THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , MARCH 27 , 1802-SIXTEEN" PAGES. 8PEGIRL NOTICES. . . KOH T1IK81 ? COLUMNfl ADVKHTIBF.MK.NT8 12W : ) p. ro. for Iho "cnlng od until B. 80 p.m. for the morning or Sunday tdl- All odvcttlfcmenls In thcue columns li traiti a line flrn InMrllon. and 10 cent * n line thoreaftpr. or fipcr line prr month No advortucmonl taken for ICM Hun U cents for the first Insertion. Terms , rath In advance. Count nbont ( even words to Ilio line. Initials , flume * . ymholf. etc. . each count as a word. Allndvcitlfempntnmiiftrnn consecutively. AdvcrllfpTMiy requeuing n nnmbcred CHOCK , can liavp the letters nddtPfpod lo n numbered letter In i , rare of TIIK Ilri : . An wer so addretscd will bo I j delivered on presentation of thecheck. . SITUATIONS WANTED. IIATrs-lfcnllno flmltlmo and lOe ft line there- i nftcr. No advertisement taken for let * than 250. AspoakMlermnnand French , would chaperon n party of ten In n three months' trip to Kttrnpo. ror particularsnddrotsllffl Florida Avc. , Washington I ) . O. Itofcrenccsnitchnngoil. " " ' * A GOOD KNGINKlIll WOULD I.1KB POSITION J\on Mntlonnry engine ; Ilntclnis 'ofcrenees Ad- * drcM'rn , IIPP. MUM 31 -FUHNITUHK FINlHHKtl WANTS POSITION ) A to take charge of tlnlshlng room. Address T 28. llco. Mire | " " A-WANTKI ) BTKADV SITUATION OF ANY /V kind of work , offloo work preferred , npference furnished. Addrc's T31 lleo. m2i * - . : AND FIH8T- elans rlty references desires position ns sales man , shipping clerk or general olllcc assistant. Ad > drssFM. lice. M1TJJ 2i * ' -WANTKD , 10 l.KAHN IIAHIIKH THADK OF llr t clnsi lintbcr ! can furnish chair. Address box270 , Corlcy.ln. Ml 18 28 * - stenographer with three years ox A-MALK , nnd references , wants position. Ad dress Ti > 9 , lice. Ml 48 28 * - : MAN OF IXJNHKXPKHIP.NCB on the road desires to engage with n good man ufacturing house. Heforcnccs from former em ployers. Address T 40. llco. 1. . 27 * WANTED-MALE HELP. HATKS | f > nn * line tlrst tlmo nnd lOc n line thero- nftcr. No advertisement taken for less than 2oc. TJ-WANTKD. 8ALKSMKNON SALA1IY OH COM- J 'mission to hnmllo HIP new patent elicmlenl Ink rasing pencil. 'Iho greatest felling novelty ever produced ; orates Ink thoroughly In two tocnndi ; no abrasion of paper ; 200 lo RO per cent prolttj ono nrcnt'iirnles amounted lo ll0 , In six dny * , nnothor | 32ln twolioiim. Wo nnnt ono general agent In rnch stain nnd territory. For terms nnd lull pnr- tloulnrn nddrcss Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co , l.nUo e , WIs.-X30. _ j > _ TJ-BALKSMKN. PAYS WULU 401 I1KIC 1IMG. -25 H. U. LAIIOHKHS WANTKI ) KVKUY WKKK B Wyoming on the ! l. A , M. II. H. . free trans portation from Omnhn. Call at COU S. 10th street. 4 ( > onlO * niTYCANVABBKHS , 8ALAHY PAID WKKKLY. B Singer aewlng tuachlno olllce , 151(1 ( UouglnsMroet. Mlbrnll TJ-AOKNT8 WANTKI ) . KXCKLS1OH POHTHAIT -l > Co. , Ware block. 77uil8 * -WANTKD.KXPKIIT IIOXHIPBAWYKH ! NONK other need apply. Knst Omnhn Hex Factory , Kant Omnhn. TE4 -WANTKD , 2 GOOD COAT MAKKHS. 5 ! Aron , Crete , Neb. MU12 27 * -WANTKD , 2JGOOD HAHNKS8 MAKKHS FOH wholesale manufacturlnR. Address t < t. Paul Harness company , Bt. Paul , Minn. M'JIl 23 * -WANTKD , PAHTNKH , LADY OH 0KNT , mutit have from three to llvo hundred dollars cash ; also two talented amateurs ( gents ) tenor and baritone voices , must read music. Correspond , Dtrlctly confidential. Hnro chance. Addrons U. U Jlaltland , Fremont , Nob. M1I34 2S * T-WANTKI ) , 2 HOYS 10 TO 13 YKAHS. OMAHA JJnox Factory , Uast Urn aim. 1C5 1WANTii ) . TWO PKHfeONS HKCK1VK IN- -iJetructloilK , keep bookH for new store ; J. 11. Smith , iU5 New York I.lfo building. J1033 28 * B-WANTKI ) , WITH A PACKING 1IOUSK AT South Omahn , olHeo boy who has hnd pjiperl- rnco with copying prei * , HllnK.olc. ; good prospects for advancement to bright boy ; htato where ln t employed. Address T 2U. Hoc. MOJ3 27 * IJ-WANTKD , HAHNISS MAKKHS KKKP AWAY JJfrom Peorla. III. Btrlko there. MMU 31 * T-WANTED , PANTS MAKKK. FHANK 11AK- JjrcttACo. MWI 27 R-BALKSMKN WANTKD TO SltLf. OUIl GOODS J'by namplo to the wholCBalo and retail trade. Liberal salary nnd expenses pnld. Permanent po sition. Money advanced for wages , advertising , etc. For full particulars nnd reforcnco address Centennial Mfg. Co. , Chicago , 111. Mttjl 27 * -WANTKD , 8ALKSMAN TO SKLL LINK OF gloves and mittens , 400 styles , on commission , exclusive or as sldo line , nt once ; prices nt the bottom tom ; regular terms. Address C. , L. & 8. , 220 Slud- Ison Btrcel , Chicago. 105 27 * -AUKLIAHLK HOOT AND BHOK SALKBMAN for Ncbrnskn , who Is now traveling In Hint ter ritory In boots nnd shoes ; would prcfcrmnn who can speak German. Addrcsi Immediately , Drown- Ucsnoycrs Bhoo Co. , Bt. Louis. 1U1 27 -WK OFFKH AGKNTS I1IG MONKY IN MX- cluslvo territory. Our now patent safes sell at eight In city or country. Now agents llrst In Held actually getting rich. Ono agent In ono dnv cleared (8(1. ( Bo can you. Catalogue free , Alpine Sato Co. , IHi.l-371 , Clark street. Cincinnati , O. 122 27 * n-SALKSMKN TO BULL 11Y BAMPLK OUIl JJmonoy order system to retail merchants ; (300 per month In It for llvo salesmen ; experience not necessary. Address Merchants Money Order Co. , Cincinnati , O. 12727 * -WANTKD , GOOD 8AJ..KSMKN ON TIIK HOAD JJto sell advcrtlnlng cards , fans , calendars , on commission direct from nmiuifncturern. You cnn inako.tSO.00 per week. Address Advertising ( Spe cialty Co. , Buffnlo , N. Y. ' IK ) 27' -WANT ! ! ! ) , AN ACT1VK AGKNT IN KAUII county of Nebraska to sell the Klcctroslno Ink crntilng pencil ; needed by everybody who uses pen nnd Ink : handsome profits ; stump for terms to ngcnta or : u cts. for enmplo pencil , N. 1'odrca , Act ing Gen'l Agt. , 217 S. 2ttli ) nvo. , Omaha , Neb. 18 27 * K-WANTKI ) , AGKNTS TO INTHODUCI ! TUB bent selling houoehold article on the market ; big commlsslona. M. H.Tyler & Co.Muncle , Ind. Iu8i7 * B-SAI.K8MKN KVKHYWHKHK , FOH OUIl superior w lilto enameled loiters and door plates ; samples absolutely free ; scud utaujp. llellcfon- { InlnoMOfCo. , Clnclunntl. ll'J27 * TJ-WANTKD. THAVKL1NG SALK8MAN ; CAN JJinake fM ) per week ; trndo specialties. Tabor. 17'J Monroe St. , Chicago. 11137 * -TWOCOATMAKKHB WANTKD. 1'AHK PAID. JJN. Bclbcrg , Wymore , Nob. MI1523 > -SUCCKS8FUL HUILDING AND LOAN INsurance - suranco and other canvinters of responsibility can secure liberal contract * nnd territory by ad- drceslng National Homestead Co. , New York. B-WANTKD. OKNKHALAGKNTH. BALAHYOIl commlHidon , to handle now novelty ; sells al tight. r.0.00 per month to right man ; samples We. Unity Uoorchcck Co , , Unity building , Chicago. 