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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1892)
The Currents of Activity Springing Into Prcsh , Vigorous Life. ' SHERIDAN SETS THE PACE IN WYOMING V4nnitlc Crltlclnm of WnrroitM Anil I.nml Illll \ ( Ircnt . Mineral Producer A Kick on Itnltronil Itntrs New * of the Northwest. Wyo. , March 2fl. rCorrnt ttpondonco of THE BF.n.J From preientnp- pearancos spring has como to stay , ana farmer * In this , the great agricultural port \lon of Wyoming , are preparing to plant n a rauoh larger area than has been tbolr cut- loin , In anticipation of a better and moro ox- tonslvo marKat tor tholr products , which , bo created by the advent of the Burling- t < > .i railroad and tbo consequent Influx of bomo consumers. Stockman from all parts of tbo county fenvo been interviewed within tbo past few days , and report absolutely no loss at all that can bo attrlbutod to tbo severity of tbo Hvintor , tbo heavy snows or lack of food. /A Tbo bullalncr season has opened earlier than usual. Eight now buildings , ranging In stzo rrom a small residence to a four-storv brlok business house , are now In process of erection , and several others are delayed only from a lack of material. Tbo snow In the mountains has prevented the dozen or moro sawmill * from starting up as yet , and the weather Is not sufficiently settled to permit jlho , commencement ot brick making In either Of tbo tbrco vords at this placo. Souio very Important discoveries have ro- centlv been rondo In tbo foothills and moun tain canyon * west ot Sliorluan. The most important , perhaps. Is that of a very excel lent quality of extremely hard , fino-graincd , brown bullcilne stono. It exists In unlimited Quantities , Is easy of access , and will compare > favorably with the stone used In the con- jlruction of many largo buildings m Omaha. * Another Is that of a very excellent quality of pura btto sandstone of a sillelous nature and pronounced by cvports as sultablo to dntor Into tbo composition of the finest qual ity of French plato glass. Samploi of this and ttio building stone have been forwarded to Otnaha. Tbo development of the Bald mountain placer Holds will bo vigorously prosecuted as soon as it Is possible for teams with loaded wagoni to got Into the camp. It Is now cer tain that tbo Fortunatus Mining and Milling comnany , composed of New York capitalists fcnd Shorlaan county claim owners , will have aBucyrus amalgamating plant on tbo ground arly In tbo season , while other companies pave machinery purchased and ready for transportation. A town slto has been sur veyed and platted , upon which about thirty buildings were erected last fall. Sheridan Is a formidable candidate for tbe location of the State Agricultural college , "which will bo determined bv n vote of the people at tbo next general elect ton. Our low altitude , the richness of our soil , the abund ant and Mover-failing supply of water for Irrigation purposes , and the climate , tem pered by the "Chinook" winds which follow tbo eastern base of tbo Big Horn mountains , make it by far the most doslrablo point in the state for such an institution. . A largo amount of homo and foreign cap- T Hal will oo Invested in tbe construction of Irrigating canals this year , which wilt re claim many thousand acres of our arid lands. Tbe most prominent among tboso cntororisos is tbu Northern "Wyoming canal , which will bo 11 fly-four miles long , thirty feet wldo on tbo bottom , will reclaim from 75,000 to 100- 000 acres of valuable land , and will cost over $200,000. \V. CEDING ARID LAHPS. Senator Warran's bill providing for tbo Cession'of arid lands In the west to the re spective statoj and territories does not. com mand general approval. A recent corre spondent of Tnn BEG entered a vigorous protest against tbo measure , claiming that It did not guard the Interests of homesteaders , out on the contrary tended to promote land iknd water monopolies. Several Wyoming pawspanors attack the bill and insist that il Should bo radically amended before passage. The Evanston Register analyzes tbe proVisions - Visions of tbo bill in detail and points out What it claims are fatal defects. Tbe first Condition provides that each such state or territory shall proceed , without unnecessary iHalay , to divide its area into Irrigation dii- trlcts and to provide for the distribution of . .public waters among those entitled to their y.'juso In districts and , further , to engage in the y jtctual work of reclaiming bald lands by conducting - ducting water tborcon , by thi construc tion of requlilto canals , reservoirs ana otbor taeccssary irrigation works , so as to accom plish actual and succqisful production of agricultural products , so far as such lands fray bo capable of reclamation by sufficient valor supply ; and each of the said states and territories nhall continuously engage , in good iUitb , according to Its ability , in work of rec lamation until the whole area capable thereof thall have been reclaimed for tbo purpose Aforesaid. Tbo second condition provides that tbo United States may cancel the grant at any time within ton years if the states or terri tories fall to do tholr part. Tha third condition permits the mortgaging Or conditional sale of the lands to raise the ' requisite funds for reclamation. These conditions , the Register maintains , Cannot bo complied with in Wyoming. "Tho privilege Riven the state of pledging , mort gaging or conditionally selling , whatever that last cluuso may mean , is tbo loop-hole tbrough which the speculators hope to , and trill gain , not only control , but absolute ownership , of the bast lands in the state , and would-bo settlers must buy thorn or go homeless. " "Tho bill provides , " says the Register , - ' ' 'for the most gigantic land steal over % known In tbo history of tba world , and I pboukl it become a law it would deprive hundreds - dreds of thousands of tbo prlvllr50 of obtain ing bunas on the public domain , and retard the growth and development of ttao on tire west. A united otfort should bo tuado to do- | eat U. " Speaking on till * subject tbo San Fran- Olsco Cbronlcla says : "Special dispatches to the Chronicle from Washington make It very plain that bablnd tbo apparent demand that the United States bo generous to tbo Mate * and territories In the mutter of the costlon of the arid public lands there Is a gigantic Job which would result , if carried out , la endow ing n laud ring with the very best of tbo k lands in question. It is made to appear by t pftitios and biased reports that the United > * . Eilates has already done all it should for tboso fmi lanJg , when tbo fact U that practically noth- \F \ Ing bas bcon done and but very little money aponton them. . "If the United States should make this Cession ot tbe arid lands soroo of tbo new talcs would Had themselves with uu ele phant on their bands. They woula bo about as well oft as an individual without any money who should bo clvon n section of aeobrush land and required to reclaim and "TMvato it. All ho could do would DO to some moneyed man wbo would help him for the lion' * share of the land , and that is Kactly what a number ot the states would corapulled to do. " Thrilling Wolf Drive. .In the hilU flfteen miles east of BolaoChy , Idaho , last week 100 miners ana stockmen en. gaged In a wolf bunt It was a thrilling con test between men and beasts , eleven wolves toeing killed and nine mon more or less son- Ously injured. The wolves werelu ono pack , nugly ensconced In a small cave. They were driven out by hounds sent into tneir flarn retreat , but they killed tour nne dogs before they Issued forth. Tbe animals were Wild with fear and gaunt with huniror. and several old mountaineer * advised the hunters to aboot them tint , but tbolr ad. Vlco wa DOC heeded , ana tba chase was in augurated. Tbe dogs soon cauyht ono ol tbo wolvos. a savase male. They dragged him down , but bo shook him off and dashed \fcark toward * the men. Joel Hardy was In /his path and U sprang at bis throat and badly injured him. The sbootluc of the wolf saved Hardy' * life. A few minutes later tbe dogs hilled two of the wolves , though net boforj tbo nunlod animals bad bitten BUI Sprockets , Barnes OlUoy and Q. I. Anderson. The leader of tbo pack of wolves was a big blacK IDale with tremendous fanes. Tbo don cornered U and Hink Manton and ft man named Proffer ran up to shoot it. The wolf sprang over the heads of the dogs , fastened Its tooth In Marston's arm and nearly bit that member off. A second later It loft Marston and attacked Pfeffor , who had managed to got In n shot while the beast was biting Marston. the wolf badly lacerated Pftffor's right breast betoro ho succumbed , The men now became moro wary , but the dogs wore as snvago as over. A wolf blinded ODD hound and by mistake the dog bit a boy named Dolsn. Before the remaining wolves were killed two other memvcro slightly wounded by the wolves , who seemed to nro- fer lighting to running. Of the men bitten by the wolves and tha dogs all will recover unless bydrophoblaTosults. The minors and stockmen will hunt no moro wolves. Nn l.cgnl cnpc. Charles Miller , the boy murderer , Is doomed to hang April 23 , unless , meanwhile , bo succeeds In escaping from tbo Chnyonno Jail. J Governor Barber of Wyoming declines to interfere In the sentence of the court , in bis I letter the governor says that Miller Is not at all insane , and has .had a fair trial. Tha t xccutlvo Is a physician , and has made a per- ? onnl study of the caso. Miller killed Hess F. Flshbnugh nnd .harlos Emerson In a box car ol a moving rolplit train about forty mile * east of Jhoyonno. The trial was had at the Movem- jor , 1890. term , and his conviction was ipoedy. Ho baa confessed to hU brother In Kansas , having fled to that state. His at- : ornoy urged Insanity ana Infancy , ho being but in. It was clearly shown ho had hot his companions as they slept and robed - od them , securing about (70 and a watch. Emerson mid FIshbaugtivoro well con- ccted at St , Joo. They had never tramped oforo , and were going to Denver for omplov- mont. Miller was born at Rochester , N. V. "Us father committed sulcido with parli ; rcon and ho was in an orphan asylum a ouplo of years. Miller has never shown hat ho considered his crime anything out of ho ordinary. There were two Jail breaks In four months ore , and Miller went both times. On tbo iocond occasion , December 31 last , bo was early frozen to death. Tbo banging will bo the first In Lararalo : ounty in twenty years. Utah nnit the ItnllroiuU. Tbo transportation bureau of the Salt Lake ; hnmber of Commerce has filed a complaint gainst all tbo railroads entering Utah. The xjmplalnt alleges that tbo railroads are vto- ating sections 1 and t of tbo act to regulate lommcrco. One ot the allegations Is that tho' allroads are charging from three to nl no imes the actual cost of the movement of rcight , and that these charges are unlawful bccauso they are unjust and unreasonable. Another allegation is that the roads charge moro from Missouri river common points Into Utah than they charca from the Missouri river to California terminals. Tbo issue