,1 6 THE OMAHA DAILY IffiE : MONDAY. .MARCH 23 , 1S92. DID NOT DISTURB STOCKS Speculators Know That Eland's Silver Bill Could Not Pats. EFFECT OF THE BERING SEA TROUBLE It U Ilcllrvcil In rinnnrlnl Cirrirs That tlio hltiintlon Might inilly : Itoctmio HrrloiM-llow tlio Cn e IK HrgnrdiMl. NEW yoiiu , March 27. [ Special to TUB Hr.E.j A curious stuto of thlncs lu respect to the stock market was shown by the effect upon It , or non-effect , ot the defeat of the silver bill. It has been the shlof topic of Interest In the street and In the country. Its passage had been regarded as almost Inevitable. A drain In prices , It only from foreign tolling , had been expected If It passed by a strong mnjorlty , nnd while waitlnt ; for the result of the con test the market remained dull. Under such conditions It would bavo seemed certain that the defeat of iho measure , unexpected alike- to friends nnd opponents , would have caused n lively upward movement in the mar ket , Nevertheless a break in n promi nent stock llko Northern I'aclllo preferred was BUfllclont to ncutraUzooll us bull Inlluonco , nnd ttio market , Instcaa of ilslnp. has been declining since the vole on the bill was taken , It is n fair Inference that the actual in fluence of the mcnsuro In respect to specu lators nnd investors nllko had been overesti mated ; whllo there was much talk about it , Jt Is likely the confident belief that the bill could not become a law nnyhow , since the president's veto was awnUlup it , made the holders of securities comparatively easy on the matter. IM addition ihero Is the fact that qullo a largo proportion of western investors nnu speculators have been believ ing In free coinage , expecting great thlnRs In the way of higher prices ns the result of. It. Certain It Is that Friday morning when the vote was known the market was strong only for n brief time in the first hour nnd thor. became weak ns the Northern Pacific nnd Klehuiond Terminal securities declined. , It Is now considered in the street that tno Bllvor bill Is dead , killed by the fact that n majority for Ir , confidently reckoned to bo between thirty nnd forty , proved to hnvo entirely disappeared nt the end of three days' ilobnto on the measure. Although Mi- Bland may try to resurrect it , the feeling Is that the bill has about disappeared as a serious factor In speculation. Itcault of tlio AVnr Tnlk. The trouble with England over the Boring sea is of some Importance now , for that dis pute has Rot into so awkward shspo that many people think it could cosily become dangerous. It is n purely Canadian , not an English , interest which Is demanding tba backing up ot tno homo government , but it so happens that the tory party wnich is now in power , is the ono that prides itself on its sensitive regard for colonial In terest. And on our sldo the question has become , says Secretary \Vharton. ono of national honor and dignity. Bering sea has exerted a distinctly bearish inllucnco on the market. But the immediate cause of the decline In prices was the selling of isorthorn Pacific , which has carriea the preferred down about six points through the week. It yesterday was within a fraction of 00 , and this whllo a quarterly divlaend Is just due. So slight was tno rally to the stock ns it went down , that It was obvious the decline was not duo to bear raiding. The actual shares wcro coming on tbo markut. It is under stood that the selling has coma from the Standard OH Interest , and it is said to have been done in pursuance of a policy to convert certain assets of the trust into cash , the trust having been liquidated nnd a now company having taken its busi ness. If the block of stock is all sold the price will doubtless rally again , tbo pressure being removed. Furthermore , there must also hnvo been no small amount of snort sell ing on the way down , and the covering of these shorts would tend to cause a rise. What Caused tlio Decline. * That the stock should go down so easily when a reel holder tried to market a block of It will surprise no one who has studied the last report of tbo company. The position of the company has been rcocatodly referred to , tbo doubtful financial methods of Mr.Villard pointed out , ana the opinion expressed , based on the showing made oy the annual report , that the company was certainly not earning tbo 4 per cent dividends it paid. It would only bo thrashing out old straw to go over onca moro the same array of fa miliar facts. Next to the Northern Pacilic the constant dropping in the pricu of the Richmond Terminal securities has had a de moralizing effect. When thcso are to strike bottom It would be bard to guess. The guar anteeing syndicate is Intact , the reorganizing committee Is intact , and Mr. Olcott has given the most emphatic denial to the rumors that he has ever contemplated resigning the chairman ship. Novertholcss there Is no inside sup port given securities in tbo market , and tney continue to sink. It Is aulto conceivable there is policy in letting thorn do so. If the schema bhould fall chaos would rolgn In the Klcbmond Terminal system , nnd not ono but tnrco or four receiverships would bo likely to follow. FINANCIAL JUiVIEW. Imports