121127 * -WANTKI ) . DHUO CLKIIK. MU.HT 8PKAK GKU- maiinnd bo registered In Nebraska ; llrtt class wage * to a flint -class man. Apply at once to Illake , llruco A Co. , Oinalin. Mlllb * -WANTKD-LA1IOHKU8 ACCUSTOMKI ) TO steam shovel work. Templcton & Morrow. Iron Dank building , M14528 * B-UHUG CLKHICU WANTKD , ONK 1IKGI8- tcrod , ono not ; single. Drug Kxchange , Pnxlon block , Omaha. -TWO KAPKlllKNCKD CITV BAI.K8MKN IN tliollno of wboleialu uroccrloi , nundrlci , ox- trntlnnnilnilcesMltli good reference * glrcn. Ad- drcB Ta7 , Uce , _ MIM28 * 1J-HAI.KSMKN WANTKI ) , GOOD WAfK8 ! , 409 JJlloe liulldliitf , JII&HSO' _ _ -WANTKI ) , CAIIllIAaU AND WAOON WOOD worker. A BIIOI ! man only. Vor nll-nround work. Addrem J. W. Miicr , llealrlce , Neb. IS1 27 11'1IAVKI.IN ( > HA1.KSMAN ON HlT.CIAI/riKS JJfor dry Koodn , grocery anil Kfiicrnl Bloren ; bhi pay to gooa man. Alllion , in Monroe it. , Clilcnco. li'J 21 _ -AUK YOU A ( iOOD AKNT ! ? YOU AUK liickr , Write for lerms to The Odorlon CookIng - Ing Wara Conipany , Dcnrer , Colo. , ( ur Uio beit , Jaiten-nclllng lioumiliold urtlclu ever old. Kxclui lTa territory. M183 1 -WANTKI ) , GOOD BTKADVHOVTO DO JANI. work. 41V Bouth SUIli. t MICO ) WANTED..gEMAI.E HELP. ) l ATEH-lSo a llneBr.t Hum nail lOo a line there atter. No ailvettlmment latoa lor Ion than Sio inWANTKI ) . A ooi ) ( iiitn vou OHNKIIAI. V/bouto work ; Uernian preferred' Inquire tni Boago. OU _ p-WANTKD. ( Illlli FOH UUNKltAh 110UIJK. V Hork. Mr * . G , W. I.ooiun , 10K So , UUtb iivoiiuu. iina /T-COJll'KTKNT UIIIL KOU UKNKllAfi 1IOUHU- V HOtk. 100U Slicrmnn nyi'iiuo. yu _ -WANTKI ) , A VOUNU OIUL TO ASblST IN taklug care of clilldrcn. un bt. Marr'i orcniio. MUM C -WANTKI ) , KXI-KKIBNCUU U1NDCUV U1UI.S. Ilec * rrlnllng Co , Uli riWANTKIUOOO HKCO.NL ) U1HU 1914 I.O- Wcuit ilreeU M1XJI. -Jllll. KOU OKNKIIAL IIOUSKWOIUC. MILS , D. U. 1'nul , ar Uurt t. 1)78 ) JK WANTED , omr FOU UKNKIIAL nousu- ; teed waxei. Caliai7 | Callforula it. 101 C-WANTKD , W ) UlltLH FOll KNUAOUMUNT OF 'Blnbail-nt lloyd'iNow theater. Call at itaiio ( Dlranco at noon Hunday. March 7. C -WANTED. COMI'KTKNT DllKHdXIAKKHS aud appreutlcoi. lloom Ml Ilrown block , ICih ind llougfci trcuti. lii-27' C-LADIKIiWlIOUAVKTO KAUN T11KIII I. IV- Inir cau mnko II uatler by tclllnir our Ujrcrla Klectio-Maguetlo Cornet ! thati unrlnlng elm. Kor Icrioi apply to Wciteru Cornet Co. , bt. Loul . Mo. 12327 * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. Conliniiol. - \ mat at their horaea will make Rood wages. lloply with self addressed stamped envelope , Miss Mlldrtd Miller. South llend. Ind. 184 27 * _ WANTKI ) , A IIUMANK LADY OF OOO1) AP- pcnrnneo lo cnsnjto In humnnc work ; salary nnd expenses p ld ! enll after 7p.m. Grand Central hotel , llth nnd Jackson its. Mrs. M. 8. Martin. ri-WANTKI ) . LADIK9 Tt PAINT , ONI ! IN vyoveryclly nnd town ) $3.00 a day. Address , ln > rinsing stamped envelope , Domestic Art Co. , llort building , Chicago , III. _ 11087 * cPA8THY COOK , 7 GIHL8 KOIl LAtlNDHY c work. Apply Montlnr a. m. llll Farnnm St. 147 27 * p-WANTKI ) , SALESLADY ; POSITION HOW v vncnnt ; mnslbo llllod Immediately ; reference ! rcqnlrrili salary U2.00 weekly. Apply Monday after 10 superintendent's orflcc , 12 Crclghlon block , upstairs. 1&I27 * . FOH OKsniiAi. HOUSKWOHK. SMALL V/fnmlly. I Xtt 3. 3th st. MUll 28' _ C J-KIOIIT INTl'.l.I.HJKNT LADIKS WANTK1I Immediately , 403 llco building. MIB7 SJ * C-LAD1K ? , IK YOU WANT TO MAKK .MONKY ensy at your own homo * , nddrcM. enclosing tamp , Miss Dura (1 ( , lloyt , youth Bend , Ind. 181 27 * -WANTKD , WA811KHWOMAN.419 SOUTH sotii. MISI 29 * FOR KENT-HOUSES. HATKS ir > oallnellrst tiaia an I llc ) n llm there after. No aI TO rt Is 3 l > aa f" ' 1" C dcncc bloi kin city. 810 8. 23il street. Tel. 17JJ. MHt * -iAitii ( : LIST or iiousKS. STOIIUS. KLATS D etc. , , to and up. 1'nul , 17 Hoard of Trndo. 213 A M D-FOH HKNT , II NICK NKWLY FUHNISHKD rooms , Ml N. Ifth , llrcnnnn Hat ; . M4J8 -FOH HUNT. HOUSKB , f'.UO Pl'.ll MONTH AND upwards. The O. F. Davis Co. , 15'J5 Farnam st. -F.LKGANT 12-HOOM FUHNISHKD HI1U8K all modern , near llrownoll hull ; 5133 03 per mo , C. F. Harrison. 'JI2 N. Y. Life. b40 aU D VOK HKNT. llOUSi : 1347 N. I7T1I ST. . HOOMS , bath , etc. , f2J per month. V. II. Woodrow , Neb. Nat. bank building. UI3 "IVW HKN'I1. AI10VKNOS. C34 ANDO'tl SOUTH -L'llitli street , U-room lint , every modern conven- Icnco , IncludliiR largo kitchen lango. Apply Wind- cor , Kerrya A , Co. . iOI ! N. Y Llto blilit , M7C4 -MAY IBT , SIVIN : : HOOM COTTAGK < : IN- : trolly located. Inquire 7U N , 1'Jth street. MVJ1 D-FOH HKNT.KLKGANT IIIUCK HOUSK NKAH llnnscoiii Park. 8 rooms , bath , furnace , etc lllcks , MON. Y. I.lfo. 'JI7 27 tOU. HKNT , 7 AND3 HOOM MOUKHN FLAT3 Lnngo block , cor. l.Hh and Jackson sts. M97230 -10-HOOM HOUBK , ALL CONVKNIKNCKsT Hoed A. bolby , 335 Hoard of Trade. 1)30 ) . . . USns. STOHKH AND FLATS. A. C. FllOST , j-'room 23. Douglas block , ICth and Dodge. _ Ml A23 D-7-HOOM FLAT. MODICUM CONVKNIKNCKS , 123 : furniture , KIOO ; monthly pnymcnts. CoOperative - Operative Land nnd Lot Co. . 2M N luth ft. 1)45 ) 2 ? -COHNKH FLAT , ALL OUTSIDE HOO.MS ; cheap to permanent tonants. Wright A Lnsbnry , ICth nnd Howard Bts. MIB4 27' -7-HOOM HOUSK , 1420 SOUTH 7TU AVKNUK , near llrownoll hall . MJB4 ? 8 * Tj-4 HOOMS , 1STFLOOH , 11ITU ANDHOWAHD , 3 rooms , 7th and Pacific. $7. S rooms. 21st nnd Nicholas , $3. 3 rooms.23st nml Grace , fit. Ucsldcnccs and cottages In nil parts of the city. G. F. Dulls. 1100U14 , Uco building. U74 Jl B-fi-HOOM COTTA(5K , HOT AND COLD WATKH , bath.close * . , fuinaco , beautiful Inwn nnd shade. Apply N. K. corner Wnd nnd Miami. MIW l * DCIIKAP7HOOM 1IOUS13 WITH OH WITlT- out barn , 8.8 B. 27th ft. im 27 * --5-HOOM HOUSU , HUNT LOW. 1NQUIHK2711 Douglni Bt. ' . ' 31 FINE 0-1100M HOUSE , 832 S. 21ST. HC9 27 * lA-FOIl KENT. 12 IIOOM HOUSE. HATH AND -i-'all modern conveniences , ( .07 N. ' 'Otli st. (40 per month. Inquire Dr. .I.C. Jones. MIU8-2V T\-S KOOM HOUSK. HATII , SEWUIt AND CITY X-'ivatcr , west of lllttli school , by April 1st. Inquire - quire S8 : ! S. U'tli ' street. 170 -FOll KENT. 14-HOOM NEW IIIIICIC HOUSKJ all modern conveniences. Good location. Moderato - erato rent. Hrcnnan , 217 Knrhuch block. MKJ y "Tk-FOH KENT , MY HHICIC DWELLING , NO. 2704 -i'Farnam , twelve rooms ; also brick stable , com plete with every convenience , K500. Warren M. Uogcra. 2700 Farnam , 132 27 -14 ROOM FLAT WITH FUUN1TUHE COM- pletc , good location , all modern conveniences. Co-Operative Land and Lot company , 205 N. ICth st. M162 2-J FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. HATES 15c a line first tlnio nnd lOa n line there after. No advertisement taken for lcs < thnn 25c. E-U KUKNlBilsU AND ICl'.i Dodge street. JVIWO 30 * -FUUN1SHED UOOMS FOll GKNTLKMEN ; references required , ( ill N 18th. 'Jfii A2' _ -FOll HKNT. ONE LAHGK FIIONT OK TWO back furnished cr unfurnished looms. 122 South Hill street. sea FOUIl Oil SIX OENTLKMEN TO OCCUPY elegant su'to of rooms and board ; new , modern , llrst class ; cheap. Address T 22 , Hee. MU7I 27 * E NIC-KMT FUUNISHKD KQOM rOHTWOGEN- tlcmcn , ttOO each per month. It03 Farunm. 