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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1892)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEtilkoNDAY MARCH 28 , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL DLUFFa OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. ttlhticd ly Carrier to tiny pnrtof the City II. W. TILTON , - MANAGER rri ri'tinvrwJ Htis'noM Offlco . . No < ] riariiioM > } NlBlt ) i utor . NOW N , V. Plumbing Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans. 201 Sopp bloci ? . Hogulixr mooting ot General G. M. Dodge cnmp , Sons of Veterans , Monday evening nt Grand Army of the Republic hall. John J. Johnson of Hazel Doll township nnd Mary Johnson of Couneil Bluffs were granted n license to wed yesterday. Lily camp , No 1 , Hoynl Neighbors of America , will glvo n musical nnd social next Wednesday evening in the Pythian hall over 103 Main street , 1C. A. Martin nnd Ltzzlo Llntz , both of this city , were married last evening at the resi dence of the bride , 1)10 ) Avontio A , Justice Swoarlngon ofliclattng. Mrs. D. S. Bronnanlan died at 3:45 : o'clocit yesterday afternoon , after an illness of tun days , nt her homo 303 South First street. Notice of the funeral will ho given later. Mrs. Wesley Clark Is conflno.l to her homo nn Harrison street from the effects of a num ber of bad burns she received from n gasoline explosion. For a time yesterday her llto was thought to bo In danger. C. E. Morse was lined 6J0.20 In pollco court yesterday morning for drunkenness nnd bc- Ine an Inmate of n disorderly house on North Main street. James Coates , for drunkenness nnd Insulting ladles on tno street , was llnnd $30. TO. William Ohlrlch , who has been rooming with J. P. BurkoatSO North Eighth street for a short tlmo past , has disappeared , and with him a ( Ino overcoat , gold watch and chain and n pair of kid gloves belonging to Mr. Burko. Ills ex-roommato has no idea as to the direction ho too if. The members of the Pottawattamlo county bar bold a meeting yesterday with Presi dent D. C. Bloomer In tbo chair , and adopted a sot of resolutions on the death of C. E. Stone , who was the oldest member of the bar In the city , ho having begun practicing law In Council Bluffs in lbS3. Tbo Union Veteran Legion and the Ladles' auxiliary will nttond services this evening nt St. John's ' Enghsn Lutheran church in the Young Men's Christian association chapel. They will moot at thalr hall nt 7 o'clock. Hov. G. W. Snyder will preach a sermon especially adapted for the occasion. U. linnt en and Kata Sorensen , two of the employes of the Grand hotel , buvo been cir culating a subscription list among their fel low workmen In behalf of Mary Charleston , who mot with sonons Injuries by falling out of a window a day or two ago. They suc ceeded In raising $ . ' ! ' . ) . TO , and this sum wai presented to the unfortunate girl yesterday afternoon. Tbo school board WAS to have had a meat- ing yesterday afternoon at tbo corner of Madison street and Graham avenue to look over sites that h'lvo boon offered by Messrs. 'William Siodentopf , IIowo , Forrest Smith , B. B. Wndswortb nnd others for the erection of the now school house at that point. On account of tbo weather , however , it was decided to postpone the mooting , which will bo held on Monday afternoon at 4:30 : o'clock ebould the weather bo favorable. The Miss Ellis concert class of the Ep worth Methodist church will give a Now England supper in Shubcrl's hall , SJ17 West Broadway , on Tuesday ovonlnp-March 29. The members of the class will bo dressed In Washington'costumo. . A Now England nuntlo , who was born at the foot of the Green mountains , will bo present , a part of who e costume is n portion of tbo wedding garments of Mrs. C'olonol Aaron Baker In 1800. Supper will bo served Irom u to 10 o'clocK. _ A great variety of aprons from all warts of the world for sale at Hughes' block by the ladies of the Broadway Methodist church Thursday afternoon , March 81. Supper will bo served , fol lowed by a musical and literary enter tainment _ Commercial 1'llgrlms of America. About twenty-ilvo members of Council Bluffs council No. 1 , Commercial Pilgrims of America , went to Omaha yesterday to institute - stituto the Nebraska grand lodge of the order. The meeting was held in the as- ncmbly hall in the Continental clock and was attended by tha following delegates from the Nebraska lodges : I. F. Woller , C. O. Lobecic and M. G. Klbby of Omaha , No. 2 ; W. W. Lilly , H. C. Thurber and James H. Hamilton of NorfolK , No. 4 ; William Murr , W. A. Chapman nnd H. H. Lough- rldgo of Grnnd Island , No. C ; Li. W. Snow , Walter C. Housor nnd F. A. Bartholomew of Lincoln , No. 7. Alternates W. S. Holphroy , C. F. Hold , Charles Uice , S. S. AVhttlug , E. Conklm , D. E. ICoyes. J. G. Gettos and M. M. Gowdy. The grand ledge was instituted with tbe usual formalities , with the following list of ofllcnrs : G. W. P. , L. W. Snow of Lincoln ; G. V. W. P. , William Murr of Grand Island ; G. W. C. , W. W. Lilly of Norfolk ; G. w ! secretary , F. A. Bartholomew of Lincoln : G. \V. treasurer , C. O. Lobcck of Omaha ; G. tourist , W. A. Chapman of Grand Island ; G. K. of I. P. , C. Thurber of Norfolk ; G. A. of O. P. , J. H. Hamilton of Norfolk ; state grand deputy , C. F. Wollor of Omaha. Tbo grand council recommended the adoption of the new Commercial Knight's degree. Norfolk was selected as the place for holding tba next grand council in ono year. After tbo business of the session had been completed the whole party was elvon a banquet at tbo Hotel Dcllono under the aus pices of Omaha council , No. 3 , after which the delegates from thu various lodges accom