of Gold to JdiHalu Cunso Trouble In I.omlon. , LONDON , MarcU 27. Discount was In fair demand during the past week at l.f per cant for three mouths nndyt per cent for short. Money promises to harden slightly on the re quirements ncccssrry toward the end of March. Tbo market has been rather dis turbed by a report that-il , 000,000 m gold has boon withdrawn from the Bank ot England for Russia , but It has transpired that the wbolo amount was collected in the open mar ket and sent to Russia by the Rothschilds , If a further drain occurs the Bank of Eng land's position is strong enough to stand the withdrawal of 1,000,000 , or 3,000,000 wltn- out making a serious impression on rates. A fresh fall In silver was among the loadIng - Ing features of tbo wcok. The market yesterday was entirely disorganized and Bomo brokers refused to quota prices. Ono parcel ot bars was offered uHlJ ) < < l. but found no buyers. It It reported that there wcro some sellers under 40d. Fears arc general that unless the silver party m the American roarkot succeeds In bolstering up the prlcoof tbo metal a further fall is Inevitable. This prospect causes uneasiness , for If the prlco goes much lower difficulties will arlsoin Manchester and other trade centers connect. cd with HuRslu. The fall In rupee paper was J U-8. Rupee paper was especially heavy vos- tcrday owinct to tbo silver scaro. On the Stock exchange during the week business was stagnant. Besides the depress ing Influence ot the statoof affairs In the sil ver market , the latest nhaso of tbo tiering sea dispute and the Russian demand for gold bad tbo effect of checking speculative tran saction * , Dealings in the bettor class of In- vcbtmouts securities were low in number and British funds scarcely moved throughout the week , whllo the best colonial government stocks were out of favor. Among tbo for eign government securities Spanish bonds , early In the week , wore heavily sold on for eign orders , but recovered when it was dis covered that tbo fall was chlolly duo to forged telegrams purporting to be sent by n leading French finan cier. After the fraud become known Spanish bonds rose \jg per cent. Argentine national bonds lost \ % per cent on the wcok and Ureek bonds 2 > i per cent. British rail way securities were heavy owing to the mall amount of trafllc , duo to the coal minors strike. American railway securities were neg lected during tba past week. No movement Is possible here until New York actively Initiates a livelier time. Operators hold kloof nnd the public bavo ceased investigat ing altogether. In fact this department of the market was nearly dull. Variations of the week in prices of American railways Include the following : Northern Pacillo preferred , HJf per cent ; Wnhasn debs.U per cent ; Atchln on , 1 percent ; Norfolk & Western preferred 1 ; Union PacUlo iharos , Wabash preferred and Lake Shore , throe-fourths of 1 per cent each ; Central PaclHo shares , Louisville Is , Nashville , Now York , Ontario & Western , Now York , Pennsylvania & Ohio flrsU aud Ohio ft MUslsalppl ordinary , 4W per cent : Erie seconds , seven-eighths of I per cent ; New York Central , ono half of 1 percent ; St. Paul common , one-fourth ot 1 nor cont. Increase Heading , l' < per cent ; Canadian railway securities worn depressed : Grand Trunk first and second preferred nil dropped 3 percent on the week ; Mexican railway second ] lost 2 per cent and Mexican flrsls IX per cent. Among the miscellane ous securities bank stocks were weak ; lions Kone ntid Shanghai declined 0 } percent ; Kn tmans declined one-eighth of 1 per cent ; Hlo Tintos , one-fourth of 1 per cent. lliminuMarket ttcvlrw. HAVAXI , March 2 . Tbosugjr market was dull during the week and only n small busi ness was done. The quotations are as fol lows' MoMpip.s Butun Regular to good polar ization , t2.18 ; @ 3.3l'j gold per quintalMils- ; covado , fnlr to good rctlning , 5 to OJ degrees polarization , $ i.- r > @AII ! ; cnntrlfugal , 93 to W degrees polarization in hoes- heart * , bagj nnd boxes , W.ST'sC' ? Jl.lii.'i. Stocks In warehouses at Ma- tanas nnd Havana , 208 boxes. GT',1,000 ' bags nnd 2,800 hogsheads. Receipts of the week , 11(3,000 ( bags nnd GP2 hoeshends. Exports during the wcok , ! i boxes , 82,000 bogs nnd IS ! hogsheads , of which 7(1,000 bags and all the hogsheads wcra to the Unltod States. BACON JO.Sfi gold per cwt. BUTTKII Super American , ' $30 , gold per quintal. FI.OUHAmerican , (5.0 pold per barrel. JKIIKCII BEHP J8.'J."i gold per quintal. HAMS Sugar cured. $12.00 gold per quintal for northern : $17.00 lor southern. Liitu In kogs. ? S..VJ gold per quintal ; In tins. § 11.00. Lr.MiiBH Nominal. SlIOOKS-QulcU WHITE NAVV BDVNS $4.75 gold per quin tal. CitnwiNo Tonicco S23.53 gold per quintal. Hooi'1 Quiet. Fur.iotiTs Qiilot. KXCIIAXOK Steady. SPANISH < . ! -&M.2.4ll. | | . On tli 1'nrln lloitrsc. PAIII , March 27. Business was dull on the bourse the past weok. As a sign ot bad times three coulisse tlrins have decide ! to liquidate their business at the end of the month simply on account of the stagnation. In splto ot the nctlrlty prices of the best kinds of securities were supported. Dur ing the week 8 per cents rose ! 