107-28 * FUUNISIIED Oil UNFUIIN1SUED UOOMH with llrsi-clnss board , 1721 Davenport st. Oil M _ E-N1CE 1100M8 , ALL CONVENIENCES , 1723 Davenport , MUtll 8 * E-TWO NICELY FUHNISHED UOOMS TO KENT with all modern conveniences In best location ; at 2113 Capitol avenue. J1155 2s _ -DODGE EUIIOPKAN HOTKL , H. K. COllNEIl Dodge and 13th streets , 45 rooms. Hates. & 0c to tl.00 per day. Special rates by w ock or month. -DKSIIIAIIU ! FUHNISHED KHONT ItOOM. modern conveniences. Adjoining good board- Ing. 405 N. 1'Jtli at. MHO 2 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 11ATK8 lEcn line llrst tlmo and lOo a line there- nftcr. No advertisement tnken for less tbau2.'ic. -T floor , south nnd cait , furbished rooms at'"Tho Frciuer , " 111) No. 25tirstrcct. M781-3' I -PLKASANT HOOM AND IIOAHD. SOI3DOUG- la Bt. M835 2 IT'-DKSIHAULK HOOMS WITH IIOAHD. SMA1J , -L family , nicely Mtualcd. Modern convenience ! ) . y\30 \ Hnrncy ulreet. MIW 27 * F-W1TH ALL CONVKN1KNCKH , 703 B. IStii street. MUZ. -NKWLY FUHNTsilKD HOO.MS KN BU1TK OH single ; Hrst class table 181 ! ) Farnam st. st.MHO MHO 29 * F-IMlUiU , NICK1.Y FUHMSIIli ) HOOM , WITH board , for tno , All modern conveniences ; pri vate fnmlly ; J5.1W perweekcuch. 613 N , JJd Mroet. 1M27 * 17 W1I.1 < TAKK 2 YOUNG MKN TO IIOOM AND 1- board In private family. Address T , 43 Ilec. 167-27 * FOB RENT-UNFURNISHED HOOM8. llATKS IJo n line tlrst tlmo and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2io. " " G" -BIXAND THUKK HOOMS FOH iiuKv. " r > oulh Hmenteenth avenue. MlG23l * * G-THHISK. IN IIIIICIC FLAT , ON FAHNAJt street ; 17.00 per uiouth. Address T 44 , llco. 16827 * _ BOARDING. HATKH 16c a line tlret tlmo nnd lOo a line thoreaf- ter. NoadvortUciiient taken for lens t ' -I 7U H' I'UI.I.MAN 1IOU8K , rilO DODQK. FOH GOOD board , nicer rooms , convoiilencoii. rates and lo- atlon It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor 3)1 ) A 10' | _ H-FOH HKNT. in.KGANTIY FI1HN1BHKD rounin , Brst class board.318 Mouth ICth st. 101 AND 1IOOMS. 2107 Douglas. JI M1VOSI * _ FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. 1IATK8-15C a line llrst thus and lOo a line there after , No advertisement taken for less than i6o- ! I - IXIIl KENT , HTOHKi i . _ _ T- .11 HKNT. TIIK IbTOIlY BUICK IIUILIUNO. APItf I nrnan street. The building has n II 10- proof cement basement , coiupleto > teaui-hontlns nxlures. Sfifh ° ' ? , lt11 IU ° Bool' > ' " " cl ° - AVVtT at the onieo Ul I IIQ ! ! ( ! lita ' FOH MA > UFACTUlT- J Ing pi rposfs at Kckeruiami I'lace , good cndlno nud boiler , tJJ per uiontu. C. F. Harrison. U13 N. Y ' lf' ) ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ifeliat 1-FOIl HKNT. IN IIKST HKTAIL LOCATION IN -lOmaha , entire second floor or departments tn Uoldon Kaslo Bboo Btore , in d ICth it. Wl FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. IIATKS-lto n line flrst tUmTaDd lOo n ThToMeTr- alter. No ttdTertlsoinent tukon lor lets than Me. 1-UAUDUN FAUMS TO 1IKNT. T. MUHHAY. FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. UHICK YAHD3 FOll HKNT T. uiinAY. J-FAUMS FOn HUNT. H. T. CLAHK. . F04aH _ _ 1-MIO ACHKS OF GOOD LAND FOH HKNT FOH 'one or more yearn , center of Howard county , Neb. . 7IJ * cro under fcncs. fiS acre under plow. 2 house * and plenty of running water. For further particulars call upon or address W. II. Taylor , 14)1 ) Hnrney Mrcol , Omaha. _ CfS 23 * V Ftlll HKNT , I'AtlT7 OF OUIl FIVK-STOHY ' brick wnrehon.o ; good elevator nnd track tacit' Hies. Omnhn Warehouse It Btorago Co , , UI.1-15 Loavcnworth st. 73U 31 1 ISO ACIU ! FA11M , 21 MII.KS FHO.M OMAHA. 'mud rent. Co-opcratlvo Land nnd lot Co. , 701 N. IClh street T WAHKHOUSK , INQU1HU310.SO. 15TII 6THKKT. 1-0 ACIIK3 OF OAHDKN LAND IN HKNSON " for rent rcnsonahlol good Mnto of cultlvntlon ; no buildings. Cooperative Land and iMlCo. , 505 Mita r.i WANTED-TO RENT. HATKS-lSc n line Urn Into nnd IDfl n line there- after. No advertisement taken for \en \ than 2Jo " " " " ' -WANTKfCFOH""MAY" ! IN WALNUTillLU 8- room house. Glvo particulars nnd lowest rental for I or 2 year * . T 81) ) . llco. MUM 27 * K"WANTKD , S-HOOM HOU.SI : . MODKHN. FOU May 1 , not to exceed (33 00. Glvo particulars. Lock box M , Omaha. MW3 27 * 1f-HOO.M AND IIOAHD FOll MAHHIKD COUPLK .IVnnd two young ladles. Address T 41 , lice. M175 20 * -sum : OF HOOMS WITH IIOAHD FOH MAN nnd nllo two mnnll children , imi't ho Mrlctly Urn-elm's , llofcreneoi given nnd required. Til : , llco o 111 to. 121 27 * K WANTKD to rent modern 0 or 7 room cotlngn within mlle of P.O. ) not over f2i. Address T S3 , Uec. lfO-27 * -HOOM FOH K1NDKUGAHTKN IN MOHNINO , vicinity of 18lh and Cnlllornln. Miss lloutolle , 2t82 Hartley. Ml57 28 * WANT15D , TO HKNT , DKSIHAIILK SIX OH seven room house ! llrst clns * tcnnnt ; stnto location , price , etc. Address T 40. Hee. ISO 27 * -WANTKD. TO HKNT FUHNlSHi : ! ) 1IOUSK. 8 or Droom < , by young couple ; no children. Address - dross T 42 , Hoe. Hi' ) 27 * RENTAL AGENCIES. HATKS ISC nllno llrst tlmo nnd lOcn line Ihcro- nftcr. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. T k.aGAHViNiVco.JJS IIKULY' HLOCIC. -STAH LOAN AND TIIUST CO. HKNTAL DK- partmcnt. MUll-a''l STORAGE. I'.ATKS Ite n Hue llrst tlmo nnd lOo nllno there after. No advertisement taken for less tlmu Ma ri ? j8TTcin7ApfcSANiriJKST BT6ViAilK house ; In the city. Williams A , Cross,1211 llarncy. 887 M-CLKAN , nilY AND PIIIVATKLY BTOHKD furniture. Heating stoves stored over summer. 1207 Douglas st. Omahn Btovo llepnlr norks. till -11EST 8TOHAGK IN CITY. OMAHA WAIU5- house A Storage Co. , I2I3-1& Lcnvenworth st Household nnd other goods stored nnd cnrcd for Low rates. Private apartments If desired. Phone 410 740 31 WANTED-TO BUY. HATES 15c n line llrst tlmo nnd lOc a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for loss than 25c. FmiNITUHKlioUGHT,8OM "S Tb iu5D. -l > WclU , llll Farnam St. 88S WANTKD TO BUY , t'.IUUT Oil TKN HOOM IIOUBO with- modern Improvements , nnd good sired lot , located within onumlloof the postofllcc. Stnto price , size of house and lot nnd full particu lars by addressing' B 47 lice olllce. 712 TV WANTEDTOUUY.CASHHKGISTKH. ANTON 1 > F. Dnornk , Ilurwell , Gnrlleld Co. , Noh. 783 30 * AT WANTKD TO 1IUY INTKHKST IN AN KS- 1'tabllBhcd business. Hnvo llvo to seven thou sand dollars to Invest. Am capable of taking charge of olllcc. ( 'an Klvo best of rcfcrenco. Ad- dross. P. O. HoxfiOTi , Omaha. Neb. Ml53211 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. HATKS 15c a line llrst tlmo and lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. -voiisALi : AT an 8-room house : lint clans ; been In use 3 months ; terms to suit ; or gentleman nnd wlfo will take board In payment. Address T45 , llco. 17827 * FOB SALE-HORSES , WAGONS ETO. IV KOK SALKT HOUSES AND MULK3 , CHEAP. Fidelity Oil Co. , S 20th nnd U.P. Uy. 642 28' T > -FOK SALE , A LOT OF CAIUUAUES , BUHHKYS J. and buggies at your own prlco ; also slnglo har ness. Fidelity Loan Guarantee Co. , room 4 , With- nell building. 