panied tbo Bluff : delegation to this side of the river , whcro the now military degree was conferred on them. The meeting was harmonious and enthusiastic , nud when It broke up everyone was warm in his praises of the Omaha council for the way la which the guests had been entertained , The King of ( iinollno Stoves. The old single generator Dangler was the best gasoline steve ever made , bu'i Shugart & Son have a now Dangler that is unquestionably the king of vapor Btovos. It is called the Dangler Sur prise , and is simply the old reliable Htovo with n perfect process generator added. It hums a blue llunio when lighted and has no odor In stopping or starting. Shugarts are 'tho only people who handle them. How are your awnings ? . J. M. Lumcko , 131 Pearl. Only homo factory , Want the llotiuilury rixeil. The attorneys for Iowa la the Cut-Off Island case were served yesterday with a copy of a motion for the appointment of com- mUolons to decide where the boundary line between the states shall be , according to tbo Btlpultition made In the decision of iho t > u- promo court , they alleging that It Is impos sible for tuo parlies to tbo suit to como to any ogrooinont. They request the appoint ment of the following to places on tbe com mission : Captain Charles F. Pow6ll of tbo corps of engineers at Sioux City nnd in charge of iho improvements being made upon the river at that point ; Lieutenant Hiram M. Chlttoodon of the same corps at HU Paul , and Captain Charles A. Warden , engineer of the Department of the Plalto , with head quarters at Omaha. The motion is signed by Attorney General George H. Hastings of Nebraska and Attorneys J. M. Woolwortb nud C. J. Greene. Roltor , the tailor , 810 Broadway , has nil Iho latest styles and newest goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Btlll Among tha Ml lng , Frederick A , Soulo , the much-wanted wit ness in the Chicago boodllng aldermen cases , t > still missing , and till efforts to locate him B vo failed. A thorough search was made for him at MIsscuri Valley yesterday , as hh > wlfo claimed to tntuk that bo bad possibly KOIIO there , but be was not there , nor bad ho been there , llo is not at the residence of E. H , Merrlam , 210 South Seventh street , where bis wlfo la still stopping , and all bu friends claim entire ignorance of hi * whereabouts. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS E. 8 , Pegloy Had a Nice Scheme to Punish His Enemies. WOULD HAVE HIS WIFE ASSAULT THEM llf I'rrparctl n llo < o if Itltio Vitriol for County Attorney Organ ami OtlicrH \Vcrc to Jlc Trriitcd In Much tho.SumoVny. . E. S. Fegloy , who Is .now serving out n nine months seutcnco In the county Jail for bcuting his u-lfo half to death with n hatchet , is developing n nmrkcJ taste for other people's blood ns well , and Judging irom tfio loiters ho hns been trying to soml from the jull to his wife , ho will begin to ranko things worm tor his enemies ns soon ns his term expires. All thcso letter * have been intercepted by Sheriff liazcn , although Fogloy bas displayed considerable ingenuity In his efforts to com municate with bis wlfo. Uo gave the sheriff n loiter ono day to RVO ! to Mrs. Fogloy , nnd when It was opened it was found to contain a lengthy outojry of the sheriff , which was something of n surprise to that ofllcial In view of certain remarks thai Fcg- loy had tniulo about him seine tlma before. That same clay the ttmo of ono of the prisoners expired , and just as ho was leaving Sheriff Huzcn made a thorough search of his ulothing which resulted In the Undine of another letter , also directed to MM. Fcgloy. It stated that Fcgloy had written a letter for the purpose of throwing Huzoj oft his guard , and told her not to pay any attention to the things It contained , Fefjloy then wont on to tell his wlfo of some plans ho had laid tonvonpotho Injuries he had received at tno hands of bis enemies , as ho considers all who had any hand In send ing him to Jnll. Mo directed her to buy n BO-cont blnck- snake and administer a borso whipping to Ualnoy , n neighbor who tcstllloJ ntrainst him , at the corner of IJroadway mid Pearl street , and to procure some blue vitriol nnd throw It In the eyes of County Attorney Organ. Sheriff Daily and Sheriff liazen wore to bo treated In a good daal the sumo way , nnd Ufa was to bo made exceedingly Inter esting to the pcoplo whom bo blamed for his having to llo in jail. At the closoof his billet doux ho made the horrlblo threat that If she did not do as ho told her In every particular ho would louvo her as soon ns ho got out of Jail , and would marry a colored woman purely for revvngo. The contents of the letters , of which fully a dozen have been intercepted , would Indi cate that FDgloy has gene Insnno from con stantly brooding over his Imagined wrongs. A close watch Is kept over him to prevent him from doing any barm to himself or any of the attendants at tbo jail , although bis desperation Is considered to be largely a thing of bls'own Imagination. IT WILL BE A GUi.Vr WEEK. Some oT the Attractions at the ItoHton Store This Week fountains of 1'crfiimc. This week will bo n , hummer at the Boston Btoro , Council Bluffs , and the pcoplo will have abundant inducement to como in oven if the weather should not bo just what is desired. The prime fact of interest to the ladies is the announcement that our immense stock of spring dress goods is now on display , and rm lady who loves the beautiful can fail to bo pleased with what she sees. There nro the latest novelties in wool nnd cotton dress poods , spring wraps and capes , novelties in hosiery , embroideries and lace flounc ing , silk mitts , gloves , ' umbrellas , cor sets , etc. The word novelties is used advisedly. These goods are novelties , and the ladies will appreciate them. Ono of the most' ' important events of the week will occur Friday and Satur day when Mr. Loon Meyers , the proat New York perfume manufacturer , known as the Perfume King , will spend those days in the store introducing his high grade perfumes. There will bo sprays , jets and fountains of perfumes , and the whole block will bo iillod with fragrance. Eight cases of Mr. Meyers' finest goods htivo been received and un packed , and some idea of their charac ter can bo obtained by the great dis play in our show window. There is moro perfume in the Boston store just now than can bo found in all the other houses in the Missouri valley , and on Friday and Saturday they will nil go at special prices. 