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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1892)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY HETC : MONDAY , MAUOTT 28 , 1892. LOSS AT THE SUNDAY FIRE Damage Proves to Bo Not So Heavy os Was at First Reported , ESTIMATING THE DESTRUCTION DONE Am * lltilltlliiff fiulTcm I.PM TlmnVns Sup- - poiril Oninlm Itnrtlnurn Company' * Stork u Totnl Wreck-How Other I'lrnu 1'nrciU The damage by Sunday morning's do- etructivo llro In the Aires block , In which wo the Omnhn Hnrdwnro company's ' whole- sulo store and which wus completely do- ttroyeJ , Is not sn heavy na was first sup posed. The loss on the ontlro building , fronting on Jones street and which Is owned by Fred- crick II. Ames , A Uoston capitalist , will not exceed 110,000 or $12,000 , ( is just that portion of the building occupied by the hardware company was gutted. Thcro xvero five floor * nnd those , together with the roof , wont down In a ruinous heap. The fire walls on cither hltlo of the hardware storeroom were strong and substantial , protecting the buildIng - Ing on the cast and the west , from the hot flames. It is thought that the portion of the building occupied by the hardware llrm can bo replaced for flO.OOO or Sli'.OOO. The build- Inir Is insured. The serious loss Is , of course , to the Omaha Hardware company , whoso stock of poods was almost entirely destroyed. The stock , according to Frank V. Miller , secretary of the concern , was not worth over $133,000 or $140,030 , whllo the insur-inco carried Is ? 125,000. Too secretary Is the bon of I. A. Miller of Council Bluffs , nnd general man- ncor of the hardware company. Ho , to- Bother with A. S. Carter , treasurer , nnd ether members of the company , visited jestcrday morning and afternoon the dilapi dated and ruinous scene of their business. The orlpln of the llro Is suoposod to bo ( ho work of an Incendiary , although some com to thltilc that It got its start by some explosive substance that was Included In the hardware stock. At all events It was ono of the most destructive ttres Omaha has had for some tune. It was also handled exceed ingly well , considering the fact tlial the flro- men were hampered on account of the storm , the city being In duritncss and all the wires being down. Then , too , the building Is badly located and bird to icach in quick time , on account of the Tenth street viaduct nnd the close proximity of adjacent build ings. Scenes nt the Ituln. All day loop , and In fact from the time the fire started , the firemen were assiduously at work playing streams of water upon the umouldtrlng debris that lay In a mass at the bottom of the once flvo-story structure. Iron girders , twisted and contorted In all .rnnglnablo shapes , heavy hardware , cutlery , 'guns , pistols , axes , knives and the like , lay mere in the ruinous heap. Everything por- Ishcd , as the heat from the fierce and hot flumes destroyed them. The portion of the building occupied In tho. west end oy Iho United StnteJ Wind Engine nnd Pump company was slightly damaged only. The company's stock Is principally damaged by writer which surged In at the cellar , damaging the plumber's stock of goods. The insurance will cover the slight loss. The cast end was unoccupied , with tbo exception of some hardware stored m it by tbo Omaha Hardware company. Thousands of people In thrones visited the scene of destruction and vlowod the ruinous mass of debris , with 1(9 bare walls towering unward on cither side of the mam moth building. In the massive pile of rub bish at tbo north end a portion of the com pany's safe cifuld , bqseon. At the east end on immense quantity of uxol grease burned all day and'fed the smouldering rubbish. ' -The only accident that occurred during'tho fire was to C. Hoynolds , a llroman of truck No. 1. A bugo timber , in falling , struck Hoynolds on the shoulder and right arm. Ho was not seriously Injured , but was incapaci tated for work. Ho was removed In the pa trol wagon to No. 3 cutnno house , after Which ho was taken to Brown's hospital. It Is thought that bo will recover from his wound within a few days. Insurance on the Stock. Following Is the Insurance carried by the hardware company In the different com panies : WHEELER & \YiinEM-.n. Imperial , upon fixtures $ ; , r > oo German Amcrlc'n.upon II\tnres L'.VJO Total Insurance upon fixtures S 5.COO Conimuruliil Union { 3,000 Commercial Union I'.OOO Commercial Union fi.OOO Commercial Union 0,0/u Imperial i'.rco Imperial : i09J I'cnnsylvanhi Flro..v 5,00 ] I'lienlx of IlrooKlyn 2.5UJ German American 2SQ Total : ; oooo JOHN it. HAMILTON'S AGENCY. London & Lancashire 81"GOO Orient 5,000 Orient 5,000 Liverpool & London & Globe. , 5,0'0 ' Insurance Co. of N. A 5.1 OJ Total 30,000 n. K. PAI.MEIl k SON. Kim Insurance nfllco t 5,000 Mancliester of England 0,000 New Hampshire 5,000 Merchants ot Newark 5,100 Total 0,030 M'SIIANI : & CONDON. National of Hartford 85.001 Ithode Island Underwriters. . . . 