717 I-FOH SALK , LIGHT , S1YLISH IIOAD WAGON , and harness nearly new. .Address T2J , lice.MIM7a MIM7a ! I-FOIl SALK CHEAP , LIGHT HOAI ) WAGON , newly painted and In good order. Inquire of F. B. llart , Eckerman place , or address P. O. box ( to. M957 27 * - PONY WITH BADDLU , UAHNK8S 3J-GKNTLK . and buggy. Will take as part payment gentle man's safety. Dr. Paul , OX1 N. Y. Life. 970 27 * I-FOIl SALE CHEAP , I HOUSK , 1 TOP HL'GGY. 1 llgbt wagon , 1 slnglo harness. Inquire at 1441 goiilh''Gth sticct. MU97 27' FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS 150 a line 11 rat time and lOe a line thcr ? after. No advertisement taken for lesi than 25n * FINK UPIUGHT PIANO , STANDAHD MAKE , used only a few months , at a sacrltlou. 2li2 ? Cnlil- well st. 48J - SALE AT A UAUGAIN , SET OF HOOT Q-FOIl nnd shoo shelving , It Is In good shape. Call at HIS Hnrnoy street. 9.5 ' Q FINE PL'G PUPP1KS , H 80 , DAItKKR J4U022 HLK. - SALE Oil THADK FOH KAUM LANDS IN Q-FOll eastern Nebraska , n 35 barrel steam roller liour mill situated at Tckamah. Neb. Thoa. Crouch , 1117 Uurcctte st , Omaha. 031 3 * -AN I * C HM1T1I HAMMKIILESS SHOTGUN , Q 10 guugc , far sale. Address T 43 , Hoc. 1U5 27 * QQ Q A I'lCllKlSCTLYMAHUKUST. 11KHNAUI ) I'UI' 5 months old , nclglm 1'5 Ibs. , by Ucdorcro. Ad dress T 4) Hee. 1U ) 'Si * Q .MASTIFFS. 3810 DKCATUIl , OMAHA. M143-9 Q-flO.00 IS FULL PAYMKNT FOH AN10K HU1LD- Ing lot In Omaha's latest addition , free Irom mortgagu. Abstract nnd plat given with lots sold. HO.OUlnvcsied bore will ba holier than (5000 irov ernuient bonds before the year passes. Bale all this week at 160U Dodge street. Kncloso 2c stamp for plat and full Information. C. P. Hcnjamln , sole ngcnt , 160'J ' Dodgu street. Open evenings. 14127 * --A25CALIHKUSTKVKN8 H1FLK toll 8ALK ; made to order. Address T 41 , llco. 113 27 * A COMPLUTK OUTFIT FOU WATCHMAK- cm' tools and material for sale ; all new. Art- dress T 43 , Dec. 1C4 27 * MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS-150 a line tlrst tlmo and lOa a Una there- nftcr. No advertisement taken for loss than 2Sc. 1J-IIAMILTON II HOd. U A U PKNT itllS AND J builders. All kinds jobbing ; 414 B. IHu. Tel. 1171) ) , ' * 28'j-Ali TJ-HAV FOU BALK. TIIK STANDAH ! ) CATTK CVCo. offer 1,000 ton * selected , barn stored liny for sale on track , Amen , Nebraska. M8W -LADIK8' OAHKD FOU DUH1NG CONFINK- ment. Mrs.llurnlti , German fraduuted midwife , 13lt ! Bo. Kith , Wl A 21 -PKHBONAU STOP COUGHING ? 11.001 UK- ward lor a case of throat or lung trouble , last stages executed , which cannot bo relieved by n proper use of Dr. X. Blnne's llronchlal Wafers , 2ic a box at druggists. For sample , send lOo to htono Mcd. Co. , Chicago , HI. MUSi 27 * -KbTATK OF J. T. CLAIIKSON. PA11TIK liavliiK unsettled business trunsnctlons with or wishing Information of the lands or lots of Mr. J. T , Clarkson , deceased , will ploaxo address thu iindcrilgnod. who has been appointed agv'iit of his estate , T. H. Clarkson , Oaiuha , Nub. UI7 A7 T > -BPHINQ 18 HKHK-DON'T LKT ANOTHKH J Vday pass without buying ono of thono tlu lots lying between Oniuliu and now Fort Omaha ; ) ou will all want them nftcr they are gone ; they will gfitnlo somebody's way ono of those days , when you will realize a handsome protlt ; remember 110 Is payment la full for a lot warranty deed , abstract nnd plat given with each lot sold ; no mortgage on this property ; ten families now living on the ad dition ; there will bolUOmorobofoiu the year pastes ; enclose Ic postage for plat and moro Information ! open evening ! . Charles P , Hcnjamln , solo agent , 15UU Dodge street. 110 * 7 * CLAIRVOYANTS. UATBS I5o a Una first lima and lOo a Hub theio- after. Nu advertisement taken for less than 2'ic. S" VlllS..iiAiilKV. WAHHKN , reliable business medium , tlflU year at IU N. luiti. tffJ AUU1VAL KXTIIAOHDINAIIY. WONDKIIKUL S rovoluUoni. Challenges tbo world. Mrs. Dr. M. Ix > eruvo , dead franco clairvoyant , nitrologlst. palmist and life reader ) tells your Ufa from tbo cradle to grave ; unites the separated ! comes mar- rlago with tbo ono you love ; tells vrliero jou will succeed und In what business tiost adapted for ; has the celebrated Kgyptlau breastplate for luck and to destroy bad lalluencvsl cures tits , Intcuipernnca and all prlvnto complaints with massage , baths aud utcohol treatment. Bond K. lock of hair , nauio nnddatoof birth and receive accurate life chart ; t feiils ID stamps for circular ; vlvu Initials of one you will marry ; also photos of name , unico HOI toulh lllb street , tlrst door ; hourr.'J a. in to V p. in. Come one. como all , nud bo convinced of this wonderful oracle. aiMfl- I * S-l'ltOr * . CHIbTO. 1CC3 I10WAUD , 21) FLOU1I , UK- veals tecreU of past , future , love and mar riage , llcllablo butlueis medium , 171 27' If fl - MASSAOa , BATHS , ETC. HATKS-Uo n llniyfitet tlrun ami 10o n line there- after. No advertftymcnt taken tor leu than 25g 'I * MAOAMKHMITH. 1121 DOUGLAS STnHKT\ -L room 7,3dfloor. jAJcobolsulphur and saa baths. rp-MISS KTOWK-MASSKUSK , [ KLKCTIUCIAN J SJ2 Ham in block , tj ( MPJO 2S * fp MA8SAGK THKATMKNT , KLKCTHO-THKTT' JL mat baths , scalp and hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist. M > j.rost,3iu:4 : 8. IMh.Wlthuell blk. rpMADAMK LA ' 11UK , MASSAGB. 4111 SOUTH JU.Mh ftrrct. 'rd lldiir. Hat 4. a l trtnt. M7n7 ? ' PERSONALS' HATKS Ita n line llrsl time nnd lOo n line there nftcr. No ndvcrtUcincnt tnken for less thnn 25c UVL M. rAHHISH. FOHMKHLY OF DkNVIIH. plnnpo scnn your nddrcss to A , F , llnzcltlne , box 1113. Denver , Col. 8OT 27 * _ U-GKOHGK A. LANG OH ANYONK KNOWINO his address please wrlto to Heed A SetbyUmnnn. M''il _ _ U ri'.HSONAU YOUIl DK8TINY FOHKTOLD , with pen picture of fntiito huMiand or wife , no. eo i ( linn to astrology , Send dnto of birth niulM cents to Astrologer , K Hex 117 , Kansas City , Mo. 124 27 * _ _ _ TT-1'AHK 8KXTON. YOU HAVK L1V1CD IN vJ Omaha twenty years nnd not one foot of real estate do you own In tills city. Your friends have nil become rich through real olnlo speculation , Now I want you to go to IMM Dodge street nnd buy onoof those loin fordo. You will never net' an other chnnce to buy n lot for (10 , nnd If you fall to get ono of Ihe-a lots during thin wock'n unlo you may consider ourncqunlnlnuco ended. 1 can llrton to no more stories nbout your lost opportunities. Now remember the number , 15CC Dodge street , all thH week. iilon : M. Baxton. IJi 27 * _ U H'TIIISADVKHTIKKMKNTMKKTBTIIKKYK uf .lames Montgomerv , formerly of Huron township , Ontario , ho will find uninolhlng to lilti ndvnntngo by oammunlontlng with Hubert Mont- Romcryuf tliosnino plnco. Address llobcrt Mont gomery , 1'lno Hlvcr 1' . U. , Ontnrlo. 185 27 * --Till ; MKSSUNGlTll. 8IMCY MATHlMONIAIj monthly. Amuslnii correspondent ! ! secured ; 3 months lOc silver. Address Messenger , Btoiighton , Mass. , Hex Xi. 128 27 * I'KHSONAL , SKND POSTAL FOH IIHOWN'S Unlituo Slinkcspcrlnti almnnnc , Illuotrntlng King John'n Inhuman designs. J.Gibson Ilrown , Jersey City. N.J. 133 27 * _ U-THK FOLLOWING I'KHSONS ! HA HLK Y Fnlcs , Chas. Pnck , Frank Trumbull , elms. K. Johannes , cnn have suite by calling at olllcc. Hnrry Ilrown. _ 15'J-27 * JgU SIO , ART AKD JL i ANOU AOE. V-G. F. GKLLENHUCK. 