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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1892)
THE OMAHA DAILY BKE ; .RIONDAY , MARCH 28 , 1802. 8PE01RL NOTICES , A"DVKIITIRKMKNTS Foil TIIK81 ? COLUMNS will t > o taken until UW : r > . m. for the evening nil nntll 8:80 : p. tn , ( or llio morning or Sundnr cdl- All advertisement * In them columns IS rents a line flrrt Insertion , and 10 rcntu n line thereafter. or l | icr line pr month. f'o advertisement taken for It * * thnn 2J cent * for llio ttr t In crtlort , Tctmi , r fli In firtTanco , Count nbout fovcn word * tn the line. initials. figures , symbols , etc. , each count us a Trord. All advertisements mimt run connecutlvolr. Adverllfctn br requesting n numbered chock , can have Iho letter * addreaned to n numbered letter In cure of TUB Ilr.r. . Annncra no addressed will bo delivered on presentation of the chock. SITTJATIfJNS'WANTED. . JtATKa-UcTllno first llmo nnd lOo line there- nftcr. No advertisement token for less than zac. KsiNiEKi wiuu Ace onalntlnnnrr ciiiilno : lirttclnis references. dreMTtt. Hco. ' _ KHIIXITUHK MNISIIKIl WANTS POSITIONS nhlo to take charge of finishing room. Addresi , T 2S , lice. _ MICTai' - . TO l.KAHX IIAIUIKK TltAIIB OF first elans bnrbcri cnn furnlili chair. Address IMI 270 , Curler , la. _ MUD 28' . Monographer with three icnr ox AMAI.K , unit references , want * position. Ail- drcaaTiiO. 1JCQ. _ Ml 48-83' SITUATION WANTIHJ 11V TWO PHACT1CAI , A hoomnkcrs. Addres * T 2.1 , I ! co olllco. KW-Zfi' A-SITUATION. 11V CAI'AIII.K IIOOK-KKUl'ISIl of long experience ) highest cltrreference * . Ail- rtren. T . lice. ' . ) ; HELP. tATHS I to n line llrtt tlmo nnd lOo n line there- Dftcr. No advertisement taken for less than 2Jc. T } ' WANTKP , BAI.HSMKNONSAI.AIIY OH COM- J > inlf lon lo handle the new patent chemical Ink craping pencil. Iho Rrcatrst FelllnK novelty over l > roduredt ernnca Ink thorounlily In two feeonili ; no nlircidon of pnpcrt ao to UU per cent protlt ! ono npent'd cnlen amounted to trai In MX dayd , another lit ] In two lionrn.Vo want ono xencrnl nuent In each Unto nnd territory. Kor tcrmannrt full par- tlFiilnm nrtdress Monroe Orator Mfn. Co , Latro : e , Win. , .X ! . 877 J-SAI.l'.SMEN. I'AVH WKM * 401 111U IIMKJ. 10U-A3' I > -r > It. II. l.AIIOHKHSVANTKDr.VHHVVHnK Jifor Wyoming on the il. , V .M. H. H. , frco trans portation from Onmha , Call at GOO S. 10th street. J.-riTV CANVABBKH8.HAI..AHY PAID WKKK1.Y. JSInucr sonlng machlno olllce , 1610 Douglns street. M 87-nll AOtfNTS WANTED , n.XCKLSlOll I'OUTHAIT Co. , Ware block. 777al3 * U-WANTBD.KXl'KHT 1IOX1IIPHAWVKU : NONK .IJothcrnced npplr. Kast Omaha llox Factorr , KaalOmnhn. "Bt WANThI ) , 24OOOI ) HAHNKS8 MAKKU8 FOR liolcunlo manufacturing. Address Ht. Paul Harness company , Bt. I'nul , Minn , M'JIl W B-WANT1CD , PAHTNKH , I.ADV OH < ! KNT , must have from three tn flvo hundred dollars rash ; also two talented amateurs ( gontn ) tenor nnd bnrltnno TOlcos , must rend music. CurroMioiul , rtrlctlf cunfldontlnl. Haru chnnco. Address C. I * Jdnltlnnd , Fremont , Neb. MIUI SB' B -WANTED , 2 IlOYSlfiTOlS YKAIIS. OMAHA llox Factory , East Omnhti. t ) i II-WANTKD. TWO IT.IISONB IIKCKIVB IN- J'ntructlnns , keep books for now store : J. II. Bmltli , 0.15 Now York Llfo building. AI'J.13 ' 23 > WANTHD , HAHNKSS MAKH11H KKKI' AWAY B from I'eorln , 111. Strike there. MOJO 31 * B TWO COATMAKKIIH WANTED. FAHE I'AID. N. Hclbcrg , Wymore , Neb. MI15 23 * B-WANTED. D11UG CLE11K. MUhTSPKAK ( ! Kit- man and bo registered In Nobrnskn : llrst clues wages to n first-class man. Apply ut once to Illnko , llrueo A Co. , Omalm. MI4I-2S * B WANTED LA IIOIIKHS ACCUSTOMED TO itcnm shovel work. Tciuplcton & Morrow. Iron Hank building , MI452S- T > -IltlI ( ! CLK1IKS WANTED , ONE IIIIGIS JJtcrcd , one not ! single. Drug Exchange , I'nxton block , Omahn. MI51-23' T > TWO EXPKH1KNCKD CITY 8ALF.9MBN IN JJtlie line of wholesale groceries , sundries , c.v trncts nnd apices with good references given. Ad' dresN'1'37 , llec , M15fl2S B -SALESMEN WANTED , GOOD WAOK3. 4011 lleo building. M18B rXT B AItE YOU A GOOD AOKNT ? YOU AUK lucky. Write for terms to The Odorless Cook' Ing Wnro Company , Denver , Colo. , for tlio best , fastCHt-selllng household article ever sold. Hxclu Mvo territory. M1SJ ! TJ-WANTKD. OOODBTKADYHOYTO DO JANI- Jjwork. 4lii South iMlli. 1HM gl * -IIAHNKS3 MAKUHH WANTKD. (5OOD .nageapald. K , Stnche , Vork , Nob. B -WANTED , A GOOD HOTEL COOK. fi. W. Heed , Grvslmm , Kcb. W 2U * 11--II5UO 'JO 2500 WKKKLV TO SKLI. "T1IK JGrcitt Leaders of a llrnvo People , " Brent Irish liomo ndvocntcs ; n atnndnrd volume , sire 7x10 , VOU pages. Illustrated outllt now ready. lixporlenco iinneccsiinry. Installment , Publisher' ! ) box. 1" New York. M101-28 WANTED--FEMALE HELP. HATES lie n line llrst tlmo and lOc n Una there after. No advertisement taken for loss thnn 2 * > o C-WANTED , A liOOD GlllL FOIl GKNEHAL house nork ; Gorman preferred- Inquire 2421 Uodgo. 014 C ! -WANTKD , GIHL FOH GKNKHAL HOUSE work. Mm. G. W. Loomis , 1014 Bo. 30th avenue. -COMl'F.TKNT 01HI. VOtt OUNKHAL HOUSE -'woik. 1COU Hhormnn nvonuo. U24 P-WANTED , A YOUN ( ! < ! 1HL TO ASSIST IN Otnklng care of children. 2423 Bt. Mnry'o avenue MW C WANTED , BXPKUIKNCUD U1NDBUY GIULS. Iteco Printing Co. HI4 -1-WANTKI-SOOD SECOND UIHL. ISUI I.O cuet street. JltWl. C WANTED , OIHL FOH GBNKUAL I10USK' work ; Koodwngcs. Cell 2427 California at. 101 /-1-OIUL FOIl GBNEHAL HOUSEWOHK. SMALT family. 1529 H. 30th at. M14U28 * /1-KIGIIT 1NTKLLIGKNT LAUIEB WANTE1 /liitmcdlntcly , 409 lice building. MI87 3D' /-1-WANTBD , WASIIKIIWOMAN. 419 SOUTI M1CI 29 * C-WANTKD. GlllL FOIl GKNKHAL IIOUSF work In email family ; Gorman preferred. & 51 8. 2tth ) nue. ' .175 21 i /I WANTKD.COMPF.TKNT GIHL FOH ( IKNEUAt whousework for family of two ; good wages paid Apply at once. 2712 Parker st. Ml')2-29r ) FOR RENT-HOUSES. HATKS ISo n line llrst time nnd lOc a line there nftor. No ndvortlsoiuniit taken for loss than 23a I1OUSKS AND APAUTMBNTSIN DEBT UKSI D deuce block In city , blU S. 22d street. Tel. I7U ! MltQ DiLAHGB , LIST OF HOUSES. 8TOHK8 , FLATS etc. , K and up. Paul , 17 Hoard of Trade. 213 A 5 * FOH HKNT. 0 NICK NEWLY FU11NISIIEI B rooms , 6TJ N. IDth , llrunnan tints. M43U \-K01l HKNT , I1UU8KS , I7.UU PKit MONTH ANI 'iiiiwnrds. The O. F , Davis Co. , 1WJ Kariiiuu st. st.Wl Tk KI.IHJANT 12-HOOM FUHNISHED HOL'SB .l-'all modurn , near llrownoll hall ; JIWOO per mo C. F , Harrison , UI2 N. Y , Llfo. 01U a4 D FOH HUNT , HOUSK 1SJT N. 17T1I ST. . U 1IOOMH Imth , etc. , 130 | > or month. F. U. Wuudruw , N b Nut. bank building. f -FOH HUNT , A1IOVKNOS. Kl ANIXKii BOUTI J/JOlh street , U-ruoai tint , u\ery modern cpnvon leiicu , Including largo kitchen ranga. Apply Wind nor , Korryu & Cu. . .W N. V Llfo bldg. MTCI " r\-MAY 1KT , SKVKN HOOM COTl'AIJK < ! KN- /Itflly loealeil. Inuulrc 'tit N. IIHh ttreet. Mtill \-rOll KKNT.7AND8 HOOM MOIMCHN KI.AT.S /I.nnte block , cor. 13th and Jnckson at * . > IVJ3-'to 1) -10 HOOM HOIJ8K ; ALlj CONVKNIKNCUS. Herd A tiolbr , Ml Hoard uf Trade. U3il . t D I roil8K8. 