50c bottle of pnrfumc nt lOc. 7fe bottle of perfume at Sic. $1.00 bottle of perfume at 59c. 50c bottle of Florida water , lOc. 60c bottle bay rum , 19c. There are all the standard odors and many now ones , all high grade , nnd for Friday and Saturday they go at iibovo special prices. The lightning landscape artist is still with us and these desirous of having a handsome oil painting at a nominal cost will do well to see us within the next few days. In wall capers wo carry the largest and most complete stock in the city and all now goods not an old roll in the houso. Prices just about one-half regular paper deatorB. Estimates fur nished. None hut the best workmen omplavcd. BOSTON STORE , Council Bluffs , Forlhoringham , Whitolaw Ac Co. , Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices. Mull orders receive special attention and bolicitcd. Church Announcement * . Broadway Methodist Kev. T. McK. Stuart , pastor. Services at Hughes block at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. i'roaculng by the pastor. Morning theme , "Faith's Interior Vision : " evening tbenio , "Cnrlst , Our Ex emplar. " Epworth League vesper services at 0:30 : p.m. Sabbath-school at 13 m. Congregational Kov. T. O. Douglas of Urlnnoll v > 111 preuoU morning and evening. You UK People's Society of Christian En deavor. t)0 : ! ) p.m. St. John's English Lutheran Preaching bv the pastor , Hov. O. | W. Snyder , In-tho Young ivlon's Christian Association chapel tit 11 a.m. and 7:30 : p.m. Sunday-scbool , 0:45 : a.m. Young people's mooting at 0:15 : p.m. Second Presbyterian Preaching morning ind evening by the pastor , Kev. S. Alex ander. Itcvlval services la tbo evening. Sunday school at U p. m. Young Men's Christian Association Men's mooting at 4 o'clock , led by Jlonrv Cleary. Fifth Avcnuo MothndlstPreaching morn ing and evening by the pastor , Ilov. C.V. . Brewer. Morning subject , "Tho Church. " Sabbath school , 11 ! o'clock. Class meeting , 0:45 : p. m. Heculnr preaching services at ' 'Tbo Tern- plo Baptln church , " Masonic hall , at 10:30 : it. m. and 7tO ; ! p. m , L. A. Hull , pastor , Sunday school ut 12 m. Jurvis' wild blackberry is the host. Graml Sprint ; .Millinery Opening. On Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday of next week Mrs. Plolller's ppring mil linery opening will occur. It will bo the most elaborate that Mrs. Pfolftor has over attempted , and has required weeks of preparation. Miss Lizzie Woitz , an export trimmer and designer , who has had ton years' expo iunca in the grout eastern wholesale houses , is in charge of the pattern room. The opening will include both stores. 220 and 341 Broadway. Hurled a Chestnut , Judge Smith rendered a decision yester day in the case of Jacob Sims , administrator , against David Gray and U. II. White , a re sult of the famous cases which ponded in both the district uud superior courts for so lone between Uruy and Wblto to declda which was the owcsrotu Urge nmouut of property In various parts of the city. Tnp decision of the court in these cmos , rendered some tlmo ago , wai that the conveyance of the property from Orny to White was fraudulent nnd therefore void , so that It belonged to Gray still. As soon ns this decision was given Slmi stopped In with purpose of closing down on the property for the bcnollt of some of Gray's creditors. The decision of the court yesterday was that the claim upon which Sims commenced suit was barred by the stntuto of limitations , nnd the case was 'dismissed nt bis costs. The property involved In tbo decision was that nt Ifi South Main street , bcsUes several lots In Turloy's Glen. A demurrer was overruled In the case of the Pennsylvania Mutual Life Insurance company ngatnst Klmball & Cnrcp. Archi tect Hyde , of the Grand hotel , was mndo n defendant In the case and illled n cross peti tion claiming that ho was entitled to n mechanic's lion on the hotel for his pay for superintending the construction of the build- Ing. The plaintiffs demurred to this on the ground that ho was not n mechanic nnd therefore was not entitled to n Hen. The court felt that ho was a mechanic under the statute and accordingly overruled the de murrer. _ TWIN CITV ClIAUfAUQUA. Under New Control , With Abundant Mcnna , n Hrllllnnt Season Is Assured. With new name , now management , now attractions , now arrangements , now improvements , new everything , the Chnutauqtia assembly this season will prove a brilliant success without doubt. The plan hns been perfected by which the control passes by a loasc from the trustees into tno hands of .ludgo.T. E. F. McGee and Postmaster I. M. Trcynor , who will glvo the enterprise personal supervision. The well known standing of thcso two enterprising citizens is as surance sufliclont thnt the assembly will bo a grand success , for in their social , business and ofllcial records there is known no such word as fail. To make assurance