst was stricken
with apoplexy , superinduced by cerebral
hotnorrhago. At tlmo of his death Mr. Van-
nlst was reclining on n sofa nt hli rosldonro.
Ho wns to all appearances In good health.
llo wns born In Dutchcss countv.Now York ,
January Si , 1834. After bo had" attained his
majority ho Joined nn expedition bound for
the mining regions of Montana. After so
journmg twclvu years In iho cold fields of
Montana and adjacent territories bo amassed
a competence nud returned to New York , be
ing thoroughly Imbued , however , with the
Pluok nnd vim characteristic of the west nnd
her pconlo.
In 187i ) bo nenln followed the star of em
pire on Its westward course , as far us
Omuha. Subsequently ho purchased n farm
four miles nottli of this city where ho gave
his tlmo nnd attention to fanning nnd stock
raising. It wus here also that ho married.
"I' , wlfo survives him. In the aprincrof
ISS. ) ho loft iho farm nnd erected hero ut un
oxpondliura of $10.00(1 ( the Corn Is King
elevator plant mid n magnificent residence ,
stnco-which tlmo ho has boon promlnontlv
identified with the grain nnd Uvo stock busi
ness of Klkhorn nnd Douglas county. With
nl widow bo loaves n daughter. In ac
cordance with the wish often expressed by
Mr. Vanalst thu funeral ceremonies were
very simple. O. K , Walcott of Elk City
paid n very touching tribute to the mcraor'v
of the decoased.
Siiiiyofici.Nob. . , March 2S. [ Special
to Inn Bm.J James L. Jarman , ono of the
oldest settlers of this counlv Ulod nt his
homo in this vlliago Sunday morning of
heart trouble. Ho was burled this afternoon
in Fiilrvlow comotorv , the services being
conduoled by the ICIrkwood post No. 100
Grand Army of the Republic of which the
deceased -vas n member , assisted bv the J. D.
famlth camp No. KU Sons of Veterans of this
villaco. Mr. Jlirmnu was born In Plko
county , Ohio , in 1 ' 4 , moved to Illinois in
18VJ , and to Sarpy county , this state , In 187'J
and has since then resided on a farm ur.til
the last two years , when failing health
caused him lo retire from farm llfo.and ho has
Iwod in thh village. . Ho leaves a wlfo , three
sons and four daughters.
ect Us Politics.
HkumoTov. Neb. , March 23. [ Special to
TnnBcB.J The Herald of this place bus just
changed its politics to that of independent.
It has b3on n staunch republican papar ever
since it win founded cipnt vears ago , when
Hartinptoa wns in its infancy.
A. O. II.V. . Coleljr.Ulon.
CMT CCSTBH , Nob. , March 23. [ Special to
Tin : BGC.I The Ancient Order of United
Workmen order In this placaoslobrated their
third nnnivor-ary in Union hall Friday even
ing with a program of music and nn able nd-
dross uv Uov. Mr. Curtis , followed by a
bountiful supper served in the hall und
closed with a general social. The lodpo
stnrled thrco years nso with fiftnon members
mid now has about fjfty panics ou Its roll. It
bus never lost a member by death and onlv
ono by suspension.
U. r. Cur Itolibcrs 1' Guilty.
GiiArfci > I rAxi ' > , Neb. , Marcti 2S. [ Special
Telegram to' TUB BBD. | In district court
today Harry Kingston nnd'Goorgo Smith
pleaded guilty to the chorge of burglary , as
suring them quarlors in the penitentiary.
Judge Harrison Jjas not , yet llxod , th'o. term.
Smith -and Kingston are two of thd Union
PueUic car robbors.
Lancaster County's Convention. ,
Lixcoi.v , Neb. , March 28. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BRB. ] The republlcon county
central committee today issued n call for a
county convention to meet in this city on
Mondav , April 11 , for the purpose of electing
delegates to tbo state convention which
at KearnoyjVprll 27. The basis ot represen
tation is the same as last year. Tno commit
tee Recommends that no proxies bo allowed
and that each delegation bo empowered to
fill all vacancies in its own ranks.
Major Hasting and J. E. Douglas are roc-
ominonded for temporary chairman and sec-
lolary of Iho convention respectively.
Question ot Clrculiitlon.
LIXCOI.X. Nob. , March 23. [ Special Tole-
eram to THE BEE. | The proprietor of tbo
Dally News today applied for an injunction
restraining the city council from granting
saloon licenses to twonty-flvo applicants
whoso notices of application were published
in tbo State Journal. Tbo proprietor of tbo
News base tholr application f or Iho injunc
tion on the ground that tbo law require ) the
notices to oo published In the paper having
the largest circulation , and claim that tbo
circulation of their paper exceeds that of tbo
State Journal.