8TOHK8 AND FLATS. A. C , FUOST\ roum l , Duuifla * block , 10th and Dodge. 1131 AM D7-HOOM HOUSK , UW SOUTH 7TH AVKNUK , near Uronuoll hall ' - " JI' 4 Vt > ( -4 HOOMS , 1ST FI.OOH , AND HOWAUD ' H rooms , "IU and P c1nc , 17. H r loiii . 2ia nnd Mchulnt , 13 , 8 roonn , . " . ' t and Grace , K lltsldcuctji and cottage * In all purl * of the city. G. F. llults. Ilooui 4 , Ueo building. . ' 1174 31 _ B COTTAGK , HOT'AND COLD WATKH . 8' ' fu 'a , bi-uiitlful lawn and .liudu Appl conicr id ) and Mlaiut , MIOU ! T ( , f'OU , UKNT 1J IUXM U K. UATII ANI l all uiodorn vonvonluncut , tuifl , 20th it. 140 pu a'u" > l1' ' "lulru Dr. J.O. Jones. MI08-RI D'fl HOOM HOUdK , HATli. BKWKH ANI ) CITJ . " iVart"S'lot1111'1' ' l" > ol. bjr April 1st , In nulru IU8 8l l lh street. 170 -FOH UKNT. 14'HOOM NEW 1IUICK HOUSE all modurn convuiilttiirv * . Good location. Moil > ralo relit. Urunnm. 217 Kurbach block. MUSS f.'H.HOOM . . FLAT WITH FUIINITUUK CliiT pli'tu. good i location , all modurn conveniences ( , 'o-U | > cratlTO Land aud Lot company , 2U1N. lull i HKNT-rUBNISHED BOOMS. r6o R Ilno Hrt time and 10o u Ihu tbure- aftar Nu advurtltoincpt tnken for lv * < than i'M , E7 ! ! VS ! ' " "NISIIKIJ AND UNVutrNrsTlKlli Dodnu itruet. MWO 30' - FUHNISIIKD HOOUH FOH UliNTI.KMKN ; rvfen-ucti required , t til N 16th. va Af FOR RENT-FURNianED ROOMS. CoiiHntifd. [ , -FOH UKNT. ONE LAIU1K KHONT OH TWO [ jback fornUhtd cr unfurnlshixl rooms. 122 South tttb HreeU tw 7-NICKLY FUHNIPHKI ) HOOM TOUTWOOEN- -Jttemcn , UOU each per month. 1PU3 Farnam , W7-23 * . -FUHNISHED OH UNFUUNISHKD IIOOMS LJwlth Ilrst-clnss board , 1721 Davenport Bt. f -NICE HOOM9 , ALL CONVBNIKNCKf" . 1723 I Darenport , MWI 8 -TWONICKLY FI1HN18IIKD UOOMH TO HKNT with nil modern conveniences In beat locution ; 15113 Unpltol avenue. Mlii 2b | -DKSIHA1ILK FUHNISIIKD FUONT HOOM. l modern convcnloncei. Adjoining good board- ng. 405 N , lotb si. MHO 2 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. HATKS lion Hnu tlrst tlmo nnd )0c ) a line there- nttcr. No Bdyorthicnient taken for Ics * than 25& -vlSlY H TAin rWlsi : ' AND BKCOND Moor , south and east , furnished rooms nt "The Krenior , " 1IB No. Mill street. M781-3 * 17-PI.KASANT HOOM AND HOAHD. MIS DplHI- 1 Ian Bt. M88S V T7-WITH AIJj CONVKNIKNCKS. 703 8. IMh i street. MHl. -NKWl'Y FIIKNISIIKI ) HOOM8 KX SUITK Oil F,7 ! Hrsl class table 1811) ) Ifnrnam st. FOR RENT-TJNFURNISUED ROOMS. llATKS If-o n line llrat tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement tnken for less thnnioo. MIX AND THHKH HOO.M9 FOH HKNT. 0.11 G South Seventeenth nvcnnc. M1K3 31 * BOARDING. ItATHS-Uc n line first time nnd lOo n linn thereaf ter. No mtvortlacmonl taken for less thnn2.C. IIDAY I10A110 11.00 WHKU , 515N. Zll ) STHKIIT 713 H 1'UI.LMAN 1IOUSK , 1310 DODOK , KOIt (1000 hoard , nicer roouu , conveniences rntca nnd lo. atlon It cannot uo CTCollciL Mrs. Horn , proprietor XI A 10 * H-KOIl HKNT , I'.l.KllANTI.Y FUllNlSHKt ) roonm , llr tclaMhoard,3l8 South 20th at. 101 T-llOAItl ) AND 1IOOMH. . II JIIM3I * FOB RENT STORES AND OFFICES. HATES ISo n line IIrst tlmo nnd 10o n line there utter. No advertisement tnken for less than :5c- LFOll UKNT , STOItK , 1031 1IOWA11D. 88.1 T FOIl IIKNT.TIIK 4-8TOHV UlllCK 111)11.1)1 Nil , 910 Knrnan nlrcet. The building baa a fire-proof cement basement , complete ntonm-licallntf tlxtures , water on nil the floor. , gas , etc. Apply nt the ollleo of Tbo lice. Ills T SUITAULI ! nUlI.OINGS FOIl MAMJKACTUn Jlnu purposes at Kckormann llnce. Rood cnfflua and boiler , per mouth. 0. K Harrison , 'J12 N. Y. Mfc. 1 FOH UINT : , IN IIKST UKTAII. IA > CATION IN Omaha , entire eecond lloor or departments In Oolilen Enulo Shoo Store , Hid IClh at. ' . ' . ' 1 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS ilATKS 15o n line llrst thmnnd lOc a line there- nftcr. No udvortlacmont tnken for less than 1'Jc. J : -OAIlDEN FAUMB TO HENT. T. MUllllAY. 881 r UlllCK YA11D3 FOH UKNT. T. MUllllAY.MC52 I-FA11MS toil UKNT. II. T. CLAHIC. C0inl2 T 800 ACHES OF GOOD LANO FOK HUNT FOIl t" one or moro years , center ot Howard county. Neb. , 740 ncres under fonoo. RO ncrai under plow , 2 houses nnd plenty of running waiter. For further particulars call upon or address W. 11. Tnylor , lan Ilnrncy street. Oinnha. WS3 2U * I Will UKNT. PAIIT OF OUIl KIVK-STOUY brick wareliouso ; good elevator and trade facil ities. Omahn Warehouse A Storage Co. , U1J-IJ lA'avcnworlli at. 7X ) 31 WAUKUOUSU , INQU1IIB310SO. I5TH bTUKET. | - ACHES OF GAUDKN LAND IN I1KNSON for rout roaaonablo ; good ntnto of cultivation ; no buildings. Co-Opcrntlvo Land nnd Lot Co. . SOS No. iiitii st. Mita aa WANTED TO RENT. HATES-ISO a line llrnt Imo and lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for IDJS than 2io K StAHUI I'.D COUPLE nnd two young ladles. Address T 41 , lleo. M175 K HOOM FOIl KINDKHGAHTKN IN MOUN1NG , vicinity of Ibth und California. Miss Iloutelle , 28SIIarnoy. MI57 28 RENTAL AGENCIES. HATES lie a line first tlmo nnd lOc a line there after. * No advertisement taken for less thai : 25c. IT E. C. OA11VIN & CO. , 303 SUKBLY ULOCK.WJ - AII LOAN AND THUST CO. UKNTAL DK L-ST partmont. M'JlI-u2l STORAGE. HATES ISc a line llrst'time nnd lOc a line thcra lifter. No ndvertlsomcnt t.ikon for less than Vic M OLDEST , CHEAPEST AND IJ13ST KTOUAOH house In the city. Williams Jt Cross,1211 Ilarnoy. SS7 M CLEAN , DHY AND PIUVATBLY BTOHED furniture. Heating stoves stored over summer. 1207 Douglas et. Omaha Steve llcpalr works. Oil M UEST STOIIAGE IN CITY. OMAHA WAHB- lionsoA Storage Co. , 12ii-l.r ; > Luavonworlh at Household nnd other goods utorod nnd cnrcd for lav rotes. Private apartments If doslred. Phono419 74031 WANTED TO BUY. HATES ISo a line flr t tlmo nnd lOa a Una theroaf tor. No advertisement taken for less than 2Ja. BOUGHT 80LDBTOUKD. Well. , 1111 Farnnm L 66ij TVT WANTED TO BUY , BIGHT OH TEN ItOOM -Li house with modern Improvements , and good sized lot , located within one mlle of the postonico. Htato price , ulie of houoo and lot nnd full parttcu lars by addressing S 47 Dee offlco. 