is an 'm > ortatU one. Involving largosums of money. The brief of the bureau is forceful and to , ho point , Tha complainant prays that the defendants be brought before the bar and un- oss they show good and sufilciont reasons .bat they bo compelled to "desist from charg- ng a greater sum in tha aggregate for the shorter distance than for the longer distance over the same line In the same dlrootion , and to restrain said defendants from violating any of the provisions of the 'Act to Regulate Commerce , ' and for such ether and further relief as the commission may doom necessary ' .n the premises. _ A Wonderful Mine. The great Homostako property In the Black Hills Is ono of the greatest mineral producers In the country , if not in the world. It has Just announced its 164th dividend of 10 cents per share , or a total of $13,500 , mak- ng the aggregate profits divided to date $ -1,318,750. A miner In tbo employ of the company Informed a representative of the Deadwood Times that there Is twenty yean supply of ore in sight in the trine. A little calculation will bo sufilciont to show what an immense mine this is , if tbo statement is true , and there is every reason to believe it The Homostako aggregation is dropping 700 stamps , each crushing an averago.of four tons of ore per day , or a grand total o'f 84,000 tons for the 700 stamps a month. In twenty years there are 340 months , and to Keep these stamps operating that length of time no less than 11,100,000 tons of ere will ho required. Tboso mines , according to the last report of State Mlno Inspector Corkhill , have already yielded upwards of $40,000,000. but wbo can estimate , with such a vast quantity of ere In sight , xvhat will bo their product for the twenty years to come ! .Siignr Uoot lu Wyoming. Prof. Dice McLaren of tbo Wyoming uni versity bas Issued a circular to farmers urg ing experiments in the cultivation of sugar boats. The object is to test- their growth la all sections of the state and determine their adaptability as a root crop as well as their value as sugar producers. In 1891 trial fields were grown on the six experiment farms of the station. Seventy analyses yielded an average of 10.79 per cent of sugar , with a maximum of U'J.18 per cent. Justified by such encouraging results tbo nation wishes to supplement its experiments of 1891 with extensive co-operativa field trials of sugar beets for 1S93 , ID all parts of Wyom ing' , and urgently requests that farmers plant sugar beets under Its direction and re port results , to be sent in with sample beets which will bo analyzed froo. Prof. 1C. E. Slosson , who analyzed tbe beets of 1S9I , has kindly prepared the form and directions to bo followed. All persons sending sugar beets will receive results of- their analysis in a bulletin containing full reports of tbo Field experiments of Ib93. Taxing Indian Lunili. Senator Mandcrson has prepared a bill of great Importance to all the states having within them Indian lands. It provides that tbo lands which , have boon allotted to any Indians In severally under tbo provisions of any law or treaty , in which the lands are to bo bold in trust by tbo United States , or are to bo exempt from taxation , or which may hereafter be so allotted , shall be subject'to state and local assessment and taxation , the sumo as anv other lands similarly located in such states , . Sales of land for taxes is pro hibited , but such delinquent taxes , if not paid by the owners of tbo land , shall bo paid by tbo treasury of the United States to the authorized oillco of tbe respective coun ties or municipalities. No taxes shall bo levied for a period of live years after such allotment. Tbo bill makes a continuous ap propriation to meet tbo taxes and assessments authorized. lni ; Operations , The Mine Owners association of Ccuur d'Alene , at n meeting In Wallace , Idaho , de cided to resume work all through that sec tion. IhoCcour d'Aleno products are a fac tor in fixing the prices ot load and silver , and when the mines cloiod a few months ago smelters all over tha country wore at a lois to find enough wet ores to run tholr plants. The i-ail roads restored tbooldrntos on ere shipments to tbo can , bailiff n reduction of $ j n ton. Work will bo resumed about the 1st of April It enough minors can bo bad. Tbo operator have decided to reduce wages from fJ.50 to W per day , The Miners union will resist the reduction nnil a bitter labor fight Is prouablo , Table Rock Methodists have paid off their church debt. Fillmore county republicans will hold tbolr convention at Geneva April 9. St Edward citizens have raised a bonus of { 1,000 and thus secured a plow factory. Tbo farm house of Alexander Sullivan near Schuyler was entirely destroyed by lire. ThoColfax County Teacher's association held an Interesting meeting at Ilowelli Sat urday , Bertrand suffered from a coal .famine for a few days last wimk and cobs furnished the only fuel. A farmer near Norden , Keya I'abu county , killed a bald eagle which measured nine feet from tip to tip , E. C. Keeling , a traveling man , had his "grip" stolen from the depot at Lo'iUvillo ' wltn all his samples. Uov , J. E. Brorotou , for nearly six years pastor of tbo Ashland Congregational church , has resigned to accept tne appointment of field secretary of Doano college. Harry Simpson , a Fender painter , went down to Bancroft and drew n chock for (15 , signing M. Emmiogton's name to it , Ho then disappeared and hain't been beard from sinco. A Dull that disappeared from near Gothen burg last fall was found on a "towhcad" Island In the Platte the other day , having wintered with no food or shelter beyond that afforded by the grass and underbrush on the Island. The Fairmont Signal Issued an excellent special edition last week containing an attractive - tractive review of the commercial Interests of thit thriving city. The Signal is ono of the brightest and most progressive weeklies In I Nebraska. Dr. LoxvU , a practitioner of Burr , has been lodged I In the Otoo county jail at the initanco of bis bondsmen. The doctor's trouble com menced about a month ago when bo pre sented n Dill for professional services to ono MoNutt J , a cltlion of Burr. Hot words fol lowed t and In his anger tbo doctor shot nt his former ' patient. In the JuUlco's trial that fol lowed Lewis was bound over to the district court in the sum of f 00. Ho readily obtained the I bondsmen nt tbo lime , but recently his actions II II have caused the bondsmen to think that I ho would bo among the missing when tbo j trial wns called , ana accordingly sur rendered him over to tbo sheriff. John Bryantb at Browstcr , Blalno county. In n very deplorable condition. Ho has boon an object of charity , wandering among the inhabitants of Kdlth precinct for some time past. Last week ho wns token xvlth fits nnd so scnrod the people with xvhDtn bo was stay ing that the atteutlon of Justice Scott was called to his condition. Before tbo latter gentleman arrived , bowovor , Bryant loft tbo house and wandered about among the hills for two days before ho was fouud. His feet , hands and face were badly frozen. The au thorities have taken charge of him nnd will endeavor to find the countr of bis legal habi tation or some tclatlvos wbo will Interest themselves enough to take charge ot him. It Is gradually being demonstrated that the ays of tuo "bad man" arc over In Nebraska , 'ho latest proof comes from Jefferson county , nek Moore thought ho would break up the Inglnp school In Frank Swift's district , nnd vlth a wild abandon but without fear of tba aw , ho nrocooucd to Interrupt the regular roceodlngs bv warbling in a high falsetto oico that soul-stirring relic of the cow mnchor * ' era : "Wild nnd xvoollv , nnd full of flois : "I nexor xvns curried below the ltncc . But Jack had counted xvltbout his host , for host of singers fell upon him and caused him to bo incarcerated. Ho xvns tried last vcok in the district court .nt Falrbury and vas lined $10 nnd cosU , amounting to over MOO. As ho hadn't tbo money to settle. Jack anguishes in Jail and feels us If ho had been curried all over. South Dakota. Half interest in the Anna group of mines brought $12,200. Tbe electric light plant at Ripld City will bo ready for operation this week. According to the latest reliable advices , the bic hotel nt Deadwood is now a load-pipe clncb. The next state encampment of the Grand Vrmy xvill be held at Chamberlain in May or Juno , 1895. Edward Oxvon nnd Miller McKonzlo xvoro crushed to death under a mass of rock in the Ilghlnnd miuo. Placer miners on Castle creek , nnd In Hockervillo and Hayxvard districts , are about ready to commence sluicing. A company of lUissiuns have decided to erect a SIU.OOU grist , mill at Parltitou and work on tbo same will bo begun nt once. EdThutloxv and Alfred Carroll indulged in a game o' sovcn-up in Centennial. A dlfll- culty nroso which Tburloxv settled by making i pass at Carroll , inserting a unite blade in tils shoulder. Carroll died. Subcontractors on tbo B. & M. extension from Enulowood are collecting their outfits and commencing work as fast as possible. Most of the survey bas been cross sectioned and the largo cut across the Clinton com pany's ground bas been com man cot ) . Tbo cut xvill bo 6'JO ' foot long und 40 foot tbo greatest depth , nearly solid rock clear tnrouph. \vyo The Cboyenne Iron company , capital $50,000 , has been Incorporated. Evanston bai raised $15,000 for a flouring mill and now wants a woolen mill. Postmaster Calhoun of Big Pcnoy ex changed postage stamps for drinks and was arrested. Evanstonlans are passing tha bat for con tributions to sustain the public school till the close of tbe term. A number of Union Pacific employes in Cheyenne were caught with company prop erty in their possession. Creditors of tbo defunct Cheyenne Na tional bank have received checks for tbo first dividend , 25 per cent. Wyoming has 3,080 Irrigation ditches , 0.414 miles long and watering 3,172,781 acroa of land. The dltchos represent an outlay of $3,404,209. Colonel S. W. Downey is too busy to give a thought to public office. Ho would not ac cept tbo republican nomination for governor if tendered. The body of Matthew B. Dawaon , the Lara- mle banker wbo was drowned In Hutton lake last October , was discovered by hunters on the edge of tbo lake last week , The family spent $15,000 searching for thebody during the fall and winter. Montana. The advance in the freight rate on Rock Springs coal to Butte is looked upon as a squeeze on tbe smelters. A sample of ere from the 300-lovel of tbo Josephine shows galena ana iron pvrltos and also distinctive streaks of gray copnor , ant ) assays upwards of $100 a ton lu gold and silver. The federal authorities In Montana will prosecute tbo managers of the Great Falls & Canada railroad for violation of the labor laws. It is charged that the company brought cheap labor from Canada. The President of the Northern Pacific Hallway company , while in Helena lait we- * , said tbo long talked of refinery at Three Forks would bo put in nt once by tbo Ana conda company ns all differences between the companies had been satisfactorily adjusted. A general essay of specimens of copper ore from tbo Arizona , In Purk Canon , near ButU ) , returned 25 per cent copper. Thcso were taken from across-cut only thirty-seven feet deep. At tbo bottom of tbo shaft , wnlch is sixty foot from tbo surface , tbo lo < id is four and one-half feet In width. Bad lack seems to press hard on tha Ana conda. On Wednesday evening tba main sbatt In the Anaconda wns again in position and work resumed. Everything proceeded in tbo usual manner until 9 o'clock Thursday oyonlng , wbou the shaft was found to bo broken in tbo same place , which necessitated tba shutting down of ttao mines until a now shaft could bo procured from Philadelphia. IllUllU , Caldwell bas an electric light plant in op- oration. Jack Pratt , a notorious Wyoming robber , was arrested In Boise. Lloeral subscriptions are being made to word the $ i5,000 Worl . 