10c nnd Credit. Fancier l\ \ ) { per emit , whllo Rio Tintos declined 2if r. The settlement of the Uucnbcrgs nffalrs Is progressing. The principal creditors and amounts uro ns fol lows : Pans-Ephrussll. 74,000 roubles , Banquo Russo , 240,000 roubles ; Hoskler , 133,000 roubles. lu Berlin Warsschlaur , 120,000 roubles ; Bank for Doutschlnnd , 17(5- ( 000 roubles : Deutsche bank. 110,811 loublos. In London Anglo-Austrian bank , aOO.OOO roubles' ; Schroodcr's , 200,000 roubles. In Hamburg Warblrgs , 100,000 roubles. On tlio Horllu lioune , BKIU.IN , March 27. On the bourse this wcok business was fairly nctlvo , and prices closed strong. The llnal quotations include the following : Russian 4s , 100.50 ; Mexican Cs , 82.90 ; Deutsche bank , 15a 50 ; Bochumer , 111 ; 'Harpcncr , 120 ; short cxchanpa'on Lon don , 20.31 ; long exchange on London , 20.114 ; private discount. l } { per cent. The Ham burg American Packet company has declared n dividend of 5 per cont. Tbo pro tits for IS'Jl amount to C-'JO,000 ! marks. On tlio Frankfort lloni-ne. FiiANurouT , March 27. On the bourse during the wool : business was quirt and prices steady , cxcopt for foreigner * , which were weak. The final quotations include : Hungarian gold , 92.20 ; Italian , 80 ; Porlu- puoso. 35.W ) : Russian , U3..10 ; Spanish , 58.73 ; Austrian , 70.40 ; short exchange on London , 20.42 ; pnvato discount , l . The Dnrramnt bank has taken chaigo of Gustavo Meyer's banlt of this city. T.lVi ; STOCK MAHKCTS. Stormy Sntur < l .r'HTrailing HcttorTlinn llud lleon J.ookod Fur. OMAHA. March 20. Kecolpts for the pnst week were 15,78''cuttlu , 1.414 hogs and 4.083 bhccp. ngulnst 1:1,013 : cattle. H.8M hos anil 44T sliuci ) last week nnd 11,200 cuttle , 2.iia : IIOKS and aS ! sheep the fourth week of .March lusty ear. 4 Uutllo values the past wcok liuvo fluctuated \vlthln H ranso of from l.'io to " > c : ind the close Is at tlio lowest prices of the week , Up to nnd including Wednesday ofTorlncs were moderate , oven lljtht. nd with seed buylnz both by local dressed beef houses and outsiders prices advanced Uto'JOu on all useful grades of beef steers. An unusually hcuvv run Thursday stopped the advance effectually mid the lib eral receipts continuing up to the close of the week buyers were unnblod to successfully pound prices down from Lie to 30c from Wed nesday , the high riny of the week. In butcher stuff tbo lluctuutlotia were not so violent , but were In sympathy with beef steers and med ium an.l common cows IKIVO de clined iCc to Uo slnco Wednesday. There lins licen n tolerably nctlvo Undo In stackers : md feeders all week iiml prices hiiye rather advanced , iilthonzb prices uro not more than flora lOe to 15c hluhcr than u wcok or tun days aa 'The supply him bec-n very limited but desirable lots dlu not have to \IO'JK\DK \ for a purchaser. About the same conditions that affected the cattle market caused ilia fluctuations In hogs. There has been n very fair shlpplnz rtemnn I all eek , but tlio liberal offerings the past nay or two have caused u sharp decline nf fully lOo from Wednesday , although prices are about a nlcUlo higher than the close of last week. The conditions governing the sheep market lust wcok uro the same , und prices uro not quotably ill ( To rent , CATTLE Itecelpts were very liberal for a Saturday nnel the quality about lha snincas It 1ms boon all week. The very stormy weather of tlio morning made outdoor \\ork anything but ploiis.int. and hales wcro few und fur between. Shippers mid exporters were doln very little , mid local buyers Ml buyers In fuel wcro bidding lOo to ISe lower than Friday on all but the boat handy fnt ulcers. These wcro not a crcnt deal different. Trading was demoralized and several loads of the best heavy cuttle did not sell. A Rood share of I ho supply will goon through to Uhlruzo. Good ) , -MO to 1,450 II ) . ( tecrs sold from I.L73 to $1.00. with fair to coed 1,000 to l.uOQ II ) . steers from t l.'JO to til.70. Coin- man und llsht stulf hold from &J.OO to H2.1. In butchers und cannerf htoclc the trading was fairly uctlvo and prices about steady , at least on the bet ter prudes. Common and Infer or cows were wouk to from 5o to Ide lower. Sales were ntframI..M toMJCi , the bulk being at from JiOJ to $ . ' . ? .r > . Dulls , oxen and stilus wera steady nt JI.OO to W.4H. There were hardly uny calves here und prices uro nominally steady ut fron K'.OO to - > .VA for poor to prime veals. There was no trading done In the stoeKer and feeder lino. Country buyers could not bo Induced to go out lu the storm und local deal ers did not want any under the circumstances. Ueprcbontiitlvo sales : ETEEKS. S. . 455 8 25 11U M.S. 1..1WO 103 1..1410 240 2 , . 1375 275 2,1025 2 CO l.inO 2 00 2,1403 203 1..1010 200 . 1..1410 275 2..1753 303 1..1190 235 GTAQS. 