712 X WANTKDTO 11UY.CASH HEGISTEH. ANTON F , Dworak , Unrwoll , Gartlcld Co. , Neb. 78.1 M- TVT-WANTED TO IIUY-INTBHEST IN AN ES li tabllBhodbualncsi. lluvo live to aovon thou sur.d dollars to Invest. Am capable of taking charge of otllco. Can glvo best of reference. Address - dross , P. O. llox W5 , Oiiioha. Neb. M15il2 ! ) ' FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. P-FOH HALE , HOUSES AND MULBS , CHEAP. L Fidelity Oil Co. , 8 20th and U.P. Ity. U4J 23f 3KOII HAL15 , A LOT OF UAHIIIAGES , BUUUBYS and bnuuleii at your own price ; ulso slnglo liar * lien. Fidelity Loan Guarnutco Co. , room 4 , With nell building , 717 I > -FOIl HALE , LIGHT , 81 VLlitH HOAI ) WAGON , i and hnrnoss nearly now. Address T 20 , lleo.MUC7 MUC7 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS 15c a ilno first Hum and lOo n Una thcr ? ufter. No advertisement tnken for less t UPHIGHT PIANO , 8TANDAHD MAKU , Wusod only a few months , nl u sacrlllca. Wtl Culd well at. 48J Q-FOH BALE AT A IIAHGAIN , SET OF HOOT and shoo shelving , U li In good shape. Call ut 11)1 ) Ilarnoy niront. il.'i Q , -FINB PUG PUPPIES , H SO , 1IAHKKH HLK " 192.1 Q- FOIl SALE OH THADB FOH FAH51 LANDS IN eastern Nvbrnsku , a33 barrel * team roller flour mill nUuuted utTekainnh. Not ) . Thus. Crouch , I llurrulto si , Omaha. Vi { Q S8IO DKCATUIl , OMAHA.Mlll93 * MISCELLANEOUS. HATis-15o : u line tint tlmo and lOc a line there after. Nu advertisement taken for loss limn Vic. n-lIAMII < TO.V HHOS. CAHI'KNTKHH ANI. J builder * . All kinds Jubblujj : U B. ISlll. Tel. 11711 K-HAV KOII HAI.K.TUB STANIJAHD CATT1 Cu. Oder IOJU tOm ( elected , barn ilured bar fur sulo on track , Ames , Nebratka. 11-i.ADiKs1 CAHKD FOU DUHINU CONKINI : -IVment. Mr * , ilurnlti , ( ieruimi uraduatod mldntfu I8H1 bo. jlilh , Kt A Of J. T. OUAHK8ON. 1'AHTIKS settled bunlnem trunsnctlona with or nlihlng Inforuiatlun of the laud * or lot * of Mr. J T , Clurkftou , dcceaned , will nloaso uddresi the uuderilitned. who liua been uppolnled agent uf hli uttate , T , S. Clurkton , Omalm , Neb , 017 AT K-COTNKH UN1VKHS1TV : TWEI.VK DKl AHT incutt Hummer murulnii visions , July i. K. D llarrli , J-lucolu. Neb. 007 JJ' OLAIRVOYANTa. _ _ Q-AltlllVAI , KXTllAOUDINAUV. WONDUHKUI OrereUtluiis. Lballeuge * tbo nufiu. All * . Dr. M lyrave. dead trance clairvoyant , aitrologlit paliulit aud llfo reader ; tell * ruur llfo ( root tba cmdlu to grave ; unite * the teparatod : cauto * ui r rhigo with the one jou lore : tell * nhoro f ou wll uei-oed cud In what builne * * bet adapted for ! ha * Ibu celebrated Kgrptlan breaitjilato for luck aud to deslrur bad luducncu * ; euro * III * . Intemperance and all private complaint * with m * * * go. liUlu and alcohol treatment , bend U. lock of hair , cauio and data uf birth and receive accurate llfo jliart ; 2 ccntu In itauipi f or circular ) clvo Initial * of out rou KIM uiirrjr ; also pbuiui of ame. tittlce 130 ; toulh llth klre t. Ur t Dour ; boon,9 a-m to V u m rume one , cume all , aud be ouuf ta nd of tbl * wonderful uracle. MMO 1 > CLAIRVOYANTS. Conlntit ( < l , Q-MHS. NANNIK V WAHHKN. CLAHIVOVANT Orellable business medium , flfth year at 117 N , lith , KO MASBAOE , BATHS , ETC. lATKS-lSc a line first tlmo and lOo a line there * after. No adTrtlsmcnl li > kcn for lc than iio. T room TSd floor. Alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. MB3I K' _ W-MI83 fiTOWU , MAS3EU3K KLECTHICIAN JL 8M llamsn block , ' tVMASHAK ) THKATMKNfi JL mat bath , ncalp and Iialr treatment , mantcuro nnd chiropodist. > lrJ.l'ost,3I9X 8. 15thWlthnoll blk. PEU30NAt.3. HATKS ISc atlno first tlmo nnd lOo a line there aftor. No adrortlsomcnt taken for less than iic U --OKOmJK A. I.ANO oil ANYONK KNOVVlNd hit address please write to Heed A Solbr , Oninhn. MUBIO. ART AMD ANOUAQE. v ri. . K. niUKXiincic , IIANJO TUACHK.I , ; with Hospc. or 518 N. 18th at an -IlKKOHlC nUVINO A PIANO KXAMINK T11H Vl new ecalo Klmball piano. A llonpo , 1M3 Douglas. V-KOIt 8AI.K , C11KAP VOK CASH , A KINK upright piano , nearly notr nnd standard mnnu- facturc. Address OiM. neo olllco. 484 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. HATES l.V ; n line first tlmo nnd lOo n line thero. nftcr. No advertisement tnkoa for loss thnn 2ia " ' C 11KK ! Ui/DO. an V-UllIj , H15AUKSTATI51.0AN3.3U 11KK HI.D'O ' 4M r MONKV TO LOAN ON I.MI'IIOVKD CITY property , low rate. A. t" Krost , Douglna hlk.8M 8M \\r UKAlj KSTATK LOANS , U TO 7 PKIl CKNTj * no nddlllonat charKc forconiinlaslon ornttor- ncy'a fees. W < 1) . Mclklo , First National bank hid ? . H \r-COATI S , l ll FAHNAM. EASTKHX MONKY > ' Ml Ay-MjANS , a. o. WALLACE , an. IIIIOWN nuc. \\7--IOAN30NlMl'HOVKI ) AND UNIMl'ilOVKD 11 city proporty.f.1,001) ) nnd upwnrdi.n to ( percent. No dclaya. W.I''nrnnra Hmltu ACo.l5tli nudllarncy , _ RH ) \V 1'IllVATK S10NKY. MUST AND HKCOND ' inortKnfO loans , loir rates. Alor. Mooro. (01 Hco bulldhiK _ _ _ M788 WAIULYTO j. u I.OVHTT KOII ; money ; only llrst class security , 2.M 3. 13th. 681 \ VMONKYTOLOANONIIKALEST TB. TUB ; O. F. Davis Co. , liOJ Fnrnam st Ml C. W. UAINKY.31&OMAHA NAT. UK. 11I.DO. City mortgages. Lowest rates. Money on hnnd. KT7 \\r-OMAIIA SAVINGS HANK &IAKKS LOANS ' ' on real cntnto nt lowest nmrkct rntcj. Loans nindo In small or largo sum and for' ahort or lonit tlmo No commission Is charged , nnd the lonns nro not fold In the cnst , but cnn always bo found nt the bank on the corner of Utli and Douglas atrooti 7b If LOAN3\V.M. , 1IAHHIS , H.20 , KHEN/.Klt 11I.K. > mi \\T ANTHONY LOAN AND TUUST CO. , 813 N. Y. ' Llfo. lend nt low rates for eholco security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha olty property. property.KU KU T\r-"MONKY. MONEY , MONK.Y > JIOO.OOJ TO I/AN > > In sums of I2UO to $5,000 on Improved or unim proved residence business property In tlio city of Oninhn. No dehty In closlui ; louna as money Is on hand. No dealing with eastern parties , all business transacted hero nnd Interest piyablo hero und not In llio cnst , nlso make bulldliiK loans on moat favorable terms. " Fidelity Trust Co. , Hill Farnnm. WW W LOANS , CITY PUOI'KIITY , K. NBB. AND W. lonii farms. E. F. Itlngcr , 131 ! ) 1'arnnm.M1W3 M1W3 n3 \\f-fl PKIl CENT MOSKY. PHILADKLl'UIA ' V Mortgngo nnd Trust Co. Thomas Ilronnnn .V Co. representatives , 217 Karbach block. 172a1li MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. HATKS I5o n Hue llrst lime nnd lOo a line there after. No ndvcrtlsc-ir.ent tnken for less thnn 2JC. X-DO YOU WANT MONEY' If so do oot fall to KOI our rate ) before bor rowing. Wo nmko loans , without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , horsoa , wagons , etc. , ut the low , cat possible rate. There Is no unnecessary delay , but you got the money on tlio same day you ask for It. ' Wo will carry the loan as > lbn ni jon ilo.Mro , giving you the privilege of paying It la full or In part nt nny tlmo to suit your convenience- any part paid reduces the cost ot carrying tha loan In proportion to the amount paid. There are no Charlies of any kind to ho pnlu In ndvanco. but you get the full amount of the loan Our ofllces nro centrally located nnd nro so nr- ranged that pnrtloscalllng on us cnn ba waited on quickly and courteously. . If you have n loan with other parties , or have bought a piano orotbor furniture on tlmo nnd tlnd the payments n llttlo larger than you can moot conveniently , wo will pay It for you and carry tlio loan as long ns you doslre. Hwlli ho to yourndvantazotOBoauj botora securing - curing n ° < JnIIA jiouTGAOK LOAN CO. , lloomll , Creluliton Itlock , lithst south of 1'ostoHlca. SM V MONBY TO LOAN. FIDELITY LQAN ( lOAIlANTBE CO. On household goods , ptnnos , organs , hordes , mules , wagons , etc. , at tbo lowest possible rate * without publicity , removal of property or change of possession. Time arranged to suit the borrower. Payments of nny nuiount can bo mndo ot nny time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus giv ing patrons all the uenctlta of tbo partial payment plan. Call and BOO us when you want n loan , sloncy always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest ratoi : business confidential. FIDELITY LOAN UUAItANTKB CO. , II. F. Masters' old stand , U. 4 , Wlthnoll blk , Utli and llarney , Mli 8 V WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF -Asecurity ; .strictly confidential. A. 1C. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. V'Ji UOB'T J'HlTCIIAltlJ , K.J , W1THNELL 11LK W7 X WHEN YOU WANT A CHATTEL LOAN SKI ! W. II. Davis , room 10 , Continental block. WJ MONEY LOANKI ) ON FUHNITUHK , HOUSES , . plftnoa , etc. FrcdTorry , 11. 431 , Ilannto , 1)10 ) X MONKY'TO IXAN , 30. TO , ! ) DAYS ON FUHNI- turo , llvu stock , etc. Dull Green , removed to Itoom H and U. llarkor blk 183 X MONEY ON tlONDS , STOCKS , WAUHANTS personal property.WuyneillalleyII.40 ! Kurbacil X-110,000TO LOAN KIKIM f 10.00 UI * ON FIJHNl- turo , horses ur an/ good security. Ixiwost rates. Nebraska Loan Co. . 1JIU Duugla * treet. BUSINESS CHANCES. HATES 15on line llrst tlmo and lOo a lluu tbcro- lifter. No advertisement taken for less tbun2Jc , V HUY THE COMMEUCIAIj. THK HEADING L hotel at llrokcn Bow , Nub , No land In trade. , , Mil Y-FOH BALE , A C1GAII MANUFACTOUV AND tobacco store of twenty-ona yuan' standing , on account of old ugu , Inqulro of H. Arndt , lllnlr. Neb , 41121 a3 * Y-FOH PA MS , MY HAI'IIING HKSOHT AT IjikoUowu. . Addrusi J , J , Malowooy , Hebron , Nob. so V-FLOUH1.NG MILL FOU SALE. Till ! STKAM -L power flouring mill , with a capiolty of 123 bbli. per day , of all modern Improvements , built 1 years ago with tbo expense of ril.iMI.OU , In Prague , a und era Co. . Nob. , Is offorud for sale on oiuy ermi. For further parllculnrn nddroas Kiupur llroa. , Prague , Saunders Co. , Nub. M407 n3 Y FOH BALK , GOOD SALOON AND FIXTUHKS , bcit locution. Ituaaon for soiling , ulcknoss. Ad dross T 17 , llee. tl9-l > 7-WANTBD , PAHTNKHWITH ri.OOOOO IN I1UT. LtcrbuninuM. AddrosiTiU. lleo. J1UJ51S Y-TIIK MUNSOM TYPBWUlTBlt IS THK IIKST. Machine * for sale or rent. T. 11 , Smith , H Hoard otTrude. Omaha. M6JI ui Y-WK WISH TO KSTA1IL1BH AN 1NSTITUTK In every city In the United Slates for thu cure of liquor , opium and tobacco habits. Parlies lookIng - Ing for n big iiaylng btiilnrai address Kunor Item , ody Co. , tjoutli Ouiuhn , Neb , JIISQ 3 V-BIUTOU WANTKD TO TAKK PAItT OH J- who ! ? Interest In two prosperous republican papers In Wyoming , should bo printer , l..UU ) for both paper * . Addrco Indopciident , Hock Springs. Wyo. MID3 29 FOR EXCHANGE. HATK.I-Iio n line tlril tlmo and lOc a line theru after , No advurtlsoment takun for lost than-jia f/-l FYOinfAVK'A GOOD uVuifTflT'l'IANO TO /Jtradofor lot 40 , block 1 , Armour Placo. South Omaha ; clear of all luoumbranco. Addr u N 43 , liee otuco. Mail Z CLKAN bTOCKOK GKNKHAI. M'D'SK ; WII.U tukuroal u tatu Amunejr. Uox2UjFrankforl , Ind. rOll HAI.K OH KXCHANUK FOH YOUNI1 wurk bor o < and mart's , ono registered KruucU draft stallion , 4ear * old , nolght 1,70)J. . \V. Dolau. liidlttuola. Neb. yio 30 -VOH THADK , A tl.KAN bTOCK OKUKNKIIAI. mcrchaudUe fur land * und ca a. Addre H.V. . Watkln * A. Co. , Frankfurt , lud , IWIs t- y-liXCHANUB YOUH PHOPKUTY. HIG LIST. Jcnll or write. Alex Uoorv , 401 liua U1J , Wo FOR EXCHANGE. Z-FOIl BALK Oil KTCniANOB FOIl LAND , slock of xoncral merchttWiue , In ono of bent towns In lown , Nlco bnUillng for rant to pur chaser. Address W. R , Hentlnrton , Ncola , lown. y maau r/-VOR B.XCHANGK , f'LVB FAMILY HOllSK ' -'and perhaps omn cash for/ / team of ponlp * . o H. Weal , Park stables , 2Sth and Lcavonworlh sta. wax J _ _ _ Z-FOH EXCHANOK , WWO STALLIONS , ONB Norman , ono trotting , want clear land , prlco 11,000 each. lloxMrt. yiienthdonh , la. 1034 * _ rWILL KXCIIANI ! ! ' . LAJiD AND CASH * Xll AJmercbandKo or drum .In good location. I. W , Hulllnger , College Springs' ' , ' In ; K > ] 2f ' FOR SALE REAL ItATKS ISo n line flirt lima nnd too n linn there after. No ntlvortliionipnt tnkpn fur leai than 3Ia ' ' ' ' -L1 ated IClt'li'nrd street Cnllon A. llo'po'jr. 4 iJHMl SAIiK-S-K COHNI'.H 17th. DOHUA8. (8 ( < X 188. ilcoltnica , stable for Ihorses , c n bo divided Intooluts. Inquire nt promises 113 30 1JMVK ACIHC I.OT.1 AD.TOIN1NO TUB TOWN OK JL1 lllnlr , Neb. ; good land. U.V. . Mcllrldc. 144-A-.V ifOH SA1.1C , I1OMKS , ANY PHICK , I7M. II.2M UP casyternn ; takoclonrproperty a * first payment G ( I. Wnllflco. Drown block , ICtb and Douglaj. ODI1IIN 10 IIOOM HOUSK , DKSIHAHI.K I.OCA- llon ; bargain forcn'li. Address U 41. lice. MT03-M * IJ'OH 8ALK SHVICNTKHN THOUSAND ACHKS unlmprovod lands In Hntrnrd , Sliorman , Oreeloj and Ynlloy counties , Nobrnskn , on Tory liberal terms , on deferred pnymonls. 0 per cent Interest. Address D. Hciulck , P. O. unxSJJI IMS Angi > los , Cnl. 811 aft' AT | { . COHNKH J3T1I ANI ) HlfJKOHV , 60X13 -Li .feet ; n bnrgnln fora few days only. F. K. Dnr 11 n g. Hnrker block. Pit I70H BAI.K AT A UAHOA1N I.'IT M. HI.OOK1. X1 W , I , . Solby'n llrst nddltlon to South Omahn Hmnll payment down , balance monthly If doslro.l Inquire ( j. II , Trschuck , Unmlm lieu. , " > 8I 77011BALH-IOO ACHK FAHM IN HI.UK HlVKH JL valley , Thayer county , 10 miles nest of Hebron. Ononf the very host farnn In the county ; good house , bnrn , grnnnrlc , cribs , etc. . and nn almndanoo of fruit , limber and rnnnlne water. Also for snlo or exchange for wood lands ur.clty property , n brick pork packing house and Itxtnrcs In Hebron , Thnyur county , near II , \ M. depotTor particulars Iti' qulro of nujr real estate ngont In Hebron. M5 TPOK HAI.K-ON MONTHLY PAYMHNTS , ; W JL houx'js ti lots. The O.F. Davis Co.,150i Farnam itti \ Ml poll SALK- HALCYON IIKIQUT3. Acres , half ncres nnd lots on electric motor rond. Also houses nnd lots In Halcyon Uelghtn UMAIIA'H IIKAUTIUJI , 8U1IUKII. Only thirty minutes ride from center o telly. Easy payments , low rate of Interest. Now Is the tlmo to secure n home. Wllllntn II. Crnry. 