's fair fund. Bolso is to try tbe novel experiment of beating tbo city with uatunil hot water I'rom adjacent springs. Last week a nugget weighing tblrty-fivo ounces was found on tbu Mlllor claim , near Myrtlo. It ncttod tbo owner * a Httlo over F. C. Mandell , a BoUo civil engineer , Is making u survey and laying out water ditcher for tbo famous Bonanza Bar placer mlno near BlUa. Tnh mum was recently purchased by Hailoy capitalists for a lurga sum of ruonoy. A itch strike u reported In the Treasure Vault mine , situated on the west fork o : Nine Milo creou about rive miles north o. Wallaco. While pnvcrul men xvero cngagoc In tbo aevelopmcut work recently they sud denly structt a vein of oild galena ere throe feet in depth. Along ; the Ctmit. Port Townsoud's now city ball cos * 3 , > .OUO. Walla Walla's eloctrla light plant , now un der xvay , xvill cost (60,000. Tbe visible result of the prackor trust Is tbo close of txvo cracker factories in Taroma Fifteen U runt 11 la braves In Oregon vanci a firewater feiut by Kidnaping a Chinaman and dousing him in tbe river. Mr. Mill * , land agent of tbo Southern Pa clno company , Is negotiating for the 10,000- aero WUson rancho near Corning , lu Teuaum county , Cal. , which xvill be divided Into small fruit farms and cold ou tbo installment mont plan. Tbo ralu this season appear * to bo tir ranged exactly to suit tbo farmer and frul grower. Crop roporU from Southern Call fornla , tbo only doubtful section of the state shows that all the fruit troas except orange : and poaches promise largo yields. Ono po ctiltsr feature is that , tfioagh thousands ot fruit trees have been plAwed , tha acreage of wheat nnd barley is unprecedented. At Hopland , Cal. , recently Armstrong McCabe was shot nnd Itlllnn In his saloon by some unknown parson. UaHt July ho mar ried Mrs , Henry Wlllanl , ' A full-blooded In dian , and the widow ot' 'whlto ' man. Sbo brought him * 50,000. , r The great Altn irrigation. system ot canals under the Wright law bas , bpcr. completed and Is running full of water , practically irri- patlng 130.000 acres of latm In the vicinity of Trovers , Cfll. This resull has been Drought about by the residents dfl the district purchasing - chasing the bonds tho-ruaelvcs. Flvo hun dred mites of canals and distributing ditches are In operation. Dave Hill , the Indian 'policeman on the tlamalh reservation who was killed by mother Indian \vhllo taking an Indian prts- ncr to the agency , was one of the best cnown Indian character * in Oregon. Dnr- ng tbo Modoe war bo noted as Interpreter nnd scout for the whites , and nt the close of ttio war went to Washington with General Moacbam and Captain D. C. Applcgato , vhcro bo was tuch a great pruo that kid napers stele him from his protectors. The Lick observatory , on the summit of tlount Hamilton and about-1,000 feet above ho sen , had lioO : acres of land granted to It bv congress In 1S70 , and 1DI.5 acres were afterwords added bv purchase. The citizens f San Jose spent $78.000 in building a mog- nlllccnt wagon road to this hitherto almost nnccosslblo spot. Hut the observatory wants moro land under Its control so that It can top hunters from building camp fires and tartlng forest fires with their clouds of moko. The present congress has therefore ) dsscd n bill adding 033 acres to the roscrvn- lon nnd tbo United States senate will doubt- ess also concur. A glass factory In the state of Now Jersey s said to bo engaged In llttlo clso but the nanufncturo ot bottle * for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , price 2oc. 1 have been suffering tbo past three months vlth rheumatism. Ono bottle ot Salvation oil gave entire relief. FratiK O'Urlon ' , Bnltl- mord , Ma. Itf palrliifr I ho Hloi ill's Wreck. 'i'ho destruction caused by Saturday's term xvas partially repaired yesterday. Tbo Ire alarm system is still dlsorgnuizod. Tbo damngo xvas greater than was first supposed. t xvns impossible to got the wires in xvorklng order yesterday and it xvill talio nt least oday to establish communication xvitb the lire alarm boxes through the olty. The dan ger from lire is not so rreat as It xvas Satur day night , bccauso tno telephones are in warning order and still alarms can bo turned "n If necessary. The electric llcht sjstom xvns also nlmost completely xvreckcd. Tbn company had its men nt xvorlc all day , but It xvas impossible to repair all the damage. It will probably ro- iUira ] tbroo davs to complete tbo repairs. I'ho telephone company and the American District Telegraph cenipanv were moro for tunate. Their xvlres xvoro lighter and bettor protected from the storm. A hard duy's xvork was sufficient to put them in nearly as good condition as before. It will require considerable xvork to repair tbo damnco at tba stock yards. El * ht pans xvero moro or loss broken up , and some of them xvoro entirely xvrccked by the xvoight of wet snoxv. The roof of'ono ' fell in upun a lot of bogs , killing tlftx'-fivoaad crippling nearly as many more. The loXS in the stock yards company will aggregate 'SJ.OOO to $3,000. The" streets arc in > S their usual 1m- passable condition after a storm. No effort xvas made yesterday to oven clean off tbo cross walmi and pedestrians resembled a mud fence after they had xvaiked a couple of blocks. Soutb Omaha mud is rapidly becoming famouaiand tbo city nu- thoritios.aro evidently determined that none of It shall be xvas ted. ot > > . , - i. i i.