1'Ians of thu Koek Inland.
LISCOIX , Neb. , March 28. [ Special Tele
gram to Tuc BEE.I Messrs. Blllingsloy ,
McMurtrlo and Kitchen , representing tlio
Lincoln Board of Trade , returned fromTo-
pekn today , wncro they wont to Interview
the otllclala of iho Rock Island railroad as to
the details of proposed operations of that
road In this city preparatory to making an
early commencement of the proposed line to
R street and extension south' along either
Nineteenth or Twentieth lo O street , They
report that General Manager Low staled was tbo Rock Island' * fixed intention
to form 11 direct connection at Manhattan ,
Kan. , through Lincoln with tholr lines south ;
Which will soon bo completed to tbo gulf ana
also at Pbllllpsburg via Nelson with tbo
through west and southwest.
The depot on O street in Lincoln will cost
$1110,000. C. H. Thompson , right of way man ,
arrived in Lincoln today to complete the
work of purchasing the right of way to O
street from R.
Autopsy on Walt Whltninn'it Ilcxly Khoirs It
Wan Terribly Diseased ,
CAMPES , N. J. , March 23. The funeral of
Walt Whitman will tako'placo on Wednes
day , at 2 o'clock , of tbo friends
wish to Invite Colonel Ingorsoll to make an
address , whllo others are opposed to it. In
December last Mr. Whitman agreed with Iho
attending physicians to allow thrm lo par-
form an autopsy upon his body after death.
Hn did this In tbo interest of medical science.
Gcorgo Whitman , n brother of the poet ,
yesterday refused to allow the doctor * to
perform their task , Afier iho brother's de
parture from tbo house , however , the physi
cians went ahead , occupying noarlv three
hour * . Too autopsy disclosed tbo fact that
Iho poet had died with bis or pa us in a state
of disease that should , by nil tno laws of
medicine , bavo killed him years ago. Ills
loft lung was entirely gond , wbilo ot iho
right lucre was out n breathing spot. The
heart was BurrounUed by n largo number of
small abscesses and about iwo and a half
quarts of water. Tbo pain In the loft slue ,
mat bad been diagnosed by some physicians
as an internal cancer , was found to have
boon canned by peritonitis. Tbo brain wns
found to bo abnormally largo and In a fairly
healthy condition.
I'nnr Drowned In ( iolilen Gate ,
SAN Fiuxcibco , Cal. , March 23. Six men
stole a boat some tlmo yesterday morning
and went fora plcnlo across the buy to Kan-
snullto. On the way back the boat was
caught by the lido mi a swept out through
Golden Gate , When In mid-channel the
boat wus cautrht bv a heavy sea and four of
the men Johu Brown , Ulchnrd Costello ,
JCSEO Carter and Isaaa Hanna were
drowned , The others were saved.
I'pr I'uik PnriOM' | .
The members of tbo Park commission aio
bavlnp no difficulty In securing propositions
on lands for park puipo-.cs , us ttioio nro a
number of parties who stand ready und will
Ing to soil. The latest proposition comes
from Mosra. Hoggs & Hill , who offer four
teen acres just west of Crclghtqstfttfego for
$100,000. In n letter adili-ossojK bo city
council tbo gonllemon extol thoM.-Jgplngc.s
of their land , nnd offer to plvo $ U
purchase price toward iho cri
audltotlum building on the preml
AXOTIlKll XOTi : l-VtO.W5.IM
Ho Doenn't Mho Ono nt lllnlno
ttuns on the Sent < juestl <
LOVPO.V , March 23. The Bering
rcspondonco minted hero this morn :
that February 27 Salisbury wrote tli
minister nt Washington ihnt the
tbo British government was glvon
to the modus vlvcndl solely on the ground of
preserving the seal species In those waters
which were supposed to bo in danger unless
there should ba temporary cessation of hunt-
1114 , and that no information reached her
majesty's government to lend them to sup
pose that so drastic a measure would bo ro-
qutstto for the two successive seasons.
Itlnlno's comparison of the present situation
to the ownership of timber land docs not ap-
pcftr to Salisbury to bo npnllcablato the case.
It resembles rather , bo savs , arbitration re
garding Iho tltlo to n meadow , and whllo the
arbitration U pending the party actually In
possession cuts the glass.