2IU Now York Ufc nidg. MONMOUTH 1'AIIK 1JAH TUB MOTOfl , CITY wntor. graded atroets , aldonnlk , school , bonutl. ful location everything to mnko It nttrnctlvo. For lots or homes In thlt bentitlful nddltlon on antiy terms BCO ( ! . ( } Wallace , trustee , 812 llrown Ulock , lIUli and Douglas. MWl A T IIAI.K VAI.UK. IXJTS. ACUKS , 11OMKS. UUril- i VncsH property. Alex Moore , 401 lleo bldg. UJ7 LOST. _ 11ATHS Uon line llrst tlmo nnd lUa n line theroaf tor. No advertisement tnken for lo-s than 2Ac. 6faT-l""aO i TOOND , ! " "c-YliATtoflV ] IhVY HOKSI ? l > lgeon toed , long tall. Hcnard. JOB. 1' , Mc- gontli , 1IU7 Kornnm. , ' .I.TJ r osT-i'tm Dot ! , isuo UKWAUD wii.i. UK PAID J-/anil no questions naked for return of PUK dott ; blind In ono'oyo , lost about three months ago. IIo turn to Janitor of Wlthnell block. T V , Hee.M1JI M1JI 2'J PAWN BROKERS. K ATES ISca line flrat'tlmc andlOc a line thereat tori Noailvcrtlscmcnt taken for less thnn 25c. KN V. MAltTI , 'UBMOVKU TO 107 S. 15TI1 ST. ' - B7I A0 SSNYUISU'ii.J.OAN OVi/VH , 1510 UOIX1K ST. ' . MT AIU4J ilTO * M011I.K , OKP1CK 15lj IfAltNAM ST. HAIR GOODS. Sc n ilno llrst ttino and 100 n line .there' nftcr. SJ ) ndvertlseuiefit'tn'kon for losa Olnn 25c. IAlKjpST UTOCK IN 1CNTIUK WErtT'rttBAT- , . Jrlcatwliis nnd beards n spoctalty. Wigs , bangs BWltchev'hnlr elmlus. 'ute.feL'nrt .for catalogue Mall ordcrrf solicited. , tavlO3. Ill S. 15th at. Omnha . " 1HO MANUKACXURINQ JEWELERS. ItATKS 15c n line llrst time nnd Via n line them after. No ndvertlneinent tnken for kiss than 25a AsipA n-onomjo Ln.CAUsoN & room "JO llarkor block , Omaha. 013 DRESSMAKING. UATK3 15c n Ilno first time , nnd lOe n Una there after. No advertisement taken for less thnn 2Jc. ENOACliMHNTS TO DO DlttSSS-UAKINO IN families solicited. Mlsa Sturdy , : UO S. 2tth ! at. WX-H21 * CUTLERY GRINDING. SKNI ) YOUIt 8C18SOIIS.ICAX.OIIS. 1T(5. , TO UI5 grotmd to Undorland & Cg. . 1U1 ri. 14th st Ol'J PUOl'OSAI.3 POU UUILUINO MATERIAL aii'l bor-us U. S. ludlitn Service , Omiilia tuid VVlimubugo Indian Agoncv.Vlnnobngo. . Tburston County. Nob. , ' IbUJ , boilcd : pro posals. oiulor.soil " 1'ropos/ils / for Itulldlnx JShi- lurlul untl Ilorsoa , " us tlioc.iHU may bo , und to tbo itmlorslenod ut WlnnobuKO. Nob. , will bo received until 1 o'oloolr , p , m. , of April Jth , IS ! ) . ' , for furnishing und clollvcrlni : ut tbo WlnnobaKo Agency , nbout BO , ( W foot of assorted lumber. Oi windows. 3) ) doors , hard ware , brick , limo , etc. . required In tlio erec tion ot 13 fr.itno bouses for U'Innobapo Indian allottees. Alhoforfiirnlslitni ; nnd dullrerlntr 10 horses nt aald agency. A full list and de scription of tlio material may bo obtained up on application tn tbu undorslKiiod. llor > i > s iliust oo of American stock , from 4 to 7 years old , sound und well , broken to harness , with out blontlsb , not less tlinn 15 bunda hlwli , wo 1 built In proportion toblzbt , und towclxb not lcsi , than . UJO pounds . , lllihlcrs will bo rc- ( ] nlred to state apeclllcally In their bids , | tie ( proposed price of oaob article offered for delivery - livery under _ Tnn rlKhtls reserved to reject any or all bldn or nny part ofuny bid If ( loomed for tbo Lest Interest of tbo ser vice. Certllloil checu-s : Kiich bid must bo uc- < compunlud by iicorllllcdvliookor draft upon some United States depository or solvent national bank In the vicinity of tbo residence of tlio bidder , nindo payable to tbo order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , for at least r > per cent of the amount of tbo proposal , xvhluh ( 'hook ordntft will ho forfeited to the United States In ease any bidder or bidders rocolvlUK an aw. ml shall fall to promptly ox- ocnto a cnntru-t with good nnd sufficient sureties , othor.wlso to bo ruturiiou to the bid- dor. lllds accompanied by cash In licit of it certified check will not lie considered. r- further Infoimatlon npply to IIUIIRHTI- ASULKY. IT. ! S. Indian Ayent , M U d ; 'l t m PROPOSALS FOR PAVING BONDS. Healed bids marked proposal * for pavln , ' ho n ( I H will bo received at tfie olllco of the city tro.isuror of Omaha , Noli , , up tori o'clo-k noon of the SHIi day of April , 1KB. for the pnrchaso of 3 O.l/OO.OU oiivlnit honds ot llio city of Omaha. NeL ) . , dated May J. Iti'J. ' , puynble SO yours after imtc. Interest 5 per cunt per annum , payable sonil-annnally ; nnu Interest payable at Kountio linn , , New Vork DonomlnaVJon of liondKiJJ.VUJ.UJ ; oaeh. Rieb bid must Ntato price na'Xisivnount Bought for and Include accrued Int i/ijtt / to dnto of deliv ery at Omalm. Noli. Th'or.yht la reserved to reject anv und nil hljg. .4 ; ned under charter power of cities of metropolitan class and ordinance No.pjx. , auprovull March Vil. IMC. * HBMtV 11OL1.N. M20'J31tM oity Treasurer. or 1'uhllo J.lliniry Ilullillni ; IluniU buU marked proposals for public library biitldlin honds uliL.ljo rucnlvod at tbo olllco of theolty treasurer.Onuihii. Neb. , up to 18 o'clock noun of tbo Vftth day of April , IK'.t' . for the puichasii of JIOi.oUio ptibllu Ilurary bulldlii ! ; bonds of thu c'lty ' of Oinab-i , Nnb. , dated May 1st , lr < ! . and iviynhlo M yours after date. Interest nt the percent per an num , payable hum.-amiimlly. JTIiiclpiil and Interest payable t KoiliiUli Ilrra. , New Vorlc. Kaub bill must htatu _ price und amount , souu'ht for anil lncliidi'accrued Interest to daio of delivery ui Omuha , Nob. The right U rcsurvod /Jrejoct any and all bids. f'i J Issued nmlercharter-ttowor'of oltlosnt tbo metiopulltaii , and 'orcllnauco No , "li. ) . appmvid Mar.ib tltb. isii HENHV IlOhLN , C'ltyTreusuror. T < i C'ontractor * . for tbo erection of a two story bamc und business block. OJxIOJ , will bo ro- inilvodBaturday.AprIl2nd.ntUu. to. ut tbo I' ' rst National ItiiiiK of Wood Itlvur , Nub. MUDS cnn buneen at tbu olllco ot H , T. Jut. I'uohrmun , Architect. Grand Island , Nob. Ownom reserve tlvjrlfc'bt to reject Riiy or all proposals. JU'WUnr JtK.tTtl.t. Nudcu office Una i > r Un wltrthlt cttiti ; icli ( uidttdmat itnt Un einU. NIpHorStN-On Sntiirday" ovoiilnB at"Vwi o clock , Jtlmii ( lertrudu. daugblerof James \ \ , and Mima NlcboUon. n od 7 yours. II mouth * . I'unurM from rcsldenotf , 3210 iJtiruoo st , , Monday afternoon at 9 o'clock. HHAltl'-At Old Ore-bard , Mo. . SaturJay mornltie. linroliSU. Mrs. 1'amellaBlmrp. azod W yuurt funeral from rvHldcnco ot J. U. Joy , Monday iiiurulnj.