1..1S70 343 11OQ8 The supply was the most liberal of the nook , and dealers generally were looking for u decline. For that reusou when shipping and frcnh meat buyers bcxuu blddliu bleady prices for good llsht and butcher weight hoxb llioy found Edloru generally ready uud wlllltiK to let KO. Ucoasionully ales wara ut prices a bhude easier , but the bulk of the Unlit uud butcher w elk-lit hojs sod | from | 4.4J lo tl.tA On foinuion , heavy und mixed'pucker * thu m rVet was slow with prices steady to u ehudo \ easier. Inrjoly nt from H.40 to (4.43. Tr.tdlng tolcrnbly nctlvo tnroiiglinru and the iicnn practically cleared In Rood season , tbo bulk ot the bojrii sollms nt from M.4J to 11.50. vioi AND nourm. : i 4:0 : 4 10 11 : Mr2 4 20 4 . . . .405 120 410 -J IIJO 423 10 . . . . : io 43 4 23 There wcro no freili rccclptH of shcop nnd nothlli ? hero for stile. The demand contliines nctlvo ut nnotablv troni prluoi uhout as fol lows : l''ulr to good natives. $4.5) to $3.VI ; fair Rood \\c-tterns , tl.oo to (5.7'ii commoti nnd stock slieep. J'.fiO toJJ.OO : good to choice 4) to UO-lb. lamls. $1.5) to W..VJ. Ito clpti n-itl Dlii3iitlti ; of Stis'c , Itccnlpts nt the Union "lock yards , hontli Oniahii , Nub , , for thu twenty-tour hour.s end ing at B o'ulou'.c p. in. . Muroh , 13.U IIISI'IIJITIOV. Clllcngo I.lvo Stock Murk'ot. CHICAOO , III. . March 28. OATTME Ue- pclpts lSOi > i weak to lower : host hoove" . $1.01 Ci4.ki | peed to choice , $ ' ! .ROI.4U : others. 81.40 ® ! ! . : 'rcxans. a.UJftJ.GTi ; stoc'Kors. J'.UOau.S'J ; cows. SI , ' . O- : ! , . Hous KccolptH. 13.030 : Rtrons to hlgheri rough nnd coininon , $ ! .10T5l.iJ : : pae-ers and shippers. $ l.iMll.7.i : : tirlino IIOHVV " nnd biilchurs' wolghts , $4.70 1.73 ; llaht , ? I.WS : 4.85. 4.85.SiiKni1 Ilccelpts. 0 0 ; steady : ewe' , $4.51 C4S.CO : \ oHtprii9C.10i.l5 ( ; wethers , $3.UJ ® < 5.25 ; lunibs. iO.O O080. St. l.ouls I.lvo Stock Market. PT. f.ouiP , Mo. . > Inrcli20. CATTt-K-Ilouolpt-i. 7,5:0 : ; RliiDinents. 450 ; ninrUot strone : fulr to ( ! ooa native steers. $ . ' . * , © ! .41) ) ; f.ilr lo good In dian and Toxun steers. J..4''ii ( > . lions ' . 29J : . IL O Kcco'pts. , : shipments. ; ninr- kotn snado hlithcr : heavy , Jl.UVail.bO' ml.\cd. 11.1031.70 ; light. $ I.M ® ,7J. Kansas City Live Stock Markot. KANSAB Ctrr. Mo. , March 20. CATTLE Re ceipts , y.'JOfl : shipments. 1,010 : Rteeri tiliunt steady nt SlCOIiJ.lTi ; cows .in lot ut $ ' .05X15 ; sto l > crs and toodors cjulot at fiu.vai.tl ) . Hoe < Hscelpts. BWJ : ; shipments. 4,0.0 ; mar ket lusher : allgr.ides , $151(21.01. ( J-KOUUCH MAItKUT.S. Closing I'rlcrs nt Chicago Yenterduy Quo tations KUcwhcre. The c'oslni prices on the Chicago Board ot Trade for the principal grains and provisions wcro : The leading futures ranged as follows : AIITIC1.GS. man. LOW. CLOSE. WHEAT-NO. 2. .March I TO I 83 May E1HQBIM Sl July 62 CnilN No. 2 March 39 39W May MH W { June 3SM CATBKO.2 May W t 2'J June MESS 1'onit Mnrcl I002VJ 10 15 1005W n 10 I y 1U15 UJ 27H 10 10 10 22fc LA mi- March fi 20 e I'M 6 2G May 1)21 ) 022)4 ) e M EnoiiT itins- Mnrch 6&7 fi 52V , Mny li 67H Gush quotations were as follows : VI.OUH Dull : weak. WIIRAT No. 2 snrlni whnit. 73'io ; No. a , eprlnic wheat , 75c : No. 2 rod. lUQ-Hllc. Co N Steady ; No. 2. : ; Uc. OATS-NO. 2 , 284c | ; No. 2 wlilte , 28e ; t\o. 3 white. 2t'j293ic. HYE No. - ' . 7Ul4c. HAIILEV-NO. 2.0''c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 42I8c : No. . KL.AX SHED No. 1. 07 p. TIMOTIIV t&iu Prime. Jl.Sjai.'JO. roiiK Mess pork , per bbl. , tl. lard , per cwt. . J8.2u < 2Ji.i ; ; thort ribs sldoi ( loose' ' . IS.S7tt5.GO ; drji salted slionldera ( boxoJ ) , } 4..r & 3.OT : slfort clear Rides ( boxed ) , 10.10. WIIISKV DlHtlllers' flnlshcd Koods , per R.V. Vt.lil. SunAii-Unchanced ; cut loaf , 534c ? ; gran- iilatort , 4c ! : mandard "A"i > ic. Hccolpts uud shipments toiuy were as fol lows : On tlio Pro luce exchange lolnylho butter mnrkot was flrin on choice stocl < quot-i lions ; fancy creamery. WliiSSc ; Una wustorn , i'5Mc ! ordinary , ' - © ' , ' ; Una dairy , . " . ' ® ' . ' 5c. K'trt , Omaha I'rodiica .Market. HIDES Xo. 1 croon silted hides. 1 > i < ilt\c \ ; No. a grconaaltod hides , 4'iffiHJc : No. 1 green silted hides , UUn4J Ibs. . Mn'.Jci No , V crocn salted hides , 25 to 4J Ib4. . UQ'Jiio ; No. I veal calf. 8 to 15 ilia. . Go : No. - ' veal calf , H to 1 > Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides. 78o : No. 'J dry flint hides. AQUci No. 1 dry suited hides , .vaoo. Tal low , Nn. 1 , : ii@lc ! ; tallow. No. - ' , 3lio : uroiibc , wlilto A. 4c ; Krcuso , whlto It. HiiiWic ; cn--isc. yellow , : io ; cruuso , dark , If c ; old butter , " ( ii -lie : beeswax , prune , lUc ) rough tallow , V/ @ -V. . i , fancy lemons , ? 60 : banunus. crated. SL'.t . ' .50 ; cranberries , hhlpuiiiR ntoof ! , SlSCxatlOUj btrawhorrloK , 4 Jo qt. VuiuTAiii.Ka l-'uncy Muscntlne ewcot po- toes. t..TA ; Callfornt.i cabbaKo , : ' ! iu jier 1U In crates ) linino Rrown lettuce. 4Uc per ( lor. ; oiionn , TAc(7tl.lK ( ) tier hu. ; Nobrnaka Imnd- nlckcd hoans , Jl.T.Yfti.K.l ; nicdliini. $ l,5j < QI.G3 ; ; California co'.ery , * ,0 > QI.I ! sweet potatoes , fiTMTfrlW ) : Colorado ami western NebruHUu uotatoci. : Wt40o ; natlvu potatoes , ' "O lso ; Hum bcuna , 4UTCIjU ( ! iior ll.j water cress , V4-nt. casca. lSiOl5uperit.8iilnacli ! | ; , $ ' . J per 1)1)1 , ; bpanlshonlnns. ( I.S ) uercrnto ; radUhra. 4ic. HAV Choice hay , * .V004in.