Tbo Star criticises Lord Salisbury's atti
tude on the Boring sea as being Inconsistent
aud commends the Americans as having be
haved as though genuinely desiring to pro
tect the seals , whllo Salisbury appears to bo
afraid ot offending the Canadian".whoso only
desire Is to catch seals. The Times supports
Salisbury , though on March 2 It published
articles advocating u renewal of the agree
Ai'roiNi'ii > TO orrii'i : .
Count Von I'tlcnbnrK U nn\v President of
the I'rtiSMlun Council.
BEIIU.V , March 28. In the Prussian Diet
loday Count von Eulonburg was duly np-
poinlod president of the Prussian council ,
and made a statement justifying the separa
tion of the imperial chancellorship from the
presidency of the Prussian ministry on
iha ground that the burden of work
involved by a union of the two
posts wns beyond the powers of
ono man. Ha announced that the gov
ernment would refrain from Insisting upon
further consideration of the prin.nry educa
tion bill , ns it had created such serious differ
ences in ibo Diet nnd country nt large , but
the government xvould maintain its right lo
decide when und In what form the matter
would bo taken up in the futtiro. The an
nouncement was received with minded
cheers und hisses.
It is said that Ibo Reichstag will bo indcll
nlloly prorogued this weak and the Land
tag nominally until the end of October , but
the latter will , in fact , not moot until the
now house has been elected , when it is be
lieved , Eulenburg will have succeeded In
forming some sort of a coalition to enable the
primary education bill to bo presented with
n certainty of success.
TIUIKI/IN ( ; TIII : juicis.
Trench Dynamiters Trjlng to Intimidate
the Judicial Authorities.
PAUIS , March 28. Ruvachol , the anarchist
loader , sald'in nn interview that the purpose
of thn dynamite explosions was to icrrorlro
the judicial authorities in order to prevent
thorn from condemning the anarchists now'
under arrest. Ho says there Is dynamite
enough on bari"d to blow up the house of
every French official. Gerard , expert in ex
plosives , declares that Mlllcrltu Is the' only
article that has caused such destruction as
that witnessed hi the Rue Clltichy , and it is
believed tbo anarchists bavo learned the se
cret of its composition , which wus supposed
to 'bu confined to trusted government em- "
ployos. *
Offending Olliccra and Firemen DUrlpllnoiI
Other HnalnegH Transacted.
Officer Slobock was tried.boforo the Board
of Fire nnd Police Commissioners nt their
meeting last night on the charge of being in
a South Tenth street saloon whllo on duly.
The board suspended him for two days.
The case of Officer CuIIen who had boeu
charged with the same offense was recalled
and a witness who was not present nt the
lirsl examination. In executive session the
commissioners decided lo suspend ibu officer
for three days.
After the nplico cases had been disposed ot
it was tbo firemen's turn to go on tbo carpet
and acting Captain James .McNumara of
boso company No. G was the victim. The
captain and bis company worked at the big
lire from the tlmo the alarm was turned In
until 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon and then
MuNaroara hastily accumulated a jag.
Actini ; Cblof Graves suspended McNamura
pending a decision of the board. Tlio cap
tain pleaded guilty and was reduced
in rank and suspended for one week.
Cblof Sailer sent In a communication stating
that he had iivo companies of four men each
and recommended that the companies in
question bo manned with live men each as ho
was always short of help wbon the men took
tholr day off. Referred to tbo committee ou
Tbo chief of the fire department also sent
In a statement giving iho number und con
dillon of horses now In service. Four horses
now attached to apparatus are unfit for duty
and the chief asked that they bo disposed of
and six good animals purchased. Referred
to the commlltcoon property.
Ofllcer Andrew Hare was allowed two days
In which to go duck huuiing. Officer
Mitchell was given ton days' annual leave nnd
Oftlcor Von Muggo was icranted thirty days'
leave without pay in order to allow him to
attend to some private business In San
Chief Soavoy made honorable mention ot
Officer Corey for standing up to be sbotut by
a couple of safe blowers.
In compliance with a resolution of the
council Chief Scnvoy was directed to see
that the fence on tbo west sldo of iho bnso
ball ground was torn down as It In in a
dangoiouR condition ,
Ofllcor Kirk , at the 'request of tha chief of
police , sent in a written statement regarding
tbo moving of a chest of powder at tbo tire
of Sunday morning. Chief Suiter was asked
about the matter aud said thai some officer
told him about tbo powder and that tbo chest
was moved by bis own men ,
Joseph Garncnu , jr. , complained about the
way street hacks and cabs crowd about the
entrance to Boyd's theater at the cloio of the
performance und prevent private carriages
from gelling up lo the curb. This
brought about a discussion of tbo old
liack-stand ordinance. Chief Seavoy said
tba.t ho was powerless , as the ordinance prepared -
pared by iho commission regulating hack
stands bad been pigeonholed by ibo council ,
Another ordinance will bo prepared by thu
board and sent lo the council ut an early
Cblof Seavoy asked for information ro-
gardiiiB the transfer of liquor licenses from
ono person to another and if ho had power to
arrest parties for selllnir liquor under a
transfer license. Mr. Gilbert aald that the
law was explicit on that subject and that the
licenses could not bo transferred.