- tu o'clock. A Written Guarantoa SYPHILIS to Cure tivory Case or Money Kofundcxl. Our euro Is permanent i ml not n patching up. C p < twitted oTonycxnnffoliiitonaTer seen n ojniptom lnco. nr describing cit o full/wo ran treat jon by mall , HndfrB ( tire tlianaraoMrong Rtiarantoe to euro or refund nil money , The o nlm prefer to eomo hero for treatment cnn ilo * oam1 wo will par rnllrnad fnro both ways anil hotel bills while hero. If wo fall to euro Wo challenge the world for n ca < o that our Magic Itcmedr will not cure , write for particulars ami Ret the evidence , tn our OTen yean practice with the Magic Itcmcdjr It hn < been incut tllflleiilt to orercomo the prejudices against aocnlted > pccine . Hut under onrMrong guarantee thousands are trying It and be ing cured. Wo guarantee to euro or rotund nverr dollar , and m wo Imro reputation to protect , also financial backing of fJCO.IIMIt I9. | < erfecllr aafoto all who will try the treatment , llcrctoforo you IIATO putting up and paying out your money for different treatment. ' , and Although you arc not yet cured no onahajmlilback | your money. Wo will po lttvcy ! ciiroyou , Old , chronic , deep Boated cases cured Infll tolUdaya. Investigate our financial standing , our reputation ni business men. Write us for names nnd addrcMfts of those wohavn cured who Imyo R rcn permission to refer to thorn. U co'ts you only postage - ago todo this. If your nymptnms are acre throat , mucoiia patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones and joints , hair falllnK out , cruiitlons on any pnrl of the body , fooling of Kctioral depression , pains In header bone * . Youharono tlmo to waste. The > o uho are constantly taking nicroury and pnta < h , rhnuld dis continue It. Constant u eof these drugs will Mircly bring sores and eating ulcers In the end , Don't fall to write. All correspondence font sealed In plain en velope. Wo InvMo the most rlgll Investigation nnd will do nil In our power lo nld you In It. Address COOK REMEDY CO. , - Omaha. Neb MAGIC CURE FOR ONLY. MEN Sfioo fora case of Low or 1'Aiut.Ml MAN- noon. General or Nrttvoos lKnitiTr , woalc- ncssof body ormind , the etTectsot orroMorox- rostoslu old or yontiK thatwocannotoure.Vo Buaratttco every case orrnfuud ovnry dollar. Klvo days trial treatment SI , full course 5. I'crcoptfblo boiiollts ro'ilU.od In three days. ily mall , Fecurety p'lokod front obaorvatlon , COOK UEMEPV Co. . OMAHA. Nr.n. _ LADIES ONLY UARIP ArjK ItKUULATOH , Safe and rrmUlu Oortaln to a , day or money rofuutled. Ily mail ? . ' . Securely soalol from obsurvn- tlon. CHOIi HEMXIH' Clt. , Omalio. Neb TON REM I N G TYPEWRITERS For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD ! Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , 1607 Farrum Street , OMAHA RHILWHYT1MEGHRD IHUHLINUTON & MO. HIVKH.I Arrives Omaha. | Depot 10th nnd Mason Sts. I Omnhn. t ) . : < 0 a ml..Kansas City Day Krprois. . . . ! f > . .V > p m 11.43 p mK. | C. Night Kip via U. P.Trnni I 0.40 n m leaves | UNION PACIFIC. Arrives Omaha. [ Union Depot 10th andMnrcyBts Omaha. 8.30 a m Uontrlco Express 7.00 p ru 1000 n m .Denver Express 5.00 pm 2.1S p m Overland Flyer. 0.15 p m 4.30 p in lllueSp'gs & FnlrnoldExex ( Sun ) 12.6 Ip m 0.30 p m 1'aclllc Express 11.25 a m lolmr I CIIICAOO. It. 1. & PACIFIC. I From Knst. [ Union Depot 10th & Mnrcy St . | East. 1UUO n in . . .Atlnntlo Kxprcsj ( l.'JO p m 4 OTi p in . . .Vestibule Express. . . 1.10 p m ti.10 p m . . . .Night rixpross 0.40 a m doing it. I , & PACIFIC. I From WOSL I Union Depot Ulth and Marcy 8ts. | West. 1,20 p ml aDcnver Limited I.1.W p m 7.05 p ni | . . . .Denver Express'M \ n m leaves ICII1CAUO. Mil * & riT. 1'AULIArrlvo Omnlial U P. depot nnd Murjy bts. | Omaha u nil..Sioux City Pttasoiiiror.K | > 2up m p ra | SU I'nul Express . .llUOOn m Loaves I SIOUX CITY tt PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omnl Irnl Depot. 1Mb and Webster sts. I Omaha p ml Ht. I'nul Limited. . . I'j.-ii n tn Leaves CHICAGO * NOllTHWEHTKHNIArrlvei Oinnba U. P. depot. IQlli nnd Marcy Sis. | Omaha 7.20 a ( Ux. tiun'y ) Carroll Pjsiongor. 10.2Up m 11.20 a ni .Chicago Bxpross 0.01 a m 6.00 p m Vestibule Limited OSGit m .I5 p m . .Eastern Flyer 2.13 p m 7.00 11 m ( llx. Bat. ) Chic. Pass. ( Ex. Mon. ) 8.06 n m Leaves I OMAHA A ST. LOUIS. [ Arrives UmalioU. | P. depot , 10th and Marey 8U.Omaha | 4.10 p | . . . . . . . Louis Cannon Hall | 12.y > p m Leaves I ! . . ST. P. , M. A O. ( Arrives Omahnf Depot , Hill nnd Webster 3ts. I Omaha 8.10 a m . .Slcnx city Acoomnioilatlon. . tl.Oi p m 1.00 p in Sioux City Kxpross ( Ut. Suud'y ) 12.4) ) p m C.45 p m Bt. Paul Limited 9.2J n m 6.15 p m lianerofl I'ttasonitorlEr. Bund'yl B.IJ a m lives I , . MISSOURI PACIFIC. lArrlvei Oinahal Depot 15tli nnd WobstorHti. | Omaha 10..Kn ml Ht. Loula Express I li-W um 1130 pni | St. Louis Exprcsj | fi.10 p m leaves ( CHICAGO. IIUUL'M & mil.NCVArrlvj ! s Tranaforj Union Depot , Council Illulla I'lrantto J.M a in , Chicago Express 6.40 p m 10.03 p m , Chicago Kxprosi 0.23 a m 7.05 p m . . Cruiton Local . 7.15 a m Loaves | OMAHA&ST , LODW. ( Arrives Transfer | Union Dopot.Council 111uffj. | Transfer . | . . . . . . . I oiils Canon Ball.lj.lj | p m leaves iiwi\vj ft ifjwiitvr.ninu < | Arrlvui Transfer | Union Depot , founcll Mlnlfa. ITranifjr 12 01 p in , . , Chicago Express , , fi.iO : p m & .15 ii m Vestlbulo Limited , , n in 1000 p m * * * * l * * * * Knstorn * lJVtftttttt , ! . : p m 800 p ui ( Kx Sat ) Atlantic Mall ( Bx Moul 7.M u m ' , (0 u m . . , , . . . , ( 'croll Patccnzor IUW p in TUK SHORTEST LINK TO CHICAGO is via he Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. HASH , Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent , "JOSEPH GliLOrfT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PFRFECT OF PENS. PROPOSALS FOK HKWIOll JiONUS. Honied fold * inurliud I'roposils for Kowor Honda wll | bu runolvud ut thu ollleo of llio oily iruiuurur oC thu city of Omuha. Noli. , up to 1J o'cluok , noon , of thu'JJth duy of April , lac. , for the puiuhiibo of I.VW.W ) ( Kowor I'linds nf the city of Oiuubn. Nub. , rtiited M ly M , 181) ) . ' , p-ty. uulo'JJyua nflordutu. Interest S pur uunt Iicr uiiiiiini , pay lilo sunil-iuiintull ) ' . 1'rluol- imlutul Intoiust. payuti u ut ICounlzo Iln > i. , Nuw ork. Duiioiiiluutlou ot oondu. C.OOJ.OU uucli. ICiich bid must sluto nrlcu ami amount HoiUht for uirJ Incltulu lu-crnod In torus t up to ( Into of delivery ut Oniuho , Nub. The rlzlit , U ruservud to reject uny und nil btda. Ktued uiidt'i charter power of cltluaof the inutro- niilltan ulabianUorJ uauco No. saxt , npuroved Wijrcli i3. , lbB. ( IIENKV IIO/.I..V / , Mv'JOJItM city Trguaurur. SHORTY LOCUM. n. I , . Kctclium (11 ( the , triw < ii < l. I think It may bo stntod , without of successful conlrnilictlon , Uml at no lioriod of n mnn's uxlslonift ( lees Cupltl'fl dnrt strlko so deeply anil cause so much sleeplessness rvs nt the npo of ono score , or thereabout , I hnvo known qutto n number of yoiinrr men of ntiotit thut ago to bo tlooply , pnssionntoly , ilcsporntoly In love , nnd ultlmntoly to recover nntl go through slmilitr bill loss nponlr.Inp cxporioncos Bovornl times thoronltor. But , us 1 eatd , they never , In n slnglo in- etnnco , suite red half BO much from sub sequent attacks ns from that , first expo- rlonco. Not ihixt they love loss , but tholr cnpnuity for Buffering has dimin ished which la something to bo thank ful for , for 5 man who could suitor at onclx recurrence of the complaint as much as ho did nt the llrst would die of the second or third rolapso. The