5,000 Connecticut S.OOO Totnl 15,000 WKIIBTEII tc IIOWAUI ) . I'lovldcncc , Washington $ 5,000 HrltlHh Ainerlea 2.50J American of Newark. . , 2.50J Uoniianlu 2,500 Total. . ' . j,500 AI.UXANUJ'.H & SMITH. Cucon I 5,030 5,000 A. J. LOVE. flnlon of Philadelphia t 'J.r.10 Delaware -,51X1 Total 0,000 n r. IIO\VIM : , . 1'hwnlxot Hartford t 2.5CO 2,500 IIAI.U t WILSON , Michigan I'irc and Marino t 5,000 5,000 Total Insurance upon stock IU'5,000 ' Aincb1 building was Insuicd for f'X,000 * ) In Palmer , Nichols & Hall's ' agencies , Tbo lots on the building , as estimated , Is not more than $10,000 or * 1'-,000. Who Dcucrto Credit. In yesterday's account of the tire tbo name of Chief Ualllgun appeared , although the nro chief is now seeking to recuperate his broken health in Florida. The credit for so suc cessfully handling what threatened to be a most serious conllagrallon Is duo Acting Chief Charles Salter and Assistants Darncs aud Graves. ' , Tunt the tire wus so soon gotten under con trol is little loss than remarkable , as the ilro- 'men wore handicapped from the yorv start by almost overwhelming odds. The llro alarm wires were prostrated by tiaiuntay'a 6termand , as the telephone service was hi a similar rendition the only way of sending the alarm to the various engine houses was by mounted messengers. Considering this Plate of affairs It will bo scon that almost superhuman work on thu part of the down town companion In delaying the progress of the llames was all that prevented the total destruction of the entire corner If not , in deed , of tUo whole block. Ladles , ladles , think of thn encasements you have brokeu aud tbo aUappoliitinouU consequent to others end perhaps also to VDuriclvc * , all on account of hoadncbc , Hrodycrptluo will euro you m fifteen mln- Utoi. _ Von nra Invited. Visit the Knsor InstituteSouth Omnlm , nd investigate the euro tor liquor , flpiuia and tobacco. Tom Itecd'i Attltudu ou Silver. NEW YOHK , March 27. The Herald's Washington man In a dispatch says : A re publican suggested to Tom Heed that it would bo n good thing to lot the silver bill go through. "It is blanked nonsense , " exclaimed the ox-speaker. "If wo are ngAluftt the Dill wo must bo ugalnst It all the way throilcli. " Mr. Olnglcy of Maine talked In tbo same strain. < My wife has used Uradycrottno for bead- nclio with the best Imnglnablo results. I state this without solicitation. J. W. Mash- burn , Abbeville , Ga. _ irAXTKtt l.MKMCO. . I'rlioncrg Held In Now Mexico Chtrgol with Mttntrr. SANTA FE , N. M. , March 27. The case of Alamo Oaca , Bovcro Uubio and Jaquln Junenc/ , who are In jail at Lai Cruces , charged by tno Mexican consul at Doming with complicity In the murder of Mayor Achcta and others at Atcenslon , Mexico , in the local election riots of January , was con sidered by tlio governor yesterday nnd argu ments on the Issuance of extradition papers were heard. Attorneys for the accused claim that as this Is a political offense , the prison ers tire not extraditable. Thov also under take to show that these men , while In the house In the vicinity in which the murders occurred , ically had no hand in them and , nbovo all , they allege that liaca should not bo turned over to the Moxlcan authorities because ho is In tact n citizen of the United State * . A , 1) . Fall , an attorney for Unco , is in Wnsliincton , nnd ha * had a conference with tbo State department over this matter and It Is said ho has arranged , In cnso Clovornor Prlnco decides to pet mil the removal of those prisoners , to have the case appealed nnd taken ut > for consideration of the Depart ment of State. It will bo some lltuo before the governor determines what action to talto It AVorkcil Woniton. The following Is an extract from a letter of Uov. .f. W. Carter to Hov. J. T. Murnford : "It has bonclHcJ my wlfo so much I want her to continue tbo use of the modtrlno. Taking Into'considoratlon hur ago 00 years nnd the long standing of her itldnoy and liver troubles the Trco Of LITc has worited won ders In her caso. " For sale by all druggists * VOXl'lVTKlt A LVSVHKlt. llurnoy Wliltn 1'iilln to Kscnpo , Although Ona AVUnesn Wits AdvisKlimtoil. CAMILLB , On. , March 27. Mitchell county bos convicted Its firstlynchov. The lynchor's name Is Barney White. It was early last fall that of masKed men took Larkih Nix from a Thomas county prison. For two days