doubly sure they have secured from other citfzens a cash guarantee of over $7,000 , to bo drawn upon if necessary , so that there can bo no possible financial stress or hesitancy. Thus provided with abundant capital. Messrs. Troynor and McGee will pro ceed at once to secure the very best talent to bo had. This season's program of entertainments promises to bo moro popular than any over presented in the west , and will fairly sparkle with bril liancy. The management proposes to pccuro men whoso names have a na tional familiarity. The accommodations on the grounds will bo bettered and a great change mndc in the transportation to and from the grounds , so thnt no possible cause of complaint can exist. With through trains from Omaha , and cars and busses from Council Bluffs , rapid transit at nominal rates will bo secured. Ilcfiiilts of Yesterday's Storm , The storm yesterday morning did a great deal of damage to tbo overncaa wiles ana there was hardly anyone In the city who was not Inconvenienced some tlmo during the day by bis inability to use some of the modern conveniences thai draw their utility from an overhead wire. About 10:30 : the lire boll tapped several times , as If for a lire , and then was silent. There was no lire and the alarm was caused by an accident tnat took place at that instant at the corner of Broad way and Ninth street , and resulted in the crossing of the wlroi of the alarm system with these of tha electric motor ' .Ino and the consequent burning out ol the whole alarm system. "Tho accident wai the breaking off of a polo belonging to the Western Union telegraph company nt tbo corner of tl < o two streets above referred to. The polo bore the weight of fifty or moro wires , each of which had become loaded down with ice until the polo snapped off by the sheer force of the weight on the wires. A largo number of the wires , wore broken at the same time and the telegraphic connections with all the citiei in the country excepting Chicago was cat off. The main wires of the tclcphono line wore strung along the same polo , and when tbo wires fell to the ground after the breaking of the pola they lay across two of the over head wires of the motor company , forming a connection which Instantly ourned out the fuses In every telephone in the city. The Oiily two wires that could bo used all day wore those running to Avoca and Glenwood , every other being rendered useless. It was found necessary to stop the trains on the motor line , and for two hours travel by rail in the city was sus pended. Linemen were busy all afternoon repairing the broken line * , buc ihclr work is not yet completed. Tbo telephone company had 335 wires down , and It will probably bo several days before they will all bo put In shape again. The injury to the flro alarm system was repaired lasi evening so that no danger need be apprehended from its failure to work properly. The wlf03 of the Postal Telegraph com pany were all down during tbo afternoon , nnd the only way of communication between Council Bluffs and Omana oQluos was by messenger boy , until 10:3J : o'clocit in the evening. _ All Modern Woodmen nnd Koyal Neighbor's nnd friends of Woodmen are invited to attend an entertainment and social to bo-given by the Indies ot Lily Camp No. 1 , Royal Neighbors of Amer ica , at K. P. hall Wednesday evening , March UO. Admission and refreshments 36c. We have our own vineyards in Callfor nln. Jurvis Wine coranvny , Co. 13lulls Ladles' of the U. V. L. most heartily thank S. S. Keller for presentation of altar. Mrs. G. W. Strong , secretary. OH'cmlrrH Itonuil Otcr. Judge McGee ga.-o James Harris and .lames Fox a preliminary examination yes terday morning on the charge of stealing a gold watch chain from C. B , Jacquomlu's Jewelry store. Harris had met with a change of heart since the Urst day bo was arrested. At that tlmo ho announced bis willingness to assist thn oflicers In any way ho could In finding tbo thief , and bo stated to Judge McGee pr.vatoly that Fox was the man who had the chain. Yesterday , however , ho was sulky and refused to answer the questions pro pounded to him by Couuty Attorney Orjitn , saying tbut bo was so disgusted with the treatment tie bad received In the Jail that ho woula not say a word , but allow the ofllrers to go Italono in proving up their case apulnst himself and Fox. Ho hroko bis word , bow- over , and deigned to answer a few questions which ho thought ho could answer without endangering his own-cause , tut ho was soon so badly tangled up that ho had to fall back upon his first rosolvoand refuse to talk. After tbo oviuencohad all boon hoard Judge McCioa stctod that bo had Been Inclined to believe that Harris was Innocent until ho saw his actions in court , when be bcoumo convinced thnt ho wus not , all rlgnt. Ho bound over both men 10 tbo grand Jury and llxcd their bonds nt $500. They were taucn to tna county Jail In dofuult of bonds. Gcorgo Anderson , ono of the young men who tried to rob PostmasterTrevnor's house , had a bearing and ho , too , was bound over to the grand Jury on a $501) ) bond. His confeder ate , CJcorKo Wells , took a change uf venue to tbo court of Justice Swuurlngcn and will tmvo a bearing uext Thursday afternoon ut 3 o'clock. _ It is with pleasure that Misses Sprink & Foaron announce to the public that they have secured the eurvfcoa of Miss M. Wheeler of Chicago to take utmrga of their trimming dopartmant. Will EJ pleased to GOO all the Indies at our now parlors , No. 1U Main street. Ewi nson Music Co. , Masonic tomplo. Walnut block and Wjonr.lng coil , fresh mined , received dull } Thatcher. 