-- , . i , , , > i Tbo boundaries of thq clecthn districts of the various wards In tjhlg ity ns defined in tha mayor's proclamatidrcore as follows : First precinct is'n\on \ xvestbyUnion Paciiic railxvnv traeks oq'Jtbo south 'by N street , oTi'tuo north b.v L.'stroot and Missouri avenue , Tin tbo east by the Missouri river. Second precinct is bounded on the west by Union Paelllo railway track t , ou tbo south by L street , on the north by the city limits , on the east by Twenty-fourth street. Third precinct Is bounded on the wast by Txvouty-fourth street , on the south by L street and Missouri avenue , on the north by the city limits , on the cart by tha Missouri river. 8ECOXD WAUD. First precinct is bounded on the xvost by Union Pacific : railway , on the north by N street , on the east by' Missouri river , on the south by Q street. Second precinct Is bounded on the west bv Union Pacitlo railroad , on tbo north by Q street , on the south b.v Armour street , on tbo cast by Missouri river. Third product is bounded on the west by Union Pacific railroad , * on .tho north by Armour street , on the soutb by city limits , on the east by the Missouri rlvor. THIRD XVAUD. First precinct is bounded on tbo north by Q street , on tbo south .by. city limits , on the east by Union Pacilic tracks , on tbo xvcst by Thirtieth stroot. Second precinct U bounded on tba north by Q street , on the south by city limits , ou tha east by Thirtieth street , on tbo xvost bx' city limits. The Fourth xvard constitutes a single dis trict. The places of registration are as follows : PlltST WAUD. First Precinct Sipo's scale office , Twenty- sixth street , oatxveeu N nnd M streets. Second Precinct Polsloy's food store , Twenty-fourtli street , tyotxveon 1C and L sticets. Third Precinct Slora room corner of Twentieth und L streets , SECOND XV.tlll ) . First Precinct Connor's store room , Ttvon- ty-slxth street , between N nnd O street * . Second Precinct School bouse on Twen tieth and Broxvn streets. Third Precinct Glonson store room Twen ty-third street and Itillway avonuo. Til Mil ) XVAIID. First Precinct Kuufhold's hotel , Q street near Txvouty-oighth street. Second Precinct Flro boll , Thirtieth and R streets. FOt'HTIf WAND. Missouri Pacilic ofllco near Exchange building , Homo Umlcslrulilo Citizen * . In the early days of tbo Maclo City It xvas for a tlrco the rendezvous of thii tough gentry of all descriptions , Footpads xvero numerous and a night in wbicn some belated podnstrlan was not , held up xvas n rarity. A detormlntd effort on tho'-'Viart ' of the police ridded the city of visitors of this class and durlui : the last two .vear-stlSouih Omaha bus bci-u comparatively treat from tlieso undo- strablo visitors , ' * At the piosent time , uoxvever , tno ban against lawbreaker * fieojra to bavo boon re moved and tliev llourlsniunroolcstcd by tbo guardians of tbo luxx-J Tbo touch element tnat formerly frequented , the back streets nnd the rougher class of "silicons " has given place to a better dresspij , Jiut not moro de sirable class xvbo sauutcrupand down tbo principal thorougbfarest\vith the nonchalant nssurauco of men xvtjp bavc perfect conll- deneo In tbolr "pull.1' ' Tbo footpads and "Jllm-flam" xvorkeri of $6 past have bcon succeeded by the burglar * and confidence men xvbo can ba rofognizuA on tbo streets al most any day. tcil Until xvitb In a xveck' ' * Well known crook , who gooa by the nnmo pil Cid" Lane , and Is xvantod In half a dozoa places , xvas a regular frequenter ot tbe gambling houses in tbe city. Ho is an all-around burglar xvho en do almost anj thing from . "crncklug" a bank vault to purloining Jewelry and plato. Ono ol bis latest exploits was a big burgmrv at Hillsdale , Mo. Ho xvas silently disguised v.hllo in town in a rough slouch hat and III fitting clothes , but xvbrn his cutfs slipped back they showed the sleeves of silk under shirts of tbo most expensive qualllxHo was in toxvn three xveoks and hb Identity xvas not suspected bv tbo pollen. Another nun xvbosu ionutatlon as a conll Oenco man is knotvu in almost ox'orv part o the xvost. xva in Iho city three Jayi U * week. Another of almost equal sup'-'ii ti thosiimo line of work U la toxvi at i c present time. Ho ivojra tbo attire of a in- - to-do ranchman xvbo bos just sold u i-pii-i.1 > ment of stock. His metboil i to rcproii-ni himself as a stccrfinan to shlpp'ra ' i-oluxo sold tbolr stock nnd ore xxilliuu'io out ai d see tbo toxvn. An acqualntancn i forn-fd and tl'fl grnbino citttlo oy ner is eitiily plucked by the in dNgulso. A number ot stocxmon have xxm token In bv this man and ils friend * . After the'blrd Is plucked ho is akon to the depot and shipped back home , oo much Intoxicated to realize xvhnl has hap- > cncd until after ho is well eut of toxvn. fhon ho usually praters to stand his loss to ; lvmg publicity to the matter by informing ho police. There are n number of mon about town vbo are familiar xvlth