nothing was heard of the party , at tbo end of which tlmo they tied Nix to a tree in Mitchell county and riddled him ' .vith shot. The clll/ons ol Mitchell county sot about finding out the lynchcrs , A few months after a parly of men took Durioll Holland out at midnight aud flogged him. The mask fell from one of tholr faces and Burrcll rccognlrod Barney White. Ho wus arrested , together with six of his companions. .Great Interest was created by the trial , .which opened last Monday , ending yesterday In the conviction of White. The same cvldonco will convict all of thorn , although Will UavK ono of the witnesses , was murdered last night by assassins. His evidence , how ever , is available under the law of Georgia from the stenographic report. Uno Minute. One minute tlmo often makai a groit dlf fcrcnco a 0110 minute remedy for bronchitis choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , fo ourso is a blessing. Cubeb Cough CUM is such a remedy. For sale by all druggists. Cubeb Cough Cure Onemlnuto. > a citisw. The Hcpubllc on tlio Vcrgo of a lllooily War. NnwYoiut , March 27. The Herald has correspondence from Venezoula confirming its cable announcement of fighting on the 18th. A president had not at that date been elected. General Crlspo is on tbo war path and the republic may nt any moment may be In the throes of a bloody war. ' La guorra" are thu significant words on the lips of every ono. Trade nnd commerce ore paralyzed , 'Tlio .legislative . chambers have ceased to meet and the 'doors of the building nro closed. The crisis seems to have "boon reached and what really will bo the upshot no ono can tell. _ Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup the best remedy for their children. 23 cents a bottle. Dr. Culllraoro , oculiss. Boo building HALF 1'AKC KXCUimON To tlio Hut Hprlnss ol Arkansas Via the Wnlmsh Kullroiid. On April 7 and 8 the Wubash will soil round' trip tickets at nbovo rate , Rood returning until May 10. April 12 the government will commence sulo at auc tion of town lots from the reservation. Only 87 , hours from Omahn , to the springs via the Wnbnsh , For tickets , sleeping car accommodations and a map showing location of the property to be sold , with description of the springs , call at Wabash - bash olllco. 1502 Farnam strcnt , or write G. N. Clayton , N. W. P. Agt. , Omaha Nob. lie IK nn Italian Subject. PlTTsnuiio , Po. , March 27. The Plttaburg friends of Franlc Ambronso , tbo Italian who was recently taken out of his house nt Ding- ess by masltea men and nearly Killeil , have placed the matter in the hands of on attor ney , who will take up the case against those- who committed the outrage. Suits will bo entered nt once for aggravated assault and battery nnd damages against the guilty parties. It will also ho made an International Issue. Ambronso is still an Italian subject and the papers In the case have been sent to Wasalngton. Mrs. L. n. Patton , Rockford , 111. , writes : 'From personal experience I can recommend Do Witt's Sarsaparllla , a euro for impure blood and goncrildobuity. " * C. D. Wood worth & Co. , successors to Wolty & Guy , 1310 Fnrmim street , mviti- iifacturcrs and dealers in harness , sad dles , etc. licit-lifted from .lull , BKVVKH , Pa. , March 27. Messrs. Mellon and Porter of the Dally Star , who were con victed of libelling Senator Quay , were re leased josterdav , costs of the case having been contributed by democrats of the valley. DoWitt's Sarsaparllla destroys such poi sons us scrofula , suln disease , cc/ema , rheu matism. Its timely use saves many lives. blx Were Drowned. KeoKttK , la. , March 27. Near Canton , Mo. , ycstctday arowboat containing eight col ored men capsized In tbo Mississippi. Six were dro\vued and two rescued barely nllvo. "Late to bed and cany to rise , will shorten the rood to your boms'in the cklcs. " Hut early to bed and a "Llltlo Early Hlsor , " the p.ill that inaUes Ufa longer and butter aud wiser. Disease nnvor successfully attack ) a syi torn with pure blood De\V'ltt's - W(114 ( * * - > ' w * w fiavv a Sarsaparllla makes pure , new blood and enriches the old. Oinalm com pressed yeast strictly pure. The J nsor the Only Liquor Cure , With scientific treatment , no failures and no tlmo lost. Visit the institute South OnuUia. NO REASON FOR THE CRIME Oanso of Yesterday Morning's Terrible Tragedy Still Wrapped in Mystery , HOW THE DEAD BODIES WERE FOUND Terrible Discovery ofn I'rlend of tlio Icn < I Girl Coroner .Muni Take * Ch.trgo of the llodlcs Hint Xotlllc * the l'rlcnd.1. About 320 ; Sunday morning n friend nnd chum of Mabel Stevens , an Inmate of Ncllio King's establishment on Ninth street , en tered the room occupied by the