The chief referred to George R. Davis ,
who had sold out his part , of tbo St , Clalr
hotel to H. Abrens , who continued to ells ,
pcnso liquors. under Davis' license. The
mailer will bn referred to the county attor
Complaint was made that the basement ot
the Omaha Hardware company's building
wns filled with six or seven foot of water ,
and It was feared that the foundations of the
adjoining bulldlnirs would bottle. Thd old
lira onglno was ordered out lo pump the
cellar dry , Wbon the firemen investigated
the basement they found only about a 1-jct ot
water and that was rapidly running olf. gaj
llurghint Tolled.
Burglars attempted to effect on entrance
into ox-Mayor W , J , Broatub's residence
about 2 o'clock Monday morning , but were
frightened away by Iho burclar ulunn ,
Later on an effort was made to force the
door of Sommer'a grocery store Twenty-
eighth und Furuum atrccts but It fulled.
SITVFR < \IIF\T1Y OLUiUl < ! ? ? lint
BlfimVs Free Coinage Bill Besting In the
Graveyard of Unfinished Business.
Imllrnllom Tlmt n Hunt Vote nn the
MeiiHiiraVIII Not Un Iteaehctl Ihli
Scanlon lu Adtoc.ites IntllRimnt
The Speaker' * .Statement ,
WASHINGTON- . C. , March 23. The sllvor
question is an ls uo of the past , so far as the
house of representatives Is concerned. The
developments of today clearly Indlcato that
the all powerful docroa ot cloture will not bo
invoked by the committee on rules to nsslut
the frco colnngo pcoplo In forcing n Onnl vote
on the passngo of the bill , and without such
n decree nil the resources of parliamentary
law will bo powerless to resurrect the bll'l
from the cemetery of unllnishcd business to
which It now has bson consigned.
It was uot until the house had mot today
and passed to Iho consideration of routine
business that Speaker Crisp finally an-
nounccd that the committee on rules would
not dcoin It proper to report a rule prevent
ing fillbustcttugand forcing n vote unless
majority of the democratic members should
sign A petition demanding such un arbitrary
Mr. Bland was qulto Indignant , and lu
slstod upon u rule , but the speaker wns obdu
rate , and seemed to bo supported by most of
bis prominent democratic colleagues.
Mr. Pierce nud sovcial ether gcntlomcn at
once began tbo circulation of petitions , but
thus far they have not secured moro thau
forty or fifty democratic signatures , although
tha work will be continued tomorrow.
Mr. Bland , this afternoon , made the follow
ing authorized statement to tno Associated
press with reference to the silver bill :
Mr. llliind Makes u Statement.
"When the rule was first reported , setting
apart three days for the consideration of thu
silver bill , 1 Insisted that the rule should bo
a continuing order , knowing that three days
coulo bo filibustered nut nnd no action
had upon the bill. When 1 made
this suggestion Speaker Crisp tiutly
replied that I ouqht to trust the committee -
mittoo on rules in that matter ; that ,
f tbo three days were filibustered out with
out disposing of the bill , tbo committee on
rules would report a rule preventing all fili
bustering motions and compelling a vote upon
tbo bill.
"The dooato on the bill ran until 5 o'clock
on the third day. I moved the previous
question and than tl.o opponents of the bill
commenced filibustering and kept It up until
about li ! o'clock on the last day for the con
sideration of the bill. The trlonds of tbo
bill were determined to continun in session ,
so us to pres-ont alupseof tbo legislative day.
Myself , Mr. Piosco of Tennessee and other
members of the house wont to the speaker
and asked his advice about the matter ,
whether bo thought that filibustering had
proceeded long enough to satisfy tho' house
und the country that tha committee on rules
would bo warranted In reporting a rule by
which filibustering motions would bo prc-
uanted and bring iho house to u alrcct vote
upon the bill. Ho assured inysof und
n number of others , that ho thought filihus-
tcrlng had gene on long enough to demon
strate the fact and that tbo' committee on
rules would report a lulo to bring the bill tea
a voto. I may add that I moved the house
adjourn on Thursday night , nt the instance
of the speaker , and with the emphatic state
ment that bo would report u rule culling all
filibustering motions nnd bring the bill to'a
Consulted the .Spealcor.