n dozen such In- tnncos as tboso stated nnd are xvondonng vhcthor spectacles should not bo added to ho regulation police uniform. Notes nnd Miss Anna Merrill , xvho has bcon seriously U xvlth scarlet fever , Is convalescent. Communion servlcoi xvcro hold nt the 'rcsbytorlan churcb yesterday morning. IZox' . James Leonard of Gibbon , Nob. , is In bo city the guest ot his son , C. > . Leonard. M. L. Rich of Omaha bas accepted n posl- Ion In the chemical department ot the Cud- ahv Packing compauy. Rov. C. N. Daxvson prc.ichod on "Radical- am" to a largo nudlenco at tbo First Metho dist churcb last nlghu Martin Sullivan , xvho was arrested Friday night for stabbing n Union Pacific brake- nnn , xras released yesterday. The Union 'nclflu detectives decided that ho xvns not ho man , Edxvord Larson died at the residence of his parents , Thirtieth nnd R streets , yesterday naming of diphtheria. Tbo Interment will bo at St. Mary's cemetery nt 2 o'cloci : this afternoon. Councilman .Inmns Dougherty has filed i\ > otttlon announcing himself as an Indepcnd- snt candidate for re-election. His action xvas ho result uf pressure brought to bear by his i lends xvbo npprovod of bis previous record as a city olllclaL Tbo funeral of Dr. Wllllixm Broxvn , xvho died la t week nt Park City , Utah , xvn * held at the Presbyterian church at 3 p. m. yostor- day. The local Odd Folloxx-s attended In a ) ody. Tbo funeral sormou xvas preached by Rov. Robert L , Not Ho Had After All. E. V. Wood of McICce's ROCKS , Allegheny countPn. . , In sponldne to n traveling man of Chamberlain's mcdlclnns said : "I rocom- nena them nbovo all others. I have used .bora myself and knoxv them to bo reliable. [ always guarantee thorn to my customers and huvo never-had n bottle returned. " Mr. Wood had hardly finished speaking , when n ittlo girl came in the store with nn empty jottlc. It xvas labeled , "Chamberlain's Pain Holm. " The traveler xvas Interested , as .hero xvas certainly n bottle coming back , ) ut waited to hear what the llttlo girl said. It xvas as follows : "Mnratnn wants another jottlo of that medicine ; she savs It is tbo jest medicine for rheumatism sucever usod. " 50-cc > lt bottles for sale by druggists. PETER HARTMAN SHARP. of nn Oiniliu 1'lonocr from IIli I.nto llomn Vcntontit ) . The funeral of the late Peter Hartman Sharp took place yesterday ntternoon at U o'clock and xvas attended by n largo gather ing of rouresoutativo and old time citizens of Omahn. Tbo deceased and his family had a largo circle of friends in the city. The parlors of the family residence on Douglas street , near Nineteenth , xvoro fragrant xvith the sxvoet odors of many choice garlands sect by rela tives and friends. At the noad of tbe casket upon a small table lay n beautiful pillow of rose xvlth tbo words , "At Rest , " wrouirht with heliotropes nnd smilux and across the lid of the casket lay a largo bouquet of roses and lilies. Tbo ser vices xvero conducted by Uov. W. J. Harsho , D.D. , pastor of the First Pro bytorian churcb , of which tbo deceased had long bcon a faithful member. Tha singing xvas done by Mr. and Mrs. Welch and Mrs Day. Tno remains were Interred in Prospect Hill cemetery - tery and xvoro followed to their final resting place by a long procession of carriages. Following xvero the pall-bearers : Howard Konuedv. W. G. Maul , A. P. Wood , Dr. Denlse , J. L. Kennedy , Clark McLean , W. A. Darroxv nnd C. 1C Coutant. Peter Hartman Sharp xvas born Juno 2 , 1814 , at Claveriok , N. Y. Ho cnme to Omaha in Iblil ) and bis family came tbe next year , For several years Mr. Sharp xvas engaged in the leather and shoo Undines business as u member of tbo firm of Huntington , Sharp & Co. Later on the firm became P. H. Sharp iS : Co. Txvo yoors ago ho retired from busi ness. He leit a wife and ono son , Mr. Henry C. Sharp , and ono dauchter , Mrs. SchBiner- horn. The deceased xvns very highly re spected as a straightforward , steady going business man , and his many friends xvero sorely grieved by his unovpocted demiso. A veritable family medicine box , Boocbam's P11U. Dr. Birnoy cures catarrn. BEE bldjj DOCK Farinlnq ; In Nebraska Pay ? In a recent Issue TUG BBB published over a page of intorvlexvu with prosperous farm ers In various portions of Nebraska , each of xvhLm gave bis personal experience m tilling the soil , in stock raising , in fruit culture , etc. The showing xvas a revelation. Eastern newspapers commented upon the unexampled success of Nebraska farmers as demonstrated by THE Bee , Farmers and business mun at once became interested and tire noxv demand ing moro Information xvlth respect to ether sections cf tbo stato. Tbo issue xvas soon exhausted and late orders for extra copies could not bo filled. No stronger induce ments could bo bold out to prospective set tlers or Innd buyers than tbo facts as gleaned bv TDK BRE , coming directly from the men xvbo have made fortunes on Nebraska farms. Tun BEE xvill soon print another exhaus tive sboxvlng of the agricultural resources of various counties. Old residents have been intorvl''wcd , and they furnish n fund of trustworthy Information concerning the pro ductive qualities of soil , perfect cllmnto , ex perience xvlth successive crops , advantages ot stock raising , fruit and tree culture lu short every essential fact to prove that Ne braska la pre-eminent us an agricultural and stock raising state. This information xvill bo lu demand not only in this section , but xvill Loot interest to thousands ot dissatisfied farmers In eastern states who are looking for more doslrablo locations. All ardors for extra