10 Main street. " Will I'rubJbly be Unjnlnml , No further steps have been taken by either party in the case of J. C. BUby against the Council Bluffs & Omulia Brldgo company , in splto of the fact that tbo last day has passed which was allowed tliu corn- puny to 11 lo an amendment to their pleadings and admit tnat they arc running under the charter of 1&90. AUorncy C. M. Harl of the prosecution tinted lyeitcrday that the case had not boon pushed UrWce the expiration of the tlmo allowed , B ibo had no doslro to force the matter to nn , | Usuo " nnd Inconven ience the attorneys .on , the other side , who , perhaps , hud forgotten what was expected of thonJP" Ho said th'nt although ho bad had tv&'clmnco ' to talk with the attorneys on the pthcr sldn. ho thoucht very likely they wpulcjj , allow the Injunction to bo Issued and the rqanlng of trams on South First street to bo' ' stopped rather than back down from Uioifnnt position. The rnso will bo taVcn up tomorrow , nnd unless the amendment Is filed , as required the writ ot Injunction will bo Something AltlilitPWitll Paper. The Boston store this season has the largest stock of wall paper they have ever handled , and will make this a spe cial feature this year. Some of our competitors nro reputed to bo circulat ing the story that our papers do not measure out full-sized rolls. Wo Invite the public to investigate this , and meas ure the paper they buy tit the Boston Store nnd save half the cost while dis covering thnt this is a senseless charge. BOSTON STOllE , Council Blurts. Tupped the Till. It has boon developed that Gcorgo Waters nnd Frank Owens , the two moil who were arrested Friday for attempting to work n tllt-tnpplng scheme on two or three butchers hero and in Omaha , succeeded in their nt- tempt at ono place , and unless something un foreseen turns up the prospect ! nro ver > flattering for their going across the state.- William Kcellno , who keeps a shop on upper Broadway , was the victim , nnd hli till was tapped to the tuna of about $ ! ) while ho was showing his chickens to ono of the cottplo in the back room of the thop. Ho Idcnllllod the two men yesterday afternoon as having played the game , and an Information was tiled in tbo superior court charging them with larceny from n building. O. Yunkormau&Co. , food , seeds , com mission , country produce , 103 Broadway. Itomcinbcred Judge Tliorncll. Judge Thorncll was summoned to the court house last evening about 7 : ! ! 0 o'clock by the announcement that a special Item of busi ness wanted his attention. Ho went nt once , nnd wnen ho reached the court teem ho found the whole petit lury gathered to gether awaiting him. Ono of the members stepped forward and in a orlof .speech pre sented him with n mugnlllccnt silver water set , consisting of tray , pitcher , and goblets , in behalf bf the other members of the Jury. At tno close of bis speech ho turned to his follows and said , "Gentlemen of the Jury , is this your verdict I" Judge Thorncll auknoxvledgodtno gift In a few well chosen words. _ J. C. Pryor. formerly of the Bank rupt ahoo store on Main street , is now with L. Kinnohan at the corner of Broad way and Bryant steet : and hopes to ECO his friends there. Death of C , i : . Stone. Calohlll E- Stone died yesterday morning at 5 o'clock after an Illness of three days of ' * congestion of the lun'ps.j Ho suffered from a scuera attack of , the grip last winter from the affects ot wnlcU he uovor fully re covered. although'hbr\ro8 aolo to bo around until this week. Tuesday ho was taken to his bed , and ncvcc lyfj , ) k Ho was TS years of ago , and had positions of trust in tno city. He loaves a wlfn nnd two chil dren , all of whom were fn Portland , Ore. , at tho.timeof his dcathijtiHo was the house of Mrs. E. J. ' Price on Grace street. Notice of the time of , the funeral will be given later. - . " * Jarvisl877 brandy , purest , safest , best , Enstern money tqilqan on real estate by E. H. Sheafo , Broad way and Main. cduxciL itL vrti&aiKS KISLKASKD. They Were Imprisoned In Illinois as Alleged Swindlers. LEWISTOX , 111. , March 21) ) . ( Special Tele gram to TUB BEE.J Judge Orr , holding court hero , "has discharged Clay Simpson and \Villiam Barker , the Council Bluffs lightning led men who have been in jail hero some months in default of paving a $100 line for the alleged swindling of a farmer some weeks ago. Simpson received a letter Irom his wlfo in Council Bluu > stating tnat she and her children were starving , and actinz upon tbe advice of n few lending citizens , tbo sheriff of Fulton county allowed Simpson to go to his family upon his promise to re turn when wanted , Simpson not only re turned the money advanced him by tbo sheriff to make tho. trip , but was promptly on hand at this term of court. Both Barker and Simpson say they are done with tbo lightning rod business. Their lust adv-'tnuro cost them over 51,000. AI/.I/CC.V lty'.lX EAttrilQU.ltCK. Parts of Great Ilrltnln Agltutril Status of tlio Mining Troubles. 'LONDON , March 20. A severe earthquake felt today in Monmoutn occasioned much alarm. Tno shock was so violent that houses rocked sufficiently to throw pictures from the walls. ' The earthquake was also felt at Abercarn , in Wales. Numerous collisions have occurred at several collieries in Durham betwacnmob ] ; of strikers and the pollco. Matters ore now becoming more quiet , however. The action of the authorities dispatching soldiers to the scene of tuo disturbance ) bus rosultoJ In cowing the miners , aiU no further trouble is oxpec'.eJ. _ I'uncnil of Superintendent ( ilvln. DCS MOINKI , la. , March ! 2C. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bisi ; . ] .Tho funeral of John Glvln , late superintendent of the Hock Island for this stito , was held this afternoon nt 3 o'clock from the rurally residence. Dc- spite tbd inclemencies of tbo weather a largo number of friends who had loved Mr. Givln as a citizen , and oflicers and employes who had honored and trusted him In hU ofllcial capacity witnessed the last saa rites. H. F. Koyce , general superintendent ; J , I1' . Phil lips , nsEisiant treasurer ; J , D. Marston , gen eral manager ; U. Gower , acting general freight agent ; S. F. Boyd , acting general passenger and freight DErent : D , Avood , general freight agent , Topeka ; H.V. . Mc- Gulro , general paymaster of the Wisconsin Central ; Mr. Alton , Assistant general mana ger ; George S. WilVpV , superintendent of motive power ; U , L.Munlap , suporlntonJont of lines wast of the AiLsiourt river ; Superin tendent hit. John ami' ' iigouts from nearly every branch ro d In , 'tno country followed the body to tbo gram' ' 'A special car from ICeokuk contained f rW people. luir.i Tcachr , Will Mi'ut. CUIHH Uu'iiu , Jji < , , , , MnrJi as , [ Special Telegram to TUB BBC. I At a mcotlng of the executive committoVj'-'df ' ' the Iowa State Teachers assocluilo i consisting of President liucker of Hampton , J , T. Hlggs of Mt. Pleasant , George J/'MUerof Boone and D , T. Wright of Celar PiUls , It wa ! unani mously ducidcdtn holU'lhu ' next annual meet ing of the us oclutio ; < "hbro Uoconibor " 7-HU , A program for ttio mcu'.tiii ; was outlined und agreed upo.i. Tho''hiain topics will bo "An Hour with the ' "Vibaocrs,1' "In Mint , KenpeotsAro the Schools of Todav an Im provement Upon These of a Generation Ago , " nnd "Tho End of Co-iitnon School Trulning. " Tha names of those who hava been placed on the program will not bu fur nished for publication until after they tmvu signified their acceptnnco. At least 1,0/0 teachers will bo hero to attend tbo usiocia- tion mcetiiiL' . _ _ Crushed In u Coul Mlno DES MOINP.S , la. , March 'JO. [ Spsclal Telegram - gram to THE BKE. ] Kphrulm Foster , an cmplovo of thoGarver Coal company , wes killed this ufternoou at tbo mine northeast , of this city. He was ut work on a slopa and a fall of slate crushed his Ufa cut. Slunx Citj'n I\uw Itullronil. Slot's CITV , K , March 20. [ Special to TUB BEK.I The Sioux City , Chicago & Baltimore has promptly begun operations by putting a corp of surveyors in the Hold. It Is understood that a line will bo run further east than was supposed. ProsldentSlloknoy 6f the Chicago , Bt , Paul & Kansas City sys tem was quietly In the city yosterdsy In conference with prominent local rallruiul men , A line onst from hero to Hampt on , to connect with his system , Is a plauslb lo sug gestion , n.i/.r n7iir.v.i.v I > K.U > . Tito Good ( Imy Port Tnssrs from Out the Shadow Into tlierlmtlnc Light. PmiAnnt.ritiA. Pa. , March 25. Calmly nnd peacefully llito n child aslcop , Walt Whitman passed away this evening. Ho had boon III for some tlmo past , but for some rcaion the knowledge of his condition did not bcomo public. Ho bad a sinking .spoil last night , but rccovoi-cd somewhat. About 1:3 } this afternoon ho b gan to sink. A message was hurriedly sent for his physician , Ir. McAllls tcr , who rushud to the dying man's Ijodsldo a short while afterword. The doctor found the aged poet In n dying condition nnd so In formed these around his bedside. Ho asked the pool if ho suffered , and the whispered answer wa' , "no. " Ton minutes before his death ha said to his attendant , "Mary , lift mo. " They were the last words uttered by Mr. Whitman. His breAth came fainter and fait'tor , and nt exactly 0:13 : p. m. ho pasicd away. At the ttmo of the good man's death bis bcdsldo In the humble cottagu whcro ho passed the last years of his Itfo was sur rounded by n llt'.lo group consisting ol Thomas B. lUrno'of this city , a close friend ; HorucoL. Trauhol , his secretary ; Dr. Mc Allister , nnd lib housekeeper and faithful male attendant. The news of tbo death was cabled to Lord Tennyson nnd other friends In Cnglaml , Dr. Buck of Ontario , bis biographer , nnd friend ? in this country. The sick man took very lltllo nourishment durl.ig the past three davs , an occasional sip of milk ; until ho could swallow no moro. This morning ho declined nourishment , say' Ing to his hosokoopor ; "Leave me nlono , Mary , I cannot oat. " , , Ho had ntlnt'.rvals since his lllnoas. be ginning December 17 , last , which rendered him bedfast , expressed weariness of llfo , and u willingness to die , and it is bcllevod thnt ho thought that death w.ns near uud re joiced accordingly. Work oftlic Kilning MIsHlnirl. Sioux CITV , la. , March 'JO. [ Special to THE BEE. I The Missouri river is ravaging on the Nebraska shore , nnd the largo frame building of the bottling worlts will bo plunged Into the water within n few hours unless it can bo withdrawn. Several ether buildings are ( n danger. The current * has been thrown against the Nebraska sldo by iho extensive government works constructed last year to protect the Sioux City front. Protecting ; Homo Teamster * . Friday night the Central Labor union adopted the following resolutions , which need no explanation : Whereas. There nro nlways u l.irpo number of nonresidents llvlns In tents and pitying no renter taxes In city dolnr work with tliolr teams that bhnuld be done hv the pcoplo who ma1 < o thisflty their homo nnd many who on n their little homes and soniu wno have to pay lilsh rents nnd who have to buy their ncrcssarlcs of itfo hero ntrl Wlinreiis. Wo lollovo It xvotild ho forthobest Interest of the city that lesldents of Omnhu should ha\o ihopief rcnee of work wlileh Is ( lone bore , and further , wo bellmo that by so rtoltij ? it would bo of Interest to these who have property to lent sis well us the teamsters of this