(0 ( ; poor. U.utxTM.t'O. Kens The ccnoral market was llOlllic. UAUB Mul I ii rd ducUs , ; . ' .50J.oa ; tcel , (1.50 ; mixed , 73c@ii.00. I'oui.Titv Iirobsoil chickens , choice. Ida ; gueuo uud ducks , Il2o ! ; turkeys , lu'Tnic. . AllnucHiolU | drain .Market , MiNNEAi'Oi.18 , Minn. , "Mirch ax-WiiKAT May opened ut 77Jc ! , declined soon to Wie , lluctuatod u aln , then broke , closing ntTO.'ic ; cash llltlo Improved ; low grades were moro uctlvo , ItnculpU. : iH5 cars. Nn. t northern closed ; March , 70 Uc ; May. Tn'ic. On truck : Na I hard , "tc ; No. 1 iiorthurn , iu ; No. northern , 7iil74o ! , ailbvuukeo MiirkoU , Mll.WAUUKE.VVIs. . March 20. WIIBAT Firm ; May , TU' 0 | No. " sprlnsr. H'c. CoiiN-.Qulot ; No. U , U7. OATS-Ktaady ; No. S whlto , 303lot No. 3 while. 28WOc. llAiu.EV No. S. KlUe ; saniplo , 4WW'Jc. UVE .Steady ; No. 1 , In store , b-V. St. I.unls .Mjrkot i , ET. Louis. Mo. , March M , WHEAT Lower ; cn h , 4.Vo ; May , 8l c. COUN Higher ; cash , u. > ! { c : May. aO' c. OATtUash. . lower utSbo ; May , : -J4c , 1'oliK-l.Hilet , at tlU.UTi. ) WlllSKV-tl.ll Cotton -Murker , NEW OIII.CANS. La. . March iXl Corros Quiet and ateuilyi middling , fi ? e : low inldd- llna , 5s4e ; food otdlnary , 5Uc ; net rccalptJ , bulcs ; groin , 4UU Uulcs ; excorls ojasl- wise , iSS3 lmle , fjlcs. , 1,050 bales ! stock , 300.- 0JJ bniCi. - - _ l l/ / ; ( Iniln Mrtrkot. TOLEDO. O. , XOiVrh Sit WllEAT-rirm ; No. S cash nnl Mny.'Jwf ' ! ivSiic. CORN Steady i No. s cash , Me. _ Kiiittilt City JllTrkcH. KANSAS Cirf. " 'Mo. . March EO.-WiirAT- L.Ttromcly tln'.L _ , COIIN KMrei < ulj-Uill : No. 2 yellow corn sold at lO'je. \ UATS Kxtronlnlj- dull , ClflVVtimU MurkcU. toiiN-stroniff5No. Sml UAT8 nrm : Na' 2 Inlxod , ; AII ISK V tl. III. _ I.lvcrpnal M irkoti , u March av WHEAT Firm , do- inniul ] ioor. t'oit.N Htoady ; demand poor. STOCKS AND IIONIH. ivcryttiliiK : Was 4Julrt In thn ncncr.il 1. 1st Yriteritay. Nr.w Yoim. March 'Ji ! . The stock mnrkot today w a ntilot for the general Hit , but scarcely nctlvo. for n few shirai us mini of Into and whllo thaouly dealing pro snti ! . ! u comparatively firm f tout , the advance ? of note uoru all In a few stocks und t'.io latter dovl- InRs wcra murkod by Koreru protstiro t1) sail. which not only wipad out tha few u.irly ad vances , but In the wc.iKorilnrcs caused ma terial losses which nn tinoxuocleiry favor able bank statement wns powerless to nhock. There was no news to date of account for the movements In the list and whllo tliertvmny bo liquidation of IOIIR net-mints In Northern 1'a- clilu and Richmond West To nt , the woak- "ncssof the rest of the market can bo attrib uted to nothliu hut thi ) renew rd activity of the hoar f tctlcn , uncour.iccd by the lack of Hpecillatlvu miiirl | ) | ) , lo Dr cos and the npathv of the kndlng holders of shares. The opcnln t wan punorallv at material con- cossloiiH from last nlvht'H II r uros , Northern racltlc preferred belli. ? down ? per cent , und while Kumlliii showed umlnubloil ovldcnus of HU upon , and New Kniilnnd. Nnrlhorn 1'aclllu protcrrod nnd u few others showed a tendency KI ailvnncu thn rest of thn market under tlio load of thu Itlchmond & West I'ulnt Hocnrltlcs developed udroopln ; temper , which with the runuwul of hoar pretsiiru In the last hour bh- came positive wo ikncps. and nuch early ad vances us hat ! biM'iieuro I woroonllrcU wlpo 1 mil , Richmond & U'o-tt I'olm , dropped away from U > 'ii percent tu II percent , nn 1 the pre ferred fto'ii iv'i per cent lo ( ' > > ! pur cent , nnd the liulnsti'lnlH which Imvu luU'ly presented seat at run : n front Joined In the general down ward movement. Distillers , after hollln ? up to r.l'l. dropped hacl : U)4H. und Suur fi\ > -n liO'sftill f.ilin ; . cjirrylns Iho entire I'st with them. The bank statement was very f ivor.iblo , show n ; u nri- tcrhil Increase In the surplus ru.sorviH was ut lha a.xprn'ju of the duuaslls and a contrac tion of loins' which may tfcount for iho driiopln ? tendency of the maikct during the week past. Prices rallied slight y on the cov ering of shorts nonr the clo-e , but there was no real clmnzc In thu temper and the murUet. finally closed unsettled mid eroatly weal ; at or nonr Iho lowest prices of the day. The ma- lerlnl con--cxRlons of the day were lilchmund k West I'olut preferred 4 pop cent. Siuur IJ per cent and Northern Pacill profnrred 1 per cent. Uovcrnmcnt bonds wore dull and steady. Sluto hondB wcro noulcctcd. The follow. 112 art : the closing ( iiiotiuions for Iho Ic.icllnK stocks on the New York flock c.x- chanza today Financial Iterleir. NBwYnnK. March 2il The I'ost says : The rally at the close yesterday coined lo have exhausted tbo recuperative powers of the stock market. Today's opening was tame and sp.rltlcss , the only gains of nny conneuiiuncc belnc Hccurcd by the innnlpiilators of the Industrial stocks. Efforts to rally unylhln o'.so fulled , nn.l the advance * In Dlstll- ln ; { trust and National Cordnso merely served to reflect , us they have so often before , an un healthy condition throughout the inurket. Not oven tlio bank statement , which w.