16 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MARCH 27 , 1892-SIXTEEX PAGES. PAGES.MAD HOM RMS MAD The Original , the Largest and the Cheapest Credit House in the World. Sends greeting to every man , woman and child throughout the great city of Omaha and vicinity. The twenty-six different departments in our mammoth establishment are brimful of everything necessary RE-ORGANIZED for housekeeping. Our Easy System of Credit , coupled with our Great Display in every department , en ables one to furnish their home complete. Polite and attentive salespeople will assist you in your se lections. We buy largely and direct from first hands , thus giving our patrons the benefit of the lowest prices , and on easy weekly or monthly paymenls. You are invited to walk through our stores and inspect - - spect our goods and prices. It is a pleasure for us to show you our goods. We sell on easy payments and deliver free of charge daily to Council Bluffs , South Omaha , etc. AND CREDIT SYST The People's Mammoth Installment IIouso takes pleasure in announcing Hint they huvo icorgiini/.cd their Mini Order Department mid extended tholr credit system , whereby.those residing lit a distance , in country or town , can now ' purchase of them on ousy wivmonts. just the same as residents or Oinnhti. Tholr . " -rr--- : ' A. 2 1 160-page illustrated catalogue will lc : ready for distribution about April fith. It is the llncst eutaloguo of House Furnlshlnij Roods over issued in the United Slates nnd contains lllusti-ationsof Furnlturo , Garnets. Stoves , Draperies , Clocks , Silver ware , &c. DO YOU llvo nt n rilsinurc ? Boiul : i two-rent ittntnp' nnil you will ron-lro br return mnll tlio lnruo t otitnliuuo nf llou-n 1 urnlehlnit ( iuuiM In tliu Hulled Stnic.i. Wu ' ( my irclKhl IW ) miles. Snmplcs of DOLLAR Awaits you at tliu. People's Mammoth Cnrpats , . , OmTo lnsitlo tlio niJMKMBKR , Wo pay freight 100 mile ? . ' ontrinic'o' buvor visitor KKMHMBEK , Wo have but p'ritnd , wlicthcr or one price ppensanaccount with ua and buys $10 _ _ for all. YOU CAN onlur br mill nnil boin tor , yor are ni'iilo tlii'lco welcome. The wi-ll hcrvoil in tluiiiiili you vH- worth of furiiltuio , , stoves , carpets RUM UMBER , Wo send special catalogues licit n'.tr store. Good * nro i owe I tip purchasing uqwor of .your dollar w 1 11 do In liurln | " < etuftmt Midi KxpeMor. chnmborsuijsrangcs , rockers , sidc- logues of most every class of joods. ; nnil leucli you In iiprfi'ctromllUi n , boards , ccti tor tables , wardrobes , more fur you at our Htoro than at any REMEMBER , Wo do n larger business liuncvor Brunt tliodistinct * . other credit house in the world. Como than any other several cstabltsh- monts In the west. REMEMBER , Wo soil for cash , one- riMlK I'coplo'n Mnmmotli Inrtnll- 1 mcnt llouno Is ono of tlio Inra- third , or one-fourth down , balance ; oft AIM ! inoi > t rollnblo oitaMHIi- in easy monthly payments. nitinl ! ! In the (7. H. tiiul o'lr roiulors . . , tliclr limy rely on tliolr koo.l. REMEMBER , That you can order by price's and tliclr Korvlco. mail and bo as well served as though you visited our store. v , REMEMBER , Goods can bo sent 1,000 miles and 10 miles. A.MAN 8A II ) : "Xolmiiso In theno