11ANJO TKACHK3 , wlthllospc , or MSN. ISth st 1)12 ) - HKFOHIJ I1UYING A 1'IANO 1IXAMINK TiIK v now scale Klmball piano. AUoepo , 1513 Douglas. V-FOIl SALK , C11KAI' FOU CASH , A FINK upright piano , nearly now nnd standard manu facture. Address 0,13 , llco olllco. 484 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. HATKS 15c n line first tlmo and lOo a Una thoro- nftcr. No advcrtlsomont tnkoa for leu thin 253 w- CKNTKAL LOAN t THUST COUKE llLtd. KW wWUIIL W-UIIL , HEAL KSTATK LOAN3,342 UUK BLD'Q 0 MONKY TO LOAN ON 1MPHOVKD CITY property , low rato. A. C" Frost , Douglas blk.EU5 EU5 W UKAL KSTATK LOANS , ( i TO 7 PKIl CKNT ; no additional charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W. II. Mclklc , First National bank bldg. 'JOO W-COATES , 1614 FAUNAM. KASTiSHN MONKY I ilOl Yy LOANS , G. G. "WALLACE , 312 UKOWN HLK. IRAN'S ON IMPHOVKD AND UNIMPHOVI3D city property.f3WW and upwards/ ) per cent. No delays. W.Farnani BiultU A Co.,15th aiidllarncy. \\r-PIHVATE MOXKY. FIHST AND 8KCOND ' mortgage loans/'low / rates. Alex. Moore. 401 llco building nut M788 W-APPLY * TO . .3I * LOVETT"FOU CHKAP money ; only first ) class security , 2W3. 13th. jj S 4 w MONKY TO LOAN ON HKALKST TK. TIIK O. F. Davis Co..tMj ) Farnam st Ml W -C. W. HAINKY.iSlS OMAHA NAT. HK. ULMG. ; City mortgagesIjOnest rates. Money on hand. i sin \\r-OMAlIA SAVINGS BANK MAKES LOANS < > on real estate at lowest market ratcj. Loans made In small or large sum und for short or long time No commission l charged , and the loans are not raid In the cast , out can always bo found at the bank on the corner of 13th and Douglas streets - . i l 780 W-LOAN3W.M. < HAllllIS , 11.20 , FHKNZKll HLK. WiT \\T ANTHONY LOAN AND THUST CO. . 818 N. Y. Vi Life , lend at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property.8'U 8'U W "MONKY , iiONKY. MONKY. tlOJ.OOJ TO LOAN In sums of * 200 to (5,000 on Improved or unim proved residence business property In the city of Omaha. No delay In closing loans ns money Is on hand. No dealing with eastern partlCB , nil business transacted here nnd Interest payable hero nnd not In the enst , also innko building loans on most favorable terms. " Fidelity Trust Co. , 1014 Furnnm. COO LOANS , CITY PHOPKUTY. K. NKB. AND W. Iowa farms. K. F. lllngcr , 1619 Fnrnam.MW3 MW3 BM -0 PKIl CKNT MONKY. PHILADELPHIA- Mortgage and Trust Co. Thomas llrennan & Co. representatives ? ! ? Knrbnch block. * 172a'0 ! MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. HATES lie a line llrst I line and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less thnn 25c. - YOU WANT MONKY' X-DO It so do not fall to col our nitoj before bor rowing. We mnko loans , without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , horkoj , wazons , etc. , at the low est possible rato. There Is no unnecessary delay , hut you ret the money an tbo same day you ask for It. Wo will carry the loan n * long an you desire , giving you the privilege of paylnz It In full or In part at nny tlmu to suit your convenience , nnd any part paid reduces the cost of cnrryln tlu loan In proportion to the amount paid. There are no charhcs of any kind to bo rah. In advance , but you get the full amount of the loan. Our onlces nro centrally located nnd nro so ar ranged that parties calllnzoa us can bo waliol on quickly and courteously. If you hnvo a loan with other parties , or hnvo bought n piano or other furniture on time nnd llnd the payments u lltllu larger than you can meet conveniently , wo will pay It for you nnd carry ttio loan as Ions as you desire- . U will bo to your advantuzo to soous before securing - curing a loan. Itoom 11 , Crclghton lllock. lithst south of Postollloj. . ' 00 V MONKY TO LOAN. FIDJILITY LOAN GUAUANTEB CO. : On household goods , plnnoi , oreans , horsci , niulcp , wngona. etc. , at tbo lowest po&slblo rates without publicity , removal ol property or change of possession. Tlmo arranged to suit the borronor , I'nrmcnts of any amount can bo niado at any time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus giv ing patrons all the bcncllts of Uio partial payment plan. Call nnd nee us when you want n loan. Xloney always oa Imud ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest ratcHt business cotilldcntlal. FIDKUTV IXJAN atlAHANTKK TO. , II. K Masters' old Etaad , H. 4 , Wlthnell blk , 15th nnd llarncy , M4 > 8 HwiuTToAN atONKY ON ANY KIND OV eocurlty : Btrlcllv conlldcntlal. A. K. Harris , rooml. Contlncnmt lock. XIlOIl'T I'HlTCirAHD , 11.3 , WITIINKLI , II w _ WHKN VOU'WANT A CHATTKI. LOAN 8KB X W. II. Davis , roommu. Continental blocn. Wl -MONEY JXAS'rt ON FUHNITUHK. IIOHSK wagons , plauosj'elc. Fred Terry , U. 4JI , Hanice. j iif. UIO _ MONKY TO , J DAVH ON KUHNI- X lure , live stock ! He. Dull Urotm , removed to Kooni 8 und V , llatkm blk 183 _ MONKY ON TAliNDS. HTOCK8 , WAHHANT8 personal propo'rty'AVayneJllalleyll,40i KurbacU l.'q _ 1KXJ MU1 * 'flO.OUOTOIXJA'XKIIOM 110.00 Ul' ON FUHNl- ture , horses urjany good security , lowest rates. Nebraska Uian Co. . 1316 Douglas street. .M'.UI A22 HATES 15o a line llrst Ilino and lOa a Una there after. No ndvcrtlsumonl taken for less tbun2Jc , V HUY'TIIB coiuiKiiciAU TIIK LKADINO 1 hotel nt llrokcn lion , Neb , No land In trade. V FOH HAI.K , A C1I2AH MANUKACTOIIV AND L tobacco store of tnenly-ona years' standing , on nccouut of old ago. Inqulro of II. Arndt , 11 lair. Neb. Y' FOll SAI.K , MY II A I'll I NO HKSOHT AT ijiVo Manuwii. Address J , J , Malowney , Hebron. Neb. 'M _ V KI.OUII1NO Mll.I. KOIl BAI.K , TIIK 8TKAM 1 power llourlng mill , with a capacity of IW bbls. jicr day , of all modern ImuroveiuenU , built 2 > cnrs ago with tlio expense of lll.OOJ.'ju , In fragile , t-aundera Co. . Neb. , li orterud for sale on vnsy Icrmi. For further particular * nddrmi Kaspar llros. , 1'rague , Bnuudars Co. , Neb. _ MIOt a -1IAKKHV FOU BAI.K ; ANY O.NI5 IXXJKINU for a good baking business ; established over 'JU yoars. Address John WUeolcr , W9H , Utb street. Bt. ii , MO. Y rOUBALK , GOOD SAUXJN AND FIXTUHKB , tot loralloa. lleaion for rolling , lckne . Ad drvu T 17 , Hcc. ' . & > I * , 1'AIITNKJI WITH U/JW 0 IN uUl- ler bu lpi'is. Addrcu T W. lieu. M/'l j - BUSINESS CHANOES. ConNniifd. MUNBOM TYI'KWKITKII 18 TIIK IIKST. iMschlnOd for sale or rent. T. II , Smith , 17 Hoard o t Trade , Omnhn. MM1 Ml "THMYAI.ljTKM * IT. TIIK OU ) PKTTI.KHS , how they lioiiolit lolo In Unrnlia for tu and nflcrwnrds pold them for tW.OOJ. You will lie tellIng - Ing tlic amo story fome day , how you could have onto lioiiRtit lota for 110 each , did not do It , nnd now they nrr woith flO.uOO. etc. All till * , week jon cnntitiy n nlco level bnlldlnitlot forcxnctly (10 , rlcnr nnd frco from cincumtirnnco.Vnriniity dpod , abntrnct nnd pint Riven with pnrh lot Fold , This addition lion l > ctwoi n Omaha nnd now Fort Omnhft. Bend 2o poMnxc for pint nnd lull Inforina * lion , Open ovenlnu . Chntles r , llcnjnmln , fole agent , IMhl Dodge street. 