-is much more favorable than any boclv Irid reason to expect , stimulated buylni ; . On iho contrary , u successful iiKsaultwas , mil do on the L-nnoral nuirketn towards tlio close. Hniur oarllllontcs. In wli < h the iisl ute Insiders have lately been uu'oadln/ little too rapid ly for decent ap- pcarcnccs , led thn dccllno. TfeirVurk .Uanajr .ll Yout : , nVaroh 21. MONKV jx CALL r.ixiv , close I ofTorcu ut 2 per cent. I'lUSIC MlCIlUANTII.y t'APEll I © 1 pCTCOnt , STKIH.IXO EXCIIANOB Steady : sixty-day bills , 11.60 ; demanU. $4.83. Xho closliiK quotations on bonds : buliincca , * . ' 1U.4JO ; Now York lni at par. BNEW YOIIK , Murch2 < L The export of specie from the port of New York lust ueckiiiuonii ted to ll.'K > 6.tiU8. of which fMS,4il : was b'"Ul und a4 > .irJwnskllver. CIIICAIIO , III. . March 26. Money rusy at 4 ® > per cent for call. fiii percent on lime. llanK clcarlm ; * , 2.UA5.747. N w VorK wt- cU.n.-o utcady , Mo discount. Btorlliiif ux- chnnio dull ntt..83t ' ! for sixty-day hlll ; (4,83 for dcmnnd. 8r. I.otn * . Mo. , March to. Hank olonrlnsg. todny. U,14l,5:4i : balances , Mlft.700 ! clanMnxs thin work , . ' 0,24S < .4 ! > 'i ! bilntices f2.44n.3ini lmt : week's clo.irlnt ! < i , t2l.QS4.G4t : balances. f2.VM- 091) ) corrosr-ondlnR weak last yrnr. clc-nrlnei. f KI > , sn4.iMl ! bulnnccs. ( } , ( raHlMoney , M17 per cent ! cjcchnngo on Now York , nar. AVIcril Stories of tlio Wnr. "I saw n follow shot clonn through the body by a shell within nn Inch of his honrt " liosntil. "Tho shell , . camooul bo- lilnd niul Itlllcd n mule , but the poor fol low that was striuk only gnspou a llttlo for nlr , and then ho kept on llghtlnjj ns fresh nsTjvor. " The room became very quiet , snys the Mllwaulrco Sontlnol , and several looked townrd Tangle , who was present. Tnnglo arose and look.nl meditatively around. "I saw somothtnir of the same kind as thtvt , " lie bopan. "It was ntono of the flr.it onrrarromontB wo had when wo went to the front , There was iv sol dier who stoJd riht besldo mo struck square In the head with a lll-pound can non ball , and , pontlcmon,1io never know It. ' ' The old sohllor who had told the llrst story looked a llttlo sheepish , and several liuighod a little. "But , " soinoono thnushl to Inquire , "didn't tt klil him ? " Tan lo looked up allttlo bit surprised. "O , yocortaiit ) - lylt killed him , " ho replied. "But , then , inaybo It was all for the best. Ho might have lived to toll the story. It's probably just as welt.'ho added , look ing at the old soldlor.o . 1'lllnl Dfvotlii.i San Francisco Kxnmlnor : A million aire who had gone M an nlinshouso to visit his father mot a neighbor there , who was greatly uurnriscil. "What ! " eaid the neighbor , "you do sometimes visit your fathorr" ' "If our sltuatioiiH were reversed , " said the millionaire , " 1 am sure ho would visit inc. The old man bus always been rather proud of mo. Beside ? , " ho lidded boftly , "I had to liavo his signature ; I am insuring his life. " Talcing n Itc'M. Detroit PI-CO Press : Solicitor ( to mer chant ) You are not advertising any this month , I notice. Merchant No , I'vo quit. Solicitor Gro.it Scot , man , you havon't gene back on us , have you ? Merchant No. not qttilo bo bad as that , but I've got to take a rest , the doc tor says , and 'is I can't leave town , I'vo just fctopped advertising for a few weeks. A Veteran of Veteran * . A Grand Army post In Now Hampshire has j ust mustered In a veteran of veterans John Howard , who was born in what is now n part of Manchester ( N. H. ) September 1C , 1800. Mr. Howard wus 01 years old when ho enlisted In the Fourth Now Hampshire regiment and served at the front till disabled in a skirmish at Hilton Roads. The first nation in history to have three cities of over 1,000,01)0 ) inhabitants each is the United States. The consolidation of the elevated rail- rotids of Brooklyn , with a capital of 840,000,000 , is under consideration. Gold production increased only 10 per cent in Iho last , decade , rising from 100,152 kilos in 1880 to 17-1,6.30 kilos in 1890. . The latest estimate of the year's cot ton crop places it at 9,180,000 bales , which fur exceeds that of any previous year. In 1890,88,000,000 coins of 25 denomina tions were struck in the British mint , and of these 17,000,000 were rejected in weighing or were faulty. Rome , in the time of Augustus was surrounded by a wall twenty miles in circumfcirenuo , pierced by thirty gates , and had a population of 2,000,000. The Empire State express on the New York Central has a record of 147 miles in 150 minutes , including a five-minute stop. The run was made between Al bany and Syracuse. During the year of 1891 the tea Im ported into the United States amounted to 87,922,278 pounds , valued at $14,187 , 679 , against 80,744,890 pounds , valued a 814,138,151 during 1890. Out of the total of ! ) ,58S miles of rail roads In Austria , 4,300 miles arc opnr- uted by the government , and another line of ! ) ; ! 