victim of this first attack is a pitiable creature , particularly when there are "obstacles , " which is visually the caso. 1 always fool very sorry for a chap In this sort of n pickle , and 1 felt imrtlo ' ularly sorry for.poor Shorty Fleming. I know I ought not to oncourngo him , but ho was such a peed llttlo beggar , and so much in earnest , that I would have do lled a far more Bovoro man than his brother Jack for his sake. Besides , Shorty was not ono of the chaps who got over anything oaeilv , and I know failure would go hard with him. Moreover , Jack was not the only "obstacle. " Sam Parker , Shorty's Nottlo's. papa , also ob jected , Ho was not a stern , unreasona ble parent , by any moans , but his ob jections , even if presented goodnatured- ly , were none the less formidable. Parker - kor was a shrewd Maine Yankee , with a total disbelief in the ability of woman kind to use reason , and a record of some sixty years of devotion to an earnest hustle for the fascinating but elusive American dollar. Nettle was the only daughter and the youngest child in a family of seven , and the old man , close- flstod as ho was , had spared no expense in educating her liberally. It was only natural , therefore , for him to object , es pecially as Nottio was barely eighteen , and has only boon outof school a foxv months. Ho called on Jack ono afternoon , not casually , as ho usually callodon .his way to or from town , but with a direct pur pose. Jack was under the weather , and lay on the sofa. I was reading to him whdn Parker walked in. "Howdy , Flomin' , laid up , air yo ? Howdy , Faber ; purty. wartn , ain't it ? Thanks , I will sot a spoil. " And ho sat down on the edge of a chair and began tracing llguros on the lloor with his big spur. Ho scomod nervous , nnd I rose to leave the room , but ho waved his hand and said : "Sot down , Fabor. Sot still. Guess I ain't got notliin' t' say but what yo inout CK well hoar. " Hero the old man stiffened up In his scat nnd stated the object of his mission , in a good natured , but thoroughly de cided way , closing with : "Naow , Flomin * . i ain't no 'bjoctlon to th' lectio follor notono mite ; no's a tip top good boy nn' all that. But 'tain't in reason th't I'm goin' t' spona moro'n throe thousan' dollars cddicatln' a young un' , an' then lot 'or go an1 marry 'nothor young 'un 'thout nry red. An' that's what it'll come tow , fust thing wo know. " Now , Parker's remarks were in the nature of a revelation to us. Of course wo Know Shorty had put in a good many ovoninsrs at the Parker ranch , but wo had never guessed that his visits there had any significance. A courtship , too , with six big brothers loallng around is a difllcult matter. It is easy enough to fall just fall in love with a girl if there is no ono to hinder. But with six young men , with whom ono is on oed terms , sitting around and occupying a largo portion of one's attention , it is a matter of getting in love , which , accom plished , is rather moro serious than a more fall into the same. Fleming sat up nnd ran his fingers through his hair gravely. Then : " 1 quito agree with you , Mr. Parker. I don't know what to say to Percy , but 1 will try a llttlo strategy /ind BOO if ho cnn bo kept at homo moro. If that won't ' do , 1 cnn talk to him. " And hero began my connection with Shorty's love affair. That evening I was writing busily when some ono opened the door to my don and walked in. It was Shorty. Ho sat down quietly and took up a paper , which ho looked at for several minutes , while I scratched away at my work. Then ho throw the paper down' ' suddenly and turned toano with : "Fabor , what was old Parker hero for today ? " I tried to dissemble , but Shorty is .no . body's fool , and interrupted : "O , rot ! " said ho ; "I reckon you think I'm a suck- or. Now honestly , what was ho here for ? " Finally , I told him about llio conver sation between his brother and Parker. Ilo-was allont for several minutes. I could sco his face twitch , Then ho turned hit * face toward mo and saidslow ly : "Pahor , L know I'm young and all that , but I know my own mind. Jack's a good brother and feels in duty bound to take care of mo , out I guess I can 'tend to that myself. I I've nuido up mp mind to marry that girl , if slib'll have mo , and all the Jacks and Sum Parkers in the world can't slop mo. " And Mr. Porclvnl Fleming sot his mouth and walxo'I out. Ho called .it Parker's the next morning despite Jack's "strategy. " There was another caller at Parkor'rt that evening , in the person of Morris Cottrell , a wealthy rancher from up the "Five-Mile. " Sliorty , when ho got homo , mentioned this fact to mo , with BOino fooling in his tones. Cottrell was no old duffer. lie was n man of 'M , well- read , and a gentleman , and the prospect of having him for n rival would have sent despair to the heart of any penni less young man loss determined thnn Shorty Fleming. For two or throe months Shorty con tinued his calls at Parker's , growing moro and moro gloomy and savage iw the days wont by , for old Sam Parker was something of a strategist , and man aged to loop the poor lad from getting single private Interview with Nettle , thereby giving Cottrell a clear Hold , which wan evidently uatisfnctory to the latter , although ho did not seem to nmUo much progress. Ono evening Shorty eamo to my room in a etuto of mind. Ho had neon Sam Parker that day Sund the latter hud told him , as gently as possible , some galling truths about hi } ago and lilb ponnllosa condition , concluding with the cheerful Information that ho "reckoned that Not hod bout d'cidod to take up with Cottrell , anyhcow. " Of course Shorty was despondent , but ho was none the loss determined. "Fabor. I'm going to BOO her tomorrow uftornoon and and ask her. " The time and hour favored Shorty ; but I hardly think Nettle know her own mind. The boy who cumo riding slowly homo through the shadows next ovo- was a very much downcast boy , Indeed. IIo told mo all about it , later : how Nettle hud wavorcd.and finally tola him that she could glvo no answer. 