114 31 * VFOH SA1.K. A FINK-STOCK SIIU'l'l.Nd 11U8I- -L ncji nnd a splendid dairy nnd milk route ; ever ) . thing complete , Including duelling. Will roll to- Kctlicr or scparntp ; nllnnopcnlnif for ono or two men with mini ! cnpltnl. This Ij not trnillnK prop erty , e mean business. Scott A Adam * , Central City , Nob. 12.127 , V-WK WISH TO KSTAIIUSH AN 1NST1TUTH J. In every city In the United States for the euro of liquor , opium and tobacco hnbltic. 1'n/llos look ing for n big paying business nddrcss Knuor Horn- cdy Co. , South Oinnlin , Nub , Ml SO : ) V-KDITOU WANTIII ) TO TAKK I'AHT OH - -L whols Interest In two prosporou * republican pnpern In Wyoming , should lie primer , tlMM for both papers. Address Independent , Hock Sprlncr , Wro. MIS ? w V-VOIl SAW * , M1I.1.1NKHY STOCK. ONLY - Imslnessnr tlio kind In thoplncc. Good location. Address , Mrs. W. K. lioce , Bcrlbncr Neb. IKi 27 * V-VOH SAWC , DIIUO HTOIIH IN NOHTIIWKST- ' .cm Nobrntkn , snmll stocl : ; nn'cxroltcnl oppor tunity for a doctor : no doctor within S7 miles ! thickly fettled country. For further Information nddresn A. a. llox , Wood Imko. Nob. 11,12t * FOR EXCHANGED 1IATK8 IJo n line llrst tlmo nnd lOc n line there , after. _ No advertisement taken for less than 25o Z--IK YOU it A vTHxTiiT rupiumrrTi A ! NO"TO trade for lot 411. block l.Armour 1'laco , Bouth Omnhn ; clear of nil lucumbranco. Addroas N 43 , llco olllce. SI t \ J r/-CI.KAN STOCK OP OICNKUAI.M'IVHKV11.I. ; . Ulako real estate Amoney. Uo2U3Frankfort , Ind. V13 Z-KOH 8AIK OH 1CXCI1ANOH FOH YOUNG work homos nnd mares , ono registered French draft Mnlllon , 4 years old , weight 1,70 } . .1. W. Dolan , Imllnnoln , Neb. ; i0 | SO V-FOIl THADi : , A CU5AN STOCK OK Ur.NKHAI. 'Jmorclinndlro for lands and cash , Address 11.V. . Wntklns .V Co. . Frankfort. Ind. MS4S S * rGOOD 8-ltOOM 11OUSI : IN MNfOhN TO AJtrmlo for boom nnd shoo or penernl Htork. Wrllo amount of stock.ock box 14 , Hebron , Nob. MM5 37 * r/-K.\CHANGi : YOUIl I'HOl'KHTY. 111(1 ( LIST , f-Jcn\l \ or wrlto. Alex Moore , 401 Hee blilg , WG y-KOll 8ALU OH KXCIUNGI < ! FOU I.ANI ) . stock of general merclinndlso. In ono of beet towns In Iowa. Nlro bulhllnn fur rant to pur chaser. Address W. K. llcuilngton , Neola , lown. i'12JO ' V-FOIl IIXCIIANOK , FINK FAMILY IIOUS11 ' -'and perhaps some cash for team of ponies. C H , West , I'nrk stables , 23lh and Lcnvonworth sts. ' . 'JO ' W y FAUMB IN WEUSTtll AND FHANKI.1N ' -'counties , Nebraska for sale ; will take norao trade. 1003 Now York I.lfo building. MW3-27 * Z-FOll KXCIIANGH , TWO STAU.IONS , ONK Norman , ono trotting , nnnt clear land , prlco tl.OUU each. Hex Mil , Blicnandoah. In. IQj 4' -FOH K.\CHANGK-IF YOU WANT TO IIUY , ell , cxclianRO or rent forms , coal , timber , or mineral loud , business houses , hotels , merchandise oranythlUK ! If you want a position or wish to cm- ploy anyone , send lOa tor copy of "The Middle man , " with frco advertising ccrtltlcate for trial ; lending "want" paper. Address "Tlio Middleman , " Chicago. UU 27 * -JICO I'HOTO OUTFIT TO KXCHANGB FOH book cake , watch , bicycle , gun , music or any thing of value , l.oek box b3 , llertrand , Neb. 103 87 * Z0 : ACItKS CIIO1C1 ! NKU , IAND FOH MDSK. Wrlto quick. l.ockboxS. Wahoo , Neb. 13U 27 * FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. HATKS 15c a line Hart 11 rn3 an 1 I9c a llns there after. No ndvcrtlsemant taken for lesi thin Sij TfOH SALK. fi-KOOM CO1TAGK ( ONLY ) SITU JL' ntcd 1014 linrd street Call on A. llopo Jr. 420 I fO\l \ SALK-S-K COHNKH 17th , DOHOA8. 82 ! < X ISS. 3 cott.i/es , stable for 0horses , can bo divided Into Slots. Inquire at premises 112 30 * 1VK ACHK LOT. ) ADJOINING TIIK TOWN OF lllnlr , Neb. ; good land , U. W. Mcllrldo. 14I-A-3' Foil SALK , HOMKS , ANY PHICK , $750. f I.SVJ UP easy tcrmi ; take clear propsrty ai llrst payment G G. Wallace. Ilrown block , 10th and Douglas. 815 M : ODKHN 10 HOOM UOOSK , DKS1HADLK LOCA- ! tlon ; bargain for cash. Address S 44 , I'.oo. J70H SALE-SEVENTEEN THOUSAND ACHES unimproved lands In Howard , Sherman , Grccley and Valley counties , Nebraska , on very liberal terms , on deferred payments. C per cent Interest. Address D. Hcmlck , P. O. box 2J } | Los Angeles , Cal. 2il uli NE. COllNKIl 2UTH AND H1CKOIIV , 10X15 feet : u bargain for a few days only. F. K. Dar ling. Hnrker block. ill4 I7OH SALE AT A UAHOAIN LO P M , UbOJKI , JL W. L. Solby's first addition to South Omahi Small payment down , balance monthly If desire I Inqnlrd G. H. Tischuck , Uiniha llco. 331 B AHGAIN-40 ACilKS CIXJ8K TO CITY , ONLY fVM per ; aero If taken quick , lllcks , 305 N. Y. Life. P48-27 I OHSALE-400 ACRE KAUM IN HLUK IllVKIl valley , Thayer county , 10 miles west o ! Hebron. One of the very best farms In the county ; eooJ house , barn , granaries , cribs , etc. . and nn abundance of fruit , timber nnd running water. Also for nalo or exchange for good lands or city property , a brick pork packing house nnd fixtures In Hebron , Thnyer county , near H. A M. depot. For particulars In- qulro of any real estate agent In Hebron. 53) FOH 8ALK-ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS , 30 houses A lots. Tbo O.l'V Davis Co.,1503 Farnam st. 501 17011 SALK TWO NICK HOUSKS IN IIANtC'OM JI'lnco. . splendid neighborhood , price { 18,500 : can lake part purchase prlco In good farm land. Hicks , 305 N. Y. Life Hldg. 'Jib :7 F JH SALE HALCYON HEIGHTS. Acres , half acres and lots on electric motor road. Also hotiHCS anil lots In Halcyon Heights OMAHA'S UKAUTIFUL SUIUJIU1. Only thirty minutes ride from centcrof city. Knsy payments , low rate of Inlcicst. Now Is the time to secure a homo. William H. Crary. 205 New York Life Illdg. M H.v.-Al9 _ 17011 SALE-NEW , MODI'HN IIUILT HOUSE , -L iiansvom Place , elegantly finished throughout , all leady for occupancy ; n rplendld bargain If nohl quick. Hicks , JOS N. Y. Life Hldg. _ 'J4B 27 ONMOUTH PAIIK HAS THE MOTOII , CITY water , graded streets , sidewalk , tchuol. beauti ful location ovcrythlnc to make It attractive , For lots or homes In this beautiful addition on enay terms icaG. G Wallace , trustee , 3U Ilrown lllock , loth and Douglas. _ 3IHJ3 T HALF VALUE. LOTS , ACUF.H , I1O.MKS. HUt > I- liens property. Alex Moore , 401 llco bldg. ' . ' 57 17011 KALK-TKN ACHKH. KLKGANT THACT , -L1 just outside city limits , KJ.60U ; can take part pur- chuie prlco 111 good vacant lot or cottage , lllcks , 105 N. V. Life. 04327 _ 17011 HALE CHKAP. STONK AND FUAMK Jdivelllng at northwest corner of ISIIi nnd Hnr noy , to bo removed Immediately ; will trade for clear lot. S. S. Curtis , 2di S 15tlmtrcct. 17B27 o lit SALK. TWO LOTH. COHNKH. IN OHCHAUD llll , ono block from motor , t2S50. S. S. Curtis , 2J3 B 15th street. 170 27 * _ [ 10-1IUY O.NK FOH YOUIl HOY. 1 MKAN Aol $ lot \ In Omaha's latest addition. Ten dollars Is full payment for n eholco building , lot frco from mortgage. Abstract nnd plat given with enchlot polil. Thcso loin nro better than government bonds al the prlco. Itlch men of tbo country niado Ihclr money nut of real estate. All had at eomo tlmo to make an Investment. 