young woman and Abnor N. Gafford , Vho young Iowa com mission man. She wanted to speak to Mabel and being acquainted with both the occu- pantn of the room Iclt no hesitancy In enter ing. The ga * was burning dimly and she walked directly to the bedside and shook Gafford's arm. Ono touch of tbo llcsh was enough to alarm her , for the arm was cold and stiff. With n cry for help the girl rushed from the apartment nnd down the statra as fast as her feet could carry her. An oOlccr was quicklv called who tried to report the matter to police headquarters , but the wires were down and ho had to run clear to tlio Mnlard hotel In order to find a telephone that was In working order. In a moment after tbo discovery of the awful crime the whole house was In nn up roar. The Inmates huddled togotbor In the parlors or rushed wildly up and down the hall asking all sorts of questions from the filgh'ttnod woman who had found the boctioi. After a moment or two of Intense excitement the women qulotod down and hardly spoke above n whisper untll'lbo bodies had been removed from the premlsct. When tlio Coroner Cnnu * . Owing to the fact , that no telephones In the wostcin part of the city were working , a cab had to bo called and sent to Coroner Maul's residence In order to got that ofilclal on the scene as soon as possible. After the bodies had been vlowod by the coroner a search among the effects of the dead was Instituted. The coroner at 'first decided to leave the bodies as they were until morning , in order to give the jury an opportunity to view the remains before removal , but this suggestion of Mr. Maul was inst with so much opposi tion from Ncllio King and the inmates that tbo coroner gave up the lanu and sent for his wagon and two coflins. The de.ud man's Ratchcl was the first thing cxammod and from books nnd papers It wus found that the murderer's name was Abncr N. Gafford and not.T. J. Gafford , as was first supposed. Every scrap of paper both in thu dead man's clothing and satchel was cure- fully looked over in hopes of finding a bit of writing which would clear up the mystery oi the urirno. But the search was fruitless as nothing but u half dozen business memo randa books ware found and their contents throw no light on tbo sub ject except to establish the name and residence of tbo dead man. Some letters addressed to Mabel Dan iels from Denver aud signed Agulo Mooney were found In tbo top drawer of the dressing case. Those were taken possession of by tbo coroner , who uttcrwards learned that the Denver woman was a sister of the dead \Vhenthobodicswcraboing preunrcd for removal it was found that GafforJ held tlchtly clutched In his loft hand a crumpled SI bill , whichwhen unwrapped , was found to contain 15 cents. Tno revolver which lay close to the cold and stiff right band was ono of the latest pattern Smith & Wesson , 38-callber , ham- merless weapon ? . A tinv stream of blood had flowod'from tbo wound In Gafford's temple , across his death , white taco'and down onto the snoxvy pillows and into the bed. It was found that tbo bullet which entered the woman's.brain had clipped oft one little curly lock of Jot black balr , which lay on the pillow directly below the spot whore the bul let bad entered. On ( jafford's coat was found the cnstgnla of the Iowa State Traveling Men's associa tion and in the pockets enough money In sil ver to ruako the total amounts3.4'J was found. When the room occupied by G afford and the apartment adjoining were bolng" cleaned the money which it was stated the young man had was found. Scattered under the bed In tbo next room was a bundlu of bills amounting to $ J40. it Is presumed , judging from this fact , that Gafford hud opened the folding doors and tossed the money into tbo room where it was found ; that the crime was premeditated and not committed on the spur of the moment , as was first supposod. Just us Iho first strcak.s of dawn were peep ing through the windows the bodies were placed in separate coffins and taken to the morgue. Concerning the Victims. As soon as possible the coroner telegraphed to the sister of the dead woaan and loceivrd a reply asking him to notlfiy two brothers who were stopping at tbo Pacific bouse In Council Bluffs. , This was done and the brothers called at the morgue later in the day to learn the full particulars of the affair. Ono of the brothers said that his sister's name was Mary Mubnl Mooney and ibat she was lit years old. Ho also said that their parents were dead and that the clrl bad lived In tbo 11 lulls until last August , when she loft saying aho was going to Carroll , la. Since then nothing had been heard from her. A telegram was also sent to .1. J. Gafford , the father of the deceased , nt Manning , fa. , who replied staling that ho would , arrlvo this morning. Notwithstanding notices which were posted In thu doors of the morgue denying permlsston'to sou tbo bodies , a oniali crowd of curious people hung about the fiont en trance nearly all day. The inquest will bo held at 3 o'clock this afternoon. ' TV.WUUHII. The much-needed vacation is at hand. Most of tbo corps will take the week for re laxation ( and Rowing ) . Some of the fortunate ones depart for now scones. Miss Wycoff of the Farnam training school goes to York , Nob. Miss Mason vUlts friends In Plattsmoutb , ttob. ttob.Miss Miss Scliallonbcrcor of Vinton will spand the week in Sioux City , la. Miss LaHuo of Center coos to her homo at Corning , la. Miss Fair of the Mason school , branch of the training school , goes to her homo at Cedar Haplds , la. Miss Fitch of Vinton visits relatives at Defiance , la. Miss SVatts resigned after Tour years' faithful service In the ranks , and returns to her former homo at Davenport , la. Miss Wolcott of Central Park will bo at homo at Elk City , Nob. Mits Cranston of Hickory goes to Chicago cage , 111. Miss Ireland will bo at homo m Papllllon , Neb. Neb.Miss Raines of Center spand * the vacation visiting her brother at Hull , la. MUsMunslngcr has boon absent fora week from her post In the board rooms to auend the wedding of her sister , Thci tree Kindergarten at Fourteenth and Center streets , in charge of Miss Uommluk of Chicago , III , , will be In session during the coming * woelc. This will afford interested Baking in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard * tcnchors nn oppqrtUDlty to observe the work * Inea of this school. Commencing ) on Tuesday of next \vcou , cxsitilnnltonj dfi npnllcnnts for potitloni M tcnchora will ba > conductcd by the examining committee In U > * HiRh school rooms. On the Fndapfollowing tha occupancy of the Kcllom building by the pupils of the liard school n rnuslcal nnd literary entertain ment under the management oTMhi Arnold and Miss Fees will be given. Tbo data is yet uncertain for the reason that the building bn < i hot boon formally accepted by the board. If the Long and Uako schools nro relieved ot their surplus pupilt Kullom will open with sixteen room * . Mnson school U making extensive prepara tions to celebrate Arbor -day In an appropri ate manner. Several other schools are with ering forces for the tame event and Atllt others for Memorial ( lav. Several teachers have nlnnod their faith nnd purse to the future of Hnpld Utty , S. D. nnd cast furtlvo glances toward the Canaan of their nopcs. Bancroft corps nml representatives ot the Contcrcorps were charinlnRlv cntoruliicd nt lunch on Tuesday lint liv Mcsdamcs Ilodpo at 220 South Tenth street , A Sunday school toucher , whoso class wus composed of high and grammar school boys , in referring U > the work done by some mom- bora of the class , soldVoll ! , wo.'xpi ot more of the high school boys limn of boys In Iho common schools. " A bright-eyed boy with n martial bnnrlnp replied , "Indeed I'm not n common school boy I'm nt Lake , and that's no common school.1' ' In u recent bulletin sent out by William F , Unrns , commissioner of education , regard ing the exhibit of publlo school worlt at the World's I'ulr , It U stated that 'JOO.OOO square loot , or more than fourncroa of space have bnott assigned to this department , and It Is said to bo tbo place In tt < o exposi tion. The exhibits will bo claiscd under the heads , "Requirements , Provisions , Results. " Under the tlrst will bo received nil matter shoxvlng conditions and occupation of people , distribution of wealth , and all other causes ihnt altcct the provision of educational facil ities. Under the second will bo classed alt matter concerning school moneys , buildings , appliances , methods of boating , ventilation nnd sanitation. Under tbo third bead will bo shown tha results of puyt requirements nnd provisions and the quality of pupils' worlc. The suggestion that the work of the pupils bo exhibited in shelve ? , whcro each volume irmy have a place ntid be examined without Interfering with any other volume , will bo tiDprccialcd by Ihoio xvho have had experience with work oi this kind oxhlbltoJ on tablet. Unique suggestions nro made as to the employment of photography as a means of Illustrating class , work. For instance , the photograph of u representative ! portion of n clim forms the title page ot tha volume of the work of tbo class. It has boon oOlcIally stilted that 1-13 juries composed of OVJ Jurors will bo cmplo\oa in the exposition. These jurors receive no ro- raunciatlon timl It is thought the appoint ment will