5 miles is about to come into the possession of the state. The Philadelphia mint coined ninety- four million pennies last year. This Is not an unusual quantity , and the mint is hard at work manufacturing moro pennies to supply the present demand. Cuntoms receipts are steadily increas ing month by month , and there is now every prospect since the receipts for January , February and March promise to average over $17,000,000 a month-thai the aggregate for the fiscal year will will roach $185,030,000 , which was Sec retary Foster's estimate last November. The population of India has increased 30,000,000 within ton years , and is now , according to the most reliable statistics , 285,000,000. This is a good deal ol n crowd oven for a country whore the pooulo have for centuries boon used to crowding. China has 400,000,000 and would bo just as well oil with half us many. tlio Count. Portland Is beulnnlnir worlt on a $303,03 city nail. Pctaluma la to have a silk factory , the plant of which will costm,030. The Union Pacltlo Is waning a war on ratci between points on I'ugot Sound. The ontlro capital stock for a railroad to Astoiia was subscribed In that city In one day recently. A Seattle Jury awarded f 15.000 damages to Mrs , Sears for Injuries sustained In a colli sion of street cur * . Tbo democrats made a clean swcop of city Dfllccs In Seattle in last Monday's election. Tbo totul vote cast was 8,132. A Seattle eciilus has invented a "silent newsboy , " u nicltol-hi-the-slot arrangement. It won't wortt. The public will not calmly permit an assault on the mellow "holler" of tbu newsboy. Two lifo Insuranca companies offer Spn- kiino a loan of f I03XK ( > at U pr cent , to bo used in bulldliiR a chamber of commerce , provided $ IOUU,00'J of msuranco U secured. T-ho companion will cancel the principal at the end of ton vcurs , John Doyle , n former manager of n dune muReum , has been tr.vlus ? to or anlzj A Icnralo base bull club at Los Angeles anil ad' vorllsed lor eirls bctwion the ages of 14 and 10 for that purpose. Tbo police au thorities have Interfered to uro vent the scheme , The principal objects of Interest to tourists In Son Krnni-Uno ore the Mills mid Crocker buildings. The facade of the Mills building is now completed and Its full impresslvtnroi Is revealed. Tbo most beautiful features U the area of the entrance , which Is perfect In proportion , and tbo flno Inyo marble of which It Is constructed Is ornamented with elaborate can-In ? . The Crocker bulldlni ; is of Market sirool on a wedpo-sbupud corner and Is only effective when scon from the op posite ldo of Market street. It towers unova the 1'alaco hotel , whllo from the top of the Mills building ono may look over botu ( bo other lofty structures. WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP Fur Ilia tJklo.fcalp nn < l ComplHlon. Ilii * iDiuU i > r vt r * r * ' exitrrluuee. Al IIIMtfuUtv or avi. ! l r luwll. COc. A b rapl l.'ako and ! PM llauk ( u llcnuntuluL'ir mill IU ) utr. Illutlrtlisl , uu tikln , Bralp , Nectout / Butt UluuU DtKtien tud ihelr ireftl * luent. Mill Mxled , fUn.1 DIldKure. . -iiU , 111ttli Uarki , > lole . Wart. , IndU Ink KII < | fnwilor Uorki , H n , I'llllnil , _ wluvi i > l N M > , 8upcrnui > iil I ulr , rim. pki , etc. , rcmoTwJ. Conialutl a tret , t cfllcour by mall. JOHN H. WOOOBUny , Dermatologies ! Institute , J3 'c -IZnU Mlrvvl , New York City. O1V1A.JHLA. m and Jotters' Directory ! AWNINGS AND TKNTS. OMAHA TENT & AWNING - ING COMPANY , Klnim , linmmoekK , oil nnd riil > l > rr clotliliiK. Pcnci forrnfmie. IIUKntnnin HAGS AND TWINKS DEMIS OMAHA BAG GO BISHOP & CO. SlK.il , innnllla , cnllon lniiurtcr | < ntul nirfn.ilonr fnck , turlnim. twInc. runo. licmp , Jutp. col- . Ion tirlnpn.tnrrcd roril. ilnuc , ni ! alls , utli-fl. UICYCLBS. I 130XKS. H.C , TOOD. M.O. DAXON , Sicoc - > r lo.I. J. VVIIk- cnmiii * MTu clKnr. p ipcr llcyclo ! < tnhl on muntlilj ; > ncklnitlijxc < . All novel imrmcnts. IM .N.1itli-ft lies In Wx Hnn. lll'J ' lo-in | ) < SI. DOOTd AND SHOES. MORSE-COESIIQEC3 , 110) llnw.u.l SlroJt. Kiteiorr corner lltltnmt DouitlAi itr ati. \Vc nrcnmklnicUxo pflcei lacaili biruri , ni t nra n elm or RUJII w.ilo.'i li vorr n'jlo\Tliti ni KinKtNDAU , JONES & AMERICAN HAND SEW CO , , ED SHOE CO. Wholpunlo Mfrn. Asonls limit * , ulioo. rubbers IIOKlon llulibpr BliooCo. toll t-ooils. 11 IK , 11UI. IKKlllnrney-rt ncyt. . UU15WKU3. JOS. SCHLITZ BREW- INQ CO. Onico , H. .I ti nnd Leaven- worthS ; , Umnlm. Juliu M.irhorcr. Act * . CONI'MiCriONKRY. VOEQELEv DINNINO l'nmfcctloncr > nnd JuDbcmuf fnrulitn nnil doinosllc frulla , 1I1U lluwnrd tl. CARRtAGH TOPS. OMAHA CARRIAGE TOP 0. J , ANDERSON , Mrffl. btiKity topn. bnokn , A.T. Dnrby , Mur. Tops , cUBhlonn. etc. Send lor cushion * , bncks , etc. uatnlOK. alll tf. r.'tli st. 214 North IMIi-st. COAL , COKE , | CORNICK. OMAHA COAL , COKE A , EAOLECOR'ICE WORKS LIME CO. , Mfr. . Enlvnnl/eil Iron , . cornice , window cnps , llnril nnd soft conl H K. . mctnllc nkyllKliln , etc. < ( r. ICth ntd 1110 , bt9. CLOTHING. BLOTCHKY IL COHEN , OILMQRE&.RUHL , ClotliliiK. notionfurnish- Mntutfrn nnd wholcna I IniiH. ( ilvu il n trlnl. clotlilurs. 1IW llnrucy Sniuplcs prepnld by ex- etrcct. prc . 11 I.I llnrney. DRY GOODS. KILPATRICK03H M.E. SMITH & . CO. , DRY GOODS CO. , Dry pooilB , notlonc. fnr- Dry KOOdii.notlonB , Cent's nlpliInK poutU. Corner Iiirnlslilni ; coodK. Cor. llth nnd Howard-Ms. llth nnd lIovrnnl-M. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WOLF ELECTRICAL CO. , Illnitrntcd cnlnloi ; free- 1014 Cnpllol arc. FURNlTUilE BEEBE&RUNYAH FUR NITURE CO. , ( Inico nnd Thirteenth GROCERIES. | DRUGS , Etc. D. M.STEEIE&CO. , BLAKE , BRUGZ& CO. , IMl-KOi Jones street , 10th and Ilnrncy etrccts , Umahn. . Omaha. I GRAIN. S.AMC WHORTER , 215 Bd of ( irndc. Broker In tcrntn. oc. I'rlvnto n Ire to N. V. , Cbleaijo nnd tt Louis. HATS , ETC. GATE CITY HAT CO W. A. 1. GIBBON & CO. , lints , cnps , ft raw Roods , lints , Ftrnw , , iiiltU'iix.Owner * caps , coodn KluTcn KlovcH , mlttene. ivth celcbrntcJ ( Jato Illy hnt. llth nnd Ilnrncy. mill llurncy. HARDWARE. RECTOR & . WILHELMY LOBECK&UHN , CO. , DcalcrH * hnrdwaro nnil 1 mechanic ] ' tooli. i Corner lOth nnd Jackson Streets. 1IUI DouKlan Street. 1 LUMHKIl. l.TQUOUS. HER & CO. , FRICK& HER3ERT. it ( -1 > / r , . M Wliolonlo liquor itenlcr * 1001 Knriinin-it. MILLINKUY C. A STOHEHIU , 1 Importers nnd J ( > bbri > of * Mllllncrjr , notlon .clo'ks , niljlncrr , notloni , .Mull ctr. llii-118 U. lUth it order * | iroliiit.2Jll2H. | ) lltli-Jt. MUSICAL , A. HDSP , J3. , I'lnnoii orcnn * . nril t mntcrlnln , etc. 1518 Donglns-st. \ OYSTEHS. A.eOOTHPACXINQ CO. PLATTACO. , I I'nckers of oyntora. tin" ! Oy tcr > , IIMi nnd colrry. i nnd celery. M leaven' : U'J . lOtli-M. DM lit i. norlh tl. Cole , nmnnger. OVIittALLS. SIJ1UTS. ETC. KINO&SIMEAD , ROBINSON & 8TOKESCD MfiB of " 1C A 8" pants , Kfra cclobrnted "llnrk * nkln" OTernlln , pniit. lilrt , coats , etc. tnsl Uinulm , PKODUCK COMMISSION. Kstnbllshcd , I8T8. BRANCH i. 00 , , WHITNEY & . CO. Produce , fruits of tall Ilnttor , CKKS and poultry Unilj. oyMc-r. . r H. KIRSCHBRAUNA , JAS. A. CLARK & CO. , SONS. , lluttor , ch oio , O.IBI. Duttor , tun and poultr/ poultry and tnms. 1209 llownrd-Jl. 817 South 13th Street J. A. RYDER & CO. 0. PEOAU , UutlerciKiielico9Cpoul- Cotiimhon ! mcrcbnnt , Iry. hldct nnd Kniau. I'roduco , tuitier , riiKx , 1215 lluwnrd street. clii'iMe and poullry Itcfer to Coin'l NuLIInnk I''tli nnd llunnrd tt. MULLIN&MCGLAIN BINGHAM&.SQS. Send us your fgits , but- chccro. lioiiHry , etc.No tcr.ponltry.itauir , bldcl U H. Hth. Her. 1st Nail etc. ITUl Street. MOORE * FEROU& & , & SCHRQEDER 00. IlllttOOXKS , CllPC.M. I r.Bh buyers liiillcr nnd fruits poultry , pune. Acunts for , - - CKK ; hnnUlcsnll other My-r- produce on coaimlalon. llnynl horse nnd csltlo splco. m a. nth PAPER. CARPENTER PAPER CO KINO PAPER CB. Carry n full ntock of \Vrapplnif papvr.allklndi printing , wmpplnR nnd of twlnca etc. II'M wrltliiK , card Ho win a direct. 1'clo- paper paper . per cts. phone , 1T.W. STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS , Stnvorepulrn nnd wnlcr attachments for mill kind of ftovo mnilo. 1307 lou lnii. ' i H SASH. TOYS. M. A. DISBROW&CO. , H. HARDY &CO. Torn , dolls , n I tin ma Mr.nufnrlurcn of sash fancy ( 'oiidx.huuiiefut doors , bllnrta and n'uliinK Kuodx , chllilj mouldlnKB. Ilranch of- ren'8 currlauci. 131 dcc , I2lh nnd UardsHts. Karnam Mroct. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARD3 CO. , - - LIMITED COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ALLEN ROOT & CO. , DASHI.MI &yn'/ . Ilooni 34 KxchnnRO build Itooms , liO nnd 01 ICx. ing , Boiltli Omaha , cliunuo liulldlni ; . Jjoutb Dili [ ill 11. A Household Remedy. ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS are the only reliable plasters ever produced. Fragrant , clean , inexpensive , and never failing ; they' fully meet all the requirements of a house hold remedy , and should always be kept on hand. For the Relief and Cure of Weak Back , Weak Muscles , Lameness , Stiff or En larged Joints , Pains in the Chest , Small of the Back and around the Hips , Strains , Stitches , and all Local Pains , Allcock's Porous Plasters are unequalled. Beware of imitations , and do not be deceived by misrepresen tation. Ask for AU.COCK'S , and let no solicitation or explanation induce you to accept a uubstitutc. THE GREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Curei nil dlnor.lcri of < lie Stomic'i , Mr or , Ilowols , KIJoiy4 : , JlliJthr , Njrrou si-nips , Ioss of Aiiticllto. llrntlmlic. Ccnsilpallcii , t'ostlTL-nosi , In. ! ! ( , ' ( nets , Fever , Piles , Etc. , and rcn 'crs the system less liable lo contract DYSPEPSIA. KADWAY'3 l'ff.I < S are oure for tills conipluliiU Thuy tone up the Internal ( secretions lo ! \ healthy ui-tlmi. njstoru strcii4th to tbi > btoninoli , ami I'liulild it to iierfonil lu fiiiietlons. . . ' Prlwaottiiox. HiiiabviillUruiu'lsts , or n.atlull by KAUWAV & OO. . 32 W until flu-el New York , on receipt of prlcu , MANHOOD RESTORED ! Nerve wonderful Soeda rein , all disease * , e'uch i Wuak Mcinofy. ten iruarnnteo to euro nprrou * . j .or llrulii I'owcr. llcadacho. WuL ( ( ulnesi.Ix l Manhood. Mvlitlr Uinln. iloni , Kervouinoa. la llu < 3e , ulldralns and loia of power . of the ( K'ntral to . Orxant In cither or causo.l liyoTorviertlon , jouthf. I erro a.or . ; ; iocnj n usen ( tobacco.opium or cllmulania which eon lead lo Infirmity. Consump tion and Insuntly. I'ut up cunrciilont lo carry lit vest rocket. 81 pcrpack- . vitxaimltm 0uoirxiite lucur * iuol'VnmlliOforti. With everyOnnlerwn KroBK i u i mu uuxa , orrlJuntltktliiontil. ' Circular ( rue. AUdrcMXcrvuMccUCu , , Clilcugo , 111. For iulo in Omnlm by Sherman & McConnell , 1613 D Jt'o-8t