eltv , as the money thnt would be palil out would still re in n in In our eltv Instead of polns to a foreign ttatoashusceeiulono In the past. Thcreforo bo It IE i.solved. That no the Central Labor union of Oinnha. and vicinity do petition the Oniahn city couneil to pass nn ordinance to license nonresident teumstcrs so high Hint tno resi dent ton lusters eiin cet thii work of the eltv to do , a mi further resolved that these icsolutlons ko published In the dully uimers , and we re quest all persons who nro In favor of the above will plciise hcnd their names Into thu secretary's box , No. 57i > , for presentation to the council. IS CAUSED BY A COLD which scttlei In anil Inllmim t'jo air tuboj leading o thu liinjjs. It la tli3 bculnnlnj of Bronchial Consumption And If neglected loidi to that dlseasa very speedily. A i-lmrp , mctolllc cough iiccompanloi It Tilko It In time and > ou certainly euro It nlth SCHENCKS PULMOMiC SYilU ? . Which Is Without an Equal for BRONCHITIS and far all diseases loidlnz up to and Including Consumption , Dr , Sj'j cnck's NeivU > a ! { oa Dhoasa ; o Iho LtuiKS Liver nn i Slonuieh , siioiihl bo In CH-rv hainc. Sent free. Dr. J.I I. S.iloic'i & Sji.Pillililp . hla , CUBES BOUGH CURE IS A One Minute Remedy Tor all affections of the Tliroat , Lungs ani Broac-iiil Ta'j ) ] EXCEPT CONSUMl'TION QB AND BO GENTS. For fc'alo by DrussUU. AN OLD VETERAN. H. llerlseehter , f-tevciis' 1'olnt , \Vls. , euftcrcil for 25 yenis of Ncr. yens Proatrntlon , Jmoro than tonKi'Q ' can tell. Phyulcl. ana availed noth ing , ono bottle of DR. MILES' nCSTOKATIVC HERVINE , Tenn. , Buffered from periodical Imt lotmrt effect alter using ono lioltlo of Hcrvlne , Trial Loltlo and elegant hook VttKK Bt drugclslB. DK. MILES MEDICAL Oo.ElUUoi't , Ind. For salu by Kulm& Co. . Rouslivs iindlHhfit Ilnblt I'oullltrly C'UI-CU Or tlio l > lquor by adailiiUtt-rinir l > r. liulucn' Uoldcu huvetlle. It csn be Blven In a cup of coflee or ley. or In food , without tbe knowledire of I be patient. li U abiol ulely tar micas , and will eltect a permanent > nd ipccdy cure , whether the patient U a moderate drinker or an aloohalto wreck. It hao been clven tu tbouiandi ol c aeo , and In every Initance a perfect ourabasfol. lowed , itnrrer Full" . Tic yileinoncielmprfgn led with tup beoom an utter Impoiilblllty for the liquor appetite lo eilit. . . _ UOI.IIKN hl'KClFlU CO. . Prop'M , ClMlniifiU. O , AB-pace book of uortlouUru nee. To t bad cf 1C nil n & Co. . 1Mb nnd Dougbib Sib . and 18th & t.'nmln-'Bis. WliolcHiv ! ) ! , HIiiUc. llruco & Co. and Hleh irdsou Drug Co. . Oin ma. isob. GONORRHEA , OlEET AND LUCOERRHEA CURED ittSdajsbytho Kreaah Uemedy , entitled. The Klnu. it illsaulvei ngivlnst an I H absorbed lute the Inlliitned furl * . Will rufunl monoIf It docs notcur . or cauaos btrlcture. Oontlemea hero Is u rellftulu article , i-l juckaie or 3 for li by mall j repaid , f tow. Lucn ft ; Co. Uniuliii. Chas. Lunkley , I'uiicnil JUn-ctar mil Uiitlortn'ii'r. 811 Broadway , Council Blull * TjluaJll JIL TWIN CITY STEA.M DYE WORKS , G. A. S3ho3.laok , P.-opristD. , OTisas O21 Qroi'lw.\y , ODviisl Bluffs and 13 21 F\rnamSt. , O.vinlia. Dya , clean nnd rvsCinlah good * of ovorydaaorlptlon. Packngas raoatvorl nt olthor offiaa OP at tli > Works , Cor. A. vs. A and 23tU St. Council Bluffs. Send for prlca IUt. Merchants who hav& shopworn or soiled fabrics of any character can Iwva- them redyoi and llntshoJ equal to new. BED FEATHERS RENOVATED AND GLEANED BY STEAM , with tha nd most approvo.l machinery , litest at lojj cojt than yo.t ovo. p vl I l > jf ) > Street Omaha Neb. 1316 Douglas , , . Th eminent upodnllit In nervous , rlironlc , rrlvnte. Moot , rkln unit unimry ! | * > MCS. A rojiilar nn < registered crndtiMo In miniclno. ns dlplomn * nnd cvritncntcs * h w. la ( till trcnllnir null tun grtntcit micros * . catarrh , iporninturrhoca , lout innnhoo.l , aomlnal Woiikmm. nltht loiscs , Impntoncjr , ri > MH . Mrleluro , mm * orrlnjen.Klcct.Tiirlonrelc.ctc. Nomcriurel. . New treatment rur.KwotHal puw r , 1'nrlle * until ) o to. vlilt raemn ; holrootul at lioma lijr corro'poiulcncp. Mcilltlae or liutrumcnn ont l > / mull nroiprun > eureljnafkod , no riotVs lo Indl-nto conlunls or lender. Ono pcrionnl Interview protorrad. Comulutloih froa. Vorrc'pom'uhfo itilctlr privnto. lion * ( Mjnierloi of Llle ) lent froo. OOlou hours'J . tu. lul ) p. to. Bunanjn U ) a. It ui. Send flamy ( or reply. DOCTOR will stop a Cough in ono night , check a Cold in a day. and CUBE ; Consumption if taken in time. ! IF THE LITTLE ONES HAVE ; WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP : Promptly , ; A 85 cent ; bottle may save their ; - lives. Ask ; rsi-a- . Dr. Acker's English Pills [ CURE CONSTIPATION. : Small , plruinnt , r orlto with Ilia ladle * ; W. H , HOOKEll * CO , it Wort Kroadway. N. Y. For sale by Kuhn &Co. , andShcrman &McConnoll , Omaha , For Inventions rUOCUHSD BY THIS Bee Burenu of Claims OMAHA , NEB. Equal with the Intcron of tlioio liivlnT Rltt n OKnlnJt thoROTOrnniont li tint ot IN VICNTOU S. whj often loio the banellt of valuable Invoiul < ni l > 33 mia of Ilia Incompotoncr or Inattention of tu : n'.t'iriu/i employed to obtnln their patontt. Too muoli oirj cannot bo cxorclseJ In om > luylii ( ca-npt3it ail reliable folio ton to procure patonli , for t'n Tali ) of apitantrtp3nd < Krottlr , If notontlralf , upai t'.i ) caronnil skill of tlio ittornar. Wlththa vlow of p-otoitln ; Inrenton frj n wort'i les > orciroluintturnf > 7 < , an4 of > ojln ( fiitn/Ji. tloni nro wall protoctel by v.illJ pitanti. T < ItC il.J J HUIIKAU Ini rotilnjj couniol crpjft la piUl ! practice ; and li therefore propurjJ u < lbt < llll jlltidlil , Cotulitct mteclnl ntc rejcctctl citm-u , ltd/Into- coj > yi'/77 t Itcndai'ojtlntyni ftstoacyjtz anil vail I- itu ofittitails. I rosftintK anil ilsfenl HiiltH , eta , etc. If you havonn Invention on ImnJ n llUitIAU fkolcli or photosnph ttieraof , tozotlj.