8ho cured a great deal for him , she Bald , hut flho was not euro eho cared enough for him. Bosldoa , her father objected to him , and she could never cross her father's wlalica , when ho had done so much for her. Sam Parker must have hoard of 'this Interview , and mitdo up his mind lo do something. Although ho was usually so good-natured , ho was as determined na a bull dog , and I thing ho used some Influence In deciding matters , for , two weeks later , ho "dropped In" to toll Jack that Nettle nnd Cottrell would ho married on Thanksgiving day , two months lator. ShorJy must have soon the news in my face , for , after supper , ho d revs' mo nslda and naked what I knew. I hated to toll him , but did so , the best way I could. The poor lad stood still as atone for several seconds. Then , with a ahuddor- Ing sob , he turned away. In the moriii ing ho was gone , with his horse nnd clothes , leaving no word. Jack and .Too , the other brother , were much worried , hut , ns Jack now for. the llrst time acknowledged , "tho boy could tnkoof hlmsolf. " Jack and I talked It over during the day , and ho expressed a grent donl of re gret , thinking , however , that Nqtttu had decided for herself , and that Shorty had no ono to blnmo for his failure. "It it had been different , " ho wont onr "and Percy had porsovotod and won , \vould have given In , nnd I think Packer would too , for next ycsr Percy will come into about $15,000. You BOO , I'vo ' never told him of It , because I wanted him to grow up on his muritn and bo Bolf-rollnnt. I think it has been for the best. , lee never know , until ho was of ago. that ho had anything , nnd wo didn't toll Percy of It then , because ho was only sovo'ntoon. Joe put his money into the ranch hero nnd kept c ulot about it. " Ho sat silent tor a minute , then con tinued : "Of course , this Is between our- solves. But do you know , I wish tlui bov had won. He's a good deal of a man , nnd , now I come to think of It , the affair has hit him hard. They could have walled a couple of years , you know. " And Jack walked oil slowly , taking long whltTa nt his pipe. Several weeks passed , during which I saw Nettle Parker several times. She soemcd different. Her laugh was not the jolly laugh I had boon accustomed to hoar , and she scorned pensive at times. Was It her approaching wed ding , or Shorty ? 1 hoped It was Shorty. But , somehow , whim pcopla pine they seem to lese color nnd got thin , and Nottio Parker did neither. And still no word from Shorty , and the day for the wedding only a week awny. It was Wednesday of Thanksgiving week , and there had boon great prepa rations at Parker's. The people for miles around had boon invited to the wedding , which old Sam ' "lowed" would bo "th' bang-uppost thing tnoy over hod In th' kontry. " I ro'do Into town to buy , on behalf of Jack and my self , something to present to the bride- elect. In the postolllce , some ono tnppod mo on the shoulder. I turned. It was Shorty Fleming Shorty , with a hand some mustache , and smiling quito Imp- piiy"How "How long before you're going out ? " ho asked. "Right now. " "Bully ! Faber , go and Jborrow a horse until tomorrow toll 'cm yours Is lame , and you'll have to load him. No body has recognized mo back of tills overcoat collar and the hirsute adorn ment , nnd I don't want 'cm to. "I'll walk out nnd head up the road. Hurry up with the horses. " In nbout twocty minutes I was follow ing him , riding a horse I had borrowed from my friend the doctor , and loading my own. 1 soon caught up with Sh6rty , and wo hurried on. . Shor.ty'showed mo a letter signed ' Nottio , ' ' and proceeded to unfold a plan ho hud in mind , which , for the quality of pure "norvo/'I had never hoard surpassed. There was nobody at the house but Manuel , the cook , nnd Shorty BOOH had Him sworn to silence , after which ho proceeded to camp in the cold little up stairs store room oil my don , where no body could find him. Jack was not to know of his presence , ho said , "because ) .Tuck is BO thundering honest nnd persnickety , and would squall or spoil the job. " * * * t * The half-hundred guests at Purkor.'a Thud boon enjoying hnnksglving day to the full. AH of .Mrs. Parker's good things had boon stowed away where they would do the most pood. The minister from town wiw getting ready for the ceremony , and the guests were bustling about , amid some confusion , trying to find the boat points for observation. Nettle Parker , pnlo for once , stood near the front door , pulling her lingers nervously , waiting , suppos edly , for her father. Some ono knocked at the door. Nottio pulled it open , gave a llttlo cry , grabbed a man's hat from the back of a ch&lr and an overcoat from a peg near by , and rushed out , slamming the door. Every body who Biiw the performance Blood still , dazed. Then , as wo hoard horses' hoofs cluttering up the road , there was n rush for the outside. Up the road , disappearing fast , were two horses , whoso riders were evidently in a hurry. There was 'anothor rush this time for the Btablus led by old Sam Parkor. But , somehow , the doom would not open. They Lad boon milled up , very securely , b.v a person who was at that moment making hypocritical efforts to got ono of thorn open , , 'Whon they finally succeeded in mount ing two or three men for pursuit , the runaways had three or four miles start. At this juncture , Cottrell , as cool as if ho had never thought of attoiiding hi own wedding , came up and spolco quietly to old man Parker , who was so da/.od that ho had notoponod his mouth BO far. The old man started. "By gerry , Morris , mobbo that's o'roct. No use yowlln' over split milk. Coma on IJOVH. " And they rode off. but not very rapidly. "I told the old gentleman , ' ' remarked Cottrell to mo , as wo turned toward the house , "thiit It was no use trying to head thorn off. They'll bo married insldo of nn hour. " Then , in a tone that oiitor- tainod no trace of bitterness , ho con tinued : "It is far bettor to have happened now than than lator. And SIB it is I think mnybo there will bo only one unhappy person , instead of three. " TJiaV wnu Morris Cottrell philosopher and man. Mr. and Mrs , Poroivnl Fleming were met at the justice's olllco by old Sum Parker , who remarked : " \Va-ivl , [ BWOW ! Yow nlr n nervy boy ! Ain't yo both ashamed on'tV" Nov they were not ; and. after Nettle had had n. good cry In her father's arms , the runaways were escorted buck to' the Pnrkor ranch to recolvo the congratula tions of their friends , foremost 'aiuonjf w horn was Morris Cottroll. Cull , Mr , J. P. ninlr.9 , an oxtonslvo real estate ctoalor in this city , narrowly escaped ono of ttio eovcroit attncks of pneumonia \vlillulu ttie northern part of the stuto during the n > - cout ullzzaru , Mr. Jilal/o baa occasion to arlvo several miles during tlio ntorin and was 10 thoroughly clilllml tnat ho was unulilo to get worm , and inside of an hour at tar tils re turn ho was thrr > atonoil with a xuvctro caio of pneumonia , or loug lover. Mr. Ulaizo isont to the uuart-sl drug store ana uot u botllo of Chamberlain's Cough Hoiucily , of which bo bad often ueard , mid took a tiuinbor of lurua doses. Ho says tbo effect was wonderful and thai in a short tlmo bo was orculhlng quito easily. Ho kept ou taking tbo mcdtolno unj tbo uoxt day was aulo to coino to Dos Moines , Mr. liluizo regards til euro at dim ply wonderful , nnd says bo will novcr travel agalu without a bottlu ot Chamberlain's Couch Uumedy. Tbo ( Des Molne * . lowu ) Saturday Uovlow. J5 aud 50 coat uottloa for sale by druggiats ,