copies xvill bo promptly filled. Doxvltt's Sarsapanlla cleanses tbo blco ) , Dr. Blrnoy.nosoand tnroiu B CK bid- ; It Is bear ) Ittive comfort when Hiifioiing all the ills of an outraged and 4isoriluroil stomach ; whoa yon are troubled probably with ulight rliciuuruic ! pains , catarrh , fatty degeneration , n pulseless obesity , to have palmed oft on 3'on Boino quack and diuap imitations of the world-renowned Carlsbad - Spru- del Salts , but dou't be deceived any more. Accept none Imt the gen uine. You will find our signature around every bottlo. For 500 ycara it has stood the teat. It is naturo'a remedy bolidified and sent to you to do its healthful work. Every drug store h.u them. Hoincmbor and take none but Cnilshad Sprude ! Salts ; ENnnr it .Mcndclson Co K , Y. , Solo AJT-I.H. r v , 250ZS.FOR25 ? ABSOLUTELY PURE - JusrTkYlT. . . . . . F.F.JAC UEi R. CO. KANSAS CITY.MO. .Co Men the Hands. Uefore retir..ig take n largo pair of oldqlovet tnd spread mutton tallow lysld'3 , iUo all ovct ha bands. Wear the cloves all il : ht , and xvasit the bands with ollxe oil and xxhlto castllo soar ' .lie naxt morning. Thcaboxe , together with 1001 other things equally If not more Important to knoxv , Is tounri ! n the handsomely illustrated nexv bctok Jus ; published by Betts&Betts America's most gifted , popular and successful SPECIALISTS. This book they send to any address on receipt f 4 cents to pay postage But DRS. BETTS ii BETTS ilo more than write valuable books which tlicj live to those who need them. They cure Catarrh , PileSj Stricture , f Hydrocele , Varieocele , Gleet , Spermatorrhoea , Syphilis , Gonorrhoea , Lost Manhood , Blood and Skin Diseases , Female Weakness , Effects of Early Vice. and every form of Nervous , Chronic and Private Diseases. < free. Call upon or address stan < p , a l 11.0 South 14th St. , N. K. Corner 14th and Doujjltw Sts. Omaha , Neb. JAPANESE CURB A now nnl c'oniploto Treatment , conalatlnK of Sujipoilturlon , Ointment la Capsules , also la Uox and I'llls ; a Positive euro for Kxtorual , Intarna I Illlnd or llluodlni ; Itchlnz , Chronic , Uooont or Hereditary i'ici. | Tut * Honied/ bat novur bcon known to fall , * l forfj ; lent br will. XVIi/BuOurfrum tul torrlblo Ulsoan wuenj vrrli- lea guarantee U ponlilvoly glfeo wllti a box ei , or refund tlio monar It not cured. HOIK ! stamp lor free tiamplo. Uuarantea IBJUOJ br Kulin & Co. , Uruialtti , Hole Aeanti , corner 15th nul Pouglm ereula. Oiualia , Neb. Till ? "f , UW PIjW' ? | } | ? | ' lllli LAUllio mill ! fill SYRINQE. T lu Oily 1'orf.iot V.I rim n llcctnl gyrlnso In the uurM. In llioonlr arrlnn ) orur In vented by which vaginal In jection a run bo mlinlulsturrd without leaking nnd ollliu lie rlotlilni ur nucuislt-itliu lie line ( a vonol , anil which ctm alia bi > v J far rc'ciul Injoctlom or IrrlU- lun. KJHTllUllllHtl. HUM ! UAltl ) IIUlIllKltllKI.U j . . jf/i1 , Moll orders lolldled. The Aloc& Pcnfold Co A7fAfreet , l.esft to fostotflca , riiyslclntu' preicrlptloni rarufully propnroil at luir prlcej. INDIAN DEPREDATION CLAIMS rorsnni who have lost property from Indian raid * dhoiilU Qla tholr claim * umlortlio Indian Dopra Intlou Act of Marjh ' . ISA The tii.iu . U limited , in I the claim * are taken up by tha court m lliu or.ler In wliljli they ara roolvoj. .Taka Notlco thataU cont.-ioti unters-1 into with attorneys pror to to.i Aot arJ miiJ null an 4 void , htfurin vUcm clvon unJ all vluliuK uromptly a.tencJcJ to by tha Will BUREAU OF CLAIMS. tilO Ilee OM A.MA , NEBliASKA. liuroati U guaranteeJ by tuo Omaha IJco. the t'lonoor I'rws * uu4 tha Han ' l.xutnluur , REGULAR Army and Navy PENSIONS : Soldiers in ( he Regular Army and Sailors , Seamen and Mar ines in the United Stales Navy , since the War of the Rebellion , who have been discharged from the service on account of abilities Incurred therein while in the line of duty , are Rntitled to Pension at the same rates and under the same conditions as persons ren dering the sams service during the War of the Rebellion , except that they ara not entitled under the new law or act of June 27,189O. Such personsre also entitle d to pension whether discharged from the service on account of disability or by reason of expir ation of term of service , if , while in the service and line of duty , they incurred any vound , injury or disease which still disables them for manual labor. labor.Wi Wi do w s and Ch i hire n of persons rendering service in the regular army and navy Since t/ie War are Entitled to Pension. if the death ofthesoldier wasdua to his service , or occurred whila ho was in the service. Parents of Soldiers & Sailors dying in the United States ser vice since the War of the Rebel lion , or after discharge from the service , from a cause originat ing therein , leaving no widower or child under the age of sixteen years , are entitled to pension if now dependent upon their own labor for support , whether the soldier ever contributed to their support or they were dependent upon him at the time of hi * death or not. FOR INFORMATION OR ADVIOE Ab to title to pension , ADDRESS T1K Bee Bureau of Claims ROOM 220. HEK UUILDINO , NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB Capital . $ 10W , ODD , . 0(1,5)3 ( Olllreri lindDlrortoro-llenrr W. Vat ipraild < m U. C , Cmliltijt. vlcoi > ro Uleut. lid.Mauilo V Mor.c , Joun H. ( H > IUn > , J , .V. U , i'Mriok U li X llvod. Canhlor , THE IRON BANK , Corner liith and Farnam Sts. PEN ! SENT INTEREST PAIDONDEP05ITS TOMAHA10ANOTJ5TCQ HANK CAPITALS IOO.OOO.OO t > IRrCTOR5AUWYMAM-E.W.NASU : JHMILUHO CUV-CIMRTON-G.B.LAKC JO.QFIOWN-7MOS-L.KIMBALL ,