- with a brief doicrlptlon of llio Important f nar , you will bo onoj mlrlao-1 , u to tin bait cj puriuo. Moduli are not nocomry unlju tlo lion In of n compllcntail nitura. If others ra 1 1. frliiKlnton your rlnliti , or If you nn cnir 3lwlfi InfrlnKQniunt by onion , mibTilt tti3 mittor to r.l.S liUlUOAUtor a icIUblo Ol'IMON before acting oa IIio mutter. THE BEE BUREAU OF CLAIMS 220 BDO Uiill-llu ? , Om.V.u , Xob. { STTh'B lliircau U puir.mtca.l by tlm Omulia liuo. tlm 1'lonoor 1'rosj nnJ tlio I'ranclsco Kxumlnvri- Cui this out and send it with you. ' 1 1 qury. ! _ THE GRAND HOTEL , Council Bluffj , Iowa. Now , modern , woll-uppolntod , thor- otijfhly woll-kopt n day. E , F. CLARK , Prop. for DUtrlc-t ( Smiling ItiiiulM. Bo.Vcd bids marked "I'ropoajU for district Uruilln , ' bund b" will Ini rocelvirl uttlio olllco of the olty trenHiirur , Oinahu , Noli. , up to U o'clock noon of the -'ith day of April. iHr. , for thu mtrahuboof Jll.'iJJ.MUIstrlctKr.idliiL' bonds nf tlio city of Ouuiha , Nub. Ha.d bomlB nro d.UcM May Ibt , IH'J. ' , nud uru puyublo fiom one to n I mi years utter dull ) thereof , in deiioiulnii- tlonaof ITO.Wuiid.waua ( I'aeh , with Inteicst nt thu ruin of 5 nt > r vent pur utinuin , puyublo hcml-niiiiually , I'-lncJiial and Interest jny. ublo ut Kountio Ilros . Nu\r Viirk , j.o.uo'i.oo of ( JrstiitiK District No. : n. 1,5 00) of UrudlnK District No. M. Tiw.OJof Or.idlnu District No.w. : 2(1,03 ( i.ou of ( UuiiliiK DUtrlet No. W. l.acli bid iniibt tMu price nnd amount hought for and InoluUo ucorncd Intercbt to date nf delivery ut Oimilm , Nub , 'I lie rl lit. Is reserved to i eject any und ull bids. Issued under clinrler power of cltloinf the metropolltuu CUBB unil Ordlnuncu No. ilfTb , improved Mulch Uth , Ib'Ji. Ib'Ji.HENRY IIOJ.I.N. MchMJ3Itni. City Tieubuier. INSTITUTE. Eye & Ear INFIRMARY FOli. TME1 TREATMENT -OP ALL Dost facilities , uppnr.ittii mul HoinoJIoj for sncci'safill treatment of every form of illseiiso remiirlii : mudloul or sur-Iuul troitmunt. : 50 buds for patients , lie ml mil utteiulnncoi. licst uocoinucliitlons In the west. Wrltu for circulars un Uofornilfos null braces trusses , club feet , ourviiturosof Hlilnu , plies , tumors , c incur , cutiirrh , bronohlfH , In- linlnilon.o'cctr'clty , paralysis , oollcnsy , kid ney , b niitlor. oyo. oar , skill anl blooj nnJ all Eurulcul npcr.itinni. DISEASES OF WOMEN i ! . . Konkon Diseases of Women I'llEE. Wo jl.itoly adJed.i lyliiK- In department fur women ilurini conllncmcnU Mrlctly UP vnto. ) Only Ho.lntile Medlcul In Btituto making a Spool ilty ot 1J1U VATIC LHSKASKS AH Il'ood Diseases successfully troatol. Syphilitic 1'olson removed from tno BVstciiu without miircury. Now itestoratlva Treat ment for Loss of VITA I * I'OWKK. I'ononsiiit- able to vis.t us may bo t routed at homo by- rnrrcsuoii cncc. All commiinleatlons coull- dcntlal. Medicines or Instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no murUs to- Indicate contents or sender. Ono personal In- pruferru I. Call and consult us or semi history of your ease , aim we will send In plain , wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN YRK-\ \ Un.n i' * ' * - . . uu < Jiiv iriL.ii , tp00U | | or Nervous Dis eases. Impotcney. Scphllls , Gleet un I Vai-lco- oo'.c , with qnostioii list. liraees. Appliances for Deformities & Trusoi Only manufactory in the Wustof iirit'tit.u J'l 1 At-1'i.l m H. * , fitUa.- , * . * , KLKCl'lllV JIAITKKIKH A. % I ) Jt < l < 1 . Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , , 26th and Broadway , Oonoil BluffA Ten minutes' ildo from center of. Cmaha on * . Omaha and Council Lluffs ! oloctrlo motor Hue. DR. J. E. McGrRUW , THE SPECIALIST , PRIVATE DISEASES AND ALL. DISORDERS AND DEBILITIES OF YOUTH AND MANHOOD , 17 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. 14TH & FARNAM STS. . OMAHA NEB , CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council IIIU3J. Oiipltil fitcc't . flt.fOOfH > HurpluH aiU 1'roflts . HHOOI > Net Capital mil Burpliu . t > VllOOOt > rircctorn- I ) , UiliiinJicn , K. r. Hlmiirt , KO , Cilonaon , II. K , Hurt , I. \ , Mllljr , J. V. lllna'i nn line Clmrlcj U. llrxnnan Tninsiet Kener. li linl ) > - IIIK business. Largest unpltiil and surplus of any liiinlc In t'outliwobtcrn Iowa. ON TIME DEPOSITS SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. " 1/um SAMC-IO acres of line I nd , tmltallo -L for K'lr.len ' and fruit ; price , JiM per aeio ; two mlloH from eltv ; will t.ikupart puymi'iic in city property. App y to Leonard Kvorutt , Uouiivlf II In It's. TilOH SAIK-At a b.ireuln , ! 2-acre fruit anil - * - ' curdeu farm adjoinliu city llmlla ; good diTolllng. K. II. Hliuufu. FARMS , gtrlen Inuli , hotuai , lot * and business blok for a llo or rent Day i Hess. U ) i'ourl gtroot , Ojuiull UluT ( . IjlOKHENT Over ,0 ; dwulllius of ovcry de- * Bcrlptlon at prices v.iryliu from 81 to tie ) per month , loeatuil In alt pans of thu ulty , U ll.Hlio.tre. MJ llroidwuy , $2. " > periicro for coed farms In Iowa. Kino , smooth corn land. Tor particulars call oit or address Johnston & Van Patten , Council lllulfn. FUKNIBIIKI ) KOOMB I'OR UKNT Mroly furnUhed rooms for Kui'tlemcn. iUOOau- luml a\eiiuo. /"lOCIIltAN addition llal for rent , sovcn V-Aooma ouch ; uath ; hot and culd water , Pay & Ileus , uzcnts. Ij'OK HAI.ETlio Blulllir : ri'slJenoo on 8tli -L' Htrcct , half 11 block north of Mb avcuuu motor llnu. Apply to 1'irpt bunk , Omulia , or N , I' , llodce & Co. , Council Illnlla. .