1 doubt If any had an oppor tunity to begin for less than 110. Ten dollar lots may fool > ou all some of thuio days. Strange things hnvo happened In Omnhn dirt. Lightning has struck whpru wholly unexpected. History may repeat Itself , Visit the sale at 150i ) Dodga Mroi't this week or Incloso2e pntHuun for plat anil for In formation. C , P , Ucnjamlu. atcnt , VMi Doduo n. Him * _ _ I7OH SALE. 40 FOOT LOTH 2K MILKS F1IO.M ' Omaha pohtulllce , fJOO. B. S. Curtis , 20d H 15th street. 17li2 ; DANKEUS , CAPiTALibTH , MKHCHANTS. J'clcrks , worklngmcn luno all Invested In Iho (10 lots lying betnueiiOmahaaiid the New Fort. All others inuku u mUtukonhcn they can purchnio a lot for (10 und don't do so. There Is nu mortgage on this property ; warranty dued , abstract and pint glton oich purchaser ; salesmen llvlngon the nildl- tlon. Cell In and get names of families now lltlng on this addition , visit them , ask them If they " 111 tell for what they paid (110) ; wo don't ask > ou ( I HO for a ten dollar lot , but mak ) ou u property owner free and tlvar for exactly til ) . Kncloiulc poMuxu for plat and moro Information. Open evening. Charles P , Uenjamln , tola agent , 1501) ) liodgu utruct , 1UB 27 * T7011 SALE , SO FOOT LOTS IN WASHINGTON 1 * Hill , MOO. S. 8. Curtis , 208 H 15th street. iU2i * LOST. _ HATK3- a line tlrst llmo and I Do a Una thereat tor. No advertisement taken fur lo than 25c. T oaTiaw"POUND , " -viAU-6Mi : "UA \ ' uoiiH Jjplgeon toed , loug tall. Itunurd. Jos , 1' . Me- gcath , IU07 Furnaui , _ ! W , ON CAL1FOHNIA IIKWKKN lilTH AND21D LOhT u pair of upcctacles. Kindly return to L. P , Miller , at Omaha National bank , _ te027 * L'OriT- NOTES AND 1 DKKDJN KNVKUPK ; return to 624 8 ICth it. , and gct-uward , OST I'uloowoousWAIII ) WILL Hi ; PAID L and no questions asked for return of pug dog , blind In one eye , lutt about tbrcu months ugu. llu t.-ru If Is.iltor uf Wllbutill block. 'FW , lli-e. PAWN BROKERS. U ATKS lfo a line flrd time and lOo n line thereat ter. No advertisement taken tor ICM than 25c _ BKN iVilAHTI , HKMOVKD TO 107 S. UTH ST ? . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gil Ali * SSNYDKll'S IXMN OFFICE , IHO DOIXIK 8T. Mots aX * 17HKD MOHLE , OFFICE I5II ) < FAUNAM ST. * 517 IIAHl GOODS. LAIIGHST STOCK IN KNT1IIK WEST ) TIIKAT- . rlcal wigs anil bcanls a spoaHlty.Vl7 < , hanits jwllche * , hair chains , etc. . send for c.Malogiio Mall orders solicited , Knvios , III S. 15lh st. Umih.t _ _ _ _ 1)11) ) ) MANU ACTUJUNQJEXVELEItS. HATKS I5o a Una tlr t tlma and 10j n line there jitter. No advertisement taken for Icm than 25o pASlTl'All ) FOH 01.1) GOLD. CAHSO.S A"llTNK9 V-Toom 30 Darker block. Omaht. flls DKESSMAKINQ. ENOAGKMKNTd TO 1)6 DIIKSS MAKING IN families solicited. Miss Sturdy , VM s. 2ith st CUTLERY GRINDING. JKSI ) YOUIt SC1S30H3 , 11A/.OIH , KTC. , TO 111 : Aground to Underlain ! A Co. . 103 S. 14th si PIU REM D N G TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , 1007 Fsrnam Dlreel , OMAHA TUB SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this mao. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. Nolico tn ( JmitniotorH. Hi : D roil i ) . In , , Miiiuli t , 1tC. ! Hu.ilnd Hiils will be lucolvetl 1 > y the ( 'ounly Auditor of Tuylor County rit lleilfonl , lowu , iiiilll the ( llli ilny of April ut I o'clock p. in. , for tliu fur nishing of nil materials , thn urrotlon mill coiu- jiliillon of 11 court IIDUSU fors-ild euiinty , to ho unlit In ' the ulty of Hcilfortl. . . . In . . . iicuordiinco . . . . . . . wlili by on mill uftor the Dili day of Mai-jli. until Anrll 6th , nt 1 o'clock p. in. , . . . , . lllilh will bo uiieneJ ul the auditor 'g offlco at lie : : o'clock p. in. ICneli hi I must bj tiuuoiu- iiunliid with u t-ortllloil check in Ilia amount of WO J. ( XI us a uuuiiiiiluo Unit the iiiirly ro- culvliiH the iiwuiilUI1 outer Into contract ami 1-lvn iiH.ithfiioUirlioiKl. . Tliu county suiiorvl'iors reserve the ilsht to roluot any or nil bids. ] lv ordi-rof Uio Uoard of aupiirvlHors of Tay lor County. Iowa. M , MIM.KII. in-7-W-2'-27 , J. H. Coot'Gii , Clialrmaii. Nal . Notk'o Is hereby slvcn that pursuant loan oidurof tlio Dihtr.ct C'ourtof fj.illno County. Nobr.inka , I will , us tucolvur of tliu firm of Dawcaniid KofS , ollor forHiilo to thu hlzhost blrtili-rfor enih nil of the law library about l.tuo voliiinuiCompOMiil of text bool.B , dlK < * U anil ivuuils all the otlluo furnlturu , llMurcs anil upiiolntiiiunts. deska. book CMISUS. tafo , Ktuvt ) , tyiiowi ItliiK iiiiifiilim ami all of the of fice furnltnru. IIMiiri'H and nppolntiuuiit of uvury kind anil ousurliitlon boloniclni : to the Kuhl Urn , of Dawei & 1'Oss. Bil6 to bo at Urolc. Nohruakii. commcnt'lni : ntUo'cljckn. m. A mil 21 , li'Ji Text boo Us will bu Hold In sets , au will nUo reports and digest * . The various artluUuof ofllcn fiirnltuiu. tlxluiut am ) AP- Doliitinuuts will ho ollurud In Hupitr.itu plucun. A calHtoxuoorllntof all of - ld property can be obtaliiuU hv addrcis'iiic me at l/'ieto. Nub , U O. WIIITB , HecclviT. W. 0. IU&TINU * . To Contractors I'roposalB for the election of a two story haiiK and butdiiuu * block , fi'JxIQj , will he ro- i-ohud Hatuulay. April L'liJ. ut II iv. m. ut the I' r t NKtlonal HniiK of Wood Hlv r. Ni-b. I'lunaunn lukucn at the otllc-o of H. T. Jul. ruehrinan , Arcnltcct. Orand Iblnnd , hub. Uwnuiu reserve thu rluut to lojuct any or all proposals. THE Mme. niataMti's Orcal n'oth. Now , Bpoaldng of olotnonts , It is innd , , the stnniHnp ; roproaoh of the nnclorUs < that they "supposed thotr olomonU filmf plo mul umlocomposahlo. " Plio shudcs / i of our nro-hlstorlo nncostora ml ht re turn the compliment to modern phyel- cists , now that now discoveries In chem istry hnvdlod Mr. W. Crookoa , V. U.'S. , to admit that sclonco la yet thousand longuos from iv knowledge of the com pound nnturo of the Blinplcst molooulo. From him wo lonrn thnt such n tiling ns n really simple molecule outiroly homo geneous la terra Iticognltu In chemistry. "Where nro wo to draw the HnoV" ho nsks : "la there no way out of this por- plexlty'r1 Must wo either innko the olc montary examinations so stilt thixt only Hl.xty or seventy candldntcs can HUM , or must wo open the examination uoora so i wide that the number of admissions liw limited only by the number of appli cants ? " And then the learned chumlst pives sti'lUliif insUincca. Ho says : Tnko thoctisoof yttrium. It hus its dell. nito ntoiino wolpht , II bc-unvcil In every ro- spcct ns n s Implo body , nu clement , lo which wo might Indeed add , but from wlilrlio count not tnlto nwny. Yet this yttrium. thU supposed homogeneous whole , on belnu Mib nilttod lo n ccrtuln method of frncUonnUofi. Is resolved Into portions uot nbiolutclyV Identical ninoni ; themselves , nnd exhibiting a x gradation of properties. Or take the ease of | dldymlum. Hero was n body botraylni. all 1 the recognized characters of nn element It him bocn sopnrnlcd with muohcllrtlculty from olhor bodies which npproxiumtcd closely to U in their properties , nnd during this crucial process It hud undergone very severe treat- 4 tnont nnd very close scrutiny. But then 4 came another chemist , who. treating this ns- " sumcd homoRoncous body bv n peculiar pro cess of fracUomUtnn , resolved It Into the two bodies praseodymium nnd ncouymium , bo- i twcen which cortnln distinctions nro por- ' ceptlblo. Furtbor , wo oven now hnvo no ccrtnlnly tlml'ncodymluui and praseodymium nro stinplo bodies. On the contrary , they likewise exhibit symptoms of splitting up. Now , if ono supposed clement on propel ? treatment is thus found to comprise dlsslmU- * lar molecules , wo nro surely warranted In asking whether similar results mlcbt not bo obtained In olhor elements , pot-Imps In nil element ! ! , If trcntcd In the rlpht way. Wo may even nslt where the process of sorting out Is to stop a process which of course presupposes - supposes variations between the Individual molecules of each species. And In those suc cessive separations wo naturally llnd bodies approaching moro and moro closely to cnca other. Once moro this reproach n alnst the ancients is an unwarrantablu state ment. Their initiated philosophers at any rate , can hardly como under such an impilt'ition , since it is they who have invented allegories nnd religious mjtha from the boKinnlng. Had they been ignorant of the heterogeneity of their elements they would have had no per sonifications of tire , air , water , earth and tether ; their cosmic gods and god- dcshcs would never have been blessed with such posterity , with BO many sons and daughters , elements horn from and within o\ch : respective clement , Alchemy and occult phenomena would have boon a delusion and a snaro. oven in tncory , had the ancients boon ignorant - ant of the potentialities and conrolatlvo" functions and attributes , of every ele ment that on tors into the composition of air , water , earth and oven lire the lat ter a terra incognita to this day to modern orn ecicnco , which is obliged to call it motion , evolution of light and heat , state of Ignition donning it by its out ward aspects in short , in ignorance of its nature. It is a universal tradition that , before the physiological "fall , " propagation of ono's kind , whether human or animal took place through the will of the creators , or thejr progeny. This wa3 the fall of spirit into generation , not the fail of mortal man. It has already been stated that , to become self-conscious , spirit must pass through every eyclo of being , culminating in its highcht point on earth in man. Spirit per so is un un conscious negative abstraction. Its purity is inherent , not acquired by merit ; hence , as already shown , to be come the highest Dhyan Chonan , it is ncce&sary for ach Ego to attain full self-consciousness as a human , i. o. , con scious being , which is synthesized for us in man. The Jewish Kabalists , argul- Ing that no spirit can belong to th divine hierarchy unless Ruach ( snirltls ) i united to Nophesh ( living soul ) , only repeat the eastern Esoteric teaching : A Dhyani has to bo an Atma-Uuddhl ; once the Buddhl-Manas breaks loose from the Immortal Almi , of which it ( Biuldhi ) is the vehicle , Atman passes Into non-boing , wnich is ab&oluto bolYig. This means that the purely nirvanio state is a passage of spirit back to the ideal abstraction of be-ncgs , which Ima no eolation to the plane on which the universe is accomplishing its cycle. ciiAMnniti.AiN'.s GOUUII KIHII > Y. Superior to Any Other. Mr. W. J. Mowroy of Jarvisvlllp , . Va , says : "SIncn wo have Leon handliutr Chum- borluln's Couch llt'inedy we have suld it on a strict guarantee ) mid found Hint every hottla did good service. Wo have used it ourbolvcn and think It superior to any other prepara tion wo Unow of. 23 and , jJ coatbaltloj for sale by druciflMs. A rolr of silver hair curlers are not pro vided with the usual double ) handle. The tongues nro UlnRoa at the luso of tail- ] single handle nnd have small projecting I arms adapted to bo operated by prodsuK * I from the lingers. ) ' KOK UUIIIING MATICIUAh IKOI'OSALH U. H. Indian riervk'o , Omaha and WlnnubaKO Indlin AKODUV , Wlnnob.iKO , Tlmrston County. Neb. , ! ) - . Souli-d pro IiosalB. ondorht'd "Proposals fur Iliilldlux Na- torlal and Horses , " as tlioeiuu may Ini. und aildrussud to the uuiloriixnad at wlnnubiun , Nub. , will ho received until 1 o'clock , p. m. , of ApilUtli. IH'J. , for furnishing and ik'llvorliu nt \Vlimolmno Aoncy. ( about M ) , 01 foci of iissorlcd lumber , CJ wmJowii. : n diLirn. haul- ware , brick , luno , utc. , roijulii'd In thoon.'C- tlou of 1'ifrnmo houses \Vliuiuhafo allottees. AlbofurfurnluhlnK und dcllvcilir ; 10 horses at a lid agency. A full Hat and tic- hcrpton ! ! of the maturliil may hu ontalnoil nrl on anpllcatlon to the unUui".lsnoil. < Htn-it must no of AmoilcaiiHlook. fioiu 4 lo i yi'ur olil , hoiiiidnnd well , broken to harness , with out blemish , not less than IA liiuidH lilnh , wo. I built In iirnp.irtlon tohlxht , and to wcl b not loss than UVJ poonilH. Illddurn will ho ro- ( jiilrod loHtatesnuulfluuIly In their bids lh proposed prlco of ouch aitlclooll'urod for du- Ihory nndora contract. The right Is runurvcd torulect any or all bids or any pait of any bid If ( loomed for the Interest of the Her- vlcn. CVrtlllod eheuks : ICach bid must be ac- companlud by ucurtlUoiU'huck or draft up"j home United Htatua depository or Holrrot natloinl bank In the vicinity of the rcsldoneo of ihu blddor , niado payable to Iho order of the Commissioner of Indian AITaim. fur at luaut .1 pur cent of thu amount of the proposal , which tihcok ordraft will b forfcltcil to thn I'nllcd titulea In ease any bidder or hlddci * rot-clving an award shall fall to promptly ex- eeulo n cnnlnct with Rood and sufficient HiiretloH.othcrwUo lobn roturnua to the bid der , llhH uci'oinnanlcd uy oa h In lion of u ci'i tilled eheok will not ho eonalderoil. r- fnrthor Infnrmitlon apply to ll'JUKUTI' ' II Y. U. b , Indian A'-unt. M 11 d 21 t m rruii | > aU for DUtrlct ( IrudlnK Iliinil * . Hoalcd bldn marked "I'roposiU for district uradlnif boiidH" will bo recclvud at the olllco of thn city troiisuror. Omalm , Nub. , up to I'l o'clock noon of llioiUb day of April , ISW , for Iho ptirohukuof JIl.'moOdUtiletKraillnir bmiiU of the i-lty of Omulri , Neb. Huid uouda ro dated .May Ut , Ib'J , ' , and uro pnyahlu from onu to nine years inter date thereof , nuleno'iilna- tloiu of tJUU.UJand l-Wu.uj each , with InteioHtut the r.ito of n per cunt pur annum , p.iyitmu ki'inl-niiniially , I'rln'-lpil and luteiobt uiy able ut KounUo llroi , Nnw Vork. CU.O' of Oraulnx Dlilrlot No. 31. , l.f. 0.00 of ( Jradliu Ulst-lct No. 31. \ TUO.UUof Orudlnv DiHlrlct No.w. : \ tn.ooj.oo of UradliiR District No. K. v : Kuvh bid must state prluo und iimounl Houxht for and Inoludu uccrnod Jntcmt to datuof delivery ut Omaha , Nob. Tliqrlxbt U resurvud lo reject any uno nl1 iHs'ued uiiuor charter uuwor of cltlo nf the mi'lropolltiui i'Iui aim Ordlnuncu ISO. .1/70. Mch'-CdUIUu. KilyTiuanuivr.