"Tho next day , Friday , I wont to tbo
speaktr.and ho advised the introduction of u
rule to bo quoted on today , Monday , proAcnt-
ing all filibustering motions and compelling
u vote upon Ibo bill. Ho wrote put thu rule
himself , I introduced it at bis request , and
had it referred to his committee , with the
distinct understanding thaf thu rule would
bo reported today. 1 never board nnvthlng
nbout'hls wonting a petition of u majority oC
the democrats until this morning , when wo
ought to have been voting upon the order/
"Wo considered that the roll call of the
bouse , showing as it did , a larco majority of
the democratic party In fav6r of the bill ,
was a sufficient warrant for him to net
according to the wishes of tbo domocratiu
party , as shown upon tbo record. Tbo spea
ker had glvou a number of the free coinage
members of the democratic party to under
stand that bo proposed to have a vote either
today or tomorrow upon this rulo. Wo had
te0graphcd [ for ubsnntcos In order to bavo
our men In tbo houso. When wo found the
attitude of the speaker had changed It cre
ated confusion and consternation among thn
frco colnaco advocates. They felt that they
bad been deceived nnd disappointed bv the
action of the spaakor. He bad i/Ivon
them no chunco to got a petition.
Decolted tlio Free Jolnueo Men.
"In this mornmp's Now York World tbero
appeared a dispatch stating the correspond *
ont bad It upon the host possible authority
that the speaker would rcquiro the petition.
Of course tbo friends of free .silver regarded
that bo had made pledges and promises , a
indicated in the dispatch , to our opponents ,
pledges and promises that ho did not advise
the friends of free comago he bad made.
The consequence Is , that at the critical mo
ment , they saw the speaker hud deserted
them , and many members , especially tboso
who were personally the followers of Ciisji ,
are now refusing to sign any petition , I * co
at this tlmo but very little Iiopo of getting
a majority of the member ? on n petition HSU-
Ing that ibo rule ba reported. Of course tbo
speaker has great power , and slnco bo has
sbowo'a disposition to lay tbo bill on thu
table , members who have confidence in him
will go with him and tliU leaves us with iho
bill having nut only the colnago
moil its opponents , but also tbo speaker op.
posed to It , and those who parsoally follow
him. What may bo iho outcome I cannot
say. Wo can count a sufficient number of
members who bavo been voting against con
sideration of the bill who state emphatically
that they will vote for the bill it it over
comes upon its passage , to give It from tcu
to twonly majorliy. "
Mr. C'rlnji In Surrlnril. |
Speaker Crisp was shown Mr. llland'n
statement this uvonlnp , und said ho was sur
prised at Mr. Bland should have so far for-
gotlcn himself and ino true situation as to
endeavor to mislead thn public by such u
statement. In justifying Ills position Mr.
Crisp said that whim the rules were
being considered ho had In cnucus pledged
his party tint no rule should bo reported
prohibiting filibustering or cutting off Uillta-
tory motions , except at the request of a ma
jority of tbo democratic members of con
gress. A majority of the democrats requested
that a tlmo bo llxod for the consideration of
the frco colnago bill , but nvudng no refer
ence therein to any chungo of the rule. In
response to this request the committee par-
milted thrco days'dobuto , Tbo speaker suld
that , as well as ho lecolleetoj , Mr. Bland did
/ . ant to Incorporate some limitation of thn
right of thu house to filibuster or wanted n
continuing order , but the caminittea deter
mined thai until iho necessity for such a rule
wns demonstrated they would not report it.
'iho bill was taken tin and debated
for tbrco days and finally saved from' "
the table by tbo casting vote of thu
Ecukcr , Mr. Crisp said tie veto wai a
greal surprise to all partloa , A majority of
tbo democrats voted against tabling the bill
and thereby demonstrated thai they favorat )
Its passage. Speaker Crisp aald that ho as
sumed that tboso gentlemen so voting were
in favor nf u rule which would brln the
house to a direct vote on the bill and proven *
filibustering , and , so bollovlng , bo said to
Mr. Bland that ho had no doubt tha com *
rnltteti would report a rulo. Ho also said to
Mr. Bland that in his judgment there had
been sufficient fillbustcilng to demonstrate !
tbo impossibility of tbo passage of tbo bill
without u rule to bring the bouso to a direct