as safely easily ns tlnltiM Htntoi cnrrlos nt nil REMEMBER , Wo bow up all goods in time * for tmincdlnto ilulliury . Ktieli a Kroit n * > < ortmcnt of Cnrpot 1 In burlaps , so that they are absolutely terim nn1 KURJ ni do * * tlio ulito- , ' nvrnko roialvo ' Mom pro I'ooplo'i sure to arrive at their destination in moth Initnlluicnt llmno. nnil nt prime condition. popuhr prices , not only Just nun. but always.1' REMEMBER , Well , tcmombcr not to forget all of the above facts. dining tables , allvorwcar. clocks , cutlery SEND la'and rest awhile. Porhapa will GOODS SOLD on our pnrtlal pay : lery , lamps , bedding , matting , baby you ment plan ntiywluro tills rlitu . of lliu I'lteltlu Ocean. Ono-thlrtl , carriages , gasoline stoves , book cases , bee soTiicthing you need. You needn't one-fourth , or one-llttliiloivn. bal niico monthly. Ono price to nil. secretaries , pictures , art squares , and worry about ready cash , aq wo will give Or come to us and got what you want. everything essential for your home. you ample time on partof-your purchase We Irivo everything for the home , the necessities , the comforts , the luxu ries. "O person * orilcrlnK by ruall cvrr i ' puM more for nil article tlrin l < If you wish to pay all cash , good. ch-used customers wlio \ Ult our Mnrj. If you wish to pay but a small amount I down , and the balance monthly , good Just Claims Allowed - " . again. Our prices are the same to all , whether "II KMKMU1CU. we keep evcrrltilnff PRICES -TMis WEEK IV imod In tlio home , from the up * the purchase is largo or small , the customer per norlliaast corner of ttcnttlc to " llm lower soullincst corner of the tomer rich or poor , mighty in the community Complaints Heeded" : . ; cell.ir. . , . . munity , or humblest of the humble. If you live in Nebraska , Iowa , North Corteous Treatment Chamber Suits , Brussels ) Carpet , or South Dakota , wo will just as willing $9.50 , $14.50 , $10.50 , $2o.00and upward. 59c. 75c , OOc , $1.10 and upwards ly sell you on our partial payment plan Bedsteads. 01) ) It Mnll Order nopirtmcnt lina as if you lived in Omaha. . Ingrain Carpets , thruo HtcnoKrniiur | ! nnil type No Misrepresentation 81.75 , $2.50 , $3.75 , $4.60 and upward. ,24c , 35c , 47c , 58c and upwards writers { muttering for explicitly tin ! solo nil mirporto cuimtiinit of * Write u.i for further information. All " cnllons from our out-or-toun cu - correspondence answered same day as Wardrobes . , Mattings , toiuora. received. $7.50 , 810.50 , $17.50 , $19.00 and upwards. 24c , 35e , 42c , 48c and upwards Bed Rock Prices Bureaus , Stair Carpets , Write for our Special Baby . Carriage $0.25 , $3.00 , $10.7o , $12.50 and upwards. 18c , 30c , 35c , 45c and upwards and Refrigerator Catalogues. Easy Payments Springs , Window Shades , $1.25 , $2.00 , $2.50 , $3.50 and upwards 38c , 60c , 75c , $1 and upwards Mattresses Lace Curtains , Enormous Business $1.75 , $2.75 , S1.50 , SO.OO and upwards. OOc , $1.60 , $2.25 , $3.50 and upwards Parlor Suites Comforts , Small Profits $24.50 , $32.50 , $39.00 , 815.00 and upwards 83c , 81.25 , 51.50 , $2.2 > and upwards Lounges , Pillows , $4.75 , $7.50 , $11.00$14.25 and upwards 60c , 7oc. $1.23 , $1.50 and upwards. Satisfaction Guaranteed Rockers , Center Tables , $1.50 , S1.90 , $2.50 , 84.0D and upwards 81.40 , $2.50 , $3.501.75 and upwards. No Trouble to Show Goods Baby Carriages $3.50. , $5.00 , $7.50 , $9.75ana , upwards. Sideboards $10.50 , , $13.50 , $17.50 , $19.50 ana upwards. Refrigerators Extension Tables , Lighted by Eleclrlcity $9.50 , $11.50 , $13.75 , $15.00 anti upwards $3.90 , $4.75 , $0.60 , $7.50 and upwards. Ice Boxes , Bookcases , $4.75 , $7.60 , $9.00 , $11.25 and upwards. $4.75 , $7.50 , $8.50 , $9 75 and upwards. No Interest Charged Gasoline Stoves Portieres , $3.50 , $5.60 , $7.00 , 810.60 and upward. - $3.50 , 34.75 , 50.00 , 7.50 anU upwards. Cash or Credit Hanging Lamps $2.00 , , $3.60 , $5.00 , $8.50and upwards Pictures , 75c , 81.26 , $1.75 " " , $3.00 and upwards. $10 $ worth of goods $1 $ aweet or $4 $ a month. Dinner Sets , Easels , $5.50 , $7.50 , $9.50 , $10.75and upwards 75c , 81.25 , 81.00 , $2.05 and upwards. SOLE A.GENTS Tea Sets , Clocks , $25 worth of goods $ l.S9a week or $6 amonth. . $3.60 , $4.50 , $0.60 , $7.50 and upwards 90c , 81.50 , $2.21 , $4(50 nnd upwards. Chairs Medicine Chests , , FOR. : 35c , 50c , 753 , 93c and upwards $1.75 , 82.50 , $3.0) , $1.50 and upwards. oilet Sets , Hall Racks , - $50 $ worth of goods $2 $ a week or $8 $ a month. Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves $1.7o , $2,50 , $3,70,85.00 and upwards $7,60 , $8.75 , $10.50 , $15.00 and upwards. Chiffoniers , Plush Rockers Glacier Refrigerators Office Desks $7.75 , , $9.00 , $11.50 , $14.50 and upwards Plush Chairs $2.75 , , , $3.50 , $1.60 , $7.00 and upwards. $75 $ worth of goods $2.50 $ a week or $10 $ amonth. $1,75 , 37.50 , $9.50 , $1.5.00 and upwards OOc , $1.50 , $2.75 , 84.60 and upwards. Featherstone Baby Carriages Mirrors , Cook Stoves , $100 $ worth of goods $3 $ a week or $12 $ amonth. 60e , $1.00 , $2.00,83.50 and upwards 89.50 , $12.50 , $15.00 , $18.50 and upwards. Mantle Folding Beds , Ranges , Peninsular Stoves and Ranges $8.60 , $12.60 , $20.00 , Wo.OO and upwards $19.60 , $21.00 , $28.50 , 833.00 and upwards. month. Upright Folding- Beds , Ladfes" Desks , $200 $ worth of goods $5 $ a week or $20 $ a . Palace Combination Folding Beds $17.50 , $30.00 , $37.60 , $42 50 and upwards. $0.60 , $7.75 , $10.00 , 812.60 and upwards. Wash Boilers , . Kitchen Safes , ' ' OOc , $1.40 , $1.75 , $2.60 and upwards $3.60 , $5.00 , $0.50 , $7.50 and upwards. $300worthofgoods$7.50aweekor$30amonth. $ $ $ Gendron'sBambooBabyCar'ages Piano Lamps , Silver Plated Castors , . $7.50 , $9.75 , 812.50 , $15.00 and upwards. $2.75 , $3.50 , $ o.CO , 80.60 and upwards. Matuska Mantel Folding Bed Special Inducements to Young Folks Just Starting Housekeeping. IT'S A BIG PLACE , THAT PEOPLE'S MAMMOTH INSTALLMENT HOUSE. THEY TBEAT TOU WELL THEBE AMD GIVE YOU TONS OF SATISFACTION. " ( A scrap of conversation overheard on the cars. ) Our Motto IB Peooe's ' i nsta We Olose Every evening at 6:3O. : If the goods we sell Monday and Saturday you do not prove satis evenings excepted. All factory come to uswe Popular and Reliable Papent Outfitters other furniture houses will allow all reasonable in the city , by agree able claims. ment , do likewise. 1313 & 131Y Farnam Street