bo deemed n distinguished honor. The Omaha Teachers association will bold a regular meeting at tbo High school Satur- ilnj , A pi 11 - , nt 10 o'clock. * An address is ex pected , olllcers " 'Hi ba elected and full ut- attendance Is desired. All city tcacners are Invited by the committee to become members. Dr. Blcsbr , late of Oxford university , will spsnd a .snort tlmo In the city within a week. It Is very much to be hoped the city teach ers may enjoy the privilege ol an address from so eminent an authority upon Iho Im portant , subject } ot language study. Small bo.v In.examination : Qucs. Name throe evil effects frotn the use of intoxi cating liquor. An * . U you drink whisky you will cet a red nose , you will get drunk and you will pot arrested. That boy's in struction uuoirsUniulants and narcotics has boon strictly practical. Miss Ellis /and her pupils nt Webster school gave a very pleasant nnd entertaining program on lrlduy afternoon. The usual school songs recitations ; etc. , weio cu- Jlvcnea'by n fan drill.and other novel and pleasing features. Lake scnool has been presented with a handsome and valuable Hug by Mr. Hoary Bolln. The second of. thu half-hour series of en tertainments to bo given euobj Friday aftcr- t yon'UfLako''schooJ , niitlcr.-.Uio'nuspiL'cs of tdo eighth erade , wus very much enjoyed by its privileged audience. . Miss Arnold will "read aipapor on music ill public schools before the North Nebraska State Teachers association at Norfolk. Nob. , March 81. Mrs.Keut of Forest Hill Is Improving. IX'S COUGJI Uli.UKDY. " Superior to Any Other. > ' iMr. VV. J. Mowroy of Jarvisvllle'W. Vo. , says : "Siuco wo have Leon handling Chum- borlain's Couch Uemcdy we have suld It on a strict guarantee and found that every bottle did good service. Wo huvo utcd It ourselves and think It superior to any other wopara- lion we know of. 23 and 53 eoatoottlsi for sale by druggists. dtsoasc , treated as such nnd pernm nently cured. No publicity. No infirm ary. Home treatment. Harmless and oftuctual. i lie for by permission to Bur lington Htuvkeyo. Send 2c stamp for pamphlet. Shokoquon Chemical Co. , Burlington , In. Arro-Aincrlc.m Content Ion. The Afro-American league of Nebraska , through its president and secretary , M. O. Klckotts and James S. Bryant rospectlvoly , has called a convention to bo held in this city April 28 and 29. The convention will bo com posed ot dsloKutos elected from all local leagues of the stale , and will bo hold for the purpose of furthering the objects of nn inter change of Ideas as to the best method of rem edying the present civil ilgnts law , for hear ing the annual reports of standing commit tees , and the discussion of and attendance to such other business at miiv properly como before the convention. Howe scales , trucks , coffee raillu , car- stnrtors. Harrison conveyor. Catalogues of Borden & bcllock Co. , Chicago 111. INDUCTION or FASHKNOKU IMUIS : , Vlu IVnnsylvunlu Short Lines. Present rate Chicago to Cincinnati , O. , Louisville , Ky. , Hamilton. O. . Day ton , O. , is but HUGO. To Indiuimpolis , Ind. , only 83.05. Ticket olllco , 48 Clark street nnd at Pennsylvania sta tion , Chicago. Notices nf flee Una i > r fsuj utiil'.rthti Itcaljtftj , cciits-ach ailillUnnal tins ten centi. OVKK Hachuul Deborah , ( lunch tor of Mr. and airs. It. U. Over , MiircnSO , IHir ' . aged It ] days. Kiuiorul at 'JUJJ o'clock Monday afternoon , March .V , lifj * . from the f.unlly lusldoiicu. r.12 couth Trranty-uUhih street , to i'robiieol Hill cemetery ) Nasal Catarrli. I was afflicted from infancy .with Catarrhaufi for ten years with cmptionj on my face. ' I was attended by tlio best physicians ; ami used n number of Blood remedies with no perniiincut relief. LIFE WAS A BURDEN My life 'became a burden to me , for my cose waa declared Incurable. I saw 8. S. S , advertised , aud took eight bottles tles , which cured mo entirely , nnd I feel like a new person. Miss Josin OWHN , MONTI'KLIEIt , OlIIO. Dr , Bailry , $ r The Leading Dentist _ Thlr.l Flov. Pixton WoVt. Telephone 10S" > . lOUi ami rarnnui Sts. A lull tct of twill ou rubber for f ) . IVrd-ct HI. Ttcth without iilalci or ruiuuvitblu brlilfo work. Juki llio tulnif ( or ilugcm or iiulillu upcnkfri , never ilrup tlunn. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOJT PAIN , All nuint ! tvrea onuliernt ; , all work narrnntoil Cul tlili out for o fuldu. IDEAS FOR SALE * iiuJJciily Without Notice , OUAIIA ADVKUriMI.VQ UllllgAU. Utt N. f.I.lfd l\'f DUFFY'S PURE FOR MEDICINAL USE NO FUSEU OIL There nro many B0-C3l'e.l ' whIVilos In the m-x uor. butlt Imsbnin nrovan hoyonil nil iliulitttiiDUK Y'S sTIIli ONLY PUIIE MEDICINAliONK. qnremedy for Pntu- inonln , Malar a or DYSPEPSIA It H ndmlr- nb'.o. It tones up U.o system nitl i.uMfks thellioa. . WOMEN find In this grnml mo'nratlon rlltvlatlon Iromtho BU To Ingoftnelrsox , whllo to MEN Itbrlngsno'.vllfoandl npirts fresh vigor to the whole system. It cn ; 1 > " ohlaln ° d lit till dr RRlUsnn 1 ijroco s. f oi d for oil * book THE DUFFY'S MAf.T W iISKEY LO. , ftosheater. N. V. LeDuc's Periodical Pills. The French romjdy n-t dlrjctly noon tits RCnorotivoorj ! tins nnl cures supprosslunot Iho monsj . t''nr throe fur tntiJ o.m hn tnnlloJ. Should iiotlOH90 ) lilurliuiirudiinoy. Jobuart , Hr.ii'Klstimndthapublla suppllaii UyUojJmaa DruxOo. . a TAKE API LL Hobb's Are the Best on Earth. Act gently yet prompt ' ly on tbo MVKIt , KIIN DR. HOBB'S Kins and lUHYKLK , ills- polling Headaches , Fov- era nnd Colds , thorough' LITTLE ly cleansing the system of disease , nnd cures habitual conatlpalloa They are BURar canted , do not grlpo , very small , _ _ _ _ A easy to talio , and purclr ill I SI vegetable. 45 pills In each. rll I \ Unl- Perfect digestion I ELfLtU9 followi tlielruso. They P-JL " " tick licnd- - - absolutely euro - nchc. and arc recommended - ed bj leading plijdlclans. For sola by loading druggists or Kent by mall ; 25cti. a vial. .Address HOBB'S ' MEDICINE CO. , Preps , San Francisco cr Chicagf. foil SAI.K IN OMAHA. KED. , B\ Knhn ft Cu. , Cu.r 13th & DotiRlns St . J .A. Puller & Cn , Cor. 14th & DouKlns t9. A U Foster & Co. . Council DluHs , la. MI.K.C. WtUT'3 NICItVJ ! AND 1IIIA1.N THK.VT- MKNT.mpocttlofor llriterli , Dliilnoii , KR < , NJU- minis , He.idariie , Nervous 1'ruitratlon caunej by i | . < oliol ortobacco , Wnkufulnou. Mcntnl DepronUi , Suficnln ? of t'ie Ilrnln. ci'nl'u Ininnlty. mltorr , ttccny , ilon li , I'ramatura Ol 1 \ia , Ilirrannait , I.oii of Power In cither nuv , Impotcncjr , I ucorr 1031 ant nil Kcinalo Woikncssoi , Inroluntnry liOJioi. Soir- .liatorrhoencuuu 1 by oror-oxortlon of tha br.iln. Hclf-nbUR'.ovci'-lmlulconc . A'njnli's troalnunt II , 1)for ) f > , Ly mill.Vu Ounr.iiltja nlic Lmxoi u cure Ktich orJjr fort ! botj.wUh5l will ail < rrl t- ten KHnr.inloo to ri-fun I If not C'irol. Ginnnl'io l uuil only by A. Sc'irotar , UruKlit. ole ntontl , S. E.cor. Itilh nnl K.irnvu iu. , Oiualri. Nah. A ( iKNUINn.MtCUOHU KlMIUl KIDIV3 ( JI5UM KitAmUATOIl--Liiro'nll < l3'c 3i bcoi-io Itkllli the microbe orcsr.ii I'ut tipnti , ! re til led In $1. Jlnni t5nzo3. thu luttar 1 cnlluni. Senl iinywharj prj paid 0:1 : receipt of price or C O IVoU I HI I i KU ir. unloe tocnre. The public IriJo nil Job'ijri xup- pllotl by the Klni or Driu Company. On\Uij C. A- Molclior , Howard Meyer nnd K. I' . Ssykora , Houth Umnlia : A. I ) , roster mid II. J. UUU , Council llluils. WHERE'D THAT HAT COME FROM "The Nebraska , you bet ! I used to go to some hat store , buy a hat with some swell hat mak ers name on the inside , plank down five big , hard earned dollars and walk out into the cold world under the impression that everybody was admiring me and my new hat. I'm wiser now. I go to the Nebraska Clothing Company , buya "Nebraska" hat , put up three dollars and walkout under just as good a hat as I ever wore. Another thing , I can always get a shape to suit me. . " THAT MAN KNOWS HIS BUSINESS. \ J We do sell as good a hat for three dollar * as any five dollar hat that ever was made. The stock is there the linings are there the trim mings are there it's all there but the two dollars lars we save you. This saving not only applies ' to the best hat made ( the "Nebraska" three dollar hat ) but it applies to low and medium priced goods as well. For instance , we sell a derby hat for seventy-five cents and another one for a dollar. You'll wear out a pair of shoes hunting a hat store that sells thei sa"me qualities under a dollar fifty and two dollars. Perhaps you've no idea of the stock of hats we carry. It's great. We carry all shapes , all shades , all colors , all qualities. When you come to us for a hat "you can buy a hat to suifi you. You're the man to be suited. All we "want is to please yxm ( and to make a few shii- lingsto buy bread with ) . Our full spring stock of "Nebraska" hats is now open. Soft Hats , 8Oc , $1 , $1.8O , $1.78 , $2 , $2.28 , $2.SO and $3.OO. Stiff Hats , 7Sc , $1 , $1.28 , $1.5O , $1.9O , $2.28 , $2.5O and $3.OO. Boys' Hats , 38c , 48c , 6Oe , 75c , BO'c , $1.29 and $1.4O. Crushers , 68c , SSc and $1.28. wrttiJ < ! l Op n Till 8 p. m. Saturdays , 10 p. m < OUR. SANITARIUM. This is not a Private Sanitarium , but a public water bottling establishment Unit furnishes employment for more people ple thnn were over employed in n similinr business in the United Stales. Eroui those two sqimro doors pocs out more water"1 hciilintr of the nations"than ever wenlfrom any other spring water establishment in America. Why ? Because the people call for it. Why do they call for it. Ho- cause the doctors say it is the "Most Wonderful American Water for the treatment of Rheumatism , Gout , Gravel , Bright's and nil Kidney Diseases , Acid Dyspepsia , and all forms of Uric Acid Diseases. " Wo requested them to test it ana toll us what it would clire. They have tested it for years and the vonlio lias coino , repuiiodly in the form of more orders for water than wo have bson able to fill promptly. From Cltttrli'H GliMttn Stittfli , .if. It. , Coimiiltlnu 1'lninl- J. .V. lillltli , /I. .11. , .11. It , , M'ruf. I'lttltolatlll < "lf Cltllt , ClllCflffO. IHHI-HHft , If'OIIK-ll'M Jldl. Co'.l 'I/I' , ( llll'lll/O. " snlitlo Hint It eannntlie "I have had a Ions ovpiirlenco In the Ireattiiont of Klilnrii Dlirnvit bollevotlmtnnturolms "I ncliumlstry so with I.osiiONDKHitV , nnd HID nlu.ihoJ to add ttistlinoiilul , althuiixli ' tmltatcil , mid so 1 ) ) . refer " tlio natural LOMJONUUIIUV J.ITIHA to uny Ihliili It unnui.'os.irv from the fttut tliat thu rff'iln < the imp ) cinuh tiitittctjl tonililnutlun. iiiiirccliiiiiirntlii tlntn itnu iLiinln which I mluht utter. I pil/i ) It very lllcllly In all cases of L'liriinlc HIicMiintlmn or other iiiiiiilfostiillonsof thoeundlllnn Kiioivuns the 'I.ltnlo Acid Dlutlii-sls. ' I ht\c : nsixl ttio K , It. JIc4rthtii 31. It. Cltlcnyo , III , From ; , water uxlcnslvely In my practice and Intend to continue the use of IU" "LiTiitA SALTS can of course ho administered , but In my practice thu 1 huvu natural beenublo J.OMJONIIKIIIIV to IIIIH proven of greater valve than uny ugcnt CliJi'onl JIHi-hell , .11. It. , I'i-of. flicintntru timl Iloin. Alert , Colleur , 'I ' have used I.nNiioNDKiiitv LITIIIA WATKII IIKMISUS wi'ro Ihuin was ' fe Illlllill/Ht . . * > > I'rof. of IHn/inoHlH nntl i\urti : ncll re tlinentitheiirliiu \ \ , mid I luivo foiiiid that ll IHIICIIM/ / { cilntcHl Mettlclne , tiilctiao , ijii'tnttt'ii'ftirlni ' Iu tuunty-four hour nnd dlmlnlshus ihu atiiaiintof ticfc dcf'I ' > orv nollciMibly. I have tiad the water In the tioatmcni of CHICAGO. April ISlli , IBS' ' ) . the vuilmiH forum of Hi tttlit'x lilnaiite which arose fiorn unity trn c in t , LONIlONDKnilY LlTllIA BPIIINO WATKIl CO. Olio obsuuri ) ciiiso that I rtimembcr wasonu In uhluli thu iiiitlunt liad.ii OBSTM5MBNI I llllVO USCll JNI > rNIIF.HIlV Hl'UI.Vd WATKII lllllllUlV tciinli/ urine coiita'nliig ' nllntinrn and moruor losnitifj us conlliiiiciiis cnsiss of chronic ( lattinluoilintlit , wltli icllrt to tlio coiiscijuoiil nilnliitratlnimof llili water was followed by thu nassn,1" of u liirjn Mlliatmlii , " Muul'J , Kewaliila. etc. It Is u splumllil dlluont , null Is niuniin' iif t ol MHVI' which tellovucl thn patlunt groatly. I.O.NDOMIKIIIIV so nlousuiit tluit patients will tulio Itlnliirgu ijuantltlus , A iiuct-'ssiiiy IjiTiliA WATVII U a iMluuble atljavdiil In the trcutincnt of dlsoahiisuf ilia " thlns when liidluiitcil , kltlnoyb. With invalids the cry IB for the Still Waler. while "Sparkling Londonderry" "Eod in all fashionable clula and hotels , and IB found on thousands of private tables simply booauso the physicians have slid : 'In this ago of wonr ami tear , your blood has become poisoned with Uric Acid , and you must drink Londonderry always. " If you doubt tw , n" ' your own physician what ho thinks of Londonderry Lithia Water.- For sale by all Druggists and Grocer t { CHARLES B. PERKINS & CO , , 36 KILBY STREET , BOSTON , MASS. , SELLING AGEN1 ' Distributing Agents for Omaha. If you wont the whiskey which will not * scald the throat , burn the stomach nor cause headache and nausea , but is smooth and pleasant to the taste , of exquisite bouquet and guaranteed to bo positively pure , rich and wholesome , call for PURE RYE. and take no other. You may know it by the above qualities and the proprietary hot- tlo in which it is served. For sale at oil first-class drinking places and drug stores , iz DALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago. Nornliluo ffalill nnnilTIS CAI-HUI-KS pro 1 10 III ! Ill I I A bull and only ci : | > ul pruicrlbeU by UUUU I nrv/uiar | iiyiichiD | > for UIB euro or ( ionor/liui nna OlnliurKui Jrom llio urinary orgam tiktuto Iu i < luy II M per Lux , n ji . . . , - . . _ . . . . . | . . . . , , i -c f a gj kV A A ' To kfeepTrtiNes Movine BUY riIEAl\ Tennis Shoes NO gopds sold at retail. Ask shoedealers for th Jersey brand. They are at the top. lam western aqent for the American Rubber Clothing and Macintosh Co. Bie : Stock. Eastern prices. 